- URL: https://www.walterauer.at
- Date: 08/10/24 17:31:37
Webpage Performance Test Result
- Settings: Desktopv127CableFrankfurt, Germany
- Test runs: 1
- Connectivity: 5000/1000 Kbps, 28ms Latency
- Custom Metrics
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Page Performance Metrics (Run 1)
View run details: Run 1 (Repeat View)
TTFB | Start Render | FCP | Speed Index | LCP | CLS | TBT | DC Time | DC Requests | DC Bytes | Total Time | Total Requests | Page Weight |
.397S | 1.100S | 1.125S | 1.308S | 1.639S | .001 | .000S | 4.229S | 20 | 2,155KB | 4.373S | 23 | 2,162KB |
Visual Page Loading Process (Explore)
Navigation Timings | |
domContentLoadedEvent | loadEvent |
1.215s - 1.219s (0.004s) | 4.220s - 4.224s (0.004s) |
Custom Metrics Data
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transform: translate(0px, 0px);"> <h1 class="no-gap large">Walter Auer</h1> <div class="header__subline mt-1"> <p>Principal Flutist of the Vienna State Opera - Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - mdw</p> </div> </div> </header> <section class="section section-1 highlight my-8"> <div class="content content--overlap"> <div class="row align-left"> <div class="content__bg content__bg--bl col col--6 col--md-12 mt-2"> <div class="content__text pr-3 pt-3"> <h2>News</h2> <div class="news__item--title"> <h3>Well-known Soundscapes in a New Landscape</h3> </div> <div class="news__item--date mt-1 mb-1"> From 01. September 2022 in Instrument </div> <div class="news__item--intro mb-1"> <p>I welcome you to my recently launched website www.walter-auer.at in its new „look and feel“. In the last months I have carefully considered how I should best present myself online, and I heartily invite you to learn something about me, my music and my students!</p> </div> <a href="https://walterauer.at/en/news/i-welcome-you-to-my-recently-launched-website">Read article</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <figure class="news__item--img mb-10 no-gap-medium" data-animation="reveal-to-left" style="clip-path: inset(0px 0px 0px 100%);"> <img class="img-squared-medium" loading="lazy" src="https://walterauer.at/media/pages/aktuelles/willkommen-auf-meiner-erneuerten-website/cf333d10c6-1667497462/dsc6586.jpg" height="2000" width="1335" alt="dsc6586"> </figure> </section> <section class="section section-2 mt-8 pt-10"> <div class="color-bg-black row"> <div class="col col--4 col--md-12"> <figure class="img-portrait" data-animation="reveal-to-left" style="clip-path: inset(0px 0px 0px 100%);"> <img loading="lazy" class="img-cover img-squared-medium" src="https://walterauer.at/media/pages/home/2cce06d055-1667497290/dsc6902-1200x-q90.jpg" srcset="" sizes="100vw" height="1706" width="1200" alt="dsc6902-1200x-q90"> </figure> </div> <div class="col col--7 col--md-12"> <div class="container content content--light content--centercenter mx-5 p-2" data-animation="fade-up" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate(0px, 25px);"> <h2>About the Person</h2> <p>Walter Auer’s journey as a musician and artist took him to many famous places and unforgettable moments, but also led him back to himself. </p> <p>Get to know him personally!</p> <a href="https://walterauer.at/en/person" class="btn btn--arrow btn--small"> <span class="row align-middle"> <span class="mr-05">Read more</span> <svg class="icon icon--arrow"><use xlink:href="https://walterauer.at/build/img/icons.svg?v=a7645e40d41169ff7898b69c8b2cf73a#icon-arrow-small"></use></svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section section-3"> <div class="section__bgimage"> <div class="video"> <div class="bgimage is-fullscreen" style="background-image:url(https://walterauer.at/media/pages/home/318555f552-1667497290/video-preview-1600x-q90.jpg)"></div> <button class="video__play js-play-video" data-id="200405-syrinx-walterauer-interview-2min11s-engsub" data-video="https://walterauer.at/media/pages/home/79aa018632-1667497494/200405_Syrinx_WalterAuer_Interview_2min11s_engSub.mp4"> <span class="sr-only">Video: abspielen</span> </button> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section section-4 my-8"> <div class="container"> <div class="content" data-animation="fade-up" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate(0px, 25px);"> <header class="content__header content__header--wide"> <div class="h1">Teaching</div> </header> </div> <div class="row align-right content content--overlap mt-minor-5"> <div class="content__bg content__bg--bl col col--7 col--md-12" data-animation="fade-up" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate(0px, 25px);"> <div class="content__text"> <p>Teaching music has always been of special interest to Walter Auer. </p> <p>He has been professor for flute performance at the mdw - the University for music and performing arts Vienna since 2021. His focus is not only in the artistic skills of his students, but also on preparing for their life as musicians in general.Here he gives them the opportunity to introduce themselves.</p> <a href="https://walterauer.at/en/teaching" class="btn btn--arrow btn--small"> <span class="row align-middle"> <span class="mr-05">Read more</span> <svg class="icon icon--arrow"><use xlink:href="https://walterauer.at/build/img/icons.svg?v=a7645e40d41169ff7898b69c8b2cf73a#icon-arrow-small"></use></svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container container--no-pl mt-minor-10"> <div class="content row"> <figure class="img-landscape" data-animation="reveal-to-right" style="clip-path: inset(0px 100% 0px 0px);"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://walterauer.at/media/pages/home/9ace80fd04-1667497284/034881b1-df7d-4744-8ead-c55b0f15247b-1-105-c-1200x-q90.jpg" srcset="https://walterauer.at/media/pages/home/9ace80fd04-1667497284/034881b1-df7d-4744-8ead-c55b0f15247b-1-105-c-400x.jpg 400w, https://walterauer.at/media/pages/home/9ace80fd04-1667497284/034881b1-df7d-4744-8ead-c55b0f15247b-1-105-c-900x.jpg 900w, https://walterauer.at/media/pages/home/9ace80fd04-1667497284/034881b1-df7d-4744-8ead-c55b0f15247b-1-105-c-1400x.jpg 1400w" sizes="100vw" height="724" width="1086" alt="034881b1-df7d-4744-8ead-c55b0f15247b_1_105_c"> </figure> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section section-5 my-8"> <div class="container container--no-pr"> <div class="content" data-animation="fade-up" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate(0px, 25px);"> <header class="content__header content__header--wide"> <div class="h1">Music & Concerts</div> </header> </div> <div class="row align-right content"> <div class="content row"> <figure class="img-landscape" data-animation="reveal-to-left" style="clip-path: inset(0px 0px 0px 100%);"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://walterauer.at/media/pages/home/e6aa77e5b1-1667497285/dsc6647-1200x-q90.jpg" srcset="https://walterauer.at/media/pages/home/e6aa77e5b1-1667497285/dsc6647-400x.jpg 400w, https://walterauer.at/media/pages/home/e6aa77e5b1-1667497285/dsc6647-900x.jpg 900w, https://walterauer.at/media/pages/home/e6aa77e5b1-1667497285/dsc6647-1400x.jpg 1400w" sizes="100vw" height="801" width="1200" alt="dsc6647"> </figure> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container content content--overlap mt-minor-25"> <div class="content__bg content__bg--bl col col--7 col--md-12" data-animation="fade-up" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate(0px, 25px);"> <div class="content__text pt-4 no-gap-medium"> <p>Walter Auer's artistry is mainly expressed on stage. Meet his music making and his interpretations and inform yourself about his schedule - he might have a concert close to you soon.</p> <a href="https://walterauer.at/en/konzerte" class="btn btn--arrow btn--small"> <span class="row align-middle"> <span class="mr-05">Read more</span> <svg class="icon icon--arrow"><use xlink:href="https://walterauer.at/build/img/icons.svg?v=a7645e40d41169ff7898b69c8b2cf73a#icon-arrow-small"></use></svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section mt-10"> <div class="content content--light color-bg-black py-8"> <div class="container row align-justify" data-animation="fade-up" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate(0px, 25px);"> <div class="col col--5 col--md-12"> <h2>Walter Auer</h2> <p><strong>Walter Auer is principal flutist of the Vienna State Opera and the Vienna Philharmonic and internationally sought after as a flute soloist.</strong></p> <p>He gives concerts in many parts of the world, for example as a soloist with the Vienna Philharmonic and Gustavo Dudamel in Mexico City, with the Sinfonietta Cracovia (Poland) during an extensive tour of China, the Symphony Orchestras of Kyoto, Kyushu and Yamagata (Japan) as well as the San Diego Symphony (USA).</p> </div> <div class="col col--5 col--md-12"> <p>It is no coincidence that he chose a flute that is rather similar to the human. voice. „Singing in the orchestra“ is what he wants to achieve with his playing and what shapes his famous, singular sound.</p> <p>As a young flutist he was lucky to have the musicians’ musician Johannes von Kalckreuth as his first flute teacher in his native province Carinthia. He subsequently studied with Michael M. Kofler at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, with Andreas Blau during his time at the Karajan Academy of the Berlin Philharmonic and with Aurèle Nicolet in Basel. After graduation, he became principal flutist with the Dresden Philharmonic and later with the NDR Radiophilharmonie Hannover.</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section"> <div class="row mt-6"> <div class="col col--6 col--sm-12"> <div class="preview"> <a href="https://walterauer.at/en/konzerte"> <div class="preview__image preview__image--small"> <div class="bgimage is-fullscreen" style="background-image:url(https://walterauer.at/media/pages/konzerte/f7a2e340bc-1667497489/20190904-7r31659-1080x1080-crop-q90.jpg)"></div> </div> <div class="preview__content preview__content--b"> <header class="preview__header"> <span class="preview__headline h2">Music & Concerts</span> </header> <p>If you too would like to experience Walter Auer or the Vienna Philharmonic live, please refer to his concert calendar.</p> <div class="preview__arrow"> <div class="row align-justify align-middle"> <svg class="icon icon--arrow"><use xlink:href="https://walterauer.at/build/img/icons.svg?v=a7645e40d41169ff7898b69c8b2cf73a#icon-arrow-right"></use></svg> <span class="preview__arrow-text">Read more</span> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col col--6 col--sm-12"> <div class="preview"> <a href="https://walterauer.at/en/presse"> <div class="preview__image preview__image--small"> <div class="bgimage is-fullscreen" style="background-image:url(https://walterauer.at/media/pages/presse/233b04c90e-1667497473/7e478c55-786a-479f-ac8b-7c3f1fe169c0-1-105-c-1080x1080-crop-q90.jpg)"></div> </div> <div class="preview__content preview__content--b"> <header class="preview__header"> <span class="preview__headline h2">Media & Press</span> </header> <p>Pictures, videos and curriculum vitae: All information about Walter Auer - finely prepared and ready to download.</p> <div class="preview__arrow"> <div class="row align-justify align-middle"> <svg class="icon icon--arrow"><use xlink:href="https://walterauer.at/build/img/icons.svg?v=a7645e40d41169ff7898b69c8b2cf73a#icon-arrow-right"></use></svg> <span class="preview__arrow-text">Read more</span> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> <footer class="footer"> <a class="btn-scroll-top" href="#site" data-animation="show-up" title="Scroll to top" style="transform: translate(0px, 50%); opacity: 0; visibility: hidden;"> <svg class="icon is-centered" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><use xlink:href="https://walterauer.at/build/img/icons.svg?v=a7645e40d41169ff7898b69c8b2cf73a#icon-chevron-up"></use></svg> <span class="sr-only">Scroll to top</span> </a> <nav class="nav nav--footer" aria-label="Footer"> <ul> <li class="nav__item "> <a href="https://walterauer.at/en/impressum">Imprint</a> </li> <li class="nav__item "> <a href="https://walterauer.at/en/kontakt">Contact</a> </li> <li class="nav__item "> <a href="https://walterauer.at/en/datenschutz">Privacy</a> </li> </ul> </nav> </footer> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "WebSite", "name": "Walter Auer", "url": "https://walterauer.at/en" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "item": { "@id": "https://walterauer.at/en", "name": "Walter Auer" } } ] } </script> <script src="https://walterauer.at/build/js/vendor.4907b4860ced15db04b4020b8b27901a.js"></script><script src="https://walterauer.at/build/js/scripts.33ec4dae0ff1c6f2e486cdc90442a186.js"></script> <noscript> <div class="no-js-msg">Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript, um alle Funktionen dieser Website zu nutzen.</div> </noscript> </body></html>
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