    "data": {
        "id": "241028_AiDcTS_M8",
        "url": "https:\/\/flower.studio",
        "summary": "https:\/\/www.webpagetest.org\/results.php?test=241028_AiDcTS_M8",
        "testUrl": "https:\/\/flower.studio",
        "location": "FRA_DE_02:Chrome",
        "from": "Frankfurt, Germany - <b>Chrome<\/b> - <b>Cable<\/b>",
        "connectivity": "Cable",
        "bwDown": 5000,
        "bwUp": 1000,
        "latency": 28,
        "plr": "0",
        "shaperLimit": 0,
        "mobile": 0,
        "completed": 1730080396,
        "testRuns": 1,
        "fvonly": false,
        "successfulFVRuns": 0,
        "successfulRVRuns": 1,
        "lighthouse": {
            "lighthouseVersion": "11.4.0",
            "requestedUrl": "https:\/\/flower.studio\/",
            "mainDocumentUrl": "https:\/\/flower.studio\/",
            "finalDisplayedUrl": "https:\/\/flower.studio\/",
            "finalUrl": "https:\/\/flower.studio\/",
            "fetchTime": "2024-10-28T01:52:05.976Z",
            "gatherMode": "navigation",
            "runWarnings": [],
            "userAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
            "environment": {
                "networkUserAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36 PTST\/24.10.2",
                "hostUserAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
                "benchmarkIndex": 2315,
                "credits": {
                    "axe-core": "4.10.0"
            "audits": {
                "is-on-https": {
                    "id": "is-on-https",
                    "title": "Uses HTTPS",
                    "description": "All sites should be protected with HTTPS, even ones that don't handle sensitive data. This includes avoiding [mixed content](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/fundamentals\/security\/prevent-mixed-content\/what-is-mixed-content), where some resources are loaded over HTTP despite the initial request being served over HTTPS. HTTPS prevents intruders from tampering with or passively listening in on the communications between your app and your users, and is a prerequisite for HTTP\/2 and many new web platform APIs. [Learn more about HTTPS](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/is-on-https\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "viewport": {
                    "id": "viewport",
                    "title": "Has a `<meta name=\"viewport\">` tag with `width` or `initial-scale`",
                    "description": "A `<meta name=\"viewport\">` not only optimizes your app for mobile screen sizes, but also prevents [a 300 millisecond delay to user input](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/blog\/300ms-tap-delay-gone-away\/). [Learn more about using the viewport meta tag](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/viewport\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "warnings": [],
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "INP": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "first-contentful-paint": {
                    "id": "first-contentful-paint",
                    "title": "First Contentful Paint",
                    "description": "First Contentful Paint marks the time at which the first text or image is painted. [Learn more about the First Contentful Paint metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/first-contentful-paint\/).",
                    "score": 0.87,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 987.60400000000004,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "1.0\u00a0s",
                    "scoringOptions": {
                        "p10": 934,
                        "median": 1600
                "largest-contentful-paint": {
                    "id": "largest-contentful-paint",
                    "title": "Largest Contentful Paint",
                    "description": "Largest Contentful Paint marks the time at which the largest text or image is painted. [Learn more about the Largest Contentful Paint metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/lighthouse-largest-contentful-paint\/)",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 17579.874,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "17.6\u00a0s",
                    "scoringOptions": {
                        "p10": 1200,
                        "median": 2400
                "first-meaningful-paint": {
                    "id": "first-meaningful-paint",
                    "title": "First Meaningful Paint",
                    "description": "First Meaningful Paint measures when the primary content of a page is visible. [Learn more about the First Meaningful Paint metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/first-meaningful-paint\/).",
                    "score": 0.26000000000000001,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 2078.8420000000001,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "2.1\u00a0s"
                "speed-index": {
                    "id": "speed-index",
                    "title": "Speed Index",
                    "description": "Speed Index shows how quickly the contents of a page are visibly populated. [Learn more about the Speed Index metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/speed-index\/).",
                    "score": 0.070000000000000007,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 4353,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "4.4\u00a0s",
                    "scoringOptions": {
                        "p10": 1311,
                        "median": 2300
                "screenshot-thumbnails": {
                    "id": "screenshot-thumbnails",
                    "title": "Screenshot Thumbnails",
                    "description": "This is what the load of your site looked like.",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "filmstrip",
                        "scale": 17575,
                        "items": [
                                "timing": 2197,
                                "timestamp": 123465907,
                                "data": "data:image\/jpeg;base64,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                                "timing": 4394,
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                "final-screenshot": {
                    "id": "final-screenshot",
                    "title": "Final Screenshot",
                    "description": "The last screenshot captured of the pageload.",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "screenshot",
                        "timing": 17575,
                        "timestamp": 138844446,
                        "data": 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                "total-blocking-time": {
                    "id": "total-blocking-time",
                    "title": "Total Blocking Time",
                    "description": "Sum of all time periods between FCP and Time to Interactive, when task length exceeded 50ms, expressed in milliseconds. [Learn more about the Total Blocking Time metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/lighthouse-total-blocking-time\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "0\u00a0ms",
                    "scoringOptions": {
                        "p10": 150,
                        "median": 350
                "max-potential-fid": {
                    "id": "max-potential-fid",
                    "title": "Max Potential First Input Delay",
                    "description": "The maximum potential First Input Delay that your users could experience is the duration of the longest task. [Learn more about the Maximum Potential First Input Delay metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/lighthouse-max-potential-fid\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 28.207000000000001,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "30\u00a0ms"
                "cumulative-layout-shift": {
                    "id": "cumulative-layout-shift",
                    "title": "Cumulative Layout Shift",
                    "description": "Cumulative Layout Shift measures the movement of visible elements within the viewport. [Learn more about the Cumulative Layout Shift metric](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/cls).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 4.5633022618848189e-5,
                    "numericUnit": "unitless",
                    "displayValue": "0",
                    "scoringOptions": {
                        "p10": 0.10000000000000001,
                        "median": 0.25
                    "details": {
                        "type": "debugdata",
                        "items": [
                                "cumulativeLayoutShiftMainFrame": 4.5633022618848189e-5
                "errors-in-console": {
                    "id": "errors-in-console",
                    "title": "No browser errors logged to the console",
                    "description": "Errors logged to the console indicate unresolved problems. They can come from network request failures and other browser concerns. [Learn more about this errors in console diagnostic audit](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/errors-in-console\/)",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "server-response-time": {
                    "id": "server-response-time",
                    "title": "Initial server response time was short",
                    "description": "Keep the server response time for the main document short because all other requests depend on it. [Learn more about the Time to First Byte metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/time-to-first-byte\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "numericValue": 102.24499999999998,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "Root document took 100\u00a0ms",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "FCP": 2.2449999999999761,
                        "LCP": 2.2449999999999761
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "url",
                                "valueType": "url",
                                "label": "URL"
                                "key": "responseTime",
                                "valueType": "timespanMs",
                                "label": "Time Spent"
                        "items": [
                                "url": "https:\/\/flower.studio\/",
                                "responseTime": 102.24499999999998
                        "overallSavingsMs": 2.2449999999999761
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "interactive": {
                    "id": "interactive",
                    "title": "Time to Interactive",
                    "description": "Time to Interactive is the amount of time it takes for the page to become fully interactive. [Learn more about the Time to Interactive metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/interactive\/).",
                    "score": 0.68000000000000005,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 3606.6770000000001,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "3.6\u00a0s"
                "user-timings": {
                    "id": "user-timings",
                    "title": "User Timing marks and measures",
                    "description": "Consider instrumenting your app with the User Timing API to measure your app's real-world performance during key user experiences. [Learn more about User Timing marks](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/user-timings\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "critical-request-chains": {
                    "id": "critical-request-chains",
                    "title": "Avoid chaining critical requests",
                    "description": "The Critical Request Chains below show you what resources are loaded with a high priority. Consider reducing the length of chains, reducing the download size of resources, or deferring the download of unnecessary resources to improve page load. [Learn how to avoid chaining critical requests](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/critical-request-chains\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "displayValue": "3 chains found",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "criticalrequestchain",
                        "chains": {
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                                            "url": "https:\/\/flower.studio\/assets\/flower.css",
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                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "redirects": {
                    "id": "redirects",
                    "title": "Avoid multiple page redirects",
                    "description": "Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded. [Learn how to avoid page redirects](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/redirects\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
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                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": [],
                        "overallSavingsMs": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "installable-manifest": {
                    "id": "installable-manifest",
                    "title": "Web app manifest or service worker do not meet the installability requirements",
                    "description": "Service worker is the technology that enables your app to use many Progressive Web App features, such as offline, add to homescreen, and push notifications. With proper service worker and manifest implementations, browsers can proactively prompt users to add your app to their homescreen, which can lead to higher engagement. [Learn more about manifest installability requirements](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/installable-manifest\/).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "numericValue": 1,
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                    "displayValue": "1 reason",
                    "warnings": [],
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "reason",
                                "valueType": "text",
                                "label": "Failure reason"
                        "items": [
                                "reason": "Page has no manifest <link> URL"
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "manifestUrl": null
                "splash-screen": {
                    "id": "splash-screen",
                    "title": "Is not configured for a custom splash screen",
                    "description": "A themed splash screen ensures a high-quality experience when users launch your app from their homescreens. [Learn more about splash screens](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/splash-screen\/).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "explanation": "Failures: No manifest was fetched.",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "debugdata",
                        "items": [
                                "failures": [
                                    "No manifest was fetched"
                                "isParseFailure": true,
                                "parseFailureReason": "No manifest was fetched"
                "themed-omnibox": {
                    "id": "themed-omnibox",
                    "title": "Does not set a theme color for the address bar.",
                    "description": "The browser address bar can be themed to match your site. [Learn more about theming the address bar](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/themed-omnibox\/).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "explanation": "Failures: No manifest was fetched,\nNo `<meta name=\"theme-color\">` tag found.",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "debugdata",
                        "items": [
                                "failures": [
                                    "No manifest was fetched",
                                    "No `<meta name=\"theme-color\">` tag found"
                                "themeColor": null,
                                "isParseFailure": true,
                                "parseFailureReason": "No manifest was fetched"
                "maskable-icon": {
                    "id": "maskable-icon",
                    "title": "Manifest doesn't have a maskable icon",
                    "description": "A maskable icon ensures that the image fills the entire shape without being letterboxed when installing the app on a device. [Learn about maskable manifest icons](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/maskable-icon-audit\/).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "explanation": "No manifest was fetched"
                "content-width": {
                    "id": "content-width",
                    "title": "Content is sized correctly for the viewport",
                    "description": "If the width of your app's content doesn't match the width of the viewport, your app might not be optimized for mobile screens. [Learn how to size content for the viewport](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/content-width\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "image-aspect-ratio": {
                    "id": "image-aspect-ratio",
                    "title": "Displays images with correct aspect ratio",
                    "description": "Image display dimensions should match natural aspect ratio. [Learn more about image aspect ratio](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/image-aspect-ratio\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "image-size-responsive": {
                    "id": "image-size-responsive",
                    "title": "Serves images with appropriate resolution",
                    "description": "Image natural dimensions should be proportional to the display size and the pixel ratio to maximize image clarity. [Learn how to provide responsive images](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/serve-responsive-images).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "preload-fonts": {
                    "id": "preload-fonts",
                    "title": "Fonts with `font-display: optional` are preloaded",
                    "description": "Preload `optional` fonts so first-time visitors may use them. [Learn more about preloading fonts](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/preload-optional-fonts)",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "deprecations": {
                    "id": "deprecations",
                    "title": "Avoids deprecated APIs",
                    "description": "Deprecated APIs will eventually be removed from the browser. [Learn more about deprecated APIs](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/deprecations\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "third-party-cookies": {
                    "id": "third-party-cookies",
                    "title": "Avoids third-party cookies",
                    "description": "Support for third-party cookies will be removed in a future version of Chrome. [Learn more about phasing out third-party cookies](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/en\/docs\/privacy-sandbox\/third-party-cookie-phase-out\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "mainthread-work-breakdown": {
                    "id": "mainthread-work-breakdown",
                    "title": "Minimize main-thread work",
                    "description": "Consider reducing the time spent parsing, compiling and executing JS. You may find delivering smaller JS payloads helps with this. [Learn how to minimize main-thread work](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/mainthread-work-breakdown\/)",
                    "score": 0.5,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
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                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "3.1\u00a0s",
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                                "label": "Time Spent"
                        "items": [
                                "group": "other",
                                "groupLabel": "Other",
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                                "group": "scriptEvaluation",
                                "groupLabel": "Script Evaluation",
                                "duration": 139.70000000000027
                                "group": "styleLayout",
                                "groupLabel": "Style & Layout",
                                "duration": 42.40100000000001
                                "group": "paintCompositeRender",
                                "groupLabel": "Rendering",
                                "duration": 12.793000000000001
                                "group": "scriptParseCompile",
                                "groupLabel": "Script Parsing & Compilation",
                                "duration": 10.720000000000002
                                "group": "parseHTML",
                                "groupLabel": "Parse HTML & CSS",
                                "duration": 6.6909999999999963
                                "group": "garbageCollection",
                                "groupLabel": "Garbage Collection",
                                "duration": 6.29
                        "sortedBy": [
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "bootup-time": {
                    "id": "bootup-time",
                    "title": "JavaScript execution time",
                    "description": "Consider reducing the time spent parsing, compiling, and executing JS. You may find delivering smaller JS payloads helps with this. [Learn how to reduce Javascript execution time](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/bootup-time\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
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                    "displayValue": "0.1\u00a0s",
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                                "valueType": "ms",
                                "label": "Total CPU Time"
                                "key": "scripting",
                                "granularity": 1,
                                "valueType": "ms",
                                "label": "Script Evaluation"
                                "key": "scriptParseCompile",
                                "granularity": 1,
                                "valueType": "ms",
                                "label": "Script Parse"
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                                "url": "Unattributable",
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                                "scripting": 13.228999999999996,
                                "scriptParseCompile": 0
                                "url": "https:\/\/flower.studio\/",
                                "total": 92.900000000000034,
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                                "scriptParseCompile": 0.77800000000000002
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                                "total": 57.620000000000005,
                                "scripting": 51.045000000000009,
                                "scriptParseCompile": 3.9460000000000002
                        "summary": {
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                        "sortedBy": [
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "uses-rel-preload": {
                    "id": "uses-rel-preload",
                    "title": "Preload key requests",
                    "description": "Consider using `<link rel=preload>` to prioritize fetching resources that are currently requested later in page load. [Learn how to preload key requests](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-rel-preload\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": [],
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                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "uses-rel-preconnect": {
                    "id": "uses-rel-preconnect",
                    "title": "Preconnect to required origins",
                    "description": "Consider adding `preconnect` or `dns-prefetch` resource hints to establish early connections to important third-party origins. [Learn how to preconnect to required origins](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-rel-preconnect\/).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 491.73999999998267,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "Potential savings of 490\u00a0ms",
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                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "font-display": {
                    "id": "font-display",
                    "title": "Ensure text remains visible during webfont load",
                    "description": "Leverage the `font-display` CSS feature to ensure text is user-visible while webfonts are loading. [Learn more about `font-display`](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/font-display\/).",
                    "score": 0.5,
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                    "id": "timing-budget",
                    "title": "Timing budget",
                    "description": "Set a timing budget to help you keep an eye on the performance of your site. Performant sites load fast and respond to user input events quickly. [Learn more about performance budgets](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/tools\/lighthouse\/audits\/budgets).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
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                    "title": "Resources Summary",
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                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
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                    "id": "third-party-summary",
                    "title": "Minimize third-party usage",
                    "description": "Third-party code can significantly impact load performance. Limit the number of redundant third-party providers and try to load third-party code after your page has primarily finished loading. [Learn how to minimize third-party impact](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/fundamentals\/performance\/optimizing-content-efficiency\/loading-third-party-javascript\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
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                                            "tbtImpact": 0
                        "summary": {
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                            "wastedMs": 0
                        "isEntityGrouped": true
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "third-party-facades": {
                    "id": "third-party-facades",
                    "title": "Lazy load third-party resources with facades",
                    "description": "Some third-party embeds can be lazy loaded. Consider replacing them with a facade until they are required. [Learn how to defer third-parties with a facade](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/third-party-facades\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "TBT": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "largest-contentful-paint-element": {
                    "id": "largest-contentful-paint-element",
                    "title": "Largest Contentful Paint element",
                    "description": "This is the largest contentful element painted within the viewport. [Learn more about the Largest Contentful Paint element](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/lighthouse-largest-contentful-paint\/)",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "displayValue": "17,580\u00a0ms",
                    "metricSavings": {
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                                        "valueType": "text",
                                        "label": "Phase"
                                        "key": "percent",
                                        "valueType": "text",
                                        "label": "% of LCP"
                                        "key": "timing",
                                        "valueType": "ms",
                                        "label": "Timing"
                                "items": [
                                        "phase": "TTFB",
                                        "timing": 321.5310000000149,
                                        "percent": "2%"
                                        "phase": "Load Delay",
                                        "timing": 11.585999999968919,
                                        "percent": "0%"
                                        "phase": "Load Time",
                                        "timing": 16772.449999999997,
                                        "percent": "95%"
                                        "phase": "Render Delay",
                                        "timing": 474.30700000001889,
                                        "percent": "3%"
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "lcp-lazy-loaded": {
                    "id": "lcp-lazy-loaded",
                    "title": "Largest Contentful Paint image was not lazily loaded",
                    "description": "Above-the-fold images that are lazily loaded render later in the page lifecycle, which can delay the largest contentful paint. [Learn more about optimal lazy loading](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/lcp-lazy-loading).",
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                                    "nodeLabel": "div#splash > div.slideshow > figure > img"
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
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                    "id": "layout-shift-elements",
                    "title": "Avoid large layout shifts",
                    "description": "These DOM elements were most affected by layout shifts. Some layout shifts may not be included in the CLS metric value due to [windowing](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/cls#what_is_cls). [Learn how to improve CLS](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/optimize-cls)",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
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                                "valueType": "node",
                                "label": "Element"
                                "key": "score",
                                "valueType": "numeric",
                                "granularity": 0.001,
                                "label": "Layout shift impact"
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                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "page-1-A",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,DIV,6,FOOTER,1,DIV,0,A",
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                                        "top": 940,
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                                        "width": 88,
                                        "height": 20
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flwrstudio\" target=\"_blank\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Instagram"
                                "score": 4.5633022618848189e-5
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "long-tasks": {
                    "id": "long-tasks",
                    "title": "Avoid long main-thread tasks",
                    "description": "Lists the longest tasks on the main thread, useful for identifying worst contributors to input delay. [Learn how to avoid long main-thread tasks](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/long-tasks-devtools)",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "TBT": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": [],
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "urls": [],
                            "tasks": []
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "no-unload-listeners": {
                    "id": "no-unload-listeners",
                    "title": "Avoids `unload` event listeners",
                    "description": "The `unload` event does not fire reliably and listening for it can prevent browser optimizations like the Back-Forward Cache. Use `pagehide` or `visibilitychange` events instead. [Learn more about unload event listeners](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/bfcache#never_use_the_unload_event)",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
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                    "id": "non-composited-animations",
                    "title": "Avoid non-composited animations",
                    "description": "Animations which are not composited can be janky and increase CLS. [Learn how to avoid non-composited animations](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/non-composited-animations\/)",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
                    "metricSavings": {
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                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
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                    "id": "unsized-images",
                    "title": "Image elements do not have explicit `width` and `height`",
                    "description": "Set an explicit width and height on image elements to reduce layout shifts and improve CLS. [Learn how to set image dimensions](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/optimize-cls#images_without_dimensions)",
                    "score": 0.5,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "metricSavings": {
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                    "id": "valid-source-maps",
                    "title": "Page has valid source maps",
                    "description": "Source maps translate minified code to the original source code. This helps developers debug in production. In addition, Lighthouse is able to provide further insights. Consider deploying source maps to take advantage of these benefits. [Learn more about source maps](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/devtools\/javascript\/source-maps\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
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                        "items": []
                "prioritize-lcp-image": {
                    "id": "prioritize-lcp-image",
                    "title": "Preload Largest Contentful Paint image",
                    "description": "If the LCP element is dynamically added to the page, you should preload the image in order to improve LCP. [Learn more about preloading LCP elements](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/optimize-lcp#optimize_when_the_resource_is_discovered).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
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                    "metricSavings": {
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                                    "initiatorType": "parser"
                                    "url": "https:\/\/flower.studio\/",
                                    "initiatorType": "other"
                            "pathLength": 2
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
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                    "title": "Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks",
                    "description": "A strong Content Security Policy (CSP) significantly reduces the risk of cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. [Learn how to use a CSP to prevent XSS](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/csp-xss\/)",
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                                "label": "Directive"
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                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "severity"
                                "label": "Severity"
                        "items": [
                                "severity": "High",
                                "description": "No CSP found in enforcement mode"
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                    "title": "Script Treemap Data",
                    "description": "Used for treemap app",
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                                "name": "https:\/\/ajax.googleapis.com\/ajax\/libs\/jquery\/3.2.1\/jquery.min.js",
                                "resourceBytes": 86659,
                                "unusedBytes": 44010
                                "name": "https:\/\/flower.studio\/assets\/jquery.visible.js",
                                "resourceBytes": 3781,
                                "unusedBytes": 3340
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                                "resourceBytes": 52916,
                                "unusedBytes": 20972
                "pwa-cross-browser": {
                    "id": "pwa-cross-browser",
                    "title": "Site works cross-browser",
                    "description": "To reach the most number of users, sites should work across every major browser. [Learn about cross-browser compatibility](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/pwa-cross-browser\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "pwa-page-transitions": {
                    "id": "pwa-page-transitions",
                    "title": "Page transitions don't feel like they block on the network",
                    "description": "Transitions should feel snappy as you tap around, even on a slow network. This experience is key to a user's perception of performance. [Learn more about page transitions](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/pwa-page-transitions\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "pwa-each-page-has-url": {
                    "id": "pwa-each-page-has-url",
                    "title": "Each page has a URL",
                    "description": "Ensure individual pages are deep linkable via URL and that URLs are unique for the purpose of shareability on social media. [Learn more about providing deep links](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/pwa-each-page-has-url\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "accesskeys": {
                    "id": "accesskeys",
                    "title": "`[accesskey]` values are unique",
                    "description": "Access keys let users quickly focus a part of the page. For proper navigation, each access key must be unique. [Learn more about access keys](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/accesskeys).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-allowed-attr": {
                    "id": "aria-allowed-attr",
                    "title": "`[aria-*]` attributes match their roles",
                    "description": "Each ARIA `role` supports a specific subset of `aria-*` attributes. Mismatching these invalidates the `aria-*` attributes. [Learn how to match ARIA attributes to their roles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-allowed-attr).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-allowed-role": {
                    "id": "aria-allowed-role",
                    "title": "Values assigned to `role=\"\"` are valid ARIA roles.",
                    "description": "ARIA `role`s enable assistive technologies to know the role of each element on the web page. If the `role` values are misspelled, not existing ARIA `role` values, or abstract roles, then the purpose of the element will not be communicated to users of assistive technologies. [Learn more about ARIA roles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-allowed-role).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-command-name": {
                    "id": "aria-command-name",
                    "title": "`button`, `link`, and `menuitem` elements have accessible names",
                    "description": "When an element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to make command elements more accessible](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-command-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-dialog-name": {
                    "id": "aria-dialog-name",
                    "title": "Elements with `role=\"dialog\"` or `role=\"alertdialog\"` have accessible names.",
                    "description": "ARIA dialog elements without accessible names may prevent screen readers users from discerning the purpose of these elements. [Learn how to make ARIA dialog elements more accessible](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-dialog-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-hidden-body": {
                    "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                    "title": "`[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` is not present on the document `<body>`",
                    "description": "Assistive technologies, like screen readers, work inconsistently when `aria-hidden=\"true\"` is set on the document `<body>`. [Learn how `aria-hidden` affects the document body](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-hidden-body).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "aria-hidden-focus": {
                    "id": "aria-hidden-focus",
                    "title": "`[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` elements do not contain focusable descendents",
                    "description": "Focusable descendents within an `[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` element prevent those interactive elements from being available to users of assistive technologies like screen readers. [Learn how `aria-hidden` affects focusable elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-hidden-focus).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-input-field-name": {
                    "id": "aria-input-field-name",
                    "title": "ARIA input fields have accessible names",
                    "description": "When an input field doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn more about input field labels](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-input-field-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-meter-name": {
                    "id": "aria-meter-name",
                    "title": "ARIA `meter` elements have accessible names",
                    "description": "When a meter element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to name `meter` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-meter-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-progressbar-name": {
                    "id": "aria-progressbar-name",
                    "title": "ARIA `progressbar` elements have accessible names",
                    "description": "When a `progressbar` element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to label `progressbar` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-progressbar-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-required-attr": {
                    "id": "aria-required-attr",
                    "title": "`[role]`s have all required `[aria-*]` attributes",
                    "description": "Some ARIA roles have required attributes that describe the state of the element to screen readers. [Learn more about roles and required attributes](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-required-attr).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-required-children": {
                    "id": "aria-required-children",
                    "title": "Elements with an ARIA `[role]` that require children to contain a specific `[role]` have all required children.",
                    "description": "Some ARIA parent roles must contain specific child roles to perform their intended accessibility functions. [Learn more about roles and required children elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-required-children).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-required-parent": {
                    "id": "aria-required-parent",
                    "title": "`[role]`s are contained by their required parent element",
                    "description": "Some ARIA child roles must be contained by specific parent roles to properly perform their intended accessibility functions. [Learn more about ARIA roles and required parent element](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-required-parent).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-roles": {
                    "id": "aria-roles",
                    "title": "`[role]` values are valid",
                    "description": "ARIA roles must have valid values in order to perform their intended accessibility functions. [Learn more about valid ARIA roles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-roles).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-text": {
                    "id": "aria-text",
                    "title": "Elements with the `role=text` attribute do not have focusable descendents.",
                    "description": "Adding `role=text` around a text node split by markup enables VoiceOver to treat it as one phrase, but the element's focusable descendents will not be announced. [Learn more about the `role=text` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-text).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-toggle-field-name": {
                    "id": "aria-toggle-field-name",
                    "title": "ARIA toggle fields have accessible names",
                    "description": "When a toggle field doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn more about toggle fields](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-toggle-field-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-tooltip-name": {
                    "id": "aria-tooltip-name",
                    "title": "ARIA `tooltip` elements have accessible names",
                    "description": "When a tooltip element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to name `tooltip` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-tooltip-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-treeitem-name": {
                    "id": "aria-treeitem-name",
                    "title": "ARIA `treeitem` elements have accessible names",
                    "description": "When a `treeitem` element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn more about labeling `treeitem` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-treeitem-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-valid-attr-value": {
                    "id": "aria-valid-attr-value",
                    "title": "`[aria-*]` attributes have valid values",
                    "description": "Assistive technologies, like screen readers, can't interpret ARIA attributes with invalid values. [Learn more about valid values for ARIA attributes](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-valid-attr-value).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-valid-attr": {
                    "id": "aria-valid-attr",
                    "title": "`[aria-*]` attributes are valid and not misspelled",
                    "description": "Assistive technologies, like screen readers, can't interpret ARIA attributes with invalid names. [Learn more about valid ARIA attributes](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-valid-attr).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "button-name": {
                    "id": "button-name",
                    "title": "Buttons have an accessible name",
                    "description": "When a button doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it as \"button\", making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to make buttons more accessible](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/button-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "bypass": {
                    "id": "bypass",
                    "title": "The page contains a heading, skip link, or landmark region",
                    "description": "Adding ways to bypass repetitive content lets keyboard users navigate the page more efficiently. [Learn more about bypass blocks](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/bypass).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "node",
                                "valueType": "node",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "relatedNode",
                                    "valueType": "node"
                                "label": "Failing Elements"
                        "items": [
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-7-HTML",
                                    "path": "1,HTML",
                                    "selector": "html",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 0,
                                        "bottom": 1986,
                                        "left": 0,
                                        "right": 1905,
                                        "width": 1905,
                                        "height": 1986
                                    "snippet": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "html",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  No valid skip link found\n  Page does not have a heading\n  Page does not have a landmark region"
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                "color-contrast": {
                    "id": "color-contrast",
                    "title": "Background and foreground colors have a sufficient contrast ratio",
                    "description": "Low-contrast text is difficult or impossible for many users to read. [Learn how to provide sufficient color contrast](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/color-contrast).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "definition-list": {
                    "id": "definition-list",
                    "title": "`<dl>`'s contain only properly-ordered `<dt>` and `<dd>` groups, `<script>`, `<template>` or `<div>` elements.",
                    "description": "When definition lists are not properly marked up, screen readers may produce confusing or inaccurate output. [Learn how to structure definition lists correctly](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/definition-list).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "dlitem": {
                    "id": "dlitem",
                    "title": "Definition list items are wrapped in `<dl>` elements",
                    "description": "Definition list items (`<dt>` and `<dd>`) must be wrapped in a parent `<dl>` element to ensure that screen readers can properly announce them. [Learn how to structure definition lists correctly](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/dlitem).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "document-title": {
                    "id": "document-title",
                    "title": "Document has a `<title>` element",
                    "description": "The title gives screen reader users an overview of the page, and search engine users rely on it heavily to determine if a page is relevant to their search. [Learn more about document titles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/document-title).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "duplicate-id-active": {
                    "id": "duplicate-id-active",
                    "title": "`[id]` attributes on active, focusable elements are unique",
                    "description": "All focusable elements must have a unique `id` to ensure that they're visible to assistive technologies. [Learn how to fix duplicate `id`s](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/duplicate-id-active).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "duplicate-id-aria": {
                    "id": "duplicate-id-aria",
                    "title": "ARIA IDs are unique",
                    "description": "The value of an ARIA ID must be unique to prevent other instances from being overlooked by assistive technologies. [Learn how to fix duplicate ARIA IDs](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/duplicate-id-aria).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "empty-heading": {
                    "id": "empty-heading",
                    "title": "All heading elements contain content.",
                    "description": "A heading with no content or inaccessible text prevent screen reader users from accessing information on the page's structure. [Learn more about headings](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/empty-heading).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "form-field-multiple-labels": {
                    "id": "form-field-multiple-labels",
                    "title": "No form fields have multiple labels",
                    "description": "Form fields with multiple labels can be confusingly announced by assistive technologies like screen readers which use either the first, the last, or all of the labels. [Learn how to use form labels](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/form-field-multiple-labels).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "frame-title": {
                    "id": "frame-title",
                    "title": "`<frame>` or `<iframe>` elements have a title",
                    "description": "Screen reader users rely on frame titles to describe the contents of frames. [Learn more about frame titles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/frame-title).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "heading-order": {
                    "id": "heading-order",
                    "title": "Heading elements appear in a sequentially-descending order",
                    "description": "Properly ordered headings that do not skip levels convey the semantic structure of the page, making it easier to navigate and understand when using assistive technologies. [Learn more about heading order](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/heading-order).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "html-has-lang": {
                    "id": "html-has-lang",
                    "title": "`<html>` element has a `[lang]` attribute",
                    "description": "If a page doesn't specify a `lang` attribute, a screen reader assumes that the page is in the default language that the user chose when setting up the screen reader. If the page isn't actually in the default language, then the screen reader might not announce the page's text correctly. [Learn more about the `lang` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/html-has-lang).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "html-lang-valid": {
                    "id": "html-lang-valid",
                    "title": "`<html>` element has a valid value for its `[lang]` attribute",
                    "description": "Specifying a valid [BCP 47 language](https:\/\/www.w3.org\/International\/questions\/qa-choosing-language-tags#question) helps screen readers announce text properly. [Learn how to use the `lang` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/html-lang-valid).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "html-xml-lang-mismatch": {
                    "id": "html-xml-lang-mismatch",
                    "title": "`<html>` element has an `[xml:lang]` attribute with the same base language as the `[lang]` attribute.",
                    "description": "If the webpage does not specify a consistent language, then the screen reader might not announce the page's text correctly. [Learn more about the `lang` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/html-xml-lang-mismatch).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "identical-links-same-purpose": {
                    "id": "identical-links-same-purpose",
                    "title": "Identical links have the same purpose.",
                    "description": "Links with the same destination should have the same description, to help users understand the link's purpose and decide whether to follow it. [Learn more about identical links](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/identical-links-same-purpose).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "node",
                                "valueType": "node",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "relatedNode",
                                    "valueType": "node"
                                "label": "Failing Elements"
                        "items": [
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-10-A",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,DIV,6,FOOTER,1,DIV,0,A",
                                    "selector": "div#splash > footer > div > a",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 940,
                                        "bottom": 960,
                                        "left": 1787,
                                        "right": 1875,
                                        "width": 88,
                                        "height": 20
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flwrstudio\" target=\"_blank\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Instagram",
                                    "explanation": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that links have the same purpose, or are intentionally ambiguous."
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "relatedNode": {
                                                "type": "node",
                                                "lhId": "1-11-A",
                                                "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,DIV,2,FOOTER,1,DIV,0,A",
                                                "selector": "div#grid > footer > div > a",
                                                "boundingRect": {
                                                    "top": 1933,
                                                    "bottom": 1953,
                                                    "left": 1787,
                                                    "right": 1875,
                                                    "width": 88,
                                                    "height": 20
                                                "snippet": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flower.studio\" target=\"_blank\">",
                                                "nodeLabel": "Instagram"
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "impact": "minor",
                            "tags": [
                "image-alt": {
                    "id": "image-alt",
                    "title": "Image elements do not have `[alt]` attributes",
                    "description": "Informative elements should aim for short, descriptive alternate text. Decorative elements can be ignored with an empty alt attribute. [Learn more about the `alt` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/image-alt).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "node",
                                "valueType": "node",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "relatedNode",
                                    "valueType": "node"
                                "label": "Failing Elements"
                        "items": [
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-0-IMG",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,DIV,3,DIV,0,FIGURE,0,IMG",
                                    "selector": "div#splash > div.slideshow > figure > img",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 199,
                                        "bottom": 895,
                                        "left": 481,
                                        "right": 1424,
                                        "width": 943,
                                        "height": 695
                                    "snippet": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/flower-studio-blommen.png\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "div#splash > div.slideshow > figure > img",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-1-IMG",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,DIV,1,DIV,0,DIV,1,FIGURE,0,IMG",
                                    "selector": "div#greeting > div.project > figure.middle > img",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 1123,
                                        "bottom": 1917,
                                        "left": 1152,
                                        "right": 1828,
                                        "width": 676,
                                        "height": 794
                                    "snippet": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0376.jpg\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "div#greeting > div.project > figure.middle > img",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-2-IMG",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,DIV,1,DIV,0,DIV,3,FIGURE,0,IMG",
                                    "selector": "div#greeting > div.project > figure.middle > img",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 1123,
                                        "bottom": 1917,
                                        "left": 2980,
                                        "right": 3656,
                                        "width": 676,
                                        "height": 794
                                    "snippet": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_5085.jpg\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "div#greeting > div.project > figure.middle > img",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-3-IMG",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,DIV,1,DIV,0,DIV,5,FIGURE,0,IMG",
                                    "selector": "div#greeting > div.project > figure.middle > img",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 1123,
                                        "bottom": 1917,
                                        "left": 4808,
                                        "right": 5483,
                                        "width": 676,
                                        "height": 794
                                    "snippet": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8374.jpg\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "div#greeting > div.project > figure.middle > img",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-4-IMG",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,DIV,1,DIV,0,DIV,7,FIGURE,0,IMG",
                                    "selector": "div#greeting > div.project > figure.middle > img",
                                    "boundingRect": {
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                                    "nodeLabel": "div#greeting > div.project > figure.middle > img",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
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                                    "lhId": "1-5-IMG",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,DIV,1,DIV,0,DIV,9,FIGURE,0,IMG",
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                                    "nodeLabel": "div#greeting > div.project > figure.middle > img",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-6-IMG",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,DIV,1,DIV,0,DIV,11,FIGURE,0,IMG",
                                    "selector": "div#greeting > div.project > figure.middle > img",
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                                        "bottom": 1917,
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                                        "width": 676,
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                                    "snippet": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0423.jpg\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "div#greeting > div.project > figure.middle > img",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "impact": "critical",
                            "tags": [
                "image-redundant-alt": {
                    "id": "image-redundant-alt",
                    "title": "Image elements do not have `[alt]` attributes that are redundant text.",
                    "description": "Informative elements should aim for short, descriptive alternative text. Alternative text that is exactly the same as the text adjacent to the link or image is potentially confusing for screen reader users, because the text will be read twice. [Learn more about the `alt` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/image-redundant-alt).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "input-button-name": {
                    "id": "input-button-name",
                    "title": "Input buttons have discernible text.",
                    "description": "Adding discernable and accessible text to input buttons may help screen reader users understand the purpose of the input button. [Learn more about input buttons](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/input-button-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "input-image-alt": {
                    "id": "input-image-alt",
                    "title": "`<input type=\"image\">` elements have `[alt]` text",
                    "description": "When an image is being used as an `<input>` button, providing alternative text can help screen reader users understand the purpose of the button. [Learn about input image alt text](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/input-image-alt).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "label-content-name-mismatch": {
                    "id": "label-content-name-mismatch",
                    "title": "Elements with visible text labels have matching accessible names.",
                    "description": "Visible text labels that do not match the accessible name can result in a confusing experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about accessible names](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/label-content-name-mismatch).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "label": {
                    "id": "label",
                    "title": "Form elements have associated labels",
                    "description": "Labels ensure that form controls are announced properly by assistive technologies, like screen readers. [Learn more about form element labels](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/label).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "landmark-one-main": {
                    "id": "landmark-one-main",
                    "title": "Document has a main landmark.",
                    "description": "One main landmark helps screen reader users navigate a web page. [Learn more about landmarks](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/landmark-one-main).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "details": {
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                        "headings": [
                                "key": "node",
                                "valueType": "node",
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                                    "key": "relatedNode",
                                    "valueType": "node"
                                "label": "Failing Elements"
                        "items": [
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-7-HTML",
                                    "path": "1,HTML",
                                    "selector": "html",
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                                        "top": 0,
                                        "bottom": 1986,
                                        "left": 0,
                                        "right": 1905,
                                        "width": 1905,
                                        "height": 1986
                                    "snippet": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "html",
                                    "explanation": "Fix all of the following:\n  Document does not have a main landmark"
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "impact": "moderate",
                            "tags": [
                "link-name": {
                    "id": "link-name",
                    "title": "Links have a discernible name",
                    "description": "Link text (and alternate text for images, when used as links) that is discernible, unique, and focusable improves the navigation experience for screen reader users. [Learn how to make links accessible](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/link-name).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "link-in-text-block": {
                    "id": "link-in-text-block",
                    "title": "Links are distinguishable without relying on color.",
                    "description": "Low-contrast text is difficult or impossible for many users to read. Link text that is discernible improves the experience for users with low vision. [Learn how to make links distinguishable](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/link-in-text-block).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "list": {
                    "id": "list",
                    "title": "Lists contain only `<li>` elements and script supporting elements (`<script>` and `<template>`).",
                    "description": "Screen readers have a specific way of announcing lists. Ensuring proper list structure aids screen reader output. [Learn more about proper list structure](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/list).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "listitem": {
                    "id": "listitem",
                    "title": "List items (`<li>`) are contained within `<ul>`, `<ol>` or `<menu>` parent elements",
                    "description": "Screen readers require list items (`<li>`) to be contained within a parent `<ul>`, `<ol>` or `<menu>` to be announced properly. [Learn more about proper list structure](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/listitem).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "meta-refresh": {
                    "id": "meta-refresh",
                    "title": "The document does not use `<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\">`",
                    "description": "Users do not expect a page to refresh automatically, and doing so will move focus back to the top of the page. This may create a frustrating or confusing experience. [Learn more about the refresh meta tag](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/meta-refresh).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "meta-viewport": {
                    "id": "meta-viewport",
                    "title": "`[user-scalable=\"no\"]` is not used in the `<meta name=\"viewport\">` element and the `[maximum-scale]` attribute is not less than 5.",
                    "description": "Disabling zooming is problematic for users with low vision who rely on screen magnification to properly see the contents of a web page. [Learn more about the viewport meta tag](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/meta-viewport).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
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                        "headings": [],
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                "object-alt": {
                    "id": "object-alt",
                    "title": "`<object>` elements have alternate text",
                    "description": "Screen readers cannot translate non-text content. Adding alternate text to `<object>` elements helps screen readers convey meaning to users. [Learn more about alt text for `object` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/object-alt).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "select-name": {
                    "id": "select-name",
                    "title": "Select elements have associated label elements.",
                    "description": "Form elements without effective labels can create frustrating experiences for screen reader users. [Learn more about the `select` element](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/select-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "skip-link": {
                    "id": "skip-link",
                    "title": "Skip links are focusable.",
                    "description": "Including a skip link can help users skip to the main content to save time. [Learn more about skip links](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/skip-link).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "tabindex": {
                    "id": "tabindex",
                    "title": "No element has a `[tabindex]` value greater than 0",
                    "description": "A value greater than 0 implies an explicit navigation ordering. Although technically valid, this often creates frustrating experiences for users who rely on assistive technologies. [Learn more about the `tabindex` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/tabindex).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "table-duplicate-name": {
                    "id": "table-duplicate-name",
                    "title": "Tables have different content in the summary attribute and `<caption>`.",
                    "description": "The summary attribute should describe the table structure, while `<caption>` should have the onscreen title. Accurate table mark-up helps users of screen readers. [Learn more about summary and caption](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/table-duplicate-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "table-fake-caption": {
                    "id": "table-fake-caption",
                    "title": "Tables use `<caption>` instead of cells with the `[colspan]` attribute to indicate a caption.",
                    "description": "Screen readers have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensuring that tables use the actual caption element instead of cells with the `[colspan]` attribute may improve the experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about captions](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/table-fake-caption).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "target-size": {
                    "id": "target-size",
                    "title": "Touch targets have sufficient size and spacing.",
                    "description": "Touch targets with sufficient size and spacing help users who may have difficulty targeting small controls to activate the targets. [Learn more about touch targets](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/target-size).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "td-has-header": {
                    "id": "td-has-header",
                    "title": "`<td>` elements in a large `<table>` have one or more table headers.",
                    "description": "Screen readers have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensuring that `<td>` elements in a large table (3 or more cells in width and height) have an associated table header may improve the experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about table headers](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/td-has-header).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "td-headers-attr": {
                    "id": "td-headers-attr",
                    "title": "Cells in a `<table>` element that use the `[headers]` attribute refer to table cells within the same table.",
                    "description": "Screen readers have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensuring `<td>` cells using the `[headers]` attribute only refer to other cells in the same table may improve the experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about the `headers` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/td-headers-attr).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "th-has-data-cells": {
                    "id": "th-has-data-cells",
                    "title": "`<th>` elements and elements with `[role=\"columnheader\"\/\"rowheader\"]` have data cells they describe.",
                    "description": "Screen readers have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensuring table headers always refer to some set of cells may improve the experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about table headers](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/th-has-data-cells).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "valid-lang": {
                    "id": "valid-lang",
                    "title": "`[lang]` attributes have a valid value",
                    "description": "Specifying a valid [BCP 47 language](https:\/\/www.w3.org\/International\/questions\/qa-choosing-language-tags#question) on elements helps ensure that text is pronounced correctly by a screen reader. [Learn how to use the `lang` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/valid-lang).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "video-caption": {
                    "id": "video-caption",
                    "title": "`<video>` elements contain a `<track>` element with `[kind=\"captions\"]`",
                    "description": "When a video provides a caption it is easier for deaf and hearing impaired users to access its information. [Learn more about video captions](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/video-caption).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "custom-controls-labels": {
                    "id": "custom-controls-labels",
                    "title": "Custom controls have associated labels",
                    "description": "Custom interactive controls have associated labels, provided by aria-label or aria-labelledby. [Learn more about custom controls and labels](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/custom-controls-labels\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "custom-controls-roles": {
                    "id": "custom-controls-roles",
                    "title": "Custom controls have ARIA roles",
                    "description": "Custom interactive controls have appropriate ARIA roles. [Learn how to add roles to custom controls](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/custom-control-roles\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "focus-traps": {
                    "id": "focus-traps",
                    "title": "User focus is not accidentally trapped in a region",
                    "description": "A user can tab into and out of any control or region without accidentally trapping their focus. [Learn how to avoid focus traps](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/focus-traps\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "focusable-controls": {
                    "id": "focusable-controls",
                    "title": "Interactive controls are keyboard focusable",
                    "description": "Custom interactive controls are keyboard focusable and display a focus indicator. [Learn how to make custom controls focusable](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/focusable-controls\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "interactive-element-affordance": {
                    "id": "interactive-element-affordance",
                    "title": "Interactive elements indicate their purpose and state",
                    "description": "Interactive elements, such as links and buttons, should indicate their state and be distinguishable from non-interactive elements. [Learn how to decorate interactive elements with affordance hints](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/interactive-element-affordance\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "logical-tab-order": {
                    "id": "logical-tab-order",
                    "title": "The page has a logical tab order",
                    "description": "Tabbing through the page follows the visual layout. Users cannot focus elements that are offscreen. [Learn more about logical tab ordering](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/logical-tab-order\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "managed-focus": {
                    "id": "managed-focus",
                    "title": "The user's focus is directed to new content added to the page",
                    "description": "If new content, such as a dialog, is added to the page, the user's focus is directed to it. [Learn how to direct focus to new content](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/managed-focus\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "offscreen-content-hidden": {
                    "id": "offscreen-content-hidden",
                    "title": "Offscreen content is hidden from assistive technology",
                    "description": "Offscreen content is hidden with display: none or aria-hidden=true. [Learn how to properly hide offscreen content](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/offscreen-content-hidden\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "use-landmarks": {
                    "id": "use-landmarks",
                    "title": "HTML5 landmark elements are used to improve navigation",
                    "description": "Landmark elements (`<main>`, `<nav>`, etc.) are used to improve the keyboard navigation of the page for assistive technology. [Learn more about landmark elements](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/use-landmarks\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "visual-order-follows-dom": {
                    "id": "visual-order-follows-dom",
                    "title": "Visual order on the page follows DOM order",
                    "description": "DOM order matches the visual order, improving navigation for assistive technology. [Learn more about DOM and visual ordering](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/visual-order-follows-dom\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "uses-long-cache-ttl": {
                    "id": "uses-long-cache-ttl",
                    "title": "Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy",
                    "description": "A long cache lifetime can speed up repeat visits to your page. [Learn more about efficient cache policies](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-long-cache-ttl\/).",
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                    "title": "Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles",
                    "description": "Remove large, duplicate JavaScript modules from bundles to reduce unnecessary bytes consumed by network activity. ",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "FCP": 0,
                        "LCP": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": [],
                        "overallSavingsMs": 0,
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                        "sortedBy": [
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "metricSavings": {
                                "FCP": 0,
                                "LCP": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "legacy-javascript": {
                    "id": "legacy-javascript",
                    "title": "Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers",
                    "description": "Polyfills and transforms enable legacy browsers to use new JavaScript features. However, many aren't necessary for modern browsers. For your bundled JavaScript, adopt a modern script deployment strategy using module\/nomodule feature detection to reduce the amount of code shipped to modern browsers, while retaining support for legacy browsers. [Learn how to use modern JavaScript](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/publish-modern-javascript)",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "",
                    "metricSavings": {
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                        "LCP": 0
                    "details": {
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                        "headings": [],
                        "items": [],
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                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "metricSavings": {
                                "FCP": 0,
                                "LCP": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "doctype": {
                    "id": "doctype",
                    "title": "Page has the HTML doctype",
                    "description": "Specifying a doctype prevents the browser from switching to quirks-mode. [Learn more about the doctype declaration](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/doctype\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
                "charset": {
                    "id": "charset",
                    "title": "Properly defines charset",
                    "description": "A character encoding declaration is required. It can be done with a `<meta>` tag in the first 1024 bytes of the HTML or in the Content-Type HTTP response header. [Learn more about declaring the character encoding](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/charset\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
                "dom-size": {
                    "id": "dom-size",
                    "title": "Avoids an excessive DOM size",
                    "description": "A large DOM will increase memory usage, cause longer [style calculations](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/fundamentals\/performance\/rendering\/reduce-the-scope-and-complexity-of-style-calculations), and produce costly [layout reflows](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/speed\/articles\/reflow). [Learn how to avoid an excessive DOM size](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/dom-size\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "numericValue": 135,
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                                    "granularity": 1,
                                    "value": 135
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                                    "lhId": "1-16-DIV",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,DIV,0,DIV,0,DIV,0,DIV,0,DIV",
                                    "selector": "div.header > div.name > div#project-ticker > div#ticker-co",
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                                    "snippet": "<div id=\"ticker-co\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "div.header > div.name > div#project-ticker > div#ticker-co"
                                "statistic": "Maximum DOM Depth",
                                "value": {
                                    "type": "numeric",
                                    "granularity": 1,
                                    "value": 6
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-17-DIV",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,DIV,1,DIV,0,DIV",
                                    "selector": "body > div#grid > div#greeting > div.project",
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                                        "left": 0,
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                                        "width": 1905,
                                        "height": 864
                                    "snippet": "<div class=\"project\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such a\u2026"
                                "statistic": "Maximum Child Elements",
                                "value": {
                                    "type": "numeric",
                                    "granularity": 1,
                                    "value": 14
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "geolocation-on-start": {
                    "id": "geolocation-on-start",
                    "title": "Avoids requesting the geolocation permission on page load",
                    "description": "Users are mistrustful of or confused by sites that request their location without context. Consider tying the request to a user action instead. [Learn more about the geolocation permission](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/geolocation-on-start\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
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                "inspector-issues": {
                    "id": "inspector-issues",
                    "title": "No issues in the `Issues` panel in Chrome Devtools",
                    "description": "Issues logged to the `Issues` panel in Chrome Devtools indicate unresolved problems. They can come from network request failures, insufficient security controls, and other browser concerns. Open up the Issues panel in Chrome DevTools for more details on each issue.",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "no-document-write": {
                    "id": "no-document-write",
                    "title": "Avoids `document.write()`",
                    "description": "For users on slow connections, external scripts dynamically injected via `document.write()` can delay page load by tens of seconds. [Learn how to avoid document.write()](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/no-document-write\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "js-libraries": {
                    "id": "js-libraries",
                    "title": "Detected JavaScript libraries",
                    "description": "All front-end JavaScript libraries detected on the page. [Learn more about this JavaScript library detection diagnostic audit](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/js-libraries\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "details": {
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                                "label": "Name"
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                                "version": "3.2.1",
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                                    "version": "3.2.1"
                                    "id": "jquery-fast"
                "notification-on-start": {
                    "id": "notification-on-start",
                    "title": "Avoids requesting the notification permission on page load",
                    "description": "Users are mistrustful of or confused by sites that request to send notifications without context. Consider tying the request to user gestures instead. [Learn more about responsibly getting permission for notifications](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/notification-on-start\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "paste-preventing-inputs": {
                    "id": "paste-preventing-inputs",
                    "title": "Allows users to paste into input fields",
                    "description": "Preventing input pasting is a bad practice for the UX, and weakens security by blocking password managers.[Learn more about user-friendly input fields](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/paste-preventing-inputs\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
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                    "id": "uses-http2",
                    "title": "Use HTTP\/2",
                    "description": "HTTP\/2 offers many benefits over HTTP\/1.1, including binary headers and multiplexing. [Learn more about HTTP\/2](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/uses-http2\/).",
                    "score": 1,
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                    "details": {
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                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "uses-passive-event-listeners": {
                    "id": "uses-passive-event-listeners",
                    "title": "Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance",
                    "description": "Consider marking your touch and wheel event listeners as `passive` to improve your page's scroll performance. [Learn more about adopting passive event listeners](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/uses-passive-event-listeners\/).",
                    "score": 0.5,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
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                                    "type": "source-location",
                                    "url": "https:\/\/ajax.googleapis.com\/ajax\/libs\/jquery\/3.2.1\/jquery.min.js",
                                    "urlProvider": "network",
                                    "line": 2,
                                    "column": 8809
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
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                    "id": "meta-description",
                    "title": "Document does not have a meta description",
                    "description": "Meta descriptions may be included in search results to concisely summarize page content. [Learn more about the meta description](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/meta-description\/).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
                "http-status-code": {
                    "id": "http-status-code",
                    "title": "Page has successful HTTP status code",
                    "description": "Pages with unsuccessful HTTP status codes may not be indexed properly. [Learn more about HTTP status codes](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/http-status-code\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
                "font-size": {
                    "id": "font-size",
                    "title": "Document uses legible font sizes",
                    "description": "Font sizes less than 12px are too small to be legible and require mobile visitors to \u201cpinch to zoom\u201d in order to read. Strive to have >60% of page text \u226512px. [Learn more about legible font sizes](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/font-size\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "link-text": {
                    "id": "link-text",
                    "title": "Links have descriptive text",
                    "description": "Descriptive link text helps search engines understand your content. [Learn how to make links more accessible](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/link-text\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
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                "crawlable-anchors": {
                    "id": "crawlable-anchors",
                    "title": "Links are crawlable",
                    "description": "Search engines may use `href` attributes on links to crawl websites. Ensure that the `href` attribute of anchor elements links to an appropriate destination, so more pages of the site can be discovered. [Learn how to make links crawlable](https:\/\/support.google.com\/webmasters\/answer\/9112205)",
                    "score": 1,
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                    "details": {
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                    "id": "is-crawlable",
                    "title": "Page isn\u2019t blocked from indexing",
                    "description": "Search engines are unable to include your pages in search results if they don't have permission to crawl them. [Learn more about crawler directives](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/is-crawlable\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
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                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
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                    "id": "robots-txt",
                    "title": "robots.txt is valid",
                    "description": "If your robots.txt file is malformed, crawlers may not be able to understand how you want your website to be crawled or indexed. [Learn more about robots.txt](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/invalid-robots-txt\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
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                    "id": "tap-targets",
                    "title": "Tap targets are sized appropriately",
                    "description": "Interactive elements like buttons and links should be large enough (48x48px), or have enough space around them, to be easy enough to tap without overlapping onto other elements. [Learn more about tap targets](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/tap-targets\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
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                    "description": "hreflang links tell search engines what version of a page they should list in search results for a given language or region. [Learn more about `hreflang`](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/hreflang\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
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                    "title": "Document avoids plugins",
                    "description": "Search engines can't index plugin content, and many devices restrict plugins or don't support them. [Learn more about avoiding plugins](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/plugins\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
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                    "title": "Document has a valid `rel=canonical`",
                    "description": "Canonical links suggest which URL to show in search results. [Learn more about canonical links](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/canonical\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "structured-data": {
                    "id": "structured-data",
                    "title": "Structured data is valid",
                    "description": "Run the [Structured Data Testing Tool](https:\/\/search.google.com\/structured-data\/testing-tool\/) and the [Structured Data Linter](http:\/\/linter.structured-data.org\/) to validate structured data. [Learn more about Structured Data](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/structured-data\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
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                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
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                    "description": "These checks highlight opportunities to [improve the accessibility of your web app](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/). Automatic detection can only detect a subset of issues and does not guarantee the accessibility of your web app, so [manual testing](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/how-to-review) is also encouraged.",
                    "manualDescription": "These items address areas which an automated testing tool cannot cover. Learn more in our guide on [conducting an accessibility review](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/how-to-review).",
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                    "title": "SEO",
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                    "manualDescription": "Run these additional validators on your site to check additional SEO best practices.",
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                    "title": "PWA",
                    "description": "These checks validate the aspects of a Progressive Web App. [Learn what makes a good Progressive Web App](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/pwa-checklist).",
                    "manualDescription": "These checks are required by the baseline [PWA Checklist](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/pwa-checklist) but are not automatically checked by Lighthouse. They do not affect your score but it's important that you verify them manually.",
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                    "title": "Opportunities",
                    "description": "These suggestions can help your page load faster. They don't [directly affect](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/performance-scoring\/) the Performance score."
                "budgets": {
                    "title": "Budgets",
                    "description": "Performance budgets set standards for the performance of your site."
                "diagnostics": {
                    "title": "Diagnostics",
                    "description": "More information about the performance of your application. These numbers don't [directly affect](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/performance-scoring\/) the Performance score."
                "pwa-installable": {
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                "pwa-optimized": {
                    "title": "PWA Optimized"
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                    "title": "Best practices",
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                    "title": "Contrast",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to improve the legibility of your content."
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                    "title": "Names and labels",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to improve the semantics of the controls in your application. This may enhance the experience for users of assistive technology, like a screen reader."
                "a11y-navigation": {
                    "title": "Navigation",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to improve keyboard navigation in your application."
                "a11y-aria": {
                    "title": "ARIA",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to improve the usage of ARIA in your application which may enhance the experience for users of assistive technology, like a screen reader."
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                    "title": "Internationalization and localization",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to improve the interpretation of your content by users in different locales."
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                    "title": "Audio and video",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to provide alternative content for audio and video. This may improve the experience for users with hearing or vision impairments."
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                    "title": "Tables and lists",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to improve the experience of reading tabular or list data using assistive technology, like a screen reader."
                "seo-mobile": {
                    "title": "Mobile Friendly",
                    "description": "Make sure your pages are mobile friendly so users don\u2019t have to pinch or zoom in order to read the content pages. [Learn how to make pages mobile-friendly](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/search\/mobile-sites\/)."
                "seo-content": {
                    "title": "Content Best Practices",
                    "description": "Format your HTML in a way that enables crawlers to better understand your app\u2019s content."
                "seo-crawl": {
                    "title": "Crawling and Indexing",
                    "description": "To appear in search results, crawlers need access to your app."
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                    "title": "Trust and Safety"
                "best-practices-ux": {
                    "title": "User Experience"
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                        "entryType": "measure"
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                        "name": "lh:audit:bootup-time",
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                        "entryType": "measure"
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                        "name": "lh:audit:uses-rel-preconnect",
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LH:status Cleaning browser cache\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:06 GMT LH:status Preparing network conditions\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:06 GMT LH:status Navigating to https:\/\/flower.studio\/\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: DevtoolsLog\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Trace\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: DevtoolsLog\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Trace\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Accessibility\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: AnchorElements\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: ConsoleMessages\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: CSSUsage\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Doctype\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: DOMStats\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: EmbeddedContent\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: FontSize\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Inputs\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: GlobalListeners\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: ImageElements\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: InstallabilityErrors\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Get webapp installability errors\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: InspectorIssues\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: JsUsage\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: LinkElements\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: MainDocumentContent\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: MetaElements\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: NetworkUserAgent\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:52:53 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: OptimizedImages\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: ResponseCompression\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: RobotsTxt\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Scripts\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: SourceMaps\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Stacks\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Collect stacks\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: TagsBlockingFirstPaint\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: TapTargets\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: TraceElements\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: ViewportDimensions\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: WebAppManifest\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Get webapp manifest\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: devtoolsLogs\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: traces\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: BFCacheFailures\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Analyzing and running audits...\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Auditing: Uses HTTPS\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Auditing: Has a `<meta name=\"viewport\">` tag with `width` or `initial-scale`\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:00 GMT LH:status Auditing: First Contentful Paint\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: Largest Contentful Paint\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: First Meaningful Paint\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: Speed Index\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: Screenshot Thumbnails\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: Final Screenshot\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: Total Blocking Time\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: Max Potential First Input Delay\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: Cumulative Layout Shift\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: No browser errors logged to the console\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: Initial server response time was short\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: Time to Interactive\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: User Timing marks and measures\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:01 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid chaining critical requests\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid multiple page redirects\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: Web app manifest and service worker meet the installability requirements\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: Configured for a custom splash screen\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: Sets a theme color for the address bar.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: Manifest has a maskable icon\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: Content is sized correctly for the viewport\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: Displays images with correct aspect ratio\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: Serves images with appropriate resolution\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: Fonts with `font-display: optional` are preloaded\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids deprecated APIs\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids third-party cookies\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: Minimizes main-thread work\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:02 GMT LH:status Auditing: JavaScript execution time\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Preload key requests\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Preconnect to required origins\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: All text remains visible during webfont loads\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Diagnostics\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Network Requests\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Network Round Trip Times\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Server Backend Latencies\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Tasks\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Metrics\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Performance budget\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Timing budget\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Resources Summary\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Minimize third-party usage\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Lazy load third-party resources with facades\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Largest Contentful Paint element\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Largest Contentful Paint image was not lazily loaded\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid large layout shifts\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid long main-thread tasks\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids `unload` event listeners\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid non-composited animations\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Image elements have explicit `width` and `height`\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page has valid source maps\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Preload Largest Contentful Paint image\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Script Treemap Data\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Site works cross-browser\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page transitions don't feel like they block on the network\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Each page has a URL\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[accesskey]` values are unique\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-*]` attributes match their roles\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Values assigned to `role=\"\"` are valid ARIA roles.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `button`, `link`, and `menuitem` elements have accessible names\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Elements with `role=\"dialog\"` or `role=\"alertdialog\"` have accessible names.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` is not present on the document `<body>`\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` elements do not contain focusable descendents\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA input fields have accessible names\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA `meter` elements have accessible names\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA `progressbar` elements have accessible names\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[role]`s have all required `[aria-*]` attributes\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Elements with an ARIA `[role]` that require children to contain a specific `[role]` have all required children.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[role]`s are contained by their required parent element\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[role]` values are valid\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Elements with the `role=text` attribute do not have focusable descendents.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA toggle fields have accessible names\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA `tooltip` elements have accessible names\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA `treeitem` elements have accessible names\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-*]` attributes have valid values\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-*]` attributes are valid and not misspelled\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Buttons have an accessible name\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: The page contains a heading, skip link, or landmark region\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Background and foreground colors have a sufficient contrast ratio\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<dl>`'s contain only properly-ordered `<dt>` and `<dd>` groups, `<script>`, `<template>` or `<div>` elements.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Definition list items are wrapped in `<dl>` elements\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a `<title>` element\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[id]` attributes on active, focusable elements are unique\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA IDs are unique\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: All heading elements contain content.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: No form fields have multiple labels\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<frame>` or `<iframe>` elements have a title\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Heading elements appear in a sequentially-descending order\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<html>` element has a `[lang]` attribute\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<html>` element has a valid value for its `[lang]` attribute\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<html>` element has an `[xml:lang]` attribute with the same base language as the `[lang]` attribute.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Identical links have the same purpose.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Image elements have `[alt]` attributes\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Image elements do not have `[alt]` attributes that are redundant text.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Input buttons have discernible text.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<input type=\"image\">` elements have `[alt]` text\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Elements with visible text labels have matching accessible names.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Form elements have associated labels\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a main landmark.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Links have a discernible name\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Links are distinguishable without relying on color.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Lists contain only `<li>` elements and script supporting elements (`<script>` and `<template>`).\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: List items (`<li>`) are contained within `<ul>`, `<ol>` or `<menu>` parent elements\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: The document does not use `<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\">`\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[user-scalable=\"no\"]` is not used in the `<meta name=\"viewport\">` element and the `[maximum-scale]` attribute is not less than 5.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<object>` elements have alternate text\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Select elements have associated label elements.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Skip links are focusable.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: No element has a `[tabindex]` value greater than 0\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Tables have different content in the summary attribute and `<caption>`.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Tables use `<caption>` instead of cells with the `[colspan]` attribute to indicate a caption.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Touch targets have sufficient size and spacing.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<td>` elements in a large `<table>` have one or more table headers.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Cells in a `<table>` element that use the `[headers]` attribute refer to table cells within the same table.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<th>` elements and elements with `[role=\"columnheader\"\/\"rowheader\"]` have data cells they describe.\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[lang]` attributes have a valid value\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<video>` elements contain a `<track>` element with `[kind=\"captions\"]`\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Custom controls have associated labels\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Custom controls have ARIA roles\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: User focus is not accidentally trapped in a region\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Interactive controls are keyboard focusable\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Interactive elements indicate their purpose and state\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: The page has a logical tab order\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: The user's focus is directed to new content added to the page\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Offscreen content is hidden from assistive technology\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: HTML5 landmark elements are used to improve navigation\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Visual order on the page follows DOM order\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Uses efficient cache policy on static assets\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids enormous network payloads\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Defer offscreen images\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Eliminate render-blocking resources\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Minify CSS\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Minify JavaScript\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Reduce unused CSS\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Reduce unused JavaScript\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Serve images in next-gen formats\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Efficiently encode images\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Enable text compression\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Properly size images\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Use video formats for animated content\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page has the HTML doctype\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Properly defines charset\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids an excessive DOM size\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids requesting the geolocation permission on page load\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: No issues in the `Issues` panel in Chrome Devtools\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids `document.write()`\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Detected JavaScript libraries\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids requesting the notification permission on page load\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Allows users to paste into input fields\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Use HTTP\/2\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Uses passive listeners to improve scrolling performance\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a meta description\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page has successful HTTP status code\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document uses legible font sizes\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Links have descriptive text\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Links are crawlable\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page isn\u2019t blocked from indexing\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: robots.txt is valid\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Tap targets are sized appropriately\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a valid `hreflang`\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document avoids plugins\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a valid `rel=canonical`\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Structured data is valid\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page didn't prevent back\/forward cache restoration\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:status Generating results...\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:Printer html output written to \/home\/wptagent\/work\/wpt-fra-lb-19g1-\/241028_AiDcTS_M8.1.0\/lighthouse.report.html\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:CLI Protip: Run lighthouse with `--view` to immediately open the HTML report in your browser\nMon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:03 GMT LH:Printer json output written to \/home\/wptagent\/work\/wpt-fra-lb-19g1-\/241028_AiDcTS_M8.1.0\/lighthouse.report.json\n"
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                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                            "id": "presentational-role",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/flower-studio-blommen.png\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        "figure:nth-child(1) > img"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-alt",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                            "id": "presentational-role",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0376.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(2) > img"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-alt",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                            "id": "presentational-role",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_5085.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(4) > img"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-alt",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                            "id": "presentational-role",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8374.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(6) > img"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-alt",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                            "id": "presentational-role",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8912.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(8) > img"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-alt",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                            "id": "presentational-role",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0631.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(10) > img"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-alt",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                            "id": "presentational-role",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0423.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(12) > img"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                            "id": "scrollable-region-focusable",
                            "impact": "moderate",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensure elements that have scrollable content are accessible by keyboard",
                            "help": "Scrollable region must have keyboard access",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/scrollable-region-focusable?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "focusable-content",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "moderate",
                                            "message": "Element should have focusable content"
                                            "id": "focusable-element",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "moderate",
                                            "message": "Element should be focusable"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "moderate",
                                    "html": "<div class=\"project\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element should have focusable content\n  Element should be focusable"
                    "passes": [
                            "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures aria-hidden='true' is not present on the document body.",
                            "help": "aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-hidden-body?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "No aria-hidden attribute is present on document body"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<body>",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "color-contrast",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
                            "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "bgColor": "#dddddd",
                                                "contrastRatio": 15.460000000000001,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 15.46"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "bgColor": "#dddddd",
                                                "contrastRatio": 15.460000000000001,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 15.46"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".header > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                            "id": "document-title",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures each HTML document contains a non-empty <title> element",
                            "help": "Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/document-title?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "doc-has-title",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Document has a non-empty <title> element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures every id attribute value is unique",
                            "help": "id attribute value must be unique",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "splash",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"splash\" class=\"test\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "about",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"about\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "grid",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"grid\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "project-ticker",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"project-ticker\">\n            <div id=\"ticker-co\"><\/div>\n            <div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>          <\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "ticker-co",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"ticker-co\"><\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "ticker-greeting",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "greeting",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div class=\"wrapproject\" id=\"greeting\" data-title=\"Let's grab that coffee!\" data-color=\"#ffffff\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "html-has-lang",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures every HTML document has a lang attribute",
                            "help": "<html> element must have a lang attribute",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-has-lang?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-lang",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "The <html> element has a lang attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "html-lang-valid",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures the lang attribute of the <html> element has a valid value",
                            "help": "<html> element must have a valid value for the lang attribute",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-lang-valid?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [],
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "valid-lang",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Value of lang attribute is included in the list of valid languages"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "link-name",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
                            "help": "Links must have discernible text",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-visible-text",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#splash > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"]"
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flwrstudio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_blank\"]"
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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                                    "none": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".header > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#grid > footer > div:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"]"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-visible-text",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flower.studio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#grid > footer > div:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_blank\"]"
                            "id": "nested-interactive",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures interactive controls are not nested as they are not always announced by screen readers or can cause focus problems for assistive technologies",
                            "help": "Interactive controls must not be nested",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/nested-interactive?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/flower-studio-blommen.png\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        "figure:nth-child(1) > img"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "no-focusable-content",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0376.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
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                                    "impact": "serious",
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                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
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                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
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                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
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                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
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                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
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                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
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                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "blockquote:nth-child(1) > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>I am looking forward to a fall willed with plenty of pleasant things. While in Berlin I will write, write and write. On my monthly stints back to Sweden I will play, play and play.<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "blockquote:nth-child(3) > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>Hmm, otherwise? The short film I've been working for the last two years has found its festival where it will premiere. The Uppsala Short Film Festival. Can you believe it? It's called Black Square and I'm quite proud of it.<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "blockquote:nth-child(5) > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "blockquote:nth-child(7) > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>The script writing program I'm in is nearing its end. It's been a fantastic ride which has given me the opportunity to develop some projects. I have two feature films and a TV show under my belt. Giddy up!<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "blockquote:nth-child(9) > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "blockquote:nth-child(11) > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>Oh, you gotta go? Good luck with your therapy and taxes. Yes, talk soon! Say hi to my future self, won't you?<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "blockquote:nth-child(13) > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "blockquote:nth-child(14) > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#grid > footer > div:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"]"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flower.studio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#grid > footer > div:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_blank\"]"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                            "id": "video-caption",
                            "impact": "critical",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures <video> elements have captions",
                            "help": "<video> elements must have captions",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/video-caption?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [],
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Check that captions is available for the element"
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/small-version.mp4\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "figure:nth-child(4) > video"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that captions is available for the element"
                                    "any": [],
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "caption",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Check that captions is available for the element"
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/svart-feed.mov\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "figure:nth-child(6) > video"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that captions is available for the element"
                                    "any": [],
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "caption",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Check that captions is available for the element"
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/final_timbuktu_storytel_4x5.mov\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "figure:nth-child(7) > video"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that captions is available for the element"
                                    "any": [],
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "caption",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Check that captions is available for the element"
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/the-pilgrimage_final_1.mp4\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "figure:nth-child(9) > video"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that captions is available for the element"
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Bekele. The studio's roots lie within visual communication, writing and cultural production . For the past 4 years the desk has gladly rendered direction and writing services, while at the same time maintaining a loose and open artistic practice. Since the studio's establishment in 2017 there has been a continuous effort to develop and adapt to ever changing external and internal landscapes, which has led to an eclectic mix of different projects. <\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>Some notable and recent projects include: <strong>1)<\/strong> The audio drama <em>H\u00e4rifr\u00e5n<\/em> released on Storytel in 2022, which was directed and produced by Michael S. Bekele and co-created and written with Jason Diakit\u00e9. <em>H\u00e4rifr\u00e5n<\/em> was awarded with the <em>Golden Ear<\/em> by the <em>Swedish Radio Academy<\/em> for best entertainment podcast in 2023. <strong>2)<\/strong> The short film <em>Black Square<\/em> written and directed by the aforementioned and produced by Gambio Film and Film I V\u00e4st with support from the Swedish Film Institute. The short film premieres at the Uppsala Short Film Festival in 2024. <strong>3)<\/strong> The Masked I, acquired into the collection of R\u00f6hsska Museet in Gothenburg in 2024, consisting of a sculpture and performance lecture, filmed by Senay Berhe.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>The studio thrives most under collaborations of all sorts. If you are a past or current comrade, then many thanks. If you are a future one, then welcome! The ambition is to explore and empathise with the human condition, while creating life affirming and healing narratives. Michael S. Bekele is entangled with a language based practice centred around the somatic and subconscious. Furthermore he is engaged in organisations, as the chairperson for <em>Black Archives Sweden<\/em> in Malm\u00f6 and the co-founder of the artist run community space <em>Munnen<\/em> in Stockholm.<\/p><\/div>\n  <div class=\"people\">\n      <\/div>\n  <div class=\"imprint\">\n    <div class=\"small-text\">IMPRINT<\/div>\n    <div class=\"columns\">\n      <img class=\"bird left\" src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/3-about\/left-bird.png\">\n      <div>Flower Studio<\/div><div>\u00c5s\u00f6gatan 140<\/div><div>116 24 Stockholm<\/div><div>FLWR Studio AB<\/div><div>Org. Number: 559187\u20131677<\/div><div><\/div><div>All content \u00a9 Flower<\/div><div>Illustrations \u00a9 Nils Gunnars<\/div><div>All rights reserved 2023<\/div>\n      <img class=\"bird right\" src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/3-about\/right-bird.png\">\n    <\/div>\n  <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n    <div id=\"grid\">\n      <div class=\"header\">\n        <div class=\"name\">\n          <div id=\"project-ticker\">\n            <div id=\"ticker-co\"><\/div>\n            <div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>          <\/div>\n        <\/div>\n        <nav><a href=\"#\">About<\/a><\/nav>\n      <\/div>\n      \n      <div class=\"wrapproject\" id=\"greeting\" data-title=\"Let's grab that coffee!\" data-color=\"#ffffff\">\n  <div class=\"project\">\n            <blockquote><p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0376.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>I am looking forward to a fall willed with plenty of pleasant things. While in Berlin I will write, write and write. On my monthly stints back to Sweden I will play, play and play.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_5085.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>Hmm, otherwise? The short film I've been working for the last two years has found its festival where it will premiere. The Uppsala Short Film Festival. Can you believe it? It's called Black Square and I'm quite proud of it.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8374.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>And the audio drama which I got to direct, produce and co-create won the \"Golden Ear\" for best entertainment podcast by the Swedish Radio Academy. It felt very gratifying to win the prize and share it with all the wonderful and gorgeous people who worked with me on it. It's called H\u00e4rifr\u00e5n and you can find it on Storytel.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8912.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>The script writing program I'm in is nearing its end. It's been a fantastic ride which has given me the opportunity to develop some projects. I have two feature films and a TV show under my belt. Giddy up!<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0631.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>A museum in Gothenburg, R\u00f6hsska, bought one of my artworks. It's a sculpture, a mask, fittingly titled \"The Masked I\". It has now entered their collection and will be part of  their permanent exhibition which opens this fall. I will be performing a performance lecture at R\u00f6hsska in line with the opening of the exhibition. A bit out of my comfort zone but that's just how I like it.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0423.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>Oh, you gotta go? Good luck with your therapy and taxes. Yes, talk soon! Say hi to my future self, won't you?<\/p><\/blockquote>\n        <blockquote><p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p><\/blockquote><\/div>\n  <div class=\"project-left\"><\/div><div class=\"project-right\"><\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\t  <footer>\n        <div><a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a><\/div>\n        <div><a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flower.studio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a><\/div>\n      <\/footer>\n    <\/div>\n\n    <script src=\"https:\/\/ajax.googleapis.com\/ajax\/libs\/jquery\/3.2.1\/jquery.min.js\"><\/script>\n<script src=\"\/assets\/jquery.visible.js\"><\/script>\n<script>\n  $(\".wrapproject\").each(function() {\n    $(this).data(\"ticker-margin\", - $(\"#ticker-\" + this.id).position().top)\n  })\n\n  var switched = false\n\n  $(window).bind(\"scroll\", function() {\n    $(\".wrapproject\").each(function() {\n      if (Math.abs($(this).offset().top + $(this).height()\/2 - $(window).scrollTop() - ($(window).height() \/ 2)) < $(window).height() \/ 3) {\n        $(\"#ticker-co\").css(\"margin-top\", $(this).data(\"ticker-margin\"))\n        $(\"#grid\").css(\"background\", $(this).data(\"color\"))\n      }\n    })\n  })\n  \n  var o = $(\"#splash\"), w = 0, h = 0,\n    c = [\n    \t[255, 0, 0], \/\/ [0] top left\n        [255, 242, 0], \/\/ [1] top right\n        [0, 43, 255], \/\/ [2] bottom right\n        [34, 255, 0]], \/\/ [3] bottom left\n    gw = function() { w = o.width(), h = o.height() };\n    \n  $(window).resize(gw).mousemove(function(e) {\n\tvar dx = e.pageX \/ w, dy = e.pageY \/ h;\n    var ws = [(1-dx)*(1-dy), dx*(1-dy), dx*dy, (1-dx)*dy];\n    rgb = [\n        Math.round(c[0][0]*ws[0] + c[1][0]*ws[1] + c[2][0]*ws[2] + c[3][0]*ws[3]),\n        Math.round(c[0][1]*ws[0] + c[1][1]*ws[1] + c[2][1]*ws[2] + c[3][1]*ws[3]),\n        Math.round(c[0][2]*ws[0] + c[1][2]*ws[1] + c[2][2]*ws[2] + c[3][2]*ws[3])\n    ];\n    o.css('background','rgb('+rgb.join(',')+')');\n  }).resize();\n\n  \n  function about() {\n    $(\"#about\").fadeOut(200)\n    $(\"body\").css(\"overflow\", \"initial\")\n  }\n\n  \/* bind it to scroll, click and tap of splash screen *\/\n  $(\"#about .close\").bind(\"click touchstart\", about)\n\n  \/* show about screen on nav click *\/\n  $(\"nav\").click(function(e) {\n    e.preventDefault()\n    $(\"body\").css(\"overflow\", \"hidden\")\n    $(\"#about\").show()\n  })\n\n  \/* \"how we work\" animations *\/\n  function how_animate(e) {\n    $(e.target).data(\"src\", this.src)\n    r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1\n    this.src = this.src.replace(\".png\", r + \".gif\")\n  }\n  function how_stop(e) {\n    $(e.target).attr(\"src\", $(e.target).data(\"src\"))\n  }\n  $(\"#how img.ani\").bind(\"mouseover\", how_animate).bind(\"mouseout\", how_stop)\n\n  \/* slideshow function *\/\n  $.fn.nextaround = function(s) { var n = this.next(s); return (n.length) ? 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                "start_epoch": 1730080386.1934042,
                "osVersion": "Linux 6.5.0-1018-gcp",
                "os_version": "Linux 6.5.0-1018-gcp",
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                    "Programming languages": "C",
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                    "Email": "Google Workspace",
                    "CDN": "Google Hosted Libraries",
                    "Analytics": "Google Analytics",
                    "Miscellaneous": "Open Graph,HTTP\/3"
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                    "jQuery": "3.2.1",
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                    "Google Hosted Libraries": "",
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                                "name": "Programming languages",
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                        "website": "http:\/\/www.open-std.org\/jtc1\/sc22\/wg14\/",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                    "Nginx": {
                        "name": "Nginx",
                        "description": "Nginx is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.",
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                        "categories": [
                                "id": 59,
                                "slug": "javascript-libraries",
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                    "Google Workspace": {
                        "name": "Google Workspace",
                        "description": "Google Workspace, formerly G Suite, is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools.",
                        "slug": "google-workspace",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 30,
                                "slug": "webmail",
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                                "name": "Webmail",
                                "priority": 2
                                "id": 75,
                                "slug": "email",
                                "groups": [
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                        "icon": "Google.svg",
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                        "cpe": null
                    "Google Hosted Libraries": {
                        "name": "Google Hosted Libraries",
                        "description": "Google Hosted Libraries is a stable, reliable, high-speed, globally available content distribution network for the most popular, open-source JavaScript libraries.",
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                                "id": 31,
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                                "name": "CDN",
                                "priority": 9
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                        "icon": "Google Developers.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/developers.google.com\/speed\/libraries",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                    "Google Analytics": {
                        "name": "Google Analytics",
                        "description": "Google Analytics is a free web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic.",
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                                "id": 10,
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                        "icon": "Google Analytics.svg",
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                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                    "Open Graph": {
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                                "id": 19,
                                "slug": "miscellaneous",
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                                "name": "Miscellaneous",
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                                "id": 19,
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                                "name": "Miscellaneous",
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                        "website": "https:\/\/httpwg.org\/",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                "detected_raw": [
                        "name": "C",
                        "description": "C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system.",
                        "slug": "c",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 27,
                                "slug": "programming-languages",
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                                "name": "Programming languages",
                                "priority": 5
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                        "version": "",
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                        "website": "http:\/\/www.open-std.org\/jtc1\/sc22\/wg14\/",
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                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "Nginx",
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                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:nginx:nginx:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
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                        "description": "OpenResty is a web platform based on nginx which can run Lua scripts using its LuaJIT engine.",
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                        "categories": [
                                "id": 22,
                                "slug": "web-servers",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Web servers",
                                "priority": 8
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                        "icon": "OpenResty.svg",
                        "website": "http:\/\/openresty.org",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "jQuery",
                        "description": "jQuery is a JavaScript library which is a free, open-source software designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax.",
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                                "id": 59,
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                                "groups": [
                                "name": "JavaScript libraries",
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                        "version": "3.2.1",
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                        "website": "https:\/\/jquery.com",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:jquery:jquery:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
                        "name": "Google Workspace",
                        "description": "Google Workspace, formerly G Suite, is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools.",
                        "slug": "google-workspace",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 30,
                                "slug": "webmail",
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                                "name": "Webmail",
                                "priority": 2
                                "id": 75,
                                "slug": "email",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Email",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "Google.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/workspace.google.com\/",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "Google Hosted Libraries",
                        "description": "Google Hosted Libraries is a stable, reliable, high-speed, globally available content distribution network for the most popular, open-source JavaScript libraries.",
                        "slug": "google-hosted-libraries",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 31,
                                "slug": "cdn",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "CDN",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "Google Developers.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/developers.google.com\/speed\/libraries",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
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                                "name": "Analytics",
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                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
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                                "id": 19,
                                "slug": "miscellaneous",
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                                "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                "priority": 10
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "Open Graph.png",
                        "website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
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                        "categories": [
                                "id": 19,
                                "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                "priority": 10
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "HTTP3.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/httpwg.org\/",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
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                                            "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
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                                            "data": {
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                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0376.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(2) > img"
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                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
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                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
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                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                            "id": "presentational-role",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_5085.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(4) > img"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-alt",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                            "id": "presentational-role",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8374.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(6) > img"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-alt",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                            "id": "presentational-role",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8912.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(8) > img"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-alt",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                            "id": "presentational-role",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0631.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(10) > img"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-alt",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                            "id": "presentational-role",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "critical",
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0423.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(12) > img"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                            "id": "scrollable-region-focusable",
                            "impact": "moderate",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensure elements that have scrollable content are accessible by keyboard",
                            "help": "Scrollable region must have keyboard access",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/scrollable-region-focusable?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "focusable-content",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "moderate",
                                            "message": "Element should have focusable content"
                                            "id": "focusable-element",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "moderate",
                                            "message": "Element should be focusable"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "moderate",
                                    "html": "<div class=\"project\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element should have focusable content\n  Element should be focusable"
                    "passes": [
                            "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures aria-hidden='true' is not present on the document body.",
                            "help": "aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-hidden-body?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "No aria-hidden attribute is present on document body"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<body>",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "color-contrast",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
                            "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "bgColor": "#dddddd",
                                                "contrastRatio": 15.460000000000001,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 15.46"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "bgColor": "#dddddd",
                                                "contrastRatio": 15.460000000000001,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 15.46"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".header > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                            "id": "document-title",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures each HTML document contains a non-empty <title> element",
                            "help": "Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/document-title?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "doc-has-title",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Document has a non-empty <title> element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures every id attribute value is unique",
                            "help": "id attribute value must be unique",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "splash",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"splash\" class=\"test\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "about",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"about\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "grid",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"grid\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "project-ticker",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"project-ticker\">\n            <div id=\"ticker-co\"><\/div>\n            <div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>          <\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "ticker-co",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"ticker-co\"><\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "ticker-greeting",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "duplicate-id",
                                            "data": "greeting",
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div class=\"wrapproject\" id=\"greeting\" data-title=\"Let's grab that coffee!\" data-color=\"#ffffff\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "html-has-lang",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures every HTML document has a lang attribute",
                            "help": "<html> element must have a lang attribute",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-has-lang?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-lang",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "The <html> element has a lang attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "html-lang-valid",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures the lang attribute of the <html> element has a valid value",
                            "help": "<html> element must have a valid value for the lang attribute",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-lang-valid?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [],
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "valid-lang",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Value of lang attribute is included in the list of valid languages"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "link-name",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
                            "help": "Links must have discernible text",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-visible-text",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#splash > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-visible-text",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"]"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-visible-text",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flwrstudio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_blank\"]"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-visible-text",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".header > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-visible-text",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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                                    "none": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#grid > footer > div:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"]"
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flower.studio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#grid > footer > div:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_blank\"]"
                            "id": "nested-interactive",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures interactive controls are not nested as they are not always announced by screen readers or can cause focus problems for assistive technologies",
                            "help": "Interactive controls must not be nested",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/nested-interactive?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "no-focusable-content",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/flower-studio-blommen.png\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        "figure:nth-child(1) > img"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "no-focusable-content",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0376.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(2) > img"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "no-focusable-content",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_5085.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(4) > img"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "no-focusable-content",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8374.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(6) > img"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "no-focusable-content",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8912.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(8) > img"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "no-focusable-content",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0631.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(10) > img"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "no-focusable-content",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0423.jpg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".middle.large:nth-child(12) > img"
                    "incomplete": [
                            "id": "bypass",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures each page has at least one mechanism for a user to bypass navigation and jump straight to the content",
                            "help": "Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/bypass?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "internal-link-present",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "No valid skip link found"
                                            "id": "header-present",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Page does not have a heading"
                                            "id": "landmark",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Page does not have a landmark region"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  No valid skip link found\n  Page does not have a heading\n  Page does not have a landmark region"
                            "id": "color-contrast",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
                            "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgGradient",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<div id=\"splash\" class=\"test\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<div class=\"name desktop\">Berlin \/ Stockholm based writer and director \u2013 Michael Bekele<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgGradient",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<div id=\"splash\" class=\"test\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#splash > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgGradient",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<div id=\"splash\" class=\"test\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"]"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgGradient",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<div id=\"splash\" class=\"test\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flwrstudio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_blank\"]"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "blockquote:nth-child(1) > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
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                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "blockquote:nth-child(14) > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
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                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
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                                            "data": {
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                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
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                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
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                "rendered-html": "<html lang=\"en\"><head>\n    <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n    <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1\">\n    <title>Flower<\/title>\n    <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/assets\/flower.css\">\n        <style>\/* inner styles set by WPT to match CSSOM *\/#splash { background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgb(244, 237, 222) 0%, rgb(222, 222, 222) 100%); }<\/style>\n        <link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image\/png\" href=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/assets\/flower.png\" sizes=\"32x32\">\n    <meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Flower\">\n    <meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"Berlin \/ Stockholm based writer and director \u2013 Michael Bekele\">\n    <meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/assets\/flower-og.png\">\n    <script type=\"text\/javascript\" async=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/www.google-analytics.com\/analytics.js\"><\/script><script type=\"text\/javascript\" async=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/www.googletagmanager.com\/gtag\/js?id=G-RWM3P09XYF&amp;l=dataLayer&amp;cx=c\"><\/script><script async=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/www.googletagmanager.com\/gtag\/js?id=UA-117940865-1\"><\/script>\n    <script>\n      window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []\n      function gtag(){ dataLayer.push(arguments) }\n      gtag('js', new Date())\n\n      gtag('config', 'UA-117940865-1')\n    <\/script>\n  <\/head>\n  <body>\n    <div id=\"splash\" class=\"test\">\n      <div class=\"name desktop\">Berlin \/ Stockholm based writer and director \u2013 Michael Bekele<\/div>\n      <div class=\"name mobile\">Flower<\/div>\n      <nav><a href=\"#\">About<\/a><\/nav>\n      <div class=\"slideshow\">\n                  <figure>\n                          <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/flower-studio-blommen.png\">\n                      <figcaption><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n                  <figure>\n                          <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/221018__isak005475_01-square.jpg\">\n                      <figcaption><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n                  <figure>\n                          <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/optimized-final__low-res__3000x.jpg\">\n                      <figcaption><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n                  <figure>\n                          <video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/small-version.mp4\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>\n                      <figcaption><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n                  <figure>\n                          <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/viva.jpg\">\n                      <figcaption><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n                  <figure>\n                          <video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/svart-feed.mov\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>\n                      <figcaption><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n                  <figure>\n                          <video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/final_timbuktu_storytel_4x5.mov\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>\n                      <figcaption><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n                  <figure>\n                          <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/bi4046_rgb_timbuktu_cover_dsc6147_v3.jpg\">\n                      <figcaption><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n                  <figure>\n                          <video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/the-pilgrimage_final_1.mp4\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>\n                      <figcaption><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n                  <figure>\n                          <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/tbuiab.png\">\n                      <figcaption><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n                  <figure>\n                          <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/1-square-min.png\">\n                      <figcaption><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n                  <figure>\n                          <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/2-square-min.png\">\n                      <figcaption><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n              <\/div>\n      <div class=\"nav-left\">&nbsp;<\/div>\n      <div class=\"nav-right\">&nbsp;<\/div>\n      <footer>\n        <div><a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a><\/div>\n        <div><a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flwrstudio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a><\/div>\n      <\/footer>\n    <\/div>\n\n    <div id=\"about\">\n  <div class=\"close\"><img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/3-about\/x.png\"><\/div>\n  <div class=\"large-text\"><p><br><\/p>\n<p>Flower Studio is a desk, floating between Berlin and Stockholm, occupied by Michael S. Bekele. The studio's roots lie within visual communication, writing and cultural production . For the past 4 years the desk has gladly rendered direction and writing services, while at the same time maintaining a loose and open artistic practice. Since the studio's establishment in 2017 there has been a continuous effort to develop and adapt to ever changing external and internal landscapes, which has led to an eclectic mix of different projects. <\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>Some notable and recent projects include: <strong>1)<\/strong> The audio drama <em>H\u00e4rifr\u00e5n<\/em> released on Storytel in 2022, which was directed and produced by Michael S. Bekele and co-created and written with Jason Diakit\u00e9. <em>H\u00e4rifr\u00e5n<\/em> was awarded with the <em>Golden Ear<\/em> by the <em>Swedish Radio Academy<\/em> for best entertainment podcast in 2023. <strong>2)<\/strong> The short film <em>Black Square<\/em> written and directed by the aforementioned and produced by Gambio Film and Film I V\u00e4st with support from the Swedish Film Institute. The short film premieres at the Uppsala Short Film Festival in 2024. <strong>3)<\/strong> The Masked I, acquired into the collection of R\u00f6hsska Museet in Gothenburg in 2024, consisting of a sculpture and performance lecture, filmed by Senay Berhe.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>The studio thrives most under collaborations of all sorts. If you are a past or current comrade, then many thanks. If you are a future one, then welcome! The ambition is to explore and empathise with the human condition, while creating life affirming and healing narratives. Michael S. Bekele is entangled with a language based practice centred around the somatic and subconscious. Furthermore he is engaged in organisations, as the chairperson for <em>Black Archives Sweden<\/em> in Malm\u00f6 and the co-founder of the artist run community space <em>Munnen<\/em> in Stockholm.<\/p><\/div>\n  <div class=\"people\">\n      <\/div>\n  <div class=\"imprint\">\n    <div class=\"small-text\">IMPRINT<\/div>\n    <div class=\"columns\">\n      <img class=\"bird left\" src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/3-about\/left-bird.png\">\n      <div>Flower Studio<\/div><div>\u00c5s\u00f6gatan 140<\/div><div>116 24 Stockholm<\/div><div>FLWR Studio AB<\/div><div>Org. Number: 559187\u20131677<\/div><div><\/div><div>All content \u00a9 Flower<\/div><div>Illustrations \u00a9 Nils Gunnars<\/div><div>All rights reserved 2023<\/div>\n      <img class=\"bird right\" src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/3-about\/right-bird.png\">\n    <\/div>\n  <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n    <div id=\"grid\">\n      <div class=\"header\">\n        <div class=\"name\">\n          <div id=\"project-ticker\">\n            <div id=\"ticker-co\"><\/div>\n            <div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>          <\/div>\n        <\/div>\n        <nav><a href=\"#\">About<\/a><\/nav>\n      <\/div>\n      \n      <div class=\"wrapproject\" id=\"greeting\" data-title=\"Let's grab that coffee!\" data-color=\"#ffffff\">\n  <div class=\"project\">\n            <blockquote><p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0376.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>I am looking forward to a fall willed with plenty of pleasant things. While in Berlin I will write, write and write. On my monthly stints back to Sweden I will play, play and play.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_5085.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>Hmm, otherwise? The short film I've been working for the last two years has found its festival where it will premiere. The Uppsala Short Film Festival. Can you believe it? It's called Black Square and I'm quite proud of it.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8374.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>And the audio drama which I got to direct, produce and co-create won the \"Golden Ear\" for best entertainment podcast by the Swedish Radio Academy. It felt very gratifying to win the prize and share it with all the wonderful and gorgeous people who worked with me on it. It's called H\u00e4rifr\u00e5n and you can find it on Storytel.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8912.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>The script writing program I'm in is nearing its end. It's been a fantastic ride which has given me the opportunity to develop some projects. I have two feature films and a TV show under my belt. Giddy up!<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0631.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>A museum in Gothenburg, R\u00f6hsska, bought one of my artworks. It's a sculpture, a mask, fittingly titled \"The Masked I\". It has now entered their collection and will be part of  their permanent exhibition which opens this fall. I will be performing a performance lecture at R\u00f6hsska in line with the opening of the exhibition. A bit out of my comfort zone but that's just how I like it.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0423.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>Oh, you gotta go? Good luck with your therapy and taxes. Yes, talk soon! Say hi to my future self, won't you?<\/p><\/blockquote>\n        <blockquote><p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p><\/blockquote><\/div>\n  <div class=\"project-left\"><\/div><div class=\"project-right\"><\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\t  <footer>\n        <div><a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a><\/div>\n        <div><a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flower.studio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a><\/div>\n      <\/footer>\n    <\/div>\n\n    <script src=\"https:\/\/ajax.googleapis.com\/ajax\/libs\/jquery\/3.2.1\/jquery.min.js\"><\/script>\n<script src=\"\/assets\/jquery.visible.js\"><\/script>\n<script>\n  $(\".wrapproject\").each(function() {\n    $(this).data(\"ticker-margin\", - $(\"#ticker-\" + this.id).position().top)\n  })\n\n  var switched = false\n\n  $(window).bind(\"scroll\", function() {\n    $(\".wrapproject\").each(function() {\n      if (Math.abs($(this).offset().top + $(this).height()\/2 - $(window).scrollTop() - ($(window).height() \/ 2)) < $(window).height() \/ 3) {\n        $(\"#ticker-co\").css(\"margin-top\", $(this).data(\"ticker-margin\"))\n        $(\"#grid\").css(\"background\", $(this).data(\"color\"))\n      }\n    })\n  })\n  \n  var o = $(\"#splash\"), w = 0, h = 0,\n    c = [\n    \t[255, 0, 0], \/\/ [0] top left\n        [255, 242, 0], \/\/ [1] top right\n        [0, 43, 255], \/\/ [2] bottom right\n        [34, 255, 0]], \/\/ [3] bottom left\n    gw = function() { w = o.width(), h = o.height() };\n    \n  $(window).resize(gw).mousemove(function(e) {\n\tvar dx = e.pageX \/ w, dy = e.pageY \/ h;\n    var ws = [(1-dx)*(1-dy), dx*(1-dy), dx*dy, (1-dx)*dy];\n    rgb = [\n        Math.round(c[0][0]*ws[0] + c[1][0]*ws[1] + c[2][0]*ws[2] + c[3][0]*ws[3]),\n        Math.round(c[0][1]*ws[0] + c[1][1]*ws[1] + c[2][1]*ws[2] + c[3][1]*ws[3]),\n        Math.round(c[0][2]*ws[0] + c[1][2]*ws[1] + c[2][2]*ws[2] + c[3][2]*ws[3])\n    ];\n    o.css('background','rgb('+rgb.join(',')+')');\n  }).resize();\n\n  \n  function about() {\n    $(\"#about\").fadeOut(200)\n    $(\"body\").css(\"overflow\", \"initial\")\n  }\n\n  \/* bind it to scroll, click and tap of splash screen *\/\n  $(\"#about .close\").bind(\"click touchstart\", about)\n\n  \/* show about screen on nav click *\/\n  $(\"nav\").click(function(e) {\n    e.preventDefault()\n    $(\"body\").css(\"overflow\", \"hidden\")\n    $(\"#about\").show()\n  })\n\n  \/* \"how we work\" animations *\/\n  function how_animate(e) {\n    $(e.target).data(\"src\", this.src)\n    r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1\n    this.src = this.src.replace(\".png\", r + \".gif\")\n  }\n  function how_stop(e) {\n    $(e.target).attr(\"src\", $(e.target).data(\"src\"))\n  }\n  $(\"#how img.ani\").bind(\"mouseover\", how_animate).bind(\"mouseout\", how_stop)\n\n  \/* slideshow function *\/\n  $.fn.nextaround = function(s) { var n = this.next(s); return (n.length) ? 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                            "description": "HTTP\/3 is the third major version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to exchange information on the World Wide Web.",
                            "slug": "http-3",
                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 19,
                                    "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                    "priority": 10
                            "confidence": 100,
                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "HTTP3.svg",
                            "website": "https:\/\/httpwg.org\/",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
                    "axe": {
                        "testEngine": "4.4.1",
                        "violations": [
                                "id": "image-alt",
                                "impact": "critical",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures <img> elements have alternate text or a role of none or presentation",
                                "help": "Images must have alternate text",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/image-alt?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/flower-studio-blommen.png\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            "figure:nth-child(1) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0376.jpg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".middle.large:nth-child(2) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_5085.jpg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".middle.large:nth-child(4) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8374.jpg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".middle.large:nth-child(6) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8912.jpg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".middle.large:nth-child(8) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0631.jpg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".middle.large:nth-child(10) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0423.jpg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".middle.large:nth-child(12) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                "id": "scrollable-region-focusable",
                                "impact": "moderate",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensure elements that have scrollable content are accessible by keyboard",
                                "help": "Scrollable region must have keyboard access",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/scrollable-region-focusable?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "focusable-content",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "moderate",
                                                "message": "Element should have focusable content"
                                                "id": "focusable-element",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "moderate",
                                                "message": "Element should be focusable"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "moderate",
                                        "html": "<div class=\"project\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element should have focusable content\n  Element should be focusable"
                        "passes": [
                                "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures aria-hidden='true' is not present on the document body.",
                                "help": "aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-hidden-body?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "No aria-hidden attribute is present on document body"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<body>",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                "impact": "serious",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
                                "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "bgColor": "#dddddd",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 15.460000000000001,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 15.46"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "bgColor": "#dddddd",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 15.460000000000001,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 15.46"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".header > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                                "id": "document-title",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures each HTML document contains a non-empty <title> element",
                                "help": "Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/document-title?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "doc-has-title",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Document has a non-empty <title> element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures every id attribute value is unique",
                                "help": "id attribute value must be unique",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "splash",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"splash\" class=\"test\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "about",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"about\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "grid",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"grid\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "project-ticker",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"project-ticker\">\n            <div id=\"ticker-co\"><\/div>\n            <div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>          <\/div>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "ticker-co",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"ticker-co\"><\/div>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "ticker-greeting",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "greeting",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div class=\"wrapproject\" id=\"greeting\" data-title=\"Let's grab that coffee!\" data-color=\"#ffffff\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "html-has-lang",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures every HTML document has a lang attribute",
                                "help": "<html> element must have a lang attribute",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-has-lang?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-lang",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "The <html> element has a lang attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "html-lang-valid",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures the lang attribute of the <html> element has a valid value",
                                "help": "<html> element must have a valid value for the lang attribute",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-lang-valid?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "valid-lang",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Value of lang attribute is included in the list of valid languages"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "link-name",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
                                "help": "Links must have discernible text",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-visible-text",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#splash > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
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                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flwrstudio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_blank\"]"
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".header > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#grid > footer > div:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"]"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-visible-text",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
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                                        "target": [
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                                "help": "Interactive controls must not be nested",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/nested-interactive?application=axeAPI",
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                                        "impact": "serious",
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                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
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                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"]"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
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                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flwrstudio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_blank\"]"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
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                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(1) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>I am looking forward to a fall willed with plenty of pleasant things. While in Berlin I will write, write and write. On my monthly stints back to Sweden I will play, play and play.<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(3) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>Hmm, otherwise? The short film I've been working for the last two years has found its festival where it will premiere. The Uppsala Short Film Festival. Can you believe it? It's called Black Square and I'm quite proud of it.<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(5) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(7) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>The script writing program I'm in is nearing its end. It's been a fantastic ride which has given me the opportunity to develop some projects. I have two feature films and a TV show under my belt. Giddy up!<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(9) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(11) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>Oh, you gotta go? Good luck with your therapy and taxes. Yes, talk soon! Say hi to my future self, won't you?<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(13) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(14) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#grid > footer > div:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"]"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flower.studio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#grid > footer > div:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_blank\"]"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                "id": "video-caption",
                                "impact": "critical",
                                "tags": [
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                                "help": "<video> elements must have captions",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/video-caption?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/small-version.mp4\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "figure:nth-child(4) > video"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "caption",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/svart-feed.mov\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "figure:nth-child(6) > video"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "caption",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/final_timbuktu_storytel_4x5.mov\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "figure:nth-child(7) > video"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/the-pilgrimage_final_1.mp4\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "figure:nth-child(9) > video"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that captions is available for the element"
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Bekele. The studio's roots lie within visual communication, writing and cultural production . For the past 4 years the desk has gladly rendered direction and writing services, while at the same time maintaining a loose and open artistic practice. Since the studio's establishment in 2017 there has been a continuous effort to develop and adapt to ever changing external and internal landscapes, which has led to an eclectic mix of different projects. <\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>Some notable and recent projects include: <strong>1)<\/strong> The audio drama <em>H\u00e4rifr\u00e5n<\/em> released on Storytel in 2022, which was directed and produced by Michael S. Bekele and co-created and written with Jason Diakit\u00e9. <em>H\u00e4rifr\u00e5n<\/em> was awarded with the <em>Golden Ear<\/em> by the <em>Swedish Radio Academy<\/em> for best entertainment podcast in 2023. <strong>2)<\/strong> The short film <em>Black Square<\/em> written and directed by the aforementioned and produced by Gambio Film and Film I V\u00e4st with support from the Swedish Film Institute. The short film premieres at the Uppsala Short Film Festival in 2024. <strong>3)<\/strong> The Masked I, acquired into the collection of R\u00f6hsska Museet in Gothenburg in 2024, consisting of a sculpture and performance lecture, filmed by Senay Berhe.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>The studio thrives most under collaborations of all sorts. If you are a past or current comrade, then many thanks. If you are a future one, then welcome! The ambition is to explore and empathise with the human condition, while creating life affirming and healing narratives. Michael S. Bekele is entangled with a language based practice centred around the somatic and subconscious. Furthermore he is engaged in organisations, as the chairperson for <em>Black Archives Sweden<\/em> in Malm\u00f6 and the co-founder of the artist run community space <em>Munnen<\/em> in Stockholm.<\/p><\/div>\n  <div class=\"people\">\n      <\/div>\n  <div class=\"imprint\">\n    <div class=\"small-text\">IMPRINT<\/div>\n    <div class=\"columns\">\n      <img class=\"bird left\" src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/3-about\/left-bird.png\">\n      <div>Flower Studio<\/div><div>\u00c5s\u00f6gatan 140<\/div><div>116 24 Stockholm<\/div><div>FLWR Studio AB<\/div><div>Org. Number: 559187\u20131677<\/div><div><\/div><div>All content \u00a9 Flower<\/div><div>Illustrations \u00a9 Nils Gunnars<\/div><div>All rights reserved 2023<\/div>\n      <img class=\"bird right\" src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/3-about\/right-bird.png\">\n    <\/div>\n  <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n    <div id=\"grid\">\n      <div class=\"header\">\n        <div class=\"name\">\n          <div id=\"project-ticker\">\n            <div id=\"ticker-co\"><\/div>\n            <div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>          <\/div>\n        <\/div>\n        <nav><a href=\"#\">About<\/a><\/nav>\n      <\/div>\n      \n      <div class=\"wrapproject\" id=\"greeting\" data-title=\"Let's grab that coffee!\" data-color=\"#ffffff\">\n  <div class=\"project\">\n            <blockquote><p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0376.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>I am looking forward to a fall willed with plenty of pleasant things. While in Berlin I will write, write and write. On my monthly stints back to Sweden I will play, play and play.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_5085.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>Hmm, otherwise? The short film I've been working for the last two years has found its festival where it will premiere. The Uppsala Short Film Festival. Can you believe it? It's called Black Square and I'm quite proud of it.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8374.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>And the audio drama which I got to direct, produce and co-create won the \"Golden Ear\" for best entertainment podcast by the Swedish Radio Academy. It felt very gratifying to win the prize and share it with all the wonderful and gorgeous people who worked with me on it. It's called H\u00e4rifr\u00e5n and you can find it on Storytel.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8912.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>The script writing program I'm in is nearing its end. It's been a fantastic ride which has given me the opportunity to develop some projects. I have two feature films and a TV show under my belt. Giddy up!<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0631.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>A museum in Gothenburg, R\u00f6hsska, bought one of my artworks. It's a sculpture, a mask, fittingly titled \"The Masked I\". It has now entered their collection and will be part of  their permanent exhibition which opens this fall. I will be performing a performance lecture at R\u00f6hsska in line with the opening of the exhibition. A bit out of my comfort zone but that's just how I like it.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0423.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>Oh, you gotta go? Good luck with your therapy and taxes. Yes, talk soon! Say hi to my future self, won't you?<\/p><\/blockquote>\n        <blockquote><p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p><\/blockquote><\/div>\n  <div class=\"project-left\"><\/div><div class=\"project-right\"><\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\t  <footer>\n        <div><a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a><\/div>\n        <div><a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flower.studio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a><\/div>\n      <\/footer>\n    <\/div>\n\n    <script src=\"https:\/\/ajax.googleapis.com\/ajax\/libs\/jquery\/3.2.1\/jquery.min.js\"><\/script>\n<script src=\"\/assets\/jquery.visible.js\"><\/script>\n<script>\n  $(\".wrapproject\").each(function() {\n    $(this).data(\"ticker-margin\", - $(\"#ticker-\" + this.id).position().top)\n  })\n\n  var switched = false\n\n  $(window).bind(\"scroll\", function() {\n    $(\".wrapproject\").each(function() {\n      if (Math.abs($(this).offset().top + $(this).height()\/2 - $(window).scrollTop() - ($(window).height() \/ 2)) < $(window).height() \/ 3) {\n        $(\"#ticker-co\").css(\"margin-top\", $(this).data(\"ticker-margin\"))\n        $(\"#grid\").css(\"background\", $(this).data(\"color\"))\n      }\n    })\n  })\n  \n  var o = $(\"#splash\"), w = 0, h = 0,\n    c = [\n    \t[255, 0, 0], \/\/ [0] top left\n        [255, 242, 0], \/\/ [1] top right\n        [0, 43, 255], \/\/ [2] bottom right\n        [34, 255, 0]], \/\/ [3] bottom left\n    gw = function() { w = o.width(), h = o.height() };\n    \n  $(window).resize(gw).mousemove(function(e) {\n\tvar dx = e.pageX \/ w, dy = e.pageY \/ h;\n    var ws = [(1-dx)*(1-dy), dx*(1-dy), dx*dy, (1-dx)*dy];\n    rgb = [\n        Math.round(c[0][0]*ws[0] + c[1][0]*ws[1] + c[2][0]*ws[2] + c[3][0]*ws[3]),\n        Math.round(c[0][1]*ws[0] + c[1][1]*ws[1] + c[2][1]*ws[2] + c[3][1]*ws[3]),\n        Math.round(c[0][2]*ws[0] + c[1][2]*ws[1] + c[2][2]*ws[2] + c[3][2]*ws[3])\n    ];\n    o.css('background','rgb('+rgb.join(',')+')');\n  }).resize();\n\n  \n  function about() {\n    $(\"#about\").fadeOut(200)\n    $(\"body\").css(\"overflow\", \"initial\")\n  }\n\n  \/* bind it to scroll, click and tap of splash screen *\/\n  $(\"#about .close\").bind(\"click touchstart\", about)\n\n  \/* show about screen on nav click *\/\n  $(\"nav\").click(function(e) {\n    e.preventDefault()\n    $(\"body\").css(\"overflow\", \"hidden\")\n    $(\"#about\").show()\n  })\n\n  \/* \"how we work\" animations *\/\n  function how_animate(e) {\n    $(e.target).data(\"src\", this.src)\n    r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1\n    this.src = this.src.replace(\".png\", r + \".gif\")\n  }\n  function how_stop(e) {\n    $(e.target).attr(\"src\", $(e.target).data(\"src\"))\n  }\n  $(\"#how img.ani\").bind(\"mouseover\", how_animate).bind(\"mouseout\", how_stop)\n\n  \/* slideshow function *\/\n  $.fn.nextaround = function(s) { var n = this.next(s); return (n.length) ? 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                                    "slug": "analytics",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Analytics",
                                    "priority": 9
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                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "Google Analytics.svg",
                            "website": "http:\/\/google.com\/analytics",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
                            "name": "Open Graph",
                            "description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
                            "slug": "open-graph",
                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 19,
                                    "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                    "priority": 10
                            "confidence": 100,
                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "Open Graph.png",
                            "website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
                            "name": "HTTP\/3",
                            "description": "HTTP\/3 is the third major version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to exchange information on the World Wide Web.",
                            "slug": "http-3",
                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 19,
                                    "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                    "priority": 10
                            "confidence": 100,
                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "HTTP3.svg",
                            "website": "https:\/\/httpwg.org\/",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
                    "axe": {
                        "testEngine": "4.4.1",
                        "violations": [
                                "id": "image-alt",
                                "impact": "critical",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures <img> elements have alternate text or a role of none or presentation",
                                "help": "Images must have alternate text",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/image-alt?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/flower-studio-blommen.png\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            "figure:nth-child(1) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0376.jpg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".middle.large:nth-child(2) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_5085.jpg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".middle.large:nth-child(4) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8374.jpg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".middle.large:nth-child(6) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8912.jpg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".middle.large:nth-child(8) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0631.jpg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".middle.large:nth-child(10) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-alt",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element does not have an alt attribute"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                                "id": "presentational-role",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0423.jpg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".middle.large:nth-child(12) > img"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element does not have an alt attribute\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\""
                                "id": "scrollable-region-focusable",
                                "impact": "moderate",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensure elements that have scrollable content are accessible by keyboard",
                                "help": "Scrollable region must have keyboard access",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/scrollable-region-focusable?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "focusable-content",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "moderate",
                                                "message": "Element should have focusable content"
                                                "id": "focusable-element",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "moderate",
                                                "message": "Element should be focusable"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "moderate",
                                        "html": "<div class=\"project\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element should have focusable content\n  Element should be focusable"
                        "passes": [
                                "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures aria-hidden='true' is not present on the document body.",
                                "help": "aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-hidden-body?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "No aria-hidden attribute is present on document body"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<body>",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                "impact": "serious",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
                                "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "bgColor": "#dddddd",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 15.460000000000001,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 15.46"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "bgColor": "#dddddd",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 15.460000000000001,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 15.46"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".header > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                                "id": "document-title",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures each HTML document contains a non-empty <title> element",
                                "help": "Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/document-title?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "doc-has-title",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Document has a non-empty <title> element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures every id attribute value is unique",
                                "help": "id attribute value must be unique",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "splash",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"splash\" class=\"test\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "about",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"about\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "grid",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"grid\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "project-ticker",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"project-ticker\">\n            <div id=\"ticker-co\"><\/div>\n            <div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>          <\/div>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "ticker-co",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"ticker-co\"><\/div>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": "ticker-greeting",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "duplicate-id",
                                                "data": "greeting",
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div class=\"wrapproject\" id=\"greeting\" data-title=\"Let's grab that coffee!\" data-color=\"#ffffff\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "html-has-lang",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures every HTML document has a lang attribute",
                                "help": "<html> element must have a lang attribute",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-has-lang?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-lang",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "The <html> element has a lang attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "html-lang-valid",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures the lang attribute of the <html> element has a valid value",
                                "help": "<html> element must have a valid value for the lang attribute",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-lang-valid?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "valid-lang",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Value of lang attribute is included in the list of valid languages"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "link-name",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
                                "help": "Links must have discernible text",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-visible-text",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#splash > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"]"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flwrstudio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_blank\"]"
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".header > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-visible-text",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
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                                        "none": [
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                                "help": "Interactive controls must not be nested",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/nested-interactive?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
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                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/bypass?application=axeAPI",
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                                "impact": "serious",
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                                "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
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                                        "impact": "serious",
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                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
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                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"#\">About<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#splash > nav > a[href=\"#\"]"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                        "any": [
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                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
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                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<div id=\"splash\" class=\"test\">",
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                                                "impact": "serious",
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                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"]"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": {
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                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
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                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<div id=\"splash\" class=\"test\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flwrstudio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#splash > footer > div:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_blank\"]"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(1) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>I am looking forward to a fall willed with plenty of pleasant things. While in Berlin I will write, write and write. On my monthly stints back to Sweden I will play, play and play.<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(3) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>Hmm, otherwise? The short film I've been working for the last two years has found its festival where it will premiere. The Uppsala Short Film Festival. Can you believe it? It's called Black Square and I'm quite proud of it.<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(5) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(7) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>The script writing program I'm in is nearing its end. It's been a fantastic ride which has given me the opportunity to develop some projects. I have two feature films and a TV show under my belt. Giddy up!<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(9) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(11) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>Oh, you gotta go? Good luck with your therapy and taxes. Yes, talk soon! Say hi to my future self, won't you?<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(13) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "blockquote:nth-child(14) > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#grid > footer > div:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"]"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#000000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flower.studio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "#grid > footer > div:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_blank\"]"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                "id": "video-caption",
                                "impact": "critical",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures <video> elements have captions",
                                "help": "<video> elements must have captions",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/video-caption?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "caption",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/small-version.mp4\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "figure:nth-child(4) > video"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "caption",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/svart-feed.mov\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "figure:nth-child(6) > video"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "caption",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/final_timbuktu_storytel_4x5.mov\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "figure:nth-child(7) > video"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "caption",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Check that captions is available for the element"
                                        "impact": "critical",
                                        "html": "<video src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/4-slideshow\/the-pilgrimage_final_1.mp4\" muted=\"\" playsinline=\"\"><\/video>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "figure:nth-child(9) > video"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Check that captions is available for the element"
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                    "base_page_dns_server": "ns1.loopiagroup.com",
                    "browser_name": "Chrome",
                    "eventName": "Step_1",
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                    "custom": [
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Bekele. The studio's roots lie within visual communication, writing and cultural production . For the past 4 years the desk has gladly rendered direction and writing services, while at the same time maintaining a loose and open artistic practice. Since the studio's establishment in 2017 there has been a continuous effort to develop and adapt to ever changing external and internal landscapes, which has led to an eclectic mix of different projects. <\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>Some notable and recent projects include: <strong>1)<\/strong> The audio drama <em>H\u00e4rifr\u00e5n<\/em> released on Storytel in 2022, which was directed and produced by Michael S. Bekele and co-created and written with Jason Diakit\u00e9. <em>H\u00e4rifr\u00e5n<\/em> was awarded with the <em>Golden Ear<\/em> by the <em>Swedish Radio Academy<\/em> for best entertainment podcast in 2023. <strong>2)<\/strong> The short film <em>Black Square<\/em> written and directed by the aforementioned and produced by Gambio Film and Film I V\u00e4st with support from the Swedish Film Institute. The short film premieres at the Uppsala Short Film Festival in 2024. <strong>3)<\/strong> The Masked I, acquired into the collection of R\u00f6hsska Museet in Gothenburg in 2024, consisting of a sculpture and performance lecture, filmed by Senay Berhe.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>The studio thrives most under collaborations of all sorts. If you are a past or current comrade, then many thanks. If you are a future one, then welcome! The ambition is to explore and empathise with the human condition, while creating life affirming and healing narratives. Michael S. Bekele is entangled with a language based practice centred around the somatic and subconscious. Furthermore he is engaged in organisations, as the chairperson for <em>Black Archives Sweden<\/em> in Malm\u00f6 and the co-founder of the artist run community space <em>Munnen<\/em> in Stockholm.<\/p><\/div>\n  <div class=\"people\">\n      <\/div>\n  <div class=\"imprint\">\n    <div class=\"small-text\">IMPRINT<\/div>\n    <div class=\"columns\">\n      <img class=\"bird left\" src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/3-about\/left-bird.png\">\n      <div>Flower Studio<\/div><div>\u00c5s\u00f6gatan 140<\/div><div>116 24 Stockholm<\/div><div>FLWR Studio AB<\/div><div>Org. Number: 559187\u20131677<\/div><div><\/div><div>All content \u00a9 Flower<\/div><div>Illustrations \u00a9 Nils Gunnars<\/div><div>All rights reserved 2023<\/div>\n      <img class=\"bird right\" src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/3-about\/right-bird.png\">\n    <\/div>\n  <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n    <div id=\"grid\">\n      <div class=\"header\">\n        <div class=\"name\">\n          <div id=\"project-ticker\">\n            <div id=\"ticker-co\"><\/div>\n            <div id=\"ticker-greeting\">Let's grab that coffee!<\/div>          <\/div>\n        <\/div>\n        <nav><a href=\"#\">About<\/a><\/nav>\n      <\/div>\n      \n      <div class=\"wrapproject\" id=\"greeting\" data-title=\"Let's grab that coffee!\" data-color=\"#ffffff\">\n  <div class=\"project\">\n            <blockquote><p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0376.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>I am looking forward to a fall willed with plenty of pleasant things. While in Berlin I will write, write and write. On my monthly stints back to Sweden I will play, play and play.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_5085.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>Hmm, otherwise? The short film I've been working for the last two years has found its festival where it will premiere. The Uppsala Short Film Festival. Can you believe it? It's called Black Square and I'm quite proud of it.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8374.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>And the audio drama which I got to direct, produce and co-create won the \"Golden Ear\" for best entertainment podcast by the Swedish Radio Academy. It felt very gratifying to win the prize and share it with all the wonderful and gorgeous people who worked with me on it. It's called H\u00e4rifr\u00e5n and you can find it on Storytel.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_8912.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>The script writing program I'm in is nearing its end. It's been a fantastic ride which has given me the opportunity to develop some projects. I have two feature films and a TV show under my belt. Giddy up!<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0631.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>A museum in Gothenburg, R\u00f6hsska, bought one of my artworks. It's a sculpture, a mask, fittingly titled \"The Masked I\". It has now entered their collection and will be part of  their permanent exhibition which opens this fall. I will be performing a performance lecture at R\u00f6hsska in line with the opening of the exhibition. A bit out of my comfort zone but that's just how I like it.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n                      <figure class=\"middle large\">\n                <img src=\"https:\/\/flower.studio\/content\/1-greeting\/img_0423.jpg\">              <\/figure>\n                <blockquote><p>Oh, you gotta go? Good luck with your therapy and taxes. Yes, talk soon! Say hi to my future self, won't you?<\/p><\/blockquote>\n        <blockquote><p>Hello my friend, how have you been? Summer has come and gone. Isn't that such an interesting thing with summer, either just about to arrive or recently passed, with such a short window in between. Well, I've actually had a splendid summer with a lot of ice cream.<\/p><\/blockquote><\/div>\n  <div class=\"project-left\"><\/div><div class=\"project-right\"><\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\t  <footer>\n        <div><a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a><\/div>\n        <div><a href=\"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/flower.studio\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a><\/div>\n      <\/footer>\n    <\/div>\n\n    <script src=\"https:\/\/ajax.googleapis.com\/ajax\/libs\/jquery\/3.2.1\/jquery.min.js\"><\/script>\n<script src=\"\/assets\/jquery.visible.js\"><\/script>\n<script>\n  $(\".wrapproject\").each(function() {\n    $(this).data(\"ticker-margin\", - $(\"#ticker-\" + this.id).position().top)\n  })\n\n  var switched = false\n\n  $(window).bind(\"scroll\", function() {\n    $(\".wrapproject\").each(function() {\n      if (Math.abs($(this).offset().top + $(this).height()\/2 - $(window).scrollTop() - ($(window).height() \/ 2)) < $(window).height() \/ 3) {\n        $(\"#ticker-co\").css(\"margin-top\", $(this).data(\"ticker-margin\"))\n        $(\"#grid\").css(\"background\", $(this).data(\"color\"))\n      }\n    })\n  })\n  \n  var o = $(\"#splash\"), w = 0, h = 0,\n    c = [\n    \t[255, 0, 0], \/\/ [0] top left\n        [255, 242, 0], \/\/ [1] top right\n        [0, 43, 255], \/\/ [2] bottom right\n        [34, 255, 0]], \/\/ [3] bottom left\n    gw = function() { w = o.width(), h = o.height() };\n    \n  $(window).resize(gw).mousemove(function(e) {\n\tvar dx = e.pageX \/ w, dy = e.pageY \/ h;\n    var ws = [(1-dx)*(1-dy), dx*(1-dy), dx*dy, (1-dx)*dy];\n    rgb = [\n        Math.round(c[0][0]*ws[0] + c[1][0]*ws[1] + c[2][0]*ws[2] + c[3][0]*ws[3]),\n        Math.round(c[0][1]*ws[0] + c[1][1]*ws[1] + c[2][1]*ws[2] + c[3][1]*ws[3]),\n        Math.round(c[0][2]*ws[0] + c[1][2]*ws[1] + c[2][2]*ws[2] + c[3][2]*ws[3])\n    ];\n    o.css('background','rgb('+rgb.join(',')+')');\n  }).resize();\n\n  \n  function about() {\n    $(\"#about\").fadeOut(200)\n    $(\"body\").css(\"overflow\", \"initial\")\n  }\n\n  \/* bind it to scroll, click and tap of splash screen *\/\n  $(\"#about .close\").bind(\"click touchstart\", about)\n\n  \/* show about screen on nav click *\/\n  $(\"nav\").click(function(e) {\n    e.preventDefault()\n    $(\"body\").css(\"overflow\", \"hidden\")\n    $(\"#about\").show()\n  })\n\n  \/* \"how we work\" animations *\/\n  function how_animate(e) {\n    $(e.target).data(\"src\", this.src)\n    r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1\n    this.src = this.src.replace(\".png\", r + \".gif\")\n  }\n  function how_stop(e) {\n    $(e.target).attr(\"src\", $(e.target).data(\"src\"))\n  }\n  $(\"#how img.ani\").bind(\"mouseover\", how_animate).bind(\"mouseout\", how_stop)\n\n  \/* slideshow function *\/\n  $.fn.nextaround = function(s) { var n = this.next(s); return (n.length) ? 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