"data": {
"id": "240906_BiDcPX_999",
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/",
"summary": "https:\/\/www.webpagetest.org\/results.php?test=240906_BiDcPX_999",
"testUrl": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/",
"location": "FRA_DE_02:Chrome",
"from": "Frankfurt, Germany - <b>Chrome<\/b> - <b>Cable<\/b>",
"connectivity": "Cable",
"bwDown": 5000,
"bwUp": 1000,
"latency": 28,
"plr": "0",
"shaperLimit": 0,
"mobile": 0,
"completed": 1725630160,
"testRuns": 1,
"fvonly": false,
"successfulFVRuns": 1,
"successfulRVRuns": 1,
"lighthouse": {
"lighthouseVersion": "11.4.0",
"requestedUrl": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/",
"mainDocumentUrl": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/",
"finalDisplayedUrl": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/",
"finalUrl": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/",
"fetchTime": "2024-09-06T13:42:09.824Z",
"gatherMode": "navigation",
"runWarnings": [],
"userAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
"environment": {
"networkUserAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36 PTST\/24.09",
"hostUserAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
"benchmarkIndex": 1249.5,
"credits": {
"axe-core": "4.10.0"
"audits": {
"is-on-https": {
"id": "is-on-https",
"title": "Uses HTTPS",
"description": "All sites should be protected with HTTPS, even ones that don't handle sensitive data. This includes avoiding [mixed content](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/fundamentals\/security\/prevent-mixed-content\/what-is-mixed-content), where some resources are loaded over HTTP despite the initial request being served over HTTPS. HTTPS prevents intruders from tampering with or passively listening in on the communications between your app and your users, and is a prerequisite for HTTP\/2 and many new web platform APIs. [Learn more about HTTPS](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/is-on-https\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"viewport": {
"id": "viewport",
"title": "Has a `<meta name=\"viewport\">` tag with `width` or `initial-scale`",
"description": "A `<meta name=\"viewport\">` not only optimizes your app for mobile screen sizes, but also prevents [a 300 millisecond delay to user input](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/blog\/300ms-tap-delay-gone-away\/). [Learn more about using the viewport meta tag](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/viewport\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"warnings": [],
"metricSavings": {
"INP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 3
"first-contentful-paint": {
"id": "first-contentful-paint",
"title": "First Contentful Paint",
"description": "First Contentful Paint marks the time at which the first text or image is painted. [Learn more about the First Contentful Paint metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/first-contentful-paint\/).",
"score": 0.90000000000000002,
"scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
"numericValue": 922.05799999999999,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "0.9\u00a0s",
"scoringOptions": {
"p10": 934,
"median": 1600
"largest-contentful-paint": {
"id": "largest-contentful-paint",
"title": "Largest Contentful Paint",
"description": "Largest Contentful Paint marks the time at which the largest text or image is painted. [Learn more about the Largest Contentful Paint metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/lighthouse-largest-contentful-paint\/)",
"score": 0.95999999999999996,
"scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
"numericValue": 922.05799999999999,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "0.9\u00a0s",
"scoringOptions": {
"p10": 1200,
"median": 2400
"first-meaningful-paint": {
"id": "first-meaningful-paint",
"title": "First Meaningful Paint",
"description": "First Meaningful Paint measures when the primary content of a page is visible. [Learn more about the First Meaningful Paint metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/first-meaningful-paint\/).",
"score": 0.90000000000000002,
"scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
"numericValue": 922.05799999999999,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "0.9\u00a0s"
"speed-index": {
"id": "speed-index",
"title": "Speed Index",
"description": "Speed Index shows how quickly the contents of a page are visibly populated. [Learn more about the Speed Index metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/speed-index\/).",
"score": 0.98999999999999999,
"scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
"numericValue": 879,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "0.9\u00a0s",
"scoringOptions": {
"p10": 1311,
"median": 2300
"screenshot-thumbnails": {
"id": "screenshot-thumbnails",
"title": "Screenshot Thumbnails",
"description": "This is what the load of your site looked like.",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"details": {
"type": "filmstrip",
"scale": 3000,
"items": [
"timing": 375,
"timestamp": 2354970844,
"timing": 750,
"timestamp": 2355345844,
"timing": 1125,
"timestamp": 2355720844,
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"timing": 1500,
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"timing": 2625,
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"timing": 3000,
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"final-screenshot": {
"id": "final-screenshot",
"title": "Final Screenshot",
"description": "The last screenshot captured of the pageload.",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"details": {
"type": "screenshot",
"timing": 927,
"timestamp": 2355522442,
"data": 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"total-blocking-time": {
"id": "total-blocking-time",
"title": "Total Blocking Time",
"description": "Sum of all time periods between FCP and Time to Interactive, when task length exceeded 50ms, expressed in milliseconds. [Learn more about the Total Blocking Time metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/lighthouse-total-blocking-time\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "0\u00a0ms",
"scoringOptions": {
"p10": 150,
"median": 350
"max-potential-fid": {
"id": "max-potential-fid",
"title": "Max Potential First Input Delay",
"description": "The maximum potential First Input Delay that your users could experience is the duration of the longest task. [Learn more about the Maximum Potential First Input Delay metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/lighthouse-max-potential-fid\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
"numericValue": 16,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "20\u00a0ms"
"cumulative-layout-shift": {
"id": "cumulative-layout-shift",
"title": "Cumulative Layout Shift",
"description": "Cumulative Layout Shift measures the movement of visible elements within the viewport. [Learn more about the Cumulative Layout Shift metric](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/cls).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
"numericValue": 0.00044599574485039092,
"numericUnit": "unitless",
"displayValue": "0",
"scoringOptions": {
"p10": 0.10000000000000001,
"median": 0.25
"details": {
"type": "debugdata",
"items": [
"cumulativeLayoutShiftMainFrame": 0.00044599574485039092
"errors-in-console": {
"id": "errors-in-console",
"title": "Browser errors were logged to the console",
"description": "Errors logged to the console indicate unresolved problems. They can come from network request failures and other browser concerns. [Learn more about this errors in console diagnostic audit](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/errors-in-console\/)",
"score": 0,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "sourceLocation",
"valueType": "source-location",
"label": "Source"
"key": "description",
"valueType": "code",
"label": "Description"
"items": [
"source": "network",
"description": "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()",
"sourceLocation": {
"type": "source-location",
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/favicon.ico",
"urlProvider": "network",
"line": 0,
"column": 0
"server-response-time": {
"id": "server-response-time",
"title": "Initial server response time was short",
"description": "Keep the server response time for the main document short because all other requests depend on it. [Learn more about the Time to First Byte metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/time-to-first-byte\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"numericValue": 99.740000000000009,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "Root document took 100\u00a0ms",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [
"key": "url",
"valueType": "url",
"label": "URL"
"key": "responseTime",
"valueType": "timespanMs",
"label": "Time Spent"
"items": [
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/",
"responseTime": 99.740000000000009
"overallSavingsMs": 0
"guidanceLevel": 1
"interactive": {
"id": "interactive",
"title": "Time to Interactive",
"description": "Time to Interactive is the amount of time it takes for the page to become fully interactive. [Learn more about the Time to Interactive metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/interactive\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
"numericValue": 922.05799999999999,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "0.9\u00a0s"
"user-timings": {
"id": "user-timings",
"title": "User Timing marks and measures",
"description": "Consider instrumenting your app with the User Timing API to measure your app's real-world performance during key user experiences. [Learn more about User Timing marks](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/user-timings\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"guidanceLevel": 2
"critical-request-chains": {
"id": "critical-request-chains",
"title": "Avoid chaining critical requests",
"description": "The Critical Request Chains below show you what resources are loaded with a high priority. Consider reducing the length of chains, reducing the download size of resources, or deferring the download of unnecessary resources to improve page load. [Learn how to avoid chaining critical requests](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/critical-request-chains\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"displayValue": "2 chains found",
"details": {
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"id": "redirects",
"title": "Avoid multiple page redirects",
"description": "Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded. [Learn how to avoid page redirects](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/redirects\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "",
"metricSavings": {
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"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0
"guidanceLevel": 2
"installable-manifest": {
"id": "installable-manifest",
"title": "Web app manifest or service worker do not meet the installability requirements",
"description": "Service worker is the technology that enables your app to use many Progressive Web App features, such as offline, add to homescreen, and push notifications. With proper service worker and manifest implementations, browsers can proactively prompt users to add your app to their homescreen, which can lead to higher engagement. [Learn more about manifest installability requirements](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/installable-manifest\/).",
"score": 0,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"numericValue": 1,
"numericUnit": "element",
"displayValue": "1 reason",
"warnings": [],
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "reason",
"valueType": "text",
"label": "Failure reason"
"items": [
"reason": "Manifest start URL is not valid"
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"manifestUrl": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/site.webmanifest"
"splash-screen": {
"id": "splash-screen",
"title": "Configured for a custom splash screen",
"description": "A themed splash screen ensures a high-quality experience when users launch your app from their homescreens. [Learn more about splash screens](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/splash-screen\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "debugdata",
"items": [
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"isParseFailure": false,
"hasStartUrl": true,
"hasIconsAtLeast144px": true,
"hasIconsAtLeast512px": true,
"fetchesIcon": true,
"hasPWADisplayValue": true,
"hasBackgroundColor": true,
"hasThemeColor": true,
"hasShortName": true,
"shortNameLength": true,
"hasName": true,
"hasMaskableIcon": false
"themed-omnibox": {
"id": "themed-omnibox",
"title": "Sets a theme color for the address bar.",
"description": "The browser address bar can be themed to match your site. [Learn more about theming the address bar](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/themed-omnibox\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "debugdata",
"items": [
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"isParseFailure": false,
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"hasIconsAtLeast144px": true,
"hasIconsAtLeast512px": true,
"fetchesIcon": true,
"hasPWADisplayValue": true,
"hasBackgroundColor": true,
"hasThemeColor": true,
"hasShortName": true,
"shortNameLength": true,
"hasName": true,
"hasMaskableIcon": false
"maskable-icon": {
"id": "maskable-icon",
"title": "Manifest doesn't have a maskable icon",
"description": "A maskable icon ensures that the image fills the entire shape without being letterboxed when installing the app on a device. [Learn about maskable manifest icons](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/maskable-icon-audit\/).",
"score": 0,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
"content-width": {
"id": "content-width",
"title": "Content is sized correctly for the viewport",
"description": "If the width of your app's content doesn't match the width of the viewport, your app might not be optimized for mobile screens. [Learn how to size content for the viewport](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/content-width\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"image-aspect-ratio": {
"id": "image-aspect-ratio",
"title": "Displays images with correct aspect ratio",
"description": "Image display dimensions should match natural aspect ratio. [Learn more about image aspect ratio](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/image-aspect-ratio\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"image-size-responsive": {
"id": "image-size-responsive",
"title": "Serves images with appropriate resolution",
"description": "Image natural dimensions should be proportional to the display size and the pixel ratio to maximize image clarity. [Learn how to provide responsive images](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/serve-responsive-images).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"preload-fonts": {
"id": "preload-fonts",
"title": "Fonts with `font-display: optional` are preloaded",
"description": "Preload `optional` fonts so first-time visitors may use them. [Learn more about preloading fonts](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/preload-optional-fonts)",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"deprecations": {
"id": "deprecations",
"title": "Avoids deprecated APIs",
"description": "Deprecated APIs will eventually be removed from the browser. [Learn more about deprecated APIs](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/deprecations\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"third-party-cookies": {
"id": "third-party-cookies",
"title": "Avoids third-party cookies",
"description": "Support for third-party cookies will be removed in a future version of Chrome. [Learn more about phasing out third-party cookies](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/en\/docs\/privacy-sandbox\/third-party-cookie-phase-out\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"mainthread-work-breakdown": {
"id": "mainthread-work-breakdown",
"title": "Minimizes main-thread work",
"description": "Consider reducing the time spent parsing, compiling and executing JS. You may find delivering smaller JS payloads helps with this. [Learn how to minimize main-thread work](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/mainthread-work-breakdown\/)",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"numericValue": 272.06100000000009,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "0.3\u00a0s",
"metricSavings": {
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"type": "table",
"headings": [
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"label": "Category"
"key": "duration",
"valueType": "ms",
"granularity": 1,
"label": "Time Spent"
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"groupLabel": "Style & Layout",
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"group": "other",
"groupLabel": "Other",
"duration": 97.373000000000047
"group": "paintCompositeRender",
"groupLabel": "Rendering",
"duration": 8.227999999999998
"group": "parseHTML",
"groupLabel": "Parse HTML & CSS",
"duration": 5.4850000000000012
"group": "scriptEvaluation",
"groupLabel": "Script Evaluation",
"duration": 4.6830000000000007
"group": "scriptParseCompile",
"groupLabel": "Script Parsing & Compilation",
"duration": 0.34999999999999998
"sortedBy": [
"guidanceLevel": 1
"bootup-time": {
"id": "bootup-time",
"title": "JavaScript execution time",
"description": "Consider reducing the time spent parsing, compiling, and executing JS. You may find delivering smaller JS payloads helps with this. [Learn how to reduce Javascript execution time](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/bootup-time\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"numericValue": 3.173,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "0.0\u00a0s",
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"headings": [
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"granularity": 1,
"valueType": "ms",
"label": "Total CPU Time"
"key": "scripting",
"granularity": 1,
"valueType": "ms",
"label": "Script Evaluation"
"key": "scriptParseCompile",
"granularity": 1,
"valueType": "ms",
"label": "Script Parse"
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"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/",
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"scriptParseCompile": 0.16800000000000001
"url": "Unattributable",
"total": 81.427000000000064,
"scripting": 1.522,
"scriptParseCompile": 0
"summary": {
"wastedMs": 3.173
"sortedBy": [
"guidanceLevel": 1
"uses-rel-preload": {
"id": "uses-rel-preload",
"title": "Preload key requests",
"description": "Consider using `<link rel=preload>` to prioritize fetching resources that are currently requested later in page load. [Learn how to preload key requests](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-rel-preload\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0
"guidanceLevel": 3
"uses-rel-preconnect": {
"id": "uses-rel-preconnect",
"title": "Preconnect to required origins",
"description": "Consider adding `preconnect` or `dns-prefetch` resource hints to establish early connections to important third-party origins. [Learn how to preconnect to required origins](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-rel-preconnect\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "",
"warnings": [],
"metricSavings": {
"LCP": 0,
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"sortedBy": [
"guidanceLevel": 3
"font-display": {
"id": "font-display",
"title": "All text remains visible during webfont loads",
"description": "Leverage the `font-display` CSS feature to ensure text is user-visible while webfonts are loading. [Learn more about `font-display`](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/font-display\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"warnings": [],
"details": {
"type": "table",
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"guidanceLevel": 3
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"title": "Diagnostics",
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"numTasksOver50ms": 1,
"numTasksOver100ms": 1,
"numTasksOver500ms": 0,
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"maxRtt": 71.823000000000008,
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"totalTaskTime": 272.06099999999998,
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"id": "network-requests",
"title": "Network Requests",
"description": "Lists the network requests that were made during page load.",
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"granularity": 1,
"label": "Network End Time"
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"networkStartTimeTs": 2354597356
"network-rtt": {
"id": "network-rtt",
"title": "Network Round Trip Times",
"description": "Network round trip times (RTT) have a large impact on performance. If the RTT to an origin is high, it's an indication that servers closer to the user could improve performance. [Learn more about the Round Trip Time](https:\/\/hpbn.co\/primer-on-latency-and-bandwidth\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
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"numericUnit": "millisecond",
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"sortedBy": [
"network-server-latency": {
"id": "network-server-latency",
"title": "Server Backend Latencies",
"description": "Server latencies can impact web performance. If the server latency of an origin is high, it's an indication the server is overloaded or has poor backend performance. [Learn more about server response time](https:\/\/hpbn.co\/primer-on-web-performance\/#analyzing-the-resource-waterfall).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
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"numericUnit": "millisecond",
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"serverResponseTime": 6.3519999999999897
"sortedBy": [
"main-thread-tasks": {
"id": "main-thread-tasks",
"title": "Tasks",
"description": "Lists the toplevel main thread tasks that executed during page load.",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
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"valueType": "ms",
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"label": "Start Time"
"key": "duration",
"valueType": "ms",
"granularity": 1,
"label": "End Time"
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"startTime": 408.45499999999998
"duration": 149.66900000000001,
"startTime": 612.51900000000001
"duration": 5.923,
"startTime": 762.36199999999997
"duration": 17.015999999999998,
"startTime": 770.43799999999999
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"startTime": 787.47799999999995
"duration": 12.276,
"startTime": 800.29100000000005
"metrics": {
"id": "metrics",
"title": "Metrics",
"description": "Collects all available metrics.",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
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"numericUnit": "millisecond",
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"observedSpeedIndexTs": 2355474944
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"performance-budget": {
"id": "performance-budget",
"title": "Performance budget",
"description": "Keep the quantity and size of network requests under the targets set by the provided performance budget. [Learn more about performance budgets](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/tools\/lighthouse\/audits\/budgets).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"timing-budget": {
"id": "timing-budget",
"title": "Timing budget",
"description": "Set a timing budget to help you keep an eye on the performance of your site. Performant sites load fast and respond to user input events quickly. [Learn more about performance budgets](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/tools\/lighthouse\/audits\/budgets).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"resource-summary": {
"id": "resource-summary",
"title": "Resources Summary",
"description": "Aggregates all network requests and groups them by type",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "label",
"valueType": "text",
"label": "Resource Type"
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"label": "Requests"
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"valueType": "bytes",
"label": "Transfer Size"
"items": [
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"label": "Total",
"requestCount": 8,
"transferSize": 182362
"resourceType": "font",
"label": "Font",
"requestCount": 2,
"transferSize": 103418
"resourceType": "image",
"label": "Image",
"requestCount": 1,
"transferSize": 58990
"resourceType": "document",
"label": "Document",
"requestCount": 1,
"transferSize": 14849
"resourceType": "other",
"label": "Other",
"requestCount": 2,
"transferSize": 2328
"resourceType": "stylesheet",
"label": "Stylesheet",
"requestCount": 1,
"transferSize": 2239
"resourceType": "script",
"label": "Script",
"requestCount": 1,
"transferSize": 538
"resourceType": "media",
"label": "Media",
"requestCount": 0,
"transferSize": 0
"resourceType": "third-party",
"label": "Third-party",
"requestCount": 0,
"transferSize": 0
"third-party-summary": {
"id": "third-party-summary",
"title": "Minimize third-party usage",
"description": "Third-party code can significantly impact load performance. Limit the number of redundant third-party providers and try to load third-party code after your page has primarily finished loading. [Learn how to minimize third-party impact](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/fundamentals\/performance\/optimizing-content-efficiency\/loading-third-party-javascript\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
"metricSavings": {
"TBT": 0
"guidanceLevel": 1
"third-party-facades": {
"id": "third-party-facades",
"title": "Lazy load third-party resources with facades",
"description": "Some third-party embeds can be lazy loaded. Consider replacing them with a facade until they are required. [Learn how to defer third-parties with a facade](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/third-party-facades\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
"metricSavings": {
"TBT": 0
"guidanceLevel": 3
"largest-contentful-paint-element": {
"id": "largest-contentful-paint-element",
"title": "Largest Contentful Paint element",
"description": "This is the largest contentful element painted within the viewport. [Learn more about the Largest Contentful Paint element](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/lighthouse-largest-contentful-paint\/)",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"displayValue": "920\u00a0ms",
"metricSavings": {
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "node",
"valueType": "node",
"label": "Element"
"items": [
"node": {
"type": "node",
"lhId": "page-0-P",
"path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,MAIN,2,ARTICLE,2,DIV,3,P",
"selector": "main.main > article.post > div.post-content > p",
"boundingRect": {
"top": 575,
"bottom": 771,
"left": 603,
"right": 1303,
"width": 700,
"height": 196
"snippet": "<p>",
"nodeLabel": "Blogs were, especially in Italy, a passing phenomenon. In the early 2000s, if y\u2026"
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "phase",
"valueType": "text",
"label": "Phase"
"key": "percent",
"valueType": "text",
"label": "% of LCP"
"key": "timing",
"valueType": "ms",
"label": "Timing"
"items": [
"phase": "TTFB",
"timing": 375.66499999952316,
"percent": "41%"
"phase": "Load Delay",
"timing": 0,
"percent": "0%"
"phase": "Load Time",
"timing": 0,
"percent": "0%"
"phase": "Render Delay",
"timing": 546.39300000047683,
"percent": "59%"
"guidanceLevel": 1
"lcp-lazy-loaded": {
"id": "lcp-lazy-loaded",
"title": "Largest Contentful Paint image was not lazily loaded",
"description": "Above-the-fold images that are lazily loaded render later in the page lifecycle, which can delay the largest contentful paint. [Learn more about optimal lazy loading](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/lcp-lazy-loading).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
"metricSavings": {
"LCP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 3
"layout-shift-elements": {
"id": "layout-shift-elements",
"title": "Avoid large layout shifts",
"description": "These DOM elements were most affected by layout shifts. Some layout shifts may not be included in the CLS metric value due to [windowing](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/cls#what_is_cls). [Learn how to improve CLS](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/optimize-cls)",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"displayValue": "1 element found",
"metricSavings": {
"CLS": 0.00044599574485039092
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "node",
"valueType": "node",
"label": "Element"
"key": "score",
"valueType": "numeric",
"granularity": 0.001,
"label": "Layout shift impact"
"items": [
"node": {
"type": "node",
"lhId": "page-1-P",
"path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,MAIN,2,ARTICLE,2,DIV,5,P",
"selector": "main.main > article.post > div.post-content > p",
"boundingRect": {
"top": 939,
"bottom": 995,
"left": 603,
"right": 1303,
"width": 700,
"height": 56
"snippet": "<p>",
"nodeLabel": "For a few months, I was also part of what was then called the blog stars circui\u2026"
"score": 0.00044599574485039092
"guidanceLevel": 2
"long-tasks": {
"id": "long-tasks",
"title": "Avoid long main-thread tasks",
"description": "Lists the longest tasks on the main thread, useful for identifying worst contributors to input delay. [Learn how to avoid long main-thread tasks](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/long-tasks-devtools)",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"displayValue": "1 long task found",
"metricSavings": {
"TBT": 0
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "url",
"valueType": "url",
"label": "URL"
"key": "startTime",
"valueType": "ms",
"granularity": 1,
"label": "Start Time"
"key": "duration",
"valueType": "ms",
"granularity": 1,
"label": "Duration"
"items": [
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/",
"duration": 149.66900000000001,
"startTime": 612.51900000000001
"sortedBy": [
"skipSumming": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"urls": [
"tasks": [
"urlIndex": 0,
"startTime": 612.5,
"duration": 149.69999999999999,
"other": 1.7,
"paintCompositeRender": 5.2000000000000002,
"scriptEvaluation": 0,
"styleLayout": 142.80000000000001
"guidanceLevel": 1
"no-unload-listeners": {
"id": "no-unload-listeners",
"title": "Avoids `unload` event listeners",
"description": "The `unload` event does not fire reliably and listening for it can prevent browser optimizations like the Back-Forward Cache. Use `pagehide` or `visibilitychange` events instead. [Learn more about unload event listeners](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/bfcache#never_use_the_unload_event)",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
"non-composited-animations": {
"id": "non-composited-animations",
"title": "Avoid non-composited animations",
"description": "Animations which are not composited can be janky and increase CLS. [Learn how to avoid non-composited animations](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/non-composited-animations\/)",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
"metricSavings": {
"CLS": 0
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"guidanceLevel": 2
"unsized-images": {
"id": "unsized-images",
"title": "Image elements do not have explicit `width` and `height`",
"description": "Set an explicit width and height on image elements to reduce layout shifts and improve CLS. [Learn how to set image dimensions](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/optimize-cls#images_without_dimensions)",
"score": 0.5,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"metricSavings": {
"CLS": 0
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "node",
"valueType": "node",
"label": ""
"key": "url",
"valueType": "url",
"label": "URL"
"items": [
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/img\/logo.png",
"node": {
"type": "node",
"lhId": "1-49-IMG",
"path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,MAIN,0,HEADER,0,H1,0,A,0,IMG",
"selector": "header.header > h1.header-title > a.header-home-link > img.header-logo",
"boundingRect": {
"top": 28,
"bottom": 84,
"left": 603,
"right": 1303,
"width": 700,
"height": 56
"snippet": "<img class=\"header-logo\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/img\/logo.png\" alt=\"Go With The Flow\">",
"nodeLabel": "Go With The Flow"
"guidanceLevel": 3
"valid-source-maps": {
"id": "valid-source-maps",
"title": "Page has valid source maps",
"description": "Source maps translate minified code to the original source code. This helps developers debug in production. In addition, Lighthouse is able to provide further insights. Consider deploying source maps to take advantage of these benefits. [Learn more about source maps](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/devtools\/javascript\/source-maps\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "scriptUrl",
"valueType": "url",
"subItemsHeading": {
"key": "error"
"label": "URL"
"key": "sourceMapUrl",
"valueType": "url",
"label": "Map URL"
"items": [
"scriptUrl": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/js\/site.js?e95e4ebcd4440188f166efa41e5589f9",
"sourceMapUrl": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/js\/site.js.map",
"subItems": {
"type": "subitems",
"items": []
"prioritize-lcp-image": {
"id": "prioritize-lcp-image",
"title": "Preload Largest Contentful Paint image",
"description": "If the LCP element is dynamically added to the page, you should preload the image in order to improve LCP. [Learn more about preloading LCP elements](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/optimize-lcp#optimize_when_the_resource_is_discovered).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
"metricSavings": {
"LCP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 3
"csp-xss": {
"id": "csp-xss",
"title": "Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks",
"description": "A strong Content Security Policy (CSP) significantly reduces the risk of cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. [Learn how to use a CSP to prevent XSS](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/csp-xss\/)",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "description",
"valueType": "text",
"subItemsHeading": {
"key": "description"
"label": "Description"
"key": "directive",
"valueType": "code",
"subItemsHeading": {
"key": "directive"
"label": "Directive"
"key": "severity",
"valueType": "text",
"subItemsHeading": {
"key": "severity"
"label": "Severity"
"items": [
"severity": "High",
"description": "No CSP found in enforcement mode"
"script-treemap-data": {
"id": "script-treemap-data",
"title": "Script Treemap Data",
"description": "Used for treemap app",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"details": {
"type": "treemap-data",
"nodes": [
"name": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/js\/site.js?e95e4ebcd4440188f166efa41e5589f9",
"resourceBytes": 409,
"unusedBytes": 115,
"children": [
"name": "..\/..\/_src\/js\/site.js",
"resourceBytes": 347,
"unusedBytes": 115
"name": "(unmapped)",
"resourceBytes": 62
"pwa-cross-browser": {
"id": "pwa-cross-browser",
"title": "Site works cross-browser",
"description": "To reach the most number of users, sites should work across every major browser. [Learn about cross-browser compatibility](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/pwa-cross-browser\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"pwa-page-transitions": {
"id": "pwa-page-transitions",
"title": "Page transitions don't feel like they block on the network",
"description": "Transitions should feel snappy as you tap around, even on a slow network. This experience is key to a user's perception of performance. [Learn more about page transitions](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/pwa-page-transitions\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"pwa-each-page-has-url": {
"id": "pwa-each-page-has-url",
"title": "Each page has a URL",
"description": "Ensure individual pages are deep linkable via URL and that URLs are unique for the purpose of shareability on social media. [Learn more about providing deep links](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/pwa-each-page-has-url\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"accesskeys": {
"id": "accesskeys",
"title": "`[accesskey]` values are unique",
"description": "Access keys let users quickly focus a part of the page. For proper navigation, each access key must be unique. [Learn more about access keys](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/accesskeys).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-allowed-attr": {
"id": "aria-allowed-attr",
"title": "`[aria-*]` attributes match their roles",
"description": "Each ARIA `role` supports a specific subset of `aria-*` attributes. Mismatching these invalidates the `aria-*` attributes. [Learn how to match ARIA attributes to their roles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-allowed-attr).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-allowed-role": {
"id": "aria-allowed-role",
"title": "Values assigned to `role=\"\"` are valid ARIA roles.",
"description": "ARIA `role`s enable assistive technologies to know the role of each element on the web page. If the `role` values are misspelled, not existing ARIA `role` values, or abstract roles, then the purpose of the element will not be communicated to users of assistive technologies. [Learn more about ARIA roles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-allowed-role).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-command-name": {
"id": "aria-command-name",
"title": "`button`, `link`, and `menuitem` elements have accessible names",
"description": "When an element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to make command elements more accessible](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-command-name).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-dialog-name": {
"id": "aria-dialog-name",
"title": "Elements with `role=\"dialog\"` or `role=\"alertdialog\"` have accessible names.",
"description": "ARIA dialog elements without accessible names may prevent screen readers users from discerning the purpose of these elements. [Learn how to make ARIA dialog elements more accessible](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-dialog-name).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-hidden-body": {
"id": "aria-hidden-body",
"title": "`[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` is not present on the document `<body>`",
"description": "Assistive technologies, like screen readers, work inconsistently when `aria-hidden=\"true\"` is set on the document `<body>`. [Learn how `aria-hidden` affects the document body](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-hidden-body).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"aria-hidden-focus": {
"id": "aria-hidden-focus",
"title": "`[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` elements do not contain focusable descendents",
"description": "Focusable descendents within an `[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` element prevent those interactive elements from being available to users of assistive technologies like screen readers. [Learn how `aria-hidden` affects focusable elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-hidden-focus).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-input-field-name": {
"id": "aria-input-field-name",
"title": "ARIA input fields have accessible names",
"description": "When an input field doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn more about input field labels](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-input-field-name).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-meter-name": {
"id": "aria-meter-name",
"title": "ARIA `meter` elements have accessible names",
"description": "When a meter element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to name `meter` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-meter-name).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-progressbar-name": {
"id": "aria-progressbar-name",
"title": "ARIA `progressbar` elements have accessible names",
"description": "When a `progressbar` element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to label `progressbar` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-progressbar-name).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-required-attr": {
"id": "aria-required-attr",
"title": "`[role]`s have all required `[aria-*]` attributes",
"description": "Some ARIA roles have required attributes that describe the state of the element to screen readers. [Learn more about roles and required attributes](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-required-attr).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-required-children": {
"id": "aria-required-children",
"title": "Elements with an ARIA `[role]` that require children to contain a specific `[role]` have all required children.",
"description": "Some ARIA parent roles must contain specific child roles to perform their intended accessibility functions. [Learn more about roles and required children elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-required-children).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-required-parent": {
"id": "aria-required-parent",
"title": "`[role]`s are contained by their required parent element",
"description": "Some ARIA child roles must be contained by specific parent roles to properly perform their intended accessibility functions. [Learn more about ARIA roles and required parent element](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-required-parent).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-roles": {
"id": "aria-roles",
"title": "`[role]` values are valid",
"description": "ARIA roles must have valid values in order to perform their intended accessibility functions. [Learn more about valid ARIA roles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-roles).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-text": {
"id": "aria-text",
"title": "Elements with the `role=text` attribute do not have focusable descendents.",
"description": "Adding `role=text` around a text node split by markup enables VoiceOver to treat it as one phrase, but the element's focusable descendents will not be announced. [Learn more about the `role=text` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-text).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-toggle-field-name": {
"id": "aria-toggle-field-name",
"title": "ARIA toggle fields have accessible names",
"description": "When a toggle field doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn more about toggle fields](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-toggle-field-name).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-tooltip-name": {
"id": "aria-tooltip-name",
"title": "ARIA `tooltip` elements have accessible names",
"description": "When a tooltip element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to name `tooltip` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-tooltip-name).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-treeitem-name": {
"id": "aria-treeitem-name",
"title": "ARIA `treeitem` elements have accessible names",
"description": "When a `treeitem` element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn more about labeling `treeitem` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-treeitem-name).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-valid-attr-value": {
"id": "aria-valid-attr-value",
"title": "`[aria-*]` attributes have valid values",
"description": "Assistive technologies, like screen readers, can't interpret ARIA attributes with invalid values. [Learn more about valid values for ARIA attributes](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-valid-attr-value).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"aria-valid-attr": {
"id": "aria-valid-attr",
"title": "`[aria-*]` attributes are valid and not misspelled",
"description": "Assistive technologies, like screen readers, can't interpret ARIA attributes with invalid names. [Learn more about valid ARIA attributes](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-valid-attr).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"button-name": {
"id": "button-name",
"title": "Buttons have an accessible name",
"description": "When a button doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it as \"button\", making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to make buttons more accessible](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/button-name).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"bypass": {
"id": "bypass",
"title": "The page contains a heading, skip link, or landmark region",
"description": "Adding ways to bypass repetitive content lets keyboard users navigate the page more efficiently. [Learn more about bypass blocks](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/bypass).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"color-contrast": {
"id": "color-contrast",
"title": "Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio.",
"description": "Low-contrast text is difficult or impossible for many users to read. [Learn how to provide sufficient color contrast](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/color-contrast).",
"score": 0,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "node",
"valueType": "node",
"subItemsHeading": {
"key": "relatedNode",
"valueType": "node"
"label": "Failing Elements"
"items": [
"node": {
"type": "node",
"lhId": "1-0-A",
"path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,MAIN,12,NAV,0,A",
"selector": "body > main.main > nav.posts-navigation > a.posts-navigation-item",
"boundingRect": {
"top": 18415,
"bottom": 18443,
"left": 838,
"right": 892,
"width": 55,
"height": 28
"snippet": "<a class=\"posts-navigation-item posts-navigation-item-disabled\" href=\"\">",
"nodeLabel": "Newer",
"explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.08 (foreground color: #595b61, background color: #272b34, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
"subItems": {
"type": "subitems",
"items": [
"relatedNode": {
"type": "node",
"lhId": "1-1-HTML",
"path": "1,HTML",
"selector": "html#home",
"boundingRect": {
"top": 0,
"bottom": 18611,
"left": 0,
"right": 1905,
"width": 1905,
"height": 18611
"snippet": "<html lang=\"it\" id=\"home\">",
"nodeLabel": "html#home"
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"impact": "serious",
"tags": [
"definition-list": {
"id": "definition-list",
"title": "`<dl>`'s contain only properly-ordered `<dt>` and `<dd>` groups, `<script>`, `<template>` or `<div>` elements.",
"description": "When definition lists are not properly marked up, screen readers may produce confusing or inaccurate output. [Learn how to structure definition lists correctly](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/definition-list).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"dlitem": {
"id": "dlitem",
"title": "Definition list items are wrapped in `<dl>` elements",
"description": "Definition list items (`<dt>` and `<dd>`) must be wrapped in a parent `<dl>` element to ensure that screen readers can properly announce them. [Learn how to structure definition lists correctly](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/dlitem).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"document-title": {
"id": "document-title",
"title": "Document has a `<title>` element",
"description": "The title gives screen reader users an overview of the page, and search engine users rely on it heavily to determine if a page is relevant to their search. [Learn more about document titles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/document-title).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"duplicate-id-active": {
"id": "duplicate-id-active",
"title": "`[id]` attributes on active, focusable elements are unique",
"description": "All focusable elements must have a unique `id` to ensure that they're visible to assistive technologies. [Learn how to fix duplicate `id`s](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/duplicate-id-active).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"duplicate-id-aria": {
"id": "duplicate-id-aria",
"title": "ARIA IDs are unique",
"description": "The value of an ARIA ID must be unique to prevent other instances from being overlooked by assistive technologies. [Learn how to fix duplicate ARIA IDs](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/duplicate-id-aria).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"empty-heading": {
"id": "empty-heading",
"title": "All heading elements contain content.",
"description": "A heading with no content or inaccessible text prevent screen reader users from accessing information on the page's structure. [Learn more about headings](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/empty-heading).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"form-field-multiple-labels": {
"id": "form-field-multiple-labels",
"title": "No form fields have multiple labels",
"description": "Form fields with multiple labels can be confusingly announced by assistive technologies like screen readers which use either the first, the last, or all of the labels. [Learn how to use form labels](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/form-field-multiple-labels).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"frame-title": {
"id": "frame-title",
"title": "`<frame>` or `<iframe>` elements have a title",
"description": "Screen reader users rely on frame titles to describe the contents of frames. [Learn more about frame titles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/frame-title).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"heading-order": {
"id": "heading-order",
"title": "Heading elements are not in a sequentially-descending order",
"description": "Properly ordered headings that do not skip levels convey the semantic structure of the page, making it easier to navigate and understand when using assistive technologies. [Learn more about heading order](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/heading-order).",
"score": 0,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "node",
"valueType": "node",
"subItemsHeading": {
"key": "relatedNode",
"valueType": "node"
"label": "Failing Elements"
"items": [
"node": {
"type": "node",
"lhId": "1-2-H3",
"path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,MAIN,2,ARTICLE,2,DIV,2,H3",
"selector": "main.main > article.post > div.post-content > h3",
"boundingRect": {
"top": 519,
"bottom": 547,
"left": 603,
"right": 1303,
"width": 700,
"height": 28
"snippet": "<h3>",
"nodeLabel": "What have I learned in these past 15 years?",
"explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n Heading order invalid"
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"impact": "moderate",
"tags": [
"html-has-lang": {
"id": "html-has-lang",
"title": "`<html>` element has a `[lang]` attribute",
"description": "If a page doesn't specify a `lang` attribute, a screen reader assumes that the page is in the default language that the user chose when setting up the screen reader. If the page isn't actually in the default language, then the screen reader might not announce the page's text correctly. [Learn more about the `lang` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/html-has-lang).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"html-lang-valid": {
"id": "html-lang-valid",
"title": "`<html>` element has a valid value for its `[lang]` attribute",
"description": "Specifying a valid [BCP 47 language](https:\/\/www.w3.org\/International\/questions\/qa-choosing-language-tags#question) helps screen readers announce text properly. [Learn how to use the `lang` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/html-lang-valid).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"html-xml-lang-mismatch": {
"id": "html-xml-lang-mismatch",
"title": "`<html>` element has an `[xml:lang]` attribute with the same base language as the `[lang]` attribute.",
"description": "If the webpage does not specify a consistent language, then the screen reader might not announce the page's text correctly. [Learn more about the `lang` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/html-xml-lang-mismatch).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"identical-links-same-purpose": {
"id": "identical-links-same-purpose",
"title": "Identical links have the same purpose.",
"description": "Links with the same destination should have the same description, to help users understand the link's purpose and decide whether to follow it. [Learn more about identical links](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/identical-links-same-purpose).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "node",
"valueType": "node",
"subItemsHeading": {
"key": "relatedNode",
"valueType": "node"
"label": "Failing Elements"
"items": [
"node": {
"type": "node",
"lhId": "1-5-A",
"path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,MAIN,1,NAV,1,A",
"selector": "body > main.main > nav.menu > a.menu-item",
"boundingRect": {
"top": 140,
"bottom": 168,
"left": 920,
"right": 969,
"width": 49,
"height": 28
"snippet": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/email\">",
"nodeLabel": "EMAIL",
"explanation": "Fix all of the following:\n Check that links have the same purpose, or are intentionally ambiguous."
"subItems": {
"type": "subitems",
"items": [
"relatedNode": {
"type": "node",
"lhId": "1-6-A",
"path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,MAIN,7,ARTICLE,2,DIV,3,P,6,STRONG,3,EM,1,A",
"selector": "p > strong > em > a",
"boundingRect": {
"top": 9878,
"bottom": 9902,
"left": 793,
"right": 843,
"width": 50,
"height": 24
"snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">",
"nodeLabel": "email"
"relatedNode": {
"type": "node",
"lhId": "1-7-A",
"path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,MAIN,13,NAV,1,A",
"selector": "body > main.main > nav.menu > a.menu-item",
"boundingRect": {
"top": 18555,
"bottom": 18583,
"left": 932,
"right": 981,
"width": 49,
"height": 28
"snippet": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">",
"nodeLabel": "EMAIL"
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"impact": "minor",
"tags": [
"image-alt": {
"id": "image-alt",
"title": "Image elements have `[alt]` attributes",
"description": "Informative elements should aim for short, descriptive alternate text. Decorative elements can be ignored with an empty alt attribute. [Learn more about the `alt` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/image-alt).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"image-redundant-alt": {
"id": "image-redundant-alt",
"title": "Image elements do not have `[alt]` attributes that are redundant text.",
"description": "Informative elements should aim for short, descriptive alternative text. Alternative text that is exactly the same as the text adjacent to the link or image is potentially confusing for screen reader users, because the text will be read twice. [Learn more about the `alt` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/image-redundant-alt).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"input-button-name": {
"id": "input-button-name",
"title": "Input buttons have discernible text.",
"description": "Adding discernable and accessible text to input buttons may help screen reader users understand the purpose of the input button. [Learn more about input buttons](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/input-button-name).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"input-image-alt": {
"id": "input-image-alt",
"title": "`<input type=\"image\">` elements have `[alt]` text",
"description": "When an image is being used as an `<input>` button, providing alternative text can help screen reader users understand the purpose of the button. [Learn about input image alt text](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/input-image-alt).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"label-content-name-mismatch": {
"id": "label-content-name-mismatch",
"title": "Elements with visible text labels have matching accessible names.",
"description": "Visible text labels that do not match the accessible name can result in a confusing experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about accessible names](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/label-content-name-mismatch).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"label": {
"id": "label",
"title": "Form elements have associated labels",
"description": "Labels ensure that form controls are announced properly by assistive technologies, like screen readers. [Learn more about form element labels](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/label).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"landmark-one-main": {
"id": "landmark-one-main",
"title": "Document has a main landmark.",
"description": "One main landmark helps screen reader users navigate a web page. [Learn more about landmarks](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/landmark-one-main).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"link-name": {
"id": "link-name",
"title": "Links have a discernible name",
"description": "Link text (and alternate text for images, when used as links) that is discernible, unique, and focusable improves the navigation experience for screen reader users. [Learn how to make links accessible](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/link-name).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"link-in-text-block": {
"id": "link-in-text-block",
"title": "Links are distinguishable without relying on color.",
"description": "Low-contrast text is difficult or impossible for many users to read. Link text that is discernible improves the experience for users with low vision. [Learn how to make links distinguishable](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/link-in-text-block).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"list": {
"id": "list",
"title": "Lists contain only `<li>` elements and script supporting elements (`<script>` and `<template>`).",
"description": "Screen readers have a specific way of announcing lists. Ensuring proper list structure aids screen reader output. [Learn more about proper list structure](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/list).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"listitem": {
"id": "listitem",
"title": "List items (`<li>`) are contained within `<ul>`, `<ol>` or `<menu>` parent elements",
"description": "Screen readers require list items (`<li>`) to be contained within a parent `<ul>`, `<ol>` or `<menu>` to be announced properly. [Learn more about proper list structure](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/listitem).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"meta-refresh": {
"id": "meta-refresh",
"title": "The document does not use `<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\">`",
"description": "Users do not expect a page to refresh automatically, and doing so will move focus back to the top of the page. This may create a frustrating or confusing experience. [Learn more about the refresh meta tag](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/meta-refresh).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"meta-viewport": {
"id": "meta-viewport",
"title": "`[user-scalable=\"no\"]` is not used in the `<meta name=\"viewport\">` element and the `[maximum-scale]` attribute is not less than 5.",
"description": "Disabling zooming is problematic for users with low vision who rely on screen magnification to properly see the contents of a web page. [Learn more about the viewport meta tag](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/meta-viewport).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"object-alt": {
"id": "object-alt",
"title": "`<object>` elements have alternate text",
"description": "Screen readers cannot translate non-text content. Adding alternate text to `<object>` elements helps screen readers convey meaning to users. [Learn more about alt text for `object` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/object-alt).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"select-name": {
"id": "select-name",
"title": "Select elements have associated label elements.",
"description": "Form elements without effective labels can create frustrating experiences for screen reader users. [Learn more about the `select` element](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/select-name).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"skip-link": {
"id": "skip-link",
"title": "Skip links are focusable.",
"description": "Including a skip link can help users skip to the main content to save time. [Learn more about skip links](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/skip-link).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"tabindex": {
"id": "tabindex",
"title": "No element has a `[tabindex]` value greater than 0",
"description": "A value greater than 0 implies an explicit navigation ordering. Although technically valid, this often creates frustrating experiences for users who rely on assistive technologies. [Learn more about the `tabindex` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/tabindex).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"table-duplicate-name": {
"id": "table-duplicate-name",
"title": "Tables have different content in the summary attribute and `<caption>`.",
"description": "The summary attribute should describe the table structure, while `<caption>` should have the onscreen title. Accurate table mark-up helps users of screen readers. [Learn more about summary and caption](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/table-duplicate-name).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"table-fake-caption": {
"id": "table-fake-caption",
"title": "Tables use `<caption>` instead of cells with the `[colspan]` attribute to indicate a caption.",
"description": "Screen readers have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensuring that tables use the actual caption element instead of cells with the `[colspan]` attribute may improve the experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about captions](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/table-fake-caption).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"target-size": {
"id": "target-size",
"title": "Touch targets have sufficient size and spacing.",
"description": "Touch targets with sufficient size and spacing help users who may have difficulty targeting small controls to activate the targets. [Learn more about touch targets](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/target-size).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"td-has-header": {
"id": "td-has-header",
"title": "`<td>` elements in a large `<table>` have one or more table headers.",
"description": "Screen readers have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensuring that `<td>` elements in a large table (3 or more cells in width and height) have an associated table header may improve the experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about table headers](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/td-has-header).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"td-headers-attr": {
"id": "td-headers-attr",
"title": "Cells in a `<table>` element that use the `[headers]` attribute refer to table cells within the same table.",
"description": "Screen readers have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensuring `<td>` cells using the `[headers]` attribute only refer to other cells in the same table may improve the experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about the `headers` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/td-headers-attr).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"th-has-data-cells": {
"id": "th-has-data-cells",
"title": "`<th>` elements and elements with `[role=\"columnheader\"\/\"rowheader\"]` have data cells they describe.",
"description": "Screen readers have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensuring table headers always refer to some set of cells may improve the experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about table headers](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/th-has-data-cells).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"valid-lang": {
"id": "valid-lang",
"title": "`[lang]` attributes have a valid value",
"description": "Specifying a valid [BCP 47 language](https:\/\/www.w3.org\/International\/questions\/qa-choosing-language-tags#question) on elements helps ensure that text is pronounced correctly by a screen reader. [Learn how to use the `lang` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/valid-lang).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"video-caption": {
"id": "video-caption",
"title": "`<video>` elements contain a `<track>` element with `[kind=\"captions\"]`",
"description": "When a video provides a caption it is easier for deaf and hearing impaired users to access its information. [Learn more about video captions](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/video-caption).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"custom-controls-labels": {
"id": "custom-controls-labels",
"title": "Custom controls have associated labels",
"description": "Custom interactive controls have associated labels, provided by aria-label or aria-labelledby. [Learn more about custom controls and labels](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/custom-controls-labels\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"custom-controls-roles": {
"id": "custom-controls-roles",
"title": "Custom controls have ARIA roles",
"description": "Custom interactive controls have appropriate ARIA roles. [Learn how to add roles to custom controls](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/custom-control-roles\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"focus-traps": {
"id": "focus-traps",
"title": "User focus is not accidentally trapped in a region",
"description": "A user can tab into and out of any control or region without accidentally trapping their focus. [Learn how to avoid focus traps](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/focus-traps\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"focusable-controls": {
"id": "focusable-controls",
"title": "Interactive controls are keyboard focusable",
"description": "Custom interactive controls are keyboard focusable and display a focus indicator. [Learn how to make custom controls focusable](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/focusable-controls\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"interactive-element-affordance": {
"id": "interactive-element-affordance",
"title": "Interactive elements indicate their purpose and state",
"description": "Interactive elements, such as links and buttons, should indicate their state and be distinguishable from non-interactive elements. [Learn how to decorate interactive elements with affordance hints](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/interactive-element-affordance\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"logical-tab-order": {
"id": "logical-tab-order",
"title": "The page has a logical tab order",
"description": "Tabbing through the page follows the visual layout. Users cannot focus elements that are offscreen. [Learn more about logical tab ordering](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/logical-tab-order\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"managed-focus": {
"id": "managed-focus",
"title": "The user's focus is directed to new content added to the page",
"description": "If new content, such as a dialog, is added to the page, the user's focus is directed to it. [Learn how to direct focus to new content](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/managed-focus\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"offscreen-content-hidden": {
"id": "offscreen-content-hidden",
"title": "Offscreen content is hidden from assistive technology",
"description": "Offscreen content is hidden with display: none or aria-hidden=true. [Learn how to properly hide offscreen content](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/offscreen-content-hidden\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"use-landmarks": {
"id": "use-landmarks",
"title": "HTML5 landmark elements are used to improve navigation",
"description": "Landmark elements (`<main>`, `<nav>`, etc.) are used to improve the keyboard navigation of the page for assistive technology. [Learn more about landmark elements](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/use-landmarks\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"visual-order-follows-dom": {
"id": "visual-order-follows-dom",
"title": "Visual order on the page follows DOM order",
"description": "DOM order matches the visual order, improving navigation for assistive technology. [Learn more about DOM and visual ordering](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/visual-order-follows-dom\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
"uses-long-cache-ttl": {
"id": "uses-long-cache-ttl",
"title": "Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy",
"description": "A long cache lifetime can speed up repeat visits to your page. [Learn more about efficient cache policies](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-long-cache-ttl\/).",
"score": 0.5,
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"valueType": "url",
"label": "URL"
"key": "totalBytes",
"valueType": "bytes",
"label": "Transfer Size"
"items": [
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/img\/logo.png",
"totalBytes": 58990
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/css\/fonts\/Sentient-VariableItalic.woff2",
"totalBytes": 52441
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/css\/fonts\/Sentient-Variable.woff2",
"totalBytes": 50977
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/",
"totalBytes": 14849
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/css\/main.css?90c4c5fe17ac22391808276da37cfead",
"totalBytes": 2239
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/favicon-32x32.png",
"totalBytes": 1920
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/js\/site.js?e95e4ebcd4440188f166efa41e5589f9",
"totalBytes": 538
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/site.webmanifest",
"totalBytes": 408
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/favicon.ico",
"totalBytes": 254
"sortedBy": [
"guidanceLevel": 1
"offscreen-images": {
"id": "offscreen-images",
"title": "Defer offscreen images",
"description": "Consider lazy-loading offscreen and hidden images after all critical resources have finished loading to lower time to interactive. [Learn how to defer offscreen images](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/offscreen-images\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "",
"warnings": [],
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0,
"overallSavingsBytes": 0,
"sortedBy": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 2
"render-blocking-resources": {
"id": "render-blocking-resources",
"title": "Eliminate render-blocking resources",
"description": "Resources are blocking the first paint of your page. Consider delivering critical JS\/CSS inline and deferring all non-critical JS\/styles. [Learn how to eliminate render-blocking resources](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/render-blocking-resources\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0
"guidanceLevel": 2
"unminified-css": {
"id": "unminified-css",
"title": "Minify CSS",
"description": "Minifying CSS files can reduce network payload sizes. [Learn how to minify CSS](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/unminified-css\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0,
"overallSavingsBytes": 0,
"sortedBy": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 3
"unminified-javascript": {
"id": "unminified-javascript",
"title": "Minify JavaScript",
"description": "Minifying JavaScript files can reduce payload sizes and script parse time. [Learn how to minify JavaScript](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/unminified-javascript\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "",
"warnings": [],
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0,
"overallSavingsBytes": 0,
"sortedBy": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 3
"unused-css-rules": {
"id": "unused-css-rules",
"title": "Reduce unused CSS",
"description": "Reduce unused rules from stylesheets and defer CSS not used for above-the-fold content to decrease bytes consumed by network activity. [Learn how to reduce unused CSS](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/unused-css-rules\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0,
"overallSavingsBytes": 0,
"sortedBy": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 2
"unused-javascript": {
"id": "unused-javascript",
"title": "Reduce unused JavaScript",
"description": "Reduce unused JavaScript and defer loading scripts until they are required to decrease bytes consumed by network activity. [Learn how to reduce unused JavaScript](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/unused-javascript\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0,
"overallSavingsBytes": 0,
"sortedBy": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 2
"modern-image-formats": {
"id": "modern-image-formats",
"title": "Serve images in next-gen formats",
"description": "Image formats like WebP and AVIF often provide better compression than PNG or JPEG, which means faster downloads and less data consumption. [Learn more about modern image formats](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-webp-images\/).",
"score": 0,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 70,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "Potential savings of 46\u00a0KiB",
"warnings": [],
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 70
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [
"key": "node",
"valueType": "node",
"label": ""
"key": "url",
"valueType": "url",
"label": "URL"
"key": "totalBytes",
"valueType": "bytes",
"label": "Resource Size"
"key": "wastedBytes",
"valueType": "bytes",
"label": "Potential Savings"
"items": [
"node": {
"type": "node",
"lhId": "1-49-IMG",
"path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,MAIN,0,HEADER,0,H1,0,A,0,IMG",
"selector": "header.header > h1.header-title > a.header-home-link > img.header-logo",
"boundingRect": {
"top": 28,
"bottom": 84,
"left": 603,
"right": 1303,
"width": 700,
"height": 56
"snippet": "<img class=\"header-logo\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/img\/logo.png\" alt=\"Go With The Flow\">",
"nodeLabel": "Go With The Flow"
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/img\/logo.png",
"fromProtocol": true,
"isCrossOrigin": false,
"totalBytes": 58634,
"wastedBytes": 46705,
"wastedWebpBytes": 47354
"overallSavingsMs": 70,
"overallSavingsBytes": 46705,
"sortedBy": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 70
"guidanceLevel": 3
"uses-optimized-images": {
"id": "uses-optimized-images",
"title": "Efficiently encode images",
"description": "Optimized images load faster and consume less cellular data. [Learn how to efficiently encode images](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-optimized-images\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "",
"warnings": [],
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0,
"overallSavingsBytes": 0,
"sortedBy": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 2
"uses-text-compression": {
"id": "uses-text-compression",
"title": "Enable text compression",
"description": "Text-based resources should be served with compression (gzip, deflate or brotli) to minimize total network bytes. [Learn more about text compression](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-text-compression\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0,
"overallSavingsBytes": 0,
"sortedBy": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 3
"uses-responsive-images": {
"id": "uses-responsive-images",
"title": "Properly size images",
"description": "Serve images that are appropriately-sized to save cellular data and improve load time. [Learn how to size images](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-responsive-images\/).",
"score": 0,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 70,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "Potential savings of 45\u00a0KiB",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 70
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [
"key": "node",
"valueType": "node",
"label": ""
"key": "url",
"valueType": "url",
"label": "URL"
"key": "totalBytes",
"valueType": "bytes",
"label": "Resource Size"
"key": "wastedBytes",
"valueType": "bytes",
"label": "Potential Savings"
"items": [
"node": {
"type": "node",
"lhId": "1-49-IMG",
"path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,MAIN,0,HEADER,0,H1,0,A,0,IMG",
"selector": "header.header > h1.header-title > a.header-home-link > img.header-logo",
"boundingRect": {
"top": 28,
"bottom": 84,
"left": 603,
"right": 1303,
"width": 700,
"height": 56
"snippet": "<img class=\"header-logo\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/img\/logo.png\" alt=\"Go With The Flow\">",
"nodeLabel": "Go With The Flow"
"url": "https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/img\/logo.png",
"totalBytes": 58634,
"wastedBytes": 45865,
"wastedPercent": 78.222222222222229
"overallSavingsMs": 70,
"overallSavingsBytes": 45865,
"sortedBy": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 70
"guidanceLevel": 2
"efficient-animated-content": {
"id": "efficient-animated-content",
"title": "Use video formats for animated content",
"description": "Large GIFs are inefficient for delivering animated content. Consider using MPEG4\/WebM videos for animations and PNG\/WebP for static images instead of GIF to save network bytes. [Learn more about efficient video formats](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/efficient-animated-content\/)",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0,
"overallSavingsBytes": 0,
"sortedBy": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 3
"duplicated-javascript": {
"id": "duplicated-javascript",
"title": "Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles",
"description": "Remove large, duplicate JavaScript modules from bundles to reduce unnecessary bytes consumed by network activity. ",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0,
"overallSavingsBytes": 0,
"sortedBy": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 2
"legacy-javascript": {
"id": "legacy-javascript",
"title": "Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers",
"description": "Polyfills and transforms enable legacy browsers to use new JavaScript features. However, many aren't necessary for modern browsers. For your bundled JavaScript, adopt a modern script deployment strategy using module\/nomodule feature detection to reduce the amount of code shipped to modern browsers, while retaining support for legacy browsers. [Learn how to use modern JavaScript](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/publish-modern-javascript)",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"displayValue": "",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0,
"overallSavingsBytes": 0,
"sortedBy": [
"debugData": {
"type": "debugdata",
"metricSavings": {
"FCP": 0,
"LCP": 0
"guidanceLevel": 2
"doctype": {
"id": "doctype",
"title": "Page has the HTML doctype",
"description": "Specifying a doctype prevents the browser from switching to quirks-mode. [Learn more about the doctype declaration](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/doctype\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
"charset": {
"id": "charset",
"title": "Properly defines charset",
"description": "A character encoding declaration is required. It can be done with a `<meta>` tag in the first 1024 bytes of the HTML or in the Content-Type HTTP response header. [Learn more about declaring the character encoding](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/charset\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
"dom-size": {
"id": "dom-size",
"title": "Avoids an excessive DOM size",
"description": "A large DOM will increase memory usage, cause longer [style calculations](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/fundamentals\/performance\/rendering\/reduce-the-scope-and-complexity-of-style-calculations), and produce costly [layout reflows](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/speed\/articles\/reflow). [Learn how to avoid an excessive DOM size](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/dom-size\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
"numericValue": 302,
"numericUnit": "element",
"displayValue": "302 elements",
"metricSavings": {
"TBT": 0
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "statistic",
"valueType": "text",
"label": "Statistic"
"key": "node",
"valueType": "node",
"label": "Element"
"key": "value",
"valueType": "numeric",
"label": "Value"
"items": [
"statistic": "Total DOM Elements",
"value": {
"type": "numeric",
"granularity": 1,
"value": 302
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"type": "node",
"lhId": "1-6-A",
"path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,MAIN,7,ARTICLE,2,DIV,3,P,6,STRONG,3,EM,1,A",
"selector": "p > strong > em > a",
"boundingRect": {
"top": 9878,
"bottom": 9902,
"left": 793,
"right": 843,
"width": 50,
"height": 24
"snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">",
"nodeLabel": "email"
"statistic": "Maximum DOM Depth",
"value": {
"type": "numeric",
"granularity": 1,
"value": 8
"node": {
"type": "node",
"lhId": "1-48-DIV",
"path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,MAIN,9,ARTICLE,2,DIV",
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"boundingRect": {
"top": 11416,
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"left": 603,
"right": 1303,
"width": 700,
"height": 2132
"snippet": "<div class=\"post-content editor\">",
"nodeLabel": "This post has been updated and now has both an English and an Italian version o\u2026"
"statistic": "Maximum Child Elements",
"value": {
"type": "numeric",
"granularity": 1,
"value": 20
"guidanceLevel": 1
"geolocation-on-start": {
"id": "geolocation-on-start",
"title": "Avoids requesting the geolocation permission on page load",
"description": "Users are mistrustful of or confused by sites that request their location without context. Consider tying the request to a user action instead. [Learn more about the geolocation permission](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/geolocation-on-start\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"inspector-issues": {
"id": "inspector-issues",
"title": "No issues in the `Issues` panel in Chrome Devtools",
"description": "Issues logged to the `Issues` panel in Chrome Devtools indicate unresolved problems. They can come from network request failures, insufficient security controls, and other browser concerns. Open up the Issues panel in Chrome DevTools for more details on each issue.",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"no-document-write": {
"id": "no-document-write",
"title": "Avoids `document.write()`",
"description": "For users on slow connections, external scripts dynamically injected via `document.write()` can delay page load by tens of seconds. [Learn how to avoid document.write()](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/no-document-write\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"guidanceLevel": 2
"js-libraries": {
"id": "js-libraries",
"title": "Detected JavaScript libraries",
"description": "All front-end JavaScript libraries detected on the page. [Learn more about this JavaScript library detection diagnostic audit](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/js-libraries\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"notification-on-start": {
"id": "notification-on-start",
"title": "Avoids requesting the notification permission on page load",
"description": "Users are mistrustful of or confused by sites that request to send notifications without context. Consider tying the request to user gestures instead. [Learn more about responsibly getting permission for notifications](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/notification-on-start\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"paste-preventing-inputs": {
"id": "paste-preventing-inputs",
"title": "Allows users to paste into input fields",
"description": "Preventing input pasting is a bad practice for the UX, and weakens security by blocking password managers.[Learn more about user-friendly input fields](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/paste-preventing-inputs\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"uses-http2": {
"id": "uses-http2",
"title": "Use HTTP\/2",
"description": "HTTP\/2 offers many benefits over HTTP\/1.1, including binary headers and multiplexing. [Learn more about HTTP\/2](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/uses-http2\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"numericValue": 0,
"numericUnit": "millisecond",
"metricSavings": {
"LCP": 0,
"FCP": 0
"details": {
"type": "opportunity",
"headings": [],
"items": [],
"overallSavingsMs": 0
"guidanceLevel": 3
"uses-passive-event-listeners": {
"id": "uses-passive-event-listeners",
"title": "Uses passive listeners to improve scrolling performance",
"description": "Consider marking your touch and wheel event listeners as `passive` to improve your page's scroll performance. [Learn more about adopting passive event listeners](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/uses-passive-event-listeners\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"guidanceLevel": 3
"meta-description": {
"id": "meta-description",
"title": "Document has a meta description",
"description": "Meta descriptions may be included in search results to concisely summarize page content. [Learn more about the meta description](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/meta-description\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
"http-status-code": {
"id": "http-status-code",
"title": "Page has successful HTTP status code",
"description": "Pages with unsuccessful HTTP status codes may not be indexed properly. [Learn more about HTTP status codes](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/http-status-code\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
"font-size": {
"id": "font-size",
"title": "Document uses legible font sizes",
"description": "Font sizes less than 12px are too small to be legible and require mobile visitors to \u201cpinch to zoom\u201d in order to read. Strive to have >60% of page text \u226512px. [Learn more about legible font sizes](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/font-size\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"link-text": {
"id": "link-text",
"title": "Links do not have descriptive text",
"description": "Descriptive link text helps search engines understand your content. [Learn how to make links more accessible](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/link-text\/).",
"score": 0,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"displayValue": "1 link found",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [
"key": "href",
"valueType": "url",
"label": "Link destination"
"key": "text",
"valueType": "text",
"label": "Link Text"
"items": [
"href": "https:\/\/minutestomidnight.co.uk\/blog\/smaller",
"text": "here"
"crawlable-anchors": {
"id": "crawlable-anchors",
"title": "Links are crawlable",
"description": "Search engines may use `href` attributes on links to crawl websites. Ensure that the `href` attribute of anchor elements links to an appropriate destination, so more pages of the site can be discovered. [Learn how to make links crawlable](https:\/\/support.google.com\/webmasters\/answer\/9112205)",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"is-crawlable": {
"id": "is-crawlable",
"title": "Page isn\u2019t blocked from indexing",
"description": "Search engines are unable to include your pages in search results if they don't have permission to crawl them. [Learn more about crawler directives](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/is-crawlable\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"warnings": [],
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"robots-txt": {
"id": "robots-txt",
"title": "robots.txt is valid",
"description": "If your robots.txt file is malformed, crawlers may not be able to understand how you want your website to be crawled or indexed. [Learn more about robots.txt](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/invalid-robots-txt\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"tap-targets": {
"id": "tap-targets",
"title": "Tap targets are sized appropriately",
"description": "Interactive elements like buttons and links should be large enough (48x48px), or have enough space around them, to be easy enough to tap without overlapping onto other elements. [Learn more about tap targets](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/tap-targets\/).",
"score": null,
"scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
"hreflang": {
"id": "hreflang",
"title": "Document has a valid `hreflang`",
"description": "hreflang links tell search engines what version of a page they should list in search results for a given language or region. [Learn more about `hreflang`](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/hreflang\/).",
"score": 1,
"scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
"details": {
"type": "table",
"headings": [],
"items": []
"plugins": {
"id": "plugins",
"title": "Document avoids plugins",
"description": "Search engines can't index plugin content, and many devices restrict plugins or don't support them. [Learn more about avoiding plugins](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/plugins\/).",
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"description": "Run the [Structured Data Testing Tool](https:\/\/search.google.com\/structured-data\/testing-tool\/) and the [Structured Data Linter](http:\/\/linter.structured-data.org\/) to validate structured data. [Learn more about Structured Data](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/structured-data\/).",
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"manualDescription": "These items address areas which an automated testing tool cannot cover. Learn more in our guide on [conducting an accessibility review](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/how-to-review).",
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"seo": {
"title": "SEO",
"description": "These checks ensure that your page is following basic search engine optimization advice. There are many additional factors Lighthouse does not score here that may affect your search ranking, including performance on [Core Web Vitals](https:\/\/web.dev\/explore\/vitals). [Learn more about Google Search Essentials](https:\/\/support.google.com\/webmasters\/answer\/35769).",
"manualDescription": "Run these additional validators on your site to check additional SEO best practices.",
"supportedModes": [
"auditRefs": [
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"group": "seo-mobile"
"id": "document-title",
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"weight": 1,
"group": "seo-crawl"
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"group": "seo-crawl"
"id": "robots-txt",
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"pwa": {
"title": "PWA",
"description": "These checks validate the aspects of a Progressive Web App. [Learn what makes a good Progressive Web App](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/pwa-checklist).",
"manualDescription": "These checks are required by the baseline [PWA Checklist](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/pwa-checklist) but are not automatically checked by Lighthouse. They do not affect your score but it's important that you verify them manually.",
"supportedModes": [
"auditRefs": [
"id": "installable-manifest",
"weight": 2,
"group": "pwa-installable"
"id": "splash-screen",
"weight": 1,
"group": "pwa-optimized"
"id": "themed-omnibox",
"weight": 1,
"group": "pwa-optimized"
"id": "content-width",
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"metrics": {
"title": "Metrics"
"load-opportunities": {
"title": "Opportunities",
"description": "These suggestions can help your page load faster. They don't [directly affect](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/performance-scoring\/) the Performance score."
"budgets": {
"title": "Budgets",
"description": "Performance budgets set standards for the performance of your site."
"diagnostics": {
"title": "Diagnostics",
"description": "More information about the performance of your application. These numbers don't [directly affect](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/performance-scoring\/) the Performance score."
"pwa-installable": {
"title": "Installable"
"pwa-optimized": {
"title": "PWA Optimized"
"a11y-best-practices": {
"title": "Best practices",
"description": "These items highlight common accessibility best practices."
"a11y-color-contrast": {
"title": "Contrast",
"description": "These are opportunities to improve the legibility of your content."
"a11y-names-labels": {
"title": "Names and labels",
"description": "These are opportunities to improve the semantics of the controls in your application. This may enhance the experience for users of assistive technology, like a screen reader."
"a11y-navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"description": "These are opportunities to improve keyboard navigation in your application."
"a11y-aria": {
"title": "ARIA",
"description": "These are opportunities to improve the usage of ARIA in your application which may enhance the experience for users of assistive technology, like a screen reader."
"a11y-language": {
"title": "Internationalization and localization",
"description": "These are opportunities to improve the interpretation of your content by users in different locales."
"a11y-audio-video": {
"title": "Audio and video",
"description": "These are opportunities to provide alternative content for audio and video. This may improve the experience for users with hearing or vision impairments."
"a11y-tables-lists": {
"title": "Tables and lists",
"description": "These are opportunities to improve the experience of reading tabular or list data using assistive technology, like a screen reader."
"seo-mobile": {
"title": "Mobile Friendly",
"description": "Make sure your pages are mobile friendly so users don\u2019t have to pinch or zoom in order to read the content pages. [Learn how to make pages mobile-friendly](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/search\/mobile-sites\/)."
"seo-content": {
"title": "Content Best Practices",
"description": "Format your HTML in a way that enables crawlers to better understand your app\u2019s content."
"seo-crawl": {
"title": "Crawling and Indexing",
"description": "To appear in search results, crawlers need access to your app."
"best-practices-trust-safety": {
"title": "Trust and Safety"
"best-practices-ux": {
"title": "User Experience"
"best-practices-browser-compat": {
"title": "Browser Compatibility"
"best-practices-general": {
"title": "General"
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"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:CSSUsage",
"duration": 28.969999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16365.129999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:Doctype",
"duration": 1.96,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16367.139999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:DOMStats",
"duration": 7.5300000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16374.719999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:EmbeddedContent",
"duration": 3.96,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16378.719999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:FontSize",
"duration": 24.370000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16403.139999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:Inputs",
"duration": 4.6900000000000004,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16407.869999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:GlobalListeners",
"duration": 2.4900000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16410.400000000001,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:ImageElements",
"duration": 102.20999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16512.669999999998,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:InstallabilityErrors",
"duration": 89.829999999999998,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16512.959999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getInstallabilityErrors",
"duration": 89.469999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16602.709999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:InspectorIssues",
"duration": 0.46000000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16603.220000000001,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:JsUsage",
"duration": 0.17999999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16603.450000000001,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:LinkElements",
"duration": 8.6500000000000004,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16611.779999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:MainResource",
"duration": 0.26000000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16612.139999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:MainDocumentContent",
"duration": 3.6699999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16615.849999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:MetaElements",
"duration": 7.5700000000000003,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16623.5,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:NetworkUserAgent",
"duration": 0.29999999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16623.990000000002,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:OptimizedImages",
"duration": 36.810000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16660.880000000001,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:ResponseCompression",
"duration": 0.54000000000000004,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16661.459999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:RobotsTxt",
"duration": 81.480000000000004,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16742.970000000001,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:Scripts",
"duration": 0.28000000000000003,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16743.299999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:SourceMaps",
"duration": 80.810000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16824.150000000001,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:Stacks",
"duration": 18.530000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16824.41,
"name": "lh:gather:collectStacks",
"duration": 18.239999999999998,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16842.740000000002,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:TagsBlockingFirstPaint",
"duration": 3.7999999999999998,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16846.59,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:TapTargets",
"duration": 28.359999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16875.029999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:TraceElements",
"duration": 66.129999999999995,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16875.529999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:ProcessedTrace",
"duration": 52.119999999999997,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16928.549999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:ProcessedNavigation",
"duration": 1.45,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16930.16,
"name": "lh:computed:CumulativeLayoutShift",
"duration": 1.01,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16931.849999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:Responsiveness",
"duration": 0.17999999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16941.200000000001,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:ViewportDimensions",
"duration": 1.98,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16943.200000000001,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:WebAppManifest",
"duration": 2.6000000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16943.439999999999,
"name": "lh:gather:getWebAppManifest",
"duration": 2.3399999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16945.84,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:devtoolsLogs",
"duration": 0.13,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16946.02,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:traces",
"duration": 0.10000000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 16946.18,
"name": "lh:gather:getArtifact:BFCacheFailures",
"duration": 327.45999999999998,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17300.240000000002,
"name": "lh:runner:audit",
"duration": 1320.3499999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17300.490000000002,
"name": "lh:runner:auditing",
"duration": 1319.3599999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17302.720000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:is-on-https",
"duration": 5.3099999999999996,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17304.77,
"name": "lh:computed:NetworkRecords",
"duration": 0.60999999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17308.830000000002,
"name": "lh:audit:viewport",
"duration": 3.8799999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17310.029999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:ViewportMeta",
"duration": 0.94999999999999996,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17313.490000000002,
"name": "lh:audit:first-contentful-paint",
"duration": 41.740000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17314.919999999998,
"name": "lh:computed:FirstContentfulPaint",
"duration": 37.149999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17315.200000000001,
"name": "lh:computed:ProcessedTrace",
"duration": 36.159999999999997,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17351.439999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:ProcessedNavigation",
"duration": 0.28999999999999998,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17355.529999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:largest-contentful-paint",
"duration": 1.9199999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17356.200000000001,
"name": "lh:computed:LargestContentfulPaint",
"duration": 0.12,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17357.880000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:first-meaningful-paint",
"duration": 1.72,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17358.630000000001,
"name": "lh:computed:FirstMeaningfulPaint",
"duration": 0.11,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17359.869999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:speed-index",
"duration": 375.81,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17360.43,
"name": "lh:computed:SpeedIndex",
"duration": 374.19,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17360.540000000001,
"name": "lh:computed:Speedline",
"duration": 374.04000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17735.740000000002,
"name": "lh:audit:screenshot-thumbnails",
"duration": 0.71999999999999997,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17736.490000000002,
"name": "lh:audit:final-screenshot",
"duration": 1.26,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17736.73,
"name": "lh:computed:Screenshots",
"duration": 0.93000000000000005,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17738.299999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:total-blocking-time",
"duration": 3.8100000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17738.860000000001,
"name": "lh:computed:TotalBlockingTime",
"duration": 2.02,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17739.450000000001,
"name": "lh:computed:Interactive",
"duration": 1.3100000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17742.439999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:max-potential-fid",
"duration": 2.23,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17743.07,
"name": "lh:computed:MaxPotentialFID",
"duration": 0.27000000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17745.220000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:cumulative-layout-shift",
"duration": 2.3300000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17746.09,
"name": "lh:computed:CumulativeLayoutShift",
"duration": 0.17000000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17748.25,
"name": "lh:audit:errors-in-console",
"duration": 5.8700000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17749.259999999998,
"name": "lh:computed:JSBundles",
"duration": 2.4900000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17755.02,
"name": "lh:audit:server-response-time",
"duration": 2.9900000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17755.93,
"name": "lh:computed:MainResource",
"duration": 0.089999999999999997,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17758.490000000002,
"name": "lh:audit:interactive",
"duration": 1.8899999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17760.650000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:user-timings",
"duration": 1.8300000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17761.150000000001,
"name": "lh:computed:UserTimings",
"duration": 0.57999999999999996,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17762.740000000002,
"name": "lh:audit:critical-request-chains",
"duration": 8.5399999999999991,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17763.25,
"name": "lh:computed:CriticalRequestChains",
"duration": 4.3899999999999997,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17763.380000000001,
"name": "lh:computed:PageDependencyGraph",
"duration": 3.6800000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17772.25,
"name": "lh:audit:redirects",
"duration": 15.9,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17773.689999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:LanternInteractive",
"duration": 13.050000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17773.810000000001,
"name": "lh:computed:LanternFirstMeaningfulPaint",
"duration": 10.539999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17773.889999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:LanternFirstContentfulPaint",
"duration": 8.3599999999999994,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17774.299999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:LoadSimulator",
"duration": 2.8900000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17774.490000000002,
"name": "lh:computed:NetworkAnalysis",
"duration": 2.21,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17788.93,
"name": "lh:audit:installable-manifest",
"duration": 10.029999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17799.75,
"name": "lh:audit:splash-screen",
"duration": 7.6900000000000004,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17801.349999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:ManifestValues",
"duration": 4.0599999999999996,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17807.82,
"name": "lh:audit:themed-omnibox",
"duration": 1.52,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17809.790000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:maskable-icon",
"duration": 1.4299999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17811.82,
"name": "lh:audit:content-width",
"duration": 2.1000000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17814.5,
"name": "lh:audit:image-aspect-ratio",
"duration": 2.4199999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17817.279999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:image-size-responsive",
"duration": 2.0600000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17819.709999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:preload-fonts",
"duration": 1.1200000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17821.240000000002,
"name": "lh:audit:deprecations",
"duration": 1.5,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17823.080000000002,
"name": "lh:audit:third-party-cookies",
"duration": 1.3100000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17824.759999999998,
"name": "lh:audit:mainthread-work-breakdown",
"duration": 6.4800000000000004,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17825.599999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:MainThreadTasks",
"duration": 3.54,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17831.779999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:bootup-time",
"duration": 6.0199999999999996,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17833.259999999998,
"name": "lh:computed:TBTImpactTasks",
"duration": 2.1200000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17838.09,
"name": "lh:audit:uses-rel-preload",
"duration": 0.97999999999999998,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17839.34,
"name": "lh:audit:uses-rel-preconnect",
"duration": 2.48,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17842.43,
"name": "lh:audit:font-display",
"duration": 3.5600000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17846.040000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:diagnostics",
"duration": 0.93999999999999995,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17847.18,
"name": "lh:audit:network-requests",
"duration": 2.71,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17847.52,
"name": "lh:computed:EntityClassification",
"duration": 1.74,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17850.25,
"name": "lh:audit:network-rtt",
"duration": 1.52,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17852.029999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:network-server-latency",
"duration": 1.45,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17853.52,
"name": "lh:audit:main-thread-tasks",
"duration": 0.67000000000000004,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17854.220000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:metrics",
"duration": 3.3900000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17854.459999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:TimingSummary",
"duration": 2.8700000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17854.869999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:FirstContentfulPaintAllFrames",
"duration": 0.080000000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17855,
"name": "lh:computed:LargestContentfulPaintAllFrames",
"duration": 0.059999999999999998,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17855.150000000001,
"name": "lh:computed:LCPBreakdown",
"duration": 1,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17855.259999999998,
"name": "lh:computed:TimeToFirstByte",
"duration": 0.10000000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17855.369999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:LCPImageRecord",
"duration": 0.72999999999999998,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17857.959999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:performance-budget",
"duration": 1.5700000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17858.439999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:ResourceSummary",
"duration": 0.54000000000000004,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17859.799999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:timing-budget",
"duration": 1.01,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17860.84,
"name": "lh:audit:resource-summary",
"duration": 1.0700000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17862.290000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:third-party-summary",
"duration": 3.8599999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17866.810000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:third-party-facades",
"duration": 2.7200000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17869.860000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:largest-contentful-paint-element",
"duration": 2.1699999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17872.380000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:lcp-lazy-loaded",
"duration": 1.3400000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17873.990000000002,
"name": "lh:audit:layout-shift-elements",
"duration": 1.3200000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17875.57,
"name": "lh:audit:long-tasks",
"duration": 3.5899999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17879.5,
"name": "lh:audit:no-unload-listeners",
"duration": 1.51,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17881.470000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:non-composited-animations",
"duration": 2.0499999999999998,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17884.119999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:unsized-images",
"duration": 2.6299999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17887.43,
"name": "lh:audit:valid-source-maps",
"duration": 2.7999999999999998,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17890.650000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:prioritize-lcp-image",
"duration": 1.6399999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17892.700000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:csp-xss",
"duration": 2.1699999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17894.900000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:script-treemap-data",
"duration": 2.8300000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17895.48,
"name": "lh:computed:ModuleDuplication",
"duration": 0.54000000000000004,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17896.119999999999,
"name": "lh:computed:UnusedJavascriptSummary",
"duration": 0.93000000000000005,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17898.23,
"name": "lh:audit:pwa-cross-browser",
"duration": 1.1899999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17899.849999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:pwa-page-transitions",
"duration": 1.21,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17901.459999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:pwa-each-page-has-url",
"duration": 1.2,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17903.18,
"name": "lh:audit:accesskeys",
"duration": 2.1699999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17905.970000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-allowed-attr",
"duration": 1.9099999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17908.419999999998,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-allowed-role",
"duration": 19.18,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17928.290000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-command-name",
"duration": 4.4000000000000004,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17933.32,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-dialog-name",
"duration": 2.8700000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17936.759999999998,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-hidden-body",
"duration": 9.8800000000000008,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17947.200000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-hidden-focus",
"duration": 2.6200000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17950.139999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-input-field-name",
"duration": 2.0800000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17952.560000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-meter-name",
"duration": 1.71,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17954.599999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-progressbar-name",
"duration": 1.71,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17956.619999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-required-attr",
"duration": 1.8400000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17958.790000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-required-children",
"duration": 1.9099999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17961,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-required-parent",
"duration": 1.9399999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17963.23,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-roles",
"duration": 1.8700000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17965.41,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-text",
"duration": 25.43,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17991.259999999998,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-toggle-field-name",
"duration": 3.0299999999999998,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17994.860000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-tooltip-name",
"duration": 3.8900000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 17999.360000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-treeitem-name",
"duration": 2.3900000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18002.049999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-valid-attr-value",
"duration": 2.27,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18004.630000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:aria-valid-attr",
"duration": 2.4500000000000002,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18007.380000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:button-name",
"duration": 2.5,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18010.18,
"name": "lh:audit:bypass",
"duration": 4.75,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18015.23,
"name": "lh:audit:color-contrast",
"duration": 7.0800000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18022.889999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:definition-list",
"duration": 2.8399999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18026.049999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:dlitem",
"duration": 2.5899999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18028.970000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:document-title",
"duration": 24.890000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18054.200000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:duplicate-id-active",
"duration": 2.7599999999999998,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18057.27,
"name": "lh:audit:duplicate-id-aria",
"duration": 2.71,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18060.299999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:empty-heading",
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"entryType": "measure"
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"startTime": 18519.200000000001,
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"startTime": 18523.529999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:efficient-animated-content",
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"startTime": 18579.82,
"name": "lh:audit:paste-preventing-inputs",
"duration": 1.0800000000000001,
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"startTime": 18581.119999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:uses-http2",
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"startTime": 18585.200000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:uses-passive-event-listeners",
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"startTime": 18586.66,
"name": "lh:audit:meta-description",
"duration": 1.02,
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"startTime": 18587.970000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:http-status-code",
"duration": 1.02,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18589.290000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:font-size",
"duration": 1.2,
"entryType": "measure"
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"name": "lh:audit:link-text",
"duration": 2.3399999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18593.400000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:crawlable-anchors",
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"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18606.869999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:is-crawlable",
"duration": 2.6400000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18609.889999999999,
"name": "lh:audit:robots-txt",
"duration": 1.48,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18611.700000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:tap-targets",
"duration": 1.1399999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18613.150000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:hreflang",
"duration": 1.25,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18614.700000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:plugins",
"duration": 1.0700000000000001,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18616.060000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:canonical",
"duration": 1.25,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18617.630000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:structured-data",
"duration": 0.69999999999999996,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18618.650000000001,
"name": "lh:audit:bf-cache",
"duration": 1.1699999999999999,
"entryType": "measure"
"startTime": 18619.860000000001,
"name": "lh:runner:generate",
"duration": 0.71999999999999997,
"entryType": "measure"
"total": 16816.559999999998
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"varianceDisclaimer": "Values are estimated and may vary. The [performance score is calculated](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/performance-scoring\/) directly from these metrics.",
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"viewTreemapLabel": "View Treemap",
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"test_log": "lighthouse \"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/\" --channel wpt --enable-error-reporting --disable-full-page-screenshot --max-wait-for-load 80000 --hostname --port 9271 --output html --output json --output-path \"\/home\/wptagent\/work\/wpt-fra-lb-83qw-\/240906_BiDcPX_999.1.0\/lighthouse.json\" --throttling-method provided --form-factor desktop --screenEmulation.disabled --emulatedUserAgent 'Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36 PTST\/24.09'\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:07 GMT LH:ChromeLauncher Found existing Chrome already running using port 9271, using that.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:08 GMT LH:status Connecting to browser\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:08 GMT LH:status Navigating to about:blank\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:08 GMT LH:status Benchmarking machine\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:09 GMT LH:status Preparing target for navigation mode\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:09 GMT LH:status Cleaning origin data\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:09 GMT LH:status Cleaning browser cache\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:09 GMT LH:status Preparing network conditions\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:10 GMT LH:status Navigating to https:\/\/gwtf.it\/\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:22 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: DevtoolsLog\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:22 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Trace\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:22 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: DevtoolsLog\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:22 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Trace\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:22 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Accessibility\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:22 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: AnchorElements\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: ConsoleMessages\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: CSSUsage\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Doctype\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: DOMStats\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: EmbeddedContent\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: FontSize\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Inputs\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: GlobalListeners\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: ImageElements\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: InstallabilityErrors\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Get webapp installability errors\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: InspectorIssues\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: JsUsage\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: LinkElements\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: MainDocumentContent\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: MetaElements\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: NetworkUserAgent\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: OptimizedImages\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: ResponseCompression\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: RobotsTxt\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Scripts\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: SourceMaps\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Stacks\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Collect stacks\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: TagsBlockingFirstPaint\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: TapTargets\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: TraceElements\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: ViewportDimensions\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: WebAppManifest\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Get webapp manifest\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: devtoolsLogs\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: traces\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: BFCacheFailures\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Analyzing and running audits...\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Uses HTTPS\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Has a `<meta name=\"viewport\">` tag with `width` or `initial-scale`\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: First Contentful Paint\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Largest Contentful Paint\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: First Meaningful Paint\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Speed Index\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Screenshot Thumbnails\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Final Screenshot\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Total Blocking Time\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Max Potential First Input Delay\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Cumulative Layout Shift\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: No browser errors logged to the console\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Initial server response time was short\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Time to Interactive\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: User Timing marks and measures\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid chaining critical requests\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid multiple page redirects\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Web app manifest and service worker meet the installability requirements\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Configured for a custom splash screen\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Sets a theme color for the address bar.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Manifest has a maskable icon\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Content is sized correctly for the viewport\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Displays images with correct aspect ratio\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Serves images with appropriate resolution\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Fonts with `font-display: optional` are preloaded\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids deprecated APIs\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids third-party cookies\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Minimizes main-thread work\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: JavaScript execution time\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Preload key requests\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Preconnect to required origins\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: All text remains visible during webfont loads\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Diagnostics\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Network Requests\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Network Round Trip Times\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Server Backend Latencies\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Tasks\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Metrics\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Performance budget\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Timing budget\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Resources Summary\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Minimize third-party usage\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Lazy load third-party resources with facades\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Largest Contentful Paint element\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Largest Contentful Paint image was not lazily loaded\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid large layout shifts\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid long main-thread tasks\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids `unload` event listeners\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid non-composited animations\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Image elements have explicit `width` and `height`\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page has valid source maps\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Preload Largest Contentful Paint image\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Script Treemap Data\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Site works cross-browser\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page transitions don't feel like they block on the network\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Each page has a URL\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[accesskey]` values are unique\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-*]` attributes match their roles\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Values assigned to `role=\"\"` are valid ARIA roles.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `button`, `link`, and `menuitem` elements have accessible names\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Elements with `role=\"dialog\"` or `role=\"alertdialog\"` have accessible names.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` is not present on the document `<body>`\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` elements do not contain focusable descendents\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA input fields have accessible names\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA `meter` elements have accessible names\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA `progressbar` elements have accessible names\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[role]`s have all required `[aria-*]` attributes\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Elements with an ARIA `[role]` that require children to contain a specific `[role]` have all required children.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[role]`s are contained by their required parent element\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[role]` values are valid\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Elements with the `role=text` attribute do not have focusable descendents.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA toggle fields have accessible names\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA `tooltip` elements have accessible names\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA `treeitem` elements have accessible names\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-*]` attributes have valid values\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-*]` attributes are valid and not misspelled\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Buttons have an accessible name\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: The page contains a heading, skip link, or landmark region\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Background and foreground colors have a sufficient contrast ratio\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<dl>`'s contain only properly-ordered `<dt>` and `<dd>` groups, `<script>`, `<template>` or `<div>` elements.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Definition list items are wrapped in `<dl>` elements\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a `<title>` element\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[id]` attributes on active, focusable elements are unique\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA IDs are unique\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: All heading elements contain content.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: No form fields have multiple labels\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<frame>` or `<iframe>` elements have a title\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Heading elements appear in a sequentially-descending order\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<html>` element has a `[lang]` attribute\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<html>` element has a valid value for its `[lang]` attribute\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<html>` element has an `[xml:lang]` attribute with the same base language as the `[lang]` attribute.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Identical links have the same purpose.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Image elements have `[alt]` attributes\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Image elements do not have `[alt]` attributes that are redundant text.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Input buttons have discernible text.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<input type=\"image\">` elements have `[alt]` text\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Elements with visible text labels have matching accessible names.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Form elements have associated labels\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a main landmark.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Links have a discernible name\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Links are distinguishable without relying on color.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: Lists contain only `<li>` elements and script supporting elements (`<script>` and `<template>`).\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: List items (`<li>`) are contained within `<ul>`, `<ol>` or `<menu>` parent elements\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:24 GMT LH:status Auditing: The document does not use `<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\">`\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[user-scalable=\"no\"]` is not used in the `<meta name=\"viewport\">` element and the `[maximum-scale]` attribute is not less than 5.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<object>` elements have alternate text\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Select elements have associated label elements.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Skip links are focusable.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: No element has a `[tabindex]` value greater than 0\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Tables have different content in the summary attribute and `<caption>`.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Tables use `<caption>` instead of cells with the `[colspan]` attribute to indicate a caption.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Touch targets have sufficient size and spacing.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<td>` elements in a large `<table>` have one or more table headers.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Cells in a `<table>` element that use the `[headers]` attribute refer to table cells within the same table.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<th>` elements and elements with `[role=\"columnheader\"\/\"rowheader\"]` have data cells they describe.\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[lang]` attributes have a valid value\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<video>` elements contain a `<track>` element with `[kind=\"captions\"]`\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Custom controls have associated labels\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Custom controls have ARIA roles\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: User focus is not accidentally trapped in a region\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Interactive controls are keyboard focusable\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Interactive elements indicate their purpose and state\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: The page has a logical tab order\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: The user's focus is directed to new content added to the page\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Offscreen content is hidden from assistive technology\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: HTML5 landmark elements are used to improve navigation\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Visual order on the page follows DOM order\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Uses efficient cache policy on static assets\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids enormous network payloads\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Defer offscreen images\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Eliminate render-blocking resources\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Minify CSS\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Minify JavaScript\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Reduce unused CSS\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Reduce unused JavaScript\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Serve images in next-gen formats\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Efficiently encode images\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Enable text compression\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Properly size images\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Use video formats for animated content\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page has the HTML doctype\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Properly defines charset\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids an excessive DOM size\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids requesting the geolocation permission on page load\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: No issues in the `Issues` panel in Chrome Devtools\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids `document.write()`\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Detected JavaScript libraries\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids requesting the notification permission on page load\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Allows users to paste into input fields\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Use HTTP\/2\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Uses passive listeners to improve scrolling performance\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a meta description\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page has successful HTTP status code\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document uses legible font sizes\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Links have descriptive text\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Links are crawlable\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page isn\u2019t blocked from indexing\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: robots.txt is valid\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Tap targets are sized appropriately\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a valid `hreflang`\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document avoids plugins\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a valid `rel=canonical`\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Structured data is valid\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page didn't prevent back\/forward cache restoration\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:status Generating results...\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:Printer html output written to \/home\/wptagent\/work\/wpt-fra-lb-83qw-\/240906_BiDcPX_999.1.0\/lighthouse.report.html\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:CLI Protip: Run lighthouse with `--view` to immediately open the HTML report in your browser\nFri, 06 Sep 2024 13:42:25 GMT LH:Printer json output written to \/home\/wptagent\/work\/wpt-fra-lb-83qw-\/240906_BiDcPX_999.1.0\/lighthouse.report.json\n"
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"Open Graph": ""
"detected_technologies": {
"C": {
"name": "C",
"description": "C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system.",
"slug": "c",
"categories": [
"id": 27,
"slug": "programming-languages",
"groups": [
"name": "Programming languages",
"priority": 5
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "C.png",
"website": "http:\/\/www.open-std.org\/jtc1\/sc22\/wg14\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"Nginx": {
"name": "Nginx",
"description": "Nginx is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.",
"slug": "nginx",
"categories": [
"id": 22,
"slug": "web-servers",
"groups": [
"name": "Web servers",
"priority": 8
"id": 64,
"slug": "reverse-proxies",
"groups": [
"name": "Reverse proxies",
"priority": 7
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Nginx.svg",
"website": "http:\/\/nginx.org\/en",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:nginx:nginx:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
"HSTS": {
"name": "HSTS",
"description": "HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS.",
"slug": "hsts",
"categories": [
"id": 16,
"slug": "security",
"groups": [
"name": "Security",
"priority": 9
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "default.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/rfc\/rfc6797#section-6.1",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"Google Workspace": {
"name": "Google Workspace",
"description": "Google Workspace, formerly G Suite, is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools.",
"slug": "google-workspace",
"categories": [
"id": 30,
"slug": "webmail",
"groups": [
"name": "Webmail",
"priority": 2
"id": 75,
"slug": "email",
"groups": [
"name": "Email",
"priority": 9
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Google.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/workspace.google.com\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"RSS": {
"name": "RSS",
"description": "RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works\u2014such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video\u2014in a standardized format.",
"slug": "rss",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
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"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "RSS.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rssboard.org\/rss-specification",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"PWA": {
"name": "PWA",
"description": "Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web apps built and enhanced with modern APIs to deliver enhanced capabilities, reliability, and installability while reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device, all with a single codebase.",
"slug": "pwa",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "PWA.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/web.dev\/progressive-web-apps\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"Open Graph": {
"name": "Open Graph",
"description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
"slug": "open-graph",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Open Graph.png",
"website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"detected_raw": [
"name": "C",
"description": "C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system.",
"slug": "c",
"categories": [
"id": 27,
"slug": "programming-languages",
"groups": [
"name": "Programming languages",
"priority": 5
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "C.png",
"website": "http:\/\/www.open-std.org\/jtc1\/sc22\/wg14\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "Nginx",
"description": "Nginx is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.",
"slug": "nginx",
"categories": [
"id": 22,
"slug": "web-servers",
"groups": [
"name": "Web servers",
"priority": 8
"id": 64,
"slug": "reverse-proxies",
"groups": [
"name": "Reverse proxies",
"priority": 7
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Nginx.svg",
"website": "http:\/\/nginx.org\/en",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:nginx:nginx:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
"name": "HSTS",
"description": "HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS.",
"slug": "hsts",
"categories": [
"id": 16,
"slug": "security",
"groups": [
"name": "Security",
"priority": 9
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "default.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/rfc\/rfc6797#section-6.1",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "Google Workspace",
"description": "Google Workspace, formerly G Suite, is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools.",
"slug": "google-workspace",
"categories": [
"id": 30,
"slug": "webmail",
"groups": [
"name": "Webmail",
"priority": 2
"id": 75,
"slug": "email",
"groups": [
"name": "Email",
"priority": 9
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Google.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/workspace.google.com\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "RSS",
"description": "RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works\u2014such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video\u2014in a standardized format.",
"slug": "rss",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "RSS.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rssboard.org\/rss-specification",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "PWA",
"description": "Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web apps built and enhanced with modern APIs to deliver enhanced capabilities, reliability, and installability while reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device, all with a single codebase.",
"slug": "pwa",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "PWA.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/web.dev\/progressive-web-apps\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "Open Graph",
"description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
"slug": "open-graph",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Open Graph.png",
"website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"axe": {
"testEngine": "4.4.1",
"violations": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"impact": "serious",
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"description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
"help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
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"html": "<html lang=\"it\" id=\"home\">",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
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"html": "<a class=\"posts-navigation-item posts-navigation-item-disabled\" href=\"\">Newer<\/a>",
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"target": [
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/15-years-of-blogging\">Thoughts on my 15 years of blogging<\/a><\/h1>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-title"
"html": "<h3>What have I learned in these past 15 years?<\/h3>",
"target": [
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a><\/h1>",
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"article:nth-child(4) > .post-title"
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a><\/h1>",
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"article:nth-child(5) > .post-title"
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/fediverse-appeal\">Fediverse appeal<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a><\/h1>",
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"article:nth-child(8) > .post-title"
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/semplificare\">Semplificare<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">Rituali<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a><\/h1>",
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"article:nth-child(12) > .post-title"
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-09-02 06:00:00\">2 of September, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>During this brief Italian vacation, I realized that I started this blog in 2009, <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">today<\/a>. That's 15 years ago.<\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto\">The Cluetrain Manifesto<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter\u2014and getting smarter faster than most companies.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>For a few months, I was also part of what was then called the blog stars circuit. I was invited to events, to participate in debates, and to promote products.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>But if you didn't care much about entering the arena for the battle of attention, and if your goal was, as it still is for me, to have a presence on the Web where you can be yourself and weave valuable relationships, then almost certainly your blog has survived all this and is alive and well.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">this space<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>This place will continue to exist as long as I can take care of it, as long as existing technologies allow me to do so. It's an extension of my being. <\/p>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-09-01 06:35:00\">1 of September, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>I found a good deal with Lufthansa, which along with Swiss Air, is one of the few airlines to offer a route from Los Angeles to Olbia with just one stop in another European country.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>The journey passed rather quickly, and in the awake moments between naps, I only thought about how much plastic and trash each airplane leaves behind as soon as it takes off.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Equip every screen with Bluetooth technology? Fit the seats with standard 3.5mm jacks instead of those odd double inputs? Or perhaps USB-C compatible ports?<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I obviously paid attention to everything else too. Especially after the cabin crew announced that Lufthansa adopts a green protocol, suggesting we keep our plastic cups (specifically mentioned) for refills during subsequent trolley rounds.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Yet...<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Yet, on both the Los Angeles to Munich and Munich to Olbia legs, two plastic bottles were distributed:<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I wondered what could be done to avoid this. More refill stations to fill up the water bottles across the plane since practically everyone owns nowadays? (As many airports already do) Or store water in some other material?<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Perhaps it would have been better to avoid green initiative proclaims if this was going to be the result.<\/p>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-27 15:25:00\">27 of August, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>However, talent, although an innate quality, must be recognized by someone, and often a group of people must agree to acknowledge it.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>The same goes for those who write well. You don't necessarily need to be a novelist to do it. We often see very short texts that are extremely effective due to their originality and simplicity.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Simplicity. That's the real keyword here. Often, the greatest writers are appreciated by the general public precisely for this reason. If you have something to say, say it. Without too many words. Straight to the point.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Is there a way to improve? Is there a way to be a better writer? Perhaps today, as Seth Godin <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>, AI can help even those who can't string two understandable sentences together: <\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Get better at writing. You might not think you\u2019re a professional writer (you\u2019re a doctor! you\u2019re a manager! you\u2019re a teacher!) but if it\u2019s an important part of your job, you <em>are<\/em> a professional, or at least we expect you to be.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Now there\u2019s a second option. If the writing you\u2019re doing doesn\u2019t need to be in an idiosyncratic voice, take your memo, paste it into claude.ai and say, \u201cplease rewrite this to make it clear, cogent, positive and concise.\u201d<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Meanwhile, I'll try, as much as possible, to always ask myself these <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a> just before I start writing my first sentence from now on:<\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>But everyone isn\u2019t going to read your work, <em>someone<\/em> is.<br>\nCan you tell me who? Precisely?<br>\nWhat did they believe before they encountered your work? What do they want, what do they fear? What has moved them to action in the past?<\/p>",
"target": [
"blockquote:nth-child(11) > p"
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 16:00:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>Which I am.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>For those who might have noticed, which I imagine are few, and those who have still decided to read me, I have started posting in English lately.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I've done this for a very simple reason. By now, all the blogs and bloggers I read and want to engage with are written in English. Even, and especially, by Italians.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I want to try to keep up with the trend and see if I can expand my network of connections. No, I'm not interested in views, especially since <a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a> and I have disabled any tracking systems in here.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>I genuinely want to connect with other bloggers. With those, in essence, who continue to keep their distance from social media to engage in constructive conversation, because they've understood too well that, in those spaces, it has become impossible.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/louplummer.lol\/the-perfect-blogger\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Lou<\/a>",
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"any": [
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">IndieWeb<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Every once in a while I discover a real gem where someone's efforts are all at once entertaining, thought provoking, inspiring and original. I'll often be stricken with a pang of jealousy. \"I want to write like that\", I'll tell myself, knowing that I won't.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>This also translates to the fact that I\u2019ve been living in the United States for 9 months now, and English has become the main language to use daily.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>So, no more hesitation, if I make mistakes, you know why. I'm just an Italian looking for stories to relate to and to broaden his knowledge of the world!<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>The perfect blogger can take a mundane event and make it interesting. I'd read about their trip to the supermarket in a minute because they make things relatable. They find our common humanity in the everyday events we all experience<\/p>",
"target": [
"blockquote:nth-child(10) > p"
"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/fediverse-appeal\">Fediverse appeal<\/a>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 15:20:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>",
"target": [
"time[datetime=\"2024-08-26 15:20:00\"]"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>I've never really understood Mastodon or the Fediverse in general. Or rather, I've never seen its true utility except for creating even more suffocating and polarized echo chambers. Nothing that we hadn't already seen during the era of forums a few decades ago.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/minutestomidnight.co.uk\/blog\/smaller\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">here<\/a>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/alexsirac.com\/the-fediverse-and-attention-economy\/\">The Fediverse and attention economy<\/a>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/i-miei-abbonamenti-2024\">postato<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Alla fine del post spiego come fare \ud83d\ude09<\/p>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Netflix<\/strong> - Ho spostato il mio account e tutto il suo storico sotto un account straniero. Pagamento annuale $37.22. <strong>Risparmio attuale sull\u2019anno: \u20ac181.91<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<li><strong>Xbox Game Pass<\/strong>. Visto i recenti annunci di aumento prezzo e ancora la totale assenza di un abbonamento family da condividere con amici, ho deciso di acquistare una card ed estendere il mio abbonamento fino al 2027<\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>. Invariato. Come scritto nel post originario, non c\u2019\u00e8 molto che possa fare per cambiare Stato associato al mio account. Sempre: <strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>",
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"html": "<strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>. Dismesso. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong> <\/li>",
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"html": "<strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong>",
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"li:nth-child(4) > strong:nth-child(2)"
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"html": "<li><strong>YouTube<\/strong>. Nonostante sia sempre convinto che resti il miglior valore aggiunto per un abbonamento digitale, confermo di non volerlo rinnovare per il 2025. <strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"html": "<strong>YouTube<\/strong>",
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"html": "<strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Apple TV+<\/strong>: Confermata. Essendo io gestore Family non posso far parte di nessun altro abbonamento al di fuori del mio. Quindi si continua con i <strong>$9.99 al mese<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<li><strong>Paramount+<\/strong>: Nuova aggiunta, doverosa per vedere la Serie A negli Stati Uniti. <strong>$42.00 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. S\u00ec, all\u2019anno e non al mese come DAZN<\/li>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Paramount+<\/strong>",
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"html": "<strong>$42.00 all\u2019anno<\/strong>",
"target": [
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Disney+<\/strong>: <strong>$42 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. Faccio parte di un account family. Costo irrisorio. Fatto per la nuova stagione di Bear e terminare The Walking Dead<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Disney+<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(9) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>$42 all\u2019anno<\/strong>",
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"li:nth-child(9) > strong:nth-child(2)"
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Bear App<\/strong>: Come scritto qui, anche se mi scoccia pagare un abbonamento annuale, mi piace e voglio mantenere attivo l\u2019abbonamento. <strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Bear App<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(10) > strong:nth-child(1)"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(10) > strong:nth-child(2)"
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>: Niente di aggiuntivo rispetto a quanto mi serva. Lo dismetter\u00f2 sicuramente. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(11) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(11) > strong:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Glass<\/strong>: Nonostante adori l\u2019app, l\u2019aumento di prezzo e il fatto che sia decisamente poco popolata mi hanno fatto propendere per la dismissione e pubblicare piuttosto qui sul blog tutte le mie foto. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Glass<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(12) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(12) > strong:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
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"data": {
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>: \u20ac45\/anno<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(13) > strong"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>iCloud+<\/strong>: Irrinunciabile. \u20ac109.44\/anno<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>iCloud+<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(14) > strong"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>: Mio padre ha deciso di non utilizzare pi\u00f9 il servizio. E sebbene qui negli Stati Uniti il prezzo sia aumentato a $19.99 al mese, il mio <strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>. 3 euro al mese!<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(15) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(15) > strong:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Uber One<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(16) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>$96\/anno<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(16) > strong:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
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"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>NextDNS<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(17) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>$19.99\/anno<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(17) > strong:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 6.9100000000000001,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(8) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4)"
"any": [
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"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>risparmio si aggira attorno ai 325 euro<\/strong>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(4) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#1aa7c7",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 4.9900000000000002,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/accountsharing\/\">questa pagina di Reddit<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(8) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4) > a"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#cccccc",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<em>Come siete messi voi ad abbonamenti? A quali non rinuncereste mai?<\/em>",
"target": [
"strong:nth-child(4) > em:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#cccccc",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<em>Fatemelo sapere via ~<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">email<\/a>~ e gi\u00e0 che ci siete se avete voglia di sostenere il blog potete farlo ~<a href=\"https:\/\/ko-fi.com\/contz\/tiers\">qui<\/a>~.<\/em>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#1aa7c7",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 4.9900000000000002,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">email<\/a>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"contrastRatio": 4.9900000000000002,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/ko-fi.com\/contz\/tiers\">qui<\/a>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"fontSize": "19.4pt (25.92px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/semplificare\">Semplificare<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(9) > .post-title > .post-link"
"any": [
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.1"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-04 17:45:00\">4 of August, 2024<\/time>",
"target": [
"time[datetime=\"2024-08-04 17:45:00\"]"
"any": [
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"html": "<p>E in questo processo di semplificazione mi sono reso conto di quanto per me sia importante non disperdere energie e attenzione in mille rivoli differenti. Per questo Spotify resta per me l\u2019opzione migliore per le mie esigenze. Un app con dentro tutto. Fine. <\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/bear.app\/\">Bear App<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-01 16:40:00\">1 of August, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>Incredibly, it's already August today. I don't understand how 8 months have flown by since we left Italy.<\/p>",
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"html": "<em>Americano<\/em>",
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"html": "<p>The second is a ritual I started with Noemi. For every city we visit around the world, we book a couple's massage. We've done this practically everywhere for the past 7 years, and we consider it one of the things we most enjoy doing together when we're on vacation.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>A ritual doesn't necessarily mean becoming a slave to a habit; on the contrary, for me, it aligns with loving oneself and listening to one's body and mind.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>We should all have more rituals in our lives.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>What's yours?<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Incredibilmente oggi \u00e8 gi\u00e0 agosto. Non capisco come sia possibile che siano volati cos\u00ec velocemente 8 mesi da quando abbiamo lasciato l\u2019Italia. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Nuovo mese equivale anche a una nuova puntata dell\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>. Il mese di agosto \u00e8 ospitato da <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\">Steve<\/a> e ha come tema i rituali. <\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\">Steve<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Il secondo \u00e8 un rituale che ho iniziato con Noemi. Per ogni citt\u00e0 visitata nel mondo, prenotiamo un massaggio di coppia. L\u2019abbiamo fatto praticamente ovunque da 7 anni a questa parte e reputiamo sia una delle cose che pi\u00f9 ci piace fare insieme quando siamo in vacanza. <\/p>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"html": "<p>Un rituale non equivale necessariamente a diventare schiavo di un abitudine, anzi, per me combacia con il volersi bene e ascoltare il proprio corpo e mente. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Dovremmo avere tutti pi\u00f9 rituali nella nostra vita.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Qual \u00e8 il tuo?<\/p>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a>",
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"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.1"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-12 08:40:00\">12 of July, 2024<\/time>",
"target": [
"time[datetime=\"2024-07-12 08:40:00\"]"
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"impact": "serious",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Gi\u00e0. Il mare. Non viverci per 40 anni e tutto d\u2019un tratto avercelo a 10 minuti di cammino fa un certo effetto. Vi consiglio l\u2019ultimo numero de Il Pensiero Lungo la newsletter di Martino, dedicata proprio al <a href=\"https:\/\/martinopietropoli.substack.com\/p\/121-mare\">mare<\/a>: <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(11) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(3)"
"any": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
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"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/martinopietropoli.substack.com\/p\/121-mare\">mare<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(11) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(3) > a"
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"all": [],
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"html": "<p>",
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"html": "<p>",
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"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Manca poco, come dicevo, per sistemare qualche tassello e permetterci di buttare via qualche pensiero di tentennamento su questa scelta di trasferirci qui. Non \u00e8 assolutamente un ripensarci, ma penso sia pi\u00f9 che normale chiedersi di tanto in tanto, ma avr\u00f2 fatto bene? <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(11) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(7)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Questi primi sette mesi intanto sono volati via alla velocit\u00e0 della luce e penso sar\u00e0 altrettanto cos\u00ec fino alla fine dell\u2019anno. Da adesso ho qualche viaggio di lavoro e inizier\u00e0 la fase di programmazione per il 2025. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(11) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(8)"
"any": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Non possono che aspettarci belle cose.<\/p>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-title > .post-link"
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-08 12:50:00\">8 of July, 2024<\/time>",
"target": [
"time[datetime=\"2024-07-08 12:50:00\"]"
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"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Probabilmente nei giorni scorsi vi sarete imbattuti in qualche articolo o servizio di telegiornale riguardante l\u2019arrivo della nave scuola Amerigo Vespucci al porto di Los Angeles. Qui in radio ne siamo stati letteralmente bombardati. <\/p>",
"target": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
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"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Una settimana - dal 3 all'8 luglio - attraccata a uno dei dock di San Pedro, con visita gratuita aperta al pubblico e un annesso spazio su terra ferma con una sorta di villaggio Italia adibito a mostre, proiezioni cinematografiche, shopping e alla ristorazione affidata a Eataly. <\/p>",
"target": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>30 minuti di macchina da casa, un\u2019occasione per fare qualcosa di diverso e <em>ammirare la nave pi\u00f9 bella del mondo che tutti ci invidiano<\/em>.<\/p>",
"target": [
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
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"impact": null,
"html": "<em>ammirare la nave pi\u00f9 bella del mondo che tutti ci invidiano<\/em>",
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"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(3) > em"
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"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
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"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p><a href=\"https:\/\/tourvespucci.it\/en\/legs\/los-angeles-2\/#\">L\u2019evento<\/a>, organizzato da Difesa Servizi - organo in house del Ministero della Difesa - fa parte del tour mondiale della Vespucci della durata di 2 anni, partito da Genova l\u20191 luglio 2023 e che si concluder\u00e0 nel 2025. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4)"
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tourvespucci.it\/en\/legs\/los-angeles-2\/#\">L\u2019evento<\/a>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Un punto di incontro, condivisione, confronto e promozione delle eccellenze del patrimonio culturale, artistico, storico ed economico italiano.<\/p>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Un\u2019area organizzata per padiglioni espositivi ed un articolato palinsesto curato dalle eccellenze italiane per vivere esperienze uniche.<\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > blockquote:nth-child(6) > p"
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"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Sul sito viene specificato che per salire a bordo \u00e8 necessario prenotare un orario di ingresso specifico tra quelli indicati. E cos\u00ec abbiamo fatto, pensando, ingenuamente, che questo ci garantisse un accesso immediato sia al villaggio, sia, soprattutto, alla nave. <\/p>",
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"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(7)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Ieri abbiamo scoperto che le cose non stavano esattamente cos\u00ec. <\/p>",
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"relatedNodes": [],
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"html": "<p>Entriamo. Guardiamo tra i padiglioni, ne restiamo lontani perch\u00e9 comunque anch\u2019essi con code sostenute e ci dirigiamo verso la nave. Una volta l\u00ec scopriamo che ci sono due file, una per chi aveva prenotato la visita e una per chi non fosse ancora munito di biglietto. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(12)"
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<em>Ma allora a cosa \u00e8 servito prenotare?<\/em>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(13) > em"
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"html": "<p>La coda \u00e8, di nuovo, lunghissima, perdiamo un\u2019altra ora scarsa e all\u2019arrivo all\u2019ingresso del molo scopriamo di non essere pronti a salire. C\u2019\u00e8 un altro serpentone da affrontare, ma ormai siamo l\u00ec e pazientiamo ulteriormente. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>La nave, cos\u00ec come \u00e8 stata presentata alle persone mi \u00e8 parsa soltanto una bella photo opportunity per gli account Instagram dei visitatori e nulla pi\u00f9. <\/p>",
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"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">Email<\/a>",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id?application=axeAPI",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-lang-valid?application=axeAPI",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/image-alt?application=axeAPI",
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".gallery:nth-child(11) > figure:nth-child(1) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
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"target": [
".gallery:nth-child(11) > figure:nth-child(2) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
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"message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
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"target": [
".gallery:nth-child(16) > figure:nth-child(1) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
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"target": [
".gallery:nth-child(16) > figure:nth-child(2) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
"id": "link-name",
"impact": null,
"tags": [
"description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
"help": "Links must have discernible text",
"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
"nodes": [
"any": [
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"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
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"html": "<a class=\"header-home-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\">\n <img class=\"header-logo\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/img\/logo.png\" alt=\"Go With The Flow\">\n <\/a>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/about\">About<\/a>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/email\">EMAIL<\/a>",
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"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/archive\">Archive<\/a>",
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"all": [],
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/15-years-of-blogging\">Thoughts on my 15 years of blogging<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-title > .post-link"
"any": [
"id": "has-visible-text",
"data": null,
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">today<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(1) > a"
"any": [
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"all": [],
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"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto\">The Cluetrain Manifesto<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4) > a"
"any": [
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"all": [],
"none": [
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">this space<\/a>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(9) > a"
"any": [
"id": "has-visible-text",
"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "minor",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">down<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(10) > a"
"any": [
"id": "has-visible-text",
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"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(4) > .post-title > .post-link"
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(5) > .post-title > .post-link"
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"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(5) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(5) > a"
"any": [
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"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(5) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(10) > a"
"any": [
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(6) > .post-title > .post-link"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/louplummer.lol\/the-perfect-blogger\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Lou<\/a>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(6) > a[rel=\"noreferrer\"][target=\"_blank\"]:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">IndieWeb<\/a>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(6) > a[href$=\"rituali\"]"
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/alexsirac.com\/the-fediverse-and-attention-economy\/\">The Fediverse and attention economy<\/a>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Netflix<\/strong> - Ho spostato il mio account e tutto il suo storico sotto un account straniero. Pagamento annuale $37.22. <strong>Risparmio attuale sull\u2019anno: \u20ac181.91<\/strong><\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>. Invariato. Come scritto nel post originario, non c\u2019\u00e8 molto che possa fare per cambiare Stato associato al mio account. Sempre: <strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>. Dismesso. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong> <\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>YouTube<\/strong>. Nonostante sia sempre convinto che resti il miglior valore aggiunto per un abbonamento digitale, confermo di non volerlo rinnovare per il 2025. <strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong><\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Apple TV+<\/strong>: Confermata. Essendo io gestore Family non posso far parte di nessun altro abbonamento al di fuori del mio. Quindi si continua con i <strong>$9.99 al mese<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<li><strong>Prime Video<\/strong>: Confermato <strong>$139.99 anno<\/strong><\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Paramount+<\/strong>: Nuova aggiunta, doverosa per vedere la Serie A negli Stati Uniti. <strong>$42.00 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. S\u00ec, all\u2019anno e non al mese come DAZN<\/li>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Disney+<\/strong>: <strong>$42 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. Faccio parte di un account family. Costo irrisorio. Fatto per la nuova stagione di Bear e terminare The Walking Dead<\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Bear App<\/strong>: Come scritto qui, anche se mi scoccia pagare un abbonamento annuale, mi piace e voglio mantenere attivo l\u2019abbonamento. <strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>: Niente di aggiuntivo rispetto a quanto mi serva. Lo dismetter\u00f2 sicuramente. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<li><strong>Glass<\/strong>: Nonostante adori l\u2019app, l\u2019aumento di prezzo e il fatto che sia decisamente poco popolata mi hanno fatto propendere per la dismissione e pubblicare piuttosto qui sul blog tutte le mie foto. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<li><strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>: \u20ac45\/anno<\/li>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>iCloud+<\/strong>: Irrinunciabile. \u20ac109.44\/anno<\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>: Mio padre ha deciso di non utilizzare pi\u00f9 il servizio. E sebbene qui negli Stati Uniti il prezzo sia aumentato a $19.99 al mese, il mio <strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>. 3 euro al mese!<\/li>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Uber One<\/strong>: <strong>$96\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/nested-interactive?application=axeAPI",
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That's 15 years ago.<\/p>\n<p>A very long time, and although it's not my longest-running online presence, but it's certainly the most consistent one.<\/p>\n<h3>What have I learned in these past 15 years?<\/h3>\n<p>Blogs were, especially in Italy, a passing phenomenon. In the early 2000s, if you didn't have your own space where you could express your thoughts, you were essentially out of the game. Unlike forums, blogs allowed those with something interesting to say to stand out from the background noise of trolls and serial posters since forums were the only competitors at that time. They became the first true manifestation of one of the theses of bottom-up conversations as established by <a href=\"https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto\">The Cluetrain Manifesto<\/a>:<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter\u2014and getting smarter faster than most companies.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>For a few months, I was also part of what was then called the blog stars circuit. I was invited to events, to participate in debates, and to promote products.<\/p>\n<p>Did social media kill that era? In Italy, undoubtedly. We are a people born for social media; we are slaves to voyeurism and naturally inclined towards flames and drama. Those who had a blog suddenly felt delegitimized and, deprived of their moment of glory, ended up getting bored and stopped writing, witnessing the rise of influencers first and creators later.<\/p>\n<p>But if you didn't care much about entering the arena for the battle of attention, and if your goal was, as it still is for me, to have a presence on the Web where you can be yourself and weave valuable relationships, then almost certainly your blog has survived all this and is alive and well.<\/p>\n<p>In 15 years, I've found friends, work partners, acquaintances, and had the opportunity to interact with some of the people I admire most, and this still happens today, like last year with Manuel and his help in rebuilding <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">this space<\/a> almost from scratch.<\/p>\n<p>I've only recently realized, perhaps too late, that to truly open up to the world, I would need something different, namely to start writing in English. Because outside our national borders, people haven't surrendered to an idea of the Internet entirely equivalent to social media. Elsewhere, there are still people who prefer to interact as they did 20 years ago, where all you need is to share stories via an email address.<br>\nPerhaps anachronistic? Likely, but certainly more genuine and profound. Digging deeper <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">down<\/a> without having to widen the perimeter.<\/p>\n<p>I will forever be grateful for choosing to make this decision 15 years ago. These pages have been an effective therapy for me, a journey of self-discovery before even discovering the world.<br>\nI will always be grateful to all the people I've met over these years, even if they were part of my life for just a second.<\/p>\n<p>This place will continue to exist as long as I can take care of it, as long as existing technologies allow me to do so. It's an extension of my being. <\/p>\n<p>An open bar tab whose final balance will always be in my favor.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-09-01 06:35:00\">1 of September, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Noemi has finally found and started a new job. This gives us a nice dose of tranquility from many perspectives. A few months ago, when we still weren't sure about her job future, we decided that I would take a week off at the beginning of September. So, I decided to surprise my parents and come directly to our summer house, here in Sardinia, until the 8th.<\/p>\n<p>I found a good deal with Lufthansa, which along with Swiss Air, is one of the few airlines to offer a route from Los Angeles to Olbia with just one stop in another European country.<\/p>\n<p>The journey passed rather quickly, and in the awake moments between naps, I only thought about how much plastic and trash each airplane leaves behind as soon as it takes off.<\/p>\n<p>Starting with these headphones. How many of these are distributed around the world every day? And how many of those are\/will be recycled? I imagine the environmental impact of these tiny objects is not insignificant, and as I put them on to listen to the audio of \"Dune: Part Two,\" I wondered if there was a way to avoid distributing more than 300 pairs on each transoceanic flight.<\/p>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 75%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/01fddb92b8-1725198229\/headphones.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/01fddb92b8-1725198229\/headphones-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<p>Equip every screen with Bluetooth technology? Fit the seats with standard 3.5mm jacks instead of those odd double inputs? Or perhaps USB-C compatible ports?<\/p>\n<p>I obviously paid attention to everything else too. Especially after the cabin crew announced that Lufthansa adopts a green protocol, suggesting we keep our plastic cups (specifically mentioned) for refills during subsequent trolley rounds.<\/p>\n<p>Yet...<\/p>\n<p>Yet, on both the Los Angeles to Munich and Munich to Olbia legs, two plastic bottles were distributed:<\/p>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 78.545454545455%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/69a2895a77-1725198229\/water.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/69a2895a77-1725198229\/water-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<p>I wondered what could be done to avoid this. More refill stations to fill up the water bottles across the plane since practically everyone owns nowadays? (As many airports already do) Or store water in some other material?<\/p>\n<p>Perhaps it would have been better to avoid green initiative proclaims if this was going to be the result.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-27 15:25:00\">27 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>I'm not sure if being good at writing is an innate ability or a quality acquired over time, perhaps through voracious reading or a deep humanistic education. I imagine that, as with all matters in life, talent needs to be honed to share it with the world, and there are some people naturally more gifted than others.<\/p>\n<p>However, talent, although an innate quality, must be recognized by someone, and often a group of people must agree to acknowledge it.<\/p>\n<p>The same goes for those who write well. You don't necessarily need to be a novelist to do it. We often see very short texts that are extremely effective due to their originality and simplicity.<\/p>\n<p>Simplicity. That's the real keyword here. Often, the greatest writers are appreciated by the general public precisely for this reason. If you have something to say, say it. Without too many words. Straight to the point.<\/p>\n<p>Is there a way to improve? Is there a way to be a better writer? Perhaps today, as Seth Godin <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>, AI can help even those who can't string two understandable sentences together: <\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Get better at writing. You might not think you\u2019re a professional writer (you\u2019re a doctor! you\u2019re a manager! you\u2019re a teacher!) but if it\u2019s an important part of your job, you <em>are<\/em> a professional, or at least we expect you to be.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Now there\u2019s a second option. If the writing you\u2019re doing doesn\u2019t need to be in an idiosyncratic voice, take your memo, paste it into claude.ai and say, \u201cplease rewrite this to make it clear, cogent, positive and concise.\u201d<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>I've wondered if this could also apply to those with a blog. If leveraging AI could be helpful. Probably yes, but only with the form. And although it might help with substance too, I hope those eager to share their world with others do so genuinely, without needing technology to invent stories.<\/p>\n<p>What's the point of all this? I too would like to become a better writer one day. To entertain with an incisive style while maintaining my narrative consistency. I don't think this necessarily has to turn into a book; my blog is enough for me. Knowing that those who come here to read do so because they're interested in what I write, but also in how I write it.<\/p>\n<p>Meanwhile, I'll try, as much as possible, to always ask myself these <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a> just before I start writing my first sentence from now on:<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>But everyone isn\u2019t going to read your work, <em>someone<\/em> is.<br>\nCan you tell me who? Precisely?<br>\nWhat did they believe before they encountered your work? What do they want, what do they fear? What has moved them to action in the past?<\/p>\n<\/blockquote><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 16:00:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Which I am.<\/p>\n<p>For those who might have noticed, which I imagine are few, and those who have still decided to read me, I have started posting in English lately.<\/p>\n<p>I've done this for a very simple reason. By now, all the blogs and bloggers I read and want to engage with are written in English. Even, and especially, by Italians.<\/p>\n<p>I want to try to keep up with the trend and see if I can expand my network of connections. No, I'm not interested in views, especially since <a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a> and I have disabled any tracking systems in here.<\/p>\n<p>I genuinely want to connect with other bloggers. With those, in essence, who continue to keep their distance from social media to engage in constructive conversation, because they've understood too well that, in those spaces, it has become impossible.<\/p>\n<p>Therefore, inspired by this post from <a href=\"https:\/\/louplummer.lol\/the-perfect-blogger\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Lou<\/a>, I too found myself envying those who decided to change their native language and started adopting English (Especially after <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a> pointed out to me that my entry for <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">IndieWeb<\/a> this month should have been in English instead of Italian):<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Every once in a while I discover a real gem where someone's efforts are all at once entertaining, thought provoking, inspiring and original. I'll often be stricken with a pang of jealousy. \"I want to write like that\", I'll tell myself, knowing that I won't.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>This also translates to the fact that I\u2019ve been living in the United States for 9 months now, and English has become the main language to use daily.<\/p>\n<p>So, no more hesitation, if I make mistakes, you know why. I'm just an Italian looking for stories to relate to and to broaden his knowledge of the world!<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>The perfect blogger can take a mundane event and make it interesting. I'd read about their trip to the supermarket in a minute because they make things relatable. They find our common humanity in the everyday events we all experience<\/p>\n<\/blockquote><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/fediverse-appeal\">Fediverse appeal<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 15:20:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>I've never really understood Mastodon or the Fediverse in general. Or rather, I've never seen its true utility except for creating even more suffocating and polarized echo chambers. Nothing that we hadn't already seen during the era of forums a few decades ago.<\/p>\n<p>I echo Simone's words <a href=\"https:\/\/minutestomidnight.co.uk\/blog\/smaller\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">here<\/a>, with which I very much agree. And it's for this reason that blogs still make sense today. Not so much because it's necessary to develop a community around them, but because they are much more effective in stimulating a calm conversation, free from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), and above all, they force the writer to exercise a certain logic of thought that would otherwise be swept away by the totally instinctive reactions typical of keyboard warriors, as we say in Italy.<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>the Fediverse idea, albeit interesting on paper, is gloriously showing its main flaw: pretty much all their incarnations are mimicking social media, with all the consequent detrimental effects. Doom scrolling, an infinite series of short burst of personal opinions, usually disconnected from one another. Whether siloed or decentralised, the resulting unsearchable ephemerality is not really different from other mainstream corporate incarnations. Alex wrote much deeper considerations about this very topic, in their post ~<a href=\"https:\/\/alexsirac.com\/the-fediverse-and-attention-economy\/\">The Fediverse and attention economy<\/a>~.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-05 11:10:00\">5 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>A fine marzo ho <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/i-miei-abbonamenti-2024\">postato<\/a> i costi legati ai miei abbonamenti digitali, ma siccome alcune cose sono cambiate e con altissima probabilit\u00e0 rimarranno cos\u00ec fino a fine anno se non oltre, un aggiornamento era doveroso. Ed esultare soprattutto per il bel risparmio ottenuto. <\/p>\n<p>Alla fine del post spiego come fare \ud83d\ude09<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Netflix<\/strong> - Ho spostato il mio account e tutto il suo storico sotto un account straniero. Pagamento annuale $37.22. <strong>Risparmio attuale sull\u2019anno: \u20ac181.91<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Xbox Game Pass<\/strong>. Visto i recenti annunci di aumento prezzo e ancora la totale assenza di un abbonamento family da condividere con amici, ho deciso di acquistare una card ed estendere il mio abbonamento fino al 2027<\/li>\n<li><strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>. Invariato. Come scritto nel post originario, non c\u2019\u00e8 molto che possa fare per cambiare Stato associato al mio account. Sempre: <strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>. Dismesso. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong> <\/li>\n<li><strong>YouTube<\/strong>. Nonostante sia sempre convinto che resti il miglior valore aggiunto per un abbonamento digitale, confermo di non volerlo rinnovare per il 2025. <strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Apple TV+<\/strong>: Confermata. Essendo io gestore Family non posso far parte di nessun altro abbonamento al di fuori del mio. Quindi si continua con i <strong>$9.99 al mese<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Prime Video<\/strong>: Confermato <strong>$139.99 anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Paramount+<\/strong>: Nuova aggiunta, doverosa per vedere la Serie A negli Stati Uniti. <strong>$42.00 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. S\u00ec, all\u2019anno e non al mese come DAZN<\/li>\n<li><strong>Disney+<\/strong>: <strong>$42 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. Faccio parte di un account family. Costo irrisorio. Fatto per la nuova stagione di Bear e terminare The Walking Dead<\/li>\n<li><strong>Bear App<\/strong>: Come scritto qui, anche se mi scoccia pagare un abbonamento annuale, mi piace e voglio mantenere attivo l\u2019abbonamento. <strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>: Niente di aggiuntivo rispetto a quanto mi serva. Lo dismetter\u00f2 sicuramente. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Glass<\/strong>: Nonostante adori l\u2019app, l\u2019aumento di prezzo e il fatto che sia decisamente poco popolata mi hanno fatto propendere per la dismissione e pubblicare piuttosto qui sul blog tutte le mie foto. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>: \u20ac45\/anno<\/li>\n<li><strong>iCloud+<\/strong>: Irrinunciabile. \u20ac109.44\/anno<\/li>\n<li><strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>: Mio padre ha deciso di non utilizzare pi\u00f9 il servizio. E sebbene qui negli Stati Uniti il prezzo sia aumentato a $19.99 al mese, il mio <strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>. 3 euro al mese!<\/li>\n<li><strong>Uber One<\/strong>: <strong>$96\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>NextDNS<\/strong>: <strong>$19.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>A conti fatti il <strong>risparmio si aggira attorno ai 325 euro<\/strong>. Tantissimo a pensarci a posteriori e nonostante abbia aggiunto due abbonamenti in pi\u00f9. Tanto, per me, ha fatto l'aver scoperto <a href=\"https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/accountsharing\/\">questa pagina di Reddit<\/a>, dove c\u2019\u00e8 da stare attenti perch\u00e9 la fregatura \u00e8 dietro l\u2019angolo, ma se si presta un minimo di attenzione si pu\u00f2 accedere a prezzi decisamente pi\u00f9 agevoli facendo parte di un account Family con un risparmio, come visto, notevole e soprattutto legale!<br>\n<strong><br>\n<em>Come siete messi voi ad abbonamenti? A quali non rinuncereste mai?<\/em><br>\n<em>Fatemelo sapere via ~<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">email<\/a>~ e gi\u00e0 che ci siete se avete voglia di sostenere il blog potete farlo ~<a href=\"https:\/\/ko-fi.com\/contz\/tiers\">qui<\/a>~.<\/em><\/strong><\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/semplificare\">Semplificare<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-04 17:45:00\">4 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Nell\u2019ultimo mese, complice l\u2019aumento di prezzo mensile per l\u2019abbonamento Family negli Stati Uniti (in realt\u00e0 si pu\u00f2 tornare al prezzo precedente rinunciando all\u2019add-on degli audiolibri per il gestore dell\u2019abbonamento), su Threads e Reddit leggo di tanti che spinti da una fake news hanno deciso di abbandonare Spotify e passare ad Apple Music. <\/p>\n<p>Oltre il prezzo, a quanto pare, nel giocare un fattore determinante c\u2019\u00e8 la pulizia di UI rispetto a Spotify e che quindi su Apple Music si trovino soltanto brani musicali e non podcast o audiolibri (o come nel caso U.K., anche video corsi)<\/p>\n<p>Ma quello che per molti pu\u00f2 essere un vantaggio di <em>lettura<\/em> ed esperienza nel approcciare l\u2019applicazione, per me \u00e8 un punto di forza. Oltre ad aver fatto un\u2019enorme <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">pulizia nel feed RSS<\/a> ho proceduto nell\u2019ultimo mese a cancellare decine di applicazioni inutili sul mio telefono, buone solo a prendere polvere e occupare memoria. <\/p>\n<p>E in questo processo di semplificazione mi sono reso conto di quanto per me sia importante non disperdere energie e attenzione in mille rivoli differenti. Per questo Spotify resta per me l\u2019opzione migliore per le mie esigenze. Un app con dentro tutto. Fine. <\/p>\n<p>Da qualche giorno sto provando ad adottare lo stesso criterio anche per altre applicazioni. Ho deciso di ri-testare <a href=\"https:\/\/bear.app\/\">Bear App<\/a> e unire cos\u00ec Apple Notes e iA Writer. Entrambe molto preziose, la prima la utilizzo pesantemente al lavoro, la seconda \u00e8 l\u2019app dove scrivo tutti i miei post del blog. <\/p>\n<p>Apple Notes per\u00f2 non consente nessuna personalizzazione, non consente di default di ingrandire il font - e spesso su uno schermo da 32 pollici risulta difficile - e nemmeno di modificarlo. iA Writer l\u2019ho considerata come alternativa valida, ma il sistema di salvataggio delle Note non mi ha mai appassionato. <\/p>\n<p>Bear sembra il giusto compromesso al momento. Personalizzazione, esportazione del testo in Markdown, Note per lavoro e vita personale, post per il blog. Unica pecca \u00e8 che per attivare la sincronizzazione iCloud bisogna pagare un abbonamento mensile. Resto sempre a favore del pagamento lifetime, ma cos\u00ec \u00e8. <\/p>\n<p>Mi sono dato qualche settimana, se c\u2019\u00e8 altro, fatemelo sapere via email!<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">Rituali<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-01 16:40:00\">1 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p><strong><em>This post has been updated and now has both an English and an Italian version of it!<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Incredibly, it's already August today. I don't understand how 8 months have flown by since we left Italy.<\/p>\n<p>I'm equally astonished by the fact that we haven't sweated a single day yet. When I hear from relatives and friends in Italy, they all tell me they're dying from the heat, but here we're really in a climatic paradise, where we almost never go above 24 degrees Celsius. In fact, both in the morning and after dusk, a sweatshirt is a must for outdoor excursions.<\/p>\n<p>A new month also means a new episode of the <a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>. August is hosted by <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a>, and the theme is about Rituals.<\/p>\n<p>I don't have any particular rituals. I have two that I consider constants in this phase of my life.<br>\nThe first is the morning coffee once I get to the office. I always try to arrive before the hustle begins to give myself some solitary moments, dedicating time to reading my RSS feed while sipping an espresso. Or rather, an <em>Americano<\/em> here in the States.<\/p>\n<p>The second is a ritual I started with Noemi. For every city we visit around the world, we book a couple's massage. We've done this practically everywhere for the past 7 years, and we consider it one of the things we most enjoy doing together when we're on vacation.<\/p>\n<p>I used to have another one in the past. Every year when the new FIFA game came out, I would always take a day off to buy the game and spend the rest of the day playing it. But I've abandoned that over time, partly because as the years went by, the game consistently got worse and was never too different from the previous year.<\/p>\n<p>A ritual doesn't necessarily mean becoming a slave to a habit; on the contrary, for me, it aligns with loving oneself and listening to one's body and mind.<\/p>\n<p>We should all have more rituals in our lives.<\/p>\n<p>What's yours?<\/p>\n<hr>\n<p>Incredibilmente oggi \u00e8 gi\u00e0 agosto. Non capisco come sia possibile che siano volati cos\u00ec velocemente 8 mesi da quando abbiamo lasciato l\u2019Italia. <\/p>\n<p>Resto altrettanto stupefatto dal fatto che non abbiamo ancora sudato un giorno. Quando sento parenti e amici in Italia mi dicono tutti che si sta morendo dal caldo, qui invece stiamo davvero in un paradiso climatico, dove non superiamo quasi mai i 24 gradi C\u00b0. Anzi, sia al mattino che dopo l\u2019imbrunire una felpa \u00e8 d\u2019obbligo per escursioni in esterna. <\/p>\n<p>Nuovo mese equivale anche a una nuova puntata dell\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>. Il mese di agosto \u00e8 ospitato da <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\">Steve<\/a> e ha come tema i rituali. <\/p>\n<p>Non ho dei rituali particolari. Ne ho due che reputo costanti in questa fase della vita.<br>\nIl primo \u00e8 il caff\u00e8 del mattino una volta arrivato in ufficio. Cerco sempre di arrivare prima dell\u2019inizio delle danze e concedermi qualche momento in solitaria, dedicandomi alla lettura del feed RSS mentre sorseggio un espresso. O espresso abbondante qui negli States. <\/p>\n<p>Il secondo \u00e8 un rituale che ho iniziato con Noemi. Per ogni citt\u00e0 visitata nel mondo, prenotiamo un massaggio di coppia. L\u2019abbiamo fatto praticamente ovunque da 7 anni a questa parte e reputiamo sia una delle cose che pi\u00f9 ci piace fare insieme quando siamo in vacanza. <\/p>\n<p>Ne avevo un altro in passato. Ogni anno all\u2019uscita del nuovo Fifa, prendevo sempre un giorno di ferie per andare a comprare il gioco e spendere il resto della giornata a giocarci. Ma l\u2019ho abbandonato nel tempo anche perch\u00e9 con l\u2019andare degli anni il gioco \u00e8 peggiorato costantemente e mai troppo dissimile dall\u2019anno precedente. <\/p>\n<p>Un rituale non equivale necessariamente a diventare schiavo di un abitudine, anzi, per me combacia con il volersi bene e ascoltare il proprio corpo e mente. <\/p>\n<p>Dovremmo avere tutti pi\u00f9 rituali nella nostra vita.<\/p>\n<p>Qual \u00e8 il tuo?<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-12 08:40:00\">12 of July, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Provare a capire gli Stati Uniti da una piccola cittadina come Marina del Rey sarebbe come provare a capire l\u2019Italia da una cabina telefonica.<br>\nLe distanze, le differenze, i sottili sub-strati culturali e sociali sono incomprensibili e difficili da padroneggiare se non si decide di viaggiare e scoprire.<br>\nSpero di farlo al pi\u00f9 presto e non solo per questioni legate al lavoro.<br>\nVoglio conoscere meglio ci\u00f2 che mi circonda, a partire dalla California che in un\u2019area grande come l\u2019Italia racchiude al suo interno mare, montagna, collina, pianura e deserto.<\/p>\n<p>Ma a volte \u00e8 difficile avere la mente sgombra dall\u2019idea di futuro quando ancora qualche tassello deve andare a posto, \u00e8 difficile programmarlo quando ancora ci stiamo facendo tante domande.<br>\nNonostante questo resto positivo. Qui ho la sensazione di vivere in una bolla diversa da quella milanese, dove i ritmi erano abbastanza frenetici e scanditi dai tanti appuntamenti sociali e di lavoro.<br>\nCi sentiamo ancora in vacanza, come se ci aspettassimo che tra poco tutto questo possa finire. Ci godiamo la calma, la pace, i ritmi estremamente pi\u00f9 lenti e il mare. <\/p>\n<p>Gi\u00e0. Il mare. Non viverci per 40 anni e tutto d\u2019un tratto avercelo a 10 minuti di cammino fa un certo effetto. Vi consiglio l\u2019ultimo numero de Il Pensiero Lungo la newsletter di Martino, dedicata proprio al <a href=\"https:\/\/martinopietropoli.substack.com\/p\/121-mare\">mare<\/a>: <\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Un viaggio cosmico che si ripete circolarmente e che riporta all\u2019inizio. Mutati dall\u2019anno trascorso, ma verso e attraverso il punto da cui tutto \u00e8 iniziato. Ritornarci misura sia l'avanzare del tempo contingente ma anche l\u2019immutabilit\u00e0 di quello cosmico: siamo troppo minuscoli perch\u00e9 il nostro tempo conti qualcosa, non siamo nemmeno un battito di ciglia dell\u2019universo.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Il mare azzera il tempo: \u00e8 sempre cos\u00ec e sempre cos\u00ec sar\u00e0. Del resto \u00e8 un infinito e quindi non ha n\u00e9 presente n\u00e9 futuro e il mare che scrutiamo \u00e8 lo stesso che vedeva Giulio Cesare o Marco Polo. Una massa fluttuante e cangiante, increspata o tumultuosa, screziata da onde, lucida e tesa se non c\u2019\u00e8 vento. Il mare \u00e8 una materia ed \u00e8 ovunque, il mare \u00e8 reale e concettuale allo stesso tempo.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>Sono giorni di riflessione. Penso tanto e mi ritrovo a conoscermi meglio, ascoltarmi di pi\u00f9 quando tutto il rumore superfluo mi sembra di averlo lasciato in Italia. Mi piace, forse ci sono arrivato tardi, forse non importa poi tanto, ma bench\u00e9 non abbia risposte sul futuro so per certo che ci stiamo arricchendo e questo \u00e8 importante. <\/p>\n<p>Manca poco, come dicevo, per sistemare qualche tassello e permetterci di buttare via qualche pensiero di tentennamento su questa scelta di trasferirci qui. Non \u00e8 assolutamente un ripensarci, ma penso sia pi\u00f9 che normale chiedersi di tanto in tanto, ma avr\u00f2 fatto bene? <\/p>\n<p>Questi primi sette mesi intanto sono volati via alla velocit\u00e0 della luce e penso sar\u00e0 altrettanto cos\u00ec fino alla fine dell\u2019anno. Da adesso ho qualche viaggio di lavoro e inizier\u00e0 la fase di programmazione per il 2025. <\/p>\n<p>Non possono che aspettarci belle cose.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-08 12:50:00\">8 of July, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Probabilmente nei giorni scorsi vi sarete imbattuti in qualche articolo o servizio di telegiornale riguardante l\u2019arrivo della nave scuola Amerigo Vespucci al porto di Los Angeles. Qui in radio ne siamo stati letteralmente bombardati. <\/p>\n<p>Una settimana - dal 3 all'8 luglio - attraccata a uno dei dock di San Pedro, con visita gratuita aperta al pubblico e un annesso spazio su terra ferma con una sorta di villaggio Italia adibito a mostre, proiezioni cinematografiche, shopping e alla ristorazione affidata a Eataly. <\/p>\n<p>30 minuti di macchina da casa, un\u2019occasione per fare qualcosa di diverso e <em>ammirare la nave pi\u00f9 bella del mondo che tutti ci invidiano<\/em>.<\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/tourvespucci.it\/en\/legs\/los-angeles-2\/#\">L\u2019evento<\/a>, organizzato da Difesa Servizi - organo in house del Ministero della Difesa - fa parte del tour mondiale della Vespucci della durata di 2 anni, partito da Genova l\u20191 luglio 2023 e che si concluder\u00e0 nel 2025. <\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Un punto di incontro, condivisione, confronto e promozione delle eccellenze del patrimonio culturale, artistico, storico ed economico italiano.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Un\u2019area organizzata per padiglioni espositivi ed un articolato palinsesto curato dalle eccellenze italiane per vivere esperienze uniche.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>Sul sito viene specificato che per salire a bordo \u00e8 necessario prenotare un orario di ingresso specifico tra quelli indicati. E cos\u00ec abbiamo fatto, pensando, ingenuamente, che questo ci garantisse un accesso immediato sia al villaggio, sia, soprattutto, alla nave. <\/p>\n<p>Ieri abbiamo scoperto che le cose non stavano esattamente cos\u00ec. <\/p>\n<p>Arrivati a San Pedro, ci troviamo davanti un cartello digitale indicante i parcheggi generici riservati all\u2019evento Vespucci e che quelli pi\u00f9 vicini alla nave sarebbero stati quelli VIP e pertanto non accessibili. Parcheggiamo e scopriamo che c\u2019\u00e8 una distanza di 1.4km da percorrere a piedi con sole a picco e 27\u00b0. Scorgiamo una navetta in lontananza, pu\u00f2 contenere circa 30-40 persone, ma la fila in attesa per prenderla ne conta almeno 200. Decidiamo di farcela a piedi. <\/p>\n<p>Siamo ancora in orario e dentro i 15 minuti di tolleranza indicati nella email di conferma, ma all\u2019arrivo troviamo una coda lunghissima. Pensiamo sia solo relativa all\u2019ingresso al villaggio e aspettiamo, pazientemente, pi\u00f9 di un\u2019ora e comunque senza nessuna copertura predisposta dal sole di luglio californiano. <\/p>\n<div class=\"gallery\">\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 75%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/9392d54a49-1720464890\/code.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/9392d54a49-1720464890\/code-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 75%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/00309251fb-1720464890\/ancora-code.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/00309251fb-1720464890\/ancora-code-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<p>Entriamo. Guardiamo tra i padiglioni, ne restiamo lontani perch\u00e9 comunque anch\u2019essi con code sostenute e ci dirigiamo verso la nave. Una volta l\u00ec scopriamo che ci sono due file, una per chi aveva prenotato la visita e una per chi non fosse ancora munito di biglietto. <\/p>\n<p><em>Ma allora a cosa \u00e8 servito prenotare?<\/em><\/p>\n<p>La coda \u00e8, di nuovo, lunghissima, perdiamo un\u2019altra ora scarsa e all\u2019arrivo all\u2019ingresso del molo scopriamo di non essere pronti a salire. C\u2019\u00e8 un altro serpentone da affrontare, ma ormai siamo l\u00ec e pazientiamo ulteriormente. <\/p>\n<p>Qui mi accorgo di alcune cose. La prima, il villaggio viene trattato alla stregua di un polo fieristico, all\u2019esterno c\u2019\u00e8 poco o nulla di interessante se non tanta gente che vaga o cerca posto nel patio di Eataly per un po\u2019 di refrigerio. La seconda, ci sono un paio di punti ristoro tra le varie code dove acquistare da bere, dei tavoli con delle scodelle con ghiaccio per tenere in fresco le bevande: una lattina di acqua San Pellegrino costa $6. Allineato con i prezzi di un ristorante, non certo per dei banchetti dove far rinfrescare persone in coda sotto il sole da ore. La terza, e forse anche la pi\u00f9 triste di tutte, \u00e8 stata la totale assenza di informazioni riguardanti la nave. Non un pannello, non uno schermo, niente di niente dove si potesse sapere qualcosa di pi\u00f9. <\/p>\n<div class=\"gallery\">\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 133.33333333333%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/5b98ad033c-1720464919\/amerigo-vespucci.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/5b98ad033c-1720464919\/amerigo-vespucci-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 133.33333333333%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/de93abff27-1720465202\/av.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/de93abff27-1720465202\/av-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<p>La nave, cos\u00ec come \u00e8 stata presentata alle persone mi \u00e8 parsa soltanto una bella photo opportunity per gli account Instagram dei visitatori e nulla pi\u00f9. <\/p>\n<p>Ora, non so quanti soldi lo stato italiano stia spendendo per questa attivazione di esportazione di italianit\u00e0 nel mondo (tutto il personale di staff \u00e8 italiano), ma mi domando cosa ne ricava, qual \u00e8 il messaggio e l\u2019immagine dell'Italia che un visitatore si porta a casa dopo una pomeriggio come quello di ieri. <\/p>\n<p>Perch\u00e9 io, che americano non sono, qualcosa sulla Vespucci sapevo ed \u00e8 stato anche piacevole salirci a bordo, ma sono tornato a casa confuso, con una mezza insolazione e abbastanza vergognato per come \u00e8 stata organizzata una manifestazione italiana mostrando come non si dovrebbe gestire un evento del genere.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article><nav class=\"posts-navigation\">\n <a class=\"posts-navigation-item posts-navigation-item-disabled\" href=\"\">Newer<\/a>\n <a class=\"posts-navigation-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/random\">Random<\/a>\n <a class=\"posts-navigation-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/page:2\">Older<\/a>\n<\/nav> <nav class=\"menu secondary-menu\">\n <a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/www.threads.net\/@contz\">Threads<\/a> <a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">Email<\/a> <a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/open.spotify.com\/user\/%23contz?si=j6NipW0FTKmIbN4pEqZrVA\">Spotify<\/a> <\/nav>\n\n <\/main> \n <script src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/js\/site.js?e95e4ebcd4440188f166efa41e5589f9\"><\/script>\n\n\n<\/body><\/html>",
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"website": "https:\/\/web.dev\/progressive-web-apps\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"Open Graph": {
"name": "Open Graph",
"description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
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"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
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"name": "Miscellaneous",
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"version": "",
"icon": "Open Graph.png",
"website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"detected_raw": [
"name": "C",
"description": "C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system.",
"slug": "c",
"categories": [
"id": 27,
"slug": "programming-languages",
"groups": [
"name": "Programming languages",
"priority": 5
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "C.png",
"website": "http:\/\/www.open-std.org\/jtc1\/sc22\/wg14\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "Nginx",
"description": "Nginx is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.",
"slug": "nginx",
"categories": [
"id": 22,
"slug": "web-servers",
"groups": [
"name": "Web servers",
"priority": 8
"id": 64,
"slug": "reverse-proxies",
"groups": [
"name": "Reverse proxies",
"priority": 7
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Nginx.svg",
"website": "http:\/\/nginx.org\/en",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:nginx:nginx:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
"name": "HSTS",
"description": "HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS.",
"slug": "hsts",
"categories": [
"id": 16,
"slug": "security",
"groups": [
"name": "Security",
"priority": 9
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "default.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/rfc\/rfc6797#section-6.1",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "Google Workspace",
"description": "Google Workspace, formerly G Suite, is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools.",
"slug": "google-workspace",
"categories": [
"id": 30,
"slug": "webmail",
"groups": [
"name": "Webmail",
"priority": 2
"id": 75,
"slug": "email",
"groups": [
"name": "Email",
"priority": 9
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Google.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/workspace.google.com\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "RSS",
"description": "RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works\u2014such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video\u2014in a standardized format.",
"slug": "rss",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "RSS.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rssboard.org\/rss-specification",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "PWA",
"description": "Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web apps built and enhanced with modern APIs to deliver enhanced capabilities, reliability, and installability while reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device, all with a single codebase.",
"slug": "pwa",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "PWA.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/web.dev\/progressive-web-apps\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "Open Graph",
"description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
"slug": "open-graph",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Open Graph.png",
"website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
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"target": [
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/15-years-of-blogging\">Thoughts on my 15 years of blogging<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h3>What have I learned in these past 15 years?<\/h3>",
"target": [
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/fediverse-appeal\">Fediverse appeal<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/semplificare\">Semplificare<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">Rituali<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-09-02 06:00:00\">2 of September, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>During this brief Italian vacation, I realized that I started this blog in 2009, <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">today<\/a>. That's 15 years ago.<\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto\">The Cluetrain Manifesto<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter\u2014and getting smarter faster than most companies.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>But if you didn't care much about entering the arena for the battle of attention, and if your goal was, as it still is for me, to have a presence on the Web where you can be yourself and weave valuable relationships, then almost certainly your blog has survived all this and is alive and well.<\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">this space<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>This place will continue to exist as long as I can take care of it, as long as existing technologies allow me to do so. It's an extension of my being. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>An open bar tab whose final balance will always be in my favor.<\/p>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-09-01 06:35:00\">1 of September, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>I found a good deal with Lufthansa, which along with Swiss Air, is one of the few airlines to offer a route from Los Angeles to Olbia with just one stop in another European country.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>The journey passed rather quickly, and in the awake moments between naps, I only thought about how much plastic and trash each airplane leaves behind as soon as it takes off.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Equip every screen with Bluetooth technology? Fit the seats with standard 3.5mm jacks instead of those odd double inputs? Or perhaps USB-C compatible ports?<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I obviously paid attention to everything else too. Especially after the cabin crew announced that Lufthansa adopts a green protocol, suggesting we keep our plastic cups (specifically mentioned) for refills during subsequent trolley rounds.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Yet...<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Yet, on both the Los Angeles to Munich and Munich to Olbia legs, two plastic bottles were distributed:<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I wondered what could be done to avoid this. More refill stations to fill up the water bottles across the plane since practically everyone owns nowadays? (As many airports already do) Or store water in some other material?<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Perhaps it would have been better to avoid green initiative proclaims if this was going to be the result.<\/p>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-27 15:25:00\">27 of August, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>However, talent, although an innate quality, must be recognized by someone, and often a group of people must agree to acknowledge it.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>The same goes for those who write well. You don't necessarily need to be a novelist to do it. We often see very short texts that are extremely effective due to their originality and simplicity.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Simplicity. That's the real keyword here. Often, the greatest writers are appreciated by the general public precisely for this reason. If you have something to say, say it. Without too many words. Straight to the point.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Is there a way to improve? Is there a way to be a better writer? Perhaps today, as Seth Godin <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>, AI can help even those who can't string two understandable sentences together: <\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Get better at writing. You might not think you\u2019re a professional writer (you\u2019re a doctor! you\u2019re a manager! you\u2019re a teacher!) but if it\u2019s an important part of your job, you <em>are<\/em> a professional, or at least we expect you to be.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Now there\u2019s a second option. If the writing you\u2019re doing doesn\u2019t need to be in an idiosyncratic voice, take your memo, paste it into claude.ai and say, \u201cplease rewrite this to make it clear, cogent, positive and concise.\u201d<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Meanwhile, I'll try, as much as possible, to always ask myself these <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a> just before I start writing my first sentence from now on:<\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>But everyone isn\u2019t going to read your work, <em>someone<\/em> is.<br>\nCan you tell me who? Precisely?<br>\nWhat did they believe before they encountered your work? What do they want, what do they fear? What has moved them to action in the past?<\/p>",
"target": [
"blockquote:nth-child(11) > p"
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 16:00:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>Which I am.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>For those who might have noticed, which I imagine are few, and those who have still decided to read me, I have started posting in English lately.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I've done this for a very simple reason. By now, all the blogs and bloggers I read and want to engage with are written in English. Even, and especially, by Italians.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I want to try to keep up with the trend and see if I can expand my network of connections. No, I'm not interested in views, especially since <a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a> and I have disabled any tracking systems in here.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I genuinely want to connect with other bloggers. With those, in essence, who continue to keep their distance from social media to engage in constructive conversation, because they've understood too well that, in those spaces, it has become impossible.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/louplummer.lol\/the-perfect-blogger\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Lou<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">IndieWeb<\/a>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(6) > a[href$=\"rituali\"]"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Every once in a while I discover a real gem where someone's efforts are all at once entertaining, thought provoking, inspiring and original. I'll often be stricken with a pang of jealousy. \"I want to write like that\", I'll tell myself, knowing that I won't.<\/p>",
"target": [
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"html": "<p>This also translates to the fact that I\u2019ve been living in the United States for 9 months now, and English has become the main language to use daily.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>So, no more hesitation, if I make mistakes, you know why. I'm just an Italian looking for stories to relate to and to broaden his knowledge of the world!<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>The perfect blogger can take a mundane event and make it interesting. I'd read about their trip to the supermarket in a minute because they make things relatable. They find our common humanity in the everyday events we all experience<\/p>",
"target": [
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"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/fediverse-appeal\">Fediverse appeal<\/a>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 15:20:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>",
"target": [
"time[datetime=\"2024-08-26 15:20:00\"]"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>I've never really understood Mastodon or the Fediverse in general. Or rather, I've never seen its true utility except for creating even more suffocating and polarized echo chambers. Nothing that we hadn't already seen during the era of forums a few decades ago.<\/p>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/minutestomidnight.co.uk\/blog\/smaller\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">here<\/a>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/alexsirac.com\/the-fediverse-and-attention-economy\/\">The Fediverse and attention economy<\/a>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-05 11:10:00\">5 of August, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/i-miei-abbonamenti-2024\">postato<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Alla fine del post spiego come fare \ud83d\ude09<\/p>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Netflix<\/strong> - Ho spostato il mio account e tutto il suo storico sotto un account straniero. Pagamento annuale $37.22. <strong>Risparmio attuale sull\u2019anno: \u20ac181.91<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<li><strong>Xbox Game Pass<\/strong>. Visto i recenti annunci di aumento prezzo e ancora la totale assenza di un abbonamento family da condividere con amici, ho deciso di acquistare una card ed estendere il mio abbonamento fino al 2027<\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>. Invariato. Come scritto nel post originario, non c\u2019\u00e8 molto che possa fare per cambiare Stato associato al mio account. Sempre: <strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>",
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"html": "<strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>. Dismesso. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong> <\/li>",
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"html": "<strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>",
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"html": "<strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong>",
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"li:nth-child(4) > strong:nth-child(2)"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>YouTube<\/strong>. Nonostante sia sempre convinto che resti il miglior valore aggiunto per un abbonamento digitale, confermo di non volerlo rinnovare per il 2025. <strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"html": "<strong>YouTube<\/strong>",
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"html": "<strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Apple TV+<\/strong>: Confermata. Essendo io gestore Family non posso far parte di nessun altro abbonamento al di fuori del mio. Quindi si continua con i <strong>$9.99 al mese<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"html": "<strong>Apple TV+<\/strong>",
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"html": "<strong>$9.99 al mese<\/strong>",
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"li:nth-child(6) > strong:nth-child(2)"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Prime Video<\/strong>: Confermato <strong>$139.99 anno<\/strong><\/li>",
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"html": "<strong>Prime Video<\/strong>",
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"html": "<strong>$139.99 anno<\/strong>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Paramount+<\/strong>: Nuova aggiunta, doverosa per vedere la Serie A negli Stati Uniti. <strong>$42.00 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. S\u00ec, all\u2019anno e non al mese come DAZN<\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Disney+<\/strong>: <strong>$42 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. Faccio parte di un account family. Costo irrisorio. Fatto per la nuova stagione di Bear e terminare The Walking Dead<\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Bear App<\/strong>: Come scritto qui, anche se mi scoccia pagare un abbonamento annuale, mi piace e voglio mantenere attivo l\u2019abbonamento. <strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"all": [],
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"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Bear App<\/strong>",
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"li:nth-child(10) > strong:nth-child(1)"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>: Niente di aggiuntivo rispetto a quanto mi serva. Lo dismetter\u00f2 sicuramente. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>",
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"li:nth-child(11) > strong:nth-child(1)"
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"html": "<strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Glass<\/strong>: Nonostante adori l\u2019app, l\u2019aumento di prezzo e il fatto che sia decisamente poco popolata mi hanno fatto propendere per la dismissione e pubblicare piuttosto qui sul blog tutte le mie foto. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Glass<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(12) > strong:nth-child(1)"
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(12) > strong:nth-child(2)"
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>: \u20ac45\/anno<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>",
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"li:nth-child(13) > strong"
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>iCloud+<\/strong>: Irrinunciabile. \u20ac109.44\/anno<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>iCloud+<\/strong>",
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"li:nth-child(14) > strong"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>: Mio padre ha deciso di non utilizzare pi\u00f9 il servizio. E sebbene qui negli Stati Uniti il prezzo sia aumentato a $19.99 al mese, il mio <strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>. 3 euro al mese!<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
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"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(15) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(15) > strong:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Uber One<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(16) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>$96\/anno<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(16) > strong:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>NextDNS<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(17) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>$19.99\/anno<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(17) > strong:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 6.9100000000000001,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(8) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4)"
"any": [
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"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>risparmio si aggira attorno ai 325 euro<\/strong>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(4) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#1aa7c7",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 4.9900000000000002,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/accountsharing\/\">questa pagina di Reddit<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(8) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4) > a"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#cccccc",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<em>Come siete messi voi ad abbonamenti? A quali non rinuncereste mai?<\/em>",
"target": [
"strong:nth-child(4) > em:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#cccccc",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<em>Fatemelo sapere via ~<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">email<\/a>~ e gi\u00e0 che ci siete se avete voglia di sostenere il blog potete farlo ~<a href=\"https:\/\/ko-fi.com\/contz\/tiers\">qui<\/a>~.<\/em>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#1aa7c7",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 4.9900000000000002,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">email<\/a>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#1aa7c7",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 4.9900000000000002,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/ko-fi.com\/contz\/tiers\">qui<\/a>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#cccccc",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "19.4pt (25.92px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/semplificare\">Semplificare<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(9) > .post-title > .post-link"
"any": [
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"fontSize": "11.2pt (14.994px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.1"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-04 17:45:00\">4 of August, 2024<\/time>",
"target": [
"time[datetime=\"2024-08-04 17:45:00\"]"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(9) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(1)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Oltre il prezzo, a quanto pare, nel giocare un fattore determinante c\u2019\u00e8 la pulizia di UI rispetto a Spotify e che quindi su Apple Music si trovino soltanto brani musicali e non podcast o audiolibri (o come nel caso U.K., anche video corsi)<\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(9) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(2)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>",
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"article:nth-child(9) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(3)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<em>lettura<\/em>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(9) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(3) > em"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
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"contrastRatio": 4.9900000000000002,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">pulizia nel feed RSS<\/a>",
"target": [
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/bear.app\/\">Bear App<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Incredibly, it's already August today. I don't understand how 8 months have flown by since we left Italy.<\/p>",
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"html": "<em>Americano<\/em>",
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"html": "<p>The second is a ritual I started with Noemi. For every city we visit around the world, we book a couple's massage. We've done this practically everywhere for the past 7 years, and we consider it one of the things we most enjoy doing together when we're on vacation.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>A ritual doesn't necessarily mean becoming a slave to a habit; on the contrary, for me, it aligns with loving oneself and listening to one's body and mind.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>We should all have more rituals in our lives.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>What's yours?<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Incredibilmente oggi \u00e8 gi\u00e0 agosto. Non capisco come sia possibile che siano volati cos\u00ec velocemente 8 mesi da quando abbiamo lasciato l\u2019Italia. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Nuovo mese equivale anche a una nuova puntata dell\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>. Il mese di agosto \u00e8 ospitato da <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\">Steve<\/a> e ha come tema i rituali. <\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\">Steve<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Il secondo \u00e8 un rituale che ho iniziato con Noemi. Per ogni citt\u00e0 visitata nel mondo, prenotiamo un massaggio di coppia. L\u2019abbiamo fatto praticamente ovunque da 7 anni a questa parte e reputiamo sia una delle cose che pi\u00f9 ci piace fare insieme quando siamo in vacanza. <\/p>",
"target": [
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"html": "<p>Un rituale non equivale necessariamente a diventare schiavo di un abitudine, anzi, per me combacia con il volersi bene e ascoltare il proprio corpo e mente. <\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Dovremmo avere tutti pi\u00f9 rituali nella nostra vita.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Qual \u00e8 il tuo?<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-12 08:40:00\">12 of July, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>Gi\u00e0. Il mare. Non viverci per 40 anni e tutto d\u2019un tratto avercelo a 10 minuti di cammino fa un certo effetto. Vi consiglio l\u2019ultimo numero de Il Pensiero Lungo la newsletter di Martino, dedicata proprio al <a href=\"https:\/\/martinopietropoli.substack.com\/p\/121-mare\">mare<\/a>: <\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/martinopietropoli.substack.com\/p\/121-mare\">mare<\/a>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Manca poco, come dicevo, per sistemare qualche tassello e permetterci di buttare via qualche pensiero di tentennamento su questa scelta di trasferirci qui. Non \u00e8 assolutamente un ripensarci, ma penso sia pi\u00f9 che normale chiedersi di tanto in tanto, ma avr\u00f2 fatto bene? <\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Questi primi sette mesi intanto sono volati via alla velocit\u00e0 della luce e penso sar\u00e0 altrettanto cos\u00ec fino alla fine dell\u2019anno. Da adesso ho qualche viaggio di lavoro e inizier\u00e0 la fase di programmazione per il 2025. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(11) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(8)"
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Non possono che aspettarci belle cose.<\/p>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-08 12:50:00\">8 of July, 2024<\/time>",
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"time[datetime=\"2024-07-08 12:50:00\"]"
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"html": "<p>Probabilmente nei giorni scorsi vi sarete imbattuti in qualche articolo o servizio di telegiornale riguardante l\u2019arrivo della nave scuola Amerigo Vespucci al porto di Los Angeles. Qui in radio ne siamo stati letteralmente bombardati. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Una settimana - dal 3 all'8 luglio - attraccata a uno dei dock di San Pedro, con visita gratuita aperta al pubblico e un annesso spazio su terra ferma con una sorta di villaggio Italia adibito a mostre, proiezioni cinematografiche, shopping e alla ristorazione affidata a Eataly. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>30 minuti di macchina da casa, un\u2019occasione per fare qualcosa di diverso e <em>ammirare la nave pi\u00f9 bella del mondo che tutti ci invidiano<\/em>.<\/p>",
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"html": "<em>ammirare la nave pi\u00f9 bella del mondo che tutti ci invidiano<\/em>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p><a href=\"https:\/\/tourvespucci.it\/en\/legs\/los-angeles-2\/#\">L\u2019evento<\/a>, organizzato da Difesa Servizi - organo in house del Ministero della Difesa - fa parte del tour mondiale della Vespucci della durata di 2 anni, partito da Genova l\u20191 luglio 2023 e che si concluder\u00e0 nel 2025. <\/p>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tourvespucci.it\/en\/legs\/los-angeles-2\/#\">L\u2019evento<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Un punto di incontro, condivisione, confronto e promozione delle eccellenze del patrimonio culturale, artistico, storico ed economico italiano.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Un\u2019area organizzata per padiglioni espositivi ed un articolato palinsesto curato dalle eccellenze italiane per vivere esperienze uniche.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Sul sito viene specificato che per salire a bordo \u00e8 necessario prenotare un orario di ingresso specifico tra quelli indicati. E cos\u00ec abbiamo fatto, pensando, ingenuamente, che questo ci garantisse un accesso immediato sia al villaggio, sia, soprattutto, alla nave. <\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Ieri abbiamo scoperto che le cose non stavano esattamente cos\u00ec. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Entriamo. Guardiamo tra i padiglioni, ne restiamo lontani perch\u00e9 comunque anch\u2019essi con code sostenute e ci dirigiamo verso la nave. Una volta l\u00ec scopriamo che ci sono due file, una per chi aveva prenotato la visita e una per chi non fosse ancora munito di biglietto. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(12)"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<em>Ma allora a cosa \u00e8 servito prenotare?<\/em>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(13) > em"
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"html": "<p>La coda \u00e8, di nuovo, lunghissima, perdiamo un\u2019altra ora scarsa e all\u2019arrivo all\u2019ingresso del molo scopriamo di non essere pronti a salire. C\u2019\u00e8 un altro serpentone da affrontare, ma ormai siamo l\u00ec e pazientiamo ulteriormente. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>La nave, cos\u00ec come \u00e8 stata presentata alle persone mi \u00e8 parsa soltanto una bella photo opportunity per gli account Instagram dei visitatori e nulla pi\u00f9. <\/p>",
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"target": [
".gallery:nth-child(16) > figure:nth-child(1) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
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"message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
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"target": [
".gallery:nth-child(16) > figure:nth-child(2) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
"id": "link-name",
"impact": null,
"tags": [
"description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
"help": "Links must have discernible text",
"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
"nodes": [
"any": [
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"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
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"target": [
"any": [
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"message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/about\">About<\/a>",
"target": [
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"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/email\">EMAIL<\/a>",
"target": [
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"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/15-years-of-blogging\">Thoughts on my 15 years of blogging<\/a>",
"target": [
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"any": [
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">today<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(1) > a"
"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto\">The Cluetrain Manifesto<\/a>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">this space<\/a>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(9) > a"
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">down<\/a>",
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"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(4) > .post-title > .post-link"
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(5) > .post-title > .post-link"
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>",
"target": [
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"any": [
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"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(5) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(10) > a"
"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a>",
"target": [
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"message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/louplummer.lol\/the-perfect-blogger\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Lou<\/a>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(6) > a[rel=\"noreferrer\"][target=\"_blank\"]:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a>",
"target": [
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">IndieWeb<\/a>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(6) > a[href$=\"rituali\"]"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/alexsirac.com\/the-fediverse-and-attention-economy\/\">The Fediverse and attention economy<\/a>",
"target": [
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Disney+<\/strong>: <strong>$42 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. Faccio parte di un account family. Costo irrisorio. Fatto per la nuova stagione di Bear e terminare The Walking Dead<\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Bear App<\/strong>: Come scritto qui, anche se mi scoccia pagare un abbonamento annuale, mi piace e voglio mantenere attivo l\u2019abbonamento. <strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>: Niente di aggiuntivo rispetto a quanto mi serva. Lo dismetter\u00f2 sicuramente. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Glass<\/strong>: Nonostante adori l\u2019app, l\u2019aumento di prezzo e il fatto che sia decisamente poco popolata mi hanno fatto propendere per la dismissione e pubblicare piuttosto qui sul blog tutte le mie foto. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>: \u20ac45\/anno<\/li>",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/nested-interactive?application=axeAPI",
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That's 15 years ago.<\/p>\n<p>A very long time, and although it's not my longest-running online presence, but it's certainly the most consistent one.<\/p>\n<h3>What have I learned in these past 15 years?<\/h3>\n<p>Blogs were, especially in Italy, a passing phenomenon. In the early 2000s, if you didn't have your own space where you could express your thoughts, you were essentially out of the game. Unlike forums, blogs allowed those with something interesting to say to stand out from the background noise of trolls and serial posters since forums were the only competitors at that time. They became the first true manifestation of one of the theses of bottom-up conversations as established by <a href=\"https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto\">The Cluetrain Manifesto<\/a>:<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter\u2014and getting smarter faster than most companies.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>For a few months, I was also part of what was then called the blog stars circuit. I was invited to events, to participate in debates, and to promote products.<\/p>\n<p>Did social media kill that era? In Italy, undoubtedly. We are a people born for social media; we are slaves to voyeurism and naturally inclined towards flames and drama. Those who had a blog suddenly felt delegitimized and, deprived of their moment of glory, ended up getting bored and stopped writing, witnessing the rise of influencers first and creators later.<\/p>\n<p>But if you didn't care much about entering the arena for the battle of attention, and if your goal was, as it still is for me, to have a presence on the Web where you can be yourself and weave valuable relationships, then almost certainly your blog has survived all this and is alive and well.<\/p>\n<p>In 15 years, I've found friends, work partners, acquaintances, and had the opportunity to interact with some of the people I admire most, and this still happens today, like last year with Manuel and his help in rebuilding <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">this space<\/a> almost from scratch.<\/p>\n<p>I've only recently realized, perhaps too late, that to truly open up to the world, I would need something different, namely to start writing in English. Because outside our national borders, people haven't surrendered to an idea of the Internet entirely equivalent to social media. Elsewhere, there are still people who prefer to interact as they did 20 years ago, where all you need is to share stories via an email address.<br>\nPerhaps anachronistic? Likely, but certainly more genuine and profound. Digging deeper <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">down<\/a> without having to widen the perimeter.<\/p>\n<p>I will forever be grateful for choosing to make this decision 15 years ago. These pages have been an effective therapy for me, a journey of self-discovery before even discovering the world.<br>\nI will always be grateful to all the people I've met over these years, even if they were part of my life for just a second.<\/p>\n<p>This place will continue to exist as long as I can take care of it, as long as existing technologies allow me to do so. It's an extension of my being. <\/p>\n<p>An open bar tab whose final balance will always be in my favor.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-09-01 06:35:00\">1 of September, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Noemi has finally found and started a new job. This gives us a nice dose of tranquility from many perspectives. A few months ago, when we still weren't sure about her job future, we decided that I would take a week off at the beginning of September. So, I decided to surprise my parents and come directly to our summer house, here in Sardinia, until the 8th.<\/p>\n<p>I found a good deal with Lufthansa, which along with Swiss Air, is one of the few airlines to offer a route from Los Angeles to Olbia with just one stop in another European country.<\/p>\n<p>The journey passed rather quickly, and in the awake moments between naps, I only thought about how much plastic and trash each airplane leaves behind as soon as it takes off.<\/p>\n<p>Starting with these headphones. How many of these are distributed around the world every day? And how many of those are\/will be recycled? I imagine the environmental impact of these tiny objects is not insignificant, and as I put them on to listen to the audio of \"Dune: Part Two,\" I wondered if there was a way to avoid distributing more than 300 pairs on each transoceanic flight.<\/p>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 75%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/01fddb92b8-1725198229\/headphones.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/01fddb92b8-1725198229\/headphones-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<p>Equip every screen with Bluetooth technology? Fit the seats with standard 3.5mm jacks instead of those odd double inputs? Or perhaps USB-C compatible ports?<\/p>\n<p>I obviously paid attention to everything else too. Especially after the cabin crew announced that Lufthansa adopts a green protocol, suggesting we keep our plastic cups (specifically mentioned) for refills during subsequent trolley rounds.<\/p>\n<p>Yet...<\/p>\n<p>Yet, on both the Los Angeles to Munich and Munich to Olbia legs, two plastic bottles were distributed:<\/p>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 78.545454545455%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/69a2895a77-1725198229\/water.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/69a2895a77-1725198229\/water-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<p>I wondered what could be done to avoid this. More refill stations to fill up the water bottles across the plane since practically everyone owns nowadays? (As many airports already do) Or store water in some other material?<\/p>\n<p>Perhaps it would have been better to avoid green initiative proclaims if this was going to be the result.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-27 15:25:00\">27 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>I'm not sure if being good at writing is an innate ability or a quality acquired over time, perhaps through voracious reading or a deep humanistic education. I imagine that, as with all matters in life, talent needs to be honed to share it with the world, and there are some people naturally more gifted than others.<\/p>\n<p>However, talent, although an innate quality, must be recognized by someone, and often a group of people must agree to acknowledge it.<\/p>\n<p>The same goes for those who write well. You don't necessarily need to be a novelist to do it. We often see very short texts that are extremely effective due to their originality and simplicity.<\/p>\n<p>Simplicity. That's the real keyword here. Often, the greatest writers are appreciated by the general public precisely for this reason. If you have something to say, say it. Without too many words. Straight to the point.<\/p>\n<p>Is there a way to improve? Is there a way to be a better writer? Perhaps today, as Seth Godin <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>, AI can help even those who can't string two understandable sentences together: <\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Get better at writing. You might not think you\u2019re a professional writer (you\u2019re a doctor! you\u2019re a manager! you\u2019re a teacher!) but if it\u2019s an important part of your job, you <em>are<\/em> a professional, or at least we expect you to be.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Now there\u2019s a second option. If the writing you\u2019re doing doesn\u2019t need to be in an idiosyncratic voice, take your memo, paste it into claude.ai and say, \u201cplease rewrite this to make it clear, cogent, positive and concise.\u201d<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>I've wondered if this could also apply to those with a blog. If leveraging AI could be helpful. Probably yes, but only with the form. And although it might help with substance too, I hope those eager to share their world with others do so genuinely, without needing technology to invent stories.<\/p>\n<p>What's the point of all this? I too would like to become a better writer one day. To entertain with an incisive style while maintaining my narrative consistency. I don't think this necessarily has to turn into a book; my blog is enough for me. Knowing that those who come here to read do so because they're interested in what I write, but also in how I write it.<\/p>\n<p>Meanwhile, I'll try, as much as possible, to always ask myself these <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a> just before I start writing my first sentence from now on:<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>But everyone isn\u2019t going to read your work, <em>someone<\/em> is.<br>\nCan you tell me who? Precisely?<br>\nWhat did they believe before they encountered your work? What do they want, what do they fear? What has moved them to action in the past?<\/p>\n<\/blockquote><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 16:00:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Which I am.<\/p>\n<p>For those who might have noticed, which I imagine are few, and those who have still decided to read me, I have started posting in English lately.<\/p>\n<p>I've done this for a very simple reason. By now, all the blogs and bloggers I read and want to engage with are written in English. Even, and especially, by Italians.<\/p>\n<p>I want to try to keep up with the trend and see if I can expand my network of connections. No, I'm not interested in views, especially since <a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a> and I have disabled any tracking systems in here.<\/p>\n<p>I genuinely want to connect with other bloggers. With those, in essence, who continue to keep their distance from social media to engage in constructive conversation, because they've understood too well that, in those spaces, it has become impossible.<\/p>\n<p>Therefore, inspired by this post from <a href=\"https:\/\/louplummer.lol\/the-perfect-blogger\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Lou<\/a>, I too found myself envying those who decided to change their native language and started adopting English (Especially after <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a> pointed out to me that my entry for <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">IndieWeb<\/a> this month should have been in English instead of Italian):<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Every once in a while I discover a real gem where someone's efforts are all at once entertaining, thought provoking, inspiring and original. I'll often be stricken with a pang of jealousy. \"I want to write like that\", I'll tell myself, knowing that I won't.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>This also translates to the fact that I\u2019ve been living in the United States for 9 months now, and English has become the main language to use daily.<\/p>\n<p>So, no more hesitation, if I make mistakes, you know why. I'm just an Italian looking for stories to relate to and to broaden his knowledge of the world!<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>The perfect blogger can take a mundane event and make it interesting. I'd read about their trip to the supermarket in a minute because they make things relatable. They find our common humanity in the everyday events we all experience<\/p>\n<\/blockquote><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/fediverse-appeal\">Fediverse appeal<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 15:20:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>I've never really understood Mastodon or the Fediverse in general. Or rather, I've never seen its true utility except for creating even more suffocating and polarized echo chambers. Nothing that we hadn't already seen during the era of forums a few decades ago.<\/p>\n<p>I echo Simone's words <a href=\"https:\/\/minutestomidnight.co.uk\/blog\/smaller\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">here<\/a>, with which I very much agree. And it's for this reason that blogs still make sense today. Not so much because it's necessary to develop a community around them, but because they are much more effective in stimulating a calm conversation, free from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), and above all, they force the writer to exercise a certain logic of thought that would otherwise be swept away by the totally instinctive reactions typical of keyboard warriors, as we say in Italy.<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>the Fediverse idea, albeit interesting on paper, is gloriously showing its main flaw: pretty much all their incarnations are mimicking social media, with all the consequent detrimental effects. Doom scrolling, an infinite series of short burst of personal opinions, usually disconnected from one another. Whether siloed or decentralised, the resulting unsearchable ephemerality is not really different from other mainstream corporate incarnations. Alex wrote much deeper considerations about this very topic, in their post ~<a href=\"https:\/\/alexsirac.com\/the-fediverse-and-attention-economy\/\">The Fediverse and attention economy<\/a>~.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-05 11:10:00\">5 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>A fine marzo ho <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/i-miei-abbonamenti-2024\">postato<\/a> i costi legati ai miei abbonamenti digitali, ma siccome alcune cose sono cambiate e con altissima probabilit\u00e0 rimarranno cos\u00ec fino a fine anno se non oltre, un aggiornamento era doveroso. Ed esultare soprattutto per il bel risparmio ottenuto. <\/p>\n<p>Alla fine del post spiego come fare \ud83d\ude09<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Netflix<\/strong> - Ho spostato il mio account e tutto il suo storico sotto un account straniero. Pagamento annuale $37.22. <strong>Risparmio attuale sull\u2019anno: \u20ac181.91<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Xbox Game Pass<\/strong>. Visto i recenti annunci di aumento prezzo e ancora la totale assenza di un abbonamento family da condividere con amici, ho deciso di acquistare una card ed estendere il mio abbonamento fino al 2027<\/li>\n<li><strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>. Invariato. Come scritto nel post originario, non c\u2019\u00e8 molto che possa fare per cambiare Stato associato al mio account. Sempre: <strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>. Dismesso. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong> <\/li>\n<li><strong>YouTube<\/strong>. Nonostante sia sempre convinto che resti il miglior valore aggiunto per un abbonamento digitale, confermo di non volerlo rinnovare per il 2025. <strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Apple TV+<\/strong>: Confermata. Essendo io gestore Family non posso far parte di nessun altro abbonamento al di fuori del mio. Quindi si continua con i <strong>$9.99 al mese<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Prime Video<\/strong>: Confermato <strong>$139.99 anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Paramount+<\/strong>: Nuova aggiunta, doverosa per vedere la Serie A negli Stati Uniti. <strong>$42.00 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. S\u00ec, all\u2019anno e non al mese come DAZN<\/li>\n<li><strong>Disney+<\/strong>: <strong>$42 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. Faccio parte di un account family. Costo irrisorio. Fatto per la nuova stagione di Bear e terminare The Walking Dead<\/li>\n<li><strong>Bear App<\/strong>: Come scritto qui, anche se mi scoccia pagare un abbonamento annuale, mi piace e voglio mantenere attivo l\u2019abbonamento. <strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>: Niente di aggiuntivo rispetto a quanto mi serva. Lo dismetter\u00f2 sicuramente. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Glass<\/strong>: Nonostante adori l\u2019app, l\u2019aumento di prezzo e il fatto che sia decisamente poco popolata mi hanno fatto propendere per la dismissione e pubblicare piuttosto qui sul blog tutte le mie foto. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>: \u20ac45\/anno<\/li>\n<li><strong>iCloud+<\/strong>: Irrinunciabile. \u20ac109.44\/anno<\/li>\n<li><strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>: Mio padre ha deciso di non utilizzare pi\u00f9 il servizio. E sebbene qui negli Stati Uniti il prezzo sia aumentato a $19.99 al mese, il mio <strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>. 3 euro al mese!<\/li>\n<li><strong>Uber One<\/strong>: <strong>$96\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>NextDNS<\/strong>: <strong>$19.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>A conti fatti il <strong>risparmio si aggira attorno ai 325 euro<\/strong>. Tantissimo a pensarci a posteriori e nonostante abbia aggiunto due abbonamenti in pi\u00f9. Tanto, per me, ha fatto l'aver scoperto <a href=\"https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/accountsharing\/\">questa pagina di Reddit<\/a>, dove c\u2019\u00e8 da stare attenti perch\u00e9 la fregatura \u00e8 dietro l\u2019angolo, ma se si presta un minimo di attenzione si pu\u00f2 accedere a prezzi decisamente pi\u00f9 agevoli facendo parte di un account Family con un risparmio, come visto, notevole e soprattutto legale!<br>\n<strong><br>\n<em>Come siete messi voi ad abbonamenti? A quali non rinuncereste mai?<\/em><br>\n<em>Fatemelo sapere via ~<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">email<\/a>~ e gi\u00e0 che ci siete se avete voglia di sostenere il blog potete farlo ~<a href=\"https:\/\/ko-fi.com\/contz\/tiers\">qui<\/a>~.<\/em><\/strong><\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/semplificare\">Semplificare<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-04 17:45:00\">4 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Nell\u2019ultimo mese, complice l\u2019aumento di prezzo mensile per l\u2019abbonamento Family negli Stati Uniti (in realt\u00e0 si pu\u00f2 tornare al prezzo precedente rinunciando all\u2019add-on degli audiolibri per il gestore dell\u2019abbonamento), su Threads e Reddit leggo di tanti che spinti da una fake news hanno deciso di abbandonare Spotify e passare ad Apple Music. <\/p>\n<p>Oltre il prezzo, a quanto pare, nel giocare un fattore determinante c\u2019\u00e8 la pulizia di UI rispetto a Spotify e che quindi su Apple Music si trovino soltanto brani musicali e non podcast o audiolibri (o come nel caso U.K., anche video corsi)<\/p>\n<p>Ma quello che per molti pu\u00f2 essere un vantaggio di <em>lettura<\/em> ed esperienza nel approcciare l\u2019applicazione, per me \u00e8 un punto di forza. Oltre ad aver fatto un\u2019enorme <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">pulizia nel feed RSS<\/a> ho proceduto nell\u2019ultimo mese a cancellare decine di applicazioni inutili sul mio telefono, buone solo a prendere polvere e occupare memoria. <\/p>\n<p>E in questo processo di semplificazione mi sono reso conto di quanto per me sia importante non disperdere energie e attenzione in mille rivoli differenti. Per questo Spotify resta per me l\u2019opzione migliore per le mie esigenze. Un app con dentro tutto. Fine. <\/p>\n<p>Da qualche giorno sto provando ad adottare lo stesso criterio anche per altre applicazioni. Ho deciso di ri-testare <a href=\"https:\/\/bear.app\/\">Bear App<\/a> e unire cos\u00ec Apple Notes e iA Writer. Entrambe molto preziose, la prima la utilizzo pesantemente al lavoro, la seconda \u00e8 l\u2019app dove scrivo tutti i miei post del blog. <\/p>\n<p>Apple Notes per\u00f2 non consente nessuna personalizzazione, non consente di default di ingrandire il font - e spesso su uno schermo da 32 pollici risulta difficile - e nemmeno di modificarlo. iA Writer l\u2019ho considerata come alternativa valida, ma il sistema di salvataggio delle Note non mi ha mai appassionato. <\/p>\n<p>Bear sembra il giusto compromesso al momento. Personalizzazione, esportazione del testo in Markdown, Note per lavoro e vita personale, post per il blog. Unica pecca \u00e8 che per attivare la sincronizzazione iCloud bisogna pagare un abbonamento mensile. Resto sempre a favore del pagamento lifetime, ma cos\u00ec \u00e8. <\/p>\n<p>Mi sono dato qualche settimana, se c\u2019\u00e8 altro, fatemelo sapere via email!<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">Rituali<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-01 16:40:00\">1 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p><strong><em>This post has been updated and now has both an English and an Italian version of it!<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Incredibly, it's already August today. I don't understand how 8 months have flown by since we left Italy.<\/p>\n<p>I'm equally astonished by the fact that we haven't sweated a single day yet. When I hear from relatives and friends in Italy, they all tell me they're dying from the heat, but here we're really in a climatic paradise, where we almost never go above 24 degrees Celsius. In fact, both in the morning and after dusk, a sweatshirt is a must for outdoor excursions.<\/p>\n<p>A new month also means a new episode of the <a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>. August is hosted by <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a>, and the theme is about Rituals.<\/p>\n<p>I don't have any particular rituals. I have two that I consider constants in this phase of my life.<br>\nThe first is the morning coffee once I get to the office. I always try to arrive before the hustle begins to give myself some solitary moments, dedicating time to reading my RSS feed while sipping an espresso. Or rather, an <em>Americano<\/em> here in the States.<\/p>\n<p>The second is a ritual I started with Noemi. For every city we visit around the world, we book a couple's massage. We've done this practically everywhere for the past 7 years, and we consider it one of the things we most enjoy doing together when we're on vacation.<\/p>\n<p>I used to have another one in the past. Every year when the new FIFA game came out, I would always take a day off to buy the game and spend the rest of the day playing it. But I've abandoned that over time, partly because as the years went by, the game consistently got worse and was never too different from the previous year.<\/p>\n<p>A ritual doesn't necessarily mean becoming a slave to a habit; on the contrary, for me, it aligns with loving oneself and listening to one's body and mind.<\/p>\n<p>We should all have more rituals in our lives.<\/p>\n<p>What's yours?<\/p>\n<hr>\n<p>Incredibilmente oggi \u00e8 gi\u00e0 agosto. Non capisco come sia possibile che siano volati cos\u00ec velocemente 8 mesi da quando abbiamo lasciato l\u2019Italia. <\/p>\n<p>Resto altrettanto stupefatto dal fatto che non abbiamo ancora sudato un giorno. Quando sento parenti e amici in Italia mi dicono tutti che si sta morendo dal caldo, qui invece stiamo davvero in un paradiso climatico, dove non superiamo quasi mai i 24 gradi C\u00b0. Anzi, sia al mattino che dopo l\u2019imbrunire una felpa \u00e8 d\u2019obbligo per escursioni in esterna. <\/p>\n<p>Nuovo mese equivale anche a una nuova puntata dell\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>. Il mese di agosto \u00e8 ospitato da <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\">Steve<\/a> e ha come tema i rituali. <\/p>\n<p>Non ho dei rituali particolari. Ne ho due che reputo costanti in questa fase della vita.<br>\nIl primo \u00e8 il caff\u00e8 del mattino una volta arrivato in ufficio. Cerco sempre di arrivare prima dell\u2019inizio delle danze e concedermi qualche momento in solitaria, dedicandomi alla lettura del feed RSS mentre sorseggio un espresso. O espresso abbondante qui negli States. <\/p>\n<p>Il secondo \u00e8 un rituale che ho iniziato con Noemi. Per ogni citt\u00e0 visitata nel mondo, prenotiamo un massaggio di coppia. L\u2019abbiamo fatto praticamente ovunque da 7 anni a questa parte e reputiamo sia una delle cose che pi\u00f9 ci piace fare insieme quando siamo in vacanza. <\/p>\n<p>Ne avevo un altro in passato. Ogni anno all\u2019uscita del nuovo Fifa, prendevo sempre un giorno di ferie per andare a comprare il gioco e spendere il resto della giornata a giocarci. Ma l\u2019ho abbandonato nel tempo anche perch\u00e9 con l\u2019andare degli anni il gioco \u00e8 peggiorato costantemente e mai troppo dissimile dall\u2019anno precedente. <\/p>\n<p>Un rituale non equivale necessariamente a diventare schiavo di un abitudine, anzi, per me combacia con il volersi bene e ascoltare il proprio corpo e mente. <\/p>\n<p>Dovremmo avere tutti pi\u00f9 rituali nella nostra vita.<\/p>\n<p>Qual \u00e8 il tuo?<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-12 08:40:00\">12 of July, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Provare a capire gli Stati Uniti da una piccola cittadina come Marina del Rey sarebbe come provare a capire l\u2019Italia da una cabina telefonica.<br>\nLe distanze, le differenze, i sottili sub-strati culturali e sociali sono incomprensibili e difficili da padroneggiare se non si decide di viaggiare e scoprire.<br>\nSpero di farlo al pi\u00f9 presto e non solo per questioni legate al lavoro.<br>\nVoglio conoscere meglio ci\u00f2 che mi circonda, a partire dalla California che in un\u2019area grande come l\u2019Italia racchiude al suo interno mare, montagna, collina, pianura e deserto.<\/p>\n<p>Ma a volte \u00e8 difficile avere la mente sgombra dall\u2019idea di futuro quando ancora qualche tassello deve andare a posto, \u00e8 difficile programmarlo quando ancora ci stiamo facendo tante domande.<br>\nNonostante questo resto positivo. Qui ho la sensazione di vivere in una bolla diversa da quella milanese, dove i ritmi erano abbastanza frenetici e scanditi dai tanti appuntamenti sociali e di lavoro.<br>\nCi sentiamo ancora in vacanza, come se ci aspettassimo che tra poco tutto questo possa finire. Ci godiamo la calma, la pace, i ritmi estremamente pi\u00f9 lenti e il mare. <\/p>\n<p>Gi\u00e0. Il mare. Non viverci per 40 anni e tutto d\u2019un tratto avercelo a 10 minuti di cammino fa un certo effetto. Vi consiglio l\u2019ultimo numero de Il Pensiero Lungo la newsletter di Martino, dedicata proprio al <a href=\"https:\/\/martinopietropoli.substack.com\/p\/121-mare\">mare<\/a>: <\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Un viaggio cosmico che si ripete circolarmente e che riporta all\u2019inizio. Mutati dall\u2019anno trascorso, ma verso e attraverso il punto da cui tutto \u00e8 iniziato. Ritornarci misura sia l'avanzare del tempo contingente ma anche l\u2019immutabilit\u00e0 di quello cosmico: siamo troppo minuscoli perch\u00e9 il nostro tempo conti qualcosa, non siamo nemmeno un battito di ciglia dell\u2019universo.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Il mare azzera il tempo: \u00e8 sempre cos\u00ec e sempre cos\u00ec sar\u00e0. Del resto \u00e8 un infinito e quindi non ha n\u00e9 presente n\u00e9 futuro e il mare che scrutiamo \u00e8 lo stesso che vedeva Giulio Cesare o Marco Polo. Una massa fluttuante e cangiante, increspata o tumultuosa, screziata da onde, lucida e tesa se non c\u2019\u00e8 vento. Il mare \u00e8 una materia ed \u00e8 ovunque, il mare \u00e8 reale e concettuale allo stesso tempo.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>Sono giorni di riflessione. Penso tanto e mi ritrovo a conoscermi meglio, ascoltarmi di pi\u00f9 quando tutto il rumore superfluo mi sembra di averlo lasciato in Italia. Mi piace, forse ci sono arrivato tardi, forse non importa poi tanto, ma bench\u00e9 non abbia risposte sul futuro so per certo che ci stiamo arricchendo e questo \u00e8 importante. <\/p>\n<p>Manca poco, come dicevo, per sistemare qualche tassello e permetterci di buttare via qualche pensiero di tentennamento su questa scelta di trasferirci qui. Non \u00e8 assolutamente un ripensarci, ma penso sia pi\u00f9 che normale chiedersi di tanto in tanto, ma avr\u00f2 fatto bene? <\/p>\n<p>Questi primi sette mesi intanto sono volati via alla velocit\u00e0 della luce e penso sar\u00e0 altrettanto cos\u00ec fino alla fine dell\u2019anno. Da adesso ho qualche viaggio di lavoro e inizier\u00e0 la fase di programmazione per il 2025. <\/p>\n<p>Non possono che aspettarci belle cose.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-08 12:50:00\">8 of July, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Probabilmente nei giorni scorsi vi sarete imbattuti in qualche articolo o servizio di telegiornale riguardante l\u2019arrivo della nave scuola Amerigo Vespucci al porto di Los Angeles. Qui in radio ne siamo stati letteralmente bombardati. <\/p>\n<p>Una settimana - dal 3 all'8 luglio - attraccata a uno dei dock di San Pedro, con visita gratuita aperta al pubblico e un annesso spazio su terra ferma con una sorta di villaggio Italia adibito a mostre, proiezioni cinematografiche, shopping e alla ristorazione affidata a Eataly. <\/p>\n<p>30 minuti di macchina da casa, un\u2019occasione per fare qualcosa di diverso e <em>ammirare la nave pi\u00f9 bella del mondo che tutti ci invidiano<\/em>.<\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/tourvespucci.it\/en\/legs\/los-angeles-2\/#\">L\u2019evento<\/a>, organizzato da Difesa Servizi - organo in house del Ministero della Difesa - fa parte del tour mondiale della Vespucci della durata di 2 anni, partito da Genova l\u20191 luglio 2023 e che si concluder\u00e0 nel 2025. <\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Un punto di incontro, condivisione, confronto e promozione delle eccellenze del patrimonio culturale, artistico, storico ed economico italiano.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Un\u2019area organizzata per padiglioni espositivi ed un articolato palinsesto curato dalle eccellenze italiane per vivere esperienze uniche.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>Sul sito viene specificato che per salire a bordo \u00e8 necessario prenotare un orario di ingresso specifico tra quelli indicati. E cos\u00ec abbiamo fatto, pensando, ingenuamente, che questo ci garantisse un accesso immediato sia al villaggio, sia, soprattutto, alla nave. <\/p>\n<p>Ieri abbiamo scoperto che le cose non stavano esattamente cos\u00ec. <\/p>\n<p>Arrivati a San Pedro, ci troviamo davanti un cartello digitale indicante i parcheggi generici riservati all\u2019evento Vespucci e che quelli pi\u00f9 vicini alla nave sarebbero stati quelli VIP e pertanto non accessibili. Parcheggiamo e scopriamo che c\u2019\u00e8 una distanza di 1.4km da percorrere a piedi con sole a picco e 27\u00b0. Scorgiamo una navetta in lontananza, pu\u00f2 contenere circa 30-40 persone, ma la fila in attesa per prenderla ne conta almeno 200. Decidiamo di farcela a piedi. <\/p>\n<p>Siamo ancora in orario e dentro i 15 minuti di tolleranza indicati nella email di conferma, ma all\u2019arrivo troviamo una coda lunghissima. Pensiamo sia solo relativa all\u2019ingresso al villaggio e aspettiamo, pazientemente, pi\u00f9 di un\u2019ora e comunque senza nessuna copertura predisposta dal sole di luglio californiano. <\/p>\n<div class=\"gallery\">\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 75%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/9392d54a49-1720464890\/code.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/9392d54a49-1720464890\/code-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 75%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/00309251fb-1720464890\/ancora-code.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/00309251fb-1720464890\/ancora-code-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<p>Entriamo. Guardiamo tra i padiglioni, ne restiamo lontani perch\u00e9 comunque anch\u2019essi con code sostenute e ci dirigiamo verso la nave. Una volta l\u00ec scopriamo che ci sono due file, una per chi aveva prenotato la visita e una per chi non fosse ancora munito di biglietto. <\/p>\n<p><em>Ma allora a cosa \u00e8 servito prenotare?<\/em><\/p>\n<p>La coda \u00e8, di nuovo, lunghissima, perdiamo un\u2019altra ora scarsa e all\u2019arrivo all\u2019ingresso del molo scopriamo di non essere pronti a salire. C\u2019\u00e8 un altro serpentone da affrontare, ma ormai siamo l\u00ec e pazientiamo ulteriormente. <\/p>\n<p>Qui mi accorgo di alcune cose. La prima, il villaggio viene trattato alla stregua di un polo fieristico, all\u2019esterno c\u2019\u00e8 poco o nulla di interessante se non tanta gente che vaga o cerca posto nel patio di Eataly per un po\u2019 di refrigerio. La seconda, ci sono un paio di punti ristoro tra le varie code dove acquistare da bere, dei tavoli con delle scodelle con ghiaccio per tenere in fresco le bevande: una lattina di acqua San Pellegrino costa $6. Allineato con i prezzi di un ristorante, non certo per dei banchetti dove far rinfrescare persone in coda sotto il sole da ore. La terza, e forse anche la pi\u00f9 triste di tutte, \u00e8 stata la totale assenza di informazioni riguardanti la nave. Non un pannello, non uno schermo, niente di niente dove si potesse sapere qualcosa di pi\u00f9. <\/p>\n<div class=\"gallery\">\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 133.33333333333%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/5b98ad033c-1720464919\/amerigo-vespucci.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/5b98ad033c-1720464919\/amerigo-vespucci-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 133.33333333333%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/de93abff27-1720465202\/av.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/de93abff27-1720465202\/av-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<p>La nave, cos\u00ec come \u00e8 stata presentata alle persone mi \u00e8 parsa soltanto una bella photo opportunity per gli account Instagram dei visitatori e nulla pi\u00f9. <\/p>\n<p>Ora, non so quanti soldi lo stato italiano stia spendendo per questa attivazione di esportazione di italianit\u00e0 nel mondo (tutto il personale di staff \u00e8 italiano), ma mi domando cosa ne ricava, qual \u00e8 il messaggio e l\u2019immagine dell'Italia che un visitatore si porta a casa dopo una pomeriggio come quello di ieri. <\/p>\n<p>Perch\u00e9 io, che americano non sono, qualcosa sulla Vespucci sapevo ed \u00e8 stato anche piacevole salirci a bordo, ma sono tornato a casa confuso, con una mezza insolazione e abbastanza vergognato per come \u00e8 stata organizzata una manifestazione italiana mostrando come non si dovrebbe gestire un evento del genere.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article><nav class=\"posts-navigation\">\n <a class=\"posts-navigation-item posts-navigation-item-disabled\" href=\"\">Newer<\/a>\n <a class=\"posts-navigation-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/random\">Random<\/a>\n <a class=\"posts-navigation-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/page:2\">Older<\/a>\n<\/nav> <nav class=\"menu secondary-menu\">\n <a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/www.threads.net\/@contz\">Threads<\/a> <a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">Email<\/a> <a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/open.spotify.com\/user\/%23contz?si=j6NipW0FTKmIbN4pEqZrVA\">Spotify<\/a> <\/nav>\n\n <\/main> \n <script src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/js\/site.js?e95e4ebcd4440188f166efa41e5589f9\"><\/script>\n\n\n<\/body><\/html>",
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"Webmail": "Google Workspace",
"Email": "Google Workspace",
"Miscellaneous": "RSS,PWA,Open Graph"
"detected_apps": {
"C": "",
"Nginx": "",
"HSTS": "",
"Google Workspace": "",
"RSS": "",
"PWA": "",
"Open Graph": ""
"detected_technologies": {
"C": {
"name": "C",
"description": "C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system.",
"slug": "c",
"categories": [
"id": 27,
"slug": "programming-languages",
"groups": [
"name": "Programming languages",
"priority": 5
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "C.png",
"website": "http:\/\/www.open-std.org\/jtc1\/sc22\/wg14\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"Nginx": {
"name": "Nginx",
"description": "Nginx is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.",
"slug": "nginx",
"categories": [
"id": 22,
"slug": "web-servers",
"groups": [
"name": "Web servers",
"priority": 8
"id": 64,
"slug": "reverse-proxies",
"groups": [
"name": "Reverse proxies",
"priority": 7
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Nginx.svg",
"website": "http:\/\/nginx.org\/en",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:nginx:nginx:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
"HSTS": {
"name": "HSTS",
"description": "HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS.",
"slug": "hsts",
"categories": [
"id": 16,
"slug": "security",
"groups": [
"name": "Security",
"priority": 9
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "default.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/rfc\/rfc6797#section-6.1",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"Google Workspace": {
"name": "Google Workspace",
"description": "Google Workspace, formerly G Suite, is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools.",
"slug": "google-workspace",
"categories": [
"id": 30,
"slug": "webmail",
"groups": [
"name": "Webmail",
"priority": 2
"id": 75,
"slug": "email",
"groups": [
"name": "Email",
"priority": 9
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Google.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/workspace.google.com\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"RSS": {
"name": "RSS",
"description": "RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works\u2014such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video\u2014in a standardized format.",
"slug": "rss",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "RSS.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rssboard.org\/rss-specification",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"PWA": {
"name": "PWA",
"description": "Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web apps built and enhanced with modern APIs to deliver enhanced capabilities, reliability, and installability while reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device, all with a single codebase.",
"slug": "pwa",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "PWA.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/web.dev\/progressive-web-apps\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"Open Graph": {
"name": "Open Graph",
"description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
"slug": "open-graph",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Open Graph.png",
"website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"detected_raw": [
"name": "C",
"description": "C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system.",
"slug": "c",
"categories": [
"id": 27,
"slug": "programming-languages",
"groups": [
"name": "Programming languages",
"priority": 5
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "C.png",
"website": "http:\/\/www.open-std.org\/jtc1\/sc22\/wg14\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "Nginx",
"description": "Nginx is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.",
"slug": "nginx",
"categories": [
"id": 22,
"slug": "web-servers",
"groups": [
"name": "Web servers",
"priority": 8
"id": 64,
"slug": "reverse-proxies",
"groups": [
"name": "Reverse proxies",
"priority": 7
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Nginx.svg",
"website": "http:\/\/nginx.org\/en",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:nginx:nginx:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
"name": "HSTS",
"description": "HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS.",
"slug": "hsts",
"categories": [
"id": 16,
"slug": "security",
"groups": [
"name": "Security",
"priority": 9
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "default.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/rfc\/rfc6797#section-6.1",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "Google Workspace",
"description": "Google Workspace, formerly G Suite, is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools.",
"slug": "google-workspace",
"categories": [
"id": 30,
"slug": "webmail",
"groups": [
"name": "Webmail",
"priority": 2
"id": 75,
"slug": "email",
"groups": [
"name": "Email",
"priority": 9
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Google.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/workspace.google.com\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "RSS",
"description": "RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works\u2014such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video\u2014in a standardized format.",
"slug": "rss",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "RSS.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rssboard.org\/rss-specification",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "PWA",
"description": "Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web apps built and enhanced with modern APIs to deliver enhanced capabilities, reliability, and installability while reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device, all with a single codebase.",
"slug": "pwa",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "PWA.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/web.dev\/progressive-web-apps\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "Open Graph",
"description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
"slug": "open-graph",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Open Graph.png",
"website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"axe": {
"testEngine": "4.4.1",
"violations": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"impact": "serious",
"tags": [
"description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
"help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
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"html": "<html lang=\"it\" id=\"home\">",
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"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": "serious",
"html": "<a class=\"posts-navigation-item posts-navigation-item-disabled\" href=\"\">Newer<\/a>",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/bypass?application=axeAPI",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"header-title\">\n <a class=\"header-home-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\">\n <img class=\"header-logo\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/img\/logo.png\" alt=\"Go With The Flow\">\n <\/a>\n <\/h1>",
"target": [
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/15-years-of-blogging\">Thoughts on my 15 years of blogging<\/a><\/h1>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-title"
"html": "<h3>What have I learned in these past 15 years?<\/h3>",
"target": [
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a><\/h1>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(4) > .post-title"
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a><\/h1>",
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"article:nth-child(5) > .post-title"
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/fediverse-appeal\">Fediverse appeal<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a><\/h1>",
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"article:nth-child(8) > .post-title"
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/semplificare\">Semplificare<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">Rituali<\/a><\/h1>",
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"article:nth-child(10) > .post-title"
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a><\/h1>",
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"article:nth-child(11) > .post-title"
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a><\/h1>",
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"article:nth-child(12) > .post-title"
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"help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
"nodes": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-09-02 06:00:00\">2 of September, 2024<\/time>",
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"time[datetime=\"2024-09-02 06:00:00\"]"
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"impact": "serious",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>During this brief Italian vacation, I realized that I started this blog in 2009, <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">today<\/a>. That's 15 years ago.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>A very long time, and although it's not my longest-running online presence, but it's certainly the most consistent one.<\/p>",
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"html": "<h3>What have I learned in these past 15 years?<\/h3>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto\">The Cluetrain Manifesto<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter\u2014and getting smarter faster than most companies.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>For a few months, I was also part of what was then called the blog stars circuit. I was invited to events, to participate in debates, and to promote products.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>But if you didn't care much about entering the arena for the battle of attention, and if your goal was, as it still is for me, to have a presence on the Web where you can be yourself and weave valuable relationships, then almost certainly your blog has survived all this and is alive and well.<\/p>",
"target": [
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"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">this space<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>This place will continue to exist as long as I can take care of it, as long as existing technologies allow me to do so. It's an extension of my being. <\/p>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-09-01 06:35:00\">1 of September, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>I found a good deal with Lufthansa, which along with Swiss Air, is one of the few airlines to offer a route from Los Angeles to Olbia with just one stop in another European country.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>The journey passed rather quickly, and in the awake moments between naps, I only thought about how much plastic and trash each airplane leaves behind as soon as it takes off.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Equip every screen with Bluetooth technology? Fit the seats with standard 3.5mm jacks instead of those odd double inputs? Or perhaps USB-C compatible ports?<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I obviously paid attention to everything else too. Especially after the cabin crew announced that Lufthansa adopts a green protocol, suggesting we keep our plastic cups (specifically mentioned) for refills during subsequent trolley rounds.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Yet...<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Yet, on both the Los Angeles to Munich and Munich to Olbia legs, two plastic bottles were distributed:<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I wondered what could be done to avoid this. More refill stations to fill up the water bottles across the plane since practically everyone owns nowadays? (As many airports already do) Or store water in some other material?<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Perhaps it would have been better to avoid green initiative proclaims if this was going to be the result.<\/p>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-27 15:25:00\">27 of August, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>However, talent, although an innate quality, must be recognized by someone, and often a group of people must agree to acknowledge it.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>The same goes for those who write well. You don't necessarily need to be a novelist to do it. We often see very short texts that are extremely effective due to their originality and simplicity.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Simplicity. That's the real keyword here. Often, the greatest writers are appreciated by the general public precisely for this reason. If you have something to say, say it. Without too many words. Straight to the point.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Is there a way to improve? Is there a way to be a better writer? Perhaps today, as Seth Godin <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>, AI can help even those who can't string two understandable sentences together: <\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Get better at writing. You might not think you\u2019re a professional writer (you\u2019re a doctor! you\u2019re a manager! you\u2019re a teacher!) but if it\u2019s an important part of your job, you <em>are<\/em> a professional, or at least we expect you to be.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Now there\u2019s a second option. If the writing you\u2019re doing doesn\u2019t need to be in an idiosyncratic voice, take your memo, paste it into claude.ai and say, \u201cplease rewrite this to make it clear, cogent, positive and concise.\u201d<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Meanwhile, I'll try, as much as possible, to always ask myself these <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a> just before I start writing my first sentence from now on:<\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>But everyone isn\u2019t going to read your work, <em>someone<\/em> is.<br>\nCan you tell me who? Precisely?<br>\nWhat did they believe before they encountered your work? What do they want, what do they fear? What has moved them to action in the past?<\/p>",
"target": [
"blockquote:nth-child(11) > p"
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"html": "<em>someone<\/em>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 16:00:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>Which I am.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>For those who might have noticed, which I imagine are few, and those who have still decided to read me, I have started posting in English lately.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I've done this for a very simple reason. By now, all the blogs and bloggers I read and want to engage with are written in English. Even, and especially, by Italians.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I want to try to keep up with the trend and see if I can expand my network of connections. No, I'm not interested in views, especially since <a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a> and I have disabled any tracking systems in here.<\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>I genuinely want to connect with other bloggers. With those, in essence, who continue to keep their distance from social media to engage in constructive conversation, because they've understood too well that, in those spaces, it has become impossible.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/louplummer.lol\/the-perfect-blogger\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Lou<\/a>",
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"any": [
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">IndieWeb<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Every once in a while I discover a real gem where someone's efforts are all at once entertaining, thought provoking, inspiring and original. I'll often be stricken with a pang of jealousy. \"I want to write like that\", I'll tell myself, knowing that I won't.<\/p>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>This also translates to the fact that I\u2019ve been living in the United States for 9 months now, and English has become the main language to use daily.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>So, no more hesitation, if I make mistakes, you know why. I'm just an Italian looking for stories to relate to and to broaden his knowledge of the world!<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>The perfect blogger can take a mundane event and make it interesting. I'd read about their trip to the supermarket in a minute because they make things relatable. They find our common humanity in the everyday events we all experience<\/p>",
"target": [
"blockquote:nth-child(10) > p"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/fediverse-appeal\">Fediverse appeal<\/a>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 15:20:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>",
"target": [
"time[datetime=\"2024-08-26 15:20:00\"]"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>I've never really understood Mastodon or the Fediverse in general. Or rather, I've never seen its true utility except for creating even more suffocating and polarized echo chambers. Nothing that we hadn't already seen during the era of forums a few decades ago.<\/p>",
"target": [
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"html": "<p>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/minutestomidnight.co.uk\/blog\/smaller\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">here<\/a>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(2) > a[rel=\"noreferrer\"][target=\"_blank\"]"
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/alexsirac.com\/the-fediverse-and-attention-economy\/\">The Fediverse and attention economy<\/a>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/i-miei-abbonamenti-2024\">postato<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Alla fine del post spiego come fare \ud83d\ude09<\/p>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Netflix<\/strong> - Ho spostato il mio account e tutto il suo storico sotto un account straniero. Pagamento annuale $37.22. <strong>Risparmio attuale sull\u2019anno: \u20ac181.91<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<li><strong>Xbox Game Pass<\/strong>. Visto i recenti annunci di aumento prezzo e ancora la totale assenza di un abbonamento family da condividere con amici, ho deciso di acquistare una card ed estendere il mio abbonamento fino al 2027<\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>. Invariato. Come scritto nel post originario, non c\u2019\u00e8 molto che possa fare per cambiare Stato associato al mio account. Sempre: <strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>",
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"html": "<strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>. Dismesso. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong> <\/li>",
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"html": "<strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong>",
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"li:nth-child(4) > strong:nth-child(2)"
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"html": "<li><strong>YouTube<\/strong>. Nonostante sia sempre convinto che resti il miglior valore aggiunto per un abbonamento digitale, confermo di non volerlo rinnovare per il 2025. <strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"html": "<strong>YouTube<\/strong>",
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"html": "<strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Apple TV+<\/strong>: Confermata. Essendo io gestore Family non posso far parte di nessun altro abbonamento al di fuori del mio. Quindi si continua con i <strong>$9.99 al mese<\/strong><\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Paramount+<\/strong>: Nuova aggiunta, doverosa per vedere la Serie A negli Stati Uniti. <strong>$42.00 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. S\u00ec, all\u2019anno e non al mese come DAZN<\/li>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Paramount+<\/strong>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Disney+<\/strong>: <strong>$42 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. Faccio parte di un account family. Costo irrisorio. Fatto per la nuova stagione di Bear e terminare The Walking Dead<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Disney+<\/strong>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Bear App<\/strong>: Come scritto qui, anche se mi scoccia pagare un abbonamento annuale, mi piace e voglio mantenere attivo l\u2019abbonamento. <strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Bear App<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(10) > strong:nth-child(1)"
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"html": "<strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong>",
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"li:nth-child(10) > strong:nth-child(2)"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>: Niente di aggiuntivo rispetto a quanto mi serva. Lo dismetter\u00f2 sicuramente. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>",
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"li:nth-child(11) > strong:nth-child(1)"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong>",
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"li:nth-child(11) > strong:nth-child(2)"
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Glass<\/strong>: Nonostante adori l\u2019app, l\u2019aumento di prezzo e il fatto che sia decisamente poco popolata mi hanno fatto propendere per la dismissione e pubblicare piuttosto qui sul blog tutte le mie foto. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Glass<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(12) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(12) > strong:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
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"data": {
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>: \u20ac45\/anno<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
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"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(13) > strong"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>iCloud+<\/strong>: Irrinunciabile. \u20ac109.44\/anno<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#cccccc",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>iCloud+<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(14) > strong"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>: Mio padre ha deciso di non utilizzare pi\u00f9 il servizio. E sebbene qui negli Stati Uniti il prezzo sia aumentato a $19.99 al mese, il mio <strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>. 3 euro al mese!<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(15) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(15) > strong:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>Uber One<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(16) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>$96\/anno<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(16) > strong:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
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"data": {
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>NextDNS<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(17) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>$19.99\/anno<\/strong>",
"target": [
"li:nth-child(17) > strong:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(8) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4)"
"any": [
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"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<strong>risparmio si aggira attorno ai 325 euro<\/strong>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(4) > strong:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#1aa7c7",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
"contrastRatio": 4.9900000000000002,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/accountsharing\/\">questa pagina di Reddit<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(8) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4) > a"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
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"fgColor": "#cccccc",
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"contrastRatio": 8.8200000000000003,
"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<em>Come siete messi voi ad abbonamenti? A quali non rinuncereste mai?<\/em>",
"target": [
"strong:nth-child(4) > em:nth-child(2)"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"bgColor": "#272b34",
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.82"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<em>Fatemelo sapere via ~<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">email<\/a>~ e gi\u00e0 che ci siete se avete voglia di sostenere il blog potete farlo ~<a href=\"https:\/\/ko-fi.com\/contz\/tiers\">qui<\/a>~.<\/em>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">email<\/a>",
"target": [
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/ko-fi.com\/contz\/tiers\">qui<\/a>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/semplificare\">Semplificare<\/a>",
"target": [
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"html": "<p>E in questo processo di semplificazione mi sono reso conto di quanto per me sia importante non disperdere energie e attenzione in mille rivoli differenti. Per questo Spotify resta per me l\u2019opzione migliore per le mie esigenze. Un app con dentro tutto. Fine. <\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/bear.app\/\">Bear App<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Mi sono dato qualche settimana, se c\u2019\u00e8 altro, fatemelo sapere via email!<\/p>",
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"html": "<em>This post has been updated and now has both an English and an Italian version of it!<\/em>",
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"html": "<p>Incredibly, it's already August today. I don't understand how 8 months have flown by since we left Italy.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>The second is a ritual I started with Noemi. For every city we visit around the world, we book a couple's massage. We've done this practically everywhere for the past 7 years, and we consider it one of the things we most enjoy doing together when we're on vacation.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>A ritual doesn't necessarily mean becoming a slave to a habit; on the contrary, for me, it aligns with loving oneself and listening to one's body and mind.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>What's yours?<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Incredibilmente oggi \u00e8 gi\u00e0 agosto. Non capisco come sia possibile che siano volati cos\u00ec velocemente 8 mesi da quando abbiamo lasciato l\u2019Italia. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Nuovo mese equivale anche a una nuova puntata dell\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>. Il mese di agosto \u00e8 ospitato da <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\">Steve<\/a> e ha come tema i rituali. <\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\">Steve<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Il secondo \u00e8 un rituale che ho iniziato con Noemi. Per ogni citt\u00e0 visitata nel mondo, prenotiamo un massaggio di coppia. L\u2019abbiamo fatto praticamente ovunque da 7 anni a questa parte e reputiamo sia una delle cose che pi\u00f9 ci piace fare insieme quando siamo in vacanza. <\/p>",
"target": [
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"html": "<p>Un rituale non equivale necessariamente a diventare schiavo di un abitudine, anzi, per me combacia con il volersi bene e ascoltare il proprio corpo e mente. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Dovremmo avere tutti pi\u00f9 rituali nella nostra vita.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Qual \u00e8 il tuo?<\/p>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a>",
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"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.1"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-12 08:40:00\">12 of July, 2024<\/time>",
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"time[datetime=\"2024-07-12 08:40:00\"]"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Gi\u00e0. Il mare. Non viverci per 40 anni e tutto d\u2019un tratto avercelo a 10 minuti di cammino fa un certo effetto. Vi consiglio l\u2019ultimo numero de Il Pensiero Lungo la newsletter di Martino, dedicata proprio al <a href=\"https:\/\/martinopietropoli.substack.com\/p\/121-mare\">mare<\/a>: <\/p>",
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"article:nth-child(11) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(3)"
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/martinopietropoli.substack.com\/p\/121-mare\">mare<\/a>",
"target": [
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"html": "<p>",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Manca poco, come dicevo, per sistemare qualche tassello e permetterci di buttare via qualche pensiero di tentennamento su questa scelta di trasferirci qui. Non \u00e8 assolutamente un ripensarci, ma penso sia pi\u00f9 che normale chiedersi di tanto in tanto, ma avr\u00f2 fatto bene? <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(11) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(7)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
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"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Questi primi sette mesi intanto sono volati via alla velocit\u00e0 della luce e penso sar\u00e0 altrettanto cos\u00ec fino alla fine dell\u2019anno. Da adesso ho qualche viaggio di lavoro e inizier\u00e0 la fase di programmazione per il 2025. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(11) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(8)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Non possono che aspettarci belle cose.<\/p>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a>",
"target": [
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-08 12:50:00\">8 of July, 2024<\/time>",
"target": [
"time[datetime=\"2024-07-08 12:50:00\"]"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Probabilmente nei giorni scorsi vi sarete imbattuti in qualche articolo o servizio di telegiornale riguardante l\u2019arrivo della nave scuola Amerigo Vespucci al porto di Los Angeles. Qui in radio ne siamo stati letteralmente bombardati. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(1)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Una settimana - dal 3 all'8 luglio - attraccata a uno dei dock di San Pedro, con visita gratuita aperta al pubblico e un annesso spazio su terra ferma con una sorta di villaggio Italia adibito a mostre, proiezioni cinematografiche, shopping e alla ristorazione affidata a Eataly. <\/p>",
"target": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>30 minuti di macchina da casa, un\u2019occasione per fare qualcosa di diverso e <em>ammirare la nave pi\u00f9 bella del mondo che tutti ci invidiano<\/em>.<\/p>",
"target": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<em>ammirare la nave pi\u00f9 bella del mondo che tutti ci invidiano<\/em>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(3) > em"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p><a href=\"https:\/\/tourvespucci.it\/en\/legs\/los-angeles-2\/#\">L\u2019evento<\/a>, organizzato da Difesa Servizi - organo in house del Ministero della Difesa - fa parte del tour mondiale della Vespucci della durata di 2 anni, partito da Genova l\u20191 luglio 2023 e che si concluder\u00e0 nel 2025. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tourvespucci.it\/en\/legs\/los-angeles-2\/#\">L\u2019evento<\/a>",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Un punto di incontro, condivisione, confronto e promozione delle eccellenze del patrimonio culturale, artistico, storico ed economico italiano.<\/p>",
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"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > blockquote:nth-child(5) > p"
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"relatedNodes": [],
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Un\u2019area organizzata per padiglioni espositivi ed un articolato palinsesto curato dalle eccellenze italiane per vivere esperienze uniche.<\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > blockquote:nth-child(6) > p"
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"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Sul sito viene specificato che per salire a bordo \u00e8 necessario prenotare un orario di ingresso specifico tra quelli indicati. E cos\u00ec abbiamo fatto, pensando, ingenuamente, che questo ci garantisse un accesso immediato sia al villaggio, sia, soprattutto, alla nave. <\/p>",
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"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(7)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Ieri abbiamo scoperto che le cose non stavano esattamente cos\u00ec. <\/p>",
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
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"html": "<p>",
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"html": "<p>Entriamo. Guardiamo tra i padiglioni, ne restiamo lontani perch\u00e9 comunque anch\u2019essi con code sostenute e ci dirigiamo verso la nave. Una volta l\u00ec scopriamo che ci sono due file, una per chi aveva prenotato la visita e una per chi non fosse ancora munito di biglietto. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(12)"
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<em>Ma allora a cosa \u00e8 servito prenotare?<\/em>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(13) > em"
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"html": "<p>La coda \u00e8, di nuovo, lunghissima, perdiamo un\u2019altra ora scarsa e all\u2019arrivo all\u2019ingresso del molo scopriamo di non essere pronti a salire. C\u2019\u00e8 un altro serpentone da affrontare, ma ormai siamo l\u00ec e pazientiamo ulteriormente. <\/p>",
"target": [
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"html": "<p>La nave, cos\u00ec come \u00e8 stata presentata alle persone mi \u00e8 parsa soltanto una bella photo opportunity per gli account Instagram dei visitatori e nulla pi\u00f9. <\/p>",
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"html": "<a class=\"posts-navigation-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/random\">Random<\/a>",
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"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/www.threads.net\/@contz\">Threads<\/a>",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id?application=axeAPI",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-lang-valid?application=axeAPI",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/image-alt?application=axeAPI",
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".gallery:nth-child(11) > figure:nth-child(1) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
"any": [
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"target": [
".gallery:nth-child(11) > figure:nth-child(2) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
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"message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
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"target": [
".gallery:nth-child(16) > figure:nth-child(1) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
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"message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
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"target": [
".gallery:nth-child(16) > figure:nth-child(2) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
"id": "link-name",
"impact": null,
"tags": [
"description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
"help": "Links must have discernible text",
"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
"nodes": [
"any": [
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"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"header-home-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\">\n <img class=\"header-logo\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/img\/logo.png\" alt=\"Go With The Flow\">\n <\/a>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/about\">About<\/a>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/email\">EMAIL<\/a>",
"target": [
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"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/archive\">Archive<\/a>",
"target": [
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"all": [],
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/15-years-of-blogging\">Thoughts on my 15 years of blogging<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-title > .post-link"
"any": [
"id": "has-visible-text",
"data": null,
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"none": [
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"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">today<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(1) > a"
"any": [
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"all": [],
"none": [
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"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto\">The Cluetrain Manifesto<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4) > a"
"any": [
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"all": [],
"none": [
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">this space<\/a>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(9) > a"
"any": [
"id": "has-visible-text",
"data": null,
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">down<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(10) > a"
"any": [
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"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(4) > .post-title > .post-link"
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(5) > .post-title > .post-link"
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(5) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(5) > a"
"any": [
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"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(5) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(10) > a"
"any": [
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(6) > .post-title > .post-link"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/louplummer.lol\/the-perfect-blogger\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Lou<\/a>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(6) > a[rel=\"noreferrer\"][target=\"_blank\"]:nth-child(1)"
"any": [
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">IndieWeb<\/a>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(6) > a[href$=\"rituali\"]"
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/alexsirac.com\/the-fediverse-and-attention-economy\/\">The Fediverse and attention economy<\/a>",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/list?application=axeAPI",
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"html": "<li><strong>Netflix<\/strong> - Ho spostato il mio account e tutto il suo storico sotto un account straniero. Pagamento annuale $37.22. <strong>Risparmio attuale sull\u2019anno: \u20ac181.91<\/strong><\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Xbox Game Pass<\/strong>. Visto i recenti annunci di aumento prezzo e ancora la totale assenza di un abbonamento family da condividere con amici, ho deciso di acquistare una card ed estendere il mio abbonamento fino al 2027<\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>. Invariato. Come scritto nel post originario, non c\u2019\u00e8 molto che possa fare per cambiare Stato associato al mio account. Sempre: <strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>. Dismesso. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong> <\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>YouTube<\/strong>. Nonostante sia sempre convinto che resti il miglior valore aggiunto per un abbonamento digitale, confermo di non volerlo rinnovare per il 2025. <strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Apple TV+<\/strong>: Confermata. Essendo io gestore Family non posso far parte di nessun altro abbonamento al di fuori del mio. Quindi si continua con i <strong>$9.99 al mese<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Prime Video<\/strong>: Confermato <strong>$139.99 anno<\/strong><\/li>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Paramount+<\/strong>: Nuova aggiunta, doverosa per vedere la Serie A negli Stati Uniti. <strong>$42.00 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. S\u00ec, all\u2019anno e non al mese come DAZN<\/li>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Disney+<\/strong>: <strong>$42 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. Faccio parte di un account family. Costo irrisorio. Fatto per la nuova stagione di Bear e terminare The Walking Dead<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Bear App<\/strong>: Come scritto qui, anche se mi scoccia pagare un abbonamento annuale, mi piace e voglio mantenere attivo l\u2019abbonamento. <strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>: Niente di aggiuntivo rispetto a quanto mi serva. Lo dismetter\u00f2 sicuramente. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "listitem",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Glass<\/strong>: Nonostante adori l\u2019app, l\u2019aumento di prezzo e il fatto che sia decisamente poco popolata mi hanno fatto propendere per la dismissione e pubblicare piuttosto qui sul blog tutte le mie foto. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>: \u20ac45\/anno<\/li>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>iCloud+<\/strong>: Irrinunciabile. \u20ac109.44\/anno<\/li>",
"target": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>: Mio padre ha deciso di non utilizzare pi\u00f9 il servizio. E sebbene qui negli Stati Uniti il prezzo sia aumentato a $19.99 al mese, il mio <strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>. 3 euro al mese!<\/li>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Uber One<\/strong>: <strong>$96\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<li><strong>NextDNS<\/strong>: <strong>$19.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"help": "Interactive controls must not be nested",
"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/nested-interactive?application=axeAPI",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
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That's 15 years ago.<\/p>\n<p>A very long time, and although it's not my longest-running online presence, but it's certainly the most consistent one.<\/p>\n<h3>What have I learned in these past 15 years?<\/h3>\n<p>Blogs were, especially in Italy, a passing phenomenon. In the early 2000s, if you didn't have your own space where you could express your thoughts, you were essentially out of the game. Unlike forums, blogs allowed those with something interesting to say to stand out from the background noise of trolls and serial posters since forums were the only competitors at that time. They became the first true manifestation of one of the theses of bottom-up conversations as established by <a href=\"https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto\">The Cluetrain Manifesto<\/a>:<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter\u2014and getting smarter faster than most companies.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>For a few months, I was also part of what was then called the blog stars circuit. I was invited to events, to participate in debates, and to promote products.<\/p>\n<p>Did social media kill that era? In Italy, undoubtedly. We are a people born for social media; we are slaves to voyeurism and naturally inclined towards flames and drama. Those who had a blog suddenly felt delegitimized and, deprived of their moment of glory, ended up getting bored and stopped writing, witnessing the rise of influencers first and creators later.<\/p>\n<p>But if you didn't care much about entering the arena for the battle of attention, and if your goal was, as it still is for me, to have a presence on the Web where you can be yourself and weave valuable relationships, then almost certainly your blog has survived all this and is alive and well.<\/p>\n<p>In 15 years, I've found friends, work partners, acquaintances, and had the opportunity to interact with some of the people I admire most, and this still happens today, like last year with Manuel and his help in rebuilding <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">this space<\/a> almost from scratch.<\/p>\n<p>I've only recently realized, perhaps too late, that to truly open up to the world, I would need something different, namely to start writing in English. Because outside our national borders, people haven't surrendered to an idea of the Internet entirely equivalent to social media. Elsewhere, there are still people who prefer to interact as they did 20 years ago, where all you need is to share stories via an email address.<br>\nPerhaps anachronistic? Likely, but certainly more genuine and profound. Digging deeper <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">down<\/a> without having to widen the perimeter.<\/p>\n<p>I will forever be grateful for choosing to make this decision 15 years ago. These pages have been an effective therapy for me, a journey of self-discovery before even discovering the world.<br>\nI will always be grateful to all the people I've met over these years, even if they were part of my life for just a second.<\/p>\n<p>This place will continue to exist as long as I can take care of it, as long as existing technologies allow me to do so. It's an extension of my being. <\/p>\n<p>An open bar tab whose final balance will always be in my favor.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-09-01 06:35:00\">1 of September, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Noemi has finally found and started a new job. This gives us a nice dose of tranquility from many perspectives. A few months ago, when we still weren't sure about her job future, we decided that I would take a week off at the beginning of September. So, I decided to surprise my parents and come directly to our summer house, here in Sardinia, until the 8th.<\/p>\n<p>I found a good deal with Lufthansa, which along with Swiss Air, is one of the few airlines to offer a route from Los Angeles to Olbia with just one stop in another European country.<\/p>\n<p>The journey passed rather quickly, and in the awake moments between naps, I only thought about how much plastic and trash each airplane leaves behind as soon as it takes off.<\/p>\n<p>Starting with these headphones. How many of these are distributed around the world every day? And how many of those are\/will be recycled? I imagine the environmental impact of these tiny objects is not insignificant, and as I put them on to listen to the audio of \"Dune: Part Two,\" I wondered if there was a way to avoid distributing more than 300 pairs on each transoceanic flight.<\/p>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 75%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/01fddb92b8-1725198229\/headphones.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/01fddb92b8-1725198229\/headphones-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<p>Equip every screen with Bluetooth technology? Fit the seats with standard 3.5mm jacks instead of those odd double inputs? Or perhaps USB-C compatible ports?<\/p>\n<p>I obviously paid attention to everything else too. Especially after the cabin crew announced that Lufthansa adopts a green protocol, suggesting we keep our plastic cups (specifically mentioned) for refills during subsequent trolley rounds.<\/p>\n<p>Yet...<\/p>\n<p>Yet, on both the Los Angeles to Munich and Munich to Olbia legs, two plastic bottles were distributed:<\/p>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 78.545454545455%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/69a2895a77-1725198229\/water.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/69a2895a77-1725198229\/water-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<p>I wondered what could be done to avoid this. More refill stations to fill up the water bottles across the plane since practically everyone owns nowadays? (As many airports already do) Or store water in some other material?<\/p>\n<p>Perhaps it would have been better to avoid green initiative proclaims if this was going to be the result.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-27 15:25:00\">27 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>I'm not sure if being good at writing is an innate ability or a quality acquired over time, perhaps through voracious reading or a deep humanistic education. I imagine that, as with all matters in life, talent needs to be honed to share it with the world, and there are some people naturally more gifted than others.<\/p>\n<p>However, talent, although an innate quality, must be recognized by someone, and often a group of people must agree to acknowledge it.<\/p>\n<p>The same goes for those who write well. You don't necessarily need to be a novelist to do it. We often see very short texts that are extremely effective due to their originality and simplicity.<\/p>\n<p>Simplicity. That's the real keyword here. Often, the greatest writers are appreciated by the general public precisely for this reason. If you have something to say, say it. Without too many words. Straight to the point.<\/p>\n<p>Is there a way to improve? Is there a way to be a better writer? Perhaps today, as Seth Godin <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>, AI can help even those who can't string two understandable sentences together: <\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Get better at writing. You might not think you\u2019re a professional writer (you\u2019re a doctor! you\u2019re a manager! you\u2019re a teacher!) but if it\u2019s an important part of your job, you <em>are<\/em> a professional, or at least we expect you to be.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Now there\u2019s a second option. If the writing you\u2019re doing doesn\u2019t need to be in an idiosyncratic voice, take your memo, paste it into claude.ai and say, \u201cplease rewrite this to make it clear, cogent, positive and concise.\u201d<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>I've wondered if this could also apply to those with a blog. If leveraging AI could be helpful. Probably yes, but only with the form. And although it might help with substance too, I hope those eager to share their world with others do so genuinely, without needing technology to invent stories.<\/p>\n<p>What's the point of all this? I too would like to become a better writer one day. To entertain with an incisive style while maintaining my narrative consistency. I don't think this necessarily has to turn into a book; my blog is enough for me. Knowing that those who come here to read do so because they're interested in what I write, but also in how I write it.<\/p>\n<p>Meanwhile, I'll try, as much as possible, to always ask myself these <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a> just before I start writing my first sentence from now on:<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>But everyone isn\u2019t going to read your work, <em>someone<\/em> is.<br>\nCan you tell me who? Precisely?<br>\nWhat did they believe before they encountered your work? What do they want, what do they fear? What has moved them to action in the past?<\/p>\n<\/blockquote><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 16:00:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Which I am.<\/p>\n<p>For those who might have noticed, which I imagine are few, and those who have still decided to read me, I have started posting in English lately.<\/p>\n<p>I've done this for a very simple reason. By now, all the blogs and bloggers I read and want to engage with are written in English. Even, and especially, by Italians.<\/p>\n<p>I want to try to keep up with the trend and see if I can expand my network of connections. No, I'm not interested in views, especially since <a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a> and I have disabled any tracking systems in here.<\/p>\n<p>I genuinely want to connect with other bloggers. With those, in essence, who continue to keep their distance from social media to engage in constructive conversation, because they've understood too well that, in those spaces, it has become impossible.<\/p>\n<p>Therefore, inspired by this post from <a href=\"https:\/\/louplummer.lol\/the-perfect-blogger\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Lou<\/a>, I too found myself envying those who decided to change their native language and started adopting English (Especially after <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a> pointed out to me that my entry for <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">IndieWeb<\/a> this month should have been in English instead of Italian):<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Every once in a while I discover a real gem where someone's efforts are all at once entertaining, thought provoking, inspiring and original. I'll often be stricken with a pang of jealousy. \"I want to write like that\", I'll tell myself, knowing that I won't.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>This also translates to the fact that I\u2019ve been living in the United States for 9 months now, and English has become the main language to use daily.<\/p>\n<p>So, no more hesitation, if I make mistakes, you know why. I'm just an Italian looking for stories to relate to and to broaden his knowledge of the world!<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>The perfect blogger can take a mundane event and make it interesting. I'd read about their trip to the supermarket in a minute because they make things relatable. They find our common humanity in the everyday events we all experience<\/p>\n<\/blockquote><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/fediverse-appeal\">Fediverse appeal<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 15:20:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>I've never really understood Mastodon or the Fediverse in general. Or rather, I've never seen its true utility except for creating even more suffocating and polarized echo chambers. Nothing that we hadn't already seen during the era of forums a few decades ago.<\/p>\n<p>I echo Simone's words <a href=\"https:\/\/minutestomidnight.co.uk\/blog\/smaller\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">here<\/a>, with which I very much agree. And it's for this reason that blogs still make sense today. Not so much because it's necessary to develop a community around them, but because they are much more effective in stimulating a calm conversation, free from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), and above all, they force the writer to exercise a certain logic of thought that would otherwise be swept away by the totally instinctive reactions typical of keyboard warriors, as we say in Italy.<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>the Fediverse idea, albeit interesting on paper, is gloriously showing its main flaw: pretty much all their incarnations are mimicking social media, with all the consequent detrimental effects. Doom scrolling, an infinite series of short burst of personal opinions, usually disconnected from one another. Whether siloed or decentralised, the resulting unsearchable ephemerality is not really different from other mainstream corporate incarnations. Alex wrote much deeper considerations about this very topic, in their post ~<a href=\"https:\/\/alexsirac.com\/the-fediverse-and-attention-economy\/\">The Fediverse and attention economy<\/a>~.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-05 11:10:00\">5 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>A fine marzo ho <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/i-miei-abbonamenti-2024\">postato<\/a> i costi legati ai miei abbonamenti digitali, ma siccome alcune cose sono cambiate e con altissima probabilit\u00e0 rimarranno cos\u00ec fino a fine anno se non oltre, un aggiornamento era doveroso. Ed esultare soprattutto per il bel risparmio ottenuto. <\/p>\n<p>Alla fine del post spiego come fare \ud83d\ude09<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Netflix<\/strong> - Ho spostato il mio account e tutto il suo storico sotto un account straniero. Pagamento annuale $37.22. <strong>Risparmio attuale sull\u2019anno: \u20ac181.91<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Xbox Game Pass<\/strong>. Visto i recenti annunci di aumento prezzo e ancora la totale assenza di un abbonamento family da condividere con amici, ho deciso di acquistare una card ed estendere il mio abbonamento fino al 2027<\/li>\n<li><strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>. Invariato. Come scritto nel post originario, non c\u2019\u00e8 molto che possa fare per cambiare Stato associato al mio account. Sempre: <strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>. Dismesso. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong> <\/li>\n<li><strong>YouTube<\/strong>. Nonostante sia sempre convinto che resti il miglior valore aggiunto per un abbonamento digitale, confermo di non volerlo rinnovare per il 2025. <strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Apple TV+<\/strong>: Confermata. Essendo io gestore Family non posso far parte di nessun altro abbonamento al di fuori del mio. Quindi si continua con i <strong>$9.99 al mese<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Prime Video<\/strong>: Confermato <strong>$139.99 anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Paramount+<\/strong>: Nuova aggiunta, doverosa per vedere la Serie A negli Stati Uniti. <strong>$42.00 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. S\u00ec, all\u2019anno e non al mese come DAZN<\/li>\n<li><strong>Disney+<\/strong>: <strong>$42 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. Faccio parte di un account family. Costo irrisorio. Fatto per la nuova stagione di Bear e terminare The Walking Dead<\/li>\n<li><strong>Bear App<\/strong>: Come scritto qui, anche se mi scoccia pagare un abbonamento annuale, mi piace e voglio mantenere attivo l\u2019abbonamento. <strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>: Niente di aggiuntivo rispetto a quanto mi serva. Lo dismetter\u00f2 sicuramente. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Glass<\/strong>: Nonostante adori l\u2019app, l\u2019aumento di prezzo e il fatto che sia decisamente poco popolata mi hanno fatto propendere per la dismissione e pubblicare piuttosto qui sul blog tutte le mie foto. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>: \u20ac45\/anno<\/li>\n<li><strong>iCloud+<\/strong>: Irrinunciabile. \u20ac109.44\/anno<\/li>\n<li><strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>: Mio padre ha deciso di non utilizzare pi\u00f9 il servizio. E sebbene qui negli Stati Uniti il prezzo sia aumentato a $19.99 al mese, il mio <strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>. 3 euro al mese!<\/li>\n<li><strong>Uber One<\/strong>: <strong>$96\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>NextDNS<\/strong>: <strong>$19.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>A conti fatti il <strong>risparmio si aggira attorno ai 325 euro<\/strong>. Tantissimo a pensarci a posteriori e nonostante abbia aggiunto due abbonamenti in pi\u00f9. Tanto, per me, ha fatto l'aver scoperto <a href=\"https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/accountsharing\/\">questa pagina di Reddit<\/a>, dove c\u2019\u00e8 da stare attenti perch\u00e9 la fregatura \u00e8 dietro l\u2019angolo, ma se si presta un minimo di attenzione si pu\u00f2 accedere a prezzi decisamente pi\u00f9 agevoli facendo parte di un account Family con un risparmio, come visto, notevole e soprattutto legale!<br>\n<strong><br>\n<em>Come siete messi voi ad abbonamenti? A quali non rinuncereste mai?<\/em><br>\n<em>Fatemelo sapere via ~<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">email<\/a>~ e gi\u00e0 che ci siete se avete voglia di sostenere il blog potete farlo ~<a href=\"https:\/\/ko-fi.com\/contz\/tiers\">qui<\/a>~.<\/em><\/strong><\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/semplificare\">Semplificare<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-04 17:45:00\">4 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Nell\u2019ultimo mese, complice l\u2019aumento di prezzo mensile per l\u2019abbonamento Family negli Stati Uniti (in realt\u00e0 si pu\u00f2 tornare al prezzo precedente rinunciando all\u2019add-on degli audiolibri per il gestore dell\u2019abbonamento), su Threads e Reddit leggo di tanti che spinti da una fake news hanno deciso di abbandonare Spotify e passare ad Apple Music. <\/p>\n<p>Oltre il prezzo, a quanto pare, nel giocare un fattore determinante c\u2019\u00e8 la pulizia di UI rispetto a Spotify e che quindi su Apple Music si trovino soltanto brani musicali e non podcast o audiolibri (o come nel caso U.K., anche video corsi)<\/p>\n<p>Ma quello che per molti pu\u00f2 essere un vantaggio di <em>lettura<\/em> ed esperienza nel approcciare l\u2019applicazione, per me \u00e8 un punto di forza. Oltre ad aver fatto un\u2019enorme <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">pulizia nel feed RSS<\/a> ho proceduto nell\u2019ultimo mese a cancellare decine di applicazioni inutili sul mio telefono, buone solo a prendere polvere e occupare memoria. <\/p>\n<p>E in questo processo di semplificazione mi sono reso conto di quanto per me sia importante non disperdere energie e attenzione in mille rivoli differenti. Per questo Spotify resta per me l\u2019opzione migliore per le mie esigenze. Un app con dentro tutto. Fine. <\/p>\n<p>Da qualche giorno sto provando ad adottare lo stesso criterio anche per altre applicazioni. Ho deciso di ri-testare <a href=\"https:\/\/bear.app\/\">Bear App<\/a> e unire cos\u00ec Apple Notes e iA Writer. Entrambe molto preziose, la prima la utilizzo pesantemente al lavoro, la seconda \u00e8 l\u2019app dove scrivo tutti i miei post del blog. <\/p>\n<p>Apple Notes per\u00f2 non consente nessuna personalizzazione, non consente di default di ingrandire il font - e spesso su uno schermo da 32 pollici risulta difficile - e nemmeno di modificarlo. iA Writer l\u2019ho considerata come alternativa valida, ma il sistema di salvataggio delle Note non mi ha mai appassionato. <\/p>\n<p>Bear sembra il giusto compromesso al momento. Personalizzazione, esportazione del testo in Markdown, Note per lavoro e vita personale, post per il blog. Unica pecca \u00e8 che per attivare la sincronizzazione iCloud bisogna pagare un abbonamento mensile. Resto sempre a favore del pagamento lifetime, ma cos\u00ec \u00e8. <\/p>\n<p>Mi sono dato qualche settimana, se c\u2019\u00e8 altro, fatemelo sapere via email!<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">Rituali<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-01 16:40:00\">1 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p><strong><em>This post has been updated and now has both an English and an Italian version of it!<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Incredibly, it's already August today. I don't understand how 8 months have flown by since we left Italy.<\/p>\n<p>I'm equally astonished by the fact that we haven't sweated a single day yet. When I hear from relatives and friends in Italy, they all tell me they're dying from the heat, but here we're really in a climatic paradise, where we almost never go above 24 degrees Celsius. In fact, both in the morning and after dusk, a sweatshirt is a must for outdoor excursions.<\/p>\n<p>A new month also means a new episode of the <a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>. August is hosted by <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a>, and the theme is about Rituals.<\/p>\n<p>I don't have any particular rituals. I have two that I consider constants in this phase of my life.<br>\nThe first is the morning coffee once I get to the office. I always try to arrive before the hustle begins to give myself some solitary moments, dedicating time to reading my RSS feed while sipping an espresso. Or rather, an <em>Americano<\/em> here in the States.<\/p>\n<p>The second is a ritual I started with Noemi. For every city we visit around the world, we book a couple's massage. We've done this practically everywhere for the past 7 years, and we consider it one of the things we most enjoy doing together when we're on vacation.<\/p>\n<p>I used to have another one in the past. Every year when the new FIFA game came out, I would always take a day off to buy the game and spend the rest of the day playing it. But I've abandoned that over time, partly because as the years went by, the game consistently got worse and was never too different from the previous year.<\/p>\n<p>A ritual doesn't necessarily mean becoming a slave to a habit; on the contrary, for me, it aligns with loving oneself and listening to one's body and mind.<\/p>\n<p>We should all have more rituals in our lives.<\/p>\n<p>What's yours?<\/p>\n<hr>\n<p>Incredibilmente oggi \u00e8 gi\u00e0 agosto. Non capisco come sia possibile che siano volati cos\u00ec velocemente 8 mesi da quando abbiamo lasciato l\u2019Italia. <\/p>\n<p>Resto altrettanto stupefatto dal fatto che non abbiamo ancora sudato un giorno. Quando sento parenti e amici in Italia mi dicono tutti che si sta morendo dal caldo, qui invece stiamo davvero in un paradiso climatico, dove non superiamo quasi mai i 24 gradi C\u00b0. Anzi, sia al mattino che dopo l\u2019imbrunire una felpa \u00e8 d\u2019obbligo per escursioni in esterna. <\/p>\n<p>Nuovo mese equivale anche a una nuova puntata dell\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>. Il mese di agosto \u00e8 ospitato da <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\">Steve<\/a> e ha come tema i rituali. <\/p>\n<p>Non ho dei rituali particolari. Ne ho due che reputo costanti in questa fase della vita.<br>\nIl primo \u00e8 il caff\u00e8 del mattino una volta arrivato in ufficio. Cerco sempre di arrivare prima dell\u2019inizio delle danze e concedermi qualche momento in solitaria, dedicandomi alla lettura del feed RSS mentre sorseggio un espresso. O espresso abbondante qui negli States. <\/p>\n<p>Il secondo \u00e8 un rituale che ho iniziato con Noemi. Per ogni citt\u00e0 visitata nel mondo, prenotiamo un massaggio di coppia. L\u2019abbiamo fatto praticamente ovunque da 7 anni a questa parte e reputiamo sia una delle cose che pi\u00f9 ci piace fare insieme quando siamo in vacanza. <\/p>\n<p>Ne avevo un altro in passato. Ogni anno all\u2019uscita del nuovo Fifa, prendevo sempre un giorno di ferie per andare a comprare il gioco e spendere il resto della giornata a giocarci. Ma l\u2019ho abbandonato nel tempo anche perch\u00e9 con l\u2019andare degli anni il gioco \u00e8 peggiorato costantemente e mai troppo dissimile dall\u2019anno precedente. <\/p>\n<p>Un rituale non equivale necessariamente a diventare schiavo di un abitudine, anzi, per me combacia con il volersi bene e ascoltare il proprio corpo e mente. <\/p>\n<p>Dovremmo avere tutti pi\u00f9 rituali nella nostra vita.<\/p>\n<p>Qual \u00e8 il tuo?<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-12 08:40:00\">12 of July, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Provare a capire gli Stati Uniti da una piccola cittadina come Marina del Rey sarebbe come provare a capire l\u2019Italia da una cabina telefonica.<br>\nLe distanze, le differenze, i sottili sub-strati culturali e sociali sono incomprensibili e difficili da padroneggiare se non si decide di viaggiare e scoprire.<br>\nSpero di farlo al pi\u00f9 presto e non solo per questioni legate al lavoro.<br>\nVoglio conoscere meglio ci\u00f2 che mi circonda, a partire dalla California che in un\u2019area grande come l\u2019Italia racchiude al suo interno mare, montagna, collina, pianura e deserto.<\/p>\n<p>Ma a volte \u00e8 difficile avere la mente sgombra dall\u2019idea di futuro quando ancora qualche tassello deve andare a posto, \u00e8 difficile programmarlo quando ancora ci stiamo facendo tante domande.<br>\nNonostante questo resto positivo. Qui ho la sensazione di vivere in una bolla diversa da quella milanese, dove i ritmi erano abbastanza frenetici e scanditi dai tanti appuntamenti sociali e di lavoro.<br>\nCi sentiamo ancora in vacanza, come se ci aspettassimo che tra poco tutto questo possa finire. Ci godiamo la calma, la pace, i ritmi estremamente pi\u00f9 lenti e il mare. <\/p>\n<p>Gi\u00e0. Il mare. Non viverci per 40 anni e tutto d\u2019un tratto avercelo a 10 minuti di cammino fa un certo effetto. Vi consiglio l\u2019ultimo numero de Il Pensiero Lungo la newsletter di Martino, dedicata proprio al <a href=\"https:\/\/martinopietropoli.substack.com\/p\/121-mare\">mare<\/a>: <\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Un viaggio cosmico che si ripete circolarmente e che riporta all\u2019inizio. Mutati dall\u2019anno trascorso, ma verso e attraverso il punto da cui tutto \u00e8 iniziato. Ritornarci misura sia l'avanzare del tempo contingente ma anche l\u2019immutabilit\u00e0 di quello cosmico: siamo troppo minuscoli perch\u00e9 il nostro tempo conti qualcosa, non siamo nemmeno un battito di ciglia dell\u2019universo.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Il mare azzera il tempo: \u00e8 sempre cos\u00ec e sempre cos\u00ec sar\u00e0. Del resto \u00e8 un infinito e quindi non ha n\u00e9 presente n\u00e9 futuro e il mare che scrutiamo \u00e8 lo stesso che vedeva Giulio Cesare o Marco Polo. Una massa fluttuante e cangiante, increspata o tumultuosa, screziata da onde, lucida e tesa se non c\u2019\u00e8 vento. Il mare \u00e8 una materia ed \u00e8 ovunque, il mare \u00e8 reale e concettuale allo stesso tempo.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>Sono giorni di riflessione. Penso tanto e mi ritrovo a conoscermi meglio, ascoltarmi di pi\u00f9 quando tutto il rumore superfluo mi sembra di averlo lasciato in Italia. Mi piace, forse ci sono arrivato tardi, forse non importa poi tanto, ma bench\u00e9 non abbia risposte sul futuro so per certo che ci stiamo arricchendo e questo \u00e8 importante. <\/p>\n<p>Manca poco, come dicevo, per sistemare qualche tassello e permetterci di buttare via qualche pensiero di tentennamento su questa scelta di trasferirci qui. Non \u00e8 assolutamente un ripensarci, ma penso sia pi\u00f9 che normale chiedersi di tanto in tanto, ma avr\u00f2 fatto bene? <\/p>\n<p>Questi primi sette mesi intanto sono volati via alla velocit\u00e0 della luce e penso sar\u00e0 altrettanto cos\u00ec fino alla fine dell\u2019anno. Da adesso ho qualche viaggio di lavoro e inizier\u00e0 la fase di programmazione per il 2025. <\/p>\n<p>Non possono che aspettarci belle cose.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-08 12:50:00\">8 of July, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Probabilmente nei giorni scorsi vi sarete imbattuti in qualche articolo o servizio di telegiornale riguardante l\u2019arrivo della nave scuola Amerigo Vespucci al porto di Los Angeles. Qui in radio ne siamo stati letteralmente bombardati. <\/p>\n<p>Una settimana - dal 3 all'8 luglio - attraccata a uno dei dock di San Pedro, con visita gratuita aperta al pubblico e un annesso spazio su terra ferma con una sorta di villaggio Italia adibito a mostre, proiezioni cinematografiche, shopping e alla ristorazione affidata a Eataly. <\/p>\n<p>30 minuti di macchina da casa, un\u2019occasione per fare qualcosa di diverso e <em>ammirare la nave pi\u00f9 bella del mondo che tutti ci invidiano<\/em>.<\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/tourvespucci.it\/en\/legs\/los-angeles-2\/#\">L\u2019evento<\/a>, organizzato da Difesa Servizi - organo in house del Ministero della Difesa - fa parte del tour mondiale della Vespucci della durata di 2 anni, partito da Genova l\u20191 luglio 2023 e che si concluder\u00e0 nel 2025. <\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Un punto di incontro, condivisione, confronto e promozione delle eccellenze del patrimonio culturale, artistico, storico ed economico italiano.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Un\u2019area organizzata per padiglioni espositivi ed un articolato palinsesto curato dalle eccellenze italiane per vivere esperienze uniche.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>Sul sito viene specificato che per salire a bordo \u00e8 necessario prenotare un orario di ingresso specifico tra quelli indicati. E cos\u00ec abbiamo fatto, pensando, ingenuamente, che questo ci garantisse un accesso immediato sia al villaggio, sia, soprattutto, alla nave. <\/p>\n<p>Ieri abbiamo scoperto che le cose non stavano esattamente cos\u00ec. <\/p>\n<p>Arrivati a San Pedro, ci troviamo davanti un cartello digitale indicante i parcheggi generici riservati all\u2019evento Vespucci e che quelli pi\u00f9 vicini alla nave sarebbero stati quelli VIP e pertanto non accessibili. Parcheggiamo e scopriamo che c\u2019\u00e8 una distanza di 1.4km da percorrere a piedi con sole a picco e 27\u00b0. Scorgiamo una navetta in lontananza, pu\u00f2 contenere circa 30-40 persone, ma la fila in attesa per prenderla ne conta almeno 200. Decidiamo di farcela a piedi. <\/p>\n<p>Siamo ancora in orario e dentro i 15 minuti di tolleranza indicati nella email di conferma, ma all\u2019arrivo troviamo una coda lunghissima. Pensiamo sia solo relativa all\u2019ingresso al villaggio e aspettiamo, pazientemente, pi\u00f9 di un\u2019ora e comunque senza nessuna copertura predisposta dal sole di luglio californiano. <\/p>\n<div class=\"gallery\">\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 75%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/9392d54a49-1720464890\/code.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/9392d54a49-1720464890\/code-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 75%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/00309251fb-1720464890\/ancora-code.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/00309251fb-1720464890\/ancora-code-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<p>Entriamo. Guardiamo tra i padiglioni, ne restiamo lontani perch\u00e9 comunque anch\u2019essi con code sostenute e ci dirigiamo verso la nave. Una volta l\u00ec scopriamo che ci sono due file, una per chi aveva prenotato la visita e una per chi non fosse ancora munito di biglietto. <\/p>\n<p><em>Ma allora a cosa \u00e8 servito prenotare?<\/em><\/p>\n<p>La coda \u00e8, di nuovo, lunghissima, perdiamo un\u2019altra ora scarsa e all\u2019arrivo all\u2019ingresso del molo scopriamo di non essere pronti a salire. C\u2019\u00e8 un altro serpentone da affrontare, ma ormai siamo l\u00ec e pazientiamo ulteriormente. <\/p>\n<p>Qui mi accorgo di alcune cose. La prima, il villaggio viene trattato alla stregua di un polo fieristico, all\u2019esterno c\u2019\u00e8 poco o nulla di interessante se non tanta gente che vaga o cerca posto nel patio di Eataly per un po\u2019 di refrigerio. La seconda, ci sono un paio di punti ristoro tra le varie code dove acquistare da bere, dei tavoli con delle scodelle con ghiaccio per tenere in fresco le bevande: una lattina di acqua San Pellegrino costa $6. Allineato con i prezzi di un ristorante, non certo per dei banchetti dove far rinfrescare persone in coda sotto il sole da ore. La terza, e forse anche la pi\u00f9 triste di tutte, \u00e8 stata la totale assenza di informazioni riguardanti la nave. Non un pannello, non uno schermo, niente di niente dove si potesse sapere qualcosa di pi\u00f9. <\/p>\n<div class=\"gallery\">\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 133.33333333333%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/5b98ad033c-1720464919\/amerigo-vespucci.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/5b98ad033c-1720464919\/amerigo-vespucci-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 133.33333333333%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/de93abff27-1720465202\/av.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/de93abff27-1720465202\/av-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<p>La nave, cos\u00ec come \u00e8 stata presentata alle persone mi \u00e8 parsa soltanto una bella photo opportunity per gli account Instagram dei visitatori e nulla pi\u00f9. <\/p>\n<p>Ora, non so quanti soldi lo stato italiano stia spendendo per questa attivazione di esportazione di italianit\u00e0 nel mondo (tutto il personale di staff \u00e8 italiano), ma mi domando cosa ne ricava, qual \u00e8 il messaggio e l\u2019immagine dell'Italia che un visitatore si porta a casa dopo una pomeriggio come quello di ieri. <\/p>\n<p>Perch\u00e9 io, che americano non sono, qualcosa sulla Vespucci sapevo ed \u00e8 stato anche piacevole salirci a bordo, ma sono tornato a casa confuso, con una mezza insolazione e abbastanza vergognato per come \u00e8 stata organizzata una manifestazione italiana mostrando come non si dovrebbe gestire un evento del genere.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article><nav class=\"posts-navigation\">\n <a class=\"posts-navigation-item posts-navigation-item-disabled\" href=\"\">Newer<\/a>\n <a class=\"posts-navigation-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/random\">Random<\/a>\n <a class=\"posts-navigation-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/page:2\">Older<\/a>\n<\/nav> <nav class=\"menu secondary-menu\">\n <a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/www.threads.net\/@contz\">Threads<\/a> <a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">Email<\/a> <a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/open.spotify.com\/user\/%23contz?si=j6NipW0FTKmIbN4pEqZrVA\">Spotify<\/a> <\/nav>\n\n <\/main> \n <script src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/js\/site.js?e95e4ebcd4440188f166efa41e5589f9\"><\/script>\n\n\n<\/body><\/html>",
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"detected": {
"Programming languages": "C",
"Web servers": "Nginx",
"Reverse proxies": "Nginx",
"Security": "HSTS",
"Webmail": "Google Workspace",
"Email": "Google Workspace",
"Miscellaneous": "RSS,PWA,Open Graph"
"detected_apps": {
"C": "",
"Nginx": "",
"HSTS": "",
"Google Workspace": "",
"RSS": "",
"PWA": "",
"Open Graph": ""
"detected_technologies": {
"C": {
"name": "C",
"description": "C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system.",
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"categories": [
"id": 27,
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"name": "Programming languages",
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"website": "http:\/\/www.open-std.org\/jtc1\/sc22\/wg14\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"Nginx": {
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"description": "Nginx is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.",
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"id": 22,
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"id": 64,
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"priority": 7
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"version": "",
"icon": "Nginx.svg",
"website": "http:\/\/nginx.org\/en",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:nginx:nginx:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
"HSTS": {
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"website": "https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/rfc\/rfc6797#section-6.1",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"Google Workspace": {
"name": "Google Workspace",
"description": "Google Workspace, formerly G Suite, is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools.",
"slug": "google-workspace",
"categories": [
"id": 30,
"slug": "webmail",
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"name": "Webmail",
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"slug": "email",
"groups": [
"name": "Email",
"priority": 9
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"version": "",
"icon": "Google.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/workspace.google.com\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"RSS": {
"name": "RSS",
"description": "RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works\u2014such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video\u2014in a standardized format.",
"slug": "rss",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
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"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
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"version": "",
"icon": "RSS.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rssboard.org\/rss-specification",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"PWA": {
"name": "PWA",
"description": "Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web apps built and enhanced with modern APIs to deliver enhanced capabilities, reliability, and installability while reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device, all with a single codebase.",
"slug": "pwa",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "PWA.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/web.dev\/progressive-web-apps\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"Open Graph": {
"name": "Open Graph",
"description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
"slug": "open-graph",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Open Graph.png",
"website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"detected_raw": [
"name": "C",
"description": "C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system.",
"slug": "c",
"categories": [
"id": 27,
"slug": "programming-languages",
"groups": [
"name": "Programming languages",
"priority": 5
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "C.png",
"website": "http:\/\/www.open-std.org\/jtc1\/sc22\/wg14\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "Nginx",
"description": "Nginx is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.",
"slug": "nginx",
"categories": [
"id": 22,
"slug": "web-servers",
"groups": [
"name": "Web servers",
"priority": 8
"id": 64,
"slug": "reverse-proxies",
"groups": [
"name": "Reverse proxies",
"priority": 7
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Nginx.svg",
"website": "http:\/\/nginx.org\/en",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:nginx:nginx:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
"name": "HSTS",
"description": "HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS.",
"slug": "hsts",
"categories": [
"id": 16,
"slug": "security",
"groups": [
"name": "Security",
"priority": 9
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "default.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/rfc\/rfc6797#section-6.1",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "Google Workspace",
"description": "Google Workspace, formerly G Suite, is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools.",
"slug": "google-workspace",
"categories": [
"id": 30,
"slug": "webmail",
"groups": [
"name": "Webmail",
"priority": 2
"id": 75,
"slug": "email",
"groups": [
"name": "Email",
"priority": 9
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Google.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/workspace.google.com\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "RSS",
"description": "RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works\u2014such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video\u2014in a standardized format.",
"slug": "rss",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "RSS.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/www.rssboard.org\/rss-specification",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "PWA",
"description": "Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web apps built and enhanced with modern APIs to deliver enhanced capabilities, reliability, and installability while reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device, all with a single codebase.",
"slug": "pwa",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "PWA.svg",
"website": "https:\/\/web.dev\/progressive-web-apps\/",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"name": "Open Graph",
"description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
"slug": "open-graph",
"categories": [
"id": 19,
"slug": "miscellaneous",
"groups": [
"name": "Miscellaneous",
"priority": 10
"confidence": 100,
"version": "",
"icon": "Open Graph.png",
"website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
"pricing": [],
"cpe": null
"axe": {
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"help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
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"html": "<a class=\"posts-navigation-item posts-navigation-item-disabled\" href=\"\">Newer<\/a>",
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"target": [
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/15-years-of-blogging\">Thoughts on my 15 years of blogging<\/a><\/h1>",
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"article:nth-child(3) > .post-title"
"html": "<h3>What have I learned in these past 15 years?<\/h3>",
"target": [
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a><\/h1>",
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"article:nth-child(4) > .post-title"
"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/fediverse-appeal\">Fediverse appeal<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">Rituali<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a><\/h1>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-09-02 06:00:00\">2 of September, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>During this brief Italian vacation, I realized that I started this blog in 2009, <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">today<\/a>. That's 15 years ago.<\/p>",
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"html": "<h3>What have I learned in these past 15 years?<\/h3>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto\">The Cluetrain Manifesto<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter\u2014and getting smarter faster than most companies.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>For a few months, I was also part of what was then called the blog stars circuit. I was invited to events, to participate in debates, and to promote products.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>But if you didn't care much about entering the arena for the battle of attention, and if your goal was, as it still is for me, to have a presence on the Web where you can be yourself and weave valuable relationships, then almost certainly your blog has survived all this and is alive and well.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>This place will continue to exist as long as I can take care of it, as long as existing technologies allow me to do so. It's an extension of my being. <\/p>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-09-01 06:35:00\">1 of September, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>I found a good deal with Lufthansa, which along with Swiss Air, is one of the few airlines to offer a route from Los Angeles to Olbia with just one stop in another European country.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>The journey passed rather quickly, and in the awake moments between naps, I only thought about how much plastic and trash each airplane leaves behind as soon as it takes off.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Equip every screen with Bluetooth technology? Fit the seats with standard 3.5mm jacks instead of those odd double inputs? Or perhaps USB-C compatible ports?<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I obviously paid attention to everything else too. Especially after the cabin crew announced that Lufthansa adopts a green protocol, suggesting we keep our plastic cups (specifically mentioned) for refills during subsequent trolley rounds.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Yet...<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Yet, on both the Los Angeles to Munich and Munich to Olbia legs, two plastic bottles were distributed:<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I wondered what could be done to avoid this. More refill stations to fill up the water bottles across the plane since practically everyone owns nowadays? (As many airports already do) Or store water in some other material?<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Perhaps it would have been better to avoid green initiative proclaims if this was going to be the result.<\/p>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-27 15:25:00\">27 of August, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>However, talent, although an innate quality, must be recognized by someone, and often a group of people must agree to acknowledge it.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>The same goes for those who write well. You don't necessarily need to be a novelist to do it. We often see very short texts that are extremely effective due to their originality and simplicity.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Simplicity. That's the real keyword here. Often, the greatest writers are appreciated by the general public precisely for this reason. If you have something to say, say it. Without too many words. Straight to the point.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Is there a way to improve? Is there a way to be a better writer? Perhaps today, as Seth Godin <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>, AI can help even those who can't string two understandable sentences together: <\/p>",
"target": [
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Get better at writing. You might not think you\u2019re a professional writer (you\u2019re a doctor! you\u2019re a manager! you\u2019re a teacher!) but if it\u2019s an important part of your job, you <em>are<\/em> a professional, or at least we expect you to be.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Now there\u2019s a second option. If the writing you\u2019re doing doesn\u2019t need to be in an idiosyncratic voice, take your memo, paste it into claude.ai and say, \u201cplease rewrite this to make it clear, cogent, positive and concise.\u201d<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Meanwhile, I'll try, as much as possible, to always ask myself these <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a> just before I start writing my first sentence from now on:<\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>But everyone isn\u2019t going to read your work, <em>someone<\/em> is.<br>\nCan you tell me who? Precisely?<br>\nWhat did they believe before they encountered your work? What do they want, what do they fear? What has moved them to action in the past?<\/p>",
"target": [
"blockquote:nth-child(11) > p"
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a>",
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"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 16:00:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>",
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"html": "<p>For those who might have noticed, which I imagine are few, and those who have still decided to read me, I have started posting in English lately.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I've done this for a very simple reason. By now, all the blogs and bloggers I read and want to engage with are written in English. Even, and especially, by Italians.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>I want to try to keep up with the trend and see if I can expand my network of connections. No, I'm not interested in views, especially since <a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a> and I have disabled any tracking systems in here.<\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>I genuinely want to connect with other bloggers. With those, in essence, who continue to keep their distance from social media to engage in constructive conversation, because they've understood too well that, in those spaces, it has become impossible.<\/p>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/louplummer.lol\/the-perfect-blogger\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Lou<\/a>",
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"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">IndieWeb<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Every once in a while I discover a real gem where someone's efforts are all at once entertaining, thought provoking, inspiring and original. I'll often be stricken with a pang of jealousy. \"I want to write like that\", I'll tell myself, knowing that I won't.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>This also translates to the fact that I\u2019ve been living in the United States for 9 months now, and English has become the main language to use daily.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>So, no more hesitation, if I make mistakes, you know why. I'm just an Italian looking for stories to relate to and to broaden his knowledge of the world!<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>The perfect blogger can take a mundane event and make it interesting. I'd read about their trip to the supermarket in a minute because they make things relatable. They find our common humanity in the everyday events we all experience<\/p>",
"target": [
"blockquote:nth-child(10) > p"
"any": [
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/fediverse-appeal\">Fediverse appeal<\/a>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 15:20:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>",
"target": [
"time[datetime=\"2024-08-26 15:20:00\"]"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>I've never really understood Mastodon or the Fediverse in general. Or rather, I've never seen its true utility except for creating even more suffocating and polarized echo chambers. Nothing that we hadn't already seen during the era of forums a few decades ago.<\/p>",
"target": [
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/minutestomidnight.co.uk\/blog\/smaller\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">here<\/a>",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/alexsirac.com\/the-fediverse-and-attention-economy\/\">The Fediverse and attention economy<\/a>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a>",
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"html": "<p>Alla fine del post spiego come fare \ud83d\ude09<\/p>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Netflix<\/strong> - Ho spostato il mio account e tutto il suo storico sotto un account straniero. Pagamento annuale $37.22. <strong>Risparmio attuale sull\u2019anno: \u20ac181.91<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<li><strong>Xbox Game Pass<\/strong>. Visto i recenti annunci di aumento prezzo e ancora la totale assenza di un abbonamento family da condividere con amici, ho deciso di acquistare una card ed estendere il mio abbonamento fino al 2027<\/li>",
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"html": "<li><strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>. Invariato. Come scritto nel post originario, non c\u2019\u00e8 molto che possa fare per cambiare Stato associato al mio account. Sempre: <strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"html": "<strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>",
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"html": "<strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong>",
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"html": "<li><strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>. Dismesso. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong> <\/li>",
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"html": "<strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>",
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"html": "<strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong>",
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"html": "<li><strong>YouTube<\/strong>. Nonostante sia sempre convinto che resti il miglior valore aggiunto per un abbonamento digitale, confermo di non volerlo rinnovare per il 2025. <strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"html": "<p>E in questo processo di semplificazione mi sono reso conto di quanto per me sia importante non disperdere energie e attenzione in mille rivoli differenti. Per questo Spotify resta per me l\u2019opzione migliore per le mie esigenze. Un app con dentro tutto. Fine. <\/p>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/bear.app\/\">Bear App<\/a>",
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"html": "<em>This post has been updated and now has both an English and an Italian version of it!<\/em>",
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"html": "<p>Incredibly, it's already August today. I don't understand how 8 months have flown by since we left Italy.<\/p>",
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"html": "<em>Americano<\/em>",
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"html": "<p>The second is a ritual I started with Noemi. For every city we visit around the world, we book a couple's massage. We've done this practically everywhere for the past 7 years, and we consider it one of the things we most enjoy doing together when we're on vacation.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>A ritual doesn't necessarily mean becoming a slave to a habit; on the contrary, for me, it aligns with loving oneself and listening to one's body and mind.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>We should all have more rituals in our lives.<\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Incredibilmente oggi \u00e8 gi\u00e0 agosto. Non capisco come sia possibile che siano volati cos\u00ec velocemente 8 mesi da quando abbiamo lasciato l\u2019Italia. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Nuovo mese equivale anche a una nuova puntata dell\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>. Il mese di agosto \u00e8 ospitato da <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\">Steve<\/a> e ha come tema i rituali. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Il secondo \u00e8 un rituale che ho iniziato con Noemi. Per ogni citt\u00e0 visitata nel mondo, prenotiamo un massaggio di coppia. L\u2019abbiamo fatto praticamente ovunque da 7 anni a questa parte e reputiamo sia una delle cose che pi\u00f9 ci piace fare insieme quando siamo in vacanza. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Un rituale non equivale necessariamente a diventare schiavo di un abitudine, anzi, per me combacia con il volersi bene e ascoltare il proprio corpo e mente. <\/p>",
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"html": "<p>Dovremmo avere tutti pi\u00f9 rituali nella nostra vita.<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Qual \u00e8 il tuo?<\/p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a>",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.1"
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-12 08:40:00\">12 of July, 2024<\/time>",
"target": [
"time[datetime=\"2024-07-12 08:40:00\"]"
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"impact": "serious",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Gi\u00e0. Il mare. Non viverci per 40 anni e tutto d\u2019un tratto avercelo a 10 minuti di cammino fa un certo effetto. Vi consiglio l\u2019ultimo numero de Il Pensiero Lungo la newsletter di Martino, dedicata proprio al <a href=\"https:\/\/martinopietropoli.substack.com\/p\/121-mare\">mare<\/a>: <\/p>",
"target": [
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/martinopietropoli.substack.com\/p\/121-mare\">mare<\/a>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>",
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"relatedNodes": [],
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Manca poco, come dicevo, per sistemare qualche tassello e permetterci di buttare via qualche pensiero di tentennamento su questa scelta di trasferirci qui. Non \u00e8 assolutamente un ripensarci, ma penso sia pi\u00f9 che normale chiedersi di tanto in tanto, ma avr\u00f2 fatto bene? <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(11) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(7)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Questi primi sette mesi intanto sono volati via alla velocit\u00e0 della luce e penso sar\u00e0 altrettanto cos\u00ec fino alla fine dell\u2019anno. Da adesso ho qualche viaggio di lavoro e inizier\u00e0 la fase di programmazione per il 2025. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(11) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(8)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Non possono che aspettarci belle cose.<\/p>",
"target": [
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a>",
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.1"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-08 12:50:00\">8 of July, 2024<\/time>",
"target": [
"time[datetime=\"2024-07-08 12:50:00\"]"
"any": [
"id": "color-contrast",
"data": {
"fgColor": "#b5b5b5",
"bgColor": "#272b34",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Probabilmente nei giorni scorsi vi sarete imbattuti in qualche articolo o servizio di telegiornale riguardante l\u2019arrivo della nave scuola Amerigo Vespucci al porto di Los Angeles. Qui in radio ne siamo stati letteralmente bombardati. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(1)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Una settimana - dal 3 all'8 luglio - attraccata a uno dei dock di San Pedro, con visita gratuita aperta al pubblico e un annesso spazio su terra ferma con una sorta di villaggio Italia adibito a mostre, proiezioni cinematografiche, shopping e alla ristorazione affidata a Eataly. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(2)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>30 minuti di macchina da casa, un\u2019occasione per fare qualcosa di diverso e <em>ammirare la nave pi\u00f9 bella del mondo che tutti ci invidiano<\/em>.<\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(3)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<em>ammirare la nave pi\u00f9 bella del mondo che tutti ci invidiano<\/em>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(3) > em"
"any": [
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p><a href=\"https:\/\/tourvespucci.it\/en\/legs\/los-angeles-2\/#\">L\u2019evento<\/a>, organizzato da Difesa Servizi - organo in house del Ministero della Difesa - fa parte del tour mondiale della Vespucci della durata di 2 anni, partito da Genova l\u20191 luglio 2023 e che si concluder\u00e0 nel 2025. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.99"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tourvespucci.it\/en\/legs\/los-angeles-2\/#\">L\u2019evento<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4) > a"
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"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Un punto di incontro, condivisione, confronto e promozione delle eccellenze del patrimonio culturale, artistico, storico ed economico italiano.<\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > blockquote:nth-child(5) > p"
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Un\u2019area organizzata per padiglioni espositivi ed un articolato palinsesto curato dalle eccellenze italiane per vivere esperienze uniche.<\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > blockquote:nth-child(6) > p"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Sul sito viene specificato che per salire a bordo \u00e8 necessario prenotare un orario di ingresso specifico tra quelli indicati. E cos\u00ec abbiamo fatto, pensando, ingenuamente, che questo ci garantisse un accesso immediato sia al villaggio, sia, soprattutto, alla nave. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(7)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.91"
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Ieri abbiamo scoperto che le cose non stavano esattamente cos\u00ec. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(8)"
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"fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"html": "<p>",
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"html": "<p>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>Entriamo. Guardiamo tra i padiglioni, ne restiamo lontani perch\u00e9 comunque anch\u2019essi con code sostenute e ci dirigiamo verso la nave. Una volta l\u00ec scopriamo che ci sono due file, una per chi aveva prenotato la visita e una per chi non fosse ancora munito di biglietto. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(12)"
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"fontWeight": "normal",
"expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<em>Ma allora a cosa \u00e8 servito prenotare?<\/em>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(13) > em"
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"html": "<p>La coda \u00e8, di nuovo, lunghissima, perdiamo un\u2019altra ora scarsa e all\u2019arrivo all\u2019ingresso del molo scopriamo di non essere pronti a salire. C\u2019\u00e8 un altro serpentone da affrontare, ma ormai siamo l\u00ec e pazientiamo ulteriormente. <\/p>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(12) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(14)"
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<p>La nave, cos\u00ec come \u00e8 stata presentata alle persone mi \u00e8 parsa soltanto una bella photo opportunity per gli account Instagram dei visitatori e nulla pi\u00f9. <\/p>",
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"fontWeight": "normal",
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"html": "<a class=\"posts-navigation-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/random\">Random<\/a>",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/image-alt?application=axeAPI",
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".gallery:nth-child(11) > figure:nth-child(1) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
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".gallery:nth-child(11) > figure:nth-child(2) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
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".gallery:nth-child(16) > figure:nth-child(1) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
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"target": [
".gallery:nth-child(16) > figure:nth-child(2) > .img-wrapper > .img[alt=\"\"][data-zoom=\"zoom\"]"
"id": "link-name",
"impact": null,
"tags": [
"description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
"help": "Links must have discernible text",
"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
"nodes": [
"any": [
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"html": "<a class=\"header-home-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\">\n <img class=\"header-logo\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/img\/logo.png\" alt=\"Go With The Flow\">\n <\/a>",
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"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/about\">About<\/a>",
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"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/email\">EMAIL<\/a>",
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/15-years-of-blogging\">Thoughts on my 15 years of blogging<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-title > .post-link"
"any": [
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"data": null,
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">today<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(1) > a"
"any": [
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"message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto\">The Cluetrain Manifesto<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(3) > .post-content.editor > p:nth-child(4) > a"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">this space<\/a>",
"target": [
"p:nth-child(9) > a"
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">down<\/a>",
"target": [
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"any": [
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(4) > .post-title > .post-link"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a>",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>",
"target": [
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a>",
"target": [
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/louplummer.lol\/the-perfect-blogger\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Lou<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/alexsirac.com\/the-fediverse-and-attention-economy\/\">The Fediverse and attention economy<\/a>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a>",
"target": [
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/i-miei-abbonamenti-2024\">postato<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/accountsharing\/\">questa pagina di Reddit<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">email<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/ko-fi.com\/contz\/tiers\">qui<\/a>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/semplificare\">Semplificare<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">pulizia nel feed RSS<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/bear.app\/\">Bear App<\/a>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">Rituali<\/a>",
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>",
"target": [
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"target": [
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"target": [
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"html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\">Steve<\/a>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a>",
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"html": "<a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a>",
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"html": "<a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/open.spotify.com\/user\/%23contz?si=j6NipW0FTKmIbN4pEqZrVA\">Spotify<\/a>",
"target": [
".secondary-menu > .menu-item:nth-child(3)"
"id": "list",
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"description": "Ensures that lists are structured correctly",
"help": "<ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements",
"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/list?application=axeAPI",
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"tags": [
"description": "Ensures <li> elements are used semantically",
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"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/listitem?application=axeAPI",
"nodes": [
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"html": "<li><strong>Netflix<\/strong> - Ho spostato il mio account e tutto il suo storico sotto un account straniero. Pagamento annuale $37.22. <strong>Risparmio attuale sull\u2019anno: \u20ac181.91<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"data": null,
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"all": [],
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Xbox Game Pass<\/strong>. Visto i recenti annunci di aumento prezzo e ancora la totale assenza di un abbonamento family da condividere con amici, ho deciso di acquistare una card ed estendere il mio abbonamento fino al 2027<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>. Invariato. Come scritto nel post originario, non c\u2019\u00e8 molto che possa fare per cambiare Stato associato al mio account. Sempre: <strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>. Dismesso. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong> <\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "listitem",
"data": null,
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"impact": "serious",
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>YouTube<\/strong>. Nonostante sia sempre convinto che resti il miglior valore aggiunto per un abbonamento digitale, confermo di non volerlo rinnovare per il 2025. <strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "listitem",
"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Apple TV+<\/strong>: Confermata. Essendo io gestore Family non posso far parte di nessun altro abbonamento al di fuori del mio. Quindi si continua con i <strong>$9.99 al mese<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
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"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
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"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Prime Video<\/strong>: Confermato <strong>$139.99 anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
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"id": "listitem",
"data": null,
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"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Paramount+<\/strong>: Nuova aggiunta, doverosa per vedere la Serie A negli Stati Uniti. <strong>$42.00 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. S\u00ec, all\u2019anno e non al mese come DAZN<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "listitem",
"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Disney+<\/strong>: <strong>$42 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. Faccio parte di un account family. Costo irrisorio. Fatto per la nuova stagione di Bear e terminare The Walking Dead<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "listitem",
"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Bear App<\/strong>: Come scritto qui, anche se mi scoccia pagare un abbonamento annuale, mi piace e voglio mantenere attivo l\u2019abbonamento. <strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "listitem",
"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>: Niente di aggiuntivo rispetto a quanto mi serva. Lo dismetter\u00f2 sicuramente. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "listitem",
"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Glass<\/strong>: Nonostante adori l\u2019app, l\u2019aumento di prezzo e il fatto che sia decisamente poco popolata mi hanno fatto propendere per la dismissione e pubblicare piuttosto qui sul blog tutte le mie foto. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "listitem",
"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>: \u20ac45\/anno<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "listitem",
"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>iCloud+<\/strong>: Irrinunciabile. \u20ac109.44\/anno<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "listitem",
"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>: Mio padre ha deciso di non utilizzare pi\u00f9 il servizio. E sebbene qui negli Stati Uniti il prezzo sia aumentato a $19.99 al mese, il mio <strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>. 3 euro al mese!<\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "listitem",
"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>Uber One<\/strong>: <strong>$96\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"any": [
"id": "listitem",
"data": null,
"relatedNodes": [],
"impact": "serious",
"message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
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"none": [],
"impact": null,
"html": "<li><strong>NextDNS<\/strong>: <strong>$19.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>",
"target": [
"id": "nested-interactive",
"impact": null,
"tags": [
"description": "Ensures interactive controls are not nested as they are not always announced by screen readers or can cause focus problems for assistive technologies",
"help": "Interactive controls must not be nested",
"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/nested-interactive?application=axeAPI",
"nodes": [
"any": [
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"none": [],
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"html": "<img class=\"header-logo\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/img\/logo.png\" alt=\"Go With The Flow\">",
"target": [
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"all": [],
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"html": "<hr>",
"target": [
"incomplete": [
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"help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
"helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
"nodes": [
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"data": {
"messageKey": "pseudoContent"
"relatedNodes": [
"html": "<blockquote>\n<p>Get better at writing. You might not think you\u2019re a professional writer (you\u2019re a doctor! you\u2019re a manager! you\u2019re a teacher!) but if it\u2019s an important part of your job, you <em>are<\/em> a professional, or at least we expect you to be.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>",
"target": [
"article:nth-child(5) > .post-content.editor > blockquote:nth-child(6)"
"impact": "serious",
"message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element"
"all": [],
"none": [],
"impact": "serious",
"html": "<em>are<\/em>",
"target": [
"blockquote:nth-child(6) > p > em"
"failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element"
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That's 15 years ago.<\/p>\n<p>A very long time, and although it's not my longest-running online presence, but it's certainly the most consistent one.<\/p>\n<h3>What have I learned in these past 15 years?<\/h3>\n<p>Blogs were, especially in Italy, a passing phenomenon. In the early 2000s, if you didn't have your own space where you could express your thoughts, you were essentially out of the game. Unlike forums, blogs allowed those with something interesting to say to stand out from the background noise of trolls and serial posters since forums were the only competitors at that time. They became the first true manifestation of one of the theses of bottom-up conversations as established by <a href=\"https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto\">The Cluetrain Manifesto<\/a>:<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter\u2014and getting smarter faster than most companies.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>For a few months, I was also part of what was then called the blog stars circuit. I was invited to events, to participate in debates, and to promote products.<\/p>\n<p>Did social media kill that era? In Italy, undoubtedly. We are a people born for social media; we are slaves to voyeurism and naturally inclined towards flames and drama. Those who had a blog suddenly felt delegitimized and, deprived of their moment of glory, ended up getting bored and stopped writing, witnessing the rise of influencers first and creators later.<\/p>\n<p>But if you didn't care much about entering the arena for the battle of attention, and if your goal was, as it still is for me, to have a presence on the Web where you can be yourself and weave valuable relationships, then almost certainly your blog has survived all this and is alive and well.<\/p>\n<p>In 15 years, I've found friends, work partners, acquaintances, and had the opportunity to interact with some of the people I admire most, and this still happens today, like last year with Manuel and his help in rebuilding <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/back-online\">this space<\/a> almost from scratch.<\/p>\n<p>I've only recently realized, perhaps too late, that to truly open up to the world, I would need something different, namely to start writing in English. Because outside our national borders, people haven't surrendered to an idea of the Internet entirely equivalent to social media. Elsewhere, there are still people who prefer to interact as they did 20 years ago, where all you need is to share stories via an email address.<br>\nPerhaps anachronistic? Likely, but certainly more genuine and profound. Digging deeper <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">down<\/a> without having to widen the perimeter.<\/p>\n<p>I will forever be grateful for choosing to make this decision 15 years ago. These pages have been an effective therapy for me, a journey of self-discovery before even discovering the world.<br>\nI will always be grateful to all the people I've met over these years, even if they were part of my life for just a second.<\/p>\n<p>This place will continue to exist as long as I can take care of it, as long as existing technologies allow me to do so. It's an extension of my being. <\/p>\n<p>An open bar tab whose final balance will always be in my favor.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/airplane-waste\">Airplane Waste<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-09-01 06:35:00\">1 of September, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Noemi has finally found and started a new job. This gives us a nice dose of tranquility from many perspectives. A few months ago, when we still weren't sure about her job future, we decided that I would take a week off at the beginning of September. So, I decided to surprise my parents and come directly to our summer house, here in Sardinia, until the 8th.<\/p>\n<p>I found a good deal with Lufthansa, which along with Swiss Air, is one of the few airlines to offer a route from Los Angeles to Olbia with just one stop in another European country.<\/p>\n<p>The journey passed rather quickly, and in the awake moments between naps, I only thought about how much plastic and trash each airplane leaves behind as soon as it takes off.<\/p>\n<p>Starting with these headphones. How many of these are distributed around the world every day? And how many of those are\/will be recycled? I imagine the environmental impact of these tiny objects is not insignificant, and as I put them on to listen to the audio of \"Dune: Part Two,\" I wondered if there was a way to avoid distributing more than 300 pairs on each transoceanic flight.<\/p>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 75%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/01fddb92b8-1725198229\/headphones.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/01fddb92b8-1725198229\/headphones-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<p>Equip every screen with Bluetooth technology? Fit the seats with standard 3.5mm jacks instead of those odd double inputs? Or perhaps USB-C compatible ports?<\/p>\n<p>I obviously paid attention to everything else too. Especially after the cabin crew announced that Lufthansa adopts a green protocol, suggesting we keep our plastic cups (specifically mentioned) for refills during subsequent trolley rounds.<\/p>\n<p>Yet...<\/p>\n<p>Yet, on both the Los Angeles to Munich and Munich to Olbia legs, two plastic bottles were distributed:<\/p>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 78.545454545455%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/69a2895a77-1725198229\/water.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/airplane-waste\/69a2895a77-1725198229\/water-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<p>I wondered what could be done to avoid this. More refill stations to fill up the water bottles across the plane since practically everyone owns nowadays? (As many airports already do) Or store water in some other material?<\/p>\n<p>Perhaps it would have been better to avoid green initiative proclaims if this was going to be the result.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/non-professional-writer\">Non-professional writer<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-27 15:25:00\">27 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>I'm not sure if being good at writing is an innate ability or a quality acquired over time, perhaps through voracious reading or a deep humanistic education. I imagine that, as with all matters in life, talent needs to be honed to share it with the world, and there are some people naturally more gifted than others.<\/p>\n<p>However, talent, although an innate quality, must be recognized by someone, and often a group of people must agree to acknowledge it.<\/p>\n<p>The same goes for those who write well. You don't necessarily need to be a novelist to do it. We often see very short texts that are extremely effective due to their originality and simplicity.<\/p>\n<p>Simplicity. That's the real keyword here. Often, the greatest writers are appreciated by the general public precisely for this reason. If you have something to say, say it. Without too many words. Straight to the point.<\/p>\n<p>Is there a way to improve? Is there a way to be a better writer? Perhaps today, as Seth Godin <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/non-professional-writers\/\">suggests<\/a>, AI can help even those who can't string two understandable sentences together: <\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Get better at writing. You might not think you\u2019re a professional writer (you\u2019re a doctor! you\u2019re a manager! you\u2019re a teacher!) but if it\u2019s an important part of your job, you <em>are<\/em> a professional, or at least we expect you to be.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Now there\u2019s a second option. If the writing you\u2019re doing doesn\u2019t need to be in an idiosyncratic voice, take your memo, paste it into claude.ai and say, \u201cplease rewrite this to make it clear, cogent, positive and concise.\u201d<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>I've wondered if this could also apply to those with a blog. If leveraging AI could be helpful. Probably yes, but only with the form. And although it might help with substance too, I hope those eager to share their world with others do so genuinely, without needing technology to invent stories.<\/p>\n<p>What's the point of all this? I too would like to become a better writer one day. To entertain with an incisive style while maintaining my narrative consistency. I don't think this necessarily has to turn into a book; my blog is enough for me. Knowing that those who come here to read do so because they're interested in what I write, but also in how I write it.<\/p>\n<p>Meanwhile, I'll try, as much as possible, to always ask myself these <a href=\"https:\/\/seths.blog\/2024\/08\/write-for-someone\/\">questions<\/a> just before I start writing my first sentence from now on:<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>But everyone isn\u2019t going to read your work, <em>someone<\/em> is.<br>\nCan you tell me who? Precisely?<br>\nWhat did they believe before they encountered your work? What do they want, what do they fear? What has moved them to action in the past?<\/p>\n<\/blockquote><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/the-unperfect-blogger\">The unperfect Blogger<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 16:00:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Which I am.<\/p>\n<p>For those who might have noticed, which I imagine are few, and those who have still decided to read me, I have started posting in English lately.<\/p>\n<p>I've done this for a very simple reason. By now, all the blogs and bloggers I read and want to engage with are written in English. Even, and especially, by Italians.<\/p>\n<p>I want to try to keep up with the trend and see if I can expand my network of connections. No, I'm not interested in views, especially since <a href=\"https:\/\/manuelmoreale.com\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Manuel<\/a> and I have disabled any tracking systems in here.<\/p>\n<p>I genuinely want to connect with other bloggers. With those, in essence, who continue to keep their distance from social media to engage in constructive conversation, because they've understood too well that, in those spaces, it has become impossible.<\/p>\n<p>Therefore, inspired by this post from <a href=\"https:\/\/louplummer.lol\/the-perfect-blogger\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Lou<\/a>, I too found myself envying those who decided to change their native language and started adopting English (Especially after <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a> pointed out to me that my entry for <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">IndieWeb<\/a> this month should have been in English instead of Italian):<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Every once in a while I discover a real gem where someone's efforts are all at once entertaining, thought provoking, inspiring and original. I'll often be stricken with a pang of jealousy. \"I want to write like that\", I'll tell myself, knowing that I won't.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>This also translates to the fact that I\u2019ve been living in the United States for 9 months now, and English has become the main language to use daily.<\/p>\n<p>So, no more hesitation, if I make mistakes, you know why. I'm just an Italian looking for stories to relate to and to broaden his knowledge of the world!<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>The perfect blogger can take a mundane event and make it interesting. I'd read about their trip to the supermarket in a minute because they make things relatable. They find our common humanity in the everyday events we all experience<\/p>\n<\/blockquote><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/fediverse-appeal\">Fediverse appeal<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-26 15:20:00\">26 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>I've never really understood Mastodon or the Fediverse in general. Or rather, I've never seen its true utility except for creating even more suffocating and polarized echo chambers. Nothing that we hadn't already seen during the era of forums a few decades ago.<\/p>\n<p>I echo Simone's words <a href=\"https:\/\/minutestomidnight.co.uk\/blog\/smaller\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">here<\/a>, with which I very much agree. And it's for this reason that blogs still make sense today. Not so much because it's necessary to develop a community around them, but because they are much more effective in stimulating a calm conversation, free from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), and above all, they force the writer to exercise a certain logic of thought that would otherwise be swept away by the totally instinctive reactions typical of keyboard warriors, as we say in Italy.<\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>the Fediverse idea, albeit interesting on paper, is gloriously showing its main flaw: pretty much all their incarnations are mimicking social media, with all the consequent detrimental effects. Doom scrolling, an infinite series of short burst of personal opinions, usually disconnected from one another. Whether siloed or decentralised, the resulting unsearchable ephemerality is not really different from other mainstream corporate incarnations. Alex wrote much deeper considerations about this very topic, in their post ~<a href=\"https:\/\/alexsirac.com\/the-fediverse-and-attention-economy\/\">The Fediverse and attention economy<\/a>~.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/update-abbonamenti-2024\">Update Abbonamenti 2024<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-05 11:10:00\">5 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>A fine marzo ho <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/i-miei-abbonamenti-2024\">postato<\/a> i costi legati ai miei abbonamenti digitali, ma siccome alcune cose sono cambiate e con altissima probabilit\u00e0 rimarranno cos\u00ec fino a fine anno se non oltre, un aggiornamento era doveroso. Ed esultare soprattutto per il bel risparmio ottenuto. <\/p>\n<p>Alla fine del post spiego come fare \ud83d\ude09<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Netflix<\/strong> - Ho spostato il mio account e tutto il suo storico sotto un account straniero. Pagamento annuale $37.22. <strong>Risparmio attuale sull\u2019anno: \u20ac181.91<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Xbox Game Pass<\/strong>. Visto i recenti annunci di aumento prezzo e ancora la totale assenza di un abbonamento family da condividere con amici, ho deciso di acquistare una card ed estendere il mio abbonamento fino al 2027<\/li>\n<li><strong>PlayStation Plus Premium<\/strong>. Invariato. Come scritto nel post originario, non c\u2019\u00e8 molto che possa fare per cambiare Stato associato al mio account. Sempre: <strong>\u20ac152\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Nintendo Switch Online<\/strong>. Dismesso. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac19.99 anno<\/strong> <\/li>\n<li><strong>YouTube<\/strong>. Nonostante sia sempre convinto che resti il miglior valore aggiunto per un abbonamento digitale, confermo di non volerlo rinnovare per il 2025. <strong>Risparmio sull\u2019anno al cambio: \u20ac127.81<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Apple TV+<\/strong>: Confermata. Essendo io gestore Family non posso far parte di nessun altro abbonamento al di fuori del mio. Quindi si continua con i <strong>$9.99 al mese<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Prime Video<\/strong>: Confermato <strong>$139.99 anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Paramount+<\/strong>: Nuova aggiunta, doverosa per vedere la Serie A negli Stati Uniti. <strong>$42.00 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. S\u00ec, all\u2019anno e non al mese come DAZN<\/li>\n<li><strong>Disney+<\/strong>: <strong>$42 all\u2019anno<\/strong>. Faccio parte di un account family. Costo irrisorio. Fatto per la nuova stagione di Bear e terminare The Walking Dead<\/li>\n<li><strong>Bear App<\/strong>: Come scritto qui, anche se mi scoccia pagare un abbonamento annuale, mi piace e voglio mantenere attivo l\u2019abbonamento. <strong>Al cambio sono \u20ac27.38\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Telegram Premium<\/strong>: Niente di aggiuntivo rispetto a quanto mi serva. Lo dismetter\u00f2 sicuramente. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac23.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Glass<\/strong>: Nonostante adori l\u2019app, l\u2019aumento di prezzo e il fatto che sia decisamente poco popolata mi hanno fatto propendere per la dismissione e pubblicare piuttosto qui sul blog tutte le mie foto. <strong>Risparmio \u20ac37\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>Domini e blog<\/strong>: \u20ac45\/anno<\/li>\n<li><strong>iCloud+<\/strong>: Irrinunciabile. \u20ac109.44\/anno<\/li>\n<li><strong>Spotify Family<\/strong>: Mio padre ha deciso di non utilizzare pi\u00f9 il servizio. E sebbene qui negli Stati Uniti il prezzo sia aumentato a $19.99 al mese, il mio <strong>costo annuale \u00e8 di $39.98<\/strong>. 3 euro al mese!<\/li>\n<li><strong>Uber One<\/strong>: <strong>$96\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<li><strong>NextDNS<\/strong>: <strong>$19.99\/anno<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>A conti fatti il <strong>risparmio si aggira attorno ai 325 euro<\/strong>. Tantissimo a pensarci a posteriori e nonostante abbia aggiunto due abbonamenti in pi\u00f9. Tanto, per me, ha fatto l'aver scoperto <a href=\"https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/accountsharing\/\">questa pagina di Reddit<\/a>, dove c\u2019\u00e8 da stare attenti perch\u00e9 la fregatura \u00e8 dietro l\u2019angolo, ma se si presta un minimo di attenzione si pu\u00f2 accedere a prezzi decisamente pi\u00f9 agevoli facendo parte di un account Family con un risparmio, come visto, notevole e soprattutto legale!<br>\n<strong><br>\n<em>Come siete messi voi ad abbonamenti? A quali non rinuncereste mai?<\/em><br>\n<em>Fatemelo sapere via ~<a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/scrivimi\">email<\/a>~ e gi\u00e0 che ci siete se avete voglia di sostenere il blog potete farlo ~<a href=\"https:\/\/ko-fi.com\/contz\/tiers\">qui<\/a>~.<\/em><\/strong><\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/semplificare\">Semplificare<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-04 17:45:00\">4 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Nell\u2019ultimo mese, complice l\u2019aumento di prezzo mensile per l\u2019abbonamento Family negli Stati Uniti (in realt\u00e0 si pu\u00f2 tornare al prezzo precedente rinunciando all\u2019add-on degli audiolibri per il gestore dell\u2019abbonamento), su Threads e Reddit leggo di tanti che spinti da una fake news hanno deciso di abbandonare Spotify e passare ad Apple Music. <\/p>\n<p>Oltre il prezzo, a quanto pare, nel giocare un fattore determinante c\u2019\u00e8 la pulizia di UI rispetto a Spotify e che quindi su Apple Music si trovino soltanto brani musicali e non podcast o audiolibri (o come nel caso U.K., anche video corsi)<\/p>\n<p>Ma quello che per molti pu\u00f2 essere un vantaggio di <em>lettura<\/em> ed esperienza nel approcciare l\u2019applicazione, per me \u00e8 un punto di forza. Oltre ad aver fatto un\u2019enorme <a href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/pulizia-rss\">pulizia nel feed RSS<\/a> ho proceduto nell\u2019ultimo mese a cancellare decine di applicazioni inutili sul mio telefono, buone solo a prendere polvere e occupare memoria. <\/p>\n<p>E in questo processo di semplificazione mi sono reso conto di quanto per me sia importante non disperdere energie e attenzione in mille rivoli differenti. Per questo Spotify resta per me l\u2019opzione migliore per le mie esigenze. Un app con dentro tutto. Fine. <\/p>\n<p>Da qualche giorno sto provando ad adottare lo stesso criterio anche per altre applicazioni. Ho deciso di ri-testare <a href=\"https:\/\/bear.app\/\">Bear App<\/a> e unire cos\u00ec Apple Notes e iA Writer. Entrambe molto preziose, la prima la utilizzo pesantemente al lavoro, la seconda \u00e8 l\u2019app dove scrivo tutti i miei post del blog. <\/p>\n<p>Apple Notes per\u00f2 non consente nessuna personalizzazione, non consente di default di ingrandire il font - e spesso su uno schermo da 32 pollici risulta difficile - e nemmeno di modificarlo. iA Writer l\u2019ho considerata come alternativa valida, ma il sistema di salvataggio delle Note non mi ha mai appassionato. <\/p>\n<p>Bear sembra il giusto compromesso al momento. Personalizzazione, esportazione del testo in Markdown, Note per lavoro e vita personale, post per il blog. Unica pecca \u00e8 che per attivare la sincronizzazione iCloud bisogna pagare un abbonamento mensile. Resto sempre a favore del pagamento lifetime, ma cos\u00ec \u00e8. <\/p>\n<p>Mi sono dato qualche settimana, se c\u2019\u00e8 altro, fatemelo sapere via email!<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/rituali\">Rituali<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-08-01 16:40:00\">1 of August, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p><strong><em>This post has been updated and now has both an English and an Italian version of it!<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Incredibly, it's already August today. I don't understand how 8 months have flown by since we left Italy.<\/p>\n<p>I'm equally astonished by the fact that we haven't sweated a single day yet. When I hear from relatives and friends in Italy, they all tell me they're dying from the heat, but here we're really in a climatic paradise, where we almost never go above 24 degrees Celsius. In fact, both in the morning and after dusk, a sweatshirt is a must for outdoor excursions.<\/p>\n<p>A new month also means a new episode of the <a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>. August is hosted by <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Steve<\/a>, and the theme is about Rituals.<\/p>\n<p>I don't have any particular rituals. I have two that I consider constants in this phase of my life.<br>\nThe first is the morning coffee once I get to the office. I always try to arrive before the hustle begins to give myself some solitary moments, dedicating time to reading my RSS feed while sipping an espresso. Or rather, an <em>Americano<\/em> here in the States.<\/p>\n<p>The second is a ritual I started with Noemi. For every city we visit around the world, we book a couple's massage. We've done this practically everywhere for the past 7 years, and we consider it one of the things we most enjoy doing together when we're on vacation.<\/p>\n<p>I used to have another one in the past. Every year when the new FIFA game came out, I would always take a day off to buy the game and spend the rest of the day playing it. But I've abandoned that over time, partly because as the years went by, the game consistently got worse and was never too different from the previous year.<\/p>\n<p>A ritual doesn't necessarily mean becoming a slave to a habit; on the contrary, for me, it aligns with loving oneself and listening to one's body and mind.<\/p>\n<p>We should all have more rituals in our lives.<\/p>\n<p>What's yours?<\/p>\n<hr>\n<p>Incredibilmente oggi \u00e8 gi\u00e0 agosto. Non capisco come sia possibile che siano volati cos\u00ec velocemente 8 mesi da quando abbiamo lasciato l\u2019Italia. <\/p>\n<p>Resto altrettanto stupefatto dal fatto che non abbiamo ancora sudato un giorno. Quando sento parenti e amici in Italia mi dicono tutti che si sta morendo dal caldo, qui invece stiamo davvero in un paradiso climatico, dove non superiamo quasi mai i 24 gradi C\u00b0. Anzi, sia al mattino che dopo l\u2019imbrunire una felpa \u00e8 d\u2019obbligo per escursioni in esterna. <\/p>\n<p>Nuovo mese equivale anche a una nuova puntata dell\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/indieweb.org\/indieweb-carnival\">IndieWeb Carnival<\/a>. Il mese di agosto \u00e8 ospitato da <a href=\"https:\/\/tangiblelife.net\/indieweb-carnival-rituals\">Steve<\/a> e ha come tema i rituali. <\/p>\n<p>Non ho dei rituali particolari. Ne ho due che reputo costanti in questa fase della vita.<br>\nIl primo \u00e8 il caff\u00e8 del mattino una volta arrivato in ufficio. Cerco sempre di arrivare prima dell\u2019inizio delle danze e concedermi qualche momento in solitaria, dedicandomi alla lettura del feed RSS mentre sorseggio un espresso. O espresso abbondante qui negli States. <\/p>\n<p>Il secondo \u00e8 un rituale che ho iniziato con Noemi. Per ogni citt\u00e0 visitata nel mondo, prenotiamo un massaggio di coppia. L\u2019abbiamo fatto praticamente ovunque da 7 anni a questa parte e reputiamo sia una delle cose che pi\u00f9 ci piace fare insieme quando siamo in vacanza. <\/p>\n<p>Ne avevo un altro in passato. Ogni anno all\u2019uscita del nuovo Fifa, prendevo sempre un giorno di ferie per andare a comprare il gioco e spendere il resto della giornata a giocarci. Ma l\u2019ho abbandonato nel tempo anche perch\u00e9 con l\u2019andare degli anni il gioco \u00e8 peggiorato costantemente e mai troppo dissimile dall\u2019anno precedente. <\/p>\n<p>Un rituale non equivale necessariamente a diventare schiavo di un abitudine, anzi, per me combacia con il volersi bene e ascoltare il proprio corpo e mente. <\/p>\n<p>Dovremmo avere tutti pi\u00f9 rituali nella nostra vita.<\/p>\n<p>Qual \u00e8 il tuo?<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/dispacci-americani-4\">Dispacci Americani #4<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-12 08:40:00\">12 of July, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Provare a capire gli Stati Uniti da una piccola cittadina come Marina del Rey sarebbe come provare a capire l\u2019Italia da una cabina telefonica.<br>\nLe distanze, le differenze, i sottili sub-strati culturali e sociali sono incomprensibili e difficili da padroneggiare se non si decide di viaggiare e scoprire.<br>\nSpero di farlo al pi\u00f9 presto e non solo per questioni legate al lavoro.<br>\nVoglio conoscere meglio ci\u00f2 che mi circonda, a partire dalla California che in un\u2019area grande come l\u2019Italia racchiude al suo interno mare, montagna, collina, pianura e deserto.<\/p>\n<p>Ma a volte \u00e8 difficile avere la mente sgombra dall\u2019idea di futuro quando ancora qualche tassello deve andare a posto, \u00e8 difficile programmarlo quando ancora ci stiamo facendo tante domande.<br>\nNonostante questo resto positivo. Qui ho la sensazione di vivere in una bolla diversa da quella milanese, dove i ritmi erano abbastanza frenetici e scanditi dai tanti appuntamenti sociali e di lavoro.<br>\nCi sentiamo ancora in vacanza, come se ci aspettassimo che tra poco tutto questo possa finire. Ci godiamo la calma, la pace, i ritmi estremamente pi\u00f9 lenti e il mare. <\/p>\n<p>Gi\u00e0. Il mare. Non viverci per 40 anni e tutto d\u2019un tratto avercelo a 10 minuti di cammino fa un certo effetto. Vi consiglio l\u2019ultimo numero de Il Pensiero Lungo la newsletter di Martino, dedicata proprio al <a href=\"https:\/\/martinopietropoli.substack.com\/p\/121-mare\">mare<\/a>: <\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Un viaggio cosmico che si ripete circolarmente e che riporta all\u2019inizio. Mutati dall\u2019anno trascorso, ma verso e attraverso il punto da cui tutto \u00e8 iniziato. Ritornarci misura sia l'avanzare del tempo contingente ma anche l\u2019immutabilit\u00e0 di quello cosmico: siamo troppo minuscoli perch\u00e9 il nostro tempo conti qualcosa, non siamo nemmeno un battito di ciglia dell\u2019universo.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Il mare azzera il tempo: \u00e8 sempre cos\u00ec e sempre cos\u00ec sar\u00e0. Del resto \u00e8 un infinito e quindi non ha n\u00e9 presente n\u00e9 futuro e il mare che scrutiamo \u00e8 lo stesso che vedeva Giulio Cesare o Marco Polo. Una massa fluttuante e cangiante, increspata o tumultuosa, screziata da onde, lucida e tesa se non c\u2019\u00e8 vento. Il mare \u00e8 una materia ed \u00e8 ovunque, il mare \u00e8 reale e concettuale allo stesso tempo.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>Sono giorni di riflessione. Penso tanto e mi ritrovo a conoscermi meglio, ascoltarmi di pi\u00f9 quando tutto il rumore superfluo mi sembra di averlo lasciato in Italia. Mi piace, forse ci sono arrivato tardi, forse non importa poi tanto, ma bench\u00e9 non abbia risposte sul futuro so per certo che ci stiamo arricchendo e questo \u00e8 importante. <\/p>\n<p>Manca poco, come dicevo, per sistemare qualche tassello e permetterci di buttare via qualche pensiero di tentennamento su questa scelta di trasferirci qui. Non \u00e8 assolutamente un ripensarci, ma penso sia pi\u00f9 che normale chiedersi di tanto in tanto, ma avr\u00f2 fatto bene? <\/p>\n<p>Questi primi sette mesi intanto sono volati via alla velocit\u00e0 della luce e penso sar\u00e0 altrettanto cos\u00ec fino alla fine dell\u2019anno. Da adesso ho qualche viaggio di lavoro e inizier\u00e0 la fase di programmazione per il 2025. <\/p>\n<p>Non possono che aspettarci belle cose.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article> <article class=\"post\">\n <h1 class=\"post-title\"><a class=\"post-link\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\">L\u2019Amerigo Vespucci a Los Angeles, un\u2019esperienza agrodolce<\/a><\/h1>\n <time class=\"post-published\" datetime=\"2024-07-08 12:50:00\">8 of July, 2024<\/time>\n <div class=\"post-content editor\"><p>Probabilmente nei giorni scorsi vi sarete imbattuti in qualche articolo o servizio di telegiornale riguardante l\u2019arrivo della nave scuola Amerigo Vespucci al porto di Los Angeles. Qui in radio ne siamo stati letteralmente bombardati. <\/p>\n<p>Una settimana - dal 3 all'8 luglio - attraccata a uno dei dock di San Pedro, con visita gratuita aperta al pubblico e un annesso spazio su terra ferma con una sorta di villaggio Italia adibito a mostre, proiezioni cinematografiche, shopping e alla ristorazione affidata a Eataly. <\/p>\n<p>30 minuti di macchina da casa, un\u2019occasione per fare qualcosa di diverso e <em>ammirare la nave pi\u00f9 bella del mondo che tutti ci invidiano<\/em>.<\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/tourvespucci.it\/en\/legs\/los-angeles-2\/#\">L\u2019evento<\/a>, organizzato da Difesa Servizi - organo in house del Ministero della Difesa - fa parte del tour mondiale della Vespucci della durata di 2 anni, partito da Genova l\u20191 luglio 2023 e che si concluder\u00e0 nel 2025. <\/p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Un punto di incontro, condivisione, confronto e promozione delle eccellenze del patrimonio culturale, artistico, storico ed economico italiano.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Un\u2019area organizzata per padiglioni espositivi ed un articolato palinsesto curato dalle eccellenze italiane per vivere esperienze uniche.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>Sul sito viene specificato che per salire a bordo \u00e8 necessario prenotare un orario di ingresso specifico tra quelli indicati. E cos\u00ec abbiamo fatto, pensando, ingenuamente, che questo ci garantisse un accesso immediato sia al villaggio, sia, soprattutto, alla nave. <\/p>\n<p>Ieri abbiamo scoperto che le cose non stavano esattamente cos\u00ec. <\/p>\n<p>Arrivati a San Pedro, ci troviamo davanti un cartello digitale indicante i parcheggi generici riservati all\u2019evento Vespucci e che quelli pi\u00f9 vicini alla nave sarebbero stati quelli VIP e pertanto non accessibili. Parcheggiamo e scopriamo che c\u2019\u00e8 una distanza di 1.4km da percorrere a piedi con sole a picco e 27\u00b0. Scorgiamo una navetta in lontananza, pu\u00f2 contenere circa 30-40 persone, ma la fila in attesa per prenderla ne conta almeno 200. Decidiamo di farcela a piedi. <\/p>\n<p>Siamo ancora in orario e dentro i 15 minuti di tolleranza indicati nella email di conferma, ma all\u2019arrivo troviamo una coda lunghissima. Pensiamo sia solo relativa all\u2019ingresso al villaggio e aspettiamo, pazientemente, pi\u00f9 di un\u2019ora e comunque senza nessuna copertura predisposta dal sole di luglio californiano. <\/p>\n<div class=\"gallery\">\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 75%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/9392d54a49-1720464890\/code.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/9392d54a49-1720464890\/code-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 75%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/00309251fb-1720464890\/ancora-code.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/00309251fb-1720464890\/ancora-code-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<p>Entriamo. Guardiamo tra i padiglioni, ne restiamo lontani perch\u00e9 comunque anch\u2019essi con code sostenute e ci dirigiamo verso la nave. Una volta l\u00ec scopriamo che ci sono due file, una per chi aveva prenotato la visita e una per chi non fosse ancora munito di biglietto. <\/p>\n<p><em>Ma allora a cosa \u00e8 servito prenotare?<\/em><\/p>\n<p>La coda \u00e8, di nuovo, lunghissima, perdiamo un\u2019altra ora scarsa e all\u2019arrivo all\u2019ingresso del molo scopriamo di non essere pronti a salire. C\u2019\u00e8 un altro serpentone da affrontare, ma ormai siamo l\u00ec e pazientiamo ulteriormente. <\/p>\n<p>Qui mi accorgo di alcune cose. La prima, il villaggio viene trattato alla stregua di un polo fieristico, all\u2019esterno c\u2019\u00e8 poco o nulla di interessante se non tanta gente che vaga o cerca posto nel patio di Eataly per un po\u2019 di refrigerio. La seconda, ci sono un paio di punti ristoro tra le varie code dove acquistare da bere, dei tavoli con delle scodelle con ghiaccio per tenere in fresco le bevande: una lattina di acqua San Pellegrino costa $6. Allineato con i prezzi di un ristorante, non certo per dei banchetti dove far rinfrescare persone in coda sotto il sole da ore. La terza, e forse anche la pi\u00f9 triste di tutte, \u00e8 stata la totale assenza di informazioni riguardanti la nave. Non un pannello, non uno schermo, niente di niente dove si potesse sapere qualcosa di pi\u00f9. <\/p>\n<div class=\"gallery\">\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 133.33333333333%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/5b98ad033c-1720464919\/amerigo-vespucci.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/5b98ad033c-1720464919\/amerigo-vespucci-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<figure class=\"img-figure\"><div class=\"img-wrapper\" style=\"padding-bottom: 133.33333333333%\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"img\" data-src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/de93abff27-1720465202\/av.jpeg\" data-zoom=\"zoom\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/media\/pages\/blog\/amerigo-vespucci-los-angeles\/de93abff27-1720465202\/av-700x-q85.jpg\"><\/div><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<p>La nave, cos\u00ec come \u00e8 stata presentata alle persone mi \u00e8 parsa soltanto una bella photo opportunity per gli account Instagram dei visitatori e nulla pi\u00f9. <\/p>\n<p>Ora, non so quanti soldi lo stato italiano stia spendendo per questa attivazione di esportazione di italianit\u00e0 nel mondo (tutto il personale di staff \u00e8 italiano), ma mi domando cosa ne ricava, qual \u00e8 il messaggio e l\u2019immagine dell'Italia che un visitatore si porta a casa dopo una pomeriggio come quello di ieri. <\/p>\n<p>Perch\u00e9 io, che americano non sono, qualcosa sulla Vespucci sapevo ed \u00e8 stato anche piacevole salirci a bordo, ma sono tornato a casa confuso, con una mezza insolazione e abbastanza vergognato per come \u00e8 stata organizzata una manifestazione italiana mostrando come non si dovrebbe gestire un evento del genere.<\/p><\/div>\n<\/article><nav class=\"posts-navigation\">\n <a class=\"posts-navigation-item posts-navigation-item-disabled\" href=\"\">Newer<\/a>\n <a class=\"posts-navigation-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/random\">Random<\/a>\n <a class=\"posts-navigation-item\" href=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/page:2\">Older<\/a>\n<\/nav> <nav class=\"menu secondary-menu\">\n <a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/www.threads.net\/@contz\">Threads<\/a> <a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">Email<\/a> <a class=\"menu-item\" href=\"https:\/\/open.spotify.com\/user\/%23contz?si=j6NipW0FTKmIbN4pEqZrVA\">Spotify<\/a> <\/nav>\n\n <\/main> \n <script src=\"https:\/\/gwtf.it\/assets\/js\/site.js?e95e4ebcd4440188f166efa41e5589f9\"><\/script>\n\n\n<\/body><\/html>",
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