- URL: https://philippverheyen.com
- Date: 09/06/24 09:56:18
Webpage Performance Test Result
- Settings: Desktopv128CableFrankfurt, Germany
- Test runs: 1
- Connectivity: 5000/1000 Kbps, 28ms Latency
- Custom Metrics
Requests Details
Use this page to explore the metric timings and request waterfall for any run of your test.
Page Performance Metrics (Run 1)
View run details: Run 1 (Repeat View)
TTFB | Start Render | FCP | Speed Index | CLS | TBT | DC Time | DC Requests | DC Bytes | Total Time | Total Requests | Page Weight |
.983S | 1.900S | 1.360S | 3.216S | 0 | .000S | 1.403S | 7 | 37KB | 1.403S | 7 | 37KB |
Visual Page Loading Process (Explore)
Navigation Timings | |
domContentLoadedEvent | loadEvent |
1.201s - 1.201s (0s) | 1.302s - 1.302s (0s) |
Custom Metrics Data
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- 24
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- 0.78
- generated-content-size
- 0.07
- imgs-in-viewport
- []
- imgs-no-alt
- []
- imgs-out-viewport
- []
- jsLibsVulns
- []
- meta-viewport
- width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0
- possibly-render-blocking-reqs
- ["https:\/\/www.philippverheyen.com\/assets\/js\/main.1548262562.js","https:\/\/www.philippverheyen.com\/assets\/css\/style.1615555722.css"]
- rendered-html
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Having moved to Berlin in 2009, he officially started off his career as a hair&make-up artist, while shortly after signing with Ballsaal Artist Management in Hamburg, Germany. Since the past three years he has been working independently and is a proud brand ambassador for L’Oréal Paris & Shark Beauty and represents brands such as Chanel, Armani, YSL Beauty in Germany.</p> <p>Besides contributing for magazines like Vogue, Numéro, Harper‘s Bazaar etc., as well as having worked with clients ranging from independent fashion designers to global corporations, by now Verheyen’s focus lies on in-depth beauty consulting and long-term image conception for some of Germany’s most famous musicians and actors like Diane Kruger, Alicia von Rittberg, Hannah Herzsprung und Lena Meyer-Landrut.</p> <p>Apart from a close exchange with his clientele as well as a positive impact on the well-being and image of each individual he advises and treats, his work aims to convey his passion for detail, craft, and zeitgeist aesthetics.</p> <div class="list"> <h3 class="list-title">Clients</h3> <div class="list-list"> <div class="list-entry">Anna Maria Mühe </div> <div class="list-entry">Emilia Schüle</div> <div class="list-entry">Diane Kruger </div> <div class="list-entry">Hannah Herzsprung</div> <div class="list-entry">Heike Makatsch</div> <div class="list-entry">Iris Berben</div> <div class="list-entry">Jella Haase</div> <div class="list-entry">Jessica Schwarz</div> <div class="list-entry">Karoline Herfuhrt</div> <div class="list-entry">Lena Meyer-Landrut</div> <div class="list-entry">Palina Rojinski</div> <div class="list-entry">Paula Beer</div> <div class="list-entry">Stefanie Giesinger </div> <div class="list-entry">Alicia von Rittberg </div> <div class="list-entry">Caro Daur </div> </div> </div> <div class="list"> <h3 class="list-title">Companies</h3> <div class="list-list"> <div class="list-entry">Chanel</div> <div class="list-entry">Dr. Barbara Sturm</div> <div class="list-entry">L’Oréal Paris</div> <div class="list-entry">Dr. Hauschka </div> <div class="list-entry">Hercules Sägemann </div> <div class="list-entry"></div> </div> </div> <div class="list"> <h3 class="list-title">Philipp Verheyen – seine 5 Essentials zur Berlinale </h3> <div class="list-list"> <a class="interview" href="https://www.vogue.de/shopping/artikel/philipp-verheyen"> <span class="interview-date">February 23, 2023</span> <span class="interview-title">Philipp Verheyen – seine 5 Essentials zur Berlinale </span> <span class="interview-publisher">VOGUE </span> </a> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="footer"> <div class="footer-left"> <p>Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG: Freiberuflicher Hair & Make-up Artist, Philipp Verheyen. Postanschrift: available upon request. Telefon: available upon request. E-Mail: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>. Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: 34/570/00761. Website: <a href="http://www.bus.group">bus.group</a>. Development: <a href="https://www.felixniklas.com">Felix Niklas</a>. Typeface: <a href="https://abcdinamo.com/">Lapidar Bold</a></p> </div> <div class="footer-right"> <p>Copyright ©2024; All rights reserved. Some of the text elements are subjected to the sharing friendly Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, however, any duplication or redistribution as a whole or in parts requires written permission of Philipp Verheyen. This website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We do not bear responsibility for any of the content(s) of the linked website(s).</p> </div> </footer> </div> <script src="https://www.philippverheyen.com/assets/js/main.1548262562.js"></script></body></html>
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Waterfall View
Start Render | First Contentful Paint | DOM Interactive | DOM Content Loaded | On Load | Document Complete |
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Connection View
DNS Lookup | Initial Connection | SSL Negotiation | Start Render | DOM Content Loaded | On Load | Document Complete |
Request Details
Before Start Render | Before On Load | After On Load | 3xx Response | 4xx Response |
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