- URL: https://www.molinaridesign.ch/
- Date: 09/06/24 09:27:18
Webpage Performance Test Result
- Settings: Desktopv128CableFrankfurt, Germany
- Test runs: 1
- Connectivity: 5000/1000 Kbps, 28ms Latency
- Custom Metrics
Requests Details
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Page Performance Metrics (Run 1)
View run details: Run 1 (Repeat View)
TTFB | Start Render | FCP | Speed Index | LCP | CLS | TBT | DC Time | DC Requests | DC Bytes | Total Time | Total Requests | Page Weight |
.228S | .600S | .559S | 2.084S | .743S | .278 | .143S | .000S | 0 | 0KB | 29.895S | 30 | 17,201KB |
Visual Page Loading Process (Explore)
Navigation Timings | |
domContentLoadedEvent | loadEvent |
0.782s - 0.782s (0s) | 0s - 0s (0s) |
Custom Metrics Data
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17.015 71.803 43.462 106.013 37.223 48.149 92.707 90.474 137.212 110.851a19.998 19.998 0 0 0 16.649.002c44.525-20.378 100.007-62.704 137.225-110.855 26.441-34.207 43.451-71.476 43.452-106.007.035-78.045-64.514-99.074-92.61-99.074-28.673 0-63.657 12.993-87.014 32.51a102.998 102.998 0 0 0-9.356 8.843Zm-20.02 44.529.02.828h40c0-8.871 6.724-16.586 15.005-23.505 16.496-13.785 41.114-23.205 61.365-23.205 16.386 0 52.632 13.542 52.61 59.06v.01c0 26.759-14.61 55.04-35.1 81.549-30.893 39.969-75.814 75.544-113.898 94.919-38.071-19.376-82.996-54.951-113.894-94.92-20.493-26.509-35.108-54.789-35.108-81.548 0-45.526 36.268-59.07 52.65-59.07 20.251 0 44.869 9.42 61.365 23.205 8.022 6.702 14.583 14.152 14.985 22.677ZM320.93 304.985c-10.048 6.584-16.74 17.944-16.74 30.745 0 20.149 16.581 36.73 36.73 36.73 20.15 0 36.73-16.581 36.73-36.73v-.058c-.017-12.773-6.697-24.105-16.72-30.679V212.6c0-71.469 58.811-130.28 130.28-130.28 70.862 0 129.279 57.815 130.267 128.46H409.47c-11.038 0-20 8.962-20 20s8.962 20 20 20h212.02v54.218c-10.038 6.586-16.72 17.94-16.72 30.732 0 20.149 16.581 36.73 36.73 36.73 20.15 0 36.73-16.581 36.73-36.73v-.066c-.023-12.776-6.71-24.107-16.74-30.679V212.6c0-93.413-76.867-170.28-170.28-170.28-92.806 0-169.28 75.871-170.27 168.46h-71.141c-33.659.019-62.143 25.886-65.395 59.387l-50.311 520.91-.002.017a57.639 57.639 0 0 0-.262 5.496c0 31.642 26.037 57.68 57.68 57.68H537c11.038 0 20-8.962 20-20s-8.962-20-20-20H191.509c-9.699 0-17.68-7.981-17.68-17.68 0-.561.026-1.122.08-1.681l50.308-520.878c1.274-13.116 12.425-23.243 25.603-23.251h71.11v54.205ZM715.2 250.78h17.407c13.172.012 24.315 10.137 25.586 23.248l29.549 306.193c1.061 10.987 10.842 19.047 21.829 17.987 10.987-1.061 19.047-10.842 17.987-21.829l-29.551-306.208c-3.246-33.496-31.718-59.364-65.371-59.391H715.2c-11.038 0-20 8.962-20 20s8.962 20 20 20Z" style="fill:#fff" transform="translate(-138.865 -69.577) scale(1.64407)"></path></svg> </span> </span> <svg class="hex-svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" 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