    "data": {
        "id": "240902_AiDcG2_7Z0",
        "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org",
        "summary": "https:\/\/www.webpagetest.org\/results.php?test=240902_AiDcG2_7Z0",
        "testUrl": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org",
        "location": "FRA_DE_02:Chrome",
        "from": "Frankfurt, Germany - <b>Chrome<\/b> - <b>Cable<\/b>",
        "connectivity": "Cable",
        "bwDown": 5000,
        "bwUp": 1000,
        "latency": 28,
        "plr": "0",
        "shaperLimit": 0,
        "mobile": 0,
        "completed": 1725269803,
        "testRuns": 1,
        "fvonly": false,
        "successfulFVRuns": 1,
        "successfulRVRuns": 1,
        "lighthouse": {
            "lighthouseVersion": "11.4.0",
            "requestedUrl": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/",
            "mainDocumentUrl": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/",
            "finalDisplayedUrl": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/",
            "finalUrl": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/",
            "fetchTime": "2024-09-02T09:36:08.049Z",
            "gatherMode": "navigation",
            "runWarnings": [],
            "userAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
            "environment": {
                "networkUserAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36 PTST\/24.07",
                "hostUserAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
                "benchmarkIndex": 1306,
                "credits": {
                    "axe-core": "4.10.0"
            "audits": {
                "is-on-https": {
                    "id": "is-on-https",
                    "title": "Uses HTTPS",
                    "description": "All sites should be protected with HTTPS, even ones that don't handle sensitive data. This includes avoiding [mixed content](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/fundamentals\/security\/prevent-mixed-content\/what-is-mixed-content), where some resources are loaded over HTTP despite the initial request being served over HTTPS. HTTPS prevents intruders from tampering with or passively listening in on the communications between your app and your users, and is a prerequisite for HTTP\/2 and many new web platform APIs. [Learn more about HTTPS](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/is-on-https\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "viewport": {
                    "id": "viewport",
                    "title": "Has a `<meta name=\"viewport\">` tag with `width` or `initial-scale`",
                    "description": "A `<meta name=\"viewport\">` not only optimizes your app for mobile screen sizes, but also prevents [a 300 millisecond delay to user input](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/blog\/300ms-tap-delay-gone-away\/). [Learn more about using the viewport meta tag](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/viewport\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "warnings": [],
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "INP": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "first-contentful-paint": {
                    "id": "first-contentful-paint",
                    "title": "First Contentful Paint",
                    "description": "First Contentful Paint marks the time at which the first text or image is painted. [Learn more about the First Contentful Paint metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/first-contentful-paint\/).",
                    "score": 0.81999999999999995,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 1083.838,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "1.1\u00a0s",
                    "scoringOptions": {
                        "p10": 934,
                        "median": 1600
                "largest-contentful-paint": {
                    "id": "largest-contentful-paint",
                    "title": "Largest Contentful Paint",
                    "description": "Largest Contentful Paint marks the time at which the largest text or image is painted. [Learn more about the Largest Contentful Paint metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/lighthouse-largest-contentful-paint\/)",
                    "score": 0.56999999999999995,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 2176.9720000000002,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "2.2\u00a0s",
                    "scoringOptions": {
                        "p10": 1200,
                        "median": 2400
                "first-meaningful-paint": {
                    "id": "first-meaningful-paint",
                    "title": "First Meaningful Paint",
                    "description": "First Meaningful Paint measures when the primary content of a page is visible. [Learn more about the First Meaningful Paint metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/first-meaningful-paint\/).",
                    "score": 0.23999999999999999,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 2130.174,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "2.1\u00a0s"
                "speed-index": {
                    "id": "speed-index",
                    "title": "Speed Index",
                    "description": "Speed Index shows how quickly the contents of a page are visibly populated. [Learn more about the Speed Index metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/speed-index\/).",
                    "score": 0.93000000000000005,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 1198,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "1.2\u00a0s",
                    "scoringOptions": {
                        "p10": 1311,
                        "median": 2300
                "screenshot-thumbnails": {
                    "id": "screenshot-thumbnails",
                    "title": "Screenshot Thumbnails",
                    "description": "This is what the load of your site looked like.",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "filmstrip",
                        "scale": 5614,
                        "items": [
                                "timing": 702,
                                "timestamp": 9272349064,
                                "timing": 1404,
                                "timestamp": 9273050814,
                                "data": "data:image\/jpeg;base64,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                                "timing": 2105,
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                "final-screenshot": {
                    "id": "final-screenshot",
                    "title": "Final Screenshot",
                    "description": "The last screenshot captured of the pageload.",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "screenshot",
                        "timing": 5915,
                        "timestamp": 9277562216,
                        "data": 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                "total-blocking-time": {
                    "id": "total-blocking-time",
                    "title": "Total Blocking Time",
                    "description": "Sum of all time periods between FCP and Time to Interactive, when task length exceeded 50ms, expressed in milliseconds. [Learn more about the Total Blocking Time metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/lighthouse-total-blocking-time\/).",
                    "score": 0.89000000000000001,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 150.88200000000097,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "150\u00a0ms",
                    "scoringOptions": {
                        "p10": 150,
                        "median": 350
                "max-potential-fid": {
                    "id": "max-potential-fid",
                    "title": "Max Potential First Input Delay",
                    "description": "The maximum potential First Input Delay that your users could experience is the duration of the longest task. [Learn more about the Maximum Potential First Input Delay metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/lighthouse-max-potential-fid\/).",
                    "score": 0.79000000000000004,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 164.28899999999999,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "160\u00a0ms"
                "cumulative-layout-shift": {
                    "id": "cumulative-layout-shift",
                    "title": "Cumulative Layout Shift",
                    "description": "Cumulative Layout Shift measures the movement of visible elements within the viewport. [Learn more about the Cumulative Layout Shift metric](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/cls).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 0.0053208036056891185,
                    "numericUnit": "unitless",
                    "displayValue": "0.005",
                    "scoringOptions": {
                        "p10": 0.10000000000000001,
                        "median": 0.25
                    "details": {
                        "type": "debugdata",
                        "items": [
                                "cumulativeLayoutShiftMainFrame": 0.0053208036056891185
                "errors-in-console": {
                    "id": "errors-in-console",
                    "title": "Browser errors were logged to the console",
                    "description": "Errors logged to the console indicate unresolved problems. They can come from network request failures and other browser concerns. [Learn more about this errors in console diagnostic audit](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/errors-in-console\/)",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "sourceLocation",
                                "valueType": "source-location",
                                "label": "Source"
                                "key": "description",
                                "valueType": "code",
                                "label": "Description"
                        "items": [
                                "source": "exception",
                                "description": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'classList')\n    at https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js:505:20\n    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)\n    at IntersectionObserver.<anonymous> (https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js:498:19)",
                                "sourceLocation": {
                                    "type": "source-location",
                                    "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js",
                                    "urlProvider": "network",
                                    "line": 504,
                                    "column": 19
                                "source": "exception",
                                "description": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'classList')\n    at https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js:505:20\n    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)\n    at IntersectionObserver.<anonymous> (https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js:498:19)",
                                "sourceLocation": {
                                    "type": "source-location",
                                    "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js",
                                    "urlProvider": "network",
                                    "line": 504,
                                    "column": 19
                                "source": "exception",
                                "description": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'classList')\n    at https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js:512:20\n    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)\n    at IntersectionObserver.<anonymous> (https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js:498:19)",
                                "sourceLocation": {
                                    "type": "source-location",
                                    "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js",
                                    "urlProvider": "network",
                                    "line": 511,
                                    "column": 19
                "server-response-time": {
                    "id": "server-response-time",
                    "title": "Initial server response time was short",
                    "description": "Keep the server response time for the main document short because all other requests depend on it. [Learn more about the Time to First Byte metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/time-to-first-byte\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "numericValue": 102.31799999999998,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "Root document took 100\u00a0ms",
                    "metricSavings": {
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                        "LCP": 2.3179999999999836
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "url",
                                "valueType": "url",
                                "label": "URL"
                                "key": "responseTime",
                                "valueType": "timespanMs",
                                "label": "Time Spent"
                        "items": [
                                "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/",
                                "responseTime": 102.31799999999998
                        "overallSavingsMs": 2.3179999999999836
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "interactive": {
                    "id": "interactive",
                    "title": "Time to Interactive",
                    "description": "Time to Interactive is the amount of time it takes for the page to become fully interactive. [Learn more about the Time to Interactive metric](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/interactive\/).",
                    "score": 0.52000000000000002,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
                    "numericValue": 4392.1850000000004,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "4.4\u00a0s"
                "user-timings": {
                    "id": "user-timings",
                    "title": "User Timing marks and measures",
                    "description": "Consider instrumenting your app with the User Timing API to measure your app's real-world performance during key user experiences. [Learn more about User Timing marks](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/user-timings\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "critical-request-chains": {
                    "id": "critical-request-chains",
                    "title": "Avoid chaining critical requests",
                    "description": "The Critical Request Chains below show you what resources are loaded with a high priority. Consider reducing the length of chains, reducing the download size of resources, or deferring the download of unnecessary resources to improve page load. [Learn how to avoid chaining critical requests](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/critical-request-chains\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "displayValue": "7 chains found",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "criticalrequestchain",
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                                    "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/",
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                                            "endTime": 9272.0416449999993,
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                                            "endTime": 9273.4532650000001,
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                        "longestChain": {
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                            "length": 2,
                            "transferSize": 1174784
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "redirects": {
                    "id": "redirects",
                    "title": "Avoid multiple page redirects",
                    "description": "Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded. [Learn how to avoid page redirects](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/redirects\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
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                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "",
                    "metricSavings": {
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                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": [],
                        "overallSavingsMs": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "installable-manifest": {
                    "id": "installable-manifest",
                    "title": "Web app manifest or service worker do not meet the installability requirements",
                    "description": "Service worker is the technology that enables your app to use many Progressive Web App features, such as offline, add to homescreen, and push notifications. With proper service worker and manifest implementations, browsers can proactively prompt users to add your app to their homescreen, which can lead to higher engagement. [Learn more about manifest installability requirements](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/installable-manifest\/).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "numericValue": 1,
                    "numericUnit": "element",
                    "displayValue": "1 reason",
                    "warnings": [],
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "reason",
                                "valueType": "text",
                                "label": "Failure reason"
                        "items": [
                                "reason": "Page has no manifest <link> URL"
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "manifestUrl": null
                "splash-screen": {
                    "id": "splash-screen",
                    "title": "Is not configured for a custom splash screen",
                    "description": "A themed splash screen ensures a high-quality experience when users launch your app from their homescreens. [Learn more about splash screens](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/splash-screen\/).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "explanation": "Failures: No manifest was fetched.",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "debugdata",
                        "items": [
                                "failures": [
                                    "No manifest was fetched"
                                "isParseFailure": true,
                                "parseFailureReason": "No manifest was fetched"
                "themed-omnibox": {
                    "id": "themed-omnibox",
                    "title": "Does not set a theme color for the address bar.",
                    "description": "The browser address bar can be themed to match your site. [Learn more about theming the address bar](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/themed-omnibox\/).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "explanation": "Failures: No manifest was fetched,\nNo `<meta name=\"theme-color\">` tag found.",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "debugdata",
                        "items": [
                                "failures": [
                                    "No manifest was fetched",
                                    "No `<meta name=\"theme-color\">` tag found"
                                "themeColor": null,
                                "isParseFailure": true,
                                "parseFailureReason": "No manifest was fetched"
                "maskable-icon": {
                    "id": "maskable-icon",
                    "title": "Manifest doesn't have a maskable icon",
                    "description": "A maskable icon ensures that the image fills the entire shape without being letterboxed when installing the app on a device. [Learn about maskable manifest icons](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/maskable-icon-audit\/).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "explanation": "No manifest was fetched"
                "content-width": {
                    "id": "content-width",
                    "title": "Content is sized correctly for the viewport",
                    "description": "If the width of your app's content doesn't match the width of the viewport, your app might not be optimized for mobile screens. [Learn how to size content for the viewport](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/content-width\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "image-aspect-ratio": {
                    "id": "image-aspect-ratio",
                    "title": "Displays images with correct aspect ratio",
                    "description": "Image display dimensions should match natural aspect ratio. [Learn more about image aspect ratio](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/image-aspect-ratio\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "image-size-responsive": {
                    "id": "image-size-responsive",
                    "title": "Serves images with appropriate resolution",
                    "description": "Image natural dimensions should be proportional to the display size and the pixel ratio to maximize image clarity. [Learn how to provide responsive images](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/serve-responsive-images).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "preload-fonts": {
                    "id": "preload-fonts",
                    "title": "Fonts with `font-display: optional` are preloaded",
                    "description": "Preload `optional` fonts so first-time visitors may use them. [Learn more about preloading fonts](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/preload-optional-fonts)",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "deprecations": {
                    "id": "deprecations",
                    "title": "Avoids deprecated APIs",
                    "description": "Deprecated APIs will eventually be removed from the browser. [Learn more about deprecated APIs](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/deprecations\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "third-party-cookies": {
                    "id": "third-party-cookies",
                    "title": "Avoids third-party cookies",
                    "description": "Support for third-party cookies will be removed in a future version of Chrome. [Learn more about phasing out third-party cookies](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/en\/docs\/privacy-sandbox\/third-party-cookie-phase-out\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "mainthread-work-breakdown": {
                    "id": "mainthread-work-breakdown",
                    "title": "Minimizes main-thread work",
                    "description": "Consider reducing the time spent parsing, compiling and executing JS. You may find delivering smaller JS payloads helps with this. [Learn how to minimize main-thread work](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/mainthread-work-breakdown\/)",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "numericValue": 1243.8029999999947,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "1.2\u00a0s",
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                    "details": {
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                                "valueType": "text",
                                "label": "Category"
                                "key": "duration",
                                "valueType": "ms",
                                "granularity": 1,
                                "label": "Time Spent"
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                                "group": "other",
                                "groupLabel": "Other",
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                                "groupLabel": "Style & Layout",
                                "duration": 363.74000000000018
                                "group": "scriptEvaluation",
                                "groupLabel": "Script Evaluation",
                                "duration": 163.98999999999944
                                "group": "paintCompositeRender",
                                "groupLabel": "Rendering",
                                "duration": 121.66099999999852
                                "group": "scriptParseCompile",
                                "groupLabel": "Script Parsing & Compilation",
                                "duration": 73.552000000000007
                                "group": "parseHTML",
                                "groupLabel": "Parse HTML & CSS",
                                "duration": 30.867999999999999
                        "sortedBy": [
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "bootup-time": {
                    "id": "bootup-time",
                    "title": "JavaScript execution time",
                    "description": "Consider reducing the time spent parsing, compiling, and executing JS. You may find delivering smaller JS payloads helps with this. [Learn how to reduce Javascript execution time](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/bootup-time\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
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                                "valueType": "ms",
                                "label": "Total CPU Time"
                                "key": "scripting",
                                "granularity": 1,
                                "valueType": "ms",
                                "label": "Script Evaluation"
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                                "granularity": 1,
                                "valueType": "ms",
                                "label": "Script Parse"
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                                "url": "Unattributable",
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                                "total": 179.21900000000053,
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                                "total": 79,
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                                "url": "https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/ScrollTrigger.min.js",
                                "total": 53.772000000000013,
                                "scripting": 16.594999999999999,
                                "scriptParseCompile": 0.67800000000000005
                        "summary": {
                            "wastedMs": 235.32500000000022
                        "sortedBy": [
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "uses-rel-preload": {
                    "id": "uses-rel-preload",
                    "title": "Preload key requests",
                    "description": "Consider using `<link rel=preload>` to prioritize fetching resources that are currently requested later in page load. [Learn how to preload key requests](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-rel-preload\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [],
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                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "uses-rel-preconnect": {
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                    "title": "Preconnect to required origins",
                    "description": "Consider adding `preconnect` or `dns-prefetch` resource hints to establish early connections to important third-party origins. [Learn how to preconnect to required origins](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-rel-preconnect\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
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                    "displayValue": "",
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                    "metricSavings": {
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                        "FCP": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
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                        "sortedBy": [
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "font-display": {
                    "id": "font-display",
                    "title": "All text remains visible during webfont loads",
                    "description": "Leverage the `font-display` CSS feature to ensure text is user-visible while webfonts are loading. [Learn more about `font-display`](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/font-display\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
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                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
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                    "title": "Diagnostics",
                    "description": "Collection of useful page vitals.",
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                                "numTasksOver50ms": 4,
                                "numTasksOver100ms": 2,
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                                "rtt": 0,
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                                "maxRtt": 83.599999999999994,
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                    "title": "Network Requests",
                    "description": "Lists the network requests that were made during page load.",
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                                "label": "URL"
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                                "label": "Protocol"
                                "key": "networkRequestTime",
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                                "granularity": 1,
                                "label": "Network Request Time"
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                                "valueType": "ms",
                                "granularity": 1,
                                "label": "Network End Time"
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                    "title": "Network Round Trip Times",
                    "description": "Network round trip times (RTT) have a large impact on performance. If the RTT to an origin is high, it's an indication that servers closer to the user could improve performance. [Learn more about the Round Trip Time](https:\/\/hpbn.co\/primer-on-latency-and-bandwidth\/).",
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                                "observedSpeedIndexTs": 9272845071
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                    "id": "performance-budget",
                    "title": "Performance budget",
                    "description": "Keep the quantity and size of network requests under the targets set by the provided performance budget. [Learn more about performance budgets](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/tools\/lighthouse\/audits\/budgets).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "timing-budget": {
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                    "title": "Timing budget",
                    "description": "Set a timing budget to help you keep an eye on the performance of your site. Performant sites load fast and respond to user input events quickly. [Learn more about performance budgets](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/tools\/lighthouse\/audits\/budgets).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
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                                "requestCount": 4,
                                "transferSize": 34341
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                    "id": "third-party-summary",
                    "title": "Minimize third-party usage",
                    "description": "Third-party code can significantly impact load performance. Limit the number of redundant third-party providers and try to load third-party code after your page has primarily finished loading. [Learn how to minimize third-party impact](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/fundamentals\/performance\/optimizing-content-efficiency\/loading-third-party-javascript\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "displayValue": "Third-party code blocked the main thread for 0\u00a0ms",
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                        "TBT": 17.847651623006215
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "entity",
                                "valueType": "text",
                                "label": "Third-Party",
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                                    "key": "url",
                                    "valueType": "url"
                                "key": "transferSize",
                                "granularity": 1,
                                "valueType": "bytes",
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                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "transferSize"
                                "key": "blockingTime",
                                "granularity": 1,
                                "valueType": "ms",
                                "label": "Main-Thread Blocking Time",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "blockingTime"
                        "items": [
                                "mainThreadTime": 79,
                                "blockingTime": 2.1210000000000022,
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                                "tbtImpact": 17.615999999999989,
                                "entity": "Plausible",
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                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "url": "https:\/\/plausible.io\/js\/plausible.js",
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                                            "blockingTime": 2.1210000000000022,
                                            "transferSize": 1379,
                                            "tbtImpact": 17.615999999999989
                                            "url": "https:\/\/plausible.io\/api\/event",
                                            "mainThreadTime": 0,
                                            "blockingTime": 0,
                                            "transferSize": 521,
                                            "tbtImpact": 0
                                "mainThreadTime": 232.9909999999968,
                                "blockingTime": 0,
                                "transferSize": 32441,
                                "tbtImpact": 0.23165162300622635,
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                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "url": "https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/gsap.min.js",
                                            "mainThreadTime": 179.21899999999673,
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                                            "transferSize": 23261,
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                                            "url": "https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/ScrollTrigger.min.js",
                                            "mainThreadTime": 53.77200000000007,
                                            "blockingTime": 0,
                                            "transferSize": 9180,
                                            "tbtImpact": 0
                        "summary": {
                            "wastedBytes": 34341,
                            "wastedMs": 2.1210000000000022
                        "isEntityGrouped": true
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "third-party-facades": {
                    "id": "third-party-facades",
                    "title": "Lazy load third-party resources with facades",
                    "description": "Some third-party embeds can be lazy loaded. Consider replacing them with a facade until they are required. [Learn how to defer third-parties with a facade](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/third-party-facades\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "TBT": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "largest-contentful-paint-element": {
                    "id": "largest-contentful-paint-element",
                    "title": "Largest Contentful Paint element",
                    "description": "This is the largest contentful element painted within the viewport. [Learn more about the Largest Contentful Paint element](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/lighthouse-largest-contentful-paint\/)",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "displayValue": "2,180\u00a0ms",
                    "metricSavings": {
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                    "details": {
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                        "items": [
                                "type": "table",
                                "headings": [
                                        "key": "node",
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                                        "label": "Element"
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                                            "lhId": "page-0-H1",
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                                            "boundingRect": {
                                                "top": 320,
                                                "bottom": 512,
                                                "left": 137,
                                                "right": 1769,
                                                "width": 1632,
                                                "height": 192
                                            "snippet": "<h1 class=\"span-3-10 storyText flex flex-col\">",
                                            "nodeLabel": "Eat \u00b7 Cook \u00b7 Learn \u00b7 Belong\nyour culinary community"
                                "type": "table",
                                "headings": [
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                                        "valueType": "text",
                                        "label": "Phase"
                                        "key": "percent",
                                        "valueType": "text",
                                        "label": "% of LCP"
                                        "key": "timing",
                                        "valueType": "ms",
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                                        "timing": 0,
                                        "percent": "0%"
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                                        "timing": 1901.7690000000002,
                                        "percent": "87%"
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
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                    "id": "lcp-lazy-loaded",
                    "title": "Largest Contentful Paint image was not lazily loaded",
                    "description": "Above-the-fold images that are lazily loaded render later in the page lifecycle, which can delay the largest contentful paint. [Learn more about optimal lazy loading](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/lcp-lazy-loading).",
                    "score": null,
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                    "metricSavings": {
                        "LCP": 0
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                "layout-shift-elements": {
                    "id": "layout-shift-elements",
                    "title": "Avoid large layout shifts",
                    "description": "These DOM elements were most affected by layout shifts. Some layout shifts may not be included in the CLS metric value due to [windowing](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/cls#what_is_cls). [Learn how to improve CLS](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/optimize-cls)",
                    "score": null,
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                                "valueType": "node",
                                "label": "Element"
                                "key": "score",
                                "valueType": "numeric",
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                                    "type": "node",
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                                    "snippet": "<span id=\"textFirst\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Eat \u00b7 Cook \u00b7 Learn \u00b7 Belong"
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                                        "top": 416,
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                                        "width": 1632,
                                        "height": 96
                                    "snippet": "<span id=\"textSecond\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "your culinary community"
                                "score": 0.0026604018028445592
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "long-tasks": {
                    "id": "long-tasks",
                    "title": "Avoid long main-thread tasks",
                    "description": "Lists the longest tasks on the main thread, useful for identifying worst contributors to input delay. [Learn how to avoid long main-thread tasks](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/long-tasks-devtools)",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "displayValue": "4 long tasks found",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "TBT": 150.88200000000097
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "url",
                                "valueType": "url",
                                "label": "URL"
                                "key": "startTime",
                                "valueType": "ms",
                                "granularity": 1,
                                "label": "Start Time"
                                "key": "duration",
                                "valueType": "ms",
                                "granularity": 1,
                                "label": "Duration"
                        "items": [
                                "url": "https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/gsap.min.js",
                                "duration": 311.12299999999999,
                                "startTime": 591.62
                                "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js",
                                "duration": 164.28899999999999,
                                "startTime": 1817.3219999999999
                                "url": "https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/gsap.min.js",
                                "duration": 68.977000000000004,
                                "startTime": 4323.2079999999996
                                "url": "https:\/\/plausible.io\/js\/plausible.js",
                                "duration": 67.616,
                                "startTime": 2340.3110000000001
                        "sortedBy": [
                        "skipSumming": [
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "urls": [
                            "tasks": [
                                    "urlIndex": 0,
                                    "startTime": 591.60000000000002,
                                    "duration": 311.10000000000002,
                                    "other": 22,
                                    "paintCompositeRender": 5.5,
                                    "scriptEvaluation": 0.29999999999999999,
                                    "styleLayout": 283.39999999999998
                                    "urlIndex": 1,
                                    "startTime": 1817.3,
                                    "duration": 164.30000000000001,
                                    "other": 0.10000000000000001,
                                    "parseHTML": 21.899999999999999,
                                    "scriptEvaluation": 57.399999999999999,
                                    "scriptParseCompile": 70.400000000000006,
                                    "styleLayout": 14.4
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                                    "startTime": 4323.1999999999998,
                                    "duration": 69,
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                                    "duration": 67.599999999999994,
                                    "other": 67.400000000000006,
                                    "scriptEvaluation": 0.20000000000000001
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "no-unload-listeners": {
                    "id": "no-unload-listeners",
                    "title": "Avoids `unload` event listeners",
                    "description": "The `unload` event does not fire reliably and listening for it can prevent browser optimizations like the Back-Forward Cache. Use `pagehide` or `visibilitychange` events instead. [Learn more about unload event listeners](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/bfcache#never_use_the_unload_event)",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
                "non-composited-animations": {
                    "id": "non-composited-animations",
                    "title": "Avoid non-composited animations",
                    "description": "Animations which are not composited can be janky and increase CLS. [Learn how to avoid non-composited animations](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/non-composited-animations\/)",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "displayValue": "2 animated elements found",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "CLS": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "node",
                                "valueType": "node",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "failureReason",
                                    "valueType": "text"
                                "label": "Element"
                                "key": null,
                                "valueType": "text",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
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                                    "nodeLabel": "Eat \u00b7 Cook \u00b7 Learn \u00b7 Belong"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "failureReason": "Unsupported CSS Property: background-position-x",
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                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
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                                        "width": 1632,
                                        "height": 96
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                                    "nodeLabel": "your culinary community"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "failureReason": "Unsupported CSS Property: background-position-x",
                                            "animation": "background-position-x"
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "unsized-images": {
                    "id": "unsized-images",
                    "title": "Image elements do not have explicit `width` and `height`",
                    "description": "Set an explicit width and height on image elements to reduce layout shifts and improve CLS. [Learn how to set image dimensions](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/optimize-cls#images_without_dimensions)",
                    "score": 0.5,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "metricSavings": {
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                                        "width": 938,
                                        "height": 316
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                                    "nodeLabel": "Spices"
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                                    "snippet": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/lemon.svg\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "nav#navi > div.nav-illus > div.nav-illu > img"
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                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "valid-source-maps": {
                    "id": "valid-source-maps",
                    "title": "Missing source maps for large first-party JavaScript",
                    "description": "Source maps translate minified code to the original source code. This helps developers debug in production. In addition, Lighthouse is able to provide further insights. Consider deploying source maps to take advantage of these benefits. [Learn more about source maps](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/devtools\/javascript\/source-maps\/).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
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                                "valueType": "url",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "error"
                                "label": "URL"
                                "key": "sourceMapUrl",
                                "valueType": "url",
                                "label": "Map URL"
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                                "sourceMapUrl": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/barba.umd.js.map",
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "error": "Large JavaScript file is missing a source map"
                                            "error": "Error: Failed fetching source map (404)"
                "prioritize-lcp-image": {
                    "id": "prioritize-lcp-image",
                    "title": "Preload Largest Contentful Paint image",
                    "description": "If the LCP element is dynamically added to the page, you should preload the image in order to improve LCP. [Learn more about preloading LCP elements](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/optimize-lcp#optimize_when_the_resource_is_discovered).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "LCP": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "csp-xss": {
                    "id": "csp-xss",
                    "title": "Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks",
                    "description": "A strong Content Security Policy (CSP) significantly reduces the risk of cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. [Learn how to use a CSP to prevent XSS](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/csp-xss\/)",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "details": {
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                                "valueType": "text",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "description"
                                "label": "Description"
                                "key": "directive",
                                "valueType": "code",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "directive"
                                "label": "Directive"
                                "key": "severity",
                                "valueType": "text",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "severity"
                                "label": "Severity"
                        "items": [
                                "severity": "High",
                                "description": "No CSP found in enforcement mode"
                "script-treemap-data": {
                    "id": "script-treemap-data",
                    "title": "Script Treemap Data",
                    "description": "Used for treemap app",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "informative",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "treemap-data",
                        "nodes": [
                                "name": "https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/gsap.min.js",
                                "resourceBytes": 63403,
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                                "name": "https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/ScrollTrigger.min.js",
                                "resourceBytes": 21657,
                                "unusedBytes": 7434
                                "name": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/libs\/InertiaPlugin.min.js",
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                                "unusedBytes": 5213
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                                "name": "https:\/\/plausible.io\/js\/plausible.js",
                                "resourceBytes": 1386,
                                "unusedBytes": 170
                "pwa-cross-browser": {
                    "id": "pwa-cross-browser",
                    "title": "Site works cross-browser",
                    "description": "To reach the most number of users, sites should work across every major browser. [Learn about cross-browser compatibility](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/pwa-cross-browser\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "pwa-page-transitions": {
                    "id": "pwa-page-transitions",
                    "title": "Page transitions don't feel like they block on the network",
                    "description": "Transitions should feel snappy as you tap around, even on a slow network. This experience is key to a user's perception of performance. [Learn more about page transitions](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/pwa-page-transitions\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "pwa-each-page-has-url": {
                    "id": "pwa-each-page-has-url",
                    "title": "Each page has a URL",
                    "description": "Ensure individual pages are deep linkable via URL and that URLs are unique for the purpose of shareability on social media. [Learn more about providing deep links](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/pwa\/pwa-each-page-has-url\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "accesskeys": {
                    "id": "accesskeys",
                    "title": "`[accesskey]` values are unique",
                    "description": "Access keys let users quickly focus a part of the page. For proper navigation, each access key must be unique. [Learn more about access keys](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/accesskeys).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-allowed-attr": {
                    "id": "aria-allowed-attr",
                    "title": "`[aria-*]` attributes match their roles",
                    "description": "Each ARIA `role` supports a specific subset of `aria-*` attributes. Mismatching these invalidates the `aria-*` attributes. [Learn how to match ARIA attributes to their roles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-allowed-attr).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
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                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "aria-allowed-role": {
                    "id": "aria-allowed-role",
                    "title": "Values assigned to `role=\"\"` are valid ARIA roles.",
                    "description": "ARIA `role`s enable assistive technologies to know the role of each element on the web page. If the `role` values are misspelled, not existing ARIA `role` values, or abstract roles, then the purpose of the element will not be communicated to users of assistive technologies. [Learn more about ARIA roles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-allowed-role).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-command-name": {
                    "id": "aria-command-name",
                    "title": "`button`, `link`, and `menuitem` elements have accessible names",
                    "description": "When an element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to make command elements more accessible](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-command-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-dialog-name": {
                    "id": "aria-dialog-name",
                    "title": "Elements with `role=\"dialog\"` or `role=\"alertdialog\"` have accessible names.",
                    "description": "ARIA dialog elements without accessible names may prevent screen readers users from discerning the purpose of these elements. [Learn how to make ARIA dialog elements more accessible](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-dialog-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-hidden-body": {
                    "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                    "title": "`[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` is not present on the document `<body>`",
                    "description": "Assistive technologies, like screen readers, work inconsistently when `aria-hidden=\"true\"` is set on the document `<body>`. [Learn how `aria-hidden` affects the document body](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-hidden-body).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "aria-hidden-focus": {
                    "id": "aria-hidden-focus",
                    "title": "`[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` elements do not contain focusable descendents",
                    "description": "Focusable descendents within an `[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` element prevent those interactive elements from being available to users of assistive technologies like screen readers. [Learn how `aria-hidden` affects focusable elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-hidden-focus).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
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                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "aria-input-field-name": {
                    "id": "aria-input-field-name",
                    "title": "ARIA input fields have accessible names",
                    "description": "When an input field doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn more about input field labels](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-input-field-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-meter-name": {
                    "id": "aria-meter-name",
                    "title": "ARIA `meter` elements have accessible names",
                    "description": "When a meter element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to name `meter` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-meter-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-progressbar-name": {
                    "id": "aria-progressbar-name",
                    "title": "ARIA `progressbar` elements have accessible names",
                    "description": "When a `progressbar` element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to label `progressbar` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-progressbar-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-required-attr": {
                    "id": "aria-required-attr",
                    "title": "`[role]`s have all required `[aria-*]` attributes",
                    "description": "Some ARIA roles have required attributes that describe the state of the element to screen readers. [Learn more about roles and required attributes](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-required-attr).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-required-children": {
                    "id": "aria-required-children",
                    "title": "Elements with an ARIA `[role]` that require children to contain a specific `[role]` have all required children.",
                    "description": "Some ARIA parent roles must contain specific child roles to perform their intended accessibility functions. [Learn more about roles and required children elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-required-children).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-required-parent": {
                    "id": "aria-required-parent",
                    "title": "`[role]`s are contained by their required parent element",
                    "description": "Some ARIA child roles must be contained by specific parent roles to properly perform their intended accessibility functions. [Learn more about ARIA roles and required parent element](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-required-parent).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-roles": {
                    "id": "aria-roles",
                    "title": "`[role]` values are valid",
                    "description": "ARIA roles must have valid values in order to perform their intended accessibility functions. [Learn more about valid ARIA roles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-roles).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-text": {
                    "id": "aria-text",
                    "title": "Elements with the `role=text` attribute do not have focusable descendents.",
                    "description": "Adding `role=text` around a text node split by markup enables VoiceOver to treat it as one phrase, but the element's focusable descendents will not be announced. [Learn more about the `role=text` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-text).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-toggle-field-name": {
                    "id": "aria-toggle-field-name",
                    "title": "ARIA toggle fields have accessible names",
                    "description": "When a toggle field doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn more about toggle fields](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-toggle-field-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-tooltip-name": {
                    "id": "aria-tooltip-name",
                    "title": "ARIA `tooltip` elements have accessible names",
                    "description": "When a tooltip element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to name `tooltip` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-tooltip-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-treeitem-name": {
                    "id": "aria-treeitem-name",
                    "title": "ARIA `treeitem` elements have accessible names",
                    "description": "When a `treeitem` element doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it with a generic name, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn more about labeling `treeitem` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-treeitem-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "aria-valid-attr-value": {
                    "id": "aria-valid-attr-value",
                    "title": "`[aria-*]` attributes have valid values",
                    "description": "Assistive technologies, like screen readers, can't interpret ARIA attributes with invalid values. [Learn more about valid values for ARIA attributes](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-valid-attr-value).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "aria-valid-attr": {
                    "id": "aria-valid-attr",
                    "title": "`[aria-*]` attributes are valid and not misspelled",
                    "description": "Assistive technologies, like screen readers, can't interpret ARIA attributes with invalid names. [Learn more about valid ARIA attributes](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/aria-valid-attr).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "button-name": {
                    "id": "button-name",
                    "title": "Buttons have an accessible name",
                    "description": "When a button doesn't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it as \"button\", making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. [Learn how to make buttons more accessible](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/button-name).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "bypass": {
                    "id": "bypass",
                    "title": "The page contains a heading, skip link, or landmark region",
                    "description": "Adding ways to bypass repetitive content lets keyboard users navigate the page more efficiently. [Learn more about bypass blocks](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/bypass).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "color-contrast": {
                    "id": "color-contrast",
                    "title": "Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio.",
                    "description": "Low-contrast text is difficult or impossible for many users to read. [Learn how to provide sufficient color contrast](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/color-contrast).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "node",
                                "valueType": "node",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "relatedNode",
                                    "valueType": "node"
                                "label": "Failing Elements"
                        "items": [
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-0-BUTTON",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,0,DIV,1,DIV,0,BUTTON",
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                                        "top": 40,
                                        "bottom": 110,
                                        "left": 918,
                                        "right": 988,
                                        "width": 70,
                                        "height": 70
                                    "snippet": "<button id=\"openbtn\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "MENU",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.48 (foreground color: #ffe019, background color: #e5194c, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "relatedNode": {
                                                "type": "node",
                                                "lhId": "1-1-MAIN",
                                                "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN",
                                                "selector": "body > main.homepage",
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                                                "snippet": "<main class=\"homepage relative\" data-barba=\"container\" data-barba-namespace=\"home\" data-color=\"#E5194C\" data-transition=\"#FFE019\" style=\"background-color:#E5194C;color:#FFE019\">",
                                                "nodeLabel": "Donate\nEat \u00b7 Cook \u00b7 Learn \u00b7 Belong\nyour culinary community\nOur Story\nSaffron Ki\u2026"
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-2-A",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,4,DIV,1,DIV,0,A",
                                    "selector": "main.homepage > div.otherpages > div.menububls > a",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 5378,
                                        "bottom": 5578,
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                                        "right": 813,
                                        "width": 200,
                                        "height": 200
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "About",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "relatedNode": {
                                                "type": "node",
                                                "lhId": "1-3-DIV",
                                                "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,4,DIV",
                                                "selector": "body > main.homepage > div.otherpages",
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                                                    "top": 5122,
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                                                    "width": 1905,
                                                    "height": 596
                                                "snippet": "<div class=\"otherpages\">",
                                                "nodeLabel": "Continue Your Visit\nAbout\nGet involved\nJournal"
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-4-A",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,4,DIV,1,DIV,1,A",
                                    "selector": "main.homepage > div.otherpages > div.menububls > a",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 5378,
                                        "bottom": 5578,
                                        "left": 853,
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                                        "width": 200,
                                        "height": 200
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Get involved",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "relatedNode": {
                                                "type": "node",
                                                "lhId": "1-3-DIV",
                                                "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,4,DIV",
                                                "selector": "body > main.homepage > div.otherpages",
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                                                    "top": 5122,
                                                    "bottom": 5718,
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                                                    "width": 1905,
                                                    "height": 596
                                                "snippet": "<div class=\"otherpages\">",
                                                "nodeLabel": "Continue Your Visit\nAbout\nGet involved\nJournal"
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-5-A",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,4,DIV,1,DIV,2,A",
                                    "selector": "main.homepage > div.otherpages > div.menububls > a",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 5378,
                                        "bottom": 5578,
                                        "left": 1093,
                                        "right": 1293,
                                        "width": 200,
                                        "height": 200
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Journal",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "relatedNode": {
                                                "type": "node",
                                                "lhId": "1-3-DIV",
                                                "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,4,DIV",
                                                "selector": "body > main.homepage > div.otherpages",
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                                                    "top": 5122,
                                                    "bottom": 5718,
                                                    "left": 0,
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                                                    "width": 1905,
                                                    "height": 596
                                                "snippet": "<div class=\"otherpages\">",
                                                "nodeLabel": "Continue Your Visit\nAbout\nGet involved\nJournal"
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-6-INPUT",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,5,FOOTER,0,DIV,0,DIV,0,FORM,0,DIV,1,DIV,0,INPUT",
                                    "selector": "form#mc-embedded-subscribe-form > div#mc_embed_signup_scroll > div.mc-field-group > input#mce-EMAIL",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 5894,
                                        "bottom": 5934,
                                        "left": 839,
                                        "right": 1066,
                                        "width": 227,
                                        "height": 40
                                    "snippet": "<input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"required email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "form#mc-embedded-subscribe-form > div#mc_embed_signup_scroll > div.mc-field-group > input#mce-EMAIL",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "relatedNode": {
                                                "type": "node",
                                                "lhId": "1-7-FOOTER",
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                                                    "right": 1905,
                                                    "width": 1905,
                                                    "height": 908
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                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-8-SPAN",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,5,FOOTER,1,DIV,0,DIV,0,SPAN",
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                                        "height": 16
                                    "snippet": "<span>",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Say Hi!",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
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                                                "type": "node",
                                                "lhId": "1-7-FOOTER",
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                                                "selector": "body > main.homepage > footer.homefoot",
                                                "boundingRect": {
                                                    "top": 5718,
                                                    "bottom": 6626,
                                                    "left": 0,
                                                    "right": 1905,
                                                    "width": 1905,
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                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
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                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,5,FOOTER,1,DIV,0,DIV,1,A",
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                                        "width": 274,
                                        "height": 16
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "[email protected]",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "relatedNode": {
                                                "type": "node",
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                                                "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,5,FOOTER",
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                                                    "left": 0,
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                                                "snippet": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
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                                        "width": 289,
                                        "height": 30
                                    "snippet": "<p class=\"mb-4 xs-mb-unset\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Registered Charity Number: 1195986",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
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                                                "type": "node",
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                                                    "width": 1905,
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                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
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                                        "width": 98,
                                        "height": 16
                                    "snippet": "<span>",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Follow us on",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
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                                                    "top": 5718,
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                                                    "width": 1905,
                                                    "height": 908
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                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
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                                        "height": 16
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/saffronkitchenproject\" target=\"_blank\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Facebook",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
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                                                "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,5,FOOTER",
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                                                    "top": 5718,
                                                    "bottom": 6626,
                                                    "left": 0,
                                                    "right": 1905,
                                                    "width": 1905,
                                                    "height": 908
                                                "snippet": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
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                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-13-A",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,5,FOOTER,1,DIV,1,DIV,2,A",
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                                        "width": 82,
                                        "height": 16
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/saffronkitchenproject\/\" target=\"_blank\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Instagram",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "relatedNode": {
                                                "type": "node",
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                                                "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,5,FOOTER",
                                                "selector": "body > main.homepage > footer.homefoot",
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                                                    "top": 5718,
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                                                    "left": 0,
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                                                    "width": 1905,
                                                    "height": 908
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                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
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                                        "height": 16
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                                    "nodeLabel": "Youtube",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
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                                    "items": [
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                                                "type": "node",
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                                                    "left": 0,
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                                                    "width": 1905,
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                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
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                                    "lhId": "1-15-A",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,5,FOOTER,1,DIV,1,DIV,4,A",
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                                        "bottom": 6276,
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                                        "height": 16
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/company\/76985121\/\" target=\"_blank\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "LinkedIn",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
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                                                "type": "node",
                                                "lhId": "1-7-FOOTER",
                                                "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,5,FOOTER",
                                                "selector": "body > main.homepage > footer.homefoot",
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                                                    "top": 5718,
                                                    "bottom": 6626,
                                                    "left": 0,
                                                    "right": 1905,
                                                    "width": 1905,
                                                    "height": 908
                                                "snippet": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
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                                    "type": "node",
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                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,5,FOOTER,1,DIV,2,DIV,0,SPAN",
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                                    "snippet": "<span>",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Sitemap",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
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                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
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                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#story\" class=\"barba-prevent\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Story",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
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                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
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                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#pillars\" class=\"barba-prevent\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Pillars",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "subItems": {
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                                                "type": "node",
                                                "lhId": "1-7-FOOTER",
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                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
                                "node": {
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                                        "height": 19
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "About",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
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                                                "type": "node",
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                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
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                                    "lhId": "1-20-A",
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                                    "selector": "div > ul > li > a",
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                                        "height": 19
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Get involved",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
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                                                "lhId": "1-7-FOOTER",
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                                    "selector": "div > ul > li > a",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 6284,
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                                        "width": 58,
                                        "height": 19
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Donate",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
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                                        "left": 1277,
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                                        "height": 19
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Journal",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
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                                        "width": 109,
                                        "height": 19
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/privacy\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Privacy policy",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
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                                        "height": 40
                                    "snippet": "<p>",
                                    "nodeLabel": "website by ",
                                    "explanation": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
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                                                    "height": 908
                                                "snippet": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                "nodeLabel": "Sign up to our newsletter\nSay Hi!\[email protected]\n\nRegistered \u2026"
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                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                "definition-list": {
                    "id": "definition-list",
                    "title": "`<dl>`'s contain only properly-ordered `<dt>` and `<dd>` groups, `<script>`, `<template>` or `<div>` elements.",
                    "description": "When definition lists are not properly marked up, screen readers may produce confusing or inaccurate output. [Learn how to structure definition lists correctly](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/definition-list).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "dlitem": {
                    "id": "dlitem",
                    "title": "Definition list items are wrapped in `<dl>` elements",
                    "description": "Definition list items (`<dt>` and `<dd>`) must be wrapped in a parent `<dl>` element to ensure that screen readers can properly announce them. [Learn how to structure definition lists correctly](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/dlitem).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "document-title": {
                    "id": "document-title",
                    "title": "Document has a `<title>` element",
                    "description": "The title gives screen reader users an overview of the page, and search engine users rely on it heavily to determine if a page is relevant to their search. [Learn more about document titles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/document-title).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "duplicate-id-active": {
                    "id": "duplicate-id-active",
                    "title": "`[id]` attributes on active, focusable elements are unique",
                    "description": "All focusable elements must have a unique `id` to ensure that they're visible to assistive technologies. [Learn how to fix duplicate `id`s](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/duplicate-id-active).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "duplicate-id-aria": {
                    "id": "duplicate-id-aria",
                    "title": "ARIA IDs are unique",
                    "description": "The value of an ARIA ID must be unique to prevent other instances from being overlooked by assistive technologies. [Learn how to fix duplicate ARIA IDs](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/duplicate-id-aria).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "empty-heading": {
                    "id": "empty-heading",
                    "title": "All heading elements contain content.",
                    "description": "A heading with no content or inaccessible text prevent screen reader users from accessing information on the page's structure. [Learn more about headings](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/empty-heading).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "form-field-multiple-labels": {
                    "id": "form-field-multiple-labels",
                    "title": "No form fields have multiple labels",
                    "description": "Form fields with multiple labels can be confusingly announced by assistive technologies like screen readers which use either the first, the last, or all of the labels. [Learn how to use form labels](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/form-field-multiple-labels).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "frame-title": {
                    "id": "frame-title",
                    "title": "`<frame>` or `<iframe>` elements have a title",
                    "description": "Screen reader users rely on frame titles to describe the contents of frames. [Learn more about frame titles](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/frame-title).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "heading-order": {
                    "id": "heading-order",
                    "title": "Heading elements appear in a sequentially-descending order",
                    "description": "Properly ordered headings that do not skip levels convey the semantic structure of the page, making it easier to navigate and understand when using assistive technologies. [Learn more about heading order](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/heading-order).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "html-has-lang": {
                    "id": "html-has-lang",
                    "title": "`<html>` element has a `[lang]` attribute",
                    "description": "If a page doesn't specify a `lang` attribute, a screen reader assumes that the page is in the default language that the user chose when setting up the screen reader. If the page isn't actually in the default language, then the screen reader might not announce the page's text correctly. [Learn more about the `lang` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/html-has-lang).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "html-lang-valid": {
                    "id": "html-lang-valid",
                    "title": "`<html>` element has a valid value for its `[lang]` attribute",
                    "description": "Specifying a valid [BCP 47 language](https:\/\/www.w3.org\/International\/questions\/qa-choosing-language-tags#question) helps screen readers announce text properly. [Learn how to use the `lang` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/html-lang-valid).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "html-xml-lang-mismatch": {
                    "id": "html-xml-lang-mismatch",
                    "title": "`<html>` element has an `[xml:lang]` attribute with the same base language as the `[lang]` attribute.",
                    "description": "If the webpage does not specify a consistent language, then the screen reader might not announce the page's text correctly. [Learn more about the `lang` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/html-xml-lang-mismatch).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "identical-links-same-purpose": {
                    "id": "identical-links-same-purpose",
                    "title": "Identical links have the same purpose.",
                    "description": "Links with the same destination should have the same description, to help users understand the link's purpose and decide whether to follow it. [Learn more about identical links](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/identical-links-same-purpose).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "image-alt": {
                    "id": "image-alt",
                    "title": "Image elements have `[alt]` attributes",
                    "description": "Informative elements should aim for short, descriptive alternate text. Decorative elements can be ignored with an empty alt attribute. [Learn more about the `alt` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/image-alt).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "image-redundant-alt": {
                    "id": "image-redundant-alt",
                    "title": "Image elements do not have `[alt]` attributes that are redundant text.",
                    "description": "Informative elements should aim for short, descriptive alternative text. Alternative text that is exactly the same as the text adjacent to the link or image is potentially confusing for screen reader users, because the text will be read twice. [Learn more about the `alt` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/image-redundant-alt).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "input-button-name": {
                    "id": "input-button-name",
                    "title": "Input buttons have discernible text.",
                    "description": "Adding discernable and accessible text to input buttons may help screen reader users understand the purpose of the input button. [Learn more about input buttons](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/input-button-name).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "input-image-alt": {
                    "id": "input-image-alt",
                    "title": "`<input type=\"image\">` elements have `[alt]` text",
                    "description": "When an image is being used as an `<input>` button, providing alternative text can help screen reader users understand the purpose of the button. [Learn about input image alt text](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/input-image-alt).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "label-content-name-mismatch": {
                    "id": "label-content-name-mismatch",
                    "title": "Elements with visible text labels have matching accessible names.",
                    "description": "Visible text labels that do not match the accessible name can result in a confusing experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about accessible names](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/label-content-name-mismatch).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "label": {
                    "id": "label",
                    "title": "Form elements have associated labels",
                    "description": "Labels ensure that form controls are announced properly by assistive technologies, like screen readers. [Learn more about form element labels](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/label).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "landmark-one-main": {
                    "id": "landmark-one-main",
                    "title": "Document has a main landmark.",
                    "description": "One main landmark helps screen reader users navigate a web page. [Learn more about landmarks](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/landmark-one-main).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "link-name": {
                    "id": "link-name",
                    "title": "Links do not have a discernible name",
                    "description": "Link text (and alternate text for images, when used as links) that is discernible, unique, and focusable improves the navigation experience for screen reader users. [Learn how to make links accessible](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/link-name).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "node",
                                "valueType": "node",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "relatedNode",
                                    "valueType": "node"
                                "label": "Failing Elements"
                        "items": [
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-25-A",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,5,FOOTER,2,DIV,0,P,1,A",
                                    "selector": "footer.homefoot > div.flex > p > a",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 6461,
                                        "bottom": 6480,
                                        "left": 950,
                                        "right": 1046,
                                        "width": 96,
                                        "height": 19
                                    "snippet": "<a href=\"https:\/\/shimsham.design\" target=\"_blank\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "footer.homefoot > div.flex > p > a",
                                    "explanation": "Fix all of the following:\n  Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text\n\nFix any of the following:\n  Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute"
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                "link-in-text-block": {
                    "id": "link-in-text-block",
                    "title": "Links are distinguishable without relying on color.",
                    "description": "Low-contrast text is difficult or impossible for many users to read. Link text that is discernible improves the experience for users with low vision. [Learn how to make links distinguishable](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/link-in-text-block).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "list": {
                    "id": "list",
                    "title": "Lists contain only `<li>` elements and script supporting elements (`<script>` and `<template>`).",
                    "description": "Screen readers have a specific way of announcing lists. Ensuring proper list structure aids screen reader output. [Learn more about proper list structure](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/list).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "listitem": {
                    "id": "listitem",
                    "title": "List items (`<li>`) are contained within `<ul>`, `<ol>` or `<menu>` parent elements",
                    "description": "Screen readers require list items (`<li>`) to be contained within a parent `<ul>`, `<ol>` or `<menu>` to be announced properly. [Learn more about proper list structure](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/listitem).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "meta-refresh": {
                    "id": "meta-refresh",
                    "title": "The document does not use `<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\">`",
                    "description": "Users do not expect a page to refresh automatically, and doing so will move focus back to the top of the page. This may create a frustrating or confusing experience. [Learn more about the refresh meta tag](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/meta-refresh).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "meta-viewport": {
                    "id": "meta-viewport",
                    "title": "`[user-scalable=\"no\"]` is not used in the `<meta name=\"viewport\">` element and the `[maximum-scale]` attribute is not less than 5.",
                    "description": "Disabling zooming is problematic for users with low vision who rely on screen magnification to properly see the contents of a web page. [Learn more about the viewport meta tag](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/meta-viewport).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "object-alt": {
                    "id": "object-alt",
                    "title": "`<object>` elements have alternate text",
                    "description": "Screen readers cannot translate non-text content. Adding alternate text to `<object>` elements helps screen readers convey meaning to users. [Learn more about alt text for `object` elements](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/object-alt).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "select-name": {
                    "id": "select-name",
                    "title": "Select elements have associated label elements.",
                    "description": "Form elements without effective labels can create frustrating experiences for screen reader users. [Learn more about the `select` element](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/select-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "skip-link": {
                    "id": "skip-link",
                    "title": "Skip links are focusable.",
                    "description": "Including a skip link can help users skip to the main content to save time. [Learn more about skip links](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/skip-link).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "tabindex": {
                    "id": "tabindex",
                    "title": "No element has a `[tabindex]` value greater than 0",
                    "description": "A value greater than 0 implies an explicit navigation ordering. Although technically valid, this often creates frustrating experiences for users who rely on assistive technologies. [Learn more about the `tabindex` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/tabindex).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "table-duplicate-name": {
                    "id": "table-duplicate-name",
                    "title": "Tables have different content in the summary attribute and `<caption>`.",
                    "description": "The summary attribute should describe the table structure, while `<caption>` should have the onscreen title. Accurate table mark-up helps users of screen readers. [Learn more about summary and caption](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/table-duplicate-name).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "table-fake-caption": {
                    "id": "table-fake-caption",
                    "title": "Tables use `<caption>` instead of cells with the `[colspan]` attribute to indicate a caption.",
                    "description": "Screen readers have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensuring that tables use the actual caption element instead of cells with the `[colspan]` attribute may improve the experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about captions](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/table-fake-caption).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "target-size": {
                    "id": "target-size",
                    "title": "Touch targets have sufficient size and spacing.",
                    "description": "Touch targets with sufficient size and spacing help users who may have difficulty targeting small controls to activate the targets. [Learn more about touch targets](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/target-size).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "td-has-header": {
                    "id": "td-has-header",
                    "title": "`<td>` elements in a large `<table>` have one or more table headers.",
                    "description": "Screen readers have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensuring that `<td>` elements in a large table (3 or more cells in width and height) have an associated table header may improve the experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about table headers](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/td-has-header).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "td-headers-attr": {
                    "id": "td-headers-attr",
                    "title": "Cells in a `<table>` element that use the `[headers]` attribute refer to table cells within the same table.",
                    "description": "Screen readers have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensuring `<td>` cells using the `[headers]` attribute only refer to other cells in the same table may improve the experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about the `headers` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/td-headers-attr).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "th-has-data-cells": {
                    "id": "th-has-data-cells",
                    "title": "`<th>` elements and elements with `[role=\"columnheader\"\/\"rowheader\"]` have data cells they describe.",
                    "description": "Screen readers have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensuring table headers always refer to some set of cells may improve the experience for screen reader users. [Learn more about table headers](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/th-has-data-cells).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "valid-lang": {
                    "id": "valid-lang",
                    "title": "`[lang]` attributes have a valid value",
                    "description": "Specifying a valid [BCP 47 language](https:\/\/www.w3.org\/International\/questions\/qa-choosing-language-tags#question) on elements helps ensure that text is pronounced correctly by a screen reader. [Learn how to use the `lang` attribute](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/valid-lang).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "video-caption": {
                    "id": "video-caption",
                    "title": "`<video>` elements contain a `<track>` element with `[kind=\"captions\"]`",
                    "description": "When a video provides a caption it is easier for deaf and hearing impaired users to access its information. [Learn more about video captions](https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.8\/video-caption).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "custom-controls-labels": {
                    "id": "custom-controls-labels",
                    "title": "Custom controls have associated labels",
                    "description": "Custom interactive controls have associated labels, provided by aria-label or aria-labelledby. [Learn more about custom controls and labels](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/custom-controls-labels\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "custom-controls-roles": {
                    "id": "custom-controls-roles",
                    "title": "Custom controls have ARIA roles",
                    "description": "Custom interactive controls have appropriate ARIA roles. [Learn how to add roles to custom controls](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/custom-control-roles\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "focus-traps": {
                    "id": "focus-traps",
                    "title": "User focus is not accidentally trapped in a region",
                    "description": "A user can tab into and out of any control or region without accidentally trapping their focus. [Learn how to avoid focus traps](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/focus-traps\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "focusable-controls": {
                    "id": "focusable-controls",
                    "title": "Interactive controls are keyboard focusable",
                    "description": "Custom interactive controls are keyboard focusable and display a focus indicator. [Learn how to make custom controls focusable](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/focusable-controls\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "interactive-element-affordance": {
                    "id": "interactive-element-affordance",
                    "title": "Interactive elements indicate their purpose and state",
                    "description": "Interactive elements, such as links and buttons, should indicate their state and be distinguishable from non-interactive elements. [Learn how to decorate interactive elements with affordance hints](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/interactive-element-affordance\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "logical-tab-order": {
                    "id": "logical-tab-order",
                    "title": "The page has a logical tab order",
                    "description": "Tabbing through the page follows the visual layout. Users cannot focus elements that are offscreen. [Learn more about logical tab ordering](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/logical-tab-order\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "managed-focus": {
                    "id": "managed-focus",
                    "title": "The user's focus is directed to new content added to the page",
                    "description": "If new content, such as a dialog, is added to the page, the user's focus is directed to it. [Learn how to direct focus to new content](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/managed-focus\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "offscreen-content-hidden": {
                    "id": "offscreen-content-hidden",
                    "title": "Offscreen content is hidden from assistive technology",
                    "description": "Offscreen content is hidden with display: none or aria-hidden=true. [Learn how to properly hide offscreen content](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/offscreen-content-hidden\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "use-landmarks": {
                    "id": "use-landmarks",
                    "title": "HTML5 landmark elements are used to improve navigation",
                    "description": "Landmark elements (`<main>`, `<nav>`, etc.) are used to improve the keyboard navigation of the page for assistive technology. [Learn more about landmark elements](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/use-landmarks\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "visual-order-follows-dom": {
                    "id": "visual-order-follows-dom",
                    "title": "Visual order on the page follows DOM order",
                    "description": "DOM order matches the visual order, improving navigation for assistive technology. [Learn more about DOM and visual ordering](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/accessibility\/visual-order-follows-dom\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "manual"
                "uses-long-cache-ttl": {
                    "id": "uses-long-cache-ttl",
                    "title": "Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy",
                    "description": "A long cache lifetime can speed up repeat visits to your page. [Learn more about efficient cache policies](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-long-cache-ttl\/).",
                    "score": 0.5,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
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                    "id": "unused-javascript",
                    "title": "Reduce unused JavaScript",
                    "description": "Reduce unused JavaScript and defer loading scripts until they are required to decrease bytes consumed by network activity. [Learn how to reduce unused JavaScript](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/unused-javascript\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "FCP": 0,
                        "LCP": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": [],
                        "overallSavingsMs": 0,
                        "overallSavingsBytes": 0,
                        "sortedBy": [
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "metricSavings": {
                                "FCP": 0,
                                "LCP": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "modern-image-formats": {
                    "id": "modern-image-formats",
                    "title": "Serve images in next-gen formats",
                    "description": "Image formats like WebP and AVIF often provide better compression than PNG or JPEG, which means faster downloads and less data consumption. [Learn more about modern image formats](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-webp-images\/).",
                    "score": 0.5,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "Potential savings of 233\u00a0KiB",
                    "warnings": [],
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "FCP": 0,
                        "LCP": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "node",
                                "valueType": "node",
                                "label": ""
                                "key": "url",
                                "valueType": "url",
                                "label": "URL"
                                "key": "totalBytes",
                                "valueType": "bytes",
                                "label": "Resource Size"
                                "key": "wastedBytes",
                                "valueType": "bytes",
                                "label": "Potential Savings"
                        "items": [
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-45-IMG",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,2,DIV,0,SECTION,0,DIV,1,IMG",
                                    "selector": "div.pin-spacer > section#story > div.story-intro > img.miam",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 1726,
                                        "bottom": 2398,
                                        "left": 617,
                                        "right": 1289,
                                        "width": 672,
                                        "height": 672
                                    "snippet": "<img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "plate in hands"
                                "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg",
                                "fromProtocol": true,
                                "isCrossOrigin": false,
                                "totalBytes": 320770,
                                "wastedBytes": 176923,
                                "wastedWebpBytes": 108130
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-46-IMG",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,2,DIV,0,SECTION,1,DIV,0,IMG",
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                                        "top": 2858,
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                                        "width": 938,
                                        "height": 316
                                    "snippet": "<img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Spices"
                                "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg",
                                "fromProtocol": true,
                                "isCrossOrigin": false,
                                "totalBytes": 194563,
                                "wastedBytes": 62025.950000000012,
                                "wastedWebpBytes": -4789
                        "overallSavingsMs": 0,
                        "overallSavingsBytes": 238948.95000000001,
                        "sortedBy": [
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "metricSavings": {
                                "FCP": 0,
                                "LCP": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "uses-optimized-images": {
                    "id": "uses-optimized-images",
                    "title": "Efficiently encode images",
                    "description": "Optimized images load faster and consume less cellular data. [Learn how to efficiently encode images](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-optimized-images\/).",
                    "score": 0.5,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "Potential savings of 84\u00a0KiB",
                    "warnings": [],
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "FCP": 0,
                        "LCP": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "node",
                                "valueType": "node",
                                "label": ""
                                "key": "url",
                                "valueType": "url",
                                "label": "URL"
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                                "valueType": "bytes",
                                "label": "Resource Size"
                                "key": "wastedBytes",
                                "valueType": "bytes",
                                "label": "Potential Savings"
                        "items": [
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-45-IMG",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,2,DIV,0,SECTION,0,DIV,1,IMG",
                                    "selector": "div.pin-spacer > section#story > div.story-intro > img.miam",
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                                        "top": 1726,
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                                        "right": 1289,
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                                        "height": 672
                                    "snippet": "<img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "plate in hands"
                                "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg",
                                "fromProtocol": true,
                                "isCrossOrigin": false,
                                "totalBytes": 320770,
                                "wastedBytes": 85606
                        "overallSavingsMs": 0,
                        "overallSavingsBytes": 85606,
                        "sortedBy": [
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "metricSavings": {
                                "FCP": 0,
                                "LCP": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "uses-text-compression": {
                    "id": "uses-text-compression",
                    "title": "Enable text compression",
                    "description": "Text-based resources should be served with compression (gzip, deflate or brotli) to minimize total network bytes. [Learn more about text compression](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-text-compression\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "FCP": 0,
                        "LCP": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": [],
                        "overallSavingsMs": 0,
                        "overallSavingsBytes": 0,
                        "sortedBy": [
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "metricSavings": {
                                "FCP": 0,
                                "LCP": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "uses-responsive-images": {
                    "id": "uses-responsive-images",
                    "title": "Properly size images",
                    "description": "Serve images that are appropriately-sized to save cellular data and improve load time. [Learn how to size images](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/uses-responsive-images\/).",
                    "score": 0.5,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "Potential savings of 297\u00a0KiB",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "FCP": 0,
                        "LCP": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [
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                                "valueType": "node",
                                "label": ""
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                                "valueType": "url",
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                                "valueType": "bytes",
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                                "label": "Potential Savings"
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                                    "lhId": "1-45-IMG",
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                                        "top": 1726,
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                                        "left": 617,
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                                        "width": 672,
                                        "height": 672
                                    "snippet": "<img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "plate in hands"
                                "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg",
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                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-46-IMG",
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                                        "height": 316
                                    "snippet": "<img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "Spices"
                                "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg",
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                                "wastedBytes": 77874,
                                "wastedPercent": 40.0251256281407
                        "overallSavingsMs": 0,
                        "overallSavingsBytes": 304045,
                        "sortedBy": [
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "metricSavings": {
                                "FCP": 0,
                                "LCP": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "efficient-animated-content": {
                    "id": "efficient-animated-content",
                    "title": "Use video formats for animated content",
                    "description": "Large GIFs are inefficient for delivering animated content. Consider using MPEG4\/WebM videos for animations and PNG\/WebP for static images instead of GIF to save network bytes. [Learn more about efficient video formats](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/efficient-animated-content\/)",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "FCP": 0,
                        "LCP": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": [],
                        "overallSavingsMs": 0,
                        "overallSavingsBytes": 0,
                        "sortedBy": [
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "metricSavings": {
                                "FCP": 0,
                                "LCP": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "duplicated-javascript": {
                    "id": "duplicated-javascript",
                    "title": "Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles",
                    "description": "Remove large, duplicate JavaScript modules from bundles to reduce unnecessary bytes consumed by network activity. ",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "FCP": 0,
                        "LCP": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": [],
                        "overallSavingsMs": 0,
                        "overallSavingsBytes": 0,
                        "sortedBy": [
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "metricSavings": {
                                "FCP": 0,
                                "LCP": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "legacy-javascript": {
                    "id": "legacy-javascript",
                    "title": "Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers",
                    "description": "Polyfills and transforms enable legacy browsers to use new JavaScript features. However, many aren't necessary for modern browsers. For your bundled JavaScript, adopt a modern script deployment strategy using module\/nomodule feature detection to reduce the amount of code shipped to modern browsers, while retaining support for legacy browsers. [Learn how to use modern JavaScript](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/publish-modern-javascript)",
                    "score": 0.5,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "displayValue": "Potential savings of 0\u00a0KiB",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "FCP": 0,
                        "LCP": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
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                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "location",
                                    "valueType": "source-location"
                                "label": "URL"
                                "key": null,
                                "valueType": "code",
                                "subItemsHeading": {
                                    "key": "signal"
                                "label": ""
                                "key": "wastedBytes",
                                "valueType": "bytes",
                                "label": "Potential Savings"
                        "items": [
                                "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js",
                                "wastedBytes": 197,
                                "subItems": {
                                    "type": "subitems",
                                    "items": [
                                            "signal": "@babel\/plugin-transform-classes",
                                            "location": {
                                                "type": "source-location",
                                                "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js",
                                                "urlProvider": "network",
                                                "line": 21,
                                                "column": 113
                                            "signal": "@babel\/plugin-transform-regenerator",
                                            "location": {
                                                "type": "source-location",
                                                "url": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/js\/main.js",
                                                "urlProvider": "network",
                                                "line": 394,
                                                "column": 12
                                "totalBytes": 0
                        "overallSavingsMs": 0,
                        "overallSavingsBytes": 197,
                        "sortedBy": [
                        "debugData": {
                            "type": "debugdata",
                            "metricSavings": {
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                    "guidanceLevel": 2
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                    "id": "doctype",
                    "title": "Page has the HTML doctype",
                    "description": "Specifying a doctype prevents the browser from switching to quirks-mode. [Learn more about the doctype declaration](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/doctype\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
                "charset": {
                    "id": "charset",
                    "title": "Properly defines charset",
                    "description": "A character encoding declaration is required. It can be done with a `<meta>` tag in the first 1024 bytes of the HTML or in the Content-Type HTTP response header. [Learn more about declaring the character encoding](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/charset\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
                "dom-size": {
                    "id": "dom-size",
                    "title": "Avoid an excessive DOM size",
                    "description": "A large DOM will increase memory usage, cause longer [style calculations](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/fundamentals\/performance\/rendering\/reduce-the-scope-and-complexity-of-style-calculations), and produce costly [layout reflows](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/speed\/articles\/reflow). [Learn how to avoid an excessive DOM size](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/dom-size\/).",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 872,
                    "numericUnit": "element",
                    "displayValue": "872 elements",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "TBT": 11
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "statistic",
                                "valueType": "text",
                                "label": "Statistic"
                                "key": "node",
                                "valueType": "node",
                                "label": "Element"
                                "key": "value",
                                "valueType": "numeric",
                                "label": "Value"
                        "items": [
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                                "value": {
                                    "type": "numeric",
                                    "granularity": 1,
                                    "value": 872
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-6-INPUT",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,5,FOOTER,0,DIV,0,DIV,0,FORM,0,DIV,1,DIV,0,INPUT",
                                    "selector": "form#mc-embedded-subscribe-form > div#mc_embed_signup_scroll > div.mc-field-group > input#mce-EMAIL",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 5894,
                                        "bottom": 5934,
                                        "left": 839,
                                        "right": 1066,
                                        "width": 227,
                                        "height": 40
                                    "snippet": "<input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"required email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "form#mc-embedded-subscribe-form > div#mc_embed_signup_scroll > div.mc-field-group > input#mce-EMAIL"
                                "statistic": "Maximum DOM Depth",
                                "value": {
                                    "type": "numeric",
                                    "granularity": 1,
                                    "value": 9
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-36-svg",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,11,svg",
                                    "selector": "body > main.homepage > svg.illus",
                                    "boundingRect": {
                                        "top": 3092,
                                        "bottom": 3784,
                                        "left": -346,
                                        "right": 346,
                                        "width": 691,
                                        "height": 691
                                    "snippet": "<svg class=\"illus\" width=\"30vw\" height=\"30vw\" viewBox=\"0 0 36 65\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: 3150px; left: -15vw;\">",
                                    "nodeLabel": "body > main.homepage > svg.illus"
                                "statistic": "Maximum Child Elements",
                                "value": {
                                    "type": "numeric",
                                    "granularity": 1,
                                    "value": 339
                    "guidanceLevel": 1
                "geolocation-on-start": {
                    "id": "geolocation-on-start",
                    "title": "Avoids requesting the geolocation permission on page load",
                    "description": "Users are mistrustful of or confused by sites that request their location without context. Consider tying the request to a user action instead. [Learn more about the geolocation permission](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/geolocation-on-start\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "inspector-issues": {
                    "id": "inspector-issues",
                    "title": "No issues in the `Issues` panel in Chrome Devtools",
                    "description": "Issues logged to the `Issues` panel in Chrome Devtools indicate unresolved problems. They can come from network request failures, insufficient security controls, and other browser concerns. Open up the Issues panel in Chrome DevTools for more details on each issue.",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "no-document-write": {
                    "id": "no-document-write",
                    "title": "Avoids `document.write()`",
                    "description": "For users on slow connections, external scripts dynamically injected via `document.write()` can delay page load by tens of seconds. [Learn how to avoid document.write()](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/no-document-write\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                    "guidanceLevel": 2
                "js-libraries": {
                    "id": "js-libraries",
                    "title": "Detected JavaScript libraries",
                    "description": "All front-end JavaScript libraries detected on the page. [Learn more about this JavaScript library detection diagnostic audit](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/js-libraries\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "notification-on-start": {
                    "id": "notification-on-start",
                    "title": "Avoids requesting the notification permission on page load",
                    "description": "Users are mistrustful of or confused by sites that request to send notifications without context. Consider tying the request to user gestures instead. [Learn more about responsibly getting permission for notifications](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/notification-on-start\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "paste-preventing-inputs": {
                    "id": "paste-preventing-inputs",
                    "title": "Allows users to paste into input fields",
                    "description": "Preventing input pasting is a bad practice for the UX, and weakens security by blocking password managers.[Learn more about user-friendly input fields](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/paste-preventing-inputs\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "uses-http2": {
                    "id": "uses-http2",
                    "title": "Use HTTP\/2",
                    "description": "HTTP\/2 offers many benefits over HTTP\/1.1, including binary headers and multiplexing. [Learn more about HTTP\/2](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/uses-http2\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "numericValue": 0,
                    "numericUnit": "millisecond",
                    "metricSavings": {
                        "LCP": 0,
                        "FCP": 0
                    "details": {
                        "type": "opportunity",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": [],
                        "overallSavingsMs": 0
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "uses-passive-event-listeners": {
                    "id": "uses-passive-event-listeners",
                    "title": "Uses passive listeners to improve scrolling performance",
                    "description": "Consider marking your touch and wheel event listeners as `passive` to improve your page's scroll performance. [Learn more about adopting passive event listeners](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/best-practices\/uses-passive-event-listeners\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "metricSavings",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                    "guidanceLevel": 3
                "meta-description": {
                    "id": "meta-description",
                    "title": "Document has a meta description",
                    "description": "Meta descriptions may be included in search results to concisely summarize page content. [Learn more about the meta description](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/meta-description\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
                "http-status-code": {
                    "id": "http-status-code",
                    "title": "Page has successful HTTP status code",
                    "description": "Pages with unsuccessful HTTP status codes may not be indexed properly. [Learn more about HTTP status codes](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/http-status-code\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary"
                "font-size": {
                    "id": "font-size",
                    "title": "Document uses legible font sizes",
                    "description": "Font sizes less than 12px are too small to be legible and require mobile visitors to \u201cpinch to zoom\u201d in order to read. Strive to have >60% of page text \u226512px. [Learn more about legible font sizes](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/font-size\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
                "link-text": {
                    "id": "link-text",
                    "title": "Links have descriptive text",
                    "description": "Descriptive link text helps search engines understand your content. [Learn how to make links more accessible](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/link-text\/).",
                    "score": 1,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [],
                        "items": []
                "crawlable-anchors": {
                    "id": "crawlable-anchors",
                    "title": "Links are not crawlable",
                    "description": "Search engines may use `href` attributes on links to crawl websites. Ensure that the `href` attribute of anchor elements links to an appropriate destination, so more pages of the site can be discovered. [Learn how to make links crawlable](https:\/\/support.google.com\/webmasters\/answer\/9112205)",
                    "score": 0,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "binary",
                    "details": {
                        "type": "table",
                        "headings": [
                                "key": "node",
                                "valueType": "node",
                                "label": "Uncrawlable Link"
                        "items": [
                                "node": {
                                    "type": "node",
                                    "lhId": "1-34-A",
                                    "path": "1,HTML,1,BODY,2,MAIN,1,DIV,0,SECTION,2,DIV,1,A",
                                    "selector": "div.pin-spacer > section.content > div.bottombtn > a.nextpage",
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                                        "top": 1033,
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                    "title": "Page isn\u2019t blocked from indexing",
                    "description": "Search engines are unable to include your pages in search results if they don't have permission to crawl them. [Learn more about crawler directives](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/is-crawlable\/).",
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                    "description": "If your robots.txt file is malformed, crawlers may not be able to understand how you want your website to be crawled or indexed. [Learn more about robots.txt](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/invalid-robots-txt\/).",
                    "score": null,
                    "scoreDisplayMode": "notApplicable"
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                    "title": "Tap targets are sized appropriately",
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                    "title": "Structured data is valid",
                    "description": "Run the [Structured Data Testing Tool](https:\/\/search.google.com\/structured-data\/testing-tool\/) and the [Structured Data Linter](http:\/\/linter.structured-data.org\/) to validate structured data. [Learn more about Structured Data](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/seo\/structured-data\/).",
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                    "title": "SEO",
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                    "manualDescription": "Run these additional validators on your site to check additional SEO best practices.",
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                "pwa": {
                    "title": "PWA",
                    "description": "These checks validate the aspects of a Progressive Web App. [Learn what makes a good Progressive Web App](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/pwa-checklist).",
                    "manualDescription": "These checks are required by the baseline [PWA Checklist](https:\/\/web.dev\/articles\/pwa-checklist) but are not automatically checked by Lighthouse. They do not affect your score but it's important that you verify them manually.",
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                "metrics": {
                    "title": "Metrics"
                "load-opportunities": {
                    "title": "Opportunities",
                    "description": "These suggestions can help your page load faster. They don't [directly affect](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/performance-scoring\/) the Performance score."
                "budgets": {
                    "title": "Budgets",
                    "description": "Performance budgets set standards for the performance of your site."
                "diagnostics": {
                    "title": "Diagnostics",
                    "description": "More information about the performance of your application. These numbers don't [directly affect](https:\/\/developer.chrome.com\/docs\/lighthouse\/performance\/performance-scoring\/) the Performance score."
                "pwa-installable": {
                    "title": "Installable"
                "pwa-optimized": {
                    "title": "PWA Optimized"
                "a11y-best-practices": {
                    "title": "Best practices",
                    "description": "These items highlight common accessibility best practices."
                "a11y-color-contrast": {
                    "title": "Contrast",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to improve the legibility of your content."
                "a11y-names-labels": {
                    "title": "Names and labels",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to improve the semantics of the controls in your application. This may enhance the experience for users of assistive technology, like a screen reader."
                "a11y-navigation": {
                    "title": "Navigation",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to improve keyboard navigation in your application."
                "a11y-aria": {
                    "title": "ARIA",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to improve the usage of ARIA in your application which may enhance the experience for users of assistive technology, like a screen reader."
                "a11y-language": {
                    "title": "Internationalization and localization",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to improve the interpretation of your content by users in different locales."
                "a11y-audio-video": {
                    "title": "Audio and video",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to provide alternative content for audio and video. This may improve the experience for users with hearing or vision impairments."
                "a11y-tables-lists": {
                    "title": "Tables and lists",
                    "description": "These are opportunities to improve the experience of reading tabular or list data using assistive technology, like a screen reader."
                "seo-mobile": {
                    "title": "Mobile Friendly",
                    "description": "Make sure your pages are mobile friendly so users don\u2019t have to pinch or zoom in order to read the content pages. [Learn how to make pages mobile-friendly](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/search\/mobile-sites\/)."
                "seo-content": {
                    "title": "Content Best Practices",
                    "description": "Format your HTML in a way that enables crawlers to better understand your app\u2019s content."
                "seo-crawl": {
                    "title": "Crawling and Indexing",
                    "description": "To appear in search results, crawlers need access to your app."
                "best-practices-trust-safety": {
                    "title": "Trust and Safety"
                "best-practices-ux": {
                    "title": "User Experience"
                "best-practices-browser-compat": {
                    "title": "Browser Compatibility"
                "best-practices-general": {
                    "title": "General"
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                    "title": ""
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                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/modern-image-formats.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/modern-image-formats.js | description": [
                    "core\/lib\/i18n\/i18n.js | displayValueByteSavings": [
                            "values": {
                                "wastedBytes": 238948.95000000001
                            "path": "audits[modern-image-formats].displayValue"
                            "values": {
                                "wastedBytes": 85606
                            "path": "audits[uses-optimized-images].displayValue"
                            "values": {
                                "wastedBytes": 304045
                            "path": "audits[uses-responsive-images].displayValue"
                            "values": {
                                "wastedBytes": 197
                            "path": "audits[legacy-javascript].displayValue"
                    "core\/lib\/i18n\/i18n.js | columnResourceSize": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/uses-optimized-images.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/uses-optimized-images.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/uses-text-compression.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/uses-text-compression.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/uses-responsive-images.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/uses-responsive-images.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/efficient-animated-content.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/efficient-animated-content.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/duplicated-javascript.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/duplicated-javascript.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/legacy-javascript.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/byte-efficiency\/legacy-javascript.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/doctype.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/doctype.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/charset.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/charset.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/dom-size.js | failureTitle": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/dom-size.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/dom-size.js | displayValue": [
                            "values": {
                                "itemCount": 872
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                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/dom-size.js | columnStatistic": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/dom-size.js | columnValue": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/dom-size.js | statisticDOMElements": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/dom-size.js | statisticDOMDepth": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/dom-size.js | statisticDOMWidth": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/geolocation-on-start.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/geolocation-on-start.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/inspector-issues.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/inspector-issues.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/no-document-write.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/no-document-write.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/js-libraries.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/js-libraries.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/notification-on-start.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/notification-on-start.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/paste-preventing-inputs.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/paste-preventing-inputs.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/uses-http2.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/uses-http2.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/uses-passive-event-listeners.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/dobetterweb\/uses-passive-event-listeners.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/meta-description.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/meta-description.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/http-status-code.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/http-status-code.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/font-size.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/font-size.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/link-text.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/link-text.js | description": [
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                    "core\/audits\/seo\/is-crawlable.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/is-crawlable.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/robots-txt.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/robots-txt.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/tap-targets.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/tap-targets.js | description": [
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                    "core\/audits\/seo\/hreflang.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/plugins.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/plugins.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/canonical.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/canonical.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/manual\/structured-data.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/seo\/manual\/structured-data.js | description": [
                    "core\/audits\/bf-cache.js | title": [
                    "core\/audits\/bf-cache.js | description": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | performanceCategoryTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yCategoryTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yCategoryDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yCategoryManualDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | bestPracticesCategoryTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | seoCategoryTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | seoCategoryDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | seoCategoryManualDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | pwaCategoryTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | pwaCategoryDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | pwaCategoryManualDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | metricGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | loadOpportunitiesGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | loadOpportunitiesGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | budgetsGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | budgetsGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | diagnosticsGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | diagnosticsGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | pwaInstallableGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | pwaOptimizedGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yBestPracticesGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yBestPracticesGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yColorContrastGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yColorContrastGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yNamesLabelsGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yNamesLabelsGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yNavigationGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yNavigationGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yAriaGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yAriaGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yLanguageGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yLanguageGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yAudioVideoGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yAudioVideoGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yTablesListsVideoGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | a11yTablesListsVideoGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | seoMobileGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | seoMobileGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | seoContentGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | seoContentGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | seoCrawlingGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | seoCrawlingGroupDescription": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | bestPracticesTrustSafetyGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | bestPracticesUXGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | bestPracticesBrowserCompatGroupTitle": [
                    "core\/config\/default-config.js | bestPracticesGeneralGroupTitle": [
            "test_log": "lighthouse \"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\" --channel wpt --enable-error-reporting --disable-full-page-screenshot --max-wait-for-load 80000 --hostname --port 9278 --output html --output json --output-path \"\/home\/wptagent\/work\/wpt-fra-lb-m5dm-\/240902_AiDcG2_7Z0.1.0\/lighthouse.json\" --throttling-method provided --form-factor desktop --screenEmulation.disabled --emulatedUserAgent 'Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36 PTST\/24.07'\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:05 GMT LH:ChromeLauncher Found existing Chrome already running using port 9278, using that.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:06 GMT LH:status Connecting to browser\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:06 GMT LH:status Navigating to about:blank\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:07 GMT LH:status Benchmarking machine\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:08 GMT LH:status Preparing target for navigation mode\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:08 GMT LH:status Cleaning origin data\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:08 GMT LH:status Cleaning browser cache\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:08 GMT LH:status Preparing network conditions\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:08 GMT LH:status Navigating to https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: DevtoolsLog\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Trace\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: DevtoolsLog\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Trace\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Accessibility\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: AnchorElements\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: ConsoleMessages\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: CSSUsage\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Doctype\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: DOMStats\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: EmbeddedContent\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: FontSize\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Inputs\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: GlobalListeners\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: ImageElements\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: InstallabilityErrors\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Get webapp installability errors\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: InspectorIssues\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: JsUsage\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: LinkElements\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: MainDocumentContent\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: MetaElements\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: NetworkUserAgent\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:23 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: OptimizedImages\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: ResponseCompression\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: RobotsTxt\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Scripts\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: SourceMaps\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: Stacks\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Collect stacks\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: TagsBlockingFirstPaint\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: TapTargets\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: TraceElements\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: ViewportDimensions\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: WebAppManifest\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Get webapp manifest\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: devtoolsLogs\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: traces\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:24 GMT LH:status Getting artifact: BFCacheFailures\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Analyzing and running audits...\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Uses HTTPS\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Has a `<meta name=\"viewport\">` tag with `width` or `initial-scale`\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: First Contentful Paint\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Largest Contentful Paint\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: First Meaningful Paint\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Speed Index\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Screenshot Thumbnails\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Final Screenshot\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Total Blocking Time\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Max Potential First Input Delay\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Cumulative Layout Shift\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: No browser errors logged to the console\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Initial server response time was short\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Time to Interactive\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: User Timing marks and measures\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid chaining critical requests\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid multiple page redirects\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Web app manifest and service worker meet the installability requirements\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Configured for a custom splash screen\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Sets a theme color for the address bar.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Manifest has a maskable icon\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Content is sized correctly for the viewport\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Displays images with correct aspect ratio\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:25 GMT LH:status Auditing: Serves images with appropriate resolution\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Fonts with `font-display: optional` are preloaded\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids deprecated APIs\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids third-party cookies\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Minimizes main-thread work\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: JavaScript execution time\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Preload key requests\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Preconnect to required origins\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: All text remains visible during webfont loads\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Diagnostics\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Network Requests\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Network Round Trip Times\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Server Backend Latencies\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Tasks\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Metrics\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Performance budget\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Timing budget\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Resources Summary\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Minimize third-party usage\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Lazy load third-party resources with facades\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Largest Contentful Paint element\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Largest Contentful Paint image was not lazily loaded\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid large layout shifts\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid long main-thread tasks\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids `unload` event listeners\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid non-composited animations\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Image elements have explicit `width` and `height`\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page has valid source maps\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Preload Largest Contentful Paint image\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Script Treemap Data\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Site works cross-browser\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page transitions don't feel like they block on the network\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Each page has a URL\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[accesskey]` values are unique\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-*]` attributes match their roles\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Values assigned to `role=\"\"` are valid ARIA roles.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `button`, `link`, and `menuitem` elements have accessible names\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Elements with `role=\"dialog\"` or `role=\"alertdialog\"` have accessible names.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` is not present on the document `<body>`\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-hidden=\"true\"]` elements do not contain focusable descendents\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA input fields have accessible names\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA `meter` elements have accessible names\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA `progressbar` elements have accessible names\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[role]`s have all required `[aria-*]` attributes\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Elements with an ARIA `[role]` that require children to contain a specific `[role]` have all required children.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[role]`s are contained by their required parent element\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[role]` values are valid\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Elements with the `role=text` attribute do not have focusable descendents.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA toggle fields have accessible names\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA `tooltip` elements have accessible names\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA `treeitem` elements have accessible names\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-*]` attributes have valid values\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[aria-*]` attributes are valid and not misspelled\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Buttons have an accessible name\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: The page contains a heading, skip link, or landmark region\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Background and foreground colors have a sufficient contrast ratio\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<dl>`'s contain only properly-ordered `<dt>` and `<dd>` groups, `<script>`, `<template>` or `<div>` elements.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Definition list items are wrapped in `<dl>` elements\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a `<title>` element\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[id]` attributes on active, focusable elements are unique\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: ARIA IDs are unique\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: All heading elements contain content.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: No form fields have multiple labels\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<frame>` or `<iframe>` elements have a title\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Heading elements appear in a sequentially-descending order\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<html>` element has a `[lang]` attribute\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<html>` element has a valid value for its `[lang]` attribute\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<html>` element has an `[xml:lang]` attribute with the same base language as the `[lang]` attribute.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Identical links have the same purpose.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Image elements have `[alt]` attributes\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Image elements do not have `[alt]` attributes that are redundant text.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Input buttons have discernible text.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<input type=\"image\">` elements have `[alt]` text\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Elements with visible text labels have matching accessible names.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Form elements have associated labels\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a main landmark.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Links have a discernible name\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Links are distinguishable without relying on color.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Lists contain only `<li>` elements and script supporting elements (`<script>` and `<template>`).\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: List items (`<li>`) are contained within `<ul>`, `<ol>` or `<menu>` parent elements\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: The document does not use `<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\">`\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[user-scalable=\"no\"]` is not used in the `<meta name=\"viewport\">` element and the `[maximum-scale]` attribute is not less than 5.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<object>` elements have alternate text\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Select elements have associated label elements.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Skip links are focusable.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: No element has a `[tabindex]` value greater than 0\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Tables have different content in the summary attribute and `<caption>`.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Tables use `<caption>` instead of cells with the `[colspan]` attribute to indicate a caption.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Touch targets have sufficient size and spacing.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<td>` elements in a large `<table>` have one or more table headers.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Cells in a `<table>` element that use the `[headers]` attribute refer to table cells within the same table.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<th>` elements and elements with `[role=\"columnheader\"\/\"rowheader\"]` have data cells they describe.\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `[lang]` attributes have a valid value\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: `<video>` elements contain a `<track>` element with `[kind=\"captions\"]`\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Custom controls have associated labels\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Custom controls have ARIA roles\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: User focus is not accidentally trapped in a region\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Interactive controls are keyboard focusable\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Interactive elements indicate their purpose and state\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: The page has a logical tab order\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: The user's focus is directed to new content added to the page\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Offscreen content is hidden from assistive technology\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: HTML5 landmark elements are used to improve navigation\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Visual order on the page follows DOM order\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Uses efficient cache policy on static assets\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids enormous network payloads\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Defer offscreen images\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Eliminate render-blocking resources\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Minify CSS\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:26 GMT LH:status Auditing: Minify JavaScript\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Reduce unused CSS\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Reduce unused JavaScript\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Serve images in next-gen formats\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Efficiently encode images\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Enable text compression\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Properly size images\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Use video formats for animated content\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page has the HTML doctype\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Properly defines charset\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids an excessive DOM size\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids requesting the geolocation permission on page load\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: No issues in the `Issues` panel in Chrome Devtools\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids `document.write()`\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Detected JavaScript libraries\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Avoids requesting the notification permission on page load\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Allows users to paste into input fields\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Use HTTP\/2\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Uses passive listeners to improve scrolling performance\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a meta description\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page has successful HTTP status code\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document uses legible font sizes\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Links have descriptive text\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Links are crawlable\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page isn\u2019t blocked from indexing\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: robots.txt is valid\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Tap targets are sized appropriately\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a valid `hreflang`\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document avoids plugins\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Document has a valid `rel=canonical`\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Structured data is valid\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Auditing: Page didn't prevent back\/forward cache restoration\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:status Generating results...\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:Printer html output written to \/home\/wptagent\/work\/wpt-fra-lb-m5dm-\/240902_AiDcG2_7Z0.1.0\/lighthouse.report.html\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:CLI Protip: Run lighthouse with `--view` to immediately open the HTML report in your browser\nMon, 02 Sep 2024 09:36:27 GMT LH:Printer json output written to \/home\/wptagent\/work\/wpt-fra-lb-m5dm-\/240902_AiDcG2_7Z0.1.0\/lighthouse.report.json\n"
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                        "nsa.n0c.com. hostmaster.saffronkitchenproject.org. 2024080506 3600 1800 1209600 86400"
                    "cname": [],
                    "https": [],
                    "svcb": []
                "detected": {
                    "JavaScript frameworks": "GSAP 3.7.1",
                    "Web servers": "LiteSpeed",
                    "CDN": "Cloudflare,cdnjs",
                    "Analytics": "Plausible",
                    "Marketing automation": "MailChimp",
                    "Email": "MailChimp",
                    "Miscellaneous": "Open Graph,HTTP\/3"
                "detected_apps": {
                    "GSAP": "3.7.1",
                    "LiteSpeed": "",
                    "Cloudflare": "",
                    "Plausible": "",
                    "MailChimp": "",
                    "cdnjs": "",
                    "Open Graph": "",
                    "HTTP\/3": ""
                "detected_technologies": {
                    "GSAP": {
                        "name": "GSAP",
                        "description": "GSAP is an animation library that allows you to create animations with JavaScript.",
                        "slug": "gsap",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 12,
                                "slug": "javascript-frameworks",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "JavaScript frameworks",
                                "priority": 8
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "3.7.1",
                        "icon": "TweenMax.png",
                        "website": "https:\/\/greensock.com\/gsap",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                    "LiteSpeed": {
                        "name": "LiteSpeed",
                        "description": "LiteSpeed is a high-scalability web server.",
                        "slug": "litespeed",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 22,
                                "slug": "web-servers",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Web servers",
                                "priority": 8
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "LiteSpeed.svg",
                        "website": "http:\/\/litespeedtech.com",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:litespeedtech:litespeed_web_server:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
                    "Cloudflare": {
                        "name": "Cloudflare",
                        "description": "Cloudflare is a web-infrastructure and website-security company, providing content-delivery-network services, DDoS mitigation, Internet security, and distributed domain-name-server services.",
                        "slug": "cloudflare",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 31,
                                "slug": "cdn",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "CDN",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "CloudFlare.svg",
                        "website": "http:\/\/www.cloudflare.com",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                    "Plausible": {
                        "name": "Plausible",
                        "description": "Plausible is an open-source alternative to Google Analytics.",
                        "slug": "plausible",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 10,
                                "slug": "analytics",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Analytics",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "Plausible.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/plausible.io\/",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                    "MailChimp": {
                        "name": "MailChimp",
                        "description": "Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform and email marketing service.",
                        "slug": "mailchimp",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 32,
                                "slug": "marketing-automation",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Marketing automation",
                                "priority": 9
                                "id": 75,
                                "slug": "email",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Email",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "mailchimp.svg",
                        "website": "http:\/\/mailchimp.com",
                        "pricing": [
                        "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:thinkshout:mailchimp:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
                    "cdnjs": {
                        "name": "cdnjs",
                        "description": "cdnjs is a free distributed JS library delivery service.",
                        "slug": "cdnjs",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 31,
                                "slug": "cdn",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "CDN",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "cdnjs.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/cdnjs.com",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                    "Open Graph": {
                        "name": "Open Graph",
                        "description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
                        "slug": "open-graph",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 19,
                                "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                "priority": 10
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "Open Graph.png",
                        "website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                    "HTTP\/3": {
                        "name": "HTTP\/3",
                        "description": "HTTP\/3 is the third major version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to exchange information on the World Wide Web.",
                        "slug": "http-3",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 19,
                                "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                "priority": 10
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "HTTP3.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/httpwg.org\/",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                "detected_raw": [
                        "name": "GSAP",
                        "description": "GSAP is an animation library that allows you to create animations with JavaScript.",
                        "slug": "gsap",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 12,
                                "slug": "javascript-frameworks",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "JavaScript frameworks",
                                "priority": 8
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "3.7.1",
                        "icon": "TweenMax.png",
                        "website": "https:\/\/greensock.com\/gsap",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "LiteSpeed",
                        "description": "LiteSpeed is a high-scalability web server.",
                        "slug": "litespeed",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 22,
                                "slug": "web-servers",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Web servers",
                                "priority": 8
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "LiteSpeed.svg",
                        "website": "http:\/\/litespeedtech.com",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:litespeedtech:litespeed_web_server:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
                        "name": "Cloudflare",
                        "description": "Cloudflare is a web-infrastructure and website-security company, providing content-delivery-network services, DDoS mitigation, Internet security, and distributed domain-name-server services.",
                        "slug": "cloudflare",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 31,
                                "slug": "cdn",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "CDN",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "CloudFlare.svg",
                        "website": "http:\/\/www.cloudflare.com",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "Plausible",
                        "description": "Plausible is an open-source alternative to Google Analytics.",
                        "slug": "plausible",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 10,
                                "slug": "analytics",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Analytics",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "Plausible.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/plausible.io\/",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "MailChimp",
                        "description": "Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform and email marketing service.",
                        "slug": "mailchimp",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 32,
                                "slug": "marketing-automation",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Marketing automation",
                                "priority": 9
                                "id": 75,
                                "slug": "email",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Email",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "mailchimp.svg",
                        "website": "http:\/\/mailchimp.com",
                        "pricing": [
                        "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:thinkshout:mailchimp:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
                        "name": "cdnjs",
                        "description": "cdnjs is a free distributed JS library delivery service.",
                        "slug": "cdnjs",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 31,
                                "slug": "cdn",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "CDN",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "cdnjs.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/cdnjs.com",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "Open Graph",
                        "description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
                        "slug": "open-graph",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 19,
                                "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                "priority": 10
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "Open Graph.png",
                        "website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "HTTP\/3",
                        "description": "HTTP\/3 is the third major version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to exchange information on the World Wide Web.",
                        "slug": "http-3",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 19,
                                "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                "priority": 10
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "HTTP3.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/httpwg.org\/",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                "axe": {
                    "testEngine": "4.4.1",
                    "violations": [
                            "id": "color-contrast",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
                            "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
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                                                "bgColor": "#e5194c",
                                                "contrastRatio": 3.48,
                                                "fontSize": "10.0pt (13.3333px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
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                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
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                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.48 (foreground color: #ffe019, background color: #e5194c, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
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                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.48 (foreground color: #ffe019, background color: #e5194c, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
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                                            "relatedNodes": [
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                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
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                                    "target": [
                                        ".otherpages > .menububls > a:nth-child(1)"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<div class=\"otherpages\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".otherpages > .menububls > a:nth-child(2)"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<div class=\"otherpages\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".otherpages > .menububls > a:nth-child(3)"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"required email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<span>Say Hi!<\/span>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > span"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"> [email protected] <\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > a"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p class=\"mb-4 xs-mb-unset\">Registered Charity Number: 1195986<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > .xs-mb-unset.mb-4"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<span>Follow us on<\/span>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".align-start.xs-mb-unset.mb-4 > span"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/saffronkitchenproject\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/saffronkitchenproject\/\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/channel\/UC6e-V4wXxMapOz_czX0VNmQ\" target=\"_blank\">Youtube<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/company\/76985121\/\" target=\"_blank\">LinkedIn<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<span>Sitemap<\/span>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "div:nth-child(3) > span"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#story\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Story<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(1) > .barba-prevent"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#pillars\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Pillars<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(2) > .barba-prevent"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(3) > a"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(4) > a"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(5) > a"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(6) > a"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/privacy\">Privacy policy<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(7) > a"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".justify-center > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                            "id": "link-name",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
                            "help": "Links must have discernible text",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-visible-text",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text"
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/shimsham.design\" target=\"_blank\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text\n\nFix any of the following:\n  Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute"
                    "passes": [
                            "id": "aria-allowed-attr",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures ARIA attributes are allowed for an element's role",
                            "help": "Elements must only use allowed ARIA attributes",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-allowed-attr?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "aria-allowed-attr",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "ARIA attributes are used correctly for the defined role"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "aria-unsupported-attr",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "ARIA attribute is supported"
                                            "id": "aria-prohibited-attr",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "ARIA attribute is allowed"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures aria-hidden='true' is not present on the document body.",
                            "help": "aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-hidden-body?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "No aria-hidden attribute is present on document body"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "aria-hidden-focus",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures aria-hidden elements do not contain focusable elements",
                            "help": "ARIA hidden element must not contain focusable elements",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-hidden-focus?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [],
                                    "all": [
                                            "id": "focusable-modal-open",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "No focusable elements while a modal is open"
                                            "id": "focusable-disabled",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "No focusable elements contained within element"
                                            "id": "focusable-not-tabbable",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "No focusable elements contained within element"
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div style=\"position: absolute; left: -5000px;\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"b_b037ab16b340fb1fe8aff1122_c6b517f71e\" tabindex=\"-1\" value=\"\"><\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "aria-valid-attr-value",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures all ARIA attributes have valid values",
                            "help": "ARIA attributes must conform to valid values",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-valid-attr-value?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [],
                                    "all": [
                                            "id": "aria-valid-attr-value",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "ARIA attribute values are valid"
                                            "id": "aria-errormessage",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "aria-errormessage exists and references elements visible to screen readers that use a supported aria-errormessage technique"
                                            "id": "aria-level",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-level values are valid"
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "aria-valid-attr",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures attributes that begin with aria- are valid ARIA attributes",
                            "help": "ARIA attributes must conform to valid names",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-valid-attr?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "aria-valid-attr",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "ARIA attribute name is valid"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "button-name",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures buttons have discernible text",
                            "help": "Buttons must have discernible text",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/button-name?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "button-has-visible-text",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element has inner text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<button id=\"openbtn\">menu<\/button>",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "bypass",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures each page has at least one mechanism for a user to bypass navigation and jump straight to the content",
                            "help": "Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/bypass?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "header-present",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<h1 class=\"span-3-10 storyText flex flex-col\"><span id=\"textFirst\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">Eat \u00b7 Cook \u00b7 Learn \u00b7 Belong<\/span> <span id=\"textSecond\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">your culinary community<\/span><\/h1>",
                                                    "target": [
                                                    "html": "<h2 class=\"text-lg mb-2\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                                        ".story-intro > .mb-2"
                                                    "html": "<h1>Employ<\/h1>",
                                                    "target": [
                                                        ".goals > h1"
                                                    "html": "<h2 class=\"mb-4\">Continue your visit<\/h2>",
                                                    "target": [
                                                        ".otherpages > h2"
                                                    "html": "<h2>Sign up to our newsletter<\/h2>",
                                                    "target": [
                                                        "#mc_embed_signup_scroll > h2"
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Page has a heading"
                                            "id": "landmark",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<main class=\"homepage relative\" data-barba=\"container\" data-barba-namespace=\"home\" data-color=\"#E5194C\" data-transition=\"#FFE019\" style=\"background-color:#E5194C;color:#FFE019\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Page has a landmark region"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "color-contrast",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
                            "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "bgColor": "#e5194c",
                                                "contrastRatio": 3.48,
                                                "fontSize": "22.5pt (30px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 3.48"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div>Saffron<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "a > div:nth-child(1)"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "bgColor": "#e5194c",
                                                "contrastRatio": 3.48,
                                                "fontSize": "22.5pt (30px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 3.48"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div>Kitchen<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "a > div:nth-child(2)"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "bgColor": "#e5194c",
                                                "contrastRatio": 3.48,
                                                "fontSize": "22.5pt (30px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 3.48"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div>Project<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "a > div:nth-child(3)"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#e5194c",
                                                "bgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "contrastRatio": 3.48,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 3.48"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<span class=\"donspan\" style=\"background-color:#07453A; color:#FFE019\">Donate <\/span>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#e5194c",
                                                "bgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "contrastRatio": 3.48,
                                                "fontSize": "30.0pt (40px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 3.48"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a class=\"nextpage\" style=\"color: rgb(229, 25, 76); opacity: 1; top: 95.8332%;\">Our Story<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
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                                                "bgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 8.2899999999999991,
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                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
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                            "help": "IDs of active elements must be unique",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id-active?application=axeAPI",
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                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id?application=axeAPI",
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                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/form-field-multiple-labels?application=axeAPI",
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                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-lang-valid?application=axeAPI",
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                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/image-alt?application=axeAPI",
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                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
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                                    "target": [
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                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
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                                    "target": [
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                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
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                                            "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                    "impact": null,
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                                    "target": [
                                        ".illu-3 > img[alt=\"\"]"
                                    "any": [
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                                                "role": "presentation"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
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                                    "target": [
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                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
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                                            "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/crab.svg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".illu-5 > img[alt=\"\"]"
                                    "any": [
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                                    "none": [
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                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">",
                                    "target": [
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                                            "message": "Element has an alt attribute"
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                                    "none": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">",
                                    "target": [
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                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
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                            "help": "Input buttons must have discernible text",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/input-button-name?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "message": "Element has a non-empty value attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"SEND\" name=\"subscribe\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe\" class=\"button m-0\">",
                                    "target": [
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                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
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                            "help": "Form elements must have labels",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/label?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Form element has a visible explicit <label>"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"required email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "link-name",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
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                            "help": "Links must have discernible text",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
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                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">\n        <div>Saffron<\/div>\n        <div>Kitchen<\/div>\n        <div>Project<\/div>\n    <\/a>",
                                    "target": [
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                                    "any": [
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                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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                                    "none": [
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                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">Story<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
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                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
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                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
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                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
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                                    "none": [
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                                    "impact": null,
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                                    "target": [
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                                    "any": [
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                                    "impact": null,
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                                    "target": [
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                                    "impact": null,
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                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/list?application=axeAPI",
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                            "tags": [
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                            "help": "<li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol>",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/listitem?application=axeAPI",
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                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
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                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
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                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a><\/li>",
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                                    "target": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a><\/li>",
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                                            "message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/privacy\">Privacy policy<\/a><\/li>",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "nested-interactive",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures interactive controls are not nested as they are not always announced by screen readers or can cause focus problems for assistive technologies",
                            "help": "Interactive controls must not be nested",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/nested-interactive?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "impact": "serious",
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                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<button id=\"openbtn\">menu<\/button>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "no-focusable-content",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"SEND\" name=\"subscribe\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe\" class=\"button m-0\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "scrollable-region-focusable",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensure elements that have scrollable content are accessible by keyboard",
                            "help": "Scrollable region must have keyboard access",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/scrollable-region-focusable?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "focusable-content",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
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                                            "message": "Element contains focusable elements"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                    "target": [
                    "incomplete": [
                            "id": "color-contrast",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
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                            "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
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                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
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                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<span id=\"textFirst\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">Eat \u00b7 Cook \u00b7 Learn \u00b7 Belong<\/span>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": {
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                                                "fontSize": "57.6pt (76.8px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<span id=\"textSecond\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">your culinary community<\/span>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "21.0pt (28px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<h2 class=\"text-lg mb-2\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".story-intro > .mb-2"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>Drawing on many years of experience in the hospitality industry as well as the humanitarian sector we identified a need for access to nutritious food, professional training and job opportunities for refugees.<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".story-intro > p:nth-child(3)"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>At Saffron Kitchen Project we aim to do exactly that. We cook meals together, provide specialised training and create opportunities for people with refugee backgrounds to support themselves and grow their own skill sets.<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "30.0pt (40px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p class=\"text-xl\">\u2018Food can bring people together in a way nothing else could.\u2019<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<figcaption>Yotam Ottolenghi<\/figcaption>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
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We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.\" name=\"description\">\n\n    <meta content=\"Saffron Kitchen Project, opportunities people in Athens, culinary community, food love, opportunities for refugees, opportunities for people with refugee backgrounds, \" name=\"keywords\">\n\n    <meta content=\"Saffron Kitchen Project\" property=\"og:title\">\n    <meta content=\"website\" property=\"og:type\">\n    <meta content=\"SKP\" property=\"og:site_name\">\n    <meta content=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\" property=\"og:url\">\n    <meta content=\" https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/media\/site\/d8dda6f6ed-1637318052\/logoprofile.png \" property=\"og:image\">\n    <meta content=\"Our Story Saffron Kitchen Project is about people, food, building community and creating lasting opportunities for vulnerable people in Athens. Food is about love, comfort and hospitality. There is a kindness in the practice of preparing meals for others, the perfect opportunity to make people feel welcome. We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.\" property=\"og:description\">\n    <meta content=\"fr_FR\" property=\"og:locale\">\n\n    <meta content=\"SKP\" name=\"twitter:title\">\n    <meta content=\"large_summary\" name=\"twitter:card\">\n    <meta content=\"\" name=\"twitter:site\">\n    <meta content=\"\" name=\"twitter:creator\">\n    <meta content=\" https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/media\/site\/d8dda6f6ed-1637318052\/logoprofile.png \" name=\"twitter:image\">\n    <meta content=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\" name=\"twitter:url\">\n    <meta content=\"Our Story Saffron Kitchen Project is about people, food, building community and creating lasting opportunities for vulnerable people in Athens. Food is about love, comfort and hospitality. There is a kindness in the practice of preparing meals for others, the perfect opportunity to make people feel welcome. We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.\" name=\"twitter:description\">\n    \n    <link href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/css\/main.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\">    <script src=\"https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/gsap.min.js\"><\/script>\n    <script src=\"https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/ScrollTrigger.min.js\"><\/script>\n    <script src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/libs\/InertiaPlugin.min.js\"><\/script>    <link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image\/jpg\" href=\"assets\/favicon\/favicon-32x32.png\">\n    <script defer=\"\" data-domain=\"saffronkitchenproject.org\" src=\"https:\/\/plausible.io\/js\/plausible.js\"><\/script>\n<\/head>\n<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">\n\n  <div class=\"header bgpink\" style=\"color:#FFE019\">\n    <div class=\"skpid\">\n    <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">\n        <div>Saffron<\/div>\n        <div>Kitchen<\/div>\n        <div>Project<\/div>\n    <\/a>\n<\/div>\n\n<div class=\"navbtn\">\n    <button id=\"openbtn\">menu<\/button>\n<\/div>    <nav id=\"navi\">\n    <div class=\"menububls\">\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">Story<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>\n    <\/div>\n    <div class=\"nav-illus\">\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-1\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/fennel.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-2\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/bread.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-3\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/lemon.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-4\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/cheese.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-5\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/crab.svg\"><\/div>\n    <\/div>\n<\/nav>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  <\/div>\n\n  <span class=\"transition\"><\/span>\n\n  <main class=\"homepage relative\" data-barba=\"container\" data-barba-namespace=\"home\" data-color=\"#E5194C\" data-transition=\"#FFE019\" style=\"background-color:#E5194C;color:#FFE019\">\n    \n    \n    <div class=\"donate bgpink\"> \n      <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">\n        <span class=\"donspan\" style=\"background-color:#07453A; color:#FFE019\">Donate <\/span>\n      <\/a> \n    <\/div>\n  \n\n    <div class=\"pin-spacer\" style=\"place-self: auto; grid-area: auto; z-index: auto; float: none; flex-shrink: 1; display: block; margin: 0px; inset: 0px; position: relative; overflow: visible; box-sizing: border-box; width: 1905px; height: 1390px; padding: 0px 0px 397.001px;\"><section class=\"content intro no-gap storyAnim bgcolor bgpink\" style=\"transform: translate(0px, 0px); left: 0px; top: 0.001px; margin: 0px; max-width: 1905px; width: 1905px; max-height: 993px; height: 993px; padding: 120px 30px 30px; box-sizing: border-box; position: fixed;\">\n      <h1 class=\"span-3-10 storyText flex flex-col\"><span id=\"textFirst\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">Eat \u00b7 Cook \u00b7 Learn \u00b7 Belong<\/span> <span id=\"textSecond\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">your culinary community<\/span><\/h1>\n\n      <span class=\"arrowintro\">\n        <svg width=\"30\" height=\"61\" viewBox=\"0 0 30 61\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\">\n          <path d=\"M30 41.3C19.3966 41.3 15 44.372 15 60.5M15 60.5C15 44.372 10.6034 41.3 -5.91332e-07 41.3M15 60.5L15 0.499999\" stroke=\"#FFE019\"><\/path>\n        <\/svg>\n      <\/span>\n\n      <div class=\"bottombtn span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n          <div class=\"butbtn\" style=\"background-color: rgb(255, 224, 25); transform: translate3d(0px, 399.353px, 0px) scale(1, 1.00001); bottom: 0px;\"><\/div>\n          <a class=\"nextpage\" style=\"color: rgb(229, 25, 76); opacity: 1; top: 95.8332%;\">Our Story<\/a>\n      <\/div>\n    <\/section><\/div>\n\n    <div class=\"pin-spacer\" style=\"place-self: auto; grid-area: auto; z-index: auto; float: none; flex-shrink: 1; display: grid; margin: 0px; inset: 0px; position: relative; overflow: visible; box-sizing: border-box; width: 1905px; height: 2739px; padding: 0px 0px 298px;\"><section class=\"storypage content grid-cols-12 bgcolor bgyellow\" id=\"story\" style=\"transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); inset: 0px auto auto 0px; margin: 0px; max-width: 1905px; width: 1905px; max-height: 2441.28px; height: 2441.28px; padding: 0px;\">\n        <div class=\"story-intro span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n\n          <h2 class=\"text-lg mb-2\">Saffron Kitchen Project is about people, food, building community and creating lasting opportunities for vulnerable people in Athens. Food is about love, comfort and hospitality. There is a kindness in the practice of preparing meals for others, the perfect opportunity to make people feel welcome. We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.<\/h2>\n          \n          <img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">  \n\n          <p>Drawing on many years of experience in the hospitality industry as well as the humanitarian sector we identified a need for access to nutritious food, professional training and job opportunities for refugees.<\/p>\n\n          <p>At Saffron Kitchen Project we aim to do exactly that. We cook meals together, provide specialised training and create opportunities for people with refugee backgrounds to support themselves and grow their own skill sets.<\/p>\n\n        <\/div>\n\n        <div class=\"story-end span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n  \n          <img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">\n         \n          <figure class=\"mb-2\">\n            <blockquote>\n              <p class=\"text-xl\">\u2018Food can bring people together in a way nothing else could.\u2019<\/p>\n            <\/blockquote>\n            <figcaption>Yotam Ottolenghi<\/figcaption>\n          <\/figure>\n          \n          <p>With this in mind we came up with our pillars, the cornerstones of what SKP is built on\u2026 <\/p>\n          \n          <span class=\"arrow\">\n            <svg width=\"30\" height=\"61\" viewBox=\"0 0 30 61\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\">\n              <path d=\"M30 41.3C19.3966 41.3 15 44.372 15 60.5M15 60.5C15 44.372 10.6034 41.3 -5.91332e-07 41.3M15 60.5L15 0.499999\" stroke=\"#07453A\"><\/path>\n            <\/svg>\n          <\/span>\n\n        <\/div>\n\n        <div class=\"bottombtn span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n          <div class=\"butbtn2\" style=\"background-color: rgb(7, 69, 58); transform: translate(0px, 399.354px); bottom: 0px;\"><\/div>\n          <a class=\"nextpage2\" style=\"color: rgb(255, 224, 25); opacity: 1; top: 1840px;\">Our Pillars<\/a>\n        <\/div>\n    <\/section><\/div>\n    \n    <section class=\"goals-wrapper bgcolor bggreen \" id=\"pillars\">\n      <div class=\"goals-content\">\n        \n        <div class=\"roulette\">\n            <div class=\"bubl text-lg b-top\" data-id=\"employ\">Employ<\/div>\n            <div class=\"bubl text-lg b-left\" data-id=\"mourish\">Nourish<\/div>\n            <div class=\"bubl text-lg b-right\" data-id=\"teach\">Train<\/div>\n        <\/div>\n\n        <div class=\"roulette-content\">            \n            <div class=\"container active\">\n                <article class=\"goals\" style=\"\">\n                  <h1>Employ<\/h1>\n                  <p>We will help tackle unemployment in Athens by generating job opportunities for people from the refugee and host community. The meals will be prepared by the community for the community.<\/p>\n                <\/article>\n            <\/div>\n\n            <article class=\"employ\">\n                <h1>Employ<\/h1>\n                <p>We will help tackle unemployment in Athens by generating job opportunities for people from the refugee and host community. The meals will be prepared by the community for the community.<\/p>\n            <\/article>\n\n            <article class=\"mourish\">\n                <h1>Nourish<\/h1>\n                <p>Providing vulnerable people, including but not limited to the homeless, migrants and refugees, with tasty and inventive meals in a sustainable way. We distribute to partner organisations throughout Athens, ensuring they receive delicious and nutritious meals, whilst avoiding food waste as much as possible.<\/p>\n            <\/article>\n\n            <article class=\"teach\">\n                <h1>Train<\/h1>\n                <p>Offering free culinary education and vocational training to refugees, in an effort to prepare our students for work in the hospitality industry. Our programme will cover culinary skills as well as including soft skills training such as teamwork, leadership and time management.<\/p>\n            <\/article>\n        <\/div>\n        <\/div>\n    <\/section>\n\n    <div class=\"otherpages\">\n    <h2 class=\"mb-4\">Continue your visit<\/h2>\n    <div class=\"menububls\">\n        <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>\n        <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>\n        <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>\n    <\/div>\n<\/div>    <footer class=\"homefoot\">\n    \n  <div class=\"mb-6\">\n    <div id=\"mc_embed_signup mb-4\">\n      <form action=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.us5.list-manage.com\/subscribe\/post?u=b037ab16b340fb1fe8aff1122&amp;id=c6b517f71e\" method=\"post\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe-form\" name=\"mc-embedded-subscribe-form\" class=\"validate flex flex-col items-center\" target=\"_blank\" novalidate=\"\">\n        <div id=\"mc_embed_signup_scroll\" class=\"flex flex-col items-center\">\n          <h2>Sign up to our newsletter<\/h2>\n          <div class=\"mc-field-group\">\n            <input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"required email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email\">\n          <\/div>\n          <div id=\"mce-responses\" class=\"clear\">\n            <div class=\"response\" id=\"mce-error-response\" style=\"display:none\"><\/div>\n            <div class=\"response\" id=\"mce-success-response\" style=\"display:none\"><\/div>\n          <\/div>    <!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups-->\n          <div style=\"position: absolute; left: -5000px;\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"b_b037ab16b340fb1fe8aff1122_c6b517f71e\" tabindex=\"-1\" value=\"\"><\/div>\n          <div class=\"clear\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"SEND\" name=\"subscribe\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe\" 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8.59263 9.75797 8.62821 9.51781C8.65489 9.27765 8.69937 9.03752 8.76163 8.79736C8.82389 8.56609 8.90395 8.33481 8.93953 8.11244C8.95732 7.9968 8.96619 7.89008 8.95729 7.77445C8.9484 7.66771 8.92174 7.55206 8.89505 7.44532C8.83279 7.22295 8.73492 7.00055 8.69045 6.7426C8.66376 6.61807 8.66378 6.48463 8.66378 6.36899C8.66378 6.24447 8.66378 6.12883 8.66378 6.0132C8.65488 5.78193 8.6193 5.5507 8.48588 5.3817C8.42362 5.30165 8.33464 5.23047 8.2368 5.186C8.13896 5.14152 8.02336 5.10598 7.91662 5.08819C7.80099 5.0704 7.68533 5.07929 7.57859 5.08819C7.46296 5.10598 7.34734 5.12375 7.2406 5.15933C6.78696 5.28386 6.35999 5.51511 5.87966 5.63074C5.85298 5.63963 5.81742 5.62184 5.80852 5.58626C5.79963 5.55958 5.81741 5.52402 5.84409 5.51512C6.29773 5.39949 6.7247 5.15933 7.19613 5.02591C7.31176 4.99033 7.4363 4.96361 7.56083 4.94582C7.68535 4.93692 7.80985 4.92803 7.93438 4.94582C8.05891 4.95471 8.18345 4.99924 8.29908 5.04371C8.41471 5.09708 8.52145 5.17715 8.6104 5.28389C8.69935 5.39063 8.74381 5.51516 8.77939 5.63969C8.81497 5.76421 8.82388 5.88867 8.83277 6.0132C8.84167 6.13773 8.84168 6.25341 8.84168 6.37794C8.84168 6.50247 8.85055 6.60915 8.86834 6.72479C8.91282 6.94716 9.01065 7.16069 9.08181 7.40085C9.11739 7.51648 9.14411 7.64103 9.1619 7.77445C9.17079 7.89898 9.17078 8.03238 9.153 8.15691C9.11742 8.40597 9.03736 8.63723 8.9751 8.8685C8.91283 9.09087 8.87726 9.32212 8.85058 9.56228C8.82389 9.79355 8.81496 10.0337 8.81496 10.265C8.81496 10.5052 8.84165 10.7275 8.85944 10.9766C8.86833 11.1011 8.86833 11.2256 8.85944 11.3591C8.84165 11.4925 8.8061 11.6259 8.71716 11.7415C8.6371 11.8572 8.51256 11.9461 8.38803 11.9906L8.29018 12.0262C8.26349 12.0351 8.21904 12.044 8.18347 12.044C8.11231 12.0529 8.04111 12.044 7.96995 12.0262C7.83653 11.9995 7.7209 11.9461 7.61416 11.9016C7.49853 11.8571 7.39181 11.8127 7.27617 11.7593C7.0538 11.6615 6.84033 11.5636 6.61796 11.4835C6.51122 11.448 6.39557 11.4035 6.28884 11.3769C6.1821 11.3502 6.06648 11.3413 5.95085 11.3324C5.71958 11.3235 5.48833 11.3502 5.24816 11.3591C5.12364 11.368 4.99909 11.368 4.87456 11.3591C4.75004 11.3502 4.63439 11.3502 4.50987 11.3324C4.2697 11.3057 4.02953 11.279 3.78937 11.2345C3.54921 11.19 3.31795 11.1456 3.07779 11.0922L2.72199 11.0121C2.60636 10.9854 2.48183 10.9499 2.3662 10.9143C2.12604 10.8343 1.8948 10.7364 1.69022 10.594C1.58349 10.5229 1.48562 10.4429 1.39667 10.3361C1.30772 10.2383 1.22767 10.1227 1.1832 9.99816C1.16541 9.97148 1.15652 9.93585 1.14763 9.90027C1.13873 9.86469 1.12981 9.83799 1.12092 9.79351C1.11202 9.71346 1.12094 9.63344 1.13873 9.56228C1.1832 9.41996 1.24547 9.30433 1.32553 9.20649C1.36111 9.15312 1.39666 9.10863 1.43224 9.05526L1.48562 8.98412L1.53899 8.91297C1.61015 8.81513 1.6813 8.7173 1.75246 8.61946C2.04599 8.23698 2.35733 7.86335 2.65975 7.49866C2.97107 7.13397 3.26459 6.76037 3.62038 6.41347C3.70933 6.32452 3.79829 6.24448 3.89613 6.16443C3.99397 6.09327 4.09181 6.01327 4.19855 5.95101C4.41202 5.82648 4.64331 5.72858 4.89237 5.67521C4.91905 5.66632 4.95461 5.693 4.95461 5.71969C4.9635 5.74637 4.94572 5.77307 4.91904 5.78197Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M1.2544 10.0425C1.20993 10.1492 1.14767 10.2292 1.08541 10.3182C1.02314 10.4071 0.960906 10.4872 0.889747 10.5583C0.756325 10.7096 0.613972 10.8697 0.498339 11.0298C0.489444 11.0475 0.471663 11.0742 0.462768 11.0831L0.453865 11.1098C0.453865 11.1187 0.453865 11.1098 0.453865 11.1098C0.453865 11.1098 0.453865 11.1098 0.453865 11.1009C0.453865 11.1276 0.462777 11.1632 0.471672 11.1988C0.498356 11.27 0.551734 11.35 0.613998 11.4122C0.747421 11.5456 0.916414 11.6613 1.09431 11.7592C1.45011 11.9637 1.83258 12.1061 2.24174 12.2039C2.64201 12.3017 3.06009 12.3729 3.46925 12.4796C3.49594 12.4885 3.51373 12.5152 3.51373 12.5507C3.50483 12.5774 3.47813 12.5952 3.45145 12.5952C3.24687 12.5596 3.03339 12.533 2.82881 12.5063C2.62423 12.4796 2.41074 12.4441 2.19726 12.3996C1.77921 12.3195 1.36117 12.1861 0.978696 11.9815C0.791904 11.8748 0.605103 11.7592 0.436101 11.5991C0.356048 11.519 0.275968 11.4211 0.231494 11.2966C0.204809 11.2343 0.195923 11.1721 0.195923 11.092C0.195923 11.0654 0.204835 11.0297 0.21373 11.012L0.240397 10.9675C0.258187 10.9408 0.275977 10.9142 0.284871 10.8875C0.418294 10.7007 0.551726 10.5406 0.694043 10.3805C0.836361 10.2203 0.987565 10.078 1.17436 9.96238C1.20104 9.94459 1.23661 9.9535 1.2544 9.98018C1.2544 10.0069 1.2544 10.0336 1.2544 10.0425Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.15394 11.2438C4.14504 11.3328 4.12724 11.4039 4.10056 11.4839C4.07388 11.564 4.04719 11.6351 4.01161 11.7063L3.9138 11.9198L3.82485 12.1422C3.71812 12.4357 3.62913 12.7381 3.56687 13.0495C3.5135 13.3608 3.48684 13.6721 3.50463 13.9834C3.52242 14.2947 3.58468 14.606 3.68253 14.9084C3.69142 14.9351 3.67364 14.9708 3.64696 14.9797C3.62027 14.9886 3.59356 14.9796 3.57577 14.9529C3.43346 14.6594 3.3445 14.3303 3.30002 14.0101C3.26444 13.681 3.27336 13.343 3.31783 13.0228C3.3712 12.6937 3.45124 12.3734 3.56687 12.0621L3.65582 11.8309L3.75367 11.6085C3.82483 11.4573 3.9138 11.315 4.04723 11.2082C4.07391 11.1904 4.10948 11.1904 4.12727 11.2171C4.15396 11.2171 4.15394 11.226 4.15394 11.2438Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.54794 11.7505C8.73473 11.7327 8.91264 11.7416 9.09943 11.795C9.19728 11.8217 9.28624 11.8573 9.38409 11.9196C9.41077 11.9373 9.44634 11.973 9.46413 11.9996C9.48192 12.0263 9.49971 12.053 9.50861 12.0886C9.5264 12.142 9.54419 12.1953 9.55308 12.2487C9.58866 12.4533 9.57977 12.6401 9.56198 12.8268C9.54419 13.0225 9.49969 13.2093 9.43742 13.3872C9.31289 13.743 9.13502 14.0721 8.93044 14.3745C8.8326 14.5257 8.71694 14.677 8.59241 14.8104C8.46788 14.9527 8.34335 15.0773 8.19214 15.2018C8.16546 15.2196 8.12989 15.2195 8.1121 15.1928C8.09431 15.175 8.09431 15.1395 8.1121 15.1217C8.36115 14.8726 8.57466 14.5791 8.76145 14.2767C8.94824 13.9743 9.09944 13.6452 9.19729 13.3161C9.25066 13.1471 9.28621 12.978 9.304 12.809C9.31289 12.64 9.32182 12.4621 9.29514 12.302C9.28624 12.222 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21.6078C23.6497 21.8302 24.3168 22.0347 24.9839 22.2393C25.6511 22.435 26.3271 22.6307 27.0031 22.8086C27.6791 22.9865 28.3551 23.1644 29.04 23.3156C29.209 23.3511 29.378 23.3867 29.5559 23.4223L29.8139 23.4668C29.8939 23.4846 29.974 23.4846 30.054 23.4935C30.2141 23.4935 30.3653 23.4668 30.4988 23.3957C30.561 23.3601 30.6233 23.3156 30.6856 23.2622C30.7389 23.2089 30.7923 23.1466 30.8368 23.0754C30.8546 23.0487 30.8901 23.0398 30.9168 23.0576C30.9168 23.0665 30.9257 23.0932 30.9168 23.111Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M50.8146 21.3504C50.8858 21.8752 50.9036 22.4 50.9036 22.9337V24.517C50.9036 25.5665 50.9036 26.625 50.9124 27.6746C50.9124 28.7242 50.9302 29.7827 50.9658 30.8323C50.9925 31.8819 51.0459 32.9315 51.117 33.9811C51.117 34.0078 51.0993 34.0345 51.0637 34.0433C51.037 34.0433 51.0103 34.0255 51.0014 33.99C50.8947 32.9404 50.8235 31.8908 50.7701 30.8323C50.7168 29.7827 50.6901 28.7242 50.6723 27.6746C50.6545 26.625 50.6545 25.5665 50.6456 24.517L50.6367 22.9337C50.6367 22.6668 50.6367 22.4089 50.6456 22.1421C50.6545 21.8752 50.6723 21.6173 50.699 21.3504C50.699 21.3237 50.7346 21.297 50.7612 21.3059C50.7879 21.3059 50.8057 21.3237 50.8146 21.3504Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M0.576455 23.4582C0.825511 23.9208 1.11016 24.3655 1.43037 24.7836C1.75058 25.2016 2.09748 25.593 2.47106 25.9577C3.21823 26.696 4.06325 27.3364 4.94384 27.9235C5.37968 28.217 5.83331 28.5016 6.28695 28.7685C6.74058 29.0264 7.21201 29.2755 7.69234 29.4978C7.9325 29.6135 8.17265 29.7113 8.42171 29.8092L8.79529 29.9515L8.98209 30.0227L9.16889 30.0849C9.667 30.2628 10.174 30.3962 10.6899 30.5207C12.7446 31.01 14.8883 31.09 16.9875 30.841C19.0866 30.6008 21.1502 30.0404 23.1249 29.2755C23.1516 29.2666 23.1872 29.2755 23.1961 29.3111C23.205 29.3378 23.1961 29.3733 23.1694 29.3822C21.1947 30.1828 19.1311 30.7698 17.0141 31.0367C14.8972 31.3035 12.7268 31.2412 10.6454 30.7609C10.1295 30.6364 9.60472 30.4941 9.10661 30.3251L8.91983 30.2628L8.73303 30.1917L8.35945 30.0493C8.11039 29.9426 7.86133 29.8448 7.62117 29.738C7.13196 29.5245 6.66053 29.2666 6.198 28.9998C5.73546 28.7329 5.28182 28.4483 4.83708 28.1458C3.9476 27.5588 3.08481 26.9095 2.31985 26.1534C1.5549 25.4062 0.896674 24.5167 0.514196 23.5116C0.505301 23.4849 0.514187 23.4494 0.549766 23.4405C0.531977 23.4227 0.567561 23.4405 0.576455 23.4582Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M42.56 39.1048C42.7379 38.9981 42.9247 38.9003 43.1115 38.8113C43.2983 38.7135 43.485 38.6334 43.6718 38.5445L44.2322 38.2865L44.7926 38.0108C45.5309 37.6372 46.2602 37.2369 46.9629 36.8011C47.6745 36.3741 48.3683 35.9205 49.0443 35.4313C49.7203 34.9509 50.3786 34.4439 51.0279 33.9191C51.0546 33.9013 51.0902 33.9014 51.1079 33.928C51.1257 33.9547 51.1257 33.9814 51.099 34.0081C50.4764 34.5685 49.8271 35.0932 49.16 35.5913C48.4928 36.0895 47.7991 36.5609 47.0964 37.0057C46.3848 37.4504 45.6554 37.8596 44.9082 38.242L44.3479 38.5178L43.7786 38.7846C43.5829 38.8647 43.3961 38.9536 43.2004 39.0248C43.0047 39.0959 42.8001 39.1582 42.5956 39.2027C42.5689 39.2116 42.5333 39.1938 42.5244 39.1582C42.5244 39.1404 42.5422 39.1137 42.56 39.1048Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.9201 20.1586C22.9557 20.3454 22.9735 20.5411 22.9824 20.7279C23.0002 20.9147 23.0002 21.1104 23.0002 21.2972C23.0091 21.6796 23.0091 22.0621 23.018 22.4446C23.0358 23.2095 23.0625 23.9745 23.0891 24.7306L23.1514 27.0254C23.1692 27.7904 23.1781 28.5553 23.1781 29.3203C23.1781 29.347 23.1514 29.3737 23.1247 29.3737C23.098 29.3737 23.0713 29.347 23.0713 29.3203L22.849 24.7394C22.8134 23.9745 22.7867 23.2095 22.76 22.4446C22.7511 22.0621 22.7422 21.6796 22.7333 21.2972C22.7245 20.9147 22.7422 20.5322 22.8045 20.1497C22.8134 20.1231 22.8401 20.0964 22.8668 20.1053C22.8935 20.1142 22.9112 20.1319 22.9201 20.1586Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M42.5513 29.9067C42.5869 30.1024 42.6047 30.2981 42.6136 30.4849C42.6225 30.6805 42.6314 30.8762 42.6314 31.063L42.6403 32.2283L42.667 34.5498L42.6847 36.8714C42.6847 37.6452 42.6936 38.4191 42.6936 39.2018C42.6936 39.2285 42.667 39.2552 42.6403 39.2552C42.6136 39.2552 42.5869 39.2285 42.5869 39.2018C42.5513 38.428 42.5246 37.6541 42.498 36.8802L42.4268 34.5587L42.3912 32.2283L42.3823 31.063C42.3823 30.6716 42.3912 30.2892 42.4535 29.8978C42.4624 29.8711 42.4891 29.8444 42.5157 29.8533C42.5335 29.8622 42.5513 29.88 42.5513 29.9067Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M31.246 11.7613C30.5433 11.7168 29.8495 11.619 29.1557 11.5211C28.4619 11.4144 27.7681 11.3165 27.0743 11.2187C25.6867 11.023 24.2991 10.8362 22.9115 10.6583C21.5239 10.4804 20.1363 10.3292 18.7398 10.1957C17.3433 10.0623 15.9557 9.93781 14.5592 9.89333C14.5325 9.89333 14.5059 9.86664 14.5059 9.83996C14.5059 9.81327 14.5325 9.78662 14.5592 9.78662C15.2619 9.79552 15.9646 9.82218 16.6584 9.85776C17.3611 9.89334 18.0549 9.94672 18.7576 10.0001C20.1541 10.1157 21.5506 10.258 22.9382 10.4181C24.3258 10.5871 25.7134 10.7739 27.1099 10.9607C27.8037 11.0586 28.4974 11.1564 29.1912 11.2543C29.885 11.361 30.5788 11.4766 31.2548 11.6456C31.2815 11.6545 31.2993 11.6812 31.2993 11.7168C31.2993 11.7524 31.2726 11.7701 31.246 11.7613Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M50.7435 21.4659C50.0408 21.4214 49.347 21.3236 48.6532 21.2257C47.9594 21.119 47.2656 21.0211 46.5718 20.9233C45.1843 20.7276 43.7967 20.5408 42.4091 20.3629C41.0215 20.185 39.6338 20.0338 38.2374 19.9004C36.8409 19.767 35.4533 19.6424 34.0568 19.598C34.0301 19.598 34.0034 19.5713 34.0034 19.5446C34.0034 19.5179 34.0301 19.4912 34.0568 19.4912C34.7595 19.5001 35.4622 19.5268 36.156 19.5624C36.8587 19.598 37.5525 19.6514 38.2552 19.7047C39.6517 19.8204 41.0481 19.9626 42.4357 20.1228C43.8233 20.2918 45.2109 20.4786 46.6074 20.6653C47.3012 20.7632 47.995 20.861 48.6888 20.9589C49.3826 21.0656 50.0764 21.1813 50.7524 21.3503C50.7791 21.3592 50.7969 21.3858 50.7969 21.4214C50.7969 21.4481 50.7702 21.4659 50.7435 21.4659Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.5773 9.87565C14.773 10.0713 14.9598 10.2759 15.1377 10.4805C15.3245 10.6851 15.4935 10.8985 15.6714 11.112C16.0183 11.539 16.3741 11.957 16.721 12.384L18.8468 14.9101C19.5495 15.7551 20.2433 16.6091 20.9282 17.4807C21.6042 18.3524 22.2714 19.2241 22.9029 20.1314C22.9207 20.1581 22.9118 20.1937 22.8851 20.2114C22.8584 20.2292 22.8228 20.2203 22.805 20.2025C22.1468 19.3219 21.4619 18.4592 20.7681 17.6142C20.0743 16.7603 19.3627 15.9153 18.6511 15.0791L16.5164 12.5619C16.1606 12.1438 15.8048 11.7169 15.4579 11.2899C15.111 10.863 14.773 10.4271 14.4795 9.95569C14.4617 9.92901 14.4706 9.89344 14.4973 9.87565C14.5328 9.85786 14.5595 9.85786 14.5773 9.87565Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.0744 19.5803C34.279 19.776 34.4658 19.9806 34.6437 20.1941C34.8305 20.3987 35.0084 20.6121 35.1863 20.8345C35.5421 21.2615 35.8979 21.6884 36.2537 22.1154L38.4062 24.6771C39.1178 25.531 39.8205 26.3938 40.5143 27.2744C41.1992 28.1461 41.8752 29.0444 42.5156 29.9517C42.5334 29.9784 42.5245 30.014 42.5067 30.0318C42.48 30.0496 42.4445 30.0407 42.4267 30.0229C41.7596 29.1334 41.0658 28.2617 40.3631 27.3989C39.6604 26.5361 38.9399 25.6822 38.2194 24.8372L36.058 22.2932C35.7022 21.8663 35.3375 21.4394 34.9817 21.0124C34.6259 20.5854 34.2879 20.1407 33.9944 19.6604C33.9766 19.6337 33.9855 19.5981 34.0121 19.5803C34.0299 19.5536 34.0566 19.5625 34.0744 19.5803Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M0.576396 11.9305C0.816557 11.4591 1.1012 11.0144 1.40362 10.5785C1.70605 10.1427 2.00848 9.71571 2.3198 9.28876C2.93354 8.43485 3.56506 7.58094 4.1966 6.74482C4.83703 5.90871 5.48636 5.07259 6.14458 4.25426C6.8117 3.43594 7.4788 2.61763 8.18149 1.82599C8.19928 1.7993 8.23485 1.79929 8.26154 1.81708C8.28822 1.83487 8.28823 1.87044 8.27044 1.89713C7.60333 2.70656 6.9451 3.53376 6.30467 4.36988C5.65535 5.20599 5.02382 6.04214 4.40118 6.88715C3.76965 7.73216 3.14701 8.58604 2.53326 9.43994C2.23084 9.8669 1.92842 10.3027 1.62599 10.7297C1.47478 10.9432 1.32357 11.1567 1.16346 11.3701C1.00336 11.5836 0.843242 11.7882 0.665345 11.9928C0.647555 12.0195 0.611984 12.0195 0.5853 12.0017C0.56751 11.975 0.567501 11.9483 0.576396 11.9305Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M0.949931 13.4874C1.10114 13.2028 1.26126 12.927 1.42136 12.6513C1.59036 12.3756 1.76825 12.1087 1.94615 11.8508L2.48874 11.0591L3.04022 10.2764C3.77849 9.23571 4.54346 8.20389 5.31731 7.18987C6.09116 6.17586 6.88281 5.17074 7.67445 4.16562C8.46609 3.1694 9.27552 2.17318 10.0761 1.18585C10.0938 1.15916 10.1294 1.15916 10.1561 1.17695C10.1828 1.19474 10.1828 1.23031 10.165 1.25699L7.82566 4.29014C7.04291 5.30416 6.26906 6.3182 5.51299 7.3411C4.74804 8.36401 3.99198 9.3869 3.25371 10.4365L2.70221 11.2192L2.15964 12.0109C1.98174 12.2777 1.80384 12.5357 1.61705 12.7936C1.43025 13.0516 1.24346 13.3095 1.03888 13.5586C1.02109 13.5853 0.985519 13.5853 0.958835 13.5675C0.941045 13.5408 0.941036 13.5052 0.949931 13.4874Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M0.612004 9.86675C0.745427 9.53764 0.923328 9.23519 1.12791 8.95056C1.3236 8.66592 1.52818 8.38129 1.73276 8.10555C2.14193 7.54517 2.55999 6.99372 2.98695 6.44224C3.4139 5.89075 3.84973 5.34818 4.28558 4.80559C4.72143 4.26301 5.15728 3.72931 5.60202 3.19561C5.61981 3.16893 5.65538 3.16892 5.68207 3.18671C5.70875 3.2045 5.70876 3.24007 5.69097 3.26676C5.27291 3.82713 4.85485 4.37863 4.43679 4.93011C4.01873 5.48159 3.59179 6.03305 3.18263 6.59342C2.76457 7.1449 2.3465 7.7053 1.94623 8.26568C1.74165 8.55032 1.54597 8.82606 1.35028 9.11069C1.25244 9.25301 1.1546 9.3953 1.04786 9.52872C0.941126 9.66215 0.834384 9.80446 0.709856 9.92899C0.692066 9.95568 0.656496 9.95568 0.629811 9.92899C0.603126 9.9112 0.603109 9.89344 0.612004 9.86675Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M1.4658 14.9998C1.6437 14.6707 1.83048 14.3505 2.01728 14.0303C2.21296 13.7189 2.41755 13.4076 2.62213 13.0963L3.24477 12.1801L3.87631 11.2639C4.73022 10.0453 5.59302 8.84458 6.47361 7.65267C7.3542 6.46076 8.25257 5.27771 9.15985 4.10359C10.0671 2.92947 10.9833 1.76424 11.8906 0.590121C11.9084 0.563436 11.9439 0.563471 11.9706 0.581261C11.9973 0.59905 11.9973 0.634621 11.9795 0.661306L9.31106 4.21925C8.42157 5.40226 7.54098 6.59415 6.66929 7.79495C5.79759 8.98686 4.93479 10.1966 4.08978 11.4152L3.45824 12.3313L2.8356 13.2475C2.63102 13.5588 2.42644 13.8612 2.21296 14.1637C1.99948 14.4661 1.78602 14.7685 1.55475 15.0621C1.53696 15.0887 1.50139 15.0888 1.4747 15.071C1.45691 15.0532 1.45691 15.0265 1.4658 14.9998Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M2.20438 16.3334C2.5246 15.5685 2.94266 14.848 3.3874 14.1542C3.84104 13.4604 4.31246 12.7844 4.80167 12.1173C5.29089 11.4502 5.78901 10.792 6.27823 10.1338C6.76744 9.47554 7.26555 8.8173 7.76366 8.15909C8.75989 6.85154 9.7739 5.544 10.7879 4.24535C11.8019 2.9467 12.8159 1.64807 13.8299 0.349423C13.8477 0.322739 13.8833 0.32273 13.91 0.34052C13.9367 0.358309 13.9367 0.39388 13.9189 0.420565C12.9316 1.7459 11.9442 3.06233 10.948 4.36987C9.9518 5.67741 8.95558 6.99388 7.96825 8.31032C7.47014 8.96853 6.98091 9.62674 6.4917 10.2938C6.00248 10.9521 5.50437 11.6103 5.02404 12.2774C4.54372 12.9445 4.0723 13.6205 3.62756 14.3054C3.18281 14.9992 2.75587 15.693 2.32002 16.3868C2.30223 16.4135 2.26664 16.4224 2.23995 16.4046C2.20437 16.3868 2.19549 16.3601 2.20438 16.3334Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.07606 17.2588C3.53859 16.5116 4.09896 15.8356 4.65045 15.1596C4.92619 14.8216 5.20191 14.4836 5.45986 14.1367L6.24262 13.0871C7.27442 11.6817 8.29733 10.2674 9.31134 8.84426C10.3254 7.42108 11.3394 5.9979 12.3356 4.56583L15.351 0.278491C15.3687 0.251807 15.4043 0.242938 15.431 0.260728C15.4577 0.278517 15.4577 0.314088 15.4488 0.340773C14.4704 1.79063 13.4919 3.23158 12.5046 4.68144C11.5173 6.12241 10.521 7.55451 9.51593 8.98659C8.51081 10.4187 7.48791 11.8329 6.4561 13.2472L5.68224 14.3057C5.42428 14.6615 5.14856 14.9995 4.87282 15.3375C4.31244 16.0135 3.74317 16.6628 3.1828 17.3299C3.16501 17.3566 3.12941 17.3566 3.10273 17.3388C3.05825 17.3122 3.05827 17.2855 3.07606 17.2588Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.32112 18.299C4.75697 17.4806 5.26396 16.6979 5.79765 15.9418C6.33134 15.1858 6.88283 14.4386 7.43432 13.6915C8.53728 12.206 9.65802 10.7383 10.7165 9.21732C11.775 7.70519 12.7801 6.14861 13.8119 4.6098C14.8348 3.071 15.8933 1.54109 17.0319 0.0823333C17.0496 0.0556488 17.0852 0.0556401 17.1119 0.0734298C17.1386 0.0912195 17.1386 0.12679 17.1208 0.153475C16.0001 1.62113 14.9772 3.16886 13.972 4.71656C12.958 6.26426 11.9707 7.82973 10.9211 9.35965C9.86261 10.8807 8.74185 12.3572 7.64778 13.8426C7.0963 14.5898 6.55371 15.337 6.02002 16.0931C5.48633 16.8491 4.96153 17.6052 4.41895 18.3613C4.40116 18.3879 4.36559 18.3879 4.3389 18.3702C4.32111 18.3524 4.31222 18.3168 4.32112 18.299Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.5931 19.4734C6.17126 18.6996 6.72276 17.9168 7.27424 17.1252C7.82572 16.3335 8.35051 15.5241 8.91978 14.7413C10.0405 13.1669 11.1346 11.5836 12.202 9.97368C13.2783 8.37261 14.3367 6.76266 15.3863 5.14379L18.544 0.2961C18.5618 0.269416 18.5974 0.260504 18.6241 0.278293C18.6507 0.296083 18.6597 0.331697 18.6419 0.358382L15.5464 5.25055C14.5058 6.87831 13.465 8.50604 12.3977 10.116C11.3303 11.726 10.2362 13.3182 9.12437 14.8926C8.57289 15.6753 8.03919 16.4847 7.4877 17.2853C6.93622 18.0769 6.34917 18.8597 5.67316 19.5535C5.65537 19.5712 5.61978 19.5712 5.5931 19.5535C5.5842 19.5268 5.5842 19.5001 5.5931 19.4734Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.15874 20.256C7.40779 19.829 7.66574 19.4021 7.93259 18.984C8.19943 18.566 8.46629 18.1479 8.74203 17.7388L10.3876 15.266L13.6698 10.3115C14.7727 8.666 15.8668 7.01156 16.9786 5.37491C18.0905 3.72936 19.2113 2.10159 20.3409 0.473835C20.3587 0.44715 20.3943 0.438238 20.421 0.456028C20.4477 0.473817 20.4565 0.509431 20.4388 0.536116C19.3269 2.18166 18.2328 3.82718 17.1388 5.48162C16.0447 7.13606 14.9595 8.79053 13.8744 10.445L10.601 15.4083L8.95549 17.8899C8.40401 18.7172 7.84363 19.5266 7.23878 20.3183C7.22099 20.3449 7.18542 20.3449 7.15874 20.3272C7.15874 20.3094 7.14984 20.2827 7.15874 20.256Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.96423 20.923C9.07986 20.7006 9.21329 20.496 9.34671 20.2826C9.48013 20.0691 9.61354 19.8645 9.75586 19.6599L10.1739 19.0462L10.5831 18.4235C11.1257 17.5963 11.6505 16.7513 12.1753 15.9063C12.7001 15.0613 13.216 14.2163 13.7319 13.3713L15.2707 10.8273C15.2885 10.8006 15.324 10.7918 15.3507 10.8096C15.3774 10.8273 15.3863 10.854 15.3685 10.8807C14.8882 11.7524 14.3901 12.6152 13.892 13.4691C13.3939 14.323 12.8869 15.1858 12.371 16.0308C11.8551 16.8758 11.3303 17.7208 10.7877 18.5569L10.3785 19.1796L9.96044 19.8022C9.6847 20.2114 9.38229 20.6117 9.03539 20.9764C9.0176 21.003 8.98201 21.003 8.95532 20.9764C8.95532 20.9675 8.95533 20.9408 8.96423 20.923Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.8752 20.6212C34.8486 20.5411 34.8574 20.4966 34.8841 20.4522L34.9642 20.3187C35.0176 20.2298 35.0709 20.1409 35.1332 20.0608C35.2577 19.9007 35.3822 19.7317 35.5246 19.5893C35.5423 19.5627 35.5779 19.5627 35.6046 19.5893C35.6224 19.6071 35.6224 19.6338 35.6135 19.6516C35.5334 19.8384 35.4356 20.0163 35.3289 20.1942C35.2755 20.2832 35.231 20.3721 35.1777 20.4611L35.1065 20.5945C35.0798 20.639 35.0442 20.6745 34.9642 20.6834C34.9286 20.6834 34.8841 20.6656 34.8752 20.6212Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.9201 9.78655C16.1158 9.37739 16.3559 8.9949 16.6139 8.62132C16.8718 8.24774 17.1298 7.88305 17.3966 7.51837L18.9799 5.32132C19.5136 4.59194 20.0384 3.86256 20.5543 3.13318C21.0702 2.39491 21.5772 1.65662 22.0753 0.900562C22.0931 0.873877 22.1287 0.865008 22.1554 0.882798C22.1821 0.900588 22.191 0.93615 22.1732 0.953939C21.7106 1.72779 21.2214 2.48387 20.7233 3.23993C20.2163 3.9871 19.7004 4.72537 19.1845 5.46365L17.619 7.66065C17.3611 8.02534 17.1031 8.39892 16.8451 8.77251C16.7206 8.9593 16.5872 9.13721 16.4538 9.324C16.3204 9.5019 16.178 9.67979 16.0268 9.84879C16.009 9.87548 15.9735 9.87548 15.9468 9.84879C15.9201 9.831 15.9112 9.80434 15.9201 9.78655Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.8413 21.4304C11.0281 21.0212 11.2594 20.6477 11.4995 20.2741L12.22 19.1622L13.6698 16.9385L15.1286 14.7237C15.6178 13.9854 16.107 13.2471 16.6051 12.5177C16.6229 12.4911 16.6585 12.4822 16.6852 12.5C16.7119 12.5178 16.7208 12.5533 16.703 12.5711C16.2405 13.3272 15.769 14.0743 15.2976 14.8215L13.8744 17.063L12.4424 19.2956L11.7219 20.4075C11.4817 20.7811 11.2327 21.1458 10.9391 21.4838C10.9213 21.5105 10.8858 21.5104 10.8591 21.4926C10.8324 21.4749 10.8235 21.4482 10.8413 21.4304Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.2004 22.3107C36.2093 22.1684 36.2716 22.0616 36.3339 21.9549L36.5384 21.6436C36.6719 21.439 36.8142 21.2344 36.9476 21.0298C37.0899 20.8253 37.2233 20.6207 37.3746 20.4161C37.5169 20.2115 37.6592 20.0158 37.8104 19.8201C37.8282 19.7934 37.8638 19.7934 37.8905 19.8112C37.9083 19.829 37.9171 19.8557 37.9082 19.8824C37.7926 20.0959 37.6681 20.3093 37.5436 20.5317C37.419 20.7452 37.2856 20.9587 37.1611 21.1633C37.0277 21.3767 36.9031 21.5813 36.7697 21.7948L36.574 22.1061C36.5029 22.2129 36.4317 22.3107 36.3072 22.373C36.2805 22.3908 36.236 22.3818 36.2182 22.3463C36.2004 22.3374 36.2004 22.3285 36.2004 22.3107Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.2241 10.0275C18.3931 9.64502 18.6066 9.28925 18.8289 8.93345L19.505 7.88383L20.857 5.78468L22.2268 3.69439C22.6893 3.0006 23.143 2.30676 23.6144 1.61296C23.6322 1.58628 23.6677 1.57741 23.6944 1.5952C23.7211 1.61299 23.73 1.64855 23.7122 1.66634C23.2764 2.37793 22.8405 3.08061 22.3958 3.7922L21.0704 5.9092L19.7273 8.01726L19.0602 9.06687C18.8379 9.41377 18.5977 9.76066 18.3219 10.072C18.3042 10.0987 18.2686 10.0987 18.2419 10.0809C18.2152 10.072 18.2063 10.0453 18.2241 10.0275Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.8337 21.5633C12.9849 21.2076 13.1806 20.8784 13.394 20.5582C13.6075 20.238 13.821 19.9267 14.0345 19.6065L15.3331 17.7208C15.7689 17.0981 16.1959 16.4666 16.614 15.8262C17.032 15.1857 17.4412 14.5453 17.8681 13.9138C17.8859 13.8871 17.9215 13.8782 17.9482 13.896C17.9749 13.9138 17.9838 13.9494 17.966 13.9672L17.3789 14.9456C17.1832 15.2747 16.9875 15.6038 16.783 15.924C16.3827 16.5733 15.9646 17.2137 15.5377 17.8453L14.2568 19.7399C14.0434 20.0601 13.8299 20.3714 13.6253 20.6916C13.4118 21.0118 13.1983 21.3232 12.9404 21.6078C12.9226 21.6345 12.887 21.6345 12.8603 21.6078C12.8337 21.6078 12.8248 21.5811 12.8337 21.5633Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.4546 23.7075C37.4991 23.5207 37.588 23.3517 37.6858 23.2005L37.9794 22.7379C38.1751 22.4266 38.3796 22.1242 38.5753 21.8129L39.1802 20.8967C39.3848 20.5943 39.5893 20.2919 39.8028 19.9894C39.8206 19.9627 39.8562 19.9539 39.8829 19.9717C39.9096 19.9895 39.9096 20.0161 39.9007 20.0428C39.7228 20.363 39.536 20.6833 39.3492 20.9946L38.7799 21.9374C38.5842 22.2487 38.3974 22.56 38.2017 22.8714L37.9082 23.3339C37.8104 23.4851 37.7036 23.6363 37.5524 23.7608C37.5257 23.7786 37.4902 23.7787 37.4724 23.752C37.4546 23.7431 37.4546 23.7253 37.4546 23.7075Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.2075 10.1871C20.3587 9.83127 20.5544 9.49323 20.759 9.17302L21.3816 8.20349L22.6358 6.26443C23.0628 5.624 23.4897 4.98356 23.9166 4.34313C24.3525 3.7116 24.7883 3.07118 25.2331 2.44854C25.2509 2.42186 25.2865 2.42185 25.3132 2.43964C25.3398 2.45743 25.3398 2.49299 25.3309 2.51078C24.9129 3.15121 24.4948 3.80056 24.0768 4.44989C23.6587 5.09921 23.2495 5.73962 22.8404 6.38895L21.604 8.32801L20.9902 9.29758C20.7857 9.61779 20.5633 9.93801 20.3054 10.2315C20.2876 10.2582 20.252 10.2582 20.2253 10.2315C20.1986 10.2315 20.1897 10.2049 20.2075 10.1871Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.8437 21.6353C14.9593 21.3329 15.1194 21.0483 15.2884 20.7814L15.8043 19.972L16.8272 18.3443L17.8679 16.7254C18.2148 16.1917 18.5617 15.6491 18.9175 15.1154C18.9353 15.0888 18.9709 15.0798 18.9976 15.0976C19.0243 15.1154 19.0332 15.151 19.0154 15.1688C18.6952 15.7203 18.366 16.2717 18.0369 16.8232L17.0407 18.4688L16.0356 20.1055L15.5286 20.9238C15.3596 21.1995 15.1817 21.4575 14.9504 21.6976C14.9326 21.7243 14.897 21.7243 14.8704 21.6976C14.8437 21.6798 14.8348 21.6531 14.8437 21.6353Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.5044 24.9081C38.5756 24.6769 38.6912 24.4634 38.8157 24.2677L39.1982 23.6717C39.2605 23.5739 39.3227 23.4671 39.385 23.3782L39.5896 23.0847L39.9899 22.5065L40.8082 21.359C41.0839 20.9766 41.3597 20.5941 41.6354 20.2205C41.6532 20.1938 41.6888 20.1938 41.7154 20.2116C41.7421 20.2294 41.7421 20.265 41.7332 20.2828C41.4842 20.6831 41.2262 21.0744 40.9683 21.4747L40.1944 22.6577L39.8031 23.2448C39.6696 23.4405 39.5362 23.6361 39.4206 23.8318L39.047 24.4278C38.9225 24.6235 38.789 24.8192 38.6112 24.9793C38.5845 24.9971 38.5489 24.9971 38.5311 24.9793C38.5044 24.9526 38.5044 24.9259 38.5044 24.9081Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.04 10.4098C22.1823 10.0896 22.3691 9.79608 22.5648 9.50255L23.1519 8.63974C23.5433 8.07046 23.9346 7.49231 24.3171 6.91414C24.6996 6.33598 25.0821 5.7578 25.4468 5.17074C25.8203 4.58368 26.1761 3.98773 26.5319 3.39177C26.5497 3.36509 26.5853 3.35622 26.612 3.37401C26.6387 3.3918 26.6475 3.41847 26.6298 3.44515C26.3095 4.06779 25.9627 4.67264 25.6158 5.26859C25.26 5.86455 24.8953 6.46051 24.5217 7.04757C24.1481 7.63463 23.7567 8.2128 23.3743 8.79097L22.7872 9.65378C22.5915 9.93842 22.3869 10.223 22.129 10.4721C22.1112 10.4899 22.0756 10.4899 22.0489 10.4721C22.0311 10.4632 22.0311 10.4365 22.04 10.4098Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.7564 21.4572C16.792 21.3327 16.8454 21.2171 16.9076 21.1014C16.961 20.9858 17.0233 20.8791 17.0944 20.7724C17.2278 20.5589 17.3613 20.3454 17.4858 20.123C17.7438 19.6872 17.9928 19.2513 18.2419 18.8155L18.9979 17.499C19.2559 17.0632 19.5049 16.6273 19.7807 16.2004C19.7985 16.1737 19.834 16.1648 19.8607 16.1826C19.8874 16.2004 19.8963 16.2271 19.8785 16.2537L19.1758 17.5969L18.4642 18.9311C18.2241 19.3758 17.975 19.8206 17.7171 20.2564C17.5925 20.4788 17.4591 20.6923 17.3257 20.9058C17.1923 21.1193 17.0411 21.3327 16.8543 21.5017C16.8276 21.5195 16.792 21.5195 16.7742 21.5017C16.7564 21.5017 16.7475 21.475 16.7564 21.4572Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M39.3758 26.0109C39.4202 25.8686 39.4736 25.7441 39.5359 25.6196C39.5981 25.495 39.6693 25.3705 39.7405 25.246C39.8828 25.0058 40.034 24.7656 40.1852 24.5255C40.4876 24.0452 40.79 23.5826 41.1102 23.1112L42.062 21.7236L43.0226 20.3449C43.0404 20.3182 43.076 20.3093 43.1027 20.3271C43.1294 20.3449 43.1294 20.3805 43.1205 20.3983C42.827 20.8786 42.5245 21.35 42.2221 21.8304L41.3059 23.2446C41.0035 23.7161 40.7011 24.1875 40.3987 24.6678C40.2474 24.908 40.1051 25.1481 39.9628 25.3883C39.8205 25.6285 39.6693 25.8597 39.4647 26.0732C39.4469 26.0999 39.4113 26.0999 39.3847 26.0732C39.3758 26.0554 39.3669 26.0287 39.3758 26.0109Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.4275 10.5428C23.552 10.2315 23.7121 9.95574 23.89 9.68C24.0679 9.40426 24.2369 9.12854 24.4059 8.8528C24.7439 8.30132 25.0819 7.74982 25.4199 7.18944L26.4428 5.52609C26.7897 4.97461 27.1366 4.42313 27.4924 3.88054C27.5102 3.85386 27.5458 3.84499 27.5725 3.86278C27.5992 3.88057 27.6081 3.91613 27.5903 3.93392C27.2612 4.4943 26.932 5.05466 26.6118 5.61504L25.6334 7.30506C25.3043 7.86544 24.9663 8.42584 24.6283 8.97732C24.4593 9.25306 24.2903 9.52878 24.1124 9.80452C23.9345 10.0803 23.7477 10.3471 23.5164 10.5873C23.4986 10.614 23.4631 10.614 23.4364 10.5873C23.4186 10.5873 23.4186 10.5606 23.4275 10.5428Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.731 21.2172C18.7666 21.0304 18.8466 20.8792 18.9356 20.728L19.2113 20.2833C19.3981 19.9897 19.5849 19.6962 19.7717 19.4026L20.341 18.531C20.5367 18.2374 20.7235 17.9528 20.9281 17.6681C20.9458 17.6415 20.9814 17.6326 21.0081 17.6504C21.0348 17.6682 21.0348 17.6948 21.0259 17.7215C20.8569 18.0239 20.6879 18.3264 20.51 18.6288L19.9852 19.5272C19.8073 19.8296 19.6294 20.1231 19.4426 20.4255L19.1669 20.8703C19.0779 21.0215 18.9712 21.1638 18.8289 21.2706C18.8022 21.2883 18.7666 21.2884 18.7488 21.2617C18.731 21.2528 18.7221 21.235 18.731 21.2172Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M40.5234 27.4607C40.6391 27.1405 40.7992 26.8381 40.9682 26.5535L41.4752 25.6907L42.4981 23.9562L43.5299 22.2306C43.8768 21.6613 44.2237 21.0831 44.5795 20.5138C44.5973 20.4872 44.6328 20.4783 44.6595 20.4961C44.6862 20.5139 44.6951 20.5405 44.6773 20.5672C44.3571 21.1543 44.028 21.7414 43.6989 22.3195L42.7027 24.0718L41.6975 25.8152L41.1905 26.6869C41.0215 26.9804 40.8436 27.2562 40.6124 27.5141C40.5946 27.5408 40.559 27.5408 40.5323 27.523C40.5145 27.5052 40.5145 27.4785 40.5234 27.4607Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.9842 10.7208C25.0643 10.4451 25.1977 10.1871 25.3311 9.94697L25.7492 9.20872L26.5853 7.74107L27.4392 6.27341C27.7238 5.7842 28.0085 5.30384 28.302 4.81462C28.3198 4.78794 28.3554 4.77907 28.3821 4.79686C28.4087 4.81465 28.4176 4.84132 28.3998 4.868C28.1419 5.36611 27.875 5.86425 27.6082 6.36236L26.7988 7.84778L25.9715 9.32433L25.5624 10.0626C25.42 10.3116 25.2777 10.5518 25.0821 10.7653C25.0643 10.792 25.0287 10.792 25.002 10.7653C24.9842 10.7653 24.9753 10.7386 24.9842 10.7208Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.777 20.6744C20.7681 20.5676 20.8037 20.4787 20.8481 20.3986L20.9905 20.1673C21.0794 20.0161 21.1773 19.8561 21.2751 19.7048C21.4708 19.4024 21.6665 19.1 21.88 18.8065C21.8978 18.7798 21.9333 18.7798 21.96 18.7976C21.9778 18.8153 21.9867 18.842 21.9778 18.8687C21.8266 19.1978 21.6576 19.518 21.4886 19.8294C21.3996 19.9895 21.3196 20.1407 21.2218 20.3008L21.0883 20.532C21.0439 20.6121 20.9905 20.6833 20.8837 20.7278C20.8482 20.7455 20.8126 20.7277 20.7948 20.6921C20.777 20.6921 20.777 20.6833 20.777 20.6744Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n          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9.86733L27.0566 10.4989C26.9409 10.7124 26.8075 10.9169 26.6296 11.0948C26.6118 11.1215 26.5674 11.1215 26.5496 11.0948C26.5496 11.077 26.5496 11.0592 26.5496 11.0414Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.41 7.52806C30.4011 7.61701 30.3744 7.70599 30.3477 7.78605C30.3211 7.8661 30.2855 7.94613 30.241 8.02618C30.1609 8.17739 30.0898 8.33753 30.0186 8.49763C29.8763 8.80895 29.734 9.12914 29.5917 9.44936C29.4494 9.76957 29.307 10.0809 29.1558 10.4011C29.0046 10.7124 28.8534 11.0327 28.6755 11.3351C28.6577 11.3618 28.6221 11.3706 28.5955 11.3528C28.5688 11.3351 28.5599 11.3084 28.5688 11.2817C28.7111 10.9615 28.8445 10.6413 28.969 10.3211C29.1025 10.0009 29.227 9.68061 29.3515 9.35151C29.4849 9.03129 29.6184 8.7022 29.7607 8.39088C29.8318 8.23077 29.903 8.07067 29.9831 7.91057C30.0631 7.75046 30.1521 7.59922 30.2944 7.48359C30.3211 7.4658 30.3566 7.46581 30.3744 7.49249C30.41 7.50138 30.41 7.51027 30.41 7.52806Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M48.2796 21.1279C48.1462 21.5371 47.9594 21.9195 47.7459 22.2931C47.5413 22.6667 47.319 23.0314 47.0966 23.3961C46.6519 24.1255 46.1893 24.837 45.7179 25.5397C45.2465 26.2424 44.7662 26.9451 44.3036 27.6567C44.0724 28.0125 43.8233 28.3594 43.5831 28.7063C43.3341 29.0532 43.0939 29.4001 42.836 29.7381C42.8182 29.7648 42.7826 29.7648 42.7559 29.747C42.7292 29.7292 42.7292 29.6936 42.747 29.667C43.2273 28.9643 43.6988 28.2615 44.1435 27.5411C44.5971 26.8206 45.0597 26.109 45.5222 25.3974C45.9847 24.6858 46.4473 23.9742 46.8831 23.2538C47.1055 22.8891 47.319 22.5244 47.5236 22.1597C47.7281 21.795 47.9416 21.4214 48.1907 21.0745C48.2085 21.0478 48.244 21.0478 48.2707 21.0656C48.2796 21.0745 48.2885 21.1012 48.2796 21.1279Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M45.2909 28.4929C45.4422 28.1638 45.6468 27.8703 45.8602 27.5767L46.4917 26.7139C46.9098 26.1358 47.3279 25.5576 47.7192 24.9705C48.1195 24.3835 48.4931 23.7786 48.8578 23.1649C49.0357 22.8536 49.2225 22.5511 49.3915 22.2398C49.5694 21.9285 49.7384 21.6172 49.9252 21.3059C49.943 21.2792 49.9785 21.2703 50.0052 21.2881C50.0319 21.3058 50.0408 21.3325 50.023 21.3592C49.7028 21.9907 49.3737 22.6312 49.0268 23.2538C48.6799 23.8765 48.3152 24.4991 47.9238 25.095C47.5325 25.691 47.1144 26.2781 46.7052 26.8562L46.0737 27.7279C45.8602 28.0126 45.6378 28.2972 45.3799 28.5463C45.3621 28.5641 45.3265 28.5641 45.2998 28.5463C45.2821 28.5374 45.2732 28.5107 45.2909 28.4929Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.0364 11.5035C30.0275 11.3967 30.0542 11.3078 30.0986 11.2366L30.2321 11.0053L30.49 10.5428C30.6679 10.2404 30.8369 9.92906 31.0148 9.62664C31.0326 9.59995 31.0682 9.59108 31.0949 9.60887C31.1216 9.62666 31.1304 9.65332 31.1215 9.67111C31.0059 10.0091 30.8636 10.3382 30.7035 10.6495C30.6234 10.8097 30.5434 10.9698 30.4544 11.121L30.3299 11.3522C30.2854 11.4323 30.2321 11.5035 30.1342 11.5479C30.0986 11.5657 30.0631 11.5479 30.0453 11.5124C30.0453 11.5213 30.0364 11.5124 30.0364 11.5035Z\" 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25.9402 33.7009 26.7318C33.6831 27.5235 33.7009 28.3062 33.7365 29.0978C33.7365 29.1245 33.7187 29.1512 33.6831 29.1601C33.6564 29.1601 33.6298 29.1423 33.6209 29.1067C33.5408 28.3151 33.5052 27.5235 33.4963 26.7318C33.4963 25.9402 33.5141 25.1485 33.5586 24.3569C33.6031 23.5652 33.6564 22.7736 33.7187 21.9908L33.7988 20.8078C33.8076 20.6122 33.8254 20.4165 33.8521 20.2208C33.8788 20.0251 33.9055 19.8294 33.95 19.6337C33.9589 19.607 33.9855 19.5803 34.0211 19.5892C34.0389 19.5803 34.0567 19.5981 34.0656 19.6248Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.6881 19.2777C27.5635 19.2332 27.4301 19.2154 27.2878 19.2154C27.2166 19.2154 27.1455 19.2242 27.0832 19.2242C27.021 19.2331 26.9676 19.2598 26.9053 19.2865C26.7897 19.3399 26.6741 19.3844 26.5673 19.4644C26.4606 19.5356 26.3716 19.6245 26.3094 19.7313C26.2827 19.7846 26.256 19.838 26.2382 19.8914C26.2293 19.918 26.2293 19.9448 26.2204 19.9714C26.2204 19.9892 26.2204 19.9981 26.2204 20.0159V20.0693C26.2204 20.2027 26.2293 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21.448C27.1366 21.5102 26.7897 21.4747 26.4962 21.3057C26.4873 21.3057 26.4784 21.2968 26.4784 21.2879C26.3805 21.1811 26.2827 21.0744 26.1937 20.9499C26.1048 20.8254 26.0425 20.6652 26.0158 20.514C25.9892 20.3628 25.9802 20.2205 25.9802 20.0693V20.0159C25.9802 19.9981 25.9802 19.9714 25.9802 19.9536C25.9802 19.9092 25.9891 19.8736 25.998 19.8291C26.0158 19.749 26.0515 19.669 26.0959 19.5978C26.176 19.4555 26.2916 19.3399 26.4161 19.2509C26.5406 19.162 26.683 19.082 26.8342 19.0553C26.9142 19.0375 26.9943 19.0375 27.0744 19.0464C27.1455 19.0552 27.2166 19.0641 27.2878 19.073C27.4479 19.0908 27.5902 19.1175 27.7325 19.1709Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.6491 26.0912C35.5957 26.0823 35.5335 26.0912 35.4802 26.109C35.4268 26.1357 35.3823 26.1623 35.3467 26.2068C35.2667 26.2869 35.2133 26.3848 35.151 26.4826C35.0888 26.5805 35.0443 26.6961 35.0087 26.8028C34.982 26.9184 34.9642 27.0341 34.9642 27.1497C34.9642 27.3899 35.0087 27.63 35.0976 27.8524C35.1421 27.9591 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15.8533 29.4581 15.7466C29.298 15.6399 29.1111 15.5598 28.9332 15.5331C28.7554 15.5064 28.5508 15.5331 28.364 15.5776C28.1772 15.6309 27.9904 15.7021 27.8214 15.7999C27.6524 15.8978 27.5012 16.0223 27.3766 16.1824C27.3144 16.2625 27.261 16.3426 27.2254 16.4315C27.1898 16.5205 27.1543 16.6183 27.1365 16.7072C27.092 16.9029 27.0742 17.0986 27.1098 17.2943C27.1276 17.3921 27.1543 17.4811 27.1988 17.5611C27.2432 17.6412 27.3055 17.7302 27.3678 17.8102C27.4923 17.9703 27.6346 18.1037 27.8125 18.2016C27.9815 18.2994 28.1772 18.3528 28.3817 18.3794C28.5863 18.4061 28.7909 18.3972 28.9955 18.3794C29.0934 18.3706 29.209 18.3617 29.298 18.3439C29.3958 18.3261 29.4848 18.2816 29.5648 18.2282C29.7338 18.1215 29.8672 17.9703 29.9828 17.8013C30.0896 17.6145 30.1785 17.4189 30.2497 17.2321ZM30.3564 17.2676C30.2853 17.4722 30.1964 17.6679 30.0807 17.8458C29.9651 18.0237 29.8138 18.1927 29.627 18.3083C29.5381 18.3706 29.4314 18.415 29.3247 18.4417C29.209 18.4684 29.1111 18.4773 29.0044 18.4862C28.7909 18.5129 28.5775 18.5218 28.364 18.504C28.1506 18.4862 27.9281 18.4328 27.7324 18.335C27.5368 18.2371 27.3677 18.0859 27.2254 17.9169C27.1543 17.828 27.0921 17.7479 27.0298 17.6501C26.9675 17.5522 26.9319 17.4366 26.9141 17.3299C26.8696 17.1075 26.8875 16.8762 26.9409 16.6628C26.9675 16.556 26.9942 16.4493 27.0387 16.3426C27.0831 16.2358 27.1454 16.1379 27.2077 16.049C27.3411 15.8711 27.519 15.7199 27.7058 15.6042C27.8926 15.4886 28.0971 15.3997 28.3106 15.3374C28.5241 15.284 28.7465 15.2485 28.9867 15.2752C29.4492 15.3464 29.8405 15.631 30.1074 15.9956C30.2408 16.1735 30.3387 16.387 30.3742 16.6005C30.4009 16.8228 30.4098 17.0452 30.3564 17.2676Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M39.3226 31.4635C39.2247 31.5702 39.1625 31.7303 39.1358 31.8904C39.1091 32.0505 39.0914 32.2106 39.0647 32.3618C39.0202 32.6732 39.0291 33.0023 39.1002 33.2958C39.118 33.3669 39.1448 33.447 39.1714 33.5093C39.1981 33.5716 39.2336 33.6338 39.2781 33.6961C39.3671 33.8117 39.4828 33.9095 39.6162 33.9718C39.7496 34.034 39.8919 34.0607 40.0253 34.034C40.0965 34.0163 40.1587 33.9896 40.2121 33.954C40.2743 33.9096 40.3277 33.8562 40.3811 33.8028C40.4878 33.6872 40.5679 33.5537 40.6301 33.4114C40.6657 33.3402 40.6835 33.2691 40.7013 33.189C40.7102 33.1535 40.7191 33.1179 40.7191 33.0734L40.7369 32.9489C40.7725 32.6286 40.7636 32.2996 40.6568 31.9972C40.6034 31.846 40.5234 31.7036 40.4344 31.5702C40.39 31.5079 40.3367 31.4368 40.2833 31.3745L40.2032 31.2856C40.1765 31.2589 40.1498 31.2322 40.1231 31.2055C40.0075 31.1166 39.8475 31.1255 39.7051 31.1788C39.5806 31.2678 39.4382 31.3656 39.3226 31.4635ZM39.2426 31.3834C39.376 31.2678 39.5094 31.1699 39.6784 31.0987C39.7584 31.0632 39.8474 31.0454 39.9452 31.0454C40.0431 31.0454 40.132 31.081 40.2121 31.1344C40.2477 31.161 40.2833 31.1966 40.31 31.2233L40.3989 31.3123C40.4523 31.3745 40.5056 31.4368 40.559 31.508C40.6569 31.6414 40.7458 31.7926 40.817 31.9527C40.9504 32.2729 40.9682 32.6287 40.9415 32.9667L40.9326 33.0912C40.9237 33.1357 40.9237 33.1802 40.9059 33.2246C40.8882 33.3136 40.8614 33.3936 40.8259 33.4825C40.7547 33.6427 40.6657 33.7939 40.5412 33.9273C40.4789 33.9984 40.4167 34.0519 40.3455 34.1141C40.2654 34.1675 40.1765 34.2119 40.0876 34.2386C39.9008 34.292 39.6962 34.2564 39.5272 34.1853C39.3582 34.1052 39.207 33.9896 39.0914 33.8473C39.0291 33.7761 38.9846 33.6961 38.9401 33.6071C38.9045 33.5271 38.8779 33.4381 38.8512 33.3491C38.7622 33.0022 38.7533 32.6554 38.8067 32.3085C38.8334 32.1395 38.8867 31.9704 38.9668 31.8103C39.038 31.6769 39.1181 31.5257 39.2426 31.3834Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.2768 27.0161C37.3835 27.0339 37.4903 27.0072 37.5792 26.9538C37.6682 26.9004 37.7305 26.8292 37.8016 26.7581C37.8728 26.6869 37.935 26.598 37.9795 26.509C38.024 26.4201 38.0507 26.3223 38.0596 26.2155C38.0774 26.0109 38.0418 25.7885 37.9617 25.6017C37.9172 25.5039 37.8639 25.4149 37.7927 25.3438C37.7216 25.2637 37.6415 25.2014 37.5436 25.1659C37.4547 25.1303 37.3569 25.1125 37.2679 25.1392C37.179 25.1659 37.09 25.2193 37.0189 25.2904C36.9477 25.3705 36.8943 25.4594 36.8677 25.5573C36.841 25.6551 36.8232 25.7797 36.8232 25.8864C36.8143 26.1088 36.8321 26.34 36.8943 26.5535C36.9299 26.6603 36.9744 26.7581 37.0367 26.847C37.0812 26.936 37.17 26.9983 37.2768 27.0161ZM37.2501 27.1317C37.1167 27.105 37.0011 27.025 36.9299 26.9271C36.8499 26.8293 36.8054 26.7136 36.7609 26.598C36.6897 26.3667 36.6631 26.1266 36.6631 25.8864C36.6631 25.7619 36.6719 25.6462 36.6986 25.5217C36.7253 25.3971 36.7876 25.2815 36.8765 25.1837C36.9566 25.0858 37.0722 25.0058 37.2056 24.9613C37.3391 24.9168 37.4814 24.9346 37.6059 24.9791C37.7304 25.0236 37.8372 25.1037 37.935 25.1926C38.024 25.2816 38.104 25.3883 38.1574 25.5039C38.273 25.7352 38.3175 25.9931 38.2997 26.2511C38.2908 26.3756 38.2552 26.509 38.2019 26.6335C38.1485 26.758 38.0685 26.8559 37.9795 26.9538C37.8906 27.0516 37.766 27.1228 37.6326 27.1495C37.508 27.1673 37.3746 27.1495 37.2501 27.1317Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n\n            <\/svg><svg class=\"illus\" width=\"30vw\" height=\"30vw\" viewBox=\"0 0 82 26\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: 1050px; right: -15vw; transform: rotate(-10.2329deg);\"><path d=\"M0.193254 12.3067C3.37761 11.1059 6.62426 10.0919 9.91535 9.21128C13.2064 8.33959 16.5331 7.60134 19.8776 7.01428C23.2309 6.42722 26.6021 5.98249 29.991 5.68896L31.263 5.5911L31.8945 5.53773C32.108 5.51994 32.3215 5.50215 32.5349 5.49325L33.8069 5.42211C34.2338 5.39543 34.6519 5.36872 35.0789 5.35983L36.3508 5.30645L36.9913 5.27979H37.6317H37.9519C38.0586 5.27979 38.1654 5.28869 38.2721 5.28869L38.9126 5.31536C39.126 5.32425 39.3395 5.34204 39.553 5.35983L40.1934 5.41321C41.8923 5.57332 43.5734 5.82238 45.2457 6.1337C46.9179 6.44502 48.5812 6.80971 50.2268 7.24556C50.636 7.35229 51.0452 7.4768 51.4543 7.58354C51.8635 7.70807 52.2726 7.83262 52.6729 7.95714C53.0732 8.09946 53.4823 8.22397 53.8826 8.38408L54.185 8.4997L54.3362 8.55307L54.4874 8.61535L55.0745 8.8733C55.8394 9.24688 56.6133 9.59379 57.3961 9.90511C58.1788 10.2164 58.9793 10.5011 59.7888 10.7501C60.5982 10.9992 61.4165 11.2304 62.2348 11.4617L63.4624 11.8086L63.7648 11.8975L63.916 11.942L63.9516 11.9509L63.9872 11.9598C64.0049 11.9687 64.0316 11.9687 64.0583 11.9687C64.254 11.9776 64.4586 11.9331 64.6632 11.8886C65.0723 11.7997 65.4815 11.6752 65.8817 11.5507C66.282 11.4261 66.6912 11.2927 67.0914 11.1593L69.5109 10.3409C71.1208 9.80726 72.7486 9.28247 74.403 8.8822C75.2303 8.68651 76.0663 8.51749 76.9114 8.41075C77.3383 8.36627 77.7653 8.3307 78.1922 8.3307C78.6192 8.3396 79.0461 8.37519 79.4731 8.48193C79.4998 8.49083 79.5176 8.51749 79.5087 8.55307C79.4998 8.57976 79.4731 8.59754 79.4375 8.58864C79.0283 8.48191 78.6103 8.45526 78.1922 8.44636C77.7741 8.44636 77.3472 8.48193 76.9292 8.52641C76.093 8.63314 75.2569 8.80214 74.4386 9.00672C72.7931 9.41588 71.1742 9.93179 69.5642 10.4833L67.1537 11.3105C66.7535 11.4439 66.3443 11.5862 65.944 11.7107C65.5349 11.8353 65.1346 11.9598 64.7076 12.0576C64.4942 12.1021 64.2896 12.1466 64.0494 12.1466C64.0227 12.1466 63.9871 12.1466 63.9604 12.1377L63.916 12.1288L63.8804 12.1199L63.7292 12.0754L63.4268 11.9865L62.1993 11.6396C61.381 11.4083 60.5626 11.1771 59.7532 10.928C58.9438 10.679 58.1343 10.3943 57.3427 10.083C56.551 9.77169 55.7683 9.41588 55.0033 9.05119L54.4252 8.79325L54.2829 8.73097L54.1316 8.67759L53.8381 8.56198C53.4467 8.40187 53.0376 8.27732 52.6373 8.1439C52.237 8.01048 51.8279 7.89487 51.4187 7.77034C51.0095 7.65471 50.6004 7.53905 50.1912 7.43231C48.5546 7.00536 46.8913 6.64068 45.2279 6.32936C43.5557 6.02694 41.8834 5.76898 40.1934 5.61777L39.5619 5.5733C39.3484 5.55551 39.1438 5.53772 38.9303 5.52882L38.2988 5.50216C38.1921 5.50216 38.0854 5.49325 37.9786 5.49325H37.6584H37.0268L36.3864 5.51992L35.1145 5.5733C34.6875 5.59109 34.2695 5.6178 33.8425 5.64448L32.5705 5.72453C32.357 5.73342 32.1436 5.75121 31.939 5.769L31.3075 5.82238L30.0355 5.92019C26.6554 6.21372 23.2843 6.66736 19.9398 7.25442C16.5954 7.84148 13.2776 8.57978 10.0043 9.46037C6.7221 10.3232 3.47547 11.3372 0.255535 12.4046C0.22885 12.4135 0.193245 12.3956 0.18435 12.369C0.148771 12.3423 0.166569 12.3156 0.193254 12.3067Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M79.5088 8.52673C79.4732 8.82915 79.3931 9.12267 79.3041 9.40731C79.2152 9.69195 79.1262 9.97659 79.0373 10.2612C78.8505 10.8305 78.6549 11.3909 78.4503 11.9512C78.2546 12.5116 78.05 13.072 77.8632 13.6324C77.7654 13.917 77.6764 14.1927 77.5964 14.4774C77.5608 14.6197 77.5252 14.762 77.4985 14.8955C77.4896 14.9666 77.4807 15.0288 77.4896 15.0822L77.5341 15.2957C77.6497 15.865 77.8899 16.3987 78.2101 16.8879C78.5303 17.3771 78.9128 17.8307 79.3041 18.2666C79.7044 18.7113 80.1136 19.1383 80.4961 19.6008C80.8875 20.0545 81.2521 20.5348 81.5635 21.0596L81.5723 21.0685C81.5101 21.3709 81.5101 21.1841 81.5012 21.2464L81.4745 21.2641L81.43 21.2819L81.35 21.3175C81.2966 21.3442 81.2432 21.362 81.181 21.3798C81.0653 21.4154 80.9586 21.451 80.843 21.4776C80.6117 21.5399 80.3893 21.5755 80.1581 21.6111C79.6955 21.6733 79.233 21.6911 78.7704 21.6822C78.3079 21.6733 77.8454 21.6377 77.3917 21.5933C77.1605 21.5666 76.9381 21.5399 76.7069 21.5132C76.4845 21.4865 76.2532 21.4509 76.0219 21.4154C75.1147 21.2819 74.2163 21.0862 73.3268 20.8639C72.4373 20.6415 71.5567 20.3747 70.685 20.09C69.8133 19.8054 68.9506 19.503 68.0878 19.1916C67.225 18.8892 66.3711 18.569 65.4994 18.3022C65.0635 18.1687 64.6276 18.0442 64.1918 17.9553C63.9694 17.9108 63.7471 17.8841 63.5336 17.8841C63.4802 17.8841 63.4269 17.8841 63.3735 17.893L63.2934 17.9019L63.2134 17.9197L62.8754 17.973L62.1994 18.0887C61.977 18.1243 61.7546 18.1687 61.5233 18.2132L60.8473 18.3377L60.1802 18.4712C56.6045 19.2005 53.0733 20.1612 49.542 21.1218C46.0107 22.0825 42.4884 23.0609 38.9127 23.8614C37.1248 24.2617 35.328 24.6175 33.5224 24.9022C31.7167 25.1868 29.8933 25.3913 28.0609 25.4892C27.6073 25.507 27.1447 25.5337 26.6911 25.5426L26.0062 25.5515C25.7749 25.5604 25.5437 25.5426 25.3213 25.5426L24.6364 25.5337L23.9515 25.4981L23.6046 25.4803C23.489 25.4714 23.3733 25.4714 23.2577 25.4536L22.5728 25.3914C20.7493 25.2046 18.9437 24.8132 17.1914 24.2884C15.4391 23.7547 13.7224 23.0965 12.0502 22.3493C10.378 21.6022 8.7502 20.766 7.14913 19.8588L6.55315 19.5208L5.96609 19.1738C5.57471 18.9426 5.18336 18.7024 4.79199 18.4623C4.01814 17.9819 3.22651 17.5105 2.48823 16.959C2.11465 16.6833 1.75882 16.3987 1.42971 16.0784C1.1006 15.7582 0.789282 15.4113 0.540226 15.02C0.477962 14.9221 0.424593 14.8243 0.362329 14.7176C0.30896 14.6108 0.255625 14.513 0.220046 14.3973C0.131098 14.1839 0.0688249 13.9526 0.0332455 13.7213C-0.0468082 13.2588 0.0243593 12.7785 0.175572 12.3426C0.184467 12.3159 0.220029 12.2981 0.246713 12.307C0.273398 12.3159 0.291179 12.3515 0.282284 12.3782C0.139966 12.8051 0.0777024 13.2588 0.148861 13.7035C0.184441 13.9259 0.246713 14.1394 0.335662 14.3529C0.371241 14.4596 0.424619 14.5574 0.477988 14.6553C0.531357 14.7531 0.584718 14.8509 0.646982 14.9488C1.14509 15.7048 1.8389 16.3097 2.56828 16.8523C3.30655 17.3949 4.08928 17.8574 4.86313 18.3377C5.25451 18.5779 5.6459 18.818 6.03727 19.0404L6.62434 19.3874L7.22027 19.7253C8.81245 20.6148 10.4402 21.451 12.1124 22.1892C13.7847 22.9275 15.4925 23.5768 17.2359 24.1016C18.9882 24.6175 20.776 25.0089 22.5906 25.1868L23.2666 25.249C23.3822 25.2579 23.4979 25.2668 23.6046 25.2757L23.9426 25.2935L24.6275 25.3291L25.3124 25.338C25.5437 25.338 25.766 25.3469 25.9973 25.3469L26.6822 25.338C27.1359 25.338 27.5895 25.3024 28.052 25.2846C29.8755 25.1868 31.69 24.9822 33.4957 24.6976C35.3013 24.4129 37.0892 24.0571 38.877 23.6569C42.4439 22.8563 45.9663 21.8779 49.4975 20.9083C53.0288 19.9388 56.56 18.9782 60.1446 18.2399L60.8207 18.1065L61.4967 17.9819C61.719 17.9375 61.9503 17.893 62.1727 17.8574L62.8487 17.7418L63.1867 17.6884L63.2756 17.6706L63.3646 17.6617C63.4269 17.6528 63.4891 17.6529 63.5514 17.6529C63.7916 17.6529 64.0228 17.6884 64.2541 17.724C64.7077 17.8129 65.1525 17.9375 65.5972 18.0798C66.4778 18.3555 67.3317 18.6669 68.1945 18.9693C69.0573 19.2717 69.9201 19.5741 70.7829 19.8588C71.6546 20.1345 72.5263 20.4014 73.4069 20.6237C74.2875 20.8461 75.177 21.0418 76.0842 21.1663C76.9826 21.2908 77.8899 21.4065 78.7972 21.4154C79.2508 21.4243 79.7044 21.4065 80.1492 21.3442C80.3715 21.3086 80.5939 21.2731 80.8074 21.2108C80.9141 21.1841 81.0208 21.1485 81.1276 21.1129C81.1721 21.0952 81.2254 21.0773 81.2788 21.0507L81.35 21.0151L81.3856 20.9973L81.3944 20.9884C81.3944 21.0418 81.4122 20.855 81.35 21.1396L81.3589 21.1574C81.0564 20.6593 80.7007 20.1879 80.3182 19.7342C79.9357 19.2806 79.5265 18.8537 79.1351 18.4089C78.7349 17.9642 78.3524 17.5016 78.0233 16.9946C77.6942 16.4876 77.4451 15.9183 77.3206 15.3135L77.2761 15.0911C77.2672 14.9933 77.2761 14.9043 77.2939 14.8332C77.3206 14.682 77.3651 14.5307 77.4007 14.3884C77.4896 14.0949 77.5786 13.8191 77.6764 13.5345C77.8721 12.9741 78.0856 12.4138 78.2901 11.8534C78.4947 11.293 78.7082 10.7416 78.9128 10.1812C79.0106 9.90544 79.1085 9.6208 79.1974 9.33617C79.2864 9.05153 79.3753 8.76689 79.4198 8.48225C79.4198 8.45557 79.4554 8.42889 79.482 8.43778C79.4909 8.47336 79.5176 8.50004 79.5088 8.52673Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.827 6.55101C23.8714 6.94238 23.8981 7.33377 23.9248 7.72515C23.9515 8.11652 23.9692 8.50787 23.9781 8.89924L24.0671 11.2475C24.1294 12.813 24.2005 14.3874 24.2539 15.9529C24.2984 17.5273 24.3251 19.0928 24.3162 20.6672C24.2984 22.2415 24.245 23.807 24.1294 25.3814C24.1294 25.4081 24.1027 25.4348 24.0671 25.4348C24.0404 25.4348 24.0138 25.4081 24.0138 25.3725C24.1027 23.807 24.1294 22.2415 24.1205 20.6672C24.1116 19.1017 24.0671 17.5273 24.0138 15.9618C23.9604 14.3963 23.8803 12.8219 23.8091 11.2564L23.7113 8.89924C23.6846 8.11649 23.6668 7.32485 23.7113 6.5421C23.7113 6.51542 23.738 6.48877 23.7736 6.48877C23.8003 6.50656 23.8181 6.52432 23.827 6.55101Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.4762 6.56021C24.6096 7.33407 24.6808 8.1168 24.7431 8.89954L24.921 11.2478C25.0366 12.8133 25.1522 14.3788 25.2501 15.9443C25.339 17.5098 25.4191 19.0753 25.4814 20.6497C25.5436 22.2151 25.5792 23.7895 25.5881 25.355C25.5881 25.3817 25.5614 25.4084 25.5347 25.4084C25.508 25.4084 25.4814 25.3817 25.4814 25.355C25.4369 23.7895 25.3746 22.224 25.2946 20.6497C25.2145 19.0842 25.1166 17.5187 25.0099 15.9532C24.9032 14.3877 24.7875 12.8222 24.663 11.2567L24.4762 8.90845C24.4406 8.51707 24.414 8.12573 24.3962 7.73435C24.3784 7.34298 24.3606 6.95159 24.3606 6.56021C24.3606 6.53353 24.3873 6.50684 24.414 6.50684C24.4496 6.51573 24.4673 6.53353 24.4762 6.56021Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.2552 6.32912C26.273 7.12076 26.2908 7.91242 26.3264 8.70406C26.362 9.4957 26.4153 10.2873 26.4687 11.079C26.522 11.8706 26.5843 12.6623 26.6199 13.4628C26.6466 14.2544 26.6733 15.055 26.6911 15.8466C26.7266 17.4388 26.7533 19.0221 26.8067 20.6054C26.8512 22.1886 26.9223 23.7808 27.0468 25.3641C27.0468 25.3908 27.0291 25.4175 26.9935 25.4264C26.9668 25.4264 26.9401 25.4086 26.9312 25.373C26.78 23.7897 26.6733 22.2064 26.611 20.6143C26.5398 19.0221 26.4954 17.4388 26.4509 15.8466C26.4242 15.055 26.4065 14.2633 26.3709 13.4628C26.3353 12.6712 26.273 11.8795 26.2107 11.0879C26.1485 10.2962 26.0951 9.5046 26.0596 8.70406C26.024 7.91242 26.0329 7.103 26.1396 6.31136C26.1396 6.28467 26.1752 6.25799 26.2018 6.26688C26.2285 6.27578 26.2552 6.30243 26.2552 6.32912Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.367 6.27562C27.447 7.06726 27.5004 7.85892 27.5538 8.65056C27.6071 9.4422 27.6783 10.2339 27.7583 11.0255C27.9095 12.6088 28.0964 14.1921 28.2298 15.7753C28.3632 17.3675 28.4255 18.9508 28.5055 20.543C28.5767 22.1352 28.6567 23.7184 28.8346 25.2928C28.8346 25.3195 28.8168 25.3551 28.7901 25.3551C28.7635 25.3551 28.7368 25.3373 28.7279 25.3106C28.5144 23.7273 28.4077 22.144 28.3098 20.5519C28.2209 18.9597 28.1408 17.3764 27.9896 15.7931C27.8473 14.2098 27.6605 12.6354 27.5004 11.0433C27.4203 10.2516 27.3492 9.46 27.2958 8.65946C27.2425 7.86782 27.2158 7.06729 27.2602 6.26676C27.2602 6.24007 27.2869 6.21338 27.3225 6.21338C27.3403 6.22227 27.367 6.24893 27.367 6.27562Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.6211 6.08902C28.7279 6.88066 28.7991 7.67229 28.8613 8.47283C28.9236 9.26447 29.0036 10.065 29.0837 10.8566L29.5818 15.6243C29.6618 16.4159 29.733 17.2164 29.7864 18.017C29.8398 18.8175 29.8842 19.6092 29.9287 20.4097C30.0088 22.0019 30.071 23.603 30.1956 25.1951C30.1956 25.2218 30.1778 25.2485 30.1422 25.2574C30.1155 25.2574 30.0888 25.2396 30.0799 25.2041C29.9287 23.6119 29.8308 22.0197 29.733 20.4186C29.6796 19.6181 29.6352 18.8264 29.564 18.0259C29.5017 17.2342 29.4217 16.4337 29.3327 15.6421L28.8169 10.8744C28.7368 10.0828 28.6567 9.28227 28.5856 8.49063C28.5233 7.6901 28.4788 6.88956 28.4966 6.08902C28.4966 6.06234 28.5233 6.03564 28.55 6.03564C28.5945 6.04454 28.6123 6.06234 28.6211 6.08902Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.7153 5.92856C29.7953 6.7291 29.8487 7.52077 29.8932 8.31241C29.9376 9.11295 29.9999 9.90457 30.0622 10.6962C30.1956 12.2884 30.3557 13.8806 30.5158 15.4639C30.667 17.056 30.8093 18.6482 30.9694 20.2315C31.1296 21.8237 31.3075 23.407 31.5565 24.9814C31.5654 25.008 31.5387 25.0436 31.512 25.0436C31.4854 25.0525 31.4498 25.0258 31.4498 24.9991C31.174 23.4247 30.9605 21.8326 30.7826 20.2493C30.6048 18.6571 30.4536 17.0738 30.2757 15.4816C30.1156 13.8894 29.9465 12.3062 29.8131 10.7051C29.742 9.90458 29.6886 9.11295 29.6352 8.31241C29.5907 7.51187 29.5641 6.71134 29.6086 5.9108C29.6086 5.88412 29.6352 5.85742 29.6708 5.85742C29.6886 5.88411 29.7153 5.90188 29.7153 5.92856Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M31.1742 5.72428C31.2809 6.52481 31.3342 7.32535 31.3787 8.12589L31.4943 10.5275C31.5744 12.1286 31.6634 13.7296 31.7879 15.3307C31.9035 16.9318 32.0547 18.524 32.2148 20.125C32.3749 21.7261 32.5351 23.3183 32.6863 24.9193C32.6863 24.946 32.6685 24.9727 32.6329 24.9816C32.6062 24.9816 32.5795 24.9638 32.5706 24.9283C32.3927 23.3361 32.1971 21.7439 32.0192 20.1428C31.8413 18.5507 31.6722 16.9496 31.5388 15.3485C31.4143 13.7474 31.3164 12.1464 31.2275 10.5364L31.103 8.13479C31.0585 7.33425 31.0318 6.53371 31.0585 5.72428C31.0585 5.69759 31.0852 5.6709 31.1119 5.6709C31.1475 5.6709 31.1653 5.69759 31.1742 5.72428Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M32.4016 5.74181C32.5261 6.52456 32.5972 7.31621 32.6506 8.10785L32.8018 10.4828L33.0865 15.2326C33.1843 16.8159 33.2822 18.3992 33.4156 19.9825C33.5401 21.5658 33.6913 23.1402 33.887 24.7146C33.887 24.7412 33.8692 24.7768 33.8426 24.7768C33.8159 24.7768 33.7892 24.759 33.7803 24.7323C33.5579 23.1579 33.38 21.5836 33.2288 20.0003C33.0865 18.417 32.962 16.8337 32.8552 15.2504L32.5617 10.5006L32.4105 8.12566C32.3838 7.73428 32.3571 7.33402 32.3393 6.93376C32.3215 6.53349 32.3126 6.14208 32.3126 5.74181C32.3126 5.71513 32.3393 5.68848 32.366 5.68848C32.3749 5.68848 32.3927 5.71513 32.4016 5.74181Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n      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36.0753 24.457 36.0397 24.4659C36.013 24.4659 35.9863 24.4481 35.9774 24.4125C35.8796 22.8381 35.595 21.2904 35.4438 19.7071C35.3103 18.1327 35.1947 16.5584 35.0791 14.984L34.7499 10.2608C34.6966 9.47805 34.6343 8.68641 34.572 7.90367C34.5098 7.12092 34.4564 6.32927 34.4475 5.53763C34.4475 5.51094 34.4742 5.48425 34.5009 5.48425C34.5454 5.47535 34.572 5.49313 34.572 5.51982Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.4792 5.51029C35.6482 6.27525 35.7638 7.04019 35.8706 7.80515L36.1908 10.1178C36.4043 11.6566 36.6088 13.1954 36.7956 14.7431C36.9824 16.2908 37.1425 17.8386 37.2493 19.3863C37.356 20.934 37.445 22.4905 37.6229 24.0294C37.6229 24.056 37.6051 24.0916 37.5784 24.0916C37.5517 24.0916 37.525 24.0738 37.5161 24.0472C37.3115 22.5083 37.1959 20.9517 37.0625 19.404C36.9379 17.8563 36.76 16.3175 36.5644 14.7787C36.3687 13.2399 36.1552 11.7011 35.9417 10.1623L35.6215 7.84962C35.5148 7.07577 35.4258 6.31081 35.3903 5.52806C35.3903 5.50137 35.417 5.47472 35.4436 5.46582C35.4436 5.46582 35.4703 5.48361 35.4792 5.51029Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.8134 5.41238C36.8935 6.18623 36.9469 6.95119 36.9913 7.72504C37.0358 8.49889 37.0981 9.26385 37.1603 10.0377C37.2937 11.5765 37.4449 13.1153 37.5873 14.663C37.7296 16.2018 37.863 17.7495 38.032 19.2794C38.1921 20.8183 38.3878 22.3482 38.6458 23.8781C38.6547 23.9048 38.628 23.9403 38.6013 23.9403C38.5746 23.9492 38.539 23.9225 38.539 23.8959C38.2455 22.3748 38.0231 20.8361 37.8363 19.2972C37.6496 17.7584 37.4983 16.2196 37.3471 14.6808C37.1959 13.142 37.0358 11.6032 36.9024 10.0555C36.8312 9.28161 36.7779 8.5078 36.7245 7.73394C36.68 6.96009 36.6533 6.18622 36.6978 5.40348C36.6978 5.37679 36.7245 5.3501 36.7601 5.3501C36.7867 5.35899 36.8134 5.38569 36.8134 5.41238Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.023 5.4573C38.1564 6.20447 38.2454 6.95161 38.3165 7.69878L38.5389 9.9492C38.6901 11.4524 38.8502 12.9468 39.0192 14.4411C39.1882 15.9354 39.375 17.4298 39.5796 18.9241C39.7842 20.4184 40.0065 21.9039 40.2556 23.3893C40.2645 23.416 40.2378 23.4516 40.2111 23.4516C40.1844 23.4605 40.1489 23.4338 40.1489 23.4071C39.8731 21.9217 39.6152 20.4362 39.3928 18.9419C39.1704 17.4476 38.9747 15.9532 38.7879 14.4589C38.61 12.9645 38.4411 11.4613 38.2899 9.9581L38.0586 7.70768C37.9874 6.96051 37.9252 6.20446 37.9163 5.4484C37.9163 5.42171 37.943 5.39502 37.9696 5.39502C37.9963 5.41281 38.023 5.43062 38.023 5.4573Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M39.2506 5.53715C39.3929 6.26653 39.4641 7.00478 39.5263 7.74306C39.5886 8.48133 39.6508 9.21072 39.7487 9.9401C39.9444 11.3989 40.1667 12.8576 40.3891 14.3252C40.4958 15.0546 40.6026 15.784 40.7004 16.5223C40.7983 17.2517 40.8872 17.99 40.9762 18.7193C41.1541 20.187 41.332 21.6457 41.6255 23.0956C41.6344 23.1223 41.6166 23.1579 41.581 23.1579C41.5544 23.1668 41.5188 23.149 41.5188 23.1134C41.1985 21.6724 40.9851 20.2048 40.7805 18.7371C40.6827 18.0077 40.5848 17.2695 40.4869 16.5401C40.3802 15.8107 40.2735 15.0813 40.1579 14.352C39.9355 12.8932 39.7042 11.4344 39.5085 9.96677C39.4018 9.23739 39.3395 8.49024 39.2772 7.76086C39.215 7.02259 39.1794 6.29322 39.1616 5.54605C39.1616 5.51937 39.1883 5.49268 39.215 5.49268C39.2239 5.49268 39.2417 5.51047 39.2506 5.53715Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M40.5493 5.55533C40.6738 6.27581 40.7449 6.99628 40.8072 7.71676C40.8695 8.43725 40.9317 9.15771 41.0118 9.87819C41.1719 11.3192 41.421 12.7513 41.67 14.1744C41.9191 15.6065 42.177 17.0386 42.3549 18.4795C42.5328 19.9205 42.6484 21.3704 42.8708 22.8024C42.8797 22.8291 42.853 22.8647 42.8263 22.8647C42.7997 22.8736 42.7641 22.8469 42.7641 22.8202C42.515 21.3881 42.3549 19.9383 42.1592 18.5062C41.9724 17.0652 41.6967 15.6421 41.4298 14.2189C41.1719 12.7868 40.9139 11.3548 40.7538 9.9049C40.6738 9.18442 40.6026 8.45505 40.5403 7.73457C40.4781 7.01409 40.4336 6.28471 40.4336 5.55533C40.4336 5.52865 40.4603 5.50195 40.487 5.50195C40.5226 5.51085 40.5493 5.52865 40.5493 5.55533Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M41.8212 5.804C41.9457 6.4978 42.0258 7.1916 42.1058 7.89429C42.177 8.59698 42.2571 9.29079 42.3371 9.99348C42.4972 11.39 42.6662 12.7865 42.8352 14.183C42.9152 14.8857 43.0042 15.5794 43.0754 16.2821C43.1465 16.9848 43.2088 17.6875 43.2799 18.3813C43.4134 19.7778 43.5735 21.1743 43.9115 22.5352C43.9204 22.5619 43.9026 22.5975 43.867 22.6064C43.8403 22.6153 43.8048 22.5975 43.7959 22.5708C43.4312 21.2099 43.2355 19.8045 43.0843 18.408C43.0042 17.7053 42.942 17.0115 42.8619 16.3088C42.7818 15.615 42.684 14.9123 42.5951 14.2185C42.4172 12.822 42.2392 11.4255 42.0791 10.0291C41.9991 9.32636 41.919 8.63255 41.839 7.92986C41.7678 7.22717 41.7056 6.5245 41.7145 5.82181C41.7145 5.79512 41.7411 5.76843 41.7678 5.76843C41.7945 5.75953 41.8123 5.77731 41.8212 5.804Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M43.0933 5.929C43.1823 6.25811 43.2534 6.59614 43.3157 6.93414C43.378 7.27215 43.4313 7.61014 43.4758 7.94815L43.6092 8.96215L43.7337 9.98506C43.8938 11.346 44.0273 12.7069 44.1607 14.0678C44.2852 15.4287 44.4187 16.7896 44.561 18.1505C44.7033 19.5114 44.8634 20.8635 45.059 22.2155C45.0679 22.2422 45.0413 22.2778 45.0146 22.2778C44.9879 22.2778 44.9612 22.26 44.9523 22.2333C44.7211 20.8813 44.5343 19.5292 44.3653 18.1683C44.2052 16.8074 44.0628 15.4465 43.9116 14.0945C43.7693 12.7336 43.627 11.3726 43.4669 10.0206L43.3424 9.00663L43.2089 7.99262C43.1556 7.65462 43.1111 7.31662 43.0755 6.97862C43.031 6.64061 42.9955 6.30261 42.9777 5.95571C42.9777 5.92902 42.9955 5.90232 43.031 5.89343C43.0666 5.88453 43.0933 5.90231 43.0933 5.929Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M44.3384 6.15994C44.4451 6.81816 44.5074 7.47639 44.5518 8.13461L44.6853 10.1092C44.7742 11.4257 44.8809 12.7421 45.0143 14.0585C45.1389 15.375 45.2901 16.6825 45.4769 17.9901C45.6637 19.2976 45.886 20.5963 46.1707 21.8949C46.1796 21.9216 46.1618 21.9572 46.1262 21.9572C46.0995 21.9661 46.064 21.9483 46.064 21.9127C45.7526 20.623 45.5036 19.3243 45.2901 18.0168C45.0855 16.7092 44.9165 15.3928 44.7742 14.0764C44.6408 12.7599 44.534 11.4435 44.4362 10.1181L44.2939 8.13461C44.2494 7.47639 44.2138 6.81815 44.2405 6.15103C44.2405 6.12435 44.2672 6.09766 44.2939 6.09766C44.3117 6.11545 44.3384 6.13325 44.3384 6.15994Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M45.4593 6.3024C45.5571 6.94283 45.6194 7.57436 45.6817 8.21479C45.7439 8.85522 45.8151 9.49565 45.904 10.1272C46.073 11.3992 46.2687 12.6711 46.4555 13.952C46.6423 15.2239 46.8024 16.5048 46.9536 17.7857C47.096 19.0665 47.2294 20.3474 47.3628 21.6282C47.3628 21.6549 47.345 21.6905 47.3094 21.6905C47.2828 21.6905 47.2561 21.6727 47.2472 21.646L46.749 17.8123C46.5889 16.5315 46.4022 15.2595 46.2065 13.9875C46.0108 12.7156 45.8151 11.4436 45.6372 10.1628C45.5482 9.52233 45.4771 8.88189 45.406 8.24146C45.3437 7.60103 45.3081 6.95173 45.3348 6.3024C45.3348 6.27572 45.3615 6.24902 45.397 6.24902C45.4326 6.25792 45.4593 6.27572 45.4593 6.3024Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M46.5089 6.51591C46.6512 7.12076 46.7134 7.74342 46.7668 8.35716C46.8202 8.97091 46.8646 9.59352 46.9358 10.1984C47.0781 11.4259 47.2382 12.6533 47.4161 13.8808C47.5851 15.1083 47.7719 16.3269 47.9676 17.5544C48.1633 18.773 48.359 20.0005 48.5547 21.2191C48.5636 21.2458 48.5369 21.2814 48.5102 21.2814C48.4835 21.2903 48.4479 21.2636 48.4479 21.2369C48.2166 20.0183 47.9854 18.7997 47.7719 17.5811C47.5584 16.3625 47.3628 15.135 47.176 13.9164C46.9892 12.689 46.8291 11.4614 46.6778 10.2339C46.5978 9.6202 46.5533 8.99758 46.5 8.38383C46.4466 7.77009 46.411 7.14746 46.4021 6.53372C46.4021 6.50704 46.4288 6.48034 46.4555 6.48034C46.4822 6.47145 46.5 6.48923 46.5089 6.51591Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M47.5939 6.72026C47.6562 7.01379 47.7096 7.30732 47.754 7.60974C47.7985 7.90327 47.8341 8.2057 47.8696 8.49923L48.0743 10.2782C48.2166 11.4612 48.3767 12.6531 48.5368 13.8361C48.6969 15.0192 48.8659 16.2022 49.0438 17.3852C49.2217 18.5682 49.3996 19.7512 49.5864 20.9343C49.5953 20.9609 49.5686 20.9965 49.5419 20.9965C49.5152 21.0054 49.4796 20.9787 49.4796 20.952C49.2661 19.7779 49.0527 18.5949 48.857 17.4119C48.6613 16.2289 48.4745 15.0459 48.3055 13.8628C48.1365 12.6798 47.9764 11.4879 47.8252 10.3049L47.6117 8.52594C47.5405 7.92998 47.4872 7.33401 47.4961 6.72916C47.4961 6.70247 47.5227 6.67578 47.5494 6.67578C47.5672 6.67578 47.585 6.69357 47.5939 6.72026Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M48.5191 7.00502C48.5547 7.28966 48.5724 7.58321 48.5813 7.86784C48.5991 8.15248 48.608 8.43709 48.6169 8.73062L48.6614 9.59343L48.7236 10.4562C48.8215 11.6036 48.9816 12.7422 49.1595 13.8807C49.3374 15.0193 49.542 16.1489 49.7644 17.2786L50.4137 20.6764C50.4226 20.7031 50.3959 20.7387 50.3692 20.7387C50.3425 20.7476 50.3069 20.7209 50.3069 20.6942C50.0668 19.5645 49.8088 18.4438 49.5776 17.3141C49.3463 16.1845 49.115 15.0549 48.9282 13.9163C48.7414 12.7778 48.5813 11.6304 48.4746 10.4829L48.4034 9.6201L48.35 8.75733C48.3412 8.4638 48.3412 8.17913 48.3412 7.8856C48.3501 7.59207 48.3678 7.30747 48.4034 7.02283C48.4034 6.99615 48.439 6.96946 48.4657 6.97836C48.4924 6.96057 48.5102 6.97834 48.5191 7.00502Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M49.702 7.19182C49.8443 7.73441 49.9421 8.28588 50.0311 8.82846C50.12 9.37995 50.209 9.93143 50.2979 10.474L50.8583 13.774C51.0451 14.877 51.1874 15.9799 51.3297 17.0829C51.472 18.1858 51.6055 19.2977 51.7834 20.3918C51.7923 20.4185 51.7656 20.4541 51.7389 20.4541C51.7122 20.4629 51.6766 20.4363 51.6766 20.4096C51.4721 19.3155 51.3031 18.2125 51.143 17.1096C50.9828 16.0066 50.8227 14.9036 50.6181 13.8096L50.04 10.5185C49.9421 9.96701 49.8532 9.41552 49.7643 8.87294C49.6753 8.32146 49.6041 7.76996 49.5952 7.20958C49.5952 7.1829 49.6219 7.15625 49.6486 7.15625C49.6753 7.15625 49.6931 7.17403 49.702 7.19182Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M51.0453 7.55631C51.1076 7.81426 51.1521 8.07218 51.1877 8.33013C51.2321 8.58808 51.2588 8.84606 51.2944 9.11291L51.3833 9.89564L51.4812 10.6784C51.6146 11.7191 51.7658 12.7598 51.9348 13.7916C52.0949 14.8323 52.2728 15.8641 52.4507 16.8959C52.6375 17.9277 52.8243 18.9595 53.0289 19.9913C53.0378 20.018 53.0111 20.0536 52.9844 20.0536C52.9577 20.0625 52.9222 20.0447 52.9222 20.0091C52.6909 18.9862 52.4685 17.9544 52.2639 16.9226C52.0593 15.8908 51.8725 14.859 51.6946 13.8183C51.5256 12.7776 51.3655 11.7369 51.2232 10.6962L51.1165 9.91344L51.0186 9.13067C50.9564 8.60587 50.9119 8.0811 50.9208 7.55631C50.9208 7.52962 50.9475 7.50293 50.9741 7.50293C51.0186 7.51182 51.0453 7.52962 51.0453 7.55631Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M52.1305 7.87658C52.1928 8.12563 52.2462 8.37471 52.2817 8.61488C52.3262 8.86393 52.3618 9.11298 52.3885 9.36203C52.4508 9.86015 52.5219 10.3582 52.5842 10.8564C52.7265 11.8526 52.8688 12.8488 53.0378 13.845C53.1979 14.8413 53.3669 15.8286 53.5537 16.8248C53.7316 17.8121 53.9273 18.7995 54.1319 19.7868C54.1407 19.8135 54.123 19.8491 54.0874 19.8491C54.0607 19.8579 54.0251 19.8402 54.0251 19.8046C53.785 18.8261 53.5715 17.8388 53.3669 16.8515C53.1624 15.8642 52.9755 14.8679 52.8065 13.8806C52.6375 12.8844 52.4863 11.8882 52.3351 10.892C52.264 10.3939 52.1928 9.89571 52.1305 9.3887C52.0682 8.89059 52.0149 8.38358 52.0238 7.87658C52.0238 7.84989 52.0505 7.82324 52.0772 7.82324C52.095 7.83214 52.1216 7.84989 52.1305 7.87658Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M53.6424 8.3303C53.678 8.56157 53.7047 8.80172 53.7225 9.03299C53.7403 9.26426 53.7581 9.50445 53.767 9.73572L53.8114 10.4384L53.8648 11.1411C53.9448 12.0839 54.0516 13.0179 54.185 13.9519C54.3095 14.8858 54.443 15.8198 54.5942 16.7537L55.0389 19.5556C55.0478 19.5823 55.0211 19.6179 54.9944 19.6179C54.9677 19.6268 54.941 19.6001 54.9322 19.5734C54.7543 18.6483 54.5764 17.7144 54.4074 16.7893C54.2473 15.8554 54.0872 14.9303 53.9449 13.9874C53.8114 13.0535 53.6958 12.1106 53.6157 11.1678L53.5534 10.4562L53.509 9.74458C53.5001 9.50442 53.4912 9.27315 53.4912 9.03299C53.5001 8.79283 53.509 8.56156 53.5357 8.3214C53.5357 8.29472 53.5712 8.26807 53.5979 8.26807C53.6157 8.28586 53.6335 8.30362 53.6424 8.3303Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M54.8966 8.92631C54.9945 9.35326 55.0478 9.78021 55.0834 10.2072L55.1902 11.4969C55.2613 12.3597 55.3413 13.2136 55.4303 14.0764C55.5104 14.9392 55.6082 15.7931 55.715 16.647C55.8128 17.5009 55.9373 18.3637 56.0618 19.2176C56.0618 19.2443 56.0441 19.2799 56.0174 19.2799C55.9907 19.2799 55.964 19.2621 55.9551 19.2354C55.795 18.3815 55.6527 17.5276 55.5282 16.6737C55.4036 15.8198 55.2969 14.957 55.199 14.1031C55.1012 13.2403 55.0211 12.3864 54.9411 11.5236L54.8255 10.2338C54.7899 9.80687 54.7632 9.37106 54.7899 8.93521C54.7899 8.90853 54.8166 8.88184 54.8521 8.88184C54.8699 8.88184 54.8966 8.89963 54.8966 8.92631Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M55.9998 9.3356C56.0442 9.54019 56.0798 9.73586 56.1065 9.94044C56.1332 10.145 56.1599 10.3496 56.1777 10.5453L56.2399 11.1501L56.3111 11.755C56.4089 12.5644 56.5335 13.3739 56.6491 14.1833C56.7648 14.9927 56.8893 15.8021 57.0049 16.6116C57.1117 17.421 57.2095 18.2393 57.2807 19.0577C57.2807 19.0843 57.2629 19.111 57.2273 19.1199C57.2006 19.1199 57.1739 19.1022 57.165 19.0755C57.0672 18.266 56.9426 17.4566 56.8092 16.6471C56.6847 15.8377 56.5424 15.0372 56.4089 14.2278C56.2755 13.4183 56.151 12.6089 56.0531 11.7995L55.982 11.1857L55.9197 10.572C55.9019 10.3674 55.8842 10.1628 55.8842 9.95824C55.8842 9.75366 55.8842 9.54908 55.902 9.3356C55.902 9.30892 55.9286 9.28223 55.9642 9.28223C55.9731 9.29112 55.9909 9.30892 55.9998 9.3356Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M57.2449 10.0824C57.3427 10.4382 57.3961 10.8029 57.4317 11.1587L57.5206 12.2439L57.6896 14.4231C57.743 15.1436 57.7964 15.873 57.8586 16.5935C57.9209 17.3139 57.9921 18.0433 58.0721 18.7638C58.0721 18.7905 58.0543 18.8261 58.0187 18.8261C57.9921 18.8261 57.9654 18.8083 57.9565 18.7816C57.8408 18.0611 57.743 17.3406 57.6629 16.6202C57.5829 15.8997 57.5117 15.1703 57.4495 14.4498L57.2627 12.2794L57.1648 11.1943C57.147 11.0164 57.1381 10.8296 57.1293 10.6517C57.1204 10.4738 57.1204 10.287 57.1382 10.1002C57.1382 10.0735 57.1648 10.0469 57.2004 10.0469C57.2182 10.0469 57.236 10.0558 57.2449 10.0824Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M58.3478 10.4207C58.3834 10.5897 58.4101 10.7587 58.419 10.9277C58.4367 11.0967 58.4456 11.2657 58.4545 11.4347L58.4723 11.9417L58.499 12.4488C58.5435 13.1248 58.5968 13.7918 58.668 14.4679C58.7303 15.1439 58.8015 15.811 58.8815 16.487L59.1127 18.5061C59.1127 18.5328 59.0949 18.5684 59.0683 18.5684C59.0416 18.5684 59.0149 18.5506 59.006 18.5239C58.8904 17.8568 58.7925 17.1897 58.6947 16.5137C58.5969 15.8466 58.5079 15.1706 58.4368 14.4946C58.3656 13.8186 58.3033 13.1425 58.25 12.4665L58.2144 11.9595L58.1877 11.4525C58.1788 11.1145 58.1788 10.7765 58.2411 10.4296C58.25 10.4029 58.2767 10.3762 58.3033 10.3851C58.33 10.3762 58.3478 10.394 58.3478 10.4207Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M59.3262 10.8475C59.4062 11.1588 59.4418 11.4701 59.4596 11.7814L59.5129 12.7243C59.5485 13.3558 59.593 13.9785 59.6464 14.6011C59.6908 15.2237 59.7531 15.8553 59.8332 16.4779C59.9043 17.1006 60.0022 17.7232 60.1089 18.3369C60.1178 18.3636 60.0911 18.3992 60.0644 18.3992C60.0378 18.4081 60.0111 18.3814 60.0022 18.3547C59.8598 17.741 59.7442 17.1184 59.6464 16.4957C59.5485 15.8731 59.4774 15.2415 59.4151 14.6189C59.3529 13.9874 59.3084 13.3647 59.2639 12.7332L59.2016 11.7903C59.1838 11.479 59.175 11.1588 59.2283 10.8475C59.2372 10.8208 59.2639 10.7941 59.2906 10.803C59.2995 10.8119 59.3173 10.8208 59.3262 10.8475Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M60.4203 11.0876C60.5181 11.3723 60.5626 11.6658 60.5893 11.9594L60.6249 12.4041L60.6516 12.8488C60.6872 13.4359 60.7049 14.0229 60.7316 14.61C60.7494 15.1971 60.7583 15.7841 60.785 16.3712C60.8028 16.9582 60.8384 17.5364 60.8828 18.1235C60.8828 18.1502 60.8651 18.1769 60.8295 18.1858C60.8028 18.1858 60.7761 18.168 60.7672 18.1413C60.6871 17.5631 60.6338 16.976 60.5893 16.389C60.5537 15.8019 60.5181 15.2149 60.4914 14.6278C60.4648 14.0408 60.4381 13.4537 60.4025 12.8755L60.3669 12.4397L60.3314 12.0038C60.3136 11.8615 60.3047 11.7103 60.3047 11.568C60.2958 11.4256 60.2958 11.2744 60.3135 11.1232C60.3135 11.0876 60.3491 11.0699 60.3758 11.0699C60.3936 11.0521 60.4114 11.0698 60.4203 11.0876Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M61.3543 11.3546C61.4076 11.6304 61.4166 11.8972 61.4166 12.1641C61.4166 12.4309 61.4254 12.7067 61.4343 12.9735C61.4521 13.5161 61.4877 14.0587 61.5233 14.6013L61.5677 15.4196C61.5855 15.6953 61.5856 15.9622 61.5945 16.2379C61.6033 16.7805 61.6122 17.3231 61.6834 17.8568C61.6834 17.8835 61.6656 17.9191 61.6389 17.9191C61.6122 17.9191 61.5855 17.9013 61.5766 17.8746C61.4699 17.332 61.4343 16.7894 61.4077 16.2468C61.3899 15.9711 61.381 15.7042 61.3543 15.4374L61.2831 14.628C61.2387 14.0854 61.1942 13.5428 61.1764 13.0002C61.1675 12.7244 61.1586 12.4576 61.1586 12.1819C61.1586 11.9061 61.1764 11.6304 61.2475 11.3635C61.2564 11.3369 61.2831 11.3191 61.3187 11.328C61.3365 11.3102 61.3543 11.3279 61.3543 11.3546Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M62.3595 11.7283C62.395 11.8528 62.4039 11.9774 62.4128 12.1108C62.4217 12.2353 62.4306 12.3598 62.4217 12.4844C62.4217 12.7334 62.4217 12.9914 62.4217 13.2404C62.4306 13.7474 62.4395 14.2456 62.4573 14.7526C62.4751 15.2596 62.5018 15.7577 62.5374 16.2558C62.5729 16.7539 62.6174 17.2609 62.6797 17.759C62.6797 17.7857 62.6619 17.8213 62.6352 17.8213C62.6085 17.8213 62.5819 17.8035 62.573 17.7768C62.4751 17.2787 62.4129 16.7806 62.3506 16.2736C62.2972 15.7666 62.2528 15.2685 62.2172 14.7615C62.1905 14.2545 62.1638 13.7474 62.1549 13.2404C62.146 12.9914 62.146 12.7334 62.146 12.4844C62.146 12.2353 62.1638 11.9774 62.2349 11.7283C62.2438 11.7016 62.2706 11.6838 62.3061 11.6927C62.3417 11.6927 62.3506 11.7105 62.3595 11.7283Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M63.1244 12.0042C63.1956 12.2354 63.2134 12.4756 63.2134 12.7068L63.2223 13.4095L63.2489 14.8238C63.2578 15.2952 63.2668 15.7667 63.2846 16.2292C63.3023 16.7006 63.329 17.1632 63.3557 17.6346C63.3557 17.6613 63.3379 17.688 63.3023 17.6969C63.2756 17.6969 63.249 17.6791 63.2401 17.6524C63.1689 17.181 63.1244 16.7184 63.0799 16.247C63.0444 15.7755 63.0177 15.3041 62.991 14.8327C62.9732 14.3613 62.9554 13.8899 62.9465 13.4184L62.9376 12.7157C62.9376 12.4845 62.9465 12.2443 63.0088 12.013C63.0177 11.9863 63.0444 11.9596 63.0799 11.9685C63.1066 11.9685 63.1244 11.9864 63.1244 12.0042Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M64.0583 12.1466C64.1473 12.369 64.1829 12.6092 64.2007 12.8404L64.254 13.5431C64.2896 14.0057 64.3163 14.4771 64.343 14.9396C64.3608 15.4111 64.3786 15.8736 64.3875 16.345C64.3964 16.8164 64.3964 17.2789 64.3875 17.7504C64.3875 17.7771 64.3608 17.8037 64.3341 17.8037C64.3074 17.8037 64.2807 17.7771 64.2807 17.7504C64.254 17.2878 64.2362 16.8164 64.2007 16.3539C64.174 15.8914 64.1384 15.4199 64.1028 14.9574C64.0672 14.4949 64.0317 14.0235 63.9961 13.5609L63.9338 12.8671C63.9249 12.7515 63.916 12.6358 63.916 12.5202C63.916 12.4046 63.9249 12.2889 63.9427 12.1644C63.9516 12.1288 63.9783 12.111 64.0139 12.1199C64.0317 12.1199 64.0494 12.1288 64.0583 12.1466Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.8219 6.72972C22.8841 7.50357 22.9197 8.27743 22.9553 9.05128C22.9909 9.82514 23.0443 10.599 23.0976 11.3728C23.151 12.1467 23.1955 12.9205 23.2221 13.7033C23.2488 14.4771 23.2488 15.2599 23.24 16.0337C23.2311 16.8076 23.2221 17.5815 23.2221 18.3553C23.2221 19.1292 23.24 19.903 23.2578 20.6769C23.2933 22.2246 23.3289 23.7812 23.3467 25.3289C23.3467 25.3555 23.32 25.3822 23.2933 25.3822C23.2666 25.3822 23.24 25.3555 23.24 25.3289C23.2044 23.7812 23.1243 22.2335 23.071 20.6769C23.0443 19.903 23.0265 19.1292 23.0087 18.3464C22.9998 17.5726 22.9998 16.7898 22.9998 16.0159C22.9998 15.2421 22.9998 14.4683 22.9731 13.6944C22.9464 12.9206 22.8931 12.1467 22.8397 11.3728C22.7863 10.599 22.7329 9.82514 22.6885 9.05128C22.644 8.27743 22.6351 7.49467 22.7063 6.72081C22.7063 6.69413 22.733 6.66748 22.7685 6.66748C22.7952 6.68527 22.8219 6.70303 22.8219 6.72972Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.9766 6.8802C22.0211 7.64516 22.0834 8.4012 22.1012 9.16615C22.1101 9.36184 22.11 9.54863 22.11 9.74432V10.3225V11.47L22.1012 16.0597L22.0923 18.3546L22.0834 19.502C22.0834 19.8845 22.0923 20.2669 22.0923 20.6494L22.11 22.9443C22.11 23.3268 22.1101 23.7093 22.1279 24.0917L22.1812 25.2392C22.1812 25.2659 22.1634 25.2926 22.1279 25.3014C22.1012 25.3014 22.0745 25.2837 22.0656 25.2481L21.9855 24.1006C21.9588 23.7182 21.9499 23.3357 21.9411 22.9532L21.8877 20.6583C21.8788 20.2758 21.8699 19.8934 21.8699 19.5109L21.861 18.3635L21.8432 16.0686L21.8343 11.4788V10.3314V9.76213C21.8343 9.57533 21.8254 9.37966 21.8254 9.19286C21.8076 8.42791 21.772 7.66296 21.8521 6.88911C21.8521 6.86242 21.8788 6.83573 21.9144 6.83573C21.95 6.82683 21.9677 6.85352 21.9766 6.8802Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M0.113291 13.4273C0.211135 13.4006 0.291171 13.4183 0.36233 13.445C0.433489 13.4717 0.504682 13.4984 0.575841 13.5251C0.718159 13.5784 0.869362 13.6318 1.01168 13.6763C1.30521 13.7742 1.60761 13.8364 1.91893 13.8809C1.94561 13.8809 1.9723 13.9165 1.9634 13.9432C1.9634 13.9698 1.93675 13.9876 1.91007 13.9876C1.58985 14.0143 1.26071 13.9787 0.940495 13.8987C0.780388 13.8631 0.629201 13.8186 0.477989 13.7653C0.397935 13.7386 0.326776 13.7119 0.255618 13.6852C0.184459 13.6585 0.113283 13.614 0.0599135 13.5251C0.0421238 13.4895 0.0510447 13.4451 0.0866241 13.4273C0.104414 13.4362 0.113291 13.4362 0.113291 13.4273Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.2278 12.3864C5.09438 12.4042 4.99651 12.4131 4.89867 12.4398C4.80083 12.4576 4.70299 12.511 4.64073 12.5821C4.57847 12.6533 4.5518 12.7422 4.56959 12.8312C4.58738 12.9201 4.64963 13.0001 4.73858 13.0802C4.81863 13.1514 4.91649 13.1959 5.01433 13.1959C5.11217 13.1959 5.21003 13.1603 5.29008 13.0802C5.37013 13.009 5.42348 12.9023 5.44127 12.7956C5.45906 12.6889 5.44126 12.5643 5.38789 12.4576C5.37899 12.4309 5.38791 12.3953 5.4146 12.3864C5.44128 12.3775 5.46795 12.3864 5.48574 12.4042C5.56579 12.5199 5.61029 12.6621 5.6014 12.8134C5.5925 12.9557 5.5391 13.1069 5.43236 13.2225C5.33452 13.3382 5.18334 13.4182 5.02323 13.4271C4.86313 13.436 4.70298 13.3738 4.58735 13.2848C4.47172 13.1959 4.36498 13.0713 4.32051 12.9023C4.32051 12.8845 4.31165 12.8579 4.31165 12.8401V12.7778C4.31165 12.7333 4.32051 12.6888 4.32941 12.6533C4.3383 12.6088 4.36499 12.5732 4.37388 12.5376C4.39167 12.5021 4.41838 12.4665 4.44507 12.4398C4.55181 12.3153 4.69412 12.2441 4.84534 12.2085C4.99655 12.1729 5.16553 12.1996 5.27227 12.3153C5.29896 12.342 5.29896 12.3775 5.27227 12.4042C5.26338 12.3775 5.24559 12.3775 5.2278 12.3864Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.98773 12.7066C5.04999 12.6888 5.06782 12.6888 5.06782 12.6977L5.07668 12.7155C5.08557 12.7333 5.08558 12.7422 5.08558 12.76C5.08558 12.7956 5.0856 12.8223 5.05891 12.8667C5.04112 12.9023 4.99664 12.9201 4.96106 12.9112C4.91659 12.8934 4.88989 12.8756 4.86321 12.849C4.85431 12.8401 4.84544 12.8222 4.83654 12.8133L4.82764 12.7956C4.82764 12.7867 4.83655 12.7778 4.88992 12.7422C4.9166 12.7333 4.95215 12.7155 4.98773 12.7066Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.02606 9.65556C9.10612 10.0914 9.13279 10.5362 9.15058 10.9809C9.15948 11.4257 9.15948 11.8704 9.15948 12.3152C9.15059 13.2046 9.11501 14.0941 9.02606 14.9747C8.93711 15.8553 8.78587 16.7359 8.59018 17.6076C8.3856 18.4704 8.12768 19.3243 7.82526 20.1604C7.81636 20.1871 7.78076 20.2049 7.75407 20.196C7.72739 20.1871 7.70961 20.1515 7.7185 20.1248C7.98535 19.2798 8.21662 18.4348 8.39452 17.572C8.58131 16.7092 8.70583 15.8375 8.78588 14.9658C8.86594 14.0852 8.9015 13.2046 8.9015 12.324C8.9015 11.8793 8.89263 11.4434 8.88374 10.9987C8.87484 10.7763 8.87484 10.554 8.88374 10.3405C8.88374 10.1181 8.89262 9.89574 8.91931 9.67337C8.91931 9.64668 8.9549 9.61999 8.98159 9.61999C8.99938 9.6111 9.01717 9.62888 9.02606 9.65556Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.7987 17.8655C15.4036 17.9723 15.9817 18.1235 16.5688 18.2569C17.1558 18.3992 17.7429 18.506 18.3388 18.5682C18.4901 18.586 18.6413 18.5949 18.7836 18.6038C18.8548 18.6127 18.9348 18.6127 19.006 18.6216L19.1216 18.6305H19.175C19.1927 18.6305 19.2105 18.6305 19.2283 18.6305C19.5219 18.6216 19.8332 18.5949 20.1267 18.586C20.4291 18.5683 20.7316 18.5504 21.0429 18.5593C21.0874 18.5593 21.1229 18.5593 21.1763 18.5682C21.1852 18.5682 21.203 18.5771 21.2208 18.5771C21.2386 18.586 21.2475 18.586 21.2652 18.5949C21.2741 18.6038 21.2742 18.6038 21.2831 18.6127C21.3008 18.6305 21.3275 18.6483 21.3453 18.6661C21.3631 18.6928 21.3809 18.7105 21.3898 18.7372C21.3987 18.7639 21.4076 18.7906 21.4165 18.8262C21.4165 18.8529 21.4254 18.8884 21.4165 18.9151C21.4165 18.9418 21.4076 18.9685 21.3987 18.9952C21.3364 19.182 21.2297 19.3065 21.1141 19.4221C20.8917 19.6445 20.6426 19.8313 20.3847 20.0003C20.1267 20.1693 19.8599 20.3294 19.593 20.4628C19.4596 20.534 19.3173 20.5963 19.1661 20.6585C19.1305 20.6763 19.0949 20.6852 19.0504 20.6941C19.0149 20.703 18.9704 20.7119 18.9348 20.7208L18.7125 20.7741C18.41 20.8275 18.0987 20.8631 17.7874 20.8542C17.4761 20.8364 17.1647 20.7831 16.8712 20.703C16.5777 20.614 16.293 20.4895 16.0173 20.3472C15.4747 20.0537 14.9855 19.6979 14.5052 19.3154C14.4785 19.2976 14.4785 19.262 14.4963 19.2353C14.5141 19.2087 14.5497 19.2087 14.5763 19.2264C15.0567 19.5911 15.5548 19.938 16.0885 20.2049C16.3553 20.3383 16.631 20.445 16.9157 20.5251C17.2003 20.6052 17.4939 20.6407 17.7874 20.6585C18.0809 20.6674 18.3744 20.6318 18.668 20.5696L18.8814 20.5162C18.917 20.5073 18.9526 20.4984 18.9882 20.4895C19.0238 20.4806 19.0504 20.4629 19.086 20.454C19.2194 20.4006 19.3529 20.3294 19.4863 20.2672C19.7531 20.1248 20.0022 19.9736 20.2512 19.8046C20.4914 19.6356 20.7316 19.4577 20.9362 19.2443C21.034 19.1464 21.123 19.0219 21.1585 18.924C21.1674 18.8707 21.1674 18.844 21.1407 18.8173C21.1318 18.8084 21.123 18.7995 21.1141 18.7995C21.1141 18.7995 21.1052 18.7906 21.1141 18.7995C21.123 18.8084 21.1229 18.8084 21.1318 18.8084C21.1318 18.8084 21.1319 18.8084 21.123 18.8084C21.0963 18.8084 21.0607 18.7995 21.0251 18.7995C20.7316 18.7995 20.4291 18.8173 20.1267 18.8351C19.8243 18.8529 19.5219 18.8796 19.2106 18.8885C19.1928 18.8885 19.1661 18.8885 19.1483 18.8885H19.0949L18.9793 18.8796C18.8992 18.8796 18.8281 18.8706 18.748 18.8706C18.5968 18.8618 18.4456 18.844 18.2944 18.8351C17.6895 18.7728 17.0847 18.6572 16.4887 18.5238C15.8928 18.3903 15.3146 18.2124 14.7453 17.9812C14.7187 17.9723 14.7009 17.9367 14.7187 17.91C14.7454 17.8744 14.772 17.8567 14.7987 17.8655Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.8561 18.5864C20.7938 18.1061 20.776 17.6258 20.7671 17.1454L20.7315 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19.9647C20.2335 19.9647 20.2513 19.9736 20.2513 20.0003Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.0466 7.26292C20.0733 7.50308 20.0822 7.73435 20.0911 7.97451C20.1 8.21467 20.1 8.44594 20.0911 8.6861L20.0822 9.39769V10.1093C20.0822 11.0521 20.1088 11.995 20.1266 12.9379L20.1889 15.7753C20.2067 16.7182 20.2156 17.6699 20.1978 18.6128C20.1978 18.6394 20.1711 18.6661 20.1444 18.6661C20.1178 18.6661 20.0911 18.6394 20.0911 18.6128C20.0644 17.6699 20.0377 16.7271 20.0021 15.7842L19.8954 12.9467C19.8687 12.0039 19.842 11.0521 19.8331 10.1093L19.8242 9.39769V8.6861C19.8331 8.21467 19.8509 7.74325 19.9309 7.27183C19.9398 7.24514 19.9665 7.21846 19.9932 7.22735C20.0288 7.21846 20.0466 7.24513 20.0466 7.26292Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.1038 7.3876C19.1305 7.62776 19.1394 7.85903 19.1483 8.09919C19.1572 8.33935 19.1572 8.57061 19.1483 8.81077C19.1394 9.2822 19.1394 9.75366 19.1394 10.2251C19.1394 11.1679 19.1572 12.1108 19.1839 13.0536C19.2017 13.9965 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19.2283 20.5607 19.2638 20.5785C19.2905 20.5873 19.2994 20.5962 19.3083 20.614Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.3655 20.8366C18.4278 20.9878 18.4366 21.1301 18.4366 21.2813V21.7261V22.6155C18.4366 22.9091 18.4277 23.2115 18.4188 23.505C18.401 23.8074 18.3922 24.101 18.3566 24.3945C18.3566 24.4212 18.3299 24.4479 18.2943 24.4479C18.2676 24.4479 18.2409 24.4212 18.2409 24.3945C18.232 24.101 18.2321 23.7986 18.2232 23.505L18.1965 22.6155C18.1876 22.322 18.1787 22.0196 18.1698 21.7261L18.1609 21.2813C18.1609 21.1301 18.1787 20.9789 18.2409 20.8366C18.2587 20.8099 18.2943 20.7921 18.321 20.8099C18.3477 20.8188 18.3566 20.8277 18.3655 20.8366Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.4939 20.8097C17.5472 20.9521 17.5561 21.0944 17.5472 21.2278L17.5206 21.6459L17.4761 22.482L17.4316 23.3181C17.4138 23.5938 17.4049 23.8784 17.3782 24.1542C17.3782 24.1809 17.3515 24.2076 17.316 24.2076C17.2893 24.2076 17.2626 24.1809 17.2626 24.1542C17.2448 23.8784 17.2359 23.5938 17.227 23.3181C17.2181 23.0423 17.2181 22.7577 17.227 22.482C17.2359 22.2062 17.2359 21.9216 17.2537 21.6459L17.2715 21.2278C17.2804 21.0855 17.2982 20.9521 17.3782 20.8097C17.396 20.7831 17.4316 20.7652 17.4583 20.783C17.4761 20.783 17.485 20.8009 17.4939 20.8097Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.6577 20.5168C16.7288 20.6591 16.7555 20.8015 16.7555 20.9438L16.7733 21.3707C16.7822 21.6554 16.7822 21.94 16.7822 22.2246C16.7822 22.5093 16.7822 22.7939 16.7733 23.0786L16.7555 23.9324C16.7555 23.9591 16.7288 23.9858 16.7021 23.9858C16.6754 23.9858 16.6487 23.9591 16.6487 23.9324C16.6221 23.6478 16.6043 23.3632 16.5865 23.0786C16.5687 22.7939 16.5598 22.5093 16.5509 22.2246L16.5242 21.3707L16.5064 20.9438C16.4975 20.8015 16.5064 20.6591 16.5598 20.5168C16.5687 20.4812 16.6043 20.4723 16.6398 20.4812C16.6398 20.499 16.6577 20.5079 16.6577 20.5168Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.8038 20.0984C15.8572 20.2408 15.8661 20.3919 15.8483 20.5254L15.8127 20.9523L15.7416 21.7973L15.5903 23.4962C15.5903 23.5229 15.5636 23.5496 15.5281 23.5496C15.5014 23.5496 15.4747 23.5229 15.4747 23.4962C15.4658 23.2116 15.4658 22.927 15.4658 22.6423C15.4658 22.3577 15.4836 22.0731 15.4925 21.7885C15.5103 21.5038 15.5192 21.2192 15.5459 20.9345L15.5725 20.5076C15.5814 20.3652 15.6081 20.223 15.6793 20.0895C15.6971 20.0628 15.7326 20.045 15.7593 20.0628C15.786 20.0717 15.7949 20.0806 15.8038 20.0984Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.76424 9.46908C9.91546 9.91382 9.98661 10.3852 10.0311 10.8566C10.0756 11.3281 10.0934 11.7995 10.0934 12.271C10.0934 13.2138 9.98662 14.1478 9.8621 15.0728L9.6753 16.4604C9.61303 16.9229 9.53297 17.3855 9.44402 17.848C9.25723 18.7642 9.00816 19.6714 8.72353 20.5609C8.71463 20.5876 8.67907 20.6054 8.65239 20.5965C8.6257 20.5876 8.60792 20.5609 8.61682 20.5254C8.74134 20.0717 8.85698 19.627 8.97261 19.1733C9.07935 18.7197 9.17717 18.2661 9.25722 17.8124C9.33727 17.3588 9.40846 16.8963 9.46183 16.4337L9.63082 15.0461C9.74645 14.1211 9.84429 13.196 9.84429 12.271C9.85318 11.3459 9.71087 10.4297 9.66639 9.49574C9.66639 9.46906 9.68419 9.44236 9.71977 9.43346C9.72866 9.42457 9.75535 9.44239 9.76424 9.46908Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.698 9.19316C10.8048 9.69127 10.8492 10.1894 10.867 10.6875C10.8848 11.1856 10.8937 11.6926 10.8937 12.1907C10.8937 13.1958 10.8581 14.201 10.7959 15.1972C10.7603 15.6953 10.7247 16.1934 10.6714 16.7004C10.618 17.1985 10.5379 17.6966 10.4401 18.1947C10.3422 18.6839 10.2266 19.1732 10.1021 19.6624C9.97753 20.1516 9.83525 20.6319 9.69293 21.1123C9.68404 21.1389 9.65733 21.1567 9.62175 21.1478C9.59506 21.1389 9.57728 21.1123 9.58618 21.0767C9.83523 20.1072 10.0754 19.1376 10.2533 18.1592C10.3422 17.6699 10.4134 17.1807 10.4579 16.6826C10.5023 16.1845 10.529 15.6864 10.5646 15.1883C10.618 14.1921 10.6536 13.1958 10.6447 12.1996C10.6447 11.7015 10.6269 11.2034 10.6091 10.7053C10.5913 10.2072 10.5646 9.70903 10.5913 9.21092C10.5913 9.18424 10.618 9.15759 10.6536 9.15759C10.6713 9.14869 10.6891 9.16647 10.698 9.19316Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.5787 8.97048C11.6498 9.49528 11.6765 10.029 11.6765 10.5538C11.6765 11.0785 11.6854 11.6123 11.6854 12.1371C11.6854 13.1955 11.6676 14.254 11.6321 15.3125C11.6143 15.8373 11.5965 16.371 11.5609 16.8958C11.5253 17.4206 11.4719 17.9543 11.4097 18.4791C11.383 18.7459 11.3474 19.0039 11.3029 19.2707C11.2673 19.5287 11.2229 19.7955 11.1784 20.0535C11.0806 20.5783 10.9472 21.0942 10.787 21.5923C10.7782 21.619 10.7426 21.6367 10.7159 21.6278C10.6892 21.6189 10.6714 21.5923 10.6803 21.5567C10.8137 21.0497 10.9383 20.5338 11.0183 20.0179C11.1073 19.502 11.1606 18.9772 11.214 18.4524C11.2673 17.9276 11.3119 17.4028 11.3385 16.878C11.3652 16.3532 11.3741 15.8284 11.3919 15.2947C11.4186 14.2362 11.4275 13.1866 11.4275 12.1282C11.4275 11.6034 11.4186 11.0696 11.4186 10.5448C11.4097 10.0201 11.4186 9.48638 11.472 8.96158C11.472 8.9349 11.4986 8.9082 11.5342 8.9082C11.552 8.92599 11.5698 8.9438 11.5787 8.97048Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.3348 8.79326C12.4148 9.34474 12.4326 9.90509 12.4326 10.4566V12.1199C12.4326 12.6714 12.4504 13.2229 12.4682 13.7833C12.4771 14.3348 12.4949 14.8951 12.4949 15.4555C12.486 16.5673 12.4504 17.6792 12.3615 18.7911C12.2636 19.9029 12.1213 21.0059 11.9256 22.1C11.9167 22.1266 11.89 22.1533 11.8634 22.1444C11.8367 22.1355 11.81 22.1088 11.8189 22.0822C11.8989 21.5307 11.9701 20.9881 12.0234 20.4366C12.0857 19.8851 12.1302 19.3336 12.1658 18.7822C12.2369 17.6792 12.2636 16.5674 12.2547 15.4644C12.2547 14.9129 12.2369 14.3525 12.2192 13.801C12.2014 13.2496 12.1747 12.6892 12.1747 12.1377L12.1658 10.4744C12.1658 9.92289 12.1747 9.3625 12.2281 8.81102C12.2281 8.78434 12.2547 8.75769 12.2903 8.75769C12.3081 8.74879 12.3259 8.76657 12.3348 8.79326Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.1354 8.56156C13.2243 9.14862 13.251 9.73567 13.2688 10.3227L13.3044 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22.9534 13.6778 22.9445C13.6511 22.9445 13.6244 22.9089 13.6333 22.8822C13.7579 21.6814 13.829 20.4717 13.8913 19.262C13.918 18.6571 13.9447 18.0523 13.9536 17.4474C13.9536 16.8426 13.9446 16.2377 13.9358 15.6329C13.918 14.4232 13.8913 13.2135 13.8646 12.0038C13.8557 11.3989 13.8379 10.7941 13.8379 10.1892C13.8379 9.58436 13.8468 8.97952 13.918 8.37467C13.918 8.34798 13.9535 8.32129 13.9802 8.32129C13.9891 8.32129 14.0069 8.33908 14.0158 8.36576Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.7986 8.14376C14.8787 8.55292 14.8965 8.95321 14.9054 9.36237L14.9232 10.581C14.9321 11.3993 14.941 12.2087 14.9676 13.0182C14.9854 13.8365 15.0032 14.6459 14.9943 15.4643C14.9854 16.2826 14.9676 17.092 14.9143 17.9103C14.9143 17.937 14.8876 17.9637 14.852 17.9637C14.8253 17.9637 14.7986 17.937 14.7986 17.9103C14.8075 17.1009 14.8075 16.2826 14.7986 15.4732C14.7898 14.6637 14.7631 13.8454 14.7186 13.0359C14.6919 12.2176 14.6741 11.4082 14.6563 10.5898L14.6297 9.37128C14.6208 8.96211 14.6208 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13.3295C71.7344 13.2584 72.3037 13.1961 72.873 13.116L73.7269 13.0004C74.0115 12.9648 74.2873 12.9115 74.5808 12.8848C75.159 12.8225 75.7371 12.8314 76.3064 12.8136C76.8757 12.7958 77.445 12.7602 77.9964 12.6268C78.0231 12.6179 78.0587 12.6357 78.0676 12.6624C78.0765 12.6891 78.0587 12.7246 78.032 12.7335C77.4716 12.8848 76.8935 12.9381 76.3153 12.9648C75.7372 13.0004 75.1679 13.0093 74.6075 13.0804C74.3317 13.116 74.0471 13.1694 73.7625 13.2139L72.9086 13.3473C72.3393 13.4273 71.77 13.5074 71.2008 13.5875L69.4929 13.8009C68.9237 13.8721 68.3544 13.9433 67.7851 14.0055C67.2158 14.0678 66.6377 14.1211 66.0684 14.1567C65.7838 14.1745 65.4902 14.1834 65.2056 14.1834C64.921 14.1834 64.6275 14.1656 64.3428 14.1211C64.3162 14.1122 64.2895 14.0855 64.2984 14.0589C64.2806 14.0144 64.3072 13.9966 64.3339 13.9877Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M64.3785 14.8151C64.921 14.7083 65.4636 14.6639 66.0062 14.6194L67.6429 14.5127C68.1855 14.4771 68.7369 14.4326 69.2795 14.397C69.8221 14.3615 70.3736 14.3259 70.9162 14.2903C72.0102 14.2369 73.1043 14.1925 74.1984 14.1658C75.2924 14.148 76.3865 14.1391 77.4806 14.1658C77.5072 14.1658 77.5339 14.1925 77.5339 14.2191C77.5339 14.2458 77.5072 14.2725 77.4806 14.2725C76.3865 14.2814 75.2924 14.3081 74.2073 14.3526C73.1132 14.3881 72.028 14.4504 70.934 14.5216C70.3914 14.5571 69.8399 14.5927 69.2973 14.6372C68.7547 14.6817 68.2121 14.7262 67.6606 14.7617L66.024 14.8774C65.4814 14.9129 64.9299 14.9396 64.3785 14.9129C64.3518 14.9129 64.3251 14.8863 64.3251 14.8507C64.3251 14.8418 64.3429 14.824 64.3785 14.8151Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M64.334 15.7397C64.8766 15.6507 65.4192 15.6151 65.9618 15.5885C66.5043 15.5707 67.047 15.5529 67.5895 15.544C68.6747 15.5173 69.7599 15.5084 70.8451 15.4995C71.9302 15.4995 73.0154 15.5084 74.1005 15.5262C75.1857 15.544 76.2709 15.5707 77.3561 15.6063C77.3828 15.6063 77.4094 15.6329 77.4094 15.6596C77.4094 15.6863 77.3828 15.713 77.3561 15.713H74.1005C73.0154 15.713 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14.7594 23.5241C14.7238 23.4618 14.6882 23.3996 14.6437 23.3373C14.4747 23.106 14.2434 22.9104 14.0389 22.6613C13.941 22.5368 13.8521 22.3944 13.7987 22.2343C13.7364 22.0653 13.7454 21.8785 13.781 21.7184C13.861 21.3893 14.0389 21.1314 14.1011 20.8645C14.1367 20.7311 14.1367 20.5977 14.1011 20.4821C14.0656 20.3753 13.9766 20.2775 13.861 20.1707C13.8076 20.1174 13.7542 20.0551 13.7009 19.9839C13.6475 19.9128 13.603 19.8238 13.5763 19.7349C13.5318 19.5481 13.5674 19.3702 13.5941 19.219C13.6297 19.0678 13.6564 18.9343 13.6386 18.8187C13.6297 18.7653 13.603 18.7031 13.5763 18.6497C13.5496 18.5963 13.5052 18.5341 13.4607 18.4807C13.3718 18.3651 13.265 18.2583 13.1672 18.116C13.0693 17.9737 12.9982 17.8047 13.0071 17.609C13.016 17.4133 13.1049 17.2532 13.1939 17.1198C13.2828 16.9864 13.3807 16.8707 13.4518 16.7551C13.4874 16.6928 13.5141 16.6395 13.5318 16.5772C13.5407 16.5505 13.5496 16.5149 13.5496 16.4883C13.5496 16.4705 13.5496 16.4616 13.5496 16.4438V16.3993C13.5408 16.2748 13.4874 16.1503 13.4162 16.0257C13.3451 15.9012 13.2561 15.7767 13.176 15.6344C13.096 15.492 13.0337 15.3319 13.016 15.154C12.9982 14.9761 13.0605 14.7982 13.1405 14.647C13.2206 14.5047 13.3184 14.3802 13.3984 14.2557C13.4785 14.1311 13.5497 14.0155 13.5853 13.891C13.6208 13.7664 13.603 13.6508 13.5496 13.5263C13.4963 13.4017 13.4074 13.2772 13.3362 13.1438C13.2562 13.0015 13.185 12.8325 13.2028 12.6368C13.2028 12.5478 13.2383 12.45 13.2828 12.3699C13.3273 12.2899 13.3895 12.2187 13.4429 12.1654C13.5585 12.0497 13.6742 11.9608 13.7632 11.854C13.8076 11.8007 13.8343 11.7562 13.8521 11.6939C13.8788 11.6228 13.9055 11.5605 13.9233 11.4894C13.941 11.4271 13.95 11.3559 13.9411 11.3026C13.9411 11.2492 13.9143 11.1958 13.8876 11.1336C13.8254 11.009 13.7364 10.8845 13.6653 10.7244C13.6297 10.6443 13.6119 10.5465 13.6119 10.4575C13.6119 10.3686 13.6386 10.2707 13.6742 10.1907C13.7454 10.0217 13.861 9.90606 13.9589 9.79043C14.0567 9.67479 14.1456 9.56807 14.1901 9.45244C14.2346 9.32791 14.2613 9.18559 14.2702 9.04327C14.2791 8.90095 14.279 8.74974 14.279 8.59853C14.279 8.2961 14.2879 7.96698 14.4213 7.65566C14.6882 7.09529 15.0174 6.57049 15.382 6.08128C15.7467 5.59206 16.147 5.12065 16.5917 4.69369C16.8141 4.48022 17.0454 4.28453 17.25 4.07105C17.4545 3.85758 17.6413 3.6263 17.7569 3.36835C17.8814 3.1015 17.9882 2.81688 18.0682 2.53224C18.1483 2.2476 18.2106 1.95406 18.2729 1.65164C18.3351 1.34921 18.4152 1.05568 18.5219 0.762151C18.5486 0.690993 18.5752 0.619842 18.6019 0.548684C18.6286 0.477525 18.6642 0.406375 18.6909 0.335216L18.7176 0.281838L18.7265 0.255149C18.7354 0.246254 18.7176 0.26404 18.7443 0.22846C18.7443 0.148407 18.9934 0.210688 18.94 0.246267C18.9578 0.281847 18.9577 0.290729 18.9577 0.299623L18.9666 0.326312V0.344098V0.361883L19.0378 0.584254L19.1712 1.02012C19.1801 1.05569 19.1979 1.09127 19.2068 1.12685C19.2157 1.16243 19.2246 1.20691 19.2335 1.24249C19.2513 1.32254 19.2601 1.40259 19.269 1.48264C19.2957 1.79396 19.2779 2.10527 19.269 2.4077C19.269 2.55891 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22.0443 10.4486 22.1065 10.5732C22.2488 10.8311 22.4445 11.0624 22.5957 11.3381C22.6758 11.4805 22.738 11.6228 22.7736 11.7829C22.8092 11.943 22.8181 12.1209 22.7736 12.281C22.6936 12.6101 22.5067 12.8591 22.4267 13.126C22.3377 13.4017 22.3289 13.7042 22.3111 14.0066C22.3022 14.1578 22.2933 14.3179 22.2666 14.4691L22.1955 14.9228C22.1777 15.074 22.1599 15.2163 22.1688 15.3586C22.1777 15.492 22.231 15.6344 22.2666 15.7856C22.3111 15.9368 22.3377 16.1147 22.2933 16.2837C22.2488 16.4527 22.1599 16.595 22.0798 16.7195C21.9909 16.8441 21.902 16.9686 21.8308 17.0931C21.7952 17.1554 21.7774 17.2176 21.7596 17.2888C21.7418 17.3511 21.7419 17.4222 21.7419 17.4934C21.7419 17.778 21.8396 18.0715 21.8485 18.4006C21.8485 18.4807 21.8397 18.5607 21.8219 18.6408C21.8041 18.7209 21.7774 18.8009 21.7419 18.8721C21.6796 19.0233 21.5906 19.1567 21.4927 19.2723C21.3059 19.5214 21.0747 19.726 20.8968 19.9662C20.8079 20.0818 20.7278 20.2063 20.6745 20.3397C20.6211 20.4732 20.5855 20.6155 20.5677 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44.1086C14.0715 44.2154 14.0271 44.331 13.9826 44.4466L13.7068 45.1226L13.4577 45.8075C13.4133 45.9232 13.3777 46.0388 13.3421 46.1545L13.2354 46.5013C13.1998 46.6169 13.1643 46.7326 13.1376 46.8482L13.0486 47.204C13.0219 47.3197 12.9864 47.4353 12.9597 47.5598L12.8884 47.9156C12.8618 48.0312 12.844 48.1558 12.8173 48.2714L12.764 48.6272C12.6128 49.5878 12.5416 50.5574 12.5149 51.5358C12.4527 53.4838 12.5683 55.4318 12.6305 57.3886C12.6661 58.3671 12.675 59.3455 12.6484 60.3239C12.6217 61.3024 12.5771 62.2808 12.5326 63.2592C12.4882 64.2377 12.4615 65.2072 12.4615 66.1856C12.4615 67.1551 12.5861 68.1247 12.6305 69.1032C12.6572 69.5924 12.6661 70.0905 12.6216 70.5797C12.6127 70.7042 12.595 70.8288 12.5861 70.9533C12.5683 71.0778 12.5505 71.2023 12.5238 71.3179L12.4882 71.5048L12.4705 71.5937L12.4437 71.6827C12.4259 71.7449 12.4082 71.8072 12.3904 71.8694L12.3192 72.0473C12.2214 72.2786 12.1057 72.5099 11.9545 72.7144L11.9012 72.7945L11.8389 72.8657C11.8033 72.919 11.7588 72.9635 11.7233 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10.4334 2.06254C10.3266 2.39165 10.2644 2.73851 10.211 3.09431C10.1576 3.44121 10.1309 3.79704 10.0864 4.15283C10.0864 4.17951 10.0598 4.2062 10.0242 4.1973C9.99756 4.1973 9.97088 4.1706 9.97977 4.13502C10.0331 3.43233 10.0687 2.71181 10.2733 2.00912C10.3267 1.83122 10.3889 1.66229 10.4867 1.50218C10.5757 1.34207 10.7091 1.18191 10.8959 1.09297C11.0827 1.00402 11.2695 0.98628 11.4474 0.968491C11.6342 0.950701 11.8121 0.950684 11.99 0.950684C12.7105 0.968473 13.422 1.06628 14.1247 1.18191C14.8274 1.29755 15.5301 1.43988 16.2239 1.59999C16.2684 1.60889 16.3039 1.6445 16.3128 1.68008C16.4196 2.02698 16.4997 2.37381 16.562 2.72071C16.6242 3.06761 16.6687 3.42343 16.7042 3.77923C16.722 3.95713 16.722 4.13502 16.7309 4.31292C16.7309 4.49082 16.7398 4.66871 16.7221 4.84661C16.7043 5.2024 16.6509 5.55818 16.562 5.89619C16.5531 5.92287 16.5263 5.94069 16.4907 5.9318C16.4729 5.92291 16.4552 5.8962 16.4552 5.86952Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.56029 74.3776C7.56918 74.6622 7.54246 74.9379 7.52467 75.2136C7.49799 75.4894 7.49797 75.7651 7.50687 76.0498C7.52466 76.6101 7.56918 77.1794 7.56029 77.7486L7.55134 77.9622L7.53362 78.1757C7.52473 78.318 7.50688 78.4603 7.4802 78.6026C7.42683 78.8872 7.36455 79.1629 7.28449 79.4387C7.12439 79.9813 6.94654 80.515 6.8487 81.0665C6.8398 81.0932 6.8131 81.1199 6.78642 81.111C6.75973 81.1021 6.74194 81.0754 6.74194 81.0487C6.8131 80.4794 6.97317 79.9279 7.1066 79.3853C7.17776 79.1096 7.23116 78.8427 7.27563 78.567C7.29342 78.4336 7.31125 78.2913 7.31125 78.1579L7.32011 77.9533V77.7398C7.329 77.1794 7.27562 76.619 7.25783 76.0498C7.24893 75.7651 7.24898 75.4805 7.26677 75.1869C7.28456 74.9023 7.33786 74.6088 7.46239 74.3419C7.47129 74.3153 7.50694 74.2975 7.53362 74.3153C7.55141 74.342 7.56029 74.3598 7.56029 74.3776Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.45876 74.6888C8.51213 74.8845 8.51219 75.0713 8.51219 75.267C8.51219 75.4538 8.51215 75.6494 8.52105 75.8451C8.52994 76.2276 8.5388 76.619 8.52991 77.0103C8.52101 77.206 8.50326 77.4018 8.47657 77.5974C8.44989 77.7931 8.4054 77.9799 8.36982 78.1756C8.28976 78.5492 8.2008 78.9227 8.17411 79.3052C8.17411 79.3319 8.1475 79.3586 8.11192 79.3586C8.08523 79.3586 8.0585 79.3319 8.0585 79.3052C8.0496 78.9138 8.12079 78.5225 8.18306 78.14C8.21864 77.9532 8.24527 77.7575 8.26306 77.5707C8.28085 77.3839 8.28981 77.1972 8.28981 77.0015C8.29871 76.619 8.27196 76.2365 8.26306 75.854C8.25417 75.6583 8.2542 75.4627 8.2542 75.267C8.2542 75.0713 8.27196 74.8756 8.35201 74.6888C8.3609 74.6621 8.39652 74.6443 8.4321 74.6532C8.44099 74.6532 8.44987 74.671 8.45876 74.6888Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.07248 74.5824C9.10805 74.7425 9.13474 74.9026 9.16142 75.0716C9.18811 75.2317 9.20592 75.3918 9.22371 75.5608C9.25928 75.8899 9.31264 76.219 9.33932 76.5481C9.36601 76.8772 9.37487 77.2241 9.34818 77.5621C9.3215 77.9001 9.27702 78.2293 9.21476 78.5584C9.09913 79.2166 8.94791 79.857 8.90344 80.5063C8.85896 81.1556 8.93011 81.8228 8.93011 82.481C8.93011 82.5077 8.90346 82.5344 8.87677 82.5344C8.85009 82.5344 8.82344 82.5077 8.82344 82.481C8.78786 81.8228 8.69889 81.1646 8.71668 80.4886C8.74337 79.8126 8.88568 79.1632 8.98353 78.5139C9.0369 78.1937 9.08132 77.8645 9.108 77.5443C9.13469 77.2241 9.11697 76.8951 9.09028 76.5748C9.0636 76.2457 9.01019 75.9255 8.96572 75.5964C8.92125 75.2673 8.90346 74.9292 8.96572 74.5912C8.97461 74.5645 9.00132 74.5378 9.028 74.5467C9.05469 74.5378 9.07248 74.5557 9.07248 74.5824Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.3533 74.2089C10.3711 74.3512 10.38 74.5025 10.38 74.6448C10.38 74.7871 10.38 74.9294 10.3711 75.0717L10.3622 75.4986V75.9256C10.38 76.4949 10.4245 77.0731 10.4778 77.6424C10.5312 78.2116 10.6023 78.7898 10.6646 79.359C10.7269 79.9372 10.7891 80.5064 10.8158 81.0846C10.8158 81.1113 10.7981 81.138 10.7625 81.1469C10.7358 81.1469 10.7091 81.1291 10.7002 81.1024C10.629 80.5331 10.549 79.9639 10.469 79.3857C10.3889 78.8164 10.3 78.2472 10.2288 77.669C10.1665 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fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.661 73.0879C11.7944 73.4259 11.8567 73.7816 11.8923 74.1463C11.919 74.5021 11.9367 74.8668 11.9456 75.2226C11.9634 75.9342 11.9545 76.6457 12.0079 77.3484C12.0524 78.0511 12.168 78.7538 12.2836 79.4565C12.3992 80.1592 12.506 80.8708 12.5149 81.5913C12.5149 81.618 12.4882 81.6447 12.4615 81.6447C12.4348 81.6447 12.4082 81.618 12.4082 81.5913C12.3548 80.8886 12.2303 80.186 12.0968 79.4922C11.9634 78.7895 11.83 78.0868 11.7677 77.3752C11.7054 76.6547 11.7143 75.9431 11.6876 75.2315C11.6787 74.8757 11.661 74.5199 11.6254 74.173C11.5898 73.8262 11.5631 73.4703 11.5542 73.1145C11.5542 73.0878 11.5809 73.0611 11.6076 73.0522C11.6343 73.0522 11.6521 73.0612 11.661 73.0879Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.3799 77.251C10.3977 77.4556 10.362 77.6512 10.3086 77.838L10.1397 78.3895C10.0329 78.7542 9.93512 79.1278 9.89064 79.4925C9.84617 79.8661 9.8817 80.2397 9.92617 80.6222C9.96175 81.0047 10.0152 81.396 9.97959 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75.6316 11.0294 75.4804 11.1361 75.347C11.1539 75.3203 11.1983 75.3203 11.2161 75.3381C11.2517 75.347 11.2606 75.3648 11.2695 75.3737Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.8833 76.3431C11.99 76.4677 12.0433 76.61 12.0878 76.7524C12.1323 76.8947 12.1768 77.037 12.2302 77.1793C12.328 77.4639 12.4169 77.7574 12.5059 78.051C12.5504 78.2022 12.586 78.3445 12.6305 78.4957C12.666 78.6469 12.6927 78.7981 12.7105 78.9493C12.746 79.2517 12.7728 79.5542 12.7905 79.8566C12.7905 79.8833 12.7728 79.91 12.7372 79.9189C12.7105 79.9189 12.6838 79.9011 12.6749 79.8744C12.6127 79.572 12.5771 79.2785 12.5148 78.9849C12.4882 78.8426 12.4526 78.6914 12.4081 78.5491C12.3636 78.4067 12.3191 78.2644 12.2747 78.1221C12.1768 77.8375 12.079 77.5528 11.9811 77.2593C11.9367 77.117 11.8833 76.9747 11.8388 76.8235C11.7943 76.6812 11.7588 76.53 11.7854 76.361C11.7854 76.3254 11.821 76.3076 11.8566 76.3076C11.8655 76.3254 11.8744 76.3342 11.8833 76.3431Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path 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8.45874 77.7223C8.45874 77.5445 8.44983 77.3666 8.44093 77.1976C8.43204 77.1087 8.42316 77.0286 8.41426 76.9396C8.40537 76.8951 8.40537 76.8506 8.41426 76.8151C8.41426 76.7706 8.42319 76.7261 8.44988 76.6728C8.46767 76.6372 8.50325 76.6283 8.53883 76.6461C8.53883 76.6461 8.53879 76.655 8.54769 76.655Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.86794 80.124C8.88573 80.2486 8.85013 80.3464 8.80566 80.4354L8.67224 80.7111C8.58329 80.8979 8.4943 81.0847 8.41425 81.2715C8.3342 81.4583 8.25414 81.645 8.19188 81.8407C8.12072 82.0364 8.0674 82.2322 8.02293 82.4278C8.01403 82.4545 7.98728 82.4723 7.9517 82.4723C7.92502 82.4634 7.90723 82.4456 7.90723 82.4189C7.91612 82.2054 7.9517 82.0008 7.99618 81.7963C8.04065 81.5917 8.11186 81.3871 8.18302 81.1914C8.25418 80.9957 8.33425 80.8 8.4232 80.6133L8.55662 80.3286C8.60109 80.2397 8.65445 80.1507 8.76118 80.0796C8.78787 80.0618 8.83234 80.0707 8.85013 80.0974C8.85903 80.1063 8.86794 80.1151 8.86794 80.124Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n        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6.39514 78.4872 6.39514 78.4605C6.40404 78.1937 6.44853 77.9269 6.5019 77.6689C6.55527 77.411 6.63535 77.153 6.71541 76.9039C6.79546 76.6549 6.88441 76.4059 6.98225 76.1568L7.11568 75.7921C7.13347 75.7298 7.1601 75.6676 7.19568 75.6142C7.23126 75.5608 7.26687 75.4986 7.32024 75.4541C7.34693 75.4274 7.3825 75.4274 7.40919 75.4541C7.42698 75.4452 7.43586 75.4541 7.43586 75.4719Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.7275 12.3009C24.5407 12.6923 24.3361 13.0837 24.1404 13.4662L23.5445 14.6314L22.3526 16.9529C21.561 18.5006 20.796 20.0661 20.1022 21.6583C18.7235 24.8427 17.576 28.1427 16.224 31.3537C15.548 32.9637 14.8186 34.547 14.0003 36.0858C13.5822 36.8507 13.1198 37.5979 12.6305 38.3183C12.1413 39.0388 11.6254 39.7416 11.1095 40.4443C10.5936 41.1469 10.0777 41.8407 9.59734 42.5612C9.11702 43.2817 8.67228 44.0288 8.30759 44.8116C8.26312 44.9094 8.21864 45.0073 8.17417 45.1051C8.12969 45.2029 8.08527 45.3009 8.04969 45.3987C7.96964 45.6033 7.88953 45.799 7.81837 46.0035C7.66716 46.4127 7.56046 46.8308 7.45372 47.2488C7.25803 48.0938 7.16019 48.9566 7.1424 49.8194C7.1424 49.8461 7.11575 49.8728 7.08907 49.8728C7.06238 49.8728 7.03564 49.8461 7.03564 49.8194C7.05343 48.9477 7.14237 48.076 7.32916 47.2132C7.427 46.7862 7.54263 46.3593 7.68495 45.9501C7.75611 45.7455 7.83622 45.541 7.91627 45.3364C7.96074 45.2386 8.00517 45.1318 8.04075 45.034C8.08522 44.9361 8.12969 44.8294 8.17417 44.7316C8.90355 43.1394 9.94428 41.7162 10.9672 40.3108C11.4831 39.6081 11.9901 38.9054 12.4793 38.1849C12.9685 37.4644 13.4222 36.7262 13.8313 35.9612C14.6497 34.4313 15.3701 32.848 16.0373 31.2381C17.3715 28.027 18.51 24.7359 19.8887 21.5249C20.5825 19.9238 21.3386 18.3495 22.1302 16.8018C22.5305 16.0279 22.9307 15.254 23.3577 14.4891L23.9893 13.3505C24.2028 12.9769 24.4162 12.5945 24.6386 12.2209C24.6564 12.1942 24.6919 12.1853 24.7186 12.2031C24.7364 12.2476 24.7453 12.2831 24.7275 12.3009Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M25.7236 12.7186C25.3412 13.5636 24.9943 14.4175 24.6563 15.2714C24.3182 16.1342 23.9802 16.997 23.5977 17.842C23.4109 18.2689 23.2064 18.687 22.9929 19.1051C22.7794 19.5231 22.557 19.9234 22.3258 20.3325C21.8633 21.142 21.3918 21.9336 20.9204 22.7253C19.9776 24.3175 19.0791 25.9275 18.4209 27.6531C17.7538 29.3698 17.2557 31.1576 16.6153 32.901C16.2951 33.7727 15.9392 34.6355 15.5123 35.4627C15.0853 36.29 14.5961 37.0815 14.0891 37.8554C13.0751 39.412 11.9811 40.9064 10.9848 42.463C9.98863 44.0196 9.0813 45.6384 8.48534 47.3818C8.19181 48.2535 7.96951 49.1519 7.84499 50.0681C7.72046 50.9843 7.69374 51.9093 7.7649 52.8255C7.7649 52.8522 7.74714 52.8788 7.71156 52.8877C7.68488 52.8877 7.65818 52.8699 7.64928 52.8344C7.56923 51.9093 7.59593 50.9754 7.71156 50.0503C7.8272 49.1252 8.04067 48.2179 8.3342 47.3374C8.62773 46.4568 9.0013 45.6029 9.42825 44.7757C9.84631 43.9484 10.3266 43.1479 10.8248 42.3651C11.821 40.7996 12.9061 39.2964 13.9202 37.7487C14.4183 36.9749 14.9075 36.1832 15.3255 35.3648C15.7436 34.5465 16.0994 33.6926 16.4107 32.8298C17.0422 31.0953 17.5314 29.3075 18.1985 27.573C18.8568 25.8296 19.764 24.1929 20.7069 22.6007C21.1783 21.8002 21.6498 21.0085 22.1034 20.1991C22.3258 19.7988 22.557 19.3897 22.7616 18.9806C22.9662 18.5714 23.1708 18.1534 23.3576 17.7353C23.7311 16.8903 24.0781 16.0364 24.4339 15.1825C24.6207 14.7555 24.7986 14.3286 24.9942 13.9105C25.1899 13.4925 25.3945 13.0744 25.6169 12.6652C25.6347 12.6386 25.6613 12.6296 25.688 12.6474C25.7236 12.6563 25.7414 12.6919 25.7236 12.7186Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.43192 8.11068C6.46649 8.27968 6.50108 8.45753 6.53565 8.63542L6.58748 8.89341C6.60476 8.98236 6.62205 9.07131 6.63069 9.16025L6.69991 9.68508L6.73443 9.95193C6.74307 10.0409 6.75173 10.1298 6.75173 10.2188C6.77766 10.5746 6.80359 10.9304 6.79495 11.2862V11.8198C6.79495 11.9977 6.78629 12.1756 6.77764 12.3535C6.71714 13.7767 6.54428 15.1821 6.34549 16.5786C6.1467 17.9751 5.92196 19.3715 5.76639 20.7769L5.70595 21.3017L5.66274 21.8266C5.62817 22.1735 5.61081 22.5292 5.59353 22.8761L5.57631 23.143L5.56761 23.4098L5.55901 23.9346C5.55901 24.1125 5.55031 24.2904 5.55031 24.4594L5.55901 24.9842C5.59358 27.8039 5.98253 30.6058 6.65669 33.3454C7.32221 36.085 8.23834 38.7624 9.25822 41.3952C9.26686 41.4219 9.25818 41.4575 9.22361 41.4664C9.19768 41.4753 9.16313 41.4663 9.15448 41.4308C8.10867 38.8068 7.15797 36.1384 6.46653 33.3899C5.77508 30.6414 5.36023 27.8217 5.31702 24.9842L5.30832 24.4505C5.29968 24.2726 5.31702 24.0947 5.31702 23.9168L5.32563 23.3832L5.33424 23.1163L5.35154 22.8495C5.36882 22.4937 5.38609 22.1378 5.42067 21.7909L5.46388 21.2573L5.5244 20.7324C5.67997 19.327 5.90471 17.9306 6.1035 16.5341C6.30229 15.1376 6.47519 13.7411 6.52704 12.3357C6.53569 12.1578 6.54426 11.9888 6.54426 11.8109V11.2862C6.55291 10.9304 6.53569 10.5834 6.52704 10.2365C6.52704 10.1475 6.52699 10.0586 6.51835 9.96965L6.50105 9.71175L6.45783 9.18692C6.4319 8.84002 6.37145 8.49314 6.33688 8.13735C6.33688 8.11066 6.35413 8.08396 6.38871 8.07506C6.40599 8.06617 6.43192 8.08399 6.43192 8.11068Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M2.83711 9.39155L2.73044 9.94305C2.69486 10.1298 2.65927 10.3167 2.62369 10.4945C2.55253 10.8681 2.49025 11.2328 2.42798 11.6064C2.30346 12.3447 2.19675 13.0918 2.1078 13.839C2.00996 14.5861 1.93875 15.3333 1.87649 16.0805C1.81422 16.8277 1.76973 17.5837 1.72526 18.3309C1.63631 19.8341 1.54738 21.3374 1.52069 22.8406C1.52069 23.2142 1.51183 23.5967 1.51183 23.9703L1.52069 24.5306L1.5385 25.091C1.5385 25.2778 1.54738 25.4646 1.56517 25.6514L1.59183 26.2118L1.63631 26.7721L1.66306 27.0568C1.67196 27.1546 1.68083 27.2435 1.68973 27.3325C1.84984 28.8268 2.1167 30.3123 2.55255 31.7444L2.7215 32.2869L2.89939 32.8206L2.98834 33.0875L3.08624 33.3543L3.28186 33.8791C3.5576 34.5818 3.84225 35.2756 4.14467 35.9694C4.74063 37.3481 5.3722 38.7268 5.95926 40.1144C6.54632 41.502 7.08001 42.9252 7.47138 44.3839C7.48028 44.4106 7.46245 44.4462 7.43577 44.4551C7.40908 44.464 7.37352 44.4462 7.36463 44.4195C6.95546 42.9697 6.41284 41.5642 5.81689 40.1855C5.22093 38.7979 4.57163 37.4371 3.96678 36.0584C3.66435 35.3646 3.37084 34.6708 3.0951 33.9681L2.89939 33.4344L2.80159 33.1676L2.71264 32.9007L2.52579 32.367L2.35684 31.8244C1.90321 30.3745 1.62741 28.8802 1.45841 27.377C1.43173 27.1902 1.41397 27.0034 1.40508 26.8077L1.3606 26.2384L1.32499 25.6691C1.31609 25.4823 1.30722 25.2956 1.29832 25.0999L1.28051 24.5306L1.27165 23.9614C1.26276 23.5789 1.27165 23.2053 1.27165 22.8317C1.29834 21.3196 1.37841 19.8163 1.46736 18.3042C1.51183 17.5481 1.55627 16.801 1.60964 16.045C1.6719 15.2889 1.74312 14.5417 1.84096 13.7856C1.9388 13.0385 2.04554 12.2913 2.19675 11.5441C2.26791 11.1705 2.3479 10.8059 2.43684 10.4323C2.52579 10.0676 2.62371 9.70291 2.73044 9.33822C2.73934 9.31153 2.76601 9.29371 2.80159 9.3026C2.82827 9.33818 2.84601 9.36487 2.83711 9.39155Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.97589 9.03634C3.94031 9.40103 3.90466 9.76578 3.86019 10.1305L3.73571 11.2245L3.46887 13.4038C3.29097 14.8625 3.13976 16.3123 3.02412 17.7711C2.90849 19.2299 2.84621 20.6975 2.82842 22.1562V23.2504L2.86403 24.3444C2.87293 24.7091 2.89958 25.0738 2.91737 25.4385C2.94405 25.8032 2.96188 26.1678 2.99746 26.5325C3.11309 27.9913 3.33543 29.4411 3.62896 30.8732C3.70901 31.229 3.78013 31.5937 3.86019 31.9406L3.99361 32.4743C4.03809 32.6522 4.09151 32.8301 4.13598 32.9991C4.23382 33.3549 4.34946 33.7018 4.4473 34.0487C4.56293 34.3956 4.67857 34.7425 4.80309 35.0894C5.78153 37.8468 7.05344 40.5064 8.04077 43.2727C8.04966 43.2993 8.03193 43.3349 8.00524 43.3438C7.97856 43.3527 7.943 43.335 7.9341 43.3083C6.92009 40.5598 5.62137 37.918 4.61625 35.1517C4.49172 34.8048 4.37612 34.4579 4.2516 34.111C4.14486 33.7552 4.02926 33.4082 3.93142 33.0524C3.87805 32.8745 3.82466 32.6966 3.78019 32.5187L3.64676 31.9851C3.55782 31.6293 3.48664 31.2646 3.40659 30.9088C3.10416 29.4678 2.87286 28.0091 2.74833 26.5503C2.70386 26.1856 2.68612 25.8209 2.66833 25.4473C2.65054 25.0827 2.61494 24.718 2.60605 24.3444L2.57043 23.2414V22.1385C2.57933 20.6709 2.64165 19.2032 2.75728 17.7356C2.99744 14.8092 3.32653 11.8827 3.85133 9.00081C3.86022 8.97412 3.88692 8.94744 3.91361 8.95633C3.95808 8.98302 3.97589 9.00965 3.97589 9.03634Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.31004 8.51999C5.33672 8.87578 5.35449 9.24049 5.38118 9.60518C5.39007 9.96987 5.39009 10.3257 5.39899 10.6904C5.39899 10.7793 5.39899 10.8682 5.39899 10.9661L5.39004 11.2329L5.37223 11.7756C5.36334 12.1402 5.32777 12.496 5.30109 12.8607C5.19435 14.3016 5.02538 15.7337 4.84749 17.1658C4.49169 20.0299 4.11813 22.8852 4.15371 25.7671L4.16257 26.3008C4.17146 26.4787 4.16258 26.6566 4.18037 26.8345L4.25151 27.9108L4.3138 28.4445C4.34048 28.6224 4.34936 28.8003 4.38494 28.9781L4.47389 29.5118C4.49168 29.6008 4.50057 29.6897 4.51836 29.7787L4.57169 30.0455C4.86522 31.4509 5.29218 32.8296 5.7725 34.1816C6.73314 36.8946 7.89844 39.5452 8.64561 42.3382C8.6545 42.3649 8.63668 42.4005 8.60999 42.4094C8.58331 42.4183 8.54775 42.4005 8.53885 42.3738C7.765 39.5987 6.57304 36.9657 5.5946 34.2528C5.10539 32.8919 4.66956 31.5132 4.36713 30.099L4.30485 29.8321C4.28706 29.7432 4.26927 29.6542 4.26037 29.5653L4.16257 29.0316C4.12699 28.8537 4.10916 28.6757 4.08248 28.4889L4.01134 27.9464L3.93133 26.8612C3.91355 26.6833 3.91353 26.4965 3.91353 26.3186L3.89572 25.776C3.86014 22.8763 4.2248 20.0033 4.57169 17.1391C4.7407 15.7071 4.9097 14.275 5.01644 12.8429C5.04312 12.4871 5.07877 12.1224 5.08767 11.7666L5.11433 11.2329L5.13214 10.9661L5.141 10.6992C5.14989 10.3434 5.16772 9.97878 5.17661 9.62298C5.17661 9.26719 5.17658 8.90245 5.18547 8.54666C5.18547 8.51997 5.21212 8.49332 5.23881 8.49332C5.28328 8.46664 5.30114 8.48441 5.31004 8.51999Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.2978 5.27355C20.4134 6.09188 20.3956 6.92797 20.2888 7.7463C20.191 8.56463 20.022 9.37413 19.8263 10.1747C19.4349 11.7757 18.919 13.3323 18.5277 14.9156C18.4298 15.307 18.3409 15.7072 18.2608 16.1075C18.2252 16.3031 18.1808 16.5078 18.1541 16.7124L18.1096 17.0148L18.0741 17.3172C17.9762 18.1266 17.9229 18.9449 17.8962 19.7544C17.8428 21.391 17.8784 23.0277 17.8784 24.6643C17.8784 24.691 17.8516 24.7177 17.8249 24.7177C17.7983 24.7177 17.7716 24.691 17.7716 24.6643C17.7538 23.0277 17.6737 21.391 17.7093 19.7455C17.7271 18.9272 17.7716 18.0999 17.8606 17.2816L17.8962 16.9703L17.9406 16.6679C17.9673 16.4633 18.0029 16.2587 18.0385 16.0541C18.1185 15.6539 18.1986 15.2447 18.2964 14.8445C18.6789 13.2434 19.1948 11.6867 19.5772 10.1034C19.7729 9.31179 19.9331 8.51126 20.0309 7.70183C20.1288 6.89239 20.1821 6.08298 20.191 5.27355C20.191 5.24686 20.2177 5.22021 20.2444 5.22021C20.271 5.22911 20.2978 5.24686 20.2978 5.27355Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.5683 5.29994C19.515 6.29616 19.3459 7.29245 19.1325 8.26199C18.919 9.24043 18.6788 10.2099 18.4387 11.1705C17.9583 13.1007 17.4603 15.0309 17.1845 16.9967C16.891 18.9624 16.9444 20.9549 16.9444 22.9474C16.9444 23.9436 16.9177 24.9398 16.8376 25.936C16.7486 26.9322 16.5975 27.9285 16.3217 28.8891C16.3128 28.9158 16.2862 28.9336 16.2506 28.9247C16.2239 28.9158 16.2061 28.8892 16.215 28.8536C16.464 27.8929 16.6063 26.9056 16.6775 25.9183C16.7487 24.9309 16.7575 23.9347 16.7486 22.9385C16.7398 21.9423 16.722 20.946 16.7398 19.9498C16.7576 18.9536 16.8109 17.9485 16.9444 16.9611C17.2201 14.9776 17.7093 13.0385 18.1896 11.1083C18.4298 10.1388 18.67 9.17814 18.8746 8.19971C19.088 7.23017 19.2748 6.2517 19.4616 5.27327C19.4705 5.24659 19.4972 5.2199 19.5239 5.2288C19.5505 5.24659 19.5683 5.27325 19.5683 5.29994Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.679 5.42494C18.4833 6.59906 18.2342 7.76432 17.9941 8.92955C17.745 10.0948 17.5048 11.2599 17.2913 12.4341C16.8555 14.7734 16.4819 17.1216 16.2418 19.4877C16.1261 20.6707 16.0372 21.8537 15.9571 23.0456C15.877 24.2375 15.8059 25.4206 15.6903 26.6125C15.5746 27.8044 15.4145 28.9874 15.1744 30.1526C14.9342 31.3267 14.6229 32.4742 14.2404 33.6128C14.2315 33.6394 14.196 33.6572 14.1693 33.6483C14.1426 33.6394 14.1248 33.6038 14.1337 33.5771C14.5072 32.4475 14.8008 31.2912 15.0231 30.126C15.2455 28.9607 15.3879 27.7777 15.4946 26.5947C15.6014 25.4117 15.6636 24.2198 15.7347 23.0279C15.8059 21.836 15.8771 20.644 15.9927 19.461C16.224 17.0861 16.5886 14.7201 17.0245 12.3807C17.2469 11.2066 17.4782 10.0414 17.7272 8.87613C17.9763 7.7109 18.2431 6.54571 18.5634 5.39828C18.5723 5.37159 18.5989 5.35377 18.6345 5.36266C18.6701 5.37156 18.679 5.39826 18.679 5.42494Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.8162 5.58517C17.7451 5.94986 17.6561 6.31453 17.585 6.67922C17.5049 7.04391 17.4248 7.40867 17.3537 7.77336C17.2025 8.50273 17.0512 9.23208 16.9089 9.96146C16.6154 11.4202 16.3753 12.8879 16.1618 14.3555C15.9483 15.8232 15.7615 17.3086 15.6103 18.7852C15.4591 20.2617 15.3613 21.7472 15.2545 23.2326C15.1478 24.718 15.0143 26.2034 14.8186 27.6889C14.7119 28.4272 14.5963 29.1654 14.4362 29.8948C14.2672 30.6242 14.0626 31.3447 13.8313 32.0563C13.5912 32.7679 13.3154 33.4617 13.0308 34.1466C12.7373 34.8315 12.417 35.5075 12.079 36.1746C11.741 36.8417 11.3852 37.4999 11.0205 38.1403C10.6469 38.7897 10.2645 39.4301 9.87314 40.0617C9.85535 40.0884 9.81973 40.0972 9.79305 40.0794C9.76636 40.0616 9.75745 40.0261 9.77524 39.9994C10.1577 39.359 10.5403 38.7185 10.896 38.0692C11.2607 37.4199 11.5988 36.7616 11.9368 36.0945C12.2659 35.4274 12.5771 34.7514 12.8618 34.0665C13.1464 33.3816 13.4132 32.6878 13.6445 31.9851C13.8758 31.2824 14.0804 30.5619 14.2405 29.8414C14.3917 29.121 14.5073 28.3827 14.6141 27.6444C14.8098 26.1679 14.9254 24.6914 15.0322 23.2059C15.1389 21.7205 15.2278 20.235 15.379 18.7496C15.5302 17.2641 15.7171 15.7876 15.9216 14.3111C16.1351 12.8345 16.3752 11.3668 16.6688 9.89917C16.8111 9.1698 16.9712 8.44045 17.1491 7.71108C17.2381 7.34639 17.327 6.99058 17.4248 6.62589C17.4693 6.44799 17.5227 6.27013 17.576 6.08333C17.6294 5.90544 17.6828 5.72754 17.7361 5.54964C17.745 5.52296 17.7718 5.50513 17.8074 5.51403C17.7985 5.52292 17.8162 5.54959 17.8162 5.58517Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.9891 5.64731C16.9446 6.00311 16.8823 6.3589 16.829 6.7147L16.6599 7.77322L16.482 8.83165L16.2953 9.89018C16.0462 11.3045 15.8149 12.7188 15.5926 14.133C15.1478 16.9616 14.7387 19.799 14.4096 22.6453C14.3206 23.3569 14.2494 24.0685 14.1694 24.7801C14.0982 25.4917 14.0271 26.2122 13.9381 26.9238L13.8669 27.4575C13.8402 27.6354 13.8135 27.8133 13.778 27.9912C13.7513 28.1691 13.7246 28.347 13.689 28.5249L13.5824 29.0586C13.5468 29.2365 13.5111 29.4143 13.4667 29.5833L13.3422 30.1082L13.2088 30.633C13.1643 30.8109 13.1198 30.9799 13.0664 31.1489C12.6661 32.5276 12.1592 33.8796 11.5365 35.1782C10.9228 36.4769 10.2112 37.7311 9.45511 38.9497C9.43732 38.9764 9.4017 38.9852 9.37502 38.9674C9.34833 38.9496 9.33951 38.9141 9.3573 38.8874C10.1045 37.6688 10.7982 36.4146 11.3942 35.1159C11.999 33.8173 12.4883 32.4742 12.8796 31.0955C12.933 30.9265 12.9774 30.7486 13.0219 30.5796L13.1553 30.0637L13.271 29.5389C13.3066 29.361 13.351 29.192 13.3777 29.0141L13.4756 28.4893C13.5112 28.3114 13.5379 28.1335 13.5645 27.9645C13.5912 27.7866 13.6268 27.6087 13.6445 27.4308L13.7158 26.8972C13.8047 26.1856 13.867 25.474 13.9381 24.7624C14.0093 24.0508 14.0805 23.3303 14.1605 22.6187C14.4896 19.7634 14.8899 16.926 15.3257 14.0886C15.5481 12.6743 15.7793 11.2511 16.0195 9.8457C16.144 9.14301 16.2686 8.43144 16.4109 7.72874L16.6243 6.67022C16.7044 6.32332 16.7756 5.96755 16.8645 5.62065C16.8734 5.59396 16.9001 5.57617 16.9356 5.57617C16.9712 5.59396 16.9891 5.62063 16.9891 5.64731Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.9736 19.5235C14.0092 19.7281 14.0536 19.9327 14.0625 20.1373L14.0803 20.4396V20.7421C14.0803 20.9467 14.0715 21.1512 14.0537 21.3558C14.0448 21.5604 14.0269 21.765 14.0002 21.9607C13.9113 22.7701 13.7957 23.5706 13.6623 24.3712C13.3954 25.9634 13.0752 27.5555 12.7105 29.1299C12.6127 29.5213 12.5237 29.9126 12.417 30.3129C12.3013 30.7043 12.1768 31.0868 12.0345 31.4692C11.7499 32.2342 11.4297 32.9725 11.1717 33.7286C10.9138 34.4935 10.5936 35.2407 10.2467 35.979C9.89979 36.7083 9.53505 37.4289 9.17036 38.1493C9.15257 38.176 9.1259 38.1849 9.09922 38.176C9.07253 38.1582 9.06366 38.1315 9.07255 38.1049C9.78414 36.655 10.4957 35.2051 10.9938 33.6752C11.2518 32.9102 11.5631 32.163 11.8388 31.407C11.9722 31.0334 12.0968 30.651 12.2036 30.2596C12.3103 29.8771 12.3992 29.4768 12.4881 29.0854C12.8439 27.5111 13.1641 25.9278 13.4221 24.3445C13.5555 23.5529 13.6623 22.7523 13.7512 21.9518L13.7868 21.6494C13.7957 21.5515 13.8046 21.4537 13.8135 21.3469L13.8402 21.0445C13.8491 20.9466 13.8491 20.8488 13.858 20.7421L13.8758 20.4396L13.8846 20.1373C13.9024 19.9327 13.8758 19.737 13.8758 19.5413V19.5323C13.8758 19.5057 13.9024 19.479 13.9291 19.479C13.9469 19.479 13.9647 19.4968 13.9736 19.5235Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.6305 5.35399C12.5771 6.43027 12.4259 7.50651 12.2391 8.565C12.0523 9.62349 11.8299 10.682 11.6164 11.7405C11.1895 13.8486 10.7536 15.9567 10.5224 18.0914C10.2822 20.2262 10.2466 22.3787 10.3623 24.5224C10.4779 26.6661 10.7358 28.8097 11.1272 30.9177C11.1361 30.9444 11.1094 30.98 11.0827 30.98C11.056 30.9889 11.0204 30.9622 11.0204 30.9356C10.6024 28.8186 10.3089 26.6838 10.1754 24.5313C10.042 22.3787 10.0688 20.2172 10.2911 18.0647C10.5224 15.9121 10.9493 13.7952 11.3762 11.6871C11.5897 10.6287 11.8032 9.57901 11.99 8.52053C12.1768 7.46204 12.3547 6.40353 12.5326 5.34505C12.5415 5.31836 12.5682 5.29168 12.5949 5.30057C12.6126 5.30057 12.6305 5.32731 12.6305 5.35399Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.8121 5.01536C11.7409 6.18948 11.5631 7.35468 11.3585 8.51102C11.145 9.66735 10.9137 10.8236 10.6914 11.9711C10.2377 14.2748 9.80184 16.5786 9.58836 18.918C9.36599 21.2484 9.38378 23.5966 9.54389 25.936C9.70399 28.2753 10.0064 30.6058 10.4067 32.9184C10.4156 32.9451 10.3889 32.9807 10.3622 32.9807C10.3355 32.9896 10.2999 32.9629 10.2999 32.9362C9.87299 30.6236 9.53502 28.2932 9.35713 25.9449C9.17923 23.5967 9.1436 21.2396 9.34818 18.8913C9.55276 16.5431 9.98859 14.2215 10.4422 11.9177C10.6646 10.7614 10.8959 9.61392 11.1005 8.45759C11.3051 7.30126 11.5007 6.14493 11.7053 4.9886C11.7142 4.96192 11.7409 4.93523 11.7676 4.94413C11.7943 4.96192 11.821 4.98867 11.8121 5.01536Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.2074 4.70432C11.1006 5.96739 10.8604 7.22149 10.5758 8.45788C10.2911 9.69426 9.97988 10.9218 9.66856 12.1492C9.06371 14.6042 8.4855 17.0681 8.32539 19.5854C8.14749 22.1026 8.30764 24.6287 8.62785 27.1371C8.93917 29.6454 9.39275 32.136 9.77523 34.6355C9.78413 34.6622 9.75744 34.6977 9.73076 34.6977C9.70407 34.7066 9.66856 34.6799 9.66856 34.6532C9.2594 32.1538 8.77901 29.6721 8.44101 27.1549C8.1119 24.6465 7.9251 22.1026 8.08521 19.5587C8.24532 17.0148 8.81459 14.5331 9.41944 12.0692C9.72186 10.8418 10.0332 9.61423 10.3179 8.38674C10.6025 7.15925 10.8604 5.92285 11.1006 4.67757C11.1095 4.65088 11.1362 4.6242 11.1629 4.63309C11.1896 4.65088 11.2163 4.67764 11.2074 4.70432Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.6736 4.49078C10.6114 4.82879 10.5402 5.15788 10.4691 5.49588L10.2467 6.49213C10.0955 7.15924 9.94425 7.81749 9.78414 8.48461C9.46393 9.80994 9.16149 11.1352 8.87685 12.4605C8.30758 15.1201 7.83619 17.7974 7.57824 20.5104C7.31139 23.2144 7.27576 25.9451 7.52482 28.6492C7.76498 31.3532 8.28091 34.0394 9.02808 36.6545C9.03698 36.6812 9.01915 36.7169 8.99247 36.7258C8.96578 36.7347 8.93022 36.7168 8.92133 36.6902C8.14747 34.0751 7.59596 31.3889 7.32911 28.6759C7.06227 25.9541 7.089 23.2144 7.33806 20.5015C7.59601 17.7797 8.05854 15.0935 8.62781 12.425C8.91245 11.0908 9.21484 9.76547 9.52616 8.44013C9.68627 7.78191 9.84643 7.11473 10.0243 6.45651L10.2912 5.46922C10.389 5.14011 10.4779 4.811 10.5757 4.49078C10.5846 4.4641 10.6114 4.44627 10.647 4.45517C10.6648 4.42848 10.6825 4.4552 10.6736 4.49078Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.9174 4.33931C9.9085 4.68621 9.83733 5.02425 9.76617 5.35335L9.53494 6.3496C9.37483 7.01671 9.21472 7.68377 9.04572 8.34199C8.86782 9.00021 8.68991 9.66734 8.49422 10.3167C8.29853 10.9749 8.08507 11.6242 7.84491 12.2647C7.83602 12.2914 7.80037 12.3091 7.77369 12.3002C7.747 12.2913 7.72926 12.2557 7.73816 12.2291C7.93384 11.5797 8.12951 10.9215 8.29852 10.2633C8.47641 9.60511 8.64543 8.94682 8.80554 8.27971C8.96565 7.6126 9.12574 6.95443 9.27695 6.28731L9.49932 5.29107C9.57937 4.96196 9.66836 4.62396 9.80178 4.31264C9.81068 4.28596 9.84624 4.26818 9.87292 4.28597C9.9085 4.29487 9.92629 4.31262 9.9174 4.33931Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.21467 4.11727C9.21467 4.23291 9.19688 4.34857 9.1702 4.46421C9.14351 4.57984 9.11683 4.68659 9.08125 4.79333C9.01009 5.00681 8.94781 5.22916 8.88554 5.44264C8.76102 5.87849 8.62766 6.31432 8.51203 6.75906L8.14729 8.07548C8.02276 8.51133 7.89825 8.95605 7.76483 9.3919C7.75593 9.41859 7.72927 9.43641 7.69369 9.42752C7.667 9.41862 7.64918 9.39192 7.65807 9.36524L7.96053 8.03101L8.28071 6.69678C8.39635 6.25204 8.51198 5.80735 8.63651 5.3715C8.69877 5.14913 8.76995 4.93562 8.83221 4.71324C8.90337 4.49087 8.98344 4.27743 9.11686 4.08174C9.13465 4.05506 9.17018 4.04615 9.19686 4.06394C9.20576 4.08173 9.21467 4.09948 9.21467 4.11727Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.67212 3.82368C8.68101 4.01937 8.63654 4.20614 8.58317 4.38404L8.41413 4.91773C8.2985 5.27352 8.17397 5.62935 8.05834 5.97625L7.68474 7.02583L7.31122 8.0754C7.30233 8.10209 7.26668 8.11991 7.23999 8.11101C7.21331 8.10212 7.19557 8.07542 7.20447 8.04873C7.29342 7.68404 7.4001 7.32829 7.50684 6.97249L7.83597 5.90511L8.17395 4.83773L8.34299 4.30404C8.36967 4.21509 8.39632 4.1261 8.4408 4.04605C8.47638 3.9571 8.5209 3.87707 8.58317 3.79701C8.60096 3.77033 8.63649 3.76138 8.66317 3.78806C8.66317 3.79696 8.66322 3.80589 8.67212 3.82368Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.3165 1.61796C15.361 1.7247 15.3877 1.84031 15.4055 1.95595C15.4322 2.07158 15.441 2.1783 15.4588 2.29393C15.4855 2.5163 15.5122 2.74762 15.5389 2.96999L15.699 4.33089C15.7435 4.78453 15.7879 5.24701 15.8146 5.70064C15.8413 6.16318 15.8413 6.61681 15.8058 7.07935C15.8058 7.10603 15.7791 7.13277 15.7435 7.13277C15.7168 7.13277 15.6901 7.10603 15.6901 7.07935C15.6901 6.62571 15.6545 6.17209 15.6101 5.71845C15.5656 5.26481 15.5122 4.81116 15.45 4.36642C15.3877 3.91278 15.3254 3.45916 15.2631 3.00552C15.2364 2.77426 15.2098 2.55187 15.1831 2.3206C15.1564 2.08933 15.1475 1.85809 15.2008 1.62682C15.2097 1.59124 15.2365 1.57345 15.2721 1.58234C15.2987 1.58234 15.3076 1.60017 15.3165 1.61796Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.3115 1.38634C14.4271 2.41814 14.525 3.44107 14.6317 4.47287C14.7296 5.50468 14.8363 6.53651 14.8274 7.57721C14.8274 8.10201 14.7918 8.61791 14.7295 9.13381L14.6406 9.90768L14.5338 10.6815C14.3826 11.7044 14.2048 12.7273 14.0091 13.7413C13.6177 15.7694 13.1819 17.7974 12.8706 19.8343C12.7104 20.8572 12.5948 21.8801 12.5236 22.9119C12.4614 23.9437 12.4613 24.9755 12.5325 25.9984C12.5325 26.0251 12.5147 26.0518 12.4791 26.0607C12.4525 26.0607 12.4258 26.0429 12.4169 26.0074C12.3279 24.9756 12.3191 23.9349 12.3635 22.8942C12.3813 22.6362 12.3991 22.3782 12.4169 22.1203C12.4258 21.9869 12.4346 21.8623 12.4435 21.7289L12.488 21.3464C12.5147 21.0885 12.5414 20.8305 12.577 20.5726L12.6837 19.7987C12.9772 17.744 13.3953 15.716 13.7778 13.688C13.9734 12.674 14.1514 11.6599 14.2937 10.637L14.4004 9.87206L14.4893 9.10714C14.5516 8.59124 14.5783 8.08417 14.5872 7.56826C14.5961 6.54536 14.4894 5.51359 14.3827 4.49068C14.2848 3.45888 14.2047 2.42704 14.2225 1.38634C14.2225 1.35966 14.2492 1.33301 14.2759 1.33301C14.2848 1.3419 14.3115 1.35966 14.3115 1.38634Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.4842 1.28028C13.5019 1.84066 13.5197 2.40102 13.5553 2.9525L13.6532 4.62471C13.7155 5.74546 13.7866 6.86625 13.7688 7.9959C13.7688 8.55627 13.7332 9.12554 13.6887 9.68592C13.6354 10.2463 13.5642 10.8067 13.4842 11.3581C13.3152 12.47 13.1373 13.5729 12.9505 14.6759C12.5769 16.8818 12.1944 19.0966 11.9276 21.3114C11.7941 22.4233 11.6696 23.5351 11.7052 24.647C11.7319 25.7588 11.892 26.8707 12.0699 27.9737C12.0788 28.0004 12.0521 28.036 12.0255 28.036C11.9988 28.0449 11.9632 28.0182 11.9632 27.9915C11.7675 26.8885 11.5895 25.7766 11.554 24.647C11.5095 23.5173 11.6074 22.3966 11.7408 21.2848C11.9988 19.0521 12.3634 16.8373 12.7192 14.6314C12.8971 13.5285 13.0839 12.4166 13.244 11.3137C13.3329 10.7622 13.3953 10.2107 13.4486 9.6503C13.4931 9.09882 13.5198 8.53847 13.5198 7.97809C13.5376 6.86623 13.4664 5.74546 13.3952 4.62471C13.3329 3.50396 13.2885 2.37428 13.3864 1.25353C13.3864 1.22685 13.4131 1.2002 13.4486 1.2002C13.4575 1.22688 13.4753 1.2536 13.4842 1.28028Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.7372 1.14669C12.7639 1.23564 12.7728 1.31564 12.7817 1.40459C12.7906 1.48465 12.7817 1.57358 12.7817 1.65363L12.7461 2.1518C12.7194 2.4898 12.6927 2.81889 12.6571 3.1569C12.6215 3.48601 12.586 3.82403 12.5415 4.15314C12.497 4.48225 12.4437 4.82027 12.3814 5.14938C12.3725 5.17606 12.3458 5.20275 12.3191 5.19385C12.2924 5.18496 12.2747 5.15826 12.2747 5.13157C12.3013 4.80246 12.328 4.46444 12.3547 4.13533C12.3813 3.80622 12.3992 3.4682 12.4259 3.13909L12.4881 2.14285L12.5237 1.64477C12.5326 1.47577 12.5593 1.3157 12.6393 1.14669C12.6571 1.12001 12.6927 1.10215 12.7194 1.11994C12.7194 1.11105 12.7372 1.12891 12.7372 1.14669Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.0256 1.1913C12.0789 1.34251 12.0789 1.49369 12.0611 1.6449C12.0433 1.79611 12.0256 1.93843 12.0078 2.08964C11.9633 2.38317 11.9099 2.67674 11.8565 2.97027L11.6875 3.8508C11.6252 4.14433 11.5808 4.43785 11.5274 4.72248C11.5185 4.74917 11.4918 4.77585 11.4651 4.76696C11.4384 4.75806 11.4207 4.74031 11.4207 4.71362C11.4384 4.4112 11.4652 4.11767 11.5007 3.82414C11.5363 3.53061 11.5808 3.22818 11.6253 2.93465C11.6698 2.64112 11.7142 2.34756 11.7498 2.05403C11.7676 1.91171 11.7854 1.76055 11.8032 1.61823C11.8121 1.54707 11.8209 1.47591 11.8387 1.39586C11.8565 1.3247 11.8832 1.25351 11.9188 1.18235C11.9366 1.15566 11.9721 1.14679 11.9988 1.15568C12.0077 1.16458 12.0167 1.17351 12.0256 1.1913Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.3406 1.16434C11.3851 1.30665 11.3762 1.44899 11.3584 1.58241L11.2872 1.99163C11.2427 2.26737 11.1894 2.53418 11.1361 2.80102L10.807 4.41096C10.7981 4.43764 10.7714 4.46433 10.7447 4.45543C10.718 4.44654 10.7002 4.42882 10.7002 4.39324C10.718 4.1175 10.7536 3.84174 10.7803 3.57489C10.8159 3.29915 10.8603 3.03229 10.8959 2.75655L11.0293 1.94715L11.0916 1.54688C11.1094 1.41346 11.145 1.28 11.225 1.15548C11.2428 1.12879 11.2784 1.11988 11.314 1.13767C11.3229 1.13767 11.3317 1.14655 11.3406 1.16434Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.7197 13.1458L26.4707 13.7596L26.2305 14.3733C26.0615 14.7825 25.9014 15.1917 25.7413 15.6009C25.4211 16.4192 25.092 17.2375 24.754 18.0558C24.416 18.8652 24.0691 19.6836 23.6955 20.4752C23.3219 21.2758 22.9217 22.0674 22.4591 22.8234C21.5341 24.3355 20.4222 25.7054 19.5772 27.2353C19.3726 27.6178 19.1769 28.0092 18.999 28.4095C18.9101 28.6051 18.8301 28.8097 18.7411 29.0143C18.6611 29.2189 18.581 29.4234 18.5009 29.628C18.1985 30.4463 17.9139 31.2824 17.6381 32.1185C17.3535 32.9547 17.0689 33.7908 16.722 34.6002C16.633 34.8048 16.553 35.0094 16.4551 35.2051L16.3128 35.5075L16.1705 35.8099C16.0726 36.0145 15.9659 36.2013 15.8591 36.397C15.7524 36.5927 15.6546 36.7884 15.5478 36.984C14.685 38.5229 13.7155 39.9994 12.7638 41.4759C12.5325 41.8495 12.2923 42.2143 12.061 42.5967L11.7142 43.1571L11.3851 43.7263L11.216 44.011L11.0559 44.3045L10.7446 44.8827C10.6468 45.0783 10.5489 45.2741 10.46 45.4698C10.3621 45.6655 10.2643 45.8612 10.1842 46.0657C9.47266 47.6668 8.97453 49.3657 8.74327 51.1091C8.74327 51.1357 8.70767 51.1624 8.68098 51.1535C8.6543 51.1535 8.62762 51.118 8.63651 51.0913C8.85888 49.339 9.34813 47.6223 10.0508 46.0035C10.1309 45.7989 10.2287 45.6032 10.3265 45.3986C10.4244 45.2029 10.5133 44.9983 10.6112 44.8027L10.9225 44.2155L11.0737 43.922L11.2338 43.6374L11.563 43.0592L11.9009 42.49C12.1233 42.1075 12.3635 41.7428 12.5947 41.3692C13.5376 39.8837 14.5072 38.4161 15.3611 36.8773C15.4678 36.6816 15.5657 36.4859 15.6724 36.2991C15.7702 36.1034 15.8858 35.9167 15.9748 35.7121L16.1171 35.4186L16.2506 35.1161C16.3395 34.9204 16.4284 34.7159 16.5085 34.5113C16.8465 33.7019 17.1311 32.8747 17.4069 32.0385C17.6826 31.2024 17.9583 30.3663 18.2696 29.539C18.3497 29.3345 18.4297 29.1299 18.5098 28.9164C18.5987 28.7118 18.6699 28.5073 18.7678 28.3027C18.9368 27.8935 19.1414 27.4933 19.3459 27.1019C20.1999 25.5453 21.3117 24.1666 22.219 22.6723C22.6726 21.9251 23.064 21.1423 23.4376 20.3507C23.8112 19.559 24.1492 18.7496 24.4872 17.9313C24.8252 17.1218 25.1543 16.3035 25.5012 15.4941C25.6791 15.0938 25.8481 14.6846 26.0259 14.2844C26.2127 13.8841 26.3907 13.4839 26.5953 13.0925C26.613 13.0658 26.6397 13.0569 26.6664 13.0658C26.7198 13.0925 26.7286 13.1192 26.7197 13.1458Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.6539 13.5633L26.7023 16.125C26.382 16.9789 26.0618 17.8328 25.7238 18.6867C25.3858 19.5318 25.0389 20.3768 24.6564 21.2129C24.5586 21.4175 24.4696 21.631 24.3628 21.8356C24.3095 21.9423 24.2651 22.0401 24.2117 22.1469L24.0515 22.4582C23.8291 22.8674 23.5979 23.2587 23.3489 23.6412C22.8508 24.415 22.3081 25.1444 21.7833 25.8916C21.5254 26.2652 21.2674 26.6388 21.0273 27.0212C20.7871 27.4037 20.5558 27.7951 20.3602 28.2042C20.1556 28.6045 19.9688 29.0226 19.7909 29.4407C19.613 29.8587 19.444 30.2768 19.2661 30.7037C18.9281 31.5487 18.599 32.4026 18.2521 33.2476C17.9052 34.0926 17.5405 34.9288 17.1135 35.7471C16.6866 36.5566 16.2152 37.3392 15.7348 38.122C14.7653 39.6697 13.7691 41.1996 12.8796 42.7918C11.9901 44.384 11.2163 46.0384 10.6737 47.7729C10.1222 49.5074 9.81979 51.3131 9.76642 53.1366C9.76642 53.1633 9.73977 53.1899 9.71309 53.1899C9.6864 53.1899 9.65967 53.1633 9.65967 53.1366C9.69525 51.3042 9.98876 49.4807 10.5313 47.7284C11.065 45.9761 11.83 44.295 12.7195 42.7028C13.609 41.1018 14.6052 39.5719 15.5659 38.0242C16.0462 37.2503 16.5087 36.4676 16.9356 35.6582C17.3537 34.8577 17.7184 34.0215 18.0653 33.1765C18.7591 31.4954 19.3551 29.7608 20.1645 28.1153C20.3691 27.6972 20.6004 27.3059 20.8405 26.9145C21.0807 26.5231 21.3386 26.1496 21.5966 25.7671C22.1214 25.0199 22.6551 24.2817 23.1443 23.5167C23.3934 23.1342 23.6246 22.7428 23.8381 22.3514L23.9893 22.0491C24.0427 21.9512 24.0871 21.8444 24.1405 21.7466C24.2383 21.542 24.3362 21.3374 24.4251 21.1328C24.7987 20.3056 25.1456 19.4606 25.4836 18.6156L26.4887 16.0717C26.6577 15.6448 26.8356 15.2267 27.0046 14.8086C27.1825 14.3906 27.3604 13.9725 27.5561 13.5545C27.565 13.5278 27.6006 13.5188 27.6273 13.5277C27.654 13.5099 27.6628 13.5367 27.6539 13.5633Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.3834 13.9372C28.2322 14.3908 28.0632 14.8356 27.9031 15.2892L27.4139 16.6323C27.0848 17.5307 26.7468 18.4202 26.391 19.3008C26.0352 20.1903 25.6704 21.0709 25.2968 21.9426C25.11 22.3784 24.9144 22.8143 24.7098 23.2501C24.5052 23.686 24.2917 24.1129 24.0694 24.5399C23.1799 26.2388 22.1748 27.8576 21.3298 29.5565C20.4848 31.2643 19.5953 32.9544 18.688 34.6355C18.2343 35.4716 17.7896 36.3166 17.3093 37.1438C16.829 37.971 16.3308 38.7805 15.8238 39.5899C14.8187 41.2088 13.8047 42.8188 12.9686 44.5355L12.6662 45.1759C12.5683 45.3894 12.4705 45.6118 12.3816 45.8252L12.257 46.1544L12.1503 46.4923C12.1147 46.608 12.088 46.7236 12.0525 46.8303C12.0258 46.946 11.9902 47.0616 11.9635 47.1773C11.75 48.1023 11.581 49.0363 11.4476 49.9791C11.3142 50.922 11.1986 51.8648 11.1185 52.8166C11.0384 53.7683 10.9762 54.7201 10.9851 55.6629C10.9851 55.6896 10.9583 55.7163 10.9317 55.7163C10.905 55.7163 10.8783 55.6896 10.8783 55.6629C10.8694 54.7023 10.9139 53.7505 10.9939 52.7987C11.074 51.847 11.1718 50.8952 11.3053 49.9524C11.4387 49.0095 11.5899 48.0668 11.8034 47.1328C11.8301 47.0172 11.8568 46.9015 11.8924 46.7859C11.9191 46.6702 11.9457 46.5546 11.9813 46.4389L12.088 46.0921L12.2125 45.7541C12.3015 45.5317 12.3994 45.3182 12.4972 45.0958L12.7996 44.4465C13.6357 42.7209 14.6497 41.1021 15.6459 39.4832C16.144 38.6738 16.6422 37.8644 17.1225 37.0371C17.594 36.2099 18.0387 35.3649 18.4834 34.5288C19.3818 32.8476 20.2713 31.1665 21.1074 29.4498C21.9613 27.7331 22.9664 26.1142 23.8381 24.4242C24.0605 24.0061 24.2651 23.5792 24.4696 23.1434C24.6653 22.7075 24.861 22.2805 25.0478 21.8358C25.4214 20.9641 25.7861 20.0835 26.133 19.194L27.1826 16.5345L27.7163 15.2091C27.903 14.7644 28.081 14.3286 28.2678 13.8927C28.2766 13.866 28.3122 13.8483 28.3389 13.8661C28.3745 13.8749 28.3923 13.9105 28.3834 13.9372Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <\/svg><svg class=\"illus\" width=\"30vw\" height=\"30vw\" viewBox=\"0 0 53 55\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: 3150px; left: -15vw; transform: rotate(10.5172deg);\"><path d=\"M9.59517 23.5241C11.1303 20.5453 12.8316 17.6452 14.6698 14.8434C16.5276 12.0515 18.5223 9.33818 20.8005 6.87064L21.2307 6.40857L21.6707 5.95634L21.8956 5.73025L22.1205 5.51395C22.2671 5.36649 22.4236 5.21902 22.5702 5.07156C23.1862 4.49154 23.8218 3.95087 24.4769 3.42984C25.1418 2.91863 25.836 2.4369 26.5694 2.01418C27.2929 1.58162 28.0751 1.23753 28.8573 0.9426L29.4538 0.736166C29.5516 0.696843 29.6591 0.677166 29.7569 0.647674L30.06 0.569046L30.3631 0.490395C30.4609 0.460902 30.5685 0.441245 30.676 0.421583C30.8813 0.38226 31.0867 0.333101 31.292 0.293777C32.1231 0.146315 32.964 0.0578321 33.8049 0.0185087C35.4867 -0.0503073 37.1684 0.0775034 38.8307 0.323275C39.2511 0.38226 39.6618 0.460892 40.0724 0.529708C40.4831 0.608355 40.8938 0.687002 41.3044 0.77548C42.1258 0.952435 42.9373 1.16871 43.7391 1.43414C45.3329 1.96501 46.8875 2.68266 48.2368 3.69524C49.596 4.69799 50.7204 6.03501 51.444 7.55879C51.8057 8.3256 52.0893 9.12188 52.2751 9.94767C52.4608 10.7735 52.5782 11.6091 52.6271 12.4447C52.7248 14.1258 52.5782 15.8069 52.324 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1.80772 26.6769 2.23045C25.9631 2.65318 25.2787 3.12504 24.6138 3.63624C23.9587 4.15728 23.3329 4.69799 22.7267 5.26818C22.5703 5.40581 22.4236 5.56309 22.2769 5.70072L22.052 5.91702L21.8369 6.14311L21.3969 6.59534L20.9667 7.05741C18.708 9.51513 16.7231 12.2186 14.8752 15.0106C14.4156 15.7086 13.9561 16.4065 13.5161 17.1144C13.0761 17.8222 12.636 18.5399 12.2058 19.2477C11.7756 19.9653 11.3454 20.683 10.925 21.4105C10.5045 22.1281 10.0938 22.8556 9.67339 23.5831C9.65384 23.6126 9.6245 23.6224 9.59517 23.6027C9.59517 23.5831 9.58539 23.5438 9.59517 23.5241Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.9454 23.4455L20.5365 23.8781L23.1373 24.2714C24.868 24.527 26.6084 24.8022 28.3391 25.0873C30.0698 25.3724 31.8004 25.6772 33.5213 25.9918C35.2422 26.3162 36.9729 26.6504 38.684 27.0436C40.3951 27.4369 42.0964 27.8891 43.7684 28.4298C43.9737 28.4986 44.1889 28.5674 44.3942 28.6363C44.5995 28.7051 44.8146 28.7837 45.02 28.8525C45.2253 28.9213 45.4306 29 45.636 29.0786C45.8413 29.1573 46.0466 29.2458 46.252 29.3244C46.6529 29.5112 47.0537 29.7275 47.4057 30.0027C47.5817 30.1404 47.748 30.2976 47.9044 30.4746C47.9435 30.5238 47.9729 30.5631 48.012 30.6123L48.0609 30.6811C48.0804 30.7007 48.0902 30.7302 48.1097 30.7597L48.1977 30.917L48.2662 31.0841C48.3444 31.3102 48.3737 31.5462 48.3444 31.7821C48.3151 32.0181 48.2271 32.2343 48.1097 32.4408C47.8653 32.834 47.5231 33.1486 47.1515 33.3944C46.78 33.6402 46.3693 33.8368 45.9488 33.9842C45.5284 34.1415 45.0982 34.2595 44.668 34.348C44.2377 34.4365 43.7977 34.4954 43.348 34.5249C42.908 34.5544 42.4582 34.5446 42.0182 34.5249C41.1382 34.4659 40.268 34.3381 39.3978 34.2103C38.9675 34.1513 38.5275 34.0924 38.0973 34.0432L36.7871 33.8958L36.4644 33.8565L36.1418 33.8073L35.4867 33.7188C35.0467 33.6598 34.6164 33.591 34.1862 33.5124C32.4555 33.2273 30.7347 32.8635 29.0235 32.4605C25.6111 31.6445 22.2476 30.6417 18.8547 29.7471C18.4342 29.6292 18.004 29.521 17.5836 29.4129L16.948 29.2457L16.3125 29.0885C15.8822 28.9803 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22.8557C11.1987 22.8753 10.9836 22.9048 10.7685 22.954C10.6609 22.9737 10.5632 23.0032 10.4556 23.0425L10.3089 23.0917C10.26 23.1113 10.2112 23.1408 10.1721 23.1604C9.98628 23.2588 9.82982 23.4062 9.71248 23.5832C9.59515 23.7602 9.52672 23.9666 9.48761 24.1731C9.4485 24.3795 9.44848 24.5958 9.46804 24.8121C9.48759 25.0283 9.54626 25.2348 9.61471 25.4314C9.65382 25.5297 9.69293 25.628 9.74182 25.7263C9.77115 25.7755 9.79071 25.8246 9.82005 25.8639L9.90804 26.0016C9.93737 26.0507 9.9667 26.0901 10.0058 26.1294L10.1036 26.2572C10.172 26.3358 10.2503 26.4145 10.3285 26.4833C10.6414 26.7782 11.0129 27.0141 11.3845 27.2304C11.7658 27.4467 12.1569 27.6335 12.5578 27.8006C12.9587 27.9678 13.3694 28.125 13.78 28.2627C14.1907 28.4003 14.6112 28.5281 15.0316 28.6363C15.452 28.7444 15.8822 28.8427 16.3125 28.9508L16.948 29.1081L17.5836 29.2753C18.004 29.3834 18.4342 29.4915 18.8547 29.5997C22.2476 30.4844 25.6111 31.4872 29.0235 32.2933C30.7249 32.6964 32.4458 33.0503 34.1764 33.3354C34.6067 33.4042 35.0369 33.4828 35.4769 33.532L36.132 33.6205L36.4546 33.6696L36.7773 33.709L38.0875 33.8565C38.5275 33.9056 38.9578 33.9646 39.3978 34.0235C40.268 34.1415 41.1284 34.2792 41.9986 34.3283C42.4289 34.3578 42.8688 34.3676 43.2991 34.3283C43.7293 34.289 44.1595 34.23 44.5898 34.1514C45.0102 34.0629 45.4306 33.9449 45.8413 33.7975C46.2422 33.65 46.6333 33.4632 46.9951 33.2272C47.3568 32.9913 47.6697 32.6964 47.8848 32.3425C47.9826 32.1655 48.0608 31.9689 48.0902 31.7723C48.1097 31.5757 48.0902 31.3692 48.0217 31.1726L47.9631 31.035L47.8848 30.8974C47.8751 30.8777 47.8653 30.8482 47.8457 30.8285L47.7968 30.7695C47.7675 30.7302 47.7382 30.6811 47.6991 30.6417C47.5622 30.4844 47.4057 30.337 47.2395 30.2092C46.8973 29.9536 46.516 29.7471 46.1249 29.5603C45.9293 29.4817 45.724 29.3932 45.5186 29.3146C45.3133 29.2359 45.108 29.1573 44.9026 29.0885C44.6973 29.0197 44.492 28.941 44.2866 28.8722C44.0813 28.8034 43.876 28.7345 43.6609 28.6657C41.9986 28.1349 40.2973 27.6925 38.596 27.2992C36.8849 26.906 35.164 26.5718 33.4431 26.2572C31.7222 25.9426 29.9916 25.6476 28.2609 25.3626C26.5302 25.0775 24.7996 24.7825 23.0689 24.4778L17.9258 23.5537Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M33.916 43.4552C33.7676 43.11 33.5979 42.7757 33.3964 42.452C33.1949 42.1284 32.9722 41.8371 32.7282 41.5566C32.2404 40.9957 31.6571 40.5103 31.042 40.0788C29.8012 39.2266 28.3907 38.6548 26.9483 38.191C25.506 37.7271 24.0213 37.3927 22.5365 37.1014C21.0518 36.8102 19.5458 36.5728 18.0399 36.3247C17.2869 36.1953 16.5339 36.0766 15.7915 35.9363C15.0386 35.7961 14.2962 35.6451 13.5538 35.4509C12.0797 35.0626 10.6373 34.5663 9.18441 34.1025C7.74208 33.6386 6.28914 33.1963 4.8044 32.8727C4.06202 32.7217 3.31966 32.5923 2.55607 32.5275C2.17428 32.4952 1.8031 32.4843 1.42131 32.4843C1.03952 32.4843 0.668335 32.5167 0.286543 32.5599C0.254727 32.5599 0.233506 32.5383 0.2229 32.5167C0.2229 32.4844 0.244111 32.4628 0.275927 32.452C0.657719 32.3981 1.03952 32.3765 1.42131 32.3657C1.8031 32.3657 2.1849 32.3657 2.56669 32.4089C3.33027 32.4628 4.08324 32.5923 4.83622 32.7433C6.33157 33.0453 7.79512 33.4876 9.24805 33.9407C10.701 34.3937 12.1433 34.8792 13.6068 35.2568C14.3386 35.4401 15.081 35.5912 15.8339 35.7314C16.5763 35.8716 17.3293 35.9903 18.0823 36.109C19.5776 36.3571 21.0836 36.5944 22.5789 36.8749C24.0743 37.1661 25.5696 37.5006 27.0226 37.9644C28.4755 38.4283 29.9072 39.0216 31.1905 39.8846C31.5086 40.1003 31.8162 40.3377 32.1025 40.5966C32.3889 40.8555 32.6646 41.136 32.9085 41.4272C33.1524 41.7293 33.3752 42.0421 33.5661 42.3873C33.7463 42.7217 33.9054 43.0777 34.0221 43.4445C34.0327 43.4768 34.0115 43.5092 33.9903 43.5092C33.9584 43.4984 33.9266 43.4876 33.916 43.4552Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M33.884 43.4231L34.3083 42.9269L34.7219 42.4199L35.1249 41.9021C35.2521 41.7295 35.39 41.5569 35.5067 41.3735C35.7612 41.0175 35.9839 40.6399 36.196 40.2624C36.3021 40.0682 36.3975 39.874 36.493 39.6799C36.5354 39.5828 36.5778 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52.2054 17.2664 52.1342C17.3464 52.0986 17.4176 52.0542 17.4709 51.9919C17.5332 51.9385 17.5777 51.8675 17.6043 51.7963C17.6666 51.6451 17.6755 51.4671 17.6488 51.2892C17.6221 51.1202 17.5598 50.9423 17.4798 50.7911C17.462 50.7644 17.4709 50.729 17.4976 50.7201C17.5243 50.7023 17.5598 50.7111 17.5687 50.7378C17.6666 50.8979 17.7467 51.0758 17.7822 51.2715C17.8178 51.4583 17.8178 51.6628 17.7466 51.8585C17.711 51.9563 17.6577 52.0453 17.5777 52.1165C17.5065 52.1876 17.4176 52.2499 17.3375 52.2944C17.1596 52.3833 16.9817 52.4455 16.7949 52.49C16.4303 52.5878 16.0477 52.6325 15.6741 52.6325C15.3006 52.6325 14.927 52.5968 14.5623 52.5612C14.1976 52.5167 13.833 52.4812 13.4594 52.4189C13.0858 52.3567 12.721 52.2587 12.3652 52.0897C12.1873 52.0008 12.0273 51.8853 11.885 51.743C11.7427 51.6006 11.6359 51.396 11.6092 51.1825C11.6003 51.1292 11.6092 51.0757 11.6092 51.0223C11.6181 50.969 11.627 50.9157 11.6448 50.8623C11.6626 50.809 11.6804 50.7645 11.7071 50.7201C11.7338 50.6756 11.7604 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      <path d=\"M15.0606 28.536C14.9539 28.4826 14.8916 28.4114 14.8382 28.3403C14.7849 28.2691 14.7225 28.2157 14.6514 28.1802C14.5002 28.109 14.3223 28.0823 14.1355 28.0912C14.0465 28.1001 13.9487 28.109 13.8508 28.1267L13.7086 28.1534C13.6641 28.1623 13.6196 28.1712 13.584 28.189C13.5128 28.2157 13.4506 28.2691 13.3972 28.3491C13.3439 28.4203 13.3083 28.5093 13.2638 28.6071C13.246 28.6338 13.2194 28.6427 13.1927 28.6338C13.166 28.6249 13.157 28.5982 13.1659 28.5715C13.1926 28.4736 13.2193 28.3758 13.2727 28.278C13.326 28.1801 13.3972 28.0823 13.5129 28.0289C13.5662 28.0022 13.6196 27.9844 13.6729 27.9667C13.7263 27.9489 13.7619 27.94 13.8153 27.9222C13.9132 27.8955 14.0199 27.8688 14.1266 27.8599C14.3401 27.8332 14.5713 27.8421 14.7848 27.9488C14.8915 28.0022 14.9894 28.0912 15.0606 28.1712C15.1318 28.2602 15.1762 28.358 15.1762 28.4737C15.1762 28.5093 15.1406 28.536 15.1051 28.536C15.0784 28.5449 15.0695 28.536 15.0606 28.536Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path 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 <path d=\"M18.5293 45.7121C18.636 45.6943 18.725 45.7299 18.7961 45.7922C18.8673 45.8544 18.9384 45.9167 18.9917 46.0057C19.0451 46.0857 19.0896 46.2012 19.0896 46.308C19.0896 46.4147 19.054 46.5304 18.9917 46.6193C18.9206 46.7082 18.8406 46.7618 18.7516 46.8062C18.6627 46.8507 18.5826 46.8685 18.4937 46.8952C18.4047 46.913 18.3246 46.9308 18.2357 46.9397C18.1467 46.9485 18.0578 46.9574 17.9688 46.9397C17.9421 46.9308 17.9155 46.904 17.9244 46.8773C17.9332 46.8506 17.9511 46.8328 17.9778 46.8328C18.0489 46.8328 18.129 46.815 18.2001 46.7883C18.2802 46.7617 18.3602 46.744 18.4314 46.7173C18.5826 46.6639 18.7249 46.5928 18.7872 46.4949C18.8227 46.4504 18.8316 46.397 18.8316 46.3347C18.8227 46.2814 18.8049 46.2279 18.7694 46.1746C18.7338 46.1212 18.6804 46.0679 18.6271 46.0234C18.5737 45.9789 18.5114 45.9256 18.4759 45.8278C18.4581 45.7922 18.4759 45.7477 18.5115 45.7389C18.5204 45.7122 18.5204 45.7121 18.5293 45.7121Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.0719 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39.726 10.1951 39.6192C10.2573 39.5125 10.3373 39.4324 10.453 39.379C10.4885 39.3613 10.5242 39.3791 10.5331 39.4147C10.5331 39.4324 10.5331 39.4413 10.5331 39.4591Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.782 41.0517C10.7108 41.1584 10.6397 41.2385 10.5508 41.3274C10.4707 41.4164 10.3996 41.5054 10.3462 41.6121C10.2928 41.7099 10.2483 41.8167 10.2394 41.9234C10.2305 42.0213 10.2572 42.1102 10.3194 42.1725C10.3817 42.2347 10.4974 42.2881 10.6041 42.3237C10.7108 42.3593 10.8354 42.377 10.9599 42.377C11.2089 42.3859 11.4669 42.3592 11.7338 42.3948C11.7604 42.3948 11.7871 42.4304 11.7782 42.4571C11.7782 42.4838 11.7516 42.5016 11.7249 42.5016C11.4758 42.5016 11.2267 42.5549 10.9599 42.5638C10.8265 42.5727 10.6842 42.5638 10.5508 42.5282C10.4796 42.5105 10.4174 42.4927 10.3462 42.4571C10.2839 42.4304 10.2128 42.3948 10.1505 42.3325C10.0882 42.2792 10.0438 42.208 10.0171 42.128C9.99038 42.0479 9.9815 41.9679 9.9904 41.8878C9.99929 41.7277 10.0527 41.5943 10.1238 41.4697C10.195 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9.2259 20.9574 8.7722 21.0108 8.31856C21.2065 6.49511 21.2421 4.6539 21.1887 2.82156L21.1709 2.12778C21.1709 1.88762 21.1798 1.65637 21.1887 1.434C21.1976 1.20273 21.2154 0.980307 21.2065 0.757935C21.2065 0.704566 21.1976 0.642354 21.1976 0.588985C21.1976 0.562301 21.1887 0.535582 21.1887 0.508897V0.464423C21.1887 0.464423 21.1887 0.473335 21.1976 0.48223C21.171 0.491125 21.2866 0.588933 21.3755 0.535564C21.42 0.499985 21.4111 0.499985 21.42 0.49109V0.48223C21.4022 0.571178 21.3844 0.704618 21.3488 0.811357L21.1976 1.47847C21.1443 1.70084 21.0909 1.93207 21.0286 2.15444C20.9041 2.59919 20.744 3.05281 20.5394 3.47087C20.1391 4.30698 19.6766 5.10752 19.2496 5.91695C18.8227 6.72638 18.4313 7.54476 18.1466 8.41645C18.1377 8.44314 18.1022 8.46088 18.0755 8.45198C18.0577 8.46977 18.0488 8.44314 18.0488 8.41645Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.4824 24.5425C21.5891 23.5374 21.6959 22.5322 21.7849 21.5271C21.8738 20.522 21.9272 19.5169 21.9628 18.5028C22.025 16.4837 21.9983 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                                "id": 12,
                                "slug": "javascript-frameworks",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "JavaScript frameworks",
                                "priority": 8
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "3.7.1",
                        "icon": "TweenMax.png",
                        "website": "https:\/\/greensock.com\/gsap",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "LiteSpeed",
                        "description": "LiteSpeed is a high-scalability web server.",
                        "slug": "litespeed",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 22,
                                "slug": "web-servers",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Web servers",
                                "priority": 8
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "LiteSpeed.svg",
                        "website": "http:\/\/litespeedtech.com",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:litespeedtech:litespeed_web_server:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
                        "name": "Cloudflare",
                        "description": "Cloudflare is a web-infrastructure and website-security company, providing content-delivery-network services, DDoS mitigation, Internet security, and distributed domain-name-server services.",
                        "slug": "cloudflare",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 31,
                                "slug": "cdn",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "CDN",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "CloudFlare.svg",
                        "website": "http:\/\/www.cloudflare.com",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "Plausible",
                        "description": "Plausible is an open-source alternative to Google Analytics.",
                        "slug": "plausible",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 10,
                                "slug": "analytics",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Analytics",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "Plausible.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/plausible.io\/",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "MailChimp",
                        "description": "Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform and email marketing service.",
                        "slug": "mailchimp",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 32,
                                "slug": "marketing-automation",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Marketing automation",
                                "priority": 9
                                "id": 75,
                                "slug": "email",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Email",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "mailchimp.svg",
                        "website": "http:\/\/mailchimp.com",
                        "pricing": [
                        "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:thinkshout:mailchimp:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
                        "name": "cdnjs",
                        "description": "cdnjs is a free distributed JS library delivery service.",
                        "slug": "cdnjs",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 31,
                                "slug": "cdn",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "CDN",
                                "priority": 9
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "cdnjs.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/cdnjs.com",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "Open Graph",
                        "description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
                        "slug": "open-graph",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 19,
                                "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                "priority": 10
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "Open Graph.png",
                        "website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                        "name": "HTTP\/3",
                        "description": "HTTP\/3 is the third major version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to exchange information on the World Wide Web.",
                        "slug": "http-3",
                        "categories": [
                                "id": 19,
                                "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                "groups": [
                                "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                "priority": 10
                        "confidence": 100,
                        "version": "",
                        "icon": "HTTP3.svg",
                        "website": "https:\/\/httpwg.org\/",
                        "pricing": [],
                        "cpe": null
                "axe": {
                    "testEngine": "4.4.1",
                    "violations": [
                            "id": "color-contrast",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
                            "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "bgColor": "#e5194c",
                                                "contrastRatio": 3.48,
                                                "fontSize": "10.0pt (13.3333px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
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                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.48 (foreground color: #ffe019, background color: #e5194c, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<button id=\"openbtn\">menu<\/button>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.48 (foreground color: #ffe019, background color: #e5194c, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
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                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
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                                    "target": [
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                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<div class=\"otherpages\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".otherpages > .menububls > a:nth-child(2)"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<div class=\"otherpages\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".otherpages > .menububls > a:nth-child(3)"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"required email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<span>Say Hi!<\/span>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > span"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"> [email protected] <\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > a"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p class=\"mb-4 xs-mb-unset\">Registered Charity Number: 1195986<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > .xs-mb-unset.mb-4"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<span>Follow us on<\/span>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".align-start.xs-mb-unset.mb-4 > span"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/saffronkitchenproject\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/saffronkitchenproject\/\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/channel\/UC6e-V4wXxMapOz_czX0VNmQ\" target=\"_blank\">Youtube<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/company\/76985121\/\" target=\"_blank\">LinkedIn<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<span>Sitemap<\/span>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "div:nth-child(3) > span"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#story\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Story<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(1) > .barba-prevent"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#pillars\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Pillars<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(2) > .barba-prevent"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(3) > a"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
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                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(4) > a"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
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                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
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                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
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                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(5) > a"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
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                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(6) > a"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/privacy\">Privacy policy<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "li:nth-child(7) > a"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": null,
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".justify-center > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                            "id": "link-name",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
                            "help": "Links must have discernible text",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-visible-text",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers"
                                            "id": "aria-label",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                            "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                            "id": "non-empty-title",
                                            "data": {
                                                "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text"
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/shimsham.design\" target=\"_blank\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text\n\nFix any of the following:\n  Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute"
                    "passes": [
                            "id": "aria-allowed-attr",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures ARIA attributes are allowed for an element's role",
                            "help": "Elements must only use allowed ARIA attributes",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-allowed-attr?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "aria-allowed-attr",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "ARIA attributes are used correctly for the defined role"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "aria-unsupported-attr",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "ARIA attribute is supported"
                                            "id": "aria-prohibited-attr",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "ARIA attribute is allowed"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures aria-hidden='true' is not present on the document body.",
                            "help": "aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-hidden-body?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "No aria-hidden attribute is present on document body"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "aria-hidden-focus",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures aria-hidden elements do not contain focusable elements",
                            "help": "ARIA hidden element must not contain focusable elements",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-hidden-focus?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [],
                                    "all": [
                                            "id": "focusable-modal-open",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "No focusable elements while a modal is open"
                                            "id": "focusable-disabled",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "No focusable elements contained within element"
                                            "id": "focusable-not-tabbable",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "No focusable elements contained within element"
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div style=\"position: absolute; left: -5000px;\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"b_b037ab16b340fb1fe8aff1122_c6b517f71e\" tabindex=\"-1\" value=\"\"><\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "aria-valid-attr-value",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures all ARIA attributes have valid values",
                            "help": "ARIA attributes must conform to valid values",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-valid-attr-value?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [],
                                    "all": [
                                            "id": "aria-valid-attr-value",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "ARIA attribute values are valid"
                                            "id": "aria-errormessage",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "aria-errormessage exists and references elements visible to screen readers that use a supported aria-errormessage technique"
                                            "id": "aria-level",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "aria-level values are valid"
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "aria-valid-attr",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures attributes that begin with aria- are valid ARIA attributes",
                            "help": "ARIA attributes must conform to valid names",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-valid-attr?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "aria-valid-attr",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "ARIA attribute name is valid"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "button-name",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures buttons have discernible text",
                            "help": "Buttons must have discernible text",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/button-name?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "button-has-visible-text",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element has inner text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<button id=\"openbtn\">menu<\/button>",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "bypass",
                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures each page has at least one mechanism for a user to bypass navigation and jump straight to the content",
                            "help": "Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/bypass?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "header-present",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<h1 class=\"span-3-10 storyText flex flex-col\"><span id=\"textFirst\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">Eat \u00b7 Cook \u00b7 Learn \u00b7 Belong<\/span> <span id=\"textSecond\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">your culinary community<\/span><\/h1>",
                                                    "target": [
                                                    "html": "<h2 class=\"text-lg mb-2\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                                        ".story-intro > .mb-2"
                                                    "html": "<h1>Employ<\/h1>",
                                                    "target": [
                                                        ".goals > h1"
                                                    "html": "<h2 class=\"mb-4\">Continue your visit<\/h2>",
                                                    "target": [
                                                        ".otherpages > h2"
                                                    "html": "<h2>Sign up to our newsletter<\/h2>",
                                                    "target": [
                                                        "#mc_embed_signup_scroll > h2"
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Page has a heading"
                                            "id": "landmark",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [
                                                    "html": "<main class=\"homepage relative\" data-barba=\"container\" data-barba-namespace=\"home\" data-color=\"#E5194C\" data-transition=\"#FFE019\" style=\"background-color:#E5194C;color:#FFE019\">",
                                                    "target": [
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Page has a landmark region"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<html lang=\"en\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "color-contrast",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
                            "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "bgColor": "#e5194c",
                                                "contrastRatio": 3.48,
                                                "fontSize": "22.5pt (30px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 3.48"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div>Saffron<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "a > div:nth-child(1)"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "bgColor": "#e5194c",
                                                "contrastRatio": 3.48,
                                                "fontSize": "22.5pt (30px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 3.48"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div>Kitchen<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "a > div:nth-child(2)"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "bgColor": "#e5194c",
                                                "contrastRatio": 3.48,
                                                "fontSize": "22.5pt (30px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 3.48"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div>Project<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "a > div:nth-child(3)"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#e5194c",
                                                "bgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "contrastRatio": 3.48,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 3.48"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<span class=\"donspan\" style=\"background-color:#07453A; color:#FFE019\">Donate <\/span>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#e5194c",
                                                "bgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "contrastRatio": 3.48,
                                                "fontSize": "30.0pt (40px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 3.48"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a class=\"nextpage\" style=\"color: rgb(229, 25, 76); opacity: 1; top: 95.8332%;\">Our Story<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
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                                                "bgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 8.2899999999999991,
                                                "fontSize": "30.0pt (40px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.29"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a class=\"nextpage2\" style=\"color: rgb(255, 224, 25); opacity: 1; top: 1840px;\">Our Pillars<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
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                                                "bgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 8.2899999999999991,
                                                "fontSize": "21.0pt (28px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.29"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div class=\"bubl text-lg b-left\" data-id=\"mourish\">Nourish<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "bgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 8.2899999999999991,
                                                "fontSize": "21.0pt (28px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.29"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<div class=\"bubl text-lg b-right\" data-id=\"teach\">Train<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                "fontSize": "37.5pt (50px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.34"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<h2 class=\"mb-4\">Continue your visit<\/h2>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".otherpages > h2"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "bgColor": "#ff8000",
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                                                "fontSize": "22.5pt (30px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 4.34"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<h2>Sign up to our newsletter<\/h2>",
                                    "target": [
                                        "#mc_embed_signup_scroll > h2"
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
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                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of ${data.contrastRatio}"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<input type=\"text\" name=\"b_b037ab16b340fb1fe8aff1122_c6b517f71e\" tabindex=\"-1\" value=\"\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
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                                                "bgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "contrastRatio": 8.2899999999999991,
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                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.29"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
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                                    "target": [
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                            "help": "Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/document-title?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                            "help": "IDs of active elements must be unique",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id-active?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
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                                            "data": "openbtn",
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                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<button id=\"openbtn\">menu<\/button>",
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                            "help": "id attribute value must be unique",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id?application=axeAPI",
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                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/form-field-multiple-labels?application=axeAPI",
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                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-lang-valid?application=axeAPI",
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                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/image-alt?application=axeAPI",
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                                    "target": [
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                                    "all": [],
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                                    "target": [
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                                            "impact": "minor",
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                                    "target": [
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                                            "data": {
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                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
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                                            "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
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                                    "target": [
                                        ".illu-4 > img[alt=\"\"]"
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "data": {
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                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
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                                            "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/crab.svg\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".illu-5 > img[alt=\"\"]"
                                    "any": [
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                                    "none": [
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                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">",
                                    "target": [
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                                    "none": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">",
                                    "target": [
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                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
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                            "help": "Input buttons must have discernible text",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/input-button-name?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "non-empty-value",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
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                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"SEND\" name=\"subscribe\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe\" class=\"button m-0\">",
                                    "target": [
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                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures every form element has a label",
                            "help": "Form elements must have labels",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/label?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
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                                    "none": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "impact": "critical",
                                            "message": "Form element has a visible explicit <label>"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"required email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email\">",
                                    "target": [
                            "id": "link-name",
                            "impact": "serious",
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
                            "help": "Links must have discernible text",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">\n        <div>Saffron<\/div>\n        <div>Kitchen<\/div>\n        <div>Project<\/div>\n    <\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".skpid > a"
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">Story<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "has-visible-text",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
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                                            "impact": "minor",
                                            "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [
                                            "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                            "data": null,
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                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>",
                                    "target": [
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                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
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                                    "impact": null,
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                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">\n        <span class=\"donspan\" style=\"background-color:#07453A; color:#FFE019\">Donate <\/span>\n      <\/a>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".donate > a"
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                    "impact": null,
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                                    "target": [
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                                    "impact": null,
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                                            "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                    "impact": null,
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                                    "target": [
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                                        "li:nth-child(1) > .barba-prevent"
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                                    "any": [
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                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/list?application=axeAPI",
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                            "tags": [
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                            "help": "<li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol>",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/listitem?application=axeAPI",
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                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#story\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Story<\/a><\/li>",
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                                    "none": [],
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                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a><\/li>",
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                                            "data": null,
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                                            "impact": "serious",
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                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a><\/li>",
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                                            "message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
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                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/privacy\">Privacy policy<\/a><\/li>",
                                    "target": [
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                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensures interactive controls are not nested as they are not always announced by screen readers or can cause focus problems for assistive technologies",
                            "help": "Interactive controls must not be nested",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/nested-interactive?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
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                                    "target": [
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                                    "html": "<img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
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                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">",
                                    "target": [
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
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                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
                                    "html": "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"SEND\" name=\"subscribe\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe\" class=\"button m-0\">",
                                    "target": [
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                            "impact": null,
                            "tags": [
                            "description": "Ensure elements that have scrollable content are accessible by keyboard",
                            "help": "Scrollable region must have keyboard access",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/scrollable-region-focusable?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
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                                            "data": null,
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                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": null,
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                    "incomplete": [
                            "id": "color-contrast",
                            "impact": "serious",
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                            "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
                            "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                            "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
                            "nodes": [
                                    "any": [
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                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
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                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<span id=\"textFirst\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">Eat \u00b7 Cook \u00b7 Learn \u00b7 Belong<\/span>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "57.6pt (76.8px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<span id=\"textSecond\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">your culinary community<\/span>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "21.0pt (28px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<h2 class=\"text-lg mb-2\">",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".story-intro > .mb-2"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>Drawing on many years of experience in the hospitality industry as well as the humanitarian sector we identified a need for access to nutritious food, professional training and job opportunities for refugees.<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".story-intro > p:nth-child(3)"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>At Saffron Kitchen Project we aim to do exactly that. We cook meals together, provide specialised training and create opportunities for people with refugee backgrounds to support themselves and grow their own skill sets.<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
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                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "30.0pt (40px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p class=\"text-xl\">\u2018Food can bring people together in a way nothing else could.\u2019<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<figcaption>Yotam Ottolenghi<\/figcaption>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>With this in mind we came up with our pillars, the cornerstones of what SKP is built on\u2026 <\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".story-end > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "21.0pt (28px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<div class=\"bubl text-lg b-top\" data-id=\"employ\">Employ<\/div>",
                                    "target": [
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "37.5pt (50px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<h1>Employ<\/h1>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".goals > h1"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "any": [
                                            "id": "color-contrast",
                                            "data": {
                                                "fgColor": "#ffe019",
                                                "contrastRatio": 0,
                                                "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                "messageKey": "bgOverlap",
                                                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                            "relatedNodes": [],
                                            "impact": "serious",
                                            "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
                                    "all": [],
                                    "none": [],
                                    "impact": "serious",
                                    "html": "<p>We will help tackle unemployment in Athens by generating job opportunities for people from the refugee and host community. The meals will be prepared by the community for the community.<\/p>",
                                    "target": [
                                        ".goals > p"
                                    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element"
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                "browser_name": "Chrome",
                "eventName": "Step_1",
                "test_run_time_ms": 8921,
                "testUrl": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org",
                "custom": [
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                "Images": "[{\"url\":\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/fennel.svg\",\"width\":346,\"height\":542,\"naturalWidth\":51,\"naturalHeight\":80},{\"url\":\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/bread.svg\",\"width\":346,\"height\":360,\"naturalWidth\":97,\"naturalHeight\":101},{\"url\":\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/lemon.svg\",\"width\":346,\"height\":311,\"naturalWidth\":79,\"naturalHeight\":71},{\"url\":\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/cheese.svg\",\"width\":346,\"height\":264,\"naturalWidth\":93,\"naturalHeight\":71},{\"url\":\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/crab.svg\",\"width\":346,\"height\":244,\"naturalWidth\":92,\"naturalHeight\":65},{\"url\":\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\",\"width\":664,\"height\":664,\"naturalWidth\":1498,\"naturalHeight\":998},{\"url\":\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\",\"width\":930,\"height\":308,\"naturalWidth\":1200,\"naturalHeight\":398}]",
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                        "html": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/fennel.svg\">",
                        "currentSrc": "https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/fennel.svg",
                        "srcSet": null,
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                        "priority": null,
                        "loading": null,
                        "naturalWidth": 51,
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We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.\" name=\"description\">\n\n    <meta content=\"Saffron Kitchen Project, opportunities people in Athens, culinary community, food love, opportunities for refugees, opportunities for people with refugee backgrounds, \" name=\"keywords\">\n\n    <meta content=\"Saffron Kitchen Project\" property=\"og:title\">\n    <meta content=\"website\" property=\"og:type\">\n    <meta content=\"SKP\" property=\"og:site_name\">\n    <meta content=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\" property=\"og:url\">\n    <meta content=\" https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/media\/site\/d8dda6f6ed-1637318052\/logoprofile.png \" property=\"og:image\">\n    <meta content=\"Our Story Saffron Kitchen Project is about people, food, building community and creating lasting opportunities for vulnerable people in Athens. Food is about love, comfort and hospitality. There is a kindness in the practice of preparing meals for others, the perfect opportunity to make people feel welcome. We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.\" property=\"og:description\">\n    <meta content=\"fr_FR\" property=\"og:locale\">\n\n    <meta content=\"SKP\" name=\"twitter:title\">\n    <meta content=\"large_summary\" name=\"twitter:card\">\n    <meta content=\"\" name=\"twitter:site\">\n    <meta content=\"\" name=\"twitter:creator\">\n    <meta content=\" https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/media\/site\/d8dda6f6ed-1637318052\/logoprofile.png \" name=\"twitter:image\">\n    <meta content=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\" name=\"twitter:url\">\n    <meta content=\"Our Story Saffron Kitchen Project is about people, food, building community and creating lasting opportunities for vulnerable people in Athens. Food is about love, comfort and hospitality. There is a kindness in the practice of preparing meals for others, the perfect opportunity to make people feel welcome. We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.\" name=\"twitter:description\">\n    \n    <link href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/css\/main.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\">    <script src=\"https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/gsap.min.js\"><\/script>\n    <script src=\"https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/ScrollTrigger.min.js\"><\/script>\n    <script src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/libs\/InertiaPlugin.min.js\"><\/script>    <link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image\/jpg\" href=\"assets\/favicon\/favicon-32x32.png\">\n    <script defer=\"\" data-domain=\"saffronkitchenproject.org\" src=\"https:\/\/plausible.io\/js\/plausible.js\"><\/script>\n<\/head>\n<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">\n\n  <div class=\"header bgpink\" style=\"color:#FFE019\">\n    <div class=\"skpid\">\n    <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">\n        <div>Saffron<\/div>\n        <div>Kitchen<\/div>\n        <div>Project<\/div>\n    <\/a>\n<\/div>\n\n<div class=\"navbtn\">\n    <button id=\"openbtn\">menu<\/button>\n<\/div>    <nav id=\"navi\">\n    <div class=\"menububls\">\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">Story<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>\n    <\/div>\n    <div class=\"nav-illus\">\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-1\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/fennel.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-2\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/bread.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-3\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/lemon.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-4\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/cheese.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-5\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/crab.svg\"><\/div>\n    <\/div>\n<\/nav>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  <\/div>\n\n  <span class=\"transition\"><\/span>\n\n  <main class=\"homepage relative\" data-barba=\"container\" data-barba-namespace=\"home\" data-color=\"#E5194C\" data-transition=\"#FFE019\" style=\"background-color:#E5194C;color:#FFE019\">\n    \n    \n    <div class=\"donate bgpink\"> \n      <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">\n        <span class=\"donspan\" style=\"background-color:#07453A; color:#FFE019\">Donate <\/span>\n      <\/a> \n    <\/div>\n  \n\n    <div class=\"pin-spacer\" style=\"place-self: auto; grid-area: auto; z-index: auto; float: none; flex-shrink: 1; display: block; margin: 0px; inset: 0px; position: relative; overflow: visible; box-sizing: border-box; width: 1905px; height: 1390px; padding: 0px 0px 397.001px;\"><section class=\"content intro no-gap storyAnim bgcolor bgpink\" style=\"transform: translate(0px, 0px); left: 0px; top: 0.001px; margin: 0px; max-width: 1905px; width: 1905px; max-height: 993px; height: 993px; padding: 120px 30px 30px; box-sizing: border-box; position: fixed;\">\n      <h1 class=\"span-3-10 storyText flex flex-col\"><span id=\"textFirst\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">Eat \u00b7 Cook \u00b7 Learn \u00b7 Belong<\/span> <span id=\"textSecond\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">your culinary community<\/span><\/h1>\n\n      <span class=\"arrowintro\">\n        <svg width=\"30\" height=\"61\" viewBox=\"0 0 30 61\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\">\n          <path d=\"M30 41.3C19.3966 41.3 15 44.372 15 60.5M15 60.5C15 44.372 10.6034 41.3 -5.91332e-07 41.3M15 60.5L15 0.499999\" stroke=\"#FFE019\"><\/path>\n        <\/svg>\n      <\/span>\n\n      <div class=\"bottombtn span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n          <div class=\"butbtn\" style=\"background-color: rgb(255, 224, 25); transform: translate3d(0px, 399.353px, 0px) scale(1, 1.00001); bottom: 0px;\"><\/div>\n          <a class=\"nextpage\" style=\"color: rgb(229, 25, 76); opacity: 1; top: 95.8332%;\">Our Story<\/a>\n      <\/div>\n    <\/section><\/div>\n\n    <div class=\"pin-spacer\" style=\"place-self: auto; grid-area: auto; z-index: auto; float: none; flex-shrink: 1; display: grid; margin: 0px; inset: 0px; position: relative; overflow: visible; box-sizing: border-box; width: 1905px; height: 2739px; padding: 0px 0px 298px;\"><section class=\"storypage content grid-cols-12 bgcolor bgyellow\" id=\"story\" style=\"transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); inset: 0px auto auto 0px; margin: 0px; max-width: 1905px; width: 1905px; max-height: 2441.28px; height: 2441.28px; padding: 0px;\">\n        <div class=\"story-intro span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n\n          <h2 class=\"text-lg mb-2\">Saffron Kitchen Project is about people, food, building community and creating lasting opportunities for vulnerable people in Athens. Food is about love, comfort and hospitality. There is a kindness in the practice of preparing meals for others, the perfect opportunity to make people feel welcome. We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.<\/h2>\n          \n          <img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">  \n\n          <p>Drawing on many years of experience in the hospitality industry as well as the humanitarian sector we identified a need for access to nutritious food, professional training and job opportunities for refugees.<\/p>\n\n          <p>At Saffron Kitchen Project we aim to do exactly that. We cook meals together, provide specialised training and create opportunities for people with refugee backgrounds to support themselves and grow their own skill sets.<\/p>\n\n        <\/div>\n\n        <div class=\"story-end span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n  \n          <img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">\n         \n          <figure class=\"mb-2\">\n            <blockquote>\n              <p class=\"text-xl\">\u2018Food can bring people together in a way nothing else could.\u2019<\/p>\n            <\/blockquote>\n            <figcaption>Yotam Ottolenghi<\/figcaption>\n          <\/figure>\n          \n          <p>With this in mind we came up with our pillars, the cornerstones of what SKP is built on\u2026 <\/p>\n          \n          <span class=\"arrow\">\n            <svg width=\"30\" height=\"61\" viewBox=\"0 0 30 61\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\">\n              <path d=\"M30 41.3C19.3966 41.3 15 44.372 15 60.5M15 60.5C15 44.372 10.6034 41.3 -5.91332e-07 41.3M15 60.5L15 0.499999\" stroke=\"#07453A\"><\/path>\n            <\/svg>\n          <\/span>\n\n        <\/div>\n\n        <div class=\"bottombtn span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n          <div class=\"butbtn2\" style=\"background-color: rgb(7, 69, 58); transform: translate(0px, 399.354px); bottom: 0px;\"><\/div>\n          <a class=\"nextpage2\" style=\"color: rgb(255, 224, 25); opacity: 1; top: 1840px;\">Our Pillars<\/a>\n        <\/div>\n    <\/section><\/div>\n    \n    <section class=\"goals-wrapper bgcolor bggreen \" id=\"pillars\">\n      <div class=\"goals-content\">\n        \n        <div class=\"roulette\">\n            <div class=\"bubl text-lg b-top\" data-id=\"employ\">Employ<\/div>\n            <div class=\"bubl text-lg b-left\" data-id=\"mourish\">Nourish<\/div>\n            <div class=\"bubl text-lg b-right\" data-id=\"teach\">Train<\/div>\n        <\/div>\n\n        <div class=\"roulette-content\">            \n            <div class=\"container active\">\n                <article class=\"goals\" style=\"\">\n                  <h1>Employ<\/h1>\n                  <p>We will help tackle unemployment in Athens by generating job opportunities for people from the refugee and host community. The meals will be prepared by the community for the community.<\/p>\n                <\/article>\n            <\/div>\n\n            <article class=\"employ\">\n                <h1>Employ<\/h1>\n                <p>We will help tackle unemployment in Athens by generating job opportunities for people from the refugee and host community. The meals will be prepared by the community for the community.<\/p>\n            <\/article>\n\n            <article class=\"mourish\">\n                <h1>Nourish<\/h1>\n                <p>Providing vulnerable people, including but not limited to the homeless, migrants and refugees, with tasty and inventive meals in a sustainable way. We distribute to partner organisations throughout Athens, ensuring they receive delicious and nutritious meals, whilst avoiding food waste as much as possible.<\/p>\n            <\/article>\n\n            <article class=\"teach\">\n                <h1>Train<\/h1>\n                <p>Offering free culinary education and vocational training to refugees, in an effort to prepare our students for work in the hospitality industry. Our programme will cover culinary skills as well as including soft skills training such as teamwork, leadership and time management.<\/p>\n            <\/article>\n        <\/div>\n        <\/div>\n    <\/section>\n\n    <div class=\"otherpages\">\n    <h2 class=\"mb-4\">Continue your visit<\/h2>\n    <div class=\"menububls\">\n        <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>\n        <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>\n        <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>\n    <\/div>\n<\/div>    <footer class=\"homefoot\">\n    \n  <div class=\"mb-6\">\n    <div id=\"mc_embed_signup mb-4\">\n      <form action=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.us5.list-manage.com\/subscribe\/post?u=b037ab16b340fb1fe8aff1122&amp;id=c6b517f71e\" method=\"post\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe-form\" name=\"mc-embedded-subscribe-form\" class=\"validate flex flex-col items-center\" target=\"_blank\" novalidate=\"\">\n 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d=\"M173.136 64.2056V70.1826C170.563 66.2432 166.432 63.798 160.946 63.798H160.879C152.684 63.798 146.115 71.6769 146.115 81.7292C146.115 91.9174 152.684 99.6604 160.879 99.6604H160.946C166.432 99.6604 170.563 97.2152 173.136 93.2758C173.136 94.4984 173.136 96.4002 173.136 99.2529H179.163V94.1588C179.163 88.7251 179.163 86.5516 179.163 81.1179V64.2056H173.136ZM162.978 93.7513H162.91C156.273 93.7513 152.142 88.793 152.142 81.7292C152.142 74.8013 156.206 69.7072 162.91 69.7072H162.978C169.005 69.7072 173.136 75.005 173.136 81.7292C173.136 88.4534 169.005 93.7513 162.978 93.7513Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n<path d=\"M232.957 64.2056L217.855 89.2005C217.855 89.2005 217.855 64.2056 217.787 64.2056H210.812C210.744 64.2056 197.471 86.2799 195.71 89.2685L195.574 86.8912L195.71 64.2056H189.683V99.2529H195.71C198.283 94.9059 211.76 72.6278 211.828 72.6278V99.2529H217.855C220.022 95.653 233.905 72.6278 233.973 72.6278V99.2529H240V64.2056H232.957Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n<\/svg>\n<\/a><\/p>\n   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1.64832 16.5777 2.05114 16.4526 2.45395C16.2138 3.26525 16.0205 4.09924 15.8726 4.93323L15.867 4.89352C15.8897 4.93891 15.9295 4.99564 15.975 5.03536C16.0205 5.07507 16.0773 5.10911 16.1342 5.13748C16.1911 5.16017 16.2593 5.17719 16.3218 5.18854C16.3559 5.19421 16.3901 5.19422 16.4242 5.19989H16.5265H16.5322C16.5607 5.19989 16.5891 5.22259 16.5891 5.25663C16.5891 5.285 16.5663 5.31336 16.5379 5.31336L16.4242 5.31903C16.3844 5.31903 16.3502 5.31904 16.3104 5.31336C16.2365 5.30769 16.1626 5.29066 16.0887 5.26229C16.0148 5.23393 15.9466 5.19421 15.8897 5.14883C15.8272 5.09776 15.776 5.04103 15.7362 4.9616C15.7305 4.95025 15.7305 4.93891 15.7305 4.92757V4.92189C15.8556 4.07655 16.0205 3.23688 16.2536 2.40856C16.373 1.9944 16.5038 1.58591 16.6858 1.18877C16.7767 0.990204 16.8848 0.797316 17.0269 0.615767C17.061 0.570379 17.1065 0.530663 17.1463 0.485275C17.169 0.462582 17.1918 0.445561 17.2202 0.428541C17.2316 0.417194 17.243 0.411521 17.26 0.400174C17.2771 0.388827 17.2942 0.383154 17.3112 0.371807C17.459 0.320746 17.5898 0.343437 17.7092 0.383151C17.8286 0.422865 17.9423 0.490946 18.0276 0.610088C18.0674 0.672496 18.1015 0.751923 18.0959 0.837025C18.0959 0.859718 18.0901 0.876744 18.0901 0.899438L18.0788 0.939149L18.0617 1.01857C18.0162 1.22281 17.9651 1.43273 17.9139 1.64265C17.8627 1.85256 17.8059 2.06248 17.7319 2.26672C17.658 2.47664 17.5784 2.66954 17.4988 2.86811C17.1861 3.65672 16.9359 4.46801 16.5834 5.24527C16.572 5.27364 16.5379 5.28498 16.5095 5.27364C16.4867 5.25094 16.4753 5.22826 16.481 5.19989Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.2944 4.16959C20.006 4.08954 20.7354 4.11623 21.447 4.22297C22.1586 4.3386 22.8613 4.49871 23.5373 4.73887C23.8753 4.8634 24.2133 5.00572 24.5335 5.18362C24.8537 5.36151 25.1561 5.5572 25.4408 5.77957C26.0189 6.21542 26.5259 6.7402 26.9351 7.34505C27.1397 7.64747 27.3087 7.96771 27.4599 8.29682C27.6111 8.62592 27.7356 8.96391 27.8424 9.30192C28.0647 9.98682 28.2249 10.6806 28.385 11.3744C28.5451 12.0682 28.6963 12.762 28.9009 13.438C28.9987 13.7849 29.0876 14.1229 29.2033 14.4609C29.3189 14.7989 29.4524 15.128 29.6302 15.4216C29.648 15.4483 29.6391 15.4839 29.6124 15.5016C29.5858 15.5194 29.5502 15.5105 29.5324 15.4838C29.3367 15.1725 29.2033 14.8434 29.0788 14.5054C28.9542 14.1674 28.8564 13.8294 28.7497 13.4825C28.5362 12.8065 28.3583 12.1038 28.1893 11.4189C28.0203 10.7251 27.8513 10.0402 27.6289 9.3642C27.4065 8.69708 27.1219 8.04776 26.7305 7.46959C26.3391 6.89142 25.8411 6.3844 25.2807 5.96635C25.0049 5.75287 24.7025 5.56609 24.4001 5.39708C24.0976 5.22808 23.7685 5.09466 23.4394 4.97903C22.7812 4.74776 22.0874 4.58765 21.3936 4.48091C20.6998 4.37417 19.9971 4.3208 19.2855 4.27632C19.2588 4.27632 19.2322 4.24964 19.2322 4.21406C19.25 4.19628 19.2677 4.16959 19.2944 4.16959Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.2907 4.26728C20.3529 4.33844 20.3707 4.40071 20.3707 4.47187V4.67643C20.3707 4.81875 20.3618 4.95219 20.3618 5.09451C20.344 5.37025 20.3085 5.65488 20.2284 5.93062C20.2195 5.9573 20.1928 5.97508 20.1573 5.96619C20.1306 5.95729 20.1128 5.93952 20.1128 5.91283C20.1217 5.63709 20.1217 5.37025 20.1128 5.09451L20.1039 4.68534V4.48075C20.1039 4.40959 20.1128 4.33843 20.1839 4.27617C20.2106 4.24059 20.2551 4.2317 20.2907 4.26728Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.1624 4.40937C21.2247 4.5161 21.2336 4.62285 21.2336 4.72959L21.2247 5.04981C21.2247 5.26329 21.2069 5.47675 21.198 5.69912C21.1802 5.9126 21.1624 6.13497 21.1268 6.34845C21.0912 6.56192 21.0468 6.7754 20.9667 6.98887C20.9578 7.01556 20.9222 7.03336 20.8956 7.02447C20.8689 7.01557 20.8511 6.98889 20.86 6.96221C20.8956 6.74873 20.9222 6.54414 20.9311 6.33066C20.9489 6.11719 20.9489 5.90371 20.9578 5.69024C20.9667 5.47676 20.9578 5.26329 20.9667 5.04981V4.72959C20.9667 4.62285 20.9845 4.5161 21.0557 4.40937C21.0735 4.38268 21.1179 4.37379 21.1446 4.39158C21.1535 4.39158 21.1624 4.40047 21.1624 4.40937Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.3098 4.5251C22.381 4.6941 22.3987 4.872 22.3987 5.041C22.3987 5.21 22.3987 5.3879 22.3987 5.55691C22.3987 5.90381 22.3899 6.2507 22.3632 6.5976C22.3365 6.9445 22.3098 7.29141 22.2653 7.62941C22.2208 7.97631 22.1586 8.31432 22.0874 8.65232C22.0785 8.679 22.0519 8.69679 22.0252 8.69679C21.9985 8.6879 21.9807 8.6612 21.9807 8.63451C22.0163 8.29651 22.0519 7.94961 22.0786 7.6116C22.1052 7.2736 22.123 6.9267 22.1319 6.5887C22.1408 6.25069 22.1408 5.90379 22.1408 5.56579C22.1408 5.39679 22.1408 5.2278 22.1319 5.0499C22.1319 4.96096 22.1319 4.88089 22.1408 4.79194C22.1497 4.70299 22.1675 4.62295 22.1942 4.534C22.2031 4.50731 22.2386 4.48951 22.2742 4.49841C22.292 4.49841 22.3009 4.50731 22.3098 4.5251Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.4216 4.8632C23.4839 5.06778 23.5017 5.27235 23.4928 5.47693C23.4839 5.68151 23.4839 5.88611 23.475 6.09069C23.4572 6.49985 23.4216 6.90902 23.3771 7.31818C23.3238 7.72735 23.2615 8.1365 23.1815 8.53677C23.0925 8.93704 22.9947 9.3373 22.8613 9.72867C22.8524 9.75536 22.8168 9.77316 22.7901 9.76427C22.7634 9.75537 22.7456 9.72867 22.7545 9.70199C22.8435 9.30172 22.9235 8.91034 22.9858 8.50118C23.048 8.10091 23.1014 7.70066 23.137 7.29149C23.1726 6.89123 23.1993 6.48207 23.2171 6.0729C23.226 5.86832 23.2349 5.66373 23.2349 5.45915C23.2349 5.3613 23.2437 5.25457 23.2526 5.15673C23.2615 5.05889 23.2793 4.95213 23.3149 4.85429C23.3238 4.82761 23.3594 4.80983 23.3861 4.81872C23.4038 4.82762 23.4127 4.84541 23.4216 4.8632Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.5511 5.35226C24.6223 5.58352 24.6312 5.82368 24.6223 6.06385C24.6134 6.29511 24.6045 6.53526 24.5867 6.76653C24.56 7.23796 24.5155 7.70049 24.4622 8.17192C24.4088 8.63445 24.3554 9.10588 24.2487 9.56841C24.142 10.0309 23.973 10.4846 23.715 10.8849C23.6972 10.9115 23.6617 10.9204 23.635 10.9026C23.6083 10.8848 23.5994 10.8582 23.6172 10.8315C23.8306 10.4223 23.9729 9.97757 24.053 9.52393C24.1419 9.0703 24.1776 8.60776 24.2131 8.14523C24.2487 7.6827 24.2843 7.21128 24.3109 6.74874C24.3287 6.51748 24.3377 6.28621 24.3377 6.05494C24.3465 5.82368 24.3643 5.59243 24.4266 5.36116C24.4355 5.33448 24.4622 5.30779 24.4977 5.31669C24.5333 5.31669 24.5422 5.33447 24.5511 5.35226Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.2322 3.94731C19.2945 3.9651 19.3122 3.9829 19.3122 4.00069V4.06295C19.3122 4.10742 19.3122 4.15189 19.3122 4.18747C19.3034 4.27642 19.2944 4.35648 19.2589 4.44543C19.25 4.48101 19.2144 4.4899 19.1788 4.481C19.161 4.47211 19.1521 4.46321 19.1433 4.45431C19.0988 4.37426 19.081 4.28533 19.0632 4.20528C19.0543 4.1608 19.0454 4.12521 19.0454 4.08074L19.0365 4.01848C19.0365 4.00069 19.0454 3.974 19.1076 3.94731C19.161 3.94731 19.1966 3.93842 19.2322 3.94731Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.881 4.20832C15.3202 3.9189 14.6987 3.75135 14.0773 3.62187C13.4559 3.4924 12.8193 3.401 12.1903 3.3553C11.5537 3.30199 10.9171 3.27914 10.2806 3.29437C9.64397 3.3096 9.00736 3.37054 8.39351 3.47717C7.77208 3.59142 7.17342 3.79705 6.60505 4.06362C6.03667 4.33019 5.4986 4.67292 5.006 5.06896C4.0284 5.86867 3.24782 6.89687 2.65671 8.01646C2.36116 8.58006 2.11106 9.15891 1.89129 9.7606C1.66394 10.3547 1.46691 10.964 1.29261 11.5733C1.24714 11.7256 1.21682 11.8855 1.17893 12.0379C1.14104 12.1902 1.09558 12.3425 1.07284 12.5025C1.01222 12.8147 0.944003 13.127 0.91369 13.4393C0.822749 14.0714 0.8076 14.7036 0.845492 15.3357L0.890969 15.8079C0.898548 15.8841 0.913697 15.9679 0.921276 16.044L0.959167 16.2801L0.997059 16.5162C1.00464 16.5924 1.03497 16.6685 1.05012 16.7447L1.1638 17.2017C1.20927 17.354 1.26232 17.4987 1.31537 17.651L1.39115 17.8795C1.42146 17.9557 1.45175 18.0242 1.48207 18.1004L1.67153 18.5345C1.73973 18.6792 1.81551 18.8163 1.89129 18.9611C2.17927 19.5247 2.53548 20.0578 2.90682 20.5757C3.28574 21.086 3.71011 21.5582 4.17997 21.9847C5.11969 22.8377 6.21099 23.5156 7.37805 24.0335C8.54512 24.5438 9.78038 24.8941 11.0384 25.0845C12.2964 25.2749 13.5847 25.3054 14.8503 25.1683C15.4793 25.0998 16.1083 24.9855 16.7297 24.8256C17.3436 24.6656 17.9423 24.4448 18.5258 24.1934C19.6929 23.6755 20.7993 23.0205 21.7693 22.198C22.7393 21.3754 23.573 20.3853 24.1338 19.2429C24.4142 18.6716 24.6264 18.0699 24.7628 17.453C24.8992 16.8361 24.9598 16.1963 24.9522 15.5566C24.9446 14.9168 24.8765 14.2847 24.74 13.6601C24.6036 13.0356 24.4218 12.4263 24.202 11.8246C24.1944 11.7941 24.2095 11.7637 24.2323 11.7561C24.2626 11.7484 24.2929 11.7637 24.3005 11.7865C24.5279 12.3882 24.7173 13.0051 24.8537 13.6373C24.9901 14.2694 25.0659 14.9092 25.0811 15.5566C25.0887 16.2039 25.0356 16.8513 24.8992 17.4835C24.7628 18.1156 24.5506 18.7326 24.2626 19.3114C23.6942 20.4767 22.8531 21.4973 21.8754 22.335C20.8903 23.1805 19.7763 23.8507 18.594 24.3686C18.0029 24.6352 17.3966 24.856 16.7676 25.016C16.1462 25.1835 15.502 25.2978 14.8655 25.3663C13.5847 25.511 12.2812 25.4806 11.0005 25.2902C9.72733 25.0998 8.46932 24.7494 7.2871 24.2315C6.10487 23.7136 4.99086 23.0205 4.0284 22.1523C3.55097 21.7181 3.11141 21.2383 2.72491 20.7128C2.34599 20.1873 1.98225 19.6541 1.6867 19.0753C1.61091 18.9306 1.53514 18.7935 1.46693 18.6412L1.26989 18.1918C1.23957 18.1156 1.20167 18.0471 1.17893 17.9709L1.10315 17.7424C1.0501 17.5901 0.997044 17.4378 0.943996 17.2779L0.822772 16.8056C0.807615 16.7295 0.777287 16.6457 0.769708 16.5695L0.731817 16.3258L0.693925 16.0821C0.678768 15.9983 0.663611 15.9222 0.656033 15.8384L0.610555 15.3509C0.572664 14.7035 0.587813 14.0485 0.678753 13.4088C0.709067 13.0889 0.777279 12.769 0.837906 12.4491C0.860641 12.2892 0.913682 12.1369 0.943996 11.9769C0.981888 11.817 1.01979 11.6647 1.06526 11.5047C1.23956 10.8802 1.4366 10.2709 1.67153 9.6692C1.8913 9.06752 2.14898 8.46583 2.44453 7.89461C3.04322 6.75217 3.83894 5.68589 4.85444 4.86333C5.86236 4.04077 7.0673 3.45432 8.35562 3.2106C9.63636 2.98211 10.9399 2.98973 12.2282 3.11921C12.8724 3.18776 13.509 3.28677 14.138 3.43909C14.2971 3.46956 14.4486 3.52286 14.6078 3.56094C14.6835 3.58379 14.767 3.60665 14.8427 3.6295L15.0701 3.70566C15.3808 3.80467 15.6764 3.94938 15.9568 4.10933C15.9795 4.12456 15.9946 4.15502 15.9795 4.18549C15.9416 4.20834 15.9113 4.22356 15.881 4.20832Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.8393 4.36523C17.0172 4.36523 17.1863 4.40081 17.3464 4.45418C17.5065 4.50755 17.6666 4.56093 17.8356 4.6232C18.1558 4.73883 18.476 4.87225 18.7874 5.02347C19.0987 5.18357 19.3922 5.36146 19.6768 5.56604C19.9526 5.77952 20.2105 6.01968 20.4062 6.30432C20.424 6.331 20.4151 6.36659 20.3973 6.38438C20.3706 6.40217 20.3439 6.39327 20.3261 6.37548C20.1038 6.12642 19.8458 5.91294 19.5701 5.72615C19.2943 5.53936 19.0008 5.37926 18.6895 5.24584C18.3871 5.10352 18.0669 4.98789 17.7555 4.87226C17.5954 4.81889 17.4353 4.76552 17.2752 4.71215C17.1151 4.65878 16.955 4.58762 16.8127 4.47199C16.786 4.4542 16.786 4.40971 16.8038 4.39192C16.8127 4.37413 16.8216 4.36523 16.8393 4.36523Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M25.2629 5.77913C25.343 6.02819 25.3697 6.28612 25.3697 6.54407C25.3697 6.80202 25.3696 7.05109 25.3518 7.30904C25.3341 7.81605 25.2718 8.32306 25.2095 8.83007C25.1384 9.33707 25.0494 9.83518 24.9249 10.3333C24.8004 10.8314 24.6314 11.3206 24.3823 11.7654C24.3645 11.7921 24.3378 11.8009 24.3111 11.7832C24.2844 11.7654 24.2756 11.7387 24.2845 11.712C24.4979 11.2584 24.6403 10.778 24.7381 10.2888C24.8449 9.7996 24.9071 9.30148 24.9694 8.79448C25.0317 8.29636 25.0672 7.78937 25.0939 7.29125C25.1028 7.0422 25.1117 6.79314 25.1028 6.53519C25.1028 6.28614 25.1028 6.03708 25.1561 5.77913C25.165 5.75244 25.1917 5.72576 25.2273 5.73465C25.2451 5.74355 25.2629 5.76134 25.2629 5.77913Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.3301 6.74923C26.4013 6.99829 26.4102 7.25624 26.4102 7.50529L26.3924 7.88777L26.3657 8.27026C26.3301 8.77726 26.259 9.28427 26.1611 9.78238C26.0633 10.2805 25.9299 10.7697 25.7698 11.25C25.6008 11.7304 25.4051 12.2018 25.1649 12.6465C25.1471 12.6732 25.1204 12.6821 25.0938 12.6732C25.0671 12.6554 25.0582 12.6287 25.0671 12.602C25.2716 12.1484 25.4496 11.677 25.5919 11.1967C25.7342 10.7163 25.8498 10.236 25.9299 9.73791C26.0188 9.24869 26.0722 8.75058 26.1078 8.25247L26.1256 7.87887L26.1344 7.50529C26.1344 7.38076 26.1433 7.25624 26.1522 7.13171C26.1611 7.00718 26.1789 6.88266 26.2145 6.75813C26.2234 6.73145 26.2501 6.70476 26.2857 6.71366C26.3035 6.71366 26.3212 6.73144 26.3301 6.74923Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.0774 7.82535C27.1397 8.05662 27.1486 8.29677 27.1308 8.52804C27.113 8.7593 27.0863 8.99948 27.0507 9.23074C26.9796 9.69327 26.8817 10.1558 26.7483 10.6094C26.6149 11.0542 26.4548 11.4989 26.2502 11.9259C26.0456 12.3528 25.8143 12.7531 25.6276 13.1711C25.6187 13.1978 25.5831 13.2156 25.5564 13.1978C25.5297 13.1889 25.5208 13.1534 25.5297 13.1267C25.6898 12.6819 25.9033 12.2728 26.0812 11.8458C26.2591 11.4278 26.4014 10.983 26.517 10.5383C26.6416 10.0935 26.7305 9.6399 26.7928 9.18627C26.8284 8.955 26.8461 8.73261 26.8639 8.50135C26.8817 8.27008 26.8995 8.04771 26.9618 7.81645C26.9707 7.78976 26.9973 7.77197 27.0329 7.77197C27.0596 7.78976 27.0685 7.80756 27.0774 7.82535Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.6376 9.04374C27.691 9.25722 27.6821 9.4796 27.6554 9.69307L27.6109 10.0133L27.5575 10.3335C27.4864 10.7605 27.3797 11.1696 27.264 11.5877C27.1395 11.9968 26.9972 12.406 26.8459 12.7974C26.6858 13.1976 26.5169 13.589 26.3301 13.9626C26.3123 13.9893 26.2856 13.9982 26.2589 13.9893C26.2322 13.9804 26.2233 13.9448 26.2322 13.9181C26.3834 13.5268 26.5346 13.1265 26.6681 12.7262C26.8104 12.3259 26.926 11.9257 27.0328 11.5165C27.1395 11.1074 27.2284 10.6982 27.2996 10.289L27.353 9.9777L27.3974 9.66638C27.4063 9.55965 27.4241 9.4618 27.4508 9.35506C27.4686 9.24833 27.4953 9.15048 27.5398 9.04374C27.5487 9.01706 27.5842 8.99928 27.6109 9.00817C27.6287 9.00817 27.6376 9.02595 27.6376 9.04374Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.1803 10.8225C28.2425 10.9826 28.2425 11.1516 28.2336 11.3117C28.2158 11.4718 28.2069 11.6319 28.1803 11.7921C28.1447 12.1123 28.0824 12.4325 28.0202 12.7438C27.949 13.0551 27.869 13.3754 27.7711 13.6778C27.6733 13.9802 27.5576 14.2915 27.4331 14.585C27.4242 14.6117 27.3886 14.6295 27.362 14.6117C27.3353 14.6028 27.3263 14.5673 27.3352 14.5406C27.4242 14.2381 27.5132 13.9268 27.5932 13.6244C27.6733 13.3131 27.7355 13.0107 27.7978 12.6904C27.8601 12.3791 27.9045 12.0678 27.9401 11.7476C27.9579 11.5875 27.9757 11.4363 27.9846 11.2762C27.9935 11.1961 27.9935 11.1161 28.0113 11.0449C28.029 10.9648 28.0469 10.8848 28.0824 10.8136C28.1002 10.7869 28.1358 10.7692 28.1625 10.7869C28.1714 10.7958 28.1803 10.8047 28.1803 10.8225Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.643 12.7C28.6964 12.7979 28.7053 12.8957 28.6964 12.9847L28.6697 13.2693C28.6519 13.4561 28.6252 13.6429 28.5896 13.8297C28.554 14.0165 28.5185 14.2033 28.474 14.3901C28.4295 14.5768 28.3761 14.7547 28.3139 14.9326C28.305 14.9593 28.2694 14.9771 28.2427 14.9682C28.216 14.9593 28.1983 14.9326 28.2071 14.9059C28.2338 14.7191 28.2605 14.5324 28.2872 14.3456C28.3139 14.1588 28.3317 13.972 28.3583 13.7941C28.385 13.6073 28.3939 13.4205 28.4117 13.2337L28.4384 12.958C28.4473 12.869 28.4651 12.7712 28.5362 12.6822C28.5629 12.6555 28.5985 12.6467 28.6341 12.6733C28.6341 12.6822 28.643 12.6911 28.643 12.7Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.7851 13.1355C28.8652 13.1178 28.9097 13.1444 28.9452 13.18L29.052 13.2779C29.1231 13.349 29.1854 13.4113 29.2565 13.4824C29.39 13.6248 29.5145 13.7671 29.6391 13.9094C29.6568 13.9361 29.6568 13.9717 29.6302 13.9895C29.6124 14.0072 29.5857 14.0072 29.5679 13.9983C29.39 13.9094 29.2299 13.7849 29.0787 13.6603C29.0075 13.5981 28.9274 13.5358 28.8652 13.4647L28.7584 13.3668C28.7228 13.3312 28.6962 13.2956 28.7051 13.2156C28.714 13.18 28.7407 13.1444 28.7851 13.1355Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.4204 11.6854C28.5094 11.6587 28.5894 11.6765 28.6517 11.721C28.714 11.7655 28.7762 11.801 28.8385 11.8544C28.9541 11.9433 29.0608 12.059 29.1587 12.1657C29.3455 12.3881 29.4967 12.6283 29.6479 12.8773C29.6657 12.904 29.6568 12.9396 29.6301 12.9574C29.6124 12.9751 29.5767 12.9662 29.559 12.9485C29.3544 12.7528 29.1765 12.5304 28.9808 12.3347C28.8829 12.2369 28.7851 12.1479 28.6784 12.0679C28.625 12.0323 28.5717 11.9878 28.5183 11.9611C28.4916 11.9433 28.4649 11.9256 28.4382 11.8989C28.4116 11.8722 28.3937 11.8455 28.376 11.801V11.7921C28.3582 11.7388 28.376 11.7032 28.4204 11.6854Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.0025 9.89737C28.1093 9.87068 28.1982 9.89737 28.2783 9.94184L28.5185 10.0575C28.6786 10.1375 28.8387 10.2265 28.9988 10.3243C29.3101 10.52 29.6036 10.7513 29.826 11.0448C29.8438 11.0715 29.8438 11.107 29.8171 11.1248C29.7993 11.1426 29.7637 11.1426 29.7459 11.1248C29.4791 10.8936 29.1856 10.7068 28.8743 10.5378C28.7231 10.4488 28.5629 10.3777 28.4028 10.2976L28.1627 10.182C28.0826 10.1464 28.0026 10.093 27.9492 10.0041C27.9314 9.96852 27.9403 9.93293 27.9759 9.90625C27.9848 9.90625 27.9936 9.90626 28.0025 9.89737Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.4687 8.45644C27.6111 8.44755 27.7356 8.48314 27.8512 8.53651C27.9669 8.58988 28.0825 8.65214 28.1892 8.7144C28.4116 8.83893 28.6251 8.98124 28.8386 9.13246C29.0432 9.28367 29.2389 9.45267 29.4167 9.63946C29.5946 9.82625 29.7636 10.0131 29.9148 10.2265C29.9326 10.2532 29.9238 10.2888 29.906 10.3066C29.8793 10.3244 29.8526 10.3155 29.8348 10.2977C29.6569 10.1198 29.479 9.94189 29.2922 9.78179C29.1054 9.62168 28.9097 9.47046 28.7052 9.32814C28.5006 9.18582 28.2871 9.0613 28.0736 8.93677C27.9669 8.87451 27.8512 8.82113 27.7445 8.76776C27.6911 8.74108 27.6378 8.71439 27.5844 8.67881C27.531 8.64323 27.4776 8.60765 27.4332 8.54539C27.4154 8.5187 27.4154 8.48312 27.4421 8.45644C27.451 8.45644 27.4598 8.45644 27.4687 8.45644Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.8818 7.35433C27.0241 7.30986 27.1664 7.31875 27.2998 7.35433L27.5044 7.40771L27.7001 7.46997C27.9669 7.55002 28.216 7.66566 28.4651 7.78129C28.7141 7.90582 28.9454 8.04813 29.1677 8.19934C29.3901 8.35945 29.6125 8.51957 29.8171 8.69746C29.8438 8.71525 29.8437 8.75082 29.8259 8.77751C29.8082 8.7953 29.7726 8.8042 29.7548 8.78641C29.5324 8.6352 29.31 8.49288 29.0699 8.35945C28.8386 8.22603 28.6074 8.10149 28.3583 7.99476C28.1181 7.88802 27.8691 7.79018 27.62 7.71013L27.4332 7.65675L27.2464 7.61227C27.1842 7.60338 27.1219 7.5856 27.0597 7.55892C26.9974 7.54113 26.9351 7.50554 26.8729 7.46106C26.8462 7.44328 26.8373 7.3988 26.8551 7.37212C26.864 7.37212 26.8729 7.36323 26.8818 7.35433Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.0278 6.39318C26.1256 6.30424 26.2324 6.25976 26.348 6.23307C26.4636 6.20639 26.5792 6.17972 26.6949 6.16193C26.8105 6.14414 26.935 6.11746 27.0596 6.11746C27.1841 6.10856 27.3086 6.11744 27.4331 6.12634C27.6822 6.15302 27.9134 6.22419 28.1358 6.31314C28.3582 6.40209 28.5717 6.49994 28.7763 6.60667C28.8029 6.62446 28.8118 6.65113 28.8029 6.67781C28.794 6.7045 28.7585 6.7134 28.7407 6.7045C28.5183 6.63334 28.296 6.5533 28.0736 6.49104C27.8512 6.42877 27.6288 6.3754 27.4065 6.35761C27.2997 6.34872 27.1841 6.34872 27.0773 6.35761C26.9706 6.36651 26.855 6.38428 26.7483 6.41097C26.6326 6.42876 26.5259 6.45545 26.4102 6.48213C26.2946 6.50882 26.179 6.52662 26.0544 6.49104C26.0189 6.48214 26.0011 6.44655 26.01 6.41097C26.01 6.41097 26.0189 6.40208 26.0278 6.39318Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.916 5.46829C25.005 5.38823 25.0939 5.35265 25.1918 5.33486L25.4853 5.28149C25.681 5.24591 25.8855 5.22811 26.0901 5.21032C26.2947 5.20143 26.4993 5.19255 26.695 5.20144C26.8996 5.21923 27.1041 5.23701 27.2998 5.28149C27.3265 5.29038 27.3443 5.31707 27.3443 5.35265C27.3354 5.37933 27.3176 5.39712 27.2909 5.39712C27.0952 5.38823 26.8996 5.38823 26.7039 5.39712C26.5082 5.40602 26.3125 5.42382 26.1168 5.4505C25.9211 5.47719 25.7255 5.50387 25.5387 5.53945L25.2451 5.59281C25.1473 5.6106 25.0494 5.61949 24.9338 5.57502C24.8982 5.55723 24.8804 5.52165 24.8982 5.48607C24.8982 5.47718 24.9071 5.47718 24.916 5.46829Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.0441 4.99666C24.1152 4.89881 24.2131 4.85435 24.3021 4.82766C24.3999 4.80098 24.4977 4.7654 24.5956 4.73872C24.7913 4.68535 24.987 4.64087 25.1916 4.60529C25.3961 4.56971 25.5918 4.54302 25.7964 4.53413C26.001 4.52523 26.2055 4.52523 26.4012 4.55192C26.4279 4.55192 26.4546 4.5786 26.4546 4.61417C26.4546 4.64086 26.4279 4.65866 26.4012 4.66755C26.2055 4.68534 26.0099 4.70314 25.8142 4.73872C25.6185 4.7654 25.4317 4.80986 25.236 4.85433C25.0403 4.89881 24.8535 4.95219 24.6667 5.00556C24.5689 5.03225 24.48 5.05893 24.3821 5.09451C24.2843 5.12119 24.1953 5.14787 24.0797 5.1123C24.0441 5.1034 24.0263 5.06781 24.0352 5.03223C24.0352 5.01444 24.0352 5.00555 24.0441 4.99666Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.71 4.54309C22.7723 4.44525 22.8613 4.39189 22.9502 4.35631C23.0392 4.32073 23.137 4.28516 23.226 4.24958C23.4128 4.17842 23.6084 4.11615 23.7952 4.06278C23.9909 4.00941 24.1866 3.96493 24.3823 3.92935C24.578 3.90267 24.7825 3.87598 24.9782 3.87598C25.0049 3.87598 25.0316 3.90267 25.0316 3.92935C25.0316 3.95604 25.0138 3.98273 24.9871 3.98273C24.7914 4.02721 24.6047 4.06279 24.4179 4.11615C24.2311 4.16952 24.0443 4.22288 23.8575 4.28515C23.6707 4.34741 23.4928 4.41858 23.306 4.48973C23.2171 4.52531 23.1281 4.56089 23.0392 4.59647C22.9502 4.63205 22.8524 4.65873 22.7367 4.64094C22.7012 4.63205 22.6745 4.60537 22.6834 4.5609C22.7012 4.552 22.71 4.54309 22.71 4.54309Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.6158 4.31173C21.6603 4.21388 21.7226 4.16941 21.7937 4.13383L22.0072 4.02709C22.1495 3.95594 22.3007 3.89365 22.443 3.83139C22.5943 3.76913 22.7455 3.70687 22.8967 3.6624C23.0479 3.60903 23.208 3.56456 23.3681 3.53788C23.3948 3.52898 23.4304 3.55567 23.4304 3.58235C23.4393 3.60904 23.4215 3.63572 23.3948 3.64461C23.1013 3.76914 22.8255 3.91144 22.5409 4.05376L22.114 4.26725L21.9005 4.37398C21.8293 4.40956 21.7493 4.43624 21.6514 4.40956C21.6158 4.40066 21.5891 4.36508 21.598 4.32061C21.6158 4.32061 21.6158 4.31173 21.6158 4.31173Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.6641 4.13427C20.673 4.04532 20.7174 4.00084 20.7708 3.96526C20.8242 3.92968 20.8775 3.90301 20.9309 3.86743C21.0376 3.80516 21.1533 3.75179 21.2689 3.70731C21.5002 3.60947 21.7226 3.52942 21.9627 3.46716C21.9894 3.45826 22.025 3.47604 22.0339 3.50273C22.0428 3.52941 22.0339 3.55609 22.0072 3.56499C21.8026 3.69841 21.5802 3.80515 21.3756 3.92078C21.2689 3.97415 21.1711 4.03643 21.0643 4.0898C21.011 4.11648 20.9665 4.15206 20.9131 4.17875C20.8865 4.19654 20.8598 4.20542 20.8331 4.21432C20.8064 4.22321 20.7708 4.22321 20.7263 4.21432C20.6819 4.21432 20.6552 4.17875 20.6641 4.13427Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.772 5.03247C15.7008 5.12142 15.603 5.16591 15.514 5.20149L15.2294 5.29044C15.0426 5.3527 14.8558 5.41496 14.6779 5.48612C14.4911 5.55728 14.3132 5.62844 14.1353 5.70849C13.9574 5.78854 13.7795 5.87748 13.6016 5.96643C13.5749 5.98422 13.5394 5.96645 13.5305 5.93976C13.5216 5.91308 13.5216 5.88639 13.5482 5.8686C13.7083 5.74407 13.8774 5.63733 14.0464 5.53059C14.2243 5.43275 14.4022 5.34379 14.589 5.25484C14.7757 5.17479 14.9625 5.10363 15.1493 5.03247L15.434 4.93464C15.5318 4.89906 15.6297 4.88128 15.7453 4.91686C15.7809 4.92575 15.7987 4.96132 15.7898 4.9969C15.7809 5.02359 15.772 5.03247 15.772 5.03247Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.1278 5.22797C16.1367 5.29913 16.1278 5.37028 16.1189 5.44144C16.11 5.5126 16.0922 5.57486 16.0655 5.63712C16.0211 5.76165 15.9855 5.89507 15.941 6.0196C15.8699 6.27755 15.7898 6.53551 15.7275 6.80235C15.6564 7.0603 15.603 7.32714 15.5408 7.59399L15.3629 8.39452C15.354 8.42121 15.3273 8.44789 15.3006 8.439C15.2739 8.4301 15.2561 8.40342 15.2561 8.37674C15.2739 8.101 15.3095 7.83416 15.3451 7.55842C15.3806 7.29157 15.434 7.01582 15.4874 6.74898C15.5496 6.48213 15.6119 6.21528 15.683 5.94844C15.7186 5.81502 15.7631 5.6816 15.7987 5.55707C15.8432 5.42365 15.8965 5.29911 16.0033 5.19238C16.0299 5.16569 16.0655 5.16569 16.0922 5.19238C16.1189 5.20127 16.1189 5.21018 16.1278 5.22797Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.626 5.1656C16.7328 5.26344 16.7861 5.37909 16.8306 5.49473L16.964 5.85052C17.053 6.09068 17.133 6.32195 17.222 6.56211C17.302 6.80227 17.3821 7.04242 17.4621 7.28258C17.5333 7.52274 17.6045 7.77179 17.6578 8.01195C17.6667 8.03864 17.6489 8.07423 17.6134 8.07423C17.5867 8.08313 17.56 8.06533 17.5511 8.03864C17.4621 7.80737 17.3643 7.56722 17.2754 7.33596L16.9996 6.63325C16.9107 6.40198 16.8128 6.16183 16.7239 5.93056L16.5904 5.57477C16.546 5.45914 16.5193 5.33461 16.5371 5.19229C16.546 5.15671 16.5727 5.13004 16.6083 5.13893C16.6083 5.14783 16.6171 5.1567 16.626 5.1656Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.697 5.04092C16.8127 5.01424 16.9016 5.04092 16.9906 5.08539C17.0795 5.12987 17.1684 5.16544 17.2485 5.20991C17.4264 5.29886 17.5865 5.38782 17.7555 5.48566C17.9156 5.58351 18.0846 5.69025 18.2358 5.80589C18.3871 5.92152 18.5472 6.02825 18.6984 6.15278C18.7251 6.17057 18.725 6.20614 18.7072 6.23282C18.6895 6.25061 18.6628 6.25952 18.6361 6.25063C18.4671 6.16168 18.307 6.06383 18.138 5.97488C17.969 5.88593 17.8089 5.78809 17.6399 5.70803C17.4709 5.61909 17.3019 5.53904 17.1418 5.45009C17.0528 5.40562 16.9728 5.37003 16.8838 5.33445C16.8393 5.31666 16.8038 5.28998 16.7593 5.26329C16.7237 5.23661 16.6882 5.20102 16.6526 5.14765C16.6348 5.11207 16.6437 5.0765 16.6703 5.05871C16.6792 5.04981 16.6882 5.04092 16.697 5.04092Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.7185 4.97912C15.6562 4.99691 15.6028 4.988 15.5584 4.988C15.505 4.9791 15.4605 4.97022 15.416 4.95243C15.3182 4.91685 15.2293 4.89016 15.1314 4.86348C14.9446 4.81011 14.749 4.74785 14.5533 4.71227C14.3576 4.6678 14.1619 4.63222 13.9662 4.60554C13.7705 4.57885 13.5659 4.56106 13.3702 4.56106C13.3435 4.56106 13.3169 4.53437 13.3169 4.50769C13.3169 4.481 13.3347 4.45431 13.3614 4.45431C13.566 4.41873 13.7705 4.40984 13.984 4.41874C14.1886 4.42763 14.4021 4.44542 14.6066 4.481C14.8112 4.51658 15.0158 4.56106 15.2115 4.62332C15.3093 4.65001 15.4072 4.68559 15.505 4.71227C15.6028 4.74785 15.6918 4.79232 15.7718 4.89017C15.7896 4.91685 15.7897 4.96133 15.763 4.97912C15.7363 4.97022 15.7274 4.97912 15.7185 4.97912Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.7146 2.08869C17.7166 2.28825 17.7606 2.48821 17.838 2.66851C17.9154 2.84882 18.022 3.0178 18.1562 3.16941C18.2866 3.31912 18.435 3.45182 18.5993 3.57168C18.7599 3.68966 18.9364 3.79479 19.1122 3.87346L19.0186 3.87305C19.2192 3.79185 19.4188 3.73106 19.6259 3.67405C19.8309 3.6212 20.0337 3.57251 20.2398 3.53591C20.6521 3.46272 21.0708 3.41372 21.4918 3.39722C22.3263 3.36044 23.1669 3.35806 24.0023 3.50459C24.4189 3.57994 24.8283 3.68816 25.224 3.84174C25.6198 3.99531 25.9961 4.1965 26.3502 4.423C26.7042 4.64951 27.042 4.89907 27.3696 5.1592C27.5335 5.28927 27.6893 5.42575 27.8511 5.55998L28.0855 5.77283C28.1624 5.84316 28.2414 5.90932 28.314 5.98796L28.5384 6.21141C28.6132 6.28589 28.68 6.36678 28.7527 6.44542L28.858 6.56149C28.8943 6.6008 28.9248 6.64239 28.959 6.68587C29.0238 6.77092 29.0906 6.85183 29.1554 6.93689C29.4026 7.28166 29.6043 7.66082 29.7535 8.06037C29.9064 8.4618 29.978 8.88475 30.0135 9.30505C30.0198 9.41277 30.0283 9.51632 30.0346 9.62404L30.0351 9.93775C30.0377 10.0436 30.0308 10.1498 30.0259 10.2518L30.0072 10.5663C29.9821 10.773 29.9645 10.9835 29.9357 11.1884C29.9069 11.3932 29.8701 11.6045 29.8455 11.801C29.7959 12.2043 29.7781 12.6185 29.7604 13.0327C29.7308 13.8589 29.7278 14.6881 29.7307 15.5151C29.7299 15.5722 29.6855 15.6228 29.6243 15.6232C29.611 15.6217 29.5977 15.6201 29.5865 15.6145C28.9762 15.3939 28.3759 15.1628 27.7787 14.9071C27.4831 14.7782 27.1858 14.6431 26.8948 14.4956C26.7493 14.4219 26.608 14.3398 26.4672 14.2476C26.3968 14.2014 26.3285 14.1511 26.2645 14.0925C26.2314 14.0653 26.1987 14.0279 26.1678 13.9965L26.0919 13.9058C25.6796 13.4147 25.2335 12.9534 24.7858 12.4861C24.3359 12.023 23.9067 11.5285 23.5267 11.0015C22.7705 9.94946 22.087 8.85581 21.3043 7.83736C21.1106 7.57198 20.9382 7.30169 20.762 7.02951L20.2429 6.21258C19.8963 5.66595 19.5535 5.12122 19.2186 4.57005L19.2592 4.60107C19.033 4.53863 18.831 4.44672 18.6338 4.3363C18.4365 4.22587 18.254 4.08634 18.0933 3.93171C18.0511 3.89466 18.011 3.85345 17.9747 3.81413C17.9346 3.77293 17.8983 3.73361 17.8603 3.68824C17.794 3.59713 17.7197 3.51244 17.6634 3.41076C17.5386 3.22212 17.4531 3.01157 17.3771 2.80065C17.369 2.77041 17.38 2.73943 17.4092 2.7281C17.4384 2.71677 17.4683 2.7319 17.4822 2.75988L17.4838 2.76592C17.5582 2.97079 17.6404 3.16924 17.7636 3.35183C17.8183 3.44747 17.8888 3.53027 17.9536 3.61533C17.9878 3.6588 18.0262 3.69396 18.0626 3.73328C18.0989 3.7726 18.1353 3.81192 18.1774 3.84897C18.3366 3.99756 18.51 4.12724 18.7019 4.22973C18.8879 4.33448 19.0919 4.42223 19.2937 4.47747C19.3107 4.48088 19.3235 4.49261 19.3342 4.50848C19.6771 5.05322 20.0236 5.59985 20.3744 6.13816L20.9014 6.94866C21.0797 7.21669 21.2559 7.48887 21.4464 7.74216C22.2402 8.76629 22.9413 9.85313 23.6921 10.8973C24.0725 11.4141 24.4948 11.8946 24.9409 12.3558C25.3871 12.8171 25.8406 13.2821 26.2582 13.7811L26.3379 13.8737C26.3614 13.9013 26.3833 13.9229 26.4126 13.9482C26.4676 13.997 26.5306 14.0393 26.5935 14.0817C26.7231 14.1683 26.8628 14.2443 27.0045 14.3162C27.2881 14.4599 27.5816 14.593 27.8736 14.7201C28.4633 14.972 29.0657 15.1989 29.6723 15.4176L29.5297 15.523C29.5194 14.6922 29.5224 13.863 29.5504 13.0308C29.5644 12.6146 29.5821 12.2004 29.6365 11.7786C29.6658 11.5636 29.6941 11.3689 29.725 11.1599C29.7538 10.9551 29.7731 10.7506 29.796 10.5481C29.8576 9.73284 29.834 8.90058 29.5508 8.14572C29.4081 7.77036 29.215 7.41124 28.9785 7.08235C28.9175 6.99918 28.8523 6.92433 28.7913 6.84116C28.7586 6.80373 28.7282 6.76215 28.6955 6.72473L28.594 6.61054C28.525 6.5338 28.4598 6.45895 28.3888 6.38636L28.1698 6.17086C28.0987 6.09827 28.0218 6.02793 27.9428 5.96176L27.7138 5.75685C27.5558 5.62452 27.3978 5.49217 27.2377 5.364C26.9175 5.10764 26.5851 4.86603 26.2422 4.6452C25.8972 4.42852 25.5358 4.2349 25.1587 4.09078C24.7837 3.94251 24.3856 3.83996 23.986 3.76802C23.1825 3.63246 22.3574 3.63221 21.5362 3.6705C21.1247 3.68662 20.7198 3.72693 20.3171 3.79975C19.9166 3.86841 19.5108 3.96579 19.1361 4.09456L19.1245 4.0991C19.0953 4.11043 19.0686 4.10739 19.0425 4.09415C18.8448 3.99393 18.6688 3.87861 18.4975 3.74476C18.33 3.6128 18.1729 3.46005 18.0376 3.2922C17.9023 3.12435 17.7951 2.92892 17.7245 2.72593C17.6502 2.52106 17.6204 2.30222 17.6343 2.08981C17.6358 2.0592 17.6617 2.03576 17.6941 2.03652C17.6941 2.03652 17.716 2.05807 17.7146 2.08869Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.0578 5.22814C11.12 5.23704 11.1379 5.24593 11.1379 5.24593V5.26371C11.1379 5.27261 11.129 5.28151 11.129 5.2904C11.1112 5.30819 11.0934 5.32597 11.0578 5.34376C11.0222 5.36155 10.9778 5.35267 10.9511 5.33488C10.9155 5.30819 10.8977 5.29041 10.8888 5.27262C10.8888 5.26372 10.8799 5.25482 10.8799 5.24593V5.22814C10.8799 5.21925 10.8977 5.21924 10.96 5.21924C10.9867 5.21924 11.0222 5.22814 11.0578 5.22814Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.0513 23.4024C14.9885 23.4066 14.9693 23.4015 14.9693 23.4015L14.9656 23.3841C14.9638 23.3754 14.9707 23.3649 14.9688 23.3562C14.9826 23.3351 14.9963 23.314 15.0274 23.2893C15.0586 23.2646 15.104 23.2641 15.1337 23.276C15.1741 23.2948 15.1951 23.3085 15.2075 23.3241C15.2093 23.3328 15.2198 23.3397 15.2217 23.3484L15.2253 23.3658C15.2272 23.3745 15.2098 23.3782 15.1488 23.391C15.1227 23.3965 15.0879 23.4038 15.0513 23.4024Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.8584 16.8338C19.8508 16.8962 19.8423 16.9142 19.8423 16.9142L19.8245 16.9146C19.8156 16.9148 19.8066 16.9061 19.7977 16.9063C19.7795 16.8888 19.7613 16.8715 19.7428 16.8363C19.7243 16.8011 19.7322 16.7564 19.7494 16.7293C19.7753 16.6932 19.7928 16.675 19.8103 16.6658C19.8192 16.6656 19.8279 16.6565 19.8368 16.6563L19.8546 16.656C19.8635 16.6558 19.8639 16.6735 19.8652 16.7358C19.8658 16.7625 19.8665 16.798 19.8584 16.8338Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.72837 18.9815C4.69377 18.929 4.68863 18.9097 4.68863 18.9097L4.70195 18.898C4.70861 18.8921 4.72117 18.8928 4.72783 18.8869C4.75294 18.8885 4.77806 18.89 4.81496 18.9049C4.85186 18.9197 4.87467 18.9589 4.87903 18.9907C4.88263 19.035 4.88111 19.0601 4.87368 19.0786C4.86702 19.0845 4.86625 19.097 4.85959 19.1029L4.84627 19.1147C4.83961 19.1206 4.82781 19.1073 4.78654 19.0607C4.77475 19.0473 4.74529 19.014 4.72837 18.9815Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.3487 15.0905C12.3484 15.1534 12.342 15.1723 12.342 15.1723L12.3244 15.1747C12.3156 15.1759 12.3055 15.1683 12.2967 15.1695C12.2767 15.1543 12.2566 15.1391 12.2342 15.1063C12.2117 15.0734 12.2145 15.0282 12.2285 14.9993C12.2501 14.9605 12.2653 14.9404 12.2817 14.9292C12.2905 14.928 12.2981 14.9179 12.3069 14.9167L12.3246 14.9143C12.3334 14.9131 12.3358 14.9307 12.3443 14.9924C12.3479 15.0188 12.3539 15.0629 12.3487 15.0905Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.58997 5.73489C9.63445 5.77937 9.64334 5.79715 9.63445 5.79715L9.61668 5.80606C9.60779 5.81495 9.5989 5.81495 9.58111 5.82384C9.55443 5.83274 9.52774 5.83274 9.49216 5.82384C9.45658 5.81495 9.42987 5.77935 9.42098 5.74377V5.73489C9.41208 5.69042 9.41208 5.67263 9.42098 5.64594C9.42098 5.63705 9.42988 5.62815 9.42988 5.61926L9.43878 5.61035C9.43878 5.61035 9.45656 5.61035 9.50993 5.65483C9.53661 5.68151 9.56329 5.70821 9.58997 5.73489Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.385 22.613C16.3323 22.5787 16.3199 22.5631 16.3286 22.5613L16.3442 22.5489C16.3511 22.5384 16.3598 22.5365 16.3754 22.5242C16.3996 22.51 16.4257 22.5045 16.4624 22.5059C16.499 22.5072 16.5325 22.5366 16.5485 22.5695L16.5503 22.5782C16.5682 22.6199 16.5719 22.6373 16.5687 22.6653C16.5705 22.674 16.5636 22.6845 16.5654 22.6932L16.5586 22.7038C16.5586 22.7038 16.5412 22.7074 16.4798 22.6749C16.4464 22.6456 16.4147 22.625 16.385 22.613Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.3289 15.3682C19.2854 15.4136 19.2678 15.4229 19.2676 15.414L19.2584 15.3964C19.2493 15.3877 19.2491 15.3788 19.2398 15.3612C19.2304 15.3347 19.2298 15.308 19.2379 15.2723C19.2461 15.2365 19.2811 15.2091 19.3165 15.1994L19.3253 15.1993C19.3696 15.1894 19.3874 15.189 19.4143 15.1974C19.4232 15.1972 19.4323 15.2058 19.4411 15.2057L19.4502 15.2144C19.4502 15.2144 19.4506 15.2322 19.4073 15.2865C19.3723 15.3139 19.3463 15.35 19.3289 15.3682Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.08657 19.7512C6.0904 19.6885 6.09783 19.67 6.10372 19.6767L6.12217 19.6841C6.13473 19.6849 6.14062 19.6915 6.15907 19.699C6.18342 19.713 6.2011 19.733 6.21802 19.7656C6.23494 19.7981 6.22598 19.8417 6.20523 19.8719L6.19858 19.8778C6.17117 19.9139 6.15784 19.9257 6.13197 19.9368C6.1253 19.9427 6.11275 19.9419 6.10609 19.9478L6.09353 19.947C6.09353 19.947 6.08174 19.9337 6.07968 19.8643C6.08197 19.8266 6.08427 19.7889 6.08657 19.7512Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.6557 13.7041C11.6177 13.7542 11.6013 13.7655 11.6001 13.7567L11.5889 13.7403C11.5789 13.7327 11.5776 13.7238 11.5664 13.7074C11.554 13.6822 11.5503 13.6557 11.5543 13.6193C11.5583 13.5828 11.5899 13.5516 11.624 13.5379L11.6328 13.5367C11.6756 13.5219 11.6933 13.5194 11.7209 13.5246C11.7297 13.5234 11.7397 13.531 11.7486 13.5298L11.7586 13.5374C11.7586 13.5374 11.761 13.555 11.7242 13.614C11.6926 13.6452 11.6786 13.6741 11.6557 13.7041Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.31432 4.17806C9.37658 4.15137 9.38547 4.15137 9.39436 4.15137L9.40326 4.16915C9.41216 4.17805 9.41212 4.19584 9.41212 4.21363C9.41212 4.24031 9.41215 4.2759 9.39436 4.31148C9.37657 4.34706 9.34099 4.36483 9.30541 4.36483H9.29651C9.25203 4.36483 9.22534 4.34705 9.19866 4.32926C9.18976 4.32037 9.18088 4.31147 9.17199 4.30258L9.16309 4.28479C9.16309 4.2759 9.17199 4.26699 9.21646 4.23141C9.25204 4.21362 9.28763 4.19585 9.31432 4.17806Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.9736 24.0705C16.9182 24.1094 16.9095 24.1112 16.9008 24.113L16.8884 24.0975C16.8779 24.0906 16.8742 24.0732 16.8705 24.0558C16.865 24.0297 16.8577 23.9949 16.8678 23.9564C16.8779 23.9179 16.909 23.8932 16.9439 23.8858L16.9526 23.884C16.9961 23.8749 17.0259 23.8868 17.0556 23.8987C17.0662 23.9055 17.0767 23.9124 17.0872 23.9193L17.0996 23.9349C17.1014 23.9436 17.0946 23.9541 17.0584 23.9981C17.0272 24.0228 16.9961 24.0476 16.9736 24.0705Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.8707 15.0688C20.8987 15.1304 20.8989 15.1393 20.8991 15.1482L20.8815 15.1575C20.8728 15.1666 20.855 15.167 20.8372 15.1673C20.8105 15.1679 20.7749 15.1686 20.739 15.1516C20.703 15.1346 20.6845 15.0994 20.6838 15.0638L20.6836 15.0549C20.6826 15.0104 20.6998 14.9834 20.7171 14.9563C20.7258 14.9472 20.7345 14.9382 20.7432 14.9291L20.7608 14.9198C20.7697 14.9196 20.7787 14.9283 20.8153 14.9721C20.8338 15.0072 20.8521 15.0336 20.8707 15.0688Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.10373 20.9892C5.04248 20.9602 5.03658 20.9536 5.03069 20.9469L5.03812 20.9285C5.03889 20.9159 5.05221 20.9041 5.06553 20.8923C5.08552 20.8747 5.11215 20.8511 5.15059 20.8408C5.18902 20.8306 5.22592 20.8454 5.2495 20.8721L5.2554 20.8787C5.28488 20.912 5.28924 20.9438 5.2936 20.9756C5.29283 20.9881 5.29207 21.0007 5.2913 21.0132L5.28387 21.0317C5.27721 21.0376 5.26465 21.0368 5.20854 21.0271C5.17163 21.0122 5.13474 20.9974 5.10373 20.9892Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.1516 13.2208C13.1865 13.2789 13.1877 13.2877 13.1889 13.2965L13.1725 13.3077C13.1649 13.3177 13.1472 13.3202 13.1296 13.3226C13.1032 13.3262 13.0679 13.3311 13.0303 13.3183C12.9926 13.3055 12.9702 13.2727 12.9653 13.2374L12.9641 13.2286C12.9581 13.1845 12.9721 13.1557 12.9861 13.1268C12.9937 13.1168 13.0013 13.1068 13.0089 13.0968L13.0253 13.0855C13.0341 13.0843 13.0441 13.0919 13.0854 13.1311C13.1079 13.164 13.1303 13.1968 13.1516 13.2208Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.0005 4.09836C12.0272 4.16062 12.0272 4.16953 12.0183 4.17843L12.0005 4.18731C11.9916 4.1962 11.9828 4.18732 11.9739 4.19621C11.9472 4.19621 11.9205 4.18731 11.8849 4.16952H11.876C11.8404 4.15173 11.8226 4.11615 11.8226 4.08057C11.8226 4.0361 11.8316 4.00942 11.8493 3.99163C11.8582 3.98273 11.8671 3.97383 11.876 3.96494L11.8938 3.95605C11.9027 3.95605 11.9116 3.96495 11.9472 4.01831C11.9649 4.0361 11.9827 4.06278 12.0005 4.09836Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.3612 24.7022C14.3223 24.6467 14.3205 24.638 14.3186 24.6293L14.3342 24.617C14.3411 24.6064 14.3516 24.6133 14.3585 24.6028C14.3846 24.5973 14.4125 24.6005 14.451 24.6106L14.4597 24.6087C14.4982 24.6188 14.5229 24.65 14.5303 24.6848C14.5394 24.7283 14.5362 24.7562 14.5225 24.7773C14.5156 24.7879 14.5087 24.7984 14.5019 24.8089L14.4863 24.8213C14.4776 24.8231 14.467 24.8162 14.4212 24.7713C14.4107 24.7645 14.386 24.7333 14.3612 24.7022Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.0074 17.7438C20.9457 17.7718 20.9368 17.772 20.9279 17.7722L20.9187 17.7545C20.9096 17.7458 20.9183 17.7368 20.9092 17.7281C20.9087 17.7014 20.917 17.6745 20.934 17.6386L20.9338 17.6297C20.9509 17.5937 20.986 17.5752 21.0216 17.5744C21.0661 17.5735 21.0929 17.5818 21.1111 17.5992C21.1202 17.6079 21.1293 17.6166 21.1384 17.6253L21.1476 17.6429C21.1478 17.6518 21.1391 17.6609 21.0865 17.6976C21.078 17.7156 21.0428 17.7341 21.0074 17.7438Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.26349 19.0306C3.29243 18.9693 3.29909 18.9634 3.30575 18.9575L3.32421 18.965C3.33676 18.9657 3.33599 18.9783 3.34855 18.9791C3.36623 18.999 3.37726 19.0249 3.38752 19.0634L3.39341 19.07C3.40367 19.1084 3.38882 19.1454 3.36218 19.1689C3.32887 19.1984 3.30299 19.2094 3.27788 19.2079C3.26532 19.2071 3.25276 19.2064 3.24021 19.2056L3.22176 19.1982C3.21586 19.1915 3.21663 19.179 3.23301 19.1169C3.22789 19.0977 3.24864 19.0675 3.26349 19.0306Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.5962 15.8709C13.5381 15.9058 13.5293 15.907 13.5193 15.8994L13.5081 15.883C13.498 15.8754 13.5057 15.8654 13.4956 15.8578C13.492 15.8313 13.4972 15.8037 13.51 15.766L13.5088 15.7572C13.5216 15.7195 13.5544 15.6971 13.5896 15.6922C13.6337 15.6862 13.6613 15.6913 13.6814 15.7065C13.6914 15.7142 13.7014 15.7218 13.7115 15.7294L13.7227 15.7458C13.7239 15.7546 13.7163 15.7646 13.6683 15.8071C13.6631 15.8348 13.629 15.8484 13.5962 15.8709Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.0984 6.34842C12.1607 6.33063 12.1696 6.32174 12.1785 6.33064V6.33954C12.1785 6.34844 12.1785 6.35731 12.1785 6.36621C12.1696 6.384 12.1696 6.41069 12.134 6.43737C12.1073 6.46406 12.0718 6.48185 12.0273 6.48185C11.9828 6.48185 11.965 6.47295 11.9472 6.45516C11.9383 6.44626 11.9294 6.44627 11.9294 6.43737L11.9205 6.42849C11.9205 6.42849 11.9294 6.4196 11.9917 6.38402C12.0273 6.37512 12.0628 6.36621 12.0984 6.34842Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.8022 22.5202C13.745 22.5504 13.7381 22.561 13.7276 22.5541L13.7257 22.5454C13.7239 22.5367 13.7221 22.528 13.7203 22.5193C13.7253 22.5 13.7198 22.4739 13.7491 22.4405C13.7697 22.4089 13.8009 22.3841 13.8444 22.375C13.8879 22.3658 13.9072 22.3709 13.9282 22.3846C13.9388 22.3915 13.9475 22.3897 13.9493 22.3984L13.9598 22.4052C13.9598 22.4052 13.953 22.4158 13.8994 22.4634C13.8664 22.4794 13.8352 22.5042 13.8022 22.5202Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.7598 17.8892C18.7789 17.9511 18.788 17.9599 18.7793 17.9689L18.7704 17.9691C18.7615 17.9693 18.7526 17.9695 18.7438 17.9697C18.7258 17.9612 18.6991 17.9617 18.6717 17.9267C18.6444 17.9006 18.6259 17.8654 18.6249 17.8209C18.624 17.7765 18.6325 17.7585 18.6499 17.7404C18.6586 17.7313 18.6584 17.7224 18.6673 17.7222L18.676 17.7131C18.676 17.7131 18.6851 17.7218 18.722 17.7833C18.7316 17.8187 18.7504 17.8628 18.7598 17.8892Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n    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10.6752 7.25605 10.6663 7.26494L10.6574 7.28273C10.6485 7.29162 10.6396 7.30052 10.6307 7.30942C10.604 7.32721 10.5773 7.33609 10.5329 7.34499H10.5239C10.4795 7.34499 10.4439 7.32721 10.435 7.29163C10.4172 7.24716 10.4172 7.22048 10.4172 7.1849C10.4172 7.16711 10.4261 7.15821 10.4261 7.14042L10.435 7.12262C10.435 7.11372 10.4528 7.11373 10.5151 7.14931C10.5507 7.1582 10.5862 7.176 10.6129 7.20268Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.0818 21.3873C15.0204 21.3548 15.0099 21.3479 15.0167 21.3374L15.0218 21.3181C15.0286 21.3076 15.0355 21.297 15.0424 21.2865C15.0648 21.2636 15.0891 21.2494 15.1308 21.2315L15.1395 21.2297C15.183 21.2206 15.2215 21.2306 15.2375 21.2636C15.2641 21.3035 15.2696 21.3296 15.2769 21.3644C15.2806 21.3818 15.2737 21.3924 15.2774 21.4098L15.2723 21.429C15.2742 21.4377 15.2568 21.4414 15.1885 21.4194C15.1519 21.418 15.1115 21.3992 15.0818 21.3873Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.8835 16.4309C17.8402 16.4852 17.8315 16.4942 17.8224 16.4855L17.8044 16.477C17.7954 16.4683 17.7863 16.4596 17.7772 16.4509C17.7588 16.4246 17.7494 16.3981 17.7395 16.3538L17.7394 16.345C17.7384 16.3005 17.7554 16.2645 17.7908 16.2549C17.8349 16.2362 17.8616 16.2356 17.8972 16.2348C17.915 16.2344 17.924 16.2432 17.9418 16.2428L17.9598 16.2513C17.9687 16.2511 17.9691 16.2689 17.9348 16.3319C17.9267 16.3677 17.9095 16.3947 17.8835 16.4309Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.49512 18.0115C6.49306 17.942 6.49382 17.9295 6.50638 17.9303L6.5256 17.9251C6.53815 17.9259 6.5507 17.9267 6.56326 17.9274C6.59426 17.9356 6.61862 17.9497 6.65475 17.9771L6.66065 17.9838C6.69012 18.0171 6.70038 18.0555 6.67963 18.0858C6.65812 18.1286 6.63812 18.1462 6.61148 18.1698C6.59816 18.1816 6.5856 18.1808 6.57228 18.1926L6.55307 18.1978C6.54641 18.2037 6.53462 18.1903 6.52 18.1201C6.50308 18.0876 6.50538 18.0499 6.49512 18.0115Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.3408 14.9173C10.304 14.9762 10.2964 14.9863 10.2864 14.9787L10.2676 14.9723C10.2575 14.9646 10.2475 14.9571 10.2375 14.9495C10.2162 14.9254 10.2038 14.9002 10.1889 14.8573L10.1877 14.8485C10.1817 14.8045 10.1945 14.7668 10.2285 14.7532C10.2702 14.7295 10.2966 14.7259 10.3319 14.721C10.3495 14.7186 10.3595 14.7262 10.3771 14.7238L10.396 14.7302C10.4048 14.729 10.4072 14.7466 10.3804 14.8131C10.3764 14.8496 10.3636 14.8872 10.3408 14.9173Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.1607 7.76271C12.223 7.74492 12.2408 7.75382 12.2408 7.76271L12.2497 7.78938C12.2586 7.80717 12.2496 7.82497 12.2585 7.84276C12.2585 7.87834 12.2497 7.91392 12.223 7.95839C12.2052 7.99397 12.1607 8.00286 12.1163 7.99397C12.0718 7.97618 12.0451 7.94949 12.0273 7.9228C12.0184 7.91391 12.0095 7.89613 12.0006 7.88723L11.9917 7.86945C11.9917 7.86055 12.0006 7.85166 12.054 7.82497C12.0896 7.7805 12.1252 7.77161 12.1607 7.76271Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.4501 21.1488C13.3928 21.179 13.3736 21.174 13.3717 21.1653L13.3575 21.141C13.3452 21.1254 13.3502 21.1062 13.3378 21.0906C13.3305 21.0558 13.3319 21.0191 13.3488 20.9701C13.3589 20.9316 13.4006 20.9138 13.446 20.9133C13.4932 20.9216 13.5248 20.9422 13.5477 20.9646C13.5582 20.9715 13.5706 20.9871 13.5811 20.9939L13.5935 21.0095C13.5953 21.0182 13.5884 21.0288 13.5417 21.0659C13.516 21.1167 13.4743 21.1346 13.4501 21.1488Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.3473 17.9905C17.3664 18.0523 17.3579 18.0703 17.349 18.0705L17.3225 18.08C17.3049 18.0892 17.287 18.0807 17.2694 18.09C17.2338 18.0907 17.198 18.0826 17.153 18.0568C17.1171 18.0398 17.1072 17.9956 17.1152 17.9509C17.132 17.9061 17.1581 17.8788 17.1844 17.8605C17.1931 17.8514 17.2107 17.8421 17.2194 17.833L17.237 17.8238C17.2459 17.8236 17.255 17.8323 17.2828 17.8851C17.328 17.9197 17.3377 17.9551 17.3473 17.9905Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.89569 16.4755C5.8411 16.4407 5.83597 16.4215 5.84263 16.4156L5.85672 16.3912C5.86414 16.3728 5.88336 16.3677 5.89079 16.3492C5.91743 16.3256 5.94997 16.3087 6.00096 16.2992C6.0394 16.289 6.07553 16.3164 6.09835 16.3556C6.1145 16.4007 6.1122 16.4383 6.104 16.4693C6.10324 16.4819 6.09581 16.5003 6.09505 16.5129L6.08762 16.5313C6.08096 16.5372 6.0684 16.5365 6.01305 16.5142C5.95616 16.517 5.92593 16.4963 5.89569 16.4755Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.98716 16.5277C10.0132 16.587 10.0069 16.6058 9.99804 16.6071L9.97281 16.6195C9.9564 16.6307 9.93757 16.6243 9.92115 16.6355C9.8859 16.6404 9.84944 16.6364 9.80175 16.616C9.76409 16.6032 9.74923 16.5603 9.75199 16.5151C9.76357 16.4686 9.78639 16.4385 9.81041 16.4173C9.81801 16.4073 9.83443 16.396 9.84204 16.386L9.85845 16.3748C9.86726 16.3736 9.87728 16.3812 9.91097 16.4304C9.96108 16.4685 9.97472 16.5025 9.98716 16.5277Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.1749 7.02446C13.2371 7.04225 13.246 7.05115 13.246 7.05115L13.2371 7.06893C13.2371 7.07783 13.2282 7.08672 13.2194 7.09562C13.2016 7.11341 13.1838 7.13119 13.1393 7.14898C13.1037 7.16677 13.0592 7.14898 13.0326 7.13119C12.997 7.10451 12.9881 7.07782 12.9792 7.06003C12.9792 7.05113 12.9703 7.03335 12.9792 7.02446V7.00667C12.9792 6.99778 12.997 6.99778 13.0592 7.00667C13.0948 7.01557 13.1393 7.01556 13.1749 7.02446Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.6098 22.0802C12.5452 22.0756 12.5347 22.0687 12.5347 22.0687L12.5397 22.0495C12.5379 22.0408 12.5447 22.0302 12.5516 22.0197C12.5654 21.9986 12.5791 21.9775 12.619 21.951C12.6501 21.9262 12.6973 21.9345 12.7271 21.9464C12.7674 21.9652 12.7816 21.9895 12.7939 22.0051C12.7958 22.0138 12.8081 22.0293 12.8013 22.0399L12.8049 22.0573C12.8068 22.066 12.7893 22.0696 12.7266 22.0738C12.6918 22.0811 12.6464 22.0815 12.6098 22.0802Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.1066 18.9794C18.0901 19.042 18.0814 19.0511 18.0814 19.0511L18.0635 19.0426C18.0546 19.0428 18.0455 19.0341 18.0364 19.0254C18.0182 19.0079 18.0001 18.9905 17.9814 18.9465C17.9628 18.9113 17.9797 18.8664 17.9969 18.8394C18.0228 18.8032 18.0493 18.7938 18.0669 18.7845C18.0758 18.7843 18.0934 18.7751 18.1025 18.7838L18.1202 18.7834C18.1291 18.7832 18.1295 18.801 18.1219 18.8634C18.1229 18.9079 18.1148 18.9436 18.1066 18.9794Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.6769 16.2122C4.64895 16.1538 4.64973 16.1412 4.64973 16.1412L4.66894 16.1361C4.6756 16.1302 4.68816 16.131 4.70071 16.1317C4.72582 16.1333 4.75094 16.1348 4.79373 16.1563C4.83063 16.1712 4.84679 16.2163 4.85115 16.2481C4.85475 16.2924 4.84066 16.3167 4.83323 16.3352C4.82657 16.3411 4.81914 16.3595 4.80659 16.3588L4.79327 16.3705C4.78661 16.3764 4.77482 16.3631 4.74021 16.3106C4.7174 16.2714 4.69381 16.2448 4.6769 16.2122Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.8565 17.4321C10.8474 17.4962 10.8398 17.5062 10.8398 17.5062L10.8209 17.4998C10.8121 17.501 10.8021 17.4934 10.7921 17.4858C10.772 17.4706 10.752 17.4554 10.7283 17.4137C10.7059 17.3809 10.7175 17.3344 10.7315 17.3056C10.7531 17.2667 10.7783 17.2543 10.7947 17.243C10.8035 17.2418 10.8199 17.2306 10.8299 17.2382L10.8476 17.2358C10.8564 17.2346 10.8588 17.2522 10.8584 17.3151C10.8645 17.3591 10.8605 17.3956 10.8565 17.4321Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.2422 6.45565C14.3045 6.43786 14.3223 6.43787 14.3223 6.44677V6.46455C14.3223 6.47345 14.3223 6.48233 14.3223 6.50012C14.3134 6.52681 14.3045 6.54461 14.2778 6.58019C14.2511 6.60687 14.2066 6.61576 14.171 6.61576C14.1266 6.60686 14.1088 6.58908 14.091 6.58019C14.0821 6.57129 14.0732 6.56239 14.0732 6.5535L14.0643 6.53571C14.0643 6.52682 14.0732 6.51791 14.1355 6.50012C14.1711 6.47344 14.2155 6.46454 14.2422 6.45565Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.6826 22.8572C11.6254 22.8874 11.6079 22.8911 11.6061 22.8824L11.6024 22.8649C11.6006 22.8562 11.5988 22.8475 11.5951 22.8301C11.5983 22.8022 11.6034 22.7829 11.6222 22.7426C11.6428 22.711 11.6845 22.6932 11.7193 22.6858C11.7646 22.6854 11.7857 22.6991 11.8049 22.7042C11.8155 22.711 11.826 22.7179 11.8278 22.7266L11.8402 22.7422C11.8421 22.7509 11.8352 22.7614 11.7779 22.7917C11.7399 22.8269 11.7069 22.843 11.6826 22.8572Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.9319 19.2622C20.951 19.324 20.9514 19.3418 20.9425 19.342L20.9247 19.3424C20.9158 19.3426 20.9069 19.3427 20.8891 19.3431C20.8623 19.3348 20.8443 19.3263 20.8082 19.3004C20.7809 19.2742 20.7711 19.23 20.7703 19.1944C20.7783 19.1498 20.7957 19.1316 20.8042 19.1136C20.8129 19.1046 20.8216 19.0955 20.8305 19.0953L20.8481 19.086C20.857 19.0858 20.8661 19.0945 20.8852 19.1564C20.9126 19.1914 20.9223 19.2268 20.9319 19.2622Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.5855 16.2134C22.6478 16.2134 22.6655 16.2223 22.6655 16.2312L22.6744 16.2667C22.6833 16.2934 22.6745 16.3112 22.6833 16.3379C22.6833 16.3824 22.6745 16.4357 22.6478 16.4891C22.63 16.5247 22.5855 16.5425 22.5499 16.5247L22.541 16.5158C22.4965 16.4802 22.4699 16.4357 22.4521 16.4002C22.4432 16.3824 22.4343 16.3557 22.4254 16.3379L22.4165 16.3023C22.4165 16.2934 22.4254 16.2756 22.4876 16.2489C22.5143 16.2223 22.5499 16.2134 22.5855 16.2134Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.9361 20.7672C21.9983 20.7761 22.0161 20.7849 22.0161 20.8027V20.8383C22.0161 20.865 22.0161 20.8828 22.0072 20.9095C21.9983 20.9539 21.9805 21.0073 21.9538 21.0607C21.936 21.0963 21.8916 21.0963 21.856 21.0785C21.8471 21.0785 21.8471 21.0696 21.8471 21.0696C21.8115 21.0251 21.7848 20.9806 21.7759 20.9273C21.767 20.9006 21.7671 20.8828 21.7582 20.8561V20.8205C21.7582 20.8116 21.7671 20.7938 21.8382 20.7849C21.8649 20.7672 21.9005 20.7583 21.9361 20.7672Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.9731 17.3602C24.0354 17.378 24.0442 17.3869 24.0442 17.3958L24.0354 17.4224C24.0354 17.4402 24.0265 17.4491 24.0176 17.4669C23.9998 17.4936 23.982 17.5292 23.9375 17.5559C23.9019 17.5826 23.8575 17.5737 23.8308 17.5381C23.7952 17.5025 23.7863 17.4669 23.7774 17.4313C23.7774 17.4136 23.7685 17.3958 23.7774 17.378V17.3513C23.7774 17.3424 23.7952 17.3335 23.8575 17.3335C23.902 17.3513 23.9375 17.3513 23.9731 17.3602Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.2606 20.1842C29.4343 20.2903 29.6169 20.3982 29.798 20.5137L30.0623 20.6776L30.3191 20.832L30.8418 21.1426L31.3659 21.4454C32.0742 21.8483 32.778 22.2262 33.4997 22.6076C34.9372 23.3531 36.4016 24.0556 37.8704 24.7349C38.6101 25.0715 39.3497 25.4082 40.0804 25.743L41.1854 26.2471L41.7379 26.4992C41.9251 26.5837 42.1033 26.6666 42.2919 26.7434C43.0376 27.0491 43.7951 27.3409 44.5527 27.6328L46.8254 28.5084C46.8863 28.5283 46.9115 28.5895 46.8995 28.6514C46.8005 29.0181 46.703 29.3771 46.5951 29.742C46.4872 30.107 46.3808 30.4642 46.2462 30.824L46.1924 30.9583C46.1744 31.003 46.1564 31.0478 46.1296 31.0908L45.9966 31.3464C45.9697 31.3894 45.9518 31.4341 45.9264 31.4694L45.8474 31.5907C45.7952 31.669 45.7503 31.7568 45.6892 31.8334C45.5758 31.9882 45.4625 32.1431 45.3329 32.2868C45.2732 32.3556 45.212 32.4321 45.1435 32.4992L44.9379 32.7005C44.8693 32.7676 44.7933 32.8252 44.7248 32.8923C44.6473 32.9576 44.5802 33.0169 44.5043 33.0746L44.2764 33.2474L44.0337 33.4012C43.9921 33.4253 43.9577 33.4588 43.916 33.4829L43.7911 33.5551C43.7077 33.6032 43.6243 33.6514 43.5409 33.6995C43.3667 33.7863 43.2015 33.8748 43.0289 33.9538C42.6835 34.1118 42.325 34.2432 41.9678 34.3668C41.7819 34.4191 41.6033 34.4809 41.4188 34.5255L41.1451 34.6009L40.8728 34.6687C39.4001 35.0097 37.8861 35.182 36.3755 35.1941C34.8664 35.1984 33.3444 35.0314 31.8839 34.595C31.5169 34.4835 31.1618 34.3583 30.8097 34.2175C30.4592 34.0691 30.1117 33.9051 29.7865 33.7213C29.4524 33.5358 29.1317 33.3288 28.8334 33.102C28.7607 33.0477 28.6806 32.9839 28.6093 32.9218C28.5381 32.8597 28.4565 32.8037 28.3957 32.7356C28.2547 32.6037 28.1138 32.4718 27.9937 32.3279C27.7326 32.052 27.5074 31.7349 27.3 31.4213C27.1045 31.0939 26.9194 30.7604 26.7656 30.409C26.4565 29.7138 26.2486 28.9739 26.1344 28.2281C26.0201 27.4823 25.9833 26.7194 26.0386 25.9583C26.1013 25.2067 26.2473 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29.2251C27.0453 29.1122 27.0114 29.0011 26.979 28.8823C26.9126 28.6523 26.8552 28.4241 26.8096 28.1821C26.7156 27.7135 26.678 27.2399 26.6598 26.762C26.6514 26.5192 26.6713 26.2738 26.6972 26.0457C26.7245 25.8098 26.7518 25.5739 26.7791 25.338C26.7926 25.2683 26.8478 25.2227 26.9117 25.2271C27.093 25.2462 27.2759 25.2576 27.4572 25.2767C27.5479 25.2863 27.6401 25.2881 27.7219 25.296C27.768 25.2969 27.8051 25.2961 27.8512 25.297L27.9909 25.292C28.3537 25.282 28.7181 25.2644 29.0809 25.2544C29.2667 25.2503 29.4437 25.2445 29.6296 25.2404L30.1767 25.2341C30.538 25.2319 30.9007 25.222 31.2725 25.2138C31.6353 25.2039 31.9996 25.1862 32.3639 25.1685C32.7282 25.1508 33.0866 25.1159 33.4583 25.1077C34.1854 25.0801 34.9199 25.062 35.6499 25.0671C35.6782 25.0645 35.7094 25.0947 35.7033 25.1257C35.6869 25.1627 35.6735 25.1842 35.6452 25.1868Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.9131 25.9475C36.9635 26.6407 36.9857 27.3365 36.9975 28.0382C37.0003 28.7383 36.9942 29.4366 36.9703 30.1314C36.9575 30.4827 36.9359 30.8322 36.9142 31.1818C36.899 31.3557 36.8927 31.5314 36.8685 31.7035C36.8532 31.8775 36.829 32.0496 36.8033 32.2296C36.7549 32.5739 36.7065 32.9183 36.6582 33.2627L36.5115 34.3035L36.3721 34.1639L37.7967 34.0225C38.0332 33.9961 38.2697 33.9696 38.5136 33.9527L39.2288 33.8906C39.7002 33.8455 40.1673 33.7754 40.6166 33.6537C41.0748 33.5336 41.5286 33.3886 41.975 33.2341L41.9092 33.3821C41.5926 32.7257 41.2582 32.0657 40.9222 31.4136C40.7534 31.0913 40.5758 30.7674 40.3966 30.4512C40.207 30.141 40.0085 29.8291 39.81 29.5172L38.6353 27.6569C38.2561 27.0365 37.7846 26.4625 37.4204 25.8129C37.4071 25.7862 37.4132 25.7552 37.4444 25.7371C37.4742 25.7268 37.5009 25.732 37.5231 25.7605C37.8904 26.3946 38.3649 26.9531 38.7619 27.5769L39.9678 29.4192C40.1663 29.7311 40.3678 30.0275 40.5648 30.3472C40.7529 30.6651 40.9306 30.9891 41.1082 31.313C41.4546 31.9592 41.7891 32.6191 42.1147 33.2773C42.1413 33.3307 42.1188 33.3987 42.0682 33.4211L42.0578 33.4271C41.6025 33.5798 41.1472 33.7326 40.6875 33.8604C40.2188 33.9864 39.7398 34.0703 39.2595 34.1137L38.5442 34.1757C38.3093 34.1944 38.0728 34.2209 37.8364 34.2473L36.4102 34.3964C36.3433 34.4075 36.2795 34.3549 36.2752 34.2817C36.2767 34.274 36.2692 34.2645 36.2722 34.249L36.4174 33.2159C36.4569 32.8698 36.5067 32.5177 36.5536 32.1811C36.5778 32.0089 36.602 31.8367 36.6158 31.6706C36.6311 31.4966 36.6448 31.3305 36.6512 31.1548C36.6728 30.8053 36.6929 30.4634 36.7056 30.1121C36.7295 29.4173 36.7341 28.7268 36.7402 28.0285C36.7463 27.3302 36.7614 26.6336 36.8046 25.9345C36.8107 25.9035 36.833 25.8837 36.8613 25.8812C36.8954 25.8958 36.9176 25.9243 36.9131 25.9475Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.53718 15.7833C3.48259 15.7484 3.4708 15.7351 3.47747 15.7292L3.49078 15.7174C3.49745 15.7115 3.50411 15.7056 3.51743 15.6939C3.54331 15.6828 3.56253 15.6777 3.60686 15.6741C3.64452 15.6764 3.68066 15.7038 3.70424 15.7305C3.72706 15.7697 3.72552 15.7948 3.73065 15.814C3.72989 15.8266 3.72912 15.8391 3.72245 15.845L3.71503 15.8634C3.70837 15.8693 3.69581 15.8686 3.64123 15.8337C3.59767 15.8248 3.56742 15.804 3.53718 15.7833Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.5666 18.4209C11.5927 18.4802 11.5951 18.4979 11.5863 18.4991L11.5687 18.5015C11.5598 18.5027 11.551 18.5039 11.5334 18.5063C11.5058 18.5011 11.4869 18.4947 11.448 18.4731C11.418 18.4503 11.4031 18.4075 11.3983 18.3722C11.4011 18.3269 11.4163 18.3069 11.4227 18.2881C11.4303 18.278 11.4379 18.268 11.4467 18.2668L11.4631 18.2556C11.4719 18.2543 11.4819 18.262 11.508 18.3212C11.5393 18.3529 11.5617 18.3857 11.5666 18.4209Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.655 8.34977C13.7173 8.36756 13.7261 8.37646 13.7261 8.38536L13.7173 8.40314C13.7173 8.41204 13.7084 8.42982 13.6995 8.43871C13.6817 8.4654 13.6639 8.48318 13.6194 8.50097C13.5838 8.51876 13.5393 8.50989 13.5127 8.47431C13.486 8.43873 13.4682 8.41204 13.4682 8.38536C13.4682 8.36757 13.4593 8.35867 13.4682 8.34088V8.32308C13.4682 8.31418 13.486 8.31418 13.5482 8.32308C13.5838 8.33197 13.6194 8.34087 13.655 8.34977Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.8669 20.8826C11.8023 20.878 11.7918 20.8711 11.7899 20.8624L11.795 20.8432C11.7931 20.8345 11.7982 20.8153 11.8051 20.8047C11.817 20.7749 11.8307 20.7539 11.8706 20.7273C11.9017 20.7026 11.9471 20.7021 11.9805 20.7314C12.014 20.7608 12.0369 20.7832 12.0424 20.8093C12.046 20.8267 12.0566 20.8336 12.0515 20.8528L12.0552 20.8703C12.057 20.879 12.0396 20.8826 11.9768 20.8867C11.9402 20.8854 11.9035 20.884 11.8669 20.8826Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.792 19.4878C16.7755 19.5504 16.7668 19.5595 16.7579 19.5597L16.7399 19.5512C16.7311 19.5513 16.7131 19.5428 16.704 19.5341C16.6769 19.5169 16.6588 19.4995 16.6401 19.4554C16.6215 19.4202 16.6295 19.3756 16.6645 19.3482C16.6995 19.3207 16.7258 19.3024 16.7524 19.3018C16.7702 19.3014 16.7789 19.2923 16.7969 19.3009L16.8147 19.3005C16.8236 19.3003 16.824 19.3181 16.8164 19.3805C16.8083 19.4163 16.8003 19.4609 16.792 19.4878Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.35114 14.9742C5.3232 14.9158 5.32396 14.9033 5.33062 14.8974L5.34984 14.8922C5.3565 14.8864 5.37572 14.8812 5.38828 14.882C5.42005 14.8776 5.44515 14.8792 5.48795 14.9007C5.52485 14.9155 5.54767 14.9547 5.54537 14.9924C5.53641 15.036 5.52822 15.067 5.50824 15.0847C5.49491 15.0964 5.49415 15.109 5.47493 15.1141L5.4616 15.1259C5.45494 15.1318 5.44315 15.1185 5.40855 15.066C5.38497 15.0393 5.36806 15.0068 5.35114 14.9742Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.60862 18.0883C9.59945 18.1524 9.59185 18.1624 9.58303 18.1636L9.5642 18.1572C9.55539 18.1584 9.53656 18.1521 9.52654 18.1445C9.49768 18.1305 9.47765 18.1153 9.45398 18.0736C9.43152 18.0408 9.43428 17.9955 9.45709 17.9654C9.48871 17.9342 9.51273 17.9129 9.53917 17.9093C9.55679 17.9069 9.5644 17.8968 9.58323 17.9032L9.60086 17.9008C9.60967 17.8996 9.61209 17.9172 9.61174 17.9801C9.61658 18.0154 9.61259 18.0518 9.60862 18.0883Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.8162 7.01587C8.87846 7.03366 8.88734 7.04257 8.88734 7.05147L8.87843 7.06925C8.87843 7.07815 8.86956 7.08705 8.86067 7.09594C8.84288 7.11373 8.8251 7.13152 8.78062 7.14042C8.74504 7.14931 8.70055 7.14041 8.67387 7.11373C8.64718 7.08704 8.63829 7.06034 8.62939 7.03366C8.62939 7.02477 8.62939 7.00698 8.62939 6.99809V6.9803C8.62939 6.97141 8.64718 6.97141 8.70944 6.9803C8.74502 6.9892 8.78062 6.99808 8.8162 7.01587Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.8766 21.1914C16.812 21.1869 16.8015 21.18 16.7997 21.1713L16.8047 21.152C16.8029 21.1433 16.8098 21.1328 16.8166 21.1223C16.8304 21.1012 16.8441 21.0801 16.8858 21.0623C16.9188 21.0462 16.9641 21.0458 16.9957 21.0664C17.0274 21.087 17.0416 21.1113 17.0558 21.1356C17.0576 21.1443 17.0612 21.1617 17.0631 21.1704L17.0667 21.1878C17.0686 21.1965 17.0512 21.2002 16.9884 21.2043C16.9518 21.2029 16.9151 21.2015 16.8766 21.1914Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n  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10.2649 13.1853 10.256 13.1865L10.2372 13.1801C10.2284 13.1813 10.2184 13.1738 10.2084 13.1662C10.1883 13.151 10.1683 13.1357 10.1534 13.0929C10.1398 13.0588 10.1425 13.0136 10.1653 12.9835C10.1882 12.9534 10.2134 12.941 10.2386 12.9286C10.2474 12.9274 10.2651 12.9249 10.2739 12.9237L10.2915 12.9213C10.3003 12.9201 10.3027 12.9377 10.3024 13.0006C10.2896 13.0383 10.2856 13.0748 10.2816 13.1112Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.491 5.35286C7.55326 5.34397 7.57104 5.34397 7.57104 5.35286V5.37065C7.57104 5.37954 7.57104 5.38844 7.56214 5.39734C7.55325 5.41513 7.54434 5.44181 7.50876 5.4596C7.47318 5.48628 7.43763 5.48628 7.40205 5.47738C7.36647 5.46849 7.33976 5.4507 7.33087 5.43291C7.32197 5.42401 7.322 5.41514 7.3131 5.40624L7.3042 5.39734C7.3042 5.39734 7.31308 5.38844 7.37534 5.37065C7.41981 5.37065 7.45542 5.36176 7.491 5.35286Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.5161 22.5461C18.457 22.5676 18.4396 22.5713 18.4378 22.5626L18.4342 22.5452C18.4323 22.5365 18.4305 22.5278 18.4374 22.5172C18.4424 22.498 18.4456 22.47 18.4768 22.4453C18.5061 22.4119 18.5409 22.4046 18.5775 22.4059C18.6142 22.4073 18.644 22.4192 18.6563 22.4348C18.6669 22.4417 18.6687 22.4504 18.6792 22.4572L18.6898 22.4641C18.6898 22.4641 18.6829 22.4747 18.6256 22.5049C18.584 22.5227 18.5491 22.5301 18.5161 22.5461Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.6579 13.2616C19.6681 13.3237 19.6685 13.3414 19.6596 13.3416L19.6418 13.342C19.6329 13.3422 19.6241 13.3424 19.615 13.3337C19.597 13.3252 19.5701 13.3169 19.5516 13.2817C19.5242 13.2467 19.5234 13.2111 19.5315 13.1753C19.5397 13.1396 19.5569 13.1125 19.5745 13.1033C19.5832 13.0942 19.5921 13.094 19.6008 13.0849L19.6095 13.0758C19.6095 13.0758 19.6186 13.0845 19.6377 13.1464C19.6475 13.1907 19.6485 13.2351 19.6579 13.2616Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.19139 21.5769C7.14346 21.5362 7.13167 21.5228 7.13833 21.5169L7.15166 21.5051C7.15832 21.4993 7.16498 21.4934 7.17754 21.4941C7.19675 21.489 7.22263 21.478 7.25954 21.4928C7.3031 21.5018 7.32667 21.5284 7.34359 21.561C7.36051 21.5935 7.36487 21.6253 7.35745 21.6437C7.35668 21.6563 7.35002 21.6622 7.34926 21.6747L7.34848 21.6873C7.34848 21.6873 7.33593 21.6865 7.28135 21.6517C7.25187 21.6184 7.22163 21.5976 7.19139 21.5769Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.7406 11.5736C11.7578 11.6341 11.7603 11.6518 11.7515 11.653L11.7338 11.6554C11.725 11.6566 11.7162 11.6578 11.7062 11.6502C11.6874 11.6438 11.6597 11.6386 11.6372 11.6058C11.606 11.5742 11.6011 11.5389 11.6051 11.5024C11.6091 11.466 11.6231 11.4371 11.6395 11.4259C11.6471 11.4159 11.6559 11.4147 11.6635 11.4046L11.6711 11.3946C11.6711 11.3946 11.6811 11.4022 11.7072 11.4615C11.7221 11.5044 11.7357 11.5384 11.7406 11.5736Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.48953 5.55729C5.5518 5.58397 5.56068 5.59287 5.56068 5.60176L5.55177 5.61955C5.55177 5.63734 5.53401 5.64623 5.53401 5.66402C5.51622 5.6907 5.48953 5.71739 5.44506 5.73518C5.40948 5.75297 5.36499 5.74407 5.33831 5.70849C5.31162 5.67291 5.30273 5.63734 5.30273 5.60176C5.30273 5.58397 5.30273 5.56618 5.30273 5.55729V5.5306C5.30273 5.5217 5.32052 5.5217 5.38278 5.5306C5.41836 5.5306 5.45396 5.5395 5.48953 5.55729Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.4345 21.9428C20.3681 21.9295 20.3575 21.9227 20.3557 21.914L20.3607 21.8947C20.3571 21.8773 20.3726 21.8649 20.369 21.8475C20.3809 21.8178 20.4015 21.7862 20.4414 21.7596C20.4725 21.7349 20.5179 21.7344 20.5513 21.7637C20.5848 21.793 20.6008 21.826 20.6081 21.8608C20.6118 21.8783 20.6154 21.8957 20.6173 21.9044L20.6228 21.9305C20.6246 21.9392 20.6072 21.9429 20.5444 21.947C20.5078 21.9456 20.4711 21.9442 20.4345 21.9428Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.4198 11.2646C19.3945 11.3274 19.3858 11.3365 19.3769 11.3367L19.3589 11.3282C19.3411 11.3286 19.3318 11.311 19.3141 11.3113C19.287 11.2941 19.2598 11.268 19.241 11.2239C19.2225 11.1887 19.2304 11.1441 19.2654 11.1166C19.3005 11.0892 19.3358 11.0796 19.3714 11.0788C19.3892 11.0784 19.407 11.078 19.4159 11.0779L19.4425 11.0773C19.4514 11.0771 19.4518 11.0949 19.4442 11.1573C19.4361 11.1931 19.428 11.2289 19.4198 11.2646Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.66413 22.9459C8.64285 22.8816 8.64362 22.8691 8.65028 22.8632L8.66949 22.858C8.68281 22.8462 8.70126 22.8537 8.71458 22.8419C8.74636 22.8375 8.78403 22.8398 8.82682 22.8613C8.86373 22.8762 8.88654 22.9154 8.87758 22.959C8.86862 23.0025 8.84787 23.0327 8.82123 23.0563C8.8079 23.0681 8.79458 23.0799 8.78792 23.0858L8.76794 23.1035C8.76127 23.1094 8.74949 23.0961 8.71489 23.0435C8.69797 23.011 8.68105 22.9785 8.66413 22.9459Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.2748 9.61778C11.2568 9.68309 11.2492 9.69314 11.2404 9.69435L11.2216 9.68795C11.204 9.69036 11.1927 9.67393 11.1751 9.67635C11.1462 9.66235 11.1162 9.63954 11.0925 9.5979C11.0701 9.56506 11.0728 9.51982 11.1044 9.48855C11.1361 9.45727 11.1701 9.44364 11.2054 9.4388C11.223 9.43638 11.2406 9.43397 11.2494 9.43276L11.2759 9.42913C11.2847 9.42792 11.2871 9.44554 11.2867 9.50843C11.2916 9.54368 11.2788 9.58132 11.2748 9.61778Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.46802 6.89127C6.53028 6.86459 6.54807 6.86459 6.54807 6.87349L6.56583 6.90015C6.57472 6.91794 6.58365 6.93574 6.59254 6.95353C6.60143 6.998 6.61034 7.03358 6.60144 7.08695C6.59255 7.12253 6.55697 7.14923 6.51249 7.14033C6.45913 7.12254 6.42352 7.09584 6.39684 7.07805C6.38794 7.06026 6.37016 7.05136 6.36127 7.03358L6.34346 7.00691C6.33456 6.99801 6.34347 6.98021 6.39684 6.94463C6.40573 6.91794 6.43244 6.90017 6.46802 6.89127Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.2021 20.8391C19.1467 20.878 19.1293 20.8817 19.1274 20.873L19.1045 20.8505C19.0922 20.835 19.0798 20.8194 19.0674 20.8038C19.0496 20.7621 19.0335 20.7291 19.0313 20.6751C19.0326 20.6384 19.062 20.605 19.1073 20.6045C19.1632 20.6109 19.2035 20.6297 19.2333 20.6417C19.2457 20.6572 19.2649 20.6623 19.2773 20.6779L19.3002 20.7003C19.3107 20.7072 19.3057 20.7264 19.2608 20.7722C19.2557 20.7915 19.2333 20.8144 19.2021 20.8391Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.1067 12.2711C18.1347 12.3327 18.1351 12.3505 18.1262 12.3507L18.0999 12.3691C18.0823 12.3783 18.0647 12.3876 18.0471 12.3969C18.0028 12.4067 17.9674 12.4164 17.9139 12.4086C17.8781 12.4005 17.8507 12.3654 17.8586 12.3208C17.8753 12.2671 17.9012 12.2309 17.9184 12.2039C17.936 12.1946 17.9445 12.1766 17.9621 12.1673L17.9884 12.149C17.9971 12.1399 18.0151 12.1485 18.0518 12.2011C18.0698 12.2096 18.0883 12.2447 18.1067 12.2711Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.01494 21.3286C8.95369 21.2997 8.9419 21.2864 8.94856 21.2805L8.95676 21.2495C8.96419 21.231 8.97161 21.2126 8.98569 21.1882C9.0131 21.1521 9.03385 21.1218 9.07972 21.0931C9.11225 21.0762 9.15582 21.0852 9.17864 21.1244C9.20068 21.1761 9.20428 21.2205 9.20198 21.2581C9.19455 21.2766 9.19969 21.2958 9.19226 21.3142L9.18406 21.3453C9.18329 21.3578 9.16408 21.3629 9.10207 21.3466C9.08285 21.3517 9.04595 21.3368 9.01494 21.3286Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.086 10.7682C10.1209 10.8262 10.1233 10.8439 10.1145 10.8451L10.0905 10.8663C10.0741 10.8775 10.0576 10.8888 10.0412 10.9C9.99838 10.9149 9.96433 10.9285 9.91025 10.9269C9.87379 10.923 9.84252 10.8913 9.84529 10.8461C9.85566 10.7908 9.87726 10.7519 9.89126 10.7231C9.90767 10.7118 9.91407 10.693 9.93049 10.6818L9.95451 10.6605C9.96211 10.6505 9.98094 10.6569 10.0234 10.7049C10.0423 10.7113 10.0635 10.7353 10.086 10.7682Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.70048 8.89269C8.76274 8.90159 8.78057 8.91049 8.78057 8.91938V8.94605C8.78057 8.96384 8.77166 8.98164 8.77166 8.99943C8.75388 9.03501 8.73606 9.07059 8.70048 9.09728C8.6649 9.12396 8.62045 9.12395 8.59377 9.08838C8.55819 9.0528 8.54038 9.01722 8.53149 8.98164C8.53149 8.96385 8.52258 8.94605 8.52258 8.92826V8.90157C8.52258 8.89268 8.54041 8.88379 8.60267 8.88379C8.62046 8.88379 8.6649 8.8838 8.70048 8.89269Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.73489 9.83551C6.78826 9.87109 6.79713 9.87999 6.79713 9.88888L6.78822 9.91557C6.77933 9.93336 6.77045 9.95114 6.76156 9.96893C6.73487 10.0045 6.70817 10.0312 6.6548 10.0579C6.61922 10.0757 6.57478 10.0579 6.55699 10.0223C6.55699 10.0223 6.55699 10.0223 6.55699 10.0134C6.5392 9.96003 6.53918 9.91556 6.53918 9.87998C6.53918 9.86219 6.54809 9.83551 6.54809 9.81772L6.55699 9.79103C6.55699 9.78214 6.57477 9.77324 6.63704 9.79103C6.66372 9.79993 6.69931 9.81772 6.73489 9.83551Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.26725 8.42101C5.32952 8.41212 5.3473 8.41211 5.3473 8.41211V8.42992C5.3473 8.43881 5.3473 8.4477 5.3473 8.46549C5.3384 8.49217 5.32951 8.50995 5.30282 8.54553C5.27614 8.57222 5.23165 8.58112 5.19607 8.57222C5.15159 8.56333 5.13381 8.54554 5.11602 8.52775C5.10713 8.51885 5.09822 8.50995 5.09822 8.50106L5.08936 8.48327C5.08936 8.47438 5.09823 8.47439 5.1605 8.4477C5.19608 8.43881 5.23167 8.42991 5.26725 8.42101Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.95966 7.45172C4.01303 7.4873 4.02194 7.50508 4.02194 7.51398L4.00413 7.54955C3.99524 7.56734 3.97745 7.59402 3.96856 7.61181C3.94187 7.64739 3.90627 7.69188 3.8529 7.71856C3.81732 7.73635 3.77288 7.72745 3.75509 7.69187C3.75509 7.68298 3.74619 7.68298 3.74619 7.67409C3.7284 7.62072 3.72839 7.56735 3.73728 7.51398C3.74618 7.48729 3.7462 7.4695 3.75509 7.44281L3.76395 7.40724C3.76395 7.39835 3.78174 7.38945 3.8529 7.40724C3.89737 7.41614 3.92408 7.43393 3.95966 7.45172Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.25694 10.1646C3.3192 10.1469 3.33698 10.1468 3.33698 10.1557L3.34588 10.1735C3.35478 10.1913 3.34589 10.2002 3.35479 10.218C3.35479 10.2536 3.34587 10.2803 3.32808 10.3247C3.31029 10.3603 3.26584 10.3781 3.22136 10.3603C3.17689 10.3425 3.15021 10.3248 3.13242 10.2981C3.12352 10.2892 3.1146 10.2714 3.10571 10.2625L3.0968 10.2447C3.0968 10.2358 3.10571 10.2269 3.15908 10.2002C3.18577 10.1913 3.22136 10.1735 3.25694 10.1646Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.27611 11.1166C5.33837 11.1344 5.34729 11.1522 5.34729 11.1611L5.33839 11.1878C5.33839 11.2055 5.32058 11.2233 5.32058 11.2411C5.30279 11.2767 5.27611 11.3034 5.23163 11.339C5.19605 11.3656 5.14271 11.3568 5.12492 11.3212C5.09823 11.2767 5.08934 11.2411 5.08044 11.1966C5.08044 11.1788 5.08044 11.1611 5.08044 11.1433V11.1166C5.08044 11.1077 5.09823 11.0988 5.16049 11.1077C5.20496 11.0988 5.24942 11.1077 5.27611 11.1166Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.86443 11.7391C7.92669 11.7302 7.94447 11.7302 7.94447 11.7391L7.95338 11.7658C7.96227 11.7836 7.96228 11.8013 7.96228 11.8191C7.96228 11.8547 7.9534 11.8992 7.93561 11.9437C7.91782 11.9793 7.87333 11.997 7.82886 11.9792C7.78438 11.9615 7.75769 11.9259 7.73101 11.8992C7.72211 11.8814 7.71323 11.8725 7.70434 11.8547L7.69543 11.828C7.69543 11.8191 7.70435 11.8102 7.75772 11.7747C7.7933 11.7658 7.82885 11.748 7.86443 11.7391Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.16704 13.6428C8.2293 13.6339 8.24713 13.6429 8.24713 13.6517L8.25599 13.6873C8.26488 13.7051 8.26489 13.7318 8.26489 13.7585C8.26489 13.803 8.26491 13.8563 8.23823 13.9008C8.22044 13.9364 8.18485 13.9542 8.14037 13.9364C8.14037 13.9364 8.13147 13.9364 8.13147 13.9275C8.087 13.8919 8.05141 13.8563 8.03362 13.8207C8.02472 13.803 8.00695 13.7852 8.00695 13.7585L7.99805 13.7318C7.99805 13.7229 8.00696 13.7051 8.06033 13.6784C8.09591 13.6518 8.13146 13.6428 8.16704 13.6428Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.35235 13.1532C6.40572 13.1976 6.40573 13.2065 6.40573 13.2154L6.38792 13.2421C6.37902 13.2599 6.36124 13.2777 6.35235 13.2866C6.32566 13.3133 6.2901 13.34 6.23673 13.3667C6.20115 13.3845 6.15668 13.3578 6.14778 13.3222V13.3133C6.13889 13.2599 6.13889 13.2154 6.14778 13.171C6.15668 13.1532 6.15665 13.1265 6.16555 13.1087L6.18336 13.082C6.19225 13.0731 6.20114 13.0731 6.2634 13.0909C6.29008 13.1087 6.32566 13.1265 6.35235 13.1532Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.36652 14.9503C7.42878 14.9325 7.44661 14.9325 7.44661 14.9414L7.45547 14.9592C7.46436 14.9681 7.45548 14.9859 7.46437 15.0037C7.46437 15.0303 7.45549 15.0659 7.4377 15.1015C7.41991 15.1371 7.37543 15.1549 7.33985 15.146C7.29538 15.1371 7.26869 15.1193 7.2509 15.1015C7.24201 15.0926 7.23313 15.0837 7.22424 15.0748L7.21533 15.057C7.21533 15.0481 7.2242 15.0392 7.27757 15.0126C7.29536 14.977 7.33094 14.9592 7.36652 14.9503Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.95341 16.4444C8.01567 16.4533 8.03345 16.4533 8.03345 16.4622V16.48C8.03345 16.4978 8.02459 16.5067 8.02459 16.5245C8.0157 16.5512 7.99789 16.5868 7.96231 16.6134C7.92673 16.6401 7.88224 16.6401 7.85556 16.6134C7.81998 16.5868 7.80221 16.5601 7.78442 16.5245C7.78442 16.5067 7.77551 16.4978 7.77551 16.48V16.4622C7.77551 16.4533 7.7844 16.4444 7.85556 16.4355C7.88224 16.4444 7.91783 16.4444 7.95341 16.4444Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n   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14.6478 1.57593 14.6567 1.58482 14.6656L1.61153 14.7012C1.62932 14.7279 1.63822 14.7546 1.65601 14.7813C1.6738 14.8346 1.70048 14.8969 1.70048 14.9681C1.70048 15.0036 1.67378 15.0303 1.6382 15.0303C1.6293 15.0303 1.62043 15.0303 1.61153 15.0214H1.60263C1.54036 14.9947 1.49587 14.9503 1.4514 14.9058C1.43361 14.888 1.41585 14.8613 1.39806 14.8435L1.37135 14.808C1.36246 14.7991 1.36246 14.7813 1.41583 14.7279C1.42472 14.7101 1.46029 14.6923 1.49587 14.6745Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M2.25179 12.3528C2.30516 12.3884 2.31407 12.3973 2.31407 12.4151L2.29626 12.4507C2.28737 12.4685 2.27848 12.4952 2.26069 12.513C2.23401 12.5485 2.19846 12.593 2.15398 12.6197C2.1184 12.6375 2.07392 12.6286 2.05613 12.593C2.05613 12.5841 2.04723 12.5841 2.04723 12.5752C2.02944 12.5218 2.02942 12.4685 2.02942 12.424C2.03831 12.3973 2.03833 12.3795 2.04723 12.3528L2.05613 12.3173C2.05613 12.3084 2.07392 12.2995 2.14508 12.3084C2.18066 12.3173 2.21621 12.3262 2.25179 12.3528Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.89749 11.5606C3.95975 11.5517 3.97754 11.5606 3.98644 11.5784L4.00424 11.6229C4.01314 11.6496 4.02202 11.6851 4.03091 11.7118C4.03981 11.7741 4.04871 11.8364 4.03982 11.9075C4.03092 11.9431 4.00425 11.9698 3.96867 11.9609C3.95978 11.9609 3.95086 11.952 3.94196 11.952C3.88859 11.9075 3.84413 11.8541 3.81744 11.8008C3.79965 11.7741 3.78186 11.7474 3.77297 11.7207L3.75521 11.6763C3.74631 11.6585 3.75517 11.6407 3.80854 11.6051C3.82633 11.5784 3.86191 11.5606 3.89749 11.5606Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.72344 19.3883C9.78571 19.3705 9.80353 19.3705 9.80353 19.3794L9.81239 19.4061C9.82129 19.4239 9.8213 19.4417 9.8213 19.4594C9.8213 19.495 9.82132 19.5395 9.80353 19.584C9.78574 19.6195 9.74126 19.6462 9.70568 19.6284C9.66121 19.6106 9.62561 19.584 9.59893 19.5573C9.59003 19.5395 9.57226 19.5306 9.57226 19.5128L9.56335 19.4861C9.56335 19.4772 9.57227 19.4683 9.62564 19.4328C9.65232 19.415 9.68787 19.3972 9.72344 19.3883Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.12116 22.8313C6.18342 22.8046 6.20121 22.8135 6.21011 22.8224L6.22791 22.858C6.23681 22.8757 6.24569 22.9024 6.26348 22.9291C6.28127 22.9825 6.29019 23.0269 6.29019 23.0892C6.29019 23.1248 6.25459 23.1515 6.21901 23.1515C6.21011 23.1515 6.20125 23.1515 6.20125 23.1426C6.13898 23.1159 6.1034 23.0803 6.06782 23.0447C6.05003 23.0269 6.03224 23.0092 6.02335 22.9825L6.00554 22.9558C5.99665 22.9469 6.00554 22.9291 6.05002 22.8846C6.05002 22.858 6.08558 22.8402 6.12116 22.8313Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.52384 20.3758C3.5861 20.3847 3.60388 20.4025 3.60388 20.4114V20.4381C3.60388 20.4559 3.59497 20.4737 3.58607 20.5004C3.56828 20.5359 3.55051 20.5804 3.51493 20.616C3.48825 20.6427 3.43486 20.6427 3.40818 20.616C3.3726 20.5715 3.36373 20.5359 3.34594 20.4914C3.34594 20.4737 3.33704 20.4559 3.33704 20.4292V20.4025C3.33704 20.3936 3.35482 20.3847 3.41708 20.3758C3.44377 20.3669 3.48826 20.3669 3.52384 20.3758Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.7834 18.9617C12.8456 18.9706 12.8634 18.9795 12.8634 18.9884V19.024C12.8634 19.0418 12.8545 19.0685 12.8545 19.0863C12.8456 19.1307 12.8278 19.1752 12.7922 19.2197C12.7655 19.2553 12.7211 19.2553 12.6855 19.2286C12.6855 19.2286 12.6766 19.2286 12.6766 19.2197C12.641 19.1752 12.6233 19.1396 12.6055 19.0952C12.5966 19.0774 12.5966 19.0507 12.5966 19.0329V18.9973C12.5966 18.9884 12.6054 18.9795 12.6766 18.9617C12.7033 18.9529 12.7478 18.9529 12.7834 18.9617Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.4706 21.5858C10.5329 21.5769 10.5507 21.5769 10.5507 21.5858V21.6036C10.5507 21.6125 10.5507 21.6303 10.5507 21.6392C10.5418 21.6658 10.5329 21.6925 10.4973 21.7192C10.4706 21.7459 10.4261 21.7548 10.3905 21.7459C10.3461 21.7281 10.3283 21.7103 10.3105 21.6925C10.3016 21.6836 10.2927 21.6747 10.2927 21.6569L10.2838 21.6392C10.2838 21.6303 10.2927 21.6213 10.355 21.6036C10.3994 21.6036 10.435 21.5947 10.4706 21.5858Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.097 24.2541C10.1593 24.2274 10.1682 24.2274 10.1771 24.2363L10.186 24.2541C10.1949 24.263 10.1949 24.2807 10.1949 24.2896C10.1949 24.3163 10.1949 24.3519 10.1682 24.3875C10.1504 24.4231 10.1059 24.4409 10.0704 24.432C10.0259 24.4231 9.9992 24.4142 9.98141 24.3964C9.97252 24.3875 9.9636 24.3786 9.9547 24.3697L9.9458 24.3519C9.9458 24.343 9.95471 24.3341 10.0081 24.2985C10.0259 24.2807 10.0615 24.263 10.097 24.2541Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.4987 24.325C12.561 24.3517 12.5699 24.3695 12.561 24.3873L12.5521 24.4318C12.5432 24.4584 12.5343 24.494 12.5254 24.5207C12.4987 24.5741 12.4721 24.6363 12.4187 24.6897C12.392 24.7164 12.3564 24.7164 12.3298 24.6897C12.3209 24.6808 12.3119 24.6719 12.3119 24.663C12.2853 24.5919 12.2853 24.5296 12.2853 24.4673C12.2853 24.4318 12.2853 24.4051 12.2942 24.3695L12.303 24.325C12.303 24.3072 12.3208 24.2983 12.392 24.2983C12.4276 24.2983 12.4721 24.3072 12.4987 24.325Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.0999 19.451C14.1622 19.4421 14.1799 19.4421 14.1799 19.451V19.4688C14.1799 19.4777 14.1799 19.4955 14.1799 19.5044C14.171 19.5311 14.1621 19.5578 14.1355 19.5933C14.1088 19.62 14.0643 19.6289 14.0288 19.62C13.9843 19.6022 13.9665 19.5844 13.9487 19.5577C13.9398 19.5488 13.9309 19.54 13.9309 19.5222L13.922 19.5044C13.922 19.4955 13.9309 19.4866 13.9931 19.4688C14.0287 19.4688 14.0643 19.4599 14.0999 19.451Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.7848 17.5738C14.847 17.556 14.8648 17.556 14.8648 17.5649L14.8737 17.5827C14.8737 17.5916 14.8737 17.6094 14.8737 17.6183C14.8737 17.645 14.8648 17.6717 14.8381 17.7072C14.8114 17.7428 14.7759 17.7517 14.7403 17.7428C14.6958 17.7339 14.6691 17.7161 14.6513 17.6984C14.6424 17.6895 14.6335 17.6806 14.6335 17.6717L14.6246 17.6539C14.6246 17.645 14.6335 17.6361 14.6869 17.6094C14.7136 17.6005 14.7492 17.5827 14.7848 17.5738Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.0477 13.6691C16.11 13.6869 16.1189 13.6958 16.1189 13.7047L16.11 13.7225C16.11 13.7314 16.1011 13.7403 16.0922 13.7491C16.0744 13.7669 16.0566 13.7847 16.0121 13.8025C15.9765 13.8114 15.932 13.8025 15.9054 13.7758C15.8787 13.7492 15.8609 13.7225 15.8609 13.6958C15.8609 13.6869 15.852 13.6691 15.8609 13.6602V13.6424C15.8609 13.6335 15.8787 13.6335 15.941 13.6424C15.9766 13.6424 16.0121 13.6513 16.0477 13.6691Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.9447 11.8462C15.007 11.8551 15.0248 11.864 15.0248 11.8729V11.8996C15.0248 11.9174 15.0159 11.9263 15.0159 11.944C15.007 11.9707 14.9892 12.0063 14.9447 12.033C14.9092 12.0597 14.8647 12.0597 14.838 12.033C14.8024 12.0063 14.7846 11.9707 14.7757 11.944C14.7757 11.9263 14.7668 11.9174 14.7668 11.8996V11.8818C14.7668 11.8729 14.7757 11.864 14.8469 11.864C14.8647 11.8462 14.9092 11.8462 14.9447 11.8462Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.5459 10.1022C16.6082 10.1111 16.626 10.12 16.626 10.12V10.1289C16.626 10.1378 16.6171 10.1467 16.6171 10.1556C16.5993 10.1734 16.5815 10.1911 16.5459 10.2C16.5104 10.2089 16.4659 10.2089 16.4392 10.1911C16.4036 10.1733 16.3947 10.1467 16.3769 10.1289C16.3769 10.12 16.368 10.1111 16.368 10.1022V10.0933C16.368 10.0933 16.3858 10.0844 16.4481 10.0933C16.4748 10.0933 16.5104 10.1022 16.5459 10.1022Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.3044 9.2214C14.3666 9.20361 14.3756 9.20361 14.3845 9.20361V9.2125C14.3845 9.22139 14.3845 9.23029 14.3845 9.23918C14.3756 9.25697 14.3667 9.27476 14.34 9.30144C14.3133 9.32813 14.2688 9.33704 14.2332 9.33704C14.1976 9.33704 14.171 9.32815 14.1621 9.31925C14.1532 9.31036 14.1443 9.31034 14.1443 9.30144L14.1354 9.29256C14.1354 9.29256 14.1443 9.28365 14.2066 9.25697C14.2332 9.24807 14.2688 9.23029 14.3044 9.2214Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.565 8.84816C18.6273 8.83037 18.6451 8.83927 18.6451 8.84816L18.654 8.87485C18.6629 8.89264 18.6629 8.91932 18.6718 8.93711C18.6806 8.98158 18.6806 9.02605 18.6628 9.07941C18.654 9.11499 18.6095 9.14168 18.5739 9.12389H18.565C18.5117 9.0972 18.485 9.07052 18.4583 9.03494C18.4494 9.01715 18.4316 8.99937 18.4227 8.98158L18.4049 8.9549C18.4049 8.946 18.4049 8.92822 18.4672 8.89264C18.4939 8.87485 18.5295 8.85706 18.565 8.84816Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.5191 7.69238C16.5813 7.69238 16.5991 7.71018 16.5991 7.71907V7.75464C16.5991 7.78133 16.5991 7.808 16.5991 7.83469C16.5991 7.88806 16.5902 7.94144 16.5636 8.0037C16.5458 8.03928 16.5102 8.04817 16.4746 8.03927C16.4657 8.03927 16.4568 8.03038 16.4568 8.02149C16.4123 7.97701 16.3856 7.92365 16.3678 7.87028C16.359 7.8436 16.3501 7.8169 16.3412 7.79021L16.3323 7.75464C16.3323 7.74575 16.3412 7.72795 16.4034 7.70126C16.439 7.70126 16.4835 7.69238 16.5191 7.69238Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.2678 7.18474C19.33 7.15806 19.3478 7.15804 19.3478 7.16694L19.3656 7.20253C19.3745 7.22032 19.3834 7.247 19.4012 7.26479C19.419 7.30926 19.4278 7.36263 19.4278 7.416C19.4278 7.45158 19.3923 7.47826 19.3567 7.47826C19.3478 7.47826 19.3478 7.47826 19.3389 7.47826C19.2855 7.46047 19.2411 7.43379 19.2055 7.39821C19.1877 7.38042 19.1699 7.36262 19.161 7.34483L19.1432 7.31817C19.1343 7.30927 19.1432 7.29148 19.1877 7.247C19.2055 7.22032 19.2322 7.20253 19.2678 7.18474Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.2067 9.09738C21.2601 9.13296 21.269 9.15073 21.2601 9.16852L21.2423 9.20411C21.2334 9.2308 21.2156 9.24859 21.1978 9.27528C21.1622 9.31975 21.1266 9.36421 21.0733 9.39089C21.0377 9.40868 21.0021 9.39979 20.9843 9.37311C20.9843 9.36421 20.9754 9.35532 20.9754 9.35532C20.9665 9.29306 20.9665 9.2397 20.9754 9.18633C20.9843 9.15964 20.9843 9.13295 21.0021 9.10626L21.0199 9.07069C21.0288 9.0618 21.0466 9.05289 21.1088 9.06179C21.1444 9.05289 21.1711 9.0707 21.2067 9.09738Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.9717 11.499C22.034 11.499 22.0518 11.5079 22.0518 11.5168V11.5524C22.0518 11.5702 22.0518 11.5969 22.0518 11.6235C22.0429 11.668 22.034 11.7125 22.0073 11.7659C21.9895 11.8014 21.945 11.8103 21.9094 11.7925C21.9094 11.7925 21.9006 11.7925 21.9006 11.7837C21.8561 11.7481 21.8383 11.7036 21.8116 11.668C21.8027 11.6502 21.7938 11.6235 21.7938 11.6058L21.7849 11.5791C21.7849 11.5702 21.7938 11.5524 21.8561 11.5346C21.9006 11.5079 21.9361 11.5079 21.9717 11.499Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.4611 13.8023C22.5233 13.7846 22.5411 13.7845 22.5411 13.7934L22.55 13.8201C22.5589 13.8379 22.5589 13.8646 22.5678 13.8824C22.5767 13.9269 22.5767 13.9713 22.5678 14.0247C22.5589 14.0603 22.5145 14.087 22.4789 14.0781H22.47C22.4166 14.0603 22.3899 14.0247 22.3543 13.998C22.3454 13.9802 22.3276 13.9625 22.3187 13.9447L22.301 13.918C22.2921 13.9091 22.3009 13.8913 22.3543 13.8557C22.3899 13.829 22.4255 13.8112 22.4611 13.8023Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.2844 15.4215C24.3378 15.4571 24.3467 15.466 24.3467 15.4749L24.3378 15.5016C24.3289 15.5194 24.32 15.5283 24.3111 15.546C24.2844 15.5727 24.2578 15.5994 24.2133 15.6172C24.1688 15.635 24.1243 15.6172 24.1066 15.5727C24.0888 15.5282 24.0887 15.4838 24.0887 15.4482C24.0887 15.4304 24.0888 15.4126 24.0976 15.3948L24.1066 15.3682C24.1066 15.3593 24.1243 15.3592 24.1866 15.377C24.2133 15.3859 24.2489 15.4037 24.2844 15.4215Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.6033 18.677C22.6656 18.6681 22.6833 18.677 22.6833 18.6859V18.7126C22.6833 18.7304 22.6833 18.7482 22.6833 18.766C22.6745 18.8016 22.6745 18.8371 22.6389 18.8816C22.6122 18.9172 22.5677 18.9261 22.5321 18.9083C22.4876 18.8816 22.4699 18.8549 22.4432 18.8193C22.4343 18.8015 22.4254 18.7838 22.4254 18.7749L22.4165 18.7482C22.4165 18.7393 22.4254 18.7304 22.4876 18.7037C22.5232 18.6859 22.5677 18.677 22.6033 18.677Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.0858 16.8803C13.1481 16.8981 13.1659 16.9069 13.157 16.9158L13.1481 16.9425C13.1481 16.9603 13.1392 16.9781 13.1303 16.9959C13.1125 17.0315 13.0947 17.067 13.0503 17.0937C13.0147 17.1204 12.9702 17.1115 12.9435 17.0848C12.9079 17.0492 12.899 17.0048 12.8901 16.9692C12.8901 16.9514 12.8812 16.9336 12.8812 16.9158V16.8891C12.8812 16.8802 12.8991 16.8714 12.9613 16.8714C13.0147 16.8625 13.0503 16.8714 13.0858 16.8803Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.8077 15.6707C15.8699 15.6618 15.8877 15.6707 15.8877 15.6796V15.6974C15.8877 15.7063 15.8877 15.724 15.8788 15.7329C15.8699 15.7596 15.861 15.7863 15.8254 15.813C15.7898 15.8397 15.7543 15.8486 15.7187 15.8308C15.6742 15.813 15.6564 15.7952 15.6475 15.7774C15.6386 15.7685 15.6298 15.7596 15.6298 15.7418L15.6208 15.7241C15.6208 15.7152 15.6297 15.7152 15.692 15.6974C15.7276 15.6796 15.7721 15.6707 15.8077 15.6707Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.3222 13.936C14.3844 13.936 14.4022 13.9449 14.4022 13.9538V13.9716C14.4022 13.9894 14.4022 13.9983 14.3933 14.0161C14.3844 14.0428 14.3667 14.0784 14.3311 14.1139C14.3044 14.1406 14.251 14.1495 14.2243 14.1228C14.1887 14.0962 14.171 14.0695 14.1532 14.0428C14.1443 14.025 14.1443 14.0161 14.1354 13.9983V13.9805C14.1354 13.9716 14.1443 13.9627 14.2154 13.9538C14.2421 13.9449 14.2866 13.936 14.3222 13.936Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.6996 11.0006C13.7618 10.974 13.7707 10.974 13.7796 10.9829L13.7885 11.0006C13.7974 11.0095 13.7974 11.0273 13.7974 11.0362C13.7974 11.0629 13.7974 11.0985 13.7707 11.1341C13.7529 11.1696 13.7085 11.1874 13.6729 11.1785C13.6284 11.1696 13.6017 11.1608 13.584 11.143C13.5751 11.1341 13.5661 11.1252 13.5572 11.1163L13.5483 11.0985C13.5483 11.0896 13.5573 11.0807 13.6106 11.0451C13.6284 11.0273 13.664 11.0095 13.6996 11.0006Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.2874 25.8342C36.2081 26.052 36.0813 26.2283 35.9456 26.403L35.5385 26.9269L34.7347 27.9688C34.4648 28.3103 34.2023 28.6613 33.9398 29.0123C33.6774 29.3633 33.4148 29.7144 33.1613 30.0671C33.1463 30.0964 33.1092 30.0972 33.0854 30.0765C33.0617 30.0558 33.0572 30.0308 33.0722 30.0016C33.302 29.6281 33.5408 29.2564 33.7869 28.8942C34.0331 28.532 34.2882 28.1715 34.5507 27.8204C34.8132 27.4694 35.0772 27.1107 35.3382 26.7674L35.7364 26.2417C35.8005 26.1497 35.8721 26.0671 35.951 25.994C36.0226 25.9114 36.1105 25.84 36.1984 25.7687C36.2207 25.7489 36.2564 25.7558 36.2787 25.7843C36.2861 25.7938 36.2919 25.811 36.2874 25.8342Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.6545 34.3847C34.631 34.2676 34.6253 34.1539 34.6285 34.042C34.6318 33.93 34.635 33.8181 34.6472 33.7079L34.72 33.0467C34.7597 32.6042 34.8098 32.1556 34.8673 31.7165C34.9263 31.2697 34.9928 30.8324 35.0697 30.389C35.1555 29.9474 35.2502 29.5075 35.3701 29.0806C35.3761 29.0496 35.4074 29.0315 35.4416 29.0462C35.4683 29.0514 35.4905 29.0798 35.4845 29.1108C35.4002 29.5447 35.3234 29.9881 35.2659 30.4271C35.2083 30.8662 35.1597 31.307 35.1111 31.7478L34.9816 33.0814L34.9162 33.7521C34.8919 33.9725 34.8571 34.1989 34.7614 34.4055C34.7465 34.4347 34.7167 34.445 34.6811 34.4381C34.6663 34.4191 34.6604 34.4019 34.6545 34.3847Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.1805 32.2683C29.2835 32.0712 29.4237 31.9216 29.5727 31.7736L30.0257 31.3471C30.3311 31.0607 30.6351 30.782 30.9243 30.4844L31.8005 29.5934C32.0986 29.2975 32.404 29.0111 32.7332 28.7454C32.7556 28.7256 32.7913 28.7325 32.815 28.7532C32.8299 28.7722 32.8327 28.8049 32.8104 28.8247C32.5138 29.1128 32.2247 29.4104 31.9519 29.7192L31.1068 30.6405C30.8161 30.9458 30.5181 31.2417 30.2126 31.5281L29.7596 31.9547C29.6121 32.0949 29.4467 32.2316 29.2606 32.3321C29.2294 32.3502 29.1953 32.3355 29.1819 32.3088C29.1745 32.2993 29.1775 32.2838 29.1805 32.2683Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.3367 29.636C34.3261 29.7385 34.2976 29.8375 34.2692 29.9365C34.2407 30.0355 34.1958 30.1232 34.1584 30.2205C34.0762 30.4055 33.994 30.5906 33.9133 30.7678L33.4379 31.8815L32.9536 32.9934C32.7892 33.3635 32.6158 33.7319 32.4351 34.0907C32.4202 34.12 32.3904 34.1303 32.3563 34.1156C32.331 34.1027 32.3192 34.0682 32.3326 34.0467L33.2151 31.79C33.3617 31.4165 33.5187 31.0369 33.6742 30.6651C33.7564 30.4801 33.8386 30.2951 33.9208 30.11C34.003 29.925 34.1031 29.7434 34.2432 29.5938C34.2655 29.574 34.3027 29.5731 34.3264 29.5938C34.3338 29.6033 34.3397 29.6205 34.3367 29.636Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M32.2955 30.3331C32.255 30.4941 32.1743 30.6232 32.0863 30.7428L31.8119 31.1075C31.6344 31.3545 31.4495 31.5919 31.2646 31.8294C31.0797 32.0668 30.8948 32.3042 30.7099 32.5417C30.516 32.7774 30.3311 33.0148 30.1388 33.2428C30.1164 33.2626 30.0867 33.2729 30.0629 33.2522C30.0392 33.2315 30.0362 33.1988 30.0497 33.1773C30.2108 32.9191 30.3884 32.6722 30.557 32.4236C30.7256 32.1749 30.903 31.928 31.0805 31.681C31.258 31.4341 31.4356 31.1872 31.6116 30.948L31.8771 30.5815C31.9651 30.4619 32.0709 30.3458 32.2079 30.2598C32.2392 30.2418 32.2733 30.2565 32.2867 30.2832C32.3015 30.3021 32.2985 30.3176 32.2955 30.3331Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n   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38.9579 28.9981 39.2229 29.4436C39.4791 29.8873 39.7546 30.3267 40.0302 30.7662C40.3057 31.2056 40.5827 31.6373 40.8701 32.063C41.0139 32.2758 41.1575 32.4886 41.3102 32.7032C41.3828 32.8057 41.4539 32.916 41.5161 33.0246C41.5783 33.1332 41.639 33.2495 41.6892 33.3718C41.7026 33.3985 41.6861 33.4355 41.6563 33.4458C41.6429 33.4673 41.6162 33.4621 41.5999 33.4509Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.2863 29.4061C38.3545 29.4837 38.4123 29.5672 38.4686 29.6586C38.5264 29.7422 38.5633 29.8378 38.6106 29.9274L38.8651 30.4753L39.3829 31.5728C39.5515 31.9433 39.7202 32.3137 39.871 32.6807C40.0292 33.0571 40.1696 33.4301 40.2965 33.8246C40.3098 33.8513 40.2934 33.8883 40.2636 33.8986C40.2339 33.9089 40.2086 33.896 40.1953 33.8693C40.0356 33.5006 39.8759 33.1319 39.6968 32.7674C39.5267 32.4048 39.3476 32.0403 39.1671 31.6837C38.988 31.3192 38.8075 30.9626 38.6284 30.5982L38.3651 30.0485C38.2808 29.8633 38.2068 29.6721 38.1924 29.4602C38.1896 29.4275 38.2134 29.4 38.2417 29.3974C38.2625 29.3854 38.2804 29.3889 38.2863 29.4061Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.5171 30.9371C37.5748 31.0689 37.5864 31.1998 37.5876 31.3368L37.5763 31.7285L37.5611 32.5215L37.5473 33.3068L37.5336 34.092C37.5365 34.1248 37.5052 34.1428 37.477 34.1454C37.4487 34.1479 37.425 34.1272 37.4221 34.0945C37.39 33.831 37.3668 33.5692 37.354 33.3014C37.3398 33.0413 37.327 32.7735 37.3232 32.5075C37.3193 32.2414 37.3155 31.9753 37.3205 31.711L37.323 31.3175C37.3292 31.1901 37.337 31.0549 37.4087 30.9241C37.4236 30.8949 37.4638 30.8785 37.4875 30.8992C37.5023 30.9182 37.5097 30.9277 37.5171 30.9371Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.2918 31.4739C38.3748 31.5704 38.4013 31.672 38.4189 31.7719L38.4688 32.0871L38.5788 32.7115L38.7974 33.968C38.8003 34.0007 38.7854 34.03 38.7483 34.0308C38.72 34.0334 38.6947 34.0204 38.6903 33.9954C38.6179 33.7965 38.5574 33.5837 38.4955 33.3787C38.4335 33.1737 38.3909 32.9644 38.3393 32.7534C38.2967 32.5441 38.2451 32.3331 38.2114 32.1256L38.1527 31.8087C38.1366 31.701 38.1295 31.5951 38.1788 31.4841C38.1937 31.4548 38.225 31.4368 38.2607 31.4437C38.277 31.4549 38.2843 31.4644 38.2918 31.4739Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.9491 25.4255C38.0814 25.4593 38.1882 25.5283 38.2728 25.617L38.5384 25.8696C38.7194 26.0334 38.8884 26.211 39.0679 26.3825C39.237 26.5601 39.4076 26.7299 39.5752 26.9152C39.7428 27.1005 39.9029 27.2764 40.0616 27.4599C40.0853 27.4806 40.0778 27.5194 40.0555 27.5392C40.0331 27.5589 40.0063 27.5537 39.9811 27.5408C39.7986 27.3847 39.6191 27.2132 39.4381 27.0494L38.895 26.558L38.3521 26.0666L38.085 25.8218C37.9989 25.7407 37.9144 25.652 37.8656 25.5219C37.8538 25.4874 37.8703 25.4504 37.9001 25.4401C37.9224 25.4203 37.9313 25.4221 37.9491 25.4255Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.1818 25.1812C38.3854 25.2288 38.5531 25.3177 38.7164 25.4298C38.8797 25.5419 39.0341 25.6523 39.1974 25.7644C39.5136 25.9947 39.8178 26.2387 40.125 26.4672C40.4307 26.7034 40.738 26.932 41.0556 27.1545C41.3629 27.383 41.6805 27.6055 41.9966 27.8357C42.0204 27.8564 42.0232 27.8891 42.0098 27.9106C41.9964 27.9322 41.9577 27.9407 41.9325 27.9278C41.6014 27.7268 41.2718 27.5181 40.9511 27.311C40.6304 27.104 40.3039 26.8798 39.9862 26.6573L39.0556 25.97C38.9013 25.8596 38.7469 25.7493 38.5821 25.6449C38.4262 25.5423 38.2734 25.4241 38.137 25.269C38.1147 25.2406 38.1207 25.2096 38.1431 25.1898C38.1446 25.182 38.1639 25.1778 38.1818 25.1812Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M41.67 26.9442C41.8662 26.9823 42.0445 27.0651 42.2123 27.154L42.7127 27.4361L43.715 27.9926C44.0491 28.1781 44.3832 28.3636 44.7173 28.5491C45.0514 28.7346 45.3958 28.9141 45.7314 29.0918C45.7567 29.1047 45.7685 29.1392 45.7536 29.1685C45.7402 29.19 45.7089 29.208 45.6836 29.1951C45.3227 29.0526 44.9751 28.8886 44.6276 28.7246C44.2801 28.5607 43.934 28.3889 43.5984 28.2112C43.2539 28.0317 42.9183 27.854 42.5842 27.6685L42.0823 27.3941C41.9145 27.3052 41.7513 27.1931 41.6133 27.0457C41.5896 27.025 41.5971 26.9863 41.6194 26.9665C41.6314 26.9527 41.6507 26.9485 41.67 26.9442Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M40.6614 27.8498C40.8753 27.9396 41.0446 28.0689 41.2212 28.2077L41.7331 28.6207C42.0774 28.8967 42.4187 29.1881 42.7376 29.4993L43.6766 30.4294C43.9866 30.7388 44.3086 31.0345 44.6425 31.3165C44.6662 31.3371 44.6691 31.3699 44.6452 31.3974C44.6228 31.4172 44.5931 31.4275 44.5694 31.4068C44.2027 31.1506 43.86 30.867 43.538 30.5713L42.5648 29.6747C42.2428 29.379 41.9075 29.1049 41.5632 28.8289L41.0423 28.4142C40.8746 28.2771 40.7099 28.1245 40.581 27.9306C40.5677 27.9039 40.5752 27.8652 40.5961 27.8532C40.6169 27.8411 40.6451 27.8386 40.6614 27.8498Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M41.5533 29.8319C41.6884 29.8983 41.7818 29.9888 41.8633 30.0931L42.1094 30.3982C42.274 30.599 42.4371 30.8076 42.6032 31.0006C42.7677 31.2014 42.9427 31.3962 43.1296 31.5772C43.3061 31.7643 43.502 31.947 43.7008 32.1143C43.7245 32.135 43.7274 32.1677 43.7035 32.1952C43.6812 32.215 43.6529 32.2176 43.6277 32.2046C43.405 32.0649 43.1973 31.8959 42.991 31.7192C42.7937 31.5441 42.5993 31.3536 42.4243 31.1588C42.2493 30.964 42.0759 30.7615 41.9024 30.559L41.6563 30.2539C41.5748 30.1496 41.5036 30.0393 41.4668 29.8955C41.4639 29.8628 41.4804 29.8258 41.5176 29.8249C41.5265 29.8267 41.5443 29.8301 41.5533 29.8319Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M42.783 28.4542C42.9257 28.4819 43.0415 28.5526 43.1469 28.6293L43.4616 28.8674C43.6723 29.0209 43.8801 29.1898 44.0908 29.3433C44.3001 29.5046 44.5079 29.6736 44.7067 29.8408C44.904 30.0159 45.1029 30.1831 45.2972 30.3736C45.321 30.3943 45.3224 30.4348 45.3 30.4546C45.2777 30.4743 45.2494 30.4769 45.2257 30.4562C45.0149 30.3027 44.8056 30.1415 44.5933 29.9957L43.9506 29.5412C43.7399 29.3877 43.5202 29.2325 43.3094 29.079L42.9948 28.841C42.8894 28.7643 42.796 28.6737 42.7294 28.5402C42.7161 28.5135 42.7235 28.4748 42.7548 28.4567C42.7548 28.4567 42.7741 28.4524 42.783 28.4542Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.6078 25.3321C35.4589 25.4319 35.3026 25.4739 35.139 25.5064L34.6571 25.6058L33.6873 25.7872C33.3615 25.8446 33.0432 25.9114 32.7249 25.9782C32.4065 26.045 32.0867 26.1195 31.7668 26.1941C31.7371 26.2044 31.7044 26.182 31.7 26.157C31.6956 26.132 31.7106 26.1028 31.7314 26.0907C32.041 25.974 32.3638 25.8839 32.6777 25.7921C33.0005 25.7021 33.3204 25.6275 33.6403 25.553C33.9601 25.4784 34.2873 25.4133 34.6057 25.3465L35.0876 25.2472C35.2512 25.2146 35.4133 25.1898 35.5828 25.2228C35.6184 25.2297 35.6407 25.2581 35.6347 25.2891C35.6301 25.3124 35.6182 25.3261 35.6078 25.3321Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.8984 26.3899C27.0234 26.3177 27.1469 26.3015 27.2777 26.2947L27.6613 26.2727L28.4198 26.2271L29.187 26.1832C29.4383 26.1757 29.7 26.1622 29.9513 26.1547C29.9795 26.1522 30.0107 26.1823 30.0062 26.2056C30.0106 26.2306 29.9867 26.2581 29.9585 26.2606C29.7101 26.3008 29.4543 26.3316 29.197 26.37C28.9412 26.4007 28.6943 26.4332 28.44 26.4561C28.1857 26.4791 27.9299 26.5098 27.6771 26.525L27.292 26.5548C27.1611 26.5615 27.0333 26.5528 26.9056 26.4958C26.8714 26.4811 26.8596 26.4467 26.8745 26.4174C26.8775 26.4019 26.8879 26.3959 26.8984 26.3899Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.7582 30.1113C27.946 29.9066 28.1724 29.7415 28.3957 29.5919L29.0852 29.1389C29.5408 28.8415 30.0054 28.5458 30.4536 28.2389C30.9093 27.9415 31.3591 27.6268 31.7999 27.3105C32.2496 26.9958 32.6978 26.6889 33.1698 26.4027C33.2011 26.3846 33.2264 26.3976 33.2486 26.426C33.2619 26.4527 33.2559 26.4837 33.2335 26.5035C32.7838 26.8182 32.3504 27.144 31.9169 27.4699C31.4835 27.7957 31.0397 28.1276 30.59 28.4422C30.1402 28.7569 29.6831 29.0621 29.2274 29.3595L28.5469 29.8142C28.3235 29.9638 28.0838 30.1022 27.8234 30.2043C27.7936 30.2146 27.7595 30.2 27.7462 30.1733C27.7418 30.1483 27.7463 30.125 27.7582 30.1113Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.1113 28.8679C27.2156 28.7595 27.3302 28.6933 27.4612 28.6384L27.8348 28.4778C28.0863 28.3739 28.3378 28.27 28.5893 28.1661C28.8393 28.0699 29.0998 27.9677 29.3498 27.8716C29.6087 27.7771 29.8661 27.6905 30.1235 27.6038C30.1533 27.5935 30.1874 27.6081 30.1903 27.6409C30.1947 27.6658 30.1887 27.6968 30.1589 27.7071C29.9148 27.8205 29.6618 27.9322 29.4177 28.0456L28.6765 28.384C28.4235 28.4957 28.1809 28.6013 27.9279 28.713L27.5543 28.8736C27.4322 28.9303 27.2954 28.968 27.1498 28.9558C27.1126 28.9566 27.0903 28.9281 27.0889 28.8877C27.0963 28.8972 27.0993 28.8817 27.1113 28.8679Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.9265 27.7707C27.0784 27.6555 27.2376 27.598 27.4132 27.5517L27.922 27.4093C28.2642 27.315 28.6033 27.2361 28.944 27.1495L29.9704 26.9147C30.3081 26.8436 30.6562 26.7665 31.0013 26.7049C31.0295 26.7024 31.0637 26.7171 31.0666 26.7498C31.071 26.7748 31.0561 26.804 31.0263 26.8143C30.6915 26.9181 30.3494 27.0125 30.0161 27.1085L29.0089 27.3873L28.0017 27.666L27.5018 27.8101C27.414 27.8332 27.3352 27.8581 27.2504 27.8658C27.1641 27.8812 27.0793 27.8888 26.9797 27.8775C26.9441 27.8706 26.9219 27.8422 26.9279 27.8112C26.9116 27.8 26.9146 27.7845 26.9265 27.7707Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.5915 24.6052C35.5038 24.6284 35.419 24.636 35.3342 24.6437C35.2494 24.6514 35.1677 24.6435 35.0859 24.6357C34.9224 24.62 34.7574 24.6121 34.5939 24.5964C34.2654 24.5728 33.9369 24.5492 33.6069 24.5333L32.6182 24.478C32.2897 24.4544 31.9597 24.4385 31.6222 24.4132C31.5955 24.408 31.5717 24.3873 31.5688 24.3545C31.5749 24.3236 31.5972 24.3038 31.6255 24.3012C31.9615 24.2861 32.2857 24.2847 32.6202 24.2774C32.9532 24.2777 33.2863 24.2781 33.6178 24.2862C33.9493 24.2943 34.2809 24.3024 34.6184 24.3278C34.7834 24.3357 34.9469 24.3514 35.1208 24.3611C35.2843 24.3767 35.4552 24.4019 35.6141 24.489C35.6393 24.502 35.6512 24.5364 35.6363 24.5657C35.6228 24.5872 35.6109 24.601 35.5915 24.6052Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.6117 24.2152C35.5387 24.2573 35.4837 24.2547 35.4332 24.2288L35.2772 24.1744L34.9637 24.0733C34.7557 24.0007 34.5373 23.9342 34.3308 23.8539C34.3056 23.8409 34.2834 23.8125 34.2983 23.7832C34.3117 23.7617 34.3326 23.7497 34.3519 23.7454C34.5808 23.7577 34.8053 23.7933 35.0267 23.8443C35.1411 23.8746 35.2481 23.8954 35.361 23.9334L35.5259 23.9895C35.5779 24.0077 35.6269 24.0413 35.658 24.1197C35.6698 24.1542 35.6518 24.1989 35.6117 24.2152Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.3439 20.851C29.5178 20.8607 29.6635 20.9211 29.806 20.997L30.2248 21.2231L31.0608 21.683C31.3459 21.8348 31.6175 22.0082 31.8818 22.1721C32.1535 22.3454 32.4177 22.5093 32.6924 22.6672C32.7176 22.6801 32.7295 22.7146 32.7146 22.7439C32.7011 22.7654 32.6713 22.7757 32.6446 22.7705C32.346 22.6401 32.0698 22.49 31.7832 22.3459C31.507 22.1958 31.2323 22.0379 30.9442 21.9015C30.6576 21.7574 30.3814 21.6073 30.0963 21.4554L29.6761 21.2371C29.5335 21.1612 29.4014 21.0792 29.2872 20.9525C29.265 20.9241 29.271 20.8931 29.2948 20.8656C29.3157 20.8536 29.3261 20.8475 29.3439 20.851Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.413 21.4982C28.523 21.5035 28.6285 21.5321 28.734 21.5606C28.8395 21.5891 28.9346 21.6237 29.0371 21.6677L29.6298 21.9034L30.8166 22.3671C31.2118 22.5243 31.6084 22.6737 32.005 22.8231L33.1949 23.2712C33.2201 23.2842 33.2423 23.3126 33.2274 23.3419C33.2125 23.3711 33.1916 23.3832 33.1559 23.3762C32.7444 23.2561 32.3432 23.13 31.9332 23.0021C31.5335 22.8682 31.125 22.7325 30.7269 22.5909C30.3288 22.4492 29.9232 22.2981 29.5266 22.1487L28.9324 21.9207C28.7349 21.8422 28.5403 21.7481 28.3726 21.611C28.3489 21.5903 28.346 21.5576 28.3609 21.5283C28.3743 21.5068 28.3952 21.4948 28.413 21.4982Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.6112 22.9592C27.7331 22.9507 27.8432 22.956 27.9621 22.9631C28.0795 22.9778 28.188 22.9909 28.304 23.0134L28.9816 23.145C29.4379 23.2256 29.8926 23.3139 30.3503 23.3867C30.8066 23.4673 31.2644 23.5402 31.7147 23.6035C32.1725 23.6763 32.6333 23.7337 33.0836 23.797C33.1104 23.8022 33.1326 23.8307 33.1266 23.8617C33.1206 23.8926 33.0982 23.9124 33.0715 23.9072C32.6047 23.8809 32.1498 23.8408 31.686 23.7989C31.2237 23.7493 30.763 23.692 30.3037 23.6269C29.8444 23.5618 29.3867 23.489 28.9304 23.4084L28.2423 23.2828C28.0105 23.2378 27.7906 23.179 27.5708 23.072C27.5456 23.059 27.5338 23.0246 27.5487 22.9953C27.5815 22.9695 27.5918 22.9635 27.6112 22.9592Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.3384 23.9349C27.4427 23.8748 27.5453 23.8706 27.6464 23.8741L27.9571 23.8943C28.1577 23.9091 28.3659 23.9335 28.5665 23.9483L29.173 24.0179C29.3722 24.0405 29.5802 24.0648 29.7779 24.0952C29.8046 24.1004 29.8269 24.1288 29.8209 24.1598C29.8164 24.1831 29.794 24.2029 29.7658 24.2054C29.5606 24.2138 29.3568 24.2144 29.1546 24.2073C28.951 24.2079 28.7503 24.1931 28.5392 24.1842C28.3386 24.1694 28.1364 24.1623 27.9268 24.1457L27.6249 24.1273C27.5239 24.1237 27.4258 24.1047 27.3293 24.0296C27.2967 24.0072 27.2953 23.9667 27.3102 23.9375C27.3265 23.9487 27.328 23.941 27.3384 23.9349Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <\/svg><svg class=\"illus\" width=\"30vw\" height=\"30vw\" viewBox=\"0 0 35 57\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: calc(50vh); left: -15vw; transform: rotate(12.8535deg);\"><path d=\"M1.62159 1.01689C1.71054 1.37269 1.79059 1.72849 1.84396 2.09318C1.87954 2.27108 1.88844 2.45783 1.91512 2.63573C1.92402 2.82252 1.94181 3.00044 1.94181 3.18723C1.9596 3.9255 1.85287 4.65488 1.68387 5.36647C1.52376 6.07806 1.32806 6.78074 1.17685 7.49233C1.01674 8.20392 0.901105 8.91551 0.821051 9.636C0.660944 11.077 0.678746 12.5357 0.767695 13.9856C0.847749 15.4354 1.05233 16.8764 1.31917 18.3085C1.58602 19.7405 1.93292 21.1548 2.29761 22.5602C2.67119 23.9656 3.05366 25.371 3.44503 26.7764C4.23667 29.5783 5.08169 32.3712 6.00675 35.1287C6.46929 36.5074 6.95851 37.886 7.45662 39.247C7.96363 40.6168 8.45284 41.9866 8.96874 43.3475C9.48465 44.7084 10.045 46.0515 10.7121 47.3413C11.0413 47.9906 11.4059 48.6132 11.7973 49.227C12.1798 49.8407 12.58 50.4545 13.007 51.0415C13.434 51.6286 13.8787 52.1979 14.3679 52.7316C14.8571 53.2652 15.3819 53.7634 15.9512 54.2081C17.0897 55.0976 18.4062 55.7647 19.8027 56.1383C21.1992 56.5118 22.6668 56.6008 24.0989 56.4051C25.531 56.2183 26.9275 55.738 28.1905 55.0442C28.8221 54.6973 29.4269 54.2881 29.9873 53.8345C30.5477 53.3809 31.0724 52.8739 31.5528 52.3313C32.5223 51.255 33.3495 50.0453 33.9633 48.7378C34.1145 48.4087 34.2479 48.0706 34.3635 47.7326C34.4703 47.3857 34.5681 47.0388 34.6304 46.6831C34.7016 46.3273 34.746 45.9715 34.7727 45.6157C34.7905 45.2599 34.7994 44.8952 34.7816 44.5305C34.7193 43.0806 34.3369 41.6663 33.8299 40.3054C33.3228 38.9445 32.6824 37.637 32.042 36.3295C31.7218 35.6801 31.4016 35.0219 31.0635 34.3815C30.8945 34.0613 30.7167 33.741 30.5388 33.4208C30.3609 33.1095 30.183 32.7893 29.9873 32.478C28.5018 29.9696 26.8118 27.5947 25.1663 25.1842C24.348 23.9745 23.5563 22.7559 22.7202 21.5551C21.893 20.3632 21.0213 19.1891 20.0517 18.1039C19.0822 17.0187 17.9792 16.067 16.8407 15.1597C15.7021 14.2524 14.528 13.3807 13.4162 12.4379C12.8558 11.9664 12.3221 11.4772 11.8062 10.9524C11.2992 10.4276 10.81 9.87617 10.3297 9.33358C9.84934 8.7821 9.36902 8.23951 8.86201 7.7236C8.60406 7.46565 8.3461 7.2077 8.07926 6.96754C7.81241 6.72738 7.53668 6.4872 7.24315 6.28262C6.65609 5.86456 6.00676 5.51768 5.4108 5.09962C5.10838 4.88615 4.81484 4.66379 4.55689 4.40584C4.49463 4.33468 4.43237 4.27239 4.37011 4.20123C4.30785 4.13008 4.25448 4.05893 4.19221 3.98777C4.07658 3.83655 3.99651 3.65865 3.93425 3.48965C3.80972 3.14275 3.72968 2.77806 3.65852 2.42226C3.57847 2.06647 3.5162 1.7018 3.39168 1.37269C3.3561 1.29264 3.32051 1.21257 3.27604 1.14141C3.23156 1.07026 3.1693 1.0258 3.09814 1.0258C3.08035 1.0258 3.06255 1.0258 3.04476 1.0258C3.02697 1.0258 3.0092 1.03467 2.99141 1.04356C2.94693 1.06135 2.89357 1.07913 2.8402 1.07913C2.74236 1.08803 2.6445 1.07917 2.55555 1.07027C2.36876 1.04359 2.19087 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1.69288 3.65851 2.05757 3.73857 2.41336C3.81862 2.76915 3.88979 3.12497 4.01432 3.46298C4.07658 3.63198 4.14773 3.79207 4.25447 3.93439C4.30784 4.00555 4.3701 4.06784 4.42347 4.139C4.48573 4.20126 4.548 4.27239 4.61027 4.33466C4.86822 4.59261 5.15284 4.815 5.44637 5.01958C6.04233 5.42874 6.68278 5.77562 7.28763 6.20258C7.88358 6.62953 8.41727 7.13653 8.93317 7.66132C9.44018 8.18612 9.92938 8.72872 10.4097 9.2802C10.89 9.82279 11.3704 10.3743 11.8774 10.8902C12.3933 11.4061 12.927 11.8953 13.4873 12.3667C14.5992 13.3096 15.7733 14.1724 16.9119 15.0797C17.4811 15.5333 18.0504 15.9958 18.593 16.485C19.1356 16.9743 19.6604 17.4901 20.1496 18.0327C21.128 19.1179 21.9997 20.292 22.8358 21.4928C23.6719 22.6936 24.4636 23.9122 25.2819 25.113C26.9274 27.5147 28.6264 29.8985 30.1118 32.4068C30.2986 32.7181 30.4765 33.0384 30.6633 33.3497C30.8412 33.6699 31.0191 33.9901 31.1881 34.3103C31.535 34.9507 31.8463 35.609 32.1754 36.2672C32.8247 37.5747 33.4652 38.8911 33.9811 40.261C34.497 41.6308 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27.5318 7.54154C27.6081 7.51486 27.6929 7.49705 27.7692 7.47926C27.854 7.47037 27.9473 7.47042 28.032 7.48821C28.1168 7.506 28.1931 7.53263 28.2694 7.56821C28.3033 7.586 28.3373 7.60384 28.3712 7.62163C28.3966 7.64832 28.422 7.66609 28.4644 7.69277Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.1084 17.2459C17.9815 17.2726 17.8547 17.2814 17.737 17.3081C17.6192 17.3348 17.4924 17.3526 17.3746 17.3882C17.13 17.4415 16.8854 17.5305 16.6318 17.5927C16.5049 17.6283 16.3691 17.655 16.2422 17.6728C16.206 17.6817 16.1788 17.6817 16.1425 17.6817C16.1063 17.6817 16.0792 17.6906 16.0339 17.6906C15.9433 17.6906 15.8708 17.6728 15.7983 17.6462C15.6534 17.5839 15.5266 17.4949 15.436 17.3437C15.4178 17.3081 15.3997 17.2636 15.3907 17.2191C15.3816 17.1924 15.3816 17.1747 15.3816 17.148V17.1125V17.0857C15.3907 17.0057 15.4179 16.9256 15.4541 16.8545C15.5356 16.7122 15.6625 16.6232 15.7893 16.561C15.9161 16.4987 16.052 16.4631 16.1878 16.4364C16.4596 16.3919 16.7224 16.3919 16.9941 16.4186C17.13 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12.9498C23.8436 12.9676 23.869 12.9944 23.886 13.021Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.9709 14.3105C23.9963 14.3728 23.9964 14.3905 23.9794 14.4083L23.937 14.4439C23.9031 14.4706 23.8691 14.4883 23.8437 14.5061C23.7759 14.5417 23.6996 14.5773 23.6233 14.5951C23.5894 14.604 23.5555 14.5773 23.5555 14.5417C23.5555 14.5239 23.5555 14.515 23.564 14.5061C23.6063 14.435 23.6487 14.3816 23.6996 14.3194C23.725 14.2927 23.7505 14.266 23.7759 14.2393L23.8183 14.2037C23.8353 14.1949 23.8522 14.186 23.9115 14.2216C23.9285 14.2482 23.9539 14.2749 23.9709 14.3105Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.6991 14.1773C20.7172 14.2396 20.7172 14.2573 20.7081 14.2573L20.69 14.2663C20.6719 14.2752 20.6628 14.2751 20.6447 14.2751C20.6085 14.2751 20.5813 14.2662 20.5451 14.2395C20.5089 14.2217 20.4998 14.1773 20.5088 14.1417V14.1329C20.527 14.0884 20.5451 14.0617 20.5632 14.0439C20.5723 14.035 20.5813 14.0261 20.5994 14.0172L20.6176 14.0083C20.6266 14.0083 20.6357 14.0172 20.6629 14.0706C20.6719 14.1151 20.6901 14.1507 20.6991 14.1773Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.6396 14.2573C22.6566 14.3195 22.6481 14.3373 22.6396 14.3462L22.6058 14.364C22.5803 14.3729 22.5549 14.3818 22.5294 14.3818C22.4786 14.3907 22.4192 14.3907 22.3599 14.3729C22.326 14.364 22.309 14.3195 22.3175 14.2839C22.3175 14.275 22.326 14.2751 22.326 14.2662C22.3599 14.2217 22.3938 14.1861 22.4362 14.1594C22.4532 14.1506 22.4701 14.1327 22.4956 14.1238L22.5294 14.106C22.5379 14.0971 22.5548 14.1061 22.5972 14.1594C22.6142 14.1861 22.6311 14.2217 22.6396 14.2573Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.0125 13.697C21.9956 13.7593 21.9786 13.7771 21.9616 13.7771H21.9023C21.8599 13.7771 21.826 13.7771 21.7836 13.7771C21.7073 13.7682 21.631 13.7593 21.5547 13.7237C21.5208 13.7148 21.5123 13.6793 21.5208 13.6437C21.5293 13.6348 21.5377 13.6169 21.5462 13.6169C21.6225 13.5724 21.6988 13.5547 21.7666 13.5369C21.8005 13.528 21.8429 13.5191 21.8768 13.5191L21.9362 13.5103C21.9531 13.5103 21.9786 13.5191 21.9955 13.5814C22.021 13.6259 22.021 13.6614 22.0125 13.697Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.8853 15.44C21.8429 15.5023 21.809 15.5112 21.7751 15.5023L21.6734 15.4845C21.6055 15.4756 21.5377 15.4578 21.4699 15.44C21.3342 15.4044 21.1986 15.3422 21.0883 15.2444C21.0629 15.2266 21.0629 15.191 21.0799 15.1643C21.0969 15.1465 21.1138 15.1465 21.1307 15.1465C21.2579 15.1732 21.3766 15.1821 21.5038 15.1999C21.5631 15.2088 21.631 15.2087 21.6988 15.2176L21.8005 15.2266C21.8344 15.2355 21.8684 15.2533 21.8853 15.3155C21.9107 15.3689 21.9023 15.4044 21.8853 15.44Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.9528 14.2038C20.9104 14.2572 20.8934 14.2572 20.885 14.2572L20.8595 14.2393C20.8425 14.2304 20.8256 14.2127 20.8086 14.1949C20.7832 14.1593 20.7493 14.1237 20.7408 14.0614C20.7323 14.0259 20.7578 13.9814 20.8002 13.9814H20.8086H20.8171C20.8679 13.9814 20.9103 13.9904 20.9442 13.9993C20.9612 14.0081 20.9782 14.0081 20.9952 14.0259L21.0206 14.0437C21.029 14.0526 21.029 14.0615 21.0036 14.1237C20.9951 14.1415 20.9697 14.1771 20.9528 14.2038Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.3167 14.613C20.2574 14.6397 20.2319 14.6308 20.215 14.613L20.181 14.5597C20.1556 14.5241 20.1387 14.4885 20.1217 14.4529C20.0878 14.3818 20.0539 14.3017 20.0454 14.2127C20.0454 14.1772 20.0623 14.1505 20.0962 14.1416C20.1132 14.1416 20.1217 14.1416 20.1386 14.1505C20.2149 14.1949 20.2659 14.2573 20.3167 14.3106C20.3422 14.3373 20.3675 14.364 20.393 14.3996L20.4269 14.4441C20.4354 14.4619 20.4354 14.4796 20.4015 14.533C20.3846 14.5775 20.3506 14.5952 20.3167 14.613Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.2997 13.3586C20.2489 13.4031 20.2319 13.403 20.2234 13.3941L20.2065 13.3764C20.1896 13.3675 20.181 13.3497 20.1726 13.3319C20.1556 13.2964 20.1386 13.2607 20.1386 13.2074C20.1386 13.1629 20.1726 13.1362 20.215 13.1362H20.2234C20.2743 13.1362 20.3082 13.1451 20.3421 13.1629C20.3591 13.1718 20.376 13.1807 20.3845 13.1896L20.4015 13.2074C20.41 13.2163 20.4015 13.2251 20.3675 13.2785C20.3591 13.3141 20.3336 13.3408 20.2997 13.3586Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.9882 7.65704C25.0391 7.70151 25.0476 7.71933 25.0391 7.73712L25.0136 7.79046C24.9967 7.82604 24.9797 7.86163 24.9712 7.89721C24.9373 7.96837 24.8949 8.03062 24.8441 8.10178C24.8186 8.12846 24.7847 8.12851 24.7593 8.11072C24.7508 8.10183 24.7424 8.08401 24.7424 8.07511C24.7254 7.98616 24.7339 7.90613 24.7508 7.82607C24.7593 7.79049 24.7678 7.74604 24.7848 7.71046L24.8017 7.64818C24.8102 7.63039 24.8272 7.61261 24.895 7.62151C24.9204 7.62151 24.9628 7.63925 24.9882 7.65704Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.869 7.72826C23.9283 7.74605 23.9453 7.76384 23.9453 7.77273L23.9369 7.80826C23.9369 7.83494 23.9284 7.85271 23.9199 7.8794C23.9029 7.92387 23.886 7.96835 23.8521 8.01282C23.8267 8.03951 23.7842 8.04842 23.7588 8.03063C23.7503 8.03063 23.7503 8.02172 23.7418 8.01282C23.6994 7.95945 23.691 7.9061 23.6825 7.85273C23.6825 7.82605 23.674 7.79942 23.6825 7.77273V7.73712C23.6825 7.72822 23.6995 7.71045 23.7673 7.71045C23.8012 7.71045 23.8351 7.71936 23.869 7.72826Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.5897 6.14496C24.6151 6.20722 24.6066 6.23396 24.5897 6.24286L24.5388 6.28733C24.5049 6.31402 24.471 6.34065 24.4456 6.36733C24.3778 6.4207 24.3184 6.47409 24.2421 6.51856C24.2167 6.53635 24.1743 6.52744 24.1573 6.50075C24.1488 6.49186 24.1489 6.47407 24.1489 6.45628C24.1658 6.35844 24.2166 6.26949 24.2675 6.18943C24.2929 6.15386 24.3269 6.11835 24.3608 6.08277L24.4117 6.03829C24.4286 6.0205 24.4541 6.02047 24.5134 6.04715C24.5473 6.08273 24.5727 6.10938 24.5897 6.14496Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.3618 6.28719C26.3533 6.35835 26.3364 6.37614 26.311 6.37614L26.2431 6.39395C26.2007 6.40284 26.1499 6.41172 26.1075 6.42061C26.0142 6.4384 25.9294 6.45616 25.8362 6.47395C25.8022 6.48284 25.7768 6.45616 25.7684 6.42947C25.7684 6.41168 25.7683 6.39389 25.7768 6.385C25.8446 6.29605 25.9379 6.23377 26.0311 6.1893C26.082 6.17151 26.1244 6.15375 26.1753 6.13596L26.2516 6.11815C26.2771 6.10926 26.3025 6.11817 26.3448 6.18044C26.3533 6.21601 26.3618 6.25161 26.3618 6.28719Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.9465 5.62051C26.9211 5.68277 26.9041 5.69165 26.8872 5.69165L26.8363 5.68279C26.8023 5.6739 26.7685 5.66493 26.743 5.65604C26.6837 5.63825 26.6328 5.61163 26.5819 5.59384L26.565 5.58489C26.5311 5.576 26.5226 5.54047 26.5311 5.50489C26.5311 5.496 26.5396 5.48709 26.548 5.48709C26.582 5.4604 26.6243 5.44256 26.6667 5.43366C26.7091 5.42477 26.7431 5.4248 26.777 5.4248C26.8109 5.4248 26.8447 5.42477 26.8786 5.43366L26.921 5.44261C26.938 5.44261 26.9465 5.46035 26.955 5.52261V5.54042C26.9635 5.55821 26.955 5.59382 26.9465 5.62051Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.9643 6.24285C28.905 6.28733 28.871 6.27842 28.8456 6.26952L28.7608 6.22505C28.7014 6.19836 28.6506 6.16278 28.5912 6.1361C28.481 6.07383 28.3623 6.01154 28.2521 5.92259C28.2267 5.9048 28.2182 5.86927 28.2437 5.84259C28.2521 5.8248 28.2775 5.81592 28.2945 5.81592C28.4301 5.83371 28.5574 5.86929 28.6845 5.90487C28.7439 5.93155 28.8116 5.94932 28.871 5.97601L28.9643 6.02048C28.9982 6.03827 29.0151 6.06494 29.0151 6.1361C29.0151 6.18947 28.9897 6.22506 28.9643 6.24285Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.4811 6.75894C28.4472 6.81231 28.4303 6.82117 28.4133 6.81227L28.3794 6.79455C28.3539 6.78566 28.337 6.76783 28.32 6.75894C28.2861 6.72336 28.2438 6.69669 28.2183 6.64332C28.2014 6.60774 28.2183 6.56327 28.2522 6.55437C28.2607 6.55437 28.2607 6.55432 28.2692 6.54543H28.2776C28.337 6.52764 28.3879 6.53653 28.4303 6.54543C28.4557 6.55432 28.4727 6.55434 28.4981 6.56323L28.532 6.57218C28.5404 6.58108 28.5489 6.58997 28.532 6.66113C28.5235 6.69671 28.5066 6.73225 28.4811 6.75894Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.8376 6.6792C29.9054 6.6792 29.9308 6.69699 29.9478 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4.73995C33.5765 4.74884 33.568 4.74886 33.551 4.75776C33.5256 4.76665 33.5002 4.76669 33.4578 4.7489C33.4154 4.74 33.39 4.70439 33.39 4.66881C33.3815 4.62433 33.3899 4.59768 33.3984 4.571C33.4069 4.5621 33.4069 4.54428 33.4238 4.53539L33.4324 4.51758C33.4408 4.51758 33.4493 4.51763 33.4916 4.571C33.5256 4.59768 33.5425 4.62437 33.568 4.65995Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M32.3727 5.45138C32.3811 5.52254 32.3726 5.54038 32.3557 5.54928L32.2963 5.57594C32.2539 5.59373 32.22 5.60263 32.1776 5.62042C32.0928 5.63821 32.0081 5.65601 31.9148 5.63822C31.8809 5.62933 31.8555 5.60258 31.864 5.567C31.864 5.54921 31.8724 5.54036 31.8809 5.53147C31.9487 5.4781 32.0166 5.43357 32.0759 5.3891C32.1098 5.37131 32.1437 5.35355 32.1776 5.33576L32.2285 5.3091C32.2455 5.3002 32.2709 5.3002 32.3133 5.35357C32.3557 5.38026 32.3642 5.4158 32.3727 5.45138Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M31.0925 5.21117C31.0925 5.27344 31.084 5.29126 31.0756 5.29126H31.0417C31.0247 5.29126 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d=\"M31.2959 4.0372C31.3129 4.09946 31.3044 4.11725 31.2874 4.12615L31.245 4.14387C31.2196 4.15276 31.1857 4.16173 31.1603 4.17062C31.1009 4.17952 31.0416 4.18838 30.9738 4.17948C30.9399 4.17059 30.9144 4.13497 30.9229 4.09939C30.9229 4.0905 30.9314 4.08162 30.9314 4.07273V4.06387C30.9738 4.0105 31.0162 3.97488 31.0586 3.9393C31.084 3.92151 31.101 3.91262 31.1264 3.89483L31.1603 3.87702C31.1687 3.86813 31.1942 3.87707 31.2281 3.93044C31.2705 3.96602 31.2875 4.00162 31.2959 4.0372Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.8968 4.42864C28.9052 4.4998 28.8798 4.51764 28.8628 4.52654C28.8374 4.53543 28.8119 4.54426 28.7865 4.54426C28.7356 4.55315 28.6848 4.55315 28.6339 4.54426C28.5406 4.52647 28.4644 4.49984 28.3881 4.46426C28.3626 4.44647 28.3456 4.41085 28.3626 4.38417C28.371 4.36638 28.3796 4.3575 28.3965 4.3575C28.4813 4.32192 28.5661 4.32196 28.6424 4.30417C28.6763 4.30417 28.7102 4.29525 28.7356 4.28636C28.7526 4.28636 28.7611 4.27741 28.778 4.27741C28.795 4.26852 28.8035 4.27746 28.8544 4.33083L28.8628 4.33969C28.8798 4.36638 28.8883 4.40196 28.8968 4.42864Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.126 4.08163C30.1175 4.15279 30.1005 4.17058 30.0751 4.17058C30.0496 4.17058 30.0242 4.17944 29.9988 4.17944C29.9479 4.18834 29.8971 4.17944 29.8547 4.17944C29.7614 4.17055 29.6597 4.14386 29.5749 4.09049C29.5495 4.0727 29.541 4.03709 29.5579 4.01041C29.5664 3.99262 29.5833 3.98374 29.5918 3.98374C29.6851 3.96595 29.7614 3.95705 29.8461 3.93926C29.8885 3.93926 29.9225 3.92146 29.9649 3.92146C29.9818 3.92146 30.0073 3.9126 30.0242 3.9126C30.0412 3.9126 30.0666 3.92151 30.1005 3.97488V3.98374C30.1259 4.01042 30.1345 4.04606 30.126 4.08163Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.0743 3.73464C28.0489 3.7969 28.0149 3.81473 27.981 3.81473C27.9471 3.81473 27.9217 3.80578 27.8878 3.80578C27.8284 3.79689 27.7691 3.7791 27.7098 3.76131C27.5996 3.72573 27.4978 3.67234 27.3961 3.61008C27.3706 3.59229 27.3621 3.55676 27.3791 3.53007C27.3876 3.51228 27.4045 3.50341 27.4215 3.50341C27.5402 3.49451 27.6589 3.51223 27.7606 3.52113C27.8115 3.53002 27.8623 3.53004 27.9132 3.53893C27.9386 3.53893 27.9641 3.53899 27.9895 3.54788C28.015 3.54788 28.0403 3.56562 28.0658 3.62788V3.63683C28.0912 3.66351 28.0828 3.70795 28.0743 3.73464Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.8535 4.15266C26.8451 4.21493 26.8281 4.23267 26.8111 4.23267H26.7603C26.7264 4.23267 26.7009 4.22384 26.667 4.21495C26.6077 4.19716 26.5483 4.17933 26.4974 4.13486C26.472 4.10817 26.4636 4.07259 26.489 4.04591C26.4975 4.03701 26.5059 4.0281 26.5144 4.0281C26.5738 3.99252 26.6332 3.98366 26.6925 3.97477C26.7179 3.97477 26.7434 3.96582 26.7773 3.96582H26.8197C26.8366 3.96582 26.8451 3.97475 26.8621 4.04591V4.05477C26.8621 4.08145 26.862 4.11708 26.8535 4.15266Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.2701 10.8415C8.30401 10.8948 8.30408 10.9126 8.2956 10.9215L8.2701 10.9393C8.25314 10.9482 8.23619 10.957 8.22771 10.9659C8.1938 10.9748 8.15988 10.9837 8.10054 10.9837C8.05815 10.9748 8.02425 10.9392 8.03273 10.9037C8.03273 10.8503 8.04969 10.8147 8.07512 10.788C8.0836 10.7702 8.10059 10.7614 8.10907 10.7436L8.12604 10.7258C8.13452 10.7169 8.15146 10.7258 8.19385 10.7702C8.22776 10.7791 8.25314 10.8059 8.2701 10.8415Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.00775 11.233C9.03319 11.2953 9.03324 11.322 9.01628 11.3309L8.96536 11.3754C8.93145 11.4021 8.89752 11.4287 8.86361 11.4554C8.78731 11.4999 8.71105 11.5444 8.61779 11.5621C8.58388 11.571 8.54999 11.5444 8.54999 11.5177C8.54999 11.4999 8.54995 11.491 8.55843 11.4732C8.60082 11.3931 8.65167 11.3309 8.71102 11.2686C8.73645 11.242 8.76189 11.2064 8.7958 11.1797L8.83819 11.1352C8.85515 11.1174 8.8806 11.1174 8.93994 11.153C8.96538 11.1708 8.9908 11.1974 9.00775 11.233Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.97363 12.4869C7.97363 12.5492 7.96517 12.567 7.94822 12.5759L7.90582 12.5847C7.88039 12.5936 7.84651 12.5936 7.8126 12.5936C7.75325 12.5936 7.67697 12.5847 7.61762 12.5491C7.59219 12.5313 7.57521 12.4957 7.60065 12.4602C7.60912 12.4513 7.60914 12.4424 7.61762 12.4424L7.62606 12.4335C7.67693 12.3979 7.71934 12.3802 7.77021 12.3535C7.79564 12.3446 7.82103 12.3356 7.84646 12.3267L7.88885 12.3179C7.90581 12.3179 7.92278 12.3267 7.94822 12.389C7.96517 12.4157 7.97363 12.4424 7.97363 12.4869Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.42226 11.6508C7.43074 11.7131 7.4223 11.7309 7.41382 11.7398L7.37143 11.7486C7.34599 11.7575 7.32053 11.7575 7.29509 11.7664C7.24422 11.7664 7.18488 11.7664 7.12553 11.7398C7.09162 11.722 7.07471 11.6864 7.09167 11.6508C7.09167 11.6419 7.10011 11.6419 7.10011 11.633C7.1425 11.5885 7.18493 11.5619 7.21884 11.5352C7.24427 11.5263 7.26125 11.5085 7.2782 11.5085L7.31206 11.4907C7.32054 11.4907 7.33751 11.4907 7.37143 11.553C7.40534 11.5886 7.42226 11.6241 7.42226 11.6508Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.09143 12.4074C6.066 12.4697 6.0405 12.4785 6.02354 12.4785L5.96426 12.4697C5.92187 12.4608 5.88793 12.4519 5.84554 12.4341C5.76923 12.4074 5.69293 12.3629 5.63358 12.3007C5.60815 12.274 5.60815 12.2384 5.63358 12.2117C5.64206 12.2028 5.65905 12.1939 5.66753 12.1939C5.75231 12.185 5.82007 12.1939 5.89637 12.1939C5.93028 12.2028 5.97274 12.2028 6.00665 12.2028L6.05749 12.2117C6.07444 12.2117 6.0914 12.2295 6.09988 12.3007C6.11683 12.3362 6.10839 12.3718 6.09143 12.4074Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.32852 11.4018C5.29461 11.4551 5.27764 11.464 5.26916 11.464L5.24374 11.4551C5.22678 11.4462 5.21831 11.4374 5.20135 11.4196C5.17592 11.3929 5.15894 11.3661 5.14199 11.3217C5.13351 11.2861 5.15891 11.2417 5.19282 11.2239H5.20135C5.24374 11.2061 5.27764 11.2061 5.31155 11.2061C5.3285 11.2061 5.34546 11.2149 5.35394 11.2149L5.37091 11.2239C5.37939 11.2239 5.37937 11.2416 5.35394 11.3039C5.36242 11.3394 5.34548 11.3751 5.32852 11.4018Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.68432 12.0337C4.6165 12.0604 4.59108 12.0515 4.57412 12.0337L4.52329 11.9714C4.48938 11.9358 4.4554 11.8914 4.41301 11.8469C4.34518 11.758 4.28589 11.6691 4.25197 11.5534C4.2435 11.5267 4.2604 11.4911 4.28584 11.4822C4.30279 11.4733 4.3198 11.4822 4.33675 11.4911C4.43001 11.5534 4.50632 11.6156 4.5911 11.6779C4.63349 11.7135 4.66735 11.7491 4.70974 11.7846L4.7691 11.838C4.78606 11.8558 4.79454 11.8825 4.7691 11.9537C4.74367 11.9982 4.71824 12.0248 4.68432 12.0337Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.52317 10.886C4.45534 10.8949 4.44683 10.8949 4.44683 10.8949V10.886L4.45527 10.8771C4.46375 10.8682 4.48073 10.8593 4.51464 10.8415C4.54855 10.8326 4.59092 10.8237 4.62484 10.8237C4.65875 10.8237 4.67577 10.8326 4.69273 10.8326L4.70117 10.8415V10.8504C4.70117 10.8504 4.69266 10.8593 4.62484 10.8682C4.5994 10.8771 4.55708 10.8771 4.52317 10.886Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.05025 12.4071C9.09265 12.4605 9.09268 12.4871 9.0842 12.496L9.05025 12.5405C9.02482 12.5672 8.99939 12.5939 8.96547 12.6206C8.90613 12.6651 8.8468 12.7095 8.77049 12.7362C8.73658 12.7451 8.70264 12.7362 8.69416 12.7006C8.68568 12.6917 8.68568 12.674 8.69416 12.6651C8.71112 12.585 8.75356 12.5227 8.78747 12.4604C8.80442 12.4337 8.8214 12.4071 8.84683 12.3804L8.87225 12.3448C8.88073 12.3359 8.89765 12.3271 8.96547 12.3538H8.974C8.99944 12.3626 9.02482 12.3804 9.05025 12.4071Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.62673 6.51895C9.56738 6.53674 9.54198 6.53674 9.5335 6.51895L9.50808 6.47448C9.49113 6.44779 9.48262 6.41221 9.47414 6.38553C9.45718 6.32327 9.44869 6.26098 9.45717 6.18983C9.46564 6.15425 9.49959 6.1276 9.5335 6.13649C9.54198 6.13649 9.55044 6.14535 9.55892 6.14535C9.61827 6.18093 9.65218 6.22544 9.68609 6.26991C9.70305 6.2966 9.72005 6.31437 9.73701 6.34106L9.76243 6.37667C9.7709 6.38556 9.76243 6.4033 9.72004 6.45667C9.6946 6.49225 9.66064 6.51006 9.62673 6.51895Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.3644 5.48679C10.339 5.54905 10.3221 5.55797 10.3136 5.54907L10.2882 5.54013C10.2712 5.53123 10.2542 5.52235 10.2372 5.51346C10.2033 5.49567 10.1779 5.4779 10.144 5.44232L10.1355 5.43337C10.11 5.40668 10.11 5.36225 10.1355 5.33556C10.1864 5.29109 10.2373 5.28223 10.2882 5.28223C10.3136 5.28223 10.339 5.28219 10.356 5.29109L10.3898 5.29995C10.3983 5.29995 10.4068 5.31777 10.3984 5.38004C10.3899 5.42451 10.3814 5.46011 10.3644 5.48679Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.1363 5.94098C12.0854 5.98546 12.06 5.98544 12.043 5.96765L11.9922 5.93212C11.9583 5.90544 11.9329 5.87872 11.8989 5.85204C11.8396 5.79867 11.7887 5.7453 11.7294 5.67414C11.7124 5.64745 11.7124 5.61187 11.7378 5.58519C11.7463 5.5763 11.7633 5.56738 11.7802 5.56738C11.8735 5.56738 11.9583 5.603 12.0346 5.64747C12.0685 5.66526 12.1109 5.69196 12.1448 5.70975L12.1957 5.74528C12.2126 5.75417 12.2211 5.78091 12.2041 5.84318C12.1872 5.88765 12.1702 5.92319 12.1363 5.94098Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.4329 6.61617C11.382 6.66064 11.3566 6.66059 11.3481 6.65169L11.3057 6.61617C11.2803 6.59838 11.2548 6.57167 11.2209 6.55388C11.17 6.50941 11.1192 6.45606 11.0768 6.39379C11.0598 6.36711 11.0683 6.32264 11.0937 6.30485C11.1022 6.29595 11.1191 6.2959 11.1276 6.2959C11.2124 6.2959 11.2803 6.32264 11.3481 6.34932C11.382 6.36711 11.4159 6.38486 11.4413 6.40265L11.4837 6.42932C11.5007 6.43822 11.5091 6.45606 11.4837 6.52722C11.4837 6.5539 11.4583 6.58948 11.4329 6.61617Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.7714 6.97238C10.7205 7.01686 10.6951 7.01684 10.6866 6.99905L10.6527 6.97238C10.6273 6.95459 10.6103 6.92789 10.5934 6.9101C10.5595 6.86563 10.5255 6.81227 10.5086 6.75001C10.5001 6.71443 10.5171 6.67882 10.551 6.66992C10.5595 6.66992 10.5679 6.66992 10.5764 6.66992H10.5849C10.6528 6.67882 10.7036 6.70552 10.7545 6.7322C10.7799 6.74999 10.8053 6.75889 10.8223 6.77668L10.8562 6.80334C10.8646 6.81224 10.8732 6.83003 10.8393 6.89229C10.8223 6.92787 10.7968 6.95459 10.7714 6.97238Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n    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6.56323 13.3145 6.54544Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.4085 7.87988C14.4764 7.88878 14.5018 7.91548 14.5018 7.94216L14.5187 8.02225C14.5357 8.07562 14.5357 8.12894 14.5441 8.1912C14.5526 8.30684 14.5527 8.4225 14.5103 8.53814C14.5018 8.56482 14.4679 8.58265 14.4339 8.57375C14.417 8.56486 14.4001 8.55593 14.4001 8.53814C14.3662 8.4314 14.3407 8.34247 14.3068 8.24462C14.2898 8.19125 14.2729 8.14676 14.2644 8.09339L14.239 8.02225C14.2305 7.99557 14.2389 7.96883 14.2898 7.92436C14.3322 7.88878 14.3661 7.87988 14.4085 7.87988Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.4674 7.78174C13.5352 7.78174 13.5521 7.79953 13.5606 7.82621L13.5776 7.89735C13.5945 7.94183 13.5945 7.99525 13.603 8.03972C13.6115 8.13757 13.6114 8.24429 13.5691 8.33324C13.5606 8.35992 13.5267 8.37766 13.4928 8.36876C13.4758 8.35987 13.4673 8.35103 13.4589 8.33324C13.4249 8.24429 13.3911 8.17311 13.3656 8.09306C13.3487 8.04858 13.3317 8.01297 13.3232 7.9685L13.3063 7.9063C13.2978 7.88851 13.3062 7.86183 13.3571 7.81735C13.3995 7.79067 13.4335 7.78174 13.4674 7.78174Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.198 18.6069C13.1437 18.4112 13.0712 18.1977 13.0531 17.9931C13.0169 17.7886 13.0168 17.5751 13.0168 17.3616C13.035 16.9347 13.1528 16.5166 13.3612 16.143C13.5695 15.7695 13.8775 15.4492 14.2218 15.2091C14.566 14.9689 14.9646 14.791 15.3631 14.6754C15.7708 14.5598 16.1875 14.5063 16.6042 14.5063C17.021 14.5063 17.4377 14.542 17.8453 14.6487C18.6516 14.8444 19.4306 15.2536 20.0014 15.894C20.2822 16.2142 20.4996 16.5789 20.6355 16.988C20.6717 17.0948 20.6899 17.2015 20.6989 17.3172C20.708 17.4328 20.6898 17.5573 20.6445 17.664C20.5992 17.7797 20.5087 17.8775 20.409 17.9398C20.3637 17.9754 20.3093 18.0021 20.255 18.0288C20.2006 18.0466 20.1463 18.0643 20.101 18.0821C19.8836 18.1444 19.6661 18.1533 19.4487 18.1266C19.2403 18.0999 19.032 18.0555 18.8327 18.0021C18.4341 17.8954 18.0537 17.753 17.6642 17.7441C17.4739 17.7352 17.2837 17.7797 17.1025 17.8509C16.9213 17.922 16.7401 18.0109 16.5589 18.1088C16.2056 18.3044 15.8614 18.5269 15.499 18.7225C15.3179 18.8204 15.1367 18.9093 14.9374 18.9894C14.7471 19.0605 14.5388 19.1228 14.3214 19.1406C14.113 19.1584 13.8865 19.1317 13.6963 19.0339C13.651 19.0072 13.5966 18.9805 13.5604 18.9538C13.5151 18.9182 13.4698 18.8915 13.4336 18.856C13.3974 18.8204 13.3521 18.7848 13.3159 18.7492L13.198 18.6069ZM13.2977 18.5625C13.334 18.598 13.3611 18.6247 13.3883 18.6603C13.4245 18.6958 13.4608 18.7226 13.497 18.7582C13.5333 18.7937 13.5785 18.8115 13.6148 18.8471C13.651 18.8738 13.6963 18.8916 13.7416 18.9182C13.9137 18.9983 14.113 19.025 14.3032 19.0072C14.6928 18.9716 15.0642 18.7848 15.4084 18.5891C15.7617 18.3934 16.0969 18.1622 16.4592 17.9576C16.6404 17.8598 16.8216 17.7619 17.0209 17.6818C17.2112 17.6018 17.4376 17.5485 17.655 17.5574C18.0899 17.5662 18.4885 17.6997 18.878 17.8064C19.2675 17.9131 19.6662 17.9843 20.0285 17.8775C20.2097 17.8242 20.3637 17.7263 20.4271 17.584C20.4906 17.4328 20.4634 17.246 20.409 17.0592C20.2912 16.6945 20.0738 16.3476 19.8111 16.0541C19.2856 15.467 18.5519 15.0845 17.7819 14.8978C17.0119 14.711 16.1875 14.7199 15.4266 14.9334C15.0461 15.0401 14.6837 15.2002 14.3667 15.4314C14.0496 15.6538 13.7779 15.9473 13.5876 16.2853L13.5242 16.4099C13.5061 16.4544 13.4789 16.4988 13.4608 16.5433C13.4245 16.6323 13.3883 16.7212 13.3612 16.819C13.343 16.9169 13.3067 17.0058 13.2886 17.1037C13.2796 17.2015 13.2614 17.2993 13.2433 17.3972C13.2343 17.5929 13.2162 17.7886 13.2343 17.9931L13.2433 18.1444C13.2433 18.1977 13.2524 18.2422 13.2615 18.2867C13.2705 18.3578 13.2887 18.4557 13.2977 18.5625Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M25.2679 4.83769L25.4291 4.78427L25.5138 4.75761L25.5986 4.7398L25.7682 4.69532C25.8275 4.67753 25.8784 4.67755 25.9377 4.66866L26.1073 4.64199L26.2769 4.62418C26.3871 4.60639 26.5058 4.60638 26.616 4.60638C27.0738 4.58859 27.5316 4.63309 27.9725 4.73094C28.4218 4.82878 28.8542 4.96219 29.2781 5.15787C29.6936 5.35356 30.092 5.59372 30.4142 5.95841C30.5668 6.13631 30.6855 6.34085 30.7957 6.54544C30.8974 6.75002 30.9822 6.97246 31.0416 7.19483C31.1009 7.4172 31.1348 7.65736 31.1094 7.90642C31.0839 8.14658 30.9907 8.3956 30.8126 8.58239C30.7703 8.62687 30.7194 8.66243 30.677 8.69801L30.6091 8.75143C30.5837 8.76922 30.5583 8.78697 30.5329 8.80476L30.3718 8.89371C30.3124 8.9204 30.2615 8.9382 30.2022 8.95599C29.9648 9.02715 29.719 9.03601 29.4901 9.00933C29.2527 8.98264 29.0322 8.92036 28.8203 8.8581C28.5999 8.79583 28.3879 8.72474 28.176 8.66248C27.964 8.60911 27.7521 8.56462 27.5401 8.55572C27.3282 8.55572 27.1162 8.58241 26.9043 8.64467C26.4804 8.76031 26.0819 8.95599 25.6664 9.13389C25.251 9.31179 24.8186 9.48075 24.3523 9.49854C24.1234 9.50744 23.8776 9.46302 23.6656 9.37407C23.4452 9.28512 23.2502 9.15168 23.0806 9.00047C22.911 8.84926 22.75 8.66248 22.6652 8.44011C22.572 8.21774 22.5465 7.97751 22.5805 7.74624C22.6059 7.51498 22.6907 7.29266 22.7924 7.08807C22.8941 6.88349 23.0213 6.6967 23.1654 6.50991C23.4452 6.15411 23.7758 5.83388 24.1319 5.55814C24.4626 5.27351 24.844 5.01559 25.2679 4.83769ZM25.3103 4.94436C24.9034 5.11336 24.5304 5.36249 24.1828 5.63823C23.8352 5.91397 23.513 6.22529 23.2417 6.57219C23.1061 6.75009 22.9874 6.92791 22.8856 7.1236C22.7924 7.31929 22.7161 7.5239 22.6907 7.73738C22.6652 7.95086 22.6907 8.16433 22.7754 8.36002C22.8602 8.55571 22.9958 8.72473 23.1654 8.86704C23.3265 9.00936 23.513 9.13384 23.708 9.21389C23.903 9.29395 24.1234 9.32954 24.3354 9.32065C24.7677 9.30286 25.1832 9.13389 25.5902 8.95599C25.9971 8.7781 26.4041 8.5735 26.8449 8.44897C27.0653 8.38671 27.2942 8.34221 27.5316 8.34221C27.769 8.34221 27.9979 8.38671 28.2184 8.44897C28.4388 8.50234 28.6507 8.57346 28.8627 8.63573C29.0746 8.69799 29.2866 8.75136 29.4985 8.76915C29.7105 8.79583 29.9224 8.77808 30.1174 8.71582C30.3124 8.66245 30.482 8.52906 30.6346 8.39563C30.7703 8.25332 30.838 8.06653 30.8635 7.86194C30.8804 7.65736 30.8551 7.44389 30.8042 7.2393C30.7533 7.03472 30.6685 6.83012 30.5753 6.64333C30.4735 6.44764 30.3633 6.26975 30.2276 6.10964C29.9478 5.79832 29.5664 5.567 29.1764 5.38911C28.7779 5.21121 28.354 5.07779 27.9301 4.98884C27.8199 4.96215 27.7182 4.94443 27.6079 4.92664C27.4977 4.90885 27.3875 4.89101 27.2858 4.87322C27.1756 4.85543 27.0653 4.83764 26.9551 4.82875C26.8449 4.81985 26.7346 4.80208 26.6244 4.80208C26.5142 4.79318 26.4041 4.79322 26.2938 4.79322H26.1243C26.0734 4.79322 26.014 4.80208 25.9632 4.80208C25.7258 4.81987 25.5138 4.8732 25.3103 4.94436Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M25.8022 4.69558C25.7428 4.53547 25.7089 4.35756 25.7089 4.18856C25.7089 4.01066 25.7259 3.84171 25.7852 3.66381C25.8107 3.57486 25.853 3.49483 25.9039 3.41478C25.9547 3.34362 26.0056 3.26353 26.065 3.20126C26.1837 3.06784 26.3278 2.95219 26.4973 2.87214C26.828 2.71203 27.201 2.68533 27.5317 2.72091C27.8708 2.75649 28.2015 2.83659 28.5236 2.90775C28.8458 2.97891 29.1595 3.06786 29.4732 3.08565C29.7954 3.10344 30.1175 3.08565 30.4312 3.04117C31.067 2.94333 31.6859 2.68535 32.3642 2.60529C32.7033 2.56082 33.0594 2.56969 33.3901 2.67643C33.4749 2.70312 33.5511 2.73875 33.6359 2.77433C33.7122 2.8188 33.7885 2.85433 33.8648 2.8988C34.0089 2.99665 34.1531 3.11228 34.2633 3.2546C34.3735 3.39692 34.4583 3.55706 34.5007 3.73495C34.5431 3.90396 34.56 4.09078 34.5431 4.25979C34.5092 4.60669 34.3819 4.93574 34.2124 5.22927C34.0428 5.5228 33.8225 5.78963 33.5596 6.012C33.4325 6.11874 33.2883 6.22555 33.1357 6.3056C32.9831 6.38566 32.8305 6.4568 32.6694 6.51017C32.3473 6.6169 32.0251 6.68801 31.6859 6.72359C31.3553 6.75917 31.0162 6.77696 30.6855 6.72359C30.6516 6.71469 30.6347 6.68808 30.6347 6.6614C30.6432 6.63471 30.6685 6.60803 30.694 6.61692C31.0161 6.6525 31.3468 6.63469 31.669 6.59911C31.9911 6.55464 32.3133 6.47453 32.6101 6.3678C32.7627 6.31443 32.9068 6.24329 33.051 6.16323C33.1866 6.08318 33.3138 5.98532 33.4325 5.87858C33.6699 5.6651 33.8733 5.4072 34.0344 5.13146C34.1955 4.85572 34.3057 4.5533 34.3311 4.24198C34.3565 3.93066 34.2802 3.61929 34.0852 3.38802C33.992 3.27239 33.8733 3.1746 33.7376 3.08565C33.6698 3.04117 33.602 3.00561 33.5341 2.97003C33.4663 2.94335 33.39 2.90773 33.3137 2.88994C33.017 2.801 32.6948 2.7921 32.3812 2.84547C31.7453 2.92552 31.1264 3.18347 30.4566 3.29021C30.126 3.34358 29.7868 3.36134 29.4392 3.34355C29.0916 3.32576 28.761 3.23681 28.4473 3.16565C28.1251 3.09449 27.8114 3.01444 27.4893 2.98775C27.1756 2.96107 26.8619 2.97889 26.5906 3.11232C26.455 3.17458 26.3363 3.26353 26.2345 3.37916C26.1837 3.43253 26.1328 3.49479 26.0904 3.55706C26.048 3.61932 26.0141 3.6816 25.9802 3.75276C25.87 4.0285 25.8361 4.35759 25.887 4.66891C25.8955 4.6956 25.87 4.7312 25.8361 4.7312C25.8361 4.74009 25.8107 4.72227 25.8022 4.69558Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.5449 0.746057C18.9434 0.683793 19.3165 0.87941 19.5962 1.11957C19.7404 1.2441 19.876 1.36864 20.0032 1.49317L20.1897 1.68002C20.249 1.74228 20.3169 1.80454 20.3762 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2.06535L16.824 1.57614L16.9574 1.75403C16.6639 1.8074 16.3615 1.87854 16.0769 1.9586C15.9346 2.00307 15.7923 2.04756 15.6766 2.10983C15.5432 2.18099 15.4186 2.261 15.2941 2.34106C14.7871 2.66127 14.3335 3.06151 13.9332 3.50625C13.524 3.95099 13.1683 4.44021 12.8125 4.92943C12.6346 5.17848 12.4567 5.41868 12.2877 5.67663C12.1186 5.92568 11.9497 6.18363 11.7629 6.43269C11.7184 6.48606 11.6472 6.49497 11.5939 6.4505C11.5761 6.4416 11.5672 6.42381 11.5583 6.40602C11.4515 6.17476 11.3537 5.93454 11.2914 5.68549C11.2203 5.43643 11.1847 5.17852 11.1758 4.92057C11.1491 4.40466 11.2381 3.8888 11.3982 3.39958C11.4871 3.15942 11.585 2.91922 11.7006 2.69685L12.0298 2.02088L12.6791 0.677704L12.7947 0.837794L11.9675 0.935689C11.7006 0.962374 11.4427 1.01569 11.1847 1.10464C10.9268 1.19359 10.6777 1.30038 10.4375 1.42491C10.1974 1.54943 9.95718 1.69172 9.73481 1.83403L9.75262 1.81623C9.38793 2.25208 9.04998 2.72355 8.73866 3.20388C8.41844 3.6842 8.13374 4.17338 7.86689 4.68039C7.60894 5.18739 7.3866 5.72107 7.23539 6.26365C7.16423 6.53939 7.10195 6.8152 7.08416 7.09094L7.0753 7.30437C7.0753 7.37553 7.0753 7.44667 7.0753 7.50893C7.0753 7.58009 7.08414 7.66909 7.06635 7.74025C7.06635 7.77583 7.05753 7.82029 7.04863 7.85587C7.03974 7.89145 7.03967 7.9359 7.02188 7.97148C6.95072 8.26501 6.84405 8.53189 6.73731 8.80763C6.68395 8.94106 6.63942 9.07448 6.59495 9.2079L6.56828 9.30571C6.55938 9.34129 6.55937 9.36803 6.55047 9.40361C6.55047 9.43919 6.54161 9.46584 6.54161 9.50141V9.60817C6.54161 9.89281 6.58608 10.1685 6.63056 10.4532C6.65724 10.5955 6.68393 10.7289 6.71951 10.8713L6.77284 11.0758L6.83512 11.2804C7.18202 12.3656 7.76015 13.3707 8.48953 14.2513C8.51622 14.278 8.51623 14.3135 8.50734 14.3491C8.38281 14.7405 8.38285 15.1763 8.454 15.5944C8.51627 16.0124 8.64081 16.4305 8.78313 16.8308C8.85429 17.0354 8.93431 17.24 9.01436 17.4356C9.09442 17.6402 9.17445 17.8359 9.2634 18.0405C9.4324 18.4407 9.61028 18.8321 9.82376 19.2057C10.0283 19.5792 10.2775 19.9351 10.5621 20.2464L10.6688 20.362L10.7222 20.4243L10.7845 20.4777C10.8645 20.5489 10.9445 20.62 11.0246 20.6823L11.2825 20.869C11.3715 20.9313 11.4604 20.9758 11.5583 21.0381C11.9318 21.2426 12.3233 21.4116 12.7413 21.5183C12.9459 21.5895 13.1594 21.6251 13.364 21.6785C13.5775 21.723 13.7909 21.7585 13.9955 21.803C14.0488 21.8119 14.0845 21.8652 14.0756 21.9186C14.0756 21.9275 14.0666 21.9365 14.0666 21.9453C13.7553 22.4968 13.4885 23.0839 13.2572 23.6798C13.1416 23.9823 13.0437 24.2757 12.937 24.5871C12.8302 24.8895 12.7235 25.1919 12.6256 25.4943C12.5278 25.7968 12.4389 26.0992 12.3677 26.4105C12.2966 26.7218 12.2609 27.0331 12.2698 27.3445C12.2787 27.6558 12.3321 27.9671 12.4655 28.2429C12.599 28.5186 12.7769 28.7855 12.9814 29.0168C13.1949 29.248 13.4262 29.4614 13.6753 29.6571C13.9244 29.8439 14.2 30.0218 14.4669 30.1819C15.0184 30.5022 15.5965 30.769 16.1836 31.0448C17.3488 31.5962 18.514 32.1299 19.697 32.6102C20.889 33.0905 22.0898 33.5353 23.3262 33.8733L23.7887 33.9979L24.2602 34.1045L24.4914 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39.417 27.211C39.4258 27.131 39.4259 27.051 39.4259 26.9709C39.4259 26.8909 39.4348 26.8108 39.4259 26.7308C39.4081 26.0992 39.2746 25.4676 39.1056 24.8539C38.9366 24.2402 38.7053 23.6442 38.4207 23.0749C37.8425 21.9364 37.042 20.9135 36.0814 20.0774C35.6011 19.6594 35.0852 19.2769 34.5337 18.9656C33.9822 18.6543 33.3863 18.3963 32.7814 18.1917C31.5628 17.7914 30.2908 17.5957 29.01 17.5156C27.7291 17.4356 26.4482 17.4712 25.1674 17.5691C23.931 17.6669 22.659 17.827 21.3871 17.9871ZM21.3693 17.8714C22.6413 17.7113 23.9221 17.5513 25.203 17.4534C26.4839 17.3556 27.7736 17.32 29.0634 17.3912C30.3443 17.4712 31.6339 17.6669 32.8614 18.0671C33.4752 18.2717 34.0712 18.5208 34.6315 18.841C35.1919 19.1612 35.7167 19.5437 36.2059 19.9707C37.1844 20.8246 37.9938 21.8563 38.5809 23.0038C38.8744 23.5819 39.1057 24.1868 39.2747 24.8094C39.4526 25.4321 39.586 26.0725 39.6038 26.7218C39.6127 26.8019 39.6038 26.882 39.6038 26.9709C39.5949 27.051 39.6037 27.131 39.5948 27.22C39.5682 27.3801 39.5593 27.549 39.5059 27.7002C39.4258 28.0205 39.2924 28.3318 39.0878 28.5897C38.8921 28.8566 38.6342 29.079 38.3674 29.2568C38.2962 29.3013 38.234 29.3458 38.1628 29.3903L37.9493 29.506C37.7981 29.5771 37.6558 29.6482 37.5046 29.7016C37.2021 29.8261 36.8997 29.924 36.5884 30.0219C36.2771 30.1197 35.9657 30.1998 35.6633 30.2887C35.0407 30.4577 34.427 30.6356 33.831 30.8491L33.6086 30.9291L33.3863 31.0181C33.235 31.0715 33.0927 31.1426 32.9504 31.2049C32.8081 31.2671 32.6658 31.3472 32.5234 31.4184C32.3811 31.4895 32.2477 31.5784 32.1143 31.6585C31.5806 32.0054 31.0825 32.4057 30.5666 32.7971C30.0596 33.1884 29.5436 33.5798 28.9922 33.9178C28.7164 34.0868 28.4318 34.238 28.1205 34.3625C27.9693 34.4248 27.8092 34.4782 27.6491 34.5138C27.489 34.5493 27.32 34.576 27.1599 34.5671H26.6706C26.5105 34.5671 26.3504 34.5493 26.1903 34.5404L25.9502 34.5226L25.71 34.4871C25.5499 34.4693 25.3898 34.4426 25.2297 34.4248L24.7494 34.3359C24.6693 34.3181 24.5893 34.3092 24.5092 34.2914L24.269 34.238L23.7976 34.1313L23.3351 34.0067C22.0898 33.6687 20.8801 33.224 19.6882 32.7436C18.4963 32.2633 17.3222 31.7297 16.1659 31.1782C15.5877 30.9024 15.0006 30.6356 14.4314 30.3154C14.1556 30.1553 13.8799 29.9774 13.613 29.7817C13.3551 29.586 13.106 29.3636 12.8925 29.1234C12.6701 28.8744 12.4922 28.5987 12.3499 28.3052C12.2076 28.0027 12.1453 27.6647 12.1364 27.3356C12.1275 27.0065 12.172 26.6774 12.2432 26.3572C12.3143 26.0369 12.4033 25.7256 12.5012 25.4232C12.599 25.1119 12.7146 24.8095 12.8125 24.507C12.9103 24.2046 13.017 23.8933 13.1327 23.5909C13.3639 22.986 13.6308 22.3989 13.951 21.8296L14.0221 21.972C13.8087 21.9275 13.5952 21.8919 13.3728 21.8475C13.1594 21.7941 12.9459 21.7496 12.7324 21.6874C12.3054 21.5717 11.8963 21.4028 11.5049 21.1893C11.4071 21.1359 11.3092 21.0825 11.2203 21.0202L10.9534 20.8245C10.8645 20.7534 10.7844 20.6822 10.7044 20.6022L10.6421 20.5488L10.5888 20.4866L10.4732 20.362C10.1707 20.0329 9.92162 19.6682 9.70814 19.2858C9.49467 18.9033 9.30793 18.503 9.13893 18.1028C9.04998 17.8982 8.96985 17.7025 8.8898 17.4979C8.80975 17.2933 8.72973 17.0887 8.65857 16.8841C8.50736 16.475 8.38279 16.048 8.31163 15.6122C8.24048 15.1763 8.2316 14.7138 8.37392 14.278L8.39172 14.3758C7.65345 13.4774 7.04863 12.4545 6.69284 11.3427L6.63056 11.1292L6.57714 10.9157C6.53266 10.7734 6.51491 10.631 6.47933 10.4887C6.43486 10.1952 6.39038 9.91056 6.39038 9.61703V9.51027C6.39038 9.4747 6.39035 9.43027 6.39924 9.3858C6.40814 9.35022 6.40815 9.30576 6.41705 9.27018L6.44372 9.16343C6.48819 9.02111 6.53272 8.87877 6.58608 8.74535C6.68393 8.47851 6.79953 8.21166 6.86179 7.94482C6.87069 7.90924 6.8796 7.87369 6.8796 7.84701C6.88849 7.81143 6.88851 7.78469 6.8974 7.74911C6.8974 7.71353 6.90626 7.68688 6.90626 7.6513C6.90626 7.61572 6.90626 7.58899 6.90626 7.55341C6.90626 7.48225 6.89737 7.40219 6.90626 7.33104L6.91521 7.10866C6.9419 6.81513 6.99525 6.52162 7.0753 6.23699C7.22651 5.66772 7.4578 5.13404 7.71575 4.60925C7.98259 4.09334 8.27607 3.5863 8.59629 3.10598C8.9165 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1.55831 17.082 1.62947C17.0909 1.65615 17.082 1.68287 17.0731 1.70956L16.8418 2.18983C16.7618 2.34994 16.6817 2.50115 16.6195 2.67905C16.4949 3.00816 16.3615 3.35504 16.1925 3.68415C16.1125 3.84425 16.0235 4.0044 15.9435 4.1645C15.8634 4.31572 15.7923 4.48475 15.7211 4.64486C15.65 4.81386 15.5877 4.97393 15.5254 5.14294C15.4631 5.31194 15.4008 5.48096 15.3386 5.64996C15.0984 6.32597 14.8938 7.01087 14.6893 7.69578C14.4847 8.38068 14.2979 9.07446 14.12 9.76826V9.71493C14.1556 9.94619 14.1823 10.1597 14.1912 10.382C14.2001 10.4977 14.2001 10.6044 14.209 10.72V11.058C14.2001 11.5028 14.1645 11.9475 14.0844 12.3834C14.0488 12.6058 13.9955 12.8192 13.9421 13.0415C13.9155 13.1483 13.8798 13.2551 13.8442 13.3618L13.7998 13.5219L13.7375 13.682C13.693 13.7887 13.6575 13.8955 13.613 13.9933L13.4706 14.2958C13.444 14.3491 13.4262 14.3935 13.3995 14.4469L13.3195 14.5893L13.1505 14.8828L13.106 14.696C13.186 14.7405 13.2572 14.7938 13.3284 14.8472C13.3639 14.8739 13.3995 14.9006 13.4262 14.9273C13.4618 14.954 13.4885 14.9806 13.5241 15.0162C13.533 15.034 13.5507 15.0429 13.5507 15.0607C13.7375 15.6122 13.9065 16.1548 14.0578 16.7241C14.1289 17.0087 14.1912 17.2933 14.2179 17.5869C14.2445 17.8804 14.2534 18.165 14.2623 18.4585C14.2712 19.0367 14.2267 19.6149 14.2 20.193C14.1645 20.7712 14.1289 21.3405 14.1289 21.9097L13.9421 21.8564C14.3335 21.2427 14.8049 20.6733 15.3564 20.1841C15.899 19.6949 16.5216 19.2946 17.1798 18.9833C17.838 18.6631 18.5319 18.4318 19.2346 18.2628C19.9373 18.0761 20.6489 17.9604 21.3693 17.8714Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.9725 14.8033C12.8658 14.7855 12.7769 14.7499 12.679 14.7143C12.5812 14.6787 12.4922 14.6343 12.4122 14.5899C12.2343 14.5009 12.0564 14.4031 11.8785 14.323C11.5227 14.154 11.158 14.0117 10.7755 13.9227C10.4019 13.8338 10.0106 13.8071 9.62811 13.8783L9.48574 13.9049C9.44127 13.9138 9.38793 13.9228 9.34346 13.9405L9.20109 13.985C9.15662 14.0028 9.10328 14.0117 9.05881 14.0295C8.96986 14.0651 8.88091 14.1006 8.79196 14.1451L8.53398 14.2874C8.50729 14.3052 8.47173 14.2874 8.46283 14.2607C8.45394 14.234 8.45396 14.2074 8.48064 14.1896C8.80975 13.9583 9.19223 13.7715 9.5925 13.6826C10.0017 13.5936 10.4286 13.6025 10.8289 13.6826C11.2381 13.7715 11.6206 13.9138 11.9852 14.0828C12.172 14.1718 12.3499 14.2607 12.5278 14.3497C12.7057 14.4475 12.8747 14.5543 13.017 14.7055C13.0348 14.7322 13.0348 14.7678 13.017 14.7856C13.0081 14.8033 12.9903 14.8122 12.9725 14.8033Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.1556 17.8269C14.289 17.8091 14.3958 17.8447 14.5025 17.8981C14.6093 17.9426 14.7071 17.9959 14.8138 18.0493C15.0184 18.156 15.2141 18.2717 15.4098 18.3873C15.6055 18.5119 15.7923 18.6453 15.9702 18.7876C16.1481 18.9299 16.317 19.09 16.4683 19.259C16.486 19.2857 16.4861 19.3212 16.4594 19.339C16.4416 19.3568 16.406 19.3568 16.3883 19.339C16.2104 19.1967 16.0324 19.0633 15.8456 18.9387C15.6588 18.8142 15.4721 18.6986 15.2764 18.5919C15.0807 18.4763 14.885 18.3784 14.6804 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15.4878 41.9074 15.5589 41.9341 15.639L41.9697 15.7458L41.9876 15.7991L41.9964 15.8525L42.0409 16.0749C42.0765 16.3773 42.0854 16.6797 42.0409 16.9732L42.032 17.08C42.0231 17.1156 42.0142 17.1512 42.0142 17.1867L41.9697 17.4091C41.952 17.4803 41.9342 17.5514 41.9164 17.6225C41.8986 17.6937 41.8808 17.7649 41.8541 17.836L41.783 18.0495C41.7563 18.1206 41.7296 18.183 41.7029 18.2541C41.6495 18.3964 41.5872 18.5298 41.5339 18.6632C41.2937 19.1969 41.0002 19.7039 40.68 20.202C40.3598 20.6913 40.0485 21.1805 39.7016 21.6519C39.3547 22.1233 38.9544 22.5592 38.5008 22.9328C38.4741 22.9506 38.4385 22.9506 38.4207 22.9239C38.4029 22.8972 38.4029 22.8616 38.4296 22.8438C38.8744 22.4702 39.2479 22.0344 39.5859 21.5629C39.9239 21.0915 40.2264 20.5934 40.5377 20.1042C40.8401 19.615 41.1247 19.108 41.356 18.5832C41.4093 18.4497 41.4717 18.3163 41.5161 18.1829C41.5428 18.1117 41.5695 18.0495 41.5873 17.9783L41.6496 17.7738C41.6762 17.7026 41.694 17.6404 41.7029 17.5692C41.7207 17.498 41.7384 17.4358 41.7562 17.3646L41.7918 17.1511C41.8007 17.1155 41.8097 17.0799 41.8097 17.0444L41.8185 16.9376C41.8541 16.653 41.8452 16.3773 41.8097 16.1015L41.774 15.897L41.7652 15.8436L41.7474 15.7902L41.7118 15.6923C41.6762 15.5589 41.6229 15.4433 41.5428 15.3365C41.3827 15.132 41.1336 15.0164 40.8667 14.963C40.5999 14.9008 40.3153 14.8918 40.0307 14.9096C39.4614 14.9363 38.8921 15.0431 38.3229 15.1409C38.1805 15.1676 38.0472 15.2031 37.9137 15.2387C37.8426 15.2565 37.7803 15.2832 37.718 15.301C37.6558 15.3277 37.6024 15.3544 37.5401 15.39C37.3 15.5234 37.0687 15.7013 36.8463 15.8792L36.8819 15.8258C36.7573 16.1638 36.6506 16.5196 36.5706 16.8665C36.4816 17.2223 36.4105 17.5781 36.366 17.9428C36.3215 18.3075 36.2948 18.6632 36.2859 19.0279C36.2859 19.3926 36.3215 19.7484 36.3838 20.1131C36.3927 20.1398 36.366 20.1754 36.3393 20.1754C36.3126 20.2021 36.2859 20.1842 36.277 20.1576Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.2374 15.3807C37.1128 15.2028 36.9705 15.025 36.8638 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3.63067C36.8371 3.9242 37.104 4.24439 37.3353 4.59129C37.5665 4.93819 37.7622 5.31179 37.8778 5.72096C37.9312 5.92554 37.9757 6.12121 38.0112 6.32579C38.0468 6.53037 38.0824 6.72604 38.109 6.93062C38.1624 7.33978 38.2158 7.74007 38.2514 8.14923L38.1891 8.06028C38.5627 8.22039 38.963 8.34497 39.3633 8.42502C39.7635 8.50508 40.1727 8.55838 40.5819 8.53169C40.991 8.5139 41.3824 8.4161 41.7293 8.21151C42.1117 7.99804 42.5298 7.91795 42.8856 7.73116H42.8767C42.9212 7.70447 42.9479 7.69565 42.9923 7.66896H43.0012C43.0012 7.66896 43.0101 7.66891 43.019 7.66002C43.019 7.66002 43.0191 7.66002 43.0546 7.66002C43.0724 7.66002 43.108 7.68672 43.108 7.67782L43.1258 7.69563C43.1347 7.70452 43.1435 7.7134 43.1524 7.7223C43.1702 7.74009 43.1791 7.76679 43.1969 7.78458C43.2414 7.87353 43.2681 7.95356 43.2859 8.03362C43.3214 8.20262 43.3392 8.36269 43.3481 8.53169C43.3659 8.8608 43.3482 9.18996 43.3215 9.51907C43.3126 9.67918 43.2859 9.84818 43.2592 10.0083C43.2325 10.1684 43.2058 10.3285 43.1791 10.4886C43.1168 10.8088 43.0546 11.1291 42.9657 11.4493C42.8856 11.7695 42.7967 12.0808 42.6988 12.3921C42.601 12.7034 42.4853 13.0059 42.3697 13.3172C42.1295 13.922 41.8538 14.518 41.5603 15.0962C41.5425 15.1228 41.5158 15.1317 41.4891 15.1228C41.4624 15.105 41.4535 15.0784 41.4624 15.0517C41.7559 14.4735 42.0228 13.8864 42.2541 13.2816C42.3697 12.9792 42.4764 12.6767 42.5743 12.3654C42.6721 12.0541 42.7611 11.7428 42.8323 11.4315C42.9123 11.1201 42.9746 10.7999 43.028 10.4797C43.0546 10.3196 43.0813 10.1595 43.108 9.99934C43.1346 9.83924 43.1525 9.67918 43.1614 9.51907C43.1881 9.19886 43.1969 8.87866 43.1791 8.55845C43.1702 8.39834 43.1525 8.23816 43.1169 8.08695C43.0991 8.01579 43.0724 7.93576 43.0457 7.88239C43.0368 7.8646 43.0279 7.85575 43.019 7.84686C43.019 7.83797 43.0102 7.83795 43.0102 7.82905L43.0012 7.82011C42.9923 7.81121 43.0279 7.84681 43.0457 7.83791C43.0724 7.83791 43.0724 7.83791 43.0724 7.83791H43.0813C43.0546 7.84681 43.0191 7.87354 42.9835 7.89133H42.9745C42.5921 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1.76275L33.1102 2.63442L33.3326 2.8568C33.4037 2.92795 33.4659 3.01696 33.5282 3.08811C33.6616 3.24822 33.7862 3.39936 33.9196 3.55058C34.4533 4.16432 35.0048 4.787 35.3873 5.54306C35.574 5.91664 35.7253 6.31695 35.7875 6.735C35.8498 7.15306 35.8676 7.56217 35.8765 7.97134C35.8854 8.79856 35.8409 9.6169 35.7609 10.4352V10.4086C35.7964 10.8355 35.8676 11.2714 35.9566 11.6983C36.0455 12.1253 36.1433 12.5522 36.2679 12.9614C36.3835 13.3795 36.5347 13.7886 36.7037 14.1889C36.8727 14.5891 37.0772 14.9716 37.3085 15.3452C37.3263 15.3719 37.3175 15.4074 37.2908 15.4252C37.2908 15.4074 37.2552 15.4074 37.2374 15.3807Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.7003 6.42358C11.5224 6.54811 11.3267 6.61921 11.131 6.68148C10.9353 6.73485 10.7307 6.78823 10.535 6.83271C10.1348 6.93055 9.7345 7.0106 9.33423 7.09955C8.93397 7.1885 8.54261 7.27743 8.15124 7.39307C7.75986 7.5087 7.3863 7.6421 7.01271 7.82C6.98603 7.8289 6.95047 7.82002 6.94157 7.79333C6.93268 7.76665 6.94155 7.73998 6.96824 7.72219C7.32403 7.51761 7.70653 7.34859 8.0979 7.21517C8.48927 7.08175 8.88953 6.96617 9.2809 6.86832L10.4728 6.58367C10.6685 6.53919 10.8642 6.48581 11.0599 6.43244C11.1577 6.40575 11.2555 6.37909 11.3534 6.3613C11.4512 6.34351 11.558 6.32568 11.6647 6.32568C11.7003 6.32568 11.7181 6.35239 11.7181 6.38796C11.727 6.39686 11.7181 6.41468 11.7003 6.42358Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M42.9659 7.68647C42.957 7.35736 42.9658 7.0372 42.9481 6.71698C42.9481 6.63693 42.9392 6.55686 42.9392 6.4768C42.9303 6.39675 42.9303 6.31668 42.9214 6.23663C42.9036 6.07652 42.8947 5.91646 42.8769 5.75636C42.8413 5.43614 42.7879 5.11591 42.7257 4.80459C42.6634 4.49327 42.5833 4.17306 42.4855 3.87063L42.5033 3.90616L40.751 1.5935L40.9645 1.55797C40.7866 2.11834 40.6443 2.70535 40.5909 3.28352C40.582 3.42584 40.5732 3.57708 40.5821 3.7194C40.5821 3.79056 40.5909 3.86175 40.5998 3.93291L40.6176 4.16414C40.6354 4.46657 40.6354 4.77787 40.5821 5.0803C40.5376 5.38272 40.4575 5.68515 40.3507 5.96978C40.2529 6.25442 40.1284 6.53019 40.0128 6.80593C39.7726 7.35741 39.5324 7.90001 39.3456 8.46929C39.3367 8.49597 39.3012 8.51371 39.2745 8.50481C39.2478 8.49592 39.23 8.46925 39.2389 8.43367C39.4079 7.85551 39.6392 7.29513 39.8705 6.74365C39.9861 6.46791 40.0928 6.19213 40.1818 5.9075C40.2707 5.62286 40.3419 5.3383 40.3864 5.04477C40.4308 4.75124 40.4308 4.45767 40.413 4.16414L40.3952 3.94177C40.3863 3.87061 40.3774 3.79059 40.3774 3.71054C40.3685 3.55933 40.3686 3.3992 40.3864 3.24799C40.4041 2.94557 40.4575 2.64312 40.5198 2.3407C40.582 2.03827 40.6532 1.7536 40.751 1.46007C40.7688 1.39781 40.84 1.36228 40.9022 1.38007C40.9289 1.38897 40.9467 1.40676 40.9645 1.42455L42.7257 3.73721C42.7346 3.7461 42.7435 3.76384 42.7435 3.77273C42.8413 4.09295 42.9214 4.41323 42.9925 4.73345C43.0637 5.05366 43.1081 5.38277 43.1526 5.71188C43.1971 6.04099 43.2149 6.37007 43.206 6.69918L43.1971 6.94821C43.1882 7.02827 43.1793 7.1172 43.1704 7.19725C43.1526 7.36625 43.117 7.52636 43.0903 7.68647C43.0814 7.71315 43.0548 7.73984 43.0281 7.73094C42.9837 7.73984 42.9659 7.71315 42.9659 7.68647Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.2148 17.4626C36.1436 17.4982 36.0813 17.5071 36.0191 17.516C35.9568 17.5249 35.8857 17.5338 35.8235 17.5338L35.6277 17.5427L35.432 17.5604C35.1741 17.5871 34.9162 17.6316 34.6671 17.6939C34.4181 17.7561 34.169 17.8362 33.9199 17.934C33.6798 18.0319 33.4396 18.1386 33.1995 18.2632C33.1728 18.281 33.1371 18.2632 33.1282 18.2365C33.1193 18.2098 33.1283 18.1832 33.146 18.1654C33.3684 18.0142 33.5997 17.8807 33.8398 17.7561C34.08 17.6405 34.3379 17.5338 34.5959 17.4626C34.8538 17.3915 35.1296 17.3292 35.3964 17.3025L35.6011 17.2847L35.8056 17.2759C35.9391 17.2759 36.0814 17.2937 36.2059 17.3648C36.2326 17.3826 36.2504 17.4181 36.2326 17.4448C36.2326 17.4448 36.2237 17.4537 36.2148 17.4626Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.6609 23.2527C38.7854 23.0837 38.9277 22.9325 39.0878 22.7902C39.239 22.6568 39.3992 22.5234 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23.235 38.7232 23.3239C38.6965 23.3417 38.6609 23.3238 38.6431 23.2971C38.6431 23.2883 38.652 23.2705 38.6609 23.2527Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M40.4575 22.6569C40.6443 22.1677 40.9467 21.7407 41.2225 21.296C41.3648 21.0736 41.516 20.869 41.6672 20.6466L42.112 20.0062C42.1297 19.9706 42.1653 19.9529 42.2009 19.9529C42.3076 19.944 42.4055 19.9351 42.5122 19.9351C42.5656 19.9351 42.619 19.9351 42.6813 19.944C42.7346 19.9529 42.788 19.9618 42.8325 19.9707C42.9392 19.9974 43.046 20.0152 43.1616 20.0774C43.215 20.113 43.2683 20.1575 43.3128 20.2109C43.3483 20.2731 43.3751 20.3353 43.384 20.3976C43.4018 20.5221 43.3928 20.6289 43.375 20.7356C43.3661 20.789 43.3484 20.8423 43.3395 20.8957C43.3306 20.9491 43.3128 21.0024 43.295 21.0469C43.2328 21.2515 43.1438 21.4383 43.0459 21.6251C42.8413 21.9898 42.5834 22.31 42.2988 22.6035C42.0142 22.897 41.7117 23.1728 41.4004 23.4307C41.3737 23.4485 41.3382 23.4485 41.3204 23.4219C41.3026 23.4041 41.3026 23.3685 41.3204 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<path d=\"M8.93428 30.0658C8.58738 30.1281 8.24051 30.1815 7.90251 30.2259C7.55561 30.2704 7.20875 30.3238 6.87074 30.386C6.70174 30.4127 6.52377 30.4483 6.35477 30.4839C6.18577 30.5195 6.00791 30.5551 5.85669 30.5995C5.52758 30.6974 5.19847 30.8218 4.87826 30.9464L4.95835 30.8574C4.91387 31.0976 4.86938 31.3467 4.85159 31.5958C4.82491 31.8448 4.81603 32.085 4.82493 32.334C4.83382 32.4586 4.85158 32.5741 4.87826 32.6809C4.90494 32.7876 4.95828 32.8944 5.02054 32.9477C5.02944 32.9566 5.0384 32.9566 5.0473 32.9655C5.05619 32.9744 5.06507 32.9744 5.07396 32.9833C5.08286 32.9833 5.0917 32.9922 5.10949 32.9922L5.15397 33.0011C5.20733 33.0189 5.26074 33.0278 5.323 33.0278C5.43864 33.0367 5.56316 33.0367 5.6788 33.0189C5.91896 32.9923 6.15908 32.9299 6.39924 32.8588C6.63941 32.7876 6.87071 32.6987 7.10197 32.6009C7.5645 32.4052 8.00928 32.1828 8.47181 31.9604C8.4985 31.9515 8.53406 31.9604 8.54296 31.9871C8.55185 32.0138 8.54297 32.0493 8.51629 32.0582C8.07155 32.2984 7.62679 32.5386 7.16425 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19.3216C3.94441 19.117 3.91773 18.9213 3.87325 18.7256C3.85546 18.6367 3.81099 18.5388 3.7843 18.4498C3.76652 18.4054 3.75757 18.352 3.73088 18.3164L3.66869 18.183L3.87325 18.2008C3.73983 18.3876 3.62416 18.6099 3.52632 18.8234C3.42848 19.0458 3.35732 19.277 3.30395 19.5172C3.19721 19.9886 3.17942 20.4868 3.25947 20.9671C3.33953 21.4475 3.49965 21.9189 3.72202 22.3547C3.94439 22.7905 4.22901 23.1997 4.54923 23.5733C4.56702 23.6 4.56705 23.6355 4.54037 23.6533C4.51368 23.6711 4.48696 23.6711 4.46028 23.6445C4.12227 23.2798 3.81985 22.8706 3.57079 22.4258C3.44627 22.2035 3.33956 21.9722 3.25061 21.7321C3.16167 21.4919 3.09938 21.2429 3.05491 20.9938C2.96596 20.4868 2.97487 19.9709 3.07272 19.4639C3.12609 19.2148 3.19724 18.9658 3.29509 18.7256C3.39293 18.4855 3.50858 18.2631 3.66869 18.0407C3.70427 17.9873 3.78427 17.9785 3.83764 18.014C3.85543 18.0229 3.86436 18.0407 3.87325 18.0585L3.94439 18.2097C3.97108 18.2542 3.97999 18.3075 4.00668 18.3609C4.04226 18.4587 4.0867 18.5566 4.10448 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8.34702 22.568 8.40039 22.7103C8.45376 22.8526 8.51604 22.986 8.5961 23.1195C8.7651 23.3774 8.95192 23.6265 9.1654 23.84C9.60125 24.2847 10.1171 24.6405 10.6597 24.9518C11.2023 25.2632 11.7805 25.53 12.3497 25.7969C12.3764 25.8057 12.3853 25.8413 12.3764 25.868C12.3675 25.8947 12.332 25.9036 12.3053 25.8947C11.7182 25.6545 11.14 25.3966 10.5796 25.0941C10.3039 24.9429 10.0193 24.7828 9.76137 24.5961C9.50342 24.4093 9.2454 24.2046 9.02303 23.9823C8.79176 23.7599 8.58724 23.5019 8.40934 23.2262C8.32039 23.0839 8.24923 22.9416 8.18697 22.7815C8.1247 22.6303 8.08019 22.4701 8.0624 22.2922C8.04461 22.1232 8.06242 21.9187 8.16916 21.7586C8.267 21.5985 8.41825 21.4917 8.56057 21.4028C8.59615 21.385 8.63171 21.3583 8.67618 21.3405C8.71176 21.3227 8.74733 21.3049 8.7918 21.2871C8.82738 21.2694 8.87184 21.2516 8.90742 21.2427C8.94299 21.2249 8.98745 21.216 9.02303 21.2071C9.17424 21.1626 9.33437 21.1181 9.48558 21.0736C9.53006 21.0647 9.57451 21.0737 9.6012 21.1004C9.73462 21.2338 9.86809 21.3583 10.0104 21.4829C10.0816 21.5451 10.1438 21.5985 10.2238 21.6607L10.4462 21.8386L11.3268 22.5413C11.6204 22.7726 11.9228 23.0038 12.2075 23.2529C12.4921 23.5019 12.7678 23.7599 13.008 24.0624C13.0258 24.089 13.0257 24.1246 12.999 24.1424C12.9813 24.169 12.9546 24.1691 12.9368 24.1513Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.25432 21.269C9.00527 21.0022 8.80958 20.6909 8.63168 20.3795C8.45379 20.0682 8.29366 19.748 8.12466 19.4367C7.95566 19.1254 7.76888 18.8229 7.5643 18.5383C7.35972 18.2537 7.13737 17.969 6.915 17.6933L7.00394 17.7377C6.9061 17.7289 6.79929 17.7378 6.71034 17.7645C6.66587 17.7823 6.63031 17.7911 6.59473 17.8267L6.56806 17.8445L6.55025 17.8712C6.53246 17.889 6.52357 17.9068 6.50578 17.9246C6.40794 18.0847 6.40799 18.3071 6.42578 18.5294C6.43467 18.6451 6.45243 18.7518 6.47911 18.8674L6.50578 19.0453L6.53245 19.2143C6.58582 19.4367 6.65704 19.6502 6.7371 19.8637C6.915 20.2906 7.1284 20.6909 7.37746 21.0911C7.62651 21.4825 7.89339 21.865 8.16913 22.2386C8.18692 22.2653 8.17806 22.3008 8.16027 22.3186C8.13359 22.3364 8.10687 22.3275 8.08019 22.3097C7.78666 21.945 7.50202 21.5715 7.23518 21.189C7.10175 20.9933 6.97721 20.7976 6.86157 20.593C6.74594 20.3885 6.6392 20.1749 6.55025 19.9615C6.46131 19.7391 6.38129 19.5168 6.31902 19.2855L6.28341 19.1076L6.24788 18.9386C6.23009 18.8229 6.20339 18.7073 6.1856 18.5828C6.16781 18.4582 6.1589 18.3427 6.16779 18.2092C6.17669 18.0847 6.20336 17.9423 6.28341 17.8267C6.3012 17.8 6.31901 17.7644 6.34569 17.7377L6.3813 17.6933C6.3902 17.6844 6.40799 17.6666 6.42578 17.6577L6.47025 17.6221C6.48804 17.6132 6.50583 17.6044 6.51473 17.5955C6.55031 17.5777 6.57696 17.5599 6.61254 17.551C6.74596 17.5065 6.87049 17.4976 7.0128 17.5065C7.04838 17.5065 7.0751 17.5243 7.09289 17.551C7.31526 17.8356 7.53758 18.1113 7.75106 18.4049C7.96454 18.6984 8.15133 19.0098 8.32922 19.3211C8.50712 19.6324 8.67611 19.9526 8.84511 20.2639C9.01411 20.5752 9.17425 20.8866 9.32547 21.2157C9.33436 21.2424 9.32548 21.2779 9.2988 21.2868C9.2988 21.2957 9.27211 21.2868 9.25432 21.269Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.64804 17.5779C6.52351 17.231 6.41672 16.893 6.32777 16.5372C6.24772 16.1814 6.15882 15.8168 6.11435 15.4521C6.06987 15.0963 6.01647 14.7316 5.94531 14.3758C5.90973 14.1979 5.87417 14.02 5.82969 13.851C5.78522 13.6732 5.72294 13.5041 5.67846 13.3351H5.90969L5.72294 13.94L5.70513 14.0111C5.69624 14.0378 5.69622 14.0556 5.68732 14.0734L5.6696 14.2335L5.63399 14.5448C5.6162 14.7494 5.60732 14.9629 5.60732 15.1675C5.60732 15.372 5.63401 15.5855 5.6518 15.7901C5.69627 16.2082 5.76739 16.6173 5.88303 17.0264C5.99866 17.4267 6.14991 17.8182 6.31891 18.2095C6.3278 18.2362 6.31893 18.2718 6.29224 18.2807C6.26556 18.2896 6.22991 18.2807 6.22101 18.254C6.03422 17.8715 5.85633 17.4801 5.7318 17.0709C5.59837 16.6618 5.50946 16.2348 5.45609 15.8168C5.42941 15.6033 5.40271 15.3898 5.39381 15.1763C5.38492 14.9629 5.39386 14.7405 5.40276 14.527L5.42942 14.2068L5.44723 14.0467C5.45613 14.0111 5.45606 13.9755 5.46495 13.9489L5.48276 13.8688C5.53613 13.6642 5.59844 13.4597 5.6696 13.2551C5.68739 13.1928 5.75848 13.1572 5.82075 13.175C5.85633 13.1839 5.89194 13.2195 5.90083 13.2551C5.9542 13.433 6.01645 13.6109 6.06092 13.7888C6.1054 13.9667 6.14991 14.1445 6.18549 14.3313C6.25665 14.696 6.31001 15.0518 6.36338 15.4165C6.40786 15.7723 6.49675 16.1192 6.57681 16.475C6.62128 16.6529 6.65693 16.8308 6.69251 17.0087C6.7192 17.1866 6.74581 17.3733 6.75471 17.5601C6.75471 17.5868 6.72806 17.6136 6.70137 17.6136C6.67469 17.6224 6.65693 17.6046 6.64804 17.5779Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.359 18.3429C19.0388 18.7787 18.7008 19.1879 18.3628 19.6148C18.0337 20.0329 17.7134 20.4687 17.411 20.9134C17.1086 21.3582 16.824 21.8118 16.5393 22.2655C16.2636 22.728 15.9878 23.1906 15.7299 23.662C15.4719 24.1334 15.2318 24.6137 15.0094 25.094C14.787 25.5832 14.5913 26.0813 14.4223 26.5883C14.2533 27.0953 14.1111 27.6113 14.0132 28.1361C13.9154 28.6609 13.8442 29.1946 13.7997 29.7283C13.7997 29.755 13.773 29.7816 13.7375 29.7816C13.7108 29.7816 13.6841 29.755 13.6841 29.7283C13.7197 28.6431 13.9065 27.5668 14.2267 26.5261C14.3868 26.0102 14.5825 25.5032 14.7959 25.0051C15.0094 24.507 15.2496 24.0178 15.5075 23.5464C15.7655 23.066 16.0323 22.6034 16.317 22.1409C16.5927 21.6784 16.8862 21.2248 17.1886 20.7712C17.4911 20.3175 17.8113 19.8817 18.1404 19.4547C18.4784 19.0278 18.8431 18.6274 19.2612 18.2717C19.2879 18.2539 19.3234 18.2539 19.3412 18.2806C19.3768 18.2984 19.3768 18.3251 19.359 18.3429Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.4935 17.9694C21.3512 18.2363 21.2 18.4853 21.0487 18.7433C20.9776 18.8767 20.9064 19.0012 20.8264 19.1257C20.7552 19.2503 20.6752 19.3748 20.604 19.5082C20.4617 19.7662 20.3194 20.0241 20.186 20.2909C20.0614 20.5578 19.9191 20.8246 19.8035 21.0915C19.3054 22.1678 18.8962 23.2885 18.5404 24.4182C18.1757 25.5478 17.8733 26.7042 17.6065 27.8605C17.3396 29.0168 17.0995 30.1909 16.8949 31.365C16.886 31.3917 16.8593 31.4184 16.8326 31.4095C16.8059 31.4006 16.7792 31.3739 16.7881 31.3472C16.966 30.1642 17.1706 28.9902 17.4197 27.816C17.6687 26.6508 17.9623 25.4855 18.3091 24.3381C18.6649 23.1907 19.0741 22.0699 19.5722 20.9759C19.6968 20.7001 19.8302 20.4333 19.9636 20.1665C20.097 19.8996 20.2482 19.6327 20.3905 19.3748C20.5417 19.1168 20.7019 18.8589 20.862 18.6099C21.0399 18.3608 21.2267 18.1295 21.4134 17.8983C21.4312 17.8716 21.4668 17.8715 21.4935 17.8893C21.5024 17.916 21.5113 17.9427 21.4935 17.9694Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.5159 18.8676C34.6405 19.0632 34.7561 19.2678 34.8628 19.4724C34.9696 19.677 35.0674 19.8905 35.1563 20.104L35.4232 20.7444L35.6811 21.3937C36.0191 22.2654 36.3216 23.146 36.5795 24.0444C36.8375 24.9428 37.0509 25.85 37.211 26.7662C37.3712 27.6823 37.4868 28.6163 37.5224 29.5414C37.5224 29.5681 37.5046 29.5948 37.469 29.6037C37.4423 29.6037 37.4156 29.5859 37.4067 29.5503C37.3267 28.6253 37.1932 27.7091 37.0153 26.8018C36.8374 25.8945 36.6062 24.9961 36.3394 24.1067C36.0725 23.2172 35.7701 22.3455 35.4321 21.4827L35.1741 20.8422L34.8984 20.2018C34.8005 19.9883 34.7116 19.7748 34.6315 19.5613C34.5426 19.3479 34.4625 19.1255 34.4003 18.9032C34.3914 18.8765 34.4091 18.8409 34.4358 18.832C34.4803 18.8409 34.507 18.8498 34.5159 18.8676Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M31.6249 17.8805C31.8651 18.3697 32.0429 18.8767 32.2031 19.3926C32.3632 19.9085 32.5143 20.4244 32.6567 20.9492L33.1014 22.5058L33.555 24.0535C33.8575 25.0853 34.1421 26.126 34.3912 27.1845C34.6402 28.2341 34.8359 29.3015 34.9516 30.3778C34.9516 30.4045 34.9338 30.4401 34.9071 30.4401C34.8804 30.4401 34.8537 30.4223 34.8448 30.3956C34.6847 29.3282 34.4712 28.2786 34.2044 27.2379C33.9464 26.1972 33.6351 25.1654 33.3238 24.1336L32.8613 22.5858L32.4076 21.0382C32.2564 20.5223 32.1052 20.0063 31.9451 19.4904C31.785 18.9745 31.6338 18.4586 31.5181 17.9338C31.5092 17.9072 31.527 17.8716 31.5626 17.8716C31.5893 17.8449 31.616 17.8538 31.6249 17.8805Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.6629 17.2931C28.7964 17.5777 28.9209 17.8713 29.0187 18.1649C29.0721 18.3161 29.1255 18.4584 29.17 18.6096L29.3034 19.0632C29.4724 19.6681 29.6236 20.2818 29.757 20.8955C30.0239 22.123 30.2284 23.3594 30.4063 24.6047C30.4953 25.2273 30.5664 25.85 30.6376 26.4726C30.7177 27.0953 30.771 27.7179 30.8689 28.3317C31.0468 29.5681 31.2869 30.8044 31.3314 32.0586C31.3314 32.0852 31.3047 32.112 31.278 32.112C31.2513 32.112 31.2247 32.0941 31.2247 32.0586C31.1535 30.8133 30.8778 29.5947 30.6732 28.3583C30.5753 27.7357 30.5042 27.113 30.4152 26.4993C30.3352 25.8766 30.2462 25.2629 30.1573 24.6403C29.9794 23.4039 29.7748 22.1764 29.499 20.9578C29.3656 20.353 29.2055 19.7482 29.0454 19.1433C28.8764 18.5474 28.6985 17.9513 28.5562 17.3376C28.5473 17.3109 28.5651 17.2753 28.6007 17.2664C28.6274 17.2487 28.654 17.2664 28.6629 17.2931Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.6552 17.7023C23.6019 18.0314 23.5218 18.3605 23.4506 18.6807C23.4151 18.8408 23.3795 19.0098 23.3439 19.1699C23.3083 19.33 23.2638 19.4902 23.2283 19.6592C23.0771 20.3085 22.9437 20.9578 22.8191 21.616C22.579 22.9236 22.3922 24.2489 22.2498 25.5742C22.1075 26.8996 22.0186 28.2338 21.983 29.5591C21.9474 30.8933 21.9652 32.2276 22.0808 33.5529C22.0808 33.5796 22.063 33.6062 22.0275 33.6151C22.0008 33.6151 21.9741 33.5974 21.9652 33.5618C21.814 32.2276 21.7695 30.8934 21.7784 29.5502C21.7962 28.2071 21.8763 26.8728 22.0008 25.5386C22.1342 24.2044 22.321 22.879 22.5523 21.5626C22.6679 20.9044 22.8014 20.2462 22.9526 19.5969C23.0237 19.2678 23.1127 18.9475 23.2105 18.6273C23.3083 18.3071 23.4151 17.9869 23.5396 17.6756C23.5485 17.6489 23.5841 17.6311 23.6108 17.64C23.6464 17.6489 23.6641 17.6756 23.6552 17.7023Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.2258 17.5158C26.2525 17.8716 26.2614 18.2274 26.2703 18.5832C26.2792 18.939 26.2792 19.2948 26.2703 19.6506L26.2614 20.7091V21.7676C26.2703 23.1819 26.2969 24.6051 26.3592 26.0193C26.4126 27.4336 26.4926 28.8479 26.6172 30.2622C26.7328 31.6765 26.8751 33.0819 27.0619 34.4873C27.0619 34.5139 27.0441 34.5494 27.0174 34.5494C26.9907 34.5494 26.9641 34.5317 26.9552 34.505C26.7417 33.0996 26.5638 31.6942 26.4304 30.2799C26.2969 28.8656 26.1991 27.4514 26.1279 26.0282C26.0657 24.6139 26.0301 23.1908 26.0123 21.7676L26.0034 20.7002V19.6329C26.0123 18.9213 26.0301 18.2096 26.1102 17.5069C26.1102 17.4803 26.1368 17.4536 26.1724 17.4536C26.1991 17.4625 26.2169 17.4891 26.2258 17.5158Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.918 18.8057C17.7757 18.9925 17.6155 19.1703 17.4554 19.3394C17.3042 19.5172 17.1441 19.6863 16.984 19.8553L16.5215 20.3801L16.0767 20.9227C15.4986 21.661 14.9738 22.4437 14.5201 23.262C14.0576 24.0804 13.6662 24.9343 13.3549 25.8149C13.0436 26.6955 12.8123 27.6116 12.67 28.5455C12.6611 28.5722 12.6344 28.5989 12.6077 28.59C12.5811 28.59 12.5544 28.5545 12.5633 28.5278C12.6611 27.5849 12.8746 26.651 13.1681 25.7526C13.4706 24.8542 13.853 23.9736 14.2978 23.1375C14.7514 22.3014 15.2762 21.5097 15.8633 20.7625L16.308 20.2111L16.7794 19.6774C16.9395 19.5084 17.1085 19.3394 17.2775 19.1704C17.4554 19.0103 17.6422 18.859 17.829 18.7167C17.8557 18.6989 17.8913 18.7079 17.9091 18.7257C17.9358 18.7523 17.9358 18.779 17.918 18.8057Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.6842 18.0933C20.5152 18.3334 20.3372 18.5648 20.1593 18.7871C19.9814 19.0184 19.8035 19.2407 19.6256 19.4631L19.1008 20.148L18.6027 20.8507C17.9534 21.8024 17.3663 22.7987 16.8682 23.8394C16.3612 24.8712 15.9432 25.9564 15.6229 27.0594C15.3027 28.1623 15.0715 29.3008 14.9647 30.4483C14.9647 30.4749 14.9381 30.5016 14.9025 30.5016C14.8758 30.5016 14.8491 30.475 14.8491 30.4394C14.9292 29.2831 15.1338 28.1267 15.4362 27.0059C15.7475 25.8852 16.1566 24.7911 16.6459 23.7326C17.144 22.6831 17.731 21.669 18.3804 20.7084L18.8874 19.9968L19.4122 19.303C19.599 19.0807 19.7857 18.8583 19.9814 18.6359C20.186 18.4224 20.3906 18.2178 20.6041 18.0221C20.6307 18.0043 20.6664 18.0043 20.6842 18.0221C20.7019 18.0399 20.7019 18.0666 20.6842 18.0933Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.5789 17.836C22.4188 18.4498 22.2054 19.0458 21.9741 19.6328L21.2803 21.394C20.8266 22.5681 20.3908 23.7511 20.0439 24.9608C19.6881 26.1616 19.439 27.398 19.2967 28.6433C19.1544 29.8886 19.101 31.1516 19.1811 32.4058C19.1811 32.4325 19.1633 32.4592 19.1277 32.4681C19.101 32.4681 19.0743 32.4502 19.0655 32.4147C18.9587 31.1516 18.9765 29.8797 19.101 28.6255C19.2344 27.3624 19.4657 26.1171 19.8126 24.8985C20.1595 23.6799 20.5865 22.488 21.0401 21.305L21.725 19.5439C21.9563 18.9568 22.1964 18.3786 22.4811 17.8094C22.4989 17.7827 22.5256 17.7737 22.5523 17.7826C22.5789 17.7826 22.5878 17.8094 22.5789 17.836Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.8651 17.631C24.7939 18.3248 24.6694 19.0096 24.5449 19.6945C24.4203 20.3794 24.3047 21.0555 24.2335 21.7493C24.0823 23.128 24.1001 24.5156 24.0645 25.9032C24.0201 27.2908 24.0023 28.6784 24.0645 30.066C24.1179 31.4536 24.2513 32.8323 24.5093 34.2021C24.5182 34.2288 24.4915 34.2644 24.4648 34.2644C24.4381 34.2733 24.4025 34.2466 24.4025 34.2199C24.109 32.859 23.9489 31.4624 23.8688 30.0749C23.7888 28.6784 23.7977 27.2908 23.8244 25.8943C23.8511 24.5067 23.8333 23.1102 23.9756 21.7137C24.0468 21.0199 24.1624 20.3261 24.2869 19.6412C24.4114 18.9563 24.5715 18.2803 24.7583 17.6043C24.7672 17.5776 24.7939 17.5598 24.8295 17.5687C24.8473 17.5776 24.8651 17.6043 24.8651 17.631Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.4532 17.5423C27.4976 17.8804 27.5421 18.2094 27.5955 18.5385L27.7556 19.5347L27.9157 20.531L28.0669 21.5361L28.3604 23.5374L28.5028 24.5425C28.5472 24.8716 28.6006 25.2097 28.6362 25.5477C28.7785 26.8997 28.7963 28.2428 28.8941 29.5859C28.9742 30.929 29.2588 32.2455 29.3834 33.5976C29.3834 33.6242 29.3656 33.6509 29.33 33.6597C29.3033 33.6597 29.2766 33.642 29.2677 33.6064C29.1165 32.2722 28.7963 30.9557 28.6896 29.6037C28.5739 28.2606 28.5383 26.9086 28.3871 25.5744C28.3515 25.2453 28.2982 24.9072 28.2537 24.5781L28.1025 23.5819L27.8001 21.5806L27.6489 20.5843L27.4799 19.5882C27.3731 18.921 27.2931 18.245 27.3286 17.5601C27.3286 17.5334 27.3553 17.5067 27.3909 17.5067C27.4265 17.4889 27.4443 17.5157 27.4532 17.5423Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.1395 17.5601C30.3352 18.1027 30.4864 18.6631 30.6198 19.2235C30.7532 19.7838 30.8778 20.3442 31.0023 20.9046C31.2513 22.0254 31.4915 23.155 31.7139 24.2847C31.8206 24.8539 31.9273 25.4143 32.0163 25.9925C32.1052 26.5618 32.1853 27.131 32.2742 27.7002C32.4432 28.8388 32.63 29.9773 32.9592 31.0714C32.9681 31.0981 32.9502 31.1337 32.9235 31.1426C32.8969 31.1514 32.8613 31.1337 32.8524 31.107C32.4966 30.0041 32.2742 28.8655 32.0874 27.727C31.9985 27.1577 31.9095 26.5884 31.8117 26.0192C31.7138 25.4499 31.5982 24.8895 31.4826 24.3291C31.2602 23.1995 31.0112 22.0787 30.7532 20.9579C30.6287 20.3976 30.4953 19.8373 30.3618 19.2769C30.2284 18.7165 30.1039 18.1561 30.0327 17.5779C30.0327 17.5512 30.0505 17.5156 30.0772 17.5156C30.1039 17.5245 30.1306 17.5423 30.1395 17.5601Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M32.9857 18.1916C33.1992 18.6631 33.3682 19.1345 33.5372 19.6148C33.6973 20.0951 33.8663 20.5843 34.0175 21.0735C34.0976 21.3137 34.1687 21.5628 34.2399 21.8119C34.311 22.052 34.3822 22.301 34.4623 22.5412C34.6224 23.0215 34.7914 23.5019 34.9515 23.9911C35.1116 24.4714 35.2628 24.9695 35.3962 25.4587C35.5296 25.9569 35.6542 26.4461 35.7609 26.9531C35.9833 27.9493 36.1612 28.9632 36.2946 29.9684C36.2946 29.995 36.2768 30.0306 36.2501 30.0306C36.2234 30.0306 36.1967 30.0129 36.1878 29.9862C36.0099 28.9811 35.8143 27.9849 35.5741 26.9975C35.4585 26.4994 35.325 26.0102 35.1916 25.5209C35.0582 25.0317 34.8981 24.5514 34.7291 24.0711C34.5601 23.5908 34.3911 23.1105 34.231 22.6213C34.1509 22.3811 34.0709 22.1321 33.9997 21.883C33.9285 21.6339 33.8574 21.3938 33.7773 21.1536C33.6261 20.6733 33.4571 20.193 33.2881 19.7038C33.1191 19.2234 32.9679 18.7342 32.8789 18.2272C32.87 18.2005 32.8967 18.165 32.9234 18.165C32.9501 18.1561 32.9768 18.1738 32.9857 18.1916Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.6061 20.3533C36.7128 20.5045 36.8018 20.6647 36.8907 20.8337C36.9708 21.0027 37.0508 21.1716 37.1131 21.3406L37.3088 21.8566L37.4956 22.3813C37.7357 23.0751 37.9492 23.7867 38.1271 24.4983C38.2961 25.2188 38.4384 25.9393 38.5541 26.6687C38.6608 27.398 38.7408 28.1274 38.7764 28.8657C38.7764 28.8924 38.7586 28.9191 38.723 28.928C38.6964 28.928 38.6697 28.9102 38.6608 28.8746C38.5807 28.1452 38.4829 27.4248 38.3584 26.7043C38.2338 25.9838 38.0737 25.2722 37.8869 24.5606C37.709 23.849 37.4956 23.1552 37.2465 22.4614L37.0597 21.9455L36.864 21.4385C36.7929 21.2695 36.7306 21.1005 36.6683 20.9315C36.6061 20.7625 36.5438 20.5846 36.4993 20.4067C36.4904 20.38 36.5082 20.3444 36.5438 20.3355C36.5705 20.3266 36.5972 20.3355 36.6061 20.3533Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n\n            <\/svg><svg class=\"illus\" width=\"30vw\" height=\"30vw\" viewBox=\"0 0 42 59\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: 2450px; right: -15vw; transform: rotate(-10.9431deg);\"><path d=\"M12.3363 26.3758C11.518 26.2869 10.6996 26.2691 9.88132 26.3046C9.06299 26.3491 8.24472 26.4559 7.44418 26.5982C6.64364 26.7405 5.8609 26.9896 5.13152 27.3365C4.94473 27.4165 4.77573 27.5233 4.59783 27.6211C4.50888 27.6656 4.42879 27.7278 4.33984 27.7812C4.25979 27.8346 4.17086 27.8879 4.09081 27.9502C3.9307 28.0747 3.76171 28.1904 3.6194 28.3238C3.54824 28.395 3.46818 28.4483 3.39702 28.5284L3.18351 28.7418C2.90777 29.0354 2.6587 29.3467 2.45412 29.6936L2.37412 29.8181L2.30289 29.9515C2.25841 30.0405 2.20508 30.1294 2.1606 30.2184C2.08055 30.4052 1.99164 30.5831 1.92937 30.7788C1.65363 31.5348 1.53793 32.3443 1.54683 33.1537C1.56462 33.9631 1.69807 34.7725 1.93823 35.5464C2.17839 36.3202 2.51636 37.0674 2.92553 37.7701C3.33469 38.4728 3.81501 39.131 4.3487 39.7537C4.88239 40.3763 5.46061 40.9545 6.04767 41.5326C6.63473 42.1108 7.22179 42.689 7.78217 43.3027C8.33365 43.9165 8.8495 44.5747 9.28535 45.2862C9.7123 45.9978 10.0414 46.7717 10.3083 47.5544C10.5662 48.3461 10.7619 49.1466 10.8864 49.965C11.1444 51.6016 11.2066 53.256 11.1977 54.9016C11.1977 55.7288 11.18 56.5472 11.1622 57.3744L11.1533 57.9881V58.0682V58.1037C11.3045 58.0948 10.922 58.0504 10.9665 58.086V58.0771C10.9754 58.0326 10.9843 57.9792 10.9932 57.9258L11.0376 57.6145L11.2155 56.396L11.3934 55.1773C11.4557 54.7682 11.5091 54.3679 11.5535 53.9587C11.6514 53.1404 11.7226 52.3221 11.8115 51.5038C11.9005 50.6855 12.0072 49.8671 12.1585 49.0577C12.2385 48.6485 12.3274 48.2483 12.443 47.848C12.5675 47.4566 12.6832 47.0563 12.8522 46.6739C13.1724 45.9089 13.6172 45.1884 14.1508 44.5569C14.6756 43.9165 15.2983 43.365 15.8587 42.769C16.4279 42.182 16.935 41.5326 17.273 40.7943C17.4509 40.4297 17.5754 40.0383 17.6733 39.6469C17.7711 39.2555 17.8511 38.8464 17.9134 38.4461C18.029 37.6367 18.0824 36.8184 18.0824 36C18.0824 35.1817 18.0201 34.3634 17.9045 33.545C17.7889 32.7356 17.6109 31.9351 17.353 31.1523C17.095 30.3785 16.757 29.6224 16.3123 28.9375C15.8675 28.2526 15.2983 27.6478 14.6223 27.1941C13.9374 26.7494 13.1458 26.4737 12.3363 26.3758ZM12.3541 26.2691C13.1813 26.3669 13.9818 26.6427 14.6845 27.1052C15.3783 27.5677 15.9565 28.1815 16.4102 28.8752C16.8638 29.569 17.2107 30.334 17.4686 31.1168C17.7266 31.8995 17.9045 32.709 18.0291 33.5273C18.1447 34.3456 18.2069 35.1728 18.2158 36C18.2158 36.8273 18.1714 37.6545 18.0557 38.4728C17.9935 38.882 17.9223 39.2911 17.8155 39.6914C17.7088 40.0917 17.5932 40.492 17.4064 40.8655C17.0595 41.6216 16.5436 42.2976 15.9654 42.8846C15.3962 43.4806 14.7824 44.0321 14.2665 44.6636C13.7417 45.2951 13.3148 45.989 13.0035 46.745C12.8345 47.1186 12.7188 47.51 12.6032 47.9014C12.4965 48.2927 12.4075 48.693 12.3274 49.0933C12.1762 49.8938 12.0695 50.7121 11.9894 51.5305C11.9005 52.3488 11.8293 53.1671 11.7404 53.9854C11.6959 54.3946 11.6337 54.8037 11.5803 55.2129L11.4113 56.4315L11.2334 57.6501L11.1889 57.9526C11.18 58.0059 11.1711 58.0504 11.1622 58.1126L11.1533 58.1393C11.1977 58.2016 10.8064 58.1482 10.9576 58.1215C10.9576 58.1038 10.9576 58.086 10.9576 58.0771V57.997L10.9665 57.3832C10.9843 56.556 10.9932 55.7377 10.9932 54.9194C11.0021 53.2739 10.9309 51.6283 10.673 50.0183C10.5396 49.2089 10.3528 48.4173 10.0948 47.6345C9.83688 46.8607 9.51668 46.1046 9.08973 45.4108C8.66278 44.717 8.15572 44.0677 7.61313 43.4628C7.06165 42.858 6.47464 42.2887 5.88758 41.7105C5.30052 41.1324 4.71339 40.5542 4.17081 39.9227C3.62822 39.3 3.13016 38.624 2.7121 37.9035C2.29405 37.183 1.94711 36.427 1.69806 35.6265C1.449 34.8348 1.30672 33.9987 1.28893 33.1626C1.28003 32.3265 1.39561 31.4815 1.68025 30.6898C1.74251 30.4853 1.84037 30.2985 1.92043 30.1028C1.9649 30.0049 2.01832 29.916 2.0628 29.827L2.13394 29.6847L2.21394 29.5513C2.42742 29.1866 2.69431 28.8575 2.97895 28.5462C3.55711 27.9324 4.25976 27.4521 5.01582 27.0963C5.77188 26.7405 6.58135 26.5181 7.40857 26.3936C8.22689 26.2691 9.04524 26.1801 9.87246 26.1535C10.6997 26.1446 11.5357 26.1712 12.3541 26.2691Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M33.5594 24.0452C33.1858 24.0541 32.8123 24.1697 32.4832 24.3565C32.1541 24.5433 31.8605 24.7924 31.6026 25.0681C31.0867 25.6285 30.6864 26.2867 30.3395 26.9716C29.9926 27.6476 29.7613 28.3859 29.5656 29.1153C29.3699 29.8535 29.2277 30.6096 29.1031 31.3656C28.863 32.8778 28.7474 34.4166 28.7029 35.9465C28.6673 37.4853 28.7028 39.0152 28.854 40.5451C28.9341 41.3101 29.0319 42.0662 29.1831 42.8222C29.2632 43.1958 29.3433 43.5694 29.45 43.9341C29.5567 44.2988 29.6723 44.6635 29.8325 45.0015C30.1527 45.6864 30.5975 46.309 31.0867 46.8961C31.3268 47.1896 31.5848 47.4743 31.8427 47.7678L32.2252 48.1947C32.3497 48.3459 32.4832 48.4882 32.5988 48.6395C33.5683 49.8581 34.2621 51.2901 34.6268 52.8022C34.8136 53.5583 34.9025 54.3321 34.9203 55.1149C34.9292 55.3106 34.9203 55.5063 34.9203 55.6931C34.9203 55.7909 34.9203 55.8799 34.9203 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37.402 24.9258C37.2419 24.8279 37.0818 24.7212 36.9039 24.6412C36.7349 24.5522 36.557 24.4811 36.3791 24.4099C36.2902 24.3743 36.2012 24.3476 36.1123 24.3209L35.9788 24.2765L35.8365 24.2409C35.0982 24.0986 34.3244 24.0274 33.5594 24.0452ZM33.5594 23.9384C34.3333 23.9207 35.1161 23.9829 35.8632 24.1786L36.0055 24.2142L36.1478 24.2587C36.2367 24.2853 36.3346 24.3209 36.4236 24.3476C36.6015 24.4188 36.7883 24.4899 36.9573 24.5789C37.1352 24.6589 37.2953 24.7657 37.4643 24.8635C37.6244 24.9792 37.7845 25.0859 37.9268 25.2193C38.5316 25.7174 38.9853 26.3667 39.3322 27.0605C39.5012 27.4074 39.6524 27.7721 39.777 28.1368C39.9015 28.5015 40.0082 28.8751 40.106 29.2487C40.2928 29.9959 40.4262 30.7608 40.5508 31.5169L40.9155 33.8029C41.1557 35.3239 41.3514 36.8538 41.4225 38.4015C41.4581 39.1753 41.4581 39.9492 41.4047 40.723C41.3513 41.4969 41.2446 42.2618 41.0578 43.0179C40.9688 43.3915 40.8444 43.7651 40.7109 44.1298C40.5686 44.4944 40.4085 44.8414 40.2128 45.1883C39.8214 45.8643 39.3411 46.478 38.8607 47.074C38.3804 47.6788 37.8913 48.2659 37.4643 48.9063C37.0374 49.5378 36.6815 50.2138 36.4236 50.9343C35.9166 52.3753 35.7475 53.923 35.2761 55.4085C35.2494 55.4974 35.2139 55.5953 35.1872 55.6842L35.0894 55.9599C35.0538 56.0489 35.0182 56.1378 34.9826 56.2268L34.9293 56.3602C34.9204 56.3691 34.9204 56.378 34.9115 56.3958C34.8759 56.4047 34.9737 56.4224 34.778 56.458C34.6446 56.3513 34.7246 56.378 34.698 56.3513C34.698 56.3157 34.698 56.2891 34.698 56.2624C34.7069 56.1645 34.7157 56.0667 34.7246 55.9777V55.6931C34.7246 55.4974 34.7246 55.3106 34.7246 55.1149C34.7068 54.3499 34.6179 53.5939 34.4311 52.8467C34.0753 51.3613 33.3905 49.9648 32.4387 48.7729C32.3231 48.6217 32.1985 48.4794 32.074 48.337L31.6915 47.9101C31.4336 47.6254 31.1756 47.3319 30.9266 47.0384C30.4285 46.4424 29.9659 45.8109 29.6368 45.0904C29.4678 44.7346 29.3433 44.3611 29.2366 43.9875C29.1209 43.6139 29.0408 43.2314 28.9608 42.8578C28.8096 42.1017 28.7028 41.3279 28.6228 40.563C28.4627 39.0241 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2.37354C17.3181 2.34606 17.1926 2.35406 17.082 2.39892C16.9714 2.44377 16.8669 2.52477 16.7794 2.61605C16.6038 2.80748 16.4765 3.06517 16.3677 3.31537C16.1663 3.83491 16.0509 4.39685 15.9798 4.96229C15.9742 5.03323 15.9597 5.10346 15.9541 5.1744L15.9374 5.38726C15.9263 5.52914 15.9056 5.67919 15.8768 5.81968C15.8623 5.88992 15.8383 5.96834 15.815 6.03789C15.8034 6.07266 15.7822 6.11559 15.7616 6.14967C15.7411 6.18375 15.7015 6.23416 15.6455 6.26546C15.6175 6.2811 15.5724 6.28652 15.5547 6.28513C15.5281 6.28304 15.5008 6.28982 15.4838 6.27956C15.4572 6.27747 15.4402 6.26721 15.4135 6.26512L15.3529 6.24249C15.2758 6.20076 15.2166 6.16044 15.158 6.11123C15.0401 6.02168 14.9413 5.91577 14.8302 5.85352C14.7791 5.82275 14.7273 5.80085 14.6823 5.80624C14.6734 5.80554 14.6638 5.81372 14.6549 5.81302C14.646 5.81233 14.6365 5.82048 14.6181 5.82795L14.5812 5.84292L14.5437 5.86672C14.4495 5.93071 14.4049 6.0432 14.3686 6.16526C14.3411 6.28801 14.3388 6.43059 14.3461 6.56499C14.36 6.84267 14.4189 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8.88782C14.7219 8.82505 14.7002 8.76088 14.6874 8.69742C14.6446 8.56023 14.6018 8.42305 14.5584 8.29473C14.4728 8.02035 14.3873 7.74596 14.3113 7.46341C14.2354 7.18086 14.1771 6.89971 14.1557 6.6036C14.1498 6.45146 14.1527 6.3 14.1823 6.15064C14.194 6.11587 14.1975 6.07155 14.218 6.03747L14.2406 5.97677L14.2721 5.91681C14.2926 5.88274 14.3219 5.84932 14.3432 5.80638C14.3725 5.77299 14.4019 5.73964 14.4395 5.71583L14.4962 5.67567C14.5147 5.66819 14.5331 5.66068 14.5522 5.64433C14.589 5.62938 14.6436 5.61582 14.6887 5.61043C14.7965 5.60105 14.8824 5.64349 14.9505 5.68452C15.0957 5.76729 15.1945 5.87321 15.3042 5.95319C15.3546 5.99284 15.4139 6.03319 15.4651 6.06397L15.4998 6.07558C15.5086 6.07628 15.5264 6.07768 15.5346 6.08724C15.5523 6.08863 15.5878 6.09142 15.5789 6.09072C15.5789 6.09072 15.598 6.07439 15.6083 6.05735C15.6193 6.03144 15.6391 6.00624 15.6411 5.97963C15.6638 5.91895 15.6775 5.85756 15.692 5.78731C15.7201 5.65569 15.7401 5.51453 15.7512 5.37265L15.7679 5.15979C15.7742 5.07998 15.779 5.01791 15.7942 4.9388C15.8749 4.36519 15.9822 3.79368 16.1945 3.24824C16.3047 2.98031 16.4335 2.70489 16.648 2.4719C16.7553 2.35541 16.8789 2.25805 17.0352 2.19894C17.1915 2.13983 17.3621 2.12647 17.5197 2.1656C17.669 2.19516 17.8252 2.252 17.9512 2.35111C18.0868 2.44205 18.1917 2.58411 18.2515 2.73156C18.3711 3.02646 18.3638 3.34709 18.332 3.63903C18.2913 3.93027 18.224 4.21943 18.1403 4.48946C18.0648 4.76905 17.9635 5.03767 17.8976 5.30909C17.8687 5.44957 17.8405 5.5812 17.83 5.71422C17.8196 5.84723 17.8174 5.9898 17.8349 6.10717C17.8478 6.17063 17.8613 6.22521 17.8933 6.27233C17.9015 6.2819 17.9097 6.29148 17.9178 6.30105L17.9254 6.31946C17.9254 6.31946 17.9424 6.32972 17.9697 6.32294C18.0229 6.32711 18.0953 6.31495 18.1676 6.30278C18.2399 6.29062 18.3122 6.27845 18.4097 6.2861C18.4363 6.28819 18.4629 6.29025 18.497 6.31077C18.5318 6.32242 18.5652 6.35184 18.589 6.3894C18.6367 6.46451 18.6133 6.53406 18.6105 6.56953L18.5666 6.78913L18.496 7.00665C18.4727 7.0762 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10.8897C35.3115 11.5657 35.3027 12.2417 35.2671 12.9266C35.2048 14.2875 35.0981 15.6484 35.0002 17.0093C34.9024 18.3703 34.8134 19.7223 34.7867 21.0832C34.7778 21.7592 34.7689 22.4441 34.7867 23.1201C34.7867 23.2891 34.7868 23.4581 34.7957 23.6271L34.8223 24.1341C34.8312 24.4721 34.8668 24.8101 34.8757 25.1481C34.8757 25.1748 34.849 25.2015 34.8223 25.2015C34.7779 25.1837 34.7512 25.1659 34.7512 25.1392Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M33.5059 25.3262C33.4169 24.41 33.3725 23.4939 33.3102 22.5866C33.2479 21.6704 33.1501 20.7631 32.9989 19.8647C32.8477 18.9664 32.6342 18.0769 32.3406 17.2141C32.0471 16.3602 31.6023 15.5596 31.0509 14.8392C30.9174 14.6613 30.7662 14.4834 30.6239 14.3055C30.5528 14.2165 30.4727 14.1365 30.4016 14.0475L30.2859 13.9141C30.2415 13.8607 30.2148 13.8162 30.1792 13.7629C30.1436 13.7184 30.117 13.6739 30.0814 13.6383C30.0725 13.6295 30.0636 13.6205 30.0636 13.6205C30.0636 13.6205 30.0725 13.6294 30.0814 13.6294C30.1081 13.6383 30.1347 13.6206 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13.4605C29.9657 13.4516 29.9746 13.4427 29.9746 13.4338C29.9835 13.4249 29.9924 13.4071 30.0102 13.3982C30.0368 13.3715 30.0813 13.3626 30.1169 13.3715C30.1436 13.3715 30.1614 13.3893 30.1792 13.3982C30.1881 13.4071 30.2059 13.416 30.2148 13.4249C30.2326 13.4427 30.2415 13.4516 30.2593 13.4694C30.3038 13.5227 30.3393 13.5672 30.3749 13.6205C30.4105 13.665 30.4371 13.7184 30.4727 13.754L30.5883 13.8785C30.6684 13.9675 30.7485 14.0475 30.8196 14.1365C30.9708 14.3144 31.1132 14.4923 31.2644 14.6702C31.8336 15.4084 32.2962 16.2267 32.5986 17.1073C32.901 17.979 33.1234 18.8863 33.2746 19.7936C33.4347 20.7009 33.5326 21.617 33.5948 22.5421C33.6126 22.7734 33.6215 23.0046 33.6393 23.227C33.6482 23.4582 33.657 23.6895 33.657 23.9208C33.6659 24.3833 33.6571 24.837 33.6393 25.2995C33.6393 25.3262 33.6126 25.3529 33.577 25.3529C33.5326 25.3796 33.5059 25.3529 33.5059 25.3262Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.93576 27.3364C5.16703 27.3542 5.39831 27.3809 5.62069 27.4165C5.85195 27.4521 6.07429 27.4877 6.29666 27.5321L6.97263 27.6566L7.64869 27.7634C8.55597 27.9057 9.46326 28.0124 10.3794 28.1014C11.2867 28.1903 12.2029 28.2526 13.119 28.2971C14.0352 28.3415 14.9513 28.3593 15.8675 28.3682C15.8942 28.3682 15.9209 28.3949 15.9209 28.4216C15.9209 28.4483 15.8942 28.4749 15.8675 28.4749C14.9513 28.5016 14.0263 28.5016 13.1101 28.4839C12.1939 28.4572 11.2688 28.4127 10.3527 28.3415C9.43651 28.2615 8.52035 28.1548 7.61308 28.0213L6.92816 27.9146L6.24332 27.799C6.02095 27.7545 5.78964 27.71 5.56726 27.6566C5.34489 27.5944 5.12252 27.5321 4.90015 27.452C4.87347 27.4431 4.85573 27.4076 4.86462 27.3809C4.89131 27.3453 4.90908 27.3364 4.93576 27.3364Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M2.83657 29.1422C3.37916 29.4268 3.92176 29.6759 4.49993 29.8716C5.0692 30.0672 5.66519 30.2006 6.27004 30.2985C7.47084 30.4853 8.69835 30.512 9.93473 30.5742C11.1622 30.6365 12.3897 30.7788 13.6083 30.8856C14.8269 30.9923 16.0544 31.0546 17.273 30.9389C17.2997 30.9389 17.3263 30.9567 17.3352 30.9923C17.3352 31.019 17.3174 31.0457 17.2907 31.0546C16.0632 31.1969 14.8268 31.1613 13.5993 31.0813C12.3719 30.9923 11.1533 30.8678 9.92579 30.8233C8.6983 30.77 7.46191 30.7433 6.23442 30.5565C5.62068 30.4675 5.00698 30.3252 4.41992 30.1295C3.83286 29.9249 3.26356 29.6403 2.78324 29.24C2.75655 29.2222 2.75659 29.1866 2.77438 29.16C2.78327 29.1422 2.81878 29.1333 2.83657 29.1422Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M1.50218 32.2197C2.18708 32.3087 2.87204 32.4065 3.55694 32.5221C4.24185 32.6378 4.92675 32.7534 5.60276 32.9046C5.94076 32.9758 6.28761 33.0647 6.61672 33.1448C6.95472 33.2337 7.2839 33.3138 7.62191 33.3939C8.29791 33.554 8.97391 33.6963 9.64992 33.803C10.3348 33.9098 11.0197 33.9809 11.7046 34.0076C12.3895 34.0343 13.0833 34.0165 13.7682 33.9631C15.1469 33.8653 16.5079 33.5985 17.851 33.2693C17.8777 33.2605 17.9132 33.2782 17.9221 33.3138C17.931 33.3405 17.9132 33.3761 17.8865 33.385C16.5434 33.7408 15.1825 34.0343 13.7949 34.1588C13.1011 34.2211 12.4073 34.2389 11.7046 34.23C11.0108 34.2122 10.3082 34.1499 9.62325 34.0432C8.92945 33.9364 8.25344 33.803 7.57743 33.6429C7.23943 33.5628 6.90139 33.4828 6.56338 33.3939C6.22538 33.3049 5.89629 33.2248 5.55828 33.1537C4.88227 33.0114 4.19734 32.8958 3.52133 32.7801C2.83642 32.6645 2.15157 32.5311 1.48446 32.3176C1.45777 32.3087 1.43995 32.2731 1.44884 32.2464C1.44884 32.2286 1.47549 32.2197 1.50218 32.2197Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M1.81375 34.746C2.49866 34.826 3.16584 34.9505 3.84185 35.1018L5.84319 35.5465C7.17742 35.84 8.52047 36.1247 9.86359 36.3382C11.2067 36.5517 12.5677 36.685 13.9375 36.7117C15.2984 36.7384 16.6682 36.6584 18.0202 36.4805C18.0469 36.4805 18.0825 36.4982 18.0825 36.5249C18.0825 36.5516 18.0647 36.5783 18.038 36.5872C16.686 36.7918 15.3073 36.9074 13.9375 36.9074C12.5588 36.8985 11.189 36.7829 9.82807 36.5783C8.46715 36.3737 7.124 36.098 5.78977 35.8045L3.78843 35.3597C3.45042 35.2886 3.1213 35.2085 2.79219 35.1285C2.46308 35.0484 2.12511 34.9595 1.80489 34.8527C1.77821 34.8438 1.76038 34.8083 1.76928 34.7816C1.76928 34.7549 1.79596 34.7371 1.81375 34.746Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.25447 38.535C3.5391 38.6595 3.81483 38.784 4.08167 38.9264C4.36631 39.0509 4.64208 39.1754 4.91782 39.3L5.77169 39.6291L6.64346 39.9048C7.81758 40.2339 9.02724 40.4207 10.2547 40.5097C11.4733 40.5986 12.7008 40.5897 13.9283 40.5186C15.1558 40.4474 16.3744 40.3229 17.593 40.1628C17.6197 40.1628 17.6553 40.1806 17.6553 40.2072C17.6553 40.2339 17.6375 40.2606 17.6108 40.2695C16.3922 40.4563 15.1736 40.6164 13.9461 40.7053C12.7186 40.7943 11.4823 40.821 10.2459 40.7409C9.00949 40.6609 7.78198 40.4741 6.58118 40.145L5.69169 39.8692L4.82001 39.5312C4.53538 39.3978 4.2596 39.2644 3.98386 39.1221C3.71702 38.962 3.45908 38.7929 3.20113 38.615C3.17445 38.5972 3.1744 38.5617 3.19219 38.535C3.20108 38.5261 3.22778 38.5261 3.25447 38.535Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.57768 43.1784C7.8801 43.1606 8.18249 43.1962 8.47602 43.2585C8.76955 43.3207 9.06312 43.383 9.35665 43.4453C9.94371 43.5787 10.5218 43.7121 11.1089 43.8277C11.6959 43.9433 12.2831 44.0323 12.8701 44.059C13.4661 44.0946 14.0531 44.059 14.6491 43.9789C14.6758 43.97 14.7113 43.9967 14.7113 44.0234C14.7113 44.0501 14.6935 44.0768 14.6668 44.0857C14.0797 44.2102 13.4661 44.2636 12.8701 44.2547C12.2653 44.2458 11.6604 44.1746 11.0733 44.0679C10.4774 43.9612 9.89923 43.8277 9.31217 43.7032C9.01864 43.6409 8.72508 43.5787 8.43155 43.5253C8.28923 43.4986 8.13798 43.463 7.99566 43.4274C7.85335 43.3919 7.71105 43.3474 7.56873 43.294C7.54204 43.2851 7.52431 43.2496 7.5332 43.2229C7.5421 43.1962 7.55989 43.1784 7.57768 43.1784Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.0681 47.0384C10.1304 47.0295 10.1837 47.0295 10.2371 47.0384C10.2905 47.0473 10.335 47.0651 10.3883 47.0829C10.4862 47.1185 10.584 47.1541 10.6818 47.1807C10.8775 47.243 11.0821 47.2964 11.2778 47.3408C11.4824 47.3853 11.687 47.412 11.8916 47.4387C12.0962 47.4654 12.3097 47.4743 12.5142 47.4921C12.5409 47.4921 12.5676 47.5187 12.5676 47.5543C12.5676 47.581 12.5409 47.6077 12.5231 47.6077C12.3096 47.6344 12.0961 47.6432 11.8826 47.6432C11.6692 47.6432 11.4557 47.6166 11.2333 47.5899C11.0199 47.5543 10.8064 47.5098 10.6018 47.4476C10.4951 47.412 10.3973 47.3853 10.2905 47.3408C10.1927 47.3052 10.0948 47.2519 10.0237 47.1452C10.0059 47.1185 10.0058 47.074 10.0414 47.0562C10.0503 47.0473 10.0593 47.0473 10.0681 47.0384Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.9087 25.8335C31.2556 25.8691 31.5847 25.958 31.9138 26.0559C32.2429 26.1537 32.572 26.2515 32.9011 26.3494C33.5593 26.5362 34.2264 26.7052 34.8936 26.803C35.5607 26.9098 36.2456 26.9542 36.9305 26.9454C37.6154 26.9365 38.2914 26.8742 38.9763 26.803C39.003 26.803 39.0385 26.8208 39.0385 26.8475C39.0385 26.8742 39.0207 26.9009 38.994 26.9098C38.318 27.0254 37.6243 27.1054 36.9394 27.141C36.2456 27.1677 35.5518 27.141 34.8669 27.0521C34.182 26.9542 33.506 26.7852 32.8389 26.6073C32.5098 26.5184 32.1717 26.4206 31.8426 26.3227C31.5135 26.2249 31.1844 26.1092 30.882 25.9491C30.8553 25.9313 30.8464 25.9046 30.8553 25.8691C30.8641 25.8424 30.882 25.8335 30.9087 25.8335Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.5085 26.8296C30.7042 26.8563 30.8999 26.9008 31.0867 26.9542C31.2735 27.0075 31.4691 27.0609 31.6559 27.1231L32.2164 27.301L32.7767 27.47C33.5328 27.6835 34.2889 27.8703 35.0627 28.0126C35.8277 28.1638 36.6103 28.2617 37.3931 28.2972C38.1758 28.3417 38.9586 28.3151 39.7414 28.2439C39.7681 28.2439 39.7948 28.2617 39.8036 28.2972C39.8036 28.3239 39.7859 28.3506 39.7592 28.3595C38.9764 28.4752 38.1847 28.5196 37.3931 28.5018C36.6014 28.4841 35.8098 28.3951 35.036 28.2617C34.2532 28.1282 33.4883 27.9415 32.7233 27.728L32.1541 27.5679L31.5848 27.3989C31.2112 27.2833 30.8377 27.1409 30.4819 26.9542C30.4552 26.9364 30.4462 26.9096 30.4551 26.8741C30.464 26.8385 30.4818 26.8296 30.5085 26.8296Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.0317 31.2681C29.2719 31.2503 29.5121 31.2592 29.7523 31.2681C29.9924 31.277 30.2326 31.3036 30.4639 31.3303C30.9353 31.3837 31.4156 31.4459 31.887 31.4993C32.8299 31.6149 33.7816 31.7395 34.7244 31.8106C35.6673 31.8907 36.619 31.9263 37.5708 31.8729C38.5136 31.8195 39.4565 31.6683 40.3727 31.3926C40.3993 31.3837 40.435 31.4015 40.4439 31.4282C40.4528 31.4549 40.435 31.4904 40.4083 31.4993C39.501 31.8195 38.5492 31.9886 37.5886 32.0686C36.6279 32.1398 35.6673 32.122 34.7156 32.0597C33.7638 31.9886 32.8121 31.8729 31.8604 31.7662C31.3889 31.7128 30.9086 31.6505 30.4372 31.6061C30.197 31.5794 29.9658 31.5527 29.7256 31.5171C29.4854 31.4815 29.2541 31.446 29.0229 31.3926C28.9962 31.3837 28.9784 31.357 28.9784 31.3214C28.9784 31.2858 29.005 31.2681 29.0317 31.2681Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.8273 33.047C29.0763 33.047 29.3165 33.0559 29.5655 33.0737C29.8146 33.0914 30.0547 33.1093 30.2949 33.1359L31.0243 33.2071L31.7537 33.2605C32.7321 33.3227 33.7106 33.3405 34.689 33.3138C35.6674 33.296 36.6458 33.2249 37.6154 33.1181C38.5849 33.0114 39.5544 32.8602 40.524 32.6912C40.5507 32.6823 40.5863 32.709 40.5863 32.7357C40.5952 32.7624 40.5685 32.789 40.5418 32.7979C39.5812 33.0114 38.6116 33.1804 37.6332 33.3138C36.6547 33.4384 35.6763 33.5273 34.689 33.5629C33.7017 33.5985 32.7143 33.5807 31.7359 33.5273L30.9976 33.4739L30.2594 33.4116C30.0103 33.385 29.7701 33.3583 29.53 33.3138C29.2898 33.2694 29.0407 33.2249 28.8095 33.1626C28.7828 33.1537 28.765 33.127 28.7739 33.0915C28.7828 33.0648 28.8006 33.047 28.8273 33.047Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.6494 36.7919C28.9162 36.7919 29.1742 36.8097 29.4321 36.8364C29.6901 36.8542 29.9481 36.8898 30.206 36.9165L30.9799 37.0143L31.7537 37.0943C32.7855 37.2011 33.8262 37.2811 34.858 37.3078C35.8987 37.3434 36.9305 37.3256 37.9712 37.2455C39.003 37.1655 40.0348 37.0143 41.0489 36.783C41.0755 36.7741 41.1111 36.7919 41.1111 36.8275C41.12 36.8542 41.1022 36.8897 41.0755 36.8897C40.0704 37.1655 39.0297 37.3345 37.989 37.4412C36.9483 37.5391 35.8987 37.5746 34.858 37.5569C33.8084 37.5302 32.7678 37.459 31.7271 37.3612L30.9443 37.2811L30.1705 37.1922C29.6546 37.1299 29.1386 37.0499 28.6316 36.9075C28.6049 36.8987 28.5872 36.8719 28.5961 36.8364C28.5961 36.8097 28.6227 36.7919 28.6494 36.7919Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.7296 38.2682C28.9964 38.2771 29.2543 38.2949 29.5211 38.3216C29.788 38.3394 30.046 38.3749 30.304 38.4016L31.0867 38.4817L31.8694 38.5529C32.919 38.6329 33.9686 38.6596 35.0271 38.6507C36.0767 38.6418 37.1352 38.5884 38.1759 38.4906C39.2255 38.3927 40.2661 38.2504 41.3068 38.0725C41.3335 38.0637 41.3691 38.0903 41.3691 38.117C41.378 38.1437 41.3513 38.1704 41.3246 38.1793C40.2928 38.3927 39.2432 38.5617 38.1936 38.6774C37.144 38.793 36.0856 38.8642 35.0271 38.8819C33.9686 38.8997 32.9101 38.8731 31.8516 38.8019L31.06 38.7397L30.2684 38.6596C30.0015 38.624 29.7436 38.5884 29.4856 38.544C29.2277 38.4906 28.9697 38.4372 28.7118 38.3661C28.6851 38.3572 28.6672 38.3305 28.6761 38.2949C28.6761 38.286 28.7029 38.2682 28.7296 38.2682Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.1032 42.1996C29.6013 42.1374 30.0993 42.1106 30.6063 42.084L32.1096 42.0217C33.1147 41.9773 34.1198 41.9505 35.1339 41.995C36.139 42.0395 37.1352 42.1018 38.1403 42.1373C39.1365 42.1729 40.1417 42.1729 41.1379 42.084C41.1646 42.084 41.1913 42.1018 41.2002 42.1373C41.2002 42.164 41.1824 42.1907 41.1557 42.1996C40.1595 42.3242 39.1454 42.3419 38.1403 42.333C37.1352 42.3153 36.1301 42.2619 35.1339 42.2352C34.1376 42.1996 33.1325 42.2263 32.1363 42.2797L30.633 42.3508C30.1349 42.3686 29.6279 42.3686 29.1209 42.3063C29.0942 42.3063 29.0675 42.2708 29.0764 42.2441C29.0586 42.2174 29.0854 42.1996 29.1032 42.1996Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.3256 43.6054C29.5658 43.5876 29.8059 43.5876 30.0461 43.5965C30.2862 43.6054 30.5264 43.6144 30.7665 43.6321C31.2469 43.6677 31.7272 43.6944 32.2075 43.7211C33.1682 43.7745 34.1288 43.8011 35.0895 43.81C36.0501 43.8278 37.0107 43.81 37.9714 43.7656C38.932 43.7211 39.8927 43.6499 40.8445 43.5254C40.8712 43.5254 40.9067 43.5432 40.9067 43.5699C40.9067 43.5965 40.8889 43.6233 40.8622 43.6321C39.9104 43.7923 38.9498 43.8901 37.9892 43.9523C37.0285 44.0146 36.059 44.0413 35.0983 44.0413C34.1377 44.0413 33.1682 44.0146 32.2075 43.9701C31.7272 43.9434 31.2469 43.9257 30.7665 43.8901C30.2862 43.8545 29.806 43.81 29.3256 43.7122C29.299 43.7033 29.2723 43.6766 29.2812 43.6499C29.2723 43.6321 29.299 43.6143 29.3256 43.6054Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M31.0866 46.7984C31.4068 46.7273 31.727 46.7095 32.0561 46.7095H33.0257L34.9647 46.7273C35.6141 46.7362 36.2545 46.7451 36.9038 46.7539C37.5442 46.7628 38.1936 46.7628 38.834 46.7539C38.8607 46.7539 38.8874 46.7806 38.8874 46.8073C38.8874 46.834 38.8607 46.8607 38.834 46.8607C38.1847 46.9052 37.5443 46.923 36.8949 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11.704 20.9557C11.8907 20.7956 12.0598 20.6265 12.211 20.4309C12.3622 20.2352 12.4957 20.0306 12.6202 19.8171C12.638 19.7904 12.6647 19.7816 12.6913 19.7994C12.718 19.8171 12.7269 19.8438 12.718 19.8705C12.5045 20.333 12.211 20.7511 11.8285 21.098C11.6417 21.267 11.4194 21.4182 11.1792 21.5249C10.9391 21.6316 10.6544 21.6761 10.3875 21.6317C10.2541 21.6139 10.1118 21.5605 9.99622 21.4894C9.87169 21.4182 9.76488 21.3026 9.70262 21.1781C9.63146 21.0624 9.58705 20.9289 9.55147 20.7955C9.52479 20.6621 9.507 20.5287 9.507 20.3952C9.4981 20.1284 9.54258 19.8705 9.59595 19.6215C9.62263 19.4969 9.65814 19.3724 9.70262 19.2567C9.74709 19.1411 9.79163 19.0255 9.86279 18.9099C9.88058 18.8832 9.91611 18.8743 9.94279 18.8921C9.925 18.9099 9.94279 18.9277 9.94279 18.9543Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.16756 18.2956C6.90961 18.6336 6.67839 18.9805 6.50939 19.3541C6.34039 19.7277 6.25144 20.1368 6.28702 20.5371C6.30481 20.7417 6.34039 20.9374 6.42044 21.1153C6.45602 21.2042 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21.4527 24.9672 21.2393 24.7004C21.2215 24.6737 21.2215 24.6381 21.2482 24.6203C21.2749 24.6025 21.3015 24.6025 21.3282 24.6292C21.5595 24.8872 21.7907 25.1362 21.9953 25.4208C22.1999 25.6966 22.3867 25.999 22.5202 26.3281C22.6447 26.6572 22.707 27.0219 22.6714 27.3866C22.6536 27.5645 22.6179 27.7424 22.5557 27.9203C22.4934 28.0893 22.3956 28.2583 22.2711 28.4006C22.2355 28.4362 22.1999 28.4629 22.1732 28.4985L22.1199 28.543C22.1021 28.5608 22.0843 28.5697 22.0665 28.5874C22.0309 28.6141 21.9864 28.6408 21.9508 28.6674L21.8174 28.7297C21.6395 28.8009 21.4439 28.8276 21.2482 28.8098C20.8657 28.7564 20.5455 28.5696 20.2608 28.3473C20.1185 28.2405 19.994 28.1071 19.8784 27.9737C19.7627 27.8402 19.656 27.7069 19.5492 27.5645C19.3447 27.2799 19.1757 26.9685 19.069 26.6394C19.0601 26.6128 19.0778 26.5772 19.1045 26.5683C19.1312 26.5594 19.149 26.5683 19.1668 26.5861Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.4422 28.4808C12.5756 28.5787 12.6646 28.6854 12.7535 28.801C12.8425 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7.38118 33.5771C7.43455 33.4703 7.49678 33.3636 7.56794 33.2658C7.71026 33.0701 7.87933 32.8921 8.08391 32.7586C8.18175 32.6875 8.29732 32.6341 8.41295 32.5896C8.52858 32.554 8.65311 32.5274 8.76874 32.5186C8.79543 32.5186 8.82216 32.5452 8.82216 32.5719C8.81327 32.5897 8.79548 32.6075 8.77769 32.6164Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.3179 35.2944C12.4424 35.5435 12.4958 35.8192 12.5136 36.0949C12.5314 36.3707 12.5047 36.6465 12.4513 36.9222C12.3979 37.198 12.2912 37.4647 12.1488 37.7049L12.0955 37.7938L12.0332 37.8828C11.9976 37.945 11.9532 37.9984 11.9087 38.0518C11.8198 38.1585 11.7308 38.2653 11.6241 38.3631C11.5707 38.4076 11.5085 38.4521 11.4462 38.4877C11.3839 38.5322 11.3128 38.55 11.2416 38.5766C11.0993 38.6122 10.9481 38.6389 10.8057 38.6211C10.5122 38.6033 10.2365 38.4789 10.023 38.2921C9.80064 38.1142 9.64945 37.865 9.55161 37.6071C9.45376 37.3491 9.40925 37.0734 9.38257 36.8065C9.38257 36.7798 9.40032 36.7532 9.4359 36.7443C9.46259 36.7443 9.48929 36.7621 9.49818 36.7888C9.53376 37.0468 9.59604 37.3047 9.69389 37.536C9.80063 37.7673 9.9518 37.9807 10.1475 38.1319C10.3432 38.2831 10.5834 38.381 10.8236 38.3899C10.9481 38.3988 11.0637 38.3721 11.1793 38.3454C11.2327 38.3187 11.2861 38.3009 11.3394 38.2742C11.3928 38.2475 11.4372 38.2031 11.4817 38.1675C11.6596 38.0074 11.8197 37.7849 11.9443 37.5715C12.0688 37.3491 12.1577 37.1089 12.2111 36.8599C12.2645 36.6108 12.2823 36.3529 12.2645 36.0949C12.2556 35.837 12.2289 35.5791 12.2289 35.3123C12.2289 35.2767 12.2556 35.2588 12.2912 35.2588C12.2823 35.2677 12.309 35.2766 12.3179 35.2944Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.361 33.8979C10.3521 33.8268 10.361 33.809 10.3877 33.8001L10.4411 33.7734C10.4767 33.7556 10.5211 33.7378 10.5656 33.72C10.6545 33.6933 10.7612 33.6755 10.8591 33.7021C10.8947 33.711 10.9125 33.7467 10.9036 33.7734C10.9036 33.7912 10.8858 33.8001 10.8769 33.809C10.7968 33.8535 10.7346 33.8891 10.6723 33.9335C10.6367 33.9513 10.6011 33.9779 10.5656 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   <path d=\"M13.0204 43.5749C13.0827 43.7705 13.1004 43.9573 13.1182 44.153C13.136 44.3398 13.1627 44.5356 13.1983 44.7135C13.2784 45.0782 13.4206 45.4339 13.6341 45.7452C13.7319 45.8964 13.8565 46.0388 14.0077 46.1278C14.1589 46.2167 14.3279 46.2523 14.4969 46.2256C14.5859 46.2167 14.6659 46.1811 14.7459 46.1366C14.826 46.0922 14.8972 46.0387 14.9683 45.9765C15.0395 45.9142 15.1017 45.8431 15.1462 45.772C15.1996 45.6919 15.2441 45.6118 15.2974 45.5229C15.3152 45.4962 15.3509 45.4874 15.3775 45.5051C15.4042 45.5229 15.413 45.5495 15.3953 45.5762C15.3508 45.6651 15.3153 45.7541 15.2708 45.843C15.2174 45.932 15.1551 46.021 15.0839 46.0922C15.0128 46.1722 14.9328 46.2346 14.8438 46.2968C14.7549 46.3502 14.657 46.4034 14.5414 46.4212C14.3279 46.4746 14.0877 46.4301 13.9009 46.3234C13.7053 46.2167 13.554 46.0565 13.4384 45.8875C13.1982 45.5495 13.0381 45.167 12.9492 44.7757C12.9047 44.58 12.8692 44.3755 12.8514 44.1798C12.8336 43.9752 12.8424 43.7796 12.9047 43.5839C12.9136 43.5572 12.9492 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15.4183 35.2198C15.4005 35.2375 15.3738 35.2553 15.3561 35.2731C15.3472 35.282 15.3383 35.2909 15.3205 35.2909C15.3116 35.2909 15.3027 35.2909 15.2938 35.282C15.2849 35.282 15.2849 35.2731 15.276 35.2731V35.2642C15.276 35.2642 15.276 35.2642 15.276 35.2553C15.276 35.2375 15.2671 35.2198 15.2582 35.2109C15.2493 35.1931 15.2226 35.1842 15.2137 35.1931C15.2404 35.1931 15.2671 35.2197 15.2671 35.2464C15.2671 35.2731 15.2404 35.2909 15.2137 35.2909Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.18171 15.3663L7.16392 15.3753H7.15503C7.16393 15.3753 7.13724 15.3753 7.18171 15.3753C7.21729 15.0817 7.19061 15.2952 7.19951 15.224C7.2084 15.224 7.21729 15.2151 7.22618 15.2151C7.24397 15.2062 7.26176 15.2062 7.27955 15.2062C7.31513 15.2062 7.34182 15.2062 7.3774 15.2151L7.56419 15.2685C7.62646 15.2863 7.68872 15.3041 7.75098 15.3219L7.79546 15.3397L7.82215 15.3486C7.83104 15.3486 7.83104 15.3486 7.83993 15.3486C7.85772 15.3575 7.8844 15.3575 7.90219 15.3575C8.00003 15.3575 8.12457 15.3308 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19.5102 7.03583 19.5636 7.03583 19.6169L7.02697 19.7681C7.01807 19.866 7.00915 19.9638 7.00026 20.0706C6.97357 20.2662 6.94692 20.4708 6.89355 20.6665C6.88465 20.6932 6.85794 20.711 6.82236 20.711C6.79568 20.7021 6.78678 20.6843 6.77789 20.6665C6.7512 20.4619 6.75122 20.2573 6.75122 20.0617C6.75122 19.9638 6.75123 19.8571 6.76012 19.7592L6.76898 19.608C6.76898 19.5547 6.78677 19.5102 6.85793 19.4657C6.88462 19.4212 6.92911 19.4301 6.96469 19.4568Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.96837 20.7375C6.02173 20.7998 6.03064 20.862 6.02174 20.9154L5.99508 21.0844C5.97729 21.2 5.95949 21.3068 5.9417 21.4224C5.89722 21.6448 5.85277 21.8671 5.78161 22.0895C5.77271 22.1162 5.73711 22.134 5.71042 22.1251C5.68374 22.1162 5.67485 22.0984 5.67485 22.0717C5.66596 21.8405 5.68373 21.6092 5.70152 21.3868C5.71041 21.2712 5.71934 21.1555 5.73713 21.0488L5.7549 20.8798C5.76379 20.8264 5.78159 20.7642 5.85275 20.7197C5.88833 20.7019 5.94168 20.7108 5.96837 20.7375Z\" 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20.4793 8.07648 20.4704 8.11206 20.4971Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.3397 20.942C9.41975 20.9598 9.44643 21.0043 9.46422 21.0488L9.5176 21.1911C9.55318 21.28 9.57983 21.3779 9.61541 21.4668C9.67767 21.6536 9.73106 21.8493 9.76663 22.045C9.77553 22.0717 9.74885 22.1073 9.72216 22.1073C9.69548 22.1073 9.67767 22.0984 9.65988 22.0806C9.55314 21.9116 9.47309 21.7337 9.39303 21.5558C9.35745 21.4668 9.313 21.3779 9.27742 21.28L9.22404 21.1466C9.20625 21.1021 9.19737 21.0488 9.24185 20.9776C9.25964 20.942 9.30412 20.9242 9.3397 20.942Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.8517 20.8887C10.9407 20.8976 10.9851 20.942 11.0118 20.9865L11.1097 21.1288C11.1719 21.2267 11.2342 21.3245 11.3053 21.4224C11.4298 21.6269 11.5455 21.8315 11.6433 22.045C11.6522 22.0717 11.6433 22.1073 11.6166 22.1162C11.5899 22.1251 11.5722 22.1162 11.5544 22.0984C11.4032 21.9205 11.2609 21.7337 11.1097 21.5558C11.0385 21.4579 10.9673 21.369 10.905 21.2712L10.8072 21.1288C10.7717 21.0844 10.7538 21.0221 10.7716 20.942C10.7627 20.9154 10.8072 20.8887 10.8517 20.8887Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.6293 18.8872C10.7094 18.8872 10.7538 18.9139 10.7894 18.9495L10.8873 19.0651C10.9495 19.1452 11.0118 19.2252 11.0741 19.3053C11.1897 19.4654 11.3142 19.6344 11.412 19.8123C11.4298 19.839 11.4209 19.8745 11.3942 19.8923C11.3764 19.9012 11.3498 19.9012 11.332 19.8834C11.1719 19.75 11.0296 19.6077 10.8962 19.4654C10.825 19.3942 10.7627 19.3142 10.6916 19.243L10.5937 19.1274C10.5581 19.0918 10.5403 19.0384 10.5581 18.9584C10.5581 18.9228 10.5937 18.8961 10.6293 18.8872Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.6077 18.3895C11.6877 18.3717 11.7411 18.3983 11.7767 18.4339L11.8923 18.5407C11.9723 18.6118 12.0524 18.683 12.1236 18.7541C12.2748 18.9054 12.426 19.0566 12.5505 19.2256C12.5683 19.2523 12.5594 19.2878 12.5416 19.3056C12.5238 19.3234 12.4971 19.3234 12.4794 19.3056C12.3015 19.19 12.1413 19.0655 11.9723 18.932C11.8923 18.8698 11.8033 18.8075 11.7233 18.7364L11.5988 18.6385C11.5543 18.6029 11.5276 18.5585 11.5276 18.4784C11.5365 18.4339 11.5632 18.3983 11.6077 18.3895Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.604 20.3105C12.7018 20.3105 12.773 20.3461 12.8263 20.3995L12.9953 20.5507C13.111 20.6486 13.2088 20.7642 13.3156 20.8709C13.5201 21.0933 13.7158 21.3246 13.8848 21.5736C13.9026 21.6003 13.8937 21.6359 13.8671 21.6537C13.8493 21.6715 13.8137 21.6626 13.7959 21.6448C13.5735 21.4402 13.36 21.2356 13.1466 21.0399C13.0398 20.9421 12.9242 20.8442 12.8174 20.7464L12.6484 20.6041C12.5951 20.5596 12.5417 20.4973 12.5328 20.3995C12.5239 20.3639 12.5506 20.3195 12.5951 20.3195C12.604 20.3106 12.604 20.3105 12.604 20.3105Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.3029 20.5771C14.383 20.586 14.4274 20.6216 14.4541 20.6572L14.5431 20.7906C14.6053 20.8796 14.6587 20.9685 14.7121 21.0575C14.8188 21.2443 14.9166 21.4311 14.9967 21.6267C15.0056 21.6534 14.9967 21.689 14.9611 21.6979C14.9344 21.7068 14.9167 21.6979 14.8989 21.6801C14.7566 21.52 14.632 21.351 14.5075 21.1909C14.4452 21.1019 14.3829 21.0219 14.3296 20.9418L14.2406 20.8173C14.2139 20.7728 14.1962 20.7284 14.214 20.6483C14.2228 20.6038 14.2673 20.5771 14.3029 20.5771Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.9687 22.472C13.0487 22.4987 13.0932 22.552 13.111 22.6054L13.1821 22.7744C13.2355 22.8901 13.28 22.9968 13.3244 23.1124C13.4134 23.3437 13.5024 23.575 13.5646 23.8062C13.5735 23.8329 13.5557 23.8685 13.529 23.8774C13.5023 23.8863 13.4757 23.8774 13.4668 23.8507C13.3334 23.6461 13.2177 23.4237 13.1021 23.2103C13.0487 23.1035 12.9954 22.9968 12.942 22.8812L12.8619 22.7121C12.8352 22.6588 12.8264 22.5965 12.853 22.5165C12.8886 22.4809 12.9331 22.4631 12.9687 22.472Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.7805 22.89C10.8606 22.9078 10.8872 22.9523 10.905 22.9968L10.9584 23.1302C10.994 23.2191 11.0207 23.3081 11.0474 23.397C11.1007 23.5749 11.1541 23.7617 11.1897 23.9485C11.1986 23.9752 11.1719 24.0108 11.1452 24.0108C11.1185 24.0108 11.1007 24.0019 11.0918 23.9841C10.994 23.824 10.905 23.655 10.825 23.4771C10.7894 23.3881 10.745 23.3081 10.7183 23.2191L10.6649 23.0857C10.6471 23.0412 10.6471 22.9967 10.6827 22.9256C10.7004 22.8989 10.736 22.8811 10.7805 22.89Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.97485 23.0323C9.04601 23.059 9.07267 23.1035 9.08157 23.1479L9.11718 23.2813C9.14386 23.3703 9.15273 23.4592 9.17942 23.5482C9.215 23.7261 9.24171 23.904 9.2506 24.0908C9.2506 24.1175 9.2328 24.1442 9.19722 24.153C9.17054 24.153 9.15274 24.1442 9.14385 24.1175C9.06379 23.9485 9.00155 23.7795 8.93928 23.6016C8.9126 23.5126 8.88588 23.4237 8.85919 23.3347L8.82362 23.2013C8.81473 23.1568 8.81473 23.1123 8.8681 23.0501C8.89478 23.0323 8.93927 23.0234 8.97485 23.0323Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.70296 24.4287C7.77412 24.491 7.80082 24.5532 7.80972 24.6244L7.84529 24.8379L7.91647 25.2559C7.96984 25.5317 8.02318 25.8163 8.06766 26.092C8.07655 26.1187 8.04987 26.1543 8.02318 26.1543C7.9965 26.1543 7.96984 26.1454 7.96094 26.1187C7.84531 25.8519 7.75635 25.5762 7.6852 25.3004C7.64962 25.1581 7.61403 25.0158 7.58734 24.8735L7.55177 24.66C7.54288 24.5888 7.54288 24.5177 7.59625 24.4376C7.61404 24.4109 7.65849 24.402 7.70296 24.4287C7.69406 24.4287 7.70296 24.4287 7.70296 24.4287Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.73711 23.4324C5.79938 23.4858 5.80825 23.5214 5.79935 23.5658L5.78159 23.6904C5.77269 23.7704 5.75487 23.8505 5.74597 23.9305C5.71929 24.0906 5.68372 24.2507 5.62146 24.4109C5.61256 24.4375 5.577 24.4553 5.55031 24.4464C5.53252 24.4375 5.51474 24.4197 5.51474 24.4019C5.49695 24.2329 5.49694 24.0728 5.50584 23.9038C5.51473 23.8238 5.51471 23.7348 5.5236 23.6548L5.53251 23.5303C5.53251 23.4858 5.5503 23.4502 5.62146 23.4146C5.66593 23.4057 5.70153 23.4146 5.73711 23.4324Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.48429 25.3274C6.54655 25.4074 6.56433 25.4875 6.56433 25.5586V25.7899V26.2613C6.56433 26.5726 6.56433 26.884 6.56433 27.2042C6.56433 27.2309 6.53764 27.2575 6.51095 27.2575C6.48427 27.2575 6.46647 27.2398 6.45758 27.2131C6.38642 26.9018 6.35084 26.5904 6.32415 26.2702C6.31526 26.1101 6.30638 25.9589 6.29749 25.7988V25.5586C6.29749 25.4786 6.30637 25.3985 6.37753 25.3185C6.40421 25.2918 6.4487 25.2829 6.47538 25.3096C6.47538 25.3185 6.48429 25.3274 6.48429 25.3274Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.36354 26.7328C5.4347 26.7684 5.4525 26.8128 5.46139 26.8662L5.47915 27.0085C5.49694 27.1064 5.50587 27.1953 5.51477 27.2932C5.53256 27.4799 5.55035 27.6667 5.55924 27.8624C5.55924 27.898 5.53255 27.9158 5.50586 27.9247C5.47918 27.9247 5.46138 27.9069 5.45249 27.8891C5.37243 27.7112 5.32797 27.5244 5.28349 27.3376C5.2657 27.2398 5.23901 27.1508 5.23012 27.053L5.20345 26.9107C5.19455 26.8662 5.20341 26.8128 5.25678 26.7595C5.28347 26.715 5.32796 26.7061 5.36354 26.7328Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.35972 29.2318C6.44867 29.2763 6.49313 29.3385 6.52871 29.4097L6.62657 29.6143L6.81332 30.0235L7.18692 30.8507C7.19582 30.8774 7.18694 30.9129 7.16026 30.9218C7.13357 30.9307 7.10686 30.9218 7.08907 30.904C6.90228 30.6639 6.74216 30.397 6.59095 30.1302C6.51979 29.9968 6.44864 29.8633 6.37748 29.721L6.27963 29.5164C6.24405 29.4453 6.22628 29.3741 6.25296 29.2763C6.26186 29.2407 6.30633 29.214 6.34191 29.2229C6.35081 29.2318 6.35083 29.2318 6.35972 29.2318Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.46278 26.9995C7.54284 27.044 7.5695 27.1062 7.5784 27.1596L7.61397 27.3375C7.64065 27.4531 7.65847 27.5776 7.68515 27.6933C7.72963 27.9334 7.76522 28.1736 7.78301 28.4227C7.78301 28.4494 7.76521 28.476 7.72963 28.4849C7.70294 28.4849 7.68515 28.476 7.67625 28.4493C7.5873 28.2181 7.51614 27.9868 7.45388 27.7467C7.42719 27.631 7.39162 27.5065 7.36493 27.3909L7.32046 27.213C7.30267 27.1507 7.30266 27.0884 7.35603 27.0173C7.38271 26.9906 7.4272 26.9817 7.46278 26.9995Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.91252 25.336C8.99258 25.3804 9.02816 25.4427 9.04595 25.505L9.09933 25.6917C9.1349 25.8163 9.17049 25.9408 9.19718 26.0653C9.25944 26.3144 9.31279 26.5723 9.35727 26.8303C9.36616 26.857 9.33948 26.8926 9.31279 26.8926C9.28611 26.8926 9.25945 26.8837 9.25055 26.857C9.14382 26.6168 9.05485 26.3767 8.9659 26.1276C8.92143 26.0031 8.88586 25.8785 8.84138 25.754L8.78801 25.5672C8.77022 25.505 8.76134 25.4427 8.80581 25.3537C8.8325 25.3271 8.87694 25.3093 8.91252 25.336Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.5848 25.2113C10.6738 25.2557 10.7093 25.318 10.736 25.3892L10.8072 25.5937C10.8606 25.7272 10.905 25.8695 10.9495 26.0118C11.0384 26.2875 11.1274 26.5722 11.1985 26.8568C11.2074 26.8835 11.1897 26.9191 11.1541 26.928C11.1274 26.9369 11.1007 26.9191 11.0918 26.9013C10.9584 26.6433 10.8339 26.3765 10.7182 26.1096C10.6649 25.9762 10.6026 25.8428 10.5581 25.7005L10.4781 25.4959C10.4514 25.4247 10.4425 25.3536 10.4781 25.2646C10.4958 25.2113 10.5314 25.1935 10.5848 25.2113C10.5759 25.2024 10.5759 25.2113 10.5848 25.2113Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.7554 24.8821C12.8354 24.9088 12.871 24.9533 12.8888 24.9978L12.951 25.149C12.9866 25.2468 13.0222 25.3446 13.0578 25.4514C13.1289 25.656 13.1912 25.8606 13.2357 26.0651C13.2446 26.0918 13.2268 26.1274 13.1912 26.1274C13.1645 26.1363 13.1467 26.1185 13.1289 26.1007C13.0133 25.9139 12.9244 25.7271 12.8265 25.5314C12.782 25.4336 12.7376 25.3358 12.702 25.2379L12.6397 25.0956C12.6219 25.0422 12.613 24.9889 12.6486 24.9177C12.6753 24.8821 12.7198 24.8732 12.7554 24.8821Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.3295 23.1836C14.4185 23.228 14.4541 23.2814 14.4718 23.3437L14.543 23.5394C14.5964 23.6728 14.6319 23.7973 14.6853 23.9307C14.7743 24.1976 14.8543 24.4555 14.9166 24.7313C14.9255 24.758 14.9077 24.7935 14.8721 24.8024C14.8454 24.8113 14.8188 24.7935 14.8099 24.7758C14.6765 24.5356 14.5608 24.2776 14.4541 24.0286C14.4007 23.9041 14.3473 23.7795 14.2939 23.6461L14.2228 23.4504C14.1961 23.3882 14.1872 23.317 14.2228 23.228C14.2406 23.1836 14.285 23.1658 14.3295 23.1836C14.3295 23.1747 14.3295 23.1836 14.3295 23.1836Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.0374 23.8241C16.1175 23.8952 16.1531 23.9753 16.1708 24.0642L16.2242 24.3222C16.2598 24.5001 16.2865 24.6691 16.3221 24.847C16.3754 25.1939 16.4199 25.5497 16.4466 25.9055C16.4466 25.9322 16.4288 25.9589 16.3932 25.9677C16.3665 25.9677 16.3398 25.95 16.3398 25.9233C16.242 25.5853 16.1709 25.2384 16.0908 24.8915L15.9751 24.3756L15.9129 24.1176C15.8951 24.0287 15.8862 23.9397 15.9307 23.8419C15.9485 23.8063 15.984 23.7885 16.0196 23.8063C16.0285 23.8152 16.0374 23.8152 16.0374 23.8241Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.3169 26.0386C15.3881 26.083 15.4059 26.1364 15.4147 26.1987L15.4326 26.3677C15.4414 26.4833 15.4503 26.5901 15.4592 26.7057C15.477 26.9281 15.4859 27.1593 15.477 27.3906C15.477 27.4173 15.4503 27.444 15.4147 27.444C15.3881 27.444 15.3703 27.4262 15.3614 27.3995C15.2991 27.1771 15.2546 26.9547 15.219 26.7324C15.2013 26.6167 15.1835 26.51 15.1657 26.3944L15.1479 26.2254C15.139 26.172 15.1479 26.1097 15.2013 26.0475C15.2369 26.0208 15.2813 26.0119 15.3169 26.0386Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.956 27.2665C14.0272 27.3288 14.0538 27.4088 14.0627 27.48L14.0894 27.7023C14.1072 27.8536 14.1161 28.0048 14.125 28.156C14.1428 28.4584 14.1517 28.7608 14.1339 29.0632C14.1339 29.0899 14.1072 29.1166 14.0716 29.1166C14.0449 29.1166 14.0271 29.0988 14.0182 29.0721C13.9649 28.7786 13.9204 28.4762 13.876 28.1827L13.8137 27.7379L13.787 27.5155C13.7781 27.4444 13.7781 27.3643 13.8315 27.2843C13.8671 27.2487 13.9115 27.2398 13.956 27.2665C13.9471 27.2665 13.956 27.2665 13.956 27.2665Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.0525 26.297C12.1326 26.3147 12.1593 26.3592 12.1682 26.4037L12.2126 26.5371C12.2393 26.6261 12.266 26.715 12.2927 26.7951C12.3371 26.973 12.3816 27.1509 12.4083 27.3288C12.4083 27.3554 12.3905 27.391 12.355 27.391C12.3283 27.391 12.3105 27.3821 12.3016 27.3643C12.2126 27.2042 12.1326 27.0352 12.0703 26.8751C12.0347 26.7951 11.9991 26.7061 11.9724 26.6261L11.928 26.5015C11.9102 26.4571 11.9102 26.4126 11.9547 26.3503C11.9725 26.2969 12.017 26.2881 12.0525 26.297Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.80208 28.0309C9.88213 28.0754 9.91771 28.1376 9.9355 28.1999L9.99778 28.3956L10.1223 28.7781C10.2024 29.036 10.2824 29.294 10.3536 29.5608C10.3625 29.5875 10.3447 29.6231 10.3091 29.632C10.2824 29.6409 10.2557 29.6231 10.2468 29.6053C10.1134 29.3651 9.99776 29.1161 9.89103 28.867C9.83766 28.7425 9.79317 28.6091 9.7487 28.4845L9.68646 28.2889C9.66867 28.2266 9.65975 28.1554 9.70423 28.0665C9.72202 28.0309 9.7665 28.0131 9.80208 28.0309Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.54786 29.5703C8.61901 29.5703 8.64573 29.597 8.66352 29.6237L8.69909 29.7126C8.72577 29.7749 8.75244 29.8372 8.77023 29.8994C8.8147 30.0239 8.85919 30.1485 8.87698 30.2819C8.88588 30.3175 8.85919 30.3442 8.83251 30.3442C8.81472 30.3442 8.78803 30.3353 8.77913 30.3264C8.69018 30.2196 8.61902 30.1129 8.55676 29.9973C8.53008 29.935 8.4945 29.8816 8.46781 29.8194L8.42334 29.7304C8.40555 29.7037 8.40557 29.6681 8.45005 29.6059C8.47673 29.5792 8.51228 29.5703 8.54786 29.5703Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.97856 31.616C8.05861 31.6071 8.09421 31.6338 8.12979 31.6693L8.21874 31.7761C8.281 31.8472 8.33437 31.9184 8.39664 31.9896C8.51227 32.1408 8.61898 32.2831 8.72572 32.4432C8.74351 32.4699 8.73464 32.5055 8.70796 32.5233C8.69017 32.5321 8.66346 32.5321 8.64567 32.5233C8.48557 32.4165 8.35216 32.2831 8.21874 32.1497C8.15647 32.0785 8.0853 32.0162 8.02303 31.9451L7.93409 31.8384C7.9074 31.8028 7.88073 31.7583 7.90742 31.6782C7.89852 31.6427 7.93409 31.616 7.97856 31.616Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.84658 31.2773C9.93553 31.2951 9.9889 31.3485 10.0334 31.4019L10.1579 31.5709L10.407 31.9089C10.576 32.1312 10.7449 32.3536 10.9051 32.5938C10.9228 32.6205 10.914 32.656 10.8873 32.6738C10.8695 32.6916 10.8339 32.6827 10.8161 32.6738C10.6026 32.487 10.3981 32.2825 10.2113 32.069C10.1223 31.9622 10.0245 31.8555 9.93553 31.7399L9.8021 31.5709C9.75763 31.5086 9.73097 31.4464 9.73986 31.3485C9.76655 31.304 9.8021 31.2773 9.84658 31.2773Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.9318 28.7874C11.0118 28.8141 11.0474 28.8585 11.0652 28.9119L11.1274 29.0631C11.1719 29.161 11.2075 29.2677 11.2431 29.3744C11.3142 29.579 11.3854 29.7925 11.4299 30.0149C11.4388 30.0416 11.4121 30.0771 11.3854 30.0771C11.3587 30.086 11.3409 30.0682 11.3231 30.0505C11.2075 29.8548 11.1097 29.668 11.0207 29.4634C10.9762 29.3656 10.9229 29.2677 10.8873 29.161L10.825 29.0098C10.8072 28.9564 10.7983 28.903 10.8339 28.823C10.8517 28.7874 10.8873 28.7785 10.9318 28.7874Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.5328 28.7426C12.6218 28.8049 12.6573 28.876 12.684 28.9561L12.7552 29.1962C12.7997 29.3563 12.8441 29.5165 12.8886 29.6766C12.9687 30.0057 13.0398 30.3259 13.0843 30.6639C13.0843 30.6906 13.0665 30.7262 13.0398 30.7262C13.0131 30.7262 12.9865 30.7173 12.9776 30.6906C12.8619 30.3793 12.7641 30.059 12.6573 29.7477C12.604 29.5876 12.5506 29.4275 12.5061 29.2763L12.435 29.0361C12.4083 28.9561 12.3994 28.876 12.435 28.7782C12.4528 28.7426 12.4883 28.7248 12.5239 28.7337L12.5328 28.7426Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.0945 28.6359C15.1568 28.6715 15.1746 28.7159 15.1746 28.7604V28.885C15.1746 28.9739 15.1746 29.054 15.1746 29.1429C15.1657 29.3119 15.1568 29.4898 15.1301 29.6588C15.1212 29.6855 15.0945 29.7122 15.0679 29.7033C15.0412 29.7033 15.0323 29.6855 15.0234 29.6588C14.9789 29.4898 14.9611 29.3208 14.9433 29.1518C14.9344 29.0628 14.9255 28.9828 14.9255 28.8938L14.9166 28.7693C14.9166 28.7248 14.9255 28.6804 14.9878 28.6359C15.0234 28.6181 15.0678 28.6181 15.0945 28.6359Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.4376 27.3729C16.4999 27.4351 16.5087 27.5063 16.5087 27.5686L16.4999 27.7643C16.491 27.8888 16.4732 28.0222 16.4643 28.1467C16.4287 28.4047 16.3931 28.6537 16.322 28.9117C16.3131 28.9384 16.2864 28.9562 16.2508 28.9473C16.2241 28.9384 16.2063 28.9206 16.2063 28.8939C16.1974 28.6359 16.2063 28.378 16.2152 28.1289L16.233 27.7465L16.2419 27.5597C16.2419 27.4974 16.2597 27.4351 16.3308 27.3729C16.3575 27.3373 16.4109 27.3373 16.4376 27.3729Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.984 30.9929C16.0374 31.0463 16.0374 31.0819 16.0285 31.1174L16.0018 31.2153C15.984 31.2864 15.9573 31.3487 15.9395 31.4199C15.8861 31.5533 15.8328 31.6867 15.7616 31.8112C15.7438 31.8379 15.7083 31.8468 15.6816 31.829C15.6638 31.8201 15.6549 31.8023 15.6549 31.7757C15.6549 31.6333 15.6816 31.491 15.7082 31.3487C15.726 31.2775 15.7349 31.2153 15.7527 31.1441L15.7794 31.0463C15.7883 31.0107 15.815 30.984 15.8861 30.9662C15.9128 30.9573 15.9573 30.9662 15.984 30.9929Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.2051 30.059C14.2762 30.1034 14.294 30.1568 14.3029 30.2102L14.3207 30.3703C14.3385 30.477 14.3474 30.5838 14.3563 30.6905C14.3741 30.904 14.383 31.1175 14.383 31.3398C14.383 31.3665 14.3563 31.3932 14.3207 31.3932C14.2941 31.3932 14.2763 31.3754 14.2674 31.3576C14.2051 31.153 14.1517 30.9396 14.1161 30.7261C14.0983 30.6193 14.0805 30.5126 14.0628 30.4059L14.0361 30.2458C14.0272 30.1924 14.0361 30.139 14.0895 30.0768C14.125 30.0412 14.1695 30.0323 14.2051 30.059Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.7768 31.2156C11.8569 31.2067 11.8836 31.2334 11.9103 31.269L11.9814 31.3668C12.0259 31.4291 12.0703 31.5002 12.1148 31.5625C12.2038 31.6959 12.2838 31.8382 12.355 31.9894C12.3639 32.0161 12.355 32.0517 12.3283 32.0606C12.3105 32.0695 12.2838 32.0695 12.2661 32.0517C12.1415 31.945 12.0348 31.8293 11.928 31.7048C11.8747 31.6425 11.8213 31.5803 11.7768 31.518L11.7056 31.4202C11.679 31.3846 11.6701 31.349 11.6968 31.2779C11.7057 31.2423 11.7413 31.2245 11.7768 31.2156Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.8924 33.1632C11.9636 33.1187 12.0081 33.1276 12.0436 33.1454L12.1682 33.1988C12.2482 33.2344 12.3283 33.27 12.4083 33.3144C12.5684 33.3945 12.7285 33.4745 12.8797 33.5813C12.9064 33.5991 12.9153 33.6347 12.8975 33.6613C12.8887 33.6791 12.862 33.688 12.8442 33.688C12.6663 33.6524 12.4884 33.5991 12.3194 33.5457C12.2393 33.5101 12.1504 33.4834 12.0703 33.4479L11.9458 33.3945C11.9013 33.3767 11.8657 33.35 11.8568 33.27C11.839 33.2255 11.8568 33.1899 11.8924 33.1632Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.8048 31.9985C13.8849 32.0074 13.9294 32.043 13.9561 32.0875L14.045 32.2209C14.1073 32.3099 14.1606 32.3988 14.214 32.4966C14.3208 32.6834 14.4186 32.8791 14.4898 33.0837C14.4987 33.1104 14.4809 33.146 14.4542 33.1549C14.4275 33.1638 14.4097 33.1549 14.3919 33.1371C14.2585 32.9681 14.134 32.7991 14.0095 32.6301C13.9472 32.5411 13.8849 32.4611 13.8316 32.3721L13.7426 32.2387C13.7159 32.1942 13.6981 32.1409 13.7159 32.0608C13.7248 32.0252 13.7693 31.9985 13.8048 31.9985Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.0678 32.1763C15.139 32.2207 15.1567 32.2652 15.1656 32.3186L15.1834 32.4698C15.1923 32.5676 15.2012 32.6744 15.2012 32.7722C15.2101 32.9768 15.2101 33.1814 15.1745 33.3771C15.1656 33.4038 15.139 33.4304 15.1123 33.4215C15.0856 33.4215 15.0678 33.4038 15.0678 33.3771C15.0233 33.1814 14.9966 32.9857 14.961 32.79C14.9521 32.6922 14.9344 32.5943 14.9166 32.4965L14.8988 32.3453C14.8899 32.2919 14.8988 32.2474 14.961 32.1852C14.9877 32.1585 15.0322 32.1496 15.0678 32.1763Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.6282 21.7605C15.7083 21.7694 15.735 21.805 15.7528 21.8405L15.8061 21.9651C15.8417 22.0451 15.8773 22.1252 15.9129 22.2052C15.9841 22.3742 16.0463 22.5343 16.0908 22.7122C16.0997 22.7389 16.0819 22.7745 16.0463 22.7834C16.0196 22.7923 16.0018 22.7834 15.984 22.7656C15.8684 22.6233 15.7795 22.4721 15.6905 22.3209C15.646 22.2408 15.6016 22.1696 15.566 22.0896L15.5037 21.974C15.4859 21.9384 15.477 21.885 15.5126 21.8227C15.5571 21.7694 15.5927 21.7516 15.6282 21.7605Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.1569 22.1844C28.9933 22.5568 28.814 22.9212 28.6426 23.2856L28.1047 24.371C27.7462 25.0999 27.4033 25.8209 27.0915 26.5656C26.7797 27.3103 26.5147 28.0629 26.3199 28.8473L26.1874 29.4336C26.1562 29.6316 26.1173 29.8297 26.0861 30.0277C26.0627 30.2258 26.0393 30.4239 26.0159 30.6219L26.0003 30.9151C25.9925 31.0101 26.0003 31.1131 26.0003 31.2161C26.0003 31.6123 26.0315 32.0163 26.0861 32.4124C26.1406 32.8086 26.203 33.2047 26.2887 33.6008C26.4524 34.3852 26.6706 35.1616 26.8966 35.938C27.0136 36.3262 27.1305 36.7144 27.2474 37.0947L27.2942 37.2373C27.3097 37.2927 27.3253 37.3482 27.3331 37.4037C27.3487 37.5146 27.3487 37.6334 27.3253 37.7443C27.2864 37.9662 27.1929 38.1642 27.0837 38.3464C26.9746 38.5287 26.8499 38.6871 26.7408 38.8535C26.6862 38.9327 26.6395 39.0199 26.6083 39.0912C26.5927 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28.1192C32.6512 28.0899 32.6259 28.0531 32.6276 28.0176Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.8499 26.3832C30.8627 26.3038 30.8914 26.2697 30.9376 26.2453L31.0578 26.18C31.1412 26.1308 31.2242 26.0904 31.3162 26.0505C31.4911 25.9702 31.6832 25.9086 31.8736 25.8824C31.901 25.8748 31.9357 25.9032 31.9344 25.9298C31.9331 25.9564 31.9233 25.9737 31.9049 25.9817C31.7385 26.0713 31.5811 26.1614 31.4233 26.2603L31.1825 26.3995L31.0618 26.4736C31.0246 26.4985 30.9698 26.5135 30.8996 26.4745C30.8731 26.4643 30.8478 26.4275 30.8499 26.3832Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.4639 25.6C30.4942 25.5304 30.531 25.5144 30.5763 25.5077L30.6945 25.4869C30.7762 25.4731 30.8579 25.4594 30.9396 25.4456C31.1026 25.4269 31.266 25.3994 31.4368 25.4078C31.4637 25.4092 31.4895 25.4371 31.4972 25.4641C31.4959 25.4908 31.4861 25.508 31.4677 25.516C31.3111 25.5883 31.1558 25.634 30.9911 25.6882C30.909 25.7108 30.8268 25.7334 30.7451 25.7472L30.618 25.7676C30.5727 25.7743 30.5277 25.772 30.4858 25.7077C30.4601 25.6798 30.4532 25.635 30.4639 25.6Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.0883 24.9772C30.1366 24.9084 30.1824 24.8929 30.2363 24.8956L30.3805 24.8938C30.4798 24.8898 30.5786 24.8946 30.6779 24.8906C30.876 24.8915 31.0737 24.9012 31.2706 24.9287C31.2975 24.93 31.3232 24.9579 31.3215 24.9934C31.3202 25.02 31.3014 25.0369 31.2745 25.0355C31.0742 25.079 30.8838 25.1052 30.6849 25.1221C30.5856 25.1261 30.4859 25.139 30.3957 25.1434L30.251 25.1541C30.2057 25.1608 30.1522 25.1492 30.1012 25.0845C30.0665 25.0561 30.0687 25.0118 30.0883 24.9772Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.9451 22.8804C30.0195 22.8307 30.073 22.8422 30.1265 22.8537L30.2861 22.9061C30.3927 22.938 30.4988 22.9787 30.6049 23.0195C30.8172 23.1011 31.0287 23.2004 31.2217 23.3077C31.2478 23.3268 31.2556 23.3538 31.2449 23.3888C31.2351 23.4061 31.2073 23.4226 31.1897 23.4128C30.9668 23.3663 30.7442 23.3109 30.5311 23.247C30.4245 23.2151 30.3179 23.1832 30.2114 23.1513L30.0518 23.099C29.9987 23.0786 29.9456 23.0582 29.9135 22.9766C29.8968 22.9491 29.9078 22.9052 29.9451 22.8804Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.3352 22.2507C30.4088 22.2188 30.4533 22.2299 30.497 22.2587L30.6194 22.3358C30.6981 22.3842 30.7765 22.4414 30.8552 22.4897C31.0123 22.5952 31.169 22.7096 31.3069 22.8409C31.333 22.8599 31.3313 22.8954 31.3121 22.9211C31.2933 22.938 31.2749 22.946 31.2483 22.9358C31.0711 22.8737 30.8952 22.785 30.7283 22.6968C30.6495 22.6485 30.5614 22.6086 30.4826 22.5603L30.3597 22.492C30.3156 22.472 30.2814 22.4348 30.2762 22.3545C30.2697 22.3009 30.2984 22.2667 30.3352 22.2507Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.6574 21.9201C30.7305 21.897 30.784 21.9085 30.8187 21.9369L30.9407 22.0229C31.0191 22.0801 31.0974 22.1373 31.1758 22.1945C31.323 22.3173 31.4699 22.449 31.5975 22.6064C31.6142 22.6339 31.6125 22.6694 31.5937 22.6863C31.5749 22.7031 31.5479 22.7018 31.5303 22.692C31.3638 22.5949 31.1973 22.4978 31.0402 22.3923C30.9614 22.344 30.8741 22.2864 30.7954 22.238L30.6729 22.1609C30.6293 22.1321 30.604 22.0953 30.5988 22.015C30.6009 21.9706 30.6206 21.9361 30.6574 21.9201Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.0068 21.7556C34.0868 21.7774 34.1121 21.8142 34.1284 21.8505L34.1854 21.9778C34.2265 22.0598 34.2492 22.1498 34.2899 22.2407C34.3534 22.4217 34.4078 22.6022 34.4259 22.7897C34.4336 22.8168 34.405 22.8509 34.378 22.8496C34.3511 22.8483 34.3335 22.8385 34.3254 22.8204C34.2341 22.6558 34.1609 22.4922 34.0696 22.3277C34.0285 22.2457 33.9874 22.1636 33.9556 22.0732L33.8986 21.9459C33.8828 21.9007 33.8759 21.8559 33.9152 21.7867C33.9251 21.7694 33.9619 21.7534 34.0068 21.7556Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.6452 21.7782C34.7163 21.7994 34.733 21.8269 34.7403 21.8628L34.7626 21.9617C34.7776 22.0247 34.7832 22.0961 34.7982 22.1591C34.8188 22.2934 34.8301 22.4362 34.8054 22.5773C34.8037 22.6127 34.7758 22.6291 34.7399 22.6274C34.7219 22.6265 34.7048 22.6079 34.6967 22.5897C34.6397 22.4624 34.6006 22.336 34.5616 22.2097C34.5466 22.1467 34.5226 22.0833 34.508 22.0114L34.4857 21.9126C34.4784 21.8766 34.4801 21.8412 34.5361 21.7995C34.5643 21.7742 34.6007 21.7671 34.6452 21.7782Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.3058 21.7129C35.3666 21.7604 35.3825 21.8056 35.3808 21.8411L35.3744 21.9741C35.3702 22.0628 35.366 22.1515 35.3622 22.2314C35.3447 22.4083 35.3277 22.5764 35.2833 22.752C35.2731 22.7782 35.2448 22.8034 35.2183 22.7932C35.1913 22.7919 35.1832 22.7737 35.1755 22.7467C35.139 22.5671 35.1291 22.3977 35.1195 22.2194C35.1148 22.1303 35.11 22.0411 35.1138 21.9613L35.1112 21.8278C35.1133 21.7835 35.1244 21.7396 35.1894 21.6983C35.2347 21.6917 35.2797 21.6939 35.3058 21.7129Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.1803 22.6405C37.2223 22.7048 37.2116 22.7398 37.2014 22.766L37.1522 22.8525C37.1223 22.9132 37.0838 22.9647 37.0449 23.025C36.9765 23.1372 36.8987 23.2578 36.8128 23.3603C36.7935 23.386 36.7576 23.3842 36.7315 23.3652C36.7139 23.3554 36.7062 23.3284 36.7071 23.3106C36.7318 23.1696 36.7741 23.0383 36.8253 22.9075C36.8552 22.8467 36.8766 22.7767 36.9155 22.7163L36.9651 22.621C36.9848 22.5864 37.0126 22.57 37.0849 22.5647C37.12 22.5842 37.1551 22.6037 37.1803 22.6405Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.7644 22.8566C37.7974 22.9204 37.7867 22.9555 37.7679 22.9723L37.7111 23.0317C37.673 23.0743 37.6353 23.108 37.5973 23.1506C37.5126 23.2265 37.4279 23.3023 37.3261 23.3595C37.2983 23.3759 37.2628 23.3653 37.2461 23.3378C37.238 23.3196 37.2388 23.3019 37.2397 23.2841C37.2901 23.1711 37.3486 23.0761 37.4162 22.9817C37.4542 22.9391 37.4837 22.8872 37.5218 22.8446L37.5791 22.7763C37.5983 22.7506 37.6257 22.7431 37.6878 22.7639C37.7224 22.7923 37.7482 22.8202 37.7644 22.8566Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.0855 23.1119C38.1001 23.1837 38.0894 23.2188 38.0612 23.2441L37.9859 23.3115C37.9385 23.3625 37.8825 23.4042 37.8264 23.4459C37.7144 23.5292 37.6113 23.6131 37.4907 23.6872C37.4629 23.7036 37.4273 23.6929 37.4106 23.6654C37.4025 23.6473 37.4033 23.6295 37.4132 23.6122C37.4824 23.4823 37.5777 23.3714 37.6637 23.2689C37.7111 23.2179 37.7586 23.1669 37.8151 23.1164L37.8904 23.0489C37.9186 23.0237 37.9464 23.0073 38.017 23.0374C38.044 23.0387 38.0692 23.0755 38.0855 23.1119Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.7017 38.7823C26.7563 38.7348 26.8031 38.7427 26.8342 38.7665C26.8654 38.7823 26.8966 38.8061 26.9278 38.8298C26.9901 38.8774 27.0369 38.9328 27.0837 38.9962C27.1616 39.123 27.2006 39.2735 27.185 39.4082C27.185 39.4399 27.1538 39.4636 27.1226 39.4636C27.0993 39.4636 27.0837 39.4478 27.0759 39.432C27.0213 39.321 26.959 39.218 26.8888 39.1467C26.8576 39.1071 26.8109 39.0754 26.7719 39.0437C26.7485 39.0279 26.7251 39.0121 26.7017 39.0041C26.6783 38.9883 26.6628 38.9645 26.6628 38.8932V38.8853C26.655 38.8378 26.6705 38.8061 26.7017 38.7823Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.6969 25.3295C28.7281 25.4166 28.7125 25.4721 28.6813 25.5276L28.5956 25.686C28.541 25.7969 28.4786 25.8999 28.4163 26.0029C28.2916 26.2168 28.1669 26.4228 28.0188 26.6209C28.0032 26.6446 27.9643 26.6526 27.9409 26.6367C27.9175 26.6209 27.9097 26.5971 27.9175 26.5733C27.9954 26.3357 28.0967 26.1138 28.1981 25.892C28.2526 25.7811 28.3072 25.6702 28.3617 25.5593L28.4475 25.3929C28.4787 25.3374 28.5176 25.2899 28.6034 25.2661C28.6423 25.2661 28.6813 25.2899 28.6969 25.3295Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.9931 26.9299C29.0243 27.0092 29.0087 27.0646 28.9775 27.1201L28.8918 27.2706C28.8372 27.3657 28.7749 27.4687 28.7203 27.5637C28.6034 27.7539 28.4787 27.944 28.3384 28.1263C28.3228 28.15 28.2838 28.1579 28.2604 28.1342C28.2449 28.1183 28.2371 28.0946 28.2449 28.0708C28.3228 27.8569 28.4164 27.6509 28.5177 27.4449C28.5722 27.3419 28.619 27.2389 28.6736 27.1439L28.7515 26.9933C28.7827 26.9458 28.8138 26.8982 28.8996 26.8824C28.9385 26.8666 28.9775 26.8903 28.9931 26.9299Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.1694 27.9597C27.2162 28.0311 27.2084 28.0865 27.1928 28.134L27.1382 28.2767C27.1071 28.3717 27.0603 28.4747 27.0291 28.5698C26.9512 28.7599 26.8655 28.9501 26.7641 29.1402C26.7486 29.164 26.7174 29.1798 26.6862 29.164C26.6628 29.1561 26.655 29.1323 26.655 29.1085C26.6862 28.9025 26.7408 28.6966 26.8031 28.4906C26.8343 28.3876 26.8654 28.2925 26.8966 28.1895L26.9434 28.039C26.959 27.9914 26.9902 27.9439 27.0681 27.9201C27.0993 27.9043 27.146 27.9201 27.1694 27.9597Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.7072 29.9013C27.754 29.9647 27.754 30.0122 27.7462 30.0597L27.7072 30.1944C27.6838 30.2816 27.6526 30.3687 27.6214 30.4638C27.5591 30.6381 27.4967 30.8124 27.411 30.9867C27.3954 31.0184 27.3642 31.0263 27.333 31.0104C27.3097 31.0025 27.3019 30.9788 27.3019 30.955C27.3175 30.7648 27.3487 30.5826 27.3876 30.4004C27.411 30.3133 27.4266 30.2182 27.45 30.131L27.4811 29.9964C27.4967 29.9488 27.5201 29.9092 27.5903 29.8854C27.6448 29.8537 27.6838 29.8696 27.7072 29.9013Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.8426 27.413C29.8816 27.4764 29.8738 27.5239 29.8504 27.5556L29.7958 27.6586C29.7568 27.7299 29.7179 27.7933 29.6711 27.8567C29.5854 27.9834 29.4996 28.1102 29.3905 28.229C29.3671 28.2528 29.336 28.2528 29.3126 28.229C29.297 28.2132 29.2892 28.1894 29.297 28.1736C29.3438 28.023 29.3983 27.8725 29.4685 27.7299C29.4996 27.6586 29.5386 27.5873 29.5698 27.516L29.6243 27.413C29.6399 27.3813 29.6711 27.3496 29.749 27.3496C29.788 27.3496 29.827 27.3734 29.8426 27.413Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.7204 29.4254C28.7749 29.4808 28.7749 29.5284 28.7671 29.568L28.7359 29.6947C28.7125 29.7819 28.6892 29.8611 28.6658 29.9483C28.6112 30.1146 28.5567 30.281 28.4787 30.4474C28.4632 30.4791 28.432 30.487 28.4008 30.4711C28.3774 30.4632 28.3696 30.4394 28.3696 30.4157C28.3774 30.2335 28.4008 30.0592 28.4242 29.8849C28.4398 29.7977 28.4554 29.7106 28.4787 29.6234L28.5099 29.4967C28.5177 29.457 28.5411 29.4174 28.619 29.3857C28.6502 29.3857 28.697 29.3937 28.7204 29.4254Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.7407 31.2954C26.8108 31.3588 26.8264 31.4301 26.8264 31.4934L26.8342 31.6915C26.842 31.8262 26.842 31.9609 26.842 32.0876C26.842 32.357 26.8342 32.6184 26.8108 32.8878C26.8108 32.9195 26.7796 32.9433 26.7485 32.9353C26.7251 32.9353 26.7017 32.9116 26.7017 32.8878C26.6549 32.6184 26.6238 32.357 26.6004 32.0876C26.5926 31.953 26.577 31.8183 26.577 31.6836L26.5692 31.4855C26.5692 31.4221 26.577 31.3508 26.6394 31.2874C26.6627 31.2637 26.7095 31.2637 26.7407 31.2954Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.1046 32.4364C28.1669 32.5078 28.1748 32.5791 28.1748 32.6504L28.167 32.8563C28.1592 32.999 28.1514 33.1336 28.1436 33.2762C28.1202 33.5535 28.0968 33.8308 28.0501 34.1081C28.0423 34.1398 28.0189 34.1557 27.9877 34.1557C27.9643 34.1477 27.9409 34.1319 27.9409 34.1081C27.9176 33.8308 27.9098 33.5535 27.902 33.2683C27.902 33.1257 27.9019 32.991 27.9097 32.8484L27.9175 32.6424C27.9175 32.5711 27.9331 32.5078 28.0033 32.4364C28.0189 32.3968 28.0656 32.3968 28.1046 32.4364C28.0968 32.4285 28.0968 32.4285 28.1046 32.4364Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.7726 30.5664C29.8272 30.6377 29.8271 30.701 29.8193 30.7565L29.7882 30.9308C29.7648 31.0496 29.7414 31.1685 29.718 31.2873C29.6635 31.525 29.6089 31.7547 29.531 31.9845C29.5232 32.0162 29.492 32.032 29.4608 32.0162C29.4375 32.0083 29.4219 31.9845 29.4219 31.9607C29.4297 31.7151 29.453 31.4774 29.4764 31.2398C29.492 31.1209 29.5076 31.0021 29.531 30.8833L29.5622 30.709C29.5699 30.6535 29.5933 30.5901 29.6713 30.5426C29.7024 30.5267 29.7492 30.5347 29.7726 30.5664Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.8272 29.4418C29.7882 29.3705 29.796 29.3229 29.8194 29.2754L29.8896 29.1407C29.9363 29.0536 29.9831 28.9664 30.0299 28.8793C30.1312 28.705 30.2247 28.5307 30.3494 28.3722C30.365 28.3485 30.404 28.3405 30.4274 28.3564C30.443 28.3722 30.4507 28.396 30.4507 28.4198C30.3962 28.6178 30.326 28.8001 30.2559 28.9823C30.2169 29.0694 30.1779 29.1645 30.139 29.2516L30.0766 29.3863C30.0533 29.4339 30.0221 29.4656 29.9441 29.4893C29.8818 29.4972 29.8428 29.4735 29.8272 29.4418Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.9183 31.1921C30.895 31.097 30.9105 31.0178 30.9495 30.9386L31.0509 30.7167C31.1132 30.5741 31.1911 30.4315 31.2613 30.281C31.4016 29.9958 31.5497 29.7106 31.7133 29.4333C31.7289 29.4095 31.7601 29.4016 31.7913 29.4174C31.8147 29.4333 31.8224 29.457 31.8147 29.4808C31.7133 29.7898 31.5964 30.0829 31.4795 30.384C31.4172 30.5345 31.3548 30.6771 31.2925 30.8276L31.1989 31.0495C31.1678 31.1208 31.121 31.1921 31.0274 31.2396C30.9963 31.2555 30.9495 31.2396 30.9339 31.2079C30.9184 31.2 30.9183 31.1921 30.9183 31.1921Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.0844 34.5358C30.0377 34.4645 30.0454 34.409 30.061 34.3615L30.1156 34.2109C30.1546 34.1079 30.1935 34.0129 30.2325 33.9099C30.3182 33.7118 30.3962 33.5137 30.5053 33.3236C30.5209 33.2998 30.5521 33.284 30.5832 33.2998C30.6066 33.3078 30.6144 33.3315 30.6144 33.3553C30.5832 33.5692 30.5287 33.7752 30.4663 33.9812C30.4351 34.0842 30.4039 34.1872 30.3728 34.2902L30.326 34.4407C30.3104 34.4882 30.2793 34.5358 30.2013 34.5674C30.1468 34.5912 30.1078 34.5754 30.0844 34.5358Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.6738 35.518C28.6348 35.4467 28.6504 35.3992 28.666 35.3596L28.7283 35.2407C28.7673 35.1615 28.8218 35.0823 28.8686 35.011C28.9621 34.8604 29.0635 34.7099 29.1804 34.5673C29.2038 34.5435 29.2349 34.5435 29.2583 34.5594C29.2739 34.5752 29.2817 34.599 29.2739 34.6228C29.2193 34.7971 29.1492 34.9634 29.079 35.1298C29.0401 35.209 29.0011 35.2883 28.9621 35.3675L28.8998 35.4863C28.8764 35.5259 28.8452 35.5576 28.7673 35.5655C28.7283 35.5735 28.6893 35.5576 28.6738 35.518Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.567 36.3972C27.4968 36.3655 27.4735 36.3259 27.4657 36.2863L27.4423 36.1595C27.4267 36.0724 27.4111 35.9931 27.3955 35.906C27.3722 35.7317 27.3565 35.5653 27.3643 35.3831C27.3643 35.3514 27.3955 35.3276 27.4267 35.3276C27.4501 35.3276 27.4657 35.3435 27.4735 35.3672C27.5358 35.5257 27.5826 35.6921 27.6371 35.8585C27.6605 35.9377 27.6839 36.0248 27.6995 36.1041L27.7307 36.2308C27.7385 36.2704 27.7385 36.318 27.6839 36.3734C27.6449 36.4051 27.5982 36.413 27.567 36.3972Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.8397 37.974C27.8163 37.9027 27.8319 37.8631 27.8553 37.8314L27.9332 37.7443C27.9878 37.6809 28.0424 37.6254 28.0969 37.57C28.206 37.4591 28.3229 37.3482 28.4554 37.2531C28.4788 37.2372 28.5178 37.2372 28.5334 37.2689C28.5489 37.2848 28.5489 37.3085 28.5412 37.3323C28.4632 37.4749 28.3775 37.6096 28.2762 37.7364C28.2294 37.7997 28.1826 37.8631 28.1281 37.9265L28.0501 38.0216C28.0268 38.0533 27.9878 38.077 27.9098 38.0612C27.8864 38.0374 27.8553 38.0137 27.8397 37.974Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.5388 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                                    "id": 19,
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                                    "name": "Miscellaneous",
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                            "version": "",
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                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 12,
                                    "slug": "javascript-frameworks",
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                                    "name": "JavaScript frameworks",
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                            "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:litespeedtech:litespeed_web_server:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
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                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "CloudFlare.svg",
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                            "cpe": null
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                            "cpe": null
                            "name": "MailChimp",
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                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 32,
                                    "slug": "marketing-automation",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Marketing automation",
                                    "priority": 9
                                    "id": 75,
                                    "slug": "email",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Email",
                                    "priority": 9
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                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "mailchimp.svg",
                            "website": "http:\/\/mailchimp.com",
                            "pricing": [
                            "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:thinkshout:mailchimp:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
                            "name": "cdnjs",
                            "description": "cdnjs is a free distributed JS library delivery service.",
                            "slug": "cdnjs",
                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 31,
                                    "slug": "cdn",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "CDN",
                                    "priority": 9
                            "confidence": 100,
                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "cdnjs.svg",
                            "website": "https:\/\/cdnjs.com",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
                            "name": "Open Graph",
                            "description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
                            "slug": "open-graph",
                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 19,
                                    "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                    "priority": 10
                            "confidence": 100,
                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "Open Graph.png",
                            "website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
                            "name": "HTTP\/3",
                            "description": "HTTP\/3 is the third major version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to exchange information on the World Wide Web.",
                            "slug": "http-3",
                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 19,
                                    "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                    "priority": 10
                            "confidence": 100,
                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "HTTP3.svg",
                            "website": "https:\/\/httpwg.org\/",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
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                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                "impact": "serious",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
                                "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
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                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
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                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
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                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<div class=\"otherpages\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
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                                        "target": [
                                            ".otherpages > .menububls > a:nth-child(2)"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<div class=\"otherpages\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
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                                            ".otherpages > .menububls > a:nth-child(3)"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"required email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<span>Say Hi!<\/span>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > span"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
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                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
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                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
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                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"> [email protected] <\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > a"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
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                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p class=\"mb-4 xs-mb-unset\">Registered Charity Number: 1195986<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > .xs-mb-unset.mb-4"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
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                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<span>Follow us on<\/span>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".align-start.xs-mb-unset.mb-4 > span"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/saffronkitchenproject\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/saffronkitchenproject\/\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/channel\/UC6e-V4wXxMapOz_czX0VNmQ\" target=\"_blank\">Youtube<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/company\/76985121\/\" target=\"_blank\">LinkedIn<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<span>Sitemap<\/span>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "div:nth-child(3) > span"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#story\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Story<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(1) > .barba-prevent"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#pillars\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Pillars<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(2) > .barba-prevent"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(3) > a"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(4) > a"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(5) > a"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(6) > a"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/privacy\">Privacy policy<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(7) > a"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".justify-center > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "id": "link-name",
                                "impact": "serious",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
                                "help": "Links must have discernible text",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-visible-text",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text"
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/shimsham.design\" target=\"_blank\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text\n\nFix any of the following:\n  Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute"
                        "passes": [
                                "id": "aria-allowed-attr",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures ARIA attributes are allowed for an element's role",
                                "help": "Elements must only use allowed ARIA attributes",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-allowed-attr?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "aria-allowed-attr",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "ARIA attributes are used correctly for the defined role"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "aria-unsupported-attr",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "ARIA attribute is supported"
                                                "id": "aria-prohibited-attr",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "ARIA attribute is allowed"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures aria-hidden='true' is not present on the document body.",
                                "help": "aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-hidden-body?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "No aria-hidden attribute is present on document body"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "aria-hidden-focus",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures aria-hidden elements do not contain focusable elements",
                                "help": "ARIA hidden element must not contain focusable elements",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-hidden-focus?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [
                                                "id": "focusable-modal-open",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "No focusable elements while a modal is open"
                                                "id": "focusable-disabled",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "No focusable elements contained within element"
                                                "id": "focusable-not-tabbable",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "No focusable elements contained within element"
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div style=\"position: absolute; left: -5000px;\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"b_b037ab16b340fb1fe8aff1122_c6b517f71e\" tabindex=\"-1\" value=\"\"><\/div>",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "aria-valid-attr-value",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures all ARIA attributes have valid values",
                                "help": "ARIA attributes must conform to valid values",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-valid-attr-value?application=axeAPI",
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                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [
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                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
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                                "help": "ARIA attributes must conform to valid names",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-valid-attr?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
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                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures buttons have discernible text",
                                "help": "Buttons must have discernible text",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/button-name?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
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                                        "impact": null,
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                                "id": "bypass",
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                                "help": "Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/bypass?application=axeAPI",
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                                                        "target": [
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                                                            ".story-intro > .mb-2"
                                                        "html": "<h1>Employ<\/h1>",
                                                        "target": [
                                                            ".goals > h1"
                                                        "html": "<h2 class=\"mb-4\">Continue your visit<\/h2>",
                                                        "target": [
                                                            ".otherpages > h2"
                                                        "html": "<h2>Sign up to our newsletter<\/h2>",
                                                        "target": [
                                                            "#mc_embed_signup_scroll > h2"
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                                "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
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                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id-active?application=axeAPI",
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                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id?application=axeAPI",
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                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/form-field-multiple-labels?application=axeAPI",
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                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-lang-valid?application=axeAPI",
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                                        "all": [],
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                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/bread.svg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".illu-2 > img[alt=\"\"]"
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                                                "data": {
                                                    "role": "presentation"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
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                                                "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/lemon.svg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".illu-3 > img[alt=\"\"]"
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                                                "data": {
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                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
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                                                "impact": "critical",
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                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/cheese.svg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".illu-4 > img[alt=\"\"]"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "message": "Element has an alt attribute"
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                                                "data": {
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                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "alt-space-value",
                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/crab.svg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".illu-5 > img[alt=\"\"]"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element has an alt attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "alt-space-value",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element has an alt attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "alt-space-value",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "input-button-name",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures input buttons have discernible text",
                                "help": "Input buttons must have discernible text",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/input-button-name?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "non-empty-value",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element has a non-empty value attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"SEND\" name=\"subscribe\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe\" class=\"button m-0\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "label",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures every form element has a label",
                                "help": "Form elements must have labels",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/label?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "non-empty-placeholder",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has a placeholder attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "hidden-explicit-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Form element has a visible explicit <label>"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"required email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "link-name",
                                "impact": "serious",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
                                "help": "Links must have discernible text",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
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                                                "relatedNodes": [],
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">\n        <div>Saffron<\/div>\n        <div>Kitchen<\/div>\n        <div>Project<\/div>\n    <\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".skpid > a"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-visible-text",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
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                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
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                                        "target": [
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">\n        <span class=\"donspan\" style=\"background-color:#07453A; color:#FFE019\">Donate <\/span>\n      <\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".donate > a"
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
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                                        "target": [
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                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
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                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-visible-text",
                                                "data": null,
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                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
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                                        "target": [
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"> [email protected] <\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > a"
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                                                "data": null,
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                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/company\/76985121\/\" target=\"_blank\">LinkedIn<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#story\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Story<\/a>",
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(5) > a"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/privacy\">Privacy policy<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(7) > a"
                                "id": "list",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
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                                "help": "<ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/list?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<ul>",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "listitem",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures <li> elements are used semantically",
                                "help": "<li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol>",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/listitem?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#story\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Story<\/a><\/li>",
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#pillars\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Pillars<\/a><\/li>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
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                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a><\/li>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
                                        "all": [],
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                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a><\/li>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a><\/li>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a><\/li>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/privacy\">Privacy policy<\/a><\/li>",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "nested-interactive",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures interactive controls are not nested as they are not always announced by screen readers or can cause focus problems for assistive technologies",
                                "help": "Interactive controls must not be nested",
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                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
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                                        "html": "<p>We will help tackle unemployment in Athens by generating job opportunities for people from the refugee and host community. The meals will be prepared by the community for the community.<\/p>",
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We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.\" name=\"description\">\n\n    <meta content=\"Saffron Kitchen Project, opportunities people in Athens, culinary community, food love, opportunities for refugees, opportunities for people with refugee backgrounds, \" name=\"keywords\">\n\n    <meta content=\"Saffron Kitchen Project\" property=\"og:title\">\n    <meta content=\"website\" property=\"og:type\">\n    <meta content=\"SKP\" property=\"og:site_name\">\n    <meta content=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\" property=\"og:url\">\n    <meta content=\" https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/media\/site\/d8dda6f6ed-1637318052\/logoprofile.png \" property=\"og:image\">\n    <meta content=\"Our Story Saffron Kitchen Project is about people, food, building community and creating lasting opportunities for vulnerable people in Athens. Food is about love, comfort and hospitality. There is a kindness in the practice of preparing meals for others, the perfect opportunity to make people feel welcome. We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.\" property=\"og:description\">\n    <meta content=\"fr_FR\" property=\"og:locale\">\n\n    <meta content=\"SKP\" name=\"twitter:title\">\n    <meta content=\"large_summary\" name=\"twitter:card\">\n    <meta content=\"\" name=\"twitter:site\">\n    <meta content=\"\" name=\"twitter:creator\">\n    <meta content=\" https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/media\/site\/d8dda6f6ed-1637318052\/logoprofile.png \" name=\"twitter:image\">\n    <meta content=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\" name=\"twitter:url\">\n    <meta content=\"Our Story Saffron Kitchen Project is about people, food, building community and creating lasting opportunities for vulnerable people in Athens. Food is about love, comfort and hospitality. There is a kindness in the practice of preparing meals for others, the perfect opportunity to make people feel welcome. We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.\" name=\"twitter:description\">\n    \n    <link href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/css\/main.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\">    <script src=\"https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/gsap.min.js\"><\/script>\n    <script src=\"https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/ScrollTrigger.min.js\"><\/script>\n    <script src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/libs\/InertiaPlugin.min.js\"><\/script>    <link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image\/jpg\" href=\"assets\/favicon\/favicon-32x32.png\">\n    <script defer=\"\" data-domain=\"saffronkitchenproject.org\" src=\"https:\/\/plausible.io\/js\/plausible.js\"><\/script>\n<\/head>\n<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">\n\n  <div class=\"header bgpink\" style=\"color:#FFE019\">\n    <div class=\"skpid\">\n    <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">\n        <div>Saffron<\/div>\n        <div>Kitchen<\/div>\n        <div>Project<\/div>\n    <\/a>\n<\/div>\n\n<div class=\"navbtn\">\n    <button id=\"openbtn\">menu<\/button>\n<\/div>    <nav id=\"navi\">\n    <div class=\"menububls\">\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">Story<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>\n    <\/div>\n    <div class=\"nav-illus\">\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-1\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/fennel.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-2\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/bread.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-3\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/lemon.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-4\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/cheese.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-5\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/crab.svg\"><\/div>\n    <\/div>\n<\/nav>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  <\/div>\n\n  <span class=\"transition\"><\/span>\n\n  <main class=\"homepage relative\" data-barba=\"container\" data-barba-namespace=\"home\" data-color=\"#E5194C\" data-transition=\"#FFE019\" style=\"background-color:#E5194C;color:#FFE019\">\n    \n    \n    <div class=\"donate bgpink\"> \n      <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">\n        <span class=\"donspan\" style=\"background-color:#07453A; color:#FFE019\">Donate <\/span>\n      <\/a> \n    <\/div>\n  \n\n    <div class=\"pin-spacer\" style=\"place-self: auto; grid-area: auto; z-index: auto; float: none; flex-shrink: 1; display: block; margin: 0px; inset: 0px; position: relative; overflow: visible; box-sizing: border-box; width: 1905px; height: 1390px; padding: 0px 0px 397.001px;\"><section class=\"content intro no-gap storyAnim bgcolor bgpink\" style=\"transform: translate(0px, 0px); left: 0px; top: 0.001px; margin: 0px; max-width: 1905px; width: 1905px; max-height: 993px; height: 993px; padding: 120px 30px 30px; box-sizing: border-box; position: fixed;\">\n      <h1 class=\"span-3-10 storyText flex flex-col\"><span id=\"textFirst\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">Eat \u00b7 Cook \u00b7 Learn \u00b7 Belong<\/span> <span id=\"textSecond\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">your culinary community<\/span><\/h1>\n\n      <span class=\"arrowintro\">\n        <svg width=\"30\" height=\"61\" viewBox=\"0 0 30 61\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\">\n          <path d=\"M30 41.3C19.3966 41.3 15 44.372 15 60.5M15 60.5C15 44.372 10.6034 41.3 -5.91332e-07 41.3M15 60.5L15 0.499999\" stroke=\"#FFE019\"><\/path>\n        <\/svg>\n      <\/span>\n\n      <div class=\"bottombtn span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n          <div class=\"butbtn\" style=\"background-color: rgb(255, 224, 25); 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Food is about love, comfort and hospitality. There is a kindness in the practice of preparing meals for others, the perfect opportunity to make people feel welcome. We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.<\/h2>\n          \n          <img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">  \n\n          <p>Drawing on many years of experience in the hospitality industry as well as the humanitarian sector we identified a need for access to nutritious food, professional training and job opportunities for refugees.<\/p>\n\n          <p>At Saffron Kitchen Project we aim to do exactly that. We cook meals together, provide specialised training and create opportunities for people with refugee backgrounds to support themselves and grow their own skill sets.<\/p>\n\n        <\/div>\n\n        <div class=\"story-end span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n  \n          <img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">\n         \n          <figure class=\"mb-2\">\n            <blockquote>\n              <p class=\"text-xl\">\u2018Food can bring people together in a way nothing else could.\u2019<\/p>\n            <\/blockquote>\n            <figcaption>Yotam Ottolenghi<\/figcaption>\n          <\/figure>\n          \n          <p>With this in mind we came up with our pillars, the cornerstones of what SKP is built on\u2026 <\/p>\n          \n          <span class=\"arrow\">\n            <svg width=\"30\" height=\"61\" viewBox=\"0 0 30 61\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\">\n              <path d=\"M30 41.3C19.3966 41.3 15 44.372 15 60.5M15 60.5C15 44.372 10.6034 41.3 -5.91332e-07 41.3M15 60.5L15 0.499999\" stroke=\"#07453A\"><\/path>\n            <\/svg>\n          <\/span>\n\n        <\/div>\n\n        <div class=\"bottombtn span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n          <div class=\"butbtn2\" style=\"background-color: rgb(7, 69, 58); transform: translate(0px, 399.354px); bottom: 0px;\"><\/div>\n          <a class=\"nextpage2\" style=\"color: rgb(255, 224, 25); opacity: 1; top: 1840px;\">Our Pillars<\/a>\n        <\/div>\n    <\/section><\/div>\n    \n    <section class=\"goals-wrapper bgcolor bggreen \" id=\"pillars\">\n      <div class=\"goals-content\">\n        \n        <div class=\"roulette\">\n            <div class=\"bubl text-lg b-top\" data-id=\"employ\">Employ<\/div>\n            <div class=\"bubl text-lg b-left\" data-id=\"mourish\">Nourish<\/div>\n            <div class=\"bubl text-lg b-right\" data-id=\"teach\">Train<\/div>\n        <\/div>\n\n        <div class=\"roulette-content\">            \n            <div class=\"container active\">\n                <article class=\"goals\" style=\"\">\n                  <h1>Employ<\/h1>\n                  <p>We will help tackle unemployment in Athens by generating job opportunities for people from the refugee and host community. The meals will be prepared by the community for the community.<\/p>\n                <\/article>\n            <\/div>\n\n            <article class=\"employ\">\n                <h1>Employ<\/h1>\n                <p>We will help tackle unemployment in Athens by generating job opportunities for people from the refugee and host community. The meals will be prepared by the community for the community.<\/p>\n            <\/article>\n\n            <article class=\"mourish\">\n                <h1>Nourish<\/h1>\n                <p>Providing vulnerable people, including but not limited to the homeless, migrants and refugees, with tasty and inventive meals in a sustainable way. We distribute to partner organisations throughout Athens, ensuring they receive delicious and nutritious meals, whilst avoiding food waste as much as possible.<\/p>\n            <\/article>\n\n            <article class=\"teach\">\n                <h1>Train<\/h1>\n                <p>Offering free culinary education and vocational training to refugees, in an effort to prepare our students for work in the hospitality industry. Our programme will cover culinary skills as well as including soft skills training such as teamwork, leadership and time management.<\/p>\n            <\/article>\n        <\/div>\n        <\/div>\n    <\/section>\n\n    <div class=\"otherpages\">\n    <h2 class=\"mb-4\">Continue your visit<\/h2>\n    <div class=\"menububls\">\n        <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>\n        <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>\n        <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>\n    <\/div>\n<\/div>    <footer class=\"homefoot\">\n    \n  <div class=\"mb-6\">\n    <div id=\"mc_embed_signup mb-4\">\n      <form action=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.us5.list-manage.com\/subscribe\/post?u=b037ab16b340fb1fe8aff1122&amp;id=c6b517f71e\" method=\"post\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe-form\" name=\"mc-embedded-subscribe-form\" class=\"validate flex flex-col items-center\" target=\"_blank\" novalidate=\"\">\n 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5.78191 0.871791L5.79967 1.07635C5.80857 1.14751 5.80859 1.21871 5.81748 1.28987C5.82638 1.43218 5.83524 1.57448 5.83524 1.7168C5.85303 2.28607 5.85306 2.8465 5.86196 3.41577C5.86196 3.97615 5.86196 4.54542 5.87086 5.10579L5.88862 5.9508L5.89753 6.37774L5.90643 6.59116V6.69792V6.75134V6.77801C5.90643 6.7869 5.90643 6.77799 5.90643 6.80467C5.90643 6.82246 5.90642 6.84025 5.89753 6.84915ZM5.80858 6.77801C5.79079 6.77801 5.79967 6.80466 5.79967 6.78687V6.7602V6.70687L5.79077 6.60011L5.78191 6.3866L5.7641 5.95966L5.72853 5.11465C5.71074 4.55428 5.69295 3.98501 5.68406 3.42463C5.67516 2.86425 5.66627 2.29498 5.63958 1.73461C5.63069 1.59229 5.62177 1.44996 5.61287 1.31653C5.60398 1.24537 5.604 1.17423 5.59511 1.11197L5.5684 0.898458C5.55061 0.75614 5.54172 0.61384 5.53283 0.471522C5.53283 0.435943 5.53283 0.400381 5.53283 0.355907C5.53283 0.338117 5.53283 0.32031 5.53283 0.293625L5.54173 0.240291L5.55064 0.133535L5.55954 0.0802011V0.062394V0.0712541C5.50617 0.0979387 5.97756 0.160185 5.79077 0.0979213V0.106868C5.62177 1.21872 5.47946 2.33949 5.35493 3.46024C5.29267 4.02062 5.2304 4.58094 5.17703 5.14132C5.15035 5.42595 5.12369 5.70173 5.1148 5.97747C5.1059 6.11979 5.10589 6.25323 5.10589 6.39555C5.10589 6.53786 5.10589 6.67122 5.10589 6.81353L5.01694 6.70687C5.0881 6.72465 5.15925 6.74241 5.23041 6.7602C5.30157 6.77799 5.37271 6.78692 5.43498 6.79581C5.49724 6.79581 5.57733 6.78687 5.64849 6.78687L5.7641 6.77801H5.81748H5.84415H5.86196H5.87086C5.83528 6.76022 5.81747 6.76911 5.80858 6.77801Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.91904 5.78197C4.47429 5.93318 4.10959 6.22675 3.78937 6.57365C3.62927 6.74265 3.47808 6.92944 3.32687 7.10734L2.86432 7.65875C2.553 8.02344 2.2506 8.38813 1.95707 8.7706C1.88591 8.86845 1.81472 8.95741 1.74356 9.05526L1.69022 9.1264L1.63685 9.19763C1.60127 9.2421 1.56567 9.29543 1.53009 9.33991C1.46783 9.42886 1.41445 9.52667 1.38776 9.61561C1.37887 9.66009 1.37001 9.7046 1.3789 9.74018C1.3789 9.75797 1.38777 9.78463 1.39667 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20.2205C21.7373 20.6386 20.5276 20.9676 19.3002 21.2256C18.0727 21.4747 16.8274 21.6526 15.5732 21.7326C14.319 21.8127 13.0649 21.8127 11.8107 21.6881C10.5654 21.5547 9.32012 21.2968 8.1549 20.7898H8.1638C7.61232 20.603 7.07862 20.3806 6.55382 20.1226C6.03792 19.8558 5.53982 19.5623 5.06839 19.2243C4.59696 18.8863 4.14332 18.5216 3.72526 18.1213C3.3072 17.721 2.91583 17.2941 2.55114 16.8405C2.19535 16.3779 1.87513 15.8976 1.59049 15.3906C1.31475 14.8836 1.07459 14.3499 0.878905 13.7984C0.683218 13.2469 0.55869 12.6777 0.478637 12.0995C0.398583 11.5214 0.389697 10.9343 0.443066 10.3561C0.460856 10.0626 0.514216 9.77793 0.567585 9.4933L0.665437 9.06636L0.692126 8.95961L0.727697 8.8529L0.789956 8.64829L0.852238 8.44372C0.878922 8.37257 0.905598 8.31028 0.932283 8.23912C0.985652 8.10569 1.03901 7.96341 1.10128 7.82999C1.2258 7.57204 1.35033 7.30517 1.50154 7.05612C2.07971 6.04211 2.87137 5.17043 3.74306 4.40547C3.8498 4.30763 3.96542 4.21867 4.08105 4.12972C4.19668 4.04077 4.30343 3.94293 4.41906 3.86288L4.77485 3.60493C4.83712 3.56046 4.89049 3.51595 4.95275 3.48037L5.13065 3.36476L5.49535 3.12458L5.86893 2.90221C6.11798 2.75099 6.37593 2.61759 6.62499 2.47527C6.74952 2.40411 6.88293 2.34183 7.01635 2.27957L7.40774 2.09281C7.67458 1.97718 7.93253 1.85261 8.19937 1.74587C8.46622 1.63914 8.73307 1.5235 9.00881 1.43455L9.41796 1.28337C9.55139 1.23889 9.69371 1.19442 9.82713 1.14995C12.0331 0.438357 14.3368 0.0736771 16.6495 0.0469926C17.8058 0.0380977 18.9622 0.127011 20.1096 0.322698C20.6789 0.429436 21.2481 0.553973 21.7996 0.73187C22.0754 0.811924 22.3511 0.918679 22.6268 1.01652C22.8937 1.12326 23.1605 1.23888 23.4274 1.35451C24.4858 1.82594 25.4999 2.39522 26.4516 3.05344C27.4034 3.71165 28.2928 4.4766 29.0578 5.35719C29.8228 6.22889 30.4721 7.22514 30.8812 8.31921C31.2993 9.40438 31.4594 10.5963 31.3082 11.7526C31.3082 11.7793 31.2726 11.806 31.2459 11.7971C31.1837 11.7793 31.1659 11.7526 31.1659 11.7259Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M0.594368 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30.8634 23.1471C30.8368 23.1471 30.8101 23.1204 30.8101 23.0937C30.8367 22.142 30.8812 21.1991 30.9168 20.2474C30.9524 19.2956 30.9969 18.3528 31.0235 17.401C31.0591 16.4493 31.0769 15.5064 31.0858 14.5547C31.0947 14.0833 31.0947 13.6029 31.0947 13.1315C31.0947 12.8913 31.0947 12.6601 31.1125 12.4199C31.1214 12.1798 31.1392 11.9485 31.1748 11.7083C31.1748 11.6816 31.2103 11.655 31.237 11.6639C31.2548 11.6639 31.2726 11.6816 31.2815 11.7083Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.9168 23.111C30.899 23.2 30.8634 23.2889 30.8101 23.3779C30.7567 23.4579 30.6856 23.5379 30.6055 23.5913C30.4365 23.707 30.2319 23.7514 30.0451 23.7603C29.9473 23.7603 29.8494 23.7514 29.7605 23.7336L29.5025 23.6803C29.3335 23.6447 29.1556 23.6091 28.9866 23.5647C28.3017 23.4045 27.6168 23.2267 26.9408 23.0399C26.2648 22.8442 25.5888 22.6396 24.9217 22.4261C24.2546 22.2037 23.5875 21.9724 22.9381 21.7145C22.9114 21.7056 22.8937 21.67 22.9115 21.6434C22.9204 21.6167 22.9559 21.5989 22.9826 21.6078C23.6497 21.8302 24.3168 22.0347 24.9839 22.2393C25.6511 22.435 26.3271 22.6307 27.0031 22.8086C27.6791 22.9865 28.3551 23.1644 29.04 23.3156C29.209 23.3511 29.378 23.3867 29.5559 23.4223L29.8139 23.4668C29.8939 23.4846 29.974 23.4846 30.054 23.4935C30.2141 23.4935 30.3653 23.4668 30.4988 23.3957C30.561 23.3601 30.6233 23.3156 30.6856 23.2622C30.7389 23.2089 30.7923 23.1466 30.8368 23.0754C30.8546 23.0487 30.8901 23.0398 30.9168 23.0576C30.9168 23.0665 30.9257 23.0932 30.9168 23.111Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M50.8146 21.3504C50.8858 21.8752 50.9036 22.4 50.9036 22.9337V24.517C50.9036 25.5665 50.9036 26.625 50.9124 27.6746C50.9124 28.7242 50.9302 29.7827 50.9658 30.8323C50.9925 31.8819 51.0459 32.9315 51.117 33.9811C51.117 34.0078 51.0993 34.0345 51.0637 34.0433C51.037 34.0433 51.0103 34.0255 51.0014 33.99C50.8947 32.9404 50.8235 31.8908 50.7701 30.8323C50.7168 29.7827 50.6901 28.7242 50.6723 27.6746C50.6545 26.625 50.6545 25.5665 50.6456 24.517L50.6367 22.9337C50.6367 22.6668 50.6367 22.4089 50.6456 22.1421C50.6545 21.8752 50.6723 21.6173 50.699 21.3504C50.699 21.3237 50.7346 21.297 50.7612 21.3059C50.7879 21.3059 50.8057 21.3237 50.8146 21.3504Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M0.576455 23.4582C0.825511 23.9208 1.11016 24.3655 1.43037 24.7836C1.75058 25.2016 2.09748 25.593 2.47106 25.9577C3.21823 26.696 4.06325 27.3364 4.94384 27.9235C5.37968 28.217 5.83331 28.5016 6.28695 28.7685C6.74058 29.0264 7.21201 29.2755 7.69234 29.4978C7.9325 29.6135 8.17265 29.7113 8.42171 29.8092L8.79529 29.9515L8.98209 30.0227L9.16889 30.0849C9.667 30.2628 10.174 30.3962 10.6899 30.5207C12.7446 31.01 14.8883 31.09 16.9875 30.841C19.0866 30.6008 21.1502 30.0404 23.1249 29.2755C23.1516 29.2666 23.1872 29.2755 23.1961 29.3111C23.205 29.3378 23.1961 29.3733 23.1694 29.3822C21.1947 30.1828 19.1311 30.7698 17.0141 31.0367C14.8972 31.3035 12.7268 31.2412 10.6454 30.7609C10.1295 30.6364 9.60472 30.4941 9.10661 30.3251L8.91983 30.2628L8.73303 30.1917L8.35945 30.0493C8.11039 29.9426 7.86133 29.8448 7.62117 29.738C7.13196 29.5245 6.66053 29.2666 6.198 28.9998C5.73546 28.7329 5.28182 28.4483 4.83708 28.1458C3.9476 27.5588 3.08481 26.9095 2.31985 26.1534C1.5549 25.4062 0.896674 24.5167 0.514196 23.5116C0.505301 23.4849 0.514187 23.4494 0.549766 23.4405C0.531977 23.4227 0.567561 23.4405 0.576455 23.4582Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M42.56 39.1048C42.7379 38.9981 42.9247 38.9003 43.1115 38.8113C43.2983 38.7135 43.485 38.6334 43.6718 38.5445L44.2322 38.2865L44.7926 38.0108C45.5309 37.6372 46.2602 37.2369 46.9629 36.8011C47.6745 36.3741 48.3683 35.9205 49.0443 35.4313C49.7203 34.9509 50.3786 34.4439 51.0279 33.9191C51.0546 33.9013 51.0902 33.9014 51.1079 33.928C51.1257 33.9547 51.1257 33.9814 51.099 34.0081C50.4764 34.5685 49.8271 35.0932 49.16 35.5913C48.4928 36.0895 47.7991 36.5609 47.0964 37.0057C46.3848 37.4504 45.6554 37.8596 44.9082 38.242L44.3479 38.5178L43.7786 38.7846C43.5829 38.8647 43.3961 38.9536 43.2004 39.0248C43.0047 39.0959 42.8001 39.1582 42.5956 39.2027C42.5689 39.2116 42.5333 39.1938 42.5244 39.1582C42.5244 39.1404 42.5422 39.1137 42.56 39.1048Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.9201 20.1586C22.9557 20.3454 22.9735 20.5411 22.9824 20.7279C23.0002 20.9147 23.0002 21.1104 23.0002 21.2972C23.0091 21.6796 23.0091 22.0621 23.018 22.4446C23.0358 23.2095 23.0625 23.9745 23.0891 24.7306L23.1514 27.0254C23.1692 27.7904 23.1781 28.5553 23.1781 29.3203C23.1781 29.347 23.1514 29.3737 23.1247 29.3737C23.098 29.3737 23.0713 29.347 23.0713 29.3203L22.849 24.7394C22.8134 23.9745 22.7867 23.2095 22.76 22.4446C22.7511 22.0621 22.7422 21.6796 22.7333 21.2972C22.7245 20.9147 22.7422 20.5322 22.8045 20.1497C22.8134 20.1231 22.8401 20.0964 22.8668 20.1053C22.8935 20.1142 22.9112 20.1319 22.9201 20.1586Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M42.5513 29.9067C42.5869 30.1024 42.6047 30.2981 42.6136 30.4849C42.6225 30.6805 42.6314 30.8762 42.6314 31.063L42.6403 32.2283L42.667 34.5498L42.6847 36.8714C42.6847 37.6452 42.6936 38.4191 42.6936 39.2018C42.6936 39.2285 42.667 39.2552 42.6403 39.2552C42.6136 39.2552 42.5869 39.2285 42.5869 39.2018C42.5513 38.428 42.5246 37.6541 42.498 36.8802L42.4268 34.5587L42.3912 32.2283L42.3823 31.063C42.3823 30.6716 42.3912 30.2892 42.4535 29.8978C42.4624 29.8711 42.4891 29.8444 42.5157 29.8533C42.5335 29.8622 42.5513 29.88 42.5513 29.9067Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M31.246 11.7613C30.5433 11.7168 29.8495 11.619 29.1557 11.5211C28.4619 11.4144 27.7681 11.3165 27.0743 11.2187C25.6867 11.023 24.2991 10.8362 22.9115 10.6583C21.5239 10.4804 20.1363 10.3292 18.7398 10.1957C17.3433 10.0623 15.9557 9.93781 14.5592 9.89333C14.5325 9.89333 14.5059 9.86664 14.5059 9.83996C14.5059 9.81327 14.5325 9.78662 14.5592 9.78662C15.2619 9.79552 15.9646 9.82218 16.6584 9.85776C17.3611 9.89334 18.0549 9.94672 18.7576 10.0001C20.1541 10.1157 21.5506 10.258 22.9382 10.4181C24.3258 10.5871 25.7134 10.7739 27.1099 10.9607C27.8037 11.0586 28.4974 11.1564 29.1912 11.2543C29.885 11.361 30.5788 11.4766 31.2548 11.6456C31.2815 11.6545 31.2993 11.6812 31.2993 11.7168C31.2993 11.7524 31.2726 11.7701 31.246 11.7613Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M50.7435 21.4659C50.0408 21.4214 49.347 21.3236 48.6532 21.2257C47.9594 21.119 47.2656 21.0211 46.5718 20.9233C45.1843 20.7276 43.7967 20.5408 42.4091 20.3629C41.0215 20.185 39.6338 20.0338 38.2374 19.9004C36.8409 19.767 35.4533 19.6424 34.0568 19.598C34.0301 19.598 34.0034 19.5713 34.0034 19.5446C34.0034 19.5179 34.0301 19.4912 34.0568 19.4912C34.7595 19.5001 35.4622 19.5268 36.156 19.5624C36.8587 19.598 37.5525 19.6514 38.2552 19.7047C39.6517 19.8204 41.0481 19.9626 42.4357 20.1228C43.8233 20.2918 45.2109 20.4786 46.6074 20.6653C47.3012 20.7632 47.995 20.861 48.6888 20.9589C49.3826 21.0656 50.0764 21.1813 50.7524 21.3503C50.7791 21.3592 50.7969 21.3858 50.7969 21.4214C50.7969 21.4481 50.7702 21.4659 50.7435 21.4659Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.5773 9.87565C14.773 10.0713 14.9598 10.2759 15.1377 10.4805C15.3245 10.6851 15.4935 10.8985 15.6714 11.112C16.0183 11.539 16.3741 11.957 16.721 12.384L18.8468 14.9101C19.5495 15.7551 20.2433 16.6091 20.9282 17.4807C21.6042 18.3524 22.2714 19.2241 22.9029 20.1314C22.9207 20.1581 22.9118 20.1937 22.8851 20.2114C22.8584 20.2292 22.8228 20.2203 22.805 20.2025C22.1468 19.3219 21.4619 18.4592 20.7681 17.6142C20.0743 16.7603 19.3627 15.9153 18.6511 15.0791L16.5164 12.5619C16.1606 12.1438 15.8048 11.7169 15.4579 11.2899C15.111 10.863 14.773 10.4271 14.4795 9.95569C14.4617 9.92901 14.4706 9.89344 14.4973 9.87565C14.5328 9.85786 14.5595 9.85786 14.5773 9.87565Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.0744 19.5803C34.279 19.776 34.4658 19.9806 34.6437 20.1941C34.8305 20.3987 35.0084 20.6121 35.1863 20.8345C35.5421 21.2615 35.8979 21.6884 36.2537 22.1154L38.4062 24.6771C39.1178 25.531 39.8205 26.3938 40.5143 27.2744C41.1992 28.1461 41.8752 29.0444 42.5156 29.9517C42.5334 29.9784 42.5245 30.014 42.5067 30.0318C42.48 30.0496 42.4445 30.0407 42.4267 30.0229C41.7596 29.1334 41.0658 28.2617 40.3631 27.3989C39.6604 26.5361 38.9399 25.6822 38.2194 24.8372L36.058 22.2932C35.7022 21.8663 35.3375 21.4394 34.9817 21.0124C34.6259 20.5854 34.2879 20.1407 33.9944 19.6604C33.9766 19.6337 33.9855 19.5981 34.0121 19.5803C34.0299 19.5536 34.0566 19.5625 34.0744 19.5803Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M0.576396 11.9305C0.816557 11.4591 1.1012 11.0144 1.40362 10.5785C1.70605 10.1427 2.00848 9.71571 2.3198 9.28876C2.93354 8.43485 3.56506 7.58094 4.1966 6.74482C4.83703 5.90871 5.48636 5.07259 6.14458 4.25426C6.8117 3.43594 7.4788 2.61763 8.18149 1.82599C8.19928 1.7993 8.23485 1.79929 8.26154 1.81708C8.28822 1.83487 8.28823 1.87044 8.27044 1.89713C7.60333 2.70656 6.9451 3.53376 6.30467 4.36988C5.65535 5.20599 5.02382 6.04214 4.40118 6.88715C3.76965 7.73216 3.14701 8.58604 2.53326 9.43994C2.23084 9.8669 1.92842 10.3027 1.62599 10.7297C1.47478 10.9432 1.32357 11.1567 1.16346 11.3701C1.00336 11.5836 0.843242 11.7882 0.665345 11.9928C0.647555 12.0195 0.611984 12.0195 0.5853 12.0017C0.56751 11.975 0.567501 11.9483 0.576396 11.9305Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M0.949931 13.4874C1.10114 13.2028 1.26126 12.927 1.42136 12.6513C1.59036 12.3756 1.76825 12.1087 1.94615 11.8508L2.48874 11.0591L3.04022 10.2764C3.77849 9.23571 4.54346 8.20389 5.31731 7.18987C6.09116 6.17586 6.88281 5.17074 7.67445 4.16562C8.46609 3.1694 9.27552 2.17318 10.0761 1.18585C10.0938 1.15916 10.1294 1.15916 10.1561 1.17695C10.1828 1.19474 10.1828 1.23031 10.165 1.25699L7.82566 4.29014C7.04291 5.30416 6.26906 6.3182 5.51299 7.3411C4.74804 8.36401 3.99198 9.3869 3.25371 10.4365L2.70221 11.2192L2.15964 12.0109C1.98174 12.2777 1.80384 12.5357 1.61705 12.7936C1.43025 13.0516 1.24346 13.3095 1.03888 13.5586C1.02109 13.5853 0.985519 13.5853 0.958835 13.5675C0.941045 13.5408 0.941036 13.5052 0.949931 13.4874Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M0.612004 9.86675C0.745427 9.53764 0.923328 9.23519 1.12791 8.95056C1.3236 8.66592 1.52818 8.38129 1.73276 8.10555C2.14193 7.54517 2.55999 6.99372 2.98695 6.44224C3.4139 5.89075 3.84973 5.34818 4.28558 4.80559C4.72143 4.26301 5.15728 3.72931 5.60202 3.19561C5.61981 3.16893 5.65538 3.16892 5.68207 3.18671C5.70875 3.2045 5.70876 3.24007 5.69097 3.26676C5.27291 3.82713 4.85485 4.37863 4.43679 4.93011C4.01873 5.48159 3.59179 6.03305 3.18263 6.59342C2.76457 7.1449 2.3465 7.7053 1.94623 8.26568C1.74165 8.55032 1.54597 8.82606 1.35028 9.11069C1.25244 9.25301 1.1546 9.3953 1.04786 9.52872C0.941126 9.66215 0.834384 9.80446 0.709856 9.92899C0.692066 9.95568 0.656496 9.95568 0.629811 9.92899C0.603126 9.9112 0.603109 9.89344 0.612004 9.86675Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M1.4658 14.9998C1.6437 14.6707 1.83048 14.3505 2.01728 14.0303C2.21296 13.7189 2.41755 13.4076 2.62213 13.0963L3.24477 12.1801L3.87631 11.2639C4.73022 10.0453 5.59302 8.84458 6.47361 7.65267C7.3542 6.46076 8.25257 5.27771 9.15985 4.10359C10.0671 2.92947 10.9833 1.76424 11.8906 0.590121C11.9084 0.563436 11.9439 0.563471 11.9706 0.581261C11.9973 0.59905 11.9973 0.634621 11.9795 0.661306L9.31106 4.21925C8.42157 5.40226 7.54098 6.59415 6.66929 7.79495C5.79759 8.98686 4.93479 10.1966 4.08978 11.4152L3.45824 12.3313L2.8356 13.2475C2.63102 13.5588 2.42644 13.8612 2.21296 14.1637C1.99948 14.4661 1.78602 14.7685 1.55475 15.0621C1.53696 15.0887 1.50139 15.0888 1.4747 15.071C1.45691 15.0532 1.45691 15.0265 1.4658 14.9998Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M2.20438 16.3334C2.5246 15.5685 2.94266 14.848 3.3874 14.1542C3.84104 13.4604 4.31246 12.7844 4.80167 12.1173C5.29089 11.4502 5.78901 10.792 6.27823 10.1338C6.76744 9.47554 7.26555 8.8173 7.76366 8.15909C8.75989 6.85154 9.7739 5.544 10.7879 4.24535C11.8019 2.9467 12.8159 1.64807 13.8299 0.349423C13.8477 0.322739 13.8833 0.32273 13.91 0.34052C13.9367 0.358309 13.9367 0.39388 13.9189 0.420565C12.9316 1.7459 11.9442 3.06233 10.948 4.36987C9.9518 5.67741 8.95558 6.99388 7.96825 8.31032C7.47014 8.96853 6.98091 9.62674 6.4917 10.2938C6.00248 10.9521 5.50437 11.6103 5.02404 12.2774C4.54372 12.9445 4.0723 13.6205 3.62756 14.3054C3.18281 14.9992 2.75587 15.693 2.32002 16.3868C2.30223 16.4135 2.26664 16.4224 2.23995 16.4046C2.20437 16.3868 2.19549 16.3601 2.20438 16.3334Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.07606 17.2588C3.53859 16.5116 4.09896 15.8356 4.65045 15.1596C4.92619 14.8216 5.20191 14.4836 5.45986 14.1367L6.24262 13.0871C7.27442 11.6817 8.29733 10.2674 9.31134 8.84426C10.3254 7.42108 11.3394 5.9979 12.3356 4.56583L15.351 0.278491C15.3687 0.251807 15.4043 0.242938 15.431 0.260728C15.4577 0.278517 15.4577 0.314088 15.4488 0.340773C14.4704 1.79063 13.4919 3.23158 12.5046 4.68144C11.5173 6.12241 10.521 7.55451 9.51593 8.98659C8.51081 10.4187 7.48791 11.8329 6.4561 13.2472L5.68224 14.3057C5.42428 14.6615 5.14856 14.9995 4.87282 15.3375C4.31244 16.0135 3.74317 16.6628 3.1828 17.3299C3.16501 17.3566 3.12941 17.3566 3.10273 17.3388C3.05825 17.3122 3.05827 17.2855 3.07606 17.2588Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.32112 18.299C4.75697 17.4806 5.26396 16.6979 5.79765 15.9418C6.33134 15.1858 6.88283 14.4386 7.43432 13.6915C8.53728 12.206 9.65802 10.7383 10.7165 9.21732C11.775 7.70519 12.7801 6.14861 13.8119 4.6098C14.8348 3.071 15.8933 1.54109 17.0319 0.0823333C17.0496 0.0556488 17.0852 0.0556401 17.1119 0.0734298C17.1386 0.0912195 17.1386 0.12679 17.1208 0.153475C16.0001 1.62113 14.9772 3.16886 13.972 4.71656C12.958 6.26426 11.9707 7.82973 10.9211 9.35965C9.86261 10.8807 8.74185 12.3572 7.64778 13.8426C7.0963 14.5898 6.55371 15.337 6.02002 16.0931C5.48633 16.8491 4.96153 17.6052 4.41895 18.3613C4.40116 18.3879 4.36559 18.3879 4.3389 18.3702C4.32111 18.3524 4.31222 18.3168 4.32112 18.299Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.5931 19.4734C6.17126 18.6996 6.72276 17.9168 7.27424 17.1252C7.82572 16.3335 8.35051 15.5241 8.91978 14.7413C10.0405 13.1669 11.1346 11.5836 12.202 9.97368C13.2783 8.37261 14.3367 6.76266 15.3863 5.14379L18.544 0.2961C18.5618 0.269416 18.5974 0.260504 18.6241 0.278293C18.6507 0.296083 18.6597 0.331697 18.6419 0.358382L15.5464 5.25055C14.5058 6.87831 13.465 8.50604 12.3977 10.116C11.3303 11.726 10.2362 13.3182 9.12437 14.8926C8.57289 15.6753 8.03919 16.4847 7.4877 17.2853C6.93622 18.0769 6.34917 18.8597 5.67316 19.5535C5.65537 19.5712 5.61978 19.5712 5.5931 19.5535C5.5842 19.5268 5.5842 19.5001 5.5931 19.4734Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.15874 20.256C7.40779 19.829 7.66574 19.4021 7.93259 18.984C8.19943 18.566 8.46629 18.1479 8.74203 17.7388L10.3876 15.266L13.6698 10.3115C14.7727 8.666 15.8668 7.01156 16.9786 5.37491C18.0905 3.72936 19.2113 2.10159 20.3409 0.473835C20.3587 0.44715 20.3943 0.438238 20.421 0.456028C20.4477 0.473817 20.4565 0.509431 20.4388 0.536116C19.3269 2.18166 18.2328 3.82718 17.1388 5.48162C16.0447 7.13606 14.9595 8.79053 13.8744 10.445L10.601 15.4083L8.95549 17.8899C8.40401 18.7172 7.84363 19.5266 7.23878 20.3183C7.22099 20.3449 7.18542 20.3449 7.15874 20.3272C7.15874 20.3094 7.14984 20.2827 7.15874 20.256Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.96423 20.923C9.07986 20.7006 9.21329 20.496 9.34671 20.2826C9.48013 20.0691 9.61354 19.8645 9.75586 19.6599L10.1739 19.0462L10.5831 18.4235C11.1257 17.5963 11.6505 16.7513 12.1753 15.9063C12.7001 15.0613 13.216 14.2163 13.7319 13.3713L15.2707 10.8273C15.2885 10.8006 15.324 10.7918 15.3507 10.8096C15.3774 10.8273 15.3863 10.854 15.3685 10.8807C14.8882 11.7524 14.3901 12.6152 13.892 13.4691C13.3939 14.323 12.8869 15.1858 12.371 16.0308C11.8551 16.8758 11.3303 17.7208 10.7877 18.5569L10.3785 19.1796L9.96044 19.8022C9.6847 20.2114 9.38229 20.6117 9.03539 20.9764C9.0176 21.003 8.98201 21.003 8.95532 20.9764C8.95532 20.9675 8.95533 20.9408 8.96423 20.923Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.8752 20.6212C34.8486 20.5411 34.8574 20.4966 34.8841 20.4522L34.9642 20.3187C35.0176 20.2298 35.0709 20.1409 35.1332 20.0608C35.2577 19.9007 35.3822 19.7317 35.5246 19.5893C35.5423 19.5627 35.5779 19.5627 35.6046 19.5893C35.6224 19.6071 35.6224 19.6338 35.6135 19.6516C35.5334 19.8384 35.4356 20.0163 35.3289 20.1942C35.2755 20.2832 35.231 20.3721 35.1777 20.4611L35.1065 20.5945C35.0798 20.639 35.0442 20.6745 34.9642 20.6834C34.9286 20.6834 34.8841 20.6656 34.8752 20.6212Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.9201 9.78655C16.1158 9.37739 16.3559 8.9949 16.6139 8.62132C16.8718 8.24774 17.1298 7.88305 17.3966 7.51837L18.9799 5.32132C19.5136 4.59194 20.0384 3.86256 20.5543 3.13318C21.0702 2.39491 21.5772 1.65662 22.0753 0.900562C22.0931 0.873877 22.1287 0.865008 22.1554 0.882798C22.1821 0.900588 22.191 0.93615 22.1732 0.953939C21.7106 1.72779 21.2214 2.48387 20.7233 3.23993C20.2163 3.9871 19.7004 4.72537 19.1845 5.46365L17.619 7.66065C17.3611 8.02534 17.1031 8.39892 16.8451 8.77251C16.7206 8.9593 16.5872 9.13721 16.4538 9.324C16.3204 9.5019 16.178 9.67979 16.0268 9.84879C16.009 9.87548 15.9735 9.87548 15.9468 9.84879C15.9201 9.831 15.9112 9.80434 15.9201 9.78655Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.8413 21.4304C11.0281 21.0212 11.2594 20.6477 11.4995 20.2741L12.22 19.1622L13.6698 16.9385L15.1286 14.7237C15.6178 13.9854 16.107 13.2471 16.6051 12.5177C16.6229 12.4911 16.6585 12.4822 16.6852 12.5C16.7119 12.5178 16.7208 12.5533 16.703 12.5711C16.2405 13.3272 15.769 14.0743 15.2976 14.8215L13.8744 17.063L12.4424 19.2956L11.7219 20.4075C11.4817 20.7811 11.2327 21.1458 10.9391 21.4838C10.9213 21.5105 10.8858 21.5104 10.8591 21.4926C10.8324 21.4749 10.8235 21.4482 10.8413 21.4304Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.2004 22.3107C36.2093 22.1684 36.2716 22.0616 36.3339 21.9549L36.5384 21.6436C36.6719 21.439 36.8142 21.2344 36.9476 21.0298C37.0899 20.8253 37.2233 20.6207 37.3746 20.4161C37.5169 20.2115 37.6592 20.0158 37.8104 19.8201C37.8282 19.7934 37.8638 19.7934 37.8905 19.8112C37.9083 19.829 37.9171 19.8557 37.9082 19.8824C37.7926 20.0959 37.6681 20.3093 37.5436 20.5317C37.419 20.7452 37.2856 20.9587 37.1611 21.1633C37.0277 21.3767 36.9031 21.5813 36.7697 21.7948L36.574 22.1061C36.5029 22.2129 36.4317 22.3107 36.3072 22.373C36.2805 22.3908 36.236 22.3818 36.2182 22.3463C36.2004 22.3374 36.2004 22.3285 36.2004 22.3107Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.2241 10.0275C18.3931 9.64502 18.6066 9.28925 18.8289 8.93345L19.505 7.88383L20.857 5.78468L22.2268 3.69439C22.6893 3.0006 23.143 2.30676 23.6144 1.61296C23.6322 1.58628 23.6677 1.57741 23.6944 1.5952C23.7211 1.61299 23.73 1.64855 23.7122 1.66634C23.2764 2.37793 22.8405 3.08061 22.3958 3.7922L21.0704 5.9092L19.7273 8.01726L19.0602 9.06687C18.8379 9.41377 18.5977 9.76066 18.3219 10.072C18.3042 10.0987 18.2686 10.0987 18.2419 10.0809C18.2152 10.072 18.2063 10.0453 18.2241 10.0275Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.8337 21.5633C12.9849 21.2076 13.1806 20.8784 13.394 20.5582C13.6075 20.238 13.821 19.9267 14.0345 19.6065L15.3331 17.7208C15.7689 17.0981 16.1959 16.4666 16.614 15.8262C17.032 15.1857 17.4412 14.5453 17.8681 13.9138C17.8859 13.8871 17.9215 13.8782 17.9482 13.896C17.9749 13.9138 17.9838 13.9494 17.966 13.9672L17.3789 14.9456C17.1832 15.2747 16.9875 15.6038 16.783 15.924C16.3827 16.5733 15.9646 17.2137 15.5377 17.8453L14.2568 19.7399C14.0434 20.0601 13.8299 20.3714 13.6253 20.6916C13.4118 21.0118 13.1983 21.3232 12.9404 21.6078C12.9226 21.6345 12.887 21.6345 12.8603 21.6078C12.8337 21.6078 12.8248 21.5811 12.8337 21.5633Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.4546 23.7075C37.4991 23.5207 37.588 23.3517 37.6858 23.2005L37.9794 22.7379C38.1751 22.4266 38.3796 22.1242 38.5753 21.8129L39.1802 20.8967C39.3848 20.5943 39.5893 20.2919 39.8028 19.9894C39.8206 19.9627 39.8562 19.9539 39.8829 19.9717C39.9096 19.9895 39.9096 20.0161 39.9007 20.0428C39.7228 20.363 39.536 20.6833 39.3492 20.9946L38.7799 21.9374C38.5842 22.2487 38.3974 22.56 38.2017 22.8714L37.9082 23.3339C37.8104 23.4851 37.7036 23.6363 37.5524 23.7608C37.5257 23.7786 37.4902 23.7787 37.4724 23.752C37.4546 23.7431 37.4546 23.7253 37.4546 23.7075Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.2075 10.1871C20.3587 9.83127 20.5544 9.49323 20.759 9.17302L21.3816 8.20349L22.6358 6.26443C23.0628 5.624 23.4897 4.98356 23.9166 4.34313C24.3525 3.7116 24.7883 3.07118 25.2331 2.44854C25.2509 2.42186 25.2865 2.42185 25.3132 2.43964C25.3398 2.45743 25.3398 2.49299 25.3309 2.51078C24.9129 3.15121 24.4948 3.80056 24.0768 4.44989C23.6587 5.09921 23.2495 5.73962 22.8404 6.38895L21.604 8.32801L20.9902 9.29758C20.7857 9.61779 20.5633 9.93801 20.3054 10.2315C20.2876 10.2582 20.252 10.2582 20.2253 10.2315C20.1986 10.2315 20.1897 10.2049 20.2075 10.1871Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.8437 21.6353C14.9593 21.3329 15.1194 21.0483 15.2884 20.7814L15.8043 19.972L16.8272 18.3443L17.8679 16.7254C18.2148 16.1917 18.5617 15.6491 18.9175 15.1154C18.9353 15.0888 18.9709 15.0798 18.9976 15.0976C19.0243 15.1154 19.0332 15.151 19.0154 15.1688C18.6952 15.7203 18.366 16.2717 18.0369 16.8232L17.0407 18.4688L16.0356 20.1055L15.5286 20.9238C15.3596 21.1995 15.1817 21.4575 14.9504 21.6976C14.9326 21.7243 14.897 21.7243 14.8704 21.6976C14.8437 21.6798 14.8348 21.6531 14.8437 21.6353Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.5044 24.9081C38.5756 24.6769 38.6912 24.4634 38.8157 24.2677L39.1982 23.6717C39.2605 23.5739 39.3227 23.4671 39.385 23.3782L39.5896 23.0847L39.9899 22.5065L40.8082 21.359C41.0839 20.9766 41.3597 20.5941 41.6354 20.2205C41.6532 20.1938 41.6888 20.1938 41.7154 20.2116C41.7421 20.2294 41.7421 20.265 41.7332 20.2828C41.4842 20.6831 41.2262 21.0744 40.9683 21.4747L40.1944 22.6577L39.8031 23.2448C39.6696 23.4405 39.5362 23.6361 39.4206 23.8318L39.047 24.4278C38.9225 24.6235 38.789 24.8192 38.6112 24.9793C38.5845 24.9971 38.5489 24.9971 38.5311 24.9793C38.5044 24.9526 38.5044 24.9259 38.5044 24.9081Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.04 10.4098C22.1823 10.0896 22.3691 9.79608 22.5648 9.50255L23.1519 8.63974C23.5433 8.07046 23.9346 7.49231 24.3171 6.91414C24.6996 6.33598 25.0821 5.7578 25.4468 5.17074C25.8203 4.58368 26.1761 3.98773 26.5319 3.39177C26.5497 3.36509 26.5853 3.35622 26.612 3.37401C26.6387 3.3918 26.6475 3.41847 26.6298 3.44515C26.3095 4.06779 25.9627 4.67264 25.6158 5.26859C25.26 5.86455 24.8953 6.46051 24.5217 7.04757C24.1481 7.63463 23.7567 8.2128 23.3743 8.79097L22.7872 9.65378C22.5915 9.93842 22.3869 10.223 22.129 10.4721C22.1112 10.4899 22.0756 10.4899 22.0489 10.4721C22.0311 10.4632 22.0311 10.4365 22.04 10.4098Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.7564 21.4572C16.792 21.3327 16.8454 21.2171 16.9076 21.1014C16.961 20.9858 17.0233 20.8791 17.0944 20.7724C17.2278 20.5589 17.3613 20.3454 17.4858 20.123C17.7438 19.6872 17.9928 19.2513 18.2419 18.8155L18.9979 17.499C19.2559 17.0632 19.5049 16.6273 19.7807 16.2004C19.7985 16.1737 19.834 16.1648 19.8607 16.1826C19.8874 16.2004 19.8963 16.2271 19.8785 16.2537L19.1758 17.5969L18.4642 18.9311C18.2241 19.3758 17.975 19.8206 17.7171 20.2564C17.5925 20.4788 17.4591 20.6923 17.3257 20.9058C17.1923 21.1193 17.0411 21.3327 16.8543 21.5017C16.8276 21.5195 16.792 21.5195 16.7742 21.5017C16.7564 21.5017 16.7475 21.475 16.7564 21.4572Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M39.3758 26.0109C39.4202 25.8686 39.4736 25.7441 39.5359 25.6196C39.5981 25.495 39.6693 25.3705 39.7405 25.246C39.8828 25.0058 40.034 24.7656 40.1852 24.5255C40.4876 24.0452 40.79 23.5826 41.1102 23.1112L42.062 21.7236L43.0226 20.3449C43.0404 20.3182 43.076 20.3093 43.1027 20.3271C43.1294 20.3449 43.1294 20.3805 43.1205 20.3983C42.827 20.8786 42.5245 21.35 42.2221 21.8304L41.3059 23.2446C41.0035 23.7161 40.7011 24.1875 40.3987 24.6678C40.2474 24.908 40.1051 25.1481 39.9628 25.3883C39.8205 25.6285 39.6693 25.8597 39.4647 26.0732C39.4469 26.0999 39.4113 26.0999 39.3847 26.0732C39.3758 26.0554 39.3669 26.0287 39.3758 26.0109Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.4275 10.5428C23.552 10.2315 23.7121 9.95574 23.89 9.68C24.0679 9.40426 24.2369 9.12854 24.4059 8.8528C24.7439 8.30132 25.0819 7.74982 25.4199 7.18944L26.4428 5.52609C26.7897 4.97461 27.1366 4.42313 27.4924 3.88054C27.5102 3.85386 27.5458 3.84499 27.5725 3.86278C27.5992 3.88057 27.6081 3.91613 27.5903 3.93392C27.2612 4.4943 26.932 5.05466 26.6118 5.61504L25.6334 7.30506C25.3043 7.86544 24.9663 8.42584 24.6283 8.97732C24.4593 9.25306 24.2903 9.52878 24.1124 9.80452C23.9345 10.0803 23.7477 10.3471 23.5164 10.5873C23.4986 10.614 23.4631 10.614 23.4364 10.5873C23.4186 10.5873 23.4186 10.5606 23.4275 10.5428Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.731 21.2172C18.7666 21.0304 18.8466 20.8792 18.9356 20.728L19.2113 20.2833C19.3981 19.9897 19.5849 19.6962 19.7717 19.4026L20.341 18.531C20.5367 18.2374 20.7235 17.9528 20.9281 17.6681C20.9458 17.6415 20.9814 17.6326 21.0081 17.6504C21.0348 17.6682 21.0348 17.6948 21.0259 17.7215C20.8569 18.0239 20.6879 18.3264 20.51 18.6288L19.9852 19.5272C19.8073 19.8296 19.6294 20.1231 19.4426 20.4255L19.1669 20.8703C19.0779 21.0215 18.9712 21.1638 18.8289 21.2706C18.8022 21.2883 18.7666 21.2884 18.7488 21.2617C18.731 21.2528 18.7221 21.235 18.731 21.2172Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M40.5234 27.4607C40.6391 27.1405 40.7992 26.8381 40.9682 26.5535L41.4752 25.6907L42.4981 23.9562L43.5299 22.2306C43.8768 21.6613 44.2237 21.0831 44.5795 20.5138C44.5973 20.4872 44.6328 20.4783 44.6595 20.4961C44.6862 20.5139 44.6951 20.5405 44.6773 20.5672C44.3571 21.1543 44.028 21.7414 43.6989 22.3195L42.7027 24.0718L41.6975 25.8152L41.1905 26.6869C41.0215 26.9804 40.8436 27.2562 40.6124 27.5141C40.5946 27.5408 40.559 27.5408 40.5323 27.523C40.5145 27.5052 40.5145 27.4785 40.5234 27.4607Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.9842 10.7208C25.0643 10.4451 25.1977 10.1871 25.3311 9.94697L25.7492 9.20872L26.5853 7.74107L27.4392 6.27341C27.7238 5.7842 28.0085 5.30384 28.302 4.81462C28.3198 4.78794 28.3554 4.77907 28.3821 4.79686C28.4087 4.81465 28.4176 4.84132 28.3998 4.868C28.1419 5.36611 27.875 5.86425 27.6082 6.36236L26.7988 7.84778L25.9715 9.32433L25.5624 10.0626C25.42 10.3116 25.2777 10.5518 25.0821 10.7653C25.0643 10.792 25.0287 10.792 25.002 10.7653C24.9842 10.7653 24.9753 10.7386 24.9842 10.7208Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.777 20.6744C20.7681 20.5676 20.8037 20.4787 20.8481 20.3986L20.9905 20.1673C21.0794 20.0161 21.1773 19.8561 21.2751 19.7048C21.4708 19.4024 21.6665 19.1 21.88 18.8065C21.8978 18.7798 21.9333 18.7798 21.96 18.7976C21.9778 18.8153 21.9867 18.842 21.9778 18.8687C21.8266 19.1978 21.6576 19.518 21.4886 19.8294C21.3996 19.9895 21.3196 20.1407 21.2218 20.3008L21.0883 20.532C21.0439 20.6121 20.9905 20.6833 20.8837 20.7278C20.8482 20.7455 20.8126 20.7277 20.7948 20.6921C20.777 20.6921 20.777 20.6833 20.777 20.6744Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n          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9.86733L27.0566 10.4989C26.9409 10.7124 26.8075 10.9169 26.6296 11.0948C26.6118 11.1215 26.5674 11.1215 26.5496 11.0948C26.5496 11.077 26.5496 11.0592 26.5496 11.0414Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.41 7.52806C30.4011 7.61701 30.3744 7.70599 30.3477 7.78605C30.3211 7.8661 30.2855 7.94613 30.241 8.02618C30.1609 8.17739 30.0898 8.33753 30.0186 8.49763C29.8763 8.80895 29.734 9.12914 29.5917 9.44936C29.4494 9.76957 29.307 10.0809 29.1558 10.4011C29.0046 10.7124 28.8534 11.0327 28.6755 11.3351C28.6577 11.3618 28.6221 11.3706 28.5955 11.3528C28.5688 11.3351 28.5599 11.3084 28.5688 11.2817C28.7111 10.9615 28.8445 10.6413 28.969 10.3211C29.1025 10.0009 29.227 9.68061 29.3515 9.35151C29.4849 9.03129 29.6184 8.7022 29.7607 8.39088C29.8318 8.23077 29.903 8.07067 29.9831 7.91057C30.0631 7.75046 30.1521 7.59922 30.2944 7.48359C30.3211 7.4658 30.3566 7.46581 30.3744 7.49249C30.41 7.50138 30.41 7.51027 30.41 7.52806Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M48.2796 21.1279C48.1462 21.5371 47.9594 21.9195 47.7459 22.2931C47.5413 22.6667 47.319 23.0314 47.0966 23.3961C46.6519 24.1255 46.1893 24.837 45.7179 25.5397C45.2465 26.2424 44.7662 26.9451 44.3036 27.6567C44.0724 28.0125 43.8233 28.3594 43.5831 28.7063C43.3341 29.0532 43.0939 29.4001 42.836 29.7381C42.8182 29.7648 42.7826 29.7648 42.7559 29.747C42.7292 29.7292 42.7292 29.6936 42.747 29.667C43.2273 28.9643 43.6988 28.2615 44.1435 27.5411C44.5971 26.8206 45.0597 26.109 45.5222 25.3974C45.9847 24.6858 46.4473 23.9742 46.8831 23.2538C47.1055 22.8891 47.319 22.5244 47.5236 22.1597C47.7281 21.795 47.9416 21.4214 48.1907 21.0745C48.2085 21.0478 48.244 21.0478 48.2707 21.0656C48.2796 21.0745 48.2885 21.1012 48.2796 21.1279Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M45.2909 28.4929C45.4422 28.1638 45.6468 27.8703 45.8602 27.5767L46.4917 26.7139C46.9098 26.1358 47.3279 25.5576 47.7192 24.9705C48.1195 24.3835 48.4931 23.7786 48.8578 23.1649C49.0357 22.8536 49.2225 22.5511 49.3915 22.2398C49.5694 21.9285 49.7384 21.6172 49.9252 21.3059C49.943 21.2792 49.9785 21.2703 50.0052 21.2881C50.0319 21.3058 50.0408 21.3325 50.023 21.3592C49.7028 21.9907 49.3737 22.6312 49.0268 23.2538C48.6799 23.8765 48.3152 24.4991 47.9238 25.095C47.5325 25.691 47.1144 26.2781 46.7052 26.8562L46.0737 27.7279C45.8602 28.0126 45.6378 28.2972 45.3799 28.5463C45.3621 28.5641 45.3265 28.5641 45.2998 28.5463C45.2821 28.5374 45.2732 28.5107 45.2909 28.4929Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.0364 11.5035C30.0275 11.3967 30.0542 11.3078 30.0986 11.2366L30.2321 11.0053L30.49 10.5428C30.6679 10.2404 30.8369 9.92906 31.0148 9.62664C31.0326 9.59995 31.0682 9.59108 31.0949 9.60887C31.1216 9.62666 31.1304 9.65332 31.1215 9.67111C31.0059 10.0091 30.8636 10.3382 30.7035 10.6495C30.6234 10.8097 30.5434 10.9698 30.4544 11.121L30.3299 11.3522C30.2854 11.4323 30.2321 11.5035 30.1342 11.5479C30.0986 11.5657 30.0631 11.5479 30.0453 11.5124C30.0453 11.5213 30.0364 11.5124 30.0364 11.5035Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M42.5424 39.1934C42.3467 38.9888 42.1688 38.7664 41.9998 38.553C41.8219 38.3395 41.644 38.126 41.4661 37.9036L40.9324 37.2632L40.381 36.6317C39.6338 35.7956 38.8421 35.0039 38.0505 34.1945C37.2678 33.3851 36.4761 32.5845 35.7289 31.7395C34.9818 30.8945 34.2702 30.0228 33.6387 29.0889C33.6209 29.0622 33.6298 29.0266 33.6564 29.0088C33.6831 28.991 33.7187 28.9999 33.7365 29.0266C34.3858 29.9427 35.1241 30.7878 35.8801 31.615C36.6362 32.4422 37.4367 33.2339 38.2373 34.0255C39.0289 34.826 39.8206 35.6177 40.5855 36.4538L41.1459 37.0853L41.6885 37.7346C41.8664 37.957 42.0354 38.1794 42.2044 38.4106C42.3645 38.6419 42.5157 38.8821 42.6491 39.1311C42.6669 39.1578 42.658 39.1934 42.6314 39.2112C42.5869 39.2201 42.5602 39.2112 42.5424 39.1934Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.0656 19.6248C34.1101 20.0251 34.0923 20.4165 34.0656 20.8167L33.9767 21.9997C33.9144 22.7914 33.8521 23.5741 33.8077 24.3658C33.7543 25.1574 33.7098 25.9402 33.7009 26.7318C33.6831 27.5235 33.7009 28.3062 33.7365 29.0978C33.7365 29.1245 33.7187 29.1512 33.6831 29.1601C33.6564 29.1601 33.6298 29.1423 33.6209 29.1067C33.5408 28.3151 33.5052 27.5235 33.4963 26.7318C33.4963 25.9402 33.5141 25.1485 33.5586 24.3569C33.6031 23.5652 33.6564 22.7736 33.7187 21.9908L33.7988 20.8078C33.8076 20.6122 33.8254 20.4165 33.8521 20.2208C33.8788 20.0251 33.9055 19.8294 33.95 19.6337C33.9589 19.607 33.9855 19.5803 34.0211 19.5892C34.0389 19.5803 34.0567 19.5981 34.0656 19.6248Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.6881 19.2777C27.5635 19.2332 27.4301 19.2154 27.2878 19.2154C27.2166 19.2154 27.1455 19.2242 27.0832 19.2242C27.021 19.2331 26.9676 19.2598 26.9053 19.2865C26.7897 19.3399 26.6741 19.3844 26.5673 19.4644C26.4606 19.5356 26.3716 19.6245 26.3094 19.7313C26.2827 19.7846 26.256 19.838 26.2382 19.8914C26.2293 19.918 26.2293 19.9448 26.2204 19.9714C26.2204 19.9892 26.2204 19.9981 26.2204 20.0159V20.0693C26.2204 20.2027 26.2293 20.345 26.2471 20.4695C26.2649 20.5941 26.3005 20.7097 26.3716 20.8165C26.4428 20.9232 26.5317 21.0299 26.6207 21.1366L26.594 21.1188C26.8253 21.27 27.1277 21.3056 27.4123 21.2701C27.5547 21.2523 27.697 21.2078 27.8126 21.1366C27.8393 21.1189 27.8659 21.1011 27.8926 21.0833C27.9193 21.0655 27.9282 21.0388 27.9549 21.0122C27.9994 20.9499 28.0261 20.8876 28.0617 20.8253C28.115 20.6919 28.1506 20.5496 28.1684 20.3984C28.1773 20.2472 28.1684 20.1049 28.1417 19.9536C28.124 19.8825 28.115 19.8024 28.0883 19.7313C28.0705 19.6601 28.0439 19.5978 28.0083 19.5356C27.9461 19.411 27.8304 19.3221 27.6881 19.2777ZM27.7325 19.1709C27.8837 19.2243 28.0261 19.3221 28.1239 19.4644C28.1684 19.5356 28.204 19.6156 28.2217 19.6868C28.2484 19.758 28.2662 19.838 28.284 19.918C28.3463 20.2293 28.3463 20.5585 28.2217 20.8698C28.1862 20.941 28.1595 21.021 28.1061 21.0922C28.0883 21.1277 28.0527 21.1633 28.026 21.1989C27.9905 21.2345 27.955 21.2523 27.9194 21.279C27.7771 21.368 27.6169 21.4213 27.4568 21.448C27.1366 21.5102 26.7897 21.4747 26.4962 21.3057C26.4873 21.3057 26.4784 21.2968 26.4784 21.2879C26.3805 21.1811 26.2827 21.0744 26.1937 20.9499C26.1048 20.8254 26.0425 20.6652 26.0158 20.514C25.9892 20.3628 25.9802 20.2205 25.9802 20.0693V20.0159C25.9802 19.9981 25.9802 19.9714 25.9802 19.9536C25.9802 19.9092 25.9891 19.8736 25.998 19.8291C26.0158 19.749 26.0515 19.669 26.0959 19.5978C26.176 19.4555 26.2916 19.3399 26.4161 19.2509C26.5406 19.162 26.683 19.082 26.8342 19.0553C26.9142 19.0375 26.9943 19.0375 27.0744 19.0464C27.1455 19.0552 27.2166 19.0641 27.2878 19.073C27.4479 19.0908 27.5902 19.1175 27.7325 19.1709Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.6491 26.0912C35.5957 26.0823 35.5335 26.0912 35.4802 26.109C35.4268 26.1357 35.3823 26.1623 35.3467 26.2068C35.2667 26.2869 35.2133 26.3848 35.151 26.4826C35.0888 26.5805 35.0443 26.6961 35.0087 26.8028C34.982 26.9184 34.9642 27.0341 34.9642 27.1497C34.9642 27.3899 35.0087 27.63 35.0976 27.8524C35.1421 27.9591 35.2044 28.0659 35.2755 28.1548C35.3467 28.2438 35.4446 28.3149 35.5335 28.3594C35.6313 28.395 35.7292 28.3861 35.8182 28.3416C35.9071 28.2882 35.9872 28.1993 36.0405 28.0925C36.0939 27.9858 36.1295 27.8702 36.1473 27.7546C36.1562 27.63 36.165 27.5055 36.165 27.381C36.1561 27.1319 36.1295 26.8739 36.0583 26.6338C36.0228 26.5181 35.9783 26.3936 35.9071 26.2958C35.8448 26.189 35.7559 26.109 35.6491 26.0912ZM35.6581 25.9844C35.7292 25.9933 35.8004 26.0289 35.8626 26.0734C35.916 26.1179 35.9693 26.1713 36.0049 26.2246C36.085 26.3403 36.1295 26.4648 36.1739 26.5893C36.254 26.8383 36.2896 27.1052 36.3074 27.3631C36.3163 27.4966 36.3163 27.6211 36.3074 27.7546C36.2985 27.8969 36.2629 28.0303 36.2006 28.1548C36.1384 28.2794 36.0494 28.4039 35.9249 28.484C35.8004 28.5729 35.6135 28.5907 35.4712 28.5373C35.3289 28.4839 35.2133 28.395 35.1154 28.2882C35.0176 28.1815 34.9465 28.0658 34.8842 27.9413C34.7686 27.6923 34.7152 27.4165 34.7063 27.1408C34.7063 27.0074 34.7152 26.865 34.7508 26.7227C34.7864 26.5804 34.8397 26.4559 34.9197 26.3314C34.9909 26.2069 35.0976 26.1001 35.231 26.0379C35.3022 26.0023 35.3734 25.9845 35.4446 25.9756C35.5157 25.9756 35.5869 25.9756 35.6581 25.9844Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.1022 12.7933C22.0133 12.8022 21.9154 12.8378 21.8354 12.8822C21.7553 12.9267 21.6753 12.989 21.6041 13.0601C21.4707 13.1935 21.3461 13.3448 21.2394 13.496C21.0259 13.8073 20.9281 14.1986 20.9904 14.5544C21.0259 14.7323 21.1149 14.9014 21.2216 15.0615C21.3283 15.2216 21.4618 15.3639 21.613 15.4795C21.7642 15.6041 21.9243 15.7019 22.1111 15.7552C22.2 15.7819 22.289 15.7998 22.3869 15.8087C22.4758 15.8176 22.5737 15.8086 22.6715 15.7997C22.8583 15.773 23.054 15.7197 23.2141 15.6308C23.2941 15.5863 23.3653 15.524 23.4276 15.4617C23.4898 15.3906 23.5432 15.3106 23.5965 15.2305C23.6944 15.0615 23.7744 14.8836 23.8011 14.6968C23.8278 14.51 23.8189 14.3143 23.7744 14.1186C23.73 13.923 23.6499 13.745 23.5699 13.5582C23.5254 13.4693 23.4809 13.3714 23.4364 13.2914C23.3831 13.2113 23.3208 13.1402 23.2407 13.0868C23.0895 12.9712 22.9027 12.9 22.707 12.8556C22.5025 12.8111 22.2979 12.7933 22.1022 12.7933ZM22.1022 12.6865C22.3157 12.6865 22.5203 12.6955 22.7249 12.7399C22.9294 12.7844 23.134 12.8645 23.303 12.989C23.392 13.0512 23.4631 13.1313 23.5254 13.2202C23.5877 13.3181 23.6321 13.4071 23.6766 13.496C23.7656 13.6828 23.8456 13.8696 23.9079 14.0742C23.9612 14.2788 23.988 14.4922 23.9613 14.7057C23.9346 14.9191 23.8545 15.1237 23.7566 15.3105C23.7033 15.3995 23.6499 15.4884 23.5787 15.5774C23.5076 15.6663 23.4187 15.7375 23.3208 15.7909C23.134 15.9065 22.9205 15.9687 22.707 15.9954C22.6003 16.0132 22.4936 16.0132 22.3869 16.0132C22.2801 16.0043 22.1645 15.9865 22.0577 15.9598C21.8443 15.8975 21.6575 15.7909 21.4796 15.6574C21.3106 15.524 21.1594 15.3728 21.0348 15.1949C20.9103 15.017 20.8035 14.8213 20.7502 14.5989C20.6612 14.1542 20.7858 13.7005 21.026 13.3358C21.1416 13.149 21.3016 12.9979 21.4884 12.8822C21.6752 12.7844 21.8798 12.7043 22.1022 12.6865Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.4338 12.8113C26.4071 12.7846 26.3626 12.7668 26.3092 12.749C26.2648 12.7312 26.2114 12.7223 26.158 12.7134C26.0602 12.6956 25.9534 12.6779 25.8645 12.6868L25.571 12.7134C25.4731 12.7223 25.3842 12.7402 25.2953 12.7668C25.1174 12.8202 24.975 12.9269 24.9039 13.087C24.8238 13.2382 24.8149 13.4429 24.8327 13.6297C24.8594 13.8342 24.8861 14.0299 24.975 14.1811C25.064 14.3234 25.2419 14.4123 25.4287 14.4479C25.8112 14.528 26.2292 14.4391 26.5583 14.2078L26.5406 14.2255C26.6206 14.1099 26.6917 13.9943 26.7451 13.8698C26.7985 13.7452 26.8252 13.6119 26.8163 13.4784C26.8163 13.345 26.7718 13.2116 26.7006 13.096C26.6651 13.0426 26.6206 12.9803 26.5761 12.9358C26.5405 12.9002 26.4961 12.8647 26.4338 12.8113ZM26.5049 12.7312C26.6117 12.8113 26.7273 12.927 26.8074 13.0515C26.8875 13.1849 26.9319 13.3272 26.9408 13.4873C26.9497 13.6385 26.923 13.7897 26.8696 13.932C26.8162 14.0744 26.7451 14.2078 26.665 14.3323C26.665 14.3412 26.6561 14.3412 26.6472 14.3501C26.3003 14.617 25.8378 14.7326 25.3931 14.6526C25.2863 14.6348 25.1707 14.5992 25.064 14.5458C24.9572 14.4924 24.8594 14.4124 24.7883 14.3056C24.7171 14.2078 24.6815 14.0922 24.6459 13.9855C24.6192 13.8787 24.6015 13.7719 24.5837 13.6652C24.557 13.4428 24.5569 13.2026 24.6637 12.9803C24.7171 12.8646 24.7971 12.7668 24.8861 12.6868C24.9839 12.6067 25.0907 12.5534 25.2063 12.5178C25.4287 12.4466 25.66 12.4288 25.8734 12.4822C25.9891 12.5089 26.0869 12.5444 26.1936 12.58C26.247 12.5978 26.2915 12.6156 26.3448 12.6423C26.4071 12.669 26.4605 12.6868 26.5049 12.7312Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.8861 19.2248C24.895 19.1981 24.8861 19.1626 24.8772 19.127C24.8683 19.0914 24.8594 19.0558 24.8416 19.0202C24.8149 18.9491 24.7793 18.8779 24.7348 18.8245C24.6904 18.7623 24.637 18.709 24.5926 18.6556C24.5481 18.6022 24.5036 18.5488 24.4591 18.5044C24.3613 18.4154 24.2457 18.3798 24.1212 18.3976C23.9966 18.4154 23.872 18.4866 23.7564 18.5755C23.6408 18.6733 23.5163 18.7712 23.454 18.878C23.4274 18.9313 23.4096 18.9847 23.4096 19.0559C23.4096 19.1181 23.4184 19.1893 23.4451 19.2604C23.4896 19.3938 23.5608 19.5273 23.6586 19.634C23.7564 19.7408 23.881 19.8297 24.0144 19.8831L23.9877 19.8741C24.2012 19.8919 24.4147 19.8564 24.5837 19.7496C24.6727 19.6963 24.7349 19.6162 24.7883 19.5273C24.8416 19.4383 24.8683 19.3404 24.8861 19.2248ZM24.9928 19.2515C24.9839 19.3582 24.9484 19.4828 24.895 19.5806C24.8417 19.6873 24.7615 19.7763 24.6637 19.8475C24.5659 19.9186 24.4502 19.9631 24.3346 19.9898C24.2189 20.0165 24.1034 20.0253 23.9877 20.0253C23.9788 20.0253 23.9699 20.0253 23.9699 20.0253C23.6497 19.9097 23.3828 19.6518 23.2672 19.3227C23.2405 19.2427 23.2139 19.1537 23.2139 19.0559C23.205 18.9669 23.2317 18.8602 23.2761 18.7712C23.3651 18.6022 23.4985 18.4865 23.6141 18.3798C23.7476 18.2731 23.8988 18.1752 24.0945 18.1396C24.1923 18.1218 24.2902 18.1307 24.388 18.1574C24.4858 18.1841 24.5659 18.2375 24.637 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13.2204C19.1846 13.2826 19.0689 13.3361 18.9622 13.3627C18.8466 13.3894 18.722 13.3894 18.6064 13.3627C18.4908 13.3361 18.384 13.2827 18.2861 13.2115C18.1883 13.1403 18.1083 13.0603 18.0283 12.9713C18.0194 12.9624 18.0193 12.9624 18.0193 12.9535C17.9037 12.6333 17.9215 12.2597 18.0905 11.9573C18.135 11.8772 18.1884 11.8061 18.2506 11.7439C18.3129 11.6816 18.4107 11.6282 18.4997 11.6015C18.6865 11.557 18.8555 11.5837 19.0245 11.6015C19.1935 11.6282 19.3714 11.6816 19.5226 11.8061C19.5937 11.8684 19.6649 11.9484 19.7005 12.0374C19.7449 12.1263 19.7627 12.2242 19.7627 12.322C19.7627 12.5088 19.7272 12.6867 19.6293 12.829C19.576 12.9091 19.5226 12.9713 19.4692 13.0336C19.4425 13.0692 19.4158 13.0958 19.3891 13.1314C19.3447 13.1581 19.318 13.1937 19.2735 13.2204Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.2497 17.2321C30.2764 17.1431 30.2764 17.0363 30.2586 16.9385C30.2408 16.8406 30.2141 16.7428 30.1697 16.6539C30.0896 16.476 29.9918 16.307 29.8762 16.1469C29.7605 15.9868 29.6182 15.8533 29.4581 15.7466C29.298 15.6399 29.1111 15.5598 28.9332 15.5331C28.7554 15.5064 28.5508 15.5331 28.364 15.5776C28.1772 15.6309 27.9904 15.7021 27.8214 15.7999C27.6524 15.8978 27.5012 16.0223 27.3766 16.1824C27.3144 16.2625 27.261 16.3426 27.2254 16.4315C27.1898 16.5205 27.1543 16.6183 27.1365 16.7072C27.092 16.9029 27.0742 17.0986 27.1098 17.2943C27.1276 17.3921 27.1543 17.4811 27.1988 17.5611C27.2432 17.6412 27.3055 17.7302 27.3678 17.8102C27.4923 17.9703 27.6346 18.1037 27.8125 18.2016C27.9815 18.2994 28.1772 18.3528 28.3817 18.3794C28.5863 18.4061 28.7909 18.3972 28.9955 18.3794C29.0934 18.3706 29.209 18.3617 29.298 18.3439C29.3958 18.3261 29.4848 18.2816 29.5648 18.2282C29.7338 18.1215 29.8672 17.9703 29.9828 17.8013C30.0896 17.6145 30.1785 17.4189 30.2497 17.2321ZM30.3564 17.2676C30.2853 17.4722 30.1964 17.6679 30.0807 17.8458C29.9651 18.0237 29.8138 18.1927 29.627 18.3083C29.5381 18.3706 29.4314 18.415 29.3247 18.4417C29.209 18.4684 29.1111 18.4773 29.0044 18.4862C28.7909 18.5129 28.5775 18.5218 28.364 18.504C28.1506 18.4862 27.9281 18.4328 27.7324 18.335C27.5368 18.2371 27.3677 18.0859 27.2254 17.9169C27.1543 17.828 27.0921 17.7479 27.0298 17.6501C26.9675 17.5522 26.9319 17.4366 26.9141 17.3299C26.8696 17.1075 26.8875 16.8762 26.9409 16.6628C26.9675 16.556 26.9942 16.4493 27.0387 16.3426C27.0831 16.2358 27.1454 16.1379 27.2077 16.049C27.3411 15.8711 27.519 15.7199 27.7058 15.6042C27.8926 15.4886 28.0971 15.3997 28.3106 15.3374C28.5241 15.284 28.7465 15.2485 28.9867 15.2752C29.4492 15.3464 29.8405 15.631 30.1074 15.9956C30.2408 16.1735 30.3387 16.387 30.3742 16.6005C30.4009 16.8228 30.4098 17.0452 30.3564 17.2676Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M39.3226 31.4635C39.2247 31.5702 39.1625 31.7303 39.1358 31.8904C39.1091 32.0505 39.0914 32.2106 39.0647 32.3618C39.0202 32.6732 39.0291 33.0023 39.1002 33.2958C39.118 33.3669 39.1448 33.447 39.1714 33.5093C39.1981 33.5716 39.2336 33.6338 39.2781 33.6961C39.3671 33.8117 39.4828 33.9095 39.6162 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     <\/svg><svg class=\"illus\" width=\"30vw\" height=\"30vw\" viewBox=\"0 0 82 26\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: 1050px; right: -15vw; transform: rotate(-10.2329deg);\"><path d=\"M0.193254 12.3067C3.37761 11.1059 6.62426 10.0919 9.91535 9.21128C13.2064 8.33959 16.5331 7.60134 19.8776 7.01428C23.2309 6.42722 26.6021 5.98249 29.991 5.68896L31.263 5.5911L31.8945 5.53773C32.108 5.51994 32.3215 5.50215 32.5349 5.49325L33.8069 5.42211C34.2338 5.39543 34.6519 5.36872 35.0789 5.35983L36.3508 5.30645L36.9913 5.27979H37.6317H37.9519C38.0586 5.27979 38.1654 5.28869 38.2721 5.28869L38.9126 5.31536C39.126 5.32425 39.3395 5.34204 39.553 5.35983L40.1934 5.41321C41.8923 5.57332 43.5734 5.82238 45.2457 6.1337C46.9179 6.44502 48.5812 6.80971 50.2268 7.24556C50.636 7.35229 51.0452 7.4768 51.4543 7.58354C51.8635 7.70807 52.2726 7.83262 52.6729 7.95714C53.0732 8.09946 53.4823 8.22397 53.8826 8.38408L54.185 8.4997L54.3362 8.55307L54.4874 8.61535L55.0745 8.8733C55.8394 9.24688 56.6133 9.59379 57.3961 9.90511C58.1788 10.2164 58.9793 10.5011 59.7888 10.7501C60.5982 10.9992 61.4165 11.2304 62.2348 11.4617L63.4624 11.8086L63.7648 11.8975L63.916 11.942L63.9516 11.9509L63.9872 11.9598C64.0049 11.9687 64.0316 11.9687 64.0583 11.9687C64.254 11.9776 64.4586 11.9331 64.6632 11.8886C65.0723 11.7997 65.4815 11.6752 65.8817 11.5507C66.282 11.4261 66.6912 11.2927 67.0914 11.1593L69.5109 10.3409C71.1208 9.80726 72.7486 9.28247 74.403 8.8822C75.2303 8.68651 76.0663 8.51749 76.9114 8.41075C77.3383 8.36627 77.7653 8.3307 78.1922 8.3307C78.6192 8.3396 79.0461 8.37519 79.4731 8.48193C79.4998 8.49083 79.5176 8.51749 79.5087 8.55307C79.4998 8.57976 79.4731 8.59754 79.4375 8.58864C79.0283 8.48191 78.6103 8.45526 78.1922 8.44636C77.7741 8.44636 77.3472 8.48193 76.9292 8.52641C76.093 8.63314 75.2569 8.80214 74.4386 9.00672C72.7931 9.41588 71.1742 9.93179 69.5642 10.4833L67.1537 11.3105C66.7535 11.4439 66.3443 11.5862 65.944 11.7107C65.5349 11.8353 65.1346 11.9598 64.7076 12.0576C64.4942 12.1021 64.2896 12.1466 64.0494 12.1466C64.0227 12.1466 63.9871 12.1466 63.9604 12.1377L63.916 12.1288L63.8804 12.1199L63.7292 12.0754L63.4268 11.9865L62.1993 11.6396C61.381 11.4083 60.5626 11.1771 59.7532 10.928C58.9438 10.679 58.1343 10.3943 57.3427 10.083C56.551 9.77169 55.7683 9.41588 55.0033 9.05119L54.4252 8.79325L54.2829 8.73097L54.1316 8.67759L53.8381 8.56198C53.4467 8.40187 53.0376 8.27732 52.6373 8.1439C52.237 8.01048 51.8279 7.89487 51.4187 7.77034C51.0095 7.65471 50.6004 7.53905 50.1912 7.43231C48.5546 7.00536 46.8913 6.64068 45.2279 6.32936C43.5557 6.02694 41.8834 5.76898 40.1934 5.61777L39.5619 5.5733C39.3484 5.55551 39.1438 5.53772 38.9303 5.52882L38.2988 5.50216C38.1921 5.50216 38.0854 5.49325 37.9786 5.49325H37.6584H37.0268L36.3864 5.51992L35.1145 5.5733C34.6875 5.59109 34.2695 5.6178 33.8425 5.64448L32.5705 5.72453C32.357 5.73342 32.1436 5.75121 31.939 5.769L31.3075 5.82238L30.0355 5.92019C26.6554 6.21372 23.2843 6.66736 19.9398 7.25442C16.5954 7.84148 13.2776 8.57978 10.0043 9.46037C6.7221 10.3232 3.47547 11.3372 0.255535 12.4046C0.22885 12.4135 0.193245 12.3956 0.18435 12.369C0.148771 12.3423 0.166569 12.3156 0.193254 12.3067Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M79.5088 8.52673C79.4732 8.82915 79.3931 9.12267 79.3041 9.40731C79.2152 9.69195 79.1262 9.97659 79.0373 10.2612C78.8505 10.8305 78.6549 11.3909 78.4503 11.9512C78.2546 12.5116 78.05 13.072 77.8632 13.6324C77.7654 13.917 77.6764 14.1927 77.5964 14.4774C77.5608 14.6197 77.5252 14.762 77.4985 14.8955C77.4896 14.9666 77.4807 15.0288 77.4896 15.0822L77.5341 15.2957C77.6497 15.865 77.8899 16.3987 78.2101 16.8879C78.5303 17.3771 78.9128 17.8307 79.3041 18.2666C79.7044 18.7113 80.1136 19.1383 80.4961 19.6008C80.8875 20.0545 81.2521 20.5348 81.5635 21.0596L81.5723 21.0685C81.5101 21.3709 81.5101 21.1841 81.5012 21.2464L81.4745 21.2641L81.43 21.2819L81.35 21.3175C81.2966 21.3442 81.2432 21.362 81.181 21.3798C81.0653 21.4154 80.9586 21.451 80.843 21.4776C80.6117 21.5399 80.3893 21.5755 80.1581 21.6111C79.6955 21.6733 79.233 21.6911 78.7704 21.6822C78.3079 21.6733 77.8454 21.6377 77.3917 21.5933C77.1605 21.5666 76.9381 21.5399 76.7069 21.5132C76.4845 21.4865 76.2532 21.4509 76.0219 21.4154C75.1147 21.2819 74.2163 21.0862 73.3268 20.8639C72.4373 20.6415 71.5567 20.3747 70.685 20.09C69.8133 19.8054 68.9506 19.503 68.0878 19.1916C67.225 18.8892 66.3711 18.569 65.4994 18.3022C65.0635 18.1687 64.6276 18.0442 64.1918 17.9553C63.9694 17.9108 63.7471 17.8841 63.5336 17.8841C63.4802 17.8841 63.4269 17.8841 63.3735 17.893L63.2934 17.9019L63.2134 17.9197L62.8754 17.973L62.1994 18.0887C61.977 18.1243 61.7546 18.1687 61.5233 18.2132L60.8473 18.3377L60.1802 18.4712C56.6045 19.2005 53.0733 20.1612 49.542 21.1218C46.0107 22.0825 42.4884 23.0609 38.9127 23.8614C37.1248 24.2617 35.328 24.6175 33.5224 24.9022C31.7167 25.1868 29.8933 25.3913 28.0609 25.4892C27.6073 25.507 27.1447 25.5337 26.6911 25.5426L26.0062 25.5515C25.7749 25.5604 25.5437 25.5426 25.3213 25.5426L24.6364 25.5337L23.9515 25.4981L23.6046 25.4803C23.489 25.4714 23.3733 25.4714 23.2577 25.4536L22.5728 25.3914C20.7493 25.2046 18.9437 24.8132 17.1914 24.2884C15.4391 23.7547 13.7224 23.0965 12.0502 22.3493C10.378 21.6022 8.7502 20.766 7.14913 19.8588L6.55315 19.5208L5.96609 19.1738C5.57471 18.9426 5.18336 18.7024 4.79199 18.4623C4.01814 17.9819 3.22651 17.5105 2.48823 16.959C2.11465 16.6833 1.75882 16.3987 1.42971 16.0784C1.1006 15.7582 0.789282 15.4113 0.540226 15.02C0.477962 14.9221 0.424593 14.8243 0.362329 14.7176C0.30896 14.6108 0.255625 14.513 0.220046 14.3973C0.131098 14.1839 0.0688249 13.9526 0.0332455 13.7213C-0.0468082 13.2588 0.0243593 12.7785 0.175572 12.3426C0.184467 12.3159 0.220029 12.2981 0.246713 12.307C0.273398 12.3159 0.291179 12.3515 0.282284 12.3782C0.139966 12.8051 0.0777024 13.2588 0.148861 13.7035C0.184441 13.9259 0.246713 14.1394 0.335662 14.3529C0.371241 14.4596 0.424619 14.5574 0.477988 14.6553C0.531357 14.7531 0.584718 14.8509 0.646982 14.9488C1.14509 15.7048 1.8389 16.3097 2.56828 16.8523C3.30655 17.3949 4.08928 17.8574 4.86313 18.3377C5.25451 18.5779 5.6459 18.818 6.03727 19.0404L6.62434 19.3874L7.22027 19.7253C8.81245 20.6148 10.4402 21.451 12.1124 22.1892C13.7847 22.9275 15.4925 23.5768 17.2359 24.1016C18.9882 24.6175 20.776 25.0089 22.5906 25.1868L23.2666 25.249C23.3822 25.2579 23.4979 25.2668 23.6046 25.2757L23.9426 25.2935L24.6275 25.3291L25.3124 25.338C25.5437 25.338 25.766 25.3469 25.9973 25.3469L26.6822 25.338C27.1359 25.338 27.5895 25.3024 28.052 25.2846C29.8755 25.1868 31.69 24.9822 33.4957 24.6976C35.3013 24.4129 37.0892 24.0571 38.877 23.6569C42.4439 22.8563 45.9663 21.8779 49.4975 20.9083C53.0288 19.9388 56.56 18.9782 60.1446 18.2399L60.8207 18.1065L61.4967 17.9819C61.719 17.9375 61.9503 17.893 62.1727 17.8574L62.8487 17.7418L63.1867 17.6884L63.2756 17.6706L63.3646 17.6617C63.4269 17.6528 63.4891 17.6529 63.5514 17.6529C63.7916 17.6529 64.0228 17.6884 64.2541 17.724C64.7077 17.8129 65.1525 17.9375 65.5972 18.0798C66.4778 18.3555 67.3317 18.6669 68.1945 18.9693C69.0573 19.2717 69.9201 19.5741 70.7829 19.8588C71.6546 20.1345 72.5263 20.4014 73.4069 20.6237C74.2875 20.8461 75.177 21.0418 76.0842 21.1663C76.9826 21.2908 77.8899 21.4065 78.7972 21.4154C79.2508 21.4243 79.7044 21.4065 80.1492 21.3442C80.3715 21.3086 80.5939 21.2731 80.8074 21.2108C80.9141 21.1841 81.0208 21.1485 81.1276 21.1129C81.1721 21.0952 81.2254 21.0773 81.2788 21.0507L81.35 21.0151L81.3856 20.9973L81.3944 20.9884C81.3944 21.0418 81.4122 20.855 81.35 21.1396L81.3589 21.1574C81.0564 20.6593 80.7007 20.1879 80.3182 19.7342C79.9357 19.2806 79.5265 18.8537 79.1351 18.4089C78.7349 17.9642 78.3524 17.5016 78.0233 16.9946C77.6942 16.4876 77.4451 15.9183 77.3206 15.3135L77.2761 15.0911C77.2672 14.9933 77.2761 14.9043 77.2939 14.8332C77.3206 14.682 77.3651 14.5307 77.4007 14.3884C77.4896 14.0949 77.5786 13.8191 77.6764 13.5345C77.8721 12.9741 78.0856 12.4138 78.2901 11.8534C78.4947 11.293 78.7082 10.7416 78.9128 10.1812C79.0106 9.90544 79.1085 9.6208 79.1974 9.33617C79.2864 9.05153 79.3753 8.76689 79.4198 8.48225C79.4198 8.45557 79.4554 8.42889 79.482 8.43778C79.4909 8.47336 79.5176 8.50004 79.5088 8.52673Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.827 6.55101C23.8714 6.94238 23.8981 7.33377 23.9248 7.72515C23.9515 8.11652 23.9692 8.50787 23.9781 8.89924L24.0671 11.2475C24.1294 12.813 24.2005 14.3874 24.2539 15.9529C24.2984 17.5273 24.3251 19.0928 24.3162 20.6672C24.2984 22.2415 24.245 23.807 24.1294 25.3814C24.1294 25.4081 24.1027 25.4348 24.0671 25.4348C24.0404 25.4348 24.0138 25.4081 24.0138 25.3725C24.1027 23.807 24.1294 22.2415 24.1205 20.6672C24.1116 19.1017 24.0671 17.5273 24.0138 15.9618C23.9604 14.3963 23.8803 12.8219 23.8091 11.2564L23.7113 8.89924C23.6846 8.11649 23.6668 7.32485 23.7113 6.5421C23.7113 6.51542 23.738 6.48877 23.7736 6.48877C23.8003 6.50656 23.8181 6.52432 23.827 6.55101Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.4762 6.56021C24.6096 7.33407 24.6808 8.1168 24.7431 8.89954L24.921 11.2478C25.0366 12.8133 25.1522 14.3788 25.2501 15.9443C25.339 17.5098 25.4191 19.0753 25.4814 20.6497C25.5436 22.2151 25.5792 23.7895 25.5881 25.355C25.5881 25.3817 25.5614 25.4084 25.5347 25.4084C25.508 25.4084 25.4814 25.3817 25.4814 25.355C25.4369 23.7895 25.3746 22.224 25.2946 20.6497C25.2145 19.0842 25.1166 17.5187 25.0099 15.9532C24.9032 14.3877 24.7875 12.8222 24.663 11.2567L24.4762 8.90845C24.4406 8.51707 24.414 8.12573 24.3962 7.73435C24.3784 7.34298 24.3606 6.95159 24.3606 6.56021C24.3606 6.53353 24.3873 6.50684 24.414 6.50684C24.4496 6.51573 24.4673 6.53353 24.4762 6.56021Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.2552 6.32912C26.273 7.12076 26.2908 7.91242 26.3264 8.70406C26.362 9.4957 26.4153 10.2873 26.4687 11.079C26.522 11.8706 26.5843 12.6623 26.6199 13.4628C26.6466 14.2544 26.6733 15.055 26.6911 15.8466C26.7266 17.4388 26.7533 19.0221 26.8067 20.6054C26.8512 22.1886 26.9223 23.7808 27.0468 25.3641C27.0468 25.3908 27.0291 25.4175 26.9935 25.4264C26.9668 25.4264 26.9401 25.4086 26.9312 25.373C26.78 23.7897 26.6733 22.2064 26.611 20.6143C26.5398 19.0221 26.4954 17.4388 26.4509 15.8466C26.4242 15.055 26.4065 14.2633 26.3709 13.4628C26.3353 12.6712 26.273 11.8795 26.2107 11.0879C26.1485 10.2962 26.0951 9.5046 26.0596 8.70406C26.024 7.91242 26.0329 7.103 26.1396 6.31136C26.1396 6.28467 26.1752 6.25799 26.2018 6.26688C26.2285 6.27578 26.2552 6.30243 26.2552 6.32912Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.367 6.27562C27.447 7.06726 27.5004 7.85892 27.5538 8.65056C27.6071 9.4422 27.6783 10.2339 27.7583 11.0255C27.9095 12.6088 28.0964 14.1921 28.2298 15.7753C28.3632 17.3675 28.4255 18.9508 28.5055 20.543C28.5767 22.1352 28.6567 23.7184 28.8346 25.2928C28.8346 25.3195 28.8168 25.3551 28.7901 25.3551C28.7635 25.3551 28.7368 25.3373 28.7279 25.3106C28.5144 23.7273 28.4077 22.144 28.3098 20.5519C28.2209 18.9597 28.1408 17.3764 27.9896 15.7931C27.8473 14.2098 27.6605 12.6354 27.5004 11.0433C27.4203 10.2516 27.3492 9.46 27.2958 8.65946C27.2425 7.86782 27.2158 7.06729 27.2602 6.26676C27.2602 6.24007 27.2869 6.21338 27.3225 6.21338C27.3403 6.22227 27.367 6.24893 27.367 6.27562Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.6211 6.08902C28.7279 6.88066 28.7991 7.67229 28.8613 8.47283C28.9236 9.26447 29.0036 10.065 29.0837 10.8566L29.5818 15.6243C29.6618 16.4159 29.733 17.2164 29.7864 18.017C29.8398 18.8175 29.8842 19.6092 29.9287 20.4097C30.0088 22.0019 30.071 23.603 30.1956 25.1951C30.1956 25.2218 30.1778 25.2485 30.1422 25.2574C30.1155 25.2574 30.0888 25.2396 30.0799 25.2041C29.9287 23.6119 29.8308 22.0197 29.733 20.4186C29.6796 19.6181 29.6352 18.8264 29.564 18.0259C29.5017 17.2342 29.4217 16.4337 29.3327 15.6421L28.8169 10.8744C28.7368 10.0828 28.6567 9.28227 28.5856 8.49063C28.5233 7.6901 28.4788 6.88956 28.4966 6.08902C28.4966 6.06234 28.5233 6.03564 28.55 6.03564C28.5945 6.04454 28.6123 6.06234 28.6211 6.08902Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.7153 5.92856C29.7953 6.7291 29.8487 7.52077 29.8932 8.31241C29.9376 9.11295 29.9999 9.90457 30.0622 10.6962C30.1956 12.2884 30.3557 13.8806 30.5158 15.4639C30.667 17.056 30.8093 18.6482 30.9694 20.2315C31.1296 21.8237 31.3075 23.407 31.5565 24.9814C31.5654 25.008 31.5387 25.0436 31.512 25.0436C31.4854 25.0525 31.4498 25.0258 31.4498 24.9991C31.174 23.4247 30.9605 21.8326 30.7826 20.2493C30.6048 18.6571 30.4536 17.0738 30.2757 15.4816C30.1156 13.8894 29.9465 12.3062 29.8131 10.7051C29.742 9.90458 29.6886 9.11295 29.6352 8.31241C29.5907 7.51187 29.5641 6.71134 29.6086 5.9108C29.6086 5.88412 29.6352 5.85742 29.6708 5.85742C29.6886 5.88411 29.7153 5.90188 29.7153 5.92856Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M31.1742 5.72428C31.2809 6.52481 31.3342 7.32535 31.3787 8.12589L31.4943 10.5275C31.5744 12.1286 31.6634 13.7296 31.7879 15.3307C31.9035 16.9318 32.0547 18.524 32.2148 20.125C32.3749 21.7261 32.5351 23.3183 32.6863 24.9193C32.6863 24.946 32.6685 24.9727 32.6329 24.9816C32.6062 24.9816 32.5795 24.9638 32.5706 24.9283C32.3927 23.3361 32.1971 21.7439 32.0192 20.1428C31.8413 18.5507 31.6722 16.9496 31.5388 15.3485C31.4143 13.7474 31.3164 12.1464 31.2275 10.5364L31.103 8.13479C31.0585 7.33425 31.0318 6.53371 31.0585 5.72428C31.0585 5.69759 31.0852 5.6709 31.1119 5.6709C31.1475 5.6709 31.1653 5.69759 31.1742 5.72428Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M32.4016 5.74181C32.5261 6.52456 32.5972 7.31621 32.6506 8.10785L32.8018 10.4828L33.0865 15.2326C33.1843 16.8159 33.2822 18.3992 33.4156 19.9825C33.5401 21.5658 33.6913 23.1402 33.887 24.7146C33.887 24.7412 33.8692 24.7768 33.8426 24.7768C33.8159 24.7768 33.7892 24.759 33.7803 24.7323C33.5579 23.1579 33.38 21.5836 33.2288 20.0003C33.0865 18.417 32.962 16.8337 32.8552 15.2504L32.5617 10.5006L32.4105 8.12566C32.3838 7.73428 32.3571 7.33402 32.3393 6.93376C32.3215 6.53349 32.3126 6.14208 32.3126 5.74181C32.3126 5.71513 32.3393 5.68848 32.366 5.68848C32.3749 5.68848 32.3927 5.71513 32.4016 5.74181Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M33.4245 5.61723C33.6201 6.39108 33.7091 7.19163 33.7536 7.98327C33.7981 8.77491 33.8158 9.57543 33.8514 10.3671L33.9492 12.7509L34.0293 15.1347C34.0827 16.7269 34.1361 18.3102 34.2428 19.8935C34.2962 20.6851 34.3673 21.4768 34.4474 22.2684C34.5363 23.06 34.6431 23.8428 34.7676 24.6255C34.7765 24.6522 34.7498 24.6878 34.7231 24.6878C34.6964 24.6967 34.6608 24.67 34.6608 24.6433C34.3673 23.0778 34.1805 21.4946 34.0471 19.9113C33.9226 18.328 33.8514 16.7358 33.7802 15.1436L33.6913 12.7598L33.5845 10.376C33.549 9.58433 33.5312 8.78382 33.4867 8.00107C33.4423 7.20943 33.38 6.42668 33.3088 5.63504C33.3088 5.60835 33.3266 5.58165 33.3622 5.57275C33.3889 5.57275 33.4156 5.59054 33.4245 5.61723Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.572 5.51982C34.7055 6.30257 34.7855 7.08531 34.8478 7.87695C34.91 8.6597 34.9634 9.45135 35.0168 10.243L35.3281 14.9662C35.4259 16.5406 35.5238 18.115 35.6394 19.6893C35.7728 21.2548 36.0219 22.8203 36.0931 24.4036C36.0931 24.4303 36.0753 24.457 36.0397 24.4659C36.013 24.4659 35.9863 24.4481 35.9774 24.4125C35.8796 22.8381 35.595 21.2904 35.4438 19.7071C35.3103 18.1327 35.1947 16.5584 35.0791 14.984L34.7499 10.2608C34.6966 9.47805 34.6343 8.68641 34.572 7.90367C34.5098 7.12092 34.4564 6.32927 34.4475 5.53763C34.4475 5.51094 34.4742 5.48425 34.5009 5.48425C34.5454 5.47535 34.572 5.49313 34.572 5.51982Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.4792 5.51029C35.6482 6.27525 35.7638 7.04019 35.8706 7.80515L36.1908 10.1178C36.4043 11.6566 36.6088 13.1954 36.7956 14.7431C36.9824 16.2908 37.1425 17.8386 37.2493 19.3863C37.356 20.934 37.445 22.4905 37.6229 24.0294C37.6229 24.056 37.6051 24.0916 37.5784 24.0916C37.5517 24.0916 37.525 24.0738 37.5161 24.0472C37.3115 22.5083 37.1959 20.9517 37.0625 19.404C36.9379 17.8563 36.76 16.3175 36.5644 14.7787C36.3687 13.2399 36.1552 11.7011 35.9417 10.1623L35.6215 7.84962C35.5148 7.07577 35.4258 6.31081 35.3903 5.52806C35.3903 5.50137 35.417 5.47472 35.4436 5.46582C35.4436 5.46582 35.4703 5.48361 35.4792 5.51029Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.8134 5.41238C36.8935 6.18623 36.9469 6.95119 36.9913 7.72504C37.0358 8.49889 37.0981 9.26385 37.1603 10.0377C37.2937 11.5765 37.4449 13.1153 37.5873 14.663C37.7296 16.2018 37.863 17.7495 38.032 19.2794C38.1921 20.8183 38.3878 22.3482 38.6458 23.8781C38.6547 23.9048 38.628 23.9403 38.6013 23.9403C38.5746 23.9492 38.539 23.9225 38.539 23.8959C38.2455 22.3748 38.0231 20.8361 37.8363 19.2972C37.6496 17.7584 37.4983 16.2196 37.3471 14.6808C37.1959 13.142 37.0358 11.6032 36.9024 10.0555C36.8312 9.28161 36.7779 8.5078 36.7245 7.73394C36.68 6.96009 36.6533 6.18622 36.6978 5.40348C36.6978 5.37679 36.7245 5.3501 36.7601 5.3501C36.7867 5.35899 36.8134 5.38569 36.8134 5.41238Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.023 5.4573C38.1564 6.20447 38.2454 6.95161 38.3165 7.69878L38.5389 9.9492C38.6901 11.4524 38.8502 12.9468 39.0192 14.4411C39.1882 15.9354 39.375 17.4298 39.5796 18.9241C39.7842 20.4184 40.0065 21.9039 40.2556 23.3893C40.2645 23.416 40.2378 23.4516 40.2111 23.4516C40.1844 23.4605 40.1489 23.4338 40.1489 23.4071C39.8731 21.9217 39.6152 20.4362 39.3928 18.9419C39.1704 17.4476 38.9747 15.9532 38.7879 14.4589C38.61 12.9645 38.4411 11.4613 38.2899 9.9581L38.0586 7.70768C37.9874 6.96051 37.9252 6.20446 37.9163 5.4484C37.9163 5.42171 37.943 5.39502 37.9696 5.39502C37.9963 5.41281 38.023 5.43062 38.023 5.4573Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M39.2506 5.53715C39.3929 6.26653 39.4641 7.00478 39.5263 7.74306C39.5886 8.48133 39.6508 9.21072 39.7487 9.9401C39.9444 11.3989 40.1667 12.8576 40.3891 14.3252C40.4958 15.0546 40.6026 15.784 40.7004 16.5223C40.7983 17.2517 40.8872 17.99 40.9762 18.7193C41.1541 20.187 41.332 21.6457 41.6255 23.0956C41.6344 23.1223 41.6166 23.1579 41.581 23.1579C41.5544 23.1668 41.5188 23.149 41.5188 23.1134C41.1985 21.6724 40.9851 20.2048 40.7805 18.7371C40.6827 18.0077 40.5848 17.2695 40.4869 16.5401C40.3802 15.8107 40.2735 15.0813 40.1579 14.352C39.9355 12.8932 39.7042 11.4344 39.5085 9.96677C39.4018 9.23739 39.3395 8.49024 39.2772 7.76086C39.215 7.02259 39.1794 6.29322 39.1616 5.54605C39.1616 5.51937 39.1883 5.49268 39.215 5.49268C39.2239 5.49268 39.2417 5.51047 39.2506 5.53715Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M40.5493 5.55533C40.6738 6.27581 40.7449 6.99628 40.8072 7.71676C40.8695 8.43725 40.9317 9.15771 41.0118 9.87819C41.1719 11.3192 41.421 12.7513 41.67 14.1744C41.9191 15.6065 42.177 17.0386 42.3549 18.4795C42.5328 19.9205 42.6484 21.3704 42.8708 22.8024C42.8797 22.8291 42.853 22.8647 42.8263 22.8647C42.7997 22.8736 42.7641 22.8469 42.7641 22.8202C42.515 21.3881 42.3549 19.9383 42.1592 18.5062C41.9724 17.0652 41.6967 15.6421 41.4298 14.2189C41.1719 12.7868 40.9139 11.3548 40.7538 9.9049C40.6738 9.18442 40.6026 8.45505 40.5403 7.73457C40.4781 7.01409 40.4336 6.28471 40.4336 5.55533C40.4336 5.52865 40.4603 5.50195 40.487 5.50195C40.5226 5.51085 40.5493 5.52865 40.5493 5.55533Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M41.8212 5.804C41.9457 6.4978 42.0258 7.1916 42.1058 7.89429C42.177 8.59698 42.2571 9.29079 42.3371 9.99348C42.4972 11.39 42.6662 12.7865 42.8352 14.183C42.9152 14.8857 43.0042 15.5794 43.0754 16.2821C43.1465 16.9848 43.2088 17.6875 43.2799 18.3813C43.4134 19.7778 43.5735 21.1743 43.9115 22.5352C43.9204 22.5619 43.9026 22.5975 43.867 22.6064C43.8403 22.6153 43.8048 22.5975 43.7959 22.5708C43.4312 21.2099 43.2355 19.8045 43.0843 18.408C43.0042 17.7053 42.942 17.0115 42.8619 16.3088C42.7818 15.615 42.684 14.9123 42.5951 14.2185C42.4172 12.822 42.2392 11.4255 42.0791 10.0291C41.9991 9.32636 41.919 8.63255 41.839 7.92986C41.7678 7.22717 41.7056 6.5245 41.7145 5.82181C41.7145 5.79512 41.7411 5.76843 41.7678 5.76843C41.7945 5.75953 41.8123 5.77731 41.8212 5.804Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M43.0933 5.929C43.1823 6.25811 43.2534 6.59614 43.3157 6.93414C43.378 7.27215 43.4313 7.61014 43.4758 7.94815L43.6092 8.96215L43.7337 9.98506C43.8938 11.346 44.0273 12.7069 44.1607 14.0678C44.2852 15.4287 44.4187 16.7896 44.561 18.1505C44.7033 19.5114 44.8634 20.8635 45.059 22.2155C45.0679 22.2422 45.0413 22.2778 45.0146 22.2778C44.9879 22.2778 44.9612 22.26 44.9523 22.2333C44.7211 20.8813 44.5343 19.5292 44.3653 18.1683C44.2052 16.8074 44.0628 15.4465 43.9116 14.0945C43.7693 12.7336 43.627 11.3726 43.4669 10.0206L43.3424 9.00663L43.2089 7.99262C43.1556 7.65462 43.1111 7.31662 43.0755 6.97862C43.031 6.64061 42.9955 6.30261 42.9777 5.95571C42.9777 5.92902 42.9955 5.90232 43.031 5.89343C43.0666 5.88453 43.0933 5.90231 43.0933 5.929Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M44.3384 6.15994C44.4451 6.81816 44.5074 7.47639 44.5518 8.13461L44.6853 10.1092C44.7742 11.4257 44.8809 12.7421 45.0143 14.0585C45.1389 15.375 45.2901 16.6825 45.4769 17.9901C45.6637 19.2976 45.886 20.5963 46.1707 21.8949C46.1796 21.9216 46.1618 21.9572 46.1262 21.9572C46.0995 21.9661 46.064 21.9483 46.064 21.9127C45.7526 20.623 45.5036 19.3243 45.2901 18.0168C45.0855 16.7092 44.9165 15.3928 44.7742 14.0764C44.6408 12.7599 44.534 11.4435 44.4362 10.1181L44.2939 8.13461C44.2494 7.47639 44.2138 6.81815 44.2405 6.15103C44.2405 6.12435 44.2672 6.09766 44.2939 6.09766C44.3117 6.11545 44.3384 6.13325 44.3384 6.15994Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M45.4593 6.3024C45.5571 6.94283 45.6194 7.57436 45.6817 8.21479C45.7439 8.85522 45.8151 9.49565 45.904 10.1272C46.073 11.3992 46.2687 12.6711 46.4555 13.952C46.6423 15.2239 46.8024 16.5048 46.9536 17.7857C47.096 19.0665 47.2294 20.3474 47.3628 21.6282C47.3628 21.6549 47.345 21.6905 47.3094 21.6905C47.2828 21.6905 47.2561 21.6727 47.2472 21.646L46.749 17.8123C46.5889 16.5315 46.4022 15.2595 46.2065 13.9875C46.0108 12.7156 45.8151 11.4436 45.6372 10.1628C45.5482 9.52233 45.4771 8.88189 45.406 8.24146C45.3437 7.60103 45.3081 6.95173 45.3348 6.3024C45.3348 6.27572 45.3615 6.24902 45.397 6.24902C45.4326 6.25792 45.4593 6.27572 45.4593 6.3024Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M46.5089 6.51591C46.6512 7.12076 46.7134 7.74342 46.7668 8.35716C46.8202 8.97091 46.8646 9.59352 46.9358 10.1984C47.0781 11.4259 47.2382 12.6533 47.4161 13.8808C47.5851 15.1083 47.7719 16.3269 47.9676 17.5544C48.1633 18.773 48.359 20.0005 48.5547 21.2191C48.5636 21.2458 48.5369 21.2814 48.5102 21.2814C48.4835 21.2903 48.4479 21.2636 48.4479 21.2369C48.2166 20.0183 47.9854 18.7997 47.7719 17.5811C47.5584 16.3625 47.3628 15.135 47.176 13.9164C46.9892 12.689 46.8291 11.4614 46.6778 10.2339C46.5978 9.6202 46.5533 8.99758 46.5 8.38383C46.4466 7.77009 46.411 7.14746 46.4021 6.53372C46.4021 6.50704 46.4288 6.48034 46.4555 6.48034C46.4822 6.47145 46.5 6.48923 46.5089 6.51591Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M47.5939 6.72026C47.6562 7.01379 47.7096 7.30732 47.754 7.60974C47.7985 7.90327 47.8341 8.2057 47.8696 8.49923L48.0743 10.2782C48.2166 11.4612 48.3767 12.6531 48.5368 13.8361C48.6969 15.0192 48.8659 16.2022 49.0438 17.3852C49.2217 18.5682 49.3996 19.7512 49.5864 20.9343C49.5953 20.9609 49.5686 20.9965 49.5419 20.9965C49.5152 21.0054 49.4796 20.9787 49.4796 20.952C49.2661 19.7779 49.0527 18.5949 48.857 17.4119C48.6613 16.2289 48.4745 15.0459 48.3055 13.8628C48.1365 12.6798 47.9764 11.4879 47.8252 10.3049L47.6117 8.52594C47.5405 7.92998 47.4872 7.33401 47.4961 6.72916C47.4961 6.70247 47.5227 6.67578 47.5494 6.67578C47.5672 6.67578 47.585 6.69357 47.5939 6.72026Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M48.5191 7.00502C48.5547 7.28966 48.5724 7.58321 48.5813 7.86784C48.5991 8.15248 48.608 8.43709 48.6169 8.73062L48.6614 9.59343L48.7236 10.4562C48.8215 11.6036 48.9816 12.7422 49.1595 13.8807C49.3374 15.0193 49.542 16.1489 49.7644 17.2786L50.4137 20.6764C50.4226 20.7031 50.3959 20.7387 50.3692 20.7387C50.3425 20.7476 50.3069 20.7209 50.3069 20.6942C50.0668 19.5645 49.8088 18.4438 49.5776 17.3141C49.3463 16.1845 49.115 15.0549 48.9282 13.9163C48.7414 12.7778 48.5813 11.6304 48.4746 10.4829L48.4034 9.6201L48.35 8.75733C48.3412 8.4638 48.3412 8.17913 48.3412 7.8856C48.3501 7.59207 48.3678 7.30747 48.4034 7.02283C48.4034 6.99615 48.439 6.96946 48.4657 6.97836C48.4924 6.96057 48.5102 6.97834 48.5191 7.00502Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M49.702 7.19182C49.8443 7.73441 49.9421 8.28588 50.0311 8.82846C50.12 9.37995 50.209 9.93143 50.2979 10.474L50.8583 13.774C51.0451 14.877 51.1874 15.9799 51.3297 17.0829C51.472 18.1858 51.6055 19.2977 51.7834 20.3918C51.7923 20.4185 51.7656 20.4541 51.7389 20.4541C51.7122 20.4629 51.6766 20.4363 51.6766 20.4096C51.4721 19.3155 51.3031 18.2125 51.143 17.1096C50.9828 16.0066 50.8227 14.9036 50.6181 13.8096L50.04 10.5185C49.9421 9.96701 49.8532 9.41552 49.7643 8.87294C49.6753 8.32146 49.6041 7.76996 49.5952 7.20958C49.5952 7.1829 49.6219 7.15625 49.6486 7.15625C49.6753 7.15625 49.6931 7.17403 49.702 7.19182Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M51.0453 7.55631C51.1076 7.81426 51.1521 8.07218 51.1877 8.33013C51.2321 8.58808 51.2588 8.84606 51.2944 9.11291L51.3833 9.89564L51.4812 10.6784C51.6146 11.7191 51.7658 12.7598 51.9348 13.7916C52.0949 14.8323 52.2728 15.8641 52.4507 16.8959C52.6375 17.9277 52.8243 18.9595 53.0289 19.9913C53.0378 20.018 53.0111 20.0536 52.9844 20.0536C52.9577 20.0625 52.9222 20.0447 52.9222 20.0091C52.6909 18.9862 52.4685 17.9544 52.2639 16.9226C52.0593 15.8908 51.8725 14.859 51.6946 13.8183C51.5256 12.7776 51.3655 11.7369 51.2232 10.6962L51.1165 9.91344L51.0186 9.13067C50.9564 8.60587 50.9119 8.0811 50.9208 7.55631C50.9208 7.52962 50.9475 7.50293 50.9741 7.50293C51.0186 7.51182 51.0453 7.52962 51.0453 7.55631Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M52.1305 7.87658C52.1928 8.12563 52.2462 8.37471 52.2817 8.61488C52.3262 8.86393 52.3618 9.11298 52.3885 9.36203C52.4508 9.86015 52.5219 10.3582 52.5842 10.8564C52.7265 11.8526 52.8688 12.8488 53.0378 13.845C53.1979 14.8413 53.3669 15.8286 53.5537 16.8248C53.7316 17.8121 53.9273 18.7995 54.1319 19.7868C54.1407 19.8135 54.123 19.8491 54.0874 19.8491C54.0607 19.8579 54.0251 19.8402 54.0251 19.8046C53.785 18.8261 53.5715 17.8388 53.3669 16.8515C53.1624 15.8642 52.9755 14.8679 52.8065 13.8806C52.6375 12.8844 52.4863 11.8882 52.3351 10.892C52.264 10.3939 52.1928 9.89571 52.1305 9.3887C52.0682 8.89059 52.0149 8.38358 52.0238 7.87658C52.0238 7.84989 52.0505 7.82324 52.0772 7.82324C52.095 7.83214 52.1216 7.84989 52.1305 7.87658Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M53.6424 8.3303C53.678 8.56157 53.7047 8.80172 53.7225 9.03299C53.7403 9.26426 53.7581 9.50445 53.767 9.73572L53.8114 10.4384L53.8648 11.1411C53.9448 12.0839 54.0516 13.0179 54.185 13.9519C54.3095 14.8858 54.443 15.8198 54.5942 16.7537L55.0389 19.5556C55.0478 19.5823 55.0211 19.6179 54.9944 19.6179C54.9677 19.6268 54.941 19.6001 54.9322 19.5734C54.7543 18.6483 54.5764 17.7144 54.4074 16.7893C54.2473 15.8554 54.0872 14.9303 53.9449 13.9874C53.8114 13.0535 53.6958 12.1106 53.6157 11.1678L53.5534 10.4562L53.509 9.74458C53.5001 9.50442 53.4912 9.27315 53.4912 9.03299C53.5001 8.79283 53.509 8.56156 53.5357 8.3214C53.5357 8.29472 53.5712 8.26807 53.5979 8.26807C53.6157 8.28586 53.6335 8.30362 53.6424 8.3303Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M54.8966 8.92631C54.9945 9.35326 55.0478 9.78021 55.0834 10.2072L55.1902 11.4969C55.2613 12.3597 55.3413 13.2136 55.4303 14.0764C55.5104 14.9392 55.6082 15.7931 55.715 16.647C55.8128 17.5009 55.9373 18.3637 56.0618 19.2176C56.0618 19.2443 56.0441 19.2799 56.0174 19.2799C55.9907 19.2799 55.964 19.2621 55.9551 19.2354C55.795 18.3815 55.6527 17.5276 55.5282 16.6737C55.4036 15.8198 55.2969 14.957 55.199 14.1031C55.1012 13.2403 55.0211 12.3864 54.9411 11.5236L54.8255 10.2338C54.7899 9.80687 54.7632 9.37106 54.7899 8.93521C54.7899 8.90853 54.8166 8.88184 54.8521 8.88184C54.8699 8.88184 54.8966 8.89963 54.8966 8.92631Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M55.9998 9.3356C56.0442 9.54019 56.0798 9.73586 56.1065 9.94044C56.1332 10.145 56.1599 10.3496 56.1777 10.5453L56.2399 11.1501L56.3111 11.755C56.4089 12.5644 56.5335 13.3739 56.6491 14.1833C56.7648 14.9927 56.8893 15.8021 57.0049 16.6116C57.1117 17.421 57.2095 18.2393 57.2807 19.0577C57.2807 19.0843 57.2629 19.111 57.2273 19.1199C57.2006 19.1199 57.1739 19.1022 57.165 19.0755C57.0672 18.266 56.9426 17.4566 56.8092 16.6471C56.6847 15.8377 56.5424 15.0372 56.4089 14.2278C56.2755 13.4183 56.151 12.6089 56.0531 11.7995L55.982 11.1857L55.9197 10.572C55.9019 10.3674 55.8842 10.1628 55.8842 9.95824C55.8842 9.75366 55.8842 9.54908 55.902 9.3356C55.902 9.30892 55.9286 9.28223 55.9642 9.28223C55.9731 9.29112 55.9909 9.30892 55.9998 9.3356Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M57.2449 10.0824C57.3427 10.4382 57.3961 10.8029 57.4317 11.1587L57.5206 12.2439L57.6896 14.4231C57.743 15.1436 57.7964 15.873 57.8586 16.5935C57.9209 17.3139 57.9921 18.0433 58.0721 18.7638C58.0721 18.7905 58.0543 18.8261 58.0187 18.8261C57.9921 18.8261 57.9654 18.8083 57.9565 18.7816C57.8408 18.0611 57.743 17.3406 57.6629 16.6202C57.5829 15.8997 57.5117 15.1703 57.4495 14.4498L57.2627 12.2794L57.1648 11.1943C57.147 11.0164 57.1381 10.8296 57.1293 10.6517C57.1204 10.4738 57.1204 10.287 57.1382 10.1002C57.1382 10.0735 57.1648 10.0469 57.2004 10.0469C57.2182 10.0469 57.236 10.0558 57.2449 10.0824Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M58.3478 10.4207C58.3834 10.5897 58.4101 10.7587 58.419 10.9277C58.4367 11.0967 58.4456 11.2657 58.4545 11.4347L58.4723 11.9417L58.499 12.4488C58.5435 13.1248 58.5968 13.7918 58.668 14.4679C58.7303 15.1439 58.8015 15.811 58.8815 16.487L59.1127 18.5061C59.1127 18.5328 59.0949 18.5684 59.0683 18.5684C59.0416 18.5684 59.0149 18.5506 59.006 18.5239C58.8904 17.8568 58.7925 17.1897 58.6947 16.5137C58.5969 15.8466 58.5079 15.1706 58.4368 14.4946C58.3656 13.8186 58.3033 13.1425 58.25 12.4665L58.2144 11.9595L58.1877 11.4525C58.1788 11.1145 58.1788 10.7765 58.2411 10.4296C58.25 10.4029 58.2767 10.3762 58.3033 10.3851C58.33 10.3762 58.3478 10.394 58.3478 10.4207Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M59.3262 10.8475C59.4062 11.1588 59.4418 11.4701 59.4596 11.7814L59.5129 12.7243C59.5485 13.3558 59.593 13.9785 59.6464 14.6011C59.6908 15.2237 59.7531 15.8553 59.8332 16.4779C59.9043 17.1006 60.0022 17.7232 60.1089 18.3369C60.1178 18.3636 60.0911 18.3992 60.0644 18.3992C60.0378 18.4081 60.0111 18.3814 60.0022 18.3547C59.8598 17.741 59.7442 17.1184 59.6464 16.4957C59.5485 15.8731 59.4774 15.2415 59.4151 14.6189C59.3529 13.9874 59.3084 13.3647 59.2639 12.7332L59.2016 11.7903C59.1838 11.479 59.175 11.1588 59.2283 10.8475C59.2372 10.8208 59.2639 10.7941 59.2906 10.803C59.2995 10.8119 59.3173 10.8208 59.3262 10.8475Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M60.4203 11.0876C60.5181 11.3723 60.5626 11.6658 60.5893 11.9594L60.6249 12.4041L60.6516 12.8488C60.6872 13.4359 60.7049 14.0229 60.7316 14.61C60.7494 15.1971 60.7583 15.7841 60.785 16.3712C60.8028 16.9582 60.8384 17.5364 60.8828 18.1235C60.8828 18.1502 60.8651 18.1769 60.8295 18.1858C60.8028 18.1858 60.7761 18.168 60.7672 18.1413C60.6871 17.5631 60.6338 16.976 60.5893 16.389C60.5537 15.8019 60.5181 15.2149 60.4914 14.6278C60.4648 14.0408 60.4381 13.4537 60.4025 12.8755L60.3669 12.4397L60.3314 12.0038C60.3136 11.8615 60.3047 11.7103 60.3047 11.568C60.2958 11.4256 60.2958 11.2744 60.3135 11.1232C60.3135 11.0876 60.3491 11.0699 60.3758 11.0699C60.3936 11.0521 60.4114 11.0698 60.4203 11.0876Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M61.3543 11.3546C61.4076 11.6304 61.4166 11.8972 61.4166 12.1641C61.4166 12.4309 61.4254 12.7067 61.4343 12.9735C61.4521 13.5161 61.4877 14.0587 61.5233 14.6013L61.5677 15.4196C61.5855 15.6953 61.5856 15.9622 61.5945 16.2379C61.6033 16.7805 61.6122 17.3231 61.6834 17.8568C61.6834 17.8835 61.6656 17.9191 61.6389 17.9191C61.6122 17.9191 61.5855 17.9013 61.5766 17.8746C61.4699 17.332 61.4343 16.7894 61.4077 16.2468C61.3899 15.9711 61.381 15.7042 61.3543 15.4374L61.2831 14.628C61.2387 14.0854 61.1942 13.5428 61.1764 13.0002C61.1675 12.7244 61.1586 12.4576 61.1586 12.1819C61.1586 11.9061 61.1764 11.6304 61.2475 11.3635C61.2564 11.3369 61.2831 11.3191 61.3187 11.328C61.3365 11.3102 61.3543 11.3279 61.3543 11.3546Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M62.3595 11.7283C62.395 11.8528 62.4039 11.9774 62.4128 12.1108C62.4217 12.2353 62.4306 12.3598 62.4217 12.4844C62.4217 12.7334 62.4217 12.9914 62.4217 13.2404C62.4306 13.7474 62.4395 14.2456 62.4573 14.7526C62.4751 15.2596 62.5018 15.7577 62.5374 16.2558C62.5729 16.7539 62.6174 17.2609 62.6797 17.759C62.6797 17.7857 62.6619 17.8213 62.6352 17.8213C62.6085 17.8213 62.5819 17.8035 62.573 17.7768C62.4751 17.2787 62.4129 16.7806 62.3506 16.2736C62.2972 15.7666 62.2528 15.2685 62.2172 14.7615C62.1905 14.2545 62.1638 13.7474 62.1549 13.2404C62.146 12.9914 62.146 12.7334 62.146 12.4844C62.146 12.2353 62.1638 11.9774 62.2349 11.7283C62.2438 11.7016 62.2706 11.6838 62.3061 11.6927C62.3417 11.6927 62.3506 11.7105 62.3595 11.7283Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M63.1244 12.0042C63.1956 12.2354 63.2134 12.4756 63.2134 12.7068L63.2223 13.4095L63.2489 14.8238C63.2578 15.2952 63.2668 15.7667 63.2846 16.2292C63.3023 16.7006 63.329 17.1632 63.3557 17.6346C63.3557 17.6613 63.3379 17.688 63.3023 17.6969C63.2756 17.6969 63.249 17.6791 63.2401 17.6524C63.1689 17.181 63.1244 16.7184 63.0799 16.247C63.0444 15.7755 63.0177 15.3041 62.991 14.8327C62.9732 14.3613 62.9554 13.8899 62.9465 13.4184L62.9376 12.7157C62.9376 12.4845 62.9465 12.2443 63.0088 12.013C63.0177 11.9863 63.0444 11.9596 63.0799 11.9685C63.1066 11.9685 63.1244 11.9864 63.1244 12.0042Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M64.0583 12.1466C64.1473 12.369 64.1829 12.6092 64.2007 12.8404L64.254 13.5431C64.2896 14.0057 64.3163 14.4771 64.343 14.9396C64.3608 15.4111 64.3786 15.8736 64.3875 16.345C64.3964 16.8164 64.3964 17.2789 64.3875 17.7504C64.3875 17.7771 64.3608 17.8037 64.3341 17.8037C64.3074 17.8037 64.2807 17.7771 64.2807 17.7504C64.254 17.2878 64.2362 16.8164 64.2007 16.3539C64.174 15.8914 64.1384 15.4199 64.1028 14.9574C64.0672 14.4949 64.0317 14.0235 63.9961 13.5609L63.9338 12.8671C63.9249 12.7515 63.916 12.6358 63.916 12.5202C63.916 12.4046 63.9249 12.2889 63.9427 12.1644C63.9516 12.1288 63.9783 12.111 64.0139 12.1199C64.0317 12.1199 64.0494 12.1288 64.0583 12.1466Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.8219 6.72972C22.8841 7.50357 22.9197 8.27743 22.9553 9.05128C22.9909 9.82514 23.0443 10.599 23.0976 11.3728C23.151 12.1467 23.1955 12.9205 23.2221 13.7033C23.2488 14.4771 23.2488 15.2599 23.24 16.0337C23.2311 16.8076 23.2221 17.5815 23.2221 18.3553C23.2221 19.1292 23.24 19.903 23.2578 20.6769C23.2933 22.2246 23.3289 23.7812 23.3467 25.3289C23.3467 25.3555 23.32 25.3822 23.2933 25.3822C23.2666 25.3822 23.24 25.3555 23.24 25.3289C23.2044 23.7812 23.1243 22.2335 23.071 20.6769C23.0443 19.903 23.0265 19.1292 23.0087 18.3464C22.9998 17.5726 22.9998 16.7898 22.9998 16.0159C22.9998 15.2421 22.9998 14.4683 22.9731 13.6944C22.9464 12.9206 22.8931 12.1467 22.8397 11.3728C22.7863 10.599 22.7329 9.82514 22.6885 9.05128C22.644 8.27743 22.6351 7.49467 22.7063 6.72081C22.7063 6.69413 22.733 6.66748 22.7685 6.66748C22.7952 6.68527 22.8219 6.70303 22.8219 6.72972Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.9766 6.8802C22.0211 7.64516 22.0834 8.4012 22.1012 9.16615C22.1101 9.36184 22.11 9.54863 22.11 9.74432V10.3225V11.47L22.1012 16.0597L22.0923 18.3546L22.0834 19.502C22.0834 19.8845 22.0923 20.2669 22.0923 20.6494L22.11 22.9443C22.11 23.3268 22.1101 23.7093 22.1279 24.0917L22.1812 25.2392C22.1812 25.2659 22.1634 25.2926 22.1279 25.3014C22.1012 25.3014 22.0745 25.2837 22.0656 25.2481L21.9855 24.1006C21.9588 23.7182 21.9499 23.3357 21.9411 22.9532L21.8877 20.6583C21.8788 20.2758 21.8699 19.8934 21.8699 19.5109L21.861 18.3635L21.8432 16.0686L21.8343 11.4788V10.3314V9.76213C21.8343 9.57533 21.8254 9.37966 21.8254 9.19286C21.8076 8.42791 21.772 7.66296 21.8521 6.88911C21.8521 6.86242 21.8788 6.83573 21.9144 6.83573C21.95 6.82683 21.9677 6.85352 21.9766 6.8802Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M0.113291 13.4273C0.211135 13.4006 0.291171 13.4183 0.36233 13.445C0.433489 13.4717 0.504682 13.4984 0.575841 13.5251C0.718159 13.5784 0.869362 13.6318 1.01168 13.6763C1.30521 13.7742 1.60761 13.8364 1.91893 13.8809C1.94561 13.8809 1.9723 13.9165 1.9634 13.9432C1.9634 13.9698 1.93675 13.9876 1.91007 13.9876C1.58985 14.0143 1.26071 13.9787 0.940495 13.8987C0.780388 13.8631 0.629201 13.8186 0.477989 13.7653C0.397935 13.7386 0.326776 13.7119 0.255618 13.6852C0.184459 13.6585 0.113283 13.614 0.0599135 13.5251C0.0421238 13.4895 0.0510447 13.4451 0.0866241 13.4273C0.104414 13.4362 0.113291 13.4362 0.113291 13.4273Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.2278 12.3864C5.09438 12.4042 4.99651 12.4131 4.89867 12.4398C4.80083 12.4576 4.70299 12.511 4.64073 12.5821C4.57847 12.6533 4.5518 12.7422 4.56959 12.8312C4.58738 12.9201 4.64963 13.0001 4.73858 13.0802C4.81863 13.1514 4.91649 13.1959 5.01433 13.1959C5.11217 13.1959 5.21003 13.1603 5.29008 13.0802C5.37013 13.009 5.42348 12.9023 5.44127 12.7956C5.45906 12.6889 5.44126 12.5643 5.38789 12.4576C5.37899 12.4309 5.38791 12.3953 5.4146 12.3864C5.44128 12.3775 5.46795 12.3864 5.48574 12.4042C5.56579 12.5199 5.61029 12.6621 5.6014 12.8134C5.5925 12.9557 5.5391 13.1069 5.43236 13.2225C5.33452 13.3382 5.18334 13.4182 5.02323 13.4271C4.86313 13.436 4.70298 13.3738 4.58735 13.2848C4.47172 13.1959 4.36498 13.0713 4.32051 12.9023C4.32051 12.8845 4.31165 12.8579 4.31165 12.8401V12.7778C4.31165 12.7333 4.32051 12.6888 4.32941 12.6533C4.3383 12.6088 4.36499 12.5732 4.37388 12.5376C4.39167 12.5021 4.41838 12.4665 4.44507 12.4398C4.55181 12.3153 4.69412 12.2441 4.84534 12.2085C4.99655 12.1729 5.16553 12.1996 5.27227 12.3153C5.29896 12.342 5.29896 12.3775 5.27227 12.4042C5.26338 12.3775 5.24559 12.3775 5.2278 12.3864Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.98773 12.7066C5.04999 12.6888 5.06782 12.6888 5.06782 12.6977L5.07668 12.7155C5.08557 12.7333 5.08558 12.7422 5.08558 12.76C5.08558 12.7956 5.0856 12.8223 5.05891 12.8667C5.04112 12.9023 4.99664 12.9201 4.96106 12.9112C4.91659 12.8934 4.88989 12.8756 4.86321 12.849C4.85431 12.8401 4.84544 12.8222 4.83654 12.8133L4.82764 12.7956C4.82764 12.7867 4.83655 12.7778 4.88992 12.7422C4.9166 12.7333 4.95215 12.7155 4.98773 12.7066Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.02606 9.65556C9.10612 10.0914 9.13279 10.5362 9.15058 10.9809C9.15948 11.4257 9.15948 11.8704 9.15948 12.3152C9.15059 13.2046 9.11501 14.0941 9.02606 14.9747C8.93711 15.8553 8.78587 16.7359 8.59018 17.6076C8.3856 18.4704 8.12768 19.3243 7.82526 20.1604C7.81636 20.1871 7.78076 20.2049 7.75407 20.196C7.72739 20.1871 7.70961 20.1515 7.7185 20.1248C7.98535 19.2798 8.21662 18.4348 8.39452 17.572C8.58131 16.7092 8.70583 15.8375 8.78588 14.9658C8.86594 14.0852 8.9015 13.2046 8.9015 12.324C8.9015 11.8793 8.89263 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20.1248 20.0022 19.9736 20.2512 19.8046C20.4914 19.6356 20.7316 19.4577 20.9362 19.2443C21.034 19.1464 21.123 19.0219 21.1585 18.924C21.1674 18.8707 21.1674 18.844 21.1407 18.8173C21.1318 18.8084 21.123 18.7995 21.1141 18.7995C21.1141 18.7995 21.1052 18.7906 21.1141 18.7995C21.123 18.8084 21.1229 18.8084 21.1318 18.8084C21.1318 18.8084 21.1319 18.8084 21.123 18.8084C21.0963 18.8084 21.0607 18.7995 21.0251 18.7995C20.7316 18.7995 20.4291 18.8173 20.1267 18.8351C19.8243 18.8529 19.5219 18.8796 19.2106 18.8885C19.1928 18.8885 19.1661 18.8885 19.1483 18.8885H19.0949L18.9793 18.8796C18.8992 18.8796 18.8281 18.8706 18.748 18.8706C18.5968 18.8618 18.4456 18.844 18.2944 18.8351C17.6895 18.7728 17.0847 18.6572 16.4887 18.5238C15.8928 18.3903 15.3146 18.2124 14.7453 17.9812C14.7187 17.9723 14.7009 17.9367 14.7187 17.91C14.7454 17.8744 14.772 17.8567 14.7987 17.8655Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.8561 18.5864C20.7938 18.1061 20.776 17.6258 20.7671 17.1454L20.7315 15.7044C20.7226 15.2241 20.7137 14.7349 20.7137 14.2546C20.7137 13.7743 20.7226 13.2851 20.7404 12.8048C20.776 11.8441 20.8116 10.8746 20.8294 9.91393C20.8472 8.95329 20.8472 7.99261 20.7938 7.03196C20.7938 7.00528 20.8116 6.97862 20.8472 6.96973C20.8739 6.96973 20.9005 6.98752 20.9094 7.0231C20.9984 7.98375 21.0251 8.95325 21.034 9.92279C21.034 10.8923 21.0073 11.853 20.9895 12.8136C20.9806 13.2939 20.9717 13.7743 20.9717 14.2546C20.9717 14.7349 20.9895 15.2153 20.9984 15.6956L21.0428 17.1454C21.0517 17.6258 21.0428 18.115 20.9717 18.5953C20.9628 18.622 20.9361 18.6486 20.9094 18.6397C20.8738 18.6309 20.8561 18.6131 20.8561 18.5864Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.0428 19.4573C21.0784 19.573 21.0873 19.6886 21.0962 19.8042C21.1051 19.9198 21.1051 20.0355 21.1051 20.1511L21.0962 20.836L21.0873 22.2058C21.0873 22.6595 21.0873 23.122 21.0873 23.5756V24.9543C21.0873 24.981 21.0607 25.0077 21.034 25.0077C21.0073 25.0077 20.9806 24.981 20.9806 24.9543C20.945 24.5007 20.9273 24.0382 20.9006 23.5845C20.8828 23.122 20.865 22.6684 20.8561 22.2058C20.8472 21.7433 20.8383 21.2896 20.8472 20.8271L20.8561 20.1422C20.8561 19.911 20.8739 19.6797 20.945 19.4573C20.9539 19.4306 20.9895 19.4129 21.0162 19.4217C21.0162 19.4217 21.034 19.4395 21.0428 19.4573Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.2513 20.0003C20.278 20.107 20.2958 20.2049 20.2958 20.3116C20.3047 20.4183 20.3047 20.5162 20.2958 20.6229C20.2869 20.8275 20.2869 21.0321 20.278 21.2367C20.2691 21.6458 20.2691 22.055 20.2691 22.473C20.2691 22.8822 20.2691 23.3003 20.2691 23.7094C20.2691 24.1186 20.2691 24.5367 20.2691 24.9458C20.2691 24.9725 20.2424 24.9992 20.2157 24.9992C20.1891 24.9992 20.1624 24.9725 20.1624 24.9458C20.1268 24.5367 20.109 24.1186 20.0823 23.7094C20.0645 23.3003 20.0467 22.8822 20.0289 22.473C20.02 22.0639 20.0111 21.6458 20.02 21.2367C20.02 21.0321 20.0289 20.8275 20.0289 20.614C20.0378 20.4094 20.0556 20.2049 20.1357 20.0003C20.1446 19.9736 20.1802 19.9558 20.2068 19.9647C20.2335 19.9647 20.2513 19.9736 20.2513 20.0003Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.0466 7.26292C20.0733 7.50308 20.0822 7.73435 20.0911 7.97451C20.1 8.21467 20.1 8.44594 20.0911 8.6861L20.0822 9.39769V10.1093C20.0822 11.0521 20.1088 11.995 20.1266 12.9379L20.1889 15.7753C20.2067 16.7182 20.2156 17.6699 20.1978 18.6128C20.1978 18.6394 20.1711 18.6661 20.1444 18.6661C20.1178 18.6661 20.0911 18.6394 20.0911 18.6128C20.0644 17.6699 20.0377 16.7271 20.0021 15.7842L19.8954 12.9467C19.8687 12.0039 19.842 11.0521 19.8331 10.1093L19.8242 9.39769V8.6861C19.8331 8.21467 19.8509 7.74325 19.9309 7.27183C19.9398 7.24514 19.9665 7.21846 19.9932 7.22735C20.0288 7.21846 20.0466 7.24513 20.0466 7.26292Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.1038 7.3876C19.1305 7.62776 19.1394 7.85903 19.1483 8.09919C19.1572 8.33935 19.1572 8.57061 19.1483 8.81077C19.1394 9.2822 19.1394 9.75366 19.1394 10.2251C19.1394 11.1679 19.1572 12.1108 19.1839 13.0536C19.2017 13.9965 19.2284 14.9393 19.2551 15.8822C19.2818 16.825 19.3084 17.7679 19.3262 18.7197C19.3262 18.7464 19.2995 18.773 19.2728 18.773C19.2461 18.773 19.2195 18.7464 19.2195 18.7197L19.0683 15.8911C19.0238 14.9482 18.9793 14.0054 18.9438 13.0536C18.9171 12.1108 18.8904 11.159 18.8815 10.2162C18.8815 9.74476 18.8815 9.27333 18.8815 8.79301C18.8904 8.32158 18.9082 7.85017 18.9882 7.37874C18.9971 7.35205 19.0238 7.32537 19.0505 7.33426C19.086 7.34316 19.1038 7.36091 19.1038 7.3876Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.3083 20.614C19.335 20.703 19.3528 20.783 19.3617 20.8631C19.3706 20.9431 19.3706 21.0321 19.3706 21.1121L19.3617 21.6103V22.6154L19.3528 23.6205C19.3439 23.9585 19.3261 24.2965 19.2995 24.6256C19.2995 24.6523 19.2728 24.679 19.2372 24.679C19.2105 24.679 19.1838 24.6523 19.1838 24.6256C19.1749 24.2876 19.166 23.9585 19.1482 23.6205L19.1127 22.6154C19.1038 22.2774 19.0948 21.9483 19.0948 21.6103V21.1032C19.0948 20.9342 19.1126 20.7652 19.1838 20.6051C19.1927 20.5784 19.2283 20.5607 19.2638 20.5785C19.2905 20.5873 19.2994 20.5962 19.3083 20.614Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.3655 20.8366C18.4278 20.9878 18.4366 21.1301 18.4366 21.2813V21.7261V22.6155C18.4366 22.9091 18.4277 23.2115 18.4188 23.505C18.401 23.8074 18.3922 24.101 18.3566 24.3945C18.3566 24.4212 18.3299 24.4479 18.2943 24.4479C18.2676 24.4479 18.2409 24.4212 18.2409 24.3945C18.232 24.101 18.2321 23.7986 18.2232 23.505L18.1965 22.6155C18.1876 22.322 18.1787 22.0196 18.1698 21.7261L18.1609 21.2813C18.1609 21.1301 18.1787 20.9789 18.2409 20.8366C18.2587 20.8099 18.2943 20.7921 18.321 20.8099C18.3477 20.8188 18.3566 20.8277 18.3655 20.8366Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.4939 20.8097C17.5472 20.9521 17.5561 21.0944 17.5472 21.2278L17.5206 21.6459L17.4761 22.482L17.4316 23.3181C17.4138 23.5938 17.4049 23.8784 17.3782 24.1542C17.3782 24.1809 17.3515 24.2076 17.316 24.2076C17.2893 24.2076 17.2626 24.1809 17.2626 24.1542C17.2448 23.8784 17.2359 23.5938 17.227 23.3181C17.2181 23.0423 17.2181 22.7577 17.227 22.482C17.2359 22.2062 17.2359 21.9216 17.2537 21.6459L17.2715 21.2278C17.2804 21.0855 17.2982 20.9521 17.3782 20.8097C17.396 20.7831 17.4316 20.7652 17.4583 20.783C17.4761 20.783 17.485 20.8009 17.4939 20.8097Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.6577 20.5168C16.7288 20.6591 16.7555 20.8015 16.7555 20.9438L16.7733 21.3707C16.7822 21.6554 16.7822 21.94 16.7822 22.2246C16.7822 22.5093 16.7822 22.7939 16.7733 23.0786L16.7555 23.9324C16.7555 23.9591 16.7288 23.9858 16.7021 23.9858C16.6754 23.9858 16.6487 23.9591 16.6487 23.9324C16.6221 23.6478 16.6043 23.3632 16.5865 23.0786C16.5687 22.7939 16.5598 22.5093 16.5509 22.2246L16.5242 21.3707L16.5064 20.9438C16.4975 20.8015 16.5064 20.6591 16.5598 20.5168C16.5687 20.4812 16.6043 20.4723 16.6398 20.4812C16.6398 20.499 16.6577 20.5079 16.6577 20.5168Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.8038 20.0984C15.8572 20.2408 15.8661 20.3919 15.8483 20.5254L15.8127 20.9523L15.7416 21.7973L15.5903 23.4962C15.5903 23.5229 15.5636 23.5496 15.5281 23.5496C15.5014 23.5496 15.4747 23.5229 15.4747 23.4962C15.4658 23.2116 15.4658 22.927 15.4658 22.6423C15.4658 22.3577 15.4836 22.0731 15.4925 21.7885C15.5103 21.5038 15.5192 21.2192 15.5459 20.9345L15.5725 20.5076C15.5814 20.3652 15.6081 20.223 15.6793 20.0895C15.6971 20.0628 15.7326 20.045 15.7593 20.0628C15.786 20.0717 15.7949 20.0806 15.8038 20.0984Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.76424 9.46908C9.91546 9.91382 9.98661 10.3852 10.0311 10.8566C10.0756 11.3281 10.0934 11.7995 10.0934 12.271C10.0934 13.2138 9.98662 14.1478 9.8621 15.0728L9.6753 16.4604C9.61303 16.9229 9.53297 17.3855 9.44402 17.848C9.25723 18.7642 9.00816 19.6714 8.72353 20.5609C8.71463 20.5876 8.67907 20.6054 8.65239 20.5965C8.6257 20.5876 8.60792 20.5609 8.61682 20.5254C8.74134 20.0717 8.85698 19.627 8.97261 19.1733C9.07935 18.7197 9.17717 18.2661 9.25722 17.8124C9.33727 17.3588 9.40846 16.8963 9.46183 16.4337L9.63082 15.0461C9.74645 14.1211 9.84429 13.196 9.84429 12.271C9.85318 11.3459 9.71087 10.4297 9.66639 9.49574C9.66639 9.46906 9.68419 9.44236 9.71977 9.43346C9.72866 9.42457 9.75535 9.44239 9.76424 9.46908Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.698 9.19316C10.8048 9.69127 10.8492 10.1894 10.867 10.6875C10.8848 11.1856 10.8937 11.6926 10.8937 12.1907C10.8937 13.1958 10.8581 14.201 10.7959 15.1972C10.7603 15.6953 10.7247 16.1934 10.6714 16.7004C10.618 17.1985 10.5379 17.6966 10.4401 18.1947C10.3422 18.6839 10.2266 19.1732 10.1021 19.6624C9.97753 20.1516 9.83525 20.6319 9.69293 21.1123C9.68404 21.1389 9.65733 21.1567 9.62175 21.1478C9.59506 21.1389 9.57728 21.1123 9.58618 21.0767C9.83523 20.1072 10.0754 19.1376 10.2533 18.1592C10.3422 17.6699 10.4134 17.1807 10.4579 16.6826C10.5023 16.1845 10.529 15.6864 10.5646 15.1883C10.618 14.1921 10.6536 13.1958 10.6447 12.1996C10.6447 11.7015 10.6269 11.2034 10.6091 10.7053C10.5913 10.2072 10.5646 9.70903 10.5913 9.21092C10.5913 9.18424 10.618 9.15759 10.6536 9.15759C10.6713 9.14869 10.6891 9.16647 10.698 9.19316Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.5787 8.97048C11.6498 9.49528 11.6765 10.029 11.6765 10.5538C11.6765 11.0785 11.6854 11.6123 11.6854 12.1371C11.6854 13.1955 11.6676 14.254 11.6321 15.3125C11.6143 15.8373 11.5965 16.371 11.5609 16.8958C11.5253 17.4206 11.4719 17.9543 11.4097 18.4791C11.383 18.7459 11.3474 19.0039 11.3029 19.2707C11.2673 19.5287 11.2229 19.7955 11.1784 20.0535C11.0806 20.5783 10.9472 21.0942 10.787 21.5923C10.7782 21.619 10.7426 21.6367 10.7159 21.6278C10.6892 21.6189 10.6714 21.5923 10.6803 21.5567C10.8137 21.0497 10.9383 20.5338 11.0183 20.0179C11.1073 19.502 11.1606 18.9772 11.214 18.4524C11.2673 17.9276 11.3119 17.4028 11.3385 16.878C11.3652 16.3532 11.3741 15.8284 11.3919 15.2947C11.4186 14.2362 11.4275 13.1866 11.4275 12.1282C11.4275 11.6034 11.4186 11.0696 11.4186 10.5448C11.4097 10.0201 11.4186 9.48638 11.472 8.96158C11.472 8.9349 11.4986 8.9082 11.5342 8.9082C11.552 8.92599 11.5698 8.9438 11.5787 8.97048Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.3348 8.79326C12.4148 9.34474 12.4326 9.90509 12.4326 10.4566V12.1199C12.4326 12.6714 12.4504 13.2229 12.4682 13.7833C12.4771 14.3348 12.4949 14.8951 12.4949 15.4555C12.486 16.5673 12.4504 17.6792 12.3615 18.7911C12.2636 19.9029 12.1213 21.0059 11.9256 22.1C11.9167 22.1266 11.89 22.1533 11.8634 22.1444C11.8367 22.1355 11.81 22.1088 11.8189 22.0822C11.8989 21.5307 11.9701 20.9881 12.0234 20.4366C12.0857 19.8851 12.1302 19.3336 12.1658 18.7822C12.2369 17.6792 12.2636 16.5674 12.2547 15.4644C12.2547 14.9129 12.2369 14.3525 12.2192 13.801C12.2014 13.2496 12.1747 12.6892 12.1747 12.1377L12.1658 10.4744C12.1658 9.92289 12.1747 9.3625 12.2281 8.81102C12.2281 8.78434 12.2547 8.75769 12.2903 8.75769C12.3081 8.74879 12.3259 8.76657 12.3348 8.79326Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.1354 8.56156C13.2243 9.14862 13.251 9.73567 13.2688 10.3227L13.3044 12.0839L13.3667 15.6063C13.3756 16.1934 13.3934 16.7804 13.3845 17.3675C13.3756 17.9545 13.3578 18.5416 13.3133 19.1286C13.2332 20.3028 13.0909 21.4769 12.8508 22.6243C12.8419 22.651 12.8152 22.6777 12.7885 22.6688C12.7618 22.6599 12.744 22.6332 12.744 22.6065C12.9486 21.4591 13.0643 20.285 13.1176 19.1198C13.1443 18.5327 13.1621 17.9545 13.1621 17.3675C13.1621 16.7804 13.1443 16.2022 13.1176 15.6152L13.0375 12.0928L12.9931 10.3316C12.9753 9.74457 12.9753 9.15753 13.0109 8.57047C13.0109 8.54378 13.0376 8.51709 13.0731 8.51709C13.1087 8.51709 13.1354 8.53488 13.1354 8.56156Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.0158 8.36576C14.0781 8.97061 14.087 9.5755 14.0959 10.1803C14.0959 10.7852 14.1048 11.39 14.1136 11.9949C14.1314 13.2046 14.1581 14.4143 14.167 15.6329C14.167 16.2377 14.167 16.8426 14.1581 17.4563C14.1492 18.0612 14.1137 18.6749 14.0781 19.2798C14.0425 19.8846 13.9891 20.4895 13.9358 21.0943C13.8824 21.6992 13.8201 22.304 13.7401 22.9C13.7401 22.9267 13.7045 22.9534 13.6778 22.9445C13.6511 22.9445 13.6244 22.9089 13.6333 22.8822C13.7579 21.6814 13.829 20.4717 13.8913 19.262C13.918 18.6571 13.9447 18.0523 13.9536 17.4474C13.9536 16.8426 13.9446 16.2377 13.9358 15.6329C13.918 14.4232 13.8913 13.2135 13.8646 12.0038C13.8557 11.3989 13.8379 10.7941 13.8379 10.1892C13.8379 9.58436 13.8468 8.97952 13.918 8.37467C13.918 8.34798 13.9535 8.32129 13.9802 8.32129C13.9891 8.32129 14.0069 8.33908 14.0158 8.36576Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.7986 8.14376C14.8787 8.55292 14.8965 8.95321 14.9054 9.36237L14.9232 10.581C14.9321 11.3993 14.941 12.2087 14.9676 13.0182C14.9854 13.8365 15.0032 14.6459 14.9943 15.4643C14.9854 16.2826 14.9676 17.092 14.9143 17.9103C14.9143 17.937 14.8876 17.9637 14.852 17.9637C14.8253 17.9637 14.7986 17.937 14.7986 17.9103C14.8075 17.1009 14.8075 16.2826 14.7986 15.4732C14.7898 14.6637 14.7631 13.8454 14.7186 13.0359C14.6919 12.2176 14.6741 11.4082 14.6563 10.5898L14.6297 9.37128C14.6208 8.96211 14.6208 8.56183 14.6741 8.15266C14.6741 8.12598 14.7097 8.0993 14.7364 8.10819C14.7719 8.10819 14.7898 8.12597 14.7986 8.14376Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.8787 19.4845C14.941 19.6446 14.9499 19.8048 14.941 19.956L14.9232 20.4274C14.9143 20.7387 14.8876 21.0589 14.8698 21.3702C14.8431 21.6816 14.8164 21.9929 14.7808 22.3131C14.7453 22.6244 14.7097 22.9357 14.6563 23.2471C14.6474 23.2737 14.6207 23.3004 14.594 23.2915C14.5674 23.2915 14.5496 23.2648 14.5496 23.2382L14.6296 21.3613L14.6652 20.4274L14.683 19.956C14.683 19.7959 14.7008 19.6446 14.7719 19.4845C14.7808 19.4578 14.8164 19.4401 14.852 19.4578C14.8609 19.4578 14.8787 19.4667 14.8787 19.4845Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.2499 7.53022C18.3032 7.99275 18.3032 8.4553 18.2943 8.92673L18.2588 10.3143C18.241 11.2394 18.2232 12.1644 18.2232 13.0895C18.2143 14.0146 18.2321 14.9396 18.2499 15.8647C18.2676 16.7898 18.2765 17.7148 18.2854 18.6488C18.2854 18.6755 18.2588 18.7022 18.2321 18.7022C18.2054 18.7022 18.1787 18.6755 18.1787 18.6488C18.1342 17.7237 18.0987 16.7987 18.0542 15.8647C18.0186 14.9396 17.983 14.0057 17.9741 13.0806C17.9652 12.1555 17.983 11.2216 17.9919 10.2965L18.0186 8.90892C18.0275 8.44639 18.0542 7.98385 18.1342 7.52132C18.1431 7.49463 18.1698 7.46795 18.1965 7.47684C18.2321 7.48574 18.2499 7.51243 18.2499 7.53022Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.4762 7.53823C17.5028 8.00076 17.485 8.46329 17.4584 8.91693C17.4317 9.37946 17.405 9.8331 17.3872 10.2956C17.3516 11.2118 17.3427 12.128 17.3427 13.053C17.3427 13.5156 17.3427 13.9692 17.3516 14.4317C17.3516 14.8943 17.3783 15.3479 17.405 15.8104C17.4317 16.273 17.4584 16.7266 17.4762 17.1891C17.494 17.6517 17.5117 18.1142 17.485 18.5767C17.485 18.6034 17.4584 18.6301 17.4228 18.6301C17.3961 18.6301 17.3694 18.6034 17.3694 18.5767C17.3694 17.6606 17.2716 16.7444 17.2004 15.8282C17.1648 15.3657 17.1382 14.9032 17.1204 14.4495C17.1026 13.987 17.0936 13.5245 17.0848 13.0708C17.0759 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64.1383 12.8046Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M64.2007 13.3645C64.7789 13.1688 65.3748 13.0265 65.9708 12.9019L67.7587 12.5284C68.9506 12.2882 70.1514 12.0569 71.3522 11.8524C71.957 11.7545 72.553 11.6567 73.1579 11.5677C73.7627 11.4788 74.3675 11.4076 74.9724 11.3276C75.5772 11.2475 76.1821 11.1852 76.7958 11.1408C77.4096 11.0963 78.0233 11.0874 78.6371 11.1408C78.6637 11.1408 78.6904 11.1675 78.6904 11.2031C78.6904 11.2297 78.6638 11.2564 78.6282 11.2564C77.4185 11.1852 76.2088 11.3542 74.9991 11.5232C74.3942 11.6122 73.7894 11.6922 73.1934 11.7901C72.5886 11.8879 71.9926 11.9858 71.3967 12.1014C70.1958 12.3149 69.004 12.5462 67.812 12.7952L66.0242 13.1777C65.4282 13.3022 64.8323 13.4267 64.2185 13.489C64.1918 13.489 64.1562 13.4712 64.1562 13.4356C64.1563 13.3912 64.174 13.3734 64.2007 13.3645Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M64.3339 13.9877C65.4725 13.8988 66.611 13.8543 67.7495 13.7298C68.3188 13.6764 68.8881 13.5963 69.4574 13.5341L71.1652 13.3295C71.7344 13.2584 72.3037 13.1961 72.873 13.116L73.7269 13.0004C74.0115 12.9648 74.2873 12.9115 74.5808 12.8848C75.159 12.8225 75.7371 12.8314 76.3064 12.8136C76.8757 12.7958 77.445 12.7602 77.9964 12.6268C78.0231 12.6179 78.0587 12.6357 78.0676 12.6624C78.0765 12.6891 78.0587 12.7246 78.032 12.7335C77.4716 12.8848 76.8935 12.9381 76.3153 12.9648C75.7372 13.0004 75.1679 13.0093 74.6075 13.0804C74.3317 13.116 74.0471 13.1694 73.7625 13.2139L72.9086 13.3473C72.3393 13.4273 71.77 13.5074 71.2008 13.5875L69.4929 13.8009C68.9237 13.8721 68.3544 13.9433 67.7851 14.0055C67.2158 14.0678 66.6377 14.1211 66.0684 14.1567C65.7838 14.1745 65.4902 14.1834 65.2056 14.1834C64.921 14.1834 64.6275 14.1656 64.3428 14.1211C64.3162 14.1122 64.2895 14.0855 64.2984 14.0589C64.2806 14.0144 64.3072 13.9966 64.3339 13.9877Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M64.3785 14.8151C64.921 14.7083 65.4636 14.6639 66.0062 14.6194L67.6429 14.5127C68.1855 14.4771 68.7369 14.4326 69.2795 14.397C69.8221 14.3615 70.3736 14.3259 70.9162 14.2903C72.0102 14.2369 73.1043 14.1925 74.1984 14.1658C75.2924 14.148 76.3865 14.1391 77.4806 14.1658C77.5072 14.1658 77.5339 14.1925 77.5339 14.2191C77.5339 14.2458 77.5072 14.2725 77.4806 14.2725C76.3865 14.2814 75.2924 14.3081 74.2073 14.3526C73.1132 14.3881 72.028 14.4504 70.934 14.5216C70.3914 14.5571 69.8399 14.5927 69.2973 14.6372C68.7547 14.6817 68.2121 14.7262 67.6606 14.7617L66.024 14.8774C65.4814 14.9129 64.9299 14.9396 64.3785 14.9129C64.3518 14.9129 64.3251 14.8863 64.3251 14.8507C64.3251 14.8418 64.3429 14.824 64.3785 14.8151Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M64.334 15.7397C64.8766 15.6507 65.4192 15.6151 65.9618 15.5885C66.5043 15.5707 67.047 15.5529 67.5895 15.544C68.6747 15.5173 69.7599 15.5084 70.8451 15.4995C71.9302 15.4995 73.0154 15.5084 74.1005 15.5262C75.1857 15.544 76.2709 15.5707 77.3561 15.6063C77.3828 15.6063 77.4094 15.6329 77.4094 15.6596C77.4094 15.6863 77.3828 15.713 77.3561 15.713H74.1005C73.0154 15.713 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14.7594 23.5241C14.7238 23.4618 14.6882 23.3996 14.6437 23.3373C14.4747 23.106 14.2434 22.9104 14.0389 22.6613C13.941 22.5368 13.8521 22.3944 13.7987 22.2343C13.7364 22.0653 13.7454 21.8785 13.781 21.7184C13.861 21.3893 14.0389 21.1314 14.1011 20.8645C14.1367 20.7311 14.1367 20.5977 14.1011 20.4821C14.0656 20.3753 13.9766 20.2775 13.861 20.1707C13.8076 20.1174 13.7542 20.0551 13.7009 19.9839C13.6475 19.9128 13.603 19.8238 13.5763 19.7349C13.5318 19.5481 13.5674 19.3702 13.5941 19.219C13.6297 19.0678 13.6564 18.9343 13.6386 18.8187C13.6297 18.7653 13.603 18.7031 13.5763 18.6497C13.5496 18.5963 13.5052 18.5341 13.4607 18.4807C13.3718 18.3651 13.265 18.2583 13.1672 18.116C13.0693 17.9737 12.9982 17.8047 13.0071 17.609C13.016 17.4133 13.1049 17.2532 13.1939 17.1198C13.2828 16.9864 13.3807 16.8707 13.4518 16.7551C13.4874 16.6928 13.5141 16.6395 13.5318 16.5772C13.5407 16.5505 13.5496 16.5149 13.5496 16.4883C13.5496 16.4705 13.5496 16.4616 13.5496 16.4438V16.3993C13.5408 16.2748 13.4874 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20.7578C20.5321 21.0513 20.5588 21.3537 20.5411 21.6651C20.5322 21.8163 20.5055 21.9764 20.4521 22.1276C20.3987 22.2788 20.3098 22.4211 20.2119 22.5457C19.8206 23.0438 19.2602 23.3373 18.8332 23.7465C18.7799 23.7998 18.7265 23.8532 18.682 23.9066L18.5308 24.0756C18.424 24.1912 18.3173 24.2979 18.2106 24.4047C17.9882 24.6181 17.7481 24.8138 17.499 24.9828C17.0009 25.3386 16.4405 25.6144 15.8623 25.8012C15.889 25.8101 15.8535 25.7923 15.8535 25.7745C15.8446 25.7389 15.8534 25.7033 15.889 25.6944C16.4582 25.5076 17.0008 25.2319 17.4901 24.8761C17.7391 24.6982 17.9704 24.5114 18.1839 24.2979C18.2907 24.1912 18.3974 24.0845 18.5041 23.9777L18.6553 23.8087C18.7087 23.7465 18.7621 23.6931 18.8154 23.6397C19.2602 23.2039 19.8116 22.9104 20.1763 22.4389C20.2653 22.3233 20.3454 22.1987 20.3898 22.0653C20.4343 21.9319 20.4609 21.7896 20.4698 21.6384C20.4876 21.3449 20.4609 21.0335 20.4876 20.7222C20.5054 20.5621 20.541 20.4109 20.6033 20.2597C20.6655 20.1085 20.7456 19.975 20.8434 19.8505C21.0302 19.6015 21.2526 19.388 21.4305 19.1567C21.5195 19.0411 21.5995 18.9166 21.6529 18.7831C21.6796 18.7209 21.7063 18.6497 21.7241 18.5874C21.7329 18.5163 21.7419 18.454 21.7419 18.3829C21.7419 18.0982 21.6351 17.8047 21.6351 17.4756C21.6351 17.3955 21.644 17.3155 21.6618 17.2265C21.6796 17.1465 21.7151 17.0664 21.7507 16.9953C21.8219 16.8529 21.9198 16.7284 22.0087 16.6039C22.0888 16.4794 22.1688 16.3548 22.1955 16.2303C22.231 16.1058 22.2044 15.9724 22.1688 15.83C22.1243 15.6877 22.0709 15.5365 22.062 15.3675C22.0531 15.2074 22.0709 15.0473 22.0887 14.8961L22.1598 14.4424C22.1776 14.3001 22.1866 14.1489 22.1955 13.9977C22.2133 13.6953 22.2222 13.384 22.32 13.0726C22.4179 12.7613 22.6046 12.5123 22.6669 12.2365C22.738 11.9697 22.6402 11.685 22.4979 11.436C22.3556 11.178 22.1599 10.9468 22.0087 10.671C21.9375 10.5287 21.8575 10.3864 21.8308 10.2174C21.8041 10.0484 21.813 9.88828 21.8308 9.73707C21.8486 9.58586 21.8753 9.43464 21.8753 9.29233C21.8753 9.15001 21.8575 9.01659 21.7952 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20.3098 27.7226 20.6212 28.1051C20.7724 28.2919 20.9325 28.4787 21.0926 28.6655C21.1726 28.7544 21.2438 28.8522 21.3149 28.9501C21.3861 29.0479 21.4573 29.1547 21.5106 29.2703C21.5284 29.297 21.5107 29.3326 21.484 29.3504C21.4751 29.3593 21.4484 29.3592 21.4306 29.3415Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.1495 17.4396C12.6247 16.8258 12.1355 16.1943 11.6196 15.5805C11.1125 14.9668 10.5344 14.4064 9.93848 13.8816C8.74657 12.8142 7.43899 11.8625 6.25598 10.7684C5.66002 10.2169 5.09968 9.62988 4.60157 8.98945C4.09456 8.35792 3.6587 7.67303 3.24953 6.97923C2.43121 5.58274 1.76406 4.12397 0.990207 2.71858C0.972418 2.6919 0.98133 2.65633 1.00801 2.64744C1.0347 2.62965 1.07026 2.63854 1.07916 2.66523C1.87969 4.06172 2.5824 5.51157 3.40962 6.88138C3.81879 7.56628 4.26351 8.23339 4.77052 8.85603C5.26863 9.47867 5.82901 10.0479 6.41607 10.5905C7.59019 11.6757 8.89773 12.6186 10.1074 13.6859C10.7123 14.2196 11.2905 14.7889 11.8153 15.4116C12.0821 15.7229 12.3223 16.0431 12.5625 16.3722C12.7937 16.7013 13.025 17.0304 13.2296 17.3773C13.2474 17.404 13.2385 17.4396 13.2118 17.4574C13.194 17.4663 13.1673 17.4662 13.1495 17.4396Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <\/svg><svg class=\"illus\" width=\"30vw\" height=\"30vw\" viewBox=\"0 0 29 83\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: 2450px; right: -15vw; transform: rotate(-12.79deg);\"><path d=\"M6.83108 48.138C6.88445 52.0428 6.94668 55.9565 6.83994 59.8702C6.75989 61.836 6.50194 63.7751 6.35073 65.7142C6.27067 66.6837 6.22625 67.6621 6.22625 68.6317C6.23515 69.6012 6.27962 70.5797 6.44862 71.5315L6.47529 71.7093C6.48419 71.7716 6.50201 71.825 6.5109 71.8872L6.59091 72.243C6.61759 72.3587 6.63542 72.4832 6.67099 72.5988L6.7688 72.9457C6.83996 73.1769 6.89338 73.4171 7.00012 73.6128C7.10686 73.8085 7.26693 73.9775 7.45372 74.0932C7.8362 74.3333 8.32542 74.4045 8.78795 74.36C9.01922 74.3422 9.25936 74.2977 9.48173 74.2354C9.713 74.1732 9.93537 74.0931 10.1488 73.9864C10.3623 73.8885 10.5758 73.773 10.7715 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14.3374 28.7745 14.3552C28.7656 14.3818 28.7389 14.3729 28.7122 14.3462Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.83989 46.5186L6.66199 45.3356L6.54637 44.7485L6.48409 44.455C6.4663 44.3571 6.44858 44.2593 6.4219 44.1615C6.23511 43.3876 6.03049 42.6138 5.76364 41.8666C5.25664 40.3545 4.61621 38.8957 3.9402 37.4458C3.27308 35.996 2.59704 34.5373 2.03667 33.034C1.90324 32.6516 1.76092 32.2779 1.6364 31.8954L1.4585 31.3173C1.39624 31.1216 1.33402 30.9348 1.28955 30.7391L1.13832 30.1521C1.09385 29.9564 1.04937 29.7607 1.0049 29.565L0.942616 29.2714L0.889281 28.9779C0.853702 28.7822 0.818105 28.5865 0.782526 28.382C0.666893 27.5903 0.57791 26.7898 0.52454 25.9893C0.480066 25.1888 0.444504 24.3882 0.453399 23.5787C0.453399 23.1785 0.462311 22.7782 0.471206 22.3779C0.488996 21.9777 0.497891 21.5774 0.51568 21.1771C0.55126 20.3766 0.604629 19.576 0.649103 18.7755C0.764736 17.1833 0.84479 15.5823 1.0049 13.9812C1.08495 13.1807 1.1739 12.3891 1.31622 11.5974C1.38738 11.1972 1.46746 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7.40919 8.74214C7.35582 8.55534 7.29357 8.36855 7.20463 8.20844C7.16015 8.12839 7.10677 8.05728 7.0534 8.03949C7.0445 8.03949 7.04448 8.03949 7.03559 8.03949H7.02673H7.00892H6.94664C6.90217 8.03949 6.85769 8.04835 6.81322 8.04835C6.62643 8.06614 6.43962 8.12837 6.26172 8.19064C6.07493 8.2529 5.89707 8.33296 5.71917 8.41301L5.17662 8.66213C4.99872 8.74219 4.803 8.83114 4.60731 8.88451C4.22483 9.00014 3.84232 9.11572 3.45984 9.23135C3.07736 9.35588 2.69492 9.47155 2.33913 9.62276C2.29465 9.64055 2.25018 9.65836 2.2057 9.68504C2.16123 9.70283 2.11677 9.72945 2.09009 9.74724C2.09009 9.74724 2.07224 9.75618 2.08114 9.75618C2.08114 9.75618 2.08114 9.74729 2.08114 9.75618L2.07228 9.77399L2.03667 9.83619C2.00998 9.88066 1.99226 9.92513 1.97447 9.96961C1.90331 10.1475 1.841 10.3343 1.78763 10.5211C1.68089 10.9036 1.60975 11.295 1.53859 11.6864C1.40517 12.4691 1.31618 13.2607 1.23613 14.0612C1.08492 15.6534 0.99602 17.2457 0.889281 18.8467C0.835912 19.6473 0.791438 20.4389 0.755859 21.2394C0.738069 21.6397 0.729174 22.0399 0.711384 22.4402C0.70249 22.8405 0.693577 23.2407 0.693577 23.641C0.684683 24.4416 0.720245 25.2332 0.764719 26.0338C0.818088 26.8254 0.907071 27.6171 1.0227 28.4087C1.05828 28.6044 1.09388 28.8 1.12946 28.9957L1.18279 29.2892L1.24508 29.5828C1.28955 29.7784 1.32513 29.9741 1.3785 30.1609L1.52973 30.7391C1.5742 30.9348 1.63641 31.1216 1.69868 31.3084L1.87658 31.8777C2.0011 32.2513 2.14342 32.6248 2.27684 33.0073C2.83722 34.5016 3.51326 35.9515 4.18038 37.4014C4.84749 38.8512 5.4879 40.3277 5.98601 41.8577C6.23507 42.6226 6.43079 43.4054 6.59979 44.1881C6.62648 44.286 6.64423 44.3838 6.65313 44.4816L6.70646 44.7752L6.80436 45.3711C6.85773 45.7714 6.89331 46.1717 6.93778 46.5631C6.93778 46.5898 6.91994 46.6253 6.88436 46.6253C6.86657 46.572 6.83989 46.5542 6.83989 46.5186Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.73462 37.2328C9.47289 35.0624 10.3178 32.9366 11.0383 30.7752C11.7677 28.6137 12.3103 26.39 12.7728 24.1574C13.2354 21.9247 13.6267 19.6655 14.0626 17.4151C14.1693 16.8547 14.285 16.2944 14.3917 15.734C14.4184 15.5917 14.4451 15.4582 14.4718 15.3159L14.534 14.8978L14.6586 14.0528L15.1389 10.655C15.3079 9.52534 15.468 8.38678 15.6815 7.25713C15.7348 6.9725 15.7882 6.69676 15.8772 6.41212C15.8861 6.37654 15.9038 6.34103 15.9127 6.30546C15.9216 6.28767 15.9216 6.26982 15.9305 6.25203L15.9572 6.18975C15.9661 6.17196 15.9839 6.15421 15.9928 6.13642C16.0106 6.11863 16.0195 6.10087 16.0373 6.08308C16.0639 6.0564 16.0995 6.02079 16.1351 6.003C16.2596 5.91405 16.3931 5.84285 16.5265 5.78948C17.0691 5.55822 17.6295 5.4159 18.1898 5.30027C18.4745 5.238 18.7591 5.19356 19.0437 5.15798C19.3283 5.12241 19.6218 5.0957 19.9154 5.0957C20.0577 5.0957 20.2089 5.10463 20.3601 5.13132C20.4313 5.14021 20.5114 5.16691 20.5914 5.1936C20.6092 5.20249 20.627 5.21137 20.6537 5.22027C20.6715 5.22916 20.6893 5.238 20.7071 5.25579C20.7248 5.27358 20.7426 5.29142 20.7604 5.30921L20.796 5.35369C20.9739 5.61164 21.054 5.90512 21.1073 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37.2862 8.72572 37.2595 8.73462 37.2328Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.4208 29.8497C11.323 29.2359 11.2341 28.6133 11.1629 27.9996L11.1095 27.537L11.065 27.0745C11.0295 26.7632 11.0117 26.4519 10.9761 26.1406C10.8782 24.8953 10.8249 23.65 10.8249 22.3958C10.8249 21.1416 10.8872 19.8964 11.0117 18.6511C11.1362 17.4058 11.3408 16.1694 11.5632 14.9419C11.7856 13.7144 12.0346 12.4959 12.257 11.2684C12.4794 10.0409 12.6839 8.8134 12.8173 7.57701C12.8529 7.26569 12.8796 6.96323 12.8974 6.65191C12.9152 6.5007 12.9152 6.34057 12.9241 6.18936L12.933 5.95813L12.9419 5.84251C12.9419 5.83362 12.9419 5.82474 12.9419 5.81585V5.8069C12.9419 5.79801 12.9418 5.78916 12.933 5.77137C12.9152 5.7269 12.8707 5.67351 12.8173 5.62014C12.764 5.57567 12.7107 5.53119 12.6484 5.48672C12.5239 5.39777 12.3904 5.32656 12.257 5.2554C11.9901 5.11308 11.7055 4.97971 11.4208 4.86408C10.8516 4.62392 10.2645 4.41041 9.67747 4.20583C9.09041 4.00125 8.49442 3.80556 7.90736 3.62766L7.99631 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10.4334 2.06254C10.3266 2.39165 10.2644 2.73851 10.211 3.09431C10.1576 3.44121 10.1309 3.79704 10.0864 4.15283C10.0864 4.17951 10.0598 4.2062 10.0242 4.1973C9.99756 4.1973 9.97088 4.1706 9.97977 4.13502C10.0331 3.43233 10.0687 2.71181 10.2733 2.00912C10.3267 1.83122 10.3889 1.66229 10.4867 1.50218C10.5757 1.34207 10.7091 1.18191 10.8959 1.09297C11.0827 1.00402 11.2695 0.98628 11.4474 0.968491C11.6342 0.950701 11.8121 0.950684 11.99 0.950684C12.7105 0.968473 13.422 1.06628 14.1247 1.18191C14.8274 1.29755 15.5301 1.43988 16.2239 1.59999C16.2684 1.60889 16.3039 1.6445 16.3128 1.68008C16.4196 2.02698 16.4997 2.37381 16.562 2.72071C16.6242 3.06761 16.6687 3.42343 16.7042 3.77923C16.722 3.95713 16.722 4.13502 16.7309 4.31292C16.7309 4.49082 16.7398 4.66871 16.7221 4.84661C16.7043 5.2024 16.6509 5.55818 16.562 5.89619C16.5531 5.92287 16.5263 5.94069 16.4907 5.9318C16.4729 5.92291 16.4552 5.8962 16.4552 5.86952Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.56029 74.3776C7.56918 74.6622 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fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.661 73.0879C11.7944 73.4259 11.8567 73.7816 11.8923 74.1463C11.919 74.5021 11.9367 74.8668 11.9456 75.2226C11.9634 75.9342 11.9545 76.6457 12.0079 77.3484C12.0524 78.0511 12.168 78.7538 12.2836 79.4565C12.3992 80.1592 12.506 80.8708 12.5149 81.5913C12.5149 81.618 12.4882 81.6447 12.4615 81.6447C12.4348 81.6447 12.4082 81.618 12.4082 81.5913C12.3548 80.8886 12.2303 80.186 12.0968 79.4922C11.9634 78.7895 11.83 78.0868 11.7677 77.3752C11.7054 76.6547 11.7143 75.9431 11.6876 75.2315C11.6787 74.8757 11.661 74.5199 11.6254 74.173C11.5898 73.8262 11.5631 73.4703 11.5542 73.1145C11.5542 73.0878 11.5809 73.0611 11.6076 73.0522C11.6343 73.0522 11.6521 73.0612 11.661 73.0879Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.3799 77.251C10.3977 77.4556 10.362 77.6512 10.3086 77.838L10.1397 78.3895C10.0329 78.7542 9.93512 79.1278 9.89064 79.4925C9.84617 79.8661 9.8817 80.2397 9.92617 80.6222C9.96175 81.0047 10.0152 81.396 9.97959 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75.6316 11.0294 75.4804 11.1361 75.347C11.1539 75.3203 11.1983 75.3203 11.2161 75.3381C11.2517 75.347 11.2606 75.3648 11.2695 75.3737Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.8833 76.3431C11.99 76.4677 12.0433 76.61 12.0878 76.7524C12.1323 76.8947 12.1768 77.037 12.2302 77.1793C12.328 77.4639 12.4169 77.7574 12.5059 78.051C12.5504 78.2022 12.586 78.3445 12.6305 78.4957C12.666 78.6469 12.6927 78.7981 12.7105 78.9493C12.746 79.2517 12.7728 79.5542 12.7905 79.8566C12.7905 79.8833 12.7728 79.91 12.7372 79.9189C12.7105 79.9189 12.6838 79.9011 12.6749 79.8744C12.6127 79.572 12.5771 79.2785 12.5148 78.9849C12.4882 78.8426 12.4526 78.6914 12.4081 78.5491C12.3636 78.4067 12.3191 78.2644 12.2747 78.1221C12.1768 77.8375 12.079 77.5528 11.9811 77.2593C11.9367 77.117 11.8833 76.9747 11.8388 76.8235C11.7943 76.6812 11.7588 76.53 11.7854 76.361C11.7854 76.3254 11.821 76.3076 11.8566 76.3076C11.8655 76.3254 11.8744 76.3342 11.8833 76.3431Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path 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8.45874 77.7223C8.45874 77.5445 8.44983 77.3666 8.44093 77.1976C8.43204 77.1087 8.42316 77.0286 8.41426 76.9396C8.40537 76.8951 8.40537 76.8506 8.41426 76.8151C8.41426 76.7706 8.42319 76.7261 8.44988 76.6728C8.46767 76.6372 8.50325 76.6283 8.53883 76.6461C8.53883 76.6461 8.53879 76.655 8.54769 76.655Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.86794 80.124C8.88573 80.2486 8.85013 80.3464 8.80566 80.4354L8.67224 80.7111C8.58329 80.8979 8.4943 81.0847 8.41425 81.2715C8.3342 81.4583 8.25414 81.645 8.19188 81.8407C8.12072 82.0364 8.0674 82.2322 8.02293 82.4278C8.01403 82.4545 7.98728 82.4723 7.9517 82.4723C7.92502 82.4634 7.90723 82.4456 7.90723 82.4189C7.91612 82.2054 7.9517 82.0008 7.99618 81.7963C8.04065 81.5917 8.11186 81.3871 8.18302 81.1914C8.25418 80.9957 8.33425 80.8 8.4232 80.6133L8.55662 80.3286C8.60109 80.2397 8.65445 80.1507 8.76118 80.0796C8.78787 80.0618 8.83234 80.0707 8.85013 80.0974C8.85903 80.1063 8.86794 80.1151 8.86794 80.124Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n        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6.39514 78.4872 6.39514 78.4605C6.40404 78.1937 6.44853 77.9269 6.5019 77.6689C6.55527 77.411 6.63535 77.153 6.71541 76.9039C6.79546 76.6549 6.88441 76.4059 6.98225 76.1568L7.11568 75.7921C7.13347 75.7298 7.1601 75.6676 7.19568 75.6142C7.23126 75.5608 7.26687 75.4986 7.32024 75.4541C7.34693 75.4274 7.3825 75.4274 7.40919 75.4541C7.42698 75.4452 7.43586 75.4541 7.43586 75.4719Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.7275 12.3009C24.5407 12.6923 24.3361 13.0837 24.1404 13.4662L23.5445 14.6314L22.3526 16.9529C21.561 18.5006 20.796 20.0661 20.1022 21.6583C18.7235 24.8427 17.576 28.1427 16.224 31.3537C15.548 32.9637 14.8186 34.547 14.0003 36.0858C13.5822 36.8507 13.1198 37.5979 12.6305 38.3183C12.1413 39.0388 11.6254 39.7416 11.1095 40.4443C10.5936 41.1469 10.0777 41.8407 9.59734 42.5612C9.11702 43.2817 8.67228 44.0288 8.30759 44.8116C8.26312 44.9094 8.21864 45.0073 8.17417 45.1051C8.12969 45.2029 8.08527 45.3009 8.04969 45.3987C7.96964 45.6033 7.88953 45.799 7.81837 46.0035C7.66716 46.4127 7.56046 46.8308 7.45372 47.2488C7.25803 48.0938 7.16019 48.9566 7.1424 49.8194C7.1424 49.8461 7.11575 49.8728 7.08907 49.8728C7.06238 49.8728 7.03564 49.8461 7.03564 49.8194C7.05343 48.9477 7.14237 48.076 7.32916 47.2132C7.427 46.7862 7.54263 46.3593 7.68495 45.9501C7.75611 45.7455 7.83622 45.541 7.91627 45.3364C7.96074 45.2386 8.00517 45.1318 8.04075 45.034C8.08522 44.9361 8.12969 44.8294 8.17417 44.7316C8.90355 43.1394 9.94428 41.7162 10.9672 40.3108C11.4831 39.6081 11.9901 38.9054 12.4793 38.1849C12.9685 37.4644 13.4222 36.7262 13.8313 35.9612C14.6497 34.4313 15.3701 32.848 16.0373 31.2381C17.3715 28.027 18.51 24.7359 19.8887 21.5249C20.5825 19.9238 21.3386 18.3495 22.1302 16.8018C22.5305 16.0279 22.9307 15.254 23.3577 14.4891L23.9893 13.3505C24.2028 12.9769 24.4162 12.5945 24.6386 12.2209C24.6564 12.1942 24.6919 12.1853 24.7186 12.2031C24.7364 12.2476 24.7453 12.2831 24.7275 12.3009Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M25.7236 12.7186C25.3412 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16.0994 33.6926 16.4107 32.8298C17.0422 31.0953 17.5314 29.3075 18.1985 27.573C18.8568 25.8296 19.764 24.1929 20.7069 22.6007C21.1783 21.8002 21.6498 21.0085 22.1034 20.1991C22.3258 19.7988 22.557 19.3897 22.7616 18.9806C22.9662 18.5714 23.1708 18.1534 23.3576 17.7353C23.7311 16.8903 24.0781 16.0364 24.4339 15.1825C24.6207 14.7555 24.7986 14.3286 24.9942 13.9105C25.1899 13.4925 25.3945 13.0744 25.6169 12.6652C25.6347 12.6386 25.6613 12.6296 25.688 12.6474C25.7236 12.6563 25.7414 12.6919 25.7236 12.7186Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.43192 8.11068C6.46649 8.27968 6.50108 8.45753 6.53565 8.63542L6.58748 8.89341C6.60476 8.98236 6.62205 9.07131 6.63069 9.16025L6.69991 9.68508L6.73443 9.95193C6.74307 10.0409 6.75173 10.1298 6.75173 10.2188C6.77766 10.5746 6.80359 10.9304 6.79495 11.2862V11.8198C6.79495 11.9977 6.78629 12.1756 6.77764 12.3535C6.71714 13.7767 6.54428 15.1821 6.34549 16.5786C6.1467 17.9751 5.92196 19.3715 5.76639 20.7769L5.70595 21.3017L5.66274 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8.08396 6.38871 8.07506C6.40599 8.06617 6.43192 8.08399 6.43192 8.11068Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M2.83711 9.39155L2.73044 9.94305C2.69486 10.1298 2.65927 10.3167 2.62369 10.4945C2.55253 10.8681 2.49025 11.2328 2.42798 11.6064C2.30346 12.3447 2.19675 13.0918 2.1078 13.839C2.00996 14.5861 1.93875 15.3333 1.87649 16.0805C1.81422 16.8277 1.76973 17.5837 1.72526 18.3309C1.63631 19.8341 1.54738 21.3374 1.52069 22.8406C1.52069 23.2142 1.51183 23.5967 1.51183 23.9703L1.52069 24.5306L1.5385 25.091C1.5385 25.2778 1.54738 25.4646 1.56517 25.6514L1.59183 26.2118L1.63631 26.7721L1.66306 27.0568C1.67196 27.1546 1.68083 27.2435 1.68973 27.3325C1.84984 28.8268 2.1167 30.3123 2.55255 31.7444L2.7215 32.2869L2.89939 32.8206L2.98834 33.0875L3.08624 33.3543L3.28186 33.8791C3.5576 34.5818 3.84225 35.2756 4.14467 35.9694C4.74063 37.3481 5.3722 38.7268 5.95926 40.1144C6.54632 41.502 7.08001 42.9252 7.47138 44.3839C7.48028 44.4106 7.46245 44.4462 7.43577 44.4551C7.40908 44.464 7.37352 44.4462 7.36463 44.4195C6.95546 42.9697 6.41284 41.5642 5.81689 40.1855C5.22093 38.7979 4.57163 37.4371 3.96678 36.0584C3.66435 35.3646 3.37084 34.6708 3.0951 33.9681L2.89939 33.4344L2.80159 33.1676L2.71264 32.9007L2.52579 32.367L2.35684 31.8244C1.90321 30.3745 1.62741 28.8802 1.45841 27.377C1.43173 27.1902 1.41397 27.0034 1.40508 26.8077L1.3606 26.2384L1.32499 25.6691C1.31609 25.4823 1.30722 25.2956 1.29832 25.0999L1.28051 24.5306L1.27165 23.9614C1.26276 23.5789 1.27165 23.2053 1.27165 22.8317C1.29834 21.3196 1.37841 19.8163 1.46736 18.3042C1.51183 17.5481 1.55627 16.801 1.60964 16.045C1.6719 15.2889 1.74312 14.5417 1.84096 13.7856C1.9388 13.0385 2.04554 12.2913 2.19675 11.5441C2.26791 11.1705 2.3479 10.8059 2.43684 10.4323C2.52579 10.0676 2.62371 9.70291 2.73044 9.33822C2.73934 9.31153 2.76601 9.29371 2.80159 9.3026C2.82827 9.33818 2.84601 9.36487 2.83711 9.39155Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.97589 9.03634C3.94031 9.40103 3.90466 9.76578 3.86019 10.1305L3.73571 11.2245L3.46887 13.4038C3.29097 14.8625 3.13976 16.3123 3.02412 17.7711C2.90849 19.2299 2.84621 20.6975 2.82842 22.1562V23.2504L2.86403 24.3444C2.87293 24.7091 2.89958 25.0738 2.91737 25.4385C2.94405 25.8032 2.96188 26.1678 2.99746 26.5325C3.11309 27.9913 3.33543 29.4411 3.62896 30.8732C3.70901 31.229 3.78013 31.5937 3.86019 31.9406L3.99361 32.4743C4.03809 32.6522 4.09151 32.8301 4.13598 32.9991C4.23382 33.3549 4.34946 33.7018 4.4473 34.0487C4.56293 34.3956 4.67857 34.7425 4.80309 35.0894C5.78153 37.8468 7.05344 40.5064 8.04077 43.2727C8.04966 43.2993 8.03193 43.3349 8.00524 43.3438C7.97856 43.3527 7.943 43.335 7.9341 43.3083C6.92009 40.5598 5.62137 37.918 4.61625 35.1517C4.49172 34.8048 4.37612 34.4579 4.2516 34.111C4.14486 33.7552 4.02926 33.4082 3.93142 33.0524C3.87805 32.8745 3.82466 32.6966 3.78019 32.5187L3.64676 31.9851C3.55782 31.6293 3.48664 31.2646 3.40659 30.9088C3.10416 29.4678 2.87286 28.0091 2.74833 26.5503C2.70386 26.1856 2.68612 25.8209 2.66833 25.4473C2.65054 25.0827 2.61494 24.718 2.60605 24.3444L2.57043 23.2414V22.1385C2.57933 20.6709 2.64165 19.2032 2.75728 17.7356C2.99744 14.8092 3.32653 11.8827 3.85133 9.00081C3.86022 8.97412 3.88692 8.94744 3.91361 8.95633C3.95808 8.98302 3.97589 9.00965 3.97589 9.03634Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.31004 8.51999C5.33672 8.87578 5.35449 9.24049 5.38118 9.60518C5.39007 9.96987 5.39009 10.3257 5.39899 10.6904C5.39899 10.7793 5.39899 10.8682 5.39899 10.9661L5.39004 11.2329L5.37223 11.7756C5.36334 12.1402 5.32777 12.496 5.30109 12.8607C5.19435 14.3016 5.02538 15.7337 4.84749 17.1658C4.49169 20.0299 4.11813 22.8852 4.15371 25.7671L4.16257 26.3008C4.17146 26.4787 4.16258 26.6566 4.18037 26.8345L4.25151 27.9108L4.3138 28.4445C4.34048 28.6224 4.34936 28.8003 4.38494 28.9781L4.47389 29.5118C4.49168 29.6008 4.50057 29.6897 4.51836 29.7787L4.57169 30.0455C4.86522 31.4509 5.29218 32.8296 5.7725 34.1816C6.73314 36.8946 7.89844 39.5452 8.64561 42.3382C8.6545 42.3649 8.63668 42.4005 8.60999 42.4094C8.58331 42.4183 8.54775 42.4005 8.53885 42.3738C7.765 39.5987 6.57304 36.9657 5.5946 34.2528C5.10539 32.8919 4.66956 31.5132 4.36713 30.099L4.30485 29.8321C4.28706 29.7432 4.26927 29.6542 4.26037 29.5653L4.16257 29.0316C4.12699 28.8537 4.10916 28.6757 4.08248 28.4889L4.01134 27.9464L3.93133 26.8612C3.91355 26.6833 3.91353 26.4965 3.91353 26.3186L3.89572 25.776C3.86014 22.8763 4.2248 20.0033 4.57169 17.1391C4.7407 15.7071 4.9097 14.275 5.01644 12.8429C5.04312 12.4871 5.07877 12.1224 5.08767 11.7666L5.11433 11.2329L5.13214 10.9661L5.141 10.6992C5.14989 10.3434 5.16772 9.97878 5.17661 9.62298C5.17661 9.26719 5.17658 8.90245 5.18547 8.54666C5.18547 8.51997 5.21212 8.49332 5.23881 8.49332C5.28328 8.46664 5.30114 8.48441 5.31004 8.51999Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.2978 5.27355C20.4134 6.09188 20.3956 6.92797 20.2888 7.7463C20.191 8.56463 20.022 9.37413 19.8263 10.1747C19.4349 11.7757 18.919 13.3323 18.5277 14.9156C18.4298 15.307 18.3409 15.7072 18.2608 16.1075C18.2252 16.3031 18.1808 16.5078 18.1541 16.7124L18.1096 17.0148L18.0741 17.3172C17.9762 18.1266 17.9229 18.9449 17.8962 19.7544C17.8428 21.391 17.8784 23.0277 17.8784 24.6643C17.8784 24.691 17.8516 24.7177 17.8249 24.7177C17.7983 24.7177 17.7716 24.691 17.7716 24.6643C17.7538 23.0277 17.6737 21.391 17.7093 19.7455C17.7271 18.9272 17.7716 18.0999 17.8606 17.2816L17.8962 16.9703L17.9406 16.6679C17.9673 16.4633 18.0029 16.2587 18.0385 16.0541C18.1185 15.6539 18.1986 15.2447 18.2964 14.8445C18.6789 13.2434 19.1948 11.6867 19.5772 10.1034C19.7729 9.31179 19.9331 8.51126 20.0309 7.70183C20.1288 6.89239 20.1821 6.08298 20.191 5.27355C20.191 5.24686 20.2177 5.22021 20.2444 5.22021C20.271 5.22911 20.2978 5.24686 20.2978 5.27355Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.5683 5.29994C19.515 6.29616 19.3459 7.29245 19.1325 8.26199C18.919 9.24043 18.6788 10.2099 18.4387 11.1705C17.9583 13.1007 17.4603 15.0309 17.1845 16.9967C16.891 18.9624 16.9444 20.9549 16.9444 22.9474C16.9444 23.9436 16.9177 24.9398 16.8376 25.936C16.7486 26.9322 16.5975 27.9285 16.3217 28.8891C16.3128 28.9158 16.2862 28.9336 16.2506 28.9247C16.2239 28.9158 16.2061 28.8892 16.215 28.8536C16.464 27.8929 16.6063 26.9056 16.6775 25.9183C16.7487 24.9309 16.7575 23.9347 16.7486 22.9385C16.7398 21.9423 16.722 20.946 16.7398 19.9498C16.7576 18.9536 16.8109 17.9485 16.9444 16.9611C17.2201 14.9776 17.7093 13.0385 18.1896 11.1083C18.4298 10.1388 18.67 9.17814 18.8746 8.19971C19.088 7.23017 19.2748 6.2517 19.4616 5.27327C19.4705 5.24659 19.4972 5.2199 19.5239 5.2288C19.5505 5.24659 19.5683 5.27325 19.5683 5.29994Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.679 5.42494C18.4833 6.59906 18.2342 7.76432 17.9941 8.92955C17.745 10.0948 17.5048 11.2599 17.2913 12.4341C16.8555 14.7734 16.4819 17.1216 16.2418 19.4877C16.1261 20.6707 16.0372 21.8537 15.9571 23.0456C15.877 24.2375 15.8059 25.4206 15.6903 26.6125C15.5746 27.8044 15.4145 28.9874 15.1744 30.1526C14.9342 31.3267 14.6229 32.4742 14.2404 33.6128C14.2315 33.6394 14.196 33.6572 14.1693 33.6483C14.1426 33.6394 14.1248 33.6038 14.1337 33.5771C14.5072 32.4475 14.8008 31.2912 15.0231 30.126C15.2455 28.9607 15.3879 27.7777 15.4946 26.5947C15.6014 25.4117 15.6636 24.2198 15.7347 23.0279C15.8059 21.836 15.8771 20.644 15.9927 19.461C16.224 17.0861 16.5886 14.7201 17.0245 12.3807C17.2469 11.2066 17.4782 10.0414 17.7272 8.87613C17.9763 7.7109 18.2431 6.54571 18.5634 5.39828C18.5723 5.37159 18.5989 5.35377 18.6345 5.36266C18.6701 5.37156 18.679 5.39826 18.679 5.42494Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.8162 5.58517C17.7451 5.94986 17.6561 6.31453 17.585 6.67922C17.5049 7.04391 17.4248 7.40867 17.3537 7.77336C17.2025 8.50273 17.0512 9.23208 16.9089 9.96146C16.6154 11.4202 16.3753 12.8879 16.1618 14.3555C15.9483 15.8232 15.7615 17.3086 15.6103 18.7852C15.4591 20.2617 15.3613 21.7472 15.2545 23.2326C15.1478 24.718 15.0143 26.2034 14.8186 27.6889C14.7119 28.4272 14.5963 29.1654 14.4362 29.8948C14.2672 30.6242 14.0626 31.3447 13.8313 32.0563C13.5912 32.7679 13.3154 33.4617 13.0308 34.1466C12.7373 34.8315 12.417 35.5075 12.079 36.1746C11.741 36.8417 11.3852 37.4999 11.0205 38.1403C10.6469 38.7897 10.2645 39.4301 9.87314 40.0617C9.85535 40.0884 9.81973 40.0972 9.79305 40.0794C9.76636 40.0616 9.75745 40.0261 9.77524 39.9994C10.1577 39.359 10.5403 38.7185 10.896 38.0692C11.2607 37.4199 11.5988 36.7616 11.9368 36.0945C12.2659 35.4274 12.5771 34.7514 12.8618 34.0665C13.1464 33.3816 13.4132 32.6878 13.6445 31.9851C13.8758 31.2824 14.0804 30.5619 14.2405 29.8414C14.3917 29.121 14.5073 28.3827 14.6141 27.6444C14.8098 26.1679 14.9254 24.6914 15.0322 23.2059C15.1389 21.7205 15.2278 20.235 15.379 18.7496C15.5302 17.2641 15.7171 15.7876 15.9216 14.3111C16.1351 12.8345 16.3752 11.3668 16.6688 9.89917C16.8111 9.1698 16.9712 8.44045 17.1491 7.71108C17.2381 7.34639 17.327 6.99058 17.4248 6.62589C17.4693 6.44799 17.5227 6.27013 17.576 6.08333C17.6294 5.90544 17.6828 5.72754 17.7361 5.54964C17.745 5.52296 17.7718 5.50513 17.8074 5.51403C17.7985 5.52292 17.8162 5.54959 17.8162 5.58517Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.9891 5.64731C16.9446 6.00311 16.8823 6.3589 16.829 6.7147L16.6599 7.77322L16.482 8.83165L16.2953 9.89018C16.0462 11.3045 15.8149 12.7188 15.5926 14.133C15.1478 16.9616 14.7387 19.799 14.4096 22.6453C14.3206 23.3569 14.2494 24.0685 14.1694 24.7801C14.0982 25.4917 14.0271 26.2122 13.9381 26.9238L13.8669 27.4575C13.8402 27.6354 13.8135 27.8133 13.778 27.9912C13.7513 28.1691 13.7246 28.347 13.689 28.5249L13.5824 29.0586C13.5468 29.2365 13.5111 29.4143 13.4667 29.5833L13.3422 30.1082L13.2088 30.633C13.1643 30.8109 13.1198 30.9799 13.0664 31.1489C12.6661 32.5276 12.1592 33.8796 11.5365 35.1782C10.9228 36.4769 10.2112 37.7311 9.45511 38.9497C9.43732 38.9764 9.4017 38.9852 9.37502 38.9674C9.34833 38.9496 9.33951 38.9141 9.3573 38.8874C10.1045 37.6688 10.7982 36.4146 11.3942 35.1159C11.999 33.8173 12.4883 32.4742 12.8796 31.0955C12.933 30.9265 12.9774 30.7486 13.0219 30.5796L13.1553 30.0637L13.271 29.5389C13.3066 29.361 13.351 29.192 13.3777 29.0141L13.4756 28.4893C13.5112 28.3114 13.5379 28.1335 13.5645 27.9645C13.5912 27.7866 13.6268 27.6087 13.6445 27.4308L13.7158 26.8972C13.8047 26.1856 13.867 25.474 13.9381 24.7624C14.0093 24.0508 14.0805 23.3303 14.1605 22.6187C14.4896 19.7634 14.8899 16.926 15.3257 14.0886C15.5481 12.6743 15.7793 11.2511 16.0195 9.8457C16.144 9.14301 16.2686 8.43144 16.4109 7.72874L16.6243 6.67022C16.7044 6.32332 16.7756 5.96755 16.8645 5.62065C16.8734 5.59396 16.9001 5.57617 16.9356 5.57617C16.9712 5.59396 16.9891 5.62063 16.9891 5.64731Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.9736 19.5235C14.0092 19.7281 14.0536 19.9327 14.0625 20.1373L14.0803 20.4396V20.7421C14.0803 20.9467 14.0715 21.1512 14.0537 21.3558C14.0448 21.5604 14.0269 21.765 14.0002 21.9607C13.9113 22.7701 13.7957 23.5706 13.6623 24.3712C13.3954 25.9634 13.0752 27.5555 12.7105 29.1299C12.6127 29.5213 12.5237 29.9126 12.417 30.3129C12.3013 30.7043 12.1768 31.0868 12.0345 31.4692C11.7499 32.2342 11.4297 32.9725 11.1717 33.7286C10.9138 34.4935 10.5936 35.2407 10.2467 35.979C9.89979 36.7083 9.53505 37.4289 9.17036 38.1493C9.15257 38.176 9.1259 38.1849 9.09922 38.176C9.07253 38.1582 9.06366 38.1315 9.07255 38.1049C9.78414 36.655 10.4957 35.2051 10.9938 33.6752C11.2518 32.9102 11.5631 32.163 11.8388 31.407C11.9722 31.0334 12.0968 30.651 12.2036 30.2596C12.3103 29.8771 12.3992 29.4768 12.4881 29.0854C12.8439 27.5111 13.1641 25.9278 13.4221 24.3445C13.5555 23.5529 13.6623 22.7523 13.7512 21.9518L13.7868 21.6494C13.7957 21.5515 13.8046 21.4537 13.8135 21.3469L13.8402 21.0445C13.8491 20.9466 13.8491 20.8488 13.858 20.7421L13.8758 20.4396L13.8846 20.1373C13.9024 19.9327 13.8758 19.737 13.8758 19.5413V19.5323C13.8758 19.5057 13.9024 19.479 13.9291 19.479C13.9469 19.479 13.9647 19.4968 13.9736 19.5235Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.6305 5.35399C12.5771 6.43027 12.4259 7.50651 12.2391 8.565C12.0523 9.62349 11.8299 10.682 11.6164 11.7405C11.1895 13.8486 10.7536 15.9567 10.5224 18.0914C10.2822 20.2262 10.2466 22.3787 10.3623 24.5224C10.4779 26.6661 10.7358 28.8097 11.1272 30.9177C11.1361 30.9444 11.1094 30.98 11.0827 30.98C11.056 30.9889 11.0204 30.9622 11.0204 30.9356C10.6024 28.8186 10.3089 26.6838 10.1754 24.5313C10.042 22.3787 10.0688 20.2172 10.2911 18.0647C10.5224 15.9121 10.9493 13.7952 11.3762 11.6871C11.5897 10.6287 11.8032 9.57901 11.99 8.52053C12.1768 7.46204 12.3547 6.40353 12.5326 5.34505C12.5415 5.31836 12.5682 5.29168 12.5949 5.30057C12.6126 5.30057 12.6305 5.32731 12.6305 5.35399Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.8121 5.01536C11.7409 6.18948 11.5631 7.35468 11.3585 8.51102C11.145 9.66735 10.9137 10.8236 10.6914 11.9711C10.2377 14.2748 9.80184 16.5786 9.58836 18.918C9.36599 21.2484 9.38378 23.5966 9.54389 25.936C9.70399 28.2753 10.0064 30.6058 10.4067 32.9184C10.4156 32.9451 10.3889 32.9807 10.3622 32.9807C10.3355 32.9896 10.2999 32.9629 10.2999 32.9362C9.87299 30.6236 9.53502 28.2932 9.35713 25.9449C9.17923 23.5967 9.1436 21.2396 9.34818 18.8913C9.55276 16.5431 9.98859 14.2215 10.4422 11.9177C10.6646 10.7614 10.8959 9.61392 11.1005 8.45759C11.3051 7.30126 11.5007 6.14493 11.7053 4.9886C11.7142 4.96192 11.7409 4.93523 11.7676 4.94413C11.7943 4.96192 11.821 4.98867 11.8121 5.01536Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.2074 4.70432C11.1006 5.96739 10.8604 7.22149 10.5758 8.45788C10.2911 9.69426 9.97988 10.9218 9.66856 12.1492C9.06371 14.6042 8.4855 17.0681 8.32539 19.5854C8.14749 22.1026 8.30764 24.6287 8.62785 27.1371C8.93917 29.6454 9.39275 32.136 9.77523 34.6355C9.78413 34.6622 9.75744 34.6977 9.73076 34.6977C9.70407 34.7066 9.66856 34.6799 9.66856 34.6532C9.2594 32.1538 8.77901 29.6721 8.44101 27.1549C8.1119 24.6465 7.9251 22.1026 8.08521 19.5587C8.24532 17.0148 8.81459 14.5331 9.41944 12.0692C9.72186 10.8418 10.0332 9.61423 10.3179 8.38674C10.6025 7.15925 10.8604 5.92285 11.1006 4.67757C11.1095 4.65088 11.1362 4.6242 11.1629 4.63309C11.1896 4.65088 11.2163 4.67764 11.2074 4.70432Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.6736 4.49078C10.6114 4.82879 10.5402 5.15788 10.4691 5.49588L10.2467 6.49213C10.0955 7.15924 9.94425 7.81749 9.78414 8.48461C9.46393 9.80994 9.16149 11.1352 8.87685 12.4605C8.30758 15.1201 7.83619 17.7974 7.57824 20.5104C7.31139 23.2144 7.27576 25.9451 7.52482 28.6492C7.76498 31.3532 8.28091 34.0394 9.02808 36.6545C9.03698 36.6812 9.01915 36.7169 8.99247 36.7258C8.96578 36.7347 8.93022 36.7168 8.92133 36.6902C8.14747 34.0751 7.59596 31.3889 7.32911 28.6759C7.06227 25.9541 7.089 23.2144 7.33806 20.5015C7.59601 17.7797 8.05854 15.0935 8.62781 12.425C8.91245 11.0908 9.21484 9.76547 9.52616 8.44013C9.68627 7.78191 9.84643 7.11473 10.0243 6.45651L10.2912 5.46922C10.389 5.14011 10.4779 4.811 10.5757 4.49078C10.5846 4.4641 10.6114 4.44627 10.647 4.45517C10.6648 4.42848 10.6825 4.4552 10.6736 4.49078Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.9174 4.33931C9.9085 4.68621 9.83733 5.02425 9.76617 5.35335L9.53494 6.3496C9.37483 7.01671 9.21472 7.68377 9.04572 8.34199C8.86782 9.00021 8.68991 9.66734 8.49422 10.3167C8.29853 10.9749 8.08507 11.6242 7.84491 12.2647C7.83602 12.2914 7.80037 12.3091 7.77369 12.3002C7.747 12.2913 7.72926 12.2557 7.73816 12.2291C7.93384 11.5797 8.12951 10.9215 8.29852 10.2633C8.47641 9.60511 8.64543 8.94682 8.80554 8.27971C8.96565 7.6126 9.12574 6.95443 9.27695 6.28731L9.49932 5.29107C9.57937 4.96196 9.66836 4.62396 9.80178 4.31264C9.81068 4.28596 9.84624 4.26818 9.87292 4.28597C9.9085 4.29487 9.92629 4.31262 9.9174 4.33931Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.21467 4.11727C9.21467 4.23291 9.19688 4.34857 9.1702 4.46421C9.14351 4.57984 9.11683 4.68659 9.08125 4.79333C9.01009 5.00681 8.94781 5.22916 8.88554 5.44264C8.76102 5.87849 8.62766 6.31432 8.51203 6.75906L8.14729 8.07548C8.02276 8.51133 7.89825 8.95605 7.76483 9.3919C7.75593 9.41859 7.72927 9.43641 7.69369 9.42752C7.667 9.41862 7.64918 9.39192 7.65807 9.36524L7.96053 8.03101L8.28071 6.69678C8.39635 6.25204 8.51198 5.80735 8.63651 5.3715C8.69877 5.14913 8.76995 4.93562 8.83221 4.71324C8.90337 4.49087 8.98344 4.27743 9.11686 4.08174C9.13465 4.05506 9.17018 4.04615 9.19686 4.06394C9.20576 4.08173 9.21467 4.09948 9.21467 4.11727Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.67212 3.82368C8.68101 4.01937 8.63654 4.20614 8.58317 4.38404L8.41413 4.91773C8.2985 5.27352 8.17397 5.62935 8.05834 5.97625L7.68474 7.02583L7.31122 8.0754C7.30233 8.10209 7.26668 8.11991 7.23999 8.11101C7.21331 8.10212 7.19557 8.07542 7.20447 8.04873C7.29342 7.68404 7.4001 7.32829 7.50684 6.97249L7.83597 5.90511L8.17395 4.83773L8.34299 4.30404C8.36967 4.21509 8.39632 4.1261 8.4408 4.04605C8.47638 3.9571 8.5209 3.87707 8.58317 3.79701C8.60096 3.77033 8.63649 3.76138 8.66317 3.78806C8.66317 3.79696 8.66322 3.80589 8.67212 3.82368Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.3165 1.61796C15.361 1.7247 15.3877 1.84031 15.4055 1.95595C15.4322 2.07158 15.441 2.1783 15.4588 2.29393C15.4855 2.5163 15.5122 2.74762 15.5389 2.96999L15.699 4.33089C15.7435 4.78453 15.7879 5.24701 15.8146 5.70064C15.8413 6.16318 15.8413 6.61681 15.8058 7.07935C15.8058 7.10603 15.7791 7.13277 15.7435 7.13277C15.7168 7.13277 15.6901 7.10603 15.6901 7.07935C15.6901 6.62571 15.6545 6.17209 15.6101 5.71845C15.5656 5.26481 15.5122 4.81116 15.45 4.36642C15.3877 3.91278 15.3254 3.45916 15.2631 3.00552C15.2364 2.77426 15.2098 2.55187 15.1831 2.3206C15.1564 2.08933 15.1475 1.85809 15.2008 1.62682C15.2097 1.59124 15.2365 1.57345 15.2721 1.58234C15.2987 1.58234 15.3076 1.60017 15.3165 1.61796Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.3115 1.38634C14.4271 2.41814 14.525 3.44107 14.6317 4.47287C14.7296 5.50468 14.8363 6.53651 14.8274 7.57721C14.8274 8.10201 14.7918 8.61791 14.7295 9.13381L14.6406 9.90768L14.5338 10.6815C14.3826 11.7044 14.2048 12.7273 14.0091 13.7413C13.6177 15.7694 13.1819 17.7974 12.8706 19.8343C12.7104 20.8572 12.5948 21.8801 12.5236 22.9119C12.4614 23.9437 12.4613 24.9755 12.5325 25.9984C12.5325 26.0251 12.5147 26.0518 12.4791 26.0607C12.4525 26.0607 12.4258 26.0429 12.4169 26.0074C12.3279 24.9756 12.3191 23.9349 12.3635 22.8942C12.3813 22.6362 12.3991 22.3782 12.4169 22.1203C12.4258 21.9869 12.4346 21.8623 12.4435 21.7289L12.488 21.3464C12.5147 21.0885 12.5414 20.8305 12.577 20.5726L12.6837 19.7987C12.9772 17.744 13.3953 15.716 13.7778 13.688C13.9734 12.674 14.1514 11.6599 14.2937 10.637L14.4004 9.87206L14.4893 9.10714C14.5516 8.59124 14.5783 8.08417 14.5872 7.56826C14.5961 6.54536 14.4894 5.51359 14.3827 4.49068C14.2848 3.45888 14.2047 2.42704 14.2225 1.38634C14.2225 1.35966 14.2492 1.33301 14.2759 1.33301C14.2848 1.3419 14.3115 1.35966 14.3115 1.38634Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.4842 1.28028C13.5019 1.84066 13.5197 2.40102 13.5553 2.9525L13.6532 4.62471C13.7155 5.74546 13.7866 6.86625 13.7688 7.9959C13.7688 8.55627 13.7332 9.12554 13.6887 9.68592C13.6354 10.2463 13.5642 10.8067 13.4842 11.3581C13.3152 12.47 13.1373 13.5729 12.9505 14.6759C12.5769 16.8818 12.1944 19.0966 11.9276 21.3114C11.7941 22.4233 11.6696 23.5351 11.7052 24.647C11.7319 25.7588 11.892 26.8707 12.0699 27.9737C12.0788 28.0004 12.0521 28.036 12.0255 28.036C11.9988 28.0449 11.9632 28.0182 11.9632 27.9915C11.7675 26.8885 11.5895 25.7766 11.554 24.647C11.5095 23.5173 11.6074 22.3966 11.7408 21.2848C11.9988 19.0521 12.3634 16.8373 12.7192 14.6314C12.8971 13.5285 13.0839 12.4166 13.244 11.3137C13.3329 10.7622 13.3953 10.2107 13.4486 9.6503C13.4931 9.09882 13.5198 8.53847 13.5198 7.97809C13.5376 6.86623 13.4664 5.74546 13.3952 4.62471C13.3329 3.50396 13.2885 2.37428 13.3864 1.25353C13.3864 1.22685 13.4131 1.2002 13.4486 1.2002C13.4575 1.22688 13.4753 1.2536 13.4842 1.28028Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.7372 1.14669C12.7639 1.23564 12.7728 1.31564 12.7817 1.40459C12.7906 1.48465 12.7817 1.57358 12.7817 1.65363L12.7461 2.1518C12.7194 2.4898 12.6927 2.81889 12.6571 3.1569C12.6215 3.48601 12.586 3.82403 12.5415 4.15314C12.497 4.48225 12.4437 4.82027 12.3814 5.14938C12.3725 5.17606 12.3458 5.20275 12.3191 5.19385C12.2924 5.18496 12.2747 5.15826 12.2747 5.13157C12.3013 4.80246 12.328 4.46444 12.3547 4.13533C12.3813 3.80622 12.3992 3.4682 12.4259 3.13909L12.4881 2.14285L12.5237 1.64477C12.5326 1.47577 12.5593 1.3157 12.6393 1.14669C12.6571 1.12001 12.6927 1.10215 12.7194 1.11994C12.7194 1.11105 12.7372 1.12891 12.7372 1.14669Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.0256 1.1913C12.0789 1.34251 12.0789 1.49369 12.0611 1.6449C12.0433 1.79611 12.0256 1.93843 12.0078 2.08964C11.9633 2.38317 11.9099 2.67674 11.8565 2.97027L11.6875 3.8508C11.6252 4.14433 11.5808 4.43785 11.5274 4.72248C11.5185 4.74917 11.4918 4.77585 11.4651 4.76696C11.4384 4.75806 11.4207 4.74031 11.4207 4.71362C11.4384 4.4112 11.4652 4.11767 11.5007 3.82414C11.5363 3.53061 11.5808 3.22818 11.6253 2.93465C11.6698 2.64112 11.7142 2.34756 11.7498 2.05403C11.7676 1.91171 11.7854 1.76055 11.8032 1.61823C11.8121 1.54707 11.8209 1.47591 11.8387 1.39586C11.8565 1.3247 11.8832 1.25351 11.9188 1.18235C11.9366 1.15566 11.9721 1.14679 11.9988 1.15568C12.0077 1.16458 12.0167 1.17351 12.0256 1.1913Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.3406 1.16434C11.3851 1.30665 11.3762 1.44899 11.3584 1.58241L11.2872 1.99163C11.2427 2.26737 11.1894 2.53418 11.1361 2.80102L10.807 4.41096C10.7981 4.43764 10.7714 4.46433 10.7447 4.45543C10.718 4.44654 10.7002 4.42882 10.7002 4.39324C10.718 4.1175 10.7536 3.84174 10.7803 3.57489C10.8159 3.29915 10.8603 3.03229 10.8959 2.75655L11.0293 1.94715L11.0916 1.54688C11.1094 1.41346 11.145 1.28 11.225 1.15548C11.2428 1.12879 11.2784 1.11988 11.314 1.13767C11.3229 1.13767 11.3317 1.14655 11.3406 1.16434Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.7197 13.1458L26.4707 13.7596L26.2305 14.3733C26.0615 14.7825 25.9014 15.1917 25.7413 15.6009C25.4211 16.4192 25.092 17.2375 24.754 18.0558C24.416 18.8652 24.0691 19.6836 23.6955 20.4752C23.3219 21.2758 22.9217 22.0674 22.4591 22.8234C21.5341 24.3355 20.4222 25.7054 19.5772 27.2353C19.3726 27.6178 19.1769 28.0092 18.999 28.4095C18.9101 28.6051 18.8301 28.8097 18.7411 29.0143C18.6611 29.2189 18.581 29.4234 18.5009 29.628C18.1985 30.4463 17.9139 31.2824 17.6381 32.1185C17.3535 32.9547 17.0689 33.7908 16.722 34.6002C16.633 34.8048 16.553 35.0094 16.4551 35.2051L16.3128 35.5075L16.1705 35.8099C16.0726 36.0145 15.9659 36.2013 15.8591 36.397C15.7524 36.5927 15.6546 36.7884 15.5478 36.984C14.685 38.5229 13.7155 39.9994 12.7638 41.4759C12.5325 41.8495 12.2923 42.2143 12.061 42.5967L11.7142 43.1571L11.3851 43.7263L11.216 44.011L11.0559 44.3045L10.7446 44.8827C10.6468 45.0783 10.5489 45.2741 10.46 45.4698C10.3621 45.6655 10.2643 45.8612 10.1842 46.0657C9.47266 47.6668 8.97453 49.3657 8.74327 51.1091C8.74327 51.1357 8.70767 51.1624 8.68098 51.1535C8.6543 51.1535 8.62762 51.118 8.63651 51.0913C8.85888 49.339 9.34813 47.6223 10.0508 46.0035C10.1309 45.7989 10.2287 45.6032 10.3265 45.3986C10.4244 45.2029 10.5133 44.9983 10.6112 44.8027L10.9225 44.2155L11.0737 43.922L11.2338 43.6374L11.563 43.0592L11.9009 42.49C12.1233 42.1075 12.3635 41.7428 12.5947 41.3692C13.5376 39.8837 14.5072 38.4161 15.3611 36.8773C15.4678 36.6816 15.5657 36.4859 15.6724 36.2991C15.7702 36.1034 15.8858 35.9167 15.9748 35.7121L16.1171 35.4186L16.2506 35.1161C16.3395 34.9204 16.4284 34.7159 16.5085 34.5113C16.8465 33.7019 17.1311 32.8747 17.4069 32.0385C17.6826 31.2024 17.9583 30.3663 18.2696 29.539C18.3497 29.3345 18.4297 29.1299 18.5098 28.9164C18.5987 28.7118 18.6699 28.5073 18.7678 28.3027C18.9368 27.8935 19.1414 27.4933 19.3459 27.1019C20.1999 25.5453 21.3117 24.1666 22.219 22.6723C22.6726 21.9251 23.064 21.1423 23.4376 20.3507C23.8112 19.559 24.1492 18.7496 24.4872 17.9313C24.8252 17.1218 25.1543 16.3035 25.5012 15.4941C25.6791 15.0938 25.8481 14.6846 26.0259 14.2844C26.2127 13.8841 26.3907 13.4839 26.5953 13.0925C26.613 13.0658 26.6397 13.0569 26.6664 13.0658C26.7198 13.0925 26.7286 13.1192 26.7197 13.1458Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.6539 13.5633L26.7023 16.125C26.382 16.9789 26.0618 17.8328 25.7238 18.6867C25.3858 19.5318 25.0389 20.3768 24.6564 21.2129C24.5586 21.4175 24.4696 21.631 24.3628 21.8356C24.3095 21.9423 24.2651 22.0401 24.2117 22.1469L24.0515 22.4582C23.8291 22.8674 23.5979 23.2587 23.3489 23.6412C22.8508 24.415 22.3081 25.1444 21.7833 25.8916C21.5254 26.2652 21.2674 26.6388 21.0273 27.0212C20.7871 27.4037 20.5558 27.7951 20.3602 28.2042C20.1556 28.6045 19.9688 29.0226 19.7909 29.4407C19.613 29.8587 19.444 30.2768 19.2661 30.7037C18.9281 31.5487 18.599 32.4026 18.2521 33.2476C17.9052 34.0926 17.5405 34.9288 17.1135 35.7471C16.6866 36.5566 16.2152 37.3392 15.7348 38.122C14.7653 39.6697 13.7691 41.1996 12.8796 42.7918C11.9901 44.384 11.2163 46.0384 10.6737 47.7729C10.1222 49.5074 9.81979 51.3131 9.76642 53.1366C9.76642 53.1633 9.73977 53.1899 9.71309 53.1899C9.6864 53.1899 9.65967 53.1633 9.65967 53.1366C9.69525 51.3042 9.98876 49.4807 10.5313 47.7284C11.065 45.9761 11.83 44.295 12.7195 42.7028C13.609 41.1018 14.6052 39.5719 15.5659 38.0242C16.0462 37.2503 16.5087 36.4676 16.9356 35.6582C17.3537 34.8577 17.7184 34.0215 18.0653 33.1765C18.7591 31.4954 19.3551 29.7608 20.1645 28.1153C20.3691 27.6972 20.6004 27.3059 20.8405 26.9145C21.0807 26.5231 21.3386 26.1496 21.5966 25.7671C22.1214 25.0199 22.6551 24.2817 23.1443 23.5167C23.3934 23.1342 23.6246 22.7428 23.8381 22.3514L23.9893 22.0491C24.0427 21.9512 24.0871 21.8444 24.1405 21.7466C24.2383 21.542 24.3362 21.3374 24.4251 21.1328C24.7987 20.3056 25.1456 19.4606 25.4836 18.6156L26.4887 16.0717C26.6577 15.6448 26.8356 15.2267 27.0046 14.8086C27.1825 14.3906 27.3604 13.9725 27.5561 13.5545C27.565 13.5278 27.6006 13.5188 27.6273 13.5277C27.654 13.5099 27.6628 13.5367 27.6539 13.5633Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.3834 13.9372C28.2322 14.3908 28.0632 14.8356 27.9031 15.2892L27.4139 16.6323C27.0848 17.5307 26.7468 18.4202 26.391 19.3008C26.0352 20.1903 25.6704 21.0709 25.2968 21.9426C25.11 22.3784 24.9144 22.8143 24.7098 23.2501C24.5052 23.686 24.2917 24.1129 24.0694 24.5399C23.1799 26.2388 22.1748 27.8576 21.3298 29.5565C20.4848 31.2643 19.5953 32.9544 18.688 34.6355C18.2343 35.4716 17.7896 36.3166 17.3093 37.1438C16.829 37.971 16.3308 38.7805 15.8238 39.5899C14.8187 41.2088 13.8047 42.8188 12.9686 44.5355L12.6662 45.1759C12.5683 45.3894 12.4705 45.6118 12.3816 45.8252L12.257 46.1544L12.1503 46.4923C12.1147 46.608 12.088 46.7236 12.0525 46.8303C12.0258 46.946 11.9902 47.0616 11.9635 47.1773C11.75 48.1023 11.581 49.0363 11.4476 49.9791C11.3142 50.922 11.1986 51.8648 11.1185 52.8166C11.0384 53.7683 10.9762 54.7201 10.9851 55.6629C10.9851 55.6896 10.9583 55.7163 10.9317 55.7163C10.905 55.7163 10.8783 55.6896 10.8783 55.6629C10.8694 54.7023 10.9139 53.7505 10.9939 52.7987C11.074 51.847 11.1718 50.8952 11.3053 49.9524C11.4387 49.0095 11.5899 48.0668 11.8034 47.1328C11.8301 47.0172 11.8568 46.9015 11.8924 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14.8434C16.5276 12.0515 18.5223 9.33818 20.8005 6.87064L21.2307 6.40857L21.6707 5.95634L21.8956 5.73025L22.1205 5.51395C22.2671 5.36649 22.4236 5.21902 22.5702 5.07156C23.1862 4.49154 23.8218 3.95087 24.4769 3.42984C25.1418 2.91863 25.836 2.4369 26.5694 2.01418C27.2929 1.58162 28.0751 1.23753 28.8573 0.9426L29.4538 0.736166C29.5516 0.696843 29.6591 0.677166 29.7569 0.647674L30.06 0.569046L30.3631 0.490395C30.4609 0.460902 30.5685 0.441245 30.676 0.421583C30.8813 0.38226 31.0867 0.333101 31.292 0.293777C32.1231 0.146315 32.964 0.0578321 33.8049 0.0185087C35.4867 -0.0503073 37.1684 0.0775034 38.8307 0.323275C39.2511 0.38226 39.6618 0.460892 40.0724 0.529708C40.4831 0.608355 40.8938 0.687002 41.3044 0.77548C42.1258 0.952435 42.9373 1.16871 43.7391 1.43414C45.3329 1.96501 46.8875 2.68266 48.2368 3.69524C49.596 4.69799 50.7204 6.03501 51.444 7.55879C51.8057 8.3256 52.0893 9.12188 52.2751 9.94767C52.4608 10.7735 52.5782 11.6091 52.6271 12.4447C52.7248 14.1258 52.5782 15.8069 52.324 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1.80772 26.6769 2.23045C25.9631 2.65318 25.2787 3.12504 24.6138 3.63624C23.9587 4.15728 23.3329 4.69799 22.7267 5.26818C22.5703 5.40581 22.4236 5.56309 22.2769 5.70072L22.052 5.91702L21.8369 6.14311L21.3969 6.59534L20.9667 7.05741C18.708 9.51513 16.7231 12.2186 14.8752 15.0106C14.4156 15.7086 13.9561 16.4065 13.5161 17.1144C13.0761 17.8222 12.636 18.5399 12.2058 19.2477C11.7756 19.9653 11.3454 20.683 10.925 21.4105C10.5045 22.1281 10.0938 22.8556 9.67339 23.5831C9.65384 23.6126 9.6245 23.6224 9.59517 23.6027C9.59517 23.5831 9.58539 23.5438 9.59517 23.5241Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.9454 23.4455L20.5365 23.8781L23.1373 24.2714C24.868 24.527 26.6084 24.8022 28.3391 25.0873C30.0698 25.3724 31.8004 25.6772 33.5213 25.9918C35.2422 26.3162 36.9729 26.6504 38.684 27.0436C40.3951 27.4369 42.0964 27.8891 43.7684 28.4298C43.9737 28.4986 44.1889 28.5674 44.3942 28.6363C44.5995 28.7051 44.8146 28.7837 45.02 28.8525C45.2253 28.9213 45.4306 29 45.636 29.0786C45.8413 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15.4618 28.882 15.0316 28.7739C14.6014 28.6657 14.1809 28.5379 13.7703 28.3905C13.3498 28.2529 12.9392 28.0955 12.5383 27.9186C12.1276 27.7515 11.7365 27.5548 11.3552 27.3386C10.9738 27.1223 10.6023 26.8765 10.2698 26.5718C10.1916 26.4931 10.1134 26.4145 10.0352 26.326L9.92761 26.1884C9.8885 26.1392 9.85917 26.0999 9.82984 26.0507L9.74182 25.9131C9.71249 25.8639 9.69293 25.8148 9.66359 25.7656C9.60493 25.6673 9.56583 25.5592 9.52672 25.4609C9.44849 25.2544 9.38982 25.0283 9.37026 24.8121C9.35071 24.586 9.34095 24.3598 9.38984 24.1337C9.42895 23.9076 9.50717 23.6913 9.63428 23.5045C9.76139 23.3177 9.93738 23.1506 10.1329 23.0425C10.1818 23.0228 10.2405 22.9933 10.2894 22.9737L10.4458 22.9147C10.5534 22.8852 10.6609 22.8557 10.7685 22.8262C10.9836 22.7771 11.2085 22.7476 11.4236 22.7279C11.8636 22.6886 12.3036 22.6886 12.7436 22.7082C14.484 22.7869 16.2147 23.1408 17.9454 23.4455ZM17.9258 23.5537C16.1951 23.2489 14.4743 22.9049 12.724 22.8262C12.284 22.8065 11.8538 22.8065 11.4138 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31.1901 0.625735 31.0283 0.763605 30.8772C0.912079 30.7262 1.04993 30.5752 1.19841 30.4349C1.51657 30.1437 1.89838 29.9387 2.30138 29.8093C2.70438 29.6798 3.11797 29.6151 3.53158 29.5719C3.94519 29.5288 4.35879 29.5288 4.7724 29.5288C6.42683 29.572 8.06006 29.8633 9.68267 30.1545C10.0857 30.23 10.4887 30.3055 10.8917 30.3703C11.2947 30.435 11.7083 30.4781 12.1113 30.5428C12.9279 30.6615 13.7445 30.8018 14.5505 30.9528C16.1732 31.2548 17.7745 31.6108 19.3866 31.956C20.1926 32.1286 20.9986 32.2904 21.8046 32.4522C22.6106 32.6033 23.4166 32.7543 24.2332 32.9053C25.8558 33.1966 27.4678 33.4986 29.0798 33.8762C29.8858 34.0596 30.6812 34.2753 31.4766 34.5127L32.0705 34.7068L32.3675 34.8039C32.4629 34.8362 32.5584 34.8794 32.6538 34.9226L33.2265 35.1599C33.4174 35.2462 33.5977 35.3433 33.7886 35.4296C34.531 35.8072 35.2309 36.2818 35.8142 36.8859C36.1112 37.188 36.3657 37.5331 36.5566 37.8999C36.6096 37.997 36.652 38.0833 36.6945 38.1912C36.7369 38.2883 36.7793 38.3854 36.8005 38.4932C36.8111 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19.3684 0.416384 19.4522 0.366093 19.5304V19.536C0.343741 19.5751 0.287856 19.5919 0.248741 19.5695C0.231977 19.5583 0.215216 19.5416 0.209628 19.5248C0.187276 19.4578 0.170518 19.3907 0.159342 19.3181C0.159342 19.2789 0.153752 19.2398 0.170515 19.1896C0.181691 19.156 0.187279 19.1504 0.198455 19.1337L0.220801 19.089C0.282268 18.9716 0.366085 18.8599 0.455491 18.7593C0.550486 18.6587 0.673423 18.5805 0.807533 18.5358C0.941644 18.4911 1.08694 18.4855 1.22105 18.5022C1.49486 18.5469 1.72955 18.6755 1.94748 18.8152C2.16541 18.9548 2.36656 19.1169 2.56773 19.279C2.76331 19.441 2.95889 19.6086 3.16006 19.7651C3.26064 19.8433 3.36122 19.916 3.46739 19.983C3.49533 19.9998 3.51768 20.0166 3.54562 20.0277L3.58473 20.0501C3.59591 20.0557 3.61268 20.0613 3.62386 20.0668L3.66297 20.0836L3.70767 20.0948C3.73561 20.1004 3.76355 20.1116 3.79707 20.1116C4.03735 20.1395 4.28881 20.106 4.53468 20.0613C4.78054 20.0166 5.02642 19.9551 5.27229 19.888C5.75844 19.7483 6.23899 19.5807 6.71397 19.3963C7.18894 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<path d=\"M16.3899 16.884C16.3713 16.715 16.4084 16.5726 16.427 16.4303C16.4456 16.2969 16.4363 16.1545 16.3805 16.0567C16.3248 15.9499 16.2226 15.861 16.1018 15.7988C15.9811 15.7365 15.8417 15.692 15.7023 15.6742C15.563 15.6564 15.4144 15.6564 15.275 15.6742C15.21 15.6831 15.1449 15.7098 15.0799 15.7365C15.0148 15.7632 14.9591 15.8076 14.9034 15.8521C14.8012 15.9411 14.7083 16.0567 14.6433 16.1901C14.5689 16.3235 14.5132 16.4659 14.4575 16.6082C14.4482 16.6349 14.4109 16.6527 14.3831 16.6438C14.3552 16.6349 14.3459 16.6082 14.3459 16.5815C14.3831 16.4303 14.4295 16.2791 14.4946 16.1279C14.5596 15.9767 14.6432 15.8344 14.7733 15.7098C14.8383 15.6476 14.9034 15.6031 14.9777 15.5586C15.052 15.5141 15.1356 15.4874 15.2192 15.4696C15.3864 15.4341 15.5537 15.4252 15.7209 15.443C15.8882 15.4608 16.0554 15.5052 16.2041 15.5853C16.362 15.6564 16.5107 15.781 16.5943 15.95C16.6872 16.119 16.6965 16.3147 16.6779 16.4837C16.6593 16.6527 16.5943 16.8039 16.4828 16.9373C16.4642 16.964 16.427 16.9639 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      <path d=\"M15.0606 28.536C14.9539 28.4826 14.8916 28.4114 14.8382 28.3403C14.7849 28.2691 14.7225 28.2157 14.6514 28.1802C14.5002 28.109 14.3223 28.0823 14.1355 28.0912C14.0465 28.1001 13.9487 28.109 13.8508 28.1267L13.7086 28.1534C13.6641 28.1623 13.6196 28.1712 13.584 28.189C13.5128 28.2157 13.4506 28.2691 13.3972 28.3491C13.3439 28.4203 13.3083 28.5093 13.2638 28.6071C13.246 28.6338 13.2194 28.6427 13.1927 28.6338C13.166 28.6249 13.157 28.5982 13.1659 28.5715C13.1926 28.4736 13.2193 28.3758 13.2727 28.278C13.326 28.1801 13.3972 28.0823 13.5129 28.0289C13.5662 28.0022 13.6196 27.9844 13.6729 27.9667C13.7263 27.9489 13.7619 27.94 13.8153 27.9222C13.9132 27.8955 14.0199 27.8688 14.1266 27.8599C14.3401 27.8332 14.5713 27.8421 14.7848 27.9488C14.8915 28.0022 14.9894 28.0912 15.0606 28.1712C15.1318 28.2602 15.1762 28.358 15.1762 28.4737C15.1762 28.5093 15.1406 28.536 15.1051 28.536C15.0784 28.5449 15.0695 28.536 15.0606 28.536Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path 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32.2902C18.2715 32.2724 18.2716 32.2636 18.2716 32.2547Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.8422 31.7831C20.8689 31.6675 20.9222 31.5874 20.9667 31.5073C21.02 31.4273 21.0556 31.3472 21.0734 31.2671C21.1001 31.107 21.0468 30.9203 20.94 30.7691C20.8866 30.689 20.8244 30.6268 20.7533 30.5645C20.6821 30.5111 20.602 30.4666 20.5131 30.4399C20.4241 30.4132 20.3263 30.3955 20.2284 30.3955C20.1306 30.3955 20.0238 30.4044 19.9171 30.4044C19.8904 30.4044 19.8638 30.3777 19.8638 30.351C19.8638 30.3243 19.8816 30.2976 19.9082 30.2976C20.015 30.271 20.1128 30.2531 20.2284 30.2442C20.3352 30.2353 20.4508 30.2265 20.5664 30.2532C20.682 30.2799 20.7977 30.3243 20.8955 30.3866C20.9934 30.4489 21.0824 30.5289 21.1535 30.6268C21.2247 30.7157 21.2869 30.8225 21.3225 30.9381C21.3581 31.0537 21.3759 31.1871 21.3581 31.3116C21.3403 31.4361 21.2869 31.5518 21.2247 31.6497C21.1624 31.7475 21.0735 31.8275 20.9578 31.8631C20.9222 31.872 20.8866 31.8542 20.8777 31.8186C20.8422 31.8097 20.8422 31.792 20.8422 31.7831Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.7351 32.9662C20.744 32.8772 20.7796 32.8327 20.8241 32.7971C20.8685 32.7615 20.9041 32.7259 20.9397 32.6904C20.9753 32.6548 21.002 32.6192 21.0198 32.5748C21.0375 32.5392 21.0464 32.4948 21.0553 32.4503C21.0642 32.3613 21.0464 32.2546 21.002 32.1656C20.9575 32.0767 20.8952 31.9966 20.8062 31.9343C20.7796 31.9165 20.7707 31.881 20.7884 31.8543C20.7973 31.8365 20.824 31.8276 20.8507 31.8276C20.9841 31.8543 21.0998 31.9521 21.1799 32.0589C21.2599 32.1745 21.3043 32.3079 21.3043 32.4591C21.3043 32.5303 21.2865 32.6103 21.2599 32.6815C21.2332 32.7527 21.1887 32.8149 21.1442 32.8594C21.0998 32.9128 21.0464 32.9572 21.002 33.0017C20.9486 33.0462 20.8952 33.064 20.8151 33.0551C20.7617 33.0462 20.7351 33.0106 20.7351 32.9662Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.988 32.6106C19.9168 32.5216 19.8991 32.4237 19.8991 32.3259C19.8991 32.237 19.8902 32.148 19.8724 32.0591C19.8457 31.8901 19.7834 31.7299 19.6767 31.641C19.5611 31.552 19.392 31.5254 19.2141 31.5432C19.0362 31.5521 18.8584 31.6054 18.6894 31.6766C18.6627 31.6855 18.6271 31.6766 18.6182 31.641C18.6094 31.6143 18.6182 31.5876 18.636 31.5698C18.716 31.5165 18.805 31.472 18.9028 31.4364C18.9918 31.4008 19.0896 31.3653 19.1875 31.3475C19.2853 31.3297 19.392 31.3208 19.4988 31.3297C19.6055 31.3386 19.7212 31.3741 19.8191 31.4364C19.9169 31.4987 19.9969 31.6054 20.0414 31.7033C20.0948 31.8011 20.1214 31.9079 20.1392 32.0057C20.157 32.1036 20.166 32.2102 20.1748 32.3081C20.1837 32.4059 20.1659 32.5038 20.1126 32.5927C20.0948 32.6283 20.0503 32.6372 20.0236 32.6106C20.0058 32.6194 19.9969 32.6194 19.988 32.6106Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.2895 33.7131C18.2984 33.5796 18.3428 33.4907 18.3873 33.3929C18.4318 33.295 18.4674 33.1972 18.4852 33.0994C18.5119 32.9126 18.4852 32.708 18.3339 32.5745C18.3073 32.539 18.2628 32.5123 18.2183 32.4856C18.1739 32.4589 18.1294 32.4322 18.0849 32.4145C17.9871 32.37 17.8803 32.3433 17.7736 32.3255C17.6668 32.3077 17.5512 32.2988 17.4445 32.2899C17.3288 32.2899 17.2221 32.2899 17.1065 32.3077C17.0798 32.3077 17.0442 32.2899 17.0442 32.2632C17.0442 32.2365 17.0619 32.2098 17.0797 32.2009C17.311 32.1298 17.5511 32.1121 17.7913 32.1387C17.9158 32.1476 18.0315 32.1743 18.156 32.2187C18.2183 32.2365 18.2717 32.2722 18.3339 32.2988C18.3873 32.3344 18.4496 32.37 18.494 32.4145C18.5474 32.4589 18.583 32.5123 18.6275 32.5657C18.663 32.6279 18.6986 32.6902 18.7075 32.7524C18.7164 32.788 18.7253 32.8148 18.7342 32.8503L18.7431 32.9481C18.752 33.0193 18.7431 33.0815 18.7342 33.1527C18.7075 33.2861 18.672 33.4018 18.6186 33.5174C18.5652 33.6331 18.4851 33.7309 18.3695 33.7932C18.3339 33.8109 18.2984 33.7932 18.2895 33.7665C18.2895 33.7309 18.2895 33.722 18.2895 33.7131Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.7147 32.8595C16.7414 32.726 16.7859 32.6282 16.8393 32.5215C16.8837 32.4236 16.9193 32.3169 16.9193 32.219C16.9193 32.1212 16.8926 32.0234 16.857 31.9166C16.8392 31.8722 16.8125 31.8277 16.7858 31.8099C16.768 31.801 16.7592 31.7921 16.7414 31.7832C16.7236 31.7743 16.6969 31.7654 16.6702 31.7654C16.5724 31.7387 16.4568 31.7476 16.3322 31.7565L15.9675 31.7832C15.7273 31.801 15.4783 31.8277 15.2382 31.8722C15.2115 31.8811 15.1759 31.8544 15.1759 31.8277C15.167 31.801 15.1847 31.7743 15.2114 31.7654C15.4516 31.6854 15.7007 31.6409 15.9408 31.5964C16.0654 31.5786 16.1899 31.5608 16.3144 31.543C16.439 31.5253 16.5724 31.5074 16.7147 31.5341C16.7503 31.543 16.7859 31.552 16.8214 31.5609C16.8659 31.5786 16.9015 31.5964 16.9371 31.632C17.0082 31.6854 17.0438 31.7565 17.0793 31.8188C17.1416 31.9433 17.1861 32.0856 17.1772 32.2368C17.1772 32.3791 17.1327 32.5214 17.0793 32.646C17.026 32.7705 16.9371 32.8773 16.8036 32.9396C16.777 32.9573 16.7324 32.9395 16.7236 32.9128C16.7147 32.8861 16.7147 32.8773 16.7147 32.8595Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.8647 30.7957C14.7313 30.8046 14.6246 30.769 14.5267 30.7423C14.42 30.7067 14.3222 30.6889 14.2154 30.68C14.0019 30.6711 13.7795 30.6889 13.5838 30.769C13.3881 30.8401 13.2636 31.0003 13.2458 31.2049C13.2369 31.3027 13.2548 31.4183 13.2815 31.5251C13.3081 31.6318 13.3526 31.7297 13.4149 31.8275C13.4327 31.8542 13.4238 31.8897 13.3971 31.9075C13.3704 31.9253 13.3437 31.9164 13.3259 31.8897C13.2548 31.7919 13.1836 31.6852 13.1391 31.5695C13.0946 31.4539 13.0591 31.3293 13.0591 31.1959C13.0591 31.0625 13.0946 30.9202 13.1747 30.8046C13.2548 30.689 13.3704 30.6 13.486 30.5466C13.7262 30.431 13.9841 30.4043 14.2331 30.4132C14.3577 30.4221 14.4911 30.4399 14.6067 30.4843C14.7313 30.5199 14.838 30.5822 14.9181 30.6978C14.9358 30.7245 14.9269 30.769 14.9002 30.7868C14.8914 30.7868 14.8825 30.7957 14.8647 30.7957Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.8647 33.3842C14.9181 33.1796 14.9981 33.0106 15.0515 32.8327C15.096 32.6637 15.0871 32.4858 15.0426 32.299C15.0159 32.2012 14.9981 32.1033 14.9625 32.0322C14.9448 31.9966 14.927 31.9699 14.9092 31.9432C14.8914 31.9254 14.8647 31.9076 14.8291 31.8987C14.758 31.8721 14.669 31.872 14.5801 31.8809C14.4911 31.8898 14.3933 31.8988 14.2866 31.9166C14.0731 31.9432 13.8685 31.9432 13.6906 31.9787C13.6016 31.9965 13.5127 32.0232 13.4504 32.0677C13.4148 32.0855 13.3882 32.1211 13.3615 32.1478C13.3526 32.1656 13.3437 32.1744 13.3259 32.2011C13.317 32.2189 13.3081 32.2456 13.2992 32.2634C13.2636 32.3435 13.237 32.4413 13.2192 32.5392C13.2014 32.637 13.1925 32.7082 13.228 32.7882C13.2903 32.9572 13.4327 33.1084 13.5483 33.2863C13.5661 33.313 13.5572 33.3486 13.5305 33.3664C13.5038 33.3842 13.4772 33.3753 13.4594 33.3486C13.3437 33.1974 13.1836 33.0551 13.0858 32.8505C13.0591 32.806 13.0413 32.7348 13.0413 32.6815C13.0324 32.6192 13.0413 32.5658 13.0501 32.5124C13.0679 32.4057 13.0857 32.3079 13.1213 32.2011C13.1302 32.1744 13.1391 32.1478 13.1569 32.1211C13.1658 32.0944 13.1836 32.0677 13.2014 32.041C13.237 31.9877 13.2815 31.9432 13.3259 31.9076C13.4238 31.8364 13.5305 31.792 13.6373 31.7653C13.8507 31.712 14.0553 31.712 14.2421 31.6764C14.3399 31.6586 14.4467 31.6408 14.5534 31.6319C14.6602 31.623 14.7757 31.623 14.9003 31.6586C14.9625 31.6764 15.0248 31.712 15.0782 31.7653C15.1315 31.8098 15.1672 31.872 15.1939 31.9254C15.2205 31.9788 15.2383 32.041 15.2561 32.0855L15.2917 32.2367C15.345 32.4413 15.3628 32.6815 15.3005 32.9038C15.2738 33.0106 15.2205 33.1174 15.1671 33.2063C15.1048 33.2953 15.0426 33.3752 14.9537 33.4464C14.927 33.4642 14.8914 33.4642 14.8736 33.4375C14.8647 33.4197 14.8647 33.402 14.8647 33.3842Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.0503 31.391C12.8813 31.4266 12.7212 31.4354 12.5611 31.4443C12.401 31.4532 12.2409 31.471 12.0808 31.5066C11.9118 31.5422 11.7695 31.5777 11.6983 31.6667C11.6271 31.7467 11.6183 31.9069 11.6361 32.0581C11.6539 32.2182 11.6894 32.3695 11.7606 32.494C11.8406 32.6185 11.9474 32.6986 12.1075 32.7163C12.2587 32.743 12.4188 32.7341 12.5789 32.7074C12.739 32.6807 12.908 32.6451 13.077 32.6185C13.1037 32.6185 13.1393 32.6362 13.1393 32.6629C13.1393 32.6896 13.1215 32.7163 13.0948 32.7252C12.9347 32.7697 12.7746 32.8231 12.6056 32.8586C12.4366 32.8942 12.2587 32.9298 12.0719 32.9031C11.9829 32.8942 11.8851 32.8675 11.7962 32.8142C11.7072 32.7608 11.636 32.6896 11.5827 32.6096C11.4759 32.4495 11.4226 32.2627 11.3959 32.0848C11.387 31.9958 11.3781 31.898 11.387 31.8001C11.3959 31.7023 11.4226 31.5956 11.5027 31.4977C11.5738 31.4088 11.6716 31.3465 11.7606 31.3109C11.8495 31.2753 11.9474 31.2575 12.0274 31.2398C12.1964 31.2042 12.3744 31.1775 12.5523 31.1686C12.7301 31.1597 12.9169 31.1864 13.077 31.2754C13.1037 31.2932 13.1126 31.3287 13.0948 31.3554C13.0859 31.3821 13.0681 31.391 13.0503 31.391Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.8226 31.3734C11.6625 31.409 11.5202 31.3823 11.3779 31.3556C11.2445 31.3201 11.111 31.2934 10.9776 31.2845C10.8531 31.2756 10.7286 31.2934 10.6396 31.3468C10.5418 31.4001 10.4706 31.498 10.4439 31.6136C10.4261 31.667 10.4173 31.7293 10.4173 31.7827C10.4173 31.836 10.4351 31.8982 10.4617 31.9516C10.4884 31.9961 10.5151 32.0495 10.5685 32.085C10.613 32.1206 10.6663 32.1562 10.7286 32.1829C10.8442 32.2274 10.9776 32.2452 11.1199 32.2541C11.2622 32.2541 11.4046 32.2451 11.5469 32.2451C11.5736 32.2451 11.6003 32.2719 11.6003 32.2985C11.6003 32.3252 11.5825 32.3519 11.5469 32.3519C11.4046 32.3697 11.2622 32.3964 11.1199 32.4053C10.9687 32.4142 10.8175 32.4142 10.6574 32.3608C10.5774 32.3341 10.5062 32.2985 10.4351 32.2451C10.3639 32.2006 10.3105 32.1296 10.266 32.0495C10.2216 31.9695 10.2038 31.8893 10.1949 31.8004C10.186 31.7114 10.1949 31.6314 10.2127 31.5425C10.2572 31.3824 10.355 31.2222 10.5151 31.1244C10.6663 31.0266 10.8442 31.0088 11.0043 31.0088C11.1644 31.0177 11.3157 31.0444 11.458 31.0799C11.6003 31.1155 11.7337 31.16 11.8582 31.249C11.8849 31.2668 11.8938 31.3023 11.876 31.329C11.8404 31.3645 11.8315 31.3734 11.8226 31.3734Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.2484 30.6177C10.1683 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31.792 9.58107 31.8009C9.63444 31.7831 9.67006 31.8276 9.66116 31.8632Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.8797 32.4229C10.7641 32.5029 10.6484 32.5208 10.5506 32.5475C10.5061 32.5652 10.4705 32.5831 10.4438 32.6097C10.4171 32.6364 10.3993 32.672 10.3815 32.7165C10.3549 32.8054 10.3459 32.9121 10.3637 33.0189C10.3726 33.1256 10.4083 33.2324 10.4616 33.3035C10.4705 33.3213 10.4883 33.3391 10.5061 33.3569C10.515 33.3657 10.515 33.3658 10.5328 33.3747L10.5684 33.3925C10.6129 33.4192 10.6573 33.437 10.7107 33.4547C10.8174 33.4814 10.933 33.4992 11.0487 33.4992C11.1643 33.4992 11.2888 33.4992 11.4045 33.4903C11.529 33.4814 11.6535 33.4814 11.7781 33.4903C11.8047 33.4903 11.8314 33.517 11.8314 33.5526C11.8314 33.5792 11.8047 33.606 11.7781 33.606C11.5379 33.6327 11.2977 33.686 11.0487 33.7038C10.9241 33.7127 10.7908 33.7127 10.6573 33.6771C10.5862 33.6593 10.5239 33.6416 10.4616 33.606L10.4172 33.5792C10.3994 33.5703 10.3815 33.5526 10.3637 33.5437C10.3282 33.517 10.3015 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13.2194 33.8287C13.2282 33.7575 13.246 33.6863 13.2638 33.6152C13.2905 33.544 13.3439 33.464 13.4151 33.4106C13.4862 33.3572 13.5663 33.3305 13.6374 33.3127C13.7086 33.2949 13.7708 33.2861 13.833 33.2772C13.9576 33.2594 14.091 33.2416 14.2245 33.2327C14.3579 33.2238 14.5002 33.2327 14.6336 33.2682C14.7759 33.2949 14.9183 33.3839 14.9717 33.5351C14.9806 33.5707 14.9716 33.5974 14.936 33.6152C14.9271 33.6063 14.9183 33.6063 14.8916 33.5974Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.1585 34.3357C15.0784 34.2912 15.0073 34.2201 14.9539 34.1489C14.9272 34.1134 14.9005 34.0688 14.8738 34.0244C14.8649 33.9977 14.856 33.9799 14.8471 33.9532C14.8382 33.9265 14.8294 33.8999 14.8205 33.8643C14.8027 33.7486 14.8204 33.6419 14.856 33.5441C14.8916 33.4463 14.936 33.3573 14.9894 33.2773C15.0428 33.1972 15.114 33.126 15.1941 33.0549C15.2296 33.0193 15.283 32.9926 15.3275 32.9659C15.372 32.9392 15.4253 32.9214 15.4786 32.9125C15.6743 32.868 15.87 32.8858 16.0301 32.8858C16.1991 32.8947 16.3771 32.8859 16.5728 32.9215C16.6172 32.9304 16.6706 32.9392 16.7151 32.957C16.7417 32.9659 16.7684 32.9748 16.7862 32.9926C16.8129 33.0104 16.8306 33.0193 16.8573 33.0371C16.9374 33.1082 16.9997 33.1883 17.0442 33.2773C17.0887 33.3662 17.1153 33.4551 17.1331 33.553C17.1509 33.6508 17.1509 33.7486 17.1331 33.8465C17.1153 33.9443 17.0442 34.0422 16.973 34.1045C16.9019 34.1667 16.8307 34.2112 16.7773 34.2735C16.7595 34.3002 16.7239 34.3001 16.6972 34.2824C16.6795 34.2646 16.6706 34.229 16.6884 34.2112C16.7418 34.1312 16.8129 34.0689 16.8751 34.0155C16.9285 33.9532 16.9641 33.8999 16.973 33.8288C16.9908 33.6864 16.9463 33.5174 16.8663 33.384C16.8307 33.3217 16.7773 33.2594 16.7239 33.215C16.6972 33.1972 16.6705 33.1794 16.635 33.1705C16.5994 33.1616 16.5639 33.1527 16.5283 33.1438C16.3682 33.126 16.1992 33.1349 16.0213 33.1349C15.8434 33.1349 15.6744 33.1261 15.5321 33.1616C15.4609 33.1794 15.4075 33.2061 15.3542 33.2594C15.3008 33.3039 15.2474 33.3662 15.2029 33.4285C15.114 33.553 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20.7709 33.9801 20.7531 33.9624C20.7353 33.9446 20.7353 33.9089 20.7531 33.8911C20.8065 33.82 20.842 33.7311 20.8776 33.651C20.9132 33.5621 20.9132 33.4909 20.8865 33.4197C20.8598 33.3486 20.8064 33.2863 20.7442 33.233C20.6819 33.1707 20.6018 33.1262 20.5218 33.0639C20.4417 33.0017 20.3617 32.9483 20.2906 32.9127C20.2105 32.8682 20.1394 32.8416 20.086 32.8505C20.0771 32.8505 20.0771 32.8505 20.0682 32.8505H20.0592C20.0503 32.8594 20.0415 32.8593 20.0237 32.8682C19.997 32.886 19.9703 32.9216 19.9436 32.9483C19.8903 33.0195 19.828 33.0906 19.7213 33.1351C19.6857 33.1529 19.6501 33.1351 19.6323 33.1084C19.6323 33.0995 19.6234 33.0906 19.6234 33.0817Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.1128 31.9075C20.1394 31.8453 20.1661 31.8275 20.2017 31.8275H20.2907C20.344 31.8275 20.4062 31.8275 20.4596 31.8186C20.5752 31.8186 20.682 31.8097 20.7977 31.8008C20.8333 31.8008 20.8599 31.8186 20.8599 31.8542C20.8599 31.872 20.851 31.8897 20.8421 31.9075C20.7443 31.9876 20.6197 32.032 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 <path d=\"M18.5293 45.7121C18.636 45.6943 18.725 45.7299 18.7961 45.7922C18.8673 45.8544 18.9384 45.9167 18.9917 46.0057C19.0451 46.0857 19.0896 46.2012 19.0896 46.308C19.0896 46.4147 19.054 46.5304 18.9917 46.6193C18.9206 46.7082 18.8406 46.7618 18.7516 46.8062C18.6627 46.8507 18.5826 46.8685 18.4937 46.8952C18.4047 46.913 18.3246 46.9308 18.2357 46.9397C18.1467 46.9485 18.0578 46.9574 17.9688 46.9397C17.9421 46.9308 17.9155 46.904 17.9244 46.8773C17.9332 46.8506 17.9511 46.8328 17.9778 46.8328C18.0489 46.8328 18.129 46.815 18.2001 46.7883C18.2802 46.7617 18.3602 46.744 18.4314 46.7173C18.5826 46.6639 18.7249 46.5928 18.7872 46.4949C18.8227 46.4504 18.8316 46.397 18.8316 46.3347C18.8227 46.2814 18.8049 46.2279 18.7694 46.1746C18.7338 46.1212 18.6804 46.0679 18.6271 46.0234C18.5737 45.9789 18.5114 45.9256 18.4759 45.8278C18.4581 45.7922 18.4759 45.7477 18.5115 45.7389C18.5204 45.7122 18.5204 45.7121 18.5293 45.7121Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.0719 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12.3029 43.0969C12.294 43.1235 12.294 43.1414 12.2762 43.1503Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.6412 44.9472C12.6145 45.0895 12.5967 45.1961 12.5789 45.3207C12.5611 45.4363 12.5789 45.5608 12.6145 45.6853C12.6501 45.8098 12.7034 45.9255 12.7656 46.0411C12.8012 46.1034 12.8279 46.1567 12.8724 46.219C12.908 46.2813 12.9436 46.3347 12.9792 46.388C13.0147 46.4414 13.0503 46.4771 13.0948 46.5038C13.1126 46.5215 13.1393 46.5303 13.1571 46.5303C13.1837 46.5392 13.2104 46.5393 13.246 46.5482C13.3616 46.5571 13.4861 46.5394 13.6107 46.4949C13.7352 46.4504 13.8508 46.388 13.9665 46.308C14.0821 46.2279 14.1889 46.1479 14.3045 46.0679C14.3312 46.0501 14.3667 46.0589 14.3845 46.0767C14.4023 46.1034 14.3935 46.1302 14.3757 46.148C14.1711 46.3436 13.9576 46.5394 13.6819 46.6728C13.5396 46.7351 13.3883 46.7706 13.2193 46.7617C13.1749 46.7528 13.1392 46.7527 13.0948 46.7438C13.0503 46.7349 13.0059 46.7172 12.9703 46.6905C12.8902 46.646 12.8279 46.5837 12.7835 46.5215C12.7301 46.4592 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34.7537C9.41204 34.6914 9.39425 34.6025 9.40315 34.5313C9.41204 34.4513 9.44765 34.389 9.48323 34.3268C9.52771 34.2734 9.5722 34.2289 9.63446 34.1934C9.68783 34.1578 9.76787 34.14 9.83903 34.1934C9.86571 34.2111 9.87459 34.2556 9.8657 34.2823L9.84789 34.309Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.97267 36.4262C9.94598 36.4885 9.91927 36.4974 9.89258 36.4974C9.8659 36.4974 9.84812 36.4885 9.82144 36.4796C9.77696 36.4707 9.73246 36.4529 9.69688 36.444C9.61682 36.4173 9.55456 36.3818 9.47451 36.3462C9.44782 36.3373 9.43005 36.3017 9.44784 36.2661C9.45673 36.2483 9.46561 36.2395 9.47451 36.2395C9.56345 36.195 9.67021 36.2038 9.75916 36.2038C9.80363 36.2127 9.84814 36.2128 9.88372 36.2217C9.90151 36.2217 9.91927 36.2306 9.93705 36.2306C9.95484 36.2306 9.97269 36.2483 9.99048 36.3106V36.3195C9.99048 36.364 9.99046 36.3995 9.97267 36.4262Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.0351 37.6626C10.0173 37.7248 9.99949 37.7427 9.9728 37.7427H9.90166C9.85719 37.7427 9.8038 37.7426 9.75043 37.7337C9.69706 37.7248 9.64371 37.7159 9.59034 37.6892C9.53697 37.6626 9.48355 37.6359 9.44797 37.5736C9.43018 37.5469 9.43909 37.5113 9.46578 37.4935C9.47467 37.4846 9.4925 37.4847 9.50139 37.4847H9.51911C9.55469 37.4936 9.59029 37.4935 9.62587 37.4935C9.66145 37.4935 9.7059 37.4847 9.74148 37.4847C9.78596 37.4847 9.82157 37.4758 9.86605 37.4669L9.93719 37.458C9.96387 37.458 9.9817 37.4669 10.0173 37.5291C10.044 37.5825 10.0529 37.627 10.0351 37.6626Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.97271 38.9162C9.95492 38.9784 9.93708 38.9963 9.91929 38.9963C9.9015 38.9963 9.88378 38.9962 9.8571 39.0051C9.82152 39.014 9.77697 39.014 9.74139 39.0229C9.66134 39.0318 9.57239 39.0497 9.47455 39.0585C9.43897 39.0585 9.41235 39.0318 9.41235 39.0051C9.41235 38.9873 9.42118 38.9695 9.43007 38.9607C9.50123 38.8895 9.5813 38.8362 9.67025 38.7917C9.71473 38.7739 9.76815 38.7561 9.81262 38.7472C9.83931 38.7383 9.86594 38.7383 9.89262 38.7383C9.91931 38.7383 9.94603 38.7472 9.97271 38.8095C9.98161 38.8451 9.98161 38.8806 9.97271 38.9162Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.1149 40.3313C10.0971 40.3936 10.0704 40.4114 10.0526 40.4114H9.9815C9.93703 40.4114 9.88369 40.4114 9.83922 40.4114C9.74137 40.4025 9.64355 40.3846 9.5457 40.3401C9.51902 40.3224 9.51005 40.2868 9.51895 40.2601C9.52784 40.2424 9.53677 40.2335 9.55456 40.2335H9.56342C9.65237 40.2068 9.74132 40.189 9.83027 40.1712C9.87474 40.1623 9.91927 40.1534 9.97264 40.1534L10.0438 40.1445C10.0705 40.1445 10.0882 40.1534 10.1149 40.2157C10.1238 40.2601 10.1238 40.2957 10.1149 40.3313Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.6842 45.632C10.2483 45.0628 9.97253 44.3868 9.78573 43.7019C9.59005 43.017 9.48333 42.3143 9.40327 41.6116C9.33211 40.9089 9.28764 40.1973 9.26985 39.4946C9.26095 38.7919 9.27873 38.0803 9.29652 37.3776C9.31431 36.6749 9.34099 35.9722 9.34099 35.2695C9.34099 34.5668 9.31438 33.8731 9.2788 33.1704C9.19874 31.765 9.07418 30.3596 9.10976 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12.1078C31.8716 11.3073 32.1295 10.4889 32.3875 9.66172C32.8945 8.00728 33.357 6.32617 34.0775 4.74289C34.0864 4.7162 34.122 4.69834 34.1486 4.71613C34.1753 4.72503 34.1842 4.76068 34.1753 4.78736C33.4637 6.36175 33.0279 8.04286 32.5298 9.7062C32.2807 10.5334 32.0228 11.3695 31.7026 12.1789C31.3824 12.9884 31.0265 13.78 30.644 14.5539C29.8791 16.1105 29.0341 17.6315 28.3047 19.197C28.1268 19.5884 27.9489 19.9797 27.7888 20.38C27.6287 20.7803 27.4864 21.1895 27.3441 21.5986C27.0683 22.417 26.8282 23.253 26.5614 24.0802C26.4279 24.4894 26.2856 24.9075 26.1344 25.3167C25.9832 25.7258 25.8141 26.1261 25.6185 26.5263C25.236 27.3091 24.7912 28.0652 24.3732 28.8123C23.9462 29.5684 23.5371 30.3245 23.2168 31.1161C23.1813 31.214 23.1368 31.3118 23.1012 31.4185L23.0034 31.721C22.9412 31.9255 22.8789 32.1301 22.8344 32.3346C22.7454 32.7527 22.6832 33.1797 22.6298 33.6067C22.5764 34.0336 22.5319 34.4695 22.4608 34.8964C22.3985 35.3323 22.2829 35.7592 22.1584 36.1772C22.0339 36.5953 21.9004 37.0045 21.8115 37.4225C21.767 37.6271 21.7403 37.8406 21.7047 38.0541C21.6869 38.2676 21.6603 38.481 21.6514 38.6945C21.598 39.5484 21.6425 40.4201 21.5624 41.2918C21.518 41.7276 21.4468 42.1635 21.3044 42.5905C21.1621 43.0085 20.9487 43.4088 20.6641 43.7379C20.6463 43.7645 20.6107 43.7646 20.584 43.7468C20.5751 43.6934 20.5662 43.6667 20.584 43.6401Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.1585 35.2079C22.0784 34.8521 22.0072 34.4962 21.9361 34.1493C21.8649 33.7935 21.8026 33.4377 21.7404 33.082C21.6159 32.3704 21.518 31.6499 21.4469 30.9294C21.2957 29.4884 21.2156 28.0386 21.2778 26.5798C21.3401 25.13 21.5358 23.6801 21.9183 22.2747C22.3008 20.8693 22.8522 19.5173 23.546 18.2364C23.9018 17.596 24.2754 16.9823 24.6935 16.3863C25.1204 15.7814 25.6452 15.2655 26.1878 14.7852C26.4547 14.5451 26.7304 14.3049 26.9883 14.0558C27.2552 13.8157 27.5042 13.5577 27.7533 13.2998C28.2514 12.775 28.7318 12.2413 29.2032 11.6987C30.1372 10.6046 31.0177 9.45719 31.8449 8.27417C32.6632 7.09116 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                        "MailChimp": "",
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                            "description": "Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform and email marketing service.",
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                                    "slug": "marketing-automation",
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                                    "priority": 9
                                    "id": 75,
                                    "slug": "email",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Email",
                                    "priority": 9
                            "confidence": 100,
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                            "icon": "mailchimp.svg",
                            "website": "http:\/\/mailchimp.com",
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                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 19,
                                    "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                    "priority": 10
                            "confidence": 100,
                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "Open Graph.png",
                            "website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
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                            "cpe": null
                        "HTTP\/3": {
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                            "description": "HTTP\/3 is the third major version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to exchange information on the World Wide Web.",
                            "slug": "http-3",
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                                    "id": 19,
                                    "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                    "priority": 10
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                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "HTTP3.svg",
                            "website": "https:\/\/httpwg.org\/",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
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                            "name": "GSAP",
                            "description": "GSAP is an animation library that allows you to create animations with JavaScript.",
                            "slug": "gsap",
                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 12,
                                    "slug": "javascript-frameworks",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "JavaScript frameworks",
                                    "priority": 8
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                            "version": "3.7.1",
                            "icon": "TweenMax.png",
                            "website": "https:\/\/greensock.com\/gsap",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
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                                    "slug": "web-servers",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Web servers",
                                    "priority": 8
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                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:litespeedtech:litespeed_web_server:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
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                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 31,
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                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "CDN",
                                    "priority": 9
                            "confidence": 100,
                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "CloudFlare.svg",
                            "website": "http:\/\/www.cloudflare.com",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
                            "name": "Plausible",
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                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "Plausible.svg",
                            "website": "https:\/\/plausible.io\/",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
                            "name": "MailChimp",
                            "description": "Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform and email marketing service.",
                            "slug": "mailchimp",
                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 32,
                                    "slug": "marketing-automation",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Marketing automation",
                                    "priority": 9
                                    "id": 75,
                                    "slug": "email",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Email",
                                    "priority": 9
                            "confidence": 100,
                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "mailchimp.svg",
                            "website": "http:\/\/mailchimp.com",
                            "pricing": [
                            "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:thinkshout:mailchimp:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
                            "name": "cdnjs",
                            "description": "cdnjs is a free distributed JS library delivery service.",
                            "slug": "cdnjs",
                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 31,
                                    "slug": "cdn",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "CDN",
                                    "priority": 9
                            "confidence": 100,
                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "cdnjs.svg",
                            "website": "https:\/\/cdnjs.com",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
                            "name": "Open Graph",
                            "description": "Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.",
                            "slug": "open-graph",
                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 19,
                                    "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                    "priority": 10
                            "confidence": 100,
                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "Open Graph.png",
                            "website": "https:\/\/ogp.me",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
                            "name": "HTTP\/3",
                            "description": "HTTP\/3 is the third major version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to exchange information on the World Wide Web.",
                            "slug": "http-3",
                            "categories": [
                                    "id": 19,
                                    "slug": "miscellaneous",
                                    "groups": [
                                    "name": "Miscellaneous",
                                    "priority": 10
                            "confidence": 100,
                            "version": "",
                            "icon": "HTTP3.svg",
                            "website": "https:\/\/httpwg.org\/",
                            "pricing": [],
                            "cpe": null
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                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                "impact": "serious",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
                                "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
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                                        "any": [
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                                            ".otherpages > .menububls > a:nth-child(1)"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
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                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<div class=\"otherpages\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
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                                        "target": [
                                            ".otherpages > .menububls > a:nth-child(2)"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<div class=\"otherpages\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
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                                        "target": [
                                            ".otherpages > .menububls > a:nth-child(3)"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"required email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 15.0pt (20px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<span>Say Hi!<\/span>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > span"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"> [email protected] <\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > a"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": {
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                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p class=\"mb-4 xs-mb-unset\">Registered Charity Number: 1195986<\/p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".align-start.flex-col.flex:nth-child(1) > .xs-mb-unset.mb-4"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<span>Follow us on<\/span>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".align-start.xs-mb-unset.mb-4 > span"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/saffronkitchenproject\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/saffronkitchenproject\/\" target=\"_blank\">Instagram<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/channel\/UC6e-V4wXxMapOz_czX0VNmQ\" target=\"_blank\">Youtube<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/company\/76985121\/\" target=\"_blank\">LinkedIn<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "bold",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<span>Sitemap<\/span>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "div:nth-child(3) > span"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#story\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Story<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(1) > .barba-prevent"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#pillars\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Pillars<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(2) > .barba-prevent"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(3) > a"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(4) > a"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(5) > a"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(6) > a"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/privacy\">Privacy policy<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(7) > a"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "color-contrast",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "fgColor": "#07453a",
                                                    "bgColor": "#ff8000",
                                                    "contrastRatio": 4.3399999999999999,
                                                    "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                                                    "fontWeight": "normal",
                                                    "messageKey": null,
                                                    "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                                                "relatedNodes": [
                                                        "html": "<footer class=\"homefoot\">",
                                                        "target": [
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".justify-center > p"
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.34 (foreground color: #07453a, background color: #ff8000, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                                "id": "link-name",
                                "impact": "serious",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
                                "help": "Links must have discernible text",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-visible-text",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers"
                                                "id": "aria-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"
                                                "id": "aria-labelledby",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty"
                                                "id": "non-empty-title",
                                                "data": {
                                                    "messageKey": "noAttr"
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has no title attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text"
                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/shimsham.design\" target=\"_blank\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text\n\nFix any of the following:\n  Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n  Element has no title attribute"
                        "passes": [
                                "id": "aria-allowed-attr",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures ARIA attributes are allowed for an element's role",
                                "help": "Elements must only use allowed ARIA attributes",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-allowed-attr?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "aria-allowed-attr",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "ARIA attributes are used correctly for the defined role"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "aria-unsupported-attr",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "ARIA attribute is supported"
                                                "id": "aria-prohibited-attr",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "ARIA attribute is allowed"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures aria-hidden='true' is not present on the document body.",
                                "help": "aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-hidden-body?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "aria-hidden-body",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "No aria-hidden attribute is present on document body"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "aria-hidden-focus",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures aria-hidden elements do not contain focusable elements",
                                "help": "ARIA hidden element must not contain focusable elements",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-hidden-focus?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [
                                                "id": "focusable-modal-open",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "No focusable elements while a modal is open"
                                                "id": "focusable-disabled",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "No focusable elements contained within element"
                                                "id": "focusable-not-tabbable",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "No focusable elements contained within element"
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<div style=\"position: absolute; left: -5000px;\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"b_b037ab16b340fb1fe8aff1122_c6b517f71e\" tabindex=\"-1\" value=\"\"><\/div>",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "aria-valid-attr-value",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures all ARIA attributes have valid values",
                                "help": "ARIA attributes must conform to valid values",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-valid-attr-value?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [
                                                "id": "aria-valid-attr-value",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "ARIA attribute values are valid"
                                                "id": "aria-errormessage",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "aria-errormessage exists and references elements visible to screen readers that use a supported aria-errormessage technique"
                                                "id": "aria-level",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "aria-level values are valid"
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "aria-valid-attr",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures attributes that begin with aria- are valid ARIA attributes",
                                "help": "ARIA attributes must conform to valid names",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/aria-valid-attr?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "aria-valid-attr",
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                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures buttons have discernible text",
                                "help": "Buttons must have discernible text",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/button-name?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
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                                "help": "Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/bypass?application=axeAPI",
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                                                            ".story-intro > .mb-2"
                                                        "html": "<h1>Employ<\/h1>",
                                                        "target": [
                                                            ".goals > h1"
                                                        "html": "<h2 class=\"mb-4\">Continue your visit<\/h2>",
                                                        "target": [
                                                            ".otherpages > h2"
                                                        "html": "<h2>Sign up to our newsletter<\/h2>",
                                                        "target": [
                                                            "#mc_embed_signup_scroll > h2"
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                                "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
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                                        "none": [],
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                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id-active?application=axeAPI",
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                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/duplicate-id?application=axeAPI",
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                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/form-field-multiple-labels?application=axeAPI",
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                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/html-lang-valid?application=axeAPI",
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                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/image-alt?application=axeAPI",
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                                        "all": [],
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                                        "target": [
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                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
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                                                "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/lemon.svg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".illu-3 > img[alt=\"\"]"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "data": {
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                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                        "html": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/cheese.svg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".illu-4 > img[alt=\"\"]"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": {
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                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\""
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/crab.svg\">",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".illu-5 > img[alt=\"\"]"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element has an alt attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "alt-space-value",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element has an alt attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "alt-space-value",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element has a valid alt attribute value"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "input-button-name",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures input buttons have discernible text",
                                "help": "Input buttons must have discernible text",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/input-button-name?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "non-empty-value",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Element has a non-empty value attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"SEND\" name=\"subscribe\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe\" class=\"button m-0\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "label",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures every form element has a label",
                                "help": "Form elements must have labels",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/label?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "non-empty-placeholder",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element has a placeholder attribute"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "hidden-explicit-label",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "critical",
                                                "message": "Form element has a visible explicit <label>"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"required email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email\">",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "link-name",
                                "impact": "serious",
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures links have discernible text",
                                "help": "Links must have discernible text",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/link-name?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
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                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">\n        <div>Saffron<\/div>\n        <div>Kitchen<\/div>\n        <div>Project<\/div>\n    <\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".skpid > a"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
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                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
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                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "minor",
                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
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                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">\n        <span class=\"donspan\" style=\"background-color:#07453A; color:#FFE019\">Donate <\/span>\n      <\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            ".donate > a"
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
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                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
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                                        "target": [
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                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [
                                                "id": "focusable-no-name",
                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
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                                        "any": [
                                                "id": "has-visible-text",
                                                "data": null,
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                                        "none": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"> [email protected] <\/a>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                        "none": [
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/channel\/UC6e-V4wXxMapOz_czX0VNmQ\" target=\"_blank\">Youtube<\/a>",
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/company\/76985121\/\" target=\"_blank\">LinkedIn<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
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                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(5) > a"
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>",
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text"
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/privacy\">Privacy policy<\/a>",
                                        "target": [
                                            "li:nth-child(7) > a"
                                "id": "list",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
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                                "help": "<ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/list?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [],
                                        "all": [],
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                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<ul>",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "listitem",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures <li> elements are used semantically",
                                "help": "<li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol>",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/listitem?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#story\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Story<\/a><\/li>",
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org#pillars\" class=\"barba-prevent\">Pillars<\/a><\/li>",
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                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a><\/li>",
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                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a><\/li>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a><\/li>",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a><\/li>",
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                                                "message": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<li><a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/privacy\">Privacy policy<\/a><\/li>",
                                        "target": [
                                "id": "nested-interactive",
                                "impact": null,
                                "tags": [
                                "description": "Ensures interactive controls are not nested as they are not always announced by screen readers or can cause focus problems for assistive technologies",
                                "help": "Interactive controls must not be nested",
                                "helpUrl": "https:\/\/dequeuniversity.com\/rules\/axe\/4.4\/nested-interactive?application=axeAPI",
                                "nodes": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
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                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<button id=\"openbtn\">menu<\/button>",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
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                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">",
                                        "target": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
                                        "all": [],
                                        "none": [],
                                        "impact": null,
                                        "html": "<img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">",
                                        "target": [
                                        "any": [
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                                                "data": null,
                                                "relatedNodes": [],
                                                "impact": "serious",
                                                "message": "Element does not have focusable descendants"
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                                                "relatedNodes": [],
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                                        "impact": "serious",
                                        "html": "<p>We will help tackle unemployment in Athens by generating job opportunities for people from the refugee and host community. The meals will be prepared by the community for the community.<\/p>",
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We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.\" name=\"description\">\n\n    <meta content=\"Saffron Kitchen Project, opportunities people in Athens, culinary community, food love, opportunities for refugees, opportunities for people with refugee backgrounds, \" name=\"keywords\">\n\n    <meta content=\"Saffron Kitchen Project\" property=\"og:title\">\n    <meta content=\"website\" property=\"og:type\">\n    <meta content=\"SKP\" property=\"og:site_name\">\n    <meta content=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\" property=\"og:url\">\n    <meta content=\" https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/media\/site\/d8dda6f6ed-1637318052\/logoprofile.png \" property=\"og:image\">\n    <meta content=\"Our Story Saffron Kitchen Project is about people, food, building community and creating lasting opportunities for vulnerable people in Athens. Food is about love, comfort and hospitality. There is a kindness in the practice of preparing meals for others, the perfect opportunity to make people feel welcome. We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.\" property=\"og:description\">\n    <meta content=\"fr_FR\" property=\"og:locale\">\n\n    <meta content=\"SKP\" name=\"twitter:title\">\n    <meta content=\"large_summary\" name=\"twitter:card\">\n    <meta content=\"\" name=\"twitter:site\">\n    <meta content=\"\" name=\"twitter:creator\">\n    <meta content=\" https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/media\/site\/d8dda6f6ed-1637318052\/logoprofile.png \" name=\"twitter:image\">\n    <meta content=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\" name=\"twitter:url\">\n    <meta content=\"Our Story Saffron Kitchen Project is about people, food, building community and creating lasting opportunities for vulnerable people in Athens. Food is about love, comfort and hospitality. There is a kindness in the practice of preparing meals for others, the perfect opportunity to make people feel welcome. We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.\" name=\"twitter:description\">\n    \n    <link href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/dist\/css\/main.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\">    <script src=\"https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/gsap.min.js\"><\/script>\n    <script src=\"https:\/\/cdnjs.cloudflare.com\/ajax\/libs\/gsap\/3.7.1\/ScrollTrigger.min.js\"><\/script>\n    <script src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/libs\/InertiaPlugin.min.js\"><\/script>    <link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image\/jpg\" href=\"assets\/favicon\/favicon-32x32.png\">\n    <script defer=\"\" data-domain=\"saffronkitchenproject.org\" src=\"https:\/\/plausible.io\/js\/plausible.js\"><\/script>\n<\/head>\n<body data-barba=\"wrapper\" style=\"background-color: rgb(229, 25, 76); color: rgb(255, 224, 25);\" aria-live=\"polite\">\n\n  <div class=\"header bgpink\" style=\"color:#FFE019\">\n    <div class=\"skpid\">\n    <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">\n        <div>Saffron<\/div>\n        <div>Kitchen<\/div>\n        <div>Project<\/div>\n    <\/a>\n<\/div>\n\n<div class=\"navbtn\">\n    <button id=\"openbtn\">menu<\/button>\n<\/div>    <nav id=\"navi\">\n    <div class=\"menububls\">\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\">Story<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">Donate<\/a>\n        <a class=\"pagebubls\" href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>\n    <\/div>\n    <div class=\"nav-illus\">\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-1\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/fennel.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-2\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/bread.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-3\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/lemon.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-4\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/cheese.svg\"><\/div>\n        <div class=\"nav-illu illu-5\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/assets\/illus\/crab.svg\"><\/div>\n    <\/div>\n<\/nav>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  <\/div>\n\n  <span class=\"transition\"><\/span>\n\n  <main class=\"homepage relative\" data-barba=\"container\" data-barba-namespace=\"home\" data-color=\"#E5194C\" data-transition=\"#FFE019\" style=\"background-color:#E5194C;color:#FFE019\">\n    \n    \n    <div class=\"donate bgpink\"> \n      <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/donation\">\n        <span class=\"donspan\" style=\"background-color:#07453A; color:#FFE019\">Donate <\/span>\n      <\/a> \n    <\/div>\n  \n\n    <div class=\"pin-spacer\" style=\"place-self: auto; grid-area: auto; z-index: auto; float: none; flex-shrink: 1; display: block; margin: 0px; inset: 0px; position: relative; overflow: visible; box-sizing: border-box; width: 1905px; height: 1390px; padding: 0px 0px 397.001px;\"><section class=\"content intro no-gap storyAnim bgcolor bgpink\" style=\"transform: translate(0px, 0px); left: 0px; top: 0.001px; margin: 0px; max-width: 1905px; width: 1905px; max-height: 993px; height: 993px; padding: 120px 30px 30px; box-sizing: border-box; position: fixed;\">\n      <h1 class=\"span-3-10 storyText flex flex-col\"><span id=\"textFirst\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">Eat \u00b7 Cook \u00b7 Learn \u00b7 Belong<\/span> <span id=\"textSecond\" style=\"background-position: 0px 0px;\">your culinary community<\/span><\/h1>\n\n      <span class=\"arrowintro\">\n        <svg width=\"30\" height=\"61\" viewBox=\"0 0 30 61\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\">\n          <path d=\"M30 41.3C19.3966 41.3 15 44.372 15 60.5M15 60.5C15 44.372 10.6034 41.3 -5.91332e-07 41.3M15 60.5L15 0.499999\" stroke=\"#FFE019\"><\/path>\n        <\/svg>\n      <\/span>\n\n      <div class=\"bottombtn span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n          <div class=\"butbtn\" style=\"background-color: rgb(255, 224, 25); transform: translate3d(0px, 399.353px, 0px) scale(1, 1.00001); bottom: 0px;\"><\/div>\n          <a class=\"nextpage\" style=\"color: rgb(229, 25, 76); opacity: 1; top: 95.8332%;\">Our Story<\/a>\n      <\/div>\n    <\/section><\/div>\n\n    <div class=\"pin-spacer\" style=\"place-self: auto; grid-area: auto; z-index: auto; float: none; flex-shrink: 1; display: grid; margin: 0px; inset: 0px; position: relative; overflow: visible; box-sizing: border-box; width: 1905px; height: 2739px; padding: 0px 0px 298px;\"><section class=\"storypage content grid-cols-12 bgcolor bgyellow\" id=\"story\" style=\"transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); inset: 0px auto auto 0px; margin: 0px; max-width: 1905px; width: 1905px; max-height: 2441.28px; height: 2441.28px; padding: 0px;\">\n        <div class=\"story-intro span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n\n          <h2 class=\"text-lg mb-2\">Saffron Kitchen Project is about people, food, building community and creating lasting opportunities for vulnerable people in Athens. Food is about love, comfort and hospitality. There is a kindness in the practice of preparing meals for others, the perfect opportunity to make people feel welcome. We\u2019re here to support each other, using food as the tool kit.<\/h2>\n          \n          <img class=\"miam\" src=\"assets\/img\/platehands-lo.jpg\" alt=\"plate in hands\">  \n\n          <p>Drawing on many years of experience in the hospitality industry as well as the humanitarian sector we identified a need for access to nutritious food, professional training and job opportunities for refugees.<\/p>\n\n          <p>At Saffron Kitchen Project we aim to do exactly that. We cook meals together, provide specialised training and create opportunities for people with refugee backgrounds to support themselves and grow their own skill sets.<\/p>\n\n        <\/div>\n\n        <div class=\"story-end span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n  \n          <img src=\"assets\/img\/spices-lo.jpg\" alt=\"Spices\">\n         \n          <figure class=\"mb-2\">\n            <blockquote>\n              <p class=\"text-xl\">\u2018Food can bring people together in a way nothing else could.\u2019<\/p>\n            <\/blockquote>\n            <figcaption>Yotam Ottolenghi<\/figcaption>\n          <\/figure>\n          \n          <p>With this in mind we came up with our pillars, the cornerstones of what SKP is built on\u2026 <\/p>\n          \n          <span class=\"arrow\">\n            <svg width=\"30\" height=\"61\" viewBox=\"0 0 30 61\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\">\n              <path d=\"M30 41.3C19.3966 41.3 15 44.372 15 60.5M15 60.5C15 44.372 10.6034 41.3 -5.91332e-07 41.3M15 60.5L15 0.499999\" stroke=\"#07453A\"><\/path>\n            <\/svg>\n          <\/span>\n\n        <\/div>\n\n        <div class=\"bottombtn span-4-10 lg-span-2-12 xs-span-1-13\">\n          <div class=\"butbtn2\" style=\"background-color: rgb(7, 69, 58); transform: translate(0px, 399.354px); bottom: 0px;\"><\/div>\n          <a class=\"nextpage2\" style=\"color: rgb(255, 224, 25); opacity: 1; top: 1840px;\">Our Pillars<\/a>\n        <\/div>\n    <\/section><\/div>\n    \n    <section class=\"goals-wrapper bgcolor bggreen \" id=\"pillars\">\n      <div class=\"goals-content\">\n        \n        <div class=\"roulette\">\n            <div class=\"bubl text-lg b-top\" data-id=\"employ\">Employ<\/div>\n            <div class=\"bubl text-lg b-left\" data-id=\"mourish\">Nourish<\/div>\n            <div class=\"bubl text-lg b-right\" data-id=\"teach\">Train<\/div>\n        <\/div>\n\n        <div class=\"roulette-content\">            \n            <div class=\"container active\">\n                <article class=\"goals\" style=\"\">\n                  <h1>Employ<\/h1>\n                  <p>We will help tackle unemployment in Athens by generating job opportunities for people from the refugee and host community. The meals will be prepared by the community for the community.<\/p>\n                <\/article>\n            <\/div>\n\n            <article class=\"employ\">\n                <h1>Employ<\/h1>\n                <p>We will help tackle unemployment in Athens by generating job opportunities for people from the refugee and host community. The meals will be prepared by the community for the community.<\/p>\n            <\/article>\n\n            <article class=\"mourish\">\n                <h1>Nourish<\/h1>\n                <p>Providing vulnerable people, including but not limited to the homeless, migrants and refugees, with tasty and inventive meals in a sustainable way. We distribute to partner organisations throughout Athens, ensuring they receive delicious and nutritious meals, whilst avoiding food waste as much as possible.<\/p>\n            <\/article>\n\n            <article class=\"teach\">\n                <h1>Train<\/h1>\n                <p>Offering free culinary education and vocational training to refugees, in an effort to prepare our students for work in the hospitality industry. Our programme will cover culinary skills as well as including soft skills training such as teamwork, leadership and time management.<\/p>\n            <\/article>\n        <\/div>\n        <\/div>\n    <\/section>\n\n    <div class=\"otherpages\">\n    <h2 class=\"mb-4\">Continue your visit<\/h2>\n    <div class=\"menububls\">\n        <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/about\">About<\/a>\n        <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/getinvolved\">Get involved<\/a>\n        <a href=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.org\/journal\">Journal<\/a>\n    <\/div>\n<\/div>    <footer class=\"homefoot\">\n    \n  <div class=\"mb-6\">\n    <div id=\"mc_embed_signup mb-4\">\n      <form action=\"https:\/\/saffronkitchenproject.us5.list-manage.com\/subscribe\/post?u=b037ab16b340fb1fe8aff1122&amp;id=c6b517f71e\" method=\"post\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe-form\" name=\"mc-embedded-subscribe-form\" class=\"validate flex flex-col items-center\" target=\"_blank\" novalidate=\"\">\n 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0.371807C17.459 0.320746 17.5898 0.343437 17.7092 0.383151C17.8286 0.422865 17.9423 0.490946 18.0276 0.610088C18.0674 0.672496 18.1015 0.751923 18.0959 0.837025C18.0959 0.859718 18.0901 0.876744 18.0901 0.899438L18.0788 0.939149L18.0617 1.01857C18.0162 1.22281 17.9651 1.43273 17.9139 1.64265C17.8627 1.85256 17.8059 2.06248 17.7319 2.26672C17.658 2.47664 17.5784 2.66954 17.4988 2.86811C17.1861 3.65672 16.9359 4.46801 16.5834 5.24527C16.572 5.27364 16.5379 5.28498 16.5095 5.27364C16.4867 5.25094 16.4753 5.22826 16.481 5.19989Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.2944 4.16959C20.006 4.08954 20.7354 4.11623 21.447 4.22297C22.1586 4.3386 22.8613 4.49871 23.5373 4.73887C23.8753 4.8634 24.2133 5.00572 24.5335 5.18362C24.8537 5.36151 25.1561 5.5572 25.4408 5.77957C26.0189 6.21542 26.5259 6.7402 26.9351 7.34505C27.1397 7.64747 27.3087 7.96771 27.4599 8.29682C27.6111 8.62592 27.7356 8.96391 27.8424 9.30192C28.0647 9.98682 28.2249 10.6806 28.385 11.3744C28.5451 12.0682 28.6963 12.762 28.9009 13.438C28.9987 13.7849 29.0876 14.1229 29.2033 14.4609C29.3189 14.7989 29.4524 15.128 29.6302 15.4216C29.648 15.4483 29.6391 15.4839 29.6124 15.5016C29.5858 15.5194 29.5502 15.5105 29.5324 15.4838C29.3367 15.1725 29.2033 14.8434 29.0788 14.5054C28.9542 14.1674 28.8564 13.8294 28.7497 13.4825C28.5362 12.8065 28.3583 12.1038 28.1893 11.4189C28.0203 10.7251 27.8513 10.0402 27.6289 9.3642C27.4065 8.69708 27.1219 8.04776 26.7305 7.46959C26.3391 6.89142 25.8411 6.3844 25.2807 5.96635C25.0049 5.75287 24.7025 5.56609 24.4001 5.39708C24.0976 5.22808 23.7685 5.09466 23.4394 4.97903C22.7812 4.74776 22.0874 4.58765 21.3936 4.48091C20.6998 4.37417 19.9971 4.3208 19.2855 4.27632C19.2588 4.27632 19.2322 4.24964 19.2322 4.21406C19.25 4.19628 19.2677 4.16959 19.2944 4.16959Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.2907 4.26728C20.3529 4.33844 20.3707 4.40071 20.3707 4.47187V4.67643C20.3707 4.81875 20.3618 4.95219 20.3618 5.09451C20.344 5.37025 20.3085 5.65488 20.2284 5.93062C20.2195 5.9573 20.1928 5.97508 20.1573 5.96619C20.1306 5.95729 20.1128 5.93952 20.1128 5.91283C20.1217 5.63709 20.1217 5.37025 20.1128 5.09451L20.1039 4.68534V4.48075C20.1039 4.40959 20.1128 4.33843 20.1839 4.27617C20.2106 4.24059 20.2551 4.2317 20.2907 4.26728Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.1624 4.40937C21.2247 4.5161 21.2336 4.62285 21.2336 4.72959L21.2247 5.04981C21.2247 5.26329 21.2069 5.47675 21.198 5.69912C21.1802 5.9126 21.1624 6.13497 21.1268 6.34845C21.0912 6.56192 21.0468 6.7754 20.9667 6.98887C20.9578 7.01556 20.9222 7.03336 20.8956 7.02447C20.8689 7.01557 20.8511 6.98889 20.86 6.96221C20.8956 6.74873 20.9222 6.54414 20.9311 6.33066C20.9489 6.11719 20.9489 5.90371 20.9578 5.69024C20.9667 5.47676 20.9578 5.26329 20.9667 5.04981V4.72959C20.9667 4.62285 20.9845 4.5161 21.0557 4.40937C21.0735 4.38268 21.1179 4.37379 21.1446 4.39158C21.1535 4.39158 21.1624 4.40047 21.1624 4.40937Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.3098 4.5251C22.381 4.6941 22.3987 4.872 22.3987 5.041C22.3987 5.21 22.3987 5.3879 22.3987 5.55691C22.3987 5.90381 22.3899 6.2507 22.3632 6.5976C22.3365 6.9445 22.3098 7.29141 22.2653 7.62941C22.2208 7.97631 22.1586 8.31432 22.0874 8.65232C22.0785 8.679 22.0519 8.69679 22.0252 8.69679C21.9985 8.6879 21.9807 8.6612 21.9807 8.63451C22.0163 8.29651 22.0519 7.94961 22.0786 7.6116C22.1052 7.2736 22.123 6.9267 22.1319 6.5887C22.1408 6.25069 22.1408 5.90379 22.1408 5.56579C22.1408 5.39679 22.1408 5.2278 22.1319 5.0499C22.1319 4.96096 22.1319 4.88089 22.1408 4.79194C22.1497 4.70299 22.1675 4.62295 22.1942 4.534C22.2031 4.50731 22.2386 4.48951 22.2742 4.49841C22.292 4.49841 22.3009 4.50731 22.3098 4.5251Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.4216 4.8632C23.4839 5.06778 23.5017 5.27235 23.4928 5.47693C23.4839 5.68151 23.4839 5.88611 23.475 6.09069C23.4572 6.49985 23.4216 6.90902 23.3771 7.31818C23.3238 7.72735 23.2615 8.1365 23.1815 8.53677C23.0925 8.93704 22.9947 9.3373 22.8613 9.72867C22.8524 9.75536 22.8168 9.77316 22.7901 9.76427C22.7634 9.75537 22.7456 9.72867 22.7545 9.70199C22.8435 9.30172 22.9235 8.91034 22.9858 8.50118C23.048 8.10091 23.1014 7.70066 23.137 7.29149C23.1726 6.89123 23.1993 6.48207 23.2171 6.0729C23.226 5.86832 23.2349 5.66373 23.2349 5.45915C23.2349 5.3613 23.2437 5.25457 23.2526 5.15673C23.2615 5.05889 23.2793 4.95213 23.3149 4.85429C23.3238 4.82761 23.3594 4.80983 23.3861 4.81872C23.4038 4.82762 23.4127 4.84541 23.4216 4.8632Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.5511 5.35226C24.6223 5.58352 24.6312 5.82368 24.6223 6.06385C24.6134 6.29511 24.6045 6.53526 24.5867 6.76653C24.56 7.23796 24.5155 7.70049 24.4622 8.17192C24.4088 8.63445 24.3554 9.10588 24.2487 9.56841C24.142 10.0309 23.973 10.4846 23.715 10.8849C23.6972 10.9115 23.6617 10.9204 23.635 10.9026C23.6083 10.8848 23.5994 10.8582 23.6172 10.8315C23.8306 10.4223 23.9729 9.97757 24.053 9.52393C24.1419 9.0703 24.1776 8.60776 24.2131 8.14523C24.2487 7.6827 24.2843 7.21128 24.3109 6.74874C24.3287 6.51748 24.3377 6.28621 24.3377 6.05494C24.3465 5.82368 24.3643 5.59243 24.4266 5.36116C24.4355 5.33448 24.4622 5.30779 24.4977 5.31669C24.5333 5.31669 24.5422 5.33447 24.5511 5.35226Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.2322 3.94731C19.2945 3.9651 19.3122 3.9829 19.3122 4.00069V4.06295C19.3122 4.10742 19.3122 4.15189 19.3122 4.18747C19.3034 4.27642 19.2944 4.35648 19.2589 4.44543C19.25 4.48101 19.2144 4.4899 19.1788 4.481C19.161 4.47211 19.1521 4.46321 19.1433 4.45431C19.0988 4.37426 19.081 4.28533 19.0632 4.20528C19.0543 4.1608 19.0454 4.12521 19.0454 4.08074L19.0365 4.01848C19.0365 4.00069 19.0454 3.974 19.1076 3.94731C19.161 3.94731 19.1966 3.93842 19.2322 3.94731Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.881 4.20832C15.3202 3.9189 14.6987 3.75135 14.0773 3.62187C13.4559 3.4924 12.8193 3.401 12.1903 3.3553C11.5537 3.30199 10.9171 3.27914 10.2806 3.29437C9.64397 3.3096 9.00736 3.37054 8.39351 3.47717C7.77208 3.59142 7.17342 3.79705 6.60505 4.06362C6.03667 4.33019 5.4986 4.67292 5.006 5.06896C4.0284 5.86867 3.24782 6.89687 2.65671 8.01646C2.36116 8.58006 2.11106 9.15891 1.89129 9.7606C1.66394 10.3547 1.46691 10.964 1.29261 11.5733C1.24714 11.7256 1.21682 11.8855 1.17893 12.0379C1.14104 12.1902 1.09558 12.3425 1.07284 12.5025C1.01222 12.8147 0.944003 13.127 0.91369 13.4393C0.822749 14.0714 0.8076 14.7036 0.845492 15.3357L0.890969 15.8079C0.898548 15.8841 0.913697 15.9679 0.921276 16.044L0.959167 16.2801L0.997059 16.5162C1.00464 16.5924 1.03497 16.6685 1.05012 16.7447L1.1638 17.2017C1.20927 17.354 1.26232 17.4987 1.31537 17.651L1.39115 17.8795C1.42146 17.9557 1.45175 18.0242 1.48207 18.1004L1.67153 18.5345C1.73973 18.6792 1.81551 18.8163 1.89129 18.9611C2.17927 19.5247 2.53548 20.0578 2.90682 20.5757C3.28574 21.086 3.71011 21.5582 4.17997 21.9847C5.11969 22.8377 6.21099 23.5156 7.37805 24.0335C8.54512 24.5438 9.78038 24.8941 11.0384 25.0845C12.2964 25.2749 13.5847 25.3054 14.8503 25.1683C15.4793 25.0998 16.1083 24.9855 16.7297 24.8256C17.3436 24.6656 17.9423 24.4448 18.5258 24.1934C19.6929 23.6755 20.7993 23.0205 21.7693 22.198C22.7393 21.3754 23.573 20.3853 24.1338 19.2429C24.4142 18.6716 24.6264 18.0699 24.7628 17.453C24.8992 16.8361 24.9598 16.1963 24.9522 15.5566C24.9446 14.9168 24.8765 14.2847 24.74 13.6601C24.6036 13.0356 24.4218 12.4263 24.202 11.8246C24.1944 11.7941 24.2095 11.7637 24.2323 11.7561C24.2626 11.7484 24.2929 11.7637 24.3005 11.7865C24.5279 12.3882 24.7173 13.0051 24.8537 13.6373C24.9901 14.2694 25.0659 14.9092 25.0811 15.5566C25.0887 16.2039 25.0356 16.8513 24.8992 17.4835C24.7628 18.1156 24.5506 18.7326 24.2626 19.3114C23.6942 20.4767 22.8531 21.4973 21.8754 22.335C20.8903 23.1805 19.7763 23.8507 18.594 24.3686C18.0029 24.6352 17.3966 24.856 16.7676 25.016C16.1462 25.1835 15.502 25.2978 14.8655 25.3663C13.5847 25.511 12.2812 25.4806 11.0005 25.2902C9.72733 25.0998 8.46932 24.7494 7.2871 24.2315C6.10487 23.7136 4.99086 23.0205 4.0284 22.1523C3.55097 21.7181 3.11141 21.2383 2.72491 20.7128C2.34599 20.1873 1.98225 19.6541 1.6867 19.0753C1.61091 18.9306 1.53514 18.7935 1.46693 18.6412L1.26989 18.1918C1.23957 18.1156 1.20167 18.0471 1.17893 17.9709L1.10315 17.7424C1.0501 17.5901 0.997044 17.4378 0.943996 17.2779L0.822772 16.8056C0.807615 16.7295 0.777287 16.6457 0.769708 16.5695L0.731817 16.3258L0.693925 16.0821C0.678768 15.9983 0.663611 15.9222 0.656033 15.8384L0.610555 15.3509C0.572664 14.7035 0.587813 14.0485 0.678753 13.4088C0.709067 13.0889 0.777279 12.769 0.837906 12.4491C0.860641 12.2892 0.913682 12.1369 0.943996 11.9769C0.981888 11.817 1.01979 11.6647 1.06526 11.5047C1.23956 10.8802 1.4366 10.2709 1.67153 9.6692C1.8913 9.06752 2.14898 8.46583 2.44453 7.89461C3.04322 6.75217 3.83894 5.68589 4.85444 4.86333C5.86236 4.04077 7.0673 3.45432 8.35562 3.2106C9.63636 2.98211 10.9399 2.98973 12.2282 3.11921C12.8724 3.18776 13.509 3.28677 14.138 3.43909C14.2971 3.46956 14.4486 3.52286 14.6078 3.56094C14.6835 3.58379 14.767 3.60665 14.8427 3.6295L15.0701 3.70566C15.3808 3.80467 15.6764 3.94938 15.9568 4.10933C15.9795 4.12456 15.9946 4.15502 15.9795 4.18549C15.9416 4.20834 15.9113 4.22356 15.881 4.20832Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.8393 4.36523C17.0172 4.36523 17.1863 4.40081 17.3464 4.45418C17.5065 4.50755 17.6666 4.56093 17.8356 4.6232C18.1558 4.73883 18.476 4.87225 18.7874 5.02347C19.0987 5.18357 19.3922 5.36146 19.6768 5.56604C19.9526 5.77952 20.2105 6.01968 20.4062 6.30432C20.424 6.331 20.4151 6.36659 20.3973 6.38438C20.3706 6.40217 20.3439 6.39327 20.3261 6.37548C20.1038 6.12642 19.8458 5.91294 19.5701 5.72615C19.2943 5.53936 19.0008 5.37926 18.6895 5.24584C18.3871 5.10352 18.0669 4.98789 17.7555 4.87226C17.5954 4.81889 17.4353 4.76552 17.2752 4.71215C17.1151 4.65878 16.955 4.58762 16.8127 4.47199C16.786 4.4542 16.786 4.40971 16.8038 4.39192C16.8127 4.37413 16.8216 4.36523 16.8393 4.36523Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M25.2629 5.77913C25.343 6.02819 25.3697 6.28612 25.3697 6.54407C25.3697 6.80202 25.3696 7.05109 25.3518 7.30904C25.3341 7.81605 25.2718 8.32306 25.2095 8.83007C25.1384 9.33707 25.0494 9.83518 24.9249 10.3333C24.8004 10.8314 24.6314 11.3206 24.3823 11.7654C24.3645 11.7921 24.3378 11.8009 24.3111 11.7832C24.2844 11.7654 24.2756 11.7387 24.2845 11.712C24.4979 11.2584 24.6403 10.778 24.7381 10.2888C24.8449 9.7996 24.9071 9.30148 24.9694 8.79448C25.0317 8.29636 25.0672 7.78937 25.0939 7.29125C25.1028 7.0422 25.1117 6.79314 25.1028 6.53519C25.1028 6.28614 25.1028 6.03708 25.1561 5.77913C25.165 5.75244 25.1917 5.72576 25.2273 5.73465C25.2451 5.74355 25.2629 5.76134 25.2629 5.77913Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.3301 6.74923C26.4013 6.99829 26.4102 7.25624 26.4102 7.50529L26.3924 7.88777L26.3657 8.27026C26.3301 8.77726 26.259 9.28427 26.1611 9.78238C26.0633 10.2805 25.9299 10.7697 25.7698 11.25C25.6008 11.7304 25.4051 12.2018 25.1649 12.6465C25.1471 12.6732 25.1204 12.6821 25.0938 12.6732C25.0671 12.6554 25.0582 12.6287 25.0671 12.602C25.2716 12.1484 25.4496 11.677 25.5919 11.1967C25.7342 10.7163 25.8498 10.236 25.9299 9.73791C26.0188 9.24869 26.0722 8.75058 26.1078 8.25247L26.1256 7.87887L26.1344 7.50529C26.1344 7.38076 26.1433 7.25624 26.1522 7.13171C26.1611 7.00718 26.1789 6.88266 26.2145 6.75813C26.2234 6.73145 26.2501 6.70476 26.2857 6.71366C26.3035 6.71366 26.3212 6.73144 26.3301 6.74923Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.0774 7.82535C27.1397 8.05662 27.1486 8.29677 27.1308 8.52804C27.113 8.7593 27.0863 8.99948 27.0507 9.23074C26.9796 9.69327 26.8817 10.1558 26.7483 10.6094C26.6149 11.0542 26.4548 11.4989 26.2502 11.9259C26.0456 12.3528 25.8143 12.7531 25.6276 13.1711C25.6187 13.1978 25.5831 13.2156 25.5564 13.1978C25.5297 13.1889 25.5208 13.1534 25.5297 13.1267C25.6898 12.6819 25.9033 12.2728 26.0812 11.8458C26.2591 11.4278 26.4014 10.983 26.517 10.5383C26.6416 10.0935 26.7305 9.6399 26.7928 9.18627C26.8284 8.955 26.8461 8.73261 26.8639 8.50135C26.8817 8.27008 26.8995 8.04771 26.9618 7.81645C26.9707 7.78976 26.9973 7.77197 27.0329 7.77197C27.0596 7.78976 27.0685 7.80756 27.0774 7.82535Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.6376 9.04374C27.691 9.25722 27.6821 9.4796 27.6554 9.69307L27.6109 10.0133L27.5575 10.3335C27.4864 10.7605 27.3797 11.1696 27.264 11.5877C27.1395 11.9968 26.9972 12.406 26.8459 12.7974C26.6858 13.1976 26.5169 13.589 26.3301 13.9626C26.3123 13.9893 26.2856 13.9982 26.2589 13.9893C26.2322 13.9804 26.2233 13.9448 26.2322 13.9181C26.3834 13.5268 26.5346 13.1265 26.6681 12.7262C26.8104 12.3259 26.926 11.9257 27.0328 11.5165C27.1395 11.1074 27.2284 10.6982 27.2996 10.289L27.353 9.9777L27.3974 9.66638C27.4063 9.55965 27.4241 9.4618 27.4508 9.35506C27.4686 9.24833 27.4953 9.15048 27.5398 9.04374C27.5487 9.01706 27.5842 8.99928 27.6109 9.00817C27.6287 9.00817 27.6376 9.02595 27.6376 9.04374Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.1803 10.8225C28.2425 10.9826 28.2425 11.1516 28.2336 11.3117C28.2158 11.4718 28.2069 11.6319 28.1803 11.7921C28.1447 12.1123 28.0824 12.4325 28.0202 12.7438C27.949 13.0551 27.869 13.3754 27.7711 13.6778C27.6733 13.9802 27.5576 14.2915 27.4331 14.585C27.4242 14.6117 27.3886 14.6295 27.362 14.6117C27.3353 14.6028 27.3263 14.5673 27.3352 14.5406C27.4242 14.2381 27.5132 13.9268 27.5932 13.6244C27.6733 13.3131 27.7355 13.0107 27.7978 12.6904C27.8601 12.3791 27.9045 12.0678 27.9401 11.7476C27.9579 11.5875 27.9757 11.4363 27.9846 11.2762C27.9935 11.1961 27.9935 11.1161 28.0113 11.0449C28.029 10.9648 28.0469 10.8848 28.0824 10.8136C28.1002 10.7869 28.1358 10.7692 28.1625 10.7869C28.1714 10.7958 28.1803 10.8047 28.1803 10.8225Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.643 12.7C28.6964 12.7979 28.7053 12.8957 28.6964 12.9847L28.6697 13.2693C28.6519 13.4561 28.6252 13.6429 28.5896 13.8297C28.554 14.0165 28.5185 14.2033 28.474 14.3901C28.4295 14.5768 28.3761 14.7547 28.3139 14.9326C28.305 14.9593 28.2694 14.9771 28.2427 14.9682C28.216 14.9593 28.1983 14.9326 28.2071 14.9059C28.2338 14.7191 28.2605 14.5324 28.2872 14.3456C28.3139 14.1588 28.3317 13.972 28.3583 13.7941C28.385 13.6073 28.3939 13.4205 28.4117 13.2337L28.4384 12.958C28.4473 12.869 28.4651 12.7712 28.5362 12.6822C28.5629 12.6555 28.5985 12.6467 28.6341 12.6733C28.6341 12.6822 28.643 12.6911 28.643 12.7Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.7851 13.1355C28.8652 13.1178 28.9097 13.1444 28.9452 13.18L29.052 13.2779C29.1231 13.349 29.1854 13.4113 29.2565 13.4824C29.39 13.6248 29.5145 13.7671 29.6391 13.9094C29.6568 13.9361 29.6568 13.9717 29.6302 13.9895C29.6124 14.0072 29.5857 14.0072 29.5679 13.9983C29.39 13.9094 29.2299 13.7849 29.0787 13.6603C29.0075 13.5981 28.9274 13.5358 28.8652 13.4647L28.7584 13.3668C28.7228 13.3312 28.6962 13.2956 28.7051 13.2156C28.714 13.18 28.7407 13.1444 28.7851 13.1355Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.4204 11.6854C28.5094 11.6587 28.5894 11.6765 28.6517 11.721C28.714 11.7655 28.7762 11.801 28.8385 11.8544C28.9541 11.9433 29.0608 12.059 29.1587 12.1657C29.3455 12.3881 29.4967 12.6283 29.6479 12.8773C29.6657 12.904 29.6568 12.9396 29.6301 12.9574C29.6124 12.9751 29.5767 12.9662 29.559 12.9485C29.3544 12.7528 29.1765 12.5304 28.9808 12.3347C28.8829 12.2369 28.7851 12.1479 28.6784 12.0679C28.625 12.0323 28.5717 11.9878 28.5183 11.9611C28.4916 11.9433 28.4649 11.9256 28.4382 11.8989C28.4116 11.8722 28.3937 11.8455 28.376 11.801V11.7921C28.3582 11.7388 28.376 11.7032 28.4204 11.6854Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.0025 9.89737C28.1093 9.87068 28.1982 9.89737 28.2783 9.94184L28.5185 10.0575C28.6786 10.1375 28.8387 10.2265 28.9988 10.3243C29.3101 10.52 29.6036 10.7513 29.826 11.0448C29.8438 11.0715 29.8438 11.107 29.8171 11.1248C29.7993 11.1426 29.7637 11.1426 29.7459 11.1248C29.4791 10.8936 29.1856 10.7068 28.8743 10.5378C28.7231 10.4488 28.5629 10.3777 28.4028 10.2976L28.1627 10.182C28.0826 10.1464 28.0026 10.093 27.9492 10.0041C27.9314 9.96852 27.9403 9.93293 27.9759 9.90625C27.9848 9.90625 27.9936 9.90626 28.0025 9.89737Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.4687 8.45644C27.6111 8.44755 27.7356 8.48314 27.8512 8.53651C27.9669 8.58988 28.0825 8.65214 28.1892 8.7144C28.4116 8.83893 28.6251 8.98124 28.8386 9.13246C29.0432 9.28367 29.2389 9.45267 29.4167 9.63946C29.5946 9.82625 29.7636 10.0131 29.9148 10.2265C29.9326 10.2532 29.9238 10.2888 29.906 10.3066C29.8793 10.3244 29.8526 10.3155 29.8348 10.2977C29.6569 10.1198 29.479 9.94189 29.2922 9.78179C29.1054 9.62168 28.9097 9.47046 28.7052 9.32814C28.5006 9.18582 28.2871 9.0613 28.0736 8.93677C27.9669 8.87451 27.8512 8.82113 27.7445 8.76776C27.6911 8.74108 27.6378 8.71439 27.5844 8.67881C27.531 8.64323 27.4776 8.60765 27.4332 8.54539C27.4154 8.5187 27.4154 8.48312 27.4421 8.45644C27.451 8.45644 27.4598 8.45644 27.4687 8.45644Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.8818 7.35433C27.0241 7.30986 27.1664 7.31875 27.2998 7.35433L27.5044 7.40771L27.7001 7.46997C27.9669 7.55002 28.216 7.66566 28.4651 7.78129C28.7141 7.90582 28.9454 8.04813 29.1677 8.19934C29.3901 8.35945 29.6125 8.51957 29.8171 8.69746C29.8438 8.71525 29.8437 8.75082 29.8259 8.77751C29.8082 8.7953 29.7726 8.8042 29.7548 8.78641C29.5324 8.6352 29.31 8.49288 29.0699 8.35945C28.8386 8.22603 28.6074 8.10149 28.3583 7.99476C28.1181 7.88802 27.8691 7.79018 27.62 7.71013L27.4332 7.65675L27.2464 7.61227C27.1842 7.60338 27.1219 7.5856 27.0597 7.55892C26.9974 7.54113 26.9351 7.50554 26.8729 7.46106C26.8462 7.44328 26.8373 7.3988 26.8551 7.37212C26.864 7.37212 26.8729 7.36323 26.8818 7.35433Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.0278 6.39318C26.1256 6.30424 26.2324 6.25976 26.348 6.23307C26.4636 6.20639 26.5792 6.17972 26.6949 6.16193C26.8105 6.14414 26.935 6.11746 27.0596 6.11746C27.1841 6.10856 27.3086 6.11744 27.4331 6.12634C27.6822 6.15302 27.9134 6.22419 28.1358 6.31314C28.3582 6.40209 28.5717 6.49994 28.7763 6.60667C28.8029 6.62446 28.8118 6.65113 28.8029 6.67781C28.794 6.7045 28.7585 6.7134 28.7407 6.7045C28.5183 6.63334 28.296 6.5533 28.0736 6.49104C27.8512 6.42877 27.6288 6.3754 27.4065 6.35761C27.2997 6.34872 27.1841 6.34872 27.0773 6.35761C26.9706 6.36651 26.855 6.38428 26.7483 6.41097C26.6326 6.42876 26.5259 6.45545 26.4102 6.48213C26.2946 6.50882 26.179 6.52662 26.0544 6.49104C26.0189 6.48214 26.0011 6.44655 26.01 6.41097C26.01 6.41097 26.0189 6.40208 26.0278 6.39318Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.916 5.46829C25.005 5.38823 25.0939 5.35265 25.1918 5.33486L25.4853 5.28149C25.681 5.24591 25.8855 5.22811 26.0901 5.21032C26.2947 5.20143 26.4993 5.19255 26.695 5.20144C26.8996 5.21923 27.1041 5.23701 27.2998 5.28149C27.3265 5.29038 27.3443 5.31707 27.3443 5.35265C27.3354 5.37933 27.3176 5.39712 27.2909 5.39712C27.0952 5.38823 26.8996 5.38823 26.7039 5.39712C26.5082 5.40602 26.3125 5.42382 26.1168 5.4505C25.9211 5.47719 25.7255 5.50387 25.5387 5.53945L25.2451 5.59281C25.1473 5.6106 25.0494 5.61949 24.9338 5.57502C24.8982 5.55723 24.8804 5.52165 24.8982 5.48607C24.8982 5.47718 24.9071 5.47718 24.916 5.46829Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.0441 4.99666C24.1152 4.89881 24.2131 4.85435 24.3021 4.82766C24.3999 4.80098 24.4977 4.7654 24.5956 4.73872C24.7913 4.68535 24.987 4.64087 25.1916 4.60529C25.3961 4.56971 25.5918 4.54302 25.7964 4.53413C26.001 4.52523 26.2055 4.52523 26.4012 4.55192C26.4279 4.55192 26.4546 4.5786 26.4546 4.61417C26.4546 4.64086 26.4279 4.65866 26.4012 4.66755C26.2055 4.68534 26.0099 4.70314 25.8142 4.73872C25.6185 4.7654 25.4317 4.80986 25.236 4.85433C25.0403 4.89881 24.8535 4.95219 24.6667 5.00556C24.5689 5.03225 24.48 5.05893 24.3821 5.09451C24.2843 5.12119 24.1953 5.14787 24.0797 5.1123C24.0441 5.1034 24.0263 5.06781 24.0352 5.03223C24.0352 5.01444 24.0352 5.00555 24.0441 4.99666Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.71 4.54309C22.7723 4.44525 22.8613 4.39189 22.9502 4.35631C23.0392 4.32073 23.137 4.28516 23.226 4.24958C23.4128 4.17842 23.6084 4.11615 23.7952 4.06278C23.9909 4.00941 24.1866 3.96493 24.3823 3.92935C24.578 3.90267 24.7825 3.87598 24.9782 3.87598C25.0049 3.87598 25.0316 3.90267 25.0316 3.92935C25.0316 3.95604 25.0138 3.98273 24.9871 3.98273C24.7914 4.02721 24.6047 4.06279 24.4179 4.11615C24.2311 4.16952 24.0443 4.22288 23.8575 4.28515C23.6707 4.34741 23.4928 4.41858 23.306 4.48973C23.2171 4.52531 23.1281 4.56089 23.0392 4.59647C22.9502 4.63205 22.8524 4.65873 22.7367 4.64094C22.7012 4.63205 22.6745 4.60537 22.6834 4.5609C22.7012 4.552 22.71 4.54309 22.71 4.54309Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.6158 4.31173C21.6603 4.21388 21.7226 4.16941 21.7937 4.13383L22.0072 4.02709C22.1495 3.95594 22.3007 3.89365 22.443 3.83139C22.5943 3.76913 22.7455 3.70687 22.8967 3.6624C23.0479 3.60903 23.208 3.56456 23.3681 3.53788C23.3948 3.52898 23.4304 3.55567 23.4304 3.58235C23.4393 3.60904 23.4215 3.63572 23.3948 3.64461C23.1013 3.76914 22.8255 3.91144 22.5409 4.05376L22.114 4.26725L21.9005 4.37398C21.8293 4.40956 21.7493 4.43624 21.6514 4.40956C21.6158 4.40066 21.5891 4.36508 21.598 4.32061C21.6158 4.32061 21.6158 4.31173 21.6158 4.31173Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.6641 4.13427C20.673 4.04532 20.7174 4.00084 20.7708 3.96526C20.8242 3.92968 20.8775 3.90301 20.9309 3.86743C21.0376 3.80516 21.1533 3.75179 21.2689 3.70731C21.5002 3.60947 21.7226 3.52942 21.9627 3.46716C21.9894 3.45826 22.025 3.47604 22.0339 3.50273C22.0428 3.52941 22.0339 3.55609 22.0072 3.56499C21.8026 3.69841 21.5802 3.80515 21.3756 3.92078C21.2689 3.97415 21.1711 4.03643 21.0643 4.0898C21.011 4.11648 20.9665 4.15206 20.9131 4.17875C20.8865 4.19654 20.8598 4.20542 20.8331 4.21432C20.8064 4.22321 20.7708 4.22321 20.7263 4.21432C20.6819 4.21432 20.6552 4.17875 20.6641 4.13427Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.772 5.03247C15.7008 5.12142 15.603 5.16591 15.514 5.20149L15.2294 5.29044C15.0426 5.3527 14.8558 5.41496 14.6779 5.48612C14.4911 5.55728 14.3132 5.62844 14.1353 5.70849C13.9574 5.78854 13.7795 5.87748 13.6016 5.96643C13.5749 5.98422 13.5394 5.96645 13.5305 5.93976C13.5216 5.91308 13.5216 5.88639 13.5482 5.8686C13.7083 5.74407 13.8774 5.63733 14.0464 5.53059C14.2243 5.43275 14.4022 5.34379 14.589 5.25484C14.7757 5.17479 14.9625 5.10363 15.1493 5.03247L15.434 4.93464C15.5318 4.89906 15.6297 4.88128 15.7453 4.91686C15.7809 4.92575 15.7987 4.96132 15.7898 4.9969C15.7809 5.02359 15.772 5.03247 15.772 5.03247Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.1278 5.22797C16.1367 5.29913 16.1278 5.37028 16.1189 5.44144C16.11 5.5126 16.0922 5.57486 16.0655 5.63712C16.0211 5.76165 15.9855 5.89507 15.941 6.0196C15.8699 6.27755 15.7898 6.53551 15.7275 6.80235C15.6564 7.0603 15.603 7.32714 15.5408 7.59399L15.3629 8.39452C15.354 8.42121 15.3273 8.44789 15.3006 8.439C15.2739 8.4301 15.2561 8.40342 15.2561 8.37674C15.2739 8.101 15.3095 7.83416 15.3451 7.55842C15.3806 7.29157 15.434 7.01582 15.4874 6.74898C15.5496 6.48213 15.6119 6.21528 15.683 5.94844C15.7186 5.81502 15.7631 5.6816 15.7987 5.55707C15.8432 5.42365 15.8965 5.29911 16.0033 5.19238C16.0299 5.16569 16.0655 5.16569 16.0922 5.19238C16.1189 5.20127 16.1189 5.21018 16.1278 5.22797Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.626 5.1656C16.7328 5.26344 16.7861 5.37909 16.8306 5.49473L16.964 5.85052C17.053 6.09068 17.133 6.32195 17.222 6.56211C17.302 6.80227 17.3821 7.04242 17.4621 7.28258C17.5333 7.52274 17.6045 7.77179 17.6578 8.01195C17.6667 8.03864 17.6489 8.07423 17.6134 8.07423C17.5867 8.08313 17.56 8.06533 17.5511 8.03864C17.4621 7.80737 17.3643 7.56722 17.2754 7.33596L16.9996 6.63325C16.9107 6.40198 16.8128 6.16183 16.7239 5.93056L16.5904 5.57477C16.546 5.45914 16.5193 5.33461 16.5371 5.19229C16.546 5.15671 16.5727 5.13004 16.6083 5.13893C16.6083 5.14783 16.6171 5.1567 16.626 5.1656Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.697 5.04092C16.8127 5.01424 16.9016 5.04092 16.9906 5.08539C17.0795 5.12987 17.1684 5.16544 17.2485 5.20991C17.4264 5.29886 17.5865 5.38782 17.7555 5.48566C17.9156 5.58351 18.0846 5.69025 18.2358 5.80589C18.3871 5.92152 18.5472 6.02825 18.6984 6.15278C18.7251 6.17057 18.725 6.20614 18.7072 6.23282C18.6895 6.25061 18.6628 6.25952 18.6361 6.25063C18.4671 6.16168 18.307 6.06383 18.138 5.97488C17.969 5.88593 17.8089 5.78809 17.6399 5.70803C17.4709 5.61909 17.3019 5.53904 17.1418 5.45009C17.0528 5.40562 16.9728 5.37003 16.8838 5.33445C16.8393 5.31666 16.8038 5.28998 16.7593 5.26329C16.7237 5.23661 16.6882 5.20102 16.6526 5.14765C16.6348 5.11207 16.6437 5.0765 16.6703 5.05871C16.6792 5.04981 16.6882 5.04092 16.697 5.04092Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.7185 4.97912C15.6562 4.99691 15.6028 4.988 15.5584 4.988C15.505 4.9791 15.4605 4.97022 15.416 4.95243C15.3182 4.91685 15.2293 4.89016 15.1314 4.86348C14.9446 4.81011 14.749 4.74785 14.5533 4.71227C14.3576 4.6678 14.1619 4.63222 13.9662 4.60554C13.7705 4.57885 13.5659 4.56106 13.3702 4.56106C13.3435 4.56106 13.3169 4.53437 13.3169 4.50769C13.3169 4.481 13.3347 4.45431 13.3614 4.45431C13.566 4.41873 13.7705 4.40984 13.984 4.41874C14.1886 4.42763 14.4021 4.44542 14.6066 4.481C14.8112 4.51658 15.0158 4.56106 15.2115 4.62332C15.3093 4.65001 15.4072 4.68559 15.505 4.71227C15.6028 4.74785 15.6918 4.79232 15.7718 4.89017C15.7896 4.91685 15.7897 4.96133 15.763 4.97912C15.7363 4.97022 15.7274 4.97912 15.7185 4.97912Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.7146 2.08869C17.7166 2.28825 17.7606 2.48821 17.838 2.66851C17.9154 2.84882 18.022 3.0178 18.1562 3.16941C18.2866 3.31912 18.435 3.45182 18.5993 3.57168C18.7599 3.68966 18.9364 3.79479 19.1122 3.87346L19.0186 3.87305C19.2192 3.79185 19.4188 3.73106 19.6259 3.67405C19.8309 3.6212 20.0337 3.57251 20.2398 3.53591C20.6521 3.46272 21.0708 3.41372 21.4918 3.39722C22.3263 3.36044 23.1669 3.35806 24.0023 3.50459C24.4189 3.57994 24.8283 3.68816 25.224 3.84174C25.6198 3.99531 25.9961 4.1965 26.3502 4.423C26.7042 4.64951 27.042 4.89907 27.3696 5.1592C27.5335 5.28927 27.6893 5.42575 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13.9965L26.0919 13.9058C25.6796 13.4147 25.2335 12.9534 24.7858 12.4861C24.3359 12.023 23.9067 11.5285 23.5267 11.0015C22.7705 9.94946 22.087 8.85581 21.3043 7.83736C21.1106 7.57198 20.9382 7.30169 20.762 7.02951L20.2429 6.21258C19.8963 5.66595 19.5535 5.12122 19.2186 4.57005L19.2592 4.60107C19.033 4.53863 18.831 4.44672 18.6338 4.3363C18.4365 4.22587 18.254 4.08634 18.0933 3.93171C18.0511 3.89466 18.011 3.85345 17.9747 3.81413C17.9346 3.77293 17.8983 3.73361 17.8603 3.68824C17.794 3.59713 17.7197 3.51244 17.6634 3.41076C17.5386 3.22212 17.4531 3.01157 17.3771 2.80065C17.369 2.77041 17.38 2.73943 17.4092 2.7281C17.4384 2.71677 17.4683 2.7319 17.4822 2.75988L17.4838 2.76592C17.5582 2.97079 17.6404 3.16924 17.7636 3.35183C17.8183 3.44747 17.8888 3.53027 17.9536 3.61533C17.9878 3.6588 18.0262 3.69396 18.0626 3.73328C18.0989 3.7726 18.1353 3.81192 18.1774 3.84897C18.3366 3.99756 18.51 4.12724 18.7019 4.22973C18.8879 4.33448 19.0919 4.42223 19.2937 4.47747C19.3107 4.48088 19.3235 4.49261 19.3342 4.50848C19.6771 5.05322 20.0236 5.59985 20.3744 6.13816L20.9014 6.94866C21.0797 7.21669 21.2559 7.48887 21.4464 7.74216C22.2402 8.76629 22.9413 9.85313 23.6921 10.8973C24.0725 11.4141 24.4948 11.8946 24.9409 12.3558C25.3871 12.8171 25.8406 13.2821 26.2582 13.7811L26.3379 13.8737C26.3614 13.9013 26.3833 13.9229 26.4126 13.9482C26.4676 13.997 26.5306 14.0393 26.5935 14.0817C26.7231 14.1683 26.8628 14.2443 27.0045 14.3162C27.2881 14.4599 27.5816 14.593 27.8736 14.7201C28.4633 14.972 29.0657 15.1989 29.6723 15.4176L29.5297 15.523C29.5194 14.6922 29.5224 13.863 29.5504 13.0308C29.5644 12.6146 29.5821 12.2004 29.6365 11.7786C29.6658 11.5636 29.6941 11.3689 29.725 11.1599C29.7538 10.9551 29.7731 10.7506 29.796 10.5481C29.8576 9.73284 29.834 8.90058 29.5508 8.14572C29.4081 7.77036 29.215 7.41124 28.9785 7.08235C28.9175 6.99918 28.8523 6.92433 28.7913 6.84116C28.7586 6.80373 28.7282 6.76215 28.6955 6.72473L28.594 6.61054C28.525 6.5338 28.4598 6.45895 28.3888 6.38636L28.1698 6.17086C28.0987 6.09827 28.0218 6.02793 27.9428 5.96176L27.7138 5.75685C27.5558 5.62452 27.3978 5.49217 27.2377 5.364C26.9175 5.10764 26.5851 4.86603 26.2422 4.6452C25.8972 4.42852 25.5358 4.2349 25.1587 4.09078C24.7837 3.94251 24.3856 3.83996 23.986 3.76802C23.1825 3.63246 22.3574 3.63221 21.5362 3.6705C21.1247 3.68662 20.7198 3.72693 20.3171 3.79975C19.9166 3.86841 19.5108 3.96579 19.1361 4.09456L19.1245 4.0991C19.0953 4.11043 19.0686 4.10739 19.0425 4.09415C18.8448 3.99393 18.6688 3.87861 18.4975 3.74476C18.33 3.6128 18.1729 3.46005 18.0376 3.2922C17.9023 3.12435 17.7951 2.92892 17.7245 2.72593C17.6502 2.52106 17.6204 2.30222 17.6343 2.08981C17.6358 2.0592 17.6617 2.03576 17.6941 2.03652C17.6941 2.03652 17.716 2.05807 17.7146 2.08869Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.0578 5.22814C11.12 5.23704 11.1379 5.24593 11.1379 5.24593V5.26371C11.1379 5.27261 11.129 5.28151 11.129 5.2904C11.1112 5.30819 11.0934 5.32597 11.0578 5.34376C11.0222 5.36155 10.9778 5.35267 10.9511 5.33488C10.9155 5.30819 10.8977 5.29041 10.8888 5.27262C10.8888 5.26372 10.8799 5.25482 10.8799 5.24593V5.22814C10.8799 5.21925 10.8977 5.21924 10.96 5.21924C10.9867 5.21924 11.0222 5.22814 11.0578 5.22814Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.0513 23.4024C14.9885 23.4066 14.9693 23.4015 14.9693 23.4015L14.9656 23.3841C14.9638 23.3754 14.9707 23.3649 14.9688 23.3562C14.9826 23.3351 14.9963 23.314 15.0274 23.2893C15.0586 23.2646 15.104 23.2641 15.1337 23.276C15.1741 23.2948 15.1951 23.3085 15.2075 23.3241C15.2093 23.3328 15.2198 23.3397 15.2217 23.3484L15.2253 23.3658C15.2272 23.3745 15.2098 23.3782 15.1488 23.391C15.1227 23.3965 15.0879 23.4038 15.0513 23.4024Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.8584 16.8338C19.8508 16.8962 19.8423 16.9142 19.8423 16.9142L19.8245 16.9146C19.8156 16.9148 19.8066 16.9061 19.7977 16.9063C19.7795 16.8888 19.7613 16.8715 19.7428 16.8363C19.7243 16.8011 19.7322 16.7564 19.7494 16.7293C19.7753 16.6932 19.7928 16.675 19.8103 16.6658C19.8192 16.6656 19.8279 16.6565 19.8368 16.6563L19.8546 16.656C19.8635 16.6558 19.8639 16.6735 19.8652 16.7358C19.8658 16.7625 19.8665 16.798 19.8584 16.8338Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.72837 18.9815C4.69377 18.929 4.68863 18.9097 4.68863 18.9097L4.70195 18.898C4.70861 18.8921 4.72117 18.8928 4.72783 18.8869C4.75294 18.8885 4.77806 18.89 4.81496 18.9049C4.85186 18.9197 4.87467 18.9589 4.87903 18.9907C4.88263 19.035 4.88111 19.0601 4.87368 19.0786C4.86702 19.0845 4.86625 19.097 4.85959 19.1029L4.84627 19.1147C4.83961 19.1206 4.82781 19.1073 4.78654 19.0607C4.77475 19.0473 4.74529 19.014 4.72837 18.9815Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.3487 15.0905C12.3484 15.1534 12.342 15.1723 12.342 15.1723L12.3244 15.1747C12.3156 15.1759 12.3055 15.1683 12.2967 15.1695C12.2767 15.1543 12.2566 15.1391 12.2342 15.1063C12.2117 15.0734 12.2145 15.0282 12.2285 14.9993C12.2501 14.9605 12.2653 14.9404 12.2817 14.9292C12.2905 14.928 12.2981 14.9179 12.3069 14.9167L12.3246 14.9143C12.3334 14.9131 12.3358 14.9307 12.3443 14.9924C12.3479 15.0188 12.3539 15.0629 12.3487 15.0905Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.58997 5.73489C9.63445 5.77937 9.64334 5.79715 9.63445 5.79715L9.61668 5.80606C9.60779 5.81495 9.5989 5.81495 9.58111 5.82384C9.55443 5.83274 9.52774 5.83274 9.49216 5.82384C9.45658 5.81495 9.42987 5.77935 9.42098 5.74377V5.73489C9.41208 5.69042 9.41208 5.67263 9.42098 5.64594C9.42098 5.63705 9.42988 5.62815 9.42988 5.61926L9.43878 5.61035C9.43878 5.61035 9.45656 5.61035 9.50993 5.65483C9.53661 5.68151 9.56329 5.70821 9.58997 5.73489Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.385 22.613C16.3323 22.5787 16.3199 22.5631 16.3286 22.5613L16.3442 22.5489C16.3511 22.5384 16.3598 22.5365 16.3754 22.5242C16.3996 22.51 16.4257 22.5045 16.4624 22.5059C16.499 22.5072 16.5325 22.5366 16.5485 22.5695L16.5503 22.5782C16.5682 22.6199 16.5719 22.6373 16.5687 22.6653C16.5705 22.674 16.5636 22.6845 16.5654 22.6932L16.5586 22.7038C16.5586 22.7038 16.5412 22.7074 16.4798 22.6749C16.4464 22.6456 16.4147 22.625 16.385 22.613Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.3289 15.3682C19.2854 15.4136 19.2678 15.4229 19.2676 15.414L19.2584 15.3964C19.2493 15.3877 19.2491 15.3788 19.2398 15.3612C19.2304 15.3347 19.2298 15.308 19.2379 15.2723C19.2461 15.2365 19.2811 15.2091 19.3165 15.1994L19.3253 15.1993C19.3696 15.1894 19.3874 15.189 19.4143 15.1974C19.4232 15.1972 19.4323 15.2058 19.4411 15.2057L19.4502 15.2144C19.4502 15.2144 19.4506 15.2322 19.4073 15.2865C19.3723 15.3139 19.3463 15.35 19.3289 15.3682Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.08657 19.7512C6.0904 19.6885 6.09783 19.67 6.10372 19.6767L6.12217 19.6841C6.13473 19.6849 6.14062 19.6915 6.15907 19.699C6.18342 19.713 6.2011 19.733 6.21802 19.7656C6.23494 19.7981 6.22598 19.8417 6.20523 19.8719L6.19858 19.8778C6.17117 19.9139 6.15784 19.9257 6.13197 19.9368C6.1253 19.9427 6.11275 19.9419 6.10609 19.9478L6.09353 19.947C6.09353 19.947 6.08174 19.9337 6.07968 19.8643C6.08197 19.8266 6.08427 19.7889 6.08657 19.7512Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.6557 13.7041C11.6177 13.7542 11.6013 13.7655 11.6001 13.7567L11.5889 13.7403C11.5789 13.7327 11.5776 13.7238 11.5664 13.7074C11.554 13.6822 11.5503 13.6557 11.5543 13.6193C11.5583 13.5828 11.5899 13.5516 11.624 13.5379L11.6328 13.5367C11.6756 13.5219 11.6933 13.5194 11.7209 13.5246C11.7297 13.5234 11.7397 13.531 11.7486 13.5298L11.7586 13.5374C11.7586 13.5374 11.761 13.555 11.7242 13.614C11.6926 13.6452 11.6786 13.6741 11.6557 13.7041Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.31432 4.17806C9.37658 4.15137 9.38547 4.15137 9.39436 4.15137L9.40326 4.16915C9.41216 4.17805 9.41212 4.19584 9.41212 4.21363C9.41212 4.24031 9.41215 4.2759 9.39436 4.31148C9.37657 4.34706 9.34099 4.36483 9.30541 4.36483H9.29651C9.25203 4.36483 9.22534 4.34705 9.19866 4.32926C9.18976 4.32037 9.18088 4.31147 9.17199 4.30258L9.16309 4.28479C9.16309 4.2759 9.17199 4.26699 9.21646 4.23141C9.25204 4.21362 9.28763 4.19585 9.31432 4.17806Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.9736 24.0705C16.9182 24.1094 16.9095 24.1112 16.9008 24.113L16.8884 24.0975C16.8779 24.0906 16.8742 24.0732 16.8705 24.0558C16.865 24.0297 16.8577 23.9949 16.8678 23.9564C16.8779 23.9179 16.909 23.8932 16.9439 23.8858L16.9526 23.884C16.9961 23.8749 17.0259 23.8868 17.0556 23.8987C17.0662 23.9055 17.0767 23.9124 17.0872 23.9193L17.0996 23.9349C17.1014 23.9436 17.0946 23.9541 17.0584 23.9981C17.0272 24.0228 16.9961 24.0476 16.9736 24.0705Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.8707 15.0688C20.8987 15.1304 20.8989 15.1393 20.8991 15.1482L20.8815 15.1575C20.8728 15.1666 20.855 15.167 20.8372 15.1673C20.8105 15.1679 20.7749 15.1686 20.739 15.1516C20.703 15.1346 20.6845 15.0994 20.6838 15.0638L20.6836 15.0549C20.6826 15.0104 20.6998 14.9834 20.7171 14.9563C20.7258 14.9472 20.7345 14.9382 20.7432 14.9291L20.7608 14.9198C20.7697 14.9196 20.7787 14.9283 20.8153 14.9721C20.8338 15.0072 20.8521 15.0336 20.8707 15.0688Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.10373 20.9892C5.04248 20.9602 5.03658 20.9536 5.03069 20.9469L5.03812 20.9285C5.03889 20.9159 5.05221 20.9041 5.06553 20.8923C5.08552 20.8747 5.11215 20.8511 5.15059 20.8408C5.18902 20.8306 5.22592 20.8454 5.2495 20.8721L5.2554 20.8787C5.28488 20.912 5.28924 20.9438 5.2936 20.9756C5.29283 20.9881 5.29207 21.0007 5.2913 21.0132L5.28387 21.0317C5.27721 21.0376 5.26465 21.0368 5.20854 21.0271C5.17163 21.0122 5.13474 20.9974 5.10373 20.9892Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.1516 13.2208C13.1865 13.2789 13.1877 13.2877 13.1889 13.2965L13.1725 13.3077C13.1649 13.3177 13.1472 13.3202 13.1296 13.3226C13.1032 13.3262 13.0679 13.3311 13.0303 13.3183C12.9926 13.3055 12.9702 13.2727 12.9653 13.2374L12.9641 13.2286C12.9581 13.1845 12.9721 13.1557 12.9861 13.1268C12.9937 13.1168 13.0013 13.1068 13.0089 13.0968L13.0253 13.0855C13.0341 13.0843 13.0441 13.0919 13.0854 13.1311C13.1079 13.164 13.1303 13.1968 13.1516 13.2208Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.0005 4.09836C12.0272 4.16062 12.0272 4.16953 12.0183 4.17843L12.0005 4.18731C11.9916 4.1962 11.9828 4.18732 11.9739 4.19621C11.9472 4.19621 11.9205 4.18731 11.8849 4.16952H11.876C11.8404 4.15173 11.8226 4.11615 11.8226 4.08057C11.8226 4.0361 11.8316 4.00942 11.8493 3.99163C11.8582 3.98273 11.8671 3.97383 11.876 3.96494L11.8938 3.95605C11.9027 3.95605 11.9116 3.96495 11.9472 4.01831C11.9649 4.0361 11.9827 4.06278 12.0005 4.09836Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.3612 24.7022C14.3223 24.6467 14.3205 24.638 14.3186 24.6293L14.3342 24.617C14.3411 24.6064 14.3516 24.6133 14.3585 24.6028C14.3846 24.5973 14.4125 24.6005 14.451 24.6106L14.4597 24.6087C14.4982 24.6188 14.5229 24.65 14.5303 24.6848C14.5394 24.7283 14.5362 24.7562 14.5225 24.7773C14.5156 24.7879 14.5087 24.7984 14.5019 24.8089L14.4863 24.8213C14.4776 24.8231 14.467 24.8162 14.4212 24.7713C14.4107 24.7645 14.386 24.7333 14.3612 24.7022Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.0074 17.7438C20.9457 17.7718 20.9368 17.772 20.9279 17.7722L20.9187 17.7545C20.9096 17.7458 20.9183 17.7368 20.9092 17.7281C20.9087 17.7014 20.917 17.6745 20.934 17.6386L20.9338 17.6297C20.9509 17.5937 20.986 17.5752 21.0216 17.5744C21.0661 17.5735 21.0929 17.5818 21.1111 17.5992C21.1202 17.6079 21.1293 17.6166 21.1384 17.6253L21.1476 17.6429C21.1478 17.6518 21.1391 17.6609 21.0865 17.6976C21.078 17.7156 21.0428 17.7341 21.0074 17.7438Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.26349 19.0306C3.29243 18.9693 3.29909 18.9634 3.30575 18.9575L3.32421 18.965C3.33676 18.9657 3.33599 18.9783 3.34855 18.9791C3.36623 18.999 3.37726 19.0249 3.38752 19.0634L3.39341 19.07C3.40367 19.1084 3.38882 19.1454 3.36218 19.1689C3.32887 19.1984 3.30299 19.2094 3.27788 19.2079C3.26532 19.2071 3.25276 19.2064 3.24021 19.2056L3.22176 19.1982C3.21586 19.1915 3.21663 19.179 3.23301 19.1169C3.22789 19.0977 3.24864 19.0675 3.26349 19.0306Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.5962 15.8709C13.5381 15.9058 13.5293 15.907 13.5193 15.8994L13.5081 15.883C13.498 15.8754 13.5057 15.8654 13.4956 15.8578C13.492 15.8313 13.4972 15.8037 13.51 15.766L13.5088 15.7572C13.5216 15.7195 13.5544 15.6971 13.5896 15.6922C13.6337 15.6862 13.6613 15.6913 13.6814 15.7065C13.6914 15.7142 13.7014 15.7218 13.7115 15.7294L13.7227 15.7458C13.7239 15.7546 13.7163 15.7646 13.6683 15.8071C13.6631 15.8348 13.629 15.8484 13.5962 15.8709Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.0984 6.34842C12.1607 6.33063 12.1696 6.32174 12.1785 6.33064V6.33954C12.1785 6.34844 12.1785 6.35731 12.1785 6.36621C12.1696 6.384 12.1696 6.41069 12.134 6.43737C12.1073 6.46406 12.0718 6.48185 12.0273 6.48185C11.9828 6.48185 11.965 6.47295 11.9472 6.45516C11.9383 6.44626 11.9294 6.44627 11.9294 6.43737L11.9205 6.42849C11.9205 6.42849 11.9294 6.4196 11.9917 6.38402C12.0273 6.37512 12.0628 6.36621 12.0984 6.34842Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.8022 22.5202C13.745 22.5504 13.7381 22.561 13.7276 22.5541L13.7257 22.5454C13.7239 22.5367 13.7221 22.528 13.7203 22.5193C13.7253 22.5 13.7198 22.4739 13.7491 22.4405C13.7697 22.4089 13.8009 22.3841 13.8444 22.375C13.8879 22.3658 13.9072 22.3709 13.9282 22.3846C13.9388 22.3915 13.9475 22.3897 13.9493 22.3984L13.9598 22.4052C13.9598 22.4052 13.953 22.4158 13.8994 22.4634C13.8664 22.4794 13.8352 22.5042 13.8022 22.5202Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.7598 17.8892C18.7789 17.9511 18.788 17.9599 18.7793 17.9689L18.7704 17.9691C18.7615 17.9693 18.7526 17.9695 18.7438 17.9697C18.7258 17.9612 18.6991 17.9617 18.6717 17.9267C18.6444 17.9006 18.6259 17.8654 18.6249 17.8209C18.624 17.7765 18.6325 17.7585 18.6499 17.7404C18.6586 17.7313 18.6584 17.7224 18.6673 17.7222L18.676 17.7131C18.676 17.7131 18.6851 17.7218 18.722 17.7833C18.7316 17.8187 18.7504 17.8628 18.7598 17.8892Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n    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10.6752 7.25605 10.6663 7.26494L10.6574 7.28273C10.6485 7.29162 10.6396 7.30052 10.6307 7.30942C10.604 7.32721 10.5773 7.33609 10.5329 7.34499H10.5239C10.4795 7.34499 10.4439 7.32721 10.435 7.29163C10.4172 7.24716 10.4172 7.22048 10.4172 7.1849C10.4172 7.16711 10.4261 7.15821 10.4261 7.14042L10.435 7.12262C10.435 7.11372 10.4528 7.11373 10.5151 7.14931C10.5507 7.1582 10.5862 7.176 10.6129 7.20268Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.0818 21.3873C15.0204 21.3548 15.0099 21.3479 15.0167 21.3374L15.0218 21.3181C15.0286 21.3076 15.0355 21.297 15.0424 21.2865C15.0648 21.2636 15.0891 21.2494 15.1308 21.2315L15.1395 21.2297C15.183 21.2206 15.2215 21.2306 15.2375 21.2636C15.2641 21.3035 15.2696 21.3296 15.2769 21.3644C15.2806 21.3818 15.2737 21.3924 15.2774 21.4098L15.2723 21.429C15.2742 21.4377 15.2568 21.4414 15.1885 21.4194C15.1519 21.418 15.1115 21.3992 15.0818 21.3873Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.8835 16.4309C17.8402 16.4852 17.8315 16.4942 17.8224 16.4855L17.8044 16.477C17.7954 16.4683 17.7863 16.4596 17.7772 16.4509C17.7588 16.4246 17.7494 16.3981 17.7395 16.3538L17.7394 16.345C17.7384 16.3005 17.7554 16.2645 17.7908 16.2549C17.8349 16.2362 17.8616 16.2356 17.8972 16.2348C17.915 16.2344 17.924 16.2432 17.9418 16.2428L17.9598 16.2513C17.9687 16.2511 17.9691 16.2689 17.9348 16.3319C17.9267 16.3677 17.9095 16.3947 17.8835 16.4309Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.49512 18.0115C6.49306 17.942 6.49382 17.9295 6.50638 17.9303L6.5256 17.9251C6.53815 17.9259 6.5507 17.9267 6.56326 17.9274C6.59426 17.9356 6.61862 17.9497 6.65475 17.9771L6.66065 17.9838C6.69012 18.0171 6.70038 18.0555 6.67963 18.0858C6.65812 18.1286 6.63812 18.1462 6.61148 18.1698C6.59816 18.1816 6.5856 18.1808 6.57228 18.1926L6.55307 18.1978C6.54641 18.2037 6.53462 18.1903 6.52 18.1201C6.50308 18.0876 6.50538 18.0499 6.49512 18.0115Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.3408 14.9173C10.304 14.9762 10.2964 14.9863 10.2864 14.9787L10.2676 14.9723C10.2575 14.9646 10.2475 14.9571 10.2375 14.9495C10.2162 14.9254 10.2038 14.9002 10.1889 14.8573L10.1877 14.8485C10.1817 14.8045 10.1945 14.7668 10.2285 14.7532C10.2702 14.7295 10.2966 14.7259 10.3319 14.721C10.3495 14.7186 10.3595 14.7262 10.3771 14.7238L10.396 14.7302C10.4048 14.729 10.4072 14.7466 10.3804 14.8131C10.3764 14.8496 10.3636 14.8872 10.3408 14.9173Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.1607 7.76271C12.223 7.74492 12.2408 7.75382 12.2408 7.76271L12.2497 7.78938C12.2586 7.80717 12.2496 7.82497 12.2585 7.84276C12.2585 7.87834 12.2497 7.91392 12.223 7.95839C12.2052 7.99397 12.1607 8.00286 12.1163 7.99397C12.0718 7.97618 12.0451 7.94949 12.0273 7.9228C12.0184 7.91391 12.0095 7.89613 12.0006 7.88723L11.9917 7.86945C11.9917 7.86055 12.0006 7.85166 12.054 7.82497C12.0896 7.7805 12.1252 7.77161 12.1607 7.76271Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.4501 21.1488C13.3928 21.179 13.3736 21.174 13.3717 21.1653L13.3575 21.141C13.3452 21.1254 13.3502 21.1062 13.3378 21.0906C13.3305 21.0558 13.3319 21.0191 13.3488 20.9701C13.3589 20.9316 13.4006 20.9138 13.446 20.9133C13.4932 20.9216 13.5248 20.9422 13.5477 20.9646C13.5582 20.9715 13.5706 20.9871 13.5811 20.9939L13.5935 21.0095C13.5953 21.0182 13.5884 21.0288 13.5417 21.0659C13.516 21.1167 13.4743 21.1346 13.4501 21.1488Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.3473 17.9905C17.3664 18.0523 17.3579 18.0703 17.349 18.0705L17.3225 18.08C17.3049 18.0892 17.287 18.0807 17.2694 18.09C17.2338 18.0907 17.198 18.0826 17.153 18.0568C17.1171 18.0398 17.1072 17.9956 17.1152 17.9509C17.132 17.9061 17.1581 17.8788 17.1844 17.8605C17.1931 17.8514 17.2107 17.8421 17.2194 17.833L17.237 17.8238C17.2459 17.8236 17.255 17.8323 17.2828 17.8851C17.328 17.9197 17.3377 17.9551 17.3473 17.9905Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.89569 16.4755C5.8411 16.4407 5.83597 16.4215 5.84263 16.4156L5.85672 16.3912C5.86414 16.3728 5.88336 16.3677 5.89079 16.3492C5.91743 16.3256 5.94997 16.3087 6.00096 16.2992C6.0394 16.289 6.07553 16.3164 6.09835 16.3556C6.1145 16.4007 6.1122 16.4383 6.104 16.4693C6.10324 16.4819 6.09581 16.5003 6.09505 16.5129L6.08762 16.5313C6.08096 16.5372 6.0684 16.5365 6.01305 16.5142C5.95616 16.517 5.92593 16.4963 5.89569 16.4755Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.98716 16.5277C10.0132 16.587 10.0069 16.6058 9.99804 16.6071L9.97281 16.6195C9.9564 16.6307 9.93757 16.6243 9.92115 16.6355C9.8859 16.6404 9.84944 16.6364 9.80175 16.616C9.76409 16.6032 9.74923 16.5603 9.75199 16.5151C9.76357 16.4686 9.78639 16.4385 9.81041 16.4173C9.81801 16.4073 9.83443 16.396 9.84204 16.386L9.85845 16.3748C9.86726 16.3736 9.87728 16.3812 9.91097 16.4304C9.96108 16.4685 9.97472 16.5025 9.98716 16.5277Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.1749 7.02446C13.2371 7.04225 13.246 7.05115 13.246 7.05115L13.2371 7.06893C13.2371 7.07783 13.2282 7.08672 13.2194 7.09562C13.2016 7.11341 13.1838 7.13119 13.1393 7.14898C13.1037 7.16677 13.0592 7.14898 13.0326 7.13119C12.997 7.10451 12.9881 7.07782 12.9792 7.06003C12.9792 7.05113 12.9703 7.03335 12.9792 7.02446V7.00667C12.9792 6.99778 12.997 6.99778 13.0592 7.00667C13.0948 7.01557 13.1393 7.01556 13.1749 7.02446Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.6098 22.0802C12.5452 22.0756 12.5347 22.0687 12.5347 22.0687L12.5397 22.0495C12.5379 22.0408 12.5447 22.0302 12.5516 22.0197C12.5654 21.9986 12.5791 21.9775 12.619 21.951C12.6501 21.9262 12.6973 21.9345 12.7271 21.9464C12.7674 21.9652 12.7816 21.9895 12.7939 22.0051C12.7958 22.0138 12.8081 22.0293 12.8013 22.0399L12.8049 22.0573C12.8068 22.066 12.7893 22.0696 12.7266 22.0738C12.6918 22.0811 12.6464 22.0815 12.6098 22.0802Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.1066 18.9794C18.0901 19.042 18.0814 19.0511 18.0814 19.0511L18.0635 19.0426C18.0546 19.0428 18.0455 19.0341 18.0364 19.0254C18.0182 19.0079 18.0001 18.9905 17.9814 18.9465C17.9628 18.9113 17.9797 18.8664 17.9969 18.8394C18.0228 18.8032 18.0493 18.7938 18.0669 18.7845C18.0758 18.7843 18.0934 18.7751 18.1025 18.7838L18.1202 18.7834C18.1291 18.7832 18.1295 18.801 18.1219 18.8634C18.1229 18.9079 18.1148 18.9436 18.1066 18.9794Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.6769 16.2122C4.64895 16.1538 4.64973 16.1412 4.64973 16.1412L4.66894 16.1361C4.6756 16.1302 4.68816 16.131 4.70071 16.1317C4.72582 16.1333 4.75094 16.1348 4.79373 16.1563C4.83063 16.1712 4.84679 16.2163 4.85115 16.2481C4.85475 16.2924 4.84066 16.3167 4.83323 16.3352C4.82657 16.3411 4.81914 16.3595 4.80659 16.3588L4.79327 16.3705C4.78661 16.3764 4.77482 16.3631 4.74021 16.3106C4.7174 16.2714 4.69381 16.2448 4.6769 16.2122Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.8565 17.4321C10.8474 17.4962 10.8398 17.5062 10.8398 17.5062L10.8209 17.4998C10.8121 17.501 10.8021 17.4934 10.7921 17.4858C10.772 17.4706 10.752 17.4554 10.7283 17.4137C10.7059 17.3809 10.7175 17.3344 10.7315 17.3056C10.7531 17.2667 10.7783 17.2543 10.7947 17.243C10.8035 17.2418 10.8199 17.2306 10.8299 17.2382L10.8476 17.2358C10.8564 17.2346 10.8588 17.2522 10.8584 17.3151C10.8645 17.3591 10.8605 17.3956 10.8565 17.4321Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.2422 6.45565C14.3045 6.43786 14.3223 6.43787 14.3223 6.44677V6.46455C14.3223 6.47345 14.3223 6.48233 14.3223 6.50012C14.3134 6.52681 14.3045 6.54461 14.2778 6.58019C14.2511 6.60687 14.2066 6.61576 14.171 6.61576C14.1266 6.60686 14.1088 6.58908 14.091 6.58019C14.0821 6.57129 14.0732 6.56239 14.0732 6.5535L14.0643 6.53571C14.0643 6.52682 14.0732 6.51791 14.1355 6.50012C14.1711 6.47344 14.2155 6.46454 14.2422 6.45565Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.6826 22.8572C11.6254 22.8874 11.6079 22.8911 11.6061 22.8824L11.6024 22.8649C11.6006 22.8562 11.5988 22.8475 11.5951 22.8301C11.5983 22.8022 11.6034 22.7829 11.6222 22.7426C11.6428 22.711 11.6845 22.6932 11.7193 22.6858C11.7646 22.6854 11.7857 22.6991 11.8049 22.7042C11.8155 22.711 11.826 22.7179 11.8278 22.7266L11.8402 22.7422C11.8421 22.7509 11.8352 22.7614 11.7779 22.7917C11.7399 22.8269 11.7069 22.843 11.6826 22.8572Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.9319 19.2622C20.951 19.324 20.9514 19.3418 20.9425 19.342L20.9247 19.3424C20.9158 19.3426 20.9069 19.3427 20.8891 19.3431C20.8623 19.3348 20.8443 19.3263 20.8082 19.3004C20.7809 19.2742 20.7711 19.23 20.7703 19.1944C20.7783 19.1498 20.7957 19.1316 20.8042 19.1136C20.8129 19.1046 20.8216 19.0955 20.8305 19.0953L20.8481 19.086C20.857 19.0858 20.8661 19.0945 20.8852 19.1564C20.9126 19.1914 20.9223 19.2268 20.9319 19.2622Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.5855 16.2134C22.6478 16.2134 22.6655 16.2223 22.6655 16.2312L22.6744 16.2667C22.6833 16.2934 22.6745 16.3112 22.6833 16.3379C22.6833 16.3824 22.6745 16.4357 22.6478 16.4891C22.63 16.5247 22.5855 16.5425 22.5499 16.5247L22.541 16.5158C22.4965 16.4802 22.4699 16.4357 22.4521 16.4002C22.4432 16.3824 22.4343 16.3557 22.4254 16.3379L22.4165 16.3023C22.4165 16.2934 22.4254 16.2756 22.4876 16.2489C22.5143 16.2223 22.5499 16.2134 22.5855 16.2134Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.9361 20.7672C21.9983 20.7761 22.0161 20.7849 22.0161 20.8027V20.8383C22.0161 20.865 22.0161 20.8828 22.0072 20.9095C21.9983 20.9539 21.9805 21.0073 21.9538 21.0607C21.936 21.0963 21.8916 21.0963 21.856 21.0785C21.8471 21.0785 21.8471 21.0696 21.8471 21.0696C21.8115 21.0251 21.7848 20.9806 21.7759 20.9273C21.767 20.9006 21.7671 20.8828 21.7582 20.8561V20.8205C21.7582 20.8116 21.7671 20.7938 21.8382 20.7849C21.8649 20.7672 21.9005 20.7583 21.9361 20.7672Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.9731 17.3602C24.0354 17.378 24.0442 17.3869 24.0442 17.3958L24.0354 17.4224C24.0354 17.4402 24.0265 17.4491 24.0176 17.4669C23.9998 17.4936 23.982 17.5292 23.9375 17.5559C23.9019 17.5826 23.8575 17.5737 23.8308 17.5381C23.7952 17.5025 23.7863 17.4669 23.7774 17.4313C23.7774 17.4136 23.7685 17.3958 23.7774 17.378V17.3513C23.7774 17.3424 23.7952 17.3335 23.8575 17.3335C23.902 17.3513 23.9375 17.3513 23.9731 17.3602Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.2606 20.1842C29.4343 20.2903 29.6169 20.3982 29.798 20.5137L30.0623 20.6776L30.3191 20.832L30.8418 21.1426L31.3659 21.4454C32.0742 21.8483 32.778 22.2262 33.4997 22.6076C34.9372 23.3531 36.4016 24.0556 37.8704 24.7349C38.6101 25.0715 39.3497 25.4082 40.0804 25.743L41.1854 26.2471L41.7379 26.4992C41.9251 26.5837 42.1033 26.6666 42.2919 26.7434C43.0376 27.0491 43.7951 27.3409 44.5527 27.6328L46.8254 28.5084C46.8863 28.5283 46.9115 28.5895 46.8995 28.6514C46.8005 29.0181 46.703 29.3771 46.5951 29.742C46.4872 30.107 46.3808 30.4642 46.2462 30.824L46.1924 30.9583C46.1744 31.003 46.1564 31.0478 46.1296 31.0908L45.9966 31.3464C45.9697 31.3894 45.9518 31.4341 45.9264 31.4694L45.8474 31.5907C45.7952 31.669 45.7503 31.7568 45.6892 31.8334C45.5758 31.9882 45.4625 32.1431 45.3329 32.2868C45.2732 32.3556 45.212 32.4321 45.1435 32.4992L44.9379 32.7005C44.8693 32.7676 44.7933 32.8252 44.7248 32.8923C44.6473 32.9576 44.5802 33.0169 44.5043 33.0746L44.2764 33.2474L44.0337 33.4012C43.9921 33.4253 43.9577 33.4588 43.916 33.4829L43.7911 33.5551C43.7077 33.6032 43.6243 33.6514 43.5409 33.6995C43.3667 33.7863 43.2015 33.8748 43.0289 33.9538C42.6835 34.1118 42.325 34.2432 41.9678 34.3668C41.7819 34.4191 41.6033 34.4809 41.4188 34.5255L41.1451 34.6009L40.8728 34.6687C39.4001 35.0097 37.8861 35.182 36.3755 35.1941C34.8664 35.1984 33.3444 35.0314 31.8839 34.595C31.5169 34.4835 31.1618 34.3583 30.8097 34.2175C30.4592 34.0691 30.1117 33.9051 29.7865 33.7213C29.4524 33.5358 29.1317 33.3288 28.8334 33.102C28.7607 33.0477 28.6806 32.9839 28.6093 32.9218C28.5381 32.8597 28.4565 32.8037 28.3957 32.7356C28.2547 32.6037 28.1138 32.4718 27.9937 32.3279C27.7326 32.052 27.5074 31.7349 27.3 31.4213C27.1045 31.0939 26.9194 30.7604 26.7656 30.409C26.4565 29.7138 26.2486 28.9739 26.1344 28.2281C26.0201 27.4823 25.9833 26.7194 26.0386 25.9583C26.1013 25.2067 26.2473 24.4551 26.4898 23.7304C26.7309 23.0134 27.0863 22.3267 27.5367 21.7227C27.589 21.6444 27.6575 21.5774 27.7187 21.5008C27.7783 21.432 27.8305 21.3537 27.8991 21.2866C28.0272 21.1507 28.1569 21.007 28.3014 20.8823C28.3685 20.823 28.437 20.7559 28.5145 20.6906L28.7424 20.5177C28.7841 20.4937 28.8183 20.4601 28.86 20.4361L28.9866 20.3561C29.0834 20.2865 29.1772 20.2324 29.2606 20.1842ZM29.2573 20.2962C29.1829 20.346 29.1173 20.3976 29.0429 20.4475L28.9372 20.5154C28.9044 20.5412 28.8612 20.573 28.8284 20.5988L28.6095 20.7733C28.5335 20.8309 28.4739 20.8998 28.3979 20.9574C28.2549 21.0743 28.1342 21.2197 28.006 21.3556C27.9374 21.4227 27.8852 21.501 27.8256 21.5698C27.7659 21.6386 27.7048 21.7152 27.654 21.7857C27.214 22.3837 26.8705 23.0566 26.6399 23.7676C26.4093 24.4786 26.2663 25.2146 26.2051 25.9585C26.1528 26.7041 26.1927 27.4515 26.3084 28.1896C26.4242 28.9276 26.6366 29.6442 26.9398 30.3222C27.0862 30.6642 27.2728 30.9899 27.4624 31.3001C27.6713 31.606 27.8802 31.9119 28.1428 32.1799C28.2629 32.3239 28.3964 32.4463 28.5373 32.5782C28.5981 32.6463 28.6797 32.7023 28.7525 32.7567C28.8252 32.811 28.8964 32.8731 28.9677 32.9351C29.266 33.1619 29.5792 33.3594 29.9044 33.5432C30.2295 33.727 30.5697 33.8815 30.9113 34.0282C31.2544 34.1672 31.6095 34.2925 31.9676 34.4022C33.4028 34.8257 34.8981 34.9875 36.3983 34.9814C37.8896 34.9736 39.3946 34.7996 40.8495 34.4551L41.1217 34.3874L41.3955 34.3119C41.5799 34.2673 41.7496 34.2038 41.9356 34.1515C42.2912 34.0356 42.6409 33.9026 42.9758 33.7505C43.147 33.6792 43.3122 33.5907 43.4775 33.5022C43.5593 33.4619 43.6338 33.412 43.7171 33.3639L43.8422 33.2917C43.8839 33.2676 43.9166 33.2418 43.9583 33.2178L44.1921 33.0622L44.4096 32.8954C44.4841 32.8455 44.5526 32.7784 44.6196 32.7191C44.6866 32.6597 44.7626 32.6021 44.8312 32.535L45.0264 32.3398C45.0935 32.2805 45.1457 32.2022 45.2142 32.1351C45.3424 31.9992 45.4453 31.8503 45.5572 31.7032C45.6094 31.6249 45.6527 31.5449 45.7035 31.4743L45.7721 31.359C45.7975 31.3238 45.8154 31.279 45.8333 31.2342L45.9633 30.9942C45.9812 30.9494 45.9976 30.9124 46.0156 30.8676L46.0679 30.7411C46.1906 30.3951 46.3075 30.0319 46.405 29.673C46.5114 29.3157 46.6103 28.949 46.7078 28.5901L46.7818 28.7331L44.5076 27.8652C43.75 27.5734 42.9924 27.2815 42.2378 26.9741C42.0492 26.8973 41.8621 26.8127 41.6749 26.7281L41.1224 26.4761L40.0159 25.9798C39.2748 25.6509 38.5351 25.3142 37.7954 24.9776C36.3177 24.2966 34.8503 23.6096 33.4174 22.8408C33.0565 22.6501 32.7061 22.4534 32.3468 22.255C32.1716 22.1567 31.9979 22.0506 31.8227 21.9522C31.649 21.8461 31.4738 21.7478 31.3001 21.6417L30.7789 21.3233C30.6052 21.2172 30.433 21.1034 30.2697 20.9913L30.0158 20.8214C29.9342 20.7653 29.8526 20.7093 29.7709 20.6532C29.5735 20.5264 29.4191 20.416 29.2573 20.2962Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.8708 24.0245C35.8718 24.2096 35.8314 24.3706 35.8087 24.5351C35.7771 24.6978 35.7737 24.8579 35.809 25.0095C35.8223 25.0844 35.8548 25.1551 35.8873 25.2257C35.9199 25.2963 35.9628 25.361 36.0162 25.4196C36.1126 25.5428 36.2432 25.6325 36.3903 25.6852C36.6829 25.7983 37.0324 25.7617 37.3419 25.6449C37.6514 25.5281 37.9492 25.3287 38.1491 25.062C38.164 25.0328 38.2013 25.0319 38.225 25.0526C38.2487 25.0733 38.2531 25.0983 38.2382 25.1276C38.1516 25.2876 38.0219 25.4313 37.8789 25.5482C37.7359 25.6652 37.5781 25.7631 37.4069 25.8344C37.2358 25.9057 37.0587 25.9597 36.8698 25.9793C36.681 25.9989 36.4892 25.9858 36.2976 25.9245C36.1148 25.8648 35.9441 25.7432 35.8151 25.5976C35.7469 25.52 35.698 25.4382 35.6492 25.3563C35.6018 25.2667 35.5737 25.1728 35.5457 25.0789C35.5001 24.8852 35.511 24.6863 35.5367 24.5063C35.5639 24.3187 35.6341 24.1474 35.7549 24.002C35.7787 23.9745 35.8159 23.9737 35.8397 23.9944C35.8679 23.9918 35.8738 24.009 35.8708 24.0245Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.6638 20.6324C29.5222 20.7898 29.3569 20.9265 29.1946 21.0477C29.0322 21.169 28.861 21.2885 28.7075 21.4114C28.5541 21.5344 28.4244 21.678 28.32 21.8346C28.2051 21.9972 28.1065 22.171 28.0065 22.3526C27.8168 22.7097 27.6614 23.0815 27.5133 23.4628L27.4026 23.7468L27.3786 23.8226C27.3637 23.8518 27.3637 23.8518 27.3577 23.8828C27.3486 23.9293 27.3396 23.9758 27.3291 24.03C27.29 24.2315 27.2508 24.4329 27.2117 24.6344L27.0916 24.4904C27.8052 24.5326 28.5203 24.5669 29.2264 24.5996C29.5832 24.6206 29.937 24.609 30.2953 24.6223C30.6551 24.6278 31.0134 24.6412 31.3702 24.6622C32.0868 24.6888 32.8003 24.731 33.508 24.7558C34.2246 24.7825 34.9353 24.7919 35.6446 24.7608C35.6728 24.7582 35.7054 24.7806 35.6994 24.8116C35.7023 24.8444 35.68 24.8642 35.6517 24.8667C34.9409 24.9055 34.2168 24.9176 33.5046 24.916C32.7835 24.9126 32.0774 24.88 31.3593 24.8611C31.001 24.8478 30.6502 24.844 30.2904 24.8384C29.9306 24.8328 29.5767 24.8445 29.2184 24.8312C28.5003 24.8123 27.7868 24.7702 27.0717 24.7358C26.9989 24.7297 26.9544 24.6728 26.9486 24.6074C26.9501 24.5996 26.9501 24.5996 26.9516 24.5919C26.9907 24.3904 27.021 24.1873 27.0616 23.9781C27.0721 23.9238 27.0811 23.8774 27.0917 23.8231C27.0962 23.7999 27.1141 23.7551 27.1187 23.7319L27.1426 23.6561L27.2548 23.3644C27.4044 22.9753 27.5629 22.588 27.763 22.2249C27.863 22.0433 27.972 21.8635 28.0898 21.6854C28.2092 21.4995 28.3686 21.3456 28.534 21.2089C28.7083 21.0739 28.8854 20.9716 29.0626 20.8693C29.2398 20.7671 29.4081 20.6631 29.5778 20.5513C29.6002 20.5315 29.6359 20.5385 29.6581 20.5669C29.6833 20.5799 29.6773 20.6108 29.6638 20.6324Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.7318 25.5441C38.2911 26.0467 38.7372 26.656 39.1551 27.2678L39.7834 28.1778L40.1035 28.6259L40.2636 28.8499C40.3214 28.9335 40.3717 29.0076 40.4205 29.0894C40.816 29.721 41.1819 30.3629 41.5565 31.0065C41.9312 31.6502 42.2879 32.2903 42.6522 32.9399L42.5036 32.895C42.9324 32.6406 43.3479 32.3595 43.7411 32.05C43.9378 31.8952 44.1269 31.7309 44.3087 31.5572C44.4905 31.3835 44.6634 31.208 44.8125 31.0118C44.9706 30.8174 45.105 30.6023 45.2378 30.395C45.3721 30.1798 45.4885 29.9613 45.5708 29.728C45.662 29.4965 45.7266 29.2598 45.7658 29.0101C45.814 28.7622 45.8443 28.5108 45.8924 28.2629C45.8985 28.2319 45.9297 28.2138 45.9564 28.219C45.9832 28.2242 46.0055 28.2527 45.9995 28.2837C45.9602 28.5333 45.9298 28.7847 45.8906 29.0344C45.8514 29.284 45.7928 29.538 45.7075 29.7867C45.6237 30.0277 45.5041 30.2618 45.3772 30.4864C45.2414 30.7092 45.1072 30.9244 44.9565 31.1283C44.9192 31.1773 44.8805 31.2341 44.8343 31.2814C44.7881 31.3287 44.7507 31.3777 44.7045 31.425C44.6121 31.5196 44.5286 31.616 44.4377 31.7029C44.2544 31.8843 44.0563 32.0468 43.8582 32.2094C43.4619 32.5344 43.0449 32.8233 42.6042 33.0914C42.5521 33.1215 42.4808 33.1077 42.4542 33.0542L41.3466 31.1346C40.9704 30.4987 40.6046 29.8568 40.2076 29.233C40.1587 29.1512 40.1084 29.0771 40.0565 29.0107L39.8964 28.7866L39.5764 28.3386L38.9391 27.4269C38.5109 26.8211 38.0901 26.2248 37.6499 25.6327C37.6365 25.606 37.6337 25.5733 37.6649 25.5553C37.6799 25.526 37.708 25.5234 37.7318 25.5441Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.0574 25.6848C35.4866 26.2412 34.8773 26.758 34.2458 27.2464C33.6142 27.7348 32.9694 28.1965 32.323 28.6659L28.4804 31.4893L28.5195 31.3361C28.5846 31.4774 28.6749 31.6316 28.7682 31.7703C28.8616 31.909 28.9639 32.0495 29.0692 32.1745C29.2871 32.4339 29.5274 32.6735 29.802 32.8796C30.0676 33.084 30.3556 33.2686 30.672 33.4024C30.825 33.4723 30.9884 33.5362 31.1518 33.6001C31.2291 33.6312 31.3152 33.664 31.3924 33.6951L31.6346 33.7823C32.2853 34.0052 32.9584 34.1601 33.6482 34.2297C33.993 34.2645 34.3335 34.2744 34.6784 34.261C34.7632 34.2533 34.8464 34.2534 34.9312 34.2457C35.0159 34.2381 35.1007 34.2304 35.187 34.215C35.358 34.192 35.5306 34.1612 35.6779 34.1174L35.6048 34.2077C35.657 33.5104 35.7181 32.8147 35.7881 32.1208C35.8187 31.773 35.8581 31.4269 35.8976 31.0808C35.9371 30.7347 35.9854 30.3903 36.016 30.0425C36.086 29.3485 36.1277 28.6572 36.1903 27.9538C36.2514 27.2581 36.3408 26.5599 36.5104 25.8773C36.5164 25.8463 36.5477 25.8282 36.5744 25.8334C36.6012 25.8386 36.6234 25.8671 36.6174 25.8981C36.4671 26.5764 36.3882 27.2686 36.3271 27.9642C36.2749 28.6616 36.2421 29.3547 36.1795 30.0581C36.1489 30.406 36.1095 30.7521 36.07 31.0982L35.9784 32.1416C35.9173 32.8373 35.8651 33.5347 35.8129 34.2321C35.8143 34.2725 35.78 34.3061 35.7398 34.3224C35.5628 34.3765 35.3902 34.4073 35.2103 34.4286C35.124 34.444 35.0304 34.4499 34.9456 34.4576C34.8608 34.4652 34.7672 34.4712 34.6824 34.4788C34.3285 34.4905 33.9776 34.4867 33.6239 34.4501C32.9237 34.3865 32.2327 34.2281 31.5627 34.0095L31.3116 33.9206C31.2239 33.8955 31.1467 33.8644 31.0606 33.8316C30.8972 33.7677 30.7338 33.7038 30.5719 33.6322C30.2481 33.4889 29.9333 33.2991 29.6513 33.0835C29.3693 32.8679 29.1127 32.6171 28.8784 32.3465C28.7658 32.212 28.6546 32.0698 28.5538 31.9216C28.453 31.7734 28.3628 31.6192 28.2844 31.4512C28.2577 31.3978 28.2786 31.3375 28.3233 31.298L32.1584 28.4651C32.8048 27.9957 33.4423 27.5245 34.0708 27.0516C34.7083 26.5805 35.3383 26.0999 35.9698 25.6115C35.9922 25.5917 36.0278 25.5986 36.0515 25.6193C36.0768 25.6323 36.0708 25.6632 36.0574 25.6848Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.6452 25.1868C34.9165 25.2703 34.1922 25.3307 33.4621 25.3738C33.0978 25.3915 32.7306 25.4246 32.3663 25.4423C32.002 25.46 31.6376 25.4777 31.2659 25.4859C30.9031 25.4958 30.5314 25.504 30.1701 25.5062L29.6245 25.5047C29.4401 25.5011 29.2631 25.5069 29.0773 25.511C28.7145 25.5209 28.3502 25.5386 27.9785 25.5468L27.8387 25.5518C27.7926 25.5509 27.7376 25.5483 27.6915 25.5474C27.5993 25.5455 27.5087 25.536 27.418 25.5264C27.2351 25.515 27.0538 25.4959 26.8725 25.4767L27.0139 25.3675C26.9792 25.5939 26.9519 25.8298 26.9335 26.0675C26.9151 26.3051 26.8908 26.5255 26.9022 26.7528C26.9145 27.2135 26.9535 27.6794 27.0417 28.1306C27.0813 28.3554 27.1387 28.5837 27.1977 28.8042C27.2316 28.9153 27.2656 29.0264 27.2996 29.1375L27.3291 29.2236C27.3424 29.2503 27.3468 29.2753 27.3601 29.302C27.3779 29.3537 27.4045 29.4071 27.4311 29.4605C27.6279 29.8766 27.8529 30.2902 28.0779 30.7037L27.9294 30.6588C28.6157 30.2695 29.305 29.8647 29.9617 29.4375C30.1299 29.3335 30.2908 29.22 30.4516 29.1065C30.6036 28.9913 30.7584 28.8606 30.9119 28.7376C31.2202 28.484 31.5271 28.2381 31.8428 27.9939C32.4655 27.5038 33.1045 27.0249 33.7731 26.5839C34.1036 26.3587 34.4401 26.1507 34.784 25.9521C35.1279 25.7536 35.4793 25.5646 35.8365 25.3928C35.8663 25.3825 35.902 25.3894 35.9153 25.4161C35.9286 25.4428 35.9225 25.4738 35.8913 25.4918C35.5415 25.6731 35.1901 25.8622 34.8551 26.0624C34.5186 26.2704 34.1822 26.4784 33.8605 26.7054C33.2082 27.1576 32.5782 27.6382 31.963 28.1378L31.0394 28.8911C30.8859 29.014 30.7399 29.1465 30.5776 29.2677C30.4152 29.3889 30.2544 29.5024 30.0847 29.6141C29.4161 30.0551 28.7356 30.4616 28.0478 30.8587C27.9957 30.8888 27.9259 30.8672 27.8978 30.8215C27.6728 30.408 27.4461 30.0021 27.2346 29.5671C27.2079 29.5137 27.1813 29.4603 27.1562 29.3991C27.1429 29.3724 27.131 29.3379 27.1177 29.3112L27.0882 29.2251C27.0453 29.1122 27.0114 29.0011 26.979 28.8823C26.9126 28.6523 26.8552 28.4241 26.8096 28.1821C26.7156 27.7135 26.678 27.2399 26.6598 26.762C26.6514 26.5192 26.6713 26.2738 26.6972 26.0457C26.7245 25.8098 26.7518 25.5739 26.7791 25.338C26.7926 25.2683 26.8478 25.2227 26.9117 25.2271C27.093 25.2462 27.2759 25.2576 27.4572 25.2767C27.5479 25.2863 27.6401 25.2881 27.7219 25.296C27.768 25.2969 27.8051 25.2961 27.8512 25.297L27.9909 25.292C28.3537 25.282 28.7181 25.2644 29.0809 25.2544C29.2667 25.2503 29.4437 25.2445 29.6296 25.2404L30.1767 25.2341C30.538 25.2319 30.9007 25.222 31.2725 25.2138C31.6353 25.2039 31.9996 25.1862 32.3639 25.1685C32.7282 25.1508 33.0866 25.1159 33.4583 25.1077C34.1854 25.0801 34.9199 25.062 35.6499 25.0671C35.6782 25.0645 35.7094 25.0947 35.7033 25.1257C35.6869 25.1627 35.6735 25.1842 35.6452 25.1868Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.9131 25.9475C36.9635 26.6407 36.9857 27.3365 36.9975 28.0382C37.0003 28.7383 36.9942 29.4366 36.9703 30.1314C36.9575 30.4827 36.9359 30.8322 36.9142 31.1818C36.899 31.3557 36.8927 31.5314 36.8685 31.7035C36.8532 31.8775 36.829 32.0496 36.8033 32.2296C36.7549 32.5739 36.7065 32.9183 36.6582 33.2627L36.5115 34.3035L36.3721 34.1639L37.7967 34.0225C38.0332 33.9961 38.2697 33.9696 38.5136 33.9527L39.2288 33.8906C39.7002 33.8455 40.1673 33.7754 40.6166 33.6537C41.0748 33.5336 41.5286 33.3886 41.975 33.2341L41.9092 33.3821C41.5926 32.7257 41.2582 32.0657 40.9222 31.4136C40.7534 31.0913 40.5758 30.7674 40.3966 30.4512C40.207 30.141 40.0085 29.8291 39.81 29.5172L38.6353 27.6569C38.2561 27.0365 37.7846 26.4625 37.4204 25.8129C37.4071 25.7862 37.4132 25.7552 37.4444 25.7371C37.4742 25.7268 37.5009 25.732 37.5231 25.7605C37.8904 26.3946 38.3649 26.9531 38.7619 27.5769L39.9678 29.4192C40.1663 29.7311 40.3678 30.0275 40.5648 30.3472C40.7529 30.6651 40.9306 30.9891 41.1082 31.313C41.4546 31.9592 41.7891 32.6191 42.1147 33.2773C42.1413 33.3307 42.1188 33.3987 42.0682 33.4211L42.0578 33.4271C41.6025 33.5798 41.1472 33.7326 40.6875 33.8604C40.2188 33.9864 39.7398 34.0703 39.2595 34.1137L38.5442 34.1757C38.3093 34.1944 38.0728 34.2209 37.8364 34.2473L36.4102 34.3964C36.3433 34.4075 36.2795 34.3549 36.2752 34.2817C36.2767 34.274 36.2692 34.2645 36.2722 34.249L36.4174 33.2159C36.4569 32.8698 36.5067 32.5177 36.5536 32.1811C36.5778 32.0089 36.602 31.8367 36.6158 31.6706C36.6311 31.4966 36.6448 31.3305 36.6512 31.1548C36.6728 30.8053 36.6929 30.4634 36.7056 30.1121C36.7295 29.4173 36.7341 28.7268 36.7402 28.0285C36.7463 27.3302 36.7614 26.6336 36.8046 25.9345C36.8107 25.9035 36.833 25.8837 36.8613 25.8812C36.8954 25.8958 36.9176 25.9243 36.9131 25.9475Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.53718 15.7833C3.48259 15.7484 3.4708 15.7351 3.47747 15.7292L3.49078 15.7174C3.49745 15.7115 3.50411 15.7056 3.51743 15.6939C3.54331 15.6828 3.56253 15.6777 3.60686 15.6741C3.64452 15.6764 3.68066 15.7038 3.70424 15.7305C3.72706 15.7697 3.72552 15.7948 3.73065 15.814C3.72989 15.8266 3.72912 15.8391 3.72245 15.845L3.71503 15.8634C3.70837 15.8693 3.69581 15.8686 3.64123 15.8337C3.59767 15.8248 3.56742 15.804 3.53718 15.7833Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.5666 18.4209C11.5927 18.4802 11.5951 18.4979 11.5863 18.4991L11.5687 18.5015C11.5598 18.5027 11.551 18.5039 11.5334 18.5063C11.5058 18.5011 11.4869 18.4947 11.448 18.4731C11.418 18.4503 11.4031 18.4075 11.3983 18.3722C11.4011 18.3269 11.4163 18.3069 11.4227 18.2881C11.4303 18.278 11.4379 18.268 11.4467 18.2668L11.4631 18.2556C11.4719 18.2543 11.4819 18.262 11.508 18.3212C11.5393 18.3529 11.5617 18.3857 11.5666 18.4209Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.655 8.34977C13.7173 8.36756 13.7261 8.37646 13.7261 8.38536L13.7173 8.40314C13.7173 8.41204 13.7084 8.42982 13.6995 8.43871C13.6817 8.4654 13.6639 8.48318 13.6194 8.50097C13.5838 8.51876 13.5393 8.50989 13.5127 8.47431C13.486 8.43873 13.4682 8.41204 13.4682 8.38536C13.4682 8.36757 13.4593 8.35867 13.4682 8.34088V8.32308C13.4682 8.31418 13.486 8.31418 13.5482 8.32308C13.5838 8.33197 13.6194 8.34087 13.655 8.34977Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.8669 20.8826C11.8023 20.878 11.7918 20.8711 11.7899 20.8624L11.795 20.8432C11.7931 20.8345 11.7982 20.8153 11.8051 20.8047C11.817 20.7749 11.8307 20.7539 11.8706 20.7273C11.9017 20.7026 11.9471 20.7021 11.9805 20.7314C12.014 20.7608 12.0369 20.7832 12.0424 20.8093C12.046 20.8267 12.0566 20.8336 12.0515 20.8528L12.0552 20.8703C12.057 20.879 12.0396 20.8826 11.9768 20.8867C11.9402 20.8854 11.9035 20.884 11.8669 20.8826Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.792 19.4878C16.7755 19.5504 16.7668 19.5595 16.7579 19.5597L16.7399 19.5512C16.7311 19.5513 16.7131 19.5428 16.704 19.5341C16.6769 19.5169 16.6588 19.4995 16.6401 19.4554C16.6215 19.4202 16.6295 19.3756 16.6645 19.3482C16.6995 19.3207 16.7258 19.3024 16.7524 19.3018C16.7702 19.3014 16.7789 19.2923 16.7969 19.3009L16.8147 19.3005C16.8236 19.3003 16.824 19.3181 16.8164 19.3805C16.8083 19.4163 16.8003 19.4609 16.792 19.4878Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.35114 14.9742C5.3232 14.9158 5.32396 14.9033 5.33062 14.8974L5.34984 14.8922C5.3565 14.8864 5.37572 14.8812 5.38828 14.882C5.42005 14.8776 5.44515 14.8792 5.48795 14.9007C5.52485 14.9155 5.54767 14.9547 5.54537 14.9924C5.53641 15.036 5.52822 15.067 5.50824 15.0847C5.49491 15.0964 5.49415 15.109 5.47493 15.1141L5.4616 15.1259C5.45494 15.1318 5.44315 15.1185 5.40855 15.066C5.38497 15.0393 5.36806 15.0068 5.35114 14.9742Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.60862 18.0883C9.59945 18.1524 9.59185 18.1624 9.58303 18.1636L9.5642 18.1572C9.55539 18.1584 9.53656 18.1521 9.52654 18.1445C9.49768 18.1305 9.47765 18.1153 9.45398 18.0736C9.43152 18.0408 9.43428 17.9955 9.45709 17.9654C9.48871 17.9342 9.51273 17.9129 9.53917 17.9093C9.55679 17.9069 9.5644 17.8968 9.58323 17.9032L9.60086 17.9008C9.60967 17.8996 9.61209 17.9172 9.61174 17.9801C9.61658 18.0154 9.61259 18.0518 9.60862 18.0883Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.8162 7.01587C8.87846 7.03366 8.88734 7.04257 8.88734 7.05147L8.87843 7.06925C8.87843 7.07815 8.86956 7.08705 8.86067 7.09594C8.84288 7.11373 8.8251 7.13152 8.78062 7.14042C8.74504 7.14931 8.70055 7.14041 8.67387 7.11373C8.64718 7.08704 8.63829 7.06034 8.62939 7.03366C8.62939 7.02477 8.62939 7.00698 8.62939 6.99809V6.9803C8.62939 6.97141 8.64718 6.97141 8.70944 6.9803C8.74502 6.9892 8.78062 6.99808 8.8162 7.01587Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.8766 21.1914C16.812 21.1869 16.8015 21.18 16.7997 21.1713L16.8047 21.152C16.8029 21.1433 16.8098 21.1328 16.8166 21.1223C16.8304 21.1012 16.8441 21.0801 16.8858 21.0623C16.9188 21.0462 16.9641 21.0458 16.9957 21.0664C17.0274 21.087 17.0416 21.1113 17.0558 21.1356C17.0576 21.1443 17.0612 21.1617 17.0631 21.1704L17.0667 21.1878C17.0686 21.1965 17.0512 21.2002 16.9884 21.2043C16.9518 21.2029 16.9151 21.2015 16.8766 21.1914Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n  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10.2649 13.1853 10.256 13.1865L10.2372 13.1801C10.2284 13.1813 10.2184 13.1738 10.2084 13.1662C10.1883 13.151 10.1683 13.1357 10.1534 13.0929C10.1398 13.0588 10.1425 13.0136 10.1653 12.9835C10.1882 12.9534 10.2134 12.941 10.2386 12.9286C10.2474 12.9274 10.2651 12.9249 10.2739 12.9237L10.2915 12.9213C10.3003 12.9201 10.3027 12.9377 10.3024 13.0006C10.2896 13.0383 10.2856 13.0748 10.2816 13.1112Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.491 5.35286C7.55326 5.34397 7.57104 5.34397 7.57104 5.35286V5.37065C7.57104 5.37954 7.57104 5.38844 7.56214 5.39734C7.55325 5.41513 7.54434 5.44181 7.50876 5.4596C7.47318 5.48628 7.43763 5.48628 7.40205 5.47738C7.36647 5.46849 7.33976 5.4507 7.33087 5.43291C7.32197 5.42401 7.322 5.41514 7.3131 5.40624L7.3042 5.39734C7.3042 5.39734 7.31308 5.38844 7.37534 5.37065C7.41981 5.37065 7.45542 5.36176 7.491 5.35286Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.5161 22.5461C18.457 22.5676 18.4396 22.5713 18.4378 22.5626L18.4342 22.5452C18.4323 22.5365 18.4305 22.5278 18.4374 22.5172C18.4424 22.498 18.4456 22.47 18.4768 22.4453C18.5061 22.4119 18.5409 22.4046 18.5775 22.4059C18.6142 22.4073 18.644 22.4192 18.6563 22.4348C18.6669 22.4417 18.6687 22.4504 18.6792 22.4572L18.6898 22.4641C18.6898 22.4641 18.6829 22.4747 18.6256 22.5049C18.584 22.5227 18.5491 22.5301 18.5161 22.5461Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.6579 13.2616C19.6681 13.3237 19.6685 13.3414 19.6596 13.3416L19.6418 13.342C19.6329 13.3422 19.6241 13.3424 19.615 13.3337C19.597 13.3252 19.5701 13.3169 19.5516 13.2817C19.5242 13.2467 19.5234 13.2111 19.5315 13.1753C19.5397 13.1396 19.5569 13.1125 19.5745 13.1033C19.5832 13.0942 19.5921 13.094 19.6008 13.0849L19.6095 13.0758C19.6095 13.0758 19.6186 13.0845 19.6377 13.1464C19.6475 13.1907 19.6485 13.2351 19.6579 13.2616Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.19139 21.5769C7.14346 21.5362 7.13167 21.5228 7.13833 21.5169L7.15166 21.5051C7.15832 21.4993 7.16498 21.4934 7.17754 21.4941C7.19675 21.489 7.22263 21.478 7.25954 21.4928C7.3031 21.5018 7.32667 21.5284 7.34359 21.561C7.36051 21.5935 7.36487 21.6253 7.35745 21.6437C7.35668 21.6563 7.35002 21.6622 7.34926 21.6747L7.34848 21.6873C7.34848 21.6873 7.33593 21.6865 7.28135 21.6517C7.25187 21.6184 7.22163 21.5976 7.19139 21.5769Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.7406 11.5736C11.7578 11.6341 11.7603 11.6518 11.7515 11.653L11.7338 11.6554C11.725 11.6566 11.7162 11.6578 11.7062 11.6502C11.6874 11.6438 11.6597 11.6386 11.6372 11.6058C11.606 11.5742 11.6011 11.5389 11.6051 11.5024C11.6091 11.466 11.6231 11.4371 11.6395 11.4259C11.6471 11.4159 11.6559 11.4147 11.6635 11.4046L11.6711 11.3946C11.6711 11.3946 11.6811 11.4022 11.7072 11.4615C11.7221 11.5044 11.7357 11.5384 11.7406 11.5736Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.48953 5.55729C5.5518 5.58397 5.56068 5.59287 5.56068 5.60176L5.55177 5.61955C5.55177 5.63734 5.53401 5.64623 5.53401 5.66402C5.51622 5.6907 5.48953 5.71739 5.44506 5.73518C5.40948 5.75297 5.36499 5.74407 5.33831 5.70849C5.31162 5.67291 5.30273 5.63734 5.30273 5.60176C5.30273 5.58397 5.30273 5.56618 5.30273 5.55729V5.5306C5.30273 5.5217 5.32052 5.5217 5.38278 5.5306C5.41836 5.5306 5.45396 5.5395 5.48953 5.55729Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.4345 21.9428C20.3681 21.9295 20.3575 21.9227 20.3557 21.914L20.3607 21.8947C20.3571 21.8773 20.3726 21.8649 20.369 21.8475C20.3809 21.8178 20.4015 21.7862 20.4414 21.7596C20.4725 21.7349 20.5179 21.7344 20.5513 21.7637C20.5848 21.793 20.6008 21.826 20.6081 21.8608C20.6118 21.8783 20.6154 21.8957 20.6173 21.9044L20.6228 21.9305C20.6246 21.9392 20.6072 21.9429 20.5444 21.947C20.5078 21.9456 20.4711 21.9442 20.4345 21.9428Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.4198 11.2646C19.3945 11.3274 19.3858 11.3365 19.3769 11.3367L19.3589 11.3282C19.3411 11.3286 19.3318 11.311 19.3141 11.3113C19.287 11.2941 19.2598 11.268 19.241 11.2239C19.2225 11.1887 19.2304 11.1441 19.2654 11.1166C19.3005 11.0892 19.3358 11.0796 19.3714 11.0788C19.3892 11.0784 19.407 11.078 19.4159 11.0779L19.4425 11.0773C19.4514 11.0771 19.4518 11.0949 19.4442 11.1573C19.4361 11.1931 19.428 11.2289 19.4198 11.2646Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.66413 22.9459C8.64285 22.8816 8.64362 22.8691 8.65028 22.8632L8.66949 22.858C8.68281 22.8462 8.70126 22.8537 8.71458 22.8419C8.74636 22.8375 8.78403 22.8398 8.82682 22.8613C8.86373 22.8762 8.88654 22.9154 8.87758 22.959C8.86862 23.0025 8.84787 23.0327 8.82123 23.0563C8.8079 23.0681 8.79458 23.0799 8.78792 23.0858L8.76794 23.1035C8.76127 23.1094 8.74949 23.0961 8.71489 23.0435C8.69797 23.011 8.68105 22.9785 8.66413 22.9459Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.2748 9.61778C11.2568 9.68309 11.2492 9.69314 11.2404 9.69435L11.2216 9.68795C11.204 9.69036 11.1927 9.67393 11.1751 9.67635C11.1462 9.66235 11.1162 9.63954 11.0925 9.5979C11.0701 9.56506 11.0728 9.51982 11.1044 9.48855C11.1361 9.45727 11.1701 9.44364 11.2054 9.4388C11.223 9.43638 11.2406 9.43397 11.2494 9.43276L11.2759 9.42913C11.2847 9.42792 11.2871 9.44554 11.2867 9.50843C11.2916 9.54368 11.2788 9.58132 11.2748 9.61778Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.46802 6.89127C6.53028 6.86459 6.54807 6.86459 6.54807 6.87349L6.56583 6.90015C6.57472 6.91794 6.58365 6.93574 6.59254 6.95353C6.60143 6.998 6.61034 7.03358 6.60144 7.08695C6.59255 7.12253 6.55697 7.14923 6.51249 7.14033C6.45913 7.12254 6.42352 7.09584 6.39684 7.07805C6.38794 7.06026 6.37016 7.05136 6.36127 7.03358L6.34346 7.00691C6.33456 6.99801 6.34347 6.98021 6.39684 6.94463C6.40573 6.91794 6.43244 6.90017 6.46802 6.89127Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.2021 20.8391C19.1467 20.878 19.1293 20.8817 19.1274 20.873L19.1045 20.8505C19.0922 20.835 19.0798 20.8194 19.0674 20.8038C19.0496 20.7621 19.0335 20.7291 19.0313 20.6751C19.0326 20.6384 19.062 20.605 19.1073 20.6045C19.1632 20.6109 19.2035 20.6297 19.2333 20.6417C19.2457 20.6572 19.2649 20.6623 19.2773 20.6779L19.3002 20.7003C19.3107 20.7072 19.3057 20.7264 19.2608 20.7722C19.2557 20.7915 19.2333 20.8144 19.2021 20.8391Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.1067 12.2711C18.1347 12.3327 18.1351 12.3505 18.1262 12.3507L18.0999 12.3691C18.0823 12.3783 18.0647 12.3876 18.0471 12.3969C18.0028 12.4067 17.9674 12.4164 17.9139 12.4086C17.8781 12.4005 17.8507 12.3654 17.8586 12.3208C17.8753 12.2671 17.9012 12.2309 17.9184 12.2039C17.936 12.1946 17.9445 12.1766 17.9621 12.1673L17.9884 12.149C17.9971 12.1399 18.0151 12.1485 18.0518 12.2011C18.0698 12.2096 18.0883 12.2447 18.1067 12.2711Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.01494 21.3286C8.95369 21.2997 8.9419 21.2864 8.94856 21.2805L8.95676 21.2495C8.96419 21.231 8.97161 21.2126 8.98569 21.1882C9.0131 21.1521 9.03385 21.1218 9.07972 21.0931C9.11225 21.0762 9.15582 21.0852 9.17864 21.1244C9.20068 21.1761 9.20428 21.2205 9.20198 21.2581C9.19455 21.2766 9.19969 21.2958 9.19226 21.3142L9.18406 21.3453C9.18329 21.3578 9.16408 21.3629 9.10207 21.3466C9.08285 21.3517 9.04595 21.3368 9.01494 21.3286Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.086 10.7682C10.1209 10.8262 10.1233 10.8439 10.1145 10.8451L10.0905 10.8663C10.0741 10.8775 10.0576 10.8888 10.0412 10.9C9.99838 10.9149 9.96433 10.9285 9.91025 10.9269C9.87379 10.923 9.84252 10.8913 9.84529 10.8461C9.85566 10.7908 9.87726 10.7519 9.89126 10.7231C9.90767 10.7118 9.91407 10.693 9.93049 10.6818L9.95451 10.6605C9.96211 10.6505 9.98094 10.6569 10.0234 10.7049C10.0423 10.7113 10.0635 10.7353 10.086 10.7682Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.70048 8.89269C8.76274 8.90159 8.78057 8.91049 8.78057 8.91938V8.94605C8.78057 8.96384 8.77166 8.98164 8.77166 8.99943C8.75388 9.03501 8.73606 9.07059 8.70048 9.09728C8.6649 9.12396 8.62045 9.12395 8.59377 9.08838C8.55819 9.0528 8.54038 9.01722 8.53149 8.98164C8.53149 8.96385 8.52258 8.94605 8.52258 8.92826V8.90157C8.52258 8.89268 8.54041 8.88379 8.60267 8.88379C8.62046 8.88379 8.6649 8.8838 8.70048 8.89269Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.73489 9.83551C6.78826 9.87109 6.79713 9.87999 6.79713 9.88888L6.78822 9.91557C6.77933 9.93336 6.77045 9.95114 6.76156 9.96893C6.73487 10.0045 6.70817 10.0312 6.6548 10.0579C6.61922 10.0757 6.57478 10.0579 6.55699 10.0223C6.55699 10.0223 6.55699 10.0223 6.55699 10.0134C6.5392 9.96003 6.53918 9.91556 6.53918 9.87998C6.53918 9.86219 6.54809 9.83551 6.54809 9.81772L6.55699 9.79103C6.55699 9.78214 6.57477 9.77324 6.63704 9.79103C6.66372 9.79993 6.69931 9.81772 6.73489 9.83551Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.26725 8.42101C5.32952 8.41212 5.3473 8.41211 5.3473 8.41211V8.42992C5.3473 8.43881 5.3473 8.4477 5.3473 8.46549C5.3384 8.49217 5.32951 8.50995 5.30282 8.54553C5.27614 8.57222 5.23165 8.58112 5.19607 8.57222C5.15159 8.56333 5.13381 8.54554 5.11602 8.52775C5.10713 8.51885 5.09822 8.50995 5.09822 8.50106L5.08936 8.48327C5.08936 8.47438 5.09823 8.47439 5.1605 8.4477C5.19608 8.43881 5.23167 8.42991 5.26725 8.42101Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.95966 7.45172C4.01303 7.4873 4.02194 7.50508 4.02194 7.51398L4.00413 7.54955C3.99524 7.56734 3.97745 7.59402 3.96856 7.61181C3.94187 7.64739 3.90627 7.69188 3.8529 7.71856C3.81732 7.73635 3.77288 7.72745 3.75509 7.69187C3.75509 7.68298 3.74619 7.68298 3.74619 7.67409C3.7284 7.62072 3.72839 7.56735 3.73728 7.51398C3.74618 7.48729 3.7462 7.4695 3.75509 7.44281L3.76395 7.40724C3.76395 7.39835 3.78174 7.38945 3.8529 7.40724C3.89737 7.41614 3.92408 7.43393 3.95966 7.45172Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.25694 10.1646C3.3192 10.1469 3.33698 10.1468 3.33698 10.1557L3.34588 10.1735C3.35478 10.1913 3.34589 10.2002 3.35479 10.218C3.35479 10.2536 3.34587 10.2803 3.32808 10.3247C3.31029 10.3603 3.26584 10.3781 3.22136 10.3603C3.17689 10.3425 3.15021 10.3248 3.13242 10.2981C3.12352 10.2892 3.1146 10.2714 3.10571 10.2625L3.0968 10.2447C3.0968 10.2358 3.10571 10.2269 3.15908 10.2002C3.18577 10.1913 3.22136 10.1735 3.25694 10.1646Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.27611 11.1166C5.33837 11.1344 5.34729 11.1522 5.34729 11.1611L5.33839 11.1878C5.33839 11.2055 5.32058 11.2233 5.32058 11.2411C5.30279 11.2767 5.27611 11.3034 5.23163 11.339C5.19605 11.3656 5.14271 11.3568 5.12492 11.3212C5.09823 11.2767 5.08934 11.2411 5.08044 11.1966C5.08044 11.1788 5.08044 11.1611 5.08044 11.1433V11.1166C5.08044 11.1077 5.09823 11.0988 5.16049 11.1077C5.20496 11.0988 5.24942 11.1077 5.27611 11.1166Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.86443 11.7391C7.92669 11.7302 7.94447 11.7302 7.94447 11.7391L7.95338 11.7658C7.96227 11.7836 7.96228 11.8013 7.96228 11.8191C7.96228 11.8547 7.9534 11.8992 7.93561 11.9437C7.91782 11.9793 7.87333 11.997 7.82886 11.9792C7.78438 11.9615 7.75769 11.9259 7.73101 11.8992C7.72211 11.8814 7.71323 11.8725 7.70434 11.8547L7.69543 11.828C7.69543 11.8191 7.70435 11.8102 7.75772 11.7747C7.7933 11.7658 7.82885 11.748 7.86443 11.7391Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.16704 13.6428C8.2293 13.6339 8.24713 13.6429 8.24713 13.6517L8.25599 13.6873C8.26488 13.7051 8.26489 13.7318 8.26489 13.7585C8.26489 13.803 8.26491 13.8563 8.23823 13.9008C8.22044 13.9364 8.18485 13.9542 8.14037 13.9364C8.14037 13.9364 8.13147 13.9364 8.13147 13.9275C8.087 13.8919 8.05141 13.8563 8.03362 13.8207C8.02472 13.803 8.00695 13.7852 8.00695 13.7585L7.99805 13.7318C7.99805 13.7229 8.00696 13.7051 8.06033 13.6784C8.09591 13.6518 8.13146 13.6428 8.16704 13.6428Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.35235 13.1532C6.40572 13.1976 6.40573 13.2065 6.40573 13.2154L6.38792 13.2421C6.37902 13.2599 6.36124 13.2777 6.35235 13.2866C6.32566 13.3133 6.2901 13.34 6.23673 13.3667C6.20115 13.3845 6.15668 13.3578 6.14778 13.3222V13.3133C6.13889 13.2599 6.13889 13.2154 6.14778 13.171C6.15668 13.1532 6.15665 13.1265 6.16555 13.1087L6.18336 13.082C6.19225 13.0731 6.20114 13.0731 6.2634 13.0909C6.29008 13.1087 6.32566 13.1265 6.35235 13.1532Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.36652 14.9503C7.42878 14.9325 7.44661 14.9325 7.44661 14.9414L7.45547 14.9592C7.46436 14.9681 7.45548 14.9859 7.46437 15.0037C7.46437 15.0303 7.45549 15.0659 7.4377 15.1015C7.41991 15.1371 7.37543 15.1549 7.33985 15.146C7.29538 15.1371 7.26869 15.1193 7.2509 15.1015C7.24201 15.0926 7.23313 15.0837 7.22424 15.0748L7.21533 15.057C7.21533 15.0481 7.2242 15.0392 7.27757 15.0126C7.29536 14.977 7.33094 14.9592 7.36652 14.9503Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.95341 16.4444C8.01567 16.4533 8.03345 16.4533 8.03345 16.4622V16.48C8.03345 16.4978 8.02459 16.5067 8.02459 16.5245C8.0157 16.5512 7.99789 16.5868 7.96231 16.6134C7.92673 16.6401 7.88224 16.6401 7.85556 16.6134C7.81998 16.5868 7.80221 16.5601 7.78442 16.5245C7.78442 16.5067 7.77551 16.4978 7.77551 16.48V16.4622C7.77551 16.4533 7.7844 16.4444 7.85556 16.4355C7.88224 16.4444 7.91783 16.4444 7.95341 16.4444Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n   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14.6478 1.57593 14.6567 1.58482 14.6656L1.61153 14.7012C1.62932 14.7279 1.63822 14.7546 1.65601 14.7813C1.6738 14.8346 1.70048 14.8969 1.70048 14.9681C1.70048 15.0036 1.67378 15.0303 1.6382 15.0303C1.6293 15.0303 1.62043 15.0303 1.61153 15.0214H1.60263C1.54036 14.9947 1.49587 14.9503 1.4514 14.9058C1.43361 14.888 1.41585 14.8613 1.39806 14.8435L1.37135 14.808C1.36246 14.7991 1.36246 14.7813 1.41583 14.7279C1.42472 14.7101 1.46029 14.6923 1.49587 14.6745Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M2.25179 12.3528C2.30516 12.3884 2.31407 12.3973 2.31407 12.4151L2.29626 12.4507C2.28737 12.4685 2.27848 12.4952 2.26069 12.513C2.23401 12.5485 2.19846 12.593 2.15398 12.6197C2.1184 12.6375 2.07392 12.6286 2.05613 12.593C2.05613 12.5841 2.04723 12.5841 2.04723 12.5752C2.02944 12.5218 2.02942 12.4685 2.02942 12.424C2.03831 12.3973 2.03833 12.3795 2.04723 12.3528L2.05613 12.3173C2.05613 12.3084 2.07392 12.2995 2.14508 12.3084C2.18066 12.3173 2.21621 12.3262 2.25179 12.3528Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.89749 11.5606C3.95975 11.5517 3.97754 11.5606 3.98644 11.5784L4.00424 11.6229C4.01314 11.6496 4.02202 11.6851 4.03091 11.7118C4.03981 11.7741 4.04871 11.8364 4.03982 11.9075C4.03092 11.9431 4.00425 11.9698 3.96867 11.9609C3.95978 11.9609 3.95086 11.952 3.94196 11.952C3.88859 11.9075 3.84413 11.8541 3.81744 11.8008C3.79965 11.7741 3.78186 11.7474 3.77297 11.7207L3.75521 11.6763C3.74631 11.6585 3.75517 11.6407 3.80854 11.6051C3.82633 11.5784 3.86191 11.5606 3.89749 11.5606Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.72344 19.3883C9.78571 19.3705 9.80353 19.3705 9.80353 19.3794L9.81239 19.4061C9.82129 19.4239 9.8213 19.4417 9.8213 19.4594C9.8213 19.495 9.82132 19.5395 9.80353 19.584C9.78574 19.6195 9.74126 19.6462 9.70568 19.6284C9.66121 19.6106 9.62561 19.584 9.59893 19.5573C9.59003 19.5395 9.57226 19.5306 9.57226 19.5128L9.56335 19.4861C9.56335 19.4772 9.57227 19.4683 9.62564 19.4328C9.65232 19.415 9.68787 19.3972 9.72344 19.3883Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.12116 22.8313C6.18342 22.8046 6.20121 22.8135 6.21011 22.8224L6.22791 22.858C6.23681 22.8757 6.24569 22.9024 6.26348 22.9291C6.28127 22.9825 6.29019 23.0269 6.29019 23.0892C6.29019 23.1248 6.25459 23.1515 6.21901 23.1515C6.21011 23.1515 6.20125 23.1515 6.20125 23.1426C6.13898 23.1159 6.1034 23.0803 6.06782 23.0447C6.05003 23.0269 6.03224 23.0092 6.02335 22.9825L6.00554 22.9558C5.99665 22.9469 6.00554 22.9291 6.05002 22.8846C6.05002 22.858 6.08558 22.8402 6.12116 22.8313Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M3.52384 20.3758C3.5861 20.3847 3.60388 20.4025 3.60388 20.4114V20.4381C3.60388 20.4559 3.59497 20.4737 3.58607 20.5004C3.56828 20.5359 3.55051 20.5804 3.51493 20.616C3.48825 20.6427 3.43486 20.6427 3.40818 20.616C3.3726 20.5715 3.36373 20.5359 3.34594 20.4914C3.34594 20.4737 3.33704 20.4559 3.33704 20.4292V20.4025C3.33704 20.3936 3.35482 20.3847 3.41708 20.3758C3.44377 20.3669 3.48826 20.3669 3.52384 20.3758Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.7834 18.9617C12.8456 18.9706 12.8634 18.9795 12.8634 18.9884V19.024C12.8634 19.0418 12.8545 19.0685 12.8545 19.0863C12.8456 19.1307 12.8278 19.1752 12.7922 19.2197C12.7655 19.2553 12.7211 19.2553 12.6855 19.2286C12.6855 19.2286 12.6766 19.2286 12.6766 19.2197C12.641 19.1752 12.6233 19.1396 12.6055 19.0952C12.5966 19.0774 12.5966 19.0507 12.5966 19.0329V18.9973C12.5966 18.9884 12.6054 18.9795 12.6766 18.9617C12.7033 18.9529 12.7478 18.9529 12.7834 18.9617Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.4706 21.5858C10.5329 21.5769 10.5507 21.5769 10.5507 21.5858V21.6036C10.5507 21.6125 10.5507 21.6303 10.5507 21.6392C10.5418 21.6658 10.5329 21.6925 10.4973 21.7192C10.4706 21.7459 10.4261 21.7548 10.3905 21.7459C10.3461 21.7281 10.3283 21.7103 10.3105 21.6925C10.3016 21.6836 10.2927 21.6747 10.2927 21.6569L10.2838 21.6392C10.2838 21.6303 10.2927 21.6213 10.355 21.6036C10.3994 21.6036 10.435 21.5947 10.4706 21.5858Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.097 24.2541C10.1593 24.2274 10.1682 24.2274 10.1771 24.2363L10.186 24.2541C10.1949 24.263 10.1949 24.2807 10.1949 24.2896C10.1949 24.3163 10.1949 24.3519 10.1682 24.3875C10.1504 24.4231 10.1059 24.4409 10.0704 24.432C10.0259 24.4231 9.9992 24.4142 9.98141 24.3964C9.97252 24.3875 9.9636 24.3786 9.9547 24.3697L9.9458 24.3519C9.9458 24.343 9.95471 24.3341 10.0081 24.2985C10.0259 24.2807 10.0615 24.263 10.097 24.2541Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.4987 24.325C12.561 24.3517 12.5699 24.3695 12.561 24.3873L12.5521 24.4318C12.5432 24.4584 12.5343 24.494 12.5254 24.5207C12.4987 24.5741 12.4721 24.6363 12.4187 24.6897C12.392 24.7164 12.3564 24.7164 12.3298 24.6897C12.3209 24.6808 12.3119 24.6719 12.3119 24.663C12.2853 24.5919 12.2853 24.5296 12.2853 24.4673C12.2853 24.4318 12.2853 24.4051 12.2942 24.3695L12.303 24.325C12.303 24.3072 12.3208 24.2983 12.392 24.2983C12.4276 24.2983 12.4721 24.3072 12.4987 24.325Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.0999 19.451C14.1622 19.4421 14.1799 19.4421 14.1799 19.451V19.4688C14.1799 19.4777 14.1799 19.4955 14.1799 19.5044C14.171 19.5311 14.1621 19.5578 14.1355 19.5933C14.1088 19.62 14.0643 19.6289 14.0288 19.62C13.9843 19.6022 13.9665 19.5844 13.9487 19.5577C13.9398 19.5488 13.9309 19.54 13.9309 19.5222L13.922 19.5044C13.922 19.4955 13.9309 19.4866 13.9931 19.4688C14.0287 19.4688 14.0643 19.4599 14.0999 19.451Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.7848 17.5738C14.847 17.556 14.8648 17.556 14.8648 17.5649L14.8737 17.5827C14.8737 17.5916 14.8737 17.6094 14.8737 17.6183C14.8737 17.645 14.8648 17.6717 14.8381 17.7072C14.8114 17.7428 14.7759 17.7517 14.7403 17.7428C14.6958 17.7339 14.6691 17.7161 14.6513 17.6984C14.6424 17.6895 14.6335 17.6806 14.6335 17.6717L14.6246 17.6539C14.6246 17.645 14.6335 17.6361 14.6869 17.6094C14.7136 17.6005 14.7492 17.5827 14.7848 17.5738Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.0477 13.6691C16.11 13.6869 16.1189 13.6958 16.1189 13.7047L16.11 13.7225C16.11 13.7314 16.1011 13.7403 16.0922 13.7491C16.0744 13.7669 16.0566 13.7847 16.0121 13.8025C15.9765 13.8114 15.932 13.8025 15.9054 13.7758C15.8787 13.7492 15.8609 13.7225 15.8609 13.6958C15.8609 13.6869 15.852 13.6691 15.8609 13.6602V13.6424C15.8609 13.6335 15.8787 13.6335 15.941 13.6424C15.9766 13.6424 16.0121 13.6513 16.0477 13.6691Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.9447 11.8462C15.007 11.8551 15.0248 11.864 15.0248 11.8729V11.8996C15.0248 11.9174 15.0159 11.9263 15.0159 11.944C15.007 11.9707 14.9892 12.0063 14.9447 12.033C14.9092 12.0597 14.8647 12.0597 14.838 12.033C14.8024 12.0063 14.7846 11.9707 14.7757 11.944C14.7757 11.9263 14.7668 11.9174 14.7668 11.8996V11.8818C14.7668 11.8729 14.7757 11.864 14.8469 11.864C14.8647 11.8462 14.9092 11.8462 14.9447 11.8462Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.5459 10.1022C16.6082 10.1111 16.626 10.12 16.626 10.12V10.1289C16.626 10.1378 16.6171 10.1467 16.6171 10.1556C16.5993 10.1734 16.5815 10.1911 16.5459 10.2C16.5104 10.2089 16.4659 10.2089 16.4392 10.1911C16.4036 10.1733 16.3947 10.1467 16.3769 10.1289C16.3769 10.12 16.368 10.1111 16.368 10.1022V10.0933C16.368 10.0933 16.3858 10.0844 16.4481 10.0933C16.4748 10.0933 16.5104 10.1022 16.5459 10.1022Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.3044 9.2214C14.3666 9.20361 14.3756 9.20361 14.3845 9.20361V9.2125C14.3845 9.22139 14.3845 9.23029 14.3845 9.23918C14.3756 9.25697 14.3667 9.27476 14.34 9.30144C14.3133 9.32813 14.2688 9.33704 14.2332 9.33704C14.1976 9.33704 14.171 9.32815 14.1621 9.31925C14.1532 9.31036 14.1443 9.31034 14.1443 9.30144L14.1354 9.29256C14.1354 9.29256 14.1443 9.28365 14.2066 9.25697C14.2332 9.24807 14.2688 9.23029 14.3044 9.2214Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.565 8.84816C18.6273 8.83037 18.6451 8.83927 18.6451 8.84816L18.654 8.87485C18.6629 8.89264 18.6629 8.91932 18.6718 8.93711C18.6806 8.98158 18.6806 9.02605 18.6628 9.07941C18.654 9.11499 18.6095 9.14168 18.5739 9.12389H18.565C18.5117 9.0972 18.485 9.07052 18.4583 9.03494C18.4494 9.01715 18.4316 8.99937 18.4227 8.98158L18.4049 8.9549C18.4049 8.946 18.4049 8.92822 18.4672 8.89264C18.4939 8.87485 18.5295 8.85706 18.565 8.84816Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.5191 7.69238C16.5813 7.69238 16.5991 7.71018 16.5991 7.71907V7.75464C16.5991 7.78133 16.5991 7.808 16.5991 7.83469C16.5991 7.88806 16.5902 7.94144 16.5636 8.0037C16.5458 8.03928 16.5102 8.04817 16.4746 8.03927C16.4657 8.03927 16.4568 8.03038 16.4568 8.02149C16.4123 7.97701 16.3856 7.92365 16.3678 7.87028C16.359 7.8436 16.3501 7.8169 16.3412 7.79021L16.3323 7.75464C16.3323 7.74575 16.3412 7.72795 16.4034 7.70126C16.439 7.70126 16.4835 7.69238 16.5191 7.69238Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.2678 7.18474C19.33 7.15806 19.3478 7.15804 19.3478 7.16694L19.3656 7.20253C19.3745 7.22032 19.3834 7.247 19.4012 7.26479C19.419 7.30926 19.4278 7.36263 19.4278 7.416C19.4278 7.45158 19.3923 7.47826 19.3567 7.47826C19.3478 7.47826 19.3478 7.47826 19.3389 7.47826C19.2855 7.46047 19.2411 7.43379 19.2055 7.39821C19.1877 7.38042 19.1699 7.36262 19.161 7.34483L19.1432 7.31817C19.1343 7.30927 19.1432 7.29148 19.1877 7.247C19.2055 7.22032 19.2322 7.20253 19.2678 7.18474Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.2067 9.09738C21.2601 9.13296 21.269 9.15073 21.2601 9.16852L21.2423 9.20411C21.2334 9.2308 21.2156 9.24859 21.1978 9.27528C21.1622 9.31975 21.1266 9.36421 21.0733 9.39089C21.0377 9.40868 21.0021 9.39979 20.9843 9.37311C20.9843 9.36421 20.9754 9.35532 20.9754 9.35532C20.9665 9.29306 20.9665 9.2397 20.9754 9.18633C20.9843 9.15964 20.9843 9.13295 21.0021 9.10626L21.0199 9.07069C21.0288 9.0618 21.0466 9.05289 21.1088 9.06179C21.1444 9.05289 21.1711 9.0707 21.2067 9.09738Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.9717 11.499C22.034 11.499 22.0518 11.5079 22.0518 11.5168V11.5524C22.0518 11.5702 22.0518 11.5969 22.0518 11.6235C22.0429 11.668 22.034 11.7125 22.0073 11.7659C21.9895 11.8014 21.945 11.8103 21.9094 11.7925C21.9094 11.7925 21.9006 11.7925 21.9006 11.7837C21.8561 11.7481 21.8383 11.7036 21.8116 11.668C21.8027 11.6502 21.7938 11.6235 21.7938 11.6058L21.7849 11.5791C21.7849 11.5702 21.7938 11.5524 21.8561 11.5346C21.9006 11.5079 21.9361 11.5079 21.9717 11.499Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.4611 13.8023C22.5233 13.7846 22.5411 13.7845 22.5411 13.7934L22.55 13.8201C22.5589 13.8379 22.5589 13.8646 22.5678 13.8824C22.5767 13.9269 22.5767 13.9713 22.5678 14.0247C22.5589 14.0603 22.5145 14.087 22.4789 14.0781H22.47C22.4166 14.0603 22.3899 14.0247 22.3543 13.998C22.3454 13.9802 22.3276 13.9625 22.3187 13.9447L22.301 13.918C22.2921 13.9091 22.3009 13.8913 22.3543 13.8557C22.3899 13.829 22.4255 13.8112 22.4611 13.8023Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.2844 15.4215C24.3378 15.4571 24.3467 15.466 24.3467 15.4749L24.3378 15.5016C24.3289 15.5194 24.32 15.5283 24.3111 15.546C24.2844 15.5727 24.2578 15.5994 24.2133 15.6172C24.1688 15.635 24.1243 15.6172 24.1066 15.5727C24.0888 15.5282 24.0887 15.4838 24.0887 15.4482C24.0887 15.4304 24.0888 15.4126 24.0976 15.3948L24.1066 15.3682C24.1066 15.3593 24.1243 15.3592 24.1866 15.377C24.2133 15.3859 24.2489 15.4037 24.2844 15.4215Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.6033 18.677C22.6656 18.6681 22.6833 18.677 22.6833 18.6859V18.7126C22.6833 18.7304 22.6833 18.7482 22.6833 18.766C22.6745 18.8016 22.6745 18.8371 22.6389 18.8816C22.6122 18.9172 22.5677 18.9261 22.5321 18.9083C22.4876 18.8816 22.4699 18.8549 22.4432 18.8193C22.4343 18.8015 22.4254 18.7838 22.4254 18.7749L22.4165 18.7482C22.4165 18.7393 22.4254 18.7304 22.4876 18.7037C22.5232 18.6859 22.5677 18.677 22.6033 18.677Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.0858 16.8803C13.1481 16.8981 13.1659 16.9069 13.157 16.9158L13.1481 16.9425C13.1481 16.9603 13.1392 16.9781 13.1303 16.9959C13.1125 17.0315 13.0947 17.067 13.0503 17.0937C13.0147 17.1204 12.9702 17.1115 12.9435 17.0848C12.9079 17.0492 12.899 17.0048 12.8901 16.9692C12.8901 16.9514 12.8812 16.9336 12.8812 16.9158V16.8891C12.8812 16.8802 12.8991 16.8714 12.9613 16.8714C13.0147 16.8625 13.0503 16.8714 13.0858 16.8803Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.8077 15.6707C15.8699 15.6618 15.8877 15.6707 15.8877 15.6796V15.6974C15.8877 15.7063 15.8877 15.724 15.8788 15.7329C15.8699 15.7596 15.861 15.7863 15.8254 15.813C15.7898 15.8397 15.7543 15.8486 15.7187 15.8308C15.6742 15.813 15.6564 15.7952 15.6475 15.7774C15.6386 15.7685 15.6298 15.7596 15.6298 15.7418L15.6208 15.7241C15.6208 15.7152 15.6297 15.7152 15.692 15.6974C15.7276 15.6796 15.7721 15.6707 15.8077 15.6707Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.3222 13.936C14.3844 13.936 14.4022 13.9449 14.4022 13.9538V13.9716C14.4022 13.9894 14.4022 13.9983 14.3933 14.0161C14.3844 14.0428 14.3667 14.0784 14.3311 14.1139C14.3044 14.1406 14.251 14.1495 14.2243 14.1228C14.1887 14.0962 14.171 14.0695 14.1532 14.0428C14.1443 14.025 14.1443 14.0161 14.1354 13.9983V13.9805C14.1354 13.9716 14.1443 13.9627 14.2154 13.9538C14.2421 13.9449 14.2866 13.936 14.3222 13.936Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.6996 11.0006C13.7618 10.974 13.7707 10.974 13.7796 10.9829L13.7885 11.0006C13.7974 11.0095 13.7974 11.0273 13.7974 11.0362C13.7974 11.0629 13.7974 11.0985 13.7707 11.1341C13.7529 11.1696 13.7085 11.1874 13.6729 11.1785C13.6284 11.1696 13.6017 11.1608 13.584 11.143C13.5751 11.1341 13.5661 11.1252 13.5572 11.1163L13.5483 11.0985C13.5483 11.0896 13.5573 11.0807 13.6106 11.0451C13.6284 11.0273 13.664 11.0095 13.6996 11.0006Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.2874 25.8342C36.2081 26.052 36.0813 26.2283 35.9456 26.403L35.5385 26.9269L34.7347 27.9688C34.4648 28.3103 34.2023 28.6613 33.9398 29.0123C33.6774 29.3633 33.4148 29.7144 33.1613 30.0671C33.1463 30.0964 33.1092 30.0972 33.0854 30.0765C33.0617 30.0558 33.0572 30.0308 33.0722 30.0016C33.302 29.6281 33.5408 29.2564 33.7869 28.8942C34.0331 28.532 34.2882 28.1715 34.5507 27.8204C34.8132 27.4694 35.0772 27.1107 35.3382 26.7674L35.7364 26.2417C35.8005 26.1497 35.8721 26.0671 35.951 25.994C36.0226 25.9114 36.1105 25.84 36.1984 25.7687C36.2207 25.7489 36.2564 25.7558 36.2787 25.7843C36.2861 25.7938 36.2919 25.811 36.2874 25.8342Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.6545 34.3847C34.631 34.2676 34.6253 34.1539 34.6285 34.042C34.6318 33.93 34.635 33.8181 34.6472 33.7079L34.72 33.0467C34.7597 32.6042 34.8098 32.1556 34.8673 31.7165C34.9263 31.2697 34.9928 30.8324 35.0697 30.389C35.1555 29.9474 35.2502 29.5075 35.3701 29.0806C35.3761 29.0496 35.4074 29.0315 35.4416 29.0462C35.4683 29.0514 35.4905 29.0798 35.4845 29.1108C35.4002 29.5447 35.3234 29.9881 35.2659 30.4271C35.2083 30.8662 35.1597 31.307 35.1111 31.7478L34.9816 33.0814L34.9162 33.7521C34.8919 33.9725 34.8571 34.1989 34.7614 34.4055C34.7465 34.4347 34.7167 34.445 34.6811 34.4381C34.6663 34.4191 34.6604 34.4019 34.6545 34.3847Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.1805 32.2683C29.2835 32.0712 29.4237 31.9216 29.5727 31.7736L30.0257 31.3471C30.3311 31.0607 30.6351 30.782 30.9243 30.4844L31.8005 29.5934C32.0986 29.2975 32.404 29.0111 32.7332 28.7454C32.7556 28.7256 32.7913 28.7325 32.815 28.7532C32.8299 28.7722 32.8327 28.8049 32.8104 28.8247C32.5138 29.1128 32.2247 29.4104 31.9519 29.7192L31.1068 30.6405C30.8161 30.9458 30.5181 31.2417 30.2126 31.5281L29.7596 31.9547C29.6121 32.0949 29.4467 32.2316 29.2606 32.3321C29.2294 32.3502 29.1953 32.3355 29.1819 32.3088C29.1745 32.2993 29.1775 32.2838 29.1805 32.2683Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.3367 29.636C34.3261 29.7385 34.2976 29.8375 34.2692 29.9365C34.2407 30.0355 34.1958 30.1232 34.1584 30.2205C34.0762 30.4055 33.994 30.5906 33.9133 30.7678L33.4379 31.8815L32.9536 32.9934C32.7892 33.3635 32.6158 33.7319 32.4351 34.0907C32.4202 34.12 32.3904 34.1303 32.3563 34.1156C32.331 34.1027 32.3192 34.0682 32.3326 34.0467L33.2151 31.79C33.3617 31.4165 33.5187 31.0369 33.6742 30.6651C33.7564 30.4801 33.8386 30.2951 33.9208 30.11C34.003 29.925 34.1031 29.7434 34.2432 29.5938C34.2655 29.574 34.3027 29.5731 34.3264 29.5938C34.3338 29.6033 34.3397 29.6205 34.3367 29.636Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M32.2955 30.3331C32.255 30.4941 32.1743 30.6232 32.0863 30.7428L31.8119 31.1075C31.6344 31.3545 31.4495 31.5919 31.2646 31.8294C31.0797 32.0668 30.8948 32.3042 30.7099 32.5417C30.516 32.7774 30.3311 33.0148 30.1388 33.2428C30.1164 33.2626 30.0867 33.2729 30.0629 33.2522C30.0392 33.2315 30.0362 33.1988 30.0497 33.1773C30.2108 32.9191 30.3884 32.6722 30.557 32.4236C30.7256 32.1749 30.903 31.928 31.0805 31.681C31.258 31.4341 31.4356 31.1872 31.6116 30.948L31.8771 30.5815C31.9651 30.4619 32.0709 30.3458 32.2079 30.2598C32.2392 30.2418 32.2733 30.2565 32.2867 30.2832C32.3015 30.3021 32.2985 30.3176 32.2955 30.3331Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n   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38.9579 28.9981 39.2229 29.4436C39.4791 29.8873 39.7546 30.3267 40.0302 30.7662C40.3057 31.2056 40.5827 31.6373 40.8701 32.063C41.0139 32.2758 41.1575 32.4886 41.3102 32.7032C41.3828 32.8057 41.4539 32.916 41.5161 33.0246C41.5783 33.1332 41.639 33.2495 41.6892 33.3718C41.7026 33.3985 41.6861 33.4355 41.6563 33.4458C41.6429 33.4673 41.6162 33.4621 41.5999 33.4509Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.2863 29.4061C38.3545 29.4837 38.4123 29.5672 38.4686 29.6586C38.5264 29.7422 38.5633 29.8378 38.6106 29.9274L38.8651 30.4753L39.3829 31.5728C39.5515 31.9433 39.7202 32.3137 39.871 32.6807C40.0292 33.0571 40.1696 33.4301 40.2965 33.8246C40.3098 33.8513 40.2934 33.8883 40.2636 33.8986C40.2339 33.9089 40.2086 33.896 40.1953 33.8693C40.0356 33.5006 39.8759 33.1319 39.6968 32.7674C39.5267 32.4048 39.3476 32.0403 39.1671 31.6837C38.988 31.3192 38.8075 30.9626 38.6284 30.5982L38.3651 30.0485C38.2808 29.8633 38.2068 29.6721 38.1924 29.4602C38.1896 29.4275 38.2134 29.4 38.2417 29.3974C38.2625 29.3854 38.2804 29.3889 38.2863 29.4061Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.5171 30.9371C37.5748 31.0689 37.5864 31.1998 37.5876 31.3368L37.5763 31.7285L37.5611 32.5215L37.5473 33.3068L37.5336 34.092C37.5365 34.1248 37.5052 34.1428 37.477 34.1454C37.4487 34.1479 37.425 34.1272 37.4221 34.0945C37.39 33.831 37.3668 33.5692 37.354 33.3014C37.3398 33.0413 37.327 32.7735 37.3232 32.5075C37.3193 32.2414 37.3155 31.9753 37.3205 31.711L37.323 31.3175C37.3292 31.1901 37.337 31.0549 37.4087 30.9241C37.4236 30.8949 37.4638 30.8785 37.4875 30.8992C37.5023 30.9182 37.5097 30.9277 37.5171 30.9371Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.2918 31.4739C38.3748 31.5704 38.4013 31.672 38.4189 31.7719L38.4688 32.0871L38.5788 32.7115L38.7974 33.968C38.8003 34.0007 38.7854 34.03 38.7483 34.0308C38.72 34.0334 38.6947 34.0204 38.6903 33.9954C38.6179 33.7965 38.5574 33.5837 38.4955 33.3787C38.4335 33.1737 38.3909 32.9644 38.3393 32.7534C38.2967 32.5441 38.2451 32.3331 38.2114 32.1256L38.1527 31.8087C38.1366 31.701 38.1295 31.5951 38.1788 31.4841C38.1937 31.4548 38.225 31.4368 38.2607 31.4437C38.277 31.4549 38.2843 31.4644 38.2918 31.4739Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.9491 25.4255C38.0814 25.4593 38.1882 25.5283 38.2728 25.617L38.5384 25.8696C38.7194 26.0334 38.8884 26.211 39.0679 26.3825C39.237 26.5601 39.4076 26.7299 39.5752 26.9152C39.7428 27.1005 39.9029 27.2764 40.0616 27.4599C40.0853 27.4806 40.0778 27.5194 40.0555 27.5392C40.0331 27.5589 40.0063 27.5537 39.9811 27.5408C39.7986 27.3847 39.6191 27.2132 39.4381 27.0494L38.895 26.558L38.3521 26.0666L38.085 25.8218C37.9989 25.7407 37.9144 25.652 37.8656 25.5219C37.8538 25.4874 37.8703 25.4504 37.9001 25.4401C37.9224 25.4203 37.9313 25.4221 37.9491 25.4255Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.1818 25.1812C38.3854 25.2288 38.5531 25.3177 38.7164 25.4298C38.8797 25.5419 39.0341 25.6523 39.1974 25.7644C39.5136 25.9947 39.8178 26.2387 40.125 26.4672C40.4307 26.7034 40.738 26.932 41.0556 27.1545C41.3629 27.383 41.6805 27.6055 41.9966 27.8357C42.0204 27.8564 42.0232 27.8891 42.0098 27.9106C41.9964 27.9322 41.9577 27.9407 41.9325 27.9278C41.6014 27.7268 41.2718 27.5181 40.9511 27.311C40.6304 27.104 40.3039 26.8798 39.9862 26.6573L39.0556 25.97C38.9013 25.8596 38.7469 25.7493 38.5821 25.6449C38.4262 25.5423 38.2734 25.4241 38.137 25.269C38.1147 25.2406 38.1207 25.2096 38.1431 25.1898C38.1446 25.182 38.1639 25.1778 38.1818 25.1812Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M41.67 26.9442C41.8662 26.9823 42.0445 27.0651 42.2123 27.154L42.7127 27.4361L43.715 27.9926C44.0491 28.1781 44.3832 28.3636 44.7173 28.5491C45.0514 28.7346 45.3958 28.9141 45.7314 29.0918C45.7567 29.1047 45.7685 29.1392 45.7536 29.1685C45.7402 29.19 45.7089 29.208 45.6836 29.1951C45.3227 29.0526 44.9751 28.8886 44.6276 28.7246C44.2801 28.5607 43.934 28.3889 43.5984 28.2112C43.2539 28.0317 42.9183 27.854 42.5842 27.6685L42.0823 27.3941C41.9145 27.3052 41.7513 27.1931 41.6133 27.0457C41.5896 27.025 41.5971 26.9863 41.6194 26.9665C41.6314 26.9527 41.6507 26.9485 41.67 26.9442Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M40.6614 27.8498C40.8753 27.9396 41.0446 28.0689 41.2212 28.2077L41.7331 28.6207C42.0774 28.8967 42.4187 29.1881 42.7376 29.4993L43.6766 30.4294C43.9866 30.7388 44.3086 31.0345 44.6425 31.3165C44.6662 31.3371 44.6691 31.3699 44.6452 31.3974C44.6228 31.4172 44.5931 31.4275 44.5694 31.4068C44.2027 31.1506 43.86 30.867 43.538 30.5713L42.5648 29.6747C42.2428 29.379 41.9075 29.1049 41.5632 28.8289L41.0423 28.4142C40.8746 28.2771 40.7099 28.1245 40.581 27.9306C40.5677 27.9039 40.5752 27.8652 40.5961 27.8532C40.6169 27.8411 40.6451 27.8386 40.6614 27.8498Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M41.5533 29.8319C41.6884 29.8983 41.7818 29.9888 41.8633 30.0931L42.1094 30.3982C42.274 30.599 42.4371 30.8076 42.6032 31.0006C42.7677 31.2014 42.9427 31.3962 43.1296 31.5772C43.3061 31.7643 43.502 31.947 43.7008 32.1143C43.7245 32.135 43.7274 32.1677 43.7035 32.1952C43.6812 32.215 43.6529 32.2176 43.6277 32.2046C43.405 32.0649 43.1973 31.8959 42.991 31.7192C42.7937 31.5441 42.5993 31.3536 42.4243 31.1588C42.2493 30.964 42.0759 30.7615 41.9024 30.559L41.6563 30.2539C41.5748 30.1496 41.5036 30.0393 41.4668 29.8955C41.4639 29.8628 41.4804 29.8258 41.5176 29.8249C41.5265 29.8267 41.5443 29.8301 41.5533 29.8319Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M42.783 28.4542C42.9257 28.4819 43.0415 28.5526 43.1469 28.6293L43.4616 28.8674C43.6723 29.0209 43.8801 29.1898 44.0908 29.3433C44.3001 29.5046 44.5079 29.6736 44.7067 29.8408C44.904 30.0159 45.1029 30.1831 45.2972 30.3736C45.321 30.3943 45.3224 30.4348 45.3 30.4546C45.2777 30.4743 45.2494 30.4769 45.2257 30.4562C45.0149 30.3027 44.8056 30.1415 44.5933 29.9957L43.9506 29.5412C43.7399 29.3877 43.5202 29.2325 43.3094 29.079L42.9948 28.841C42.8894 28.7643 42.796 28.6737 42.7294 28.5402C42.7161 28.5135 42.7235 28.4748 42.7548 28.4567C42.7548 28.4567 42.7741 28.4524 42.783 28.4542Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.6078 25.3321C35.4589 25.4319 35.3026 25.4739 35.139 25.5064L34.6571 25.6058L33.6873 25.7872C33.3615 25.8446 33.0432 25.9114 32.7249 25.9782C32.4065 26.045 32.0867 26.1195 31.7668 26.1941C31.7371 26.2044 31.7044 26.182 31.7 26.157C31.6956 26.132 31.7106 26.1028 31.7314 26.0907C32.041 25.974 32.3638 25.8839 32.6777 25.7921C33.0005 25.7021 33.3204 25.6275 33.6403 25.553C33.9601 25.4784 34.2873 25.4133 34.6057 25.3465L35.0876 25.2472C35.2512 25.2146 35.4133 25.1898 35.5828 25.2228C35.6184 25.2297 35.6407 25.2581 35.6347 25.2891C35.6301 25.3124 35.6182 25.3261 35.6078 25.3321Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.8984 26.3899C27.0234 26.3177 27.1469 26.3015 27.2777 26.2947L27.6613 26.2727L28.4198 26.2271L29.187 26.1832C29.4383 26.1757 29.7 26.1622 29.9513 26.1547C29.9795 26.1522 30.0107 26.1823 30.0062 26.2056C30.0106 26.2306 29.9867 26.2581 29.9585 26.2606C29.7101 26.3008 29.4543 26.3316 29.197 26.37C28.9412 26.4007 28.6943 26.4332 28.44 26.4561C28.1857 26.4791 27.9299 26.5098 27.6771 26.525L27.292 26.5548C27.1611 26.5615 27.0333 26.5528 26.9056 26.4958C26.8714 26.4811 26.8596 26.4467 26.8745 26.4174C26.8775 26.4019 26.8879 26.3959 26.8984 26.3899Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.7582 30.1113C27.946 29.9066 28.1724 29.7415 28.3957 29.5919L29.0852 29.1389C29.5408 28.8415 30.0054 28.5458 30.4536 28.2389C30.9093 27.9415 31.3591 27.6268 31.7999 27.3105C32.2496 26.9958 32.6978 26.6889 33.1698 26.4027C33.2011 26.3846 33.2264 26.3976 33.2486 26.426C33.2619 26.4527 33.2559 26.4837 33.2335 26.5035C32.7838 26.8182 32.3504 27.144 31.9169 27.4699C31.4835 27.7957 31.0397 28.1276 30.59 28.4422C30.1402 28.7569 29.6831 29.0621 29.2274 29.3595L28.5469 29.8142C28.3235 29.9638 28.0838 30.1022 27.8234 30.2043C27.7936 30.2146 27.7595 30.2 27.7462 30.1733C27.7418 30.1483 27.7463 30.125 27.7582 30.1113Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.1113 28.8679C27.2156 28.7595 27.3302 28.6933 27.4612 28.6384L27.8348 28.4778C28.0863 28.3739 28.3378 28.27 28.5893 28.1661C28.8393 28.0699 29.0998 27.9677 29.3498 27.8716C29.6087 27.7771 29.8661 27.6905 30.1235 27.6038C30.1533 27.5935 30.1874 27.6081 30.1903 27.6409C30.1947 27.6658 30.1887 27.6968 30.1589 27.7071C29.9148 27.8205 29.6618 27.9322 29.4177 28.0456L28.6765 28.384C28.4235 28.4957 28.1809 28.6013 27.9279 28.713L27.5543 28.8736C27.4322 28.9303 27.2954 28.968 27.1498 28.9558C27.1126 28.9566 27.0903 28.9281 27.0889 28.8877C27.0963 28.8972 27.0993 28.8817 27.1113 28.8679Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.9265 27.7707C27.0784 27.6555 27.2376 27.598 27.4132 27.5517L27.922 27.4093C28.2642 27.315 28.6033 27.2361 28.944 27.1495L29.9704 26.9147C30.3081 26.8436 30.6562 26.7665 31.0013 26.7049C31.0295 26.7024 31.0637 26.7171 31.0666 26.7498C31.071 26.7748 31.0561 26.804 31.0263 26.8143C30.6915 26.9181 30.3494 27.0125 30.0161 27.1085L29.0089 27.3873L28.0017 27.666L27.5018 27.8101C27.414 27.8332 27.3352 27.8581 27.2504 27.8658C27.1641 27.8812 27.0793 27.8888 26.9797 27.8775C26.9441 27.8706 26.9219 27.8422 26.9279 27.8112C26.9116 27.8 26.9146 27.7845 26.9265 27.7707Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.5915 24.6052C35.5038 24.6284 35.419 24.636 35.3342 24.6437C35.2494 24.6514 35.1677 24.6435 35.0859 24.6357C34.9224 24.62 34.7574 24.6121 34.5939 24.5964C34.2654 24.5728 33.9369 24.5492 33.6069 24.5333L32.6182 24.478C32.2897 24.4544 31.9597 24.4385 31.6222 24.4132C31.5955 24.408 31.5717 24.3873 31.5688 24.3545C31.5749 24.3236 31.5972 24.3038 31.6255 24.3012C31.9615 24.2861 32.2857 24.2847 32.6202 24.2774C32.9532 24.2777 33.2863 24.2781 33.6178 24.2862C33.9493 24.2943 34.2809 24.3024 34.6184 24.3278C34.7834 24.3357 34.9469 24.3514 35.1208 24.3611C35.2843 24.3767 35.4552 24.4019 35.6141 24.489C35.6393 24.502 35.6512 24.5364 35.6363 24.5657C35.6228 24.5872 35.6109 24.601 35.5915 24.6052Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.6117 24.2152C35.5387 24.2573 35.4837 24.2547 35.4332 24.2288L35.2772 24.1744L34.9637 24.0733C34.7557 24.0007 34.5373 23.9342 34.3308 23.8539C34.3056 23.8409 34.2834 23.8125 34.2983 23.7832C34.3117 23.7617 34.3326 23.7497 34.3519 23.7454C34.5808 23.7577 34.8053 23.7933 35.0267 23.8443C35.1411 23.8746 35.2481 23.8954 35.361 23.9334L35.5259 23.9895C35.5779 24.0077 35.6269 24.0413 35.658 24.1197C35.6698 24.1542 35.6518 24.1989 35.6117 24.2152Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.3439 20.851C29.5178 20.8607 29.6635 20.9211 29.806 20.997L30.2248 21.2231L31.0608 21.683C31.3459 21.8348 31.6175 22.0082 31.8818 22.1721C32.1535 22.3454 32.4177 22.5093 32.6924 22.6672C32.7176 22.6801 32.7295 22.7146 32.7146 22.7439C32.7011 22.7654 32.6713 22.7757 32.6446 22.7705C32.346 22.6401 32.0698 22.49 31.7832 22.3459C31.507 22.1958 31.2323 22.0379 30.9442 21.9015C30.6576 21.7574 30.3814 21.6073 30.0963 21.4554L29.6761 21.2371C29.5335 21.1612 29.4014 21.0792 29.2872 20.9525C29.265 20.9241 29.271 20.8931 29.2948 20.8656C29.3157 20.8536 29.3261 20.8475 29.3439 20.851Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.413 21.4982C28.523 21.5035 28.6285 21.5321 28.734 21.5606C28.8395 21.5891 28.9346 21.6237 29.0371 21.6677L29.6298 21.9034L30.8166 22.3671C31.2118 22.5243 31.6084 22.6737 32.005 22.8231L33.1949 23.2712C33.2201 23.2842 33.2423 23.3126 33.2274 23.3419C33.2125 23.3711 33.1916 23.3832 33.1559 23.3762C32.7444 23.2561 32.3432 23.13 31.9332 23.0021C31.5335 22.8682 31.125 22.7325 30.7269 22.5909C30.3288 22.4492 29.9232 22.2981 29.5266 22.1487L28.9324 21.9207C28.7349 21.8422 28.5403 21.7481 28.3726 21.611C28.3489 21.5903 28.346 21.5576 28.3609 21.5283C28.3743 21.5068 28.3952 21.4948 28.413 21.4982Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.6112 22.9592C27.7331 22.9507 27.8432 22.956 27.9621 22.9631C28.0795 22.9778 28.188 22.9909 28.304 23.0134L28.9816 23.145C29.4379 23.2256 29.8926 23.3139 30.3503 23.3867C30.8066 23.4673 31.2644 23.5402 31.7147 23.6035C32.1725 23.6763 32.6333 23.7337 33.0836 23.797C33.1104 23.8022 33.1326 23.8307 33.1266 23.8617C33.1206 23.8926 33.0982 23.9124 33.0715 23.9072C32.6047 23.8809 32.1498 23.8408 31.686 23.7989C31.2237 23.7493 30.763 23.692 30.3037 23.6269C29.8444 23.5618 29.3867 23.489 28.9304 23.4084L28.2423 23.2828C28.0105 23.2378 27.7906 23.179 27.5708 23.072C27.5456 23.059 27.5338 23.0246 27.5487 22.9953C27.5815 22.9695 27.5918 22.9635 27.6112 22.9592Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.3384 23.9349C27.4427 23.8748 27.5453 23.8706 27.6464 23.8741L27.9571 23.8943C28.1577 23.9091 28.3659 23.9335 28.5665 23.9483L29.173 24.0179C29.3722 24.0405 29.5802 24.0648 29.7779 24.0952C29.8046 24.1004 29.8269 24.1288 29.8209 24.1598C29.8164 24.1831 29.794 24.2029 29.7658 24.2054C29.5606 24.2138 29.3568 24.2144 29.1546 24.2073C28.951 24.2079 28.7503 24.1931 28.5392 24.1842C28.3386 24.1694 28.1364 24.1623 27.9268 24.1457L27.6249 24.1273C27.5239 24.1237 27.4258 24.1047 27.3293 24.0296C27.2967 24.0072 27.2953 23.9667 27.3102 23.9375C27.3265 23.9487 27.328 23.941 27.3384 23.9349Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <\/svg><svg class=\"illus\" width=\"30vw\" height=\"30vw\" viewBox=\"0 0 35 57\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: calc(50vh); left: -15vw; transform: rotate(12.8535deg);\"><path d=\"M1.62159 1.01689C1.71054 1.37269 1.79059 1.72849 1.84396 2.09318C1.87954 2.27108 1.88844 2.45783 1.91512 2.63573C1.92402 2.82252 1.94181 3.00044 1.94181 3.18723C1.9596 3.9255 1.85287 4.65488 1.68387 5.36647C1.52376 6.07806 1.32806 6.78074 1.17685 7.49233C1.01674 8.20392 0.901105 8.91551 0.821051 9.636C0.660944 11.077 0.678746 12.5357 0.767695 13.9856C0.847749 15.4354 1.05233 16.8764 1.31917 18.3085C1.58602 19.7405 1.93292 21.1548 2.29761 22.5602C2.67119 23.9656 3.05366 25.371 3.44503 26.7764C4.23667 29.5783 5.08169 32.3712 6.00675 35.1287C6.46929 36.5074 6.95851 37.886 7.45662 39.247C7.96363 40.6168 8.45284 41.9866 8.96874 43.3475C9.48465 44.7084 10.045 46.0515 10.7121 47.3413C11.0413 47.9906 11.4059 48.6132 11.7973 49.227C12.1798 49.8407 12.58 50.4545 13.007 51.0415C13.434 51.6286 13.8787 52.1979 14.3679 52.7316C14.8571 53.2652 15.3819 53.7634 15.9512 54.2081C17.0897 55.0976 18.4062 55.7647 19.8027 56.1383C21.1992 56.5118 22.6668 56.6008 24.0989 56.4051C25.531 56.2183 26.9275 55.738 28.1905 55.0442C28.8221 54.6973 29.4269 54.2881 29.9873 53.8345C30.5477 53.3809 31.0724 52.8739 31.5528 52.3313C32.5223 51.255 33.3495 50.0453 33.9633 48.7378C34.1145 48.4087 34.2479 48.0706 34.3635 47.7326C34.4703 47.3857 34.5681 47.0388 34.6304 46.6831C34.7016 46.3273 34.746 45.9715 34.7727 45.6157C34.7905 45.2599 34.7994 44.8952 34.7816 44.5305C34.7193 43.0806 34.3369 41.6663 33.8299 40.3054C33.3228 38.9445 32.6824 37.637 32.042 36.3295C31.7218 35.6801 31.4016 35.0219 31.0635 34.3815C30.8945 34.0613 30.7167 33.741 30.5388 33.4208C30.3609 33.1095 30.183 32.7893 29.9873 32.478C28.5018 29.9696 26.8118 27.5947 25.1663 25.1842C24.348 23.9745 23.5563 22.7559 22.7202 21.5551C21.893 20.3632 21.0213 19.1891 20.0517 18.1039C19.0822 17.0187 17.9792 16.067 16.8407 15.1597C15.7021 14.2524 14.528 13.3807 13.4162 12.4379C12.8558 11.9664 12.3221 11.4772 11.8062 10.9524C11.2992 10.4276 10.81 9.87617 10.3297 9.33358C9.84934 8.7821 9.36902 8.23951 8.86201 7.7236C8.60406 7.46565 8.3461 7.2077 8.07926 6.96754C7.81241 6.72738 7.53668 6.4872 7.24315 6.28262C6.65609 5.86456 6.00676 5.51768 5.4108 5.09962C5.10838 4.88615 4.81484 4.66379 4.55689 4.40584C4.49463 4.33468 4.43237 4.27239 4.37011 4.20123C4.30785 4.13008 4.25448 4.05893 4.19221 3.98777C4.07658 3.83655 3.99651 3.65865 3.93425 3.48965C3.80972 3.14275 3.72968 2.77806 3.65852 2.42226C3.57847 2.06647 3.5162 1.7018 3.39168 1.37269C3.3561 1.29264 3.32051 1.21257 3.27604 1.14141C3.23156 1.07026 3.1693 1.0258 3.09814 1.0258C3.08035 1.0258 3.06255 1.0258 3.04476 1.0258C3.02697 1.0258 3.0092 1.03467 2.99141 1.04356C2.94693 1.06135 2.89357 1.07913 2.8402 1.07913C2.74236 1.08803 2.6445 1.07917 2.55555 1.07027C2.36876 1.04359 2.19087 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1.69288 3.65851 2.05757 3.73857 2.41336C3.81862 2.76915 3.88979 3.12497 4.01432 3.46298C4.07658 3.63198 4.14773 3.79207 4.25447 3.93439C4.30784 4.00555 4.3701 4.06784 4.42347 4.139C4.48573 4.20126 4.548 4.27239 4.61027 4.33466C4.86822 4.59261 5.15284 4.815 5.44637 5.01958C6.04233 5.42874 6.68278 5.77562 7.28763 6.20258C7.88358 6.62953 8.41727 7.13653 8.93317 7.66132C9.44018 8.18612 9.92938 8.72872 10.4097 9.2802C10.89 9.82279 11.3704 10.3743 11.8774 10.8902C12.3933 11.4061 12.927 11.8953 13.4873 12.3667C14.5992 13.3096 15.7733 14.1724 16.9119 15.0797C17.4811 15.5333 18.0504 15.9958 18.593 16.485C19.1356 16.9743 19.6604 17.4901 20.1496 18.0327C21.128 19.1179 21.9997 20.292 22.8358 21.4928C23.6719 22.6936 24.4636 23.9122 25.2819 25.113C26.9274 27.5147 28.6264 29.8985 30.1118 32.4068C30.2986 32.7181 30.4765 33.0384 30.6633 33.3497C30.8412 33.6699 31.0191 33.9901 31.1881 34.3103C31.535 34.9507 31.8463 35.609 32.1754 36.2672C32.8247 37.5747 33.4652 38.8911 33.9811 40.261C34.497 41.6308 34.8884 43.0628 34.9506 44.5394C34.9684 44.9041 34.9595 45.2777 34.9417 45.6423C34.9061 46.007 34.8705 46.3717 34.7994 46.7364C34.7371 47.1011 34.6304 47.4569 34.5237 47.8038C34.408 48.1507 34.2746 48.4976 34.1145 48.8267C33.5007 50.161 32.6557 51.3795 31.6773 52.4736C31.1881 53.0162 30.6633 53.5321 30.0851 53.9946C29.5158 54.4572 28.9021 54.8752 28.2617 55.231C26.9808 55.9426 25.5577 56.4318 24.0989 56.6186C22.6401 56.8143 21.1458 56.7343 19.7226 56.3518C18.2994 55.9693 16.9563 55.2933 15.8 54.3949C15.2218 53.9413 14.6881 53.4342 14.19 52.8916C13.6919 52.3491 13.2383 51.7709 12.8113 51.1839C12.3844 50.5879 11.9841 49.9742 11.5927 49.3604C11.2014 48.7467 10.8367 48.1063 10.4987 47.4569C9.82265 46.1583 9.26227 44.8062 8.73747 43.4364C8.22157 42.0755 7.73235 40.6968 7.22534 39.3359C6.71834 37.9661 6.22913 36.5963 5.7666 35.2087C4.83264 32.4424 3.98763 29.6494 3.18709 26.8475C2.79572 25.4422 2.40434 24.0368 2.03076 22.6314C1.65718 21.2171 1.31027 19.8028 1.04342 18.3619C0.767682 16.9298 0.589785 15.471 0.509731 14.0123C0.483047 13.6476 0.474152 13.2829 0.465257 12.9182C0.465257 12.5535 0.456362 12.1888 0.465257 11.8241C0.483047 11.0948 0.527538 10.3565 0.616487 9.636C0.705435 8.90662 0.838849 8.18615 1.00785 7.47457C1.16796 6.76298 1.38144 6.06026 1.55045 5.35757C1.71055 4.65487 1.82619 3.93442 1.81729 3.20504C1.81729 3.02714 1.7995 2.84034 1.7906 2.66244C1.77281 2.48455 1.75503 2.30664 1.72834 2.11985C1.68387 1.75516 1.6038 1.39936 1.51485 1.04356Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M1.60391 0.981445C1.71954 0.999235 1.8085 1.06148 1.87966 1.14154C1.95082 1.22159 2.02197 1.31055 2.07534 1.38171C2.13761 1.45287 2.19098 1.52403 2.25324 1.55961C2.3155 1.59519 2.40445 1.62187 2.4934 1.63966C2.67129 1.67524 2.86699 1.66632 3.03599 1.62185C3.12494 1.59516 3.19609 1.55959 3.24946 1.49733C3.30283 1.43507 3.32062 1.355 3.32062 1.26605V1.25715C3.32062 1.23047 3.34731 1.20382 3.374 1.20382C3.40068 1.20382 3.42736 1.22161 3.42736 1.24829L3.43626 1.32834C3.43626 1.35502 3.43626 1.3906 3.43626 1.41728C3.42736 1.47955 3.40958 1.53291 3.374 1.58628C3.30284 1.69302 3.20499 1.75527 3.09825 1.79975C2.88477 1.8798 2.67129 1.89758 2.44892 1.87979C2.34218 1.862 2.23545 1.84425 2.11982 1.78198C2.00418 1.71972 1.92414 1.63076 1.86187 1.55071C1.79072 1.47065 1.73734 1.39949 1.67507 1.32834C1.61281 1.25718 1.55054 1.18603 1.51496 1.07039C1.50607 1.03481 1.52386 0.9992 1.55944 0.990305C1.58612 0.981411 1.59502 0.981445 1.60391 0.981445Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M1.90615 4.18356C2.02179 4.26362 2.12852 4.35255 2.23526 4.4326C2.342 4.51266 2.44873 4.60159 2.56436 4.68164C2.78673 4.84175 3.018 4.99296 3.25817 5.12638C3.74738 5.40212 4.23659 5.67789 4.7436 5.90916C5.25061 6.14042 5.7754 6.33608 6.31799 6.46061L7.13631 6.64741C7.41205 6.70968 7.67891 6.75416 7.95465 6.74526C7.98134 6.74526 8.00801 6.77196 8.00801 6.79864C8.00801 6.82533 7.99023 6.85202 7.95465 6.85202C7.67002 6.8787 7.37647 6.84312 7.09183 6.79864L6.67378 6.7186C6.54036 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16.4364 17.2569 16.4542 17.3928 16.4987C17.4562 16.5165 17.5195 16.5431 17.583 16.5698C17.6101 16.5876 17.6464 16.6054 17.6735 16.6143C17.7007 16.6321 17.7279 16.641 17.7551 16.6588C17.8729 16.721 17.9906 16.7744 18.0993 16.8545C18.1537 16.899 18.2081 16.9434 18.2534 17.0146C18.2715 17.0501 18.2805 17.1125 18.2534 17.1569C18.2352 17.2014 18.199 17.2281 18.1718 17.2547C18.1627 17.2725 18.1265 17.2637 18.1084 17.2459C18.0902 17.2192 18.0994 17.1836 18.1175 17.1658C18.1356 17.148 18.1537 17.1303 18.1628 17.1125C18.1718 17.0947 18.1627 17.0858 18.1537 17.068C18.1355 17.0324 18.0812 16.9968 18.0359 16.9612C17.9363 16.899 17.8185 16.8456 17.7007 16.7922C17.6735 16.7744 17.6373 16.7655 17.6101 16.7477C17.5829 16.7299 17.5558 16.7211 17.5286 16.7122C17.4743 16.6944 17.4108 16.6766 17.3565 16.6588C17.2387 16.6321 17.1119 16.6143 16.9851 16.6054C16.7405 16.5876 16.4868 16.5965 16.2422 16.6499C16.1245 16.6766 16.0067 16.7122 15.907 16.7655C15.8074 16.8189 15.7168 16.8901 15.6716 16.979C15.6534 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5.64186 10.9836 5.55708 10.9303C5.54012 10.9125 5.51471 10.8947 5.48927 10.868C5.47232 10.8413 5.43844 10.7968 5.43844 10.7434C5.43844 10.6811 5.48081 10.6367 5.50624 10.6189C5.53168 10.5922 5.55715 10.5834 5.58258 10.5745C5.67584 10.5389 5.76055 10.5122 5.85381 10.4944C6.03185 10.4677 6.20991 10.4855 6.37947 10.4944C6.54903 10.5122 6.71863 10.53 6.87971 10.5122C6.96449 10.5033 7.04927 10.4855 7.13405 10.4855C7.17644 10.4855 7.2188 10.4766 7.26967 10.4766C7.2951 10.4766 7.31209 10.4766 7.34601 10.4855C7.36296 10.4855 7.37144 10.4944 7.3884 10.4944C7.39687 10.4944 7.40534 10.5033 7.41381 10.5122C7.42229 10.5211 7.43923 10.53 7.43923 10.5567ZM7.32903 10.5745C7.33751 10.5922 7.34596 10.5922 7.33748 10.5922C7.33748 10.5922 7.32907 10.5922 7.32059 10.5833C7.30363 10.5833 7.28663 10.5833 7.26967 10.5833C7.22728 10.5833 7.18494 10.5833 7.15103 10.5922C7.06625 10.6011 6.98146 10.61 6.89668 10.6278C6.71017 10.6545 6.54059 10.6367 6.37103 10.6278C6.20146 10.6278 6.03192 10.6189 5.87931 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12.9498C23.8436 12.9676 23.869 12.9944 23.886 13.021Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.9709 14.3105C23.9963 14.3728 23.9964 14.3905 23.9794 14.4083L23.937 14.4439C23.9031 14.4706 23.8691 14.4883 23.8437 14.5061C23.7759 14.5417 23.6996 14.5773 23.6233 14.5951C23.5894 14.604 23.5555 14.5773 23.5555 14.5417C23.5555 14.5239 23.5555 14.515 23.564 14.5061C23.6063 14.435 23.6487 14.3816 23.6996 14.3194C23.725 14.2927 23.7505 14.266 23.7759 14.2393L23.8183 14.2037C23.8353 14.1949 23.8522 14.186 23.9115 14.2216C23.9285 14.2482 23.9539 14.2749 23.9709 14.3105Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.6991 14.1773C20.7172 14.2396 20.7172 14.2573 20.7081 14.2573L20.69 14.2663C20.6719 14.2752 20.6628 14.2751 20.6447 14.2751C20.6085 14.2751 20.5813 14.2662 20.5451 14.2395C20.5089 14.2217 20.4998 14.1773 20.5088 14.1417V14.1329C20.527 14.0884 20.5451 14.0617 20.5632 14.0439C20.5723 14.035 20.5813 14.0261 20.5994 14.0172L20.6176 14.0083C20.6266 14.0083 20.6357 14.0172 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13.5191L21.9362 13.5103C21.9531 13.5103 21.9786 13.5191 21.9955 13.5814C22.021 13.6259 22.021 13.6614 22.0125 13.697Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.8853 15.44C21.8429 15.5023 21.809 15.5112 21.7751 15.5023L21.6734 15.4845C21.6055 15.4756 21.5377 15.4578 21.4699 15.44C21.3342 15.4044 21.1986 15.3422 21.0883 15.2444C21.0629 15.2266 21.0629 15.191 21.0799 15.1643C21.0969 15.1465 21.1138 15.1465 21.1307 15.1465C21.2579 15.1732 21.3766 15.1821 21.5038 15.1999C21.5631 15.2088 21.631 15.2087 21.6988 15.2176L21.8005 15.2266C21.8344 15.2355 21.8684 15.2533 21.8853 15.3155C21.9107 15.3689 21.9023 15.4044 21.8853 15.44Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.9528 14.2038C20.9104 14.2572 20.8934 14.2572 20.885 14.2572L20.8595 14.2393C20.8425 14.2304 20.8256 14.2127 20.8086 14.1949C20.7832 14.1593 20.7493 14.1237 20.7408 14.0614C20.7323 14.0259 20.7578 13.9814 20.8002 13.9814H20.8086H20.8171C20.8679 13.9814 20.9103 13.9904 20.9442 13.9993C20.9612 14.0081 20.9782 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7.95945 23.691 7.9061 23.6825 7.85273C23.6825 7.82605 23.674 7.79942 23.6825 7.77273V7.73712C23.6825 7.72822 23.6995 7.71045 23.7673 7.71045C23.8012 7.71045 23.8351 7.71936 23.869 7.72826Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.5897 6.14496C24.6151 6.20722 24.6066 6.23396 24.5897 6.24286L24.5388 6.28733C24.5049 6.31402 24.471 6.34065 24.4456 6.36733C24.3778 6.4207 24.3184 6.47409 24.2421 6.51856C24.2167 6.53635 24.1743 6.52744 24.1573 6.50075C24.1488 6.49186 24.1489 6.47407 24.1489 6.45628C24.1658 6.35844 24.2166 6.26949 24.2675 6.18943C24.2929 6.15386 24.3269 6.11835 24.3608 6.08277L24.4117 6.03829C24.4286 6.0205 24.4541 6.02047 24.5134 6.04715C24.5473 6.08273 24.5727 6.10938 24.5897 6.14496Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.3618 6.28719C26.3533 6.35835 26.3364 6.37614 26.311 6.37614L26.2431 6.39395C26.2007 6.40284 26.1499 6.41172 26.1075 6.42061C26.0142 6.4384 25.9294 6.45616 25.8362 6.47395C25.8022 6.48284 25.7768 6.45616 25.7684 6.42947C25.7684 6.41168 25.7683 6.39389 25.7768 6.385C25.8446 6.29605 25.9379 6.23377 26.0311 6.1893C26.082 6.17151 26.1244 6.15375 26.1753 6.13596L26.2516 6.11815C26.2771 6.10926 26.3025 6.11817 26.3448 6.18044C26.3533 6.21601 26.3618 6.25161 26.3618 6.28719Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.9465 5.62051C26.9211 5.68277 26.9041 5.69165 26.8872 5.69165L26.8363 5.68279C26.8023 5.6739 26.7685 5.66493 26.743 5.65604C26.6837 5.63825 26.6328 5.61163 26.5819 5.59384L26.565 5.58489C26.5311 5.576 26.5226 5.54047 26.5311 5.50489C26.5311 5.496 26.5396 5.48709 26.548 5.48709C26.582 5.4604 26.6243 5.44256 26.6667 5.43366C26.7091 5.42477 26.7431 5.4248 26.777 5.4248C26.8109 5.4248 26.8447 5.42477 26.8786 5.43366L26.921 5.44261C26.938 5.44261 26.9465 5.46035 26.955 5.52261V5.54042C26.9635 5.55821 26.955 5.59382 26.9465 5.62051Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.9643 6.24285C28.905 6.28733 28.871 6.27842 28.8456 6.26952L28.7608 6.22505C28.7014 6.19836 28.6506 6.16278 28.5912 6.1361C28.481 6.07383 28.3623 6.01154 28.2521 5.92259C28.2267 5.9048 28.2182 5.86927 28.2437 5.84259C28.2521 5.8248 28.2775 5.81592 28.2945 5.81592C28.4301 5.83371 28.5574 5.86929 28.6845 5.90487C28.7439 5.93155 28.8116 5.94932 28.871 5.97601L28.9643 6.02048C28.9982 6.03827 29.0151 6.06494 29.0151 6.1361C29.0151 6.18947 28.9897 6.22506 28.9643 6.24285Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.4811 6.75894C28.4472 6.81231 28.4303 6.82117 28.4133 6.81227L28.3794 6.79455C28.3539 6.78566 28.337 6.76783 28.32 6.75894C28.2861 6.72336 28.2438 6.69669 28.2183 6.64332C28.2014 6.60774 28.2183 6.56327 28.2522 6.55437C28.2607 6.55437 28.2607 6.55432 28.2692 6.54543H28.2776C28.337 6.52764 28.3879 6.53653 28.4303 6.54543C28.4557 6.55432 28.4727 6.55434 28.4981 6.56323L28.532 6.57218C28.5404 6.58108 28.5489 6.58997 28.532 6.66113C28.5235 6.69671 28.5066 6.73225 28.4811 6.75894Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.8376 6.6792C29.9054 6.6792 29.9308 6.69699 29.9478 6.72367L29.9901 6.81262C30.0156 6.86599 30.0326 6.92826 30.0495 6.99052C30.0834 7.11505 30.1004 7.2485 30.0665 7.38193C30.058 7.41751 30.0326 7.4353 29.9987 7.4264C29.9817 7.4264 29.9648 7.40858 29.9563 7.39079C29.9139 7.28405 29.8715 7.17731 29.8206 7.07947C29.7951 7.0261 29.7698 6.98169 29.7443 6.92832L29.7019 6.84824C29.685 6.82155 29.6849 6.79488 29.7358 6.73262C29.7612 6.69704 29.7952 6.6792 29.8376 6.6792Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.524 7.77323C29.5918 7.78212 29.6003 7.79095 29.6003 7.79095V7.79989C29.6003 7.80879 29.5918 7.8177 29.5918 7.8177C29.5749 7.83549 29.5579 7.84433 29.524 7.85323C29.4901 7.86212 29.4477 7.86216 29.4138 7.84437C29.3799 7.82658 29.3629 7.80874 29.3544 7.79095C29.3544 7.78205 29.346 7.77317 29.346 7.76428V7.75542C29.346 7.75542 29.3629 7.74652 29.4223 7.75542C29.4477 7.75542 29.4901 7.76433 29.524 7.77323Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M33.568 4.65995C33.6019 4.71332 33.6104 4.73109 33.6019 4.73109L33.585 4.73995C33.5765 4.74884 33.568 4.74886 33.551 4.75776C33.5256 4.76665 33.5002 4.76669 33.4578 4.7489C33.4154 4.74 33.39 4.70439 33.39 4.66881C33.3815 4.62433 33.3899 4.59768 33.3984 4.571C33.4069 4.5621 33.4069 4.54428 33.4238 4.53539L33.4324 4.51758C33.4408 4.51758 33.4493 4.51763 33.4916 4.571C33.5256 4.59768 33.5425 4.62437 33.568 4.65995Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M32.3727 5.45138C32.3811 5.52254 32.3726 5.54038 32.3557 5.54928L32.2963 5.57594C32.2539 5.59373 32.22 5.60263 32.1776 5.62042C32.0928 5.63821 32.0081 5.65601 31.9148 5.63822C31.8809 5.62933 31.8555 5.60258 31.864 5.567C31.864 5.54921 31.8724 5.54036 31.8809 5.53147C31.9487 5.4781 32.0166 5.43357 32.0759 5.3891C32.1098 5.37131 32.1437 5.35355 32.1776 5.33576L32.2285 5.3091C32.2455 5.3002 32.2709 5.3002 32.3133 5.35357C32.3557 5.38026 32.3642 5.4158 32.3727 5.45138Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M31.0925 5.21117C31.0925 5.27344 31.084 5.29126 31.0756 5.29126H31.0417C31.0247 5.29126 30.9993 5.29126 30.9739 5.29126C30.9315 5.28236 30.8806 5.28236 30.8297 5.24679C30.7958 5.229 30.7873 5.18456 30.8128 5.14898L30.8212 5.14003L30.8297 5.13117C30.8637 5.09559 30.906 5.06887 30.9399 5.05108C30.9569 5.04219 30.9823 5.03327 30.9993 5.03327L31.0332 5.02441C31.0416 5.02441 31.0586 5.03329 31.0756 5.09556C31.0925 5.13113 31.0925 5.1667 31.0925 5.21117Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M32.9151 3.67247C32.9575 3.73474 32.9491 3.77921 32.9237 3.8059C32.9067 3.84148 32.8812 3.86821 32.8643 3.90379C32.8219 3.96606 32.771 4.01943 32.7201 4.08169C32.6099 4.18843 32.4913 4.27732 32.3556 4.33959C32.3302 4.34848 32.2962 4.33961 32.2793 4.31292C32.2708 4.29513 32.2708 4.26848 32.2878 4.25959C32.3726 4.14395 32.4573 4.0372 32.5336 3.93046C32.576 3.87709 32.6099 3.82369 32.6438 3.76142C32.6608 3.73474 32.6778 3.70805 32.6947 3.67247C32.7117 3.64579 32.7371 3.61914 32.8134 3.61914C32.8558 3.61914 32.8897 3.64579 32.9151 3.67247Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M31.2959 4.0372C31.3129 4.09946 31.3044 4.11725 31.2874 4.12615L31.245 4.14387C31.2196 4.15276 31.1857 4.16173 31.1603 4.17062C31.1009 4.17952 31.0416 4.18838 30.9738 4.17948C30.9399 4.17059 30.9144 4.13497 30.9229 4.09939C30.9229 4.0905 30.9314 4.08162 30.9314 4.07273V4.06387C30.9738 4.0105 31.0162 3.97488 31.0586 3.9393C31.084 3.92151 31.101 3.91262 31.1264 3.89483L31.1603 3.87702C31.1687 3.86813 31.1942 3.87707 31.2281 3.93044C31.2705 3.96602 31.2875 4.00162 31.2959 4.0372Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.8968 4.42864C28.9052 4.4998 28.8798 4.51764 28.8628 4.52654C28.8374 4.53543 28.8119 4.54426 28.7865 4.54426C28.7356 4.55315 28.6848 4.55315 28.6339 4.54426C28.5406 4.52647 28.4644 4.49984 28.3881 4.46426C28.3626 4.44647 28.3456 4.41085 28.3626 4.38417C28.371 4.36638 28.3796 4.3575 28.3965 4.3575C28.4813 4.32192 28.5661 4.32196 28.6424 4.30417C28.6763 4.30417 28.7102 4.29525 28.7356 4.28636C28.7526 4.28636 28.7611 4.27741 28.778 4.27741C28.795 4.26852 28.8035 4.27746 28.8544 4.33083L28.8628 4.33969C28.8798 4.36638 28.8883 4.40196 28.8968 4.42864Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.126 4.08163C30.1175 4.15279 30.1005 4.17058 30.0751 4.17058C30.0496 4.17058 30.0242 4.17944 29.9988 4.17944C29.9479 4.18834 29.8971 4.17944 29.8547 4.17944C29.7614 4.17055 29.6597 4.14386 29.5749 4.09049C29.5495 4.0727 29.541 4.03709 29.5579 4.01041C29.5664 3.99262 29.5833 3.98374 29.5918 3.98374C29.6851 3.96595 29.7614 3.95705 29.8461 3.93926C29.8885 3.93926 29.9225 3.92146 29.9649 3.92146C29.9818 3.92146 30.0073 3.9126 30.0242 3.9126C30.0412 3.9126 30.0666 3.92151 30.1005 3.97488V3.98374C30.1259 4.01042 30.1345 4.04606 30.126 4.08163Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.0743 3.73464C28.0489 3.7969 28.0149 3.81473 27.981 3.81473C27.9471 3.81473 27.9217 3.80578 27.8878 3.80578C27.8284 3.79689 27.7691 3.7791 27.7098 3.76131C27.5996 3.72573 27.4978 3.67234 27.3961 3.61008C27.3706 3.59229 27.3621 3.55676 27.3791 3.53007C27.3876 3.51228 27.4045 3.50341 27.4215 3.50341C27.5402 3.49451 27.6589 3.51223 27.7606 3.52113C27.8115 3.53002 27.8623 3.53004 27.9132 3.53893C27.9386 3.53893 27.9641 3.53899 27.9895 3.54788C28.015 3.54788 28.0403 3.56562 28.0658 3.62788V3.63683C28.0912 3.66351 28.0828 3.70795 28.0743 3.73464Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.8535 4.15266C26.8451 4.21493 26.8281 4.23267 26.8111 4.23267H26.7603C26.7264 4.23267 26.7009 4.22384 26.667 4.21495C26.6077 4.19716 26.5483 4.17933 26.4974 4.13486C26.472 4.10817 26.4636 4.07259 26.489 4.04591C26.4975 4.03701 26.5059 4.0281 26.5144 4.0281C26.5738 3.99252 26.6332 3.98366 26.6925 3.97477C26.7179 3.97477 26.7434 3.96582 26.7773 3.96582H26.8197C26.8366 3.96582 26.8451 3.97475 26.8621 4.04591V4.05477C26.8621 4.08145 26.862 4.11708 26.8535 4.15266Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.2701 10.8415C8.30401 10.8948 8.30408 10.9126 8.2956 10.9215L8.2701 10.9393C8.25314 10.9482 8.23619 10.957 8.22771 10.9659C8.1938 10.9748 8.15988 10.9837 8.10054 10.9837C8.05815 10.9748 8.02425 10.9392 8.03273 10.9037C8.03273 10.8503 8.04969 10.8147 8.07512 10.788C8.0836 10.7702 8.10059 10.7614 8.10907 10.7436L8.12604 10.7258C8.13452 10.7169 8.15146 10.7258 8.19385 10.7702C8.22776 10.7791 8.25314 10.8059 8.2701 10.8415Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.00775 11.233C9.03319 11.2953 9.03324 11.322 9.01628 11.3309L8.96536 11.3754C8.93145 11.4021 8.89752 11.4287 8.86361 11.4554C8.78731 11.4999 8.71105 11.5444 8.61779 11.5621C8.58388 11.571 8.54999 11.5444 8.54999 11.5177C8.54999 11.4999 8.54995 11.491 8.55843 11.4732C8.60082 11.3931 8.65167 11.3309 8.71102 11.2686C8.73645 11.242 8.76189 11.2064 8.7958 11.1797L8.83819 11.1352C8.85515 11.1174 8.8806 11.1174 8.93994 11.153C8.96538 11.1708 8.9908 11.1974 9.00775 11.233Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.97363 12.4869C7.97363 12.5492 7.96517 12.567 7.94822 12.5759L7.90582 12.5847C7.88039 12.5936 7.84651 12.5936 7.8126 12.5936C7.75325 12.5936 7.67697 12.5847 7.61762 12.5491C7.59219 12.5313 7.57521 12.4957 7.60065 12.4602C7.60912 12.4513 7.60914 12.4424 7.61762 12.4424L7.62606 12.4335C7.67693 12.3979 7.71934 12.3802 7.77021 12.3535C7.79564 12.3446 7.82103 12.3356 7.84646 12.3267L7.88885 12.3179C7.90581 12.3179 7.92278 12.3267 7.94822 12.389C7.96517 12.4157 7.97363 12.4424 7.97363 12.4869Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.42226 11.6508C7.43074 11.7131 7.4223 11.7309 7.41382 11.7398L7.37143 11.7486C7.34599 11.7575 7.32053 11.7575 7.29509 11.7664C7.24422 11.7664 7.18488 11.7664 7.12553 11.7398C7.09162 11.722 7.07471 11.6864 7.09167 11.6508C7.09167 11.6419 7.10011 11.6419 7.10011 11.633C7.1425 11.5885 7.18493 11.5619 7.21884 11.5352C7.24427 11.5263 7.26125 11.5085 7.2782 11.5085L7.31206 11.4907C7.32054 11.4907 7.33751 11.4907 7.37143 11.553C7.40534 11.5886 7.42226 11.6241 7.42226 11.6508Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.09143 12.4074C6.066 12.4697 6.0405 12.4785 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4.59108 12.0515 4.57412 12.0337L4.52329 11.9714C4.48938 11.9358 4.4554 11.8914 4.41301 11.8469C4.34518 11.758 4.28589 11.6691 4.25197 11.5534C4.2435 11.5267 4.2604 11.4911 4.28584 11.4822C4.30279 11.4733 4.3198 11.4822 4.33675 11.4911C4.43001 11.5534 4.50632 11.6156 4.5911 11.6779C4.63349 11.7135 4.66735 11.7491 4.70974 11.7846L4.7691 11.838C4.78606 11.8558 4.79454 11.8825 4.7691 11.9537C4.74367 11.9982 4.71824 12.0248 4.68432 12.0337Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M4.52317 10.886C4.45534 10.8949 4.44683 10.8949 4.44683 10.8949V10.886L4.45527 10.8771C4.46375 10.8682 4.48073 10.8593 4.51464 10.8415C4.54855 10.8326 4.59092 10.8237 4.62484 10.8237C4.65875 10.8237 4.67577 10.8326 4.69273 10.8326L4.70117 10.8415V10.8504C4.70117 10.8504 4.69266 10.8593 4.62484 10.8682C4.5994 10.8771 4.55708 10.8771 4.52317 10.886Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.05025 12.4071C9.09265 12.4605 9.09268 12.4871 9.0842 12.496L9.05025 12.5405C9.02482 12.5672 8.99939 12.5939 8.96547 12.6206C8.90613 12.6651 8.8468 12.7095 8.77049 12.7362C8.73658 12.7451 8.70264 12.7362 8.69416 12.7006C8.68568 12.6917 8.68568 12.674 8.69416 12.6651C8.71112 12.585 8.75356 12.5227 8.78747 12.4604C8.80442 12.4337 8.8214 12.4071 8.84683 12.3804L8.87225 12.3448C8.88073 12.3359 8.89765 12.3271 8.96547 12.3538H8.974C8.99944 12.3626 9.02482 12.3804 9.05025 12.4071Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.62673 6.51895C9.56738 6.53674 9.54198 6.53674 9.5335 6.51895L9.50808 6.47448C9.49113 6.44779 9.48262 6.41221 9.47414 6.38553C9.45718 6.32327 9.44869 6.26098 9.45717 6.18983C9.46564 6.15425 9.49959 6.1276 9.5335 6.13649C9.54198 6.13649 9.55044 6.14535 9.55892 6.14535C9.61827 6.18093 9.65218 6.22544 9.68609 6.26991C9.70305 6.2966 9.72005 6.31437 9.73701 6.34106L9.76243 6.37667C9.7709 6.38556 9.76243 6.4033 9.72004 6.45667C9.6946 6.49225 9.66064 6.51006 9.62673 6.51895Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.3644 5.48679C10.339 5.54905 10.3221 5.55797 10.3136 5.54907L10.2882 5.54013C10.2712 5.53123 10.2542 5.52235 10.2372 5.51346C10.2033 5.49567 10.1779 5.4779 10.144 5.44232L10.1355 5.43337C10.11 5.40668 10.11 5.36225 10.1355 5.33556C10.1864 5.29109 10.2373 5.28223 10.2882 5.28223C10.3136 5.28223 10.339 5.28219 10.356 5.29109L10.3898 5.29995C10.3983 5.29995 10.4068 5.31777 10.3984 5.38004C10.3899 5.42451 10.3814 5.46011 10.3644 5.48679Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.1363 5.94098C12.0854 5.98546 12.06 5.98544 12.043 5.96765L11.9922 5.93212C11.9583 5.90544 11.9329 5.87872 11.8989 5.85204C11.8396 5.79867 11.7887 5.7453 11.7294 5.67414C11.7124 5.64745 11.7124 5.61187 11.7378 5.58519C11.7463 5.5763 11.7633 5.56738 11.7802 5.56738C11.8735 5.56738 11.9583 5.603 12.0346 5.64747C12.0685 5.66526 12.1109 5.69196 12.1448 5.70975L12.1957 5.74528C12.2126 5.75417 12.2211 5.78091 12.2041 5.84318C12.1872 5.88765 12.1702 5.92319 12.1363 5.94098Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.4329 6.61617C11.382 6.66064 11.3566 6.66059 11.3481 6.65169L11.3057 6.61617C11.2803 6.59838 11.2548 6.57167 11.2209 6.55388C11.17 6.50941 11.1192 6.45606 11.0768 6.39379C11.0598 6.36711 11.0683 6.32264 11.0937 6.30485C11.1022 6.29595 11.1191 6.2959 11.1276 6.2959C11.2124 6.2959 11.2803 6.32264 11.3481 6.34932C11.382 6.36711 11.4159 6.38486 11.4413 6.40265L11.4837 6.42932C11.5007 6.43822 11.5091 6.45606 11.4837 6.52722C11.4837 6.5539 11.4583 6.58948 11.4329 6.61617Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.7714 6.97238C10.7205 7.01686 10.6951 7.01684 10.6866 6.99905L10.6527 6.97238C10.6273 6.95459 10.6103 6.92789 10.5934 6.9101C10.5595 6.86563 10.5255 6.81227 10.5086 6.75001C10.5001 6.71443 10.5171 6.67882 10.551 6.66992C10.5595 6.66992 10.5679 6.66992 10.5764 6.66992H10.5849C10.6528 6.67882 10.7036 6.70552 10.7545 6.7322C10.7799 6.74999 10.8053 6.75889 10.8223 6.77668L10.8562 6.80334C10.8646 6.81224 10.8732 6.83003 10.8393 6.89229C10.8223 6.92787 10.7968 6.95459 10.7714 6.97238Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n    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6.56323 13.3145 6.54544Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.4085 7.87988C14.4764 7.88878 14.5018 7.91548 14.5018 7.94216L14.5187 8.02225C14.5357 8.07562 14.5357 8.12894 14.5441 8.1912C14.5526 8.30684 14.5527 8.4225 14.5103 8.53814C14.5018 8.56482 14.4679 8.58265 14.4339 8.57375C14.417 8.56486 14.4001 8.55593 14.4001 8.53814C14.3662 8.4314 14.3407 8.34247 14.3068 8.24462C14.2898 8.19125 14.2729 8.14676 14.2644 8.09339L14.239 8.02225C14.2305 7.99557 14.2389 7.96883 14.2898 7.92436C14.3322 7.88878 14.3661 7.87988 14.4085 7.87988Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.4674 7.78174C13.5352 7.78174 13.5521 7.79953 13.5606 7.82621L13.5776 7.89735C13.5945 7.94183 13.5945 7.99525 13.603 8.03972C13.6115 8.13757 13.6114 8.24429 13.5691 8.33324C13.5606 8.35992 13.5267 8.37766 13.4928 8.36876C13.4758 8.35987 13.4673 8.35103 13.4589 8.33324C13.4249 8.24429 13.3911 8.17311 13.3656 8.09306C13.3487 8.04858 13.3317 8.01297 13.3232 7.9685L13.3063 7.9063C13.2978 7.88851 13.3062 7.86183 13.3571 7.81735C13.3995 7.79067 13.4335 7.78174 13.4674 7.78174Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.198 18.6069C13.1437 18.4112 13.0712 18.1977 13.0531 17.9931C13.0169 17.7886 13.0168 17.5751 13.0168 17.3616C13.035 16.9347 13.1528 16.5166 13.3612 16.143C13.5695 15.7695 13.8775 15.4492 14.2218 15.2091C14.566 14.9689 14.9646 14.791 15.3631 14.6754C15.7708 14.5598 16.1875 14.5063 16.6042 14.5063C17.021 14.5063 17.4377 14.542 17.8453 14.6487C18.6516 14.8444 19.4306 15.2536 20.0014 15.894C20.2822 16.2142 20.4996 16.5789 20.6355 16.988C20.6717 17.0948 20.6899 17.2015 20.6989 17.3172C20.708 17.4328 20.6898 17.5573 20.6445 17.664C20.5992 17.7797 20.5087 17.8775 20.409 17.9398C20.3637 17.9754 20.3093 18.0021 20.255 18.0288C20.2006 18.0466 20.1463 18.0643 20.101 18.0821C19.8836 18.1444 19.6661 18.1533 19.4487 18.1266C19.2403 18.0999 19.032 18.0555 18.8327 18.0021C18.4341 17.8954 18.0537 17.753 17.6642 17.7441C17.4739 17.7352 17.2837 17.7797 17.1025 17.8509C16.9213 17.922 16.7401 18.0109 16.5589 18.1088C16.2056 18.3044 15.8614 18.5269 15.499 18.7225C15.3179 18.8204 15.1367 18.9093 14.9374 18.9894C14.7471 19.0605 14.5388 19.1228 14.3214 19.1406C14.113 19.1584 13.8865 19.1317 13.6963 19.0339C13.651 19.0072 13.5966 18.9805 13.5604 18.9538C13.5151 18.9182 13.4698 18.8915 13.4336 18.856C13.3974 18.8204 13.3521 18.7848 13.3159 18.7492L13.198 18.6069ZM13.2977 18.5625C13.334 18.598 13.3611 18.6247 13.3883 18.6603C13.4245 18.6958 13.4608 18.7226 13.497 18.7582C13.5333 18.7937 13.5785 18.8115 13.6148 18.8471C13.651 18.8738 13.6963 18.8916 13.7416 18.9182C13.9137 18.9983 14.113 19.025 14.3032 19.0072C14.6928 18.9716 15.0642 18.7848 15.4084 18.5891C15.7617 18.3934 16.0969 18.1622 16.4592 17.9576C16.6404 17.8598 16.8216 17.7619 17.0209 17.6818C17.2112 17.6018 17.4376 17.5485 17.655 17.5574C18.0899 17.5662 18.4885 17.6997 18.878 17.8064C19.2675 17.9131 19.6662 17.9843 20.0285 17.8775C20.2097 17.8242 20.3637 17.7263 20.4271 17.584C20.4906 17.4328 20.4634 17.246 20.409 17.0592C20.2912 16.6945 20.0738 16.3476 19.8111 16.0541C19.2856 15.467 18.5519 15.0845 17.7819 14.8978C17.0119 14.711 16.1875 14.7199 15.4266 14.9334C15.0461 15.0401 14.6837 15.2002 14.3667 15.4314C14.0496 15.6538 13.7779 15.9473 13.5876 16.2853L13.5242 16.4099C13.5061 16.4544 13.4789 16.4988 13.4608 16.5433C13.4245 16.6323 13.3883 16.7212 13.3612 16.819C13.343 16.9169 13.3067 17.0058 13.2886 17.1037C13.2796 17.2015 13.2614 17.2993 13.2433 17.3972C13.2343 17.5929 13.2162 17.7886 13.2343 17.9931L13.2433 18.1444C13.2433 18.1977 13.2524 18.2422 13.2615 18.2867C13.2705 18.3578 13.2887 18.4557 13.2977 18.5625Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M25.2679 4.83769L25.4291 4.78427L25.5138 4.75761L25.5986 4.7398L25.7682 4.69532C25.8275 4.67753 25.8784 4.67755 25.9377 4.66866L26.1073 4.64199L26.2769 4.62418C26.3871 4.60639 26.5058 4.60638 26.616 4.60638C27.0738 4.58859 27.5316 4.63309 27.9725 4.73094C28.4218 4.82878 28.8542 4.96219 29.2781 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34.1313L23.3351 34.0067C22.0898 33.6687 20.8801 33.224 19.6882 32.7436C18.4963 32.2633 17.3222 31.7297 16.1659 31.1782C15.5877 30.9024 15.0006 30.6356 14.4314 30.3154C14.1556 30.1553 13.8799 29.9774 13.613 29.7817C13.3551 29.586 13.106 29.3636 12.8925 29.1234C12.6701 28.8744 12.4922 28.5987 12.3499 28.3052C12.2076 28.0027 12.1453 27.6647 12.1364 27.3356C12.1275 27.0065 12.172 26.6774 12.2432 26.3572C12.3143 26.0369 12.4033 25.7256 12.5012 25.4232C12.599 25.1119 12.7146 24.8095 12.8125 24.507C12.9103 24.2046 13.017 23.8933 13.1327 23.5909C13.3639 22.986 13.6308 22.3989 13.951 21.8296L14.0221 21.972C13.8087 21.9275 13.5952 21.8919 13.3728 21.8475C13.1594 21.7941 12.9459 21.7496 12.7324 21.6874C12.3054 21.5717 11.8963 21.4028 11.5049 21.1893C11.4071 21.1359 11.3092 21.0825 11.2203 21.0202L10.9534 20.8245C10.8645 20.7534 10.7844 20.6822 10.7044 20.6022L10.6421 20.5488L10.5888 20.4866L10.4732 20.362C10.1707 20.0329 9.92162 19.6682 9.70814 19.2858C9.49467 18.9033 9.30793 18.503 9.13893 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1.55831 17.082 1.62947C17.0909 1.65615 17.082 1.68287 17.0731 1.70956L16.8418 2.18983C16.7618 2.34994 16.6817 2.50115 16.6195 2.67905C16.4949 3.00816 16.3615 3.35504 16.1925 3.68415C16.1125 3.84425 16.0235 4.0044 15.9435 4.1645C15.8634 4.31572 15.7923 4.48475 15.7211 4.64486C15.65 4.81386 15.5877 4.97393 15.5254 5.14294C15.4631 5.31194 15.4008 5.48096 15.3386 5.64996C15.0984 6.32597 14.8938 7.01087 14.6893 7.69578C14.4847 8.38068 14.2979 9.07446 14.12 9.76826V9.71493C14.1556 9.94619 14.1823 10.1597 14.1912 10.382C14.2001 10.4977 14.2001 10.6044 14.209 10.72V11.058C14.2001 11.5028 14.1645 11.9475 14.0844 12.3834C14.0488 12.6058 13.9955 12.8192 13.9421 13.0415C13.9155 13.1483 13.8798 13.2551 13.8442 13.3618L13.7998 13.5219L13.7375 13.682C13.693 13.7887 13.6575 13.8955 13.613 13.9933L13.4706 14.2958C13.444 14.3491 13.4262 14.3935 13.3995 14.4469L13.3195 14.5893L13.1505 14.8828L13.106 14.696C13.186 14.7405 13.2572 14.7938 13.3284 14.8472C13.3639 14.8739 13.3995 14.9006 13.4262 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41.7562 17.3646L41.7918 17.1511C41.8007 17.1155 41.8097 17.0799 41.8097 17.0444L41.8185 16.9376C41.8541 16.653 41.8452 16.3773 41.8097 16.1015L41.774 15.897L41.7652 15.8436L41.7474 15.7902L41.7118 15.6923C41.6762 15.5589 41.6229 15.4433 41.5428 15.3365C41.3827 15.132 41.1336 15.0164 40.8667 14.963C40.5999 14.9008 40.3153 14.8918 40.0307 14.9096C39.4614 14.9363 38.8921 15.0431 38.3229 15.1409C38.1805 15.1676 38.0472 15.2031 37.9137 15.2387C37.8426 15.2565 37.7803 15.2832 37.718 15.301C37.6558 15.3277 37.6024 15.3544 37.5401 15.39C37.3 15.5234 37.0687 15.7013 36.8463 15.8792L36.8819 15.8258C36.7573 16.1638 36.6506 16.5196 36.5706 16.8665C36.4816 17.2223 36.4105 17.5781 36.366 17.9428C36.3215 18.3075 36.2948 18.6632 36.2859 19.0279C36.2859 19.3926 36.3215 19.7484 36.3838 20.1131C36.3927 20.1398 36.366 20.1754 36.3393 20.1754C36.3126 20.2021 36.2859 20.1842 36.277 20.1576Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.2374 15.3807C37.1128 15.2028 36.9705 15.025 36.8638 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3.63067C36.8371 3.9242 37.104 4.24439 37.3353 4.59129C37.5665 4.93819 37.7622 5.31179 37.8778 5.72096C37.9312 5.92554 37.9757 6.12121 38.0112 6.32579C38.0468 6.53037 38.0824 6.72604 38.109 6.93062C38.1624 7.33978 38.2158 7.74007 38.2514 8.14923L38.1891 8.06028C38.5627 8.22039 38.963 8.34497 39.3633 8.42502C39.7635 8.50508 40.1727 8.55838 40.5819 8.53169C40.991 8.5139 41.3824 8.4161 41.7293 8.21151C42.1117 7.99804 42.5298 7.91795 42.8856 7.73116H42.8767C42.9212 7.70447 42.9479 7.69565 42.9923 7.66896H43.0012C43.0012 7.66896 43.0101 7.66891 43.019 7.66002C43.019 7.66002 43.0191 7.66002 43.0546 7.66002C43.0724 7.66002 43.108 7.68672 43.108 7.67782L43.1258 7.69563C43.1347 7.70452 43.1435 7.7134 43.1524 7.7223C43.1702 7.74009 43.1791 7.76679 43.1969 7.78458C43.2414 7.87353 43.2681 7.95356 43.2859 8.03362C43.3214 8.20262 43.3392 8.36269 43.3481 8.53169C43.3659 8.8608 43.3482 9.18996 43.3215 9.51907C43.3126 9.67918 43.2859 9.84818 43.2592 10.0083C43.2325 10.1684 43.2058 10.3285 43.1791 10.4886C43.1168 10.8088 43.0546 11.1291 42.9657 11.4493C42.8856 11.7695 42.7967 12.0808 42.6988 12.3921C42.601 12.7034 42.4853 13.0059 42.3697 13.3172C42.1295 13.922 41.8538 14.518 41.5603 15.0962C41.5425 15.1228 41.5158 15.1317 41.4891 15.1228C41.4624 15.105 41.4535 15.0784 41.4624 15.0517C41.7559 14.4735 42.0228 13.8864 42.2541 13.2816C42.3697 12.9792 42.4764 12.6767 42.5743 12.3654C42.6721 12.0541 42.7611 11.7428 42.8323 11.4315C42.9123 11.1201 42.9746 10.7999 43.028 10.4797C43.0546 10.3196 43.0813 10.1595 43.108 9.99934C43.1346 9.83924 43.1525 9.67918 43.1614 9.51907C43.1881 9.19886 43.1969 8.87866 43.1791 8.55845C43.1702 8.39834 43.1525 8.23816 43.1169 8.08695C43.0991 8.01579 43.0724 7.93576 43.0457 7.88239C43.0368 7.8646 43.0279 7.85575 43.019 7.84686C43.019 7.83797 43.0102 7.83795 43.0102 7.82905L43.0012 7.82011C42.9923 7.81121 43.0279 7.84681 43.0457 7.83791C43.0724 7.83791 43.0724 7.83791 43.0724 7.83791H43.0813C43.0546 7.84681 43.0191 7.87354 42.9835 7.89133H42.9745C42.5921 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1.76275L33.1102 2.63442L33.3326 2.8568C33.4037 2.92795 33.4659 3.01696 33.5282 3.08811C33.6616 3.24822 33.7862 3.39936 33.9196 3.55058C34.4533 4.16432 35.0048 4.787 35.3873 5.54306C35.574 5.91664 35.7253 6.31695 35.7875 6.735C35.8498 7.15306 35.8676 7.56217 35.8765 7.97134C35.8854 8.79856 35.8409 9.6169 35.7609 10.4352V10.4086C35.7964 10.8355 35.8676 11.2714 35.9566 11.6983C36.0455 12.1253 36.1433 12.5522 36.2679 12.9614C36.3835 13.3795 36.5347 13.7886 36.7037 14.1889C36.8727 14.5891 37.0772 14.9716 37.3085 15.3452C37.3263 15.3719 37.3175 15.4074 37.2908 15.4252C37.2908 15.4074 37.2552 15.4074 37.2374 15.3807Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.7003 6.42358C11.5224 6.54811 11.3267 6.61921 11.131 6.68148C10.9353 6.73485 10.7307 6.78823 10.535 6.83271C10.1348 6.93055 9.7345 7.0106 9.33423 7.09955C8.93397 7.1885 8.54261 7.27743 8.15124 7.39307C7.75986 7.5087 7.3863 7.6421 7.01271 7.82C6.98603 7.8289 6.95047 7.82002 6.94157 7.79333C6.93268 7.76665 6.94155 7.73998 6.96824 7.72219C7.32403 7.51761 7.70653 7.34859 8.0979 7.21517C8.48927 7.08175 8.88953 6.96617 9.2809 6.86832L10.4728 6.58367C10.6685 6.53919 10.8642 6.48581 11.0599 6.43244C11.1577 6.40575 11.2555 6.37909 11.3534 6.3613C11.4512 6.34351 11.558 6.32568 11.6647 6.32568C11.7003 6.32568 11.7181 6.35239 11.7181 6.38796C11.727 6.39686 11.7181 6.41468 11.7003 6.42358Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M42.9659 7.68647C42.957 7.35736 42.9658 7.0372 42.9481 6.71698C42.9481 6.63693 42.9392 6.55686 42.9392 6.4768C42.9303 6.39675 42.9303 6.31668 42.9214 6.23663C42.9036 6.07652 42.8947 5.91646 42.8769 5.75636C42.8413 5.43614 42.7879 5.11591 42.7257 4.80459C42.6634 4.49327 42.5833 4.17306 42.4855 3.87063L42.5033 3.90616L40.751 1.5935L40.9645 1.55797C40.7866 2.11834 40.6443 2.70535 40.5909 3.28352C40.582 3.42584 40.5732 3.57708 40.5821 3.7194C40.5821 3.79056 40.5909 3.86175 40.5998 3.93291L40.6176 4.16414C40.6354 4.46657 40.6354 4.77787 40.5821 5.0803C40.5376 5.38272 40.4575 5.68515 40.3507 5.96978C40.2529 6.25442 40.1284 6.53019 40.0128 6.80593C39.7726 7.35741 39.5324 7.90001 39.3456 8.46929C39.3367 8.49597 39.3012 8.51371 39.2745 8.50481C39.2478 8.49592 39.23 8.46925 39.2389 8.43367C39.4079 7.85551 39.6392 7.29513 39.8705 6.74365C39.9861 6.46791 40.0928 6.19213 40.1818 5.9075C40.2707 5.62286 40.3419 5.3383 40.3864 5.04477C40.4308 4.75124 40.4308 4.45767 40.413 4.16414L40.3952 3.94177C40.3863 3.87061 40.3774 3.79059 40.3774 3.71054C40.3685 3.55933 40.3686 3.3992 40.3864 3.24799C40.4041 2.94557 40.4575 2.64312 40.5198 2.3407C40.582 2.03827 40.6532 1.7536 40.751 1.46007C40.7688 1.39781 40.84 1.36228 40.9022 1.38007C40.9289 1.38897 40.9467 1.40676 40.9645 1.42455L42.7257 3.73721C42.7346 3.7461 42.7435 3.76384 42.7435 3.77273C42.8413 4.09295 42.9214 4.41323 42.9925 4.73345C43.0637 5.05366 43.1081 5.38277 43.1526 5.71188C43.1971 6.04099 43.2149 6.37007 43.206 6.69918L43.1971 6.94821C43.1882 7.02827 43.1793 7.1172 43.1704 7.19725C43.1526 7.36625 43.117 7.52636 43.0903 7.68647C43.0814 7.71315 43.0548 7.73984 43.0281 7.73094C42.9837 7.73984 42.9659 7.71315 42.9659 7.68647Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.2148 17.4626C36.1436 17.4982 36.0813 17.5071 36.0191 17.516C35.9568 17.5249 35.8857 17.5338 35.8235 17.5338L35.6277 17.5427L35.432 17.5604C35.1741 17.5871 34.9162 17.6316 34.6671 17.6939C34.4181 17.7561 34.169 17.8362 33.9199 17.934C33.6798 18.0319 33.4396 18.1386 33.1995 18.2632C33.1728 18.281 33.1371 18.2632 33.1282 18.2365C33.1193 18.2098 33.1283 18.1832 33.146 18.1654C33.3684 18.0142 33.5997 17.8807 33.8398 17.7561C34.08 17.6405 34.3379 17.5338 34.5959 17.4626C34.8538 17.3915 35.1296 17.3292 35.3964 17.3025L35.6011 17.2847L35.8056 17.2759C35.9391 17.2759 36.0814 17.2937 36.2059 17.3648C36.2326 17.3826 36.2504 17.4181 36.2326 17.4448C36.2326 17.4448 36.2237 17.4537 36.2148 17.4626Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.6609 23.2527C38.7854 23.0837 38.9277 22.9325 39.0878 22.7902C39.239 22.6568 39.3992 22.5234 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43.9443 14.4474 43.9621 14.0026C43.9799 13.5579 44.0332 13.1132 44.1132 12.6774C44.1933 12.2415 44.2911 11.8056 44.3979 11.3787C44.5046 10.9517 44.6291 10.5248 44.7715 10.0978C44.7893 10.0356 44.8604 9.99997 44.9227 10.0178C44.9583 10.0267 44.9938 10.0623 45.0027 10.0978C45.1361 10.5426 45.1895 10.9785 45.2785 11.4054C45.3585 11.8413 45.4208 12.2771 45.483 12.7218C45.5364 13.1577 45.5898 13.6024 45.6253 14.0383C45.6609 14.483 45.6876 14.9277 45.6431 15.3725C45.6431 15.3992 45.6164 15.4258 45.5809 15.4258C45.5453 15.4258 45.5276 15.4081 45.5187 15.3903Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M39.5325 26.6685C39.6037 26.5974 39.6749 26.5529 39.7549 26.5084C39.835 26.464 39.915 26.4373 39.9951 26.4017C40.1641 26.3483 40.3243 26.3039 40.4933 26.2594C40.5466 26.2416 40.6089 26.2682 40.6355 26.3216C40.8223 26.6329 40.9914 26.9443 41.1159 27.2912C41.1782 27.4602 41.2315 27.6381 41.2315 27.8515C41.2226 27.9405 41.2226 28.0294 41.2048 28.1184C41.1871 28.2162 41.1693 28.314 41.1159 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9.2988 21.2868C9.2988 21.2957 9.27211 21.2868 9.25432 21.269Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.64804 17.5779C6.52351 17.231 6.41672 16.893 6.32777 16.5372C6.24772 16.1814 6.15882 15.8168 6.11435 15.4521C6.06987 15.0963 6.01647 14.7316 5.94531 14.3758C5.90973 14.1979 5.87417 14.02 5.82969 13.851C5.78522 13.6732 5.72294 13.5041 5.67846 13.3351H5.90969L5.72294 13.94L5.70513 14.0111C5.69624 14.0378 5.69622 14.0556 5.68732 14.0734L5.6696 14.2335L5.63399 14.5448C5.6162 14.7494 5.60732 14.9629 5.60732 15.1675C5.60732 15.372 5.63401 15.5855 5.6518 15.7901C5.69627 16.2082 5.76739 16.6173 5.88303 17.0264C5.99866 17.4267 6.14991 17.8182 6.31891 18.2095C6.3278 18.2362 6.31893 18.2718 6.29224 18.2807C6.26556 18.2896 6.22991 18.2807 6.22101 18.254C6.03422 17.8715 5.85633 17.4801 5.7318 17.0709C5.59837 16.6618 5.50946 16.2348 5.45609 15.8168C5.42941 15.6033 5.40271 15.3898 5.39381 15.1763C5.38492 14.9629 5.39386 14.7405 5.40276 14.527L5.42942 14.2068L5.44723 14.0467C5.45613 14.0111 5.45606 13.9755 5.46495 13.9489L5.48276 13.8688C5.53613 13.6642 5.59844 13.4597 5.6696 13.2551C5.68739 13.1928 5.75848 13.1572 5.82075 13.175C5.85633 13.1839 5.89194 13.2195 5.90083 13.2551C5.9542 13.433 6.01645 13.6109 6.06092 13.7888C6.1054 13.9667 6.14991 14.1445 6.18549 14.3313C6.25665 14.696 6.31001 15.0518 6.36338 15.4165C6.40786 15.7723 6.49675 16.1192 6.57681 16.475C6.62128 16.6529 6.65693 16.8308 6.69251 17.0087C6.7192 17.1866 6.74581 17.3733 6.75471 17.5601C6.75471 17.5868 6.72806 17.6136 6.70137 17.6136C6.67469 17.6224 6.65693 17.6046 6.64804 17.5779Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M19.359 18.3429C19.0388 18.7787 18.7008 19.1879 18.3628 19.6148C18.0337 20.0329 17.7134 20.4687 17.411 20.9134C17.1086 21.3582 16.824 21.8118 16.5393 22.2655C16.2636 22.728 15.9878 23.1906 15.7299 23.662C15.4719 24.1334 15.2318 24.6137 15.0094 25.094C14.787 25.5832 14.5913 26.0813 14.4223 26.5883C14.2533 27.0953 14.1111 27.6113 14.0132 28.1361C13.9154 28.6609 13.8442 29.1946 13.7997 29.7283C13.7997 29.755 13.773 29.7816 13.7375 29.7816C13.7108 29.7816 13.6841 29.755 13.6841 29.7283C13.7197 28.6431 13.9065 27.5668 14.2267 26.5261C14.3868 26.0102 14.5825 25.5032 14.7959 25.0051C15.0094 24.507 15.2496 24.0178 15.5075 23.5464C15.7655 23.066 16.0323 22.6034 16.317 22.1409C16.5927 21.6784 16.8862 21.2248 17.1886 20.7712C17.4911 20.3175 17.8113 19.8817 18.1404 19.4547C18.4784 19.0278 18.8431 18.6274 19.2612 18.2717C19.2879 18.2539 19.3234 18.2539 19.3412 18.2806C19.3768 18.2984 19.3768 18.3251 19.359 18.3429Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M21.4935 17.9694C21.3512 18.2363 21.2 18.4853 21.0487 18.7433C20.9776 18.8767 20.9064 19.0012 20.8264 19.1257C20.7552 19.2503 20.6752 19.3748 20.604 19.5082C20.4617 19.7662 20.3194 20.0241 20.186 20.2909C20.0614 20.5578 19.9191 20.8246 19.8035 21.0915C19.3054 22.1678 18.8962 23.2885 18.5404 24.4182C18.1757 25.5478 17.8733 26.7042 17.6065 27.8605C17.3396 29.0168 17.0995 30.1909 16.8949 31.365C16.886 31.3917 16.8593 31.4184 16.8326 31.4095C16.8059 31.4006 16.7792 31.3739 16.7881 31.3472C16.966 30.1642 17.1706 28.9902 17.4197 27.816C17.6687 26.6508 17.9623 25.4855 18.3091 24.3381C18.6649 23.1907 19.0741 22.0699 19.5722 20.9759C19.6968 20.7001 19.8302 20.4333 19.9636 20.1665C20.097 19.8996 20.2482 19.6327 20.3905 19.3748C20.5417 19.1168 20.7019 18.8589 20.862 18.6099C21.0399 18.3608 21.2267 18.1295 21.4134 17.8983C21.4312 17.8716 21.4668 17.8715 21.4935 17.8893C21.5024 17.916 21.5113 17.9427 21.4935 17.9694Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.5159 18.8676C34.6405 19.0632 34.7561 19.2678 34.8628 19.4724C34.9696 19.677 35.0674 19.8905 35.1563 20.104L35.4232 20.7444L35.6811 21.3937C36.0191 22.2654 36.3216 23.146 36.5795 24.0444C36.8375 24.9428 37.0509 25.85 37.211 26.7662C37.3712 27.6823 37.4868 28.6163 37.5224 29.5414C37.5224 29.5681 37.5046 29.5948 37.469 29.6037C37.4423 29.6037 37.4156 29.5859 37.4067 29.5503C37.3267 28.6253 37.1932 27.7091 37.0153 26.8018C36.8374 25.8945 36.6062 24.9961 36.3394 24.1067C36.0725 23.2172 35.7701 22.3455 35.4321 21.4827L35.1741 20.8422L34.8984 20.2018C34.8005 19.9883 34.7116 19.7748 34.6315 19.5613C34.5426 19.3479 34.4625 19.1255 34.4003 18.9032C34.3914 18.8765 34.4091 18.8409 34.4358 18.832C34.4803 18.8409 34.507 18.8498 34.5159 18.8676Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M31.6249 17.8805C31.8651 18.3697 32.0429 18.8767 32.2031 19.3926C32.3632 19.9085 32.5143 20.4244 32.6567 20.9492L33.1014 22.5058L33.555 24.0535C33.8575 25.0853 34.1421 26.126 34.3912 27.1845C34.6402 28.2341 34.8359 29.3015 34.9516 30.3778C34.9516 30.4045 34.9338 30.4401 34.9071 30.4401C34.8804 30.4401 34.8537 30.4223 34.8448 30.3956C34.6847 29.3282 34.4712 28.2786 34.2044 27.2379C33.9464 26.1972 33.6351 25.1654 33.3238 24.1336L32.8613 22.5858L32.4076 21.0382C32.2564 20.5223 32.1052 20.0063 31.9451 19.4904C31.785 18.9745 31.6338 18.4586 31.5181 17.9338C31.5092 17.9072 31.527 17.8716 31.5626 17.8716C31.5893 17.8449 31.616 17.8538 31.6249 17.8805Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.6629 17.2931C28.7964 17.5777 28.9209 17.8713 29.0187 18.1649C29.0721 18.3161 29.1255 18.4584 29.17 18.6096L29.3034 19.0632C29.4724 19.6681 29.6236 20.2818 29.757 20.8955C30.0239 22.123 30.2284 23.3594 30.4063 24.6047C30.4953 25.2273 30.5664 25.85 30.6376 26.4726C30.7177 27.0953 30.771 27.7179 30.8689 28.3317C31.0468 29.5681 31.2869 30.8044 31.3314 32.0586C31.3314 32.0852 31.3047 32.112 31.278 32.112C31.2513 32.112 31.2247 32.0941 31.2247 32.0586C31.1535 30.8133 30.8778 29.5947 30.6732 28.3583C30.5753 27.7357 30.5042 27.113 30.4152 26.4993C30.3352 25.8766 30.2462 25.2629 30.1573 24.6403C29.9794 23.4039 29.7748 22.1764 29.499 20.9578C29.3656 20.353 29.2055 19.7482 29.0454 19.1433C28.8764 18.5474 28.6985 17.9513 28.5562 17.3376C28.5473 17.3109 28.5651 17.2753 28.6007 17.2664C28.6274 17.2487 28.654 17.2664 28.6629 17.2931Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M23.6552 17.7023C23.6019 18.0314 23.5218 18.3605 23.4506 18.6807C23.4151 18.8408 23.3795 19.0098 23.3439 19.1699C23.3083 19.33 23.2638 19.4902 23.2283 19.6592C23.0771 20.3085 22.9437 20.9578 22.8191 21.616C22.579 22.9236 22.3922 24.2489 22.2498 25.5742C22.1075 26.8996 22.0186 28.2338 21.983 29.5591C21.9474 30.8933 21.9652 32.2276 22.0808 33.5529C22.0808 33.5796 22.063 33.6062 22.0275 33.6151C22.0008 33.6151 21.9741 33.5974 21.9652 33.5618C21.814 32.2276 21.7695 30.8934 21.7784 29.5502C21.7962 28.2071 21.8763 26.8728 22.0008 25.5386C22.1342 24.2044 22.321 22.879 22.5523 21.5626C22.6679 20.9044 22.8014 20.2462 22.9526 19.5969C23.0237 19.2678 23.1127 18.9475 23.2105 18.6273C23.3083 18.3071 23.4151 17.9869 23.5396 17.6756C23.5485 17.6489 23.5841 17.6311 23.6108 17.64C23.6464 17.6489 23.6641 17.6756 23.6552 17.7023Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.2258 17.5158C26.2525 17.8716 26.2614 18.2274 26.2703 18.5832C26.2792 18.939 26.2792 19.2948 26.2703 19.6506L26.2614 20.7091V21.7676C26.2703 23.1819 26.2969 24.6051 26.3592 26.0193C26.4126 27.4336 26.4926 28.8479 26.6172 30.2622C26.7328 31.6765 26.8751 33.0819 27.0619 34.4873C27.0619 34.5139 27.0441 34.5494 27.0174 34.5494C26.9907 34.5494 26.9641 34.5317 26.9552 34.505C26.7417 33.0996 26.5638 31.6942 26.4304 30.2799C26.2969 28.8656 26.1991 27.4514 26.1279 26.0282C26.0657 24.6139 26.0301 23.1908 26.0123 21.7676L26.0034 20.7002V19.6329C26.0123 18.9213 26.0301 18.2096 26.1102 17.5069C26.1102 17.4803 26.1368 17.4536 26.1724 17.4536C26.1991 17.4625 26.2169 17.4891 26.2258 17.5158Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M17.918 18.8057C17.7757 18.9925 17.6155 19.1703 17.4554 19.3394C17.3042 19.5172 17.1441 19.6863 16.984 19.8553L16.5215 20.3801L16.0767 20.9227C15.4986 21.661 14.9738 22.4437 14.5201 23.262C14.0576 24.0804 13.6662 24.9343 13.3549 25.8149C13.0436 26.6955 12.8123 27.6116 12.67 28.5455C12.6611 28.5722 12.6344 28.5989 12.6077 28.59C12.5811 28.59 12.5544 28.5545 12.5633 28.5278C12.6611 27.5849 12.8746 26.651 13.1681 25.7526C13.4706 24.8542 13.853 23.9736 14.2978 23.1375C14.7514 22.3014 15.2762 21.5097 15.8633 20.7625L16.308 20.2111L16.7794 19.6774C16.9395 19.5084 17.1085 19.3394 17.2775 19.1704C17.4554 19.0103 17.6422 18.859 17.829 18.7167C17.8557 18.6989 17.8913 18.7079 17.9091 18.7257C17.9358 18.7523 17.9358 18.779 17.918 18.8057Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M20.6842 18.0933C20.5152 18.3334 20.3372 18.5648 20.1593 18.7871C19.9814 19.0184 19.8035 19.2407 19.6256 19.4631L19.1008 20.148L18.6027 20.8507C17.9534 21.8024 17.3663 22.7987 16.8682 23.8394C16.3612 24.8712 15.9432 25.9564 15.6229 27.0594C15.3027 28.1623 15.0715 29.3008 14.9647 30.4483C14.9647 30.4749 14.9381 30.5016 14.9025 30.5016C14.8758 30.5016 14.8491 30.475 14.8491 30.4394C14.9292 29.2831 15.1338 28.1267 15.4362 27.0059C15.7475 25.8852 16.1566 24.7911 16.6459 23.7326C17.144 22.6831 17.731 21.669 18.3804 20.7084L18.8874 19.9968L19.4122 19.303C19.599 19.0807 19.7857 18.8583 19.9814 18.6359C20.186 18.4224 20.3906 18.2178 20.6041 18.0221C20.6307 18.0043 20.6664 18.0043 20.6842 18.0221C20.7019 18.0399 20.7019 18.0666 20.6842 18.0933Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M22.5789 17.836C22.4188 18.4498 22.2054 19.0458 21.9741 19.6328L21.2803 21.394C20.8266 22.5681 20.3908 23.7511 20.0439 24.9608C19.6881 26.1616 19.439 27.398 19.2967 28.6433C19.1544 29.8886 19.101 31.1516 19.1811 32.4058C19.1811 32.4325 19.1633 32.4592 19.1277 32.4681C19.101 32.4681 19.0743 32.4502 19.0655 32.4147C18.9587 31.1516 18.9765 29.8797 19.101 28.6255C19.2344 27.3624 19.4657 26.1171 19.8126 24.8985C20.1595 23.6799 20.5865 22.488 21.0401 21.305L21.725 19.5439C21.9563 18.9568 22.1964 18.3786 22.4811 17.8094C22.4989 17.7827 22.5256 17.7737 22.5523 17.7826C22.5789 17.7826 22.5878 17.8094 22.5789 17.836Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M24.8651 17.631C24.7939 18.3248 24.6694 19.0096 24.5449 19.6945C24.4203 20.3794 24.3047 21.0555 24.2335 21.7493C24.0823 23.128 24.1001 24.5156 24.0645 25.9032C24.0201 27.2908 24.0023 28.6784 24.0645 30.066C24.1179 31.4536 24.2513 32.8323 24.5093 34.2021C24.5182 34.2288 24.4915 34.2644 24.4648 34.2644C24.4381 34.2733 24.4025 34.2466 24.4025 34.2199C24.109 32.859 23.9489 31.4624 23.8688 30.0749C23.7888 28.6784 23.7977 27.2908 23.8244 25.8943C23.8511 24.5067 23.8333 23.1102 23.9756 21.7137C24.0468 21.0199 24.1624 20.3261 24.2869 19.6412C24.4114 18.9563 24.5715 18.2803 24.7583 17.6043C24.7672 17.5776 24.7939 17.5598 24.8295 17.5687C24.8473 17.5776 24.8651 17.6043 24.8651 17.631Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M27.4532 17.5423C27.4976 17.8804 27.5421 18.2094 27.5955 18.5385L27.7556 19.5347L27.9157 20.531L28.0669 21.5361L28.3604 23.5374L28.5028 24.5425C28.5472 24.8716 28.6006 25.2097 28.6362 25.5477C28.7785 26.8997 28.7963 28.2428 28.8941 29.5859C28.9742 30.929 29.2588 32.2455 29.3834 33.5976C29.3834 33.6242 29.3656 33.6509 29.33 33.6597C29.3033 33.6597 29.2766 33.642 29.2677 33.6064C29.1165 32.2722 28.7963 30.9557 28.6896 29.6037C28.5739 28.2606 28.5383 26.9086 28.3871 25.5744C28.3515 25.2453 28.2982 24.9072 28.2537 24.5781L28.1025 23.5819L27.8001 21.5806L27.6489 20.5843L27.4799 19.5882C27.3731 18.921 27.2931 18.245 27.3286 17.5601C27.3286 17.5334 27.3553 17.5067 27.3909 17.5067C27.4265 17.4889 27.4443 17.5157 27.4532 17.5423Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.1395 17.5601C30.3352 18.1027 30.4864 18.6631 30.6198 19.2235C30.7532 19.7838 30.8778 20.3442 31.0023 20.9046C31.2513 22.0254 31.4915 23.155 31.7139 24.2847C31.8206 24.8539 31.9273 25.4143 32.0163 25.9925C32.1052 26.5618 32.1853 27.131 32.2742 27.7002C32.4432 28.8388 32.63 29.9773 32.9592 31.0714C32.9681 31.0981 32.9502 31.1337 32.9235 31.1426C32.8969 31.1514 32.8613 31.1337 32.8524 31.107C32.4966 30.0041 32.2742 28.8655 32.0874 27.727C31.9985 27.1577 31.9095 26.5884 31.8117 26.0192C31.7138 25.4499 31.5982 24.8895 31.4826 24.3291C31.2602 23.1995 31.0112 22.0787 30.7532 20.9579C30.6287 20.3976 30.4953 19.8373 30.3618 19.2769C30.2284 18.7165 30.1039 18.1561 30.0327 17.5779C30.0327 17.5512 30.0505 17.5156 30.0772 17.5156C30.1039 17.5245 30.1306 17.5423 30.1395 17.5601Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M32.9857 18.1916C33.1992 18.6631 33.3682 19.1345 33.5372 19.6148C33.6973 20.0951 33.8663 20.5843 34.0175 21.0735C34.0976 21.3137 34.1687 21.5628 34.2399 21.8119C34.311 22.052 34.3822 22.301 34.4623 22.5412C34.6224 23.0215 34.7914 23.5019 34.9515 23.9911C35.1116 24.4714 35.2628 24.9695 35.3962 25.4587C35.5296 25.9569 35.6542 26.4461 35.7609 26.9531C35.9833 27.9493 36.1612 28.9632 36.2946 29.9684C36.2946 29.995 36.2768 30.0306 36.2501 30.0306C36.2234 30.0306 36.1967 30.0129 36.1878 29.9862C36.0099 28.9811 35.8143 27.9849 35.5741 26.9975C35.4585 26.4994 35.325 26.0102 35.1916 25.5209C35.0582 25.0317 34.8981 24.5514 34.7291 24.0711C34.5601 23.5908 34.3911 23.1105 34.231 22.6213C34.1509 22.3811 34.0709 22.1321 33.9997 21.883C33.9285 21.6339 33.8574 21.3938 33.7773 21.1536C33.6261 20.6733 33.4571 20.193 33.2881 19.7038C33.1191 19.2234 32.9679 18.7342 32.8789 18.2272C32.87 18.2005 32.8967 18.165 32.9234 18.165C32.9501 18.1561 32.9768 18.1738 32.9857 18.1916Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M36.6061 20.3533C36.7128 20.5045 36.8018 20.6647 36.8907 20.8337C36.9708 21.0027 37.0508 21.1716 37.1131 21.3406L37.3088 21.8566L37.4956 22.3813C37.7357 23.0751 37.9492 23.7867 38.1271 24.4983C38.2961 25.2188 38.4384 25.9393 38.5541 26.6687C38.6608 27.398 38.7408 28.1274 38.7764 28.8657C38.7764 28.8924 38.7586 28.9191 38.723 28.928C38.6964 28.928 38.6697 28.9102 38.6608 28.8746C38.5807 28.1452 38.4829 27.4248 38.3584 26.7043C38.2338 25.9838 38.0737 25.2722 37.8869 24.5606C37.709 23.849 37.4956 23.1552 37.2465 22.4614L37.0597 21.9455L36.864 21.4385C36.7929 21.2695 36.7306 21.1005 36.6683 20.9315C36.6061 20.7625 36.5438 20.5846 36.4993 20.4067C36.4904 20.38 36.5082 20.3444 36.5438 20.3355C36.5705 20.3266 36.5972 20.3355 36.6061 20.3533Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n\n            <\/svg><svg 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41.5326C6.63473 42.1108 7.22179 42.689 7.78217 43.3027C8.33365 43.9165 8.8495 44.5747 9.28535 45.2862C9.7123 45.9978 10.0414 46.7717 10.3083 47.5544C10.5662 48.3461 10.7619 49.1466 10.8864 49.965C11.1444 51.6016 11.2066 53.256 11.1977 54.9016C11.1977 55.7288 11.18 56.5472 11.1622 57.3744L11.1533 57.9881V58.0682V58.1037C11.3045 58.0948 10.922 58.0504 10.9665 58.086V58.0771C10.9754 58.0326 10.9843 57.9792 10.9932 57.9258L11.0376 57.6145L11.2155 56.396L11.3934 55.1773C11.4557 54.7682 11.5091 54.3679 11.5535 53.9587C11.6514 53.1404 11.7226 52.3221 11.8115 51.5038C11.9005 50.6855 12.0072 49.8671 12.1585 49.0577C12.2385 48.6485 12.3274 48.2483 12.443 47.848C12.5675 47.4566 12.6832 47.0563 12.8522 46.6739C13.1724 45.9089 13.6172 45.1884 14.1508 44.5569C14.6756 43.9165 15.2983 43.365 15.8587 42.769C16.4279 42.182 16.935 41.5326 17.273 40.7943C17.4509 40.4297 17.5754 40.0383 17.6733 39.6469C17.7711 39.2555 17.8511 38.8464 17.9134 38.4461C18.029 37.6367 18.0824 36.8184 18.0824 36C18.0824 35.1817 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2.37354C17.3181 2.34606 17.1926 2.35406 17.082 2.39892C16.9714 2.44377 16.8669 2.52477 16.7794 2.61605C16.6038 2.80748 16.4765 3.06517 16.3677 3.31537C16.1663 3.83491 16.0509 4.39685 15.9798 4.96229C15.9742 5.03323 15.9597 5.10346 15.9541 5.1744L15.9374 5.38726C15.9263 5.52914 15.9056 5.67919 15.8768 5.81968C15.8623 5.88992 15.8383 5.96834 15.815 6.03789C15.8034 6.07266 15.7822 6.11559 15.7616 6.14967C15.7411 6.18375 15.7015 6.23416 15.6455 6.26546C15.6175 6.2811 15.5724 6.28652 15.5547 6.28513C15.5281 6.28304 15.5008 6.28982 15.4838 6.27956C15.4572 6.27747 15.4402 6.26721 15.4135 6.26512L15.3529 6.24249C15.2758 6.20076 15.2166 6.16044 15.158 6.11123C15.0401 6.02168 14.9413 5.91577 14.8302 5.85352C14.7791 5.82275 14.7273 5.80085 14.6823 5.80624C14.6734 5.80554 14.6638 5.81372 14.6549 5.81302C14.646 5.81233 14.6365 5.82048 14.6181 5.82795L14.5812 5.84292L14.5437 5.86672C14.4495 5.93071 14.4049 6.0432 14.3686 6.16526C14.3411 6.28801 14.3388 6.43059 14.3461 6.56499C14.36 6.84267 14.4189 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23.0153ZM13.1541 23.1203C13.1391 23.0834 13.1153 23.0459 13.101 23.0001C13.0861 22.9633 13.0726 22.9087 13.0576 22.8718L13.0027 22.6623L12.8921 22.2521C12.8154 21.9784 12.7394 21.6959 12.6716 21.4229C12.6038 21.1499 12.5367 20.8681 12.4696 20.5862C12.4357 20.4497 12.4114 20.305 12.3871 20.1604C12.3627 20.0157 12.3377 19.8799 12.3038 19.7434C12.2456 19.4623 12.1696 19.1797 12.1571 18.8843C12.1537 18.8127 12.16 18.7328 12.1656 18.6619C12.1684 18.6264 12.1711 18.591 12.1835 18.5473L12.1966 18.4948C12.2075 18.4689 12.2185 18.443 12.2287 18.426C12.2882 18.3504 12.3619 18.3204 12.4364 18.2817C12.5101 18.2517 12.5742 18.23 12.6473 18.209C12.7203 18.1879 12.7845 18.1662 12.8486 18.1445C12.8848 18.1384 12.9127 18.1228 12.9319 18.1064C12.9599 18.0908 12.9791 18.0745 13.0077 18.0499C13.1034 17.9682 13.1663 17.8482 13.2211 17.7187C13.2758 17.5891 13.3129 17.4582 13.3411 17.3266C13.3555 17.2563 13.3604 17.1943 13.3571 17.1227C13.3538 17.051 13.3586 16.989 13.3553 16.9173C13.3098 16.3606 13.0657 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8.88782C14.7219 8.82505 14.7002 8.76088 14.6874 8.69742C14.6446 8.56023 14.6018 8.42305 14.5584 8.29473C14.4728 8.02035 14.3873 7.74596 14.3113 7.46341C14.2354 7.18086 14.1771 6.89971 14.1557 6.6036C14.1498 6.45146 14.1527 6.3 14.1823 6.15064C14.194 6.11587 14.1975 6.07155 14.218 6.03747L14.2406 5.97677L14.2721 5.91681C14.2926 5.88274 14.3219 5.84932 14.3432 5.80638C14.3725 5.77299 14.4019 5.73964 14.4395 5.71583L14.4962 5.67567C14.5147 5.66819 14.5331 5.66068 14.5522 5.64433C14.589 5.62938 14.6436 5.61582 14.6887 5.61043C14.7965 5.60105 14.8824 5.64349 14.9505 5.68452C15.0957 5.76729 15.1945 5.87321 15.3042 5.95319C15.3546 5.99284 15.4139 6.03319 15.4651 6.06397L15.4998 6.07558C15.5086 6.07628 15.5264 6.07768 15.5346 6.08724C15.5523 6.08863 15.5878 6.09142 15.5789 6.09072C15.5789 6.09072 15.598 6.07439 15.6083 6.05735C15.6193 6.03144 15.6391 6.00624 15.6411 5.97963C15.6638 5.91895 15.6775 5.85756 15.692 5.78731C15.7201 5.65569 15.7401 5.51453 15.7512 5.37265L15.7679 5.15979C15.7742 5.07998 15.779 5.01791 15.7942 4.9388C15.8749 4.36519 15.9822 3.79368 16.1945 3.24824C16.3047 2.98031 16.4335 2.70489 16.648 2.4719C16.7553 2.35541 16.8789 2.25805 17.0352 2.19894C17.1915 2.13983 17.3621 2.12647 17.5197 2.1656C17.669 2.19516 17.8252 2.252 17.9512 2.35111C18.0868 2.44205 18.1917 2.58411 18.2515 2.73156C18.3711 3.02646 18.3638 3.34709 18.332 3.63903C18.2913 3.93027 18.224 4.21943 18.1403 4.48946C18.0648 4.76905 17.9635 5.03767 17.8976 5.30909C17.8687 5.44957 17.8405 5.5812 17.83 5.71422C17.8196 5.84723 17.8174 5.9898 17.8349 6.10717C17.8478 6.17063 17.8613 6.22521 17.8933 6.27233C17.9015 6.2819 17.9097 6.29148 17.9178 6.30105L17.9254 6.31946C17.9254 6.31946 17.9424 6.32972 17.9697 6.32294C18.0229 6.32711 18.0953 6.31495 18.1676 6.30278C18.2399 6.29062 18.3122 6.27845 18.4097 6.2861C18.4363 6.28819 18.4629 6.29025 18.497 6.31077C18.5318 6.32242 18.5652 6.35184 18.589 6.3894C18.6367 6.46451 18.6133 6.53406 18.6105 6.56953L18.5666 6.78913L18.496 7.00665C18.4727 7.0762 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8.2673 6.29888 8.20768 6.13743C8.17787 6.05671 8.16425 5.95853 8.19005 5.86123C8.19044 5.84345 8.20659 5.82604 8.21486 5.80843C8.22314 5.79081 8.23914 5.78226 8.24742 5.76465C8.26358 5.74721 8.27143 5.74735 8.27951 5.73863C8.28759 5.72991 8.30359 5.72139 8.31148 5.72156C8.35151 5.69575 8.39134 5.67881 8.43098 5.67078C8.58992 5.62087 8.74037 5.59744 8.89084 5.57403L9.34225 5.50382C9.49272 5.48041 9.6355 5.44793 9.77827 5.41546C9.92124 5.37409 10.0563 5.33257 10.1683 5.26384C10.2243 5.22947 10.2568 5.18567 10.2734 5.15045C10.2736 5.14156 10.2738 5.13268 10.2818 5.12396C10.2818 5.12396 10.2818 5.12395 10.282 5.11506C10.2822 5.10616 10.2822 5.10619 10.2824 5.0973C10.2751 5.07045 10.2678 5.04356 10.2526 5.01654C10.1922 4.89066 10.108 4.77317 10.0158 4.65549C9.83943 4.42032 9.64723 4.18484 9.44678 3.96694C9.34655 3.85799 9.24633 3.74903 9.13821 3.63991C9.08416 3.58535 9.03783 3.53983 8.97607 3.4762C8.92221 3.41275 8.86815 3.35822 8.82237 3.28605C8.73062 3.15059 8.65461 3.01545 8.60289 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34.1588C13.1011 34.2211 12.4073 34.2389 11.7046 34.23C11.0108 34.2122 10.3082 34.1499 9.62325 34.0432C8.92945 33.9364 8.25344 33.803 7.57743 33.6429C7.23943 33.5628 6.90139 33.4828 6.56338 33.3939C6.22538 33.3049 5.89629 33.2248 5.55828 33.1537C4.88227 33.0114 4.19734 32.8958 3.52133 32.7801C2.83642 32.6645 2.15157 32.5311 1.48446 32.3176C1.45777 32.3087 1.43995 32.2731 1.44884 32.2464C1.44884 32.2286 1.47549 32.2197 1.50218 32.2197Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M1.81375 34.746C2.49866 34.826 3.16584 34.9505 3.84185 35.1018L5.84319 35.5465C7.17742 35.84 8.52047 36.1247 9.86359 36.3382C11.2067 36.5517 12.5677 36.685 13.9375 36.7117C15.2984 36.7384 16.6682 36.6584 18.0202 36.4805C18.0469 36.4805 18.0825 36.4982 18.0825 36.5249C18.0825 36.5516 18.0647 36.5783 18.038 36.5872C16.686 36.7918 15.3073 36.9074 13.9375 36.9074C12.5588 36.8985 11.189 36.7829 9.82807 36.5783C8.46715 36.3737 7.124 36.098 5.78977 35.8045L3.78843 35.3597C3.45042 35.2886 3.1213 35.2085 2.79219 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43.1784C7.8801 43.1606 8.18249 43.1962 8.47602 43.2585C8.76955 43.3207 9.06312 43.383 9.35665 43.4453C9.94371 43.5787 10.5218 43.7121 11.1089 43.8277C11.6959 43.9433 12.2831 44.0323 12.8701 44.059C13.4661 44.0946 14.0531 44.059 14.6491 43.9789C14.6758 43.97 14.7113 43.9967 14.7113 44.0234C14.7113 44.0501 14.6935 44.0768 14.6668 44.0857C14.0797 44.2102 13.4661 44.2636 12.8701 44.2547C12.2653 44.2458 11.6604 44.1746 11.0733 44.0679C10.4774 43.9612 9.89923 43.8277 9.31217 43.7032C9.01864 43.6409 8.72508 43.5787 8.43155 43.5253C8.28923 43.4986 8.13798 43.463 7.99566 43.4274C7.85335 43.3919 7.71105 43.3474 7.56873 43.294C7.54204 43.2851 7.52431 43.2496 7.5332 43.2229C7.5421 43.1962 7.55989 43.1784 7.57768 43.1784Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.0681 47.0384C10.1304 47.0295 10.1837 47.0295 10.2371 47.0384C10.2905 47.0473 10.335 47.0651 10.3883 47.0829C10.4862 47.1185 10.584 47.1541 10.6818 47.1807C10.8775 47.243 11.0821 47.2964 11.2778 47.3408C11.4824 47.3853 11.687 47.412 11.8916 47.4387C12.0962 47.4654 12.3097 47.4743 12.5142 47.4921C12.5409 47.4921 12.5676 47.5187 12.5676 47.5543C12.5676 47.581 12.5409 47.6077 12.5231 47.6077C12.3096 47.6344 12.0961 47.6432 11.8826 47.6432C11.6692 47.6432 11.4557 47.6166 11.2333 47.5899C11.0199 47.5543 10.8064 47.5098 10.6018 47.4476C10.4951 47.412 10.3973 47.3853 10.2905 47.3408C10.1927 47.3052 10.0948 47.2519 10.0237 47.1452C10.0059 47.1185 10.0058 47.074 10.0414 47.0562C10.0503 47.0473 10.0593 47.0473 10.0681 47.0384Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.9087 25.8335C31.2556 25.8691 31.5847 25.958 31.9138 26.0559C32.2429 26.1537 32.572 26.2515 32.9011 26.3494C33.5593 26.5362 34.2264 26.7052 34.8936 26.803C35.5607 26.9098 36.2456 26.9542 36.9305 26.9454C37.6154 26.9365 38.2914 26.8742 38.9763 26.803C39.003 26.803 39.0385 26.8208 39.0385 26.8475C39.0385 26.8742 39.0207 26.9009 38.994 26.9098C38.318 27.0254 37.6243 27.1054 36.9394 27.141C36.2456 27.1677 35.5518 27.141 34.8669 27.0521C34.182 26.9542 33.506 26.7852 32.8389 26.6073C32.5098 26.5184 32.1717 26.4206 31.8426 26.3227C31.5135 26.2249 31.1844 26.1092 30.882 25.9491C30.8553 25.9313 30.8464 25.9046 30.8553 25.8691C30.8641 25.8424 30.882 25.8335 30.9087 25.8335Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.5085 26.8296C30.7042 26.8563 30.8999 26.9008 31.0867 26.9542C31.2735 27.0075 31.4691 27.0609 31.6559 27.1231L32.2164 27.301L32.7767 27.47C33.5328 27.6835 34.2889 27.8703 35.0627 28.0126C35.8277 28.1638 36.6103 28.2617 37.3931 28.2972C38.1758 28.3417 38.9586 28.3151 39.7414 28.2439C39.7681 28.2439 39.7948 28.2617 39.8036 28.2972C39.8036 28.3239 39.7859 28.3506 39.7592 28.3595C38.9764 28.4752 38.1847 28.5196 37.3931 28.5018C36.6014 28.4841 35.8098 28.3951 35.036 28.2617C34.2532 28.1282 33.4883 27.9415 32.7233 27.728L32.1541 27.5679L31.5848 27.3989C31.2112 27.2833 30.8377 27.1409 30.4819 26.9542C30.4552 26.9364 30.4462 26.9096 30.4551 26.8741C30.464 26.8385 30.4818 26.8296 30.5085 26.8296Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.0317 31.2681C29.2719 31.2503 29.5121 31.2592 29.7523 31.2681C29.9924 31.277 30.2326 31.3036 30.4639 31.3303C30.9353 31.3837 31.4156 31.4459 31.887 31.4993C32.8299 31.6149 33.7816 31.7395 34.7244 31.8106C35.6673 31.8907 36.619 31.9263 37.5708 31.8729C38.5136 31.8195 39.4565 31.6683 40.3727 31.3926C40.3993 31.3837 40.435 31.4015 40.4439 31.4282C40.4528 31.4549 40.435 31.4904 40.4083 31.4993C39.501 31.8195 38.5492 31.9886 37.5886 32.0686C36.6279 32.1398 35.6673 32.122 34.7156 32.0597C33.7638 31.9886 32.8121 31.8729 31.8604 31.7662C31.3889 31.7128 30.9086 31.6505 30.4372 31.6061C30.197 31.5794 29.9658 31.5527 29.7256 31.5171C29.4854 31.4815 29.2541 31.446 29.0229 31.3926C28.9962 31.3837 28.9784 31.357 28.9784 31.3214C28.9784 31.2858 29.005 31.2681 29.0317 31.2681Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.8273 33.047C29.0763 33.047 29.3165 33.0559 29.5655 33.0737C29.8146 33.0914 30.0547 33.1093 30.2949 33.1359L31.0243 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36.8275C41.12 36.8542 41.1022 36.8897 41.0755 36.8897C40.0704 37.1655 39.0297 37.3345 37.989 37.4412C36.9483 37.5391 35.8987 37.5746 34.858 37.5569C33.8084 37.5302 32.7678 37.459 31.7271 37.3612L30.9443 37.2811L30.1705 37.1922C29.6546 37.1299 29.1386 37.0499 28.6316 36.9075C28.6049 36.8987 28.5872 36.8719 28.5961 36.8364C28.5961 36.8097 28.6227 36.7919 28.6494 36.7919Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.7296 38.2682C28.9964 38.2771 29.2543 38.2949 29.5211 38.3216C29.788 38.3394 30.046 38.3749 30.304 38.4016L31.0867 38.4817L31.8694 38.5529C32.919 38.6329 33.9686 38.6596 35.0271 38.6507C36.0767 38.6418 37.1352 38.5884 38.1759 38.4906C39.2255 38.3927 40.2661 38.2504 41.3068 38.0725C41.3335 38.0637 41.3691 38.0903 41.3691 38.117C41.378 38.1437 41.3513 38.1704 41.3246 38.1793C40.2928 38.3927 39.2432 38.5617 38.1936 38.6774C37.144 38.793 36.0856 38.8642 35.0271 38.8819C33.9686 38.8997 32.9101 38.8731 31.8516 38.8019L31.06 38.7397L30.2684 38.6596C30.0015 38.624 29.7436 38.5884 29.4856 38.544C29.2277 38.4906 28.9697 38.4372 28.7118 38.3661C28.6851 38.3572 28.6672 38.3305 28.6761 38.2949C28.6761 38.286 28.7029 38.2682 28.7296 38.2682Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.1032 42.1996C29.6013 42.1374 30.0993 42.1106 30.6063 42.084L32.1096 42.0217C33.1147 41.9773 34.1198 41.9505 35.1339 41.995C36.139 42.0395 37.1352 42.1018 38.1403 42.1373C39.1365 42.1729 40.1417 42.1729 41.1379 42.084C41.1646 42.084 41.1913 42.1018 41.2002 42.1373C41.2002 42.164 41.1824 42.1907 41.1557 42.1996C40.1595 42.3242 39.1454 42.3419 38.1403 42.333C37.1352 42.3153 36.1301 42.2619 35.1339 42.2352C34.1376 42.1996 33.1325 42.2263 32.1363 42.2797L30.633 42.3508C30.1349 42.3686 29.6279 42.3686 29.1209 42.3063C29.0942 42.3063 29.0675 42.2708 29.0764 42.2441C29.0586 42.2174 29.0854 42.1996 29.1032 42.1996Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.3256 43.6054C29.5658 43.5876 29.8059 43.5876 30.0461 43.5965C30.2862 43.6054 30.5264 43.6144 30.7665 43.6321C31.2469 43.6677 31.7272 43.6944 32.2075 43.7211C33.1682 43.7745 34.1288 43.8011 35.0895 43.81C36.0501 43.8278 37.0107 43.81 37.9714 43.7656C38.932 43.7211 39.8927 43.6499 40.8445 43.5254C40.8712 43.5254 40.9067 43.5432 40.9067 43.5699C40.9067 43.5965 40.8889 43.6233 40.8622 43.6321C39.9104 43.7923 38.9498 43.8901 37.9892 43.9523C37.0285 44.0146 36.059 44.0413 35.0983 44.0413C34.1377 44.0413 33.1682 44.0146 32.2075 43.9701C31.7272 43.9434 31.2469 43.9257 30.7665 43.8901C30.2862 43.8545 29.806 43.81 29.3256 43.7122C29.299 43.7033 29.2723 43.6766 29.2812 43.6499C29.2723 43.6321 29.299 43.6143 29.3256 43.6054Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M31.0866 46.7984C31.4068 46.7273 31.727 46.7095 32.0561 46.7095H33.0257L34.9647 46.7273C35.6141 46.7362 36.2545 46.7451 36.9038 46.7539C37.5442 46.7628 38.1936 46.7628 38.834 46.7539C38.8607 46.7539 38.8874 46.7806 38.8874 46.8073C38.8874 46.834 38.8607 46.8607 38.834 46.8607C38.1847 46.9052 37.5443 46.923 36.8949 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absolute; z-index: 2; top: 3150px; left: -15vw; transform: rotate(10.456deg);\"><path d=\"M21.5223 13.8232L21.5934 14.2235L21.629 14.4281L21.6557 14.6416C21.7002 14.9262 21.7357 15.2019 21.7713 15.4866C21.8425 16.047 21.8958 16.6162 21.9492 17.1766C22.0026 17.737 22.0381 18.3062 22.0648 18.8755C22.0915 19.4447 22.1182 20.0051 22.1271 20.5744C22.136 21.1436 22.136 21.713 22.1183 22.2733C22.1005 22.8337 22.1271 23.3941 22.1538 23.9634C22.1716 24.248 22.1805 24.5326 22.1894 24.8172V25.0307C22.1894 25.1019 22.1894 25.1641 22.1983 25.2353C22.2072 25.3687 22.2161 25.5111 22.2339 25.6534C22.2517 25.7868 22.2695 25.9291 22.2962 26.0625C22.305 26.1337 22.3228 26.1959 22.3406 26.2582C22.3495 26.2938 22.3584 26.3205 22.3673 26.3472C22.3762 26.3649 22.3762 26.3738 22.3762 26.3738C22.3762 26.3738 22.3762 26.3739 22.3673 26.365C22.3673 26.365 22.3406 26.3383 22.305 26.3383C22.2427 26.3383 22.2428 26.3561 22.2517 26.3472L22.6341 26.1604C22.7587 26.0981 22.8832 26.0358 23.0077 25.9736C25.0002 24.9329 26.7524 23.4475 28.0955 21.6507C28.7715 20.7523 29.3498 19.7828 29.8123 18.7599C30.0436 18.2529 30.2481 17.728 30.4171 17.1855C30.5861 16.6518 30.7284 16.1092 30.8085 15.5577C30.844 15.282 30.8619 15.0062 30.8797 14.7216L30.9242 13.8766C30.9508 13.3162 30.9686 12.7469 30.9864 12.1865C31.0219 11.0569 31.0487 9.92728 31.0576 8.79763C31.0665 7.66798 31.0664 6.53829 31.022 5.40864C30.9953 4.84826 30.9686 4.27904 30.8885 3.72756C30.8708 3.59414 30.844 3.45182 30.8085 3.3273C30.7907 3.26503 30.7729 3.20277 30.7463 3.1494C30.7374 3.12271 30.7195 3.10487 30.7106 3.09598C30.7018 3.08708 30.7106 3.09598 30.7106 3.09598C30.7106 3.09598 30.7106 3.09598 30.7195 3.09598C30.7373 3.09598 30.7551 3.08715 30.7551 3.07826C30.7551 3.07826 30.764 3.06936 30.7551 3.07826C30.7462 3.09605 30.7284 3.12271 30.7195 3.1494C30.7017 3.17608 30.6929 3.21163 30.684 3.24721L30.6128 3.44291C30.5862 3.50518 30.5594 3.57632 30.5328 3.64748L30.4438 3.84318L30.0969 4.61705C29.9812 4.875 29.8568 5.13292 29.7234 5.38197C29.4565 5.88898 29.1718 6.3782 28.8516 6.84962C28.6915 7.08978 28.5314 7.32103 28.3535 7.5434C28.1756 7.76577 28.0066 7.99708 27.811 8.20166C27.4374 8.63751 27.0371 9.0289 26.619 9.42027C25.7829 10.1852 24.8756 10.8701 23.995 11.5817C23.5503 11.9375 23.1233 12.2933 22.7053 12.6758L22.394 12.9604C22.2872 13.0582 22.1893 13.1561 22.0915 13.2539L21.9404 13.4051C21.887 13.4585 21.8514 13.503 21.798 13.5564L21.5223 13.8232ZM21.4155 13.7876C21.6112 13.5741 21.8069 13.3428 22.0115 13.1472C22.1093 13.0493 22.2071 12.9426 22.3139 12.8448L22.6252 12.5513C23.0433 12.1688 23.4791 11.8041 23.9149 11.4483C24.7955 10.7367 25.694 10.0429 26.5212 9.2779C26.9304 8.89542 27.3306 8.49519 27.6953 8.06823C27.882 7.86365 28.0511 7.63235 28.2289 7.40998C28.398 7.18761 28.5581 6.95636 28.7093 6.7162C29.0206 6.24477 29.3052 5.75561 29.5632 5.2575C29.6877 5.00844 29.8123 4.75049 29.9279 4.50143L30.2748 3.72756L30.3637 3.53186C30.3904 3.4696 30.4171 3.40731 30.4438 3.33616L30.5239 3.14045C30.5417 3.10487 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12.3093C10.4764 12.336 10.4587 12.3627 10.4409 12.3716C10.263 12.4249 10.0762 12.4694 9.89827 12.5138L9.35572 12.6295C9.17783 12.665 8.99098 12.7095 8.81309 12.7451C8.72414 12.7629 8.63519 12.7896 8.54624 12.8074C8.50177 12.8163 8.45729 12.8252 8.41282 12.8252C8.36834 12.8252 8.31504 12.8251 8.26167 12.8074C8.22609 12.7985 8.2083 12.754 8.2172 12.7184C8.19941 12.7006 8.20825 12.7006 8.20825 12.6917Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.4031 11.5978C13.3942 11.6779 13.3675 11.7046 13.3319 11.7313L13.2162 11.7935C13.1451 11.838 13.065 11.8735 12.9939 11.918C12.8426 11.9981 12.6915 12.0782 12.5314 12.1493C12.5047 12.1582 12.4691 12.1493 12.4602 12.1226C12.4513 12.1048 12.4513 12.0782 12.4691 12.0604C12.5847 11.927 12.7271 11.8113 12.8694 11.7135C12.9405 11.6601 13.0117 11.6156 13.0918 11.5712L13.2074 11.4999C13.243 11.4822 13.2874 11.4644 13.3586 11.5089C13.3942 11.5178 13.412 11.5623 13.4031 11.5978Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.0789 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24.4245 19.3804 24.6468 19.5227 24.8425C19.665 25.0382 19.8518 25.1983 20.0564 25.2784C20.1631 25.314 20.2698 25.3229 20.3765 25.3051C20.4833 25.2784 20.5812 25.2339 20.6701 25.1628C20.848 25.0205 20.9726 24.8159 21.0971 24.6024C21.3283 24.1755 21.4528 23.6951 21.4439 23.2148C21.4439 22.9746 21.4084 22.7345 21.3461 22.5032C21.2839 22.2719 21.2127 22.0407 21.1594 21.7916C21.1505 21.7649 21.1683 21.7293 21.2038 21.7205C21.2127 21.6938 21.2305 21.7027 21.2483 21.7205Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.7675 24.9403C13.7586 25.2605 13.7231 25.5718 13.7142 25.8831C13.7053 26.0343 13.7141 26.1945 13.723 26.3457C13.7408 26.4969 13.7765 26.6481 13.8209 26.7904C13.9099 27.084 14.0344 27.3686 14.2123 27.6176C14.3813 27.8578 14.6215 28.0713 14.8883 28.0802C15.0217 28.0891 15.1551 28.0535 15.2796 27.9824C15.4131 27.9112 15.5109 27.8222 15.6088 27.6977C15.6532 27.6443 15.6977 27.5731 15.7333 27.5109C15.7689 27.4397 15.8044 27.3775 15.84 27.3063C15.9023 27.1729 15.9468 27.0217 15.9824 26.8705C16.1069 26.2657 16.0446 25.6163 15.9201 25.0026C15.9112 24.9759 15.9379 24.9403 15.9646 24.9403C15.9912 24.9314 16.0179 24.9492 16.0268 24.9848C16.1069 25.2961 16.1691 25.6163 16.1958 25.9366C16.2225 26.2568 16.2225 26.5859 16.1691 26.915C16.1335 27.0751 16.098 27.244 16.0268 27.3953C16.0002 27.4753 15.9557 27.5465 15.9201 27.6266C15.8756 27.6977 15.8312 27.7688 15.7778 27.84C15.68 27.9734 15.5465 28.098 15.3864 28.1869C15.2352 28.2759 15.0573 28.3381 14.8705 28.3292C14.6837 28.3203 14.5058 28.2492 14.3635 28.1425C14.2212 28.0357 14.1055 27.9112 14.0077 27.7689C13.812 27.4931 13.6697 27.1907 13.5718 26.8705C13.5184 26.7104 13.4829 26.5503 13.4651 26.3813C13.4474 26.2123 13.4384 26.0521 13.4473 25.8831C13.4562 25.554 13.5185 25.2249 13.6519 24.9225C13.6608 24.8958 13.6964 24.878 13.723 24.8958C13.7586 24.8958 13.7675 24.9225 13.7675 24.9403Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.93262 24.1312C7.87036 24.4959 7.73688 24.8339 7.61235 25.1631C7.48783 25.4922 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9.07113 27.9207C9.08892 27.8941 9.12453 27.894 9.15122 27.9118C9.16901 27.9296 9.17787 27.9652 9.16008 27.9919C8.89323 28.3299 8.67088 28.7035 8.51077 29.1037C8.43072 29.2994 8.3684 29.504 8.32393 29.7175C8.27945 29.931 8.25277 30.1355 8.23498 30.349C8.20829 30.776 8.21719 31.2118 8.32393 31.6121C8.37729 31.8167 8.46628 32.0035 8.58191 32.1636C8.69754 32.3326 8.84876 32.466 9.02665 32.5371C9.39134 32.6794 9.82717 32.5906 10.1652 32.3771C10.3342 32.2704 10.4765 32.1191 10.5921 31.9501C10.7077 31.7811 10.7967 31.5943 10.8501 31.3986C10.9035 31.2029 10.939 30.9984 10.939 30.7849C10.939 30.5803 10.9302 30.3579 10.9124 30.1445C10.8768 29.7175 10.8234 29.2905 10.8145 28.8457C10.8145 28.8191 10.8412 28.7924 10.8679 28.7924C10.8857 28.7924 10.9123 28.8102 10.9212 28.828Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.2959 27.333C6.24253 27.5999 6.14467 27.849 6.05572 28.098C5.96677 28.3471 5.89563 28.5962 5.85115 28.8541C5.7622 29.3611 5.77108 29.8948 5.92229 30.3929C5.99345 30.6419 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31.7362C12.6023 31.7985 12.6468 31.8608 12.7001 31.923C12.8069 32.0387 12.9137 32.1543 13.0471 32.2254C13.1716 32.3055 13.3139 32.3589 13.4652 32.3856C13.6164 32.4034 13.7675 32.3944 13.9188 32.3588C14.2212 32.2877 14.488 32.1098 14.7015 31.8786C14.915 31.6473 15.0751 31.3626 15.1818 31.0602C15.2886 30.7578 15.3419 30.4287 15.3953 30.0996C15.4042 30.0729 15.4309 30.0462 15.4575 30.0551C15.4842 30.064 15.5109 30.0907 15.502 30.1174C15.4664 30.4465 15.422 30.7845 15.3241 31.1047C15.2263 31.4338 15.0751 31.7451 14.8439 32.003C14.6126 32.261 14.319 32.4745 13.9721 32.5635C13.8031 32.608 13.6163 32.6258 13.4384 32.608C13.2605 32.5813 13.0826 32.519 12.9225 32.4301C12.3177 32.0298 11.9886 31.3716 11.8463 30.6956C11.7751 30.3576 11.7573 30.0107 11.784 29.6727C11.8018 29.3347 11.8818 28.9966 12.033 28.6853C12.0508 28.6586 12.0775 28.6497 12.1131 28.6586C12.122 28.6853 12.1309 28.712 12.1309 28.7298Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M18.1437 30.3755C18.286 30.6157 18.4016 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32.2966 17.5034 32.4833 17.5301 32.6701C17.5657 33.0348 17.5657 33.4084 17.5124 33.7819C17.4501 34.1466 17.3433 34.5291 17.0943 34.8405C16.9698 34.9917 16.8274 35.1252 16.6495 35.223L16.5873 35.2585C16.5695 35.2673 16.5428 35.2763 16.5161 35.2852C16.4716 35.303 16.4272 35.3296 16.3827 35.3385L16.2403 35.383C16.1958 35.4008 16.1425 35.4009 16.098 35.4098C15.7067 35.472 15.2797 35.3475 14.9862 35.0628C14.9684 35.045 14.9506 35.0273 14.9328 35.0095L14.8884 34.9562C14.8528 34.9206 14.8261 34.876 14.7905 34.8405C14.7371 34.7515 14.6838 34.6714 14.6482 34.5825C14.5681 34.4046 14.5058 34.2179 14.4792 34.0311C14.4169 33.6486 14.4347 33.266 14.4881 32.9013C14.5504 32.5277 14.666 32.172 14.8439 31.8429C14.8617 31.8162 14.8972 31.8073 14.9239 31.8251C14.9239 31.834 14.9328 31.8607 14.9328 31.8785Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.9534 30.4106C11.7044 30.7131 11.4642 31.0066 11.2685 31.3179C11.0639 31.6292 10.9215 31.985 10.8593 32.3497C10.797 32.7144 10.8238 33.0969 10.9127 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36.7621 9.49818 36.7888C9.53376 37.0468 9.59604 37.3047 9.69389 37.536C9.80063 37.7673 9.9518 37.9807 10.1475 38.1319C10.3432 38.2831 10.5834 38.381 10.8236 38.3899C10.9481 38.3988 11.0637 38.3721 11.1793 38.3454C11.2327 38.3187 11.2861 38.3009 11.3394 38.2742C11.3928 38.2475 11.4372 38.2031 11.4817 38.1675C11.6596 38.0074 11.8197 37.7849 11.9443 37.5715C12.0688 37.3491 12.1577 37.1089 12.2111 36.8599C12.2645 36.6108 12.2823 36.3529 12.2645 36.0949C12.2556 35.837 12.2289 35.5791 12.2289 35.3123C12.2289 35.2767 12.2556 35.2588 12.2912 35.2588C12.2823 35.2677 12.309 35.2766 12.3179 35.2944Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.361 33.8979C10.3521 33.8268 10.361 33.809 10.3877 33.8001L10.4411 33.7734C10.4767 33.7556 10.5211 33.7378 10.5656 33.72C10.6545 33.6933 10.7612 33.6755 10.8591 33.7021C10.8947 33.711 10.9125 33.7467 10.9036 33.7734C10.9036 33.7912 10.8858 33.8001 10.8769 33.809C10.7968 33.8535 10.7346 33.8891 10.6723 33.9335C10.6367 33.9513 10.6011 33.9779 10.5656 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20.7947 37.464 20.7502 37.375C20.6702 37.1883 20.5634 37.0103 20.4389 36.8591C20.1809 36.5478 19.8341 36.3077 19.4694 36.112C19.4427 36.0943 19.4338 36.0675 19.4427 36.0408C19.4604 36.0141 19.4872 36.0052 19.5139 36.0141C19.8964 36.192 20.261 36.4322 20.5545 36.7613C20.6968 36.9214 20.8125 37.1081 20.9103 37.3038C20.9637 37.4017 20.9993 37.4995 21.0349 37.6063C21.0527 37.6596 21.0704 37.7131 21.0882 37.7576C21.106 37.811 21.1238 37.8642 21.1327 37.9176C21.2394 38.3357 21.2661 38.7715 21.2216 39.1985C21.186 39.6254 21.0616 40.0524 20.857 40.4438C20.7947 40.5416 20.7413 40.6305 20.6791 40.7195C20.6079 40.8084 20.5368 40.8974 20.4478 40.9686C20.3589 41.0487 20.2699 41.1109 20.172 41.1642C20.1187 41.1909 20.0653 41.2177 20.012 41.2354C19.9497 41.2532 19.8963 41.2711 19.8429 41.2711C19.6206 41.3155 19.3626 41.2889 19.1491 41.1821C18.9357 41.0754 18.7666 40.8974 18.6421 40.7106C18.3931 40.337 18.2775 39.91 18.2063 39.4831C18.1441 39.0561 18.1529 38.6293 18.2152 38.2112C18.2152 38.1845 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8.32018 16.505C8.33797 16.5139 8.33796 16.5228 8.34686 16.5405L8.36465 16.6295C8.38244 16.6918 8.39134 16.754 8.40913 16.8163C8.42692 16.9408 8.4536 17.0653 8.44471 17.2077C8.44471 17.2432 8.41802 17.261 8.38244 17.261C8.36465 17.261 8.34686 17.2521 8.33796 17.2343C8.2757 17.1276 8.22234 17.012 8.17786 16.8874C8.16007 16.8252 8.13338 16.7718 8.11559 16.7096L8.08891 16.6117C8.08891 16.5939 8.08002 16.5761 8.08891 16.5583C8.08891 16.5494 8.0978 16.5316 8.1067 16.5228C8.11559 16.5139 8.11559 16.505 8.12448 16.4961C8.12448 16.4961 8.12449 16.4872 8.13339 16.4872V16.4783C8.13339 16.4694 8.14228 16.4694 8.14228 16.4605C8.15118 16.4516 8.16006 16.4427 8.16896 16.4427C8.18675 16.4338 8.20454 16.4338 8.21343 16.4427C8.24012 16.4516 8.25791 16.4783 8.25791 16.5139C8.24901 16.5316 8.22233 16.5494 8.18676 16.5405Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.1425 17.2414C7.20477 17.2948 7.20478 17.3481 7.20478 17.3926L7.18698 17.5349C7.17808 17.6239 7.16029 17.7217 7.1425 17.8107C7.10692 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17.2775C9.61524 17.3308 9.65968 17.3842 9.70415 17.4376C9.7931 17.5532 9.88207 17.6688 9.95323 17.7934C9.97102 17.8201 9.9621 17.8556 9.92652 17.8734C9.90873 17.8823 9.88207 17.8823 9.86428 17.8734C9.73976 17.7934 9.63299 17.7044 9.52625 17.6066C9.47288 17.5532 9.41954 17.5087 9.37507 17.4554L9.30388 17.3753C9.2772 17.3486 9.26833 17.313 9.28612 17.2419C9.29501 17.2063 9.32168 17.1796 9.35726 17.1707Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.06376 18.345C9.15271 18.3539 9.18827 18.3983 9.22385 18.4428L9.3217 18.594C9.38397 18.6919 9.44624 18.7897 9.50851 18.8875C9.62414 19.0921 9.73975 19.2878 9.83759 19.5013C9.84648 19.528 9.83761 19.5636 9.81092 19.5725C9.78424 19.5814 9.76643 19.5725 9.74864 19.5636C9.58853 19.3946 9.45512 19.2078 9.3128 19.021C9.25054 18.9231 9.1794 18.8342 9.11714 18.7363L9.01929 18.594C8.98371 18.5496 8.96589 18.4873 8.99258 18.4072C8.98368 18.3628 9.02818 18.3361 9.06376 18.345Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.96469 19.4568C7.02695 19.5102 7.03583 19.5636 7.03583 19.6169L7.02697 19.7681C7.01807 19.866 7.00915 19.9638 7.00026 20.0706C6.97357 20.2662 6.94692 20.4708 6.89355 20.6665C6.88465 20.6932 6.85794 20.711 6.82236 20.711C6.79568 20.7021 6.78678 20.6843 6.77789 20.6665C6.7512 20.4619 6.75122 20.2573 6.75122 20.0617C6.75122 19.9638 6.75123 19.8571 6.76012 19.7592L6.76898 19.608C6.76898 19.5547 6.78677 19.5102 6.85793 19.4657C6.88462 19.4212 6.92911 19.4301 6.96469 19.4568Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.96837 20.7375C6.02173 20.7998 6.03064 20.862 6.02174 20.9154L5.99508 21.0844C5.97729 21.2 5.95949 21.3068 5.9417 21.4224C5.89722 21.6448 5.85277 21.8671 5.78161 22.0895C5.77271 22.1162 5.73711 22.134 5.71042 22.1251C5.68374 22.1162 5.67485 22.0984 5.67485 22.0717C5.66596 21.8405 5.68373 21.6092 5.70152 21.3868C5.71041 21.2712 5.71934 21.1555 5.73713 21.0488L5.7549 20.8798C5.76379 20.8264 5.78159 20.7642 5.85275 20.7197C5.88833 20.7019 5.94168 20.7108 5.96837 20.7375Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.95567 21.8848C7.01793 21.956 7.02686 22.0183 7.02686 22.0805L7.01795 22.2762C7.01795 22.4008 7.00014 22.5342 6.99124 22.6587C6.97345 22.9166 6.94677 23.1746 6.90229 23.4326C6.8934 23.4592 6.86674 23.4859 6.84005 23.477C6.81337 23.477 6.79558 23.4503 6.79558 23.4237C6.7689 23.1657 6.76001 22.9078 6.76001 22.6498C6.76001 22.5164 6.76001 22.3919 6.76001 22.2584V22.0627C6.76001 22.0005 6.77779 21.9382 6.84005 21.876C6.87563 21.8493 6.92009 21.8493 6.95567 21.8848Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.11206 20.4971C8.18322 20.5415 8.20102 20.5949 8.20991 20.6394L8.22772 20.7995C8.24551 20.9062 8.2544 21.013 8.26329 21.1108C8.28108 21.3243 8.29885 21.5289 8.28996 21.7423C8.28996 21.769 8.26326 21.7957 8.23658 21.7957C8.2099 21.7957 8.19214 21.7779 8.18325 21.7601C8.11209 21.5556 8.06759 21.351 8.02311 21.1464C8.00532 21.0396 7.97863 20.9418 7.96973 20.8351L7.94307 20.675C7.93417 20.6216 7.94308 20.5682 7.99645 20.506C8.03202 20.4793 8.07648 20.4704 8.11206 20.4971Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.3397 20.942C9.41975 20.9598 9.44643 21.0043 9.46422 21.0488L9.5176 21.1911C9.55318 21.28 9.57983 21.3779 9.61541 21.4668C9.67767 21.6536 9.73106 21.8493 9.76663 22.045C9.77553 22.0717 9.74885 22.1073 9.72216 22.1073C9.69548 22.1073 9.67767 22.0984 9.65988 22.0806C9.55314 21.9116 9.47309 21.7337 9.39303 21.5558C9.35745 21.4668 9.313 21.3779 9.27742 21.28L9.22404 21.1466C9.20625 21.1021 9.19737 21.0488 9.24185 20.9776C9.25964 20.942 9.30412 20.9242 9.3397 20.942Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.8517 20.8887C10.9407 20.8976 10.9851 20.942 11.0118 20.9865L11.1097 21.1288C11.1719 21.2267 11.2342 21.3245 11.3053 21.4224C11.4298 21.6269 11.5455 21.8315 11.6433 22.045C11.6522 22.0717 11.6433 22.1073 11.6166 22.1162C11.5899 22.1251 11.5722 22.1162 11.5544 22.0984C11.4032 21.9205 11.2609 21.7337 11.1097 21.5558C11.0385 21.4579 10.9673 21.369 10.905 21.2712L10.8072 21.1288C10.7717 21.0844 10.7538 21.0221 10.7716 20.942C10.7627 20.9154 10.8072 20.8887 10.8517 20.8887Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.6293 18.8872C10.7094 18.8872 10.7538 18.9139 10.7894 18.9495L10.8873 19.0651C10.9495 19.1452 11.0118 19.2252 11.0741 19.3053C11.1897 19.4654 11.3142 19.6344 11.412 19.8123C11.4298 19.839 11.4209 19.8745 11.3942 19.8923C11.3764 19.9012 11.3498 19.9012 11.332 19.8834C11.1719 19.75 11.0296 19.6077 10.8962 19.4654C10.825 19.3942 10.7627 19.3142 10.6916 19.243L10.5937 19.1274C10.5581 19.0918 10.5403 19.0384 10.5581 18.9584C10.5581 18.9228 10.5937 18.8961 10.6293 18.8872Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.6077 18.3895C11.6877 18.3717 11.7411 18.3983 11.7767 18.4339L11.8923 18.5407C11.9723 18.6118 12.0524 18.683 12.1236 18.7541C12.2748 18.9054 12.426 19.0566 12.5505 19.2256C12.5683 19.2523 12.5594 19.2878 12.5416 19.3056C12.5238 19.3234 12.4971 19.3234 12.4794 19.3056C12.3015 19.19 12.1413 19.0655 11.9723 18.932C11.8923 18.8698 11.8033 18.8075 11.7233 18.7364L11.5988 18.6385C11.5543 18.6029 11.5276 18.5585 11.5276 18.4784C11.5365 18.4339 11.5632 18.3983 11.6077 18.3895Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.604 20.3105C12.7018 20.3105 12.773 20.3461 12.8263 20.3995L12.9953 20.5507C13.111 20.6486 13.2088 20.7642 13.3156 20.8709C13.5201 21.0933 13.7158 21.3246 13.8848 21.5736C13.9026 21.6003 13.8937 21.6359 13.8671 21.6537C13.8493 21.6715 13.8137 21.6626 13.7959 21.6448C13.5735 21.4402 13.36 21.2356 13.1466 21.0399C13.0398 20.9421 12.9242 20.8442 12.8174 20.7464L12.6484 20.6041C12.5951 20.5596 12.5417 20.4973 12.5328 20.3995C12.5239 20.3639 12.5506 20.3195 12.5951 20.3195C12.604 20.3106 12.604 20.3105 12.604 20.3105Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.3029 20.5771C14.383 20.586 14.4274 20.6216 14.4541 20.6572L14.5431 20.7906C14.6053 20.8796 14.6587 20.9685 14.7121 21.0575C14.8188 21.2443 14.9166 21.4311 14.9967 21.6267C15.0056 21.6534 14.9967 21.689 14.9611 21.6979C14.9344 21.7068 14.9167 21.6979 14.8989 21.6801C14.7566 21.52 14.632 21.351 14.5075 21.1909C14.4452 21.1019 14.3829 21.0219 14.3296 20.9418L14.2406 20.8173C14.2139 20.7728 14.1962 20.7284 14.214 20.6483C14.2228 20.6038 14.2673 20.5771 14.3029 20.5771Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.9687 22.472C13.0487 22.4987 13.0932 22.552 13.111 22.6054L13.1821 22.7744C13.2355 22.8901 13.28 22.9968 13.3244 23.1124C13.4134 23.3437 13.5024 23.575 13.5646 23.8062C13.5735 23.8329 13.5557 23.8685 13.529 23.8774C13.5023 23.8863 13.4757 23.8774 13.4668 23.8507C13.3334 23.6461 13.2177 23.4237 13.1021 23.2103C13.0487 23.1035 12.9954 22.9968 12.942 22.8812L12.8619 22.7121C12.8352 22.6588 12.8264 22.5965 12.853 22.5165C12.8886 22.4809 12.9331 22.4631 12.9687 22.472Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.7805 22.89C10.8606 22.9078 10.8872 22.9523 10.905 22.9968L10.9584 23.1302C10.994 23.2191 11.0207 23.3081 11.0474 23.397C11.1007 23.5749 11.1541 23.7617 11.1897 23.9485C11.1986 23.9752 11.1719 24.0108 11.1452 24.0108C11.1185 24.0108 11.1007 24.0019 11.0918 23.9841C10.994 23.824 10.905 23.655 10.825 23.4771C10.7894 23.3881 10.745 23.3081 10.7183 23.2191L10.6649 23.0857C10.6471 23.0412 10.6471 22.9967 10.6827 22.9256C10.7004 22.8989 10.736 22.8811 10.7805 22.89Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.97485 23.0323C9.04601 23.059 9.07267 23.1035 9.08157 23.1479L9.11718 23.2813C9.14386 23.3703 9.15273 23.4592 9.17942 23.5482C9.215 23.7261 9.24171 23.904 9.2506 24.0908C9.2506 24.1175 9.2328 24.1442 9.19722 24.153C9.17054 24.153 9.15274 24.1442 9.14385 24.1175C9.06379 23.9485 9.00155 23.7795 8.93928 23.6016C8.9126 23.5126 8.88588 23.4237 8.85919 23.3347L8.82362 23.2013C8.81473 23.1568 8.81473 23.1123 8.8681 23.0501C8.89478 23.0323 8.93927 23.0234 8.97485 23.0323Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.70296 24.4287C7.77412 24.491 7.80082 24.5532 7.80972 24.6244L7.84529 24.8379L7.91647 25.2559C7.96984 25.5317 8.02318 25.8163 8.06766 26.092C8.07655 26.1187 8.04987 26.1543 8.02318 26.1543C7.9965 26.1543 7.96984 26.1454 7.96094 26.1187C7.84531 25.8519 7.75635 25.5762 7.6852 25.3004C7.64962 25.1581 7.61403 25.0158 7.58734 24.8735L7.55177 24.66C7.54288 24.5888 7.54288 24.5177 7.59625 24.4376C7.61404 24.4109 7.65849 24.402 7.70296 24.4287C7.69406 24.4287 7.70296 24.4287 7.70296 24.4287Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.73711 23.4324C5.79938 23.4858 5.80825 23.5214 5.79935 23.5658L5.78159 23.6904C5.77269 23.7704 5.75487 23.8505 5.74597 23.9305C5.71929 24.0906 5.68372 24.2507 5.62146 24.4109C5.61256 24.4375 5.577 24.4553 5.55031 24.4464C5.53252 24.4375 5.51474 24.4197 5.51474 24.4019C5.49695 24.2329 5.49694 24.0728 5.50584 23.9038C5.51473 23.8238 5.51471 23.7348 5.5236 23.6548L5.53251 23.5303C5.53251 23.4858 5.5503 23.4502 5.62146 23.4146C5.66593 23.4057 5.70153 23.4146 5.73711 23.4324Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.48429 25.3274C6.54655 25.4074 6.56433 25.4875 6.56433 25.5586V25.7899V26.2613C6.56433 26.5726 6.56433 26.884 6.56433 27.2042C6.56433 27.2309 6.53764 27.2575 6.51095 27.2575C6.48427 27.2575 6.46647 27.2398 6.45758 27.2131C6.38642 26.9018 6.35084 26.5904 6.32415 26.2702C6.31526 26.1101 6.30638 25.9589 6.29749 25.7988V25.5586C6.29749 25.4786 6.30637 25.3985 6.37753 25.3185C6.40421 25.2918 6.4487 25.2829 6.47538 25.3096C6.47538 25.3185 6.48429 25.3274 6.48429 25.3274Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M5.36354 26.7328C5.4347 26.7684 5.4525 26.8128 5.46139 26.8662L5.47915 27.0085C5.49694 27.1064 5.50587 27.1953 5.51477 27.2932C5.53256 27.4799 5.55035 27.6667 5.55924 27.8624C5.55924 27.898 5.53255 27.9158 5.50586 27.9247C5.47918 27.9247 5.46138 27.9069 5.45249 27.8891C5.37243 27.7112 5.32797 27.5244 5.28349 27.3376C5.2657 27.2398 5.23901 27.1508 5.23012 27.053L5.20345 26.9107C5.19455 26.8662 5.20341 26.8128 5.25678 26.7595C5.28347 26.715 5.32796 26.7061 5.36354 26.7328Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M6.35972 29.2318C6.44867 29.2763 6.49313 29.3385 6.52871 29.4097L6.62657 29.6143L6.81332 30.0235L7.18692 30.8507C7.19582 30.8774 7.18694 30.9129 7.16026 30.9218C7.13357 30.9307 7.10686 30.9218 7.08907 30.904C6.90228 30.6639 6.74216 30.397 6.59095 30.1302C6.51979 29.9968 6.44864 29.8633 6.37748 29.721L6.27963 29.5164C6.24405 29.4453 6.22628 29.3741 6.25296 29.2763C6.26186 29.2407 6.30633 29.214 6.34191 29.2229C6.35081 29.2318 6.35083 29.2318 6.35972 29.2318Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.46278 26.9995C7.54284 27.044 7.5695 27.1062 7.5784 27.1596L7.61397 27.3375C7.64065 27.4531 7.65847 27.5776 7.68515 27.6933C7.72963 27.9334 7.76522 28.1736 7.78301 28.4227C7.78301 28.4494 7.76521 28.476 7.72963 28.4849C7.70294 28.4849 7.68515 28.476 7.67625 28.4493C7.5873 28.2181 7.51614 27.9868 7.45388 27.7467C7.42719 27.631 7.39162 27.5065 7.36493 27.3909L7.32046 27.213C7.30267 27.1507 7.30266 27.0884 7.35603 27.0173C7.38271 26.9906 7.4272 26.9817 7.46278 26.9995Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.91252 25.336C8.99258 25.3804 9.02816 25.4427 9.04595 25.505L9.09933 25.6917C9.1349 25.8163 9.17049 25.9408 9.19718 26.0653C9.25944 26.3144 9.31279 26.5723 9.35727 26.8303C9.36616 26.857 9.33948 26.8926 9.31279 26.8926C9.28611 26.8926 9.25945 26.8837 9.25055 26.857C9.14382 26.6168 9.05485 26.3767 8.9659 26.1276C8.92143 26.0031 8.88586 25.8785 8.84138 25.754L8.78801 25.5672C8.77022 25.505 8.76134 25.4427 8.80581 25.3537C8.8325 25.3271 8.87694 25.3093 8.91252 25.336Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.5848 25.2113C10.6738 25.2557 10.7093 25.318 10.736 25.3892L10.8072 25.5937C10.8606 25.7272 10.905 25.8695 10.9495 26.0118C11.0384 26.2875 11.1274 26.5722 11.1985 26.8568C11.2074 26.8835 11.1897 26.9191 11.1541 26.928C11.1274 26.9369 11.1007 26.9191 11.0918 26.9013C10.9584 26.6433 10.8339 26.3765 10.7182 26.1096C10.6649 25.9762 10.6026 25.8428 10.5581 25.7005L10.4781 25.4959C10.4514 25.4247 10.4425 25.3536 10.4781 25.2646C10.4958 25.2113 10.5314 25.1935 10.5848 25.2113C10.5759 25.2024 10.5759 25.2113 10.5848 25.2113Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.7554 24.8821C12.8354 24.9088 12.871 24.9533 12.8888 24.9978L12.951 25.149C12.9866 25.2468 13.0222 25.3446 13.0578 25.4514C13.1289 25.656 13.1912 25.8606 13.2357 26.0651C13.2446 26.0918 13.2268 26.1274 13.1912 26.1274C13.1645 26.1363 13.1467 26.1185 13.1289 26.1007C13.0133 25.9139 12.9244 25.7271 12.8265 25.5314C12.782 25.4336 12.7376 25.3358 12.702 25.2379L12.6397 25.0956C12.6219 25.0422 12.613 24.9889 12.6486 24.9177C12.6753 24.8821 12.7198 24.8732 12.7554 24.8821Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.3295 23.1836C14.4185 23.228 14.4541 23.2814 14.4718 23.3437L14.543 23.5394C14.5964 23.6728 14.6319 23.7973 14.6853 23.9307C14.7743 24.1976 14.8543 24.4555 14.9166 24.7313C14.9255 24.758 14.9077 24.7935 14.8721 24.8024C14.8454 24.8113 14.8188 24.7935 14.8099 24.7758C14.6765 24.5356 14.5608 24.2776 14.4541 24.0286C14.4007 23.9041 14.3473 23.7795 14.2939 23.6461L14.2228 23.4504C14.1961 23.3882 14.1872 23.317 14.2228 23.228C14.2406 23.1836 14.285 23.1658 14.3295 23.1836C14.3295 23.1747 14.3295 23.1836 14.3295 23.1836Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.0374 23.8241C16.1175 23.8952 16.1531 23.9753 16.1708 24.0642L16.2242 24.3222C16.2598 24.5001 16.2865 24.6691 16.3221 24.847C16.3754 25.1939 16.4199 25.5497 16.4466 25.9055C16.4466 25.9322 16.4288 25.9589 16.3932 25.9677C16.3665 25.9677 16.3398 25.95 16.3398 25.9233C16.242 25.5853 16.1709 25.2384 16.0908 24.8915L15.9751 24.3756L15.9129 24.1176C15.8951 24.0287 15.8862 23.9397 15.9307 23.8419C15.9485 23.8063 15.984 23.7885 16.0196 23.8063C16.0285 23.8152 16.0374 23.8152 16.0374 23.8241Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.3169 26.0386C15.3881 26.083 15.4059 26.1364 15.4147 26.1987L15.4326 26.3677C15.4414 26.4833 15.4503 26.5901 15.4592 26.7057C15.477 26.9281 15.4859 27.1593 15.477 27.3906C15.477 27.4173 15.4503 27.444 15.4147 27.444C15.3881 27.444 15.3703 27.4262 15.3614 27.3995C15.2991 27.1771 15.2546 26.9547 15.219 26.7324C15.2013 26.6167 15.1835 26.51 15.1657 26.3944L15.1479 26.2254C15.139 26.172 15.1479 26.1097 15.2013 26.0475C15.2369 26.0208 15.2813 26.0119 15.3169 26.0386Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.956 27.2665C14.0272 27.3288 14.0538 27.4088 14.0627 27.48L14.0894 27.7023C14.1072 27.8536 14.1161 28.0048 14.125 28.156C14.1428 28.4584 14.1517 28.7608 14.1339 29.0632C14.1339 29.0899 14.1072 29.1166 14.0716 29.1166C14.0449 29.1166 14.0271 29.0988 14.0182 29.0721C13.9649 28.7786 13.9204 28.4762 13.876 28.1827L13.8137 27.7379L13.787 27.5155C13.7781 27.4444 13.7781 27.3643 13.8315 27.2843C13.8671 27.2487 13.9115 27.2398 13.956 27.2665C13.9471 27.2665 13.956 27.2665 13.956 27.2665Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.0525 26.297C12.1326 26.3147 12.1593 26.3592 12.1682 26.4037L12.2126 26.5371C12.2393 26.6261 12.266 26.715 12.2927 26.7951C12.3371 26.973 12.3816 27.1509 12.4083 27.3288C12.4083 27.3554 12.3905 27.391 12.355 27.391C12.3283 27.391 12.3105 27.3821 12.3016 27.3643C12.2126 27.2042 12.1326 27.0352 12.0703 26.8751C12.0347 26.7951 11.9991 26.7061 11.9724 26.6261L11.928 26.5015C11.9102 26.4571 11.9102 26.4126 11.9547 26.3503C11.9725 26.2969 12.017 26.2881 12.0525 26.297Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.80208 28.0309C9.88213 28.0754 9.91771 28.1376 9.9355 28.1999L9.99778 28.3956L10.1223 28.7781C10.2024 29.036 10.2824 29.294 10.3536 29.5608C10.3625 29.5875 10.3447 29.6231 10.3091 29.632C10.2824 29.6409 10.2557 29.6231 10.2468 29.6053C10.1134 29.3651 9.99776 29.1161 9.89103 28.867C9.83766 28.7425 9.79317 28.6091 9.7487 28.4845L9.68646 28.2889C9.66867 28.2266 9.65975 28.1554 9.70423 28.0665C9.72202 28.0309 9.7665 28.0131 9.80208 28.0309Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M8.54786 29.5703C8.61901 29.5703 8.64573 29.597 8.66352 29.6237L8.69909 29.7126C8.72577 29.7749 8.75244 29.8372 8.77023 29.8994C8.8147 30.0239 8.85919 30.1485 8.87698 30.2819C8.88588 30.3175 8.85919 30.3442 8.83251 30.3442C8.81472 30.3442 8.78803 30.3353 8.77913 30.3264C8.69018 30.2196 8.61902 30.1129 8.55676 29.9973C8.53008 29.935 8.4945 29.8816 8.46781 29.8194L8.42334 29.7304C8.40555 29.7037 8.40557 29.6681 8.45005 29.6059C8.47673 29.5792 8.51228 29.5703 8.54786 29.5703Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M7.97856 31.616C8.05861 31.6071 8.09421 31.6338 8.12979 31.6693L8.21874 31.7761C8.281 31.8472 8.33437 31.9184 8.39664 31.9896C8.51227 32.1408 8.61898 32.2831 8.72572 32.4432C8.74351 32.4699 8.73464 32.5055 8.70796 32.5233C8.69017 32.5321 8.66346 32.5321 8.64567 32.5233C8.48557 32.4165 8.35216 32.2831 8.21874 32.1497C8.15647 32.0785 8.0853 32.0162 8.02303 31.9451L7.93409 31.8384C7.9074 31.8028 7.88073 31.7583 7.90742 31.6782C7.89852 31.6427 7.93409 31.616 7.97856 31.616Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M9.84658 31.2773C9.93553 31.2951 9.9889 31.3485 10.0334 31.4019L10.1579 31.5709L10.407 31.9089C10.576 32.1312 10.7449 32.3536 10.9051 32.5938C10.9228 32.6205 10.914 32.656 10.8873 32.6738C10.8695 32.6916 10.8339 32.6827 10.8161 32.6738C10.6026 32.487 10.3981 32.2825 10.2113 32.069C10.1223 31.9622 10.0245 31.8555 9.93553 31.7399L9.8021 31.5709C9.75763 31.5086 9.73097 31.4464 9.73986 31.3485C9.76655 31.304 9.8021 31.2773 9.84658 31.2773Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M10.9318 28.7874C11.0118 28.8141 11.0474 28.8585 11.0652 28.9119L11.1274 29.0631C11.1719 29.161 11.2075 29.2677 11.2431 29.3744C11.3142 29.579 11.3854 29.7925 11.4299 30.0149C11.4388 30.0416 11.4121 30.0771 11.3854 30.0771C11.3587 30.086 11.3409 30.0682 11.3231 30.0505C11.2075 29.8548 11.1097 29.668 11.0207 29.4634C10.9762 29.3656 10.9229 29.2677 10.8873 29.161L10.825 29.0098C10.8072 28.9564 10.7983 28.903 10.8339 28.823C10.8517 28.7874 10.8873 28.7785 10.9318 28.7874Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M12.5328 28.7426C12.6218 28.8049 12.6573 28.876 12.684 28.9561L12.7552 29.1962C12.7997 29.3563 12.8441 29.5165 12.8886 29.6766C12.9687 30.0057 13.0398 30.3259 13.0843 30.6639C13.0843 30.6906 13.0665 30.7262 13.0398 30.7262C13.0131 30.7262 12.9865 30.7173 12.9776 30.6906C12.8619 30.3793 12.7641 30.059 12.6573 29.7477C12.604 29.5876 12.5506 29.4275 12.5061 29.2763L12.435 29.0361C12.4083 28.9561 12.3994 28.876 12.435 28.7782C12.4528 28.7426 12.4883 28.7248 12.5239 28.7337L12.5328 28.7426Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.0945 28.6359C15.1568 28.6715 15.1746 28.7159 15.1746 28.7604V28.885C15.1746 28.9739 15.1746 29.054 15.1746 29.1429C15.1657 29.3119 15.1568 29.4898 15.1301 29.6588C15.1212 29.6855 15.0945 29.7122 15.0679 29.7033C15.0412 29.7033 15.0323 29.6855 15.0234 29.6588C14.9789 29.4898 14.9611 29.3208 14.9433 29.1518C14.9344 29.0628 14.9255 28.9828 14.9255 28.8938L14.9166 28.7693C14.9166 28.7248 14.9255 28.6804 14.9878 28.6359C15.0234 28.6181 15.0678 28.6181 15.0945 28.6359Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M16.4376 27.3729C16.4999 27.4351 16.5087 27.5063 16.5087 27.5686L16.4999 27.7643C16.491 27.8888 16.4732 28.0222 16.4643 28.1467C16.4287 28.4047 16.3931 28.6537 16.322 28.9117C16.3131 28.9384 16.2864 28.9562 16.2508 28.9473C16.2241 28.9384 16.2063 28.9206 16.2063 28.8939C16.1974 28.6359 16.2063 28.378 16.2152 28.1289L16.233 27.7465L16.2419 27.5597C16.2419 27.4974 16.2597 27.4351 16.3308 27.3729C16.3575 27.3373 16.4109 27.3373 16.4376 27.3729Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.984 30.9929C16.0374 31.0463 16.0374 31.0819 16.0285 31.1174L16.0018 31.2153C15.984 31.2864 15.9573 31.3487 15.9395 31.4199C15.8861 31.5533 15.8328 31.6867 15.7616 31.8112C15.7438 31.8379 15.7083 31.8468 15.6816 31.829C15.6638 31.8201 15.6549 31.8023 15.6549 31.7757C15.6549 31.6333 15.6816 31.491 15.7082 31.3487C15.726 31.2775 15.7349 31.2153 15.7527 31.1441L15.7794 31.0463C15.7883 31.0107 15.815 30.984 15.8861 30.9662C15.9128 30.9573 15.9573 30.9662 15.984 30.9929Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M14.2051 30.059C14.2762 30.1034 14.294 30.1568 14.3029 30.2102L14.3207 30.3703C14.3385 30.477 14.3474 30.5838 14.3563 30.6905C14.3741 30.904 14.383 31.1175 14.383 31.3398C14.383 31.3665 14.3563 31.3932 14.3207 31.3932C14.2941 31.3932 14.2763 31.3754 14.2674 31.3576C14.2051 31.153 14.1517 30.9396 14.1161 30.7261C14.0983 30.6193 14.0805 30.5126 14.0628 30.4059L14.0361 30.2458C14.0272 30.1924 14.0361 30.139 14.0895 30.0768C14.125 30.0412 14.1695 30.0323 14.2051 30.059Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.7768 31.2156C11.8569 31.2067 11.8836 31.2334 11.9103 31.269L11.9814 31.3668C12.0259 31.4291 12.0703 31.5002 12.1148 31.5625C12.2038 31.6959 12.2838 31.8382 12.355 31.9894C12.3639 32.0161 12.355 32.0517 12.3283 32.0606C12.3105 32.0695 12.2838 32.0695 12.2661 32.0517C12.1415 31.945 12.0348 31.8293 11.928 31.7048C11.8747 31.6425 11.8213 31.5803 11.7768 31.518L11.7056 31.4202C11.679 31.3846 11.6701 31.349 11.6968 31.2779C11.7057 31.2423 11.7413 31.2245 11.7768 31.2156Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M11.8924 33.1632C11.9636 33.1187 12.0081 33.1276 12.0436 33.1454L12.1682 33.1988C12.2482 33.2344 12.3283 33.27 12.4083 33.3144C12.5684 33.3945 12.7285 33.4745 12.8797 33.5813C12.9064 33.5991 12.9153 33.6347 12.8975 33.6613C12.8887 33.6791 12.862 33.688 12.8442 33.688C12.6663 33.6524 12.4884 33.5991 12.3194 33.5457C12.2393 33.5101 12.1504 33.4834 12.0703 33.4479L11.9458 33.3945C11.9013 33.3767 11.8657 33.35 11.8568 33.27C11.839 33.2255 11.8568 33.1899 11.8924 33.1632Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M13.8048 31.9985C13.8849 32.0074 13.9294 32.043 13.9561 32.0875L14.045 32.2209C14.1073 32.3099 14.1606 32.3988 14.214 32.4966C14.3208 32.6834 14.4186 32.8791 14.4898 33.0837C14.4987 33.1104 14.4809 33.146 14.4542 33.1549C14.4275 33.1638 14.4097 33.1549 14.3919 33.1371C14.2585 32.9681 14.134 32.7991 14.0095 32.6301C13.9472 32.5411 13.8849 32.4611 13.8316 32.3721L13.7426 32.2387C13.7159 32.1942 13.6981 32.1409 13.7159 32.0608C13.7248 32.0252 13.7693 31.9985 13.8048 31.9985Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.0678 32.1763C15.139 32.2207 15.1567 32.2652 15.1656 32.3186L15.1834 32.4698C15.1923 32.5676 15.2012 32.6744 15.2012 32.7722C15.2101 32.9768 15.2101 33.1814 15.1745 33.3771C15.1656 33.4038 15.139 33.4304 15.1123 33.4215C15.0856 33.4215 15.0678 33.4038 15.0678 33.3771C15.0233 33.1814 14.9966 32.9857 14.961 32.79C14.9521 32.6922 14.9344 32.5943 14.9166 32.4965L14.8988 32.3453C14.8899 32.2919 14.8988 32.2474 14.961 32.1852C14.9877 32.1585 15.0322 32.1496 15.0678 32.1763Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M15.6282 21.7605C15.7083 21.7694 15.735 21.805 15.7528 21.8405L15.8061 21.9651C15.8417 22.0451 15.8773 22.1252 15.9129 22.2052C15.9841 22.3742 16.0463 22.5343 16.0908 22.7122C16.0997 22.7389 16.0819 22.7745 16.0463 22.7834C16.0196 22.7923 16.0018 22.7834 15.984 22.7656C15.8684 22.6233 15.7795 22.4721 15.6905 22.3209C15.646 22.2408 15.6016 22.1696 15.566 22.0896L15.5037 21.974C15.4859 21.9384 15.477 21.885 15.5126 21.8227C15.5571 21.7694 15.5927 21.7516 15.6282 21.7605Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.1569 22.1844C28.9933 22.5568 28.814 22.9212 28.6426 23.2856L28.1047 24.371C27.7462 25.0999 27.4033 25.8209 27.0915 26.5656C26.7797 27.3103 26.5147 28.0629 26.3199 28.8473L26.1874 29.4336C26.1562 29.6316 26.1173 29.8297 26.0861 30.0277C26.0627 30.2258 26.0393 30.4239 26.0159 30.6219L26.0003 30.9151C25.9925 31.0101 26.0003 31.1131 26.0003 31.2161C26.0003 31.6123 26.0315 32.0163 26.0861 32.4124C26.1406 32.8086 26.203 33.2047 26.2887 33.6008C26.4524 34.3852 26.6706 35.1616 26.8966 35.938C27.0136 36.3262 27.1305 36.7144 27.2474 37.0947L27.2942 37.2373C27.3097 37.2927 27.3253 37.3482 27.3331 37.4037C27.3487 37.5146 27.3487 37.6334 27.3253 37.7443C27.2864 37.9662 27.1929 38.1642 27.0837 38.3464C26.9746 38.5287 26.8499 38.6871 26.7408 38.8535C26.6862 38.9327 26.6395 39.0199 26.6083 39.0912C26.5927 39.1308 26.5927 39.1625 26.5927 39.1862C26.5927 39.2021 26.6005 39.21 26.6005 39.2179C26.6005 39.2259 26.6161 39.2496 26.6239 39.2655C26.6628 39.3288 26.7174 39.3605 26.7875 39.3764C26.8577 39.3843 26.9512 39.3764 27.037 39.3526C27.2162 39.3051 27.3955 39.2179 27.5747 39.1308C27.9333 38.9565 28.2996 38.7584 28.7283 38.6792C28.8374 38.6554 28.9543 38.6554 29.0478 38.6475L29.3518 38.6317C29.5544 38.6237 29.7571 38.6158 29.9519 38.6C30.7547 38.5445 31.5575 38.4574 32.3447 38.3148C33.9269 38.0375 35.4779 37.5542 36.8887 36.7778C37.5901 36.3896 38.2526 35.9301 38.8605 35.3992C39.4685 34.8764 40.0063 34.2742 40.4895 33.6325C41.4482 32.3411 42.1341 30.8596 42.6095 29.3147C42.6173 29.283 42.6485 29.2672 42.6796 29.2751C42.7108 29.283 42.7264 29.3147 42.7186 29.3464C42.251 30.8992 41.5729 32.3966 40.6142 33.7197C39.6633 35.0427 38.4163 36.1519 36.99 36.9441C35.5637 37.7364 33.9893 38.2355 32.3915 38.5287C31.5887 38.6713 30.7859 38.7743 29.9753 38.8297C29.7727 38.8456 29.57 38.8614 29.3674 38.8693L29.0634 38.8852C28.9543 38.8931 28.8686 38.8931 28.775 38.9089C28.4009 38.9803 28.0502 39.1704 27.6839 39.3526C27.4968 39.4398 27.3175 39.5348 27.0993 39.5903C26.9902 39.622 26.8733 39.6378 26.7486 39.622C26.6161 39.6061 26.4914 39.519 26.4212 39.4081C26.4057 39.3764 26.3901 39.3605 26.3745 39.3209C26.3589 39.2892 26.3511 39.2496 26.3433 39.21C26.3355 39.1308 26.3511 39.0674 26.3667 39.0119C26.4056 38.8931 26.468 38.806 26.5225 38.7188C26.6395 38.5445 26.7642 38.3861 26.8655 38.2197C26.9668 38.0533 27.0448 37.879 27.0759 37.7047C27.0915 37.6176 27.0915 37.5304 27.0759 37.4433C27.0681 37.3957 27.0604 37.3561 27.0448 37.3165L26.998 37.1739C26.8811 36.7857 26.7564 36.3975 26.6395 36.0093C26.4134 35.2329 26.1874 34.4485 26.0237 33.6563C25.938 33.2602 25.8678 32.8561 25.8133 32.4521C25.7587 32.048 25.7275 31.636 25.7275 31.2241C25.7275 31.1211 25.7275 31.0181 25.7275 30.9151L25.7431 30.6061C25.7665 30.4001 25.7899 30.202 25.8133 29.9961C25.8445 29.798 25.8835 29.592 25.9146 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40.4226 27.7526 40.4418 27.7269C40.4606 27.7101 40.488 27.7025 40.5056 27.7123C40.7354 27.8036 40.9554 27.9122 41.1664 28.0204C41.2717 28.0789 41.3864 28.129 41.4917 28.1875L41.6497 28.2753C41.7023 28.3046 41.7456 28.3423 41.7773 28.4327C41.7842 28.4775 41.7551 28.5205 41.7187 28.5276Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M40.8251 25.5405C40.7682 25.6 40.7139 25.6062 40.6689 25.604L40.5256 25.588C40.4267 25.5832 40.3288 25.5606 40.2299 25.5557C40.0331 25.5282 39.8362 25.5008 39.6316 25.4462C39.6051 25.436 39.5794 25.4081 39.5901 25.3731C39.6003 25.3469 39.6191 25.3301 39.6371 25.3309C39.8361 25.3141 40.0436 25.3065 40.2417 25.3074C40.3406 25.3122 40.4398 25.3082 40.5473 25.3224L40.6996 25.3388C40.7535 25.3414 40.7976 25.3614 40.8392 25.4345C40.8649 25.4625 40.8533 25.5152 40.8251 25.5405Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M40.1069 24.5452C40.0766 24.6148 40.0398 24.6308 40.0034 24.6379L39.8948 24.6503C39.822 24.6645 39.7407 24.6694 39.6684 24.6747C39.5148 24.6849 39.3698 24.7045 39.2166 24.7058C39.1896 24.7045 39.1635 24.6854 39.1562 24.6495C39.1571 24.6318 39.1673 24.6056 39.1857 24.5976C39.3243 24.5244 39.4706 24.4783 39.6259 24.4326C39.6987 24.4184 39.7808 24.3958 39.8535 24.3816L39.9716 24.3607C40.008 24.3536 40.0525 24.3647 40.0949 24.4201C40.1107 24.4653 40.1176 24.5101 40.1069 24.5452Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M39.6036 23.9512C39.5913 24.0217 39.5626 24.0558 39.5258 24.0718L39.4244 24.1201C39.3598 24.1525 39.2863 24.1845 39.2127 24.2164C39.0745 24.2807 38.9367 24.3362 38.781 24.3907C38.7536 24.3983 38.7181 24.3877 38.7104 24.3606C38.7023 24.3424 38.7125 24.3163 38.7224 24.299C38.8361 24.1801 38.9666 24.0887 39.097 23.9973C39.162 23.9561 39.236 23.9153 39.3096 23.8833L39.42 23.8354C39.4568 23.8195 39.5021 23.8128 39.5629 23.8603C39.5985 23.8709 39.6143 23.9161 39.6036 23.9512Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.0145 30.2779C36.9353 30.2385 36.9109 30.1839 36.8955 30.1298L36.8582 29.968C36.8363 29.8602 36.8148 29.7436 36.7929 29.6358C36.7586 29.4119 36.7238 29.1968 36.6984 28.9733C36.6907 28.9463 36.7193 28.9121 36.7463 28.9134C36.7732 28.9148 36.7908 28.9245 36.8079 28.9431C36.906 29.1524 36.9678 29.3688 37.0295 29.5852C37.0604 29.6934 37.0823 29.8012 37.1132 29.9094L37.1505 30.0713C37.1659 30.1254 37.1634 30.1786 37.1151 30.2473C37.0954 30.2819 37.0501 30.2886 37.0145 30.2779Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.68 30.4887C37.6008 30.4493 37.5764 30.3947 37.561 30.3406L37.5151 30.1694C37.4846 30.0524 37.4542 29.9353 37.4328 29.8187C37.3808 29.585 37.3289 29.3513 37.3043 29.11C37.2966 29.083 37.3253 29.0488 37.3522 29.0501C37.3792 29.0515 37.3968 29.0612 37.4139 29.0799C37.5116 29.298 37.5909 29.5242 37.6702 29.7503C37.7096 29.8678 37.7405 29.9761 37.7799 30.0936L37.8258 30.2647C37.8412 30.3188 37.8473 30.3814 37.7986 30.459C37.7699 30.4931 37.7151 30.5082 37.68 30.4887Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.255 30.5258C38.1754 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fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M33.2891 28.5035C33.2655 28.4312 33.2766 28.3873 33.3048 28.362L33.3813 28.268C33.4292 28.2081 33.4861 28.1487 33.543 28.0892C33.6567 27.9704 33.779 27.8608 33.9095 27.7694C33.9373 27.753 33.9732 27.7548 33.9899 27.7823C34.007 27.8009 34.0058 27.8275 33.996 27.8448C33.9169 27.9921 33.8207 28.1207 33.7245 28.2493C33.6766 28.3092 33.6283 28.3779 33.5804 28.4378L33.5129 28.5323C33.4932 28.5669 33.4564 28.5828 33.3755 28.5789C33.34 28.5682 33.3053 28.5398 33.2891 28.5035Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M32.6276 28.0176C32.6224 27.9373 32.6511 27.9032 32.6883 27.8784L32.7909 27.8034C32.8654 27.7537 32.9308 27.7036 33.0056 27.645C33.1545 27.5457 33.2943 27.4459 33.4607 27.3563C33.4885 27.3399 33.5241 27.3505 33.5408 27.378C33.5489 27.3962 33.5477 27.4228 33.5378 27.4401C33.4228 27.5856 33.2996 27.7129 33.1675 27.8397C33.1016 27.8987 33.0358 27.9577 32.9609 28.0162L32.8579 28.1001C32.8207 28.1249 32.7749 28.1404 32.7038 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25.772 30.4858 25.7077C30.4601 25.6798 30.4532 25.635 30.4639 25.6Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.0883 24.9772C30.1366 24.9084 30.1824 24.8929 30.2363 24.8956L30.3805 24.8938C30.4798 24.8898 30.5786 24.8946 30.6779 24.8906C30.876 24.8915 31.0737 24.9012 31.2706 24.9287C31.2975 24.93 31.3232 24.9579 31.3215 24.9934C31.3202 25.02 31.3014 25.0369 31.2745 25.0355C31.0742 25.079 30.8838 25.1052 30.6849 25.1221C30.5856 25.1261 30.4859 25.139 30.3957 25.1434L30.251 25.1541C30.2057 25.1608 30.1522 25.1492 30.1012 25.0845C30.0665 25.0561 30.0687 25.0118 30.0883 24.9772Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.9451 22.8804C30.0195 22.8307 30.073 22.8422 30.1265 22.8537L30.2861 22.9061C30.3927 22.938 30.4988 22.9787 30.6049 23.0195C30.8172 23.1011 31.0287 23.2004 31.2217 23.3077C31.2478 23.3268 31.2556 23.3538 31.2449 23.3888C31.2351 23.4061 31.2073 23.4226 31.1897 23.4128C30.9668 23.3663 30.7442 23.3109 30.5311 23.247C30.4245 23.2151 30.3179 23.1832 30.2114 23.1513L30.0518 23.099C29.9987 23.0786 29.9456 23.0582 29.9135 22.9766C29.8968 22.9491 29.9078 22.9052 29.9451 22.8804Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.3352 22.2507C30.4088 22.2188 30.4533 22.2299 30.497 22.2587L30.6194 22.3358C30.6981 22.3842 30.7765 22.4414 30.8552 22.4897C31.0123 22.5952 31.169 22.7096 31.3069 22.8409C31.333 22.8599 31.3313 22.8954 31.3121 22.9211C31.2933 22.938 31.2749 22.946 31.2483 22.9358C31.0711 22.8737 30.8952 22.785 30.7283 22.6968C30.6495 22.6485 30.5614 22.6086 30.4826 22.5603L30.3597 22.492C30.3156 22.472 30.2814 22.4348 30.2762 22.3545C30.2697 22.3009 30.2984 22.2667 30.3352 22.2507Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M30.6574 21.9201C30.7305 21.897 30.784 21.9085 30.8187 21.9369L30.9407 22.0229C31.0191 22.0801 31.0974 22.1373 31.1758 22.1945C31.323 22.3173 31.4699 22.449 31.5975 22.6064C31.6142 22.6339 31.6125 22.6694 31.5937 22.6863C31.5749 22.7031 31.5479 22.7018 31.5303 22.692C31.3638 22.5949 31.1973 22.4978 31.0402 22.3923C30.9614 22.344 30.8741 22.2864 30.7954 22.238L30.6729 22.1609C30.6293 22.1321 30.604 22.0953 30.5988 22.015C30.6009 21.9706 30.6206 21.9361 30.6574 21.9201Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.0068 21.7556C34.0868 21.7774 34.1121 21.8142 34.1284 21.8505L34.1854 21.9778C34.2265 22.0598 34.2492 22.1498 34.2899 22.2407C34.3534 22.4217 34.4078 22.6022 34.4259 22.7897C34.4336 22.8168 34.405 22.8509 34.378 22.8496C34.3511 22.8483 34.3335 22.8385 34.3254 22.8204C34.2341 22.6558 34.1609 22.4922 34.0696 22.3277C34.0285 22.2457 33.9874 22.1636 33.9556 22.0732L33.8986 21.9459C33.8828 21.9007 33.8759 21.8559 33.9152 21.7867C33.9251 21.7694 33.9619 21.7534 34.0068 21.7556Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M34.6452 21.7782C34.7163 21.7994 34.733 21.8269 34.7403 21.8628L34.7626 21.9617C34.7776 22.0247 34.7832 22.0961 34.7982 22.1591C34.8188 22.2934 34.8301 22.4362 34.8054 22.5773C34.8037 22.6127 34.7758 22.6291 34.7399 22.6274C34.7219 22.6265 34.7048 22.6079 34.6967 22.5897C34.6397 22.4624 34.6006 22.336 34.5616 22.2097C34.5466 22.1467 34.5226 22.0833 34.508 22.0114L34.4857 21.9126C34.4784 21.8766 34.4801 21.8412 34.5361 21.7995C34.5643 21.7742 34.6007 21.7671 34.6452 21.7782Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M35.3058 21.7129C35.3666 21.7604 35.3825 21.8056 35.3808 21.8411L35.3744 21.9741C35.3702 22.0628 35.366 22.1515 35.3622 22.2314C35.3447 22.4083 35.3277 22.5764 35.2833 22.752C35.2731 22.7782 35.2448 22.8034 35.2183 22.7932C35.1913 22.7919 35.1832 22.7737 35.1755 22.7467C35.139 22.5671 35.1291 22.3977 35.1195 22.2194C35.1148 22.1303 35.11 22.0411 35.1138 21.9613L35.1112 21.8278C35.1133 21.7835 35.1244 21.7396 35.1894 21.6983C35.2347 21.6917 35.2797 21.6939 35.3058 21.7129Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.1803 22.6405C37.2223 22.7048 37.2116 22.7398 37.2014 22.766L37.1522 22.8525C37.1223 22.9132 37.0838 22.9647 37.0449 23.025C36.9765 23.1372 36.8987 23.2578 36.8128 23.3603C36.7935 23.386 36.7576 23.3842 36.7315 23.3652C36.7139 23.3554 36.7062 23.3284 36.7071 23.3106C36.7318 23.1696 36.7741 23.0383 36.8253 22.9075C36.8552 22.8467 36.8766 22.7767 36.9155 22.7163L36.9651 22.621C36.9848 22.5864 37.0126 22.57 37.0849 22.5647C37.12 22.5842 37.1551 22.6037 37.1803 22.6405Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M37.7644 22.8566C37.7974 22.9204 37.7867 22.9555 37.7679 22.9723L37.7111 23.0317C37.673 23.0743 37.6353 23.108 37.5973 23.1506C37.5126 23.2265 37.4279 23.3023 37.3261 23.3595C37.2983 23.3759 37.2628 23.3653 37.2461 23.3378C37.238 23.3196 37.2388 23.3019 37.2397 23.2841C37.2901 23.1711 37.3486 23.0761 37.4162 22.9817C37.4542 22.9391 37.4837 22.8872 37.5218 22.8446L37.5791 22.7763C37.5983 22.7506 37.6257 22.7431 37.6878 22.7639C37.7224 22.7923 37.7482 22.8202 37.7644 22.8566Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M38.0855 23.1119C38.1001 23.1837 38.0894 23.2188 38.0612 23.2441L37.9859 23.3115C37.9385 23.3625 37.8825 23.4042 37.8264 23.4459C37.7144 23.5292 37.6113 23.6131 37.4907 23.6872C37.4629 23.7036 37.4273 23.6929 37.4106 23.6654C37.4025 23.6473 37.4033 23.6295 37.4132 23.6122C37.4824 23.4823 37.5777 23.3714 37.6637 23.2689C37.7111 23.2179 37.7586 23.1669 37.8151 23.1164L37.8904 23.0489C37.9186 23.0237 37.9464 23.0073 38.017 23.0374C38.044 23.0387 38.0692 23.0755 38.0855 23.1119Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.7017 38.7823C26.7563 38.7348 26.8031 38.7427 26.8342 38.7665C26.8654 38.7823 26.8966 38.8061 26.9278 38.8298C26.9901 38.8774 27.0369 38.9328 27.0837 38.9962C27.1616 39.123 27.2006 39.2735 27.185 39.4082C27.185 39.4399 27.1538 39.4636 27.1226 39.4636C27.0993 39.4636 27.0837 39.4478 27.0759 39.432C27.0213 39.321 26.959 39.218 26.8888 39.1467C26.8576 39.1071 26.8109 39.0754 26.7719 39.0437C26.7485 39.0279 26.7251 39.0121 26.7017 39.0041C26.6783 38.9883 26.6628 38.9645 26.6628 38.8932V38.8853C26.655 38.8378 26.6705 38.8061 26.7017 38.7823Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.6969 25.3295C28.7281 25.4166 28.7125 25.4721 28.6813 25.5276L28.5956 25.686C28.541 25.7969 28.4786 25.8999 28.4163 26.0029C28.2916 26.2168 28.1669 26.4228 28.0188 26.6209C28.0032 26.6446 27.9643 26.6526 27.9409 26.6367C27.9175 26.6209 27.9097 26.5971 27.9175 26.5733C27.9954 26.3357 28.0967 26.1138 28.1981 25.892C28.2526 25.7811 28.3072 25.6702 28.3617 25.5593L28.4475 25.3929C28.4787 25.3374 28.5176 25.2899 28.6034 25.2661C28.6423 25.2661 28.6813 25.2899 28.6969 25.3295Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.9931 26.9299C29.0243 27.0092 29.0087 27.0646 28.9775 27.1201L28.8918 27.2706C28.8372 27.3657 28.7749 27.4687 28.7203 27.5637C28.6034 27.7539 28.4787 27.944 28.3384 28.1263C28.3228 28.15 28.2838 28.1579 28.2604 28.1342C28.2449 28.1183 28.2371 28.0946 28.2449 28.0708C28.3228 27.8569 28.4164 27.6509 28.5177 27.4449C28.5722 27.3419 28.619 27.2389 28.6736 27.1439L28.7515 26.9933C28.7827 26.9458 28.8138 26.8982 28.8996 26.8824C28.9385 26.8666 28.9775 26.8903 28.9931 26.9299Z\" 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29.8854C27.6448 29.8537 27.6838 29.8696 27.7072 29.9013Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.8426 27.413C29.8816 27.4764 29.8738 27.5239 29.8504 27.5556L29.7958 27.6586C29.7568 27.7299 29.7179 27.7933 29.6711 27.8567C29.5854 27.9834 29.4996 28.1102 29.3905 28.229C29.3671 28.2528 29.336 28.2528 29.3126 28.229C29.297 28.2132 29.2892 28.1894 29.297 28.1736C29.3438 28.023 29.3983 27.8725 29.4685 27.7299C29.4996 27.6586 29.5386 27.5873 29.5698 27.516L29.6243 27.413C29.6399 27.3813 29.6711 27.3496 29.749 27.3496C29.788 27.3496 29.827 27.3734 29.8426 27.413Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.7204 29.4254C28.7749 29.4808 28.7749 29.5284 28.7671 29.568L28.7359 29.6947C28.7125 29.7819 28.6892 29.8611 28.6658 29.9483C28.6112 30.1146 28.5567 30.281 28.4787 30.4474C28.4632 30.4791 28.432 30.487 28.4008 30.4711C28.3774 30.4632 28.3696 30.4394 28.3696 30.4157C28.3774 30.2335 28.4008 30.0592 28.4242 29.8849C28.4398 29.7977 28.4554 29.7106 28.4787 29.6234L28.5099 29.4967C28.5177 29.457 28.5411 29.4174 28.619 29.3857C28.6502 29.3857 28.697 29.3937 28.7204 29.4254Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M26.7407 31.2954C26.8108 31.3588 26.8264 31.4301 26.8264 31.4934L26.8342 31.6915C26.842 31.8262 26.842 31.9609 26.842 32.0876C26.842 32.357 26.8342 32.6184 26.8108 32.8878C26.8108 32.9195 26.7796 32.9433 26.7485 32.9353C26.7251 32.9353 26.7017 32.9116 26.7017 32.8878C26.6549 32.6184 26.6238 32.357 26.6004 32.0876C26.5926 31.953 26.577 31.8183 26.577 31.6836L26.5692 31.4855C26.5692 31.4221 26.577 31.3508 26.6394 31.2874C26.6627 31.2637 26.7095 31.2637 26.7407 31.2954Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M28.1046 32.4364C28.1669 32.5078 28.1748 32.5791 28.1748 32.6504L28.167 32.8563C28.1592 32.999 28.1514 33.1336 28.1436 33.2762C28.1202 33.5535 28.0968 33.8308 28.0501 34.1081C28.0423 34.1398 28.0189 34.1557 27.9877 34.1557C27.9643 34.1477 27.9409 34.1319 27.9409 34.1081C27.9176 33.8308 27.9098 33.5535 27.902 33.2683C27.902 33.1257 27.9019 32.991 27.9097 32.8484L27.9175 32.6424C27.9175 32.5711 27.9331 32.5078 28.0033 32.4364C28.0189 32.3968 28.0656 32.3968 28.1046 32.4364C28.0968 32.4285 28.0968 32.4285 28.1046 32.4364Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.7726 30.5664C29.8272 30.6377 29.8271 30.701 29.8193 30.7565L29.7882 30.9308C29.7648 31.0496 29.7414 31.1685 29.718 31.2873C29.6635 31.525 29.6089 31.7547 29.531 31.9845C29.5232 32.0162 29.492 32.032 29.4608 32.0162C29.4375 32.0083 29.4219 31.9845 29.4219 31.9607C29.4297 31.7151 29.453 31.4774 29.4764 31.2398C29.492 31.1209 29.5076 31.0021 29.531 30.8833L29.5622 30.709C29.5699 30.6535 29.5933 30.5901 29.6713 30.5426C29.7024 30.5267 29.7492 30.5347 29.7726 30.5664Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.8272 29.4418C29.7882 29.3705 29.796 29.3229 29.8194 29.2754L29.8896 29.1407C29.9363 29.0536 29.9831 28.9664 30.0299 28.8793C30.1312 28.705 30.2247 28.5307 30.3494 28.3722C30.365 28.3485 30.404 28.3405 30.4274 28.3564C30.443 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37.9505C29.5778 37.8713 29.6323 37.8396 29.6947 37.8158L29.8739 37.7604C29.9909 37.7208 30.1156 37.6891 30.2325 37.6494C30.4741 37.5861 30.7235 37.5306 30.9807 37.5068C31.0119 37.5068 31.0353 37.5227 31.0431 37.5544C31.0431 37.5781 31.0275 37.6019 31.0119 37.6098C30.7781 37.7049 30.5442 37.7921 30.3104 37.8792C30.1935 37.9188 30.0766 37.9663 29.9597 38.006L29.7804 38.0693C29.718 38.0931 29.6557 38.101 29.5778 38.0535C29.5388 38.0377 29.5232 37.9901 29.5388 37.9505Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M29.8583 36.6351C29.8661 36.5638 29.8973 36.5321 29.9363 36.5162L30.0454 36.4687C30.1155 36.437 30.1857 36.4132 30.2558 36.3816C30.3961 36.3261 30.5442 36.2706 30.6923 36.231C30.7235 36.2231 30.7546 36.2389 30.7624 36.2706C30.7702 36.2944 30.7625 36.3103 30.7469 36.3261C30.63 36.437 30.4975 36.5242 30.3572 36.6034C30.287 36.643 30.2169 36.6826 30.1467 36.7143L30.0376 36.7618C29.9986 36.7777 29.9596 36.7777 29.8973 36.7381C29.8661 36.7143 29.8505 36.6747 29.8583 36.6351Z\" 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34.4882 32.789 34.4961C32.75 34.504 32.7189 34.4723 32.7111 34.4327C32.7189 34.4327 32.7189 34.4248 32.7189 34.4169Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M31.838 36.643C31.8692 36.5638 31.9159 36.5242 31.9705 36.5083L32.1264 36.445L32.4459 36.3103C32.6564 36.2231 32.8746 36.136 33.0928 36.0567C33.124 36.0488 33.1552 36.0647 33.163 36.0884C33.1708 36.1122 33.163 36.136 33.1474 36.1518C32.9604 36.2944 32.7577 36.4133 32.5473 36.5242C32.4459 36.5796 32.3368 36.6351 32.2277 36.6747L32.064 36.746C32.0095 36.7698 31.9471 36.7777 31.8692 36.7381C31.838 36.7302 31.8224 36.6906 31.838 36.643Z\" fill=\"black\"><\/path>\n            <path d=\"M32.8825 37.6889C32.9136 37.5938 32.976 37.5542 33.0383 37.5225L33.2332 37.4275C33.3657 37.3641 33.4982 37.3086 33.6307 37.2452C33.9035 37.1343 34.1763 37.0313 34.4568 36.96C34.488 36.9521 34.5192 36.9679 34.527 36.9996C34.5348 37.0234 34.5192 37.0472 34.4958 37.063C34.2386 37.2056 33.9814 37.3324 33.732 37.4671L33.3501 37.6651L33.1553 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