- URL: https://florianschulz.info/
- Date: 09/02/24 09:24:28
Webpage Performance Test Result
- Settings: Desktopv128CableFrankfurt, Germany
- Test runs: 1
- Connectivity: 5000/1000 Kbps, 28ms Latency
- Custom Metrics
Requests Details
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Page Performance Metrics (Run 1)
View run details: Run 1 (Repeat View)
TTFB | Start Render | FCP | Speed Index | LCP | CLS | TBT | DC Time | DC Requests | DC Bytes | Total Time | Total Requests | Page Weight |
.384S | 1.800S | 1.743S | 6.570S | 2.226S | .007 | .133S | 4.958S | 28 | 4,044KB | 8.769S | 28 | 4,044KB |
Visual Page Loading Process (Explore)
Navigation Timings | |
domContentLoadedEvent | loadEvent |
1.712s - 1.715s (0.003s) | 4.951s - 4.951s (0s) |
Custom Metrics Data
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- meta-viewport
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- possibly-render-blocking-reqs
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- rendered-html
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display: inline-block;" type="button" appearance="filled" onclick="restartRain()">Pixels, please.</button> </hgroup> </section> <!-- Section: Introduction --> <section name="hello" waypoint="introduction"> <header> <h2 text-style="large-text" animation="reveal">Hi, I’m Florian, a German interface designer based in Zürich. <mark>I design and code</mark> apps, websites and digital tools for people just like you. </h2> </header> </section> <!-- NOTE: Hero Image and Video --> <section class="hero" waypoint="hero-start"> <div class="hero-stack" waypoint="hero-stack" style="top: 163.172px;"> <canvas id="canvas" width="1000" height="666" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 437px; pointer-events: none; opacity: 1;"></canvas> <figure style="opacity: 1;"><img alt="A portrait of Florian Schulz" src="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/media/pages/home/3854396650-1624944347/florian-schulz-designer-portrait.jpg" style="opacity: 0;"></figure> <div id="reel" style="opacity: 0;"> <video id="reel-video" preload="auto" playsinline="" muted="" height="auto" style="opacity: 0;"> <source src="assets/videos/reel.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> <!-- <section name="video-caption"> <div></div> <p style="font-family: var(--monospace-system-font-family); font-size: 14px;" id="video-stats"> </p> <div></div> </section> --> </div> </div> <div part="hero-overlay" waypoint="hero-overlay"> <h2 text-style="huge">Interface design</h2> <h2 text-style="huge">user experience</h2> <h2 text-style="huge">prototyping</h2> <h2 text-style="huge">plugins</h2> <h2 text-style="huge">design tools</h2> <h2 text-style="huge">creative coding</h2> <h2 text-style="huge">education</h2> <h2 text-style="huge">teaching</h2> </div> </section> <!-- Section: Work Experience --> <article class="markdown" layout="home" waypoint="hero-end"> <article class="project-text"> <section> <!-- Work Experience --> <h2>Work Experience</h2> <article layout="cv" id="cv" waypoint="cv"> <hr style="grid-column: 1/4"> <p><strong>Digitalstation</strong> <a href="https://www.digitalstation.ch">digitalstation.ch</a><br> Solopreneur</p> <time>Since 2018</time> <address>Zürich</address> <hr style="grid-column: 1/4"> <p><strong>Zürcher Hochschule der Künste</strong> <a href="https://www.zhdk.ch">zhdk.ch</a><br> Guest Lecturer, Dozent Interface Design (CAS Digital Typography)</p> <time>Since 2018</time> <address>Zürich</address> <hr style="grid-column: 1/4"> <p><strong>Ginetta</strong> <a href="https://www.ginetta.net">ginetta.net</a><br> Interaction Designer</p> <time>2014–2018</time> <address>Zürich</address> <hr style="grid-column: 1/4"> <p><strong>Ergosign</strong> <a href="https://ergosign.ch">ergosign.ch</a><br> Intern / Interaction Designer</p> <time>2013–2014</time> <address>Zürich</address> <hr style="grid-column: 1/4"> <p><strong>Behance</strong> <a href="https://behance.net">behance.com</a><br> Interaction Design Intern, Remote Contracting</p> <time>2012–2013</time> <address>New York</address> <hr style="grid-column: 1/4"> <p><strong>Raureif</strong> <a href="https://raureif.net">raureif.net</a><br> Freelance Interaction Designer</p> <time>2011</time> <address>Berlin</address> <hr style="grid-column: 1/4"> <p><strong>FH Potsdam</strong> <a href="https://design.fh-potsdam.de">design.fh-potsdam.de</a><br> Interface Design Student, Bachelor of Arts</p> <time>2008–2013</time> <address>Potsdam</address> <hr style="grid-column: 1/4"> </article> </section> <section id="interface-design"> <h3 text-style="title-2">I design <mark>user interfaces</mark> for interactive applications for the web, mobile and beyond.</h3> <p></p><p>Since studying <a href="https://design.fh-potsdam.de/">interface design</a> at the <strong>University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam</strong>, I’ve been working on a lot of projects including apps, websites, data visualisation and services — no matter what the target device was: a computer screen, multi-touch table or full-dome projection. I like to challenge status-quo and develop unique solutions.</p><p></p> </section> <section id="prototyping"> <h3 text-style="title-2">I create realistic and highly interactive <mark>prototypes</mark> for usability testing.</h3> <p></p><p>Designing digital products and testing them with users requires realistic prototypes. A lot can be achieved using clickable prototypes, but sometimes you need more. Being a designer who also codes, means that I’m comfortable using data from APIs, sensors, gestures and voice. I like to work with <strong>Vue, Node, WebSockets</strong> and <strong>Kirby.</strong></p><p></p> </section> <section id="plugins"> <h3 text-style="title-2">I develop <mark>plugins</mark> for popular design tools.</h3> <p></p><p>When I used <a href="https://www.sketch.com/">Sketch</a> for the first time, I fell in love with its simplicity compared to other tools at the time. The more I used the tool, the more I noticed its shortcomings and repetitive work. That’s when I’ve started to automate commands and turned them into plugins including the first <a href="https://github.com/getflourish/Sketch-Color-Contrast-Analyser">color contrast checker</a>. My plugins have been used by hundreds of designers worldwide.</p> <p>I’ve since built plugins for major design tools including <strong>Sketch</strong>, <strong>Figma</strong> and <strong>Adobe XD</strong> and integrations with <strong>Frontify</strong>.</p><p></p> </section> <section id="tools"> <h3 text-style="title-2">I invent <mark>design tools</mark> that work with CSS and HTML.</h3> <p></p><p>I’m currently building design tools for the web. With <strong>Ratio</strong>, I’m trying to turn my knowledge about design, writing CSS and creating design systems into a series of tools that enable both designers and developers to explore more and worry less. <a href="https://useratio.com">useratio.com</a></p><p></p> </section> <section id="education"> <h3 text-style="title-2">I share my <mark>knowledge</mark> by writing about design and teaching students and clients alike.</h3> <p></p><p>Since 2018, I’ve been teaching user interface design as part of the class <a href="https://www.zhdk.ch/weiterbildung/design-450/cas-digital-typography">CAS Digital Typography</a> at the <strong>Zürcher Hochschule der Künste</strong>.</p> <p>I also like to share my knowledge by writing about design and technology. My most popular articles include <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/the-anatomy-of-a-thousand-typefaces">The Anatomy of a Thousand Typefaces</a> and <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/designing-with-ratio">Designing with Ratio</a>.</p><p></p> </section> <div id="contact" component="hidden-anchor" waypoint="pitch">-</div> <section name="paper" font-family="monospace" fx="typewriter" waypoint="typewriter"> <div part="copy"><h2>Re: Designer who codes</h2> <p>Hi there! I build interactive prototypes for startups and enterprises that convince stakeholders, get developers excited and make users happy.</p> <p>Whether it’s a refresh or restart, I help you launch. There are no shortcuts to good design, but together we can check more boxes than you can think of. We’ll make it bold, with a pinch of fun.</p> <p>I’ve worked with people at companies including <strong><em>Adnexo, Adobe, Allianz, Axpo, Doodle, Eduwo, Frontify, Ginetta, Helsana, SBB, Schule für Gestaltung, Raureif, Siroop, Swisscom, Vontobel</em></strong> and many more.</p></div> <div part="placeholder"><h2>Re: Designer who codes</h2> <p>Hi there! I build interactive prototypes for startups and enterprises that convince stakeholders, get developers excited and make users happy.</p> <p>Whether it’s a refresh or restart, I help you launch. There are no shortcuts to good design, but together we can check more boxes than you can think of. We’ll make it bold, with a pinch of fun.</p> <p>I’ve worked with people at companies including <strong><em>Adnexo, Adobe, Allianz, Axpo, Doodle, Eduwo, Frontify, Ginetta, Helsana, SBB, Schule für Gestaltung, Raureif, Siroop, Swisscom, Vontobel</em></strong> and many more.</p></div> </section> <section waypoint="contact"> <!-- Component: Avatar Video --> <div component="video-avatar"> <video src="assets/videos/hello.mp4" preload="auto" muted="" playsinline=""></video> </div> <h3 text-style="title-3"> 👋 Say “Hi”, sag »Hallo«, säg «Grüezi».</h3> <p><strong>Email </strong><br> <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p> <p><strong>Twitter</strong><br> <a href="https://twitter.com/getflourish">@getflourish</a></p> <p><strong>Mastodon</strong><br> <a href="https://mastodon.social/@getflourish" rel="me">@[email protected]</a></p> </section> </article> </article> </main> <!-- Section: Project Samples --> <main class="section-padding markdown" waypoint="teaser"> <section component="hero-wrapper"> <article component="hero" theme="black" style="--hero-theme-background:hsla(261, 53%, 38%, 1); --hero-theme-background-transparent: hsla(150, 42%, 95%, 0); --hero-theme-color: #fff;"> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/fritz"> <section part="header"> <section part="image" style="background-image: url(https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/media/pages/projects/fritz/2152376474-1625989626/bildschirmfoto-2021-07-11-um-09-46-35-300x175-q90.png)"> </section> <section part="content"> <section part="title-combo"> <h2 part="kicker">App for macOS</h2> <h1 part="title">Fritz</h1> </section> <!-- <p part="description">A time-saving snippet manager for macOS.</p> --> </section> </section> </a> </article> <article component="hero" theme="black" style="--hero-theme-background:hsla(150, 42%, 95%, 1); --hero-theme-background-transparent: hsla(150, 42%, 95%, 0); --hero-theme-color: #669D91;"> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/pilates-plana"> <section part="header"> <section part="image" style="background-image: url(https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/media/pages/projects/pilates-plana/3230568399-1624944348/bildschirmfoto-2021-01-22-um-10-53-13-300x181-q90.png)"> </section> <section part="content"> <section part="title-combo"> <h2 part="kicker">Website</h2> <h1 part="title">Pilates Plana</h1> </section> <!-- <p part="description">Website for Pilates Studio made with Kirby</p> --> </section> </section> </a> </article> <article component="hero" theme="black" style="--hero-theme-background: hsla(0, 0%, 20%, 1); --hero-theme-background-transparent: hsla(0, 0%, 20%, 0); --hero-theme-color: white; --hero-theme-button-background: black; --hero-theme-button-color: white;"> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/designing-with-ratio"> <section part="header"> <section part="image" style="background-image: url(https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/media/pages/writing/designing-with-ratio/1667928034-1624944349/1-s6mu-pio58qdgxe59fpcw-300x168-q90.jpg)"> </section> <section part="content"> <section part="title-combo"> <h2 part="kicker">App development</h2> <h1 part="title">Designing with Ratio</h1> </section> <!-- <p part="description">A new design tool for the web and beyond</p> --> </section> </section> </a> </article> <article component="hero" theme="black" style="--hero-theme-background: hsla(66, 29%, 93%, 1); --hero-theme-background-transparent: hsla(66, 29%, 93%, 0); --hero-theme-color: #513C33; --hero-theme-button-background: black; --hero-theme-button-color: white;"> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/schaftracker"> <section part="header"> <section part="image" style="background-image: url(https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/media/pages/projects/schaftracker/746769445-1624944348/teaser-300x169-q90.png)"> </section> <section part="content"> <section part="title-combo"> <h2 part="kicker">UI Design, Prototyping, Research</h2> <h1 part="title">Ax-Track</h1> </section> <!-- <p part="description">Sheep tracker for Swiss alpine areas</p> --> </section> </section> </a> </article> <article component="hero" theme="black" style="--hero-theme-background: hsla(0, 0%, 11%, 1);; --hero-theme-background-transparent: hsla(0, 0%, 11%, 0); --hero-theme-color: white; --hero-theme-button-background: white; --hero-theme-button-color: black;"> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/the-anatomy-of-a-thousand-typefaces"> <section part="header"> <section part="image" style="background-image: url(https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/media/pages/writing/the-anatomy-of-a-thousand-typefaces/3990015912-1624944349/1-jx-x4mlx8ts70ubybvj3iw-300x138-q90.png)"> </section> <section part="content"> <section part="title-combo"> <h2 part="kicker">Article, Web App</h2> <h1 part="title">The Anatomy of a Thousand Typefaces</h1> </section> <!-- <p part="description">An attempt to analyse and compare font characteristics</p> --> </section> </section> </a> </article> <article component="hero" theme="black" style="--hero-theme-background: hsla(225, 8%, 90%,1); --hero-theme-background-transparent: hsla(225, 8%, 90%,0); --hero-theme-color: black; --hero-theme-button-background: black; --hero-theme-button-color: white;"> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/chummy"> <section part="header"> <section part="image" style="background-image: url(https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/media/pages/projects/chummy/3477749634-1624944348/icon-300x232-q90.jpg)"> </section> <section part="content"> <section part="title-combo"> <h2 part="kicker">Mac App Design</h2> <h1 part="title">Chummy</h1> </section> <!-- <p part="description">A personal mail client for Mac</p> --> </section> </section> </a> </article> </section> </main> <section style="max-width: calc(1200px - 28rem)" class="centered"><section layout="centered-list"> <ul component="select-list"> <h2 part="title">Projects</h2> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/simon-kumin "> <hgroup> <h3>Simon Kümin</h3> <h4>A simple typographic website for a copy writer. No images allowed.</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2020</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/fritz "> <hgroup> <h3>Fritz</h3> <h4>A time-saving snippet manager for macOS.</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2020</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/pilates-plana "> <hgroup> <h3>Pilates Plana</h3> <h4>Website for Pilates Studio made with Kirby</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2020</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/axpo-customer-portal "> <hgroup> <h3>Axpo</h3> <h4>Design and Research for Customer Portal of Switzerland’s largest Energy Provider</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2019</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/frontify-plugin-for-figma "> <hgroup> <h3>Frontify</h3> <h4>Plugins for Figma and Adobe XD</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2019</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/schaftracker "> <hgroup> <h3>Ax-Track</h3> <h4>Sheep tracker for Swiss alpine areas</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2018</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/tracy "> <hgroup> <h3>Tracy</h3> <h4>From Paper to Vector</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2017</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/chummy "> <hgroup> <h3>Chummy</h3> <h4>A personal mail client for Mac</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2014</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/navel "> <hgroup> <h3>Navel</h3> <h4>Tactile Navigation System</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2013</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/logbook "> <hgroup> <h3>Logbook</h3> <h4>Exhibiton apps re-imagined</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2012</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/projects/glowified "> <hgroup> <h3>Glowified</h3> <h4></h4> </hgroup> <time> 2009</time> </a> </li> </ul> <ul component="select-list"> <h2 part="title">Essays</h2> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/programming-with-ratio "> <hgroup> <h3>Programming with Ratio</h3> <h4>A programming environment for prototyping and building user interfaces and apps.</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2021</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/designing-with-ratio "> <hgroup> <h3>Designing with Ratio</h3> <h4>A new design tool for the web and beyond</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2019</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/turning-twitters-feed-on-its-head "> <hgroup> <h3>Turning Twitter’s Feed on its Head</h3> <h4>A design that helps you to catch up with the people you choose</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2018</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/the-anatomy-of-a-thousand-typefaces "> <hgroup> <h3>The Anatomy of a Thousand Typefaces</h3> <h4>An attempt to analyse and compare font characteristics</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2017</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/designing-with-intent "> <hgroup> <h3>Designing with intent</h3> <h4>On web typography, interpolation and contrast</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2016</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/returning-instagram-photos-to-their-locations "> <hgroup> <h3>Returning Instagram photos to their locations</h3> <h4>Using technology to raise awareness</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2015</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/talking-to-machines "> <hgroup> <h3>Talking to Machines</h3> <h4>A talk about my experience designing my very own personal assistant</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2015</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/how-to-create-a-list-in-swiftui "> <hgroup> <h3>How to use lists with CoreData in SwiftUI</h3> <h4>How to use lists to display, add, delete and select data</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2015</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/a-to-do-list-that-gets-it-done-for-you "> <hgroup> <h3>A to-do-list that gets it done for you</h3> <h4>Imagining the potential of voice assistants</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2015</time> </a> </li> </ul> <ul component="select-list"> <h2 part="title">Tutorials</h2> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/wrapping-websites-in-webviews-using-swiftui "> <hgroup> <h3>Wrapping websites in WebViews using SwiftUI</h3> <h4>A beautiful way to view your favorite websites without any browser chrome.</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2021</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/scraping-and-migrating-a-websites-content-to-statamic-cms "> <hgroup> <h3>Content Migration</h3> <h4>Scraping and migrating a website’s content to Statamic CMS</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2020</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/from-mobile-to-desktop-cross-device-communication-using-websockets "> <hgroup> <h3>From Mobile to Desktop: Cross Device Communication using WebSockets</h3> <h4>A step by step guide with Node.js and Socket.IO</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2017</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/essentials-of-interactive-prototypes-with-vuejs-in-less-than-5-minutes "> <hgroup> <h3>Interactive Prototypes with VueJS</h3> <h4>Learn the essentials in 5 minutes</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2017</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/custom-selections-in-sketch-app "> <hgroup> <h3>Custom Selections in Sketch App</h3> <h4>Introduction on scripts and commands that computers love to do over and over again.</h4> </hgroup> <time> 2016</time> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/writing/how-to-increase-the-size-of-icons-in-a-navigation-bar-swiftui "> <hgroup> <h3>How to increase the tap area of icons in a SwiftUI Navigation Bar</h3> <h4></h4> </hgroup> <time> </time> </a> </li> </ul> </section></section> <!-- Section: Footer --> <article component="imprint"> <section part="inner"> <section> <h3>Credits</h3> <p><strong>Proxima Nova</strong> by <em>Mark Simonson</em></p> <p><strong>Pensum Pro</strong> by <em>Nils Thomsen</em></p> <p><strong>iA Writer Mono S</strong> by <em>Information Architects</em></p> <p>—</p> <p>Content managed with <a href="https://getkirby.com/">Kirby</a></p> <p>Designed with <a href="https://useratio.com/">Ratio</a> and <a href="https://www.sketch.com/">Sketch</a>, HTML and CSS. </p> <p>Interactive Visuals with CSS and Canvas.</p> <p>I like <a href="https://processing.org/">Processing</a> / <a href="https://p5js.org/">p5.js</a>, but didn’t need it here</p> <p>Prototyping with <a href="https://vuejs.org/">Vue.js</a>, but actual interactivity with plain JavaScript. </p> <p>In collaboration with <a href="https://isabelplana.com/home/">Isabel Plana</a></p> <p>—</p> <p>This site from <a href="https://florianschulz.info/2018/">2018</a></p> <p>This site from <a href="https://florianschulz.info/2012/">2012</a></p> </section> <section> <h3>Friends on the web</h3> <p><a href="http://alessandra-angelucci.studio/">Alessandra Angelucci</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.atelier-perisset.ch/">Boris Périsset</a></p> <p><a href="https://elastiq.ch/">David Aerne</a></p> <p><a href="https://isabelplana.com/home/">Isabel Plana</a></p> <p><a href="https://julianstahnke.com/">Julian Stahnke</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.mischakoenig.de">Mischa König</a></p> <p><a href="https://nickniles.com/">Nick Niles</a></p> <p><a href="http://sebastianprein.com/">Sebastian Prein</a></p> <p><a href="https://simonkuemin.ch">Simon Kümin</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/herrkranz/">Tibor Kranjc</a></p> <p>… and you!</p> <p>—</p> <p><a href="https://ginetta.net/">Ginetta AG</a></p> <p><a href="https://z43.network/">Z43 Network</a></p> </section> <section> <h3>Business address</h3> <p>Digitalstation GmbH</p> <p>Florian Schulz</p> <p>Zentralstrasse 43</p> <p>8003 Zürich</p> <p>—</p> <p><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p> </section> </section> </article> <script src="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/assets/js/scrolly.js"></script> <script src="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/assets/js/rain.js"></script> <script src="https://florianschulz.info/portfolio/assets/js/smooth-scroll.js"></script> </body></html>
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