- URL: https://project-parallax.com
- Date: 10/13/24 00:48:31
Webpage Performance Test Result
- Settings: Desktop
Frankfurt, Germany
- Test runs: 1
- Connectivity: 5000/1000 Kbps, 28ms Latency
- Custom Metrics

Requests Details
Use this page to explore the metric timings and request waterfall for any run of your test.
Page Performance Metrics (Run 1)
View run details: Run 1 (Repeat View)
TTFB | Start Render | FCP | Speed Index | LCP | CLS | TBT | DC Time | DC Requests | DC Bytes | Total Time | Total Requests | Page Weight |
.339S | 1.500S | 1.516S | 4.242S | 1.516S | 0 | .038S | 2.789S | 25 | 2,061KB | 4.075S | 25 | 2,061KB |
Visual Page Loading Process (Explore)
Navigation Timings | |
domContentLoadedEvent | loadEvent |
1.069s - 1.069s (0s) | 2.750s - 2.750s (0s) |
Custom Metrics Data
- Colordepth
- 24
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- {"dppx":1,"dpcm":37.79527559055118,"dpi":96}
- Images
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- fonts
- [{"family":"Neue Montreal","display":"swap","status":"loaded","style":"normal","weight":"400"},{"family":"Fraunces","display":"swap","status":"loaded","style":"italic","weight":"400"}]
- generated-content-percent
- 24.15
- generated-content-size
- 4.59
- imgs-in-viewport
- [{"src":"https:\/\/project-parallax.com\/media\/pages\/home\/d0421560a1-1693580945\/joshua-oluwagbemiga-qz9cvpmupz4-unsplash.jpg","html":"<img alt=\"Joshua Oluwagbemiga\" class=\"lazy overlay entered loaded\" src=\"https:\/\/project-parallax.com\/media\/pages\/home\/d0421560a1-1693580945\/joshua-oluwagbemiga-qz9cvpmupz4-unsplash.jpg\" data-src=\"https:\/\/project-parallax.com\/media\/pages\/home\/d0421560a1-1693580945\/joshua-oluwagbemiga-qz9cvpmupz4-unsplash.jpg\" data-ll-status=\"loaded\">","currentSrc":"https:\/\/project-parallax.com\/media\/pages\/home\/d0421560a1-1693580945\/joshua-oluwagbemiga-qz9cvpmupz4-unsplash.jpg","srcSet":null,"sizes":null,"priority":null,"loading":null,"naturalWidth":2560,"naturalHeight":1920}]
- imgs-no-alt
- []
- imgs-out-viewport
- []
- jsLibsVulns
- []
- meta-viewport
- width=device-width, initial-scale=1
- possibly-render-blocking-reqs
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- rendered-html
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Build and designed to show legacy examples of splitting images into layers."> <meta property="og:image" content="https://project-parallax.com/media/site/3f9e130b0a-1693898098/meta-image-860x540-crop-q72.jpg"> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Project Parallax"> <meta property="og:locale" content="en"> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="twitter:title" content="Project Parallax ✢ This is Parallax"> <meta property="twitter:description" content="This is Parallax, a personal project by Dennis Snellenberg. Build and designed to show legacy examples of splitting images into layers."> <meta property="twitter:image" content="https://project-parallax.com/media/site/3f9e130b0a-1693898098/meta-image-860x540-crop-q72.jpg"> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <meta name="google" content="notranslate"> <meta property="og:locale" content="en"> <link rel="canonical" href="https://project-parallax.com"> <link rel="icon" href="https://project-parallax.com/assets/img/favicon.svg" type="image/svg+xml"> <link rel="preload" href="https://project-parallax.com/assets/fonts/NeueMontreal-Regular.ttf" as="font" type="font/ttf" crossorigin="anonymous"> <link href="https://project-parallax.com/assets/css/normalize.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="https://project-parallax.com/assets/css/loconative-scroll.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="https://project-parallax.com/assets/css/styleguide.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="https://project-parallax.com/assets/css/components.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="https://project-parallax.com/assets/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body data-barba="wrapper" data-navigation-status="not-active" data-scrolling-started="false" data-scrolling-direction="down" data-theme-page="dark" data-theme-nav="dark" data-bg-nav="dark" data-audio-ambient-status="not-started" data-theme-page-light="255, 190, 131" data-theme-page-dark="26, 19, 13" style="--color-dark-rgb: 26, 19, 13; 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Waterfall View
Start Render | First Contentful Paint | Largest Contentful Paint | DOM Interactive | DOM Content Loaded | On Load | Document Complete |
![]() |
![]() |
3xx response | 4xx+ response | Doesn't Belong to Main Doc |
Connection View
DNS Lookup | Initial Connection | SSL Negotiation | Start Render | DOM Content Loaded | On Load | Document Complete |

Request Details
Before Start Render | Before On Load | After On Load | 3xx Response | 4xx Response |
# | Resource | Content Type | Priority | Request Start | DNS Lookup | Initial Connection | SSL Negotiation | Time to First Byte | Content Download | Bytes Downloaded | CPU Time | Error/Status Code | IP |
1 | https://project-parallax.com/ | text/html | Highest | 0.243 s | 130 ms | 39 ms | 72 ms | 96 ms | 2 ms | 3.3 KB | 1 ms | 200 | |
2 | https://project-para...Montreal-Regular.ttf | application/x-font-ttf | High | 0.378 s | - | - | - | 125 ms | 37 ms | 29.7 KB | - | 200 | |
3 | https://project-para...ts/css/normalize.css | text/css | Highest | 0.379 s | - | - | - | 50 ms | 5 ms | 1.7 KB | - | 200 | |
4 | https://project-para...ative-scroll.min.css | text/css | Highest | 0.379 s | - | - | - | 59 ms | 6 ms | 0.3 KB | - | 200 | |
5 | https://project-para...s/css/styleguide.css | text/css | Highest | 0.379 s | - | - | - | 67 ms | 4 ms | 3.7 KB | - | 200 | |
6 | https://project-para...s/css/components.css | text/css | Highest | 0.38 s | - | - | - | 75 ms | 4 ms | 1.2 KB | - | 200 | |
7 | https://project-para...assets/css/style.css | text/css | Highest | 0.38 s | - | - | - | 90 ms | 3 ms | 3.0 KB | - | 200 | |
8 | https://project-para...nsplash-192x-q72.jpg | image/jpeg | Medium | 0.38 s | - | - | - | 106 ms | 5 ms | 4.2 KB | - | 200 | |
9 | https://project-para...ScrollTrigger.min.js | application/javascript | Medium | 0.466 s | - | - | - | 107 ms | 13 ms | 16.1 KB | 10 ms | 200 | |
10 | https://project-para.../js/SplitText.min.js | application/javascript | Medium | 0.466 s | - | - | - | 86 ms | 5 ms | 5.2 KB | 2 ms | 200 | |
11 | https://project-para...native-scroll.min.js | application/javascript | Medium | 0.467 s | - | - | - | 130 ms | 2 ms | 9.7 KB | 7 ms | 200 | |
12 | https://project-para...m/assets/js/index.js | application/javascript | Low | 0.467 s | - | - | - | 142 ms | 1 ms | 4.4 KB | 36 ms | 200 | |
13 | https://project-para...s-wave-video-720.mp4 | video/mp4 | Low | 0.504 s | - | - | - | 132 ms | 77 ms | 649.9 KB | - | 206 | |
14 | https://cdnjs.cloudf...p/3.12.2/gsap.min.js | application/javascript | Medium | 0.537 s | 70 ms | - | 73 | 120 ms | 234 ms | 24.7 KB | 49 ms | 200 | |
15 | https://code.jquery..../jquery-3.7.0.min.js | application/javascript | High | 0.638 s | 52 ms | 47 ms | 119 ms | 203 ms | 95 ms | 29.6 KB | 15 ms | 200 | |
16 | https://project-para...ces_144pt-Italic.ttf | application/x-font-ttf | Highest | 0.706 s | - | - | - | 1460 ms | 47 ms | 46.0 KB | - | 200 | |
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