- URL: https://leparpaing.fr
- Date: 11/27/24 01:56:08
Webpage Performance Test Result
- Settings: Desktop
Frankfurt, Germany
- Test runs: 1
- Connectivity: 5000/1000 Kbps, 28ms Latency
- Custom Metrics

Requests Details
Use this page to explore the metric timings and request waterfall for any run of your test.
Page Performance Metrics (Run 1)
View run details: Run 1 (Repeat View)
TTFB | Start Render | FCP | Speed Index | LCP | CLS | TBT | DC Time | DC Requests | DC Bytes | Total Time | Total Requests | Page Weight |
.296S | .600S | .635S | 2.720S | .937S | 0 | .000S | 1.718S | 13 | 937KB | 2.015S | 15 | 941KB |
Visual Page Loading Process (Explore)
Navigation Timings | |
domContentLoadedEvent | loadEvent |
0.333s - 0.333s (0s) | 1.618s - 1.618s (0s) |
Custom Metrics Data
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- -1.50
- generated-content-size
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- ["https:\/\/leparpaing.fr\/assets\/css\/style.min.css?1721408228","https:\/\/leparpaing.fr\/assets\/css\/templates\/home.css?1721408255",""]
- rendered-html
- <html lang="fr" class="js"><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>Le Parpaing - Matériaux de réemploi</title> <meta name="description" content="Comptoir de matériaux de réemploi à Roubaix. > Magasin, stock physique > Expertise réemploi (Bureau d’Étude Technique réemploi, AMO) > Dispense de formations"> <link rel="canonical" href="https://leparpaing.fr"> <link rel="prev" href="https://leparpaing.fr/chroniques"> <meta name="author" content="Le Parpaing - Matériaux de réemploi"> <meta name="generator" content="Kirby (3.10.0)"> <meta name="robots" content="index follow"> <link href="https://leparpaing.fr/assets/css/style.min.css?1721408228" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="https://leparpaing.fr/assets/css/templates/home.css?1721408255" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="https://leparpaing.fr/assets/css/print.css?1671197106" media="print" rel="stylesheet"> <style>/* inner styles set by WPT to match CSSOM */:root { --primary: #000000; --icon-chevron-down: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23000000' stroke-width='2'%3E%3Cpolyline points='6 9 12 15 18 9'%3E%3C/polyline%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }</style> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" sizes="any"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/assets/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/assets/favicons/favicon-32x32.png"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/assets/favicons/favicon-16x16.png"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/assets/favicons/favicon.png"> <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json"> <link rel="mask-icon" href="/assets/favicons/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#000000"> <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff"> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="og:title" content="Le Parpaing - 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Matériaux de réemploi" } }] } </script> </head> <body class="wrapper" data-template="home"> <header class="site-header"></header> <main id="main"> <h1 class="visually-hidden">Le Parpaing - Matériaux de réemploi</h1> <figure class="logo" aria-hidden="true"> <img src="https://leparpaing.fr/media/site/7732c5698b-1689174520/logo.png" alt="" width="1300" height="254"> </figure> <header> <p id="headline">Comptoir de matériaux de réemploi à Roubaix</p> <nav id="nav" aria-label="Menu"> <ul role="list" class="text-2xl"> <li> <a href="https://leparpaing.fr/magasin">Magasin</a> </li> <li><button class="about" aria-controls="about">Expertise</button></li> <li><button class="about" aria-controls="about">Formation</button></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <dialog id="about" class="backdrop-filter" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="about-title" aria-describedby="about-description" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> <header> <button class="close"><span class="visually-hidden">Fermer</span> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="icon" id="icon-close" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" width="24" height="24" stroke="currentColor" fill="none"> <line x1="4" y1="4" x2="20" y2="20"></line> <line x1="4" y1="20" x2="20" y2="4"></line></svg></button> <div class="logo"><img src="https://leparpaing.fr/media/site/7732c5698b-1689174520/logo.png" alt="" width="1300" height="254"></div> <div> <h2 id="about-title" class="visually-hidden">Le Parpaing - Matériaux de réemploi</h2> <p id="about-description" class="text-xl">Comptoir de matériaux de réemploi à Roubaix</p> </div> </header> <div class="grid"> <section class="column flow" style="--columns:5"> <div id="nos-autres-projets"> <h3>Nos autres projets</h3> <p><a href="https://www.zerm.org">www.zerm.org</a><br> <a href="https://www.saisonszero.fr">www.saisonszero.fr</a></p> </div> <div id="reseaux"> <h3>Réseaux</h3> <p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/zermzermzerm">Instagram</a><br> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/zermzermzerm">Facebook</a><br> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/zermzermzerm">Linkedin</a></p> </div> <div id="contacts"> <h3>Contacts</h3> <p><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br> <a href="tel:+33695185746">06 95 18 57 46</a></p> </div> <div id="documents-telechargeables"> <h3>Documents téléchargeables</h3> <p><a href="https://leparpaing.fr/media/site/0775fe19cb-1716993981/brochure-leparpaing-web2024.pdf">Brochure de présentation</a><br> <a href="https://leparpaing.fr/media/pages/about/e72960ae2b-1709738097/conditionsgeneralesdevente.pdf">Conditions générales de vente</a></p> </div> <div id="revue"> <h3>Revue</h3> <p><a href="https://tally.so/r/mVljel"><strong>S'inscrire à la revue How to construire en réemploi</strong></a></p> </div> <div id="partenariat"> <h3>Partenariat</h3> <p><a href="https://leparpaing.fr/media/site/e1fb38ed33-1725378077/ppg-collab.pdf"><strong>Appel à collaboration design / artisanat</strong></a></p> </div> <div id="credits"> <h3>Crédits</h3> <p>Designé par Théo Poyer.<br> Codé par <a href="https://timothee.goguely.com">Timothée Goguely</a>.</p> </div> </section> <section class="column flow" style="--columns:6/-1"> <div id="magasin"> <h3>Magasin</h3> <p><em>Le Parpaing</em> est un magasin de matériaux de réemploi pour la construction lancé par Zerm à Roubaix. Il vise la remise en circulation de matériaux de seconde main et s’adresse à toute personne investie dans un projet de construction (maîtrise d’ouvrage, maîtrise d’oeuvre, entreprise générale, artisan.e.s, particuliers).<br> Les services proposés par <em>Le Parpaing</em> vont de la collecte à la vente de matériaux de construction, en passant par leur remise en état, par le biais d’un atelier-entrepôt et d’une plateforme web</p> </div> <div id="expertise"> <h3>Expertise</h3> <p><em>Le Parpaing</em> propose également un service d’expertise en tant que :<br> → Bureau d’Étude Technique réemploi<br> → Assistance à Maîtrise d’Ouvrage<br> A ce titre, Zerm s’intéresse à la réaffectation de techniques constructives délaissées, ainsi qu’aux matériaux et objets considérés comme des déchets dans la mise en place de stratégies de valorisations de ressources. Le groupe se penche sur les enjeux liés à l’absence de filière de réemploi, les contraintes des montages juridiques qui encadrent cette activité et développe une réflexion sur la valeur de ces pratiques.</p> </div> <div id="formation"> <h3>Formation</h3> <p>A travers son projet <em>Le Parpaing</em>, Zerm dispense également des formations :<br> → à la dépose sélective<br> → à la conception en réemploi<br> → à la construction en réemploi<br> Ces modules de formation permettent un échange des connaissances liées à la pratique du réemploi et contribuent à la structuration progressive de la filière. Ils accompagnent la mutation des métiers d’architecte, de paysagiste et de designer autant que les initiatives de déconstruction sélective et la structuration des activités de valorisation des éléments de réemploi.</p> </div> </section> </div> </dialog><video aria-hidden="true" autoplay="" muted="" loop="" preload="auto" width="1920" height="1080" poster="https://leparpaing.fr/media/pages/home/78cf0dfc3c-1714053686/video.jpg"><source src="https://leparpaing.fr/media/pages/home/6aae93dc12-1714053527/video.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="https://leparpaing.fr/media/pages/home/fb7ac65f26-1714053756/video.ogv" type="video/ogg"></video> <footer role="contentinfo"> <address> <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> <a href="tel:+330695185746">06 95 18 57 46</a> </address><a id="logo-zerm" href="https://zerm.org"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="black" viewBox="0 0 84 38" width="84" height="38" aria-labelledby="zerm"> <title id="zerm">zerm</title> <path d="M23.495 27.063v-2.208a.147.147 0 0 0-.148-.146h-9.615l9.731-11.47a.142.142 0 0 0 .034-.092v-2.21a.147.147 0 0 0-.148-.146H10.405a.147.147 0 0 0-.148.146v2.208c0 . 11.47a.141.141 0 0 0-.034.093v2.207c0 . 0 0 0 .15-.144Z"></path> <path d="M30.408 27.467h1.33c3.285 0 6.025-2.395 6.376-5.571a.154.154 0 0 0-.037-.115.15.15 0 0 0-.11-.049h-2.498a.15.15 0 0 0-.146.12c-.28 1.466-1.533 3.047-3.615 3.047h-1.265c-2.177 0-3.83-2.173-4.057-5.306h11.713c.077 0 .14-.057.148-.133.031-.317.065-.647.065-1.262 0-4.227-2.948-7.666-6.57-7.666h-1.364c-1.724 0-3.469.838-4.787 2.301-1.422 1.58-2.206 3.736-2.206 6.068-.002 4.885 3.018 8.566 7.023 8.566Zm-3.84-10.374c.519-2.397 2.072-3.993 3.905-3.993h1.264c1.885 0 3.477 1.777 3.608 3.993h-8.778ZM40.246 27.21h2.596a.147.147 0 0 0 .148-.147V17.85c0-1.902 1.116-4.556 2.932-4.556h2.497a.147.147 0 0 0 .148-.146v-2.21a.147.147 0 0 0-.148-.146h-2.27c-1.361 0-2.501.737-3.16 2.005v-1.859a.147.147 0 0 0-.147-.146h-2.596a.147.147 0 0 0-.148.146v16.124c0 . 10.536h-1.264c-1.669 0-3.492 1.189-4.44 2.864-1.044-1.977-2.446-2.864-4.513-2.864h-1.298c-1.49 0-3.087 1.039-3.939 2.492v-2.09a.147.147 0 0 0-.148-.147h-2.596a.147.147 0 0 0-.148.146v16.124c0 . 0 0 0 .148-.146v-8.638c0-3.27 1.825-5.292 3.517-5.292h1.199c1.574 0 2.673 1.545 2.673 3.756v10.173c0 . 0 0 0 .148-.146v-8.638c0-2.545 1.357-5.292 3.548-5.292h1.167c1.569 0 2.707 1.58 2.707 3.756v10.173c0 . 0 0 0 .148-.146V16.569c.002-3.496-2.161-6.033-5.14-6.033Z"></path> <path d="M42 38c-11.296 0-21.634-1.67-29.114-4.704C4.456 29.875 0 24.931 0 19 0 13.069 4.457 8.125 12.886 4.704 20.367 1.67 30.705 0 42 0s21.634 1.67 29.114 4.704C79.544 8.124 84 13.067 84 19c0 5.931-4.457 10.875-12.886 14.296C63.633 36.33 53.296 38 42 38Zm0-35.95c-11.031 0-21.089 1.615-28.321 4.55C8.389 8.747 2.08 12.64 2.08 18.998S8.388 29.251 13.68 31.396c7.232 2.935 17.292 4.55 28.321 4.55 11.03 0 21.089-1.615 28.321-4.55 5.29-2.147 11.599-6.04 11.599-12.398S75.612 8.745 70.32 6.6C63.09 3.667 53.03 2.05 42 2.05Z"></path></svg></a> <div id="socials"> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/zermzermzerm/" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Facebook</a><br> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/leparpaing.zerm/" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Instagram</a><br> <a href="https://fr.linkedin.com/company/zermzermzerm" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">LinkedIn</a> </div> </footer> </main> <script async="" src="https://leparpaing.fr/assets/js/index.js?1707935189"></script> </body></html>
- securityHeaders
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Waterfall View
Start Render | First Contentful Paint | Largest Contentful Paint | Layout Shift | DOM Interactive | DOM Content Loaded | On Load | Document Complete |
![]() |
![]() |
3xx response | 4xx+ response | Doesn't Belong to Main Doc |
Connection View
DNS Lookup | Initial Connection | SSL Negotiation | Start Render | DOM Content Loaded | On Load | Document Complete |

Request Details
Before Start Render | Before On Load | After On Load | 3xx Response | 4xx Response |
# | Resource | Content Type | Priority | Request Start | DNS Lookup | Initial Connection | SSL Negotiation | Time to First Byte | Content Download | Bytes Downloaded | CPU Time | Error/Status Code | IP |
1 | https://leparpaing.fr/ | text/html | Highest | 0.172 s | 66 ms | 32 ms | 72 ms | 124 ms | 1 ms | 4.8 KB | - | 200 | |
2 | https://leparpaing.f...e.min.css?1721408228 | text/css | Highest | 0.308 s | - | - | - | 54 ms | 2 ms | 6.7 KB | - | 200 | |
3 | https://leparpaing.f.../home.css?1721408255 | text/css | Highest | 0.314 s | - | - | - | 51 ms | 3 ms | 1.0 KB | - | 200 | |
4 | https://leparpaing.f...-1689174520/logo.png | image/png | Medium | 0.314 s | - | - | - | 81 ms | 20 ms | 26.8 KB | - | 200 | |
5 | https://leparpaing.f...1714053686/video.jpg | image/jpeg | High | 0.314 s | - | - | - | 127 ms | 431 ms | 266.0 KB | - | 200 | |
6 | https://leparpaing.f.../index.js?1707935189 | text/javascript | Low | 0.327 s | - | - | - | 551 ms | 5 ms | 0.8 KB | 4 ms | 200 | |
7 | https://leparpaing.f...print.css?1671197106 | text/css | Lowest | 0.327 s | - | - | - | 546 ms | 5 ms | 0.2 KB | - | 200 | |
8 | https://leparpaing.f...1714053527/video.mp4 | video/mp4 | Low | 0.332 s | - | - | - | 571 ms | 55 ms | 279.7 KB | - | 206 | |
9 | https://leparpaing.f...mTRIAL-Regular.woff2 | font/woff2 | Highest | 0.45 s | - | - | - | 934 ms | 39 ms | 37.7 KB | - | 200 | |
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11 | https://leparpaing.f...1714053527/video.mp4 | video/mp4 | Low | 0.965 s | - | - | - | 551 ms | 11 ms | 23.7 KB | - | 206 | |
12 | https://leparpaing.f...1714053527/video.mp4 | video/mp4 | Low | 1.54 s | - | - | - | 71 ms | 344 ms | 247.7 KB | - | 206 | |
13 | https://leparpaing.f...favicons/favicon.png | text/html | High | 1.624 s | - | - | - | 333 ms | 1 ms | 4.4 KB | - | 404 | |
14 | https://leparpaing.fr/manifest.json | application/json | Medium | 1.756 s | - | 40 ms | 92 ms | 75 ms | 1 ms | 0.2 KB | - | 200 | |
15 | https://leparpaing.fr/favicon.ico | image/x-icon | High | 1.963 s | - | - | - | 49 ms | 3 ms | 3.5 KB | - | 200 | |
Request Headers
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