- URL: https://www.thegreenroom.fr/en
- Date: 10/07/24 10:29:32
Webpage Performance Test Result
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- Test runs: 1
- Connectivity: 5000/1000 Kbps, 28ms Latency
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TTFB | Start Render | FCP | Speed Index | LCP | CLS | TBT | DC Time | DC Requests | DC Bytes | Total Time | Total Requests | Page Weight |
.388S | .800S | .792S | .800S | .792S | 0 | .000S | .621S | 3 | 21KB | .788S | 5 | 25KB |
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0.451s - 0.451s (0s) | 0.546s - 0.546s (0s) |
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1.3-.9l-.6-5.4c-.1-1.7-.2-3.3-.6-5m13.8-148.5l-.3-.7.3.7zM115.7 67v1l-.1 3c0 .8 0 1.7.3 2.6V74c.2.1 0 0 . 1 .8 1.3.8l1.5.2c.7 0 1.5-.1 2.2-.5a3 3 0 001.6-2.8v-1l-.2-6.5v-3c0-3 .5-5.7 2.3-6.4h.9c1.3-.5 1.7-1 2-1h.5c1.2 0 2.7.7 3.2 1.5.2 0-.2 1 .7 2a27.2 27.2 0 010 6.1V71c0 .7 0 1.4.2 2 .1.7 0 1.3 1 2a4.5 4.5 0 005-.4c1-.8.8-1.7.8-2.4v-2V69L139 65v-1.6a44.2 44.2 0 00-.3-8c-.2-1-.6-2-1.2-3-.5-1.8-2.1-2.1-2-2.4-.1-.4-.7-1-1-1l-.6-.1-.6-.3c-.2-.5-1-.8-1.2-.8l-1.8-.3s-.4-.6-1.6-.7l-.6.1-.6.2c-.2-.1-.4-.3-.9-.3s-.7.2-.8.2h-.1l-.2.1-2.2.7h-.1a3.5 3.5 0 00-.1-1l-.3-.6a32 32 0 01.3-1.8c0-.7-.5-1.3-.5-1.4V43v-4.2h.4c1.4 0 2.4-1.1 2.7-2.4a6.1 6.1 0 00-.2-3.6c-.8-1.4-1.9-1.2-1.9-1.4-1-.6-2.9-2.6-5.1-2.8-1 0-2.2 1-2.4 2-.4 2.2-.5 4.3-.5 6.4v13.4a47.1 47.1 0 00.1 5.8l-.2 8.2V67m38 5.2zm53.5 76.7c0 2 4.2 3.3 5.8 2.3 1.5-1 1.7-2.4 1.4-4-.3-1.3.1-2.2.1-3.5 0-2 0-3.9-.2-5.8.5-1.4.4-3 .2-4.5-.2-2.8-.6-5.4 1.1-7.7-3-.8 1.4-4.8 2.6-5.8 2.3-2 6.7-2.3 8.6.5 4.4 6.3 2.3 15.2 2.4 22.5 0 1.3-.4 2.6-.3 4 0 .5-.1 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0-.7.2-.7.4-.6.8-.7 1l-1.1.6c-1.8 1.5-2.7 3.4-4 4.4-1 1.1-.8 2.5-1 2.7-.4.6-.6 1.3-.6 2 0 1.4-.3 2.7-.3 4.2 0 .7 0 1.5.3 2.4.9 2.7 2.4 5.2 4.2 7.3m85.1 133.5c0-2.5.3-5.7-.5-8-.3-1-1.3-1.9-1.3-2.8-.4-.8-.1-.5-.8-1.3-1-.5-1.7-1.7-2.5-2.5-.9-.7-1.1-.3-2-.7-.7-.3-1.3-1-2.1-1.3-.8-.3-1.9-.2-2.7-.4-1.7-.5-4-.6-5.6 0-1.6.6-3.2 1-4.7 1.7s-2 2-3.2 3c-.6-1.5-2-1.8-3-3-1.3-.9-3.3-1-4.9-1.7-2.4-1-4.7 0-7.1 0-1 .3-.6-.6-1.4.3-.8.8-1.7 1.5-2.7 2-.5-2.2-4.1-1.5-5.8-1.2-2.4.5-1 6-1 7.7 0 4.8.4 9.6.3 14.4-.1 3.8-.5 7.6-.6 11.3v3.9c.1 1.2 1.3.7 2.4.7 2.2 0 4 .2 4.5-2.2.8-3.3-.4-6.8.4-10 .4-1.7-.3-3.3-.3-5 0-1.1.7-2.3.7-3.5l-.3-4.8c.6-.8.9-1.7 1-2.7 1-1 1.9-2 3-2.7 1.7-1.5 2.8-1.8 5.1-1.4 1 .3 2.3.6 3 1.5 1.3 1.7 2.6 3 2.8 5.4.3 3.3.5 7 0 10.2-.3 2.5.2 4.7.2 7.1 0 2.3-.9 6.3 1.2 7.7 1.4.6 3.6.6 4.8-.2 1-.8.8-2.3 1.2-3.5.4-1.6-.4-3.2-.4-5 0-2.2.4-4.3.2-6.5-.1-1.9.7-3.4.3-5.3-.4-1.4 0-3 .2-4.4.1-1.1 0-2.5.9-3.4.3-.4 1.4-2.1 1.8-2.2.9-.2 1.4-1 2.2-1.3 1.1-.5 2.5 0 3.7 0 2.2 0 3.9 2 5 3.7 0 .8.3 1.3.6 2 .2 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212.8h9v9.3h-9z"></path><path class="st3" d="M395.3 354.8v8.6c0 2.6 2.1 4.6 4.6 4.6 2.6 0 4.6-2.1 4.6-4.6v-8.6c0-2.6-2.1-4.6-4.6-4.6-2.6 0-4.6 2.1-4.6 4.6z"></path><path transform="rotate(90 399.894 366.078)" class="st6" d="M395.4 361.4h9v9.3h-9z"></path><path class="st3" d="M410.3 354.8v8.6c0 2.6 2.1 4.6 4.6 4.6 2.6 0 4.6-2.1 4.6-4.6v-8.6c0-2.6-2.1-4.6-4.6-4.6-2.6 0-4.6 2.1-4.6 4.6z"></path><path transform="rotate(90 414.899 366.078)" class="st6" d="M410.4 361.4h9v9.3h-9z"></path><path class="st3" d="M380.2 354.8v8.6c0 2.6 2.1 4.6 4.6 4.6 2.6 0 4.6-2.1 4.6-4.6v-8.6c0-2.6-2.1-4.6-4.6-4.6-2.5 0-4.6 2.1-4.6 4.6z"></path><path transform="rotate(90 384.89 366.078)" class="st6" d="M380.4 361.4h9v9.3h-9z"></path><path class="st3" d="M440.3 354.8v8.6c0 2.6 2.1 4.6 4.6 4.6 2.6 0 4.6-2.1 4.6-4.6v-8.6c0-2.6-2.1-4.6-4.6-4.6-2.5 0-4.6 2.1-4.6 4.6z"></path><path transform="rotate(90 444.909 366.078)" class="st6" d="M440.4 361.4h9v9.3h-9z"></path><path class="st3" d="M425.3 354.8v8.6c0 2.6 2.1 4.6 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<div class="margin"> <div class="two-columns"> <div aria-hidden="true" class="components/hero__shape col-50"> <div aria-hidden="true" class="halfCircle-left"></div> <div aria-hidden="true" class="halfCircle-right bk-aubergine"></div> </div> <div class="col-50 tr-m line-absolute--right"> <div class="home__description"> <p><strong>Act now:</strong> working with associated musicians and technicians, The Green Room sets up low carbon tours, carries out evaluations, awareness raising actions, training and operational studies on artistic practices and environmental issues.<br> The Green Room is also regularly invited to music conventions, network meetings and professional events in France and abroad to take part in conferences and present its work.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bg-green-light home-services"> <div class="home-services-decoration"> <svg version="1.1" id="Warstwa_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" x="0" y="0" viewBox="0 0 700 261.1" xml:space="preserve"><style>/* inner styles set by WPT to match CSSOM */.st0 { fill: rgb(242, 242, 242); }.st1 { fill: rgb(75, 59, 70); }</style><g id="sluchawki"><path class="st0" d="M58.3 261.1h-40C8.2 261.1 0 252.8 0 242.8V27.2C0 17.1 8.2 8.9 18.3 8.9h40c10.1 0 18.3 8.2 18.3 18.3v215.6c0 10-8.3 18.3-18.3 18.3zM147.3 261.1h-40c-10.1 0-18.3-8.2-18.3-18.3V27.2c0-10.1 8.2-18.3 18.3-18.3h40c10.1 0 18.3 8.2 18.3 18.3v215.6c0 10-8.2 18.3-18.3 18.3zM236.4 261.1h-40c-10.1 0-18.3-8.2-18.3-18.3V27.2c0-10.1 8.2-18.3 18.3-18.3h40c10.1 0 18.3 8.2 18.3 18.3v215.6c0 10-8.2 18.3-18.3 18.3zM325.4 261.1h-40c-10.1 0-18.3-8.2-18.3-18.3V27.2c0-10.1 8.2-18.3 18.3-18.3h40c10.1 0 18.3 8.2 18.3 18.3v215.6c.1 10-8.2 18.3-18.3 18.3zM414.5 261.1h-40c-10.1 0-18.3-8.2-18.3-18.3V27.2c0-10.1 8.2-18.3 18.3-18.3h40c10.1 0 18.3 8.2 18.3 18.3v215.6c0 10-8.2 18.3-18.3 18.3zM503.6 261.1h-40c-10.1 0-18.3-8.2-18.3-18.3V27.2c0-10.1 8.2-18.3 18.3-18.3h40c10.1 0 18.3 8.2 18.3 18.3v215.6c0 10-8.3 18.3-18.3 18.3z"></path><path class="st1" d="M185.9 169.2h-28c-6.9 0-12.5-5.6-12.5-12.5V12.5C145.4 5.6 151 0 157.9 0h28c6.9 0 12.5 5.6 12.5 12.5v144.3c-.1 6.8-5.7 12.4-12.5 12.4zM453.1 169.2h-28c-6.9 0-12.5-5.6-12.5-12.5V12.5c0-6.9 5.6-12.5 12.5-12.5h28c6.9 0 12.5 5.6 12.5 12.5v144.3c-.1 6.8-5.7 12.4-12.5 12.4zM275.3 169.2h-28c-6.9 0-12.5-5.6-12.5-12.5V12.5c0-6.9 5.6-12.5 12.5-12.5h28c6.9 0 12.5 5.6 12.5 12.5v144.3c0 6.8-5.6 12.4-12.5 12.4z"></path><path class="st0" d="M592.6 261.1h-40c-10.1 0-18.3-8.2-18.3-18.3V27.2c0-10.1 8.2-18.3 18.3-18.3h40c10.1 0 18.3 8.2 18.3 18.3v215.6c0 10-8.2 18.3-18.3 18.3zM681.7 261.1h-40c-10.1 0-18.3-8.2-18.3-18.3V27.2c0-10.1 8.2-18.3 18.3-18.3h40c10.1 0 18.3 8.2 18.3 18.3v215.6c0 10-8.2 18.3-18.3 18.3z"></path><path class="st1" d="M542.1 169.2h-28c-6.9 0-12.5-5.6-12.5-12.5V12.5c0-6.9 5.6-12.5 12.5-12.5h28c6.9 0 12.5 5.6 12.5 12.5v144.3c0 6.8-5.6 12.4-12.5 12.4zM631.2 169.2h-28c-6.9 0-12.5-5.6-12.5-12.5V12.5c0-6.9 5.6-12.5 12.5-12.5h28c6.9 0 12.5 5.6 12.5 12.5v144.3c-.1 6.8-5.7 12.4-12.5 12.4z"></path></g></svg> </div> <section class="home-services margin margin-xl"> <h2 class="title-section line line--mg">Our services</h2> <div class="home-services__list"> <div class="home-services__row"> <h3 class="home-services__service">Coaching for Musicians & Technicians</h3> </div> <div class="home-services__row"> <h3 class="home-services__service">Coaching for cultural organisations, networks and communities.</h3> </div> <div class="home-services__row"> <h3 class="home-services__service">Workshops and trainingq</h3> </div> <div class="home-services__row"> <h3 class="home-services__service">Conferences and professional events</h3> </div> </div> <div class="btn-container center"> <a class="btn btn--aubergine btn--bottom" href="https://thegreenroom.fr/en/services-and-offers">Our services</a> </div> </section> </div> <section class="margin-tb"> <div aria-hidden="true" class="halfCircle-top shape-center bk-aubergine"></div> <h2 class="title title-center">Meet us</h2> <ul class="home-meets"> <p>We do not yet have any meetings organized soon.</p> <p>Follow us to know our next dates.</p> <p>We do not yet have any meetings organized soon.</p> <p>Follow us to know our next dates.</p> </ul> <div class="btn-container center"> <a class="btn btn--aubergine btn--right" href="https://thegreenroom.fr/en/meet-us">Meet us</a> </div> </section> <section class="bg-green-light symbol-relative"> <div class="symbol symbol-green"> <div class="margin"> <div class="contact"> <h3 class="title title-center line-center--after">Follow us</h3> <div class="newsletter"> <div class="social__list"> <div class="social__circle"> <a class="circle-btn" href="https://thegreenroom.fr/en/newsletter">Newsletter</a> </div> <div class="social__circle"> <a class="circle-btn" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-green-green-room/" target="_blank">LinkedIn</a> </div> <div class="social__circle"> <a class="circle-btn" rel="noopener noreferrer" 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Through a responsible digital approach and a desire for continuous improvement, we are supported by <a href="https://www.pikselkraft.com/">Pikselkraft</a>.</p> <ul class="eco__list"> <li class="eco__circle">1.38 gCO2e per page</li> <li class="eco__circle">Green hosting</li> <li class="eco__circle">No tracking</li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-50 eco__illu"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 700 700"><style>/* inner styles set by WPT to match CSSOM */.ecoordi-st1 { fill: rgb(255, 255, 255); }.ecoordi-st2 { fill: rgb(196, 220, 166); }.ecoordi-st3 { fill: rgb(191, 190, 190); }.ecoordi-st4 { fill: rgb(86, 70, 82); }.ecoordi-st5, .ecoordi-st6, .ecoordi-st7 { fill: rgb(240, 222, 2); }.ecoordi-st6, .ecoordi-st7 { opacity: 0.72; }.ecoordi-st7 { opacity: 0.77; }.ecoordi-st11 { fill: rgb(242, 242, 242); }.ecoordi-st14 { fill: rgb(254, 255, 241); }.ecoordi-st16 { fill: rgb(123, 163, 66); }.ecoordi-st18 { fill: none; stroke: rgb(123, 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