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  • Settings: DesktopChromev129CableFrankfurt, Germany

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Page Performance Metrics (Run 1)

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TTFB Start Render FCP Speed Index LCP CLS TBT DC Time DC Requests DC Bytes Total Time Total Requests Page Weight
.336S .900S .947S 1.594S 1.554S .005 .000S 1.011S 14 1,044KB 3.612S 21 1,699KB

Visual Page Loading Process (Explore)

Navigation Timings
domContentLoadedEvent loadEvent
0.593s - 0.759s (0.166s) 0.980s - 0.981s (0.001s)
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Of heeft u lekkage in de badkamer?<br> Dan bent u bij ons aan het goede adres.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div> <div class="[ col-start-2 col-span-8 ] [ row-start-2 row-span-1 ] [ flex justify-between items-center ] [ mb-6 lg:mb-10 ]"> <div class="[ control-bullets relative ] [ flex items-center ] [ p-1 lg:p-0 ] [ lg:bg-casal-700 bg-opacity-25 lg:bg-opacity-50 ] [ rounded-full lg:rounded-none ]" x-ref="controls"> <button class="[ button ] relative z-10 font-bold uppercase text-white tracking-widest transition duration-500 ease-in-out lg:px-4 lg:py-3 mr-3 lg:mr-0 w-3 h-3 lg:w-auto lg:h-auto border-2 border-white lg:border-none lg:bg-transparent rounded-full lg:rounded-none is-selected" :class="{ 'is-selected': active == 0 }" data-index="0" @click="select(0)"> <span class="hidden lg:block">Renovatie</span> </button> <button class="[ button ] relative z-10 font-bold uppercase text-white tracking-widest transition duration-500 ease-in-out lg:px-4 lg:py-3 mr-3 lg:mr-0 w-3 h-3 lg:w-auto lg:h-auto border-2 border-white lg:border-none lg:bg-transparent rounded-full lg:rounded-none" :class="{ 'is-selected': active == 1 }" data-index="1" @click="select(1)"> <span class="hidden lg:block">Onderhoud</span> </button> <button class="[ button ] relative z-10 font-bold uppercase text-white tracking-widest transition duration-500 ease-in-out lg:px-4 lg:py-3 mr-3 lg:mr-0 w-3 h-3 lg:w-auto lg:h-auto border-2 border-white lg:border-none lg:bg-transparent rounded-full lg:rounded-none" :class="{ 'is-selected': active == 2 }" data-index="2" @click="select(2)"> <span class="hidden lg:block">Loodgieter</span> </button> <div class="[ magic-line ] [ absolute z-0 ] [ bg-white lg:bg-casal-500 transition-all duration-500 lg:duration-1000 ease-in-out ] [ rounded-full lg:rounded-none ]" style="left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 124.016px; height: 48px;"></div> </div> <div class="[ slideshow-button ] [ relative ]"> <a href="" class="[ inline-flex flex-no-wrap items-stretch ] [ bg-bondi-400 hover:bg-bondi-500 group ] [ transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out ]" x-show="active == 0"> <span class="[ tracking-widest text-xs md:text-sm lg:text-base uppercase font-bold py-3 px-6 ] [ bg-casal-500 text-white ] [ group-hover:bg-casal-700 ] [ transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out ]"> Meer informatie </span> <span class="w-10"> <span class="flex text-bondi-500 group-hover:text-bondi-300 w-2/3 h-full relative [ transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out ]"> <svg class="w-full h-full absolute inset-0" fill="currentColor" preserveAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 8 16"> <polygon points="0 16 0 0 8 8 0 16"></polygon> </svg> </span> </span> </a> <a href="" class="[ inline-flex flex-no-wrap items-stretch ] [ bg-bondi-400 hover:bg-bondi-500 group ] [ transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out ]" x-show="active == 1" style="display: none;"> <span class="[ tracking-widest text-xs md:text-sm lg:text-base uppercase font-bold py-3 px-6 ] [ bg-casal-500 text-white ] [ group-hover:bg-casal-700 ] [ transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out ]"> Meer informatie </span> <span class="w-10"> <span class="flex text-bondi-500 group-hover:text-bondi-300 w-2/3 h-full relative [ transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out ]"> <svg class="w-full h-full absolute inset-0" fill="currentColor" preserveAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 8 16"> <polygon points="0 16 0 0 8 8 0 16"></polygon> </svg> </span> </span> </a> <a href="" class="[ inline-flex flex-no-wrap items-stretch ] [ bg-bondi-400 hover:bg-bondi-500 group ] [ transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out ]" x-show="active == 2" style="display: none;"> <span class="[ tracking-widest text-xs md:text-sm lg:text-base uppercase font-bold py-3 px-6 ] [ bg-casal-500 text-white ] [ group-hover:bg-casal-700 ] [ transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out ]"> Meer informatie </span> <span class="w-10"> <span class="flex text-bondi-500 group-hover:text-bondi-300 w-2/3 h-full relative [ transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out ]"> <svg class="w-full h-full absolute inset-0" fill="currentColor" preserveAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 8 16"> <polygon points="0 16 0 0 8 8 0 16"></polygon> </svg> </span> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </header> <section class="[ grid grid-cols-compound gap-x-6 lg:gap-x-12 ] [ my-12 sm:my-16 md:my-20 ]"> <div class="[ col-start-2 col-span-8 ] [ prose prose-sm sm:prose lg:prose-lg xl:prose-xl ]"> <h2>Waar kunnen wij u mee helpen?</h2> <p>Heeft u ook van die klussen in huis die maar blijven liggen? Een deur die klemt, plinten die u al jaren geleden gekocht heeft maar nog steeds in de gangkast liggen. Of laat u het klussen liever aan vakmensen over? Denk hierbij aan het leggen van een laminaatvloer, het monteren van een rolluik / zonnescherm, het bouwen van een overkapping of een dakopbouw, het scheiden van een kamer doormiddel van een wand etc. Alles is bespreekbaar en niets is te gek!</p> <p>Naast bovengenoemde kleinere klussen staan wij ook voor u klaar als het gaat om renovaties van badkamers, toiletten en keukens. Onderhoudswerkzaamheden en loodgieterswerkzaamheden behoren ook tot ons vakgebied. Klik voor meer informatie op de banners.</p> </div> </section> <section class="[ grid grid-cols-compound gap-x-6 lg:gap-x-12 ] [ my-12 sm:my-16 md:my-20 ]"> <div class="[ col-start-2 col-span-8 ] [ prose prose-sm sm:prose lg:prose-lg xl:prose-xl ]"> <h2>Projecten</h2> <p>Hier vindt u een reeks voorbeelden van onze mogelijkheden.</p> </div> </section> <section class="[ grid grid-cols-compound gap-6 lg:gap-12 ] [ my-12 sm:my-16 md:my-20 ]"> <div class="[ col-start-2 col-span-8 ] [ grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3 ] [ gap-6 lg:gap-12 ] "> <div class="w-full bg-gray-200 animation-fade-in"> <a class="relative block group hover:shadow-2xl transition duration-500 relative z-20 [ ring-offset-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring focus:ring-casal-400 focus:ring-opacity-50 ]" href=""> <figure class="aspect-w-4 aspect-h-3 [ relative overflow-hidden bg-casal-500 ]"> <picture> <source media="(min-width: 1152px)" type="image/webp" data-srcset="" sizes="358px" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 960px)" 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2.148.558 2.913.306.788.717 1.459 1.384 2.126.667.666 1.336 1.079 2.126 1.384.766.296 1.636.499 2.913.558C8.333 23.988 8.74 24 12 24s3.667-.015 4.947-.072c1.277-.06 2.148-.262 2.913-.558.788-.306 1.459-.718 2.126-1.384.666-.667 1.079-1.335 1.384-2.126.296-.765.499-1.636.558-2.913.06-1.28.072-1.687.072-4.947s-.015-3.667-.072-4.947c-.06-1.277-.262-2.149-.558-2.913-.306-.789-.718-1.459-1.384-2.126C21.319 1.347 20.651.935 19.86.63c-.765-.297-1.636-.499-2.913-.558C15.667.012 15.26 0 12 0zm0 2.16c3.203 0 3.585.016 4.85.071 1.17.055 1.805.249 2.227.415.562.217.96.477 1.382.896.419.42.679.819.896 1.381.164.422.36 1.057.413 2.227.057 1.266.07 1.646.07 4.85s-.015 3.585-.074 4.85c-.061 1.17-.256 1.805-.421 2.227-.224.562-.479.96-.899 1.382-.419.419-.824.679-1.38.896-.42.164-1.065.36-2.235.413-1.274.057-1.649.07-4.859.07-3.211 0-3.586-.015-4.859-.074-1.171-.061-1.816-.256-2.236-.421-.569-.224-.96-.479-1.379-.899-.421-.419-.69-.824-.9-1.38-.165-.42-.359-1.065-.42-2.235-.045-1.26-.061-1.649-.061-4.844 0-3.196.016-3.586.061-4.861.061-1.17.255-1.814.42-2.234.21-.57.479-.96.9-1.381.419-.419.81-.689 1.379-.898.42-.166 1.051-.361 2.221-.421 1.275-.045 1.65-.06 4.859-.06l.045.03zm0 3.678c-3.405 0-6.162 2.76-6.162 6.162 0 3.405 2.76 6.162 6.162 6.162 3.405 0 6.162-2.76 6.162-6.162 0-3.405-2.76-6.162-6.162-6.162zM12 16c-2.21 0-4-1.79-4-4s1.79-4 4-4 4 1.79 4 4-1.79 4-4 4zm7.846-10.405c0 .795-.646 1.44-1.44 1.44-.795 0-1.44-.646-1.44-1.44 0-.794.646-1.439 1.44-1.439.793-.001 1.44.645 1.44 1.439z"></path></svg> <span class="sr-only">Volg ons op Instagram</span> </a> </p> <p> <a class="[ block text-white hover:text-white hover:text-opacity-80 ] [ transition duration-300 ease-in-out ] [ transform-gpu scale-100 hover:scale-110 ]" href=""> <svg class="fill-current w-8 md:w-10 lg:w-12 h-8 md:h-10 lg:h-12" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><title>WhatsApp icon</title><path d="M17.472 14.382c-.297-.149-1.758-.867-2.03-.967-.273-.099-.471-.148-.67.15-.197.297-.767.966-.94 1.164-.173.199-.347.223-.644.075-.297-.15-1.255-.463-2.39-1.475-.883-.788-1.48-1.761-1.653-2.059-.173-.297-.018-.458.13-.606.134-.133.298-.347.446-.52.149-.174.198-.298.298-.497.099-.198.05-.371-.025-.52-.075-.149-.669-1.612-.916-2.207-.242-.579-.487-.5-.669-.51-.173-.008-.371-.01-.57-.01-.198 0-.52.074-.792.372-.272.297-1.04 1.016-1.04 2.479 0 1.462 1.065 2.875 1.213 2.096 3.2 5.077 4.487.709.306 1.262.489 1.694.625.712.227 1.36.195 1.871.118.571-.085 1.758-.719 2.006-1.413.248-.694.248-1.289.173-1.413-.074-.124-.272-.198-.57-.347m-5.421 7.403h-.004a9.87 9.87 0 01-5.031-1.378l-.361-.214-3.741.982.998-3.648-.235-.374a9.86 9.86 0 01-1.51-5.26c.001-5.45 4.436-9.884 9.888-9.884 2.64 0 5.122 1.03 6.988 2.898a9.825 9.825 0 012.893 6.994c-.003 5.45-4.437 9.884-9.885 9.884m8.413-18.297A11.815 11.815 0 0012.05 0C5.495 0 .16 5.335.157 11.892c0 2.096.547 4.142 1.588 5.945L.057 24l6.305-1.654a11.882 11.882 0 005.683 1.448h.005c6.554 0 11.89-5.335 11.893-11.893a11.821 11.821 0 00-3.48-8.413Z"></path></svg> <span class="sr-only">Chat met ons via WhatsApp</span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="[ grid grid-cols-compound gap-x-6 lg:gap-x-12 ]"> <div class="[ col-start-2 col-span-8 ] [ flex flex-col-reverse md:flex-row md:justify-between ] [ py-6 lg:py-8 ]"> <p><small class="text-xs sm:text-sm">© 2024 DG Renovatie &amp; Loodgieter, alle rechten voorbehouden. Website door <a href="">ShareDesign</a></small></p> <nav class="mb-4 md:mb-0"> <a class="text-xs sm:text-sm hover:underline" href="">Disclaimer</a> <span class="hidden md:inline-block text-casal-400">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span> <a class="text-xs sm:text-sm hover:underline" href="">Privacyverklaring</a> </nav> </div> </div> </footer> </body></html>

Waterfall View

Start Render
First Contentful Paint
Largest Contentful Paint
Layout Shift
DOM Interactive
DOM Content Loaded
On Load
Document Complete
Render Blocking Resource Insecure Request 3xx response4xx+ response
 Doesn't Belong to Main Doc 
Step_1 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21:
customize waterfallView all ImagesView HTTP/2 Dependency GraphFilmstrip

Connection View

DNS Lookup
Initial Connection
SSL Negotiation
Start Render
DOM Content Loaded
On Load
Document Complete
Connection View waterfall diagram

Request Details

Before Start Render
Before On Load
After On Load
3xx Response
4xx Response

Request Details
# Resource Content Type Priority Request Start DNS Lookup Initial Connection SSL Negotiation Time to First Byte Content Download Bytes Downloaded CPU Time Error/Status Code IP
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Request Headers

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Request 11:

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Request 12:

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Request 13:

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Request 14:

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Request 15:

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Request 16:

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Request 17:

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Request 18:

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Request 19:

Error/Status Code: 200
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Request 20:

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Request 21:

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