- URL: https://benefitscal.com/
- Date: 07/08/24 13:17:04
Webpage Performance Test Result
- Settings: pixel5
Los Angeles, California, USA
- Test runs: 2
- Custom Metrics

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Is it Quick? Needs Improvement.
This site was quick to connect and deliver initial code. It began rendering content with little delay. There were 52 render-blocking requests. The largest content rendered later than ideal.
- Opportunities 10
- Tips 10
- Pro Experiments 13
Is it Usable? Not bad...
This site had major layout shifts. It took a long time to become interactive. Some HTML was generated after delivery, potentially delaying usability.
- Opportunities 2
- Tips 2
- Pro Experiments 2
Is it Resilient? Not bad...
This site had no render-blocking 3rd party requests that could be a single point of failure. It had no security issues. Some HTML was generated after delivery, which can cause fragility.
- Opportunities 1
- Tips 1
- Pro Experiments 3