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Webpage Performance Test Result

  • Settings: DesktopChromev128CableFrankfurt, Germany

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Page Performance Metrics (Run 1)

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TTFB Start Render FCP Speed Index LCP CLS TBT DC Time DC Requests DC Bytes Total Time Total Requests Page Weight
.805S 1.600S 1.609S 2.231S 1.874S .017 .038S 1.659S 11 289KB 1.932S 13 290KB

Visual Page Loading Process (Explore)

Navigation Timings
domContentLoadedEvent loadEvent
1.555s - 1.555s (0s) 1.558s - 1.558s (0s)
Custom Metrics Data
[{"family":"American Typewriter","display":"auto","status":"loaded","style":"normal","weight":"bold"},{"family":"Theinhardt","display":"auto","status":"loaded","style":"normal","weight":"normal"},{"family":"Theinhardt","display":"auto","status":"unloaded","style":"italic","weight":"normal"},{"family":"Theinhardt","display":"auto","status":"loaded","style":"normal","weight":"bold"}]
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<html lang="fr" class="desktop loaded"><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>CIPAC –&nbsp;Fédération des professionnels de l’art contemporain</title> <meta name="description" content="Le CIPAC réunit les professionnels engagés dans la production, la diffusion et la médiation de l’art contemporain en France depuis 1997."> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta property="og:title" content="CIPAC –&nbsp;Fédération des professionnels de l’art contemporain"> <meta property="og:description" content="Le CIPAC réunit les professionnels engagés dans la production, la diffusion et la médiation de l’art contemporain en France depuis 1997."> <meta property="og:locale" content="fr_FR"> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="og:url" content=""> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <meta property="og:image:width" content="1200"> <meta property="og:image:height" content="600"> <meta property="og:image:alt" content="CIPAC –&nbsp;Fédération des 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diffusion et la médiation de l’art contemporain en France depuis 1997.", "license": "", "url": "", "logo": "", "sameAs": [ "", "" ], "email": "[email protected]", "telephone" : "+33144791085", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "32 rue Yves Toudic", "addressLocality": "Paris", "postalCode": "75010", "addressCountry": "France" } } </script> </head> <body> <!--[if IE]> <p class="browserupgrade">Pour améliorer votre expérience et votre sécurité sur le web, vous devriez <a href="">mettre à jour votre navigateur</a>.</p> <![endif]--> <div id="site" class="site is-loaded"> <header id="site-header" class="index"> <div id="logo" class="noselect"> <h1 id="cipac" data-compo="6"><a href=""><span data-cipac="c1">C</span><span data-cipac="i">I</span><span data-cipac="p">P</span><span data-cipac="a">A</span><span data-cipac="c2">C</span></a></h1> <p class="tagline">Fédération<br> des professionnels<br> de l’art<br> contemporain</p> </div> <nav id="menu"> <input id="menu-toggle" 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Vous recevrez alors un email permettant de définir votre mot de passe de connexion.%0D%0ASi vous n'êtes pas encore membre, nous vous invitons à consulter la page du site dédiée aux adhésions:">demandez votre accès</a>, puis connectez-vous pour enrichir votre visite de contenus et d’informations qui vous sont dédiés.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Si vous avez déjà déposé une annonce</strong>, connectez-vous pour accéder à votre compte.</p> </div> <form method="POST" class="no-smoothState"> <label for="username" class="visuallyhidden">Adresse e-mail</label> <input type="email" id="username" name="popupusername" placeholder="Adresse e-mail" value="" required=""> <label for="password" class="visuallyhidden">Mot de passe</label> <input type="password" id="password" name="popuppassword" placeholder="Mot de passe" required=""> <button class="button" type="submit" name="popuplogin" value="login"><span>Se connecter</span></button> <a href="" class="forgot-password">Mot de passe oublié ?</a> </form> </div> </li> </ul> </nav> </header> <div id="content"> <main id="index"> <section id="featured"> <h2 class="section-title">Actualités</h2> <div class="slider flickity-enabled is-draggable" tabindex="0"> <div class="flickity-viewport" style="height: 960px; touch-action: pan-y;"><div class="flickity-slider" style="left: 0px; transform: translate3d(-92.71%, 0px, 0px);"><article class="slide" style="position: absolute; left: 0%;" aria-hidden="true"> <a href=""><h3 class="main-title words chars splitting" style="--word-total: 7; --char-total: 47;"><span class="word" data-word="Caractéristiques" style="--word-index: 0;"><span class="char" data-char="C" style="--char-index: 0;">C</span><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 1;">a</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 2;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 3;">a</span><span class="char" data-char="c" style="--char-index: 4;">c</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 5;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="é" style="--char-index: 6;">é</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 7;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="i" style="--char-index: 8;">i</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 9;">s</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 10;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="i" style="--char-index: 11;">i</span><span class="char" data-char="q" style="--char-index: 12;">q</span><span class="char" data-char="u" style="--char-index: 13;">u</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 14;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 15;">s</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="de" style="--word-index: 1;"><span class="char" data-char="d" style="--char-index: 16;">d</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 17;">e</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="l’emploi" style="--word-index: 2;"><span class="char" data-char="l" style="--char-index: 18;">l</span><span class="char" data-char="’" style="--char-index: 19;">’</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 20;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="m" style="--char-index: 21;">m</span><span class="char" data-char="p" style="--char-index: 22;">p</span><span class="char" data-char="l" style="--char-index: 23;">l</span><span class="char" data-char="o" style="--char-index: 24;">o</span><span class="char" data-char="i" style="--char-index: 25;">i</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="dans" style="--word-index: 3;"><span class="char" data-char="d" style="--char-index: 26;">d</span><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 27;">a</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 28;">n</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 29;">s</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="le" style="--word-index: 4;"><span class="char" data-char="l" style="--char-index: 30;">l</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 31;">e</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="secteur" style="--word-index: 5;"><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 32;">s</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 33;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="c" style="--char-index: 34;">c</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 35;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 36;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="u" style="--char-index: 37;">u</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 38;">r</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="culturel" style="--word-index: 6;"><span class="char" data-char="c" style="--char-index: 39;">c</span><span class="char" data-char="u" style="--char-index: 40;">u</span><span class="char" data-char="l" style="--char-index: 41;">l</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 42;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="u" style="--char-index: 43;">u</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 44;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 45;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="l" style="--char-index: 46;">l</span></span></h3> <p>Une étude du DEPS portant sur l’évolution de l’emploi dans le secteur culturel a été publiée en juin 2024. Découvrez ses principaux enseignements.</p></a> </article><article class="slide is-selected" style="position: absolute; left: 100%;"> <a href=""><h3 class="main-title words chars splitting" style="--word-total: 11; --char-total: 46;"><span class="word" data-word="Le" style="--word-index: 0;"><span class="char" data-char="L" style="--char-index: 0;">L</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 1;">e</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="programme" style="--word-index: 1;"><span class="char" data-char="p" style="--char-index: 2;">p</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 3;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="o" style="--char-index: 4;">o</span><span class="char" data-char="g" style="--char-index: 5;">g</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 6;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 7;">a</span><span class="char" data-char="m" style="--char-index: 8;">m</span><span class="char" data-char="m" style="--char-index: 9;">m</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 10;">e</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="du" style="--word-index: 2;"><span class="char" data-char="d" style="--char-index: 11;">d</span><span class="char" data-char="u" style="--char-index: 12;">u</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="2e" style="--word-index: 3;"><span class="char" data-char="2" style="--char-index: 13;">2</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 14;">e</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="semestre" style="--word-index: 4;"><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 15;">s</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 16;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="m" style="--char-index: 17;">m</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 18;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 19;">s</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 20;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 21;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 22;">e</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="de" style="--word-index: 5;"><span class="char" data-char="d" style="--char-index: 23;">d</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 24;">e</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="formations" style="--word-index: 6;"><span class="char" data-char="f" style="--char-index: 25;">f</span><span class="char" data-char="o" style="--char-index: 26;">o</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 27;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="m" style="--char-index: 28;">m</span><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 29;">a</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 30;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="i" style="--char-index: 31;">i</span><span class="char" data-char="o" style="--char-index: 32;">o</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 33;">n</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 34;">s</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="est" style="--word-index: 7;"><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 35;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 36;">s</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 37;">t</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="en" style="--word-index: 8;"><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 38;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 39;">n</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="ligne" style="--word-index: 9;"><span class="char" data-char="l" style="--char-index: 40;">l</span><span class="char" data-char="i" style="--char-index: 41;">i</span><span class="char" data-char="g" style="--char-index: 42;">g</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 43;">n</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 44;">e</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="!" style="--word-index: 10;"><span class="char" data-char="!" style="--char-index: 45;">!</span></span></h3> <p>Diversifiée, et toujours résolument concrète, notre offre de formation s’étoffe, cette année encore, de nouveaux programmes de formations.</p></a> </article><article class="slide" aria-hidden="true" style="position: absolute; left: 200%;"> <a href=""><h3 class="main-title words chars splitting" style="--word-total: 5; --char-total: 37;"><span class="word" data-word="Lancement" style="--word-index: 0;"><span class="char" data-char="L" style="--char-index: 0;">L</span><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 1;">a</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 2;">n</span><span class="char" data-char="c" style="--char-index: 3;">c</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 4;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="m" style="--char-index: 5;">m</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 6;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 7;">n</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 8;">t</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="du" style="--word-index: 1;"><span class="char" data-char="d" style="--char-index: 9;">d</span><span class="char" data-char="u" style="--char-index: 10;">u</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="contrat-type" style="--word-index: 2;"><span class="char" data-char="c" style="--char-index: 11;">c</span><span class="char" data-char="o" style="--char-index: 12;">o</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 13;">n</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 14;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 15;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 16;">a</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 17;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="-" style="--char-index: 18;">-</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 19;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="y" style="--char-index: 20;">y</span><span class="char" data-char="p" style="--char-index: 21;">p</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 22;">e</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="de" style="--word-index: 3;"><span class="char" data-char="d" style="--char-index: 23;">d</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 24;">e</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="commissariat" style="--word-index: 4;"><span class="char" data-char="c" style="--char-index: 25;">c</span><span class="char" data-char="o" style="--char-index: 26;">o</span><span class="char" data-char="m" style="--char-index: 27;">m</span><span class="char" data-char="m" style="--char-index: 28;">m</span><span class="char" data-char="i" style="--char-index: 29;">i</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 30;">s</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 31;">s</span><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 32;">a</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 33;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="i" style="--char-index: 34;">i</span><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 35;">a</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 36;">t</span></span></h3> <p>Au terme de plusieurs années de travail, le CIPAC et CEA / Association française des commissaires d’exposition sont heureux de partager un modèle de contrat dédié aux commissaires d’exposition …</p></a> </article><article class="slide" aria-hidden="true" style="position: absolute; left: 300%;"> <a href=""><h3 class="main-title words chars splitting" style="--word-total: 7; --char-total: 38;"><span class="word" data-word="Employeurs" style="--word-index: 0;"><span class="char" data-char="E" style="--char-index: 0;">E</span><span class="char" data-char="m" style="--char-index: 1;">m</span><span class="char" data-char="p" style="--char-index: 2;">p</span><span class="char" data-char="l" style="--char-index: 3;">l</span><span class="char" data-char="o" style="--char-index: 4;">o</span><span class="char" data-char="y" style="--char-index: 5;">y</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 6;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="u" style="--char-index: 7;">u</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 8;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 9;">s</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word=":" style="--word-index: 1;"><span class="char" data-char=":" style="--char-index: 10;">:</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="investissez" style="--word-index: 2;"><span class="char" data-char="i" style="--char-index: 11;">i</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 12;">n</span><span class="char" data-char="v" style="--char-index: 13;">v</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 14;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 15;">s</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 16;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="i" style="--char-index: 17;">i</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 18;">s</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 19;">s</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 20;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="z" style="--char-index: 21;">z</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="dans" style="--word-index: 3;"><span class="char" data-char="d" style="--char-index: 22;">d</span><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 23;">a</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 24;">n</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 25;">s</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="la" style="--word-index: 4;"><span class="char" data-char="l" style="--char-index: 26;">l</span><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 27;">a</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="formation" style="--word-index: 5;"><span class="char" data-char="f" style="--char-index: 28;">f</span><span class="char" data-char="o" style="--char-index: 29;">o</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 30;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="m" style="--char-index: 31;">m</span><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 32;">a</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 33;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="i" style="--char-index: 34;">i</span><span class="char" data-char="o" style="--char-index: 35;">o</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 36;">n</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="!" style="--word-index: 6;"><span class="char" data-char="!" style="--char-index: 37;">!</span></span></h3> <p>«&nbsp;Investir dans la formation des salariés, c’est préparer l’avenir en adaptant les salariés aux qualifications et aux métiers de demain, et investir dans la performance économique et sociale de …</p></a> </article><article class="slide" aria-hidden="true" style="position: absolute; left: 400%;"> <a href=""><h3 class="main-title words chars splitting" style="--word-total: 6; --char-total: 29;"><span class="word" data-word="Le" style="--word-index: 0;"><span class="char" data-char="L" style="--char-index: 0;">L</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 1;">e</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="revenu" style="--word-index: 1;"><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 2;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 3;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="v" style="--char-index: 4;">v</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 5;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 6;">n</span><span class="char" data-char="u" style="--char-index: 7;">u</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="des" style="--word-index: 2;"><span class="char" data-char="d" style="--char-index: 8;">d</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 9;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 10;">s</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="artistes" style="--word-index: 3;"><span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 11;">a</span><span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 12;">r</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 13;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="i" style="--char-index: 14;">i</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 15;">s</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 16;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 17;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 18;">s</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="en" style="--word-index: 4;"><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 19;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 20;">n</span></span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="word" data-word="question" style="--word-index: 5;"><span class="char" data-char="q" style="--char-index: 21;">q</span><span class="char" data-char="u" style="--char-index: 22;">u</span><span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 23;">e</span><span class="char" data-char="s" style="--char-index: 24;">s</span><span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 25;">t</span><span class="char" data-char="i" style="--char-index: 26;">i</span><span class="char" data-char="o" style="--char-index: 27;">o</span><span class="char" data-char="n" style="--char-index: 28;">n</span></span></h3> <p>Un rapport révélateur a été publié par le nouvel “Observatoire des revenus et de l’activité des artistes-auteurs”</p></a> </article></div></div></div> <ul class="dots"> <li class="dot"><span></span></li> <li class="dot is-selected"><span></span></li> <li class="dot"><span></span></li> <li class="dot"><span></span></li> <li class="dot"><span></span></li> </ul> <ul id="tiles" data-tiles="2"> <li class="tile1"></li><li class="tile2"></li><li class="tile3"></li><li class="tile4"></li> </ul> </section> <div> <section id="formations"> <h2 class="section-title">Formations à venir</h2> <ul class="articles"> <li> <article><a href=""> <h3 class="article-title">Diversifier son programme de médiation et développer ses publics</h3> <span class="article-cat">Médiation culturelle</span> <span class="article-date">26 et 27 septembre 2024</span> </a></article> </li> <li> <article><a href=""> <h3 class="article-title">Les fondamentaux de l’assurance des objets d’art</h3> <span class="article-cat">Régie</span> <span class="article-date">30 sept. &gt; 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10 text/javascript Low 1.106 s 38 ms 58 ms 132 ms 116 ms 93 ms 18.3 KB 5 ms 200
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13 application/manifest+json Medium 1.882 s - 42 ms 100 ms 49 ms 1 ms 0.2 KB - 200

Request Headers

+ Expand All

Request 1:

Error/Status Code: 200
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Protocol: HTTP/2
HTTP/2 Stream: 1, weight 256, depends on 0, EXCLUSIVE
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DNS Lookup: 37 ms
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Request 2:

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Response Headers:

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Request 3:

Error/Status Code: 200
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Response Headers:

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Request 4:

Error/Status Code: 200
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Response Headers:

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Request 5:

Error/Status Code: 200
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Response Headers:

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Request 6:

Error/Status Code: 200
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Request Headers:

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Response Headers:

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Request 7:

Error/Status Code: 200
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Request 8:

Error/Status Code: 200
Priority: Low
Protocol: HTTP/2
HTTP/2 Stream: 1, weight 147, depends on 0, EXCLUSIVE
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DNS Lookup: 45 ms
Initial Connection: 57 ms
Time to First Byte: 124 ms
Content Download: 222 ms
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Response Headers:

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Request 9:

Error/Status Code: 200
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Protocol: HTTP/2
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Request 10:

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DNS Lookup: 38 ms
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Response Headers:

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Request 11:

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Request Headers:

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Request 12:

Error/Status Code: 200
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Request 13:

Error/Status Code: 200
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