- URL: https://leitsch.org
- Date: 11/14/24 01:53:09
Webpage Performance Test Result
- Settings: Desktop
Frankfurt, Germany
- Test runs: 1
- Connectivity: 5000/1000 Kbps, 28ms Latency
- Custom Metrics

Requests Details
Use this page to explore the metric timings and request waterfall for any run of your test.
Page Performance Metrics (Run 1)
View run details: Run 1 (Repeat View)
TTFB | Start Render | FCP | Speed Index | LCP | CLS | TBT | DC Time | DC Requests | DC Bytes | Total Time | Total Requests | Page Weight |
.190S | .500S | .506S | .500S | .517S | .002 | .000S | .482S | 6 | 37KB | .482S | 6 | 37KB |
Visual Page Loading Process (Explore)
Navigation Timings | |
domContentLoadedEvent | loadEvent |
0.213s - 0.213s (0s) | 0.383s - 0.383s (0s) |
Custom Metrics Data
- Colordepth
- 24
- Dpi
- {"dppx":1,"dpcm":37.79527559055118,"dpi":96}
- Images
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- Resolution
- {"absolute":{"height":1200,"width":1920},"available":{"height":1200,"width":1920}}
- fonts
- [{"family":"VT323","display":"auto","status":"unloaded","style":"normal","weight":"400"}]
- generated-content-percent
- -2.45
- generated-content-size
- -0.32
- imgs-in-viewport
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- imgs-no-alt
- []
- imgs-out-viewport
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- jsLibsVulns
- []
- meta-viewport
- width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, viewport-fit=cover
- possibly-render-blocking-reqs
- ["https:\/\/leitsch.org\/assets\/dist\/css\/styles.css?id=aa3f859f3f00aff7ea4cac848f16e22f"]
- rendered-html
- <html lang="de-DE" prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"><head> <title>Lukas Leitsch | Webentwicklung und Webdesign aus Fulda</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="canonical" href="https://leitsch.org"> <meta property="og:title" content="Home"> <meta property="og:url" content="https://leitsch.org"> <meta property="og:locale" content="de_DE"> <meta property="og:locale" content="de_DE"> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Lukas Leitsch"> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@lukasleitsch"> <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@lukasleitsch"> <meta name="description" content="Freiberuflicher Webentwickler für Websites und Web-Apps mit den Schwerpunkten Kirby, WordPress, Laravel und Vue.js."> <meta property="og:description" content="Freiberuflicher Webentwickler für Websites und Web-Apps mit den Schwerpunkten Kirby, WordPress, Laravel und Vue.js."> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Organization", "url": "https://leitsch.org", "logo": "https://leitsch.org/assets/img/leitsch_logo.png", "description": "Freiberuflicher Webentwickler für Websites und Web-Apps mit den Schwerpunkten Kirby, WordPress, Laravel und Vue.js.", "sameAs": [ "https://twitter.com/lukasleitsch", "https://github.com/lukasleitsch" ] } </script> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, viewport-fit=cover"> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Blog Feed" href="https://leitsch.org/feed"> <link rel="alternate" type="application/json" title="Blog Feed" href="https://leitsch.org/feed/json"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="https://leitsch.org/assets/img/leitsch_favicon.svg" type="image/svg+xml" sizes="any"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="57x57" href="https://leitsch.org/assets/icons/apple-touch-icon-57x57.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="https://leitsch.org/assets/icons/apple-touch-icon-72x72.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="https://leitsch.org/assets/icons/apple-touch-icon-114x114.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="144x144" href="https://leitsch.org/assets/icons/apple-touch-icon-144x144.png"> <link href="https://leitsch.org/open-search.xml" rel="search" title="leitsch.org" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"> <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> <link href="https://leitsch.org/assets/dist/css/styles.css?id=aa3f859f3f00aff7ea4cac848f16e22f" rel="stylesheet"></head> <body class="template-home"> <header class="site-header"> <nav> <ul class="nav"> <li class="nav__logo"> <a href="https://leitsch.org" title="Lukas Leitsch" aria-label="Home"> <svg viewBox="0 0 51 48" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="1.414"> <title>Lukas Leitsch Home</title> <path d="M45.71 47.792H6c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V6c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h39.71c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v35.792c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6zm-15.878-5.535l-2.585-2.427 12.24-12.24-12.24-12.187 2.585-2.532 14.666 14.667v.052L29.832 42.257zM22.099 5.69l2.586 2.427-12.24 12.24 12.24 12.186-2.586 2.532L7.433 20.409v-.052L22.099 5.69z" fill="#fff"></path> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="nav__link"><a href="https://leitsch.org/referenzen">Referenzen</a> </li> <li class="nav__link"><a href="https://leitsch.org/projekte">Projekte</a> </li> <li class="nav__link"><a href="https://leitsch.org/blog">Blog</a> </li> <li class="nav__link"><a href="https://leitsch.org/kontakt">Kontakt</a> </li> </ul> </nav> </header> <main class="home"> <div class="home-hero"> <div class="home-hero__body | row row--medium"> <header class="home-hero__header"> <h1 class="home-hero__title">Hi, ich bin Lukas Leitsch.</h1> <h2 class="home-hero__subtitle">Ich entwickle maßgeschneiderte Web-Apps und Websites.</h2> <div class="home-hero__text | o-richtext"> <p>Als selbstständiger Webentwickler liegt meine Spezialisierung in der technischen Umsetzung von performanten und individuellen Web-Apps und Websites.</p> </div> </header> <div class="home-hero__media"> <img src="https://leitsch.org/media/pages/home/18e75ec620-1653915848/header.svg" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> <section class="benefits | row row--medium"> <div class="benefits-item"> <header> <div class="benefits-header"> <h2>Laravel und Vue.js</h2> <p>Eine solide Basis für deine Web-App</p> </div> </header> <div class="o-richtext"> <p>Eine eigenständige und auf deine Anforderungen zugeschnitten Web-App kann dich in deiner Arbeit unterstützten. Für die Entwicklung von individuellen Web-Apps bieten das PHP-Framework Laravel und das JavaScript-Framework Vue.js eine solide Basis.</p> <p>Mit der Kombination der beiden Systeme können wir gemeinsam z.B. Prozesse, die bisher in Papierform abgebildet wurden, in einer Web-App abbilden.</p> </div> </div> <div class="benefits-item"> <header> <div class="benefits-header"> <h2>Kirby</h2> <p>Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Lösung</p> </div> </header> <div class="o-richtext"> <p>Die Geschwindigkeit von Websites ist immer ein wichtiges Thema. Mit dem leichtgewichtigen Content-Manangement-System (CMS) Kirby erstellen wir gemeinsam eine auf deine Bedürfnisse zugeschnittene Website.</p> <p>Neben der Einfachheit und guten Performance des Systems lassen sich die redaktionellen Inhalte über das gut strukturierten Panel bearbeiten.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="cta"> <div class="cta__body | row row--medium"> <img class="cta__media" src="https://leitsch.org/media/pages/home/b28ee7bfda-1653915848/conversation.svg" alt=""> <div class="cta__text"> <p>Lass uns über dein Projekt sprechen.</p> <a class="o-button o-button--medium" href="https://leitsch.org/kontakt">Kontakt</a> </div> </div> </section> <section class="latest-article | row"> <h2 class="mb-20">Letzten Blogartikel</h2> <div class="grid grid--3"> <article class="u-relative"> <a href="https://leitsch.org/blog/asimov-abhangigkeiten-aus-der-entwicklung-aus-time-machine-backup-ausschliessen" class="o-link--extended"> <h3 class="h4 mt0">Asimov – Abhängigkeiten aus der Entwicklung aus Time Machine Backup ausschließen</h3> </a> <p>Ordner, die Abhängigkeiten enthalten, müssen nicht mit Time Machine gesichert werden. Asimov schließt diese aus und verbessert die Performance des Backups.</p> </article> <article class="u-relative"> <a href="https://leitsch.org/blog/snippets-und-links" class="o-link--extended"> <h3 class="h4 mt0">Snippets und Links</h3> </a> <p>Neben den klassischen Artikeln halte ich spannende und interessante Themen aus der Webentwicklung in Links und Snippets fest.</p> </article> <article class="u-relative"> <a href="https://leitsch.org/blog/auf-der-suche-nach-einer-online-buchhaltung-fuer-mehr-automatisierung" class="o-link--extended"> <h3 class="h4 mt0">Auf der Suche nach einer Online-Buchhaltung für mehr Automatisierung</h3> </a> <p>Das Geschäftskonto Kontist und eine Online-Buchhaltung sind ein gutes Team für mehr Automatisierung. Eine Übersicht um drei Systeme zu vergleichen.</p> </article> </div> </section> </main> <footer class="footer"> <div class="row"> <div class="grid grid--3 -medium"> <section class="footer--item footer__nav"> <h5>Links</h5> <ul> <li><a href="https://leitsch.org/referenzen">Referenzen</a></li> <li><a href="https://leitsch.org/projekte">Projekte</a></li> <li><a href="https://leitsch.org/blog">Blog</a></li> <li><a href="https://leitsch.org/kontakt">Kontakt</a></li> <li> <a href="https://leitsch.org/impressum">Impressum</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://leitsch.org/datenschutz">Datenschutz</a> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="footer--item footer__social"> <h5>Social</h5> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://leitsch.org/feed"> <svg class="o-icon" width="1792" height="1792" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M576 1344q0 80-56 136t-136 56-136-56-56-136 56-136 136-56 136 56 56 136zm512 123q2 28-17 48-18 21-47 21h-135q-25 0-43-16.5t-20-41.5q-22-229-184.5-391.5t-391.5-184.5q-25-2-41.5-20t-16.5-43v-135q0-29 21-47 17-17 43-17h5q160 13 306 80.5t259 181.5q114 113 181.5 259t80.5 306zm512 2q2 27-18 47-18 20-46 20h-143q-26 0-44.5-17.5t-19.5-42.5q-12-215-101-408.5t-231.5-336-336-231.5-408.5-102q-25-1-42.5-19.5t-17.5-43.5v-143q0-28 20-46 18-18 44-18h3q262 13 501.5 120t425.5 294q187 186 294 425.5t120 501.5z"></path></svg> RSS-Feed </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://twitter.com/lukasleitsch"> <svg class="o-icon" width="1792" height="1792" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M1684 408q-67 98-162 167 1 14 1 42 0 130-38 259.5t-115.5 248.5-184.5 210.5-258 146-323 54.5q-271 0-496-145 35 4 78 4 225 0 401-138-105-2-188-64.5t-114-159.5q33 5 61 5 43 0 85-11-112-23-185.5-111.5t-73.5-205.5v-4q68 38 146 41-66-44-105-115t-39-154q0-88 44-163 121 149 294.5 238.5t371.5 99.5q-8-38-8-74 0-134 94.5-228.5t228.5-94.5q140 0 236 102 109-21 205-78-37 115-142 178 93-10 186-50z"></path></svg> Twitter </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://github.com/lukasleitsch"> <svg class="o-icon" width="1792" height="1792" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M1664 896q0 251-146.5 451.5t-378.5 277.5q-27 5-39.5-7t-12.5-30v-211q0-97-52-142 57-6 102.5-18t94-39 81-66.5 53-105 20.5-150.5q0-121-79-206 37-91-8-204-28-9-81 11t-92 44l-38 24q-93-26-192-26t-192 26q-16-11-42.5-27t-83.5-38.5-86-13.5q-44 113-7 204-79 85-79 206 0 85 20.5 150t52.5 105 80.5 67 94 39 102.5 18q-40 36-49 103-21 10-45 15t-57 5-65.5-21.5-55.5-62.5q-19-32-48.5-52t-49.5-24l-20-3q-21 0-29 4.5t-5 11.5 9 14 13 12l7 5q22 10 43.5 38t31.5 51l10 23q13 38 44 61.5t67 30 69.5 7 55.5-3.5l23-4q0 38 .5 89t.5 54q0 18-13 30t-40 7q-232-77-378.5-277.5t-146.5-451.5q0-209 103-385.5t279.5-279.5 385.5-103 385.5 103 279.5 279.5 103 385.5z"></path></svg> GitHub </a> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="footer--item footer__kontakt"> <h5>Kontakt</h5> <ul> <li> <a href="mailto:[email protected]"> <svg class="o-icon" width="1792" height="1792" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M1792 710v794q0 66-47 113t-113 47h-1472q-66 0-113-47t-47-113v-794q44 49 101 87 362 246 497 345 57 42 92.5 65.5t94.5 48 110 24.5h2q51 0 110-24.5t94.5-48 92.5-65.5q170-123 498-345 57-39 100-87zm0-294q0 79-49 151t-122 123q-376 261-468 325-10 7-42.5 30.5t-54 38-52 32.5-57.5 27-50 9h-2q-23 0-50-9t-57.5-27-52-32.5-54-38-42.5-30.5q-91-64-262-182.5t-205-142.5q-62-42-117-115.5t-55-136.5q0-78 41.5-130t118.5-52h1472q65 0 112.5 47t47.5 113z"></path></svg> [email protected] </a> </li> <li> <a href="tel:+4966141095742"> <svg class="o-icon" width="1792" height="1792" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M1600 1240q0 27-10 70.5t-21 68.5q-21 50-122 106-94 51-186 51-27 0-52.5-3.5t-57.5-12.5-47.5-14.5-55.5-20.5-49-18q-98-35-175-83-128-79-264.5-215.5t-215.5-264.5q-48-77-83-175-3-9-18-49t-20.5-55.5-14.5-47.5-12.5-57.5-3.5-52.5q0-92 51-186 56-101 106-122 25-11 68.5-21t70.5-10q14 0 21 3 18 6 53 76 11 19 30 54t35 63.5 31 53.5q3 4 17.5 25t21.5 35.5 7 28.5q0 20-28.5 50t-62 55-62 53-28.5 46q0 9 5 22.5t8.5 20.5 14 24 11.5 19q76 137 174 235t235 174q2 1 19 11.5t24 14 20.5 8.5 22.5 5q18 0 46-28.5t53-62 55-62 50-28.5q14 0 28.5 7t35.5 21.5 25 17.5q25 15 53.5 31t63.5 35 54 30q70 35 76 53 3 7 3 21z"></path></svg> 0661 41095742 (nur Voicebox) </a> </li> </ul> </section> </div> <div class="footer-meta | row"> <div class="footer__name"> <p>© 2011-2022</p> <p>Lukas Leitsch - Webentwicklung und Webdesign aus Fulda</p> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <div class="ie-message"> Vermutlich verwendest du einen veralteten Browser. 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Waterfall View
Start Render | First Contentful Paint | Largest Contentful Paint | Layout Shift | DOM Interactive | DOM Content Loaded | On Load | Document Complete |
![]() |
![]() |
3xx response | 4xx+ response | Doesn't Belong to Main Doc |
Connection View
DNS Lookup | Initial Connection | SSL Negotiation | Start Render | DOM Content Loaded | On Load | Document Complete |

Request Details
Before Start Render | Before On Load | After On Load | 3xx Response | 4xx Response |
# | Resource | Content Type | Priority | Request Start | DNS Lookup | Initial Connection | SSL Negotiation | Time to First Byte | Content Download | Bytes Downloaded | CPU Time | Error/Status Code | IP |
1 | https://leitsch.org/ | text/html | Highest | 0.139 s | 44 ms | 36 ms | 58 ms | 51 ms | 1 ms | 4.5 KB | - | 200 | |
2 | https://leitsch.org/...aff7ea4cac848f16e22f | text/css | Highest | 0.204 s | - | - | - | 45 ms | 1 ms | 4.8 KB | - | 200 | |
3 | https://leitsch.org/...653915848/header.svg | image/svg+xml | Medium | 0.204 s | - | - | - | 55 ms | 2 ms | 5.4 KB | - | 200 | |
4 | https://leitsch.org/...848/conversation.svg | image/svg+xml | Medium | 0.204 s | - | - | - | 85 ms | 9 ms | 21.2 KB | - | 200 | |
5 | https://leitsch.org/open-search.xml | text/xml | Lowest | 0.387 s | - | - | - | 39 ms | 1 ms | 0.6 KB | - | 200 | |
6 | https://leitsch.org/.../leitsch_favicon.svg | image/svg+xml | High | 0.387 s | - | - | - | 37 ms | 1 ms | 0.4 KB | - | 200 | |
Request Headers
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