- URL: https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/
- Date: 08/05/24 03:48:36
Webpage Performance Test Result
- Settings: motog4v1274GDulles, Virginia USA
- Test runs: 3
- Connectivity: 9000/9000 Kbps, 170ms Latency
- Custom Metrics
Performance Optimization Overview
A detailed view of this site's asset optimization and related opportunities.
Optimization Summary
Quickly jump to the sections below:
Full Optimization Checklist
Request |
100% |
22% |
Compress Images
64% |
Progressive JPEG
0% |
Cache Static
23% |
CDN Detected
35% |
1: mymdthink.maryland.gov - / | ||||||
2: mymdthink.maryland.gov - home | ||||||
3: mymdthink.maryland.gov - home/ | ||||||
4: mymdthink.maryland....f6c1d16ace0498.css | ||||||
5: mymdthink.maryland....13af0b233498d9d.js | ||||||
6: mymdthink.maryland....c40dc5dd69be745.js | ||||||
7: mymdthink.maryland....62f68e35db33272.js | ||||||
8: cdnjs.cloudflare.com - popper.js | ||||||
9: cdnjs.cloudflare.com - FileSaver.js | ||||||
10: maxcdn.bootstrapcdn...nt-awesome.min.css | ||||||
11: fonts.googleapis.com - css | ||||||
12: fonts.googleapis.com - icon | ||||||
13: ajax.googleapis.com - jquery.min.js | ||||||
14: cdn.rawgit.com - bootstrap.js | ||||||
15: mydhr.mymdthink.maryland.gov - iipsvc/ | ||||||
16: cdn.jsdelivr.net - bootstrap.js | ||||||
17: mymdthink.maryland....0ae533121b6ccf5.js | ||||||
18: mymdthink.maryland....fbf8204991497c.otf | ||||||
19: www.googletagmanager.com - js | ||||||
20: www.google-analytics.com - collect | ||||||
21: mymdthink.maryland.gov - user-analytics/ | ||||||
22: mymdthink.maryland....fc613c635656be.jpg | ||||||
23: mymdthink.maryland....5d511123e6084b.jpg | ||||||
24: mymdthink.maryland.gov - bulletinboard | ||||||
25: mymdthink.maryland.gov - bulletinboard | ||||||
26: mymdthink.maryland....gov-logo-black.png | ||||||
27: mymdthink.maryland.gov - CPHelpIcon.png | ||||||
28: mymdthink.maryland.gov - CPInfoIcon.png | ||||||
29: mymdthink.maryland....FIABenefitIcon.png | ||||||
30: mymdthink.maryland....PCSBenefitIcon.png | ||||||
31: mymdthink.maryland....CPMedicaidIcon.png | ||||||
32: mymdthink.maryland....actCustSerIcon.png | ||||||
33: mymdthink.maryland....amily_Services.png | ||||||
34: mymdthink.maryland....ility_Services.png | ||||||
35: mymdthink.maryland....s_Unemployment.png | ||||||
36: mymdthink.maryland....ash_Assistance.png | ||||||
37: mymdthink.maryland....ctive_Services.png | ||||||
38: mymdthink.maryland....Adult_Services.png | ||||||
39: mymdthink.maryland....rgy_Assistance.png | ||||||
40: mymdthink.maryland....ndors_Partners.png | ||||||
41: mymdthink.maryland.gov - mdthink.png | ||||||
42: fonts.gstatic.com -...iaDsNcIhQ8tQ.woff2 | ||||||
43: mymdthink.maryland....36283ebeb2cf89.otf | ||||||
44: mymdthink.maryland....ea223900efa9.woff2 | ||||||
45: mymdthink.maryland....44691316df2ef6.otf | ||||||
46: mymdthink.maryland....efd33e2f7f1b95.otf | ||||||
47: www.google-analytics.com - collect | ||||||
48: translate.google.com - element.js | ||||||
49: mymdthink.maryland....think-new-logo.png | ||||||
50: translate.googleapis.com - m=el_main | ||||||
51: www.gstatic.com - m=el_main_css | ||||||
52: www.gstatic.com - g..._color_42x16dp.png | ||||||
53: www.gstatic.com - translate_24dp.png | ||||||
54: fonts.gstatic.com - 24px.svg | ||||||
55: mymdthink.maryland.gov - favicon.ico | ||||||
56: translate-pa.google...supportedLanguages |
First Byte Time (back-end processing): 84/100 Learn More
1120 ms First Byte Time
886 ms Target First Byte Time
Use persistent connections (keep alive): 100/100
Use gzip compression for transferring compressable responses: 22/100Learn More
6,039.6 KB total in compressible text, target size = 1,281.5 KB - potential savings = 4,758.1 KB
- FAILED - (5,247.5 KB, compressed = 887.7 KB - savings of 4,359.8 KB) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/main-es2015.9ee8d62f68e35db33272.js
- FAILED - (254.8 KB, compressed = 40.2 KB - savings of 214.6 KB) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/styles.cdbbc2f6c1d16ace0498.css
- FAILED - (208.1 KB, compressed = 69.2 KB - savings of 138.9 KB) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/scripts.09b030ae533121b6ccf5.js
- FAILED - (61.5 KB, compressed = 20.8 KB - savings of 40.7 KB) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/polyfills-es2015.a8046c40dc5dd69be745.js
- FAILED - (4.4 KB, compressed = 1.8 KB - savings of 2.6 KB) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/api/unauthenticated/bulletinboard
- FAILED - (2.7 KB, compressed = 1.2 KB - savings of 1.5 KB) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/
Compress Images: 64/100 Learn More
1,708.4 KB total in images, target size = 1,086.7 KB - potential savings = 621.7 KB
- FAILED - (871.7 KB, compressed = 250.1 KB - savings of 621.7 KB) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/1.8451a0fc613c635656be.jpg
Use Progressive JPEGs: 0/100 Learn More
0.0 KB of a possible 871.7 KB (0%) were from progressive JPEG images
- FAILED (871.7 KB) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/1.8451a0fc613c635656be.jpg
Leverage browser caching of static assets: 23/100 Learn More
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/styles.cdbbc2f6c1d16ace0498.css
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Housing_Housing_Energy_Assistance.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Family_Family_Services.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Health_Health_Disability_Services.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Jobs_Jobs_Unemployment.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Food_Food_Cash_Assistance.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Protective_Child_Protective_Services.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Adult_Adult_Services.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Vendors_Vendors_Partners.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/Icons/CPMedicaidIcon.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/mdthink.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/Montserrat-Medium.4b4a4b36283ebeb2cf89.otf
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/fontawesome-webfont.20fd1704ea223900efa9.woff2?v=4.7.0
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/Montserrat-MediumItalic.a6957644691316df2ef6.otf
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/Montserrat-Bold.a6bc51efd33e2f7f1b95.otf
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/mdthink-new-logo.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/favicon.ico
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/Icons/CPContactCustSerIcon.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/Icons/CPCSBenefitIcon.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/runtime-es2015.1eba213af0b233498d9d.js
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/Icons/CPFIABenefitIcon.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/polyfills-es2015.a8046c40dc5dd69be745.js
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/main-es2015.9ee8d62f68e35db33272.js
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mydhr.mymdthink.maryland.gov/fiaIPService/iipsvc/?format=jsonp&callback=getIP
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/scripts.09b030ae533121b6ccf5.js
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/Montserrat-Regular.65bc44fbf8204991497c.otf
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/api/application-process/user-analytics/
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/1.8451a0fc613c635656be.jpg
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/dhs_bottom.0853885d511123e6084b.jpg
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/api/unauthenticated/bulletinboard
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/api/unauthenticated/bulletinboard
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/mdgov-logo-black.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/Icons/CPHelpIcon.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/Icons/CPInfoIcon.png
- FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://translate-pa.googleapis.com/v1/supportedLanguages?client=te&display_language=en-US&key=AIzaSyBWDj0QJvVIx8XOhRegXX5_SrRWxhT5Hs4&callback=callback
- FAILED - (15.0 minutes) - https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-QDRQ6H1MNE
- WARNING - (24.0 hours) - https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons
- WARNING - (24.0 hours) - https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,500
Use a CDN for all static assets: 35/100
- FAILED - https://mydhr.mymdthink.maryland.gov/fiaIPService/iipsvc/?format=jsonp&callback=getIP
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/scripts.09b030ae533121b6ccf5.js
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/Montserrat-Regular.65bc44fbf8204991497c.otf
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/api/application-process/user-analytics/
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/1.8451a0fc613c635656be.jpg
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/dhs_bottom.0853885d511123e6084b.jpg
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/api/unauthenticated/bulletinboard
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/api/unauthenticated/bulletinboard
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/mdgov-logo-black.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/Icons/CPHelpIcon.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/Icons/CPInfoIcon.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/Icons/CPFIABenefitIcon.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/Icons/CPCSBenefitIcon.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/styles.cdbbc2f6c1d16ace0498.css
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/Icons/CPMedicaidIcon.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/Icons/CPContactCustSerIcon.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Family_Family_Services.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Health_Health_Disability_Services.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Jobs_Jobs_Unemployment.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Food_Food_Cash_Assistance.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Protective_Child_Protective_Services.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Adult_Adult_Services.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Housing_Housing_Energy_Assistance.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/CP_Icons_Vendors_Vendors_Partners.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/runtime-es2015.1eba213af0b233498d9d.js
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/mdthink.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/Montserrat-Medium.4b4a4b36283ebeb2cf89.otf
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/fontawesome-webfont.20fd1704ea223900efa9.woff2?v=4.7.0
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/Montserrat-MediumItalic.a6957644691316df2ef6.otf
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/Montserrat-Bold.a6bc51efd33e2f7f1b95.otf
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/mdthink-new-logo.png
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/polyfills-es2015.a8046c40dc5dd69be745.js
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/assets/images/favicon.ico
- FAILED - https://mymdthink.maryland.gov/home/main-es2015.9ee8d62f68e35db33272.js
- CDN's Used:
- mymdthink.maryland.gov :
- cdnjs.cloudflare.com : Cloudflare
- maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com : Cloudflare
- fonts.googleapis.com : Google
- ajax.googleapis.com : Google
- cdn.rawgit.com : jsDelivr
- www.googletagmanager.com : Google
- www.google-analytics.com : Google
- fonts.gstatic.com : Google
- translate.google.com : Google
- translate.googleapis.com : Google
- www.gstatic.com : Google
- translate-pa.googleapis.com : Google
- First Byte Time
- Applicable objects: Time to First Byte for the page (back-end processing + redirects)
- What is checked: The target time is the time needed for the DNS, socket and SSL negotiations + 100ms. A single letter grade will be deducted for every 100ms beyond the target.
- Keep-Alive
- Applicable objects: All objects that are from a domain that serves more than one object for the page (i.e. if only a single object is served from a given domain it will not be checked)
- What is checked: The response header contains a "keep-alive" directive or the same socket was used for more than one object from the given host
- GZIP Text
- Applicable objects: All objects with a mime type of "text/*" or "*javascript*"
- What is checked: Transfer-encoding is checked to see if it is gzip. If it is not then the file is compressed and the percentage of compression is the result (so a page that can save 30% of the size of it's text by compressing would yield a 70% test result)
- Compress Images
- Applicable objects: JPEG Images
- What is checked: Within 10% of a photoshop quality 50 will pass, up to 50% larger will warn and anything larger than that will fail. The overall score is the percentage of image bytes that can be saved by re-compressing the images.
- Use Progressive JPEGs
- Applicable objects: All JPEG Images
- What is checked: Each JPEG image is checked and the resulting score is the percentage of JPEG bytes that were served as progressive images relative to the total JPEG bytes.
- Cache Static
- Applicable objects: Any non-html object with a mime type of "text/*", "*javascript*" or "image/*" that does not explicitly have an Expires header of 0 or -1, a cache-control header of "private", "no-store" or "no-cache" or a pragma header of "no-cache"
- What is checked: An "Expires" header is present (and is not 0 or -1) or a "cache-control: max-age" directive is present and set for an hour or greater. If the expiration is set for less 7 days you will get a warning. If the expiration is set for less than 1 hour you will get a failure. This only applies to max-age currently.
- Use A CDN
- Applicable objects: All static non-html content (css, js and images)
- What is checked: Checked to see if it is hosted on a known CDN (CNAME mapped to a known CDN network). 80% of the static resources need to be served from a CDN for the overall page to be considered using a CDN. The current list of known CDN's is here.